DT Lecture1
DT Lecture1
DT Lecture1
Doctrine of Lis Pendens (S14R13) Doctrine of preclusion of claim or barred by prior judgment
Lord Coke’s Doctrine (S48, R39) Principle of standing beyond natural and juridical persons
Actionable issues are generally restricted to a review of A standing or a right to pursue a case which is extended
jurisdcition of the foreign court, the service of personal to a certain..
notice, collusion, fraud, or mistake of fact or law.
Slip Rule
Principle of Prior or Contemporaneous Jurisdiction (R57, R58)
In enforcing a writ of attachment, it must be preceded by Harmless Error Rule or English Exchequer rule (Sec. 6, Rule 51
or simultaneously accompanied by service of summons,
copy of the complaint
Vera Doctrine
Original Jurisdiction (S9, BP 129)
Proceedings here are not continuation of the proceedings in a
lower court
Any disposition = adjudication of merits
The CA shall exercise original jurisdiction over the ff. cases:
o Pet. for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo
warranto, habeas corpus
Pet. For Writ of Amparo
Pet. For habeas data
Pet. For Writ of Continuing Mandamus
Petition for Writ of Kalikasan
Petition for freeze order on any monetary instrument,
property or proceeds relating to or involving any unlawful
activity as defined under RA 9160
Decisions from the aforementioned petitions