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The Sun and Planets Why Learn About Our Solar System? Third Grade

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The Sun and Planets

Why learn about our solar system?

Third Grade
By: Valeria Alferez
Thematic Unit EDT3371 Spring 2018.

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Content or Essential Centers Technology Assessment Student Standards:

Subject Questions (Activities) Integration with Products or · The ISTE NETS and
Area (Must evaluation Portfolio Performance Indicators for
include at criteria and/or Teachers and Students
least 2 Web Rubric Scale · TEKS
2.0 tools)

Science What is the Student Student will Students will Student will §112.14. Science, Grade 3,
relation will look at watch a be evaluated create a (a) Introduction.
between the a video on by receiving pamphlet with (8) Earth and space. The student
Sun and the PowerPoin YouTube cut out pictures 8 different knows there are recognizable
and play a of planets and sections for patterns in the natural world and
planets? t and learn
solar system gluing them in each planet among objects in the sky. The
about the
game to order from the and give two student is expected to:
planets reinforce Sun to different (D) identify the planets in Earth's
and its their Neptune. characteristics solar system and their position in
relation to knowledge. for each relation to the Sun.
the Sun. planet.
Pamphlet will ISTE NETS for Teachers:
be attached to 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student
their notebook Learning and Creativity Teachers
for future use their knowledge of subject
reference. matter, teaching and learning, and
technology to facilitate
experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation
in both face-to-face and virtual
c. promote student reflection using
collaborative tools to reveal and
clarify students’ conceptual
understanding and thinking,
planning, and creative processes
Writing What are the Student will Student Student will be Student will §110.14. English Language Arts
differences be given a will use graded on their post their and Reading, Grade 3
between the topic google knowledge writing (20) Writing/Expository and
Inner planets (based on forms to about the topic assignment Procedural Texts. Students write
and the Outer the answer the and facts given in their e- expository and procedural or work
planets? essential to support their related texts to communicate ideas
short portfolio for
question) answer. and information to specific
answer future
and use Students will audiences for specific purposes. to about the be graded on a reference Students are expected to: (A)
brainstorm compariso scale of 1-5 and create brief compositions that: (i)
and n of the based on progression establish a central idea in a topic
organize inner and overall in their sentence; (ii) include supporting
their written outer response to writing. sentences with simple facts,
short planets. question, facts, details, and explanations; and (iii)
answer. and grammar. contain a concluding statement;
(C) write responses to literary or
expository texts that demonstrate
an understanding of the text.

ISTE NETS for Teachers:

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age
Learning Experiences and
Assessments Teachers design,
develop, and evaluate authentic
learning experiences and
assessments incorporating
contemporary tools and resources
to maximize content learning in
context and to develop the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes
identified in the NETS•S.
d. provide students with multiple
and varied formative and
summative assessments aligned
with content and technology
standards and use resulting data
to inform learning and teaching
Art What is your Student will Student Student will Student will §117.111. Art, Grade 3
favorite planet create a will use be graded on have their (2) Creative expression. The
and why? painting of to a scale of 10 painting hung student communicates ideas
a planet of create a based on up in through original artworks using a
their classroom till variety of media with appropriate
mind map their painting
choosing. the lesson is skills. The student expresses
to show (color, size,
completed and thoughts and ideas creatively
characteris creativity, can be taken while challenging the imagination,
tics and accurate home after. fostering reflective thinking, and
facts about representatio developing disciplined effort and
the planet n) and the progressive problem solving skills.
of their mind map will The student is expected to:
choosing. be graded (C) produce drawings; paintings;
based on prints; sculpture, including
content, modeled forms; and other art
creativity, and forms such as ceramics, fiber art,
constructions, mixed media,
installation art, digital art and
media, and photographic imagery
attractiveness using a variety of materials.

ISTE NETS for Teachers:

2. Design and Develop Digital-Age
Learning Experiences and
Assessments Teachers design,
develop, and evaluate authentic
learning experiences and
assessments incorporating
contemporary tools and resources
to maximize content learning in
context and to develop the
knowledge, skills, and attitudes
identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant
learning experiences that
incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote student
learning and creativity

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