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Foreword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard . 83
Dawnguard Sentinels . . . . . . . . . . . 84
The Military of the Retribution
Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard . 85
of Scyrah . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Heavy Rifle Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

Theme Forces . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 House Ellowuyr Swordsmen. . . . . . . 88

House Ellowuyr Swordsman
Warcasters of the Retribution Officer & Standard . . . . . . . . . . . 89
of Scyrah . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Houseguard Halberdiers. . . . . . . . . 90
Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard . . 9 1
Warcaster Model Entries
Houseguard Riflemen . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Elara, Death’s Shadow. . . . . . . . . . . 26
Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard. . 93
Garryth, the Blade of Retribution. . . . 28
House Shyeel Arcanists . . . . . . . . . . 94
Lord Ghyrrshyld, the Forgiven . . . . . . 30
House Shyeel Battle Mages . . . . . . . . 95
Magister Helynna. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
House Vyre Electromancers. . . . . . . 96
Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Mage Hunter Infiltrators . . . . . . . . . 97
Kaelyssa, the Night’s Whisper. . . . . . . 36
Mage Hunter Strike Force. . . . . . . . 98
Lord Arcanist Ossyan . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander . 99
Adeptis Rahn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander . . . . 100
Ravyn, the Eternal Light . . . . . . . . . 42
Ryssovass Defenders . . . . . . . . . . 102
Thyron, Sword of Truth. . . . . . . . . 44
Soulless Escort. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Dawnlord Vyros . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Stormfall Archers. . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard. . . . 48
Spears of Scyrah. . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Myrmidons of the Retribution Arcanist Mechanik. . . . . . . . . . . . 108
of Scyrah . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Dawnguard Destor Thane. . . . . . . . 109
Dawnguard Sentinel Scyir. . . . . . . . 110
Warjack Model Entries
Fane Knight Guardian. . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1
Aspis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Ghost Sniper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Banshee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
House Shyeel Artificer. . . . . . . . . . 113
Chimera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
House Shyeel Magister. . . . . . . . . . 114
Daemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Houseguard Thane. . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Gorgon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Lys Healer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 6
Griffon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Mage Hunter Assassin. . . . . . . . . . 117
Hydra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Priest of Nyssor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 8
Manticore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Soulless Voidtracer. . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Phoenix. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor. . . . . . . 120
Sphinx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber . . . . 122
Discordia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen. . . . . . . 124
Hemera. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios. . . . . . . . . 126
Hypnos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Nayl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Imperatus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Arcantrik Force Generator. . . . . . . . 130
Moros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters. . . . . . 132
Helios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios. . . . . . . . 134
Hyperion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution. . . . . . . 136

Soldiers of the Retribution Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker. . . . . . 138

of Scyrah . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Model Gallery . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Unit & Solo Model Entries
Painting Your Army. . . . . . . . 151
Dawnguard Destors . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Dawnguard Invictors. . . . . . . . . . . 82 Templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Once outlawed as a radical sect, the Retribution of Scyrah Within its pages, Forces of WARMACHINE: Retribution of Scyrah
has emerged as the elven race’s greatest hope for salvation. Command gives you an extensive look at the background
At its core are the devout mage hunters, who have pledged of the Retribution of Scyrah and its homeland of Ios and
their lives to eradicating the plague of human magic. The provides access to all of its skilled warcasters and advanced
Retribution’s successes have also earned it the support of warjacks, plus a range of supporting units and solos and a
many of the great Iosan houses and with them each house’s menacing arcanikal battle engine. In addition, this volume
unique fighting forces—from House Shyeel’s formidable introduces several models to the Faction, including two new
battle mages, who can manipulate kinetic powers, to the warcasters—Elara, Death’s Shadow and Lord Ghyrrshyld,
deadly blade masters of House Ellowuyr and the numerous the Forgiven—and the character myrmidon Hemera, as well
and stalwart rank and file of the houseguard. All of these are as several new units and solos.
united by one supreme purpose: the preservation of their
Along with a wealth of information about specific models
fading race. Thanks to their combined talents, the Retribution
that can form the cornerstone of any Retribution army,
of Scyrah has developed one of the most tactically flexible
this book also contains the first new theme forces for the
militaries in western Immoren.
Retribution. The Defenders of Ios theme force draws from
Alongside these zealous assassins and skilled arcanists stride the diverse military specializations of the houseguard and
sleek warjacks known as myrmidons, forged from a fusion of from the dedicated soldiers of the Great Military Houses to
magic and technology unlike anything else within the Iron defend Ios from all enemies. The Forges of War theme force
Kingdoms. Radiating mystical energies, the myrmidons of marshals the full might of House Shyeel to allow you to set
the Retribution unleash incredible forces upon their foes, the battlefield ablaze with arcane fury, while Shadows of
using the power of their arcanikal technology to blast and the Retribution brings together the murderous and skilled
rend their opponents in a display of arcane might. heart of the Retribution—the legendary mage hunters whose
reputation as arcane assassins strikes fear into every human
Leading the armies of the Retribution are its warcasters,
mage and warcaster.
masters of the mage hunter arts or paragons of their
respective Iosan houses, each with the ability to control Driven by the knowledge that they are the last hope of their
these powerful myrmidons. From the lethal Garryth, the people, the warriors of the Retribution stand ready to attack
Blade of Retribution to Adeptis Rahn, the arcane master of at your command. Strike from the shadows, cripple your foe,
House Shyeel, to the serene tactician Issyria, Sybil of Dawn, and above all show no mercy, for the fate of the elven race
the warcasters of the Retribution strike together with their rests on your shoulders!
myrmidons to exact swift and terrible vengeance.

Military of the
Retribution of
Army of the Avenging Goddess

The Retribution of Scyrah was once considered no more than houses in the Iron Kingdoms from which to conduct their
a fanatical cult on the fringes of Iosan society. Ostracized lethal strikes. Within Ios, the Retribution existed as little
and distrusted by the government of Ios, the Retribution more than a whisper in the night, sowing doubt, gathering
has grown from a handful of devout members to one of the support in secret, and working to recruit from the most pious
most active groups in the nation. Founded in the wake of and dedicated of the goddess’ faithful. Great military and
numerous tragedies that stained the long history of the elves, industrial houses gave their tacit assistance, which allowed
the sect unites members singularly devoted to the goddess the cult to further its agenda abroad and eventually to play
Scyrah. Seeing a connection between the rise of human magic a part in defending Ios during its bloody civil war, known as
and the vanishing of the Iosan gods, the Retribution believes the War of the Houses, several decades ago.
that humanity’s arcanists and their magical mechanika are
Much has changed since the founding of the sect almost
injurious to the goddess and must therefore be annihilated.
three hundred years ago, and even since the more recent
They hope to restore the goddess, if that is possible, or if
strife between houses. In the last decade the Retribution
not, to reap a deadly retribution on those responsible for her
has had great successes, and it has risen to become officially
recognized by the government and openly supported by
The Retribution’s radical religious doctrine and beliefs made many of those in power. Its allies include several of the
its adherents outcasts among their people, who feared the ruling high houses. In particular, it holds steadfast support
retaliation that the Retribution’s violent actions would bring. from House Nyarr, one of the mightiest military houses in
Retribution mage hunters infiltrated human lands to destroy Ios, and House Shyeel, manufacturer of the largest number
mechanika foundries and murder those who worked within, of the nation’s myrmidons and other formidable weapons.
systematically assassinating arcanists regardless of their
While the Retribution began with a core of dedicated mage
station. Many believed that these acts would eventually
hunters, the group has expanded significantly as it has
draw the wrath of the Iron Kingdoms down upon the elves.
gained military backing throughout Ios. This support has
When the leaders of Ios outlawed participation in the group, transformed a cell-based organization into a well-equipped,
members of the Retribution either adopted new lives as diverse, and flexible armed force capable of mustering
subversives and criminals on the edges of Iosan society or, disciplined armies that can fight on equivalent terms as
in the case of those with political power, concealed their professional militaries. Heavy infantry supported by cavalry,
ties to the organization from all but their most trusted riflemen, and powerful mages now carry out operations
associates. Most of those undertaking active operations alongside dedicated mage hunters. Controlling the arcane
against humanity left Ios entirely, establishing hidden safe marvels that are the nation’s modern myrmidons, warcasters

THE DIVINE COURT Government of Ios
Scyrah, Regent Narcissar & Nis-Issyr of Spring
Nyssor, Scyir of Winter

The Vanished Fane of Scyrah Retribution The Seekers Fane of Nyssor

Lacyr, Narcissar of Ages Ossyris, Incissar of Hours The Eight Auricants of the Priesthood Master Diviner Qyr-Aransor Vaeril
Ayisla, Nis-Arsyr of Night Nyrro, Arsyr of Day Auricyl Velhan Oracle Relvinor Luynmyr Vyrillis Yryas the Wise
Lurynsar, Issyr of Summer Lyliss, Nis-Scyir of Autumn Majority Faith Minority Sect Opener of Seals Myasuyrin Minority Sect (Nyss)
Minority Sect

Comprising the 15 Hallytyr (High Houses)
Ten Administrative & Governing Hallytyr

Aiesyn Eyvreyn Lys Ryvrese Shyeel

Construction Lore, History Physickers, Funerary Rites Trade, Crafts Myrmidons, Arcanika
Consul Klyvahn Aiesyn Consul Darshyld Eyvreyn Consul Mylita Lys Consul Callis Ryvrese Consul Hyselle Shyeel

Syllrynal Uithuyr Vyre Wyshnalyrr Yrryel

Agriculture Education, Theology Occult, Arcane Lore Philosophy, Mathematics Trade, Commerce
Consul Ashlor Syllrynal Consul Rolyn Uithuyr Consul Alyssa Vyre Consul Gehes Wyshnalyrr Consul Maevryn Yrryel

Five Great Military Houses

Ellowuyr Issyen Nyarr Rhyslyrr Silowuyr
Aeryth Ellowuyr Gate of Storms Aeryth Dawnguard Gate of Mists Protects Shyrr
Consul Brysol Ellowuyr Consul Jylvan Issyen Consul Caelcyr Nyarr Consul Iolas Rhyslyrr Consul Garlryo Silowuyr


Led by the Five Great Military Houses
Consul Caelcyr Nyarr, Military Consul
Consul Hyselle Shyeel, Arcane Consul
Glyssor Syviis, Retribution Coordinator, Shyrr
Jarmyr of Eyvreyn, Annals Keeper
Kelsyr Yrryel, Espionage Liaison

Nyr Voshan, Retribution Quaestor
Oracle Relvinor Luynmyr, Ranking Retribution Priest
Orator Lysenne Bylvesh, First Aide to Relvinor
Keldeacon Synvas Uithuyr, Recruitment Coordinator
of Scyrah
External Cell Operational Regions Retribution Allied Military Forces
Various Mage Hunter Commanders Syvash Stronghold
Mage Hunters Shyeel Forces
Iryss Dawnguard
Caspia & Southern Cygnar: Mirror Armory Training Facility Strike Forces, Infiltrators, Shyeel Mages, Arcanists,
Forces of House Nyarr
Third Chamber Assassins & Myrmidons
Korsk & Central Khador: Lynvass Hold Keldeacon Synvas Uithuyr Incissar Vyros Nyarr
Ravyn, the Eternal Light Adeptis Rahn Shyeel
Ord: Myshen Enclave
Occupied Llael: Nylen Retreat
Ceryl & Western Cygnar: Ossyan Armory Aeryth Ellowuyr Houseguard Vyre Forces
The Hold
Northern Cygnar: Scylith Enclave Swordsmen Soldiers from Various Houses, Vyre Mages, Arcanists,
Iosan Peaks
Southern Khador: Hylyssin Fasthold Soldiers of House Ellowuyr Stormfall Archers, Ghost Snipers & Myrmidons
Secondary Training Facility
Northern Khador: Jascyr Hold Thyron, Sword of Truth Houseguard Officers Lord Arcanist Ossyan
Keldeacon Synvas Uithuyr

Retribution Military Hierarchy

Conventional Military Mixed Forces Mage Hunters

(Dawnguard & Houseguard)

House Army Warcaster Mage Hunter Strike Forces

Titled Mage Hunter
Army Division Commander
Issyr or Arsyr
Mixed Armies
Thane or Scyir Operational Force
2+ Strike Teams
Company Ranking Ranking Mage in Concert
Captain Conventional Officers Hunter Commander Mage Hunter Commander
Strike Team
Squad Rank-and-File Mage Hunter Thera
Mage Hunters
Sergeant Soldiers (Sergeant)
lead operations both large and small. Whereas the Retribution
could once only strike at key targets of opportunity, now
Government of Ios
The Retribution of Scyrah has become an influential
having access to heavily armed soldiers has made it a potent
organization, but it is still made up of Iosans and its existence
military organization capable of waging war against the
has always been defined by acting in defiance of that nation’s
larger armies of humanity.
government. While the Retribution was an outlawed sect,
The growing power and popularity of the Retribution its members were de facto brigands and rebels, though
worried many in the Iosan government, but its recent their hostility was directed at humanity rather than at Ios’
victories, especially the recovery of Nyssor, the god of winter, legal authorities. As the Retribution has risen in stature and
have rendered these concerns irrelevant. The Retribution’s legitimacy, its relationship with the government has changed
standing with the people of Ios has never been higher, and considerably. Now many of its staunchest allies come from
it has achieved what the ruling high houses of the Consulate the ruling houses of Ios.
Court could not. Nyssor’s return to Ios also brought most of
While leadership within Ios has undergone some gradual
the remaining unblighted Nyss back to the nation, and they
changes since the nation was founded, the gods have
are willing to fight alongside their distant kin to protect their
remained an aspect of the nation’s government, whether
god from those who would exploit or destroy him. More than
the gods themselves ruled over the Iosans, whether they
anything, the return of Nyssor has created new hope within
governed by proxy, or whether the gods’ beliefs guided
Ios. The Retribution’s pledge not just to avenge Scyrah but to
their subjects even after these deities vanished or fell silent.
see the goddess restored now seems plausible and has united
Many Iosans hold deep connections both to their gods and
the Iosan people.
to the traditions of the old Lyossan Empire that predated
The events surrounding the return of Nyssor have proven Ios. The ruling houses of Ios were significant in Lyoss, and
only the beginning of the Retribution’s rise in favor. The full- their current incarnations are an evolution of their functions
scale invasion of the skorne marked the first time since the in those times. Those ancient families still wield the bulk
founding of Ios that an outside force penetrated the nation’s of the political power in the nation, ostensibly serving as
borders. Though the war against the skorne called upon all of caretakers for the people until such a time as Scyrah and any
the military forces of Ios to do their part, the seasoned leaders other remaining gods can be fully restored to provide divine
of the Retribution’s dedicated elite helped ensure victory. In guidance. This is true of both the more formally recognized
light of these events, the military strength of Ios is flocking Consulate Court as well as the fanatical Retribution of Scyrah.
to the Retribution in unprecedented numbers, and the group
has never been in a stronger position. The Divine Court & the
While ultimately victorious against the skorne invasion, Fane of Scyrah
the nation of Ios is now faced with many uncertainties. In the early days of Ios, the nation was led not by ruling
The threat of the skorne remains, particularly in the south, councils, but by the Iosan gods themselves. Before they
and new hostilities could erupt anytime. The return of walked the world of mortals, while still in their spiritual
Ghyrrshyld of House Vyre has also provoked deep concern domain known as the Veld, they had established a hierarchy
and much whispered speculation. The former leader of the among themselves and were known as the Divine Court.
aggressors in the War of the Houses had used dark arts to This hierarchy remained after the calamity of the Bridge of
endure beyond death as an unholy eldritch, but through an Worlds when the eight gods dwelled among their people.
unexpected act of divine intervention Scyrah restored him to During the founding of Ios, a city was constructed in honor
life to help end the war against the skorne. He claims to have of each god, and within these cities resided the fanes devoted
returned profoundly changed. to their worship. There came a time when the gods left Ios,
traveling west in search of a way back to the Veld. Upon
Given Ghyrrshyld’s sordid reputation and his former role
their departure, leadership of Ios shifted from the gods to the
as leader of House Vyre, many now watch the resurrected
priests of the fanes, who governed for many centuries while
warcaster with suspicion. Others, however, view Scyrah’s act
hoping to hear word of their deities.
as a miracle and yet another sign that the Retribution will
succeed. To perform this wonder, the goddess had stirred The leadership of the fanes was cut short by an unpredicted
for the first time in centuries, igniting new religious fervor pandemic of madness called the Rivening. Without warning
among the Iosans. it spread among the priests, driving them to violence and self-
mutilation. Only two fanes were spared this madness, those
of Nyssor and Scyrah. The Fane of Nyssor had departed some
time earlier when the elves who would one day become the
Nyss, feeling empty without the presence of their god, deserted
Ios and were thus spared from the affliction. The Fane of Scyrah
weathered the Rivening without suffering madness and self-

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

destruction, for reasons that became clearer when their goddess of these houses, directly or indirectly. This is even true of
returned to Ios weakened and alone. The other fanes and most Ios’ outlawed sects and criminal communities, which almost
cities tending to them fell to ruin and were abandoned. always have ties to or must create alliances with the noble
houses in order to survive.
With the collapse of the fanes, governance of Ios fell to the
ruling high houses that comprised the Consulate Court. The membership of the Consulate Court is made up of
While the majority of the gods have vanished, they are not consuls, each an appointed representative from one of the
forgotten, and the founding tenets they put forth during hallytyr. These individuals represent not only the interests of
their time are still remembered when the Consulate Court the nation of Ios, but also the interests of their own houses and
convenes over important issues. The highest priests of the the lesser houses allied with them. The court has both open
fane still advise the court. and closed sessions, the former allowing petitioners from
lesser houses. While there are disagreements and shifting
alliances between the various consuls, the composition of
The Gods of Ios the court and debate within it ensure that the whole of Ios
Although the Iosan people know the fates of only Scyrah and is represented by individuals with a collective knowledge of
Nyssor, many still hold out hope for the rest of their vanished what makes their nation prosperous and secure.
gods. Each god oversaw an aspect of life and was associated
Before the gods vanished, the Consulate Court worked to
with an aspect of the passage of time.
govern alongside the Divine Court. While the Divine Court
put forward the principles by which the people of Ios lived,
the Consulate Court handled mundane governance. More
often than not, the gods remained cloistered away within
their fanes, concerning themselves with deeper matters and
meeting only on days of celestial or seasonal significance. For
Lacyr Ossyris Ayisla Nyrro this reason, the transfer of power from the Divine Court to the
Ages Hours Night Day
Consulate Court after the gods left was relatively smooth.

House Leadership
In Ios, house is not synonymous with family but represents
a larger organization. Members of a closely related bloodline
make up the ranking nobles and leaders of the house, while
Scyrah Lurynsar Lyliss Nyssor
Spring Summer Autumn Winter other allied families are connected by ties of fealty. Less
powerful houses owe support to the strongest houses, which
make up the Consulate Court. Historically, a single leader of a
house assumed the title “narcissar” in homage to Narcissar
The Consulate Court Lacyr, Sovereign of the Divine Court. After the Iosan civil war
in 581 AR, that title fell out of favor due to its association with
When the old empire of Lyoss was destroyed and its people
Narcissar Ghyrrshyld of House Vyre. Whether they lead alone
fled west to found the nation of Ios and begin anew, the
or as part of a council, some house leaders today utilize the
surviving noble houses of the old empire took initiative in
more humble “incissar” title, which is a nod to the god Ossyris,
rebuilding the lost culture of their people. These houses
the Incissar of Hours, Sovereign of Conflict, and General of
would eventually become known as the hallytyr, or “high
Lyoss. In addition, that title represents the highest military
houses.” Through both reputation and deed, fifteen among rank in charge of a house’s military assets.
them came to stand above the hundreds of lesser noble
houses formed both before and after the disaster that befell “Consul” is a special title afforded to the leading
the old empire. By playing a pivotal role in the construction representative of each hallytyr appointed to attend the
of a new nation these hallytyr became the ruling body known Consulate Court as a speaker for the house in matters of
as the Consulate Court. state. Many consuls have also been narcissars or incissars,
but many houses prefer different individuals to govern and
Beneath the hallytyr are the fallytyr, lesser houses that to lead their soldiers. This is especially true for houses with
together make up the rest of Ios’ nobility. These houses send smaller armies and where the house’s work and prestige
representatives to the Consulate Court but do not have direct are unrelated to its military strength. In these houses the
votes; instead, they form alliances and attempt to persuade consul is the political leader.
one or several of the hallytyr to consider their petitions.
The rest of the population of Ios has no direct voice in the
government, but most Iosans either work for or serve one

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

A Military Divided
There is a significant distinction between the Retribution Military Ranks
of Scyrah’s armed forces and the organized military forces
serving the Iosan government. The rise of the Retribution and
the development of its armies happened as a consequence
of dividing the Homeguard Coalition, the collective army
sworn to defend the borders of Ios.
Lieutenant Captain Thane
The Homeguard Coalition
For centuries Ios’ once unassailable borders have been
protected by a military supervised by the Five Great
Military Houses of Ios: Ellowuyr, Issyen, Nyarr, Rhyslyrr,
and Silowuyr. Each of these vital hallytyr is responsible for
overseeing a key Iosan fortress, as well as contributing to
border patrols and interior garrisons. The elite soldiers of
each of these houses add to the shared defense alongside
volunteers from the fallytyr and the common people who Scyir Issyr Arsyr
serve as the rank and file. A complex arrangement of rotating These symbols designate the officer ranks used within
personnel has become a regular part of Iosan military custom Dawnguard and houseguard military forces. An unmarked
as soldiers periodically relocate to posts around the realm. rank designated thera, or sergeant, exists below lieutenant to
These forces as a whole are called the Homeguard Coalition. identify the leader of a squad. A lieutenant leads a platoon,
and a captain leads a company. When multiple companies are
While each of the Five Great Military Houses possesses a
formed together into regiments, they are led by either a thane
well-rounded military force, they all have notable specialties or a scyir, depending on the size and scope of the regiment.
as well. House Nyarr is known for the Dawnguard, its Multiple regiments may make up an army division led by an
heavy infantry trained to fight closely alongside myrmidons. issyr or arsyr. Within the Five Great Military Houses, there
House Ellowuyr boasts Ios’ most renowned and tactically is the rank of incissar above these, to designate the house’s
aggressive swordsmen. House Issyen takes pride in its famed military leader.
cavalry, which can move rapidly to any threatened region of
the border. House Rhyslyrr has deadly accurate archers and Mage hunters do not use visible insignia to designate rank
and follow a less formal hierarchy. Theras lead small squads,
riflemen. House Silowuyr’s pious and ritualistic soldiers are
while commanders are veteran mage hunters entrusted to
oath-sworn to protect the Iosan capital of Shyrr to the last.
supervise multiple squads. The highest-ranking leaders bear
Several major fortifications as well as numerous lesser descriptive titles intended to represent their contributions to
outposts defend the borders of Ios, with each of the Five the cause, such as Ravyn’s title “the Eternal Light.” Authority
Great Military Houses maintaining its own strongholds. The between those of titular rank is flexible and based on individual
largest standing border garrison protects the Gate of Mists, seniority and reputation.
the great southwestern fortress serving as the entry point to
Ios proper. A sizable secondary garrison once kept watch to
the north at the Gate of Storms facing the Rhulic border, but of many Dawnguard forces in service to the Retribution, its
because Ios has never had a major conflict with Rhul, many defenders were ill-prepared for the large-scale assaults and
of those stationed there have been reallocated. Defenders brutal tactics of the skorne. Soldiers serving there ultimately
have been shifted to a string of lesser fortresses along the drove back the invaders, but at great cost. With the war over,
southern mountains to guard against further aggression from Aeryth Dawnguard and other previously undermanned
the skorne, who have seized territories and holdings there, fortresses have since had their garrisons bolstered to prevent
including the Twilight Gate, which served as their primary a repeat of past failures.
point of entry during the invasion. The largest interior garrison is Aeryth Ellowuyr, a massive
While the placement of the northeastern Aeryth Dawnguard training fortress where soldiers from assorted backgrounds
has made its defenses less relevant to human threats, it are forged into the cohesive companies of the houseguard,
was originally built to guard Ios’ eastern border against the trained military of the fallytyr. There is also a sizable
any enemies that might follow across the wastes after the garrison directly protecting Shyrr; House Silowuyr leads
Cataclysm and flight from the Lyossan Empire. At the onset this force, which also includes a select honor guard with
of the skorne invasion, the fortress suffered significant members from each of the Five Great Military Houses.
casualties. Having been left short-handed by the reassignment Smaller barracks exist throughout Ios, including in the cities
of Iryss and Lynshynal.

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

As the Retribution has grown in power and gained supporting the Retribution, doubly so after the successful
the recognition of the Consulate Court as a legitimate recovery of Nyssor and the heroics of Retribution leaders in
organization, it has steadily appropriated soldiers and repelling skorne invaders that had breached the borders and
myrmidons from the Homeguard Coalition. This transfer marched on Ios’ greatest cities. Consuls not already aligned
of power remains gradual, even after the skorne invasion, with the Retribution had no choice but to accept it as a valid
though there are many among the Consulate Court and the political and military force.
highest echelons of the Homeguard Coalition who insist that
The leaders of the Retribution, however, have felt bold enough
this redistribution of resources may yet have devastating
to pursue their own agendas while paying little heed to the
effects on their continued oversight of the military.
Iosan government. They have seized upon the weakness they
see in the Consulate Court and leveraged it to further their
A Growing Army of cause. They continue to press for assistance from any houses

Divine Retribution they perceive as even remotely sympathetic, and in truth

support has grown widespread. Many in Ios now accept the
A small group of religious zealots formed the first cells of the need for their military to become as strong as possible. To
Retribution of Scyrah. They were determined to act rather such believers, the Homeguard Coalition is now a secondary
than to stand idle while Scyrah faced a prophesied doom. military body useful for defensive garrisons but inadequate
The Retribution vowed to inflict violence upon those who for fighting abroad. The leaders of every active house have
had harmed the goddess. Its adherents were motivated felt the need to be seen supporting the Retribution, either
initially by this fervent need to seek vengeance, but in time directly or indirectly, lest the people consider them enemies of
they also came to believe their extreme actions were the only the gods. This pressure from within and without has ensured
path that offered a chance of salvation for both the goddess robust supply lines and a continuous supply of volunteers.
and their people. Relations between most of the consuls and the Nine Voices
The Retribution believes human magic is a blight against the remain tense and uncomfortable. There is a mood among the
natural order that saps vitality from the gods and their people,
and therefore every human arcanist removed from the face of
Caen relieves the goddess’ suffering a little more. They see
human mechanika as similarly tainted and its proliferation
as a contributor to Scyrah’s incapacitation. By escalating
their activities to open war, the organization’s members hope
to eradicate the affliction permanently and thereby restore
the goddess to her former health. No measure is too extreme
given the stakes. If the Retribution must annihilate every
human warcaster, wizard, and arcane mechanik to achieve its
goal, so be it. Some conduct this task coldly, as a pragmatic
necessity, while others enjoy their bloody work and nurse a
deep and abiding hatred of humanity.

The Retribution has existed amid considerable political

tension and unrest. Relations with the government, the Five
Great Military Houses, and the Homeguard Coalition have
at times been hostile and even in the best of circumstances
are contentious. In recent decades the organization has been
bolstered by an influx of dedicated support from Houses
Nyarr and Shyeel. It was the news that the god Nyssor
was held by humans—proving the Retribution’s anger and
outrage were not unfounded—which eventually forced the
Consulate Court to recognize its standing. With a rising tide
of public support for the Retribution, the government felt
compelled to change its policies, acknowledging the sect as
a lawful organization, though many of the hallytyr were not
pleased with this outcome.

Memories of the civil war were still fresh, and the consuls
had no desire to see Ios torn apart again by internal strife.
Additionally, it had become politically untenable to avoid

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

elite within the capital of a government being held hostage by to remain in Ios, to guide rather than to act directly. This
radicals. requirement meant certain members were more likely to be
chosen—those involved in overseeing training, the highest
Retribution Leadership priests of the sect, and elder statesmen well past their prime.
While the Retribution has gained influence over the The greatest of Retribution heroes who have been wounded
Consulate Court, as a splinter sect its leadership operates in action yet survived have periodically left active service to
independently from the Iosan government. Historically, join the Voices.
veteran agents inside Ios have coordinated the Retribution’s Only the most senior Retribution agents have direct contact
operations abroad. The Nine Voices of the Retribution serve with the Nine, and information about their movements and
as its governing council in Ios. They determine long-term activities is by necessity shrouded in secrecy. Even with its
strategies and ensure the Retribution’s vital infrastructure is growing popularity the Retribution has many enemies, as do
strong and healthy, especially its recruitment and training. some of the individual Nine Voices.
There have not always been nine representatives of this body; While the Nine Voices are technically equal, in truth some
its members and numbers have changed over the years. The of them are stronger than others. Four leaders in particular
Nine Voices include the consuls of Nyarr and Shyeel, but prior prioritize the Retribution’s objectives and oversee the
to these houses giving their full commitment the council was execution of its military operations based on gathered
known as the Seven Voices. The consul of House Vyre has intelligence. The most influential is Glyssor Syviis, a leading
been petitioning for the same standing as these peers, and agent from the organization’s early days who led countless
should this come to pass, the Nine would become Ten. missions for the Retribution in his prime. Glyssor, once the
Members of this governing group were originally chosen most powerful criminal in Shyrr, personally indoctrinated
only from the most devout members of the Retribution who countless disillusioned lawbreakers in the Retribution’s
had demonstrated not only their commitment but also the tenets. His deeds are legendary within the organization.
necessary leadership qualities. In a sect filled with agents Espionage Liaison Kelsyr Yrryel is another respected
determined to fight for the cause, the Voices had to be content Retribution leader. Kelsyr served as an Iosan ambassador for
over half a century, spending time in the capitals of Cygnar,
Khador, Llael, and Ord. She returned to Ios permanently at the
outset of the civil war, when Ios severed all diplomatic contact
with the human nations. During her career as ambassador
her Retribution affiliation remained secret, and though she
has since abandoned such pretenses, she maintains foreign
contacts who know nothing of her true agenda.

Consuls Caelcyr Nyarr and Hyselle Shyeel, leaders of two

of the hallytyr, were until recently the most secret members
of the Nine Voices, but that changed when they openly
declared their house loyalties to the Retribution. They are
two of the Retribution’s most important decision-makers due
to the vital nature of their respective house assets. Caelcyr’s
individual authority over his house has diminished with the
rise of his nephew, Vyros, though Vyros’ triumphs have only
bolstered the consul’s standing among the Voices. Hyselle
is one of the greatest architects of the Retribution’s current
strength—it was her decision to contribute warcaster and
myrmidon assets to the cause, exponentially magnifying the
martial might of the organization.

The remaining five Voices are less overtly influential, but each
plays a significant part in the Retribution’s success, focusing on
aspects of its infrastructure and culture. Quaestor Nyr Voshan
was once a major underworld leader in Shyrr who oversaw a
lucrative smuggling operation before his induction into the
Retribution. Now he keeps track of its assets and supplies,
a critical task given the onset of major military operations.
Keldeacon Synvas Uithuyr is a former mage hunter whose

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

injuries forced him to retire to Syvash Stronghold, where Befitting the Retribution’s nature as a religious sect, a small
he has become the undisputed master of recruitment and but fanatical priesthood actively supports the mage hunters.
training. He is responsible for accelerating Retribution These priests uphold a radical interpretation of Scyrah’s faith
enlistment and also seeks to identify new warcaster talent. that predates the Retribution. They describe the goddess
Jarmyr of Eyvreyn is an ancient spellcaster whose name as a battle-ready maiden, not the peaceful avatar of spring
causes ripples in Iosan arcane circles, a controversial master traditionally depicted, which puts them at odds with the
of the occult whose techniques have earned the disfavor of more conservative members of her fane. Their preaching
more conservative peers. No one in the organization better encourages Retribution members to remember the imminent
understands the threat posed by human magic. doom of their people—a doom only their acts can forestall.

The spiritual welfare and religious doctrine of the Retribution

are overseen by Oracle Relvinor Luynmyr. Arguably the
Support from the Hallytyr
most fanatic and charismatic of the Nine Voices, Relvinor is While Houses Nyarr and Shyeel were the first hallytyr to
a man of fiery rhetoric driven by absolute conviction in the back the Retribution, in recent years others of that group
righteousness of his holy cause. His priests work to spread have felt pressured to contribute as well. Minor sympathies
the organization’s religious message both in political circles for Ios’ fringe religious sects—especially the Retribution and
and among the general population. His top aide, Orator the Seekers—were not uncommon in political circles. In the
Lysenne Bylvesh, was a member of the conservative Fane case of Nyarr and Shyeel, their support of the Retribution ran
of Scyrah before Relvinor converted her, and she has done much deeper. For decades they secretly provided financial
much to drive a wedge into her former priesthood and bring and military assistance to the organization. The hallytyr are
additional converts to the Retribution. Many from the fane not given to zealotry or religious fervor, however, and most
have joined the sect since Scyrah intervened against the believe those houses back the Retribution more for pragmatic
skorne, and Lysenne has worked with Ravyn to encourage reasons than blind faith.
additional Fane Knights to join the cause. Those who succeed in leading the cause of salvation will
reap great rewards. The political clout brought by the
Core of the Retribution unquestioning support of the people could facilitate the
Although the Retribution has greatly increased in size and transformation of Iosan society. This is a gamble to which
scope since its inception, the core of the original organization House Nyarr and House Shyeel have committed all their
remains. At its center are the mage hunters, who embody the considerable resources. House Vyre is the most recent of the
fundamental convictions of the cause. These efficient killers hallytyr to throw itself fully behind the Retribution, though
have worked outside Ios for centuries within clandestine its motives are even more complicated: at least in part it
cells conducting operations in the human kingdoms. Though wishes to earn redemption for dark actions in its past.
their cause is now accepted in Ios, many of these individuals
In addition to those hallytyr fully and openly supporting
remain infamous outside the Retribution.
the Retribution, others have kept their backing of the
The primary purpose of the mage hunters is still the execution organization more discreet and limited in scope. House
of human arcanists. While they frequently act autonomously, Lys, for instance, has supplied the Retribution with many
either alone or in teams, the mage hunters also support healers, though these individuals have thus far acted only
larger operations alongside more traditional military forces. as passive participants in the Retribution’s battles, tending
In addition to their dedicated role in removing enemy to the wounded and performing funeral rites for the dead.
spellcasters, they also gather intelligence, sabotage arcane
House Ellowuyr, another of the Great Military Houses, is a
research and mechanikal production facilities, and maintain
partial supporter of the sect. While Ellowuyr’s leadership
a clandestine supply network outside the borders of Ios.
has held back its formal approval of the Retribution, several
The mage hunters focus on undermining the most pervasive
small contingents of the house’s renowned swordsmen
and powerful organizations of human arcanists, particularly
have followed one of their nobles—the esteemed warcaster
those serving military interests, such as Khador’s Greylords
Thyron—to serve the organization. These soldiers are
Covenant or Cygnar’s Militant Order of the Arcane Tempest.
reportedly working independently of the wishes of House
They also strike against private organizations such as the
Ellowuyr, but it is a thin façade. For the time being, the
Fraternal Order of Wizardry and the Order of the Golden
precarious balance of power between the Retribution and the
Crucible. The pace and execution of these attacks are carefully
Consulate Court persists.
calculated to avoid compromising the mage hunters’ secrecy.

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

Minor House Contributions of Senior members of Nyssor’s priesthood have gone to Shyrr
Resources & Soldiers despite their loathing of cities to be close to the god, who is
Houseguard soldiers have varying degrees of experience and protected within the Fane of Scyrah. The last two gods of the
training, and many serve as career soldiers. In truth, the sheer elves are kept within the same fane in their own chambers.
numbers of various houseguard have given the Retribution Both gods benefit from the protection of Scyrah’s Fane Knights,
the ability to confront its enemies in open conflict when now aided by Nyssor’s clergy and an elite cadre of ryssovass,
necessary. Other aid from these lesser houses has proven swordsmen who once protected the Nyss homelands. These
no less important. Whether a particular house provides priests and warriors have sworn their allegiance to the
weapons, rations, housing, or even intelligence, every small Retribution. When summoned they are willing to march to
contribution lends further strength to the Retribution. war against those who have despoiled the Divine Court.

The Nyss Unusual Allies

The Nyss are tribal winter elves who until recently considered The Retribution has received assistance from several
the cold Shard Spires in northern Khador their homeland. unexpected quarters. As the organization has accomplished
These cousins of the Iosan people once dwelled in a city goals the Iosan government has failed to achieve, the
within Ios called Darsael. Long ago they abandoned their Retribution has given the people of Ios hope and thus has
city to follow the prophet Aeric, who led them into the frozen gained momentum. Groups opposing them have had to face
mountains to the northwest searching for the god Nyssor. this reality, and some have decided to try subtler means to
There they lived in extended tribes called shards, fiercely steer the radicals from a path they fear will culminate in Ios’
protecting the snow-capped mountains from intrusion. At destruction.
the heart of each major Nyss settlement was its rustic Fane The Fane of Scyrah is the most influential group that has
of Nyssor. Aeric’s visions proved true, and they found and dispatched agents to observe and advise the Retribution.
protected their god, maintaining him in a safe but frozen Still, it has lost considerable clout in the present political
state within their largest fane. Led by Vaeril the Wise, the arena, and the common people see its members as indolent
oldest living Nyss on Caen, the priesthood watched over and timid except for the renowned Fane Knights, who protect
their god. the goddess’ body. The fane’s reputation has worsened,
Several years ago, most Nyss fell to the dragon Everblight. since its priests have done little to aid the ailing goddess. To
His blight twisted their minds, leading them to serve and regain the people’s trust, the fane’s leaders know they must
worship the dragon instead of their rightful god. Those Nyss understand and work with the Retribution.
who did not fall to this corruption fled the Shard Spires to A thread of sympathy for the Retribution’s cause has
live as refugees among the cities of men. Their exposure to long been present in the fane and recently has increased.
humanity soon led to the capture of their beloved god by Auricant Avross Larisar of the Fane of Scyrah and Glyssor
Khadoran arcanists, the so-called Greylords Covenant. Syviis periodically meet in secret to discuss the plight of the
Struggling to hold onto their way of life, the Nyss scattered goddess. In addition, several members of the Fane Knights
and eked out meager existences, trying only to survive. now accompany the Retribution armies into foreign lands.
Their plight changed when the Retribution of Scyrah Having sworn fealty to Scyrah, these knights seek to test
successfully recovered the God of Winter and invited these Retribution claims that war against human magic is their best
distant cousins to return to the protection of Ios. Now many hope to restore her. The frequency with which these knights
have answered that call. This decision was not made lightly have volunteered their services has increased dramatically
as the Nyss had reasons for leaving Ios and its people. Some since Scyrah intervened at the close of the conflict with the
of these cultural resentments persist, and contacts between skorne.
the two societies are decidedly formal and aloof. In addition to the Fane of Scyrah, a variety of less prominent
The Nyss who evaded Everblight are hardened by the loss groups have also taken notice of the Retribution’s popularity.
and adversity they have experienced. They are no longer These include the Seekers, a more moderate sect that travels
the people who abandoned Darsael so long ago. Many wish Immoren in search of remedies for Scyrah’s present condition,
to retain their tribal ways and have not embraced Iosan whether mystical or otherwise. This group has offered its
civilization. They prefer not to restore Darsael but instead counsel, hoping to encourage the Retribution to focus on the
to inhabit and hunt in the untamed places within Ios. search for a cure rather than pursuing widespread systematic
Shards scattered during the flight from their homeland have violence. The arcanists of these two sects cooperate as
reunited again, only for the first time learning who escaped necessary, but always with an undercurrent of suspicion,
Everblight’s legion and who died by its hands or fell to the dislike, and distrust.
dragon’s poisonous blight.

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

Forces of the
The armies of the Retribution of Scyrah draw from many
disparate groups and disciplines bent toward a common
goal. Bringing together the strength of great military houses,
the premier myrmidons of Shyeel and Vyre, and individuals
drawn from across the Homeguard Coalition, these distinct
forces must learn to function together on the battlefield and
complement each others’ strengths as they compensate for
one another’s weaknesses.

This cooperation does not always come easy, as tensions

exist between the differing factions of the Retribution’s
armies. Without the strong leadership of those in command
and the existential nature of the Retribution’s cause, many
strike forces would dissolve to bitter infighting. Fortunately
for the Retribution, those in charge are steadfast in their
conviction and know they fight for the very existence of the
Iosan people.

Hierarchy within the

With its rapid growth from a loose association of mage hunters
to its current state, the Retribution has been forced to make
massive adjustments to its organization and hierarchy that are
still ongoing. House Nyarr has taken the initiative in assuming
operational control of the Retribution’s conventional military
forces, bringing their considerable expertise. The Nine Voices
have sanctioned this shift, charging their veteran mage hunters
with ensuring smooth operations and cooperation between
the disparate groups that make up their armed forces. An
operational accord has been achieved, where conventional
forces look to their ranking officers, and mage hunters answer
to their own senior commanders, both sides working together
toward the common cause. Some missions rely more heavily
on the clandestine cells of mage hunters already secreted
in foreign lands, and in those situations mage hunters plan
strategy. Conventional operations tend to be led by members
of the Dawnguard.

While this structure works in general, resentment is common

on both sides and can interfere with operations if left
unchecked. Mage hunters do not appreciate the regimented
and inflexible style of the Retribution's professional military
forces and chafe at taking orders from them. Conversely, the
Dawnguard consider mage hunters to be lacking in proper
discipline, respect, and organization.

Mage hunters are comfortable within the framework of

unconventional military practices, but the Dawnguard
and houseguard forces still struggle to accept mage hunter
methodology. Officers remain protective of their chain of
command. Most ranking Dawnguard insist they must vet
any order concerning the disposition of units under their
command even when it comes through the most senior of

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

mage hunter agents. In turn, the mage hunters jealously guard safe houses, stashes, and secured mustering points pepper
their operational freedom. Nonetheless, despite tensions in western Immoren, any of which might be expanded in the
any mixed force, when battle ensues each side knows its place, years ahead as the Retribution escalates its operations. Efforts
and the destruction of the enemy takes priority. are underway to prepare many of these bases to house and
service battle-ready myrmidons.
Mage Hunters Several mage hunters have manifested warcaster talent.
Mage hunters are the founders of the Retribution and comprise Having undergone additional training to refine these skills,
its clandestine arm, supported by agents throughout the Iron they serve as the deadliest of the Retribution’s strike leaders.
Kingdoms. Many of its senior agents have worked for the sect These warcasters are not permanently tied to any specific task
for much of their lives and lived as outlaws and renegades. force. Instead, they move frequently between operational
Mage hunters infiltrate human lands to eliminate the arcanists regions as ordered by the Nine Voices.
and their mechanika that the Retribution believes are draining
the vitality of the goddess Scyrah. Dawnguard
The Retribution’s network of secret bases across western House Nyarr’s dedicated military arm is the Dawnguard,
Immoren provides it with far greater mobility and reach a martial order with roots stretching back to the ancient
than outsiders might expect. These resources and operatives Lyossan Empire. The group fields a versatile mix of infantry
make it possible to conduct strikes deep into the interior of and cavalry as well as more focused specialists, and its
the Iron Kingdoms. Most of these bases are isolated, either soldiers are armed with the most advanced Iosan weapons
hidden in the wilderness or concealed in cities, within elven and armor. The Dawnguard are implacable warriors, drilled
neighborhoods where exiled Iosans settled in human lands. to coordinate their actions and conditioned to be absolutely
The scale and resources of the bases vary considerably, but loyal to House Nyarr. Most serve the Retribution because
most are kept small to avoid detection. their house leaders have ordered them to do so, not out of
any personal commitment to the cause.
The largest Retribution bases outside Ios include: an armory
secreted in the forest northwest of Caspia; a cave complex off The Dawnguard is divided into three branches: the Sentinels,
a sheltered cove northwest of Ceryl; an underground bunker the Invictors, and the Destors. The Sentinels and Invictors
northeast of Shattered Shield Lake, across the lake from together comprise the elite infantry of the Retribution
Korsk; and a hidden observation garrison in the Llaelese military. The Destors are the force’s heavy cavalry.
mountains between Rynyr and Laedry. Dozens of other

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

Officer commissions in the Dawnguard are based on a Battle Mages
combination of family connections and service performance. While the Retribution has focused on eliminating human
Many top-ranking officers in the Dawnguard are also nobles arcanists, they are not without their own masters of the
of House Nyarr, including the current dawnlords, though in arcane arts. The most numerous of those who serve the
the order’s history there have been several notable examples Retribution are the battle mages of House Shyeel. Combining
of officers from outside the noble family rising to this esteemed their natural talents for manipulating magical energies with
rank. Their commanding officer is the warcaster Incissar Vyros the use of Shyeel’s advanced arcanika, these mages wield
Nyarr, who has absolute authority over the house’s army. powerful magic that can crush or hurl their enemies about
in battle. Though House Shyeel remains the most significant
contributor of battle mages to the Retribution’s operations,
What's in a Name?
the arcanists of numerous other houses have joined the cause
Every soldier in the Dawnguard is a member of House Nyarr, in in recent years, including the electromancers of House Vyre.
oath if not by blood. Not every person included in this house
uses Nyarr as a surname; only those with a direct blood tie to
the original Nyarr lineage can claim that privilege. The house
One of the biggest controversies surrounding the Retribution
includes hundreds of lesser families with no close links. Over
the centuries these families have been adopted into House concerns its use of soulless warriors. For centuries the
Nyarr as members of their line were invited to join the ranks organization has accepted soulless children from parents
of the Dawnguard. While these soldiers may informally speak who could not bear the thought of having them killed at
of themselves as “brothers” or “cousins,” many of them are birth. This policy remains a taboo topic—and another area
not blood-related. Arranged marriages between these families where the Retribution is at odds with the Fane of Scyrah.
can complicate matters even further. A similar situation exists
The Retribution insists it is doing the soulless a service by
in each of the hallytyr, such as House Shyeel, as well as the
allowing them to contribute to the holy cause. Mage hunters
lesser houses. Each consists of dozens of allied families led by
know the soulless make exemplary assassins when trained
the direct blood inheritors of the house name and leadership.
properly. While soulless lack empathy and most emotions,
they follow orders without hesitation. They suffer none of
the moral qualms of normal soldiers, making them efficient
Houseguard killers. A special branch of Syvash Stronghold handles
The houseguard of the Retribution of Scyrah is composed their upbringing and training, indoctrinating them with a
of loose companies populated with soldiers who were special code of behavior intended to substitute for a missing
dispatched by their houses to join the Retribution. The group conscience.
forms the rank-and-file line of the Retribution military and
The Retribution has discovered supernatural side effects
includes both commoners and noble-born soldiers, though
of employing soulless. These individuals have an unusual
most of the latter come from lesser houses.
impact on magic in their vicinity, which can be used as both a
The houseguard provides the bulk of the Retribution’s weapon and a form of defense. Though the Retribution does
troops, primarily halberdiers and riflemen. Its basic role is to not fully understand these manifestations, the group often
leverage its massed strength where its numbers are needed. provides units assigned to important tasks with soulless,
Houseguard forces are used to hold ground, occupy enemy who help divert hostile magic by sacrificing themselves.
forces, or thin enemy ranks by delivering concentrated
While soulless work most closely with mage hunters, they
firepower. Engagements unfold with houseguard forces tying
are not afforded the same stature as their counterparts or
up the enemy while mage hunters advance past the lines to
other soldiers. Because they have no ambitions, family
strike at the head, particularly a commanding warcaster. In
obligations, or leadership abilities, the soulless do not receive
other encounters they are tasked with pinning the enemy in
normal ranks or honors. They are treated as expendable
place while Dawnguard maneuver to crush those foes from a
weapons rather than as individuals, and they rarely interact
different angle of attack.
with others outside of what is required during combat. Even
Although houseguard soldiers do not receive the same the names they are given are short and simple, with no
acclaim as elite forces like the Dawnguard or mage hunters, connections to family or Iosan history. Senior mage hunters
they often endure heavy casualties in battle. The stark fact are pragmatic regarding the soulless, knowing that were they
of their regular brave sacrifices garners them respect from not fighting for the cause, they would have been killed at
the more specialized elements of the Retribution military. In birth. Every day they live to fight for the Retribution should
time, specific houseguard companies distinguish themselves be considered a mercy and a gift.
and earn reputations for valor in battle. Others are destroyed
to the last man to be forgotten by all but their mourning kin.
Such is life in the line.

Military of the Retribution of Scyrah

RETRIBUTION theme force

When Ios itself is threatened, the Homeguard Coalition leverages the assets of all the hallytyr to form an army
made up of the diverse forces of houseguard warriors and the combined might of countless Iosan houses.
Bringing together combatants of many varied talents and unique specializations, these mixed forces have
joined the Retribution and can rival the martial power of even the national armies of the Iron Kingdoms. They
fight not only for the creed of the Retribution but for the sanctity of Ios and the lives of its people.

Army Composition
An army made using this theme force can include only the following Retribution models:

• Retribution warcasters • Fane Knight solos

• Non-character warjacks • Ghost solos
• Houseguard models/units • Lys Healer solos
• House Ellowuyr Swordsman units • Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker
• Stormfall Archer units • Retribution battle engines
• Arcanist solos

Special Rules

• For every full 20 points of Houseguard models/units in this army, you can add one
Houseguard weapon crew unit, command attachment, or solo to the army free of cost. Free
models/units do not count toward the total point value of Houseguard models/units in the
army when calculating this bonus.
• Solos and Stormfall Archer units in this army gain Reposition [3˝]. (At the end of an activation
in which it did not run or fail a charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to 3˝, then
its activation ends.)
• Houseguard Halberdier units in this army gain Advance Move. (Before the start of the game
but after both players have deployed, a model with Advance Move can make a full advance.)

RETRIBUTION theme force

Forges of War
With a vast array of myrmidons and skilled arcanists at its disposal, House Shyeel is considered by some
to be virtually a sixth Great Military House. When the time comes for House Shyeel to stoke the forges of
war, it brings the full weight of its military forces to bear as an unstoppable tide of towering myrmidons
supported by the immense arcane power of its formidable battle mages.

Army Composition
An army made using this theme force can include only the following Retribution models:

• Retribution non-Vyre warcasters • Arcanist Mechanik solos

• Shyeel non-character warjacks • Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker
• Shyeel models/units

Special Rules

• For every full 25 points of warjacks in this army, you can add one solo to the army free of cost.
• Warjacks in this army gain Shield Guard. (When a friendly model is directly hit by a non-spray
ranged attack during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of a model with Shield Guard, you
can choose to have the model with Shield Guard directly hit instead. It is automatically hit and
suffers all damage and effects. A model can use Shield Guard only once per round and cannot
use Shield Guard if it is incorporeal, knocked down, or stationary.)
• Friendly models/units can begin the game affected by the upkeep spells of warcasters in
this army. These spells and their targets must be declared before either player deploys any
models. Warcasters in this army do not have to pay focus to upkeep their spells during your
first turn of the game.

RETRIBUTION theme force

Shadows of the Retribution

The Retribution of Scyrah is most adept at striking from the shadows. Its mage hunters traditionally
undertake clandestine missions executed by solo operatives and small teams of elite and dedicated warriors.
On rare occasions, however, a show of force is required, and to that end the Retribution assembles stealthy
armies comprised of seasoned mage hunters and powerful myrmidons. Experienced in swift and brutal
combat, they skillfully orchestrate surprise attacks and take the enemy unaware.

Army Composition
An army made using this theme force can include only the following Retribution models:

• Retribution warcasters • Mage Hunter models/units

• Non-character warjacks • Arcanist Mechanik solos

Special Rules

• For every full 20 points of units in this army, you can add one solo to the army free of cost.
• Models disabled by a melee attack made by a warrior model in this army cannot make a Tough
roll. When a model is boxed by a melee attack made by a warrior model in this army, you can
choose to have the boxed model removed from play.
• You gain +1 to your starting roll for the game.

of the Retribution of Scyrah

The manipulation of magical forces by the elves is an ancient

art that predates human civilization by thousands of years
Arcane Traditions
The animosity of elves toward human magic is narrow and
and humanity’s systematic use of magic by thousands more.
specific, rooted in the certainty that the emergence of human
Warcasters, however, are a relatively recent development
magic directly harmed the Divine Court. Iosans feel no such
in Ios. Their appearance is linked to the development of
aversion to their own magic, which was given to them by
myrmidons and their cortexes, which in turn was a response
their gods at the dawn of elven civilization. The elves who
to the invention of warjacks among humans. Shortly after
survived the fall of Lyoss have been practicing advanced
Iosan artificers created their own advanced machines of
arcane arts longer than any other culture on Immoren, rivaled
war, there arose powerful battle mages who had the talent to
only by the dwarves of Rhul. They have rigidly adhered to
mentally bond with and control them.
specific systems and methodologies established to practice
Many powerful Iosan warcasters have emerged from among magic, which have changed little since the earliest days of
the Five Great Military Houses, a result of both the combat elven history. Given the involvement of the gods, these arts
training members of these houses receive and the fact that were treated with religious solemnity and viewed as perfect,
myrmidons are closely integrated into their tactics. In recent requiring no innovation or improvement. It is only recently,
years, however, the Retribution of Scyrah has been successful since the gods left Ios and the elves began to confront the
in finding, securing, and training a number of exceptional reality of their inevitable doom, that occult scholars have
warcasters, aided in no small part by its allied houses, in begun to push the limits of these arts and to explore their
particular Shyeel and Nyarr. This achievement contrasts with underlying principles.
the earliest days of the sect when such figures only rarely
Compared to some races, the elves have never lacked for
joined and there were very few myrmidons in the hands of
those with the arcane gift, though such individuals remain
the Retribution.
a minority. Most major houses have systems in place to
Warcasters have proven to be vitally important to achieving instruct the gifted and ensure they become useful and
the Retribution’s goals. Without them to command powerful productive members of society. While traditions vary from
myrmidons in battle, the Retribution would be unable to house to house, in many cases those with the aptitude for
commit to large-scale assaults deep in enemy territory. combat magic are joined to their houseguard and then to
Warcasters played essential roles in recent successes, the Homeguard Coalition that protects Ios, employing their
including the reclamation of Nyssor and the expulsion of the power for mutual defense. Most house arcanists undergo
skorne from the Iosan interior. training and mentoring from an early age before a role is
chosen for them, and a broad array of specializations exists.

The aptitude for varied forms of divination—the art of are similarly well-defined traditions, though most smaller
gathering information by mystical means—has long been houses lack the sheer number of gifted required to support
found in some gifted Iosans. This mystical ability gave rise major arcane endeavors.
to the role of “sibyl” in a number of Iosan houses; these
There are two major houses—Shyeel and Vyre—that have
individuals are specifically tasked to use their powers to
made mastery of magic a core value of the house itself.
defend their house or Ios itself by predicting threats or
House Shyeel has focused on integrating magic with
detecting intrusion. Despite the countless other applications
engineering and is at the forefront of the mystical science of
to which their talents could be applied, sibyls view their task
arcanika. Additionally, its arcanists are adept at exploiting
as a calling and take their responsibilities as the watchers of
and controlling overt kinetic forces and energies, techniques
Ios seriously. The borders of Ios were long kept safe by the
fundamental to the active magic practiced by many Iosans.
tireless efforts of its many sibyls.
No other house is better versed in the application of
Many of the hallytyr that rule Ios and lead its armies have such energies, which can be seen in the design of Shyeel
specific roles in mind for their arcanists. Often blessed myrmidons with their protective force fields as well as in the
with strong arcane bloodlines, many major houses have spells employed by its battle mages.
developed individual mystical traditions and techniques
By contrast, House Vyre has long been interested in esoteric
linked to their responsibilities in the Iosan government. With
occult research and has mastered the manipulation of mystical
few exceptions these are extensions of practices surviving
energies to achieve more unusual effects. Their magic invokes
from the Empire of Lyoss, just as the hallytyr themselves
raw entropic forces, manipulates gravity and the flow of time,
trace their roots to the old empire. Arcanists of House Aiesyn
and draws upon other fundamental energies. Unlike most
practice techniques that are especially useful in constructing
Iosan arcanists, those of House Vyre have been more willing
buildings, while those of House Lys employ magic that can
to experiment and to adapt their techniques, something for
close and mend fresh wounds. Among lesser houses there
which the house has drawn censure. Despite this reputation,

warcasters of the retribution of Scyrah

Vyre positioned itself to play a significant role in changing with arcanikal weapons and armor to augment their battle
Iosan magic in the last few decades in particular, and it has prowess. In this regard, Iosan warcasters are not so different
been at the forefront of a new understanding. A number of from those of the Iron Kingdoms.
highly unorthodox myrmidon designs have emerged from
While Ios has had great success in finding such individuals,
these efforts, and Vyre’s warcasters are similarly inventive.
tests to discover the spark of warcaster talent are not perfectly
reliable. Exposure to myrmidon cortexes often provokes a
Identification & telling reaction, but in many cases those with latent talent

Training show no signs until some life-or-death struggle unlocks their

potential. Since Ios has been insular for much of its history
Iosan houses have thousands of years of experience finding and has involved itself in relatively few wars, the emergence
and developing arcane potential among the gifted population. of warcasters has been rare. Among the Nyss, who lack the
This includes those born with an intuitive connection to Iosan interest in engineering and exposure to cortexes, none
arcanika—the mystically augmented machinery that is the have emerged who are capable of commanding myrmidons.
Iosan equivalent of mechanika. In the past, these gifted The Nyss have their own distinct sorcerous and arcane
people usually became artificers, working to fabricate and traditions, but none of these involve arcanika.
repair such machinery; however, since the construction of the
first myrmidons and Iosan cortexes, some have arisen with Sibyls are a significant asset to Ios in the search for new
more powerful potential. These rare individuals could sense warcasters. These divinatory specialists are primarily tasked
the presence of nearby cortexes and learn how to mentally with watching vigilantly for external threats to Ios, but the
control them. They also learned to integrate their minds most perceptive among them can sometimes predict the

warcasters of the retribution of Scyrah

emergence of a warcaster gift even when the talent remains
latent. Each of the Five Great Military Houses as well as
Role & Authority
The precise authority of a warcaster in a given force is not
Houses Shyeel and Vyre has at least one dedicated sibyl
always fixed, as the sect’s hierarchy is both complicated
focused on the discovery of new warcasters. The Retribution
and fluid, but in practice, warcasters lead the Retribution’s
of Scyrah relies heavily on the sibyls of Houses Nyarr and
armed forces and have operational oversight during combat.
Shyeel for its own searches.
These relationships become complicated only when multiple
Sibyls of the Retribution look for warcaster talent among the warcasters are brought together. Those with extensive
wider Iosan population as well, searching all social strata military or field experience, such as warcasters from the
from the gutters to the highest houses. This flexibility has Dawnguard and veteran mage hunters, are more likely to
allowed them to locate several fledgling warcasters who be obeyed without question. The most common source of
would otherwise have gone unnoticed. The Retribution tension in mixed Retribution forces comes from Dawnguard
has secured a disproportionately high percentage of Iosan officers who may be slow to answer the commands of mage
warcasters. Even warcasters serving the noble houses whose hunter warcasters or those from rival houses.
abilities have already been discovered and honed have been
This question of leadership is less of a problem with warcasters
drawn to the Retribution’s cause, a fact that the house leaders
who occupy clear positions of authority. Incissar Vyros of
resent. If they do not already belong to a military discipline,
Nyarr, Adeptis Rahn of Shyeel, and Thyron of Ellowuyr are
such young talents are immersed in mage hunter training to
widely recognized battle leaders of their respective houses.
indoctrinate them in Retribution beliefs and methods.
Carrying authority within their own houses as well as inside
House Shyeel and House Nyarr in particular have effective the Retribution, such warcasters can assemble armies of
systems in place for training warcasters once they are soldiers sworn to loyalty, making the legitimacy of their
discovered. Shyeel’s teachings are more systematic and leadership unquestionable. On the other side, the Nine Voices
extensive due to the house’s greater familiarity with the have made it known that Ravyn, the Eternal Light speaks
function and limitations of a myrmidon’s cortex and chassis, with the full authority of the Retribution’s ruling council.
and warcasters trained under this system tend to possess
The chain of command becomes less clear when applied to
greater fine control over a battlegroup. Nyarr’s approach
mage hunter strike leaders such as Garryth or Kaelyssa. These
builds on its house tactics, which emphasize combined arms
warcasters can expect obedience from mage hunter forces
and the smooth integration of soldiers fighting alongside
but would need to rely on ranking officers to convey their
myrmidons. House Vyre has its own methodologies and
orders within large composite task forces. This command
tactics and is interested in broader occult lore as well as
structure is generally effective, though it can cause delays
efforts to anticipate and predict enemy actions.
and miscommunications.
The techniques employed by Shyeel and Nyarr have been
The importance of a warcaster’s battle magic and control of
passed to Syvash Stronghold, the Retribution’s main training
myrmidons means they always have a central role in any given
base in Iryss. New warcasters loyal to the Retribution are
battle. When fighting within Iosan borders, warcasters from
expected to train around the clock, stopping only briefly for
traditional military houses direct and coordinate their mage
rest. Those without prior martial experience have their combat
hunter counterparts to mount attacks or deploy defenses.
skills developed and honed, and all must submit to a grueling
The opposite is true for operations beyond Ios, where the
regimen to prepare them for command of a battlegroup.
expertise of the mage hunters is critical. The escalating
The Retribution considers it a top priority to expand its conflicts in recent years have forced the differing elements of
warcaster assets as quickly as possible, and this accelerated the Retribution to fight together to an unprecedented degree,
instruction is instrumental to that effort. There have been great and veterans of these ongoing battles have learned to readily
gains made in this area over the past several years, with more accept the orders of any Retribution warcaster to whom they
warcasters added to the Retributionʼs ranks than ever before. are assigned.

warcasters of the retribution of Scyrah

Elara, Death's Shadow
Retribution Mage Hunter Warcaster
One of the Retribution’s most skilled killers, Elara sweeps through her foes like
focus: 7
an autumn wind with blade in hand, carving a bloody path from one victim to the
6 6 7 4 16 15 9 next as she opens throats and severs limbs. Her every strike and fluid movement
are practiced and deliberate in their execution. Each death is a tribute to the
Sickle Staff
RNG POW P+S goddess Lyliss, patron of assassins. Elara hopes that such acts of violence please
2 7 13 the goddess, and this motivates her to strive for perfection.
damage:16 After her warcaster talent was discovered, Elara’s departure from the Third
Chamber to train at Syvash Stronghold signaled the close of one chapter of her
wj FA
+28 c life and the beginning of another. With this training now complete, it has been
her repeated contact with the enemy that has enhanced her abilities as both
Apparition – During your Control Phase, place this
assassin and warcaster. During her upbringing with the Third Chamber, Elara
model anywhere completely within 2˝ of its current developed an intense connection to Lyliss, the vanished Nis-Scyir of Autumn.
Upon waking on the cold stone slab that served as her bed, she would slip out
Field Marshal [Retaliatory Strike] – Warjacks in
this model’s battlegroup gain Retaliatory Strike. before her peers awoke to kneel before an altar in silent worship, praying for the
Retaliatory Strike – If this model is hit by a goddess’ favor. Now that she serves the Retribution in battle, she feels her bond
melee attack made by an enemy model during your
opponent’s turn, after that attack is resolved this model with Lyliss has only deepened. Through continued devotion, deep introspection,
can immediately make one basic melee attack against
that model. This model can make only one Retaliatory
and the trials of combat, Elara has developed her arcane abilities to suit the
Strike per turn. ancient traditions of those who revere the Goddess of Autumn. She has mastered
Sickle Staff the essence of shadow, stepping through one to emerge from another, blades
flashing in anticipation of the kill.
Damage Type: Magical
Blood Boon – Once per activation, immediately after
resolving an attack in which it destroyed an enemy
model with this weapon, this model can cast a spell While Elara once considered herself a weapon best deployed on her own, she has
with COST 3 or less without spending focus. learned to fight in concert with the forces of the Retribution under her command.
Feat: Closing Darkness By bestowing her arcane powers on those she accompanies on the battlefield, she
Invoking the secrets of the Third Chamber, Elara cloaks quickens the actions of other mage hunters and commands them as an extension
her forces in shrouds of unnatural shadow and grants them
speed beyond the limits of the material world.
of herself, guiding their assaults and robbing their foes of the defenses needed to
Friendly models/units currently in Elara’s control range survive these coordinated attacks. She has learned to approach each engagement
gain Ghostly and are affected by Boundless Charge. as a complex puzzle that sometimes demands she assist the efforts of her forces and
Closing Darkness lasts for one turn. (A model with
Ghostly can advance through terrain and obstacles at other times requires her to take action alone in order to secure victory. Likewise,
without penalty and can advance through obstructions she has come to appreciate the true value a myrmidon holds on the field and calls
if it has enough movement to move completely past
them. It cannot be targeted by free strikes.) upon the machines as readily as she relies on her deft skill with a weapon.
Spells Cost RNG AOE POW DUR OFF Elara’s understanding of her place in the larger workings of the Retribution fully
Boundless Charge 2 6 – – Turn No
During its activation, target friendly Faction model
matured when the skorne invaded Ios. Her passion to see the invaders destroyed
can charge without spending focus or being forced and threatened to overcome her training as she struggled with the temptation to set out
gains +2˝ movement and Pathfinder  when it charges.
Boundless Charge lasts for one turn. for the front alone and slay any skorne she could find. She reined in her emotions,
Convection 2 10 – 12 – Yes however, and took up the defense of Syvash Stronghold and nearby Iryss under
When Convection destroys a living enemy model, you the leadership of Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn. There Elara helped strike against the
can give 1 focus point to a warjack in the spellcaster’s
battlegroup that is in its control range. advancing skorne and successfully drove their forces back from the city.
Marked for Death 2 8 – – UP Yes
Target model/unit suffers –2 DEF, loses Incorporeal 
and Stealth  , and cannot gain Incorporeal  or Tactical Tips
Stealth  while affected by Marked for Death. Convection – A warjack cannot exceed normal focus limits as a result of Convection.
Scything Touch 2 6 – – UP No Teleport – This model cannot be placed on or in an obstruction or in impassable terrain as a result of Teleport.
Target friendly Faction model gains Dark Shroud.
(While in the melee range of a model with Dark
Shroud, enemy models suffer –2 ARM.)
Teleport 2 Self – – – No
Place the spellcaster anywhere completely within 6˝ of
its current location, then its activation ends.

Garryth, the Blade of Retribution
Retribution Mage Hunter Warcaster
Even among mage hunters Garryth is considered a fanatic. He feels no shame and
focus: 6
offers no apology regarding his talent for cold-blooded murder. He is long past
7 6 8 6 17 14 8 caring about the lives he ends, for each kill serves a purpose. He sweeps across
the battlefield like a living storm, letting the deaths reaped by his pistols and their
RNG ROF AOE POW razor-sharp blades serve as his prayers to the stricken goddess. No warcaster in Ios
12 1 — 12 has as much practice fighting humans, and this knowledge affords him a singular
Blade and terrifying mystique.
0.5 5 11 Garryth was discovered in the criminal underworld of Shyrr, already a natural
killer who could strike without regret, hesitation, or remorse. Once recruited into
the Retribution, he adapted quickly to mage hunter methods. In an attempt to
wj FA harness his unique potential, his mentors introduced him to an ancient Lyossan
+29 c fighting style once practiced by an obscure cult of suicidal warrior-monks sworn
GARRYTH 1 to the god Ossyris. These monks marched to war alongside regular soldiers and
Parry stalked enemy commanders from the shadows, dispatching them one by one.
Pathfinder Garryth sees his role in the Retribution in a similar light. Others fight battles—
Acrobatics – This model can advance through other Garryth ends them.
models if it has enough movement to move completely
past their bases. This model ignores intervening models Although capable of leading others, the Blade of Retribution prefers his own
when declaring its charge target.
company. Behind his brooding countenance is a mind never at rest, torn between
disciplined dedication to his mission and a wild desire to unleash his hatred on
Damage Type: Magical humanity. He is one of the few Retribution warcasters with extensive experience
Blade pitting myrmidons against human adversaries, having utilized such weapons long
before the Retribution openly marched to war.
Damage Type: Magical
Weapon Master
Grievous Wounds – A model hit by this weapon loses At times he indulges his darker nature, and in these moments he becomes an
Tough  and cannot have damage removed from it for unstoppable fiend capable of acts even his allies would consider extreme. That he
one round.
is pious is without question, but his conception of the goddess reflects a radical
Feat: Vortex Lock interpretation shared by only some of his brethren: Scyrah is a wounded warrior-
Though it takes a great toll on his mind and body, maiden with blazing eyes who stokes the anger in his heart with demands to slake
Garryth can unleash a dark vortex of disruptive power
that absorbs the arcane power in his surroundings. It her unquenchable thirst for revenge.
leaves the air itself depleted and incapable of sustaining
the magic of his enemies. While they despair, the Blade Garryth spends more time in the territories of the enemy than any of the other
of Retribution strikes.
For one round, while in Garryth’s control range enemy
warcasters currently fighting for the Retribution. He has spent little time in Ios over
models cannot cast spells, channel spells, spend focus or the last few decades and has lived constantly in the field, becoming fluent in the
fury points, or be moved by place effects.
languages and methods of his nation’s enemies. His only true peers in these tactics
Spells Cost RNG AOE POW DUR OFF are active veterans such as Narn and Eiryss. To these displaced assassins Ios is an
Gallows 3 10 – 13 – Yes abstract dream, not a home. They seek solace only in the act of killing, a task with
When an enemy model is hit by this attack, it can be
pushed d6˝ directly toward Gallows’ point of origin. no remembered beginning or conceivable end. Garryth finds this work endlessly
Heightened Reflexes 2 6 – – UP No gratifying. He long anticipated the day the shackles would be removed and he
Target friendly Faction model/unit cannot become
knocked down or stationary. Models are not affected would be given the liberty to kill without restraint. Now that he is unfettered,
while out of formation. countless enemies will die by his hand.
Mirage 2 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains Apparition.
(During your Control Phase, place models with Tactical Tips
Apparition anywhere completely within 2˝ of their
Gallows – This means the model is moved before it suffers damage.
current locations.)
Heightened Reflexes – Remember, even if a thrown model cannot be knocked down, it must still forfeit its
Psychic Vampire 2 Self Ctrl – UP No
When an enemy model declares it is casting a spell Normal Movement or Combat Action if it activates later in a turn in which it was thrown.
while in this model’s control range, the enemy Mirage – Remember, troopers must be placed in formation.
spellcaster immediately suffers 1 damage point and
this model can remove 1 damage point. If the enemy
spellcaster is destroyed as a result of this damage, the
spell does not take effect.
Sentry 2 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction model gains Rapid Fire. (A
model with Rapid Fire can make one basic ranged
attack during your Maintenance Phase.)

Lord Ghyrrshyld, the Forgiven
Retribution Vyre Warcaster
Bastard. Cursed. Lord of Ruin. The warcaster once known as Goreshade has been
focus: 7
called all of these. Once he was an eldritch, one of a strain of undead abominations
6 7 7 4 15 16 8 feared for feeding on the spiritual essence of their people. Now, the goddess Scyrah,
Nis-Issyr of Spring and healer of the Divine Court, has miraculously restored him
RNG POW P+S to life. He has cast off the name Goreshade, becoming Ghyrrshyld once more.
2 8 15 Everywhere he walks a hush of awe comes over those present—often followed by
intense debate about the meaning of Scyrah’s will.

Ghyrrshyld’s actions thirty years ago sparked the War of the Houses. He also
wj FA
+28 c sacrificed his life to exist beyond death, consorted with the Nightmare Empire
of Cryx, and even attempted to kill the gods themselves. He tried destroying
Immunity: Cold
Nyssor and claimed the Scyir of Winter’s frozen sword Voass as his own. It was
Arcane Vortex – This model can immediately negate with deicide in his heart that he strode into the Fane of Scyrah after fighting his
any spell that targets it or a model within 3˝ of it by
spending 1 focus point. The negated spell does not take
way through the temple’s guardians. But both gods stirred from their slumber and
effect, but its COST remains spent. challenged the eldritch in battles of word and will.
Field Marshal [Arcane Vortex] – Warjacks in this
model’s battlegroup gain Arcane Vortex. The former Lord of Ruin does not speak of his time in the fane. His living flesh
Voass restored, he was sent forth as an avenging champion against the invading skorne
Damage Type: Magical
Freeze – A model hit by this weapon becomes
threatening the last Iosan cities. Whatever transpired in the presence of Scyrah
stationary for one round unless it has Immunity: Cold  . changed him irrevocably. He is filled with a renewed purpose and now pursues his
Feat: Hand of Winter course as the most fervent believer in Scyrah. The goddess had not acted so directly
Drawing upon the divine power residing in his sword for centuries, causing some to believe this act was manifest proof the Retribution’s
Voass, Ghyrrshyld cloaks his army with the raw power path is both righteous and correct.
of winter. Their bodies shed waves of chilling cold
that transform Ghyrrshyld’s enemies into statues of
scintillating ice. Ghyrrshyld has pledged his service and Nyssor’s sword to the cause, insisting he
While in Ghyrrshyld’s control range, friendly Faction has no interest in resuming his former leadership of House Vyre. This comes as a
models gain concealment, Immunity: Cold  , and
Freezer. Hand of Winter lasts for one round. (When
relief to those Iosans still wary of the ambitious former narcissar, though not all
an enemy model without Immunity: Cold  ends its believe his conversion can be genuine. The Nine Voices of the Retribution have
activation within 2˝ of a model with Freezer, the enemy
model becomes stationary for one round.) been placed in a position where they must support Ghyrrshyld, for there is no
question his return to life is a miracle, but as yet no one knows how far Scyrah’s
divine favor extends in regard to his actions and choices.
Backlash 3 8 – – UP Yes
When target enemy warjack that is part of a battlegroup
is damaged, its controller suffers 1 damage point. Few of the Retribution’s leadership are comfortable with their new and unasked for
Frost Field 2 6 – – UP No ally. Dawnlord Vyros in particular remains suspicious of this reborn Ghyrrshyld,
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains Chiller. refusing to believe his former enemy could ever be fully redeemed. None of this
Models are not affected while out of formation. (While
within 2˝ of a model with Chiller, enemy models suffer troubles Ghyrrshyld. Whether enduring the suspicion of his fellow Iosans or
–2 DEF unless they have Immunity: Cold  .)
fighting in the heart of a raging battle, he remains calm. The touch of the goddess
Ghost Walk 2 6 – – Turn No
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains Ghostly for lingers upon him, as does her voice in his ears. He is driven to cut down all whose
one turn. (A model with Ghostly can advance through actions imperil her. Ghyrrshyld led numerous incursions to drive out pockets of
terrain and obstacles without penalty and can advance
through obstructions if it has enough movement to skorne invaders probing into the Mistbough and has begun to spearhead renewed
move completely past them. It cannot be targeted by forays into human lands.
free strikes.)
Hex Blast 3 10 3 13 – Yes A small group of devout Iosans has taken to calling Ghyrrshyld “the Forgiven.” He
Enemy upkeep spells and animi on the model/unit
directly hit by Hex Blast immediately expire. has done nothing either to quell or encourage this growing cult. On the battlefield
Mage Sight 2 Ctrl 5 – UP No he has returned the dying to life, and these soldiers fervently speak his praises and
Place a 5˝ AOE completely within the spellcaster’s
control range. While a model is within the AOE,
see him as filled with Scyrah’s light. This has raised concerns with the Consulate
models in the spellcaster’s battlegroup ignore forests Court given the dangerous influence he wielded as narcissar of House Vyre. It
and cloud effects when drawing LOS to it and ignore
Stealth  when attacking it. remains to be seen whether this reborn messiah now represents the salvation or
Revive 3 Ctrl – – – No the ruin of Ios.
Return one destroyed Grunt to a friendly Faction unit
with one unmarked damage box. Place the returned
Grunt in the spellcaster’s control range, in formation, Tactical Tips
and completely within 3˝ of another model in its unit.
Hex Blast – Because they expire immediately, upkeep spells and animi that had an effect when the model/
The Grunt must forfeit its Combat Action the turn it is
put into play. unit was hit or damaged will have no effect.
Revive – Remember, a returned Grunt can activate normally with its unit this turn. If all models in the
Grunt’s unit have been destroyed, it cannot be placed within 3˝ of a model in its unit and therefore cannot
return to play.

Magister Helynna
Retribution Shyeel Warcaster
The innovative and brilliant Magister Helynna embodies what it means to be
Focus: 7
a member of House Shyeel. A gifted arcane engineer even by the standards of
6 6 6 5 15 15 9 her house, Helynna has dedicated her life to the utilization and advancement
of myrmidon technology. The affinity that exists between her and the arcanikal
Redirection Blast
RNG ROF AOE POW constructs she commands transcends the bond held between other warcasters
12 1 — 11 and their myrmidons, a culmination of her scientific mind and an in-depth
Redirection understanding of the inner workings of the machines at her disposal.
2 5 11 While others may know how to control myrmidons in battle, Helynna possesses
a deeper understanding of their technology and employs this knowledge on the
field to keep her myrmidons fighting longer and harder. Able to recreate the
WJ FA contours of any tool she requires by mentally evoking sculpted planes of kinetic
+30 c
force, she untwists thick pieces of torn metal and reattaches interior components to
HELYNNA 1 proper configuration with her mind. Under her influence even the most battered
Repair [d3 + 3] (HAction) – RNG B2B. Target friendly myrmidons rise to fight once more.
Faction construct model. If the model is in range,
remove d3 + 3 damage points from it. Helynna is a theorist and free-thinker above all and thus does not hold herself
Redirection Blast to many of the traditions and prejudices held by more conservative members
Damage Type: Magical
Force Grip – Instead of causing damage, an enemy of House Shyeel. Iosan artificers are often reluctant to radically alter design or
model hit by this attack can be pushed up to 3˝ in any explore new technologies, preferring more gradual change. This is in part due to
the segregation of ideas between houses and the desire to maintain the distinct
Damage Type: Magical design philosophies of each. For Helynna, these attitudes are a needless barrier to
Force Grip – See above. progress, and she has put much time and effort into overcoming such divides in
Feat: Arcantrik Aptitude the name of scientific advancement. Her openness to change and new ideas has
With a surge of arcane energy, Magister Helynna instantly manifested as a willingness to incorporate the knowledge of House Vyre artificers,
restores the force fields of her myrmidons. Her knowledge drawing disapproval from members of her own house, who are uncomfortable
of their inner workings is such that she holds damaged
systems together by force of will and can even prevent with her communication with Shyeel’s greatest rival. If Helynna has taken notice
armored plates from sundering under an enemy onslaught. of such criticisms she has shown no sign of it, and she has made no secret of her
Remove all damage points from the force fields of
friendly Faction warjacks in Helynna’s control range. budding relationship with Ossyan, Lord Arcanist of House Vyre.
While in Helynna’s control range, friendly Faction
models gain +3 ARM and do not suffer the effects House Shyeel’s commitment to the Retribution was largely a matter of political
of crippled systems. Arcantrik Aptitude lasts for one
convenience at the time it was made. For Helynna, however, allying with the
Retribution has proven a turning point. Since joining forces with the radical sect,
she has adopted their views and penchant for bold action wholeheartedly. She is
Deceleration 3 Self Ctrl – RND No
While in the spellcaster’s control range, friendly Faction convinced humanity is at the root of Ios’ problems and believes quite firmly in
models gain +2 ARM against ranged and magic attack the perils of the widespread human use of mechanika. Some of these attitudes are
damage rolls. Deceleration lasts for one round.
Force Strike 2 8 – 12 – Yes
influenced by engineering aesthetics and her quest for technological perfection,
On a critical hit, the model hit becomes knocked down. for she finds human machinery inferior without exception, especially its reliance
Hand of Destruction 2 10 – – UP Yes on crude fuel sources like coal. It was not difficult to convince her that there
Friendly models in this model’s battlegroup gain an
additional die on attack and damage rolls against target was something fundamentally flawed and even harmful in the proliferation of
model/unit. Discard the lowest die in each roll. this technology. To her the Retribution’s war is as much a battle of engineering
Obliteration 4 10 5 15 – Yes
The force of this attack blasts apart the earth itself.
principles as one of abstract ideals or religion.
Rhythm of War 3 Self Ctrl – UP No
Magister Helynna has taken the opportunity to field test new technologies of
Warjacks in this model’s battlegroup that are in its
control range can advance up to 3˝ after all friendly her own design, the most significant of these being the staff she wields in battle,
models have ended their activations on your turn.
which is a product of the offensive field technologies borrowed from House Vyre.
Service with the Retribution has also offered her an opportunity to deploy her
myrmidons in real combat situations for the first time, and she has risen to the
challenge. Viewing each battle as an experiment, Helynna delights in sending
Shyeel myrmidons crashing into enemy lines and unleashing their potential as
only she can.

Tactical Tip
Arcantrik Aptitude – When all its damage boxes have been marked, the warjack is still destroyed as

Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn
Retribution Warcaster
Born to the brother of House Nyarr’s consul, Caelcyr, Issyria was brought up to
focus: 8
participate in the intrigue of Iosan politics as well as in the military traditions of
6 5 5 4 16 13 9 her house. Though her birth afforded her privilege, it is by her own skill, drive, and
intelligence that Issyria has become one of the greatest military assets of House
Nyarr. That she has done so while declining to wield a weapon is all the more
+29 c
Issyria’s arcane talent and warcaster ability were discovered when she was quite
young. Ordinarily her house might have tried to shape someone with such power to
Ancillary Attack (HAction) – RNG 3. Target serve as arcane artillery or a traditional battlefield general, but Issyria’s particular
friendly Faction warjack. If the warjack is in range, it skills offered a more rarified path—she demonstrated the perceptiveness and
immediately makes one basic melee or ranged attack. A
warjack can be targeted by an Ancillary Attack special insight of a sibyl.
action only once per turn.
Arcane Vortex – This model can immediately negate Within Ios, many major houses call on the powers of those specializing in the
any spell that targets it or a model within 3˝ of it by
spending 1 focus point. The negated spell does not take divinatory arts. By mystically viewing faraway events or discerning patterns
effect, but its COST remains spent. around them, these sibyls can anticipate calamity. Essential to Ios’ border
True Sight – This model ignores cloud effects when
determining LOS. This model also ignores Stealth  .
defenses, they serve as safeguards, detecting intrusions so that military forces can
be sent to deliver swift destruction. Outside of House Nyarr most sibyls remain
Feat: Dawn’s Light
in isolation, away from distracting conflicts. This was never the destiny intended
Issyria has the seer’s sight and has proven nothing can hide
from her vision. The Sibyl of Dawn can extend her power for Issyria. House Nyarr prefers its sibyls to become advanced tacticians, using
to all who join in her holy cause, lending terrifying clarity their powers to forewarn of incoming threats and to gain battlefield advantages.
to her army and bending fate itself to guide their attacks.
While in Issyria’s control range, friendly Faction
Issyria is the ultimate expression of this strategy and thus stands foremost among
models gain True Sight and gain one additional die on her house’s sibyls.
attack and damage rolls. For each of those rolls, discard
one die of your choice. Dawn’s Light lasts for one turn. Issyria, strongly motivated to see House Nyarr rise to dominance, has bent her
(A model with True Sight ignores cloud effects when
determining LOS. A model with True Sight also ignores formidable intellect and arcane powers to that end. She finds inherent satisfaction
Stealth  .)
in solving the puzzles critical to victory, whether in battle or in house politics. She
Spells Cost RNG AOE POW DUR OFF makes little distinction between the two, as both can have sweeping ramifications.
Admonition 2 6 – – UP No
When an enemy model advances and ends its In combat, Issyria uses her powers to perceive the flow of battle, gaining an
movement within 6˝ of target model in the spellcaster’s
battlegroup, the affected model can immediately unrivaled understanding of each movement and action around her and directing
advance up to 3˝, then Admonition expires. The her myrmidons to serve as perfect fulcrums of force. When she enters a meditative
affected model cannot be targeted by free strikes during
this movement. trance, the world seems to freeze and the best tactical course becomes clear to her.
Blinding Light 3 10 – – RND Yes
Target enemy model/unit cannot make ranged or magic Although her bloodline and ambition might have allowed her to challenge her
attacks and suffers –2 DEF for one round. cousin Vyros for rule of House Nyarr, such concerns are beneath her. She prefers
Crusader’s Call 3 Self Ctrl – Turn No indirect influence, offering vital advice and implementing subtle changes in house
Friendly Faction models beginning a charge in the
spellcaster’s control range gain +2˝ movement. policy and battlefield doctrine. She values Vyros for his abilities and sees no
Crusader’s Call lasts for one turn.
need to supplant him so long as their interests align. To Issyria, all the puissant
Inviolable Resolve 2 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 ARM and figures around her represent but pieces on a game board, to be placed, moved, or
cannot be moved by a push or a slam. Models are not eliminated as necessary.
affected while out of formation.
Velocity * Self – – – No
The spellcaster can spend up to 3 focus points to
immediately advance up to 2˝ for each focus point
spent. Velocity can be cast only once per activation.

Kaelyssa, The Night's Whisper
Retribution Mage Hunter Warcaster
Kaelyssa is the foremost strike force commander of the Retribution’s mage hunters.
Focus: 7
She has a casual style of leadership that fosters genuine bonds with her subordinates
6 6 6 7 16 14 9 balanced by an efficient professionalism, a razor-sharp mind, and a biting wit. In
battle her hunters see a different side of her; she becomes a stalking predator with
Runebolt Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW reflexes and situational awareness bordering on the preternatural. Her sergeants
12 1 — 10 claim she can hear the heartbeats of the enemy and taste their movements on the
Vengeance wind. Under cover of darkness Kaelyssa hits the enemy hard, firing runebolts
RNG POW P+S straight through solid walls to kill her prey before vanishing without a trace.
0.5 6 12
To those who do not know her, outside of battle Kaelyssa’s personality seems oddly
informal and relaxed among so many hardened fanatics. What may be mistaken
wj FA for impiety is actually a result of complete immersion in the cause. Her parents
+29 c were sworn to the Retribution, and she was raised traveling among hidden cells.
KAELYSSA 1 She saw those around her regularly put themselves in danger for their convictions
Pathfinder and expects no less of herself. Kaelyssa’s belief in Scyrah and the mage hunter way
True Sight – This model ignores cloud effects when of life are as much a part of her as the marrow in her bones.
determining LOS. This model also ignores Stealth  .
Runebolt Cannon It was early in her mage hunter training that Kaelyssa manifested surprisingly
Damage Type: Magical
powerful sorcerous abilities. This drew the attention of Shyeel arcanists aiding the
Attack Type – Each time this weapon is used to make
an attack, choose one of the following special rules: Retribution. In fostering her ability they realized she had a particular knack for
• Dispel – When this weapon hits a model/unit, unraveling and deflecting flows of magic. Kaelyssa has smoothly integrated these
upkeep spells and animi on that model/unit
immediately expire. powers into her strike style to become a truly formidable hunter. Those wizards
• Energy Siphon – When this attack hits an enemy caught in her sights are left defenseless as their own magic is negated or turned
model with 1 or more focus or fury points on it, that
model loses 1 focus or fury point and this model against them.
gains 1 focus point.
• Mechanikal Seizure – When a warjack is hit by The Retribution’s regard for ability over seniority has allowed this child of the cause
this weapon, it becomes stationary for one round.
to rise rapidly in the ranks. She has had considerable success leading dozens of
Reload [2] – This model can spend focus points to
make up to two additional ranged attacks with this carefully orchestrated assaults abroad and eagerly anticipates the more ambitious
weapon during its Combat Action. It can make one
additional attack for each focus point spent.
operations planned for the future. During the vital Winter’s Hammer operation,
Vengeance which eventually resulted in the recovery of Nyssor, Kaelyssa was entrusted to
Damage Type: Magical oversee the operational side of the Unseen Spear, home to the bulk of the sect’s
Feat: The Vanishing independent mage hunter strike teams. Though many Retribution leaders were
With a single whispered word, Kaelyssa brings the curtain involved in the success of that operation, Kaelyssa played her part and proved that
of night down around her to envelop her allies in shadows the faith her superiors had in her was warranted.
that hide them from enemy eyes.
While in Kaelyssa’s control range, friendly Faction Kaelyssa sees her calling as a dangerous but thrilling endeavor, and with every
models gain Stealth  and cannot be charged or slam
power attacked. The Vanishing lasts for one round. mission she extends the depths of her talents. No one doubts she will rise within
the organization; it only remains to be seen how far and whether she can continue
Backlash 3 8 – – UP Yes
the Unseen Spear’s streak of successes to leave a lasting legacy.
When target enemy warjack that is part of a battlegroup
is damaged, its controller suffers 1 damage point.
Tactical Tips
Banishing Ward 2 6 – – UP No
Enemy upkeep spells and animi on target friendly Dispel – Because they expire immediately, upkeep spells or animi that had an effect when the model was
model/unit expire. Affected models cannot be targeted hit or damaged will have no effect.
by enemy spells or animi.
Blur 2 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +3 DEF
against ranged and magic attack rolls. Models are not
affected while out of formation.
Phantom Hunter 2 6 – – Turn No
Target model in the spellcaster’s battlegroup ignores
LOS when making charges and attacks. That model
ignores concealment, cover, and Stealth  when
resolving attacks. Phantom Hunter lasts for one turn.
Refuge 2 6 – – UP No
At the end of an activation in which target friendly
Faction model hit an enemy model with an attack, the
affected model can make a full advance. It cannot be
targeted by free strikes during this movement.

Lord Arcanist Ossyan
Retribution Vyre Warcaster
The fundamental laws of reality twist and warp at the will of Ossyan, lord arcanist
focus: 7
of House Vyre. Time itself bends to his whims, and he can alter his perception
6 5 5 6 15 15 8 to see otherwise invisible manifestations of the convergence of fate. He guides
his myrmidons and soldiers with the assurance of destiny as he unleashes House
Chronophage Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW Vyre’s sophisticated armaments upon the enemies of the Retribution.
12 1 — 13
He leveraged his reputation and clout to persuade Vyre’s consul that the house
Locus had to join the Retribution to regain its former glory. House Vyre’s reputation was
1 6 11 indelibly stained when the former narcissar, Lord Ghyrrshyld, provoked the War
of the Houses and sent all of Ios spiraling into an unprecedented and brutal civil
war. In the decades since the end of that conflict House Vyre has endeavored to
wj FA restore its name.
+28 c
Ossyan’s own motives for joining the Retribution were deeper and more personal.
OSSYAN 1 Ossyan was a young arcanist and officer during the War of the Houses, and although
Field Marshal [Future Sight] – Warjacks in this
model’s battlegroup gain Future Sight.
he was not directly responsible for the worst excesses of House Vyre, he worked
Future Sight – This model can boost attack and in facilities where Ghyrrshyld was conducting depraved experiments on Iosan
damage rolls after rolling.
children. Like others of his house he stood silent and did not try to stop the testing.
Chronophage Cannon
Damage Type: Magical In the days after Ghyrrshyld’s fall, House Vyre purged itself of its worst criminals
Temporal Distortion – A model directly hit suffers
–2 SPD and DEF for one round. and products of that research. The house’s members sought to rebuild their legacy
Locus and reputation as the foremost arcane experts in Ios, turning their skills toward
Damage Type: Magical more acceptable applications of arcanika, such as refining myrmidon designs.
Dispel – When this weapon hits a model/unit, upkeep
spells and animi on that model/unit immediately
Ossyan cultivated his powers during these years, earning renown as an engineering
expire. genius who pioneered brilliant breakthroughs.
Feat: Gravity Well He developed unique theories regarding the flow of time and the way history is
Lord Arcanist Ossyan taps into the vast lore of House
Vyre to bend natural laws to his will. Shaping gravity with
shaped through the mechanism of decision. He learned to view the world through
consummate skill, he transforms his enemies into magnets the lens of probability, seeing momentous events shaped by the egos of great
for incoming fire while their own feeble projectiles are
deflected to land far from their intended targets. individuals. This line of research and experimentation eventually led Ossyan
When an enemy model in Ossyan’s control range to sympathy with the Retribution. With humans being the most likely enemy
makes a ranged attack damage roll, it rolls one fewer against which his house’s myrmidons would be deployed, Ossyan strove to learn
die. When a friendly Faction model makes a ranged
attack damage roll against an enemy model in Ossyan’s everything about them. Prediction required deeper understanding, not simply
control range, it gains an additional die on the roll.
Gravity Well lasts for one round.
knowing numbers and troop strengths.

Spells Cost RNG AOE POW DUR OFF He personally delivered singularly formidable weapons to the Retribution. In
Admonition 2 6 – – UP No return, all he sought was an opportunity to prove the worth of his house in battle.
When an enemy model advances and ends its
movement within 6˝ of target model in the spellcaster’s
He received his chance when he discovered the secured location in Khador where
battlegroup, the affected model can immediately the god Nyssor was being held, and it was his army and myrmidons that fought
advance up to 3˝, then Admonition expires. The
affected model cannot be targeted by free strikes during to recover the Scyir of Winter. Although he was badly wounded facing down the
this movement. eldritch Goreshade, Ossyan succeeded in his goal. He then passed the god’s vault
Arcantrik Bolt 2 10 – 12 * Yes to Incissar Vyros. He did not complain when Vyros claimed credit for Nyssor’s
A warjack damaged by this attack becomes stationary
for one round. return, for the effort had indeed been a shared one and, most significantly, Vyre’s
Fortune 2 6 – – UP No role was publicly acknowledged, bringing new respect to the house.
Target friendly Faction model/unit can reroll its missed
attack rolls. Each attack roll can be rerolled only once This accomplishment was complicated by the startling events at the end of the
as a result of Fortune.
Quicken 3 6 – – UP No
Ios-Skorne War, when Ghyrrshyld was miraculously restored. Like many in House
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 SPD and Vyre and in Ios as a whole, Ossyan is now struggling with the return of such a
DEF against ranged and magic attack rolls.
hated figure. Ossyan acknowledges Scyrah’s miracle but intends to stand vigilant
Shatter Storm 2 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains Detonator. against any future perfidy. He has vowed never to allow Ghyrrshyld to rule House
(When a model with Detonator directly hits and boxes Vyre, regardless of the truth of his conversion.
an enemy model with a ranged or melee attack, center
a 3˝ AOE on the boxed model, then remove that model
from play. Models in the AOE are hit and suffer an
unboostable POW 8 magical blast damage roll  .) Tactical Tips
Dispel – Because they expire immediately, upkeep spells or animi that had an effect when the model was
hit or damaged will have no effect.
Shatter Storm – Because the boxed model is removed from play before being destroyed, it does not provide
a soul or corpse token.

Adeptis Rahn
Retribution Shyeel Warcaster
Among the most powerful arcanists born in his generation, Adeptis Rahn Shyeel
Focus: 8
is a master of force manipulation and arcane science. His movements send ripples
5 7 6 4 15 16 9 through the air, and with but a thought he can generate storms of kinetic power
capable of rending metal and bursting flesh. With a wave of his hand men and
RNG POW P+S machines alike are swatted aside as easily as gnats, and it is just as effortlessly that
2 6 13 he brushes away entire volleys of incoming fire. When he speaks, his words carry
the palpable threat of his crushing will. He backs down to no one, no matter their
rank, when it comes to matters he sees as his dominion.
wj FA
+26 c Adeptis Rahn is a living embodiment of the battle mage discipline. With the
control of raw force as his sphere of specialty, he has risen to a position of
Force Mastery – This model does not suffer blast or
undisputed leadership. Some would say the field has left its imprint on his
collateral damage and cannot become knocked down. personality as well: Rahn Shyeel has an imperious demeanor and an unflinching
When an enemy AOE ranged attack deviates from a
point in this model’s control range, after the deviation temperament. He enters any discussion as if it were a fight, choosing his words
distance is rolled you choose the deviation direction. and ideas like weapons.
Damage Type: Magical Rahn is arguably an even more influential representative of his house than Consul
Beat Back – Immediately after a basic attack with Hyselle, to whom he answers. The consul may stand among the Nine Voices, but
this weapon is resolved during this model’s Combat
Action, the enemy model hit can be pushed 1˝ directly it is the adeptis who directly commands the house’s battle mages. It falls to him to
away from the attacking model. After the enemy model demonstrate House Shyeel is an equal partner in the Retribution, sharing its risks
is pushed, the attacking model can advance up to 1˝
directly toward it. and glories and not simply serving as a production source for myrmidons.
Feat: Arcane Alignment Although not an artificer, Rahn nonetheless has great sway over the design and
Adeptis Rahn of House Shyeel is an expert controller of final shape of his house’s myrmidons. Before openly joining the Retribution, he
arcane force able to perceive energy as visible currents. In
an ultimate demonstration of his supreme will, he seizes frequently toured Ios’ fortresses to test the effectiveness of myrmidon chassis for
hold of these flows and aligns their energies to deliver an
earth-sundering torrent of raw arcane power.
their intended roles. He established close ties to House Nyarr in listening to the
While in Rahn’s control range, friendly Faction models needs of its officers and conveying them to the Shyeel ruling nobles.
gain +2 RNG to their non-channeled spells, and their
magic attack rolls and magic attack damage rolls are Rahn is at heart a pragmatist. Though he acknowledges Scyrah’s condition
boosted. Arcane Alignment lasts for one turn.
and the peril represented by her eventual loss, he is not a true believer in the
Spells Cost RNG AOE POW DUR OFF Retribution’s cause. To him the organization is a convenient tool, a mechanism
Chain Blast 3 10 3 12 – Yes for societal change, and a lever to raise himself and his house to greater heights.
After determining the point of impact for this attack,
roll deviation for an additional 3˝ AOE from that point. The sheer will and absolute self-confidence required to command the powers
Models in that AOE are hit and suffer a POW 6 blast
damage roll.
Rahn wields allow for nothing else. His philosophy is to control absolutely what
is within his reach and ignore what is not. Scyrah will not die in the scope of his
Force Blast 3 Ctrl * – – No
Target a model in the spellcaster’s battlegroup that is in remaining years, so why trouble himself about her? Others are occupied with
its control range. Enemy models currently within 2˝ of
the target model are pushed 4˝ directly away from it in that task.
the order you choose.
Force Hammer 4 10 – 12 – Yes Adeptis Rahn’s arcane expertise goes hand in hand with his ruthlessness. Some
Instead of suffering a normal damage roll, a non- of his peers view combat as an unpleasant but unavoidable reality, but Rahn is
incorporeal model Force Hammer hits is slammed d6˝
directly away from the spell’s point of origin and suffers ever eager to march to war. The chaotic fluxes of violent energies and impulses
a POW 12 damage roll. Collateral damage from this that overtake the field have, to his eyes, an undeniable beauty. He relishes every
slam is POW 12.
Polarity Shield 2 6 – – UP No
moment he can spend in the maelstrom of battle.
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains Polarity Field.
Models are not affected while out of formation. (A
model with Polarity Field cannot be charged or slam Tactical Tips
power attacked by a model beginning the charge or Beat Back – You cannot move toward a model you destroyed.
slam in its front arc.)
Force Hammer – Incorporeal models are not slammed. They just suffer a damage roll.
Telekinesis 2 8 – – – *
Place target model completely within 2˝ of its current Force Mastery – Remember, even if a thrown model cannot be knocked down, it must still forfeit its
location. When Telekinesis targets an enemy model, it Normal Movement or Combat Action if it activates later in a turn it was thrown.
is an offensive spell and requires a magic attack roll. A
model can be placed by Telekinesis only once per turn.

Ravyn, the Eternal Light
Retribution Mage Hunter Warcaster
Ravyn stands as a beacon of hope within a sect consumed by an apocalyptic vision
focus: 6
of the future. She is widely admired both for her dedication to the goddess and for
6 6 7 7 15 16 9 her unquestionable skill as a warrior and leader. Off the field she possesses a calm
and pious wisdom, while in battle she demonstrates a ferocity and skill that have
RNG ROF AOE POW led some to believe her to be invincible, protected by Scyrah herself.
12 1 — 12
When this seasoned soldier joins the fray she holds back nothing. She enters a state
Blade of perfect detachment, accepting the approach of death. Her weapon, Hellebore,
2 7 13 becomes an extension of her will as she fires, strikes, and fires again. She sweeps
through enemies in a whirling sequence of slashes and thrusts, each maneuver
striking a mortal blow or leaving a maiming injury. She takes no joy in killing, but
wj FA neither does she shrink from it. When Scyrah is restored, she plans to embrace
+30 c peace as readily as she now welcomes war.
RAVYN 1 Ravyn spent most of her adult years in service to the Fane Knights of Scyrah and
Dual Attack – This model can make melee and ranged
attacks in the same activation. When this model makes
was one of the few among them who fought to end the atrocities of House Vyre.
its initial melee attacks or a power attack, it can also Her small band took the forefront in a string of major battles and is credited with
make its initial ranged attacks. This model can make
ranged attacks even while in melee. turning the tide in the north. With only ten knights, Ravyn defeated an army
Quick Work – When this model destroys one or more hundreds strong blockading the road between Lynshynal and Shyrr by crashing
enemy models with a melee attack during its Combat
Action, immediately after that attack is resolved this her myrmidons through the barricade and carving her way through a sea of
model can make one basic ranged attack. warriors to slay their leaders. She personally ended the lives of multiple high-
Swift Hunter – When this model destroys one or more
enemy models with a basic ranged attack, immediately
ranking nobles and officers. The surviving army surrendered, and in the following
after the attack is resolved it can advance up to 2˝. weeks several enemy groups laid down their arms without a fight when Ravyn
Hellebore confronted them. She was heralded as a hero throughout Ios.
Damage Type: Magical
Blaster – When this model makes an attack with this Years ago Ravyn shocked her peers by leaving the Fane Knights to join the
weapon, before the attack roll it can spend 1 focus point
to give the attack a 3˝ AOE. All models hit suffer a Retribution of Scyrah. Given her record of service, her departure dealt a blow to
POW 12 blast damage roll. the fane. This decision was not made hastily but came only after long deliberation,
prompted by several secret meetings between Ravyn and Orator Lysenne Bylvesh,
Damage Type: Magical
Thresher (HAttack) – This model makes one melee second-in-command among the Retribution’s clergy and one of the Nine Voices. This
attack with this weapon against each model in its LOS former fane priestess persuaded Ravyn that the Retribution had ample evidence
that is in this weapon’s melee range. Thresher attacks
are simultaneous. its war against humanity might restore Scyrah and that Ravyn’s capabilities were
being squandered in the fane.
Feat: Firestorm
Ravyn, the Eternal Light can call on the blessings of The Nine Voices bestowed on Ravyn the title of Eternal Light to represent the hope
Scyrah to instill her allies with singular devotion. Putting
aside all distractions to annihilate the enemy, her forces she embodies. She has been appointed their primary battlefield liaison and sent to
advance as a storm of vengeance that will not be denied. lead the fight abroad. She proved herself in the field during the search for Nyssor
While in Ravyn’s control range this turn, friendly Faction
models gain boosted ranged attack rolls and Swift Hunter.
in Khador and played a key role in the final battles of the Skorne-Ios War, and to
many in the organization, Ravyn is seen as a fighting symbol of the righteousness
of their holy cause.
Eliminator 3 8 3 13 – Yes
Immediately after this attack is resolved, the spellcaster
can advance up to 2˝ for each enemy model destroyed
by the attack.
Tactical Tips
Thresher – These attacks are not optional.
Locomotion * 6 – – – No
The spellcaster spends up to 3 focus points to cast
Locomotion. Target warjack in the spellcaster’s
battlegroup immediately advances up to 1˝ for each
focus point spent. A warjack can be targeted by
Locomotion only once per activation.
Snipe 2 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction model’s/unit’s ranged weapons
gain +4 RNG.
Veil of Mists 2 Ctrl 4 – UP No
Place a 4˝ AOE cloud effect anywhere completely within
the spellcaster’s control range. This AOE does not
block friendly Faction models’ LOS. While in the AOE,
friendly Faction models gain Pathfinder  and can move
through obstructions and other models if they have
enough movement to move completely past them.
Vortex of Destruction 2 Self – – UP No
Damage rolls against enemy models in the spellcaster’s
melee range are automatically boosted.

Thyron, Sword of Truth
Retribution Ellowuyr Warcaster
A master of House Ellowuyr’s unique swordfighting discipline, Thyron matches
focus: 6
stillness with blurring speed. He can cut bullets out of the air and return to a
6 7 7 5 15 16 9 ready stance faster than the eye can track. The massive blade he carries is perfectly
balanced, allowing him to change the direction of a swing mid-stroke even as it
RNG POW P+S tears through an enemy. He is a tempest of sharpened steel, a paragon of Ellowuyr’s
2 6 13 art of war. His martial talent and clever mind have made him influential among
the house’s nobles, and many look to him for guidance in its military affairs,
including Consul Brysol Ellowuyr. A veteran of numerous decisive battles, Thyron
wj FA
base:medium commands respect; his voice carries the weight of his house, further strengthened
+27 c
by the power of his warcaster gifts.
Blade Shield – This model gains +2 DEF against
Thyron is known among the nobles of House Ellowuyr for cutting right to the
ranged attack rolls. heart of a matter, whether on the battlefield or off. Not one to waste breath on
Cleave – When this model destroys one or more
platitudes or meaningless speculation, he has devoted his life to the art of the
enemy models with a basic melee attack during its
Combat Action, immediately after the attack is resolved blade, and through its direct and ritualized techniques he has honed his resolve
this model can make one additional melee attack. This
model can gain only one additional attack from Cleave
and his mind as keenly as he has his sword. He openly criticized Lord Ghyrrshyld
each activation. prior to the War of the Houses and was instrumental in Ellowuyr’s efforts to break
Field Marshal [Cleave] – Warjacks in this model’s
battlegroup gain Cleave.
the narcissar’s siege of Shyrr, cutting down a large cohort of Vyre reinforcements
Riposte – When it is missed by an enemy melee attack, before they could take the field.
immediately after the attack is resolved this model
can make one basic melee attack against the attacking The prospect of House Ellowuyr joining the armies of the Retribution has deep
implications, both military and symbolic. As yet the house has not agreed to fully
Damage Type: Magical commit itself to the cause, sending Thyron and a limited number of soldiers to test
Weapon Master the waters. Thyron had petitioned Consul Brysol Ellowuyr to send him to gain
Feat: Blades of Vengeance better understanding of the turmoil beyond the borders of Ios, and this mission has
In a blur of precise maneuvers Thyron positions body and served as a propitious outlet for swordsmen who sympathize with the Retribution
blade with practiced fluidity. Intense concentration elevates but remain loyal to Ellowuyr.
his swordsmanship to new heights, inspiring those around
him to push beyond their own limitations.
Skorne incursions starting in late 608 AR demonstrated that the security of the
Thyron and friendly Faction models beginning their
activations in his control range gain Side Step and nation was not as inviolate as most Iosans had previously believed; they became
an additional die on melee attack rolls. Blades of
Vengeance lasts for one turn. (When a model with Side
more willing to join their strength to the Retribution’s as part of a concerted effort
Step hits an enemy model with an initial melee attack to defend the future of their people. Thus, Thyron came to lead a contingent of
or a melee special attack, the model with Side Step can
advance up to 2˝ after the attack is resolved.) Ellowuyr’s swordsmen against the skorne invaders at Iryss alongside a number of
the Retribution of Scyrah’s dedicated warcasters and leaders.
Assail 2 6 – – UP No Thyron’s approach to war is tempered by a lifetime spent steeped in the ancient
Target friendly Faction warjack can charge or make
slam or trample power attacks without spending focus. traditions of his house. He understands the importance of seizing the initiative
The warjack gains +2˝ movement when it charges in battle, but he does so without leaving himself overcommitted or vulnerable.
or makes a slam or trample power attack. Models
slammed by the warjack are moved +2˝. Instead, he stages quick bouts and feints with myrmidons and soldiers to draw out
Ground Zero 3 Self 5 13 – No his opponent’s strength and discern the mind of his opponent. When he perceives
Center a 5˝ AOE on the spellcaster. Each other model
in the AOE is hit and suffers a POW 13 damage roll. a weakness in the enemy line or the vulnerabilities of another general’s strategies,
Immediately after this damage is resolved each enemy he guides his army like he would a sword across an enemy’s neck, slicing through
model damaged by Ground Zero is pushed d6˝ directly
away from the spellcaster in the order you choose. the ranks of the opposition to deal an instant mortal wound.
Onslaught 2 Self Ctrl – UP No
The spellcaster and friendly Faction models beginning
their activations in its control range gain Relentless
Tactical Tips
Charge for one turn. (While advancing as part of Ground Zero – Roll separately for each model pushed.
a charge, a model with Relentless Charge gains
Pathfinder  .)
Spellpiercer 2 Self Ctrl – Turn No
While in the spellcaster’s control range, the weapons
of friendly Faction models/units gain Blessed  and
Damage Type: Magical  . Spellpiercer lasts for one turn.
Storm Rager 3 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction warrior model gains +2 STR,
MAT, and ARM and cannot be targeted by combined
ranged attacks or combined melee attacks.

Dawnlord Vyros
Retribution Dawnguard Warcaster
Dawnlord Vyros is the heir presumptive of House Nyarr and thereby one of the
Focus: 6
most formidable individuals in Ios. That he is also a warcaster backed by the entire
5 7 8 4 15 17 10 Dawnguard gives him military strength equal to his political clout. Few know the
full extent of his ambitions, but his current actions are only the start of larger,
RNG POW P+S more intricate machinations. Powerful allies stand ready to support him, including
2 7 14 Adeptis Rahn Shyeel and his own uncle and house leader, Consul Caelcyr Nyarr.
Vyros views the military might of the new Retribution as a sword in his hands, one
sufficient to sunder any obstacle.
wj FA
+28 c Vyros is the son of Consul Caelcyr’s younger brother Hylos, who died of a
wasting disease long ago. While the aging consul has never explicitly addressed
Bird’s Eye – While in this model’s control range,
his succession, his nephew Vyros is the clear choice for heir. Vyros has publicly
models in its battlegroup can ignore cloud effects, forest expressed disinterest in the seat, but those who know him best realize there is no
terrain, and intervening models when determining LOS.
limit to his political ambitions and ruling his house is key to his future plans.
Flank [friendly Faction warjack] – When this
model makes a melee attack against an enemy model
in the melee range of a friendly Faction warjack The dawnlord came to widespread attention for his pivotal role at the end of the
model, this model gains +2 to attack rolls and gains an War of the Houses, when he faced Ghyrrshyld in battle. It was during this clash that
additional damage die.
Justicar Vyros lost his eye, but even that grievous injury could not stop him from delivering
Damage Type: Magical what should have been a deathstroke. The mortally wounded Ghyrrshyld fled and
Feat: Perfect Execution
somehow managed to delay his end long enough to transform into an eldritch.
For Dawnlord Vyros, nothing can be left to chance. At his
Over the years Vyros has sometimes brooded on seeking the opportunity to put a
command men and machine act with perfect synchronicity, final end to this loathsome creature, though recent events have made that unlikely.
bringing swift annihilation to any who would oppose him.
While in Vyros’ control range, warjacks in his For now Vyros directs his energy toward consolidating his hold on the Retribution.
battlegroup gain Flank [friendly Faction warrior
model]. Perfect Execution lasts for one turn. (When He has the absolute loyalty of the Dawnguard, and his authority extends to the
a model with Flank [friendly Faction warrior model] volunteered assets of dozens of other houses. Together with Adeptis Rahn Shyeel
makes a melee attack against an enemy model in the
melee range of a friendly Faction warrior model, the he also has influence over the disposition of myrmidons and battle mages.
model with Flank gains +2 to attack rolls and gains an
additional damage die.) The dawnlord has a reputation as a bold and forthright general who leads by
Spells Cost RNG AOE POW DUR OFF example on and off the field. His men are proud to serve under his charge, as he
Eliminator 3 8 3 13 – Yes embodies the principles he expects the Dawnguard to uphold, never wavering
Immediately after this attack is resolved, the spellcaster in his focus and dedication. Vyros extends even seemingly trivial pursuits, such
can advance up to 2˝ for each enemy model destroyed
by the attack. as the noble sport of falconry, into applications in war. He has learned to link his
Hallowed Avenger 2 6 – – UP No mind to that of his hawk, Jyren, giving him the tactical advantage of looking down
Target friendly Faction warjack gains Righteous
Vengeance. (If one or more friendly Faction warrior through her eyes to survey the battlefield.
models were destroyed or removed from play by
enemy attacks while within 5˝ of a model with To outside appearances Vyros is a selfless and heroic military commander, and he
Righteous Vengeance during the last round, during
your Maintenance Phase the model with Righteous
has worked to keep his larger ambitions private. He has endorsed the Retribution
Vengeance can advance up to 3˝ and make one basic because he firmly believes Ios requires new leadership. His esteem among the
melee attack.)
Retribution has only increased since leading its armed forces to great success in
Inviolable Resolve 2 6 – – UP No
Target friendly Faction model/unit gains +2 ARM and recent years, both inside and outside of Ios. For him these are only the opening acts
cannot be moved by a push or a slam. Models are not in a larger drama he hopes will result in the founding of a new and stronger elven
affected while out of formation.
Mobility 3 Self Ctrl – Turn No
empire—with Narcissar Vyros as its supreme ruler.
Models in the spellcaster’s battlegroup currently in its
control range gain +2 SPD and Pathfinder  for one
turn. Tactical Tips
Stranglehold 2 10 – 11 * Yes Hallowed Avenger – An affected model moves after continuous effects have been resolved during your
A model damaged by Stranglehold forfeits either its Maintenance Phase.
Normal Movement or its Combat Action during its next
activation, as its controller chooses.

Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard
Retribution Warcaster

VYROS 2 focus: 6 Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation in Spells Cost RNG AOE POW DUR OFF
SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD which it did not run or fail a charge, this model
8 7 8 6 15 18 10 Deceleration 3 Self Ctrl – RND No
can advance up to 3˝, then its activation ends.
While in the spellcaster’s control range, friendly
Veteran Leader [Dawnguard] – While in Faction models gain +2 ARM against ranged
Extremus Cannon this model’s command range, other friendly and magic attack damage rolls. Deceleration lasts
RNG ROF AOE POW Dawnguard models gain +1 to attack rolls. for one round.
10 1 — 12 Extremus Cannon Easy Rider 3 Self Ctrl – Turn No
Damage Type: Magical The spellcaster and friendly Faction models
Extremus Reload [1] – This model can spend 1 focus point beginning their activations in its control range
RNG POW P+S to make one additional ranged attack with this gain Pathfinder  . Easy Rider lasts for one turn.
2 7 14 weapon during its Combat Action. Lock the Target 2 10 – 10 * Yes
Extremus A model damaged by Lock the Target cannot
MOUNT run, charge, make slam or trample power attacks,
Damage Type: Magical
RNG POW or be placed for one round.
0.5 12
Feat: Tide of War Synergy 2 Self Ctrl – UP No
Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard is famed for his While in the spellcaster’s control range, models
damage:18 in this model’s battlegroup gain a +1 cumulative
tactical brilliance and the fluid adaptability of his
army. Every loss becomes an opportunity as his bonus on melee attack and melee damage rolls
wj FA forces react to close gaps in their lines or advance for each other model in the battlegroup that hit
base:large an enemy model with a melee attack this turn
+27 c to fix the enemy in place. The more determined the
opposition, the more Vyros turns the ground to his while in the spellcaster’s control range. This
own advantage. cumulative bonus cannot exceed +3.
Cavalry When one or more friendly Faction models are Twister 2 10 3 10 RND Yes
destroyed or removed from play by an enemy The AOE is a cloud effect that remains in play
Bird’s Eye – While in this model’s control range,
attack while in Vyros’ control range at any time for one round.
models in its battlegroup can ignore cloud effects, forest
terrain, and intervening models when determining LOS. except while advancing, immediately after the
Quick Work – When this model destroys one or more attack is resolved a friendly Faction model in
enemy models with a melee attack during its Combat Vyros’ control range can advance up to 3˝. Tide
Action, immediately after that attack is resolved this of War lasts for one round.
model can make one basic ranged attack.

Vyros has given his people both the greatest victory in the armies, Vyros was able to coordinate the swift and decisive
history of Ios and the gift of renewed hope. The conquering defense of the Iosan interior during the skorne invasion.
general punished those who would defile the Iosan gods Directing soldiers on multiple fronts that were fighting to
and freed an Iosan deity from their grasp. The leader of prevent the destruction of Ios’ remaining cities, he helped
the Dawnguard became the hero of the day, a status only lead his people to victory over their would-be conquerors.
solidified by his calm, composed leadership when Ios’ great
Vyros’ growing political clout among the people facilitates
cities were assailed by the godless skorne.
his advancement of the Retribution’s aggressive agenda;
The hallytyr granted Vyros the tremendous honor of in fact, he has already begun formulating the strategies by
presiding over the rites by which the reclaimed god Nyssor which he will strike the next blow. That the Retribution has
was interred within the fane where Scyrah lay. Precisely managed to brazenly add colossal myrmidons to its arsenal
what the god’s return means is still uncertain, but it proves can be attributed to Vyros’ status as well as to the level of
that the Retribution of Scyrah can deliver on its promises cooperation that exists between Houses Nyarr and Shyeel.
and that the sect has no greater military leader than Vyros The formidable colossals, previously held in reserve to
of House Nyarr. defend Ios’ borders, are now freely allocated to march against
enemies abroad.
Recognizing the achievements of the Dawnlord, Consul
Caelcyr Nyarr formalized Vyros’ standing by renouncing Comprising the core of Vyros’ military elite, the Dawnguard
all claims to military leadership of his house and bestowing increasingly enjoys a reputation as the backbone heavy
the title of incissar upon Vyros. The consul stepped back to infantry of the Retribution’s armies. Incissar Vyros commands
focus entirely on his roles in the Consulate Court and among them from his mighty destrier, Solarys, with the assurance
the Nine Voices of the Retribution, ceding Vyros unfettered that the tides of war respond to his will. He has proven
command over the house’s military assets. Given that Vyros that victory is his for the taking—whether through political
was already serving in this capacity, the act was largely maneuvering or at the point of a blade.
symbolic, but it sanctioned his continued rise within his
house and Ios in general.
Tactical Tips
The consolidation of his control over House Nyarr’s fighting
Quick Work – This model cannot make the additional attack if it is still in
forces could not have come at a better time. Thanks to his bold melee.
leadership and unfettered jurisdiction over the hallytyr’s

of the retribution of scyrah

The myrmidons of Ios are marvels of engineering and The colossals sent against the Orgoth, as well as the battle-
demonstrate the mastery of Iosan artificers in manipulating mages who controlled those machines, forced Iosans to realize
advanced energy systems in the pursuit of warfare. Created humanity was more sophisticated than they had believed.
for the Retribution by Houses Shyeel and Vyre, myrmidons A culture they had long viewed as largely primitive tribes of
resemble certain Iron Kingdoms warjacks but utilize radically savages had advanced to become far more dangerous. Their
different power systems and reflect a markedly divergent spies observed with interest as warjacks evolved in both
approach to both their fabrication and their operational human and dwarven nations. It was the artificers of House
capabilities. Myrmidons of House Shyeel are protected by Shyeel, noted for their superlative engineering, who began
power fields capable of deflecting an onslaught of incoming experimenting with fabrication techniques on their own arcane
fire, while those of House Vyre employ ammunition charged machines. Working in secret and using the wreckage of warjacks
with powerfully debilitating fields to impair the enemy. Both plundered from the battlefields of man, Shyeel artificers quickly
have demonstrated their value in the militaries of Ios and the reverse engineered the cortex and began to construct their own
Retribution of Scyrah. With the skorne invasion proving the variants that diverged significantly from those built by human
borders of Ios are not as impenetrable as once thought, the hands. While they appreciated the promise of such technology,
need for a stronger national defense has further increased the they also saw room for improvement.
rate of myrmidon production.
House Shyeel had been working for decades to create
battlefield technology modified from field projection
Origins & Manufacture machinery first created by House Aiesyn for use in building
Although the citizens of the lost Empire of Lyoss were versed construction. Shyeel began to specialize in the manipulation
in advanced arcanika—a blend of engineering and arcane of raw kinetic force as both weapon and defense, and this
energy loosely equivalent to human and Rhulic mechanika— proficiency informed the design of the first myrmidons in
myrmidons are a much more recent innovation. The power 315 AR. Iosan cortexes were considerably more advanced than
systems and intricate mechanical elements are based on their human counterparts, being inherently more reliable and
considerably older arcane technologies and machinery less prone to potentially dangerous personality quirks.
initially applied toward more pragmatic uses. While some A larger departure from human warjack design was
in Ios are loath to admit it, the push to fabricate battle- myrmidon power generation, which represented an
ready automatons came after witnessing their use by the evolution of ancient techniques passed down by the Divine
modernizing armies of the Iron Kingdoms. Court. Rather than requiring a boiler and steam engine for
locomotion, Iosan machines draw power from the ambient

energies of the world around them, which is then stored A few lesser houses have also developed their own myrmidon
in energy cells that serve as power reservoirs. Backed by production facilities, though none can truly compete with those
Shyeel field technologies, these early myrmidons proved of Vyre and Shyeel. House Shyeel has transformed an entire
devastating in combat. House Shyeel immediately rose to city into a factory hub for this work. Lynshynal, once known
prominence as the premier producer of myrmidons in Ios, for the beauty of its canopy of trees and the Fane of Lurynsar,
supplying its battle automata to the armies of the hallytyr. is now kept warm even in winter not by the blessings of the
vanished god of summer but by Shyeel’s forges and factories.
Shyeel success drew the attention of the esoteric theorists of
House Vyre, who saw the myrmidons as the perfect platform To maintain its primacy, House Shyeel vigilantly protects its
to develop their own more sinister arcane weaponry. Based methods of production, among other secrets. The origins of the
on parallel arcanikal principles, the myrmidons developed by first Iosan cortexes are little known outside the closed circles
House Vyre differed from those of House Shyeel by foregoing of House Shyeel’s artificers, and it is unlikely that they will
the force field systems employed by Shyeel to protect soon disclose the role played by human-made cortexes in the
myrmidons and to power their ranged energy weapons. Vyre development of these machines. Given mage hunters’ attitudes
myrmidons still make use of field technology, but they apply toward human mechanika, this secrecy is probably for the best.
these energies to fired projectiles and compensate for the lack
The Retribution has traditionally had limited access to
of force fields by the use of heavier armor. Vyre occultists
myrmidons and other advanced weaponry—once smuggled
also innovated a variety of horrific but lethally effective
to the sect by its allies in Houses Nyarr and Shyeel—but that
weaponry, a methodology that reached its peak under the
has changed in recent years. The growing acceptance of the
leadership of Narcissar Ghyrrshyld. Both houses went on to
Retribution and the open support of many houses has allowed
produce an array of myrmidon designs and variations, and
greater integration of these machines, especially in major
competition between them remains fierce.
operations. The addition of this advanced technology has

Myrmidons of the retribution of scyrah

changed the character of the Retribution and the scope of the chambers like some Cygnaran machines. They rely instead on
conflicts in which it can confidently join battle. a more arcane and self-sustaining power plant that requires
neither the burning of coal or other fuel nor periodic water
In the past, the Retribution seldom employed myrmidons
resupply. Rather than creating energy from an exothermic
in operations outside Ios because their capture or discovery
reaction, they use an arcane condenser to siphon latent energy
would have undermined the covert nature of their mission.
from their surroundings, augmented and regulated by subtle
There have been several notable exceptions involving
geomantic and celestial alignments. After being condensed,
Retribution warcasters unleashing their power to eradicate
power is accumulated into storage cells. The stored energy
human workshops or arcane lodges. In these cases, Retribution
can subsequently be released to drive motors that animate a
agents took pains to ensure that the destruction left in their
myrmidon’s limbs or diverted into a myrmidon’s energy field.
wake would be attributed to other causes, such as rival military
forces or freak accidents. The Retribution was so successful with This system bears superficial similarity to Cygnaran storm
these measures that humanity remained generally unaware chambers, but the underlying functionality is radically
of the existence of myrmidons until recently. The increased different. To human mechanikal understanding, it appears
conflicts of the last several years have allowed knowledge of as if these engines create energy from nothing, but the truth
myrmidons to become more widespread, but human nations is both less miraculous and considerably more complicated.
still know little of their individual qualities. The Retribution Outside of Ios, only the Convergence of Cyriss possesses the
continues to prioritize the recovery of downed machines to advanced understanding required to create machinery with
prevent close examination by human engineers. similar power sources. It is technically possible to deprive
a myrmidon of power by insulating it entirely from its

Unique Capabilities surroundings, but in practice this rarely happens.

Myrmidons are different from the warjacks crafted by humans This type of power source allows the employment of
and dwarves in several significant respects. One fundamental several related technologies, including the protective fields
difference with Iosan arcanika relates to its power source. integrated into myrmidons manufactured by House Shyeel.
Unlike other types of warjacks, myrmidons do not utilize a Such fields can deflect incoming attacks as well as power
fuel-fed steam engine, nor do they employ voltaic storm arcanikal ranged weapons. Accordingly, most myrmidons do

Myrmidons of the retribution of scyrah

not require ammunition but are also unable to charge these
weapons if their generator systems are severely damaged.

The use of an alternate power source has a profound impact

on how myrmidons are maintained, supplied, and deployed.
Myrmidons are liberated from the limitations of conventional
supply lines, giving them greater speed and range of
deployment compared to their steam-powered counterparts
of the Iron Kingdoms. Although they draw power from
their environs, myrmidons cannot run indefinitely at battle
capacity, as they exhaust their energy cells after a few hours
and require time to recharge by sitting idle. This limitation
places an even higher importance on planning and logistics.
In an ideal Retribution engagement, the battle is over long
before energy cells are depleted. If a Retribution battlegroup
is attacked unexpectedly, it may be caught with drained and
useless myrmidons. Those in charge of Retribution logistics
consider it vital to keep this potential weakness secret lest the
enemies of the Retribution exploit it.

Unlike their human enemies, Retribution forces do not need

to haul their warjacks into position on trains or wagons,
though in some cases they may do so to preserve secrecy. The
trickle of power from the arcane condenser is sufficient to
allow continuous movement at a moderate pace. While on the
march, a myrmidon’s power field is typically kept inactive
and its weapons systems unpowered. Because switching
to make do with what is on hand. With the Retribution
to full battle readiness can take several minutes as flows of
operating across such a large region and sometimes being
energy are increased and reallocated, myrmidons ambushed
forced to strike quickly to take advantage of targets of
in this state can be destroyed easily before they retaliate. This
opportunity, a given base or strike force may not have access
vulnerability is exacerbated if the myrmidons have been
to specific myrmidons. House Shyeel has also been known to
pushed to travel more rapidly than they can recharge.
provide operational priority to the Dawnguard—its closest
The established procedure for battlegroups on the move is to ally—answering the demands of others in the Retribution
march as quickly as possible from one point of safety to another, more slowly. A warcaster like Adeptis Rahn Shyeel can
such as the numerous hidden Retribution bases scattered expect to receive any myrmidons he requests from his house
throughout the Iron Kingdoms. At each safe point, myrmidons regardless of where he is stationed, while the same may not
are kept idle long enough to recharge before the force pushes be true for someone like Garryth, the Blade of Retribution.
on to a mustering point near the operational objective. Ideally,
myrmidons always enter battle fully charged.
The importance of planning and reconnaissance before Colossal myrmidons are the ultimate expression of the Iosan
deploying myrmidons cannot be overstated. Arriving at mastery of arcanika and force generation. First designed as a
a remote location without drawing enemy attention can response to the destruction of Issyrah by the dragon Ethrunbal
be difficult for even a modestly sized strike force, though and the thousands of Iosan lives lost there, colossals are the
Retribution warcasters have become very skilled at such ultimate weapons in the arsenal of both the Iosan nation and
efforts. Strategically placed supply caches and accurate the Retribution. Shyeel’s colossals were instrumental in the
information on the locations of enemy patrols and garrisons civil war and helped to snatch victory from Lord Ghyrrshyld
are vital. When these elements combine correctly and the and House Vyre.
Retribution can strike on their terms, they have unparalleled
strength. When they are caught by surprise or forced into Shyeel’s ability to produce these towering weapons is vital
a protracted engagement, the weaknesses of their systems to the ongoing defense of Ios. Because colossals require
leave them vulnerable. considerable investment in both resources and fabrication
time by multiple expert artificers, however, there exists a
Despite the support of powerful houses like Vyre and Shyeel, very finite number of these myrmidons. Despite Shyeel’s
myrmidons are still a limited resource, and depending on support of the Retribution, access to its colossals remains
other operations an individual warcaster might be forced limited, as they are reserved for only the most vital missions.

Myrmidons of the retribution of scyrah

Retribution Shyeel Light Warjack
A marvel of Iosan force mastery, the Aspis is an unmistakable sight on the
battlefield. It is equipped with complex arcanikal devices on each hand that allow
6 8 6 5 12 16 — it to manipulate its own protective force field. As the incoming fire of the enemy
nears, the myrmidon performs complex gestures to reshape and strengthen its
RNG POW P+S shield, applying fighting techniques similar to those employed by the battle mages
L 0.5 3 11 of House Shyeel. The Aspis reacts with tremendous speed, its cortex having been
Repulsor specifically conditioned for this ability. It stands ready to intercept enemy fire
RNG POW P+S directed at nearby allies, and it will utilize its force manipulators to assist in this
R 0.5 3 11
protective function, literally catching bullets with its field before they can strike.
When it comes upon the enemy, the Aspis focuses the energy of its shield into force
projections emanating from its fists. It can then use these weapons to smash back
even larger enemies, pushing them away to be picked off at leisure.

Retribution warcasters have come to rely upon the Aspis for its great versatility. As

but one example of its technological advances, it represents the first light warjack
efficient enough to replicate the Phoenix Field, which gives it great resilience. A
warcaster accompanied by one of these myrmidons with its regenerating protective
field can feel secure in taking risks that might otherwise seem too reckless.

base:medium Tactical Tips
6 u
Beat Back – You cannot move toward a model you destroyed.
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Beat Back, Phoenix Field,
and Shield Guard.
Phoenix Field – Remove d6 damage points from this
model’s force field after resolving continuous effects
during your Maintenance Phase.
Shield Guard – Once per round, when a friendly
model is directly hit by a non-spray ranged attack
during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of this
model, you can choose to have this model directly hit
instead. This model is automatically hit and suffers
all damage and effects. This model cannot use Shield
Guard while it is incorporeal, knocked down, or
Beat Back – Immediately after a basic attack with
this weapon is resolved during this model’s Combat
Action, the enemy model hit can be pushed 1˝ directly
away from the attacking model. After the enemy model
is pushed, the attacking model can advance up to 1˝
directly toward it.

9 ft 1 in 2.3 tons

2.4 hrs combat

Twin Repulsors

Phoenix Field

Retribution Vyre Heavy Warjack
Long before enemies even lay eyes on the Banshee, they can hear the continuous
high-pitched wail it emits in battle, a disruptive emanation so strong it unravels
magic in the myrmidon’s immediate proximity. Then, when the Banshee’s force 5 11 6 5 12 19 —
cannon begins to hum, the whine rapidly ascends into an ear-splitting roar. As
Force Cannon
the cannon’s shriek reaches its crescendo the Banshee fires, hurling its target back RNG ROF AOE POW
with a tremendously powerful resonance that can burst organs and shatter bones R 12 1 — 14

in an instant. These destructive audio vibrations are also known to rattle apart the Heavy Void Blade
chassis of light warjacks, shearing rivets and bursting the pressure chamber of RNG POW P+S
L 2 7 18
steam engine boilers.

When the time comes to close with the enemy, the myrmidon wades into the Light Void Blade
midst of enemy troopers wielding its two void blades with the skill of an expert R 1 4 15
swordsman. These weapons throb with strangely distorted energies. The ability
to produce such fields of harmful void energy is one of the most closely guarded DAMAGE

secrets of House Vyre’s artificers, but some believe the discoveries that led to the

production of these weapons belong to the house’s dark history prior to the War

of the Houses—a clear sign that not all in Vyre have truly redeemed themselves

and broken with the past. The razor edges of these blades not only slice through L R
skin and armor but can also harm the very souls of its victims, inflicting wounds L L M C R R
so grievous that even powerful magic cannot heal them. M M C C

18 u

Wailing – While within 5˝ of this model, enemy
models cannot give or receive orders and cannot cast
Force Cannon
Damage Type: Magical
Momentum – A small- or medium-based model directly
hit by this attack is slammed d3˝ directly away from this
model. The POW of collateral damage is equal to the
POW of this weapon. In addition to suffering a normal
damage roll, large-based models hit by this attack
become knocked down.
Heavy Void Blade
Damage Type: Magical
Critical Grievous Wounds – On a critical hit, a
model hit by this weapon loses Tough  and cannot
have damage removed from it for one round.
Light Void Blade
Damage Type: Magical
Critical Grievous Wounds – See above.

12 ft 10 in 6.5 tons 2.1 hrs combat

Force Cannon
Heavy Void Blade, Light Void Blade

Retribution Shyeel Light Warjack
The appearance of the Chimera has an unsettling impact on the enemies of the
Retribution. Its active power field makes its form blur and fade, sometimes
6 8 6 5 12 16 — appearing to be several feet from where it actually stands. Even at rest these
generators give the myrmidon an impression of shifting movement, and it can
RNG POW P+S be difficult to pin down. Once it nears the enemy, a Chimera becomes a delivery
l 0.5 4 12 device for its warcaster’s most powerful arcane powers channeled across its arc
Glaive node. The Chimera will strike and kill with its scything arm-mounted glaives then
RNG POW P+S vanish as nearby soldiers turn desperately to engage it. With a flicker of light it
0.5 4 12
appears behind them to deliver arcane death.

The intricate components of the Chimera keep it in relatively limited production
FIELD although the chassis is in high demand among the Retribution’s warcasters due to

its arc node. Most Retribution warcasters prefer to enter battle backed by at least
a pair of Chimeras and take more if available. Arc node technology represents a

combat doctrine long ingrained in Iosan arcanists whereby extending a mage’s
power has been key to success in war. It was only natural that myrmidons would
be put to such use, and the Chimera is the latest in a long line of machines refined
toward that end.

base:medium Tactical Tips
8 u
Combo Strike – A model with a crippled weapon system cannot use it to make chain attacks, special
CHIMERA attacks, or power attacks.
Arc Node
Apparition – During your Control Phase, place this
model anywhere completely within 2˝ of its current
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Apparition and Phantasmal
Phantasmal Field – This model gains +1 DEF
against ranged and magic attack rolls for each focus
point on it.
Open Fist
Combo Strike (HAttack) – Make a melee attack.
Instead of making a normal damage roll, the POW of
the damage roll is equal to this model’s STR plus twice
the POW of this weapon.

9 ft 1 in 2.4 tons

2 hrs combat

twin glaives, arc node

apparition projector

Retribution Vyre Heavy Warjack
The Daemon can be seen at the vanguard of any onslaught led by House Vyre. It
has become one of the Retribution’s foremost assault myrmidons. Heavily armored
and laden with complex yet brutal weapons, the Daemon epitomizes House Vyre’s 5 11 6 5 12 19 —
approach to myrmidon design. Vyre artificers have diverged significantly from
Vortex Cannon
those of House Shyeel in their arcanikal studies, and they manipulate force in a RNG ROF AOE POW
very different manner. Whereas Shyeel uses accumulated energy stores to project a R 10 1 * 12

defensive field to ward away incoming attacks, Vyre instead uses the bulk of those Heavy Rune Fist
energies offensively, to empower the weapons of their myrmidons. RNG POW P+S
L 1 5 16
A Daemon’s vortex cannon seems to defy the laws of nature when it fires; its
projected energy field inspires terror as much for the way it bends and swallows Light Rune Fist
light as for its devastating power. The Daemon was one of the first myrmidons R 1 3 14
of House Vyre to demonstrate the terrible destruction that could be inflicted on
opponents by creating a dense field of distorted energies to hurl into the enemy’s DAMAGE

midst, rippling outward from a central point. This released energy mimics gravity,

creating an inconsistency in what Vyre artificers refer to as “the anchor of Caen.”

Those few soldiers who have survived its effects describe a wholly unsettling

sensation of being warped as space itself distorts. In comparison, a death beneath L R
the myrmidon’s massive fists might be considered merciful. Though these fists are L L M C R R
affixed with nodes that disrupt the crude magical attacks of enemies, they are also M M C C
brutally powerful weapons in their own right.
Tactical Tips 16 u
Vortex Blast – The model directly hit suffers only one POW 12 damage roll.
Vortex Cannon
Damage Type: Magical
Vortex Blast – If this attack misses, nothing happens.
If it directly hits an enemy model, before making the
damage roll, push models within 2˝ of the model hit 2˝
directly toward it in the order you choose. Then center
a 3˝ AOE on the model hit. Models in the AOE are hit
and suffer a POW 12 damage roll.
Heavy Rune Fist
Damage Type: Magical
Open Fist
Light Rune Fist
Damage Type: Magical
Open Fist

12 ft 11 in 6.8 tons 2 hrs combat

Vortex Cannon
Heavy Rune Fist, Light Rune Fist

Retribution Shyeel Light Warjack
The Gorgon exists to dictate the flow of battle by depriving the enemy of mobility.
Its core technologies involve manipulating and generating powerful kinetic fields.
6 8 6 5 12 16 — Its integral force cannon unleashes blasts of raw energy capable of forestalling an
enemy’s forward momentum, offering a substantial ranged threat that also serves
Polarity Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW to throw an enemy off its stride. Its more powerful fields require close proximity,
— 10 1 — 12 and the Gorgon will rush forward to seize hold of even larger and more powerful
’jacks or myrmidons to pin them in place as its energy field sparks and thrums
RNG POW P+S with raw power. While its force-locked prey struggles to extract itself, the Gorgon
0.5 4 12
deals punishing blows with its arm-mounted glaives, capable of tearing apart even

Glaive the strongest steel.

R 0.5 4 12 Perfecting these force manipulation technologies required several decades of
refinement by House Shyeel artificers. This required sophisticated power field
DAMAGE FORCE manipulations to create the equivalent of a kinetic anchor, a field that could
seize nearby matter and keep it locked in place. The Gorgon’s success required a

particularly high-yield energy generator for such a small chassis. Certain power

innovations made during the development of the Gorgon were later applied to

other chassis, greatly increasing power efficiency of all Shyeel myrmidons.
M M C C Tactical Tips
Combo Strike – A model with a crippled weapon system cannot use it to make chain attacks, special
attacks, or power attacks.
9 u

Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Force Lock and cannot
attack with the Polarity Cannon.
Force Lock – Enemy models beginning an advance
in this model’s melee range cannot advance except to
change facing.
Polarity Cannon
Damage Type: Magical
Kinetic Grip – When a model is hit by this attack, it
suffers –2 SPD for one round.
Open Fist
Combo Strike (HAttack) – Make a melee attack.
Instead of making a normal damage roll, the POW of
the damage roll is equal to this model’s STR plus twice
the POW of this weapon.

9 ft 2.25 tons

2.25 hrs combat

twin glaives

force lock generator, polarity cannon

Retribution Shyeel Light Warjack
The Griffon is a sleek and fast myrmidon designed for rapid battlefield
deployment and swift flanking maneuvers. Its power field enables the Griffon
to become near-weightless for short intervals, allowing for long, loping strides 6 8 6 5 12 16 —
with long pauses at the apex of each leap. Through judicious use of this field
the Griffon can negotiate marshy terrain, dense undergrowth, or other obstacles RNG POW P+S
that would mire machines of similar weight. It is used to sweep around enemy l 0.5 1 9

entrenchments to assault them from the rear or to hit perceived weak points in Halberd
the enemy line. It often rushes ahead of the main line to intercept an enemy in RNG POW P+S
2 5 13
advance of the main Iosan battle force.

The Griffon’s great durability and long peak operational time make it a desirable DAMAGE FORCE
asset, and its relatively simple component parts make it easy and inexpensive FIELD

to produce. It represents a small enough resource investment that it is liberally

allocated to officers trained to control it. House Shyeel produces them in great

numbers to supply this wide use; it has, in fact, constructed almost twice as many
Griffons as any other myrmidon. With a proven effectiveness as part of both L L M C R R
Dawnguard and mage hunter armies, the Griffon provides invaluable support and M M C C
striking power to the infantry it fights alongside, whatever force it joins.

8 u

Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Pathfinder and Fleet.
Fleet – Once per activation, this model can spend 1
focus point to gain +2˝ movement when advancing as
part of its Normal Movement that activation.
Powerful Charge – This model gains +2 to charge
attack rolls with this weapon.

9 ft 2.6 tons

3 hrs combat

shield, halberd

kinetic conversion drive

Retribution Shyeel Heavy Warjack
The Hydra operates with a singular self-reliance in the field, for it can convert raw
kinetic energy from the force of incoming attacks into a firestorm of retributive
6 10 6 5 12 18 — destruction. Enhanced with force generators integrated into its mighty fists, the
Hydra can unleash a torrent of crushing blows before tossing aside even the
Force Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW most massive of adversaries. The Hydra represents a significant breakthrough in
— 12 1 — 12 Shyeel power conservation and generation. Excess energy can be stored in a series
Force Fist of arcane batteries that greatly enhance the strength of the myrmidon’s attacks,
RNG POW P+S overcharging its huge force cannon to produce potent and far-reaching attacks.
L 1 5 15
Any energy not expended is placed in reserve, greatly increasing the myrmidon’s
Force Fist operational range.
R 1 5 15 Once these batteries are charged, the Hydra’s vast reserves last until consumed;
it does not suffer the trickle of power loss other myrmidons experience, making
DAMAGE FORCE it a favorite weapon in the Retribution’s wars abroad. Experienced commanders
fortunate enough to control Hydras in battle make it a top priority to ensure

the machines are fully powered at the onset of hostilities. Once joined in battle,

the myrmidon often needs little more than mental guidance from its controlling

warcaster, as its vitality is continually restored by the battle itself.
M M C C Tactical Tips
Focus-Powered – The bonus to RNG and POW is applied when the attack is declared and applies even if
this model spends focus to boost its attack or damage roll.
PC FA Kinetic Capacitor – This model is still limited to having 3 focus points at any time.
15 u

Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Kinetic Capacitor and
cannot attack with the Force Cannon.
Focus Battery – During your Maintenance Phase, do
not remove unspent focus points from this model.
Kinetic Capacitor – When this model is hit by
an enemy melee or ranged attack, after the attack is
resolved this model gains 1 focus point.
Force Cannon
Damage Type: Magical
Focus-Powered – For each focus point on this model
when it declares an attack with this weapon, the
weapon gains +1 RNG and POW for the rest of the
Force Fist
Open Fist
Chain Attack: Grab & Smash – If this model
hits the same model with both its initial attacks
with this weapon, after resolving the attacks it can
immediately make a head-butt or throw power attack
against that target.

12 ft 2 in 5.25 tons

2.5 hrs combat

Twin Force Fists

Force Cannon, Kinetic Capacitor, Focus Battery

Retribution Shyeel Heavy Warjack
The Manticore uses the power of its force generator as much to launch powerful
offensives as to maintain its protective energy field. At its core, the myrmidon’s
design favors adaptability, a fact that has made it a favorite of those Retribution 6 10 6 5 12 18 —
forces performing various roles throughout the course of military campaigns.
Cyclone Cannon
In melee it is like a force of nature, each blow of its fully empowered saber fists RNG ROF AOE POW
landing with earth-shaking intensity. At range it can tear through advancing — 12 d3 — 12

infantry, delivering sustained firepower through its cyclone cannon. Saber Fist
Equipped with a saber slung under each fist, the Manticore can contend with l 1 5 15
even the heaviest armored adversaries. By drawing upon the energy of its force
generator, the Manticore can augment its strikes with kinetic force, resulting in Saber Fist
blows capable of shattering steel like glass. R 1 5 15

When attacking at range, the Manticore relies on its formidable cyclone cannon.
It is capable of laying down suppressive fire or concentrated volleys to tear apart FORCE
targets at range. Arcanists designed this weapon to fire repeatedly with smaller
pulses of alternating energy which do not compromise the myrmidon’s energy

field, an impressive technical achievement. This additional firing capacity gives

the Manticore tremendous tactical versatility, and it has proven its worth in a wide L G G R

variety of battlefield situations. The combination of the Manticore’s brutal power L L M C R R

and rapid-firing ranged support makes it a mainstay in the Retribution’s arsenal.

14 u

Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Force Generator, cannot
attack with the Cyclone Cannon, and cannot make
Covering Fire special actions.
Force Generator – This model can use Force
Generator at the start of its activation. This model can
spend 1 focus point to gain +3 STR for one turn. Force
Generator can be used only once per activation.
Cyclone Cannon
Damage Type: Magical
Covering Fire (HAction) – Place a wall template
anywhere completely within this weapon’s RNG and
this model’s LOS, ignoring intervening models. A
model entering or ending its activation in the template
suffers a magical damage roll  with POW equal to the
POW of this weapon. The template remains in play for
one round. If this model is destroyed or removed from
play, immediately remove the template from play.
Saber Fist
Open Fist

12 ft 2 in 5.3 tons

3 hrs combat

twin saber fists

cyclone cannon, force generator

Retribution Shyeel Heavy Warjack
In battle the Phoenix becomes a blazing embodiment of Iosan power. Its blinding
power field pours blue-white heat into its surroundings as liquid fire ignites along
6 10 6 5 12 18 — its massive thermal blade. It is a myrmidon designed to be a supreme weapon
of war, in particular one that would be worthy of the Dawnguard and stand as a
Halo Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW clearly visible embodiment of their order. It has been quickly accepted within the
— 10 1 3 14 larger Retribution military and has earned a reputation as a premier myrmidon
Open Fist well worth its cost to produce.
l 1 3 13 The Phoenix was designed to deliver its arc node directly to the heart of the enemy.
It extends a warcaster’s reach and therefore his power on the battlefield, yet it
Thermal Blade
does so in a distinctly different fashion than the elusive Chimera. The Phoenix has
R 2 7 17 the durability and power to advance at the vanguard of an attacking force, ready
to deliver fiery retaliation on any enemy foolish enough to try to intercept it. Its
DAMAGE FORCE blazing power field regenerates itself in the course of combat and can send a surge
of energy to ignite the surrounding air and burn its enemies to ash. In the Phoenix,

House Shyeel has created a formidable and elegantly designed masterpiece. To

its enemies the Phoenix represents something else: a terrifying apparition of fiery
steel embodying the rage of the Retribution of Scyrah.
M M C C Tactical Tips
Combustion – This model cannot use Combustion if it charges, because Combustion is not a melee attack.

18 u

Arc Node
Combustion (HAttack) – This attack does not need
a target. Other models within 2˝ of this model suffer a
POW 12 fire damage roll  and the Fire continuous
effect  . Combustion damage is simultaneous. This
model can make additional melee attacks after making
this special attack.
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Phoenix Field and cannot
attack with the Halo Cannon.
Phoenix Field – Remove d6 damage points from this
model’s force field after resolving continuous effects
during your Maintenance Phase.
Halo Cannon
Critical Fire
Damage Type: Fire
Damage Type: Magical
Open Fist
Open Fist
Thermal Blade
Continuous Effect: Fire
Damage Type: Magical

13 ft 4 in 6.5 tons

2.25 hrs combat

thermal blade, arc node

halo cannon, phoenix field

Retribution Vyre Heavy Warjack
House Vyre has long relied upon the mystical power of its arcanists in battle, and
its specialized Sphinx stands ready to augment the power of the Retribution’s
warcasters in their war abroad. As with all Vyre myrmidons, its asymmetrical 5 11 6 5 12 19 —
shoulder casings house specialized mechanisms designed to generate distorted
Runespear Cannon
energies. With the Sphinx, these energies flow to empower both its shoulder- RNG ROF AOE POW
mounted runespear cannon and its force claws. r 10 1 — 12

House Vyre has been feared in recent times for its part in the War of the Houses, Heavy Force Claw
and the occult principles under which its arcanika was refined sit uncomfortably l 2 6 17
in the memories of those who witnessed the atrocities of that conflict. The house is
now allied with the army of the Retribution of Scyrah, but the Sphinx is a visible Light Force Claw
reminder of the days when Ios was torn by civil war, and not all warcasters are R 1 4 15
comfortable with the sight. Nevertheless, the Sphinx provides a tactical advantage
that the more pragmatic warcasters are eager to exploit. Its runespear cannon has DAMAGE

proven to be a potent weapon against human warcasters in particular, as its field-

augmented projectiles make those enemies vulnerable to subsequent arcane strikes.

Because of this ability the Sphinx is often employed alongside battle mages, who

can send forth an overwhelming mystical barrage to follow its initial strike. The L R
massive force claws thrum with House Vyre’s specialized offensive fields, granting L L M C R R
them lethal strength. Even the smaller of the two claws is capable of pulling apart M M C C
an enemy soldier like a pitiful insect.
Tactical Tips 13 u
Psychic Relay – Spells with a RNG of SELF, SP, or CTRL cannot gain this bonus.
Runespear Cannon
Damage Type: Magical
Psychic Relay – Models hit by this weapon suffer
Arcane Attraction for one turn. (When a friendly
model casts a spell targeting a model suffering Arcane
Attraction, the spell gains +3 RNG.)
Heavy Force Claw
Open Fist
Light Force Claw
Open Fist

12 ft 11 in 6.7 tons 2 hrs combat

runespear cannon
heavy force claw, light force claw

Retribution Shyeel Heavy Warjack
Manufactured to the exacting specifications of Adeptis Rahn, this mighty
myrmidon has been specially engineered for a unique protective role: to serve as a
6 10 7 6 12 18 — pillar of shielding strength at the heart of its battlegroup even in the wild inferno of
battle. Discordia stays back near its commanding warcaster, enveloping itself and
Sonic Pulse Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW its allies in an enormous overloaded force field that makes them nearly immune
— SP 10 1 — 14 to the relentless onslaught of projectiles sent by the enemy—until the time finally
Blade FIst comes to respond with all necessary force. In retaliation the myrmidon can then
RNG POW P+S vibrate that same powerful field in a syncopated pattern that causes the air to
L 1 6 16
thrum and distort before it emits a withering pulse of sound pressure. Unleashed
Blade FIst and focused through arcanikal amplifiers, the sonic force created by the field
RNG POW P+S causes such intense vibrations that it literally shakes matter apart, disintegrating
1 6 16
everything, organic or mineral, caught in the wake of the rending shriek.

DAMAGE FORCE Adeptis Rahn commands enough authority and influence over his house to
outfit his myrmidons as he sees fit, drawing upon the very latest advances in

energy field manipulation in particular. He has taken great pains to ensure that

Discordia benefits from the most recently developed applications of arcanikal field

technology. Although the experimental technologies employed in Discordia are
L L M C R R not yet ready for wider installment and application, the adeptis relishes utilizing
M M C C the myrmidon in combat as a special test subject for his latest refinements, and
he hopes eventually to find a way to apply them more broadly. As formidable
as Discordia’s sonic weapon has proven against enemies, it is the protective field
18 c
base:large specifically that Rahn is most eager to reproduce on a large scale.

DISCORDIA 1 While they represent the cutting edge of technology, the devices that allow the field
Construct to be manipulated can be rather delicate and prone to failure due to the stresses of
Bond [Rahn] – If this model begins the game in
Rahn’s battlegroup, it is bonded to him. This model battle. Some of the mechanisms controlling these energies must be kept in perfect
is not considered to be bonded while under your alignment and meticulously adjusted after every major engagement. Rahn sees
opponent’s control. While this model is bonded to
Rahn and in his control range, it does not suffer the to this exacting task personally; after all, no one else knows the intricate internal
effects of crippled systems. workings of the myrmidon quite as well as he does. His rivals and critics see his utter
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Imprint: Kinetic Field and confidence in pushing this machine to its limits as an illustration of his arrogance,
cannot attack with the Sonic Pulse Cannon. but those who know Rahn best have come to realize that the synergy between the
Imprint: Kinetic Field – This model can spend 1
focus point at any time during its activation to gain warcaster and this machine are truly irreproducible. The two are a sight to behold
Kinetic Field for one round. (A model with Kinetic as they venture into battle together, unleashing waves of destructive force and
Field and friendly Faction models within 3˝ of it gain
+2 ARM against ranged attacks and do not suffer great pulses of sonic energy to obliterate those that oppose them.
blast damage.)
Sonic Pulse Cannon
Damage Type: Magical
Tactical Tips
Brain Damage – A model damaged by an attack with Chain Attack: Smite – A model with a crippled weapon system cannot use it to make chain attacks, special
this weapon cannot cast spells for one round. attacks, or power attacks.
Blade Fist
Open Fist
Chain Attack: Smite – If this model hits the same
model with both its initial attacks with this weapon,
after resolving the attacks it can immediately make one
additional melee attack against the model hit. If the
additional attack hits, the target is slammed d6˝ directly
away from this model and suffers a damage roll with
POW equal to the STR of this model plus the POW of
this weapon. The POW of collateral damage is equal to
the STR of this model.

12 ft 10 in 6.8 tons

2.1 hrs combat

Twin Blade Fists

Sonic Pulse Cannon

Retribution Shyeel Heavy Warjack
Issyria, Sibyl of Dawn had foreseen days of blood and fire to come for Ios. Her
talent at divination gives her a window onto the challenges her house and her
6 10 6 6 12 18 — people have yet to face. In order to confront these threats, she therefore enlisted
the most skilled artificers of House Shyeel to fabricate a weapon for the battles she
Celestial Gate
RNG ROF AOE POW knew she eventually had to be ready to fight.
— 12 1 4 14
Designed exclusively for Issyria’s use, Hemera magnifies the warcaster’s arcane
Blade Fist abilities. Whether relaying the warcaster’s spells or providing fire support with
L 1 5 15 its arcane weaponry, Hemera takes Issyria’s place in the thick of combat, allowing
her to focus her mental efforts on guiding the flow of a battle from relative safety.
DAMAGE Hemera has proven one of the most challenging myrmidons Shyeel artificers have
FIELD designed in recent memory, overshadowed only by the towering Hyperion and

Helios. Guided by the sibyl’s exacting specifications, the artificers of Shyeel sought
to devise a new weapons system unlike any other in the Retribution’s arsenal.

L G G a Issyria went into seclusion with Hemera the moment it emerged from the foundries
L L M C a a of Lynshynal. Locking herself away for weeks at a time, Issyria communed with
M M C C the cortex, connecting her mind to it and sharing visions of battles she had already
experienced, had theorized, or felt destined to fight in the years ahead. Through
PC FA this continuous link Hemera effectively fought hundreds of battles a thousand
16 c
times over, learning not only what its own capabilities and limitations were but
HEMERA 1 also how best to work in tandem with the warcaster.
Arc Node
Construct Once Issyria had impressed this knowledge upon the myrmidon, Hemera was
Bond [Issyria] – If this model begins the game in fitted with other experimental technology developed by House Shyeel, including
Issyria’s battlegroup, it is bonded to her. This model
is not considered to be bonded while under your a cutting-edge arc node. Unlike standard arc nodes, Hemera’s unique arcane
opponent’s control. While this model is bonded to implement uses the energy fluctuations of the myrmidon’s power field to
Issyria and in her control range, Issyria can upkeep one
spell without spending focus. optimize performance. Mounted to Hemera’s right arm rather than to its torso,
Empowered Arc Node – Once per turn, when its the arc node can more easily track targets while adjusting its position within
controller channels a spell through this model, reduce
the COST of the spell by 1. the corona of its power field to maximize energy efficiency. Enemies of the
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system Retribution who face off against Hemera are often amazed at the effectiveness
is crippled, this model loses the Mark Target ability and
cannot make Celestial Gate ranged attacks. of this weapon system, which allows Issyria to make the most devastating use of
Mark Target – Other friendly Faction models gain +2 her formidable arcane power.
to ranged attack rolls against enemy models within 5˝
of this model and in its LOS.
Hemera now stands at Issyria’s side as a perfect companion. The sibyl’s extensive
Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation in which
it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance contact with the cortex is apparent to all who witness their exploits on the battlefield,
up to 3˝, then its activation ends. and already the other warcasters of the Retribution have begun to wonder how
they might achieve such a bond with the myrmidons under their command.
Celestial Gate
Damage Type: Magical
Critical Dispel – On a critical hit, upkeep spells and
animi on the model/unit hit immediately expire. Tactical Tips
Blade Fist Critical Dispel – Because they expire immediately, upkeep spells or animi that had an effect when the
Open Fist
model was hit or damaged will have no effect.

13 ft 5 in 6 tons

2.5 hrs combat

Empowered Arc Node, Blade Fist

Celestial Gate

Retribution Vyre Heavy Warjack
It is the prerogative of House Vyre’s lord arcanist to personally design and fabricate
the myrmidon most suited to accompany him in battle. Hypnos is the impressive
5 11 7 6 12 19 — result of Lord Arcanist Ossyan’s exacting work to this end. The myrmidon’s
devastating phase gun is capable of producing fluctuations in the charged energy
Phase Gun
RNG ROF AOE POW of its pulses, allowing its shots to shift between solid and ephemeral states of
R 10 1 4 14 matter and thus to pass through otherwise impenetrable obstacles to strike targets
Heavy Arcano-Pulse Fist his enemies believed perfectly safe and secure from any attacks.
L 1 6 17 Ossyan spent many years pouring over old, thick tomes full of abstruse theories
on the complicated underpinnings of myrmidon cortexes, zealously searching for
Light Arcano-Pulse Fist
unusual ways to modify them to better meet his needs. Boldly casting aside the
R 1 4 15 conventions of modern cortex manufacture, Ossyan carefully developed a novel
prototype that built off of the Iosans’ earliest understanding of cortex production,
DAMAGE effectively pioneering an all-new approach to cortex manufacture. He balanced
the composition of alloys to create distinct, arcanikally attuned elements that

allowed for more rapid cognitive development in myrmidons. Such adjustments

also encouraged more individualized characteristics to arise, which Hypnos

readily shows in its behavior. It is far more inclined than other myrmidons to act
L L M C R R independently, on occasion patrolling near Ossyan of its own accord to flush out
M M C C any potential threats to its master. Between battles it exhibits the same hallmarks
of an inquisitive mind that Ossyan himself habitually displays, observing other
myrmidons to gauge and analyze the inner flows of their energies. Indeed, it
18 c
base:large sometimes seems as if Hypnos is evaluating the other myrmidons it encounters—
and finds them lacking.
Arc Node Lord Arcanist Ossyan has worked assiduously to forge an unbreakable connection
Bond [Ossyan] – If this model begins the game in between himself and Hypnos that would allow it to draw energy from him and
Ossyan’s battlegroup, it is bonded to him. This model become a virtual extension of him, with capabilities similar to his own. While the
is not considered to be bonded while under your
opponent’s control. While this model is bonded to myrmidon is under his direct control, its shots are imbued with time-warping
Ossyan and in his control range, enemy models directly fields. Those struck by this weapon are fixed in a field of slowed time and rendered
hit by this model’s ranged weapon suffer Shadow Bind.
Sacred Ward – This model cannot be targeted by incapable of escaping destruction by Hypnos’ arcano-pulse fists.
enemy spells.
Phase Gun These daunting fists are armed with arcane force projectors. In addition to
Damage Type: Magical imparting crushing force to each strike, every contact conducts a jarring pulse
Ghost Shot – This model ignores LOS, concealment,
of chronometric energy into Hypnos’ targets. While these projectors are not able
and cover when making attacks with this weapon.
Heavy Arcano-Pulse Fist to affect time in as large of an area as the myrmidon’s phase gun, they can still
Damage Type: Magical have a devastating effect on a single target. Slowed by each pitiless strike, those
Shadow Bind – A model hit by this weapon suffers opponents Hypnos engages cannot elude the myrmidon’s grasp and are made all
Shadow Bind for one round. (A model suffering
Shadow Bind suffers –3 DEF, and for one round when too vulnerable to swift annihilation.
it advances it cannot move except to change facing.
Shadow Bind can be shaken.)
Light Arcano-Pulse Fist
Damage Type: Magical
Shadow Bind – See above.

12 ft 10 in 6.5 tons 2 hrs combat

Heavy Arcano-pulse Fist,

Light Arcano-pulse Fist, Phase Gun

Retribution Shyeel Heavy Warjack
As regal as its name suggests, Imperatus was painstakingly engineered to match
the resolute nature of the Iosan who now commands it. No expense was spared to
6 10 7 6 13 18 — guarantee this machine of war would be without equal—a mighty weapon suitable
for Incissar Vyros of House Nyarr. In commissioning this marvel Vyros sought a
Halation Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW myrmidon worthy of advancing beside him as he strode toward his destiny of
— 10 1 — 14 ruling all Ios. He intended it to serve as his perfect complement on the battlefield,
Thermal Blade as well as symbolize his authority over both the Dawnguard and the military of
RNG POW P+S the Retribution.
L 2 7 17
Vyros himself put the advanced cortex of Imperatus through training protocols
Thermal Blade
so that it might absorb every detail of his own formidable blade skills. He refused
R 2 7 17 to declare himself satisfied until the machine surpassed his exacting standards.
He likewise took pains so that its weaponry would be particularly imposing; the
DAMAGE FORCE myrmidon now wields a pair of blazing thermal blades to deadly effect, annihilating
foes in a flurry of fiery impacts. It can strike and move and strike again, slicing

through lesser enemies with incredible efficiency. At a distance it musters energy

from its field to empower its halation cannon, a remarkable weapon that can direct

a concentrated burst of superheated energy with pinpoint accuracy.
Such a flawlessly engineered fighting machine required significant dedicated
resources for its full development. Thus, the master artificers of House Shyeel
worked on retainer for the head of the Dawnguard, who provided them with
base:large whatever funds they required to see the project to completion. From the outset,
22 c
Vyros encouraged the Shyeel artificers to capitalize on and augment certain
IMPERATUS 1 technologies first developed for the Phoenix, in particular the regenerative
Construct Phoenix Field. This work led to the most astonishing feature of the Imperatus:
Bond [Vyros] – If this model begins the game in Vyros’
battlegroup, it is bonded to him. This model is not the Phoenix Protocol, a failsafe system that allows the machine to effectively
considered to be bonded while under your opponent’s rise from its own ashes. This complex arcanikal device requires a dangerously
control. While this model is bonded to Vyros and in his
control range, it can run or charge without spending concentrated one-use energy cell. Activating the device prompts internal
focus. realignments that replace damaged systems with redundant components to
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
is crippled, this model loses Phoenix Field and cannot restore functionality. Simultaneously, the myrmidon’s protective power field
attack with the Halation Cannon. receives a massive surge of energy to bring it back to full strength. Imperatus
Phoenix Field – Remove d6 damage points from this
model’s force field after resolving continuous effects therefore needs to be destroyed twice for an opponent to truly lay it to rest.
during your Maintenance Phase.
Phoenix Protocol – This model can use Phoenix After the Phoenix Protocol is employed, the costly device must be replaced entirely,
Protocol once per game during your Maintenance but Vyros considers this a small price to pay to maintain a virtually invincible
Phase or when disabled. Remove up to 1 damage point
from each of its systems and remove all damage points myrmidon at his side. He has expended every effort to make Imperatus a machine
from its force field.
whose mere appearance can demoralize his enemies and whose blades can bring
Side Step – When this model hits an enemy model
with an initial melee attack or a melee special attack, it sudden victory in a blaze of blue-white fire.
can advance up to 2˝ after the attack is resolved.
Halation Cannon
Damage Type: Fire
Damage Type: Magical
Flame Burst – When this model boxes an enemy
model with this weapon, enemy models within 1˝ of the
boxed model suffer the Fire continuous effect  .
Thermal Blade
Continuous Effect: Fire
Damage Type: Magical

13 ft 4 in 6.9 tons

2.5 hrs combat

Dual Thermal Blades, Phoenix Protocol Cell

Halation Cannon, Phoenix Field

Retribution Shyeel Light Warjack
In Moros, the artificers of the Retribution crafted a perfect mechanized assassin
through the use of advanced arcanika. With a cortex imprinted with a predilection
6 8 7 6 14 16 — for the hunt, this light myrmidon exists for the sole purpose of running down
targets that lesser myrmidons could not hope to reach and then neutralizing them
Death Shadow
RNG ROF AOE POW with precision strikes from its curved blades or eliminating them with deadly
— 8 1 — 12 blasts of energy produced by overcharging its power field.
Blade Commissioned for Garryth, the Blade of Retribution by the command of the
L 0.5 5 13 Nine Voices, Moros marks one of the earliest and largest projects undertaken
by artificers sworn to the Retribution of Scyrah directly, rather than those still
belonging to allied houses. As the numbers of the Retribution have grown, so too
R 0.5 5 13 have their manufacturing capabilities, though the operation remains small and
deals primarily with modifications of existing myrmidon designs, particularly for
DAMAGE FORCE use by warcasters. Such specialized projects reflect the Retribution’s determination
to avoid overreliance on House Shyeel for its myrmidons.

Extensive experimentation among these artificers eventually yielded an energy
field unlike any before it. By pushing the principles of the Chimera’s power
L G G R field beyond mere blurring and fading of the myrmidon’s form, the Retribution
achieved a field capable of rendering Moros completely invisible to the naked eye.
Whether in the dense Iosan forests or the open plains beyond, Moros traverses
the maelstrom of conflict undetected, its agile form little more than a shimmering
base:medium mirage against the backdrop of war. In addition to shrouding Moros, the field can
11 c
be manipulated to lash out at the myrmidon’s quarry, stunning potential victims
MOROS 1 in preparation for a double-bladed strike from the shadows. For many of the
Construct Retribution’s enemies, the low hum of Moros’ energy field is the last sound they
Stealth ever hear.
Bond [Garryth] – If this model begins the game in
Garryth’s battlegroup, it is bonded to him. This model With each aspect of its design fashioned to complement Garryth’s ruthless tactics,
is not considered to be bonded while under your
opponent’s control. While bonded to Garryth and in
Moros serves as the only true companion for a soldier who needs none. Whether
his control range, it gains Acrobatics. (A model with launching ambushes in concert or overwhelming well-guarded enemy warcasters,
Acrobatics can advance through other models if it has
enough movement to move completely past their bases. the pair has redefined the possibilities for assassinations during both skirmishes
A model with Acrobatics ignores intervening models and large-scale battles. Combat experience with Garryth has brought the myrmidon
when declaring its charge target.)
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
to develop a strong sense of timing; now it intuitively waits for the moment when
is crippled, this model loses Fleet and Stealth and its prey is most vulnerable before striking to kill. Its movements have also taken
cannot make Death Shadow attacks.
Fleet – Once per activation, this model can spend 1
on the deftness and easy grace possessed by the warcaster assassin. As the two
focus point to gain +2˝ movement when advancing as have faced greater numbers of enemies, they have begun to prioritize striking
part of its Normal Movement that activation.
down commanding officers and warcasters near the onset of every engagement,
Death Shadow
Damage Type: Magical
neutralizing the command structure and then vanishing from sight. The combined
Paralysis – A living model hit by this weapon has its efforts of Moros and Garryth have contributed decisively to key victories as a
base DEF reduced to 5 and cannot run, charge, or make
slam or trample power attacks. Paralysis lasts for one
direct result of severing the enemy’s chain of command.
Paralysis – See above.

9 ft 1 in 2.4 tons

2 hrs combat

Twin Blades

Death Shadow, Cloaking Drive

Retribution Shyeel Colossal Warjack
Built to accommodate the largest field generator ever housed within a myrmidon,
the Helios reshapes battlefields. The monumental forces it wields push and pull
5 17 6 5 10 19 — opponents wherever it chooses in a frightening display of power. Within its invisible
grasp the Helios can fundamentally alter the composition of a battle, wrenching
Tractor Beam
RNG ROF AOE POW apart formations and hurling aside key defenders with impunity. Warjacks leave
— 12 3 — — great gouges in the earth as it effortlessly drags their bulk yards at a time, turning
Inferno Fist them into roadblocks or drawing them close to batter them with its massive fists.
RNG POW P+S Potent force barriers halt advances, and any who manage to close are repelled with
2 4 21
pulses of blue-white light or engulfed in flames of the same hue, the flesh charred

Inferno Fist from their bones.

R 2 4 21 House Shyeel has always tempered offensive power with manipulation and control
over the battlefield. With this philosophy and the memory of the bloody War of the
left DAMAGE right DAMAGE Houses in mind, its artificers created a colossal intended for the house’s exclusive
use. Unlike most of its designs, which House Shyeel freely offered to other houses

or to the Homeguard Coalition, the techniques for creating the Helios were initially

kept secret in case the house ever needed to defend itself in any similar internecine
g g g g
l l g c c g r r
conflicts. Since linking its fortunes to the Retribution, however, House Shyeel has
l l c c c c c c c c r r contributed several of these great machines to the cause.
l c m m m m m m m m C r
The Helios’ tremendous field generator is powered through a combination of
power cells and an experimental arcane condenser augmented to absorb ambient
field damage: 12 energies more efficiently. However, the energy drain is so great the machine
cannot sustain itself in battle for as long as most myrmidons. When the Helios is
34 2
charged to full strength, the energy in the air around it becomes palpable, and mere
proximity to the colossal myrmidon can make teeth rattle. This field generation
HELIOS informs the remainder of the colossal’s design. A potent tractor beam replaces all
other offensive weaponry, trading firepower for kinetic influence and granting the
Dual Attack – This model can make melee and ranged colossal’s controller strategic advantages through the repositioning of enemies.
attacks in the same activation. When this model makes
its initial melee attacks or a power attack, it can also
The Helios can also supercharge nearby myrmidons via manipulations of its field.
make its initial ranged attacks. This model can make With such support, even a small group of myrmidons can make short work of
ranged attacks even while in melee.
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system
larger forces.
is crippled, this model loses Force Barrier and Force
Gate and cannot make Tractor Beam attacks. Since the colossal’s inception, its use has mostly involved field tests. With the
Force Barrier – This model gains +2 DEF against intrusion of new threats into Ios, House Shyeel has now placed the Helios in the
ranged attack rolls and does not suffer blast damage.
Force Gate – This model can spend focus points at any
hands of the Retribution armed forces in an effort to both defend the Iosan people
time during its activation to gain the following special from invaders and eventually take the fight abroad and prevent such invasions
rules, one per focus point spent. Force Gate special
rules last for one round. from happening in the future. Although the original intent behind its creation was
• Broadcast Power – Other friendly Faction to deter violence, the Helios now aids the blades of the Retribution in delivering
warjacks that activate within 3˝ of this model gain
1 focus point at the start of their activations. A vengeance.
warjack can gain only 1 focus point per round as a
result of Broadcast Power.
• Distortion Field – This model gains +2 DEF and Tactical Tips
Poltergeist. (When an enemy model misses a model Broadcast Power – A warjack cannot exceed normal focus limits as a result of Broadcast Power.
with Poltergeist with an attack, immediately after
the attack is resolved you can choose to push the
enemy model d3˝ directly away from the model with
• Repulsor Field – When this model is hit with
a melee attack, after the attack is resolved the
attacking model is pushed 1˝ directly away from this
Tractor Beam
Force Grip – Instead of causing damage, an enemy
model hit by this attack can be pushed up to 3˝ in any
Inferno Fist
Continuous Effect: Fire
Open Fist
Flame Burst – When this model boxes an enemy
model with this weapon, enemy models within 1˝ of the
boxed model suffer the Fire continuous effect  .

30 ft 6 in 66 tons

45 mins combat

Twin Inferno Fists

Teleforce Generator

Retribution Shyeel Colossal Warjack
Towering over the vanguard of Retribution forces, the Hyperion carries the fury of
the Iosan people—and the most powerful weapon ever built. Its thresher cannons
5 17 6 5 10 19 — and bladed fists first clear a path to the most heavily armored and entrenched
enemy position. Survivors speak of the hair-raising sensation that comes next, with
RNG ROF AOE POW the eerie sound of the Hyperion’s field generator gathering power. Just before the
— 10 1 5 18 starburst weapon emits its charge, all ambient sound is swallowed by an ominous
Thresher Cannon silence. Suddenly, a discharge of warped energy emanates from channels within the
RNG ROF AOE POW colossal’s chassis, too quickly to be observed. The resulting blinding sphere erases
12 d3 — 12
stone, steel, and flesh from existence with the surety of the Retribution’s cause.

Thresher Cannon
The Hyperion and its armament were created centuries ago after the dragon
r 12 d3 — 12 Ethrunbal arose from beneath the city of Issyrah and reduced it to rubble.
Thousands of civilians were slaughtered before military forces subdued the dragon
Blade Fist
RNG POW P+S and extracted his athanc, and in the end, the demolished city was abandoned.
l 2 4 21 Looking upon the catastrophe, the artificers of House Shyeel saw it as their duty
Blade Fist to craft a weapon powerful enough to confront threats as dreadful as that which
RNG POW P+S besieged Issyrah.
r 2 4 21
The finest minds of House Shyeel began countless experiments in the realm of
left DAMAGE right DAMAGE unconventional energies. They eventually discovered that the fundamental forces
of nature could be altered to produce the incomprehensible energies with which

the gods had forged the stars. Their earliest successes required mechanisms too
large to be housed within even the largest myrmidon. It took decades more to

g g g g
design smaller machinery that could channel such energy. After the first test of
l l g c c g r r
l l c c c c c c c c r r
their terrible creation, one of the principal architects is said to have been so shaken
l c m m m m m m m m C r
that he suggested the entire project be abandoned. He was quietly retired from
public view while others in House Shyeel continued his work.

field damage: 12 The Hyperion’s chassis and hull were built during the final stages of starburst
development. The colossal’s infrastructure had to be large enough to accommodate
36 2
base:huge the oversized generators necessary to power the machine itself and to create the
starburst effect as a function of its protective energy fields. Given how completely
the powerful weapon monopolized the Hyperion’s energy output, Iosan engineers
Pathfinder decided to outfit the colossal with an independent secondary weapon system.
Field-Dependent – While its Field Generator system These thresher cannons, unlike other Shyeel weapons, fire kinetic projectiles
is crippled, this model cannot make Starburst attacks.
similar to the firearms used by some Iosan infantry.
Damage Type: Magical
The colossals saw their first deployment under circumstances much different than
Critical Consume – On a critical hit, if the attack hit
a small-based non-warcaster, non-warlock model the originally intended. In the final days of the War of the Houses, the allied hallytyr
model hit is removed from play. met heavy resistance from the myrmidons of House Vyre—machines employing
unorthodox and dangerous energies. Fearing a prolonged siege against Ghyrrshyld
Blade Fist
Open Fist
and his house and hoping to prevent greater loss of civilian life in a protracted
battle, the hallytyr urged House Shyeel to deploy the Hyperions.

The colossals brought the Iosan civil war to a swift conclusion, but at great cost:
many ancient buildings were annihilated, and hundreds of civilians perished. After
House Vyre dismantled its greatest war constructs, the hallytyr unanimously moved
to prohibit the use of the Hyperion or any starburst technology within any Iosan city.
In accordance, House Shyeel deployed its Hyperions along the Iosan border.

With the Retribution of Scyrah on the rise in the politics of Ios, old legal shackles
have fallen away. The liberation of Nyssor has given the Retribution all the clout
necessary to arm itself with the most formidable constructs ever developed on Iosan
soil. Hyperions pulled from the borders now march alongside the Dawnguard,
thrumming with barely restrained power as they prepare to eradicate any enemy
the Retribution deems deserving of their attention.

30 ft 6 in 66 tons

1.5 hrs combat

twin blade fists, dual thresher cannons


of the retribution of scyrah

The military might of the Retribution of Scyrah has increased The Retribution primarily recruits to its cause those on the
dramatically since the group’s inception. From its origins as fringes of Iosan society, including criminals and orphans
a fringe cult and outlawed organization, the Retribution has from the city streets. Having learned to survive and thrive
amassed the might of a true army and gained legitimacy in the despite hardship, such individuals tend to respond well to
eyes of both the people of Ios and the ruling class. Growing indoctrination and are often eager to join a cause that puts their
numbers of Iosans believe its course of action is the last hope skills to good use. Those without a family find new brothers and
to save both the goddess Scyrah and the people of their nation. sisters in the ranks of the mage hunters, discovering a sense of
The Retribution’s goals demand considerable resources, and purpose in the Retribution’s religious doctrine. The Retribution
the group has sought support from all corners of Ios. has also been one of the few organizations to accept those born
as soulless, who might otherwise be killed at birth.
The Retribution does not have a unified military structure.
There is an operational divide between tight-knit teams of Skill and faith in the cause go hand in hand, and those who
mage hunters and the larger numbers of professional soldiers dedicate themselves to this sect do so for life. In addition to
organized into conventional squads and companies. These standing ready to place themselves in harm’s way for their
groups are tasked as necessary with specific operations. Because beliefs, they often face harsh conditions and are expected to be
of this unusual arrangement, enlistment in the Retribution’s able to subsist on meager supplies far from Ios. Mage hunters
armed forces takes a variety of forms. overcome these challenges together, bonded through their
mutual oaths. It takes a special combination of zeal, ruthlessness,

Recruiting & Training and exemplary combat prowess to become a mage hunter. Those
who survive the difficult early years may be asked to return for
Mage Hunters additional specialized training according to their aptitudes,
Mage hunters were the original soldiers of the Retribution augmenting their ability to serve as wilderness trackers, deadly
and remain a vital aspect of the organization as its most bladesmen, marksmen, and experts in intrusion and espionage.
fanatical, versatile, and loyal agents. Religious zealots as
well as efficient and silent assassins, mage hunters are Conventional Fighting
trained from a young age for a single purpose: to destroy
human arcanists and those who defend them by any means Forces
necessary. Inculcating such dedication requires time and While the mage hunters remain the vital core of the
intensive conditioning. Retribution, they are greatly outnumbered by the soldiers of
its conventional military forces, all of whom were formerly

members of the Homeguard Coalition. This large alliance of Those sent to support the Retribution’s cause from the
disparate forces is devoted to the protection of Ios. The Five Homeguard Coalition have not done so as a matter of
Great Military Houses lead the Coalition, each with their individual choice or personal commitment to this sect’s ideals.
respective elite specialized forces. Rank-and-file Coalition These soldiers instead belong to companies and serve officers
troops are drawn from the houseguard of lesser houses, bound by duty to house who were tasked to the Retribution
supported by myrmidons from Houses Shyeel and Vyre. by their superiors. The houses sympathetic to the Retribution
have diverted a portion of their armed companies, otherwise
Not all elements of the Coalition have joined the Retribution,
slated to serve the Homeguard Coalition, to the Retribution
but the array of house support diverted to the sect has
instead. The officers and soldiers in these companies obey their
increased tremendously in the last several years. The
orders regardless of their own beliefs. For this reason, not all
Dawnguard has assumed leadership of the Retribution’s
the soldiers asked to risk their life for the Retribution are glad
conventional armed forces and make up the majority of its
to do so, and their divided loyalties have caused occasional
elite cavalry and heavy infantry, the latter joined by a small
dissention in the ranks, though this is less true today due to
but respected force of swordsmen from House Ellowuyr.
a shared solidarity in response to proven threats to Ios. Many
Together with tens of thousands of houseguard soldiers
current Retribution soldiers have had their convictions forged
contributed by lesser houses, the Retribution can muster a
in battle and are now dedicated to the cause.
conventional army that includes some of Ios’ finest troops.
As the Retribution gathers momentum, its support
Enlistment in the military is largely voluntary in Ios but
throughout Ios has increased; some houses now provide
is widespread at both extremes of the social stratum for
resources to the Retribution even to the exclusion of the
different reasons. Poor or middle-class families affiliated
Homeguard Coalition. Several houses with special expertise
with the lesser houses encourage sons or daughters to enlist
have offered assets other than soldiers to the Retribution.
as houseguard because it removes them as a strain on family
Shyeel lacks the hardened soldiers of House Nyarr but has
resources and allows them to improve their family standing.
provided battle mages, arcanists, and mechaniks. Houses
Members of the affluent houses, particularly the Five Great
Shyeel and Vyre have greatly expanded the Retribution’s
Military Houses, are expected as a matter of honor and duty
combat effectiveness by donating their myrmidons. House
to serve in their own house military structures and learn skills
Lys, noted for its pacifism and its healing and funeral rites,
essential to their leadership roles. It is common for soldiers
has sent healers to assist Retribution forces in the field.
to complete at least one or two tours of ten years each before
Others have helped construct training facilities and barracks
being released to pursue other productive avocations, and
or provided supplies essential to the ongoing fight.
some serve for life.

Soldiers of the retribution of scyrah

Dawnguard Destors
Retribution Unit
The elite cavalry of the Dawnguard and the Retribution, destors are used in
support of massive infantry offensives, striking where the enemy is weakest. Once
8 6 7 6 13 17 9 they have penetrated the enemy line, the destors wheel about and open fire with
their lance cannons, an ingenious weapon created specifically for their branch of
Lance Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW the order. The cannons allow the destors to fire with surpassing accuracy even at a
10 1 — 12 full gallop across the battlefield. Destors stand ready to fell their enemies through
Lance deadly firepower or under their thunderous and crushing charge.
* 8 14 The Dawnguard is first and foremost known for its heavy infantry, and the
destors have always been far fewer in number. They represent a respected, if
underrepresented, branch of the Dawnguard.
0.5 12
Soldiers drawn to this life embrace their standing and work tirelessly to prove
damage: 5 each their strengths on the battlefield. Firing accurately from horseback is extremely
difficult and requires considerable practice even for those with innate talent. In
Leader & 2 Grunts 12 FA
Leader & 4 Grunts 20 2 testament to their abilities, it is the destors who are sent to cripple and destroy
base:large hard targets among the enemy or to shatter crucial elements of the opposing line.


Tactical Tips
Cavalry Quick Work – Impact attacks do not generate Quick Work ranged attacks because they do not take place
Gunfighter during this model’s Combat Action.
Quick Work – When this model destroys one or more
Reposition – If a model is part of a unit, its activation does not end until all models in its unit have
enemy models with a melee attack during its Combat
completed their activations.
Action, immediately after that attack is resolved this
model can make one basic ranged attack.
Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation in which
it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance
up to 3˝, then its activation ends.
Lance – This weapon can be used only to make charge
attacks. This weapon’s RNG is 0 unless this model
charges. When this model charges, this weapon’s RNG
is 2 until the charge attack is resolved.

Dawnguard Invictors
Retribution Unit
Invictors make up the bulk of House Nyarr’s stalwart Dawnguard order. Prized
for unrelenting versatility, the Invictors are a heavy infantry force unlike any other
5 6 7 6 12 15 8 on the face of Caen.

Sword Cannon When supported by the formidable Iosan myrmidons, invictors are unsurpassed
10 1 — 12
on the battlefield. They are ever ready to charge into the ranks of the enemy, firing
their weapons as they close and cutting foes down with the heavy blades set into
Blade their rifles.
0.5 5 11
Founded in the days of ancient Lyoss as an auxiliary for the Dawnguard
Leader & 5 Grunts 10 FA sentinels and destors, the invictors have slowly grown to become the mainstay
Leader & 9 Grunts 16 2 of the Dawnguard. As weaponry and tactics evolved over the centuries, their
base:small role gradually expanded. Sentinels remain the premier shock troopers of the
LEADER & GRUNTS Dawnguard, but because invictors are as deadly at range as they are in melee,
Assault they fulfill a broader number of roles. In fact, most Dawnguard fortifications are
Combined Ranged Attack
garrisoned exclusively by invictor forces. They now stand at the forefront of every
Wall of Steel – While this model is B2B with one or
more models in its unit, it gains +2 ARM. major engagement where the Dawnguard are called to war: first to fire, first to
engage, and first to endure the brunt of an enemy attack.

Dawnguard Invictor Officer & Standard
Retribution Command Attachment
Peerless officers, invictor captains are seasoned veterans who have endured long
years of service under merciless superiors. Their devotion to their order is as
powerful and absolute as a priest’s piety. They have sworn to live and die with 5 6 8 7 12 15 8
their weapons at the ready and have vowed that the successful completion of their
Sword Cannon
orders will always be their first priority. RNG ROF AOE POW
10 1 — 12
These leaders, each responsible for the oversight of hundreds of subordinates,
measure success by the performance of their companies as a whole and care little Blade
about individual heroics. Invictor captains therefore encourage camaraderie and 0.5 5 11
cooperation over personal accomplishment. This applies in failure as well as
in success, so the faults of one are the faults of all. Any soldiers who seek glory
while endangering their peers are shamed in the same manner as those who fail to 5 6 7 6 12 15 8
perform resolutely in battle. Though these officers are stern and unforgiving, they
officer’s damage: 5
are also willing to fight tooth and nail to defend the veterans of their squads.
All invictors are extensively drilled and trained for complex coordinated actions, PC Officer & Standard 4
and this is particularly true of the veterans chosen to accompany each captain. base:small
Invictors move with frightening fluidity, instinctively following every order
Attachment [Dawnguard Invictors] – This
passed down to them by their captain. Relying on this discipline, invictor officers attachment can be added to a Dawnguard Invictor unit.
can deliver devastating concentrated fire at unprecedented range. OFFICER
Combined Ranged Attack
Tactical Tips Officer
Officer – Because this model is an Officer, when it is destroyed it does not replace a Grunt in its unit. Extended Fire – This model can use Extended Fire
Instead the Leader becomes the unit commander. once per game at any time during its unit’s activation.
This activation, the ranged weapons of models in this
unit gain Snipe. (An attack with a weapon with Snipe
gains +4 RNG.)
Granted: Combined Arms – While this model is in
formation, models in its unit gain Combined Arms.
(When a model with Combined Arms misses an attack
roll for a combined ranged attack, it can reroll that
attack roll. Each attack roll can be rerolled only once as
a result of Combined Arms).
Wall of Steel – While this model is B2B with one or
more models in its unit, it gains +2 ARM.
Standard Bearer – While this model is within 5˝
of its unit commander, the unit commander gains
+2 CMD.
Take Up – If this model is destroyed, you can choose
a Grunt in this unit within 1˝ of it to be destroyed
instead. Effects on this model expire, and it gains
the effects on the chosen Grunt. Remove the Grunt
from the table instead of this model. This model has
the same number of unmarked damage boxes as the
chosen Grunt.
Wall of Steel – See above.

Dawnguard Sentinels
Retribution Unit
Dawnguard sentinels charge into the ranks of the enemy as an overwhelming tide
of cleaving blades. These heavily armored knights use their great swords expertly
5 6 7 4 12 15 8 to carve through any adversary that stands against them. Resolute even in the face
of devastating casualties, these disciplined soldiers are willing to fight to the last
Great Sword
RNG POW P+S to defend the pride of the Dawnguard. They embody sheer determination made
2 6 12 tangible in flesh and steel.

Leader & 5 Grunts 11 FA Viewing themselves as the timeless essence of their order, Dawnguard sentinels
Leader & 9 Grunts 18 2
are inheritors and protectors of an ancient legacy dating back to their revered
predecessors, who died to save the Lyossan refugees during the desert crossing
LEADER & GRUNTS after the Cataclysm. There is undeniable prestige associated with these heavily
Vengeance – During your Maintenance Phase, if one
armored infantry, chosen from the strongest and most determined of House
or more models in this unit were damaged by enemy
attacks during the last round, each model in the unit Nyarr’s noble youths. They train for decades to serve in battle and stand ready to
can advance 3˝ and make one basic melee attack.
offer their lives for their kin. Sentinels have an acute sense of obligation to family
Wall of Steel – While this model is B2B with one or
more models in its unit, it gains +2 ARM. and their order, which they largely see as identical.
Great Sword
Weapon Master Eternal vigilance is their watchword. Sentinels consider themselves guardians of
the ideals of the Dawnguard, and they strive to maintain doctrinal purity. Some
might accuse them of being obsessed with rituals and ceremony when compared
with the invictors, but they consider these symbolic gestures essential to their
purpose. Their doctrine insists the safety of Ios requires readiness to march against
any foe without fear of death. Sentinels do not wait atop battlements for the enemy
to approach; they rush forth to confront the foe directly.

Tactical Tips
Vengeance – Models move after continuous effects have been resolved during your Maintenance Phase.

Dawnguard Sentinel Officer & Standard
Retribution Command Attachment
Sentinel captains are among the strictest and most dedicated of the Dawnguard,
and they seek to bring honor and glory to the order and thereby to House Nyarr.
By tradition those of noble bloodlines are elevated as officers before any others. 5 6 8 4 12 15 8
The sentinel’s path is the one most often chosen by heirs of House Nyarr, for it
Great Sword
ensures that warriors of noble birth exemplify the Dawnguard’s highest virtues of RNG POW P+S
vigilance, discipline, and duty. 2 6 12

Educated in Dawnguard traditions from a tender age, noble youths are steeped in STANDARD BEARER
martial culture. They begin training to wield the blade as soon as they are strong 5 6 7 4 12 15 8
enough to lift one. Their lives consist of constant reinforcement of conditioning,
officer’s damage: 5
drills, study, and focused instruction on how to fulfill their obligations to the order
and their house. These officers view soldiery as an essential way of life, and from FA
PC Officer & Standard 4
birth they are prepared for leadership, receiving instruction from very early on in 2

the difficult task of commanding fellow warriors on the battlefield. base:small

Attachment [Dawnguard Sentinels] – This

Unshakable loyalty and devotion to core Dawnguard principles define sentinel attachment can be added to a Dawnguard Sentinel unit.
officers. The banner bearers that accompany them carry aloft in imperishable metal OFFICER
the oaths by which they live, a visible reminder of their purpose to all who follow Officer

the officer’s command. Iron Zeal – This model can use Iron Zeal once per
game at any time during its unit’s activation. Models in
this unit gain +3 ARM and cannot become stationary
or knocked down. Models are not affected while out of
Tactical Tips formation. Iron Zeal lasts for one round.
Iron Zeal – Remember, even if a thrown model cannot be knocked down, it must still forfeit its Normal Tactics: Relentless Charge – Models in this unit
Movement or Combat Action if it activates later in a turn it was thrown. gain Relentless Charge. (While advancing as part
of a charge, a model with Relentless Charge gains
Officer – Because this model is an Officer, when it is destroyed it does not replace a Grunt in its unit. Pathfinder  .)
Instead the Leader becomes the unit commander.
Vengeance – During your Maintenance Phase, if one
Vengeance – Models move after continuous effects have been resolved during your Maintenance Phase. or more models in this unit were damaged by enemy
attacks during the last round, each model in the unit
can advance 3˝ and make one basic melee attack.
Wall of Steel – While this model is B2B with one or
more models in its unit, it gains +2 ARM.
Standard Bearer – While this model is within 5˝
of its unit commander, the unit commander gains
+2 CMD.
Take Up – If this model is destroyed, you can choose
a Grunt in this unit within 1˝ of it to be destroyed
instead. Effects on this model expire, and it gains
the effects on the chosen Grunt. Remove the Grunt
from the table instead of this model. This model has
the same number of unmarked damage boxes as the
chosen Grunt.
Vengeance – See above.
Wall of Steel – See above.
Great Sword
Weapon Master

Heavy Rifle Team
Retribution Houseguard Weapon Crew Unit
A thunderous report followed immediately by the sound of shattering steel is the
first indication of the presence of a houseguard heavy rifle team. Towering warjacks
stagger, their armor punctured and internal mechanisms devastated by the gun’s 3 4 5 5 13 13 5
massive rounds. Far behind the front line, the team works in tandem to choose
Heavy Rifle
and dispatch each target. The pair’s spotter carefully takes sight with specialized RNG ROF AOE POW
instruments and aids the gunner in the constant calibration of his weapon’s complex 14 1 — 8

sighting apparatus. From the secure hold of the cannon’s bipod, the gunner can be Sword
certain that his aim is steady and nearly flawless. No sooner has he pulled the trigger RNG POW P+S
0.5 3 7
than the spotter reloads the gun, already sighting their next target.

These teams are drawn from the ranks of the houseguard riflemen. Most often they
are veterans who have displayed a remarkable calm under fire. Because their typical 4 4 5 5 13 13 5
targets are warjacks and other armored foes able to respond with extreme force, it is
critical that the rifle team’s every shot counts. The primary task of the rifle teams is RNG POW P+S
to provide heavy but mobile support for other houseguard elements, but in recent 0.5 3 7

months the Retribution has tasked them with accompanying mage hunter strike
forces as well. The rifle teams cripple heavy armor as mage hunters close on enemy PC Gunner & Grunt 4
warcasters, and together they swiftly neutralize the might of the enemy. base (gunner): large
base (grunt): small
The concentrated fire of houseguard riflemen becomes even more dangerous
when their target has already been badly damaged by a heavy rifle round. The GUNNER
weapon itself is a marvel of Iosan gun ballistics and arcanika, employing a heavy Man-Sized – This model is treated as a small-based
nonexplosive shot forged of tempered steel intended not to blast an enemy apart model and occupies the space from the bottom of its
base to a height of 1.75˝.
but to pierce through armor, leaving a gaping hole. Utilizing an integral force Mobile Artillery – When this model advances as
generator this shot is accelerated to a frightening velocity, far beyond that achieved part of its Normal Movement, it gains +1˝ movement
for each Grunt in this unit within 2˝ of it at the start
by ordinary rifles. of its advance.
Take Up – If this model is destroyed, you can choose a
Grunt in this unit within 1˝ of it to be destroyed instead.
Effects on this model expire, and it gains the effects on
the chosen Grunt. Remove the Grunt from the table
instead of this model. This model has the same number
of unmarked damage boxes as the chosen Grunt.
Heavy Rifle
Armor-Piercing – When calculating damage from this
weapon, halve the base ARM stats of models hit.
Range Finder – While B2B with the Grunt in this unit,
this model gains boosted attack rolls with this weapon.

House Ellowuyr Swordsmen
Retribution Unit
Continuing the long traditions of their ancestors, the swordsmen of House Ellowuyr
practice a unique discipline of fighting that utilizes perfectly balanced blades and
6 6 7 4 13 13 8 fluid movements. These swordsmen slash their way through enemy ranks with a
combination of measured strikes and swift movements. They consider themselves
Great Sword
RNG POW P+S second to none in the art of swordplay within Ios. There are none within the
2 6 12 nation’s borders who have not heard of Ellowuyr spearheading the siege against
House Vyre at the height of the War of the Houses.
Leader & 5 Grunts 10 FA
Leader & 9 Grunts 16 2
House Ellowuyr swordsmen train within the halls of Aeryth Ellowuyr, a massive
fortress and the largest of Ios’ interior garrisons. Due to the distinct design of the
LEADER & GRUNTS blade, the officers of Aeryth Ellowuyr prefer to train recruits unspoiled by habits
learned through the use of other weapons. The great, sweeping motions they
Blade Shield – This model gains +2 DEF against
ranged attack rolls. utilize enable fully trained swordsmen to cleave an opponent in two and continue
Cleave – When this model destroys one or more on to the next foe without losing momentum between strikes. Additionally, they
enemy models with a basic melee attack during its
Combat Action, immediately after the attack is resolved are able to snap their weapons up with such speed that they can deflect incoming
this model can make one additional melee attack. This projectiles with the flat of the blade. Warriors who master the art of fighting with
model can gain only one additional attack from Cleave
each activation. the massive swords serve much longer than typical soldiers—a minimum of forty
years and often longer.

House Ellowuyr remains one of only two of the five great military houses to offer
direct support to the Retribution, though some within the house’s hierarchy disagree
with that involvement. Those soldiers who fight alongside the radical sect do so at
the request of Thyron, Sword of Truth, who offered the Retribution aid in the form of
a small band of swordsmen loyal to him. Ellowuyr’s involvement has grown since
Thyron’s initial efforts, and the number of elite warriors serving under his command
has increased, as has the degree of support from others within the house.

House Ellowuyr Swordsman Officer & Standard
Retribution Command Attachment
Though all Ellowuyr swordsmen can be considered career soldiers, only the most
skilled and headstrong among their number manage to rise through the ranks to
become officers. These seasoned commanders not only skillfully wield the blades 6 6 8 4 13 13 8
of their order but also possess a keen sense for the ebb and flow of battle. They
Great Sword
condition the warriors under their command to react to their orders with fluid, RNG POW P+S
concise, coordinated movements. Such cohesion allows these already remarkable 2 6 12

soldiers to fight in perfect conjunction and thus become like a single blade STANDARD
leveraged against the enemy to deliver a mortal strike. SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD
6 6 7 4 13 13 8
Standing close to the officers are those courageous veterans who have the honor
of bearing the emblem of House Ellowuyr into battle. Only swordsmen of noble Great Sword
blood who have proven their mettle in combat are permitted to hold the standard 2 6 12
aloft, and those who fight beneath it refuse to allow the standard of their great
officer’s damage: 5
house to fall on the battlefield, or worse, into enemy hands. That the symbol of
this great military house is now carried alongside those of Shyeel and Vyre sends a PC Officer & Standard 5
clear sign to all within Ios: the might of the Retribution grows ever stronger.

Attachment [House Ellowuyr Swordsmen] – This

attachment can be added to a House Ellowuyr
Swordsman unit.
Blade Shield – This model gains +2 DEF against
ranged attack rolls.
Cleave – When this model destroys one or more
enemy models with a basic melee attack during its
Combat Action, immediately after the attack is resolved
this model can make one additional melee attack. This
model can gain only one additional attack from Cleave
each activation.
Granted: Practiced Maneuvers – While this model
is in formation, each model in this unit can ignore other
models in this unit when determining LOS and can
advance through them if it has enough movement to
move completely past them.
Serpent’s Coil – Once per game at any time during
its unit’s activation, this model can use Serpent’s Coil.
For one round, models in this unit gain Defensive
Strike. (Once per turn, when an enemy model advances
into and ends its movement in the melee range of a
model with Defensive Strike, the model with Defensive
Strike can immediately make one basic melee attack
against it.)
Blade Shield – See above.
Cleave – See above.
Standard Bearer – While this model is within 5˝
of its unit commander, the unit commander gains
+2 CMD.
Take Up – If this model is destroyed, you can choose
a Grunt in this unit within 1˝ of it to be destroyed
instead. Effects on this model expire, and it gains
the effects on the chosen Grunt. Remove the Grunt
from the table instead of this model. This model has
the same number of unmarked damage boxes as the
chosen Grunt.

Houseguard Halberdiers
Retribution Unit
Houseguard forces have served in the defense of Ios since its foundation, and
halberdiers in particular maintain an unbroken martial tradition predating Lyoss
6 5 6 4 13 14 7 itself. Even in the hands of a fresh recruit, the halberd is a deadly weapon, and the
majority of the houseguard are career soldiers who have spent years at drill and
RNG POW P+S formation. They know every cadence march and maneuver by heart. Disciplined
2 5 10 ranks of halberdiers form a tide of rising and falling steel that can cut down masses
of enemies with deliberate ease.
Leader & 5 Grunts 8 FA
Leader & 9 Grunts 13 u
Because their numbers are drawn from disparate lesser Iosan households, there
are noticeable variances in the uniforms and armor among the halberdiers, but
LEADER & GRUNTS their basic armament remains consistent and is based on ancient tradition. The
Combined Melee Attack
sheer numbers of the houseguard is what enables the Retribution to engage in
Practiced Maneuvers – Each model in this unit
can ignore other models in this unit when determining battle against the armies of the human kingdoms. It is a truth of war that these
LOS and can advance through them if it has enough
movement to move completely past them.
companies, the army’s lifeblood, will endure heavy losses in battles ahead.
Set Defense – A model in this model’s front arc suffers Halberdiers embrace this grim fact with pride as soldiers of the line.
–2 on charge, slam power attack, and impact attack rolls
against this model.
Shield Wall (Order) – Until the start of their next
activation, each affected model gains +4 ARM while
B2B with another affected model in its unit. This bonus
does not apply to damage originating in the model’s
back arc. Models in this unit can begin the game
affected by Shield Wall.
Brutal Charge – This model gains +2 to charge attack
damage rolls with this weapon.

Houseguard Halberdier Officer & Standard
Retribution Command Attachment
Houseguard halberdiers are first and foremost professional soldiers practicing a
long and honored tradition. The officers who lead these companies see themselves
as consummate warriors and living examples for their subordinates. Most of these 6 5 7 4 13 14 7
officers once served the Homeguard Coalition and drilled endlessly at both border
and interior garrisons. They have replaced safe routine with the uncertainties of RNG POW P+S
war and risking their lives on foreign soil. These officers finally have the chance 2 5 10

to serve as they always intended, putting to practice skills and tactics otherwise STANDARD BEARER
unused. For many there is the incentive of playing a part in a cause they consider SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD
6 5 6 4 13 14 7
holy and necessary.
officer’s damage: 5
The companies brought into the Retribution military have joined for a variety of
reasons, and this is reflected in their officers. Some serve from loyalty to house FA
PC Officer & Standard 4
nobles who donated soldiers to the Retribution as a sign of solidarity. Others put u

aside former affiliations while caught up in the fervor spreading across Ios. While base:small

some companies remain tight-knit groups with close kinship ties, others comprise Attachment [Houseguard Halberdiers] – This
volunteers gathered across several houses and placed under a single strong and attachment can be added to a Houseguard Halberdier
competent leader. OFFICER
Combined Melee Attack
As officers inevitably fall in battle, chances will emerge for others to rise through Officer
the ranks to take their places. These officers must forge their troops into disciplined Granted: Reposition [3˝] – While this model is in
formation, models in its unit gain Reposition [3˝]. (At
groups acting as a single concerted body. In time some few will be remembered as the end of an activation in which it did not run or fail a
lasting heroes while others will die in their first clash with the enemy. However charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to
3˝, then its activation ends.)
they fall, their banners will faithfully be picked up and carried on. Practiced Maneuvers – Each model in this unit
can ignore other models in this unit when determining
LOS and can advance through them if it has enough
Tactical Tips movement to move completely past them.
Granted: Reposition – If a model is part of a unit, its activation does not end until all models in its unit Set Defense – A model in this model’s front arc suffers
have completed their activations. –2 on charge, slam power attack, and impact attack rolls
against this model.
Officer – Because this model is an Officer, when it is destroyed it does not replace a Grunt in its unit. Instead the
Team Effort – This model can use Team Effort once
Leader becomes the unit commander. Remember this model can issue the Shield Wall order to its unit.
per game at any time during its unit’s activation. This
activation, models in this unit gain +2 to attack and
damage rolls when making a melee attack targeting
an enemy model in melee range of another model in
this unit.
Practiced Maneuvers – See above.
Standard Bearer – While this model is within 5˝
of its unit commander, the unit commander gains
+2 CMD.
Take Up – If this model is destroyed, you can choose
a Grunt in this unit within 1˝ of it to be destroyed
instead. Effects on this model expire, and it gains
the effects on the chosen Grunt. Remove the Grunt
from the table instead of this model. This model has
the same number of unmarked damage boxes as the
chosen Grunt.
Brutal Charge – This model gains +2 to charge attack
damage rolls with this weapon.

Houseguard Riflemen
Retribution Unit
The collective protection of Ios has been a burden shouldered not solely by the
Five Great Military Houses but by every citizen. The most vital element of this
6 4 5 5 13 13 7 common defensive effort has been the large number of riflemen ready to fire on
any approaching enemy from a great distance. Companies of these same riflemen
Long Rifle
RNG ROF AOE POW have joined the Retribution in droves, and they are expected to serve as the long-
14 1 — 10 reaching line for the army abroad, wielding heavy rifles capable of delivering
Sword punishing firepower against the human armies that so greatly outnumber them.
0.5 3 7 Each house keeps riflemen in numbers proportionate to its means. Any other
groups of soldiers belonging to the house usually consist of troops less costly
Leader & 5 Grunts
Leader & 9 Grunts
to maintain, such as halberdiers. Outfitting and supporting rifleman companies
incur considerable but essential expenses. A house boasting a sizable force of such
soldiers can point to it as proof of its affluence and power. Because of the cost to
LEADER & GRUNTS outfit these companies and the time invested in their training, Ios prefers quality
Combined Ranged Attack
Practiced Maneuvers – Each model in this unit
to quantity. Every rifleman has spent years drilling in the use of his weapons
can ignore other models in this unit when determining alongside his squad. They are professional soldiers of the highest caliber. Rather
LOS and can advance through them if it has enough
movement to move completely past them. than haphazardly firing into the enemy, a rifleman is trained to take careful aim
and regard each trigger pull as a prospective kill.

Houseguard Rifleman Officer & Standard
Retribution Command Attachment
The stoic and keen-eyed officers who lead houseguard rifleman companies are
just as vital to their success as the individual training that these soldiers receive.
The difference between victory and defeat often depends on the judgment calls 6 4 6 6 13 13 7
of these experienced captains. They must know how to position their units on
Long Rifle
optimal terrain for whatever threats may emerge. These captains must be able to RNG ROF AOE POW
gauge the strength of the enemy accurately and direct the fire of their troops where 14 1 — 10

it is needed most. They must also ensure their actions coordinate smoothly with Sword
the convoluted plans of mage hunters and the Dawnguard. Good captains know RNG POW P+S
0.5 3 7
to hold fire until the first mage hunter bolts strike home on unsuspecting targets.
They keep the impatience and the fears of their soldiers in check and their focus on STANDARD BEARER
their targets so the unit operates as smoothly as a well-oiled watch. SPD STR MAT RAT DEF ARM CMD
6 4 5 5 13 13 7
After decades of directing fire, these committed veterans know better than anyone
officer’s damage: 5
the pressure they can bring to bear with a few dozen rifles in the right place at the
right time. Under such commanders, riflemen stay steady in the face of incoming PC Officer & Standard 4
enemies, waiting until the last moment and thereby increasing the deadly impact
of every shot.
Attachment [Houseguard Riflemen] – This
attachment can be added to a Houseguard Rifleman unit.
Tactical Tips
Granted: War-Tempered – Do not ignore the target’s DEF bonus when shooting into melee. Combined Ranged Attack
Officer – Because this model is an Officer, when it is destroyed it does not replace a Grunt in its unit. Officer
Instead the Leader becomes the unit commander. Granted: War-Tempered – While this model is in
formation, models in its unit can make combined
ranged attacks targeting models in melee. If a combined
ranged attack made by models with War-Tempered
misses a model in melee, participating attackers
that would automatically miss the new target do not
contribute to the attack and damage roll bonus but still
forfeit their attacks.
Practiced Maneuvers – Each model in this unit
can ignore other models in this unit when determining
LOS and can advance through them if it has enough
movement to move completely past them.
Whites of Their Eyes – This model can use Whites
of Their Eyes once per game at any time during its
unit’s activation. This activation, models in this unit
gain Trained Fire. (A model with Trained Fire gains
an additional die on ranged attack rolls against models
within 8˝ of  it.)
Practiced Maneuvers – See above.
Standard Bearer – While this model is within 5˝
of its unit commander, the unit commander gains
+2 CMD.
Take Up – If this model is destroyed, you can choose
a Grunt in this unit within 1˝ of it to be destroyed
instead. Effects on this model expire, and it gains
the effects on the chosen Grunt. Remove the Grunt
from the table instead of this model. This model has
the same number of unmarked damage boxes as the
chosen Grunt.

House Shyeel Arcanists
Retribution Unit
House Shyeel is best known for its feats of ingenuity in the engineering and
production of myrmidons. Though House Shyeel’s field technology protects its
6 6 5 4 13 12 6 myrmidons from many attacks, the shields are not impenetrable. Myrmidons
often suffer considerable damage over the course of an engagement. When one is
RNG POW P+S compromised mid-battle, there often is no time to pull it back to safety for repairs,
0.5 3 9 which must therefore be performed while the conflict rages on all sides. House
Shyeel arcanists train to master both the arcane arts as well as the practical skills
PC Leader & 2 Grunts 7
2 necessary to maintain and repair damaged myrmidons in the midst of battle.
Unlike the other arcane mechaniks in the service of the Retribution who, while
LEADER & GRUNTS brave, lack extensive combat skill, Shyeel arcanists are equipped to wade into
Force Barrier – This model gains +2 DEF against
battle in order to return an impaired myrmidon to the fight. Even in dire situations
ranged attack rolls and does not suffer blast damage.
Magic Ability [5] arcanists are capable of defending themselves and the machines in their care
• Empower (HAction) – RNG CMD. Target friendly should the need arise. Each of Shyeel’s arcanists undergoes rigorous training in the
Faction warjack. If the target warjack is in range
and it was suffering Disruption, it is no longer manipulation of kinetic force, often honing these skills side by side with Shyeel’s
disrupted. The warjack also gains 1 focus point. battle mages. This force manipulation is used in both attack and defense, turning
• Force Strike (HAttack) – Force Strike is a
RNG 8, POW 12 magic attack. On a critical hit, the aside projectiles or striking down an enemy with a sharp blow of invisible force.
model hit becomes knocked down. Arcanists working in tandem are adept at repairing the damaged mechanisms of a
Repair [d3 + 1] (HAction) – RNG B2B. Target friendly
Faction construct model. If the model is in range, myrmidon while simultaneously holding back the enemy.
remove d3 + 1 damage points from it.

Tactical Tips
Magic Ability – Performing a Magic Ability special action or special attack counts as casting a spell.

House Shyeel Battle Mages
Retribution Unit
Though battle mages may arise from other houses, only House Shyeel has made
their discipline a military science. It has assembled numerous squads of arcanists
trained to wield their powers as weapons. These mages have eschewed esoteric 6 7 6 4 13 12 7
research into inconsequential magic theory to specialize in the application of raw
Power Gauntlet
evoked force. They are often as stern and direct as the magic they employ, and it RNG POW P+S
has earned them an ominous reputation. 0.5 4 11

Battle mages practice a hybrid of the arcane and martial disciplines, and their PC Leader & 5 Grunts 10
training for physical combat refines their mental control over their powers. They
have no fear of closing with the enemy, for they enter battle equipped with massive
arcanika-charged gauntlets that lend supernatural strength to their strikes. Their LEADER & GRUNTS
arcane control over kinetic energies allows them to deflect incoming missile fire Force Barrier – This model gains +2 DEF against
ranged attack rolls and does not suffer blast damage.
and emerge unscathed from the shrapnel of massive explosions. Magic Ability [6]
• Force Bolt (HAttack) – Force Bolt is a RNG 10,
House Shyeel has strategically deployed these mages throughout the armies of POW 10 magic attack. An enemy model hit by this
attack can be pushed d3˝ directly toward or directly
the Retribution to involve the house in all major operations. House leaders are not away from this model. Choose the direction before
content to wait in Ios while sending myrmidons to support the Dawnguard. Battle rolling the distance. On a critical hit, the enemy
model becomes knocked down after being pushed.
mages represent Shyeel on the front lines, where they earn their share of glory
Power Gauntlet
and preserve house interests. Some have suggested this is one step toward House Damage Type: Magical
Shyeel becoming a Great Military House. Thanks to the political opportunities Beat Back – Immediately after a basic attack with
this weapon is resolved during this model’s Combat
opened by public support for the Retribution and the alliance with House Nyarr, Action, the enemy model hit can be pushed 1˝ directly
these battle mages may succeed and usher in a new era of influence. away from the attacking model. After the enemy model
is pushed, the attacking model can advance up to 1˝
directly toward it.
Tactical Tips
Beat Back – You cannot move toward a model you destroyed.
Magic Ability – Performing a Magic Ability special action or special attack counts as casting a spell.

House Vyre Electromancers
Retribution Unit
Not content to stand idly by as its myrmidons march to war beside the battle mages
of House Shyeel, House Vyre has deployed its own combat-ready electromancers
6 5 6 6 13 12 6 to aid the Retribution’s efforts abroad. Wielding arcanikal storm inducers the
electromancers can summon up potent electrical fields at will. Those chosen for
Inducer Bolt
RNG ROF AOE POW this role train for years under the tutelage of House Vyre’s senior battle mages
10 1 — 12 in the manipulation of these voltaic forces. Electromancers who are dispatched
Storm Inducer to fight for the cause have done much to further the house’s bid for redemption,
RNG POW P+S whether fighting alongside the forces of the Retribution or helping to defend the
2 5 10
Iosan interior from enemy incursions.

PC Leader & 2 Grunts 8

They are accompanied by the omnipresent hum and crackle of sophisticated
arcanikal devices and the pervasive smell of burning ozone. They force voltaic
energies through their staves to lash the battlefield with manipulated storms
LEADER & GRUNTS that send deadly electrical surges arcing from one target to the next. Warjacks
Immunity: Electricity
collapse from overloaded systems, and scores of infantry fry where they stand,
Inducer Bolt
Damage Type: Electricity hearts seizing under the current that surges through their bodies. For centuries the
Damage Type: Magical electromancers have restricted themselves to the borders of Ios; now, with myriad
Attack Type – Each time this weapon is used to make
an attack, choose one of the following special rules: enemies closing in, they march forth against the nation’s foes.
• Energy Leak – When a warjack is hit with this
weapon, it suffers a cumulative –1 penalty to its
focus limit for one round. Models that are immune Tactical Tips
to Disruption are immune to Energy Leak. Cortex Damage – Because this damage is caused by the effect when the model is hit, mark it before making
• Lightning Generator – When a model is directly the damage roll.
hit with a basic attack made with this weapon,
Lightning Generator – Remember, lightning will not arc to a model with Immunity: Electricity.
lightning arcs from the model hit to d3 consecutive
additional models. The lightning arcs to the nearest Pulse Fire – The damage rolls from Pulse Fire are simultaneous.
model it has not already arced to within 4˝ of the
last model it arced to, ignoring this model. Each
model the lightning arcs to suffers an unboostable
POW 10 electrical damage roll  . Lightning arc
damage rolls are not considered to have been caused
by an attack. Resolve lightning arc damage rolls
simultaneously with the damage resulting from the
attack that caused the lightning arc.
• Pulse Fire – When a model is hit with this
weapon, it suffers d3 damage rolls instead of  one.
Storm Inducer
Damage Type: Magical
Cortex Damage – When a warjack is hit by this
weapon, it suffers 1 damage point to its first available
Cortex system box.

Mage Hunter Infiltrators
Retribution Unit
Along with the other mage hunters, infiltrators are part of the traditional core
of the Retribution. They bear a deep-seated hatred for human arcanists, and
eliminating them is the infiltrators’ top priority. It is for that very purpose that they 7 6 6 4 14 11 8
arm themselves with the customary purified weapons of their fellowship, blades
ritually attuned to disrupt the protective magic of their enemies. Each fights with a RNG POW P+S
pair of these blades, one long and one short, creating a whirlwind of steel capable 0.5 3 9

of slicing through arcane wards with ease.

Leader & 5 Grunts 8 FA
Leader & 9 Grunts 13 2
Able to move at high speeds in complete silence, infiltrators have been known to
wipe out entire units before the enemy can draw a single weapon. Such ambushes
are expertly orchestrated and planned down to the smallest detail, sometimes LEADER & GRUNTS
requiring the assassins to wait days for their quarry. Pathfinder
Gang – When making a melee attack targeting an
Beyond their skill at stealth, the infiltrators’ greatest asset is their ability to work as a enemy model in the melee range of another model in
team. During training they spend days noiselessly drilling in group maneuvers and this unit, this model gains +2 to melee attack and melee
damage rolls.
exercises. Eventually these routines become so ingrained that the team can intuit
the proper course of action in any situation without consulting their commanders, Blessed
allowing for flawless execution of synchronized takedowns. Given the relative
vulnerability of their light armor, it is essential they end such engagements quickly
and decisively. Foes die in a swift barrage of steel, with precise thrusts to their vital
organs or strikes to weak points in their armor.

An infiltrator unit functions like a tight-knit family and demonstrates self-

sufficiency in every way. Working with their peers, infiltrators join numerous
mage hunter cells hidden across Immoren, particularly in the human nations. In
recent years their activities have increased as more cells have been sent to even
the farthest human settlements, the body count growing ever higher behind them.

Mage Hunter Strike Force
Retribution Unit
Mage hunters constitute the traditional core of the Retribution, and mage hunter
strike forces have waged a secret war against humanity for centuries. In that
6 5 6 6 14 11 8 time the Retribution has refined its ability to recruit agents with the proper mix
of dedication, raw talent, and hunter’s instinct to train them into unconventional
RNG ROF AOE POW warriors and killers. Mage hunters are expected to function in circumstances
12 1 — 10 regular soldiers rarely have to face, such as surviving hand-to-mouth deep in
enemy territory while isolated from friendly support. They learn to be at home
RNG POW P+S in any environment, to scavenge and improvise, and to kill without a moment’s
0.5 4 9
hesitation. Even in normal pitched battles the mage hunters use misdirection and
Leader & 5 Grunts 10 FA stealth to gain the element of surprise.
Leader & 9 Grunts 16 2
Their first priority is always the elimination of enemy arcanists and mechanikal
constructs—those elements believed to harm Scyrah. Borrowing on personal
LEADER & GRUNTS experience as much as knowledge passed down from their predecessors, these
Combined Melee Attack
Pathfinder strike teams learn to disable mechanikal systems with practiced ease.
’Jack Hunter – This model gains an additional die on Initial training and drills at the Syvash Stronghold only take aspiring recruits so far,
its melee and ranged damage rolls against warjacks. and they are not counted as full hunters until they go forth to join strike teams in
one of the various operational regions in the human kingdoms. In this unforgiving
Saber environment their skills are put to the test on missions with life and death at stake.
Blessed Those found lacking never last long while those who remain are hardened by field
experience. In time the best of them no longer need the support of a group and can
work independently.

Mage hunters belong to a fierce and zealous fellowship and are united by an
unshakable belief in their cause. Not only does failure bring personal shame, but it
also represents disappointing their goddess. This mindset gives each mage hunter
singular focus and conviction. They know the path to Scyrah’s restoration will
require spilling a great deal of blood.

Mage Hunter Strike Force Commander
Retribution Command Attachment
Senior operatives in the organization watch the performance of veteran mage
hunters closely. Those veterans who successfully lead small teams on difficult
missions are evaluated and their future in the organization weighed. Though all 6 5 7 7 14 11 9
mage hunters are prized as deadly killers, those with the instincts for leadership
prove most valuable in the long run. They are promoted to command and entrusted RNG ROF AOE POW
with the lives of dozens of mage hunters or given oversight over an entire cell or 12 1 — 10

base outside of Ios. Saber

Veteran teams led by these senior commanders are well versed in advanced 0.5 4 9
Retribution tactics and techniques. They plan every operation down to the last
detail, utilizing surveillance and espionage to evaluate the enemy precisely.
Slipping past the outer defenses of an enemy base while under cover of darkness, PC FA
they fire bolts through intervening walls to kill without a trace. Those left alive in 4 2

the aftermath of such attacks are often bewildered and terrified to find the bodies Attachment [Mage Hunter Strike Force] – This
of their peers, as they lack any awareness of having been under attack. Working attachment can be added to a Mage Hunter Strike Force
alongside other soldiers in the Retribution military, these teams apply similar
methods to erase vital targets before they can even join battle. Combined Melee Attack
By necessity commanders operating outside Ios cannot always contact Retribution Pathfinder
leadership and must be ready to act autonomously in carrying forward the goals Stealth
’Jack Hunter – This model gains an additional die on
of the sect. A commander must make good use of his subordinates, including the its melee and ranged damage rolls against warjacks.
inevitable necessity of weighing the priorities of the mission against the survival Phantom Barrage – Once per game at any time
during its unit’s activation, this model can use Phantom
of members of his own team. Barrage. This activation, models in this unit can ignore
cloud effects, forest terrain, and intervening models
when determining LOS.
Tactical Tips Tactics: Advance Deployment – Models in this unit
Officer – Because this model is an Officer, when it is destroyed it does not replace a Grunt in its unit. gain Advance Deployment  .
Instead the Leader becomes the unit commander. Crossbow

Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander
Retribution Command Attachment
After years spent hunting human arcanists and gathering intelligence on the human
nations’ armies in the guise of a mercenary, Eiryss has assumed her proper place as
7 4 7 9 16 12 9 one of the ranking operatives of the Retribution. Now she takes to the field leading
other mage hunters, inspiring them to feats requiring bravery and precision while
RNG ROF AOE POW lending her own deadly skills to rid the world of humanity’s blasphemies against
12 1 — 10 the gods.
Crossbow Blade For decades Eiryss infiltrated the ranks of her hated enemies, learning their ways
0.5 3 7 and studying the territories they call home. She knows the tactics and weaknesses
of the Iron Kingdoms’ militaries better than any other and is a uniquely valuable
and essential weapon of the Retribution’s cause. In every respect Eiryss is a
0.5 3 7 paragon of the old guard, a woman whose fighting prowess and knowledge
have positioned her to become one of the greatest leaders of the Retribution.
Nevertheless, she feels driven to remain active in the field, personally eliminating
her sect’s most despised foes.
6 c
She was instrumental in the recovery of Nyssor; her encyclopedic knowledge of
Attachment [Mage Hunters] – This attachment can
be added to a small-based Mage Hunter unit. the Iron Kingdoms proved essential to his safe return. The tremendous task of
EIRYSS 3 marching an army of unprecedented size deep into the human kingdoms was
Officer managed with relatively little difficulty thanks in large part to intelligence she
had gathered. While Nyssor’s return to Ios has been credited to Incissar Vyros
Arcane Hemorrhage – When this model hits another of House Nyarr, those inside the Retribution consider Eiryss the unsung hero of
model with an attack, the model hit loses the focus and
fury points on it, and upkeep spells it cast immediately
that triumph. Even the latecomers to the Retribution, who are motivated more by
expire. political necessity than by zeal for the cause, have been forced to acknowledge her
Granted: Reposition [3˝] – While this model is in
formation, models in its unit gain Reposition [3˝]. (At
the end of an activation in which it did not run or fail a
charge, a model with Reposition [3˝] can advance up to Now, with the people of Ios increasingly galvanized behind the Retribution, the
3˝, then its activation ends.) organization prepares to enter a perilous new stage. Eiryss has long awaited the
Quick Work – When this model destroys one or more
enemy models with a melee attack during its Combat day the Retribution would expand its operations and commit to open war against
Action, immediately after that attack is resolved this the blight of human magic with the full support of the Iosan people. Now that time
model can make one basic ranged attack.
Tactics: Advance Deployment – Models in this unit has come. Casting aside her mercenary identity, Eiryss has assumed her proper
gain Advance Deployment  . place commanding her fellow mage hunters for her order’s most vital strikes in
Crossbow the field.
Weapon Master
Although she ranks only as a field commander, Eiryss’ actual influence is far
Crossbow Blade
greater and can be felt throughout the Retribution. The respect she has garnered
Weapon Master as one of the most prolific agents in the history of the organization has afforded
Saber her incredible autonomy. In addition to regularly planning and executing her own
Weapon Master
missions across western Immoren, she is consulted by the Nine Voices as well as by
the Retribution’s warcasters on all major operations outside Ios, and she remains
the organization’s foremost intelligence asset. Operating alongside the warcasters,
myrmidons, and soldiers of the Retribution, Eiryss directs the full might of her
people as never before.

Tactical Tips
Granted: Reposition – If a model is part of a unit, its activation does not end until all models in its unit
have completed their activations.
Officer – Because this model is an Officer, when it is destroyed it does not replace a Grunt in its unit.
Instead the Leader becomes the unit commander.
Quick Work – This model cannot make the additional attack if it is still in melee.

Ryssovass Defenders
Retribution Nyss Unit
The Nyss ryssovass were once proud defenders of the winding mountain passes
leading to the Shard Spires. They gave up their ties to family and shard and
5 6 7 4 12 15 9 took to the frozen peaks to embrace an isolated existence devoted entirely to the
protection of their home territories. With great swords in hand they learned to fight
Ryssovass Blade
RNG POW P+S side by side with their fellows, standing tirelessly against foes far more numerous
2 4 10 than they. They turned the defense of chokepoints and narrow passes into an art,
maneuvering as one in combat and moving with grace even under the weight of
Leader & 5 Grunts 10 FA
Leader & 9 Grunts 16 2 their plated armor.
The oath of the ryssovass was a sacred charge, and when much of the order was
LEADER & GRUNTS corrupted by the dragon Everblight’s servants and the borders of the Shard Spires
collapsed, those who had spent their lives in defense of their fellow Nyss lost all
Defensive Line – While this model is B2B with one or
more models in its unit, it gains +2 DEF against melee sense of purpose. The few who survived turned their attention to protecting the
attacks and cannot become knocked down.
stream of Nyss refugees fleeing their frigid homeland. Shortly after their departure,
Precision Strike – When this model damages a
warjack or warbeast with a melee attack, choose which the ryssovass learned of the abduction of the frozen god Nyssor and, with the help
column or branch suffers the damage. of the other surviving unblighted Nyss, made it their purpose to pursue any leads
regarding their deity’s location.
Ryssovass Blade
Weapon Master

The Iosans only recently recovered Nyssor, and so the ryssovass rallied once more,
those remaining few traveling to the distant borders of Ios to live out their days
in defense of the Scyir of Winter. Though most of the remaining ryssovass have
relocated to Ios, they do not hesitate to join the Retribution of Scyrah in battle.
They see this service as both part of their responsibility to protect their new home
and a duty to those who helped recover their frozen god.

Tactical Tips
Defensive Line – Remember, even if a thrown model cannot be knocked down, it must still forfeit its
Normal Movement or Combat Action if it activates later in a turn it was thrown.

Soulless Escort
Retribution Weapon Attachment
For several decades sympathetic midwives and priests from the Fane of Scyrah
have smuggled unfortunate soulless children to the Retribution, saving them
from death. The parents of these youths might have a different perception of this 6 6 5 3 12 12 6
“mercy” afforded their unwanted offspring if they knew to what use many are put.
The soulless are raised and trained at a sealed enclave on the outskirts of Iryss, 0.5 3 9
where they learn to wield weapons and obey commands. While Retribution
handlers endeavor to train these unfortunates as soldiers, not all are suitable; PC FA
1 u
the absence of self-will unfortunately makes many of them lackluster warriors.
However, certain soulless whose unique state allows them to neutralize arcane Attachment [Retribution] – This attachment can be
added to a small- or medium-based Retribution unit.
energy can be exploited to interfere with enemy attacks, albeit at a terrible cost.
These soulless escorts siphon such energies directly into their bodies, causing Soulless
disfiguring burns. Absorbing too much arcane energy can cause complete organ Attachment Deployment – If this model is attached
to a unit with Advance Deployment  , it gains
failure, though nearby allies are left unscathed by the magical onslaught. Thus, the Advance Deployment. If it is attached to a unit with
soulless serve as living lightning rods to preserve the lives of others. Ambush, it gains Ambush.
Disbinding (HAction) – Enemy upkeep spells and
The units to which these escorts are attached do not take well to having a soulless animi on this model and its unit immediately expire.
Mage Static – While this model is in formation,
in their midst, and the escort is never considered a true comrade in arms. enemy magic attacks targeting a model in its unit suffer
–5 RNG.

Tactical Tips Sword

Damage Type: Magical
Mage Static – This does not affect magic attacks with RNG SP.

Stormfall Archers
Retribution Unit
Stormfall archers are walking artillery batteries that can unleash a firestorm of
death and destruction from an arsenal of alchemical ammunition. The payloads
5 4 5 5 13 13 6 of the arrows they deliver into the enemy’s ranks, such as high explosive yields
and volatile incendiary charges, are tailored for numerous different destructive
Great Bow
RNG ROF AOE POW tasks. Requiring only their compound bows to launch their specialized arrows
12 1 3 12 across the battlefield, the Stormfall archers do not at all resemble the slow-moving
Sword cannon crews of the human kingdoms. Teams of archers can maneuver through
RNG POW P+S dense terrain with ease compared to the awkward and heavy artillery employed
0.5 3 7
by human armies. Archers are able to move quickly into position, open fire, and
FA fall back before the enemy has time to respond—tactics that fit well into the
PC Leader & 3 Grunts 9
2 Retribution’s approach to war.
Stormfall archers originated with House Rhyslyrr, but their techniques quickly
Great Bow spread and were adopted by many ancillary houses. While many of these archers
Attack Type – Each time this weapon is used to make
an attack, choose one of the following special rules: remain among the Homeguard Coalition, a sizable number have joined other
• Brutal Shot – Gain an additional die on the elements of various houseguard to march alongside the Retribution. Stormfall
damage roll against a model directly hit.
archers are more likely to be overheard discussing angles of projected descent
• Snipe – This attack gains +4 RNG.
• Star Strike – This attack causes no damage. and calculating optimal attack vectors rather than debating the plight of Scyrah,
Instead, on a direct hit models in the AOE suffer the but this focus does not indicate a lack of piety. Theirs is a highly specialized
Fire continuous effect  .
discipline, and they take great pride in the firepower they can unleash to turn
the tide of battle.

Tactical Tips
Star Strike – If the attack misses, nothing happens.

Spears of Scyrah
Retribution Mage Hunter Unit
The trio known as the Spears of Scyrah counts among the most fanatical mage
hunters in the Retribution. Swift, silent, and highly skilled in the use of a wide range
6 6 7 4 15 11 7 of weapons, these veteran warriors worship Scyrah in her guise as the Avenger of
the Vanished. They aspire in all matters to appease their slumbering goddess, in
RNG POW P+S particular by striking down those who have caused harm to the lost Iosan gods
2 5 11 and by shielding those who worship Scyrah from further ills. The Spears of Scyrah
damage: 5 each
have accepted their mortality and serve their goddess without fear of death. This
selflessness makes them formidable warriors. Their surety of the path that they
PC Leader & 2 Grunts 9
FA walk has left hundreds of human arcanists dead at their feet.
base:small The Spears have had many members over the centuries, starting from the first
years of the Retribution’s existence. Since that time many have fallen in combat,
Pathfinder zealously giving their lives for the cause of the mage hunters. A few have retired
Stealth due to age or injury, becoming instructors to new generations of mage hunters.
Duelist – This model gains +2 DEF against melee
attack rolls.
Only those few aspirants who prove they possess an unshakable conviction
Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation in which
it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance worthy of membership are drafted into the ranks of the Spears of Scyrah. Members
up to 3˝, then its activation ends. undergo grueling physical and mental trials rooted in traditions that predate the
Shield Guard – Once per round, when a friendly
model is directly hit by a non-spray ranged attack Retribution itself and harken back to the days when Scyrah walked among them.
during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of this Mental clarity to facilitate communion with the divine and a practiced, unflinching
model, you can choose to have this model directly hit
instead. This model is automatically hit and suffers resolve in the face of pain are emphasized, along with many of the skills common
all damage and effects. This model cannot use Shield
Guard while it is incorporeal, knocked down, or
to other mage hunters. Through these trials, novice members are molded into
stationary. introspective and selfless killers.
Vengeance – During your Maintenance Phase, if one
or more models in this unit were damaged by enemy The Spears answer directly to Oracle Relvinor Luynmyr, the ranking member
attacks during the last round, each model in the unit
can advance 3˝ and make one basic melee attack. of the priesthood. While the group is given broad latitude to pursue its own
Spear objectives, the elimination of potential threats chosen by the Retribution hierarchy
Blessed often requires the Spears to carry out preemptive strikes in dangerous conditions
Damage Type: Magical
Weapon Master throughout the human kingdoms beyond Ios.

Dysis, the current leader of the Spears, once commanded one of the most ruthless
and effective mage hunter strike forces ever to venture beyond the borders of Ios.
Under her command, a high-profile mission deep within Khador claimed the lives
of the entire strike force and left Dysis severely wounded. She successfully returned
despite being nearly exsanguinated, which impressed her superiors so much that
she was drafted into the Spears. She would in time become a friend of Eiryss, one
of the few to claim that honor, and it is not uncommon for the legendary mage
hunter commander to join the Spears on their most vital missions.

Dysis’ icy demeanor masks a deep concern for her sisters in arms, Lyona and Nya.
Daughters of previous members of the Spears who were raised on its teachings,
the two now serve Dysis without question, their devotion to the cause as strong as
that of their leader. Lyona is among the most taciturn of mage hunters, going days
or even weeks without uttering a word. By contrast Nya is an eloquent and keen-
minded tactician who does not hesitate to point out flaws in Dysis’ intricate plans.

Together they are greater than the sum of their parts and have avenged countless
slain members of the Retribution. As the Retribution advances its agenda against
the human kingdoms, the Spears of Scyrah strike where the Nine Voices command,
the points of their weapons hungry for arcane blood.

Tactical Tips
Reposition – If a model is part of a unit, its activation does not end until all models in its unit have
completed their activations.
Vengeance – Models move after continuous effects have been resolved during your Maintenance Phase.

Arcanist Mechanik
Retribution Solo
Even the most masterfully crafted myrmidon requires repair and support,
particularly after the rigors of battle. Energy condensers and field projectors are
6 5 5 4 13 12 3 rugged pieces of military hardware, but direct hits that breach the power field
will inevitably damage more delicate internal elements. Arcanist mechaniks are
RNG POW P+S seasoned veterans with a broad working knowledge of arcanika that allows them
0.5 3 8 to piece together shattered and broken hardware to get even a mostly ruined
myrmidon functioning again. Their expertise also allows them to lend subtle
2 3
arcane power to push these machines to the limit.

ARCANIST Arcanist mechaniks require a degree of bravery and grit to maintain their focus
Magic Ability in the chaos of battle while myrmidons under their charge are hammered with
• Concentrated Power (HAction) – RNG CMD.
Target friendly Faction warjack. If the warjack is in shells or pummeled by hammers and axes. They have a more intimate working
range, it gains +2 on melee damage rolls this turn. knowledge of how myrmidons actually function than anyone. Those who design
• Empower (HAction) – RNG CMD. Target friendly
Faction warjack. If the target warjack is in range these machines in the sheltered confines of House Shyeel never have to rush to
and it was suffering Disruption, it is no longer figure out how to pry open a dented access panel and replace a shattered focusing
disrupted. The warjack also gains 1 focus point.
Repair [d6] (HAction) – RNG B2B. Target friendly
lens before enemy rifles close to firing range.
Faction construct model. If the model is in range,
remove d6 damage points from it. Most arcanists in the employ of the Retribution are affiliated with House Shyeel,
belonging either to the house directly or to one of several affiliate houses of
lower standing. Each of the few houses capable of producing myrmidons has
its own techniques, standards, and secrets. Maintaining such machines requires
highly specialized skills passed down from master to apprentice. Every arcanist
mechanik is answerable to a mentor or another house agent tasked to ensure the
confidentiality of house secrets. They work amid the grease and oil of machinery,
far removed from house politics and are rarely distracted by matters of religion.

Dawnguard Destor Thane
Retribution Solo
Destor thanes are stalwart veterans of the Dawnguard mounted tradition. They
are grim-faced ranking officers entrusted to oversee the perfect execution of battle
plans involving multiple captains and their respective companies. These mounted 8 6 8 7 13 17 9
warriors take a distinct pride in their reputations: their admiring peers consider
Lance Cannon
each of them an army of one. After years fighting in the saddle they demonstrate RNG ROF AOE POW
singular efficacy with their lance cannons. They can fire blasts from these weapons 10 1 — 12

as they deliver a crushing charge with the weight of their armored steeds and then Lance
snap off another shot once they have punched through enemy lines. RNG POW P+S
* 8 14
In the civil war against House Vyre, these expert cavalry leaders shifted the tide
of battle by breaking through lines of defenders outside Iryss, and many of those MOUNT
veterans have gone on to become prominent leaders in the Dawnguard. Warcasters 0.5 12
rely heavily upon the thanes not only for their martial prowess but also for their
proven leadership skills and unique perspectives on the battlefield.
Many officers among the destors believe the true potential of heavy cavalry has 7 2

yet to be realized. Not content to merely support infantry offensives, these officers
await the chance to prove their value on battlefields far from the confines of Ios.
For years the only true threat to an Iosan army came from within. Now it is time Cavalry
for these forward-thinking officers to prove their mettle against unpredictable and Gunfighter
Leadership [Dawnguard Destors] – While in this
unknown threats. These thanes embrace the opportunities for battle afforded them model’s command range, friendly Dawnguard Destor
by the Retribution, and they continue to refine their theories in the chaos of war. models gain Unyielding.
Quick Work – When this model destroys one or more
enemy models with a melee attack during its Combat
Tactical Tips Action, immediately after that attack is resolved this
model can make one basic ranged attack.
Quick Work – Impact attacks do not generate Quick Work ranged attacks because they do not take place Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation in which
during this model’s combat action. it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance
up to 3˝, then its activation ends.
Unyielding – While engaging an enemy model, this
model gains +2 ARM.
Lance – This weapon can be used only to make charge
attacks. This weapon’s RNG is 0 unless this model
charges. When this model charges, this weapon’s RNG
is 2 until the charge attack is resolved.

Dawnguard Sentinel Scyir
Retribution Solo
Scyirs are the first of several high ranks used by Iosan military that borrow their
titles from the Divine Court. To be worthy of this stature, scyirs must prove
5 6 8 4 13 16 9 themselves as the elite of the elite. Ranking above captains and thanes, scyirs often
lead task forces composed of mixed groups from many disciplines. Most are sons
Great Sword
RNG POW P+S and daughters of nobility. For those concentrating on the battlefield rather than
2 6 12 politics there is no need to aspire to a higher rank. These knights represent the
pinnacle of Dawnguard martial coordination and are allowed to focus all their
energy on these tasks, avoiding the petty distractions of logistics and politics that
base:small occupy their superiors.
4 2
Scyirs are rightfully considered lords of the battlefield, and they are widely
’Jack Marshal
recognized for their individual deeds. Not only do the scyirs themselves fight
Drive: Righteous Vengeance – While in this model’s formidably; they also simultaneously direct both myrmidons and all branches of
command range, a warjack under its control gains
Righteous Vengeance.
the Dawnguard. In the absence of a warcaster they are often given a similar degree
Iron Sentinel – While B2B with a friendly Faction of operational oversight. In the recent past scyirs enjoyed unquestioned authority
warjack, this model gains +2 DEF and ARM and
cannot become knocked down.
and autonomy over their subordinates once battle began. However, that role has
Righteous Vengeance – If one or more friendly shifted since House Nyarr joined the Retribution.
Faction warrior models were destroyed or removed
from play by enemy attacks while within 5˝ of this Scyirs now must deal with the added complications of coordinating efforts alongside
model during the last round, during your Maintenance
Phase this model can advance up to 3˝ and make one mage hunter commanders and similarly ranked members of the houseguard. The
basic melee attack. scyirs who will succeed in the Retribution will be those who can earn the genuine
Tactician [Dawnguard] – While in this model’s
command range, friendly Dawnguard models can respect of their peers rather than simply expecting unquestioning obedience.
ignore other friendly Dawnguard models when
determining LOS. Friendly Dawnguard models can
advance through other friendly Dawnguard models Tactical Tips
in this model’s command range if they have enough
Iron Sentinel – Remember, even if a thrown model cannot be knocked down, it must still forfeit its Normal
movement to move completely past them.
Movement or Combat Action if it activates later in a turn it was thrown.
Great Sword
Righteous Vengeance – This model moves after continuous effects have been resolved during your
Weapon Master
Maintenance Phase.
Tactician – Remember, a model is within its own command range.

Fane Knight Guardian
Retribution Solo
Armed with stout shields, steadfast resolve, and spears said to carry the blessings
of the Goddess of Spring, Fane Knight guardians swear oaths to protect Scyrah,
her fane, and her priesthood. While many who have allied themselves with the 6 7 7 4 13 16 9
Retribution’s goals have done so from a sense of duty to their house or a desire
Blessed Spear
for political influence, these guardians have joined the cause out of a desire to see RNG POW P+S
the goddess and the Iosan people restored. The Fane Knights served the ailing 2 6 13

goddess long before the Retribution came to prominence, and their organization’s damage:5
dedication to Scyrah is arguably stronger than that of the Retribution itself.
Though all Fane Knights live by the same code, individuals uphold their oaths 4 1
in their own ways, serving Scyrah as they deem necessary. For centuries most
Attached – Before the start of the game, attach this
members of the order preferred to serve in as close proximity to their goddess as model to a friendly warcaster for the rest of the game.
their order would allow, with some privileged few chosen to stand in her direct Each warcaster can have only one model/unit attached
to it.
presence. Since Scyrah’s miraculous intervention to preserve Ios from the skorne, GUARDIAN
an even greater number have come forth to aid the Retribution and now serve Guard Dog – While this model is within 3˝ of its
Scyrah on the battlefield. warcaster and is not knocked down or stationary, its
warcaster gains Parry  and +2 DEF against melee
attack rolls, and models attacking the warcaster do not
These guardians regard several of the most pious warcasters of the Retribution gain back strike bonuses.
as the champions of Scyrah and defend them as though they were extensions of Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation in which
it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance
the goddess herself. They understand that the Retribution was chosen to mete out up to 3˝, then its activation ends.
punishment to the human arcanists who would plunder Scyrah’s strength. Years Shield Guard – Once per round, when a friendly
model is directly hit by a non-spray ranged attack
of dutiful training have shaped these warriors into formidable protectors, but it is during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of this
their devotion to Scyrah that lends them the tenacity to weather blows that would model, you can choose to have this model directly hit
instead. This model is automatically hit and suffers
fell other warriors. all damage and effects. This model cannot use Shield
Guard while it is incorporeal, knocked down, or
Tactical Tips Total Devotion – While this model is in its warcaster’s
Attached – This model cannot be reassigned if its warcaster is destroyed or removed from play. command range, it gains +4 ARM and cannot become
knocked down.
Blessed Spear
Damage Type: Magical

Ghost Sniper
Retribution Solo
Ghost snipers are specialized and secretive hunter-killers ostensibly employed to
help patrol the borders by bringing their powerful rifles to bear against intruders.
6 4 4 7 14 11 7 They have an ominous reputation among both Homeguard Coalition officers and
the ordinary citizenry. Rumors persist that these cold-blooded killers are sometimes
Arcane Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW engaged to eliminate Iosans who are deemed potentially dangerous. Many nobles
14 1 — 10 would moreover be horrified to learn that a sizable number of snipers have joined
Sword the Retribution.
0.5 3 7 Ghosts do not function as a single cohesive organization but rather as a group of
individuals focused on the same skills and tasks. Snipers of proven ability among
lower houses take on this pseudo-military role to offer their services to officers and
PC FA nobles of the Five Great Military Houses. While it has never been openly discussed,
3 2 any of these nobles can call on ghosts for escort protection and have limited rights
GHOST SNIPER to assign them tasks. It is not uncommon for ghost snipers to supplement regular
Pathfinder military forces as added fire support and defense, sometimes without the soldiers
Marksman – When damaging a warjack or warbeast even being aware of their presence. Moreover, they frequently adopt false names
with a ranged attack, choose which column or branch
suffers damage. or descriptive epithets, preferring to keep their background and actual names a
Swift Hunter – When this model destroys one secret. It is at least in part from this practice that they earned their name.
or more enemy models with a basic ranged attack,
immediately after the attack is resolved it can advance
up to 2˝.
When Houses Nyarr and Shyeel allied with the Retribution and began mustering
Arcane Cannon the houseguard, a number of ghost snipers offered their services as well. Many
Deadly Shot – Instead of making a damage roll to were already sympathetic to the Retribution, while others simply sought profit and
resolve an attack with this weapon, you can choose to
have a model hit by this weapon suffer 3 damage points
a chance to exercise their skills abroad. Whatever their reasons, these killers have
instead. A model disabled by this attack cannot make chosen to set the sights of their formidable rifles upon the enemies of the Retribution.
a Tough roll.

House Shyeel Artificer
Retribution Battle Mage Solo
House Shyeel’s influence within the Retribution of Scyrah stems directly from
the ingenuity of its artificers; it is their labor that produces the majority of the
Retribution’s myrmidons. The most talented artificers go beyond this endeavor to 5 9 7 4 12 17 9
explore other applications of their craft. These studies unlock secrets beyond the
Power Gauntlet
ken of even their fellow magisters, allowing them fine manipulation of the forces RNG POW P+S
of attraction and repulsion. Though directing these energies is delicate work, the 0.5 4 13

consequences are anything but: such artificers are capable of unleashing great damage:5
destructive powers upon their foes.
As the Retribution’s war continues, more of House Shyeel’s artificers have 5 2
joined their brethren on the front lines, seeking to establish remote sites for the
construction of myrmidons. Proximity to battle offers many opportunities for these ’Jack Marshal
potent arcanists to test the limits of their mastery, and accordingly they gladly join Pathfinder

the fray. Surrounding themselves with potent energies, they hover among their Drive: Field Reinforcement – When a warjack
under this model’s control activates in this model’s
allies. The air hums in their presence, and with gauntlet-enhanced gestures they command range, remove d3 damage points from
the warjack’s force field unless the warjack’s Field
conjure invisible fields to shield their allies or tear the enemy apart. Those who Generator system is currently crippled.
oppose them find themselves slowed, or their weapons and armor cling to them as Force Barrier – This model gains +2 DEF against
ranged attack rolls and does not suffer blast damage.
if bound with invisible chains. Yet, the artificers dismiss the terrible damage they Magic Ability [6]
can inflict as little more than the result of idle experimentation. • Force Manipulation (HAction) – This model
gains Polarity Field for one round. (A model with
Polarity Field cannot be charged or slam power
Tactical Tips attacked by a model beginning the charge or slam in
the front arc of the model with Polarity Field.)
Magic Ability – Performing a Magic Ability special action or special attack counts as casting a spell.
• Force Wall (HAction) – For one round, while
within 3˝ of this model, friendly Faction models
gain Force Barrier.
• Magno Bolt (HAttack) – Magno Bolt is a
RNG 10, POW 13 magic attack. If the attack
hits an enemy model, before resolving damage
immediately push models within 2˝ of the model
hit 1˝ directly away or directly toward it in the order
you choose.
Power Gauntlet
Damage Type: Magical
Combo Smite (HAttack) – The model hit is slammed
d6˝ directly away from this model. If the model hit
has a larger base than the attacking model, it is moved
only half the distance rolled. When resolving damage
for this attack, the model hit suffers a damage roll with
POW equal to the STR of this model plus twice the
POW of this weapon. The POW of collateral damage is
equal to the STR of this model.

House Shyeel Magister
Retribution Battle Mage Solo
Battle mage magisters demonstrate great control in the evocation of raw force as
they walk unconcerned into oncoming mortar and rifle fire. With simple exertion
6 7 7 4 13 12 7 of mental strength they manipulate invisible energies to tear an enemy limb from
limb or to haul massive machinery around like they would pieces on a game board.
Power Gauntlet
RNG POW P+S Those seeking to engage the magisters directly are often dismayed to discover
0.5 4 11 that the bulky arcanika gauntlets they wear serve not only as conduits for their
powers but also as fearsome weapons in their own right. Tapping into their power,
a magister can deliver tremendous crushing blows and send opponents flying.
4 2 Magisters are unforgiving of failure and impatient with those they consider their
intellectual inferiors. They are capable of unleashing unimaginable destructive
Force Barrier – This model gains +2 DEF against
power, and even among their allies they are treated like embodied forces of nature
ranged attack rolls and does not suffer blast damage. that must be appeased and entreated. They do not readily submit to orders from
Magic Ability [7]
outsiders. Even ranking Dawnguard officers and mage hunter commanders are
• Force Bolt (HAttack) – Force Bolt is a RNG 10,
POW 10 magic attack. An enemy model hit by this inclined to request rather than demand their cooperation. Magisters often convey
attack can be pushed d3˝ directly toward or directly
away from this model. Choose the direction before
secret instructions and contingencies from house leaders, and thus they have
rolling the distance. On a critical hit, the enemy influence even beyond their apparent rank. Retribution officers who antagonize
model becomes knocked down after being pushed.
• Whip Snap (HAttack) – Whip Snap is a RNG 6,
the magisters may find myrmidons and support staff in short supply. They might
POW 12 magic attack. If this attack hits an enemy also receive a personal visit from these formidable mages forcefully demanding
model, immediately after the attack is resolved this
model or a friendly Faction model within 3˝ of it redress for their disrespect.
can advance up to 2˝. A model can advance only
once per turn as a result of Whip Snap.
Power Gauntlet
Tactical Tips
Damage Type: Magical Beat Back – You cannot move toward a model you destroyed.
Beat Back – Immediately after a basic attack with Magic Ability – Performing a Magic Ability special action or special attack counts as casting a spell.
this weapon is resolved during this model’s Combat
Action, the enemy model hit can be pushed 1˝ directly
away from the attacking model. After the enemy model
is pushed, the attacking model can advance up to 1˝
directly toward it.
Combo Smite (HAttack) – The model hit is slammed
d6˝ directly away from this model. If the model hit
has a larger base than the attacking model, it is moved
only half the distance rolled. When resolving damage
for this attack, the model hit suffers a damage roll with
POW equal to the STR of this model plus twice the
POW of this weapon. The POW of collateral damage is
equal to the STR of this model.

Houseguard Thane
Retribution Solo
Exemplifying both leadership and combat prowess, these thanes are veteran officers
of Ios’ houseguard. While some attained their rank after years of military service,
the majority are leading sons and daughters of lesser houses. Their lives center 6 5 7 6 13 15 9
around discipline and the age-honored martial traditions of the houseguard. They
spend countless hours studying the art of war, becoming master tacticians as well RNG ROF AOE POW
as skilled combatants. This training qualifies them to command combined arms 10 1 — 10

companies that leverage the strengths of both halberdiers and riflemen. Aspiring Officer’s Sword
to eventually direct the entire military might of their houses, they command the RNG POW P+S
0.5 4 9
defenses of significant holdings or serve as higher officers in the larger combined
armies of the Homeguard Coalition. Many have joined the Retribution as part of damage:5
the recent call to arms.
Thanes never issue orders they themselves would not follow, and they do not 4 2

hesitate to shoulder the greatest burdens, preferring to lead by example. This THANE
inspires a strong sense of loyalty within the ranks. Conditioned to operate without Desperate Pace [Houseguard] (HAction) –
fear, they can rally their forces even in the face of near-certain defeat. The tide of RNG CMD. Target friendly Houseguard unit. If the
unit is in range, Houseguard models in the unit gain +2˝
many a battle has been turned by thanes, and in the coming conflicts their ability movement during their Normal Movement this turn.
to hold the line will be needed more than ever. Firing Solution [Houseguard] (HAction) –
RNG CMD. Target friendly Houseguard unit. If the
Houseguard unit is in range, models in the unit ignore
By the time soldiers reach the rank of thane, they will have served in multiple Stealth during their Combat Action. Firing Solution
houseguard combat roles. These officers, traditionally armed with a sword and lasts for one turn.
pistol, master both melee and ranged combat and hone these abilities through Officer’s Sword
Weapon Master
rigorous practice. Nobles are tutored extensively in these arts even before entering
service, and duels among Iosan nobility are common. Most thanes therefore are
expert swordsmen capable of carving a bloody path through enemy lines for their
subordinates, who swiftly follow, crushing the enemy in an avalanche of halberd
blades and rifle fire.

Lys Healer
Retribution Solo
For generations the members of House Lys have acted as healers and performed
funeral rites for the nation of Ios. Embracing Scyrah fully in their lives, many
6 4 4 4 13 11 8 of House Lys become priests and healers in order to carry out the work of the
goddess of spring through the renewal of life. Lys healers embrace both spirituality
and anatomical knowledge in equal parts. As a result there is an undeniable
physicality to their healing practices despite their use of spiritual energies. Before
3 2
the Retribution drew Ios into conflict with the human nations, Lys healers spent
HEALER much of their time mending incidental injuries or driving illnesses from the bodies
Heal [d3 + 1] (HAction) – RNG B2B. Target friendly of their fellow elves, but war has forced them to the front lines where their ability
living Faction model. If the model is in range, remove
d3 + 1 damage points from it.
as physicians is in high demand.
Magic Ability
• Power of Faith (HAction) – For one round, House Lys has extended aid to the Retribution both to help their people and to
friendly Faction models cannot become knocked better serve the goddess they so fervently worship. Traditionally pacifists, Lys
down or stationary while within 5˝ of this model.
• Purifying Prayer (HAction) – Animi and
healers fill a support role in the Retribution. Mortal wounds close beneath their
continuous effects on models/units in this model’s hands, crippled soldiers walk again at their touch, and the words of prayer on
command range immediately expire.
Move to Assist – If one or more friendly Faction
their lips keep the efforts of the enemy at bay. In addition to preserving the living,
warrior models were damaged by enemy attacks while Lys healers also traditionally see to the funeral rites of the dead and ensure that
in this model’s command range during the last round,
during your Maintenance Phase this model can make a those souls complete their journey to the afterlife unhindered by the foulness of
full advance. necromancy and other profane magic. While Iosans have apprehensions about the
Soul Ward – Enemy models cannot gain soul tokens
from models destroyed in this model’s command range. afterlife due to the unknown state of their gods, they look to healers of House Lys
to provide both comfort and reassurances.

Tactical Tips
Power of Faith – Remember, even if a thrown model cannot be knocked down, it must still forfeit its
Normal Movement or Combat Action if it activates later in a turn it was thrown.

Mage Hunter Assassin
Retribution Solo
Mage hunter assassins are practiced killers with the refined skills to pose a threat
to anyone unfortunate enough to be selected as their target. Advancing in silence,
these fanatics can bring down even mighty warcasters with deadly and far-reaching 7 5 7 4 15 12 7
strikes. If a mage hunter assassin successfully closes with her enemy, chances are
Chain Blade
that the target is as good as dead. RNG POW P+S
0.5 4 9
The Retribution seems to be a cohesive sect, but it is really the amalgam of several
ancient cults brought together in the early years after its founding. Among these damage:5

groups was a cult of warrior-monks who mastered a fighting form called klyvenesh,
or the “striking serpent.” This cult served as secretive guardians of the Fane of 4 2
Lyliss, the goddess of autumn. The Consulate Court made infrequent use of these
assassins to eliminate those deemed a threat to the government. Advance Deployment
This cult vanished along with the city of Shaelvas, but its practices were carried Stealth
on by a few, and they eventually joined the Retribution and dedicated their lives Chain Blade
to avenging Scyrah. They became a small and specialized offshoot of the mage Blessed
Chain Weapon
hunters while maintaining their unique martial traditions. As a group they are Weapon Master
insular and take pride in their unique and deadly skills. Recruitment for this cabal Chain Strike – This weapon becomes RNG 4 during
this model’s activation.
is slow, for their chain blades are tricky to master and require exceptional reflexes. Decapitation – Damage exceeding the ARM of the
A skilled assassin can send the blade flying a tremendous distance before whipping model hit is doubled. A model disabled by this attack
cannot make a Tough roll.
the chain to bring the weapon to hand, ready for close-quarter fighting.

Priest of Nyssor
Retribution Nyss Solo
Through years of spiritual introspection and study of the connection between
the Nyss people and the Scyir of Winter, the dedicated priests of Nyssor learn to
6 6 6 4 13 13 9 bend the elements to their will. Though the priests are no strangers to combat,
they also serve as lorekeepers and smiths, maintaining the storied history of their
Winter Blade
RNG POW P+S people and forging the traditional blades wielded by the Nyss. Whereas the Shard
1 6 12 Spires lacked an abundance of the precious metals required to craft these blades in
great numbers, Ios suffers from no such shortage. Consequently, the priests busy
themselves diligently with the creation of new weapons.
4 2 When Nyssor was stolen and his protectors defeated, the priests focused all of their
efforts on locating their missing deity. While all Nyss mourned the loss of their
Immunity: Cold
god, the priests felt Nyssor’s absence more keenly than their brethren, regarding
Pathfinder the god’s abduction as a personal failure. After Nyssor was recovered and taken to
Battle Wizard – Once per turn, when this model
the nation of Ios, the priests hastened to return to the god’s side, traveling from all
destroys one or more enemy models with a melee attack
during its activation, immediately after the attack is corners of western Immoren and beyond. Now reassured that their god is safe and
resolved it can make one Magic Ability special attack or
special action.
well defended, the priests have sworn never to allow a repeat of their past failure.
Elite Cadre [Nyss] – Friendly Nyss models gain They stand against any who would threaten their god or his few remaining people,
Immunity: Cold  .
hoping that one day he can be thawed and restored to his former stature. Drawing
Magic Ability [6]
• Blessings of the Winter Father (HAction) – upon their mastery over the powers of winter, the priests strike down any threat
While in this model’s command range, other to Nyssor, fighting alongside their fellow Nyss who have joined forces with the
friendly Nyss models gain +1 to attack rolls.
Blessings of the Winter Father lasts for one turn. Retribution of Scyrah.
• Frostbite (HAttack) – Frostbite is a RNG SP 8
magic attack. Models hit suffer a POW 12 cold
damage roll  . Tactical Tips
• Winter Storm (HAction) – Enemy models that Magic Ability – Performing a Magic Ability special action or special attack counts as casting a spell.
begin their activations in this model’s command
range lose Eyeless Sight  , Flight  , and
Pathfinder  that activation. Winter Storm lasts for
one round.
Prowl – While this model has concealment, it gains
Stealth  .
Winter Blade
Damage Type: Magical
Critical Freeze – On a critical hit, the model
hit becomes stationary for one round unless it has
Immunity: Cold  .

Soulless Voidtracer
Retribution Mage Hunter Solo
Although the majority of soulless taken in by the Retribution live out brief lives
as anti-magic escorts for the group’s soldiers, a select few who prove particularly
malleable and receptive during initial evaluations receive additional training 6 6 6 3 13 13 5
for specialized roles. Among these are the voidtracers, skilled but expendable
Two-Handed Sword
mage hunters who often are sent to support mage hunter infiltrators and other RNG POW P+S
Retribution forces in neutralizing their assigned targets. Voidtracers acknowledge 1 6 12

that their own value is less than that of their peers, and they are trained to sacrifice
themselves for the success of the mission. 2 2

Voidtracers drill relentlessly alongside the other mage hunters of Ios to learn to VOIDTRACER
fight with muscle memory rather than skill or instinct. Over time the capacity Soulless
to act with greater autonomy emerges through the memorization of complex Arcane Void – When a model in this model’s
contingencies. Their ability to operate independently has proven useful to command range is targeted by an enemy spell, the
enemy spellcaster immediately suffers d3 damage
Retribution commanders, and it also comes as a relief to those soldiers who points. If the enemy spellcaster is destroyed as a result
prefer to distance themselves from the soulless altogether. Without fear of death, of this damage, the spell does not take effect.
Spell Ward – This model cannot be targeted by spells.
voidtracers fight ably alongside other Retribution forces to clear the way to their
Two-Handed Sword
target with swift, reflexive swordplay. Their conditioning also appears to enhance Damage Type: Magical
the soulless’ ability to redirect arcane forces. Voidtracers not only absorb arcane
energies employed by the mages they hunt but also reflect it back on the spellcaster
in a focused impulse, creating a deadly feedback surge.

The majority of the Retribution’s soldiers continue to view the soulless with
indifference if not contempt, but few deny the advantages the voidtracers provide.
The true value of these highly trained warriors is becoming more evident as they
offer their lives in place of others’ time and again.

Tactical Tips
Spell Ward – This applies to friendly spells as well as enemy spells.

Aelyth Vyr, Blade of Nyssor
Retribution Nyss Ryssovass Solo
Aelyth Vyr is a skilled swordsman, an inspiring leader, and one of the most
distinguished ryssovass ever to stand watch over the mountain passes of the Shard
5 8 8 4 14 16 9 Spires, the ancestral homeland of the Nyss. His path through life has been guided
by both his honor and the losses he has suffered. He is the embodiment of the
Great Sword
RNG POW P+S ryssovass tradition—a steadfast defender of his people and a merciless killer bent
2 4 12 on ending the lives of those who have forsaken their duties.
damage:5 While the majority of those who pledge their loyalty to the ryssovass do so later in
life, severing ties with both family and shard, Aelyth spent his whole life among
5 c their number. Aelyth was born to parents formerly of rival shards who had joined
the ryssovass to escape the judgment of their families. Both parents died young,
leaving Aelyth to grow up in the harsh, snow-laden passes under the tutelage of
Cleave – When this model destroys one or more the ryssovass. As a youth he practiced swordplay alongside them, eager to glean
enemy models with a basic melee attack during its
Combat Action, immediately after the attack is resolved
whatever techniques he could absorb. In time he took the oath to defend the roads
this model can make one additional melee attack. This leading to the Shard Spires, just as his parents had.
model can gain only one additional attack from Cleave
each activation.
By the time the dragon Everblight’s corruption twisted the Nyss, Aelyth had risen
Hard – This model does not suffer damage or effects
from impact attacks or collateral damage. to the rank of thane and oversaw the defense of one of the mountain passes, as
Last Word – When this model is disabled by an enemy well as supervising the training of new members. Countless esteemed warriors
attack, it can immediately advance up to 3˝ and can
make one basic melee attack. This model cannot be benefited from his instruction, including his most talented yet eventually infamous
targeted by free strikes during this movement. lieutenant, Farilor. Aelyth and those who served him were among the last to resist
Leadership [Ryssovass] – While in this model’s
command range, friendly Ryssovass models gain Hard. subjugation by the blighted powers that assailed their minds, but he tasted bitter
Precision Strike – When this model damages a ashes as his previous fellows were transformed, one after another. He felt Farilor’s
warjack or warbeast with a melee attack, choose which
column or branch suffers the damage. corruption especially keenly, and if not for the chaos of battle and the desperate
Steady – This model cannot become knocked down. exodus from the Shard Spires that followed, Aelyth would have hunted his
Great Sword former pupil down long before the latter could become a captain of Everblight’s
legionnaires. Instead, Aelyth helped shield the Nyss refugees during their flight,
Weapon Master

his last remaining warriors fighting blade to blade against their former brethren.

Aelyth exiled himself from even his own displaced people and turned his attention
to the eradication of those ryssovass who had broken their oaths to become
blighted legionnaires. In the years after Nyssor’s disappearance, an insatiable
thirst for vengeance consumed Aelyth. He sought to rid the world of his corrupted
kin, and dozens of former ryssovass fell to him in swift and bloody duels, though
Farilor eluded him. It was during this period that Aelyth gained the title of Blade
of Nyssor, as the remaining true ryssovass saw him as an instrument of their god’s

With the recovery of Nyssor, Aelyth regained his purpose. It was his leadership
that rallied those warriors who had not succumbed to the dragon’s blight and
brought them to the borders of Ios to protect their distant cousins and thereby
the slumbering Scyir of Winter. Though Aelyth is now committed to his new post
and the oversight of those ryssovass who remain, he has still not abandoned
his crusade against the blighted Nyss, particularly those who serve as officers
among them.

Tactical Tips
Last Word – You are encouraged to resolve this special rule before resolving Tough.
Steady – Remember, even if a thrown model cannot be knocked down, it must still forfeit its Normal
Movement or Combat Action if it activates later in a turn it was thrown.

Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber
Retribution Mage Hunter Solo
Elara, Tyro of the Third Chamber, has been forged into the perfect instrument for
focus: 4
the Retribution’s war against human arcanists. She stands prepared to face any
6 6 6 4 15 14 6 danger in service to the Retribution. As she darts from foe to foe, each kill imbues
her myrmidons with power she can then unleash against key targets.
0.5 4 10
This young Iosan was not actually born in Ios. Her parents were Seekers who
lived in a small community of exiles in western Cygnar. Elara was orphaned at
damage:5 a very tender age when a posse of mercenaries tracked fugitive agents of the
Retribution to the settlement. The Iosans refused to cooperate with these outsiders,
4 c and bloodshed tragically followed. While the mage hunters eventually eliminated
those who were hunting them, their vengeance came too late for Elara’s parents.
These mage hunters rescued the young child and sent her back to Ios.
Apparition – During your Control Phase, place this
model anywhere completely within 2˝ of its current The girl was given into the custody of the Third Chamber, a cult within the
location. Retribution descended from warrior-monks dedicated to Lyliss, Nis-Scyir of
Battlegroup Controller – This model is not a
warcaster but has the following warcaster special rules: Autumn, goddess of swift and merciful death, and patron of assassins. Elara was
Battlegroup Commander, Focus Manipulation, Power raised within this radical cult, whose devotion to the Retribution’s cause is extreme
Field, and Spellcaster. This model must have at least
one warjack in its battlegroup at the start of the game. even by mage hunter standards.
Side Step – When this model hits an enemy model
with an initial melee attack or a melee special attack, it From that day Elara knew nothing but a life of preparation and training, her
can advance up to 2˝ after the attack is resolved.
every waking moment engineered to immerse her in the mysteries of the cult and
Damage Type: Magical
transform her into an efficient killer. She has learned the exceedingly complicated
Extraction – When an enemy model is destroyed by fighting art of klyvenesh, the “striking serpent,” which she demonstrates with her
this attack, one warjack in this model’s battlegroup that
is in its control range gains 1 focus point.
double-bladed sickles. As with all weapons of this fighting form, these blades are
challenging to master and require unbroken concentration to wield. Elara’s arms
and torso are laced with scars from years of training in such tricky weapons.
Convection 2 10 – 12 – Yes
When Convection destroys a living enemy model, you
can give 1 focus point to a warjack in the spellcaster’s
Elara’s warcaster talent was discovered when she was in her late teens. She was
battlegroup that is in its control range. handed over to those in the Retribution versed in refining such skills, including
Speed of Death 3 Self Ctrl – UP No Keldeacon Synvas Uithuyr, one of the Nine Voices. To become a tyro, as Iosan
When a model in the spellcaster’s battlegroup hits one
or more enemy models with a melee or ranged attack novice warcasters are called, Elara learned to utilize myrmidons as if they were
during its activation while it is in the spellcaster’s extensions of herself, much like the blades in her skilled hands. While this came
control range, at the end of its activation the attacking
model can make a full advance. The affected model readily, her integration into the broader Retribution has been more difficult. Mage
cannot be targeted by free strikes during this movement.
hunter culture differs from the insular Third Chamber in which she was raised,
emphasizing team tactics over individual accomplishment. These lessons have not
been easy for her to accept.

Although she completed her training and was promoted to tyro, Elara still has to
learn how to live and fight alongside the tight-knit mage hunters. In particular she
has grappled with how her warcaster talent dictates her role; warcasters need to
act as leaders, not simply weapons, yet she prefers to work alone. She knows how
her parents died and thus carries a personal vendetta against humanity that she
has proven eager to satisfy.

Those looking into her hard eyes can perceive her steely spirit and readiness to do
anything to further her cause. Elara is a true fanatic, willing to sacrifice her life to
accomplish the mission set before her. Whether she can earn the trust and respect
of her peers while remaining true to her nature remains to be seen.

Tactical Tips
Battlegroup Controller – This model is a non-warcaster model and is not affected by special rules that
specifically affect warcasters. Models with the Attached rule cannot be attached to this model.
Convection – A warjack cannot exceed normal focus limits as a result of Convection.
Extraction – A warjack cannot exceed normal focus limits as a result of Extraction.

Fane Knight Skeryth Issyen
Retribution Solo
Fane Knights, soldiers who have answered a divine calling to pledge their lives
to Scyrah, make a vow to protect both the fane and the goddess to their last
8/6 7 8 4 13 18/16 9 heartbeat. Skeryth Issyen was one of those honored few chosen to stand guard
over the goddess’ slumber. It was while standing in the divine presence of Scyrah
Needle of Lacyr
RNG POW P+S that Skeryth looked upon her perfect beauty and each day felt a growing agony
2 6 13 over his powerlessness. When this became more than he could bear, he turned to
MOUNT the Retribution for answers.
0.5 12 Although a blood noble of one of the Five Great Military Houses of Ios, Skeryth
had forsaken all family ties years before to join the Fane Knights. The reasons for
mounted damage: 10
his estrangement from House Issyen are not widely known, but they were rooted
dismounted damage: 5
in events of the War of the Houses, when he was a youth. During those difficult
PC FA times he discovered that the lords of his house had entered into reprehensible
8 c
agreements with appalling concessions. House Issyen was attempting to guarantee
base (mounted): large
base (dismounted): small
its position regardless of the civil war’s outcome by concluding backroom deals
with House Vyre, in which Issyen promised to withhold its resources and stand
ISSYEN 1 apart from the conflict, remaining neutral. Skeryth had abandoned his house to
Dragoon – While mounted, this model has base SPD 8
seek membership with the knighthood sworn to serve the Fane of Scyrah as soon
and base ARM 18. While dismounted, it has base as he learned of the crimes perpetrated by High Consul Ghyrrshyld of Vyre.
SPD 6 and base ARM 16 and loses Reposition [3˝].
Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation in which Despite his youth, he proved himself worthy by succeeding in the Fane Knights’
it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance
up to 3˝, then its activation ends. rigorous trials of initiation and soon found a new home among his brothers and
Righteous Fury – When one or more friendly Faction sisters of the knighthood. After decades of service, he was granted his order’s
warrior models are destroyed by an enemy attack
while in this model’s command range, this model gains ultimate reward: to stand watch over the goddess in her chambers. He eventually
+2 STR and ARM for one round. lamented the futility of his vigil and felt compelled to find more active means to
Shield Guard – Once per round, when a friendly
model is directly hit by a non-spray ranged attack serve Scyrah. When Ravyn, the Eternal Light approached him with the request to
during your opponent’s turn while within 3˝ of this join their cause, Skeryth was quite receptive.
model, you can choose to have this model directly hit
instead. This model is automatically hit and suffers
all damage and effects. This model cannot use Shield
Not willing to abandon his order entirely, Skeryth remained a Fane Knight. There
Guard while it is incorporeal, knocked down, or were those among the priesthood who believed his presence near Retribution
forces would benefit the fane, and he convinced his superiors to allow him to
Needle of Lacyr
march alongside the Retribution initially as an observer. Since the ending of the
Damage Type: Magical Ios-Skorne War, Skeryth has been joined by more of his brethren, who now praise
Weapon Master
him as a herald proving the need to fight to defend the goddess.

Recent conflicts have allowed Skeryth to demonstrate his skill both to his enemies
and to the mage hunters of the Retribution. He longs for the time he spends in
battle and has come to believe the Retribution’s assertion that fighting humanity is
the only way to provide relief to both Scyrah and her brother, Nyssor. Convinced
that humans are at fault for Scyrah’s woes, Skeryth is glad to have a tangible
enemy against whom to direct his wrath. In this regard, with the return of Nyssor
the Retribution has rekindled a hope he had thought lost. Skeryth knows he may
never see Scyrah’s face again but accepts this sacrifice in the hope that venturing
abroad will let him help restore her health. Should that prove impossible, he means
to exact a terrible vengeance on those responsible for her decline.

Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios
Retribution Solo
While his name is largely unknown outside the Retribution, within its ranks Narn
is esteemed as a legend for his blinding speed as a bladesman and the fluid yet
7 7 8 6 15 13 9 austere grace by which he executes every kill. As one of the eldest active mage
hunters, he has single-handedly eliminated more targets than any other agent
RNG ROF AOE POW except Eiryss, his foremost protégée and greatest disciple. Indeed, the most
12 1 — 10 meaningful testament to Narn’s significance is the fact that for a hundred years he
Saber has had a hand in training many of the sect’s foremost mage hunters.
0.5 4 11 Narn has never taught at Syvash Stronghold, however. He does not consider
himself an instructor, and he has no patience for the uninitiated. Rather, he has
often become a mentor to those mage hunters who have already demonstrated
PC FA exceptional prowess. Once these aspiring assassins reach the limit of their
6 c capabilities, Narn steps in to shatter any habits he considers detrimental and to
NARN 1 mold them, sometimes by ruthlessly harsh methods, into more efficient killers.
Advance Deployment
The veteran hunter is given tremendous flexibility in his choice of operations
Pathfinder and favors serving as a lone assassin rather than as a task force leader. Although
adept at commanding others, he prefers to plan his own operations without direct
Acrobatics – This model can advance through other
models if it has enough movement to move completely oversight. No Retribution commander would refuse his aid, and his arrival on
past their bases. This model ignores intervening models
when declaring its charge target.
a given battlefield is heralded as both a welcome and an ominous event—when
Sprint – At the end of an activation in which it Narn chooses to participate in broader Retribution operations it often signals the
destroyed or removed from play one or more enemy
models with melee attacks, this model can immediately
dire importance of the task at hand. He has an uncanny knack of arriving precisely
make a full advance, then its activation ends. where he is most needed, often transforming what would have been a botched kill
Crossbow into a decisive success.
Damage Type: Magical Narn has traveled throughout the Iron Kingdoms but favors operating in northern
Saber Cygnar, Llael, and close to the Iosan border. A number of Greylords in occupied
Damage Type: Magical Llael have met their end by his blades, as have members of the Llaelese Resistance.
Weapon Master He took an interest in the goals of Winter’s Hammer and assisted in the recovery
Silencer – A model hit by this weapon cannot cast
spells for one round. of Nyssor.

Even those who have apprenticed under him describe Narn as quiet and elusive.
He speaks as little as possible and likes to communicate by accenting his few
words with gestures and small shifts in expression. His piercing eyes betray no
hint of his inner thoughts, and if his reflexes have dulled with the weight of age,
only he is capable of perceiving the difference. He is a killer who can spring to full
attack from a resting position with no warning, wielding his blades with such skill
that he gives his enemy no chance to evade death.

Eiryss is one of the few individuals with whom Narn shares any of his thoughts,
and she has never divulged them to others. Each a lone hunter by nature, the two
sometimes work together in comfortable mutual silence, as regal and deadly as a
pair of hawks on the wing.

Retribution Mage Hunter Solo
Nayl is a walking paradox, an Iosan who might have been killed at birth and
who lives only by the intervention of the Retribution of Scyrah. He is destined to
7 7 7 3 13 12 7 stand forever apart from his own people, an uncomfortable reminder of the doom
awaiting Scyrah and all of Ios. In time his life will be expended without regret
Two-Handed Sword
RNG POW P+S and none will mourn his death. These truths do not bother him, for Nayl is one of
1 6 13 the soulless. Self-doubt and loneliness are as alien to him as happiness, anger, or
damage:5 desire. He knows nothing about his birth parents, and his only family has been his
Retribution handlers and task force commanders.
3 c He possesses the same eerie calm as the rest of the soulless. While addressing
others he stares at them coolly with unmistakable black eyes, his voice devoid of
Advance Deployment inflection. On the occasions he tries to mimic normal facial expressions, it is more
Soulless unsettling than helpful—his mockery of a smile does not touch the void of his
Arcane Annihilation – When this model is destroyed
eyes. His posture and every gesture are calculated, rehearsed. Despite his outward
by an enemy attack, models within 8˝ of it lose their similarity to other soulless, however, Nayl demonstrates cunning, a certain
focus and fury points and cannot cast spells, channel
spells, or be forced for one round. curiosity about the world, and an understated need to please his superiors. These
Spell Ward – This model cannot be targeted by spells. combine to create the shadow of a personality, albeit recognizable as such only to
Two-Handed Sword those who have had lengthy exposure to his kind.
Damage Type: Magical The aspects of the soulless that make them useful can also inhibit their
development. They follow orders precisely, for example, but their literal adherence
to instructions poses difficulties in battle, which often demands adaptability. Nayl
represents a particular success in this regard, one his trainers have had difficulty
replicating. He has demonstrated an ability to learn and adjust that is often lacking
in those of his kind. From the first day he lifted a blade, his trainers observed an
emerging enthusiasm. Standing at rest Nayl seems blank and empty, yet when he
arms himself, the sword in his hand moves almost with a will of its own, as though
expressing echoes of emotions. Nayl communicates better by slash, thrust, and
killing strike than by words.

Nayl has been honed to become a living weapon from the moment his potential
was first recognized. He takes no apparent pride in his work and kills as instructed
without registering any sense of accomplishment. Nonetheless, some deeper drive
compels him to labor to improve his skill between missions. He spends hours in
silent practice and constantly seeks out sparring partners among the mage hunters,
who inevitably tire and withdraw before Nayl shows any signs of fatigue.

Exploiting qualities in the soulless that interfere with the flow of magic, Nayl’s
trainers prepared him from the beginning to serve as an arcane vortex. He has
undergone extensive mental conditioning to ensure that his death in combat will
produce an irresistible vacuum of arcane power. He was expected to have perished
years ago serving this role, and it is a testament to his skills that he has yet to fulfill
this ultimate function. Recognizing his talent, his commanders now mean to make
considerable use of him as a killing machine before letting him perform this last

Nayl accomplishes every task reliably and with deadly efficiency, each day
awaiting the order that will end his life. Meanwhile he obeys the complex codes of
behavior instilled in him since childhood by the Retribution of Scyrah. He protects
his fellow Iosans and cuts short the lives of their enemies, showing no preference
for one of these duties over the other.

Tactical Tips
Spell Ward – This applies to friendly spells as well as enemy spells.

Arcantrik Force Generator
Retribution Vyre Battle Engine
The Arcantrik Force Generator is a machine that defies the very fabric of reality.
Seen from afar, it squats amid the Iosan army like some huge and patient insect.
4 10 — 7 10 19 6 Its shimmering fields encompass the generator’s operators, who endlessly
calibrate and tune the mighty arcane instrument. As they set the generator’s field
Teleforce Cannon
RNG ROF AOE POW to the required frequencies, the large metal disk at its core spins up to speed,
— 14 1 — 14 crackling with power, and an unsettling feeling washes over those nearby.
Rubble and other small objects are lifted up, suspended inches above the ground
as the generator begins its firing sequence. The air grows thick, and with a gut-
base:huge churning sensation the generator discharges its accumulated energy in either
16 2
several smaller pulses or a single blinding, roaring blast that can smash through
ARCANTRIK GENERATOR warjacks and walled fortifications with equal ease. For truly dangerous targets,
the generator’s operators bring it close to an overload to produce a cataclysmic
Pathfinder burst that leaves the earth sundered.
Dual Shot – If this model uses its Normal Movement
to aim, it can make one additional ranged attack this When House Vyre joined the Retribution of Scyrah in its bloody war, Retribution
leaders saw the house’s exotic and deadly arcanika as its main contribution.
Polarity Field – This model cannot be charged or
slam power attacked by a model beginning the charge The Arcantrik Force Generator was key to convincing the Retribution of House
or slam in this model’s front arc.
Vyre’s value. The weapon demonstrates the cunning way House Vyre can
Range Booster – While within 2˝ of this model, the
ranged weapons of friendly warjacks gain +2 RNG. modify existing arcanikal field generation technologies in innovative ways. The
If this model uses its Normal Movement to aim, its
ranged weapon gains +2 RNG that activation.
underlying generators employed by the device were first created by House Shyeel
Teleforce Cannon to lift massive components during myrmidon fabrication. Arcanists of House Vyre
Damage Type: Magical applied their lore to create specific discordances in once carefully balanced fields,
Attack Type – Each time this weapon is used to make creating unparalleled forces of destruction.
an attack, choose one of the following special rules:
• Blasted Earth – This weapon becomes AOE 4 for
this attack. The AOE is rough terrain that remains
Lord Arcanist Ossyan unveiled the massive construct before the Retribution’s
in play for one round. leadership, explaining it as the logical combat application of certain force
• Destructor – This weapon becomes POW 16 for
this attack.
manipulation principles long explored by Vyre artificers. A range of effects could
• Momentum – A small- or medium-based model be derived from its unique field generations, allowing its operators to respond to a
directly hit by this attack is slammed d3˝ directly variety of battlefield conditions with appropriate force. Additionally, the Arcantrik
away from this model. The POW of collateral
damage is equal to the POW of this weapon. In Force Generator is able to travel under its own power, if slowly. Its field can be
addition to suffering a normal damage roll, large-
based models hit by this attack become knocked
manipulated to cause it to ignore the pull of gravity and hover just above the ground
down. along a chosen course. Showing keen awareness of the needs of the Retribution,
Ossyan also demonstrated how the great devices could be disassembled for
deployment to Retribution bases hidden among the lands of humanity, where Vyre
arcanists can easily and quickly reassemble each force generator for war.

21 ft 6 in 25 tons 3 hrs The Arcantrik Force Generator has had a profound impact on both the Retribution
and its enemies. Human armies are terrified by the very sight of the unusual
Teleforce Cannon, Polarity Field
machine as it employs inexplicable energies to tear the earth apart and deliver
swift death.

Tactical Tips
Range Booster – Weapons with RNG SP are not affected.

Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters
Mercenary Minion Nyss Unit
In the remote frozen north, the Nyss believed themselves safe from the horrors
of war, but the emergence of the all-consuming Everblight proved them wrong.
7 5 7 7 14 11 9 Attacked by unholy terrors and betrayed and subverted from within, many shards
fled when they realized the fight was lost. The once-proud Nyss culture has been
Nyss Bow
RNG ROF AOE POW shattered and largely lost through assimilation, and those few who remain are
12 1 — 10 fearful refugees. One shard, however, refuses to capitulate or give in to despair.
Nyss Claymore Cylena Raefyll leads this band of loyal warrior-hunters. Witnessing the doom of her
1 4 9 people was a watershed event that filled her with a hunger for vengeance, though
she knows such a task will require time and patience. She plans to accomplish it
on the strength of her band of followers, who have evolved into peerless killers
7 5 6 6 14 11 8 while surviving atrocities that would break lesser fighters. Their taut bows unleash
withering volleys that can impale or pin even the most nimble or evasive foes.
Nyss Bow
RNG ROF AOE POW They are equally adept with their elegantly curved Nyss claymores, which bear
12 1 — 10 edges sharp enough to cleave flesh, bone, and even metal. Against overwhelming
Nyss Claymore odds, necessity and hatred have bolstered their relentless endurance.
1 4 9 Cylena’s enmity burns so strongly that she has even sought help from the
most perfidious entities in western Immoren. Her hatred allowed her to justify
cylena’s damage: 5
temporarily allying herself with the Nightmare Empire when she was approached
Cylena & 5 Grunts 12 FA by the eldritch Goreshade. Knowing that nation’s draconic master intended
Cylena & 9 Grunts 19 c to consume Everblight’s athanc, she put aside her loathing to help Goreshade
base:small investigate the Legion of Everblight. He betrayed her as part of his own inscrutable
Mercenaries – This unit will work for Cryx, Cygnar, plans, but her wariness allowed her to evade capture. She fled south with her tribe
Khador, and the Retribution. to the heart of Khador, embittered by the experience with Cryx yet still determined
Minions – This unit will work for Circle and
Trollbloods. to strike against Everblight by any means possible. In Korsk she played a part in
Partisan [Retribution] – When included in a preventing the destruction of the god of her people when she forewarned the mage
Retribution army, this unit is a Retribution unit instead
of a Mercenary unit. hunter Eiryss about Goreshade’s approach. Unwittingly, she began the process
CYLENA 1 that set the Retribution of Scyrah in motion and eased the ancient enmity between
Combined Ranged Attack the Nyss and Ios.
As harrowing as her journey has been, none of these weighty matters distracts
Granted: Hunter – While this model is in formation,
models in this unit ignore concealment and cover when Cylena from her uncompromising vendetta against Everblight and all the minions
making ranged attacks. that ruined her race. She is willing to lend her loyal hunters to fight in any war as
long as she earns favors she can turn against the blighted Legion. She has found
Combined Ranged Attack
Pathfinder those willing to utilize the skills of her band among such disparate contacts as
Nyss Claymore officers within the Khadoran Army and the grim mage hunters of the Retribution
Weapon Master of Scyrah. Until the dragon is destroyed, nothing else matters. Cylena will allow
neither pride nor personal risk to stand in the way of vengeance.

Tactical Tips
Granted: Hunter – Hunter does not ignore Stealth gained from Prowl.
Officer – Because Cylena is an Officer, when she is destroyed she does not replace a Grunt in her unit.
Instead a Grunt in the unit becomes the unit commander.

Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Mercenary Solo
What truly sets Eiryss apart is not the number of kills she has accumulated, many
though they are, nor her considerable skill in combat, but rather her unconventional
7 4 6 9 16 12 9 methods. Most Retribution operatives could never stomach even brief interactions
with their enemy beyond what is strictly required to extract information, whereas
RNG ROF AOE POW for decades Eiryss has adopted the guise of a mercenary, selling her services to
12 1 — 10 those she has sworn to kill. This coldly calculating game of winning trust and
Bayonet betraying her employers has prompted both respect and incredulity from her peers
RNG POW P+S within the Retribution.
0.5 2 6
Keldeacon Synvas Uithuyr, the Retribution’s training master, first recognized
Eiryss as a person of unusual talent. He saw in her not only exceptional martial
0.5 3 7 prowess, but more importantly a singular will. She proved the veracity of this
assessment when she was sent to join a covert cell operating outside Ios. She
quickly outpaced the other members of her team, achieving mission objectives
alone or despite the blunders of her comrades. In time she attracted the attention
7 c
of Narn, who took her under his charge and guided her transformation into a
Mercenary – This model will work for Cygnar, formidable assassin. She showed herself to be a worthy disciple and became one
Khador, the Protectorate, and the Retribution. of the foremost Retribution agents.
Partisan [Retribution] – When included in a
Retribution army, this model is a Retribution model
instead of a Mercenary model. After several years at such work, Eiryss found herself at the limits of traditional
EIRYSS 1 operational procedures. Retribution techniques were effective at killing individuals,
Advance Deployment particularly civilian wizards, but they failed elsewhere. While the Retribution
had gained a comprehensive awareness of the broad capabilities of the human
Crossbow kingdoms’ militaries, it had limited access to information regarding the allocation
Damage Type: Magical of specific high-priority assets such as powerful arcanists and warcasters. These
Attack Type – Each time this weapon is used to make
an attack, choose one of the following special rules:
targets proved to be the most elusive and tenacious. There was only so much mage
• Deadly Shot – Instead of making a damage roll to hunters could learn from the outside, and as Iosans they could never infiltrate
resolve an attack with this weapon, you can choose these organizations as members.
to have a model hit by this weapon suffer 3 damage
points instead. A model disabled by this attack
cannot make a Tough roll. Eiryss committed herself to a radically different approach to intelligence gathering,
• Disruptor Bolt – A model hit loses all focus and developing her signature methodology of hiring her services out to the enemy in
fury points. A model with the Focus Manipulation
special rule that is hit does not replenish focus order to learn their secrets. Proof of this strategy’s effectiveness is moldering in
points next turn. A warjack hit suffers Disruption  . graves across the Iron Kingdoms. Her ongoing success has amazed even the Nine
• Phantom Seeker – This model ignores LOS,
concealment, and cover when making ranged attacks. Voices of the Retribution. Eiryss has illustrated her genius by pulling off numerous
Bayonet assassinations without alienating her clients. Over the years she has walked this
Damage Type: Magical tightrope constantly, selling her services to one army after another in order to
Saber gain the chance to kill enemy wizards as well as to learn about those who hire
Damage Type: Magical
her. It is a largely solitary existence, although Eiryss has remained in contact with
Retribution cells abroad, through which she provides information regarding the
movements of the enemy.

Tactical Tips
Disruptor Bolt – Just as with Disruption, Disruptor Bolt does not prevent a model from gaining focus in
other ways. A warcaster can still gain focus from soul tokens, for example.
Phantom Seeker – Keep in mind that Phantom Seeker does not ignore Stealth.

Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
Mercenary Mage Hunter Solo
For years Eiryss swallowed her hatred of humanity and worked as a mercenary,
allowing her to hunt the spellcasters among the armies of her client’s enemies.
7 4 7 9 16 12 9 Many who profane Caen with foul sorceries have fallen to her bolts and blade.
While her methods have never been entirely embraced by her peers, her fellow
RNG ROF AOE POW mage hunters nonetheless see Eiryss as an anointed angel of wrath who embodies
12 1 — 10 everything the Retribution strives to achieve.
Bayonet She became something more after the pivotal events in Korsk when she confirmed
0.5 2 6 the survival of Nyssor. Swept up in events that culminated in a direct confrontation
with Goreshade, the eldritch who had once been Ghyrrshyld, Eiryss interrupted
the unholy creature’s attempt at deicide. This drove her to such rage that she
0.5 3 7 pursued him as he fled. In retrospect, Eiryss considers her actions reckless. The
eldritch apparently left her alive only out of a compulsion to explain his actions
in a vain attempt to convince her they shared a similar purpose. In doing so he
revealed his deranged plan to murder not just Nyssor but Scyrah as well, all part
6 c
of a mad scheme to restore Ios’ spiritual balance.
Mercenary – This model will work for Cygnar,
Khador, the Protectorate, and the Retribution. The mage hunter ignored her wounds to return to the scene of Goreshade’s
Partisan [Retribution] – When included in a blasphemy and witnessed Khadoran Greylords stealing Nyssor’s frozen vault. Too
Retribution army, this model is a Retribution model
instead of a Mercenary model. injured to continue the pursuit, she nonetheless proved her worth by returning
EIRYSS 2 to Ios to relate the tale, which would shock and electrify citizens across the elven
Advance Deployment nation and stir the Retribution to full readiness for war.
Pathfinder Eiryss sees herself as simply another soldier in the cause and believes she did only
Reposition [3˝] – At the end of an activation in which what had to be done. Despite this pragmatic attitude, she has become a rallying
it did not run or fail a charge, this model can advance point for the Retribution. Particularly among the younger and more idealistic
up to 3˝, then its activation ends.
Spell Breaker – When this model hits another model
recruits, the legend of Eiryss has assumed almost mythic proportions.
with an attack, enemy upkeep spells on the model hit
expire. A spellcaster can keep its upkeep spells in play She ignores this adoration to focus on her ongoing crusade. She fights for Scyrah
by suffering d3 damage points.
and proclaims her hatred of humanity with every deadly bolt fired from her
Witch Hunter – When an enemy model declares it
is casting a spell while within 10˝ of this model, this crossbow. The intricate dance she leads of lending her services to her enemies
model can immediately make a basic attack targeting
the enemy spellcaster. If the spellcaster is destroyed as a
while serving the Retribution has reached a new and even more dangerous peak.
result of this damage, the spell does not take effect. The Retribution’s march to war only escalates her risk, and she is convinced she
Crossbow now lives on borrowed time. This belief only pushes her to work harder to pave the
Damage Type: Magical
way for the success of those who will follow her. So long as a doom threatens the
Disruption last of the Iosan gods, and so long as human wizards despoil their divine power,
Purgation – Gain an additional die on attack and
Eiryss cannot rest.
damage rolls with this weapon against models with an
enemy upkeep spell or animus on them.
Her role abroad remains as vital as before. She has been urged by Retribution
Blessed leaders to resume her work and even to increase her contact with warcasters
Damage Type: Magical serving in the human armies. The intelligence she can discover in this capacity is
Weapon Master impossible to obtain by other means and should give the Retribution a powerful
Saber edge in the conflicts ahead.
Damage Type: Magical
Disruption Tactical Tips
Weapon Master Spell Breaker – If the model hit is part of a unit, upkeep spells on that unit also expire.

Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker
Mercenary Seeker Solo
Not all the people of Ios follow the Retribution of Scyrah and its bloody vendetta
against human arcanists. One Iosan religious sect believes the secret to reviving
6 4 5 4 13 13 5 their fallen gods lies hidden beyond the borders of Ios. Living as exiles from their
own kind, these Iosans pursue the most obscure occult lore, delving into matters
Staff of Seeking
RNG POW P+S that most of their compatriots would shun. These are the Seekers, and Sylys
2 3 7 Wyshnalyrr has numbered among them for more than a human lifetime, endlessly
searching for some scrap of knowledge that might save his people.

Seekers scour the nations of western Immoren for any evidence that points to the
4 c fate of the vanished gods of Ios or some remedy for the condition of the goddess
Scyrah. There is no knowing where hints vital to their work might hide; they might
Attached – Before the start of the game, attach this
model to a friendly warcaster for the rest of the game. uncover these in places as disparate as ancient Orgoth ruins or the venerable halls
Each warcaster can have only one model/unit attached
to it.
of Immorese institutions of higher learning. Using coded messages to remain in
Mercenary – This model will work for Cygnar, contact with other members of their sect, they rarely disclose any information
Khador, and the Retribution. about their ultimate aims to outsiders and remain secretive about the purpose of
Partisan [Retribution] – When included in a
Retribution army, this model is a Retribution model their ongoing search.
instead of a Mercenary model.
SYLYS 1 A scholar well versed in the arcane arts, Sylys barters his talents to the armies
Arcane Assist – If its warcaster is in this model’s of the human nations in exchange for access to their libraries and safe passage
command range during your Control Phase, the
warcaster can upkeep one spell without spending focus.
across their lands. He has traded his skills to members of the Greylords Covenant,
Arcane Secrets (HAction) – RNG CMD. Target this ranking members of the Fraternal Order of Wizardry, and the warcasters of Cygnar
model’s warcaster. If the warcaster is in range, it gains
an additional die on magic attack rolls and magical
and Khador in his thirst for lore vital to his ongoing mission. While in the service of
damage rolls  for the next spell it casts. Discard the one of these human arcanists, Sylys lends a portion of his formidable arcane power.
lowest die in each roll. Arcane Secrets lasts for one turn.
With his aid, even the most puissant warcaster would find his own sorcerous
Spiritual Conduit – While its warcaster is in this
model’s command range, when the warcaster casts a ability strengthened—an invaluable edge in battle.
spell and is the point of origin for the spell, the spell
gains +2 RNG. For many years Sylys stayed aloof from the politics of Ios, equally shunning the
Staff of Seeking
hallytyr, the Fane of Scyrah, and the increasingly popular Retribution of Scyrah.
Damage Type: Magical
Over time, however, he grew to know the cruelties of war committed by every
nation, which caused him to question his belief in a peaceful solution to Ios’ peril.
Recent events that have stirred new allies to join the Retribution have prompted
Sylys to reconsider the sharp divide between the sects, and he has consented to
provide Retribution agents with certain information he gathers while abroad. He
remains a Seeker, yet his sympathies lie with the mage hunters. He adheres to his
original goal while serving the armies of the Iron Kingdoms, but he also listens
quietly for intelligence to pass on to Retribution friends.

Tactical Tips
Attached – This model cannot be reassigned if its warcaster is destroyed or removed from play.
Spiritual Conduit – Channeled spells and spells with a RNG of SELF, SP, or CTRL cannot gain this bonus.

garryth, the blade
of retribution
Mage Hunter Warcaster
magister helynna
Shyeel Warcaster
death’s shadow
Mage Hunter Warcaster

sibyl of dawn
Warcaster kaelyssa,
the night’s whisper
Mage Hunter Warcaster
lord arcanist
Vyre Warcaster

adeptis rahn
Shyeel Warcaster

ravyn, the eternal light

Mage Hunter Warcaster
sword of truth
Ellowuyr Warcaster

vyros, incissar
dawnlord vyros of the dawnguard
Dawnguard Warcaster Warcaster

model gallery
Shyeel Light Warjack

banshee chimera
Vyre Heavy Warjack Shyeel Light Warjack

Shyeel Light Warjack

daemon griffon
Vyre Heavy Warjack Shyeel Light Warjack

Shyeel Heavy Warjack
Shyeel Heavy Warjack

Shyeel Heavy Warjack
Vyre Heavy Warjack

model gallery
Shyeel Heavy Warjack

Vyre Heavy Warjack

Shyeel Light Warjack

Shyeel Heavy Warjack

Shyeel Colossal Warjack

model gallery
Shyeel Colossal Warjack

dawnguard destors

model gallery
dawnguard invictor
Officer & standard
Command Attachment



dawnguard sentinel
officer & standard
Command Attachment

Heavy rifle team

Houseguard Weapon
Crew Unit


model gallery
houseguard riflemen
houseguard halberdier officer & standard
Command Attachment
officer & standard
Command Attachment

houseguard riflemen

model gallery
house shyeel
battle mages

house vyre

eiryss, mage hunter

Command Attachment

mage hunter infiltrators


mage hunter strike

force COMMANDER mage hunter strike force
Command Attachment Unit

model gallery
Nyss Unit

Stormfall archers

soulless escort
Weapon Attachment

model gallery
destor thane
arcanist dawnguard
mechanik sentinel scyir
Solo Solo

house shyeel
Battle Mage Solo House shyeel
Battle Mage Solo
ghost sniper

mage hunter voidtracer
Mage Hunter
Solo Solo

lys healer

houseguard thane

elara, tyro of narn,

the third chamber mage hunter of ios
Mage Hunter Solo Solo

fane knight
skeryth issyen
(Mounted & Dismounted)

model gallery
arcantrik force generator
Vyre Battle Engine

Mage Hunter Solo

cylena raefyll
& Nyss hunters
Mercenary Minion Nyss Unit

angel of retribution
Mercenary Mage Hunter Solo

sylys wyshnalyrr,
eiryss, the seeker
mage hunter of ios Mercenary Seeker Solo
Mercenary Solo

model gallery
your army
As a hobby miniatures game deeply rooted in lore and run operations, the Retribution is comprised of numerous
character, WARMACHINE offers hundreds of distinctive and independent cells and strike forces, each with their own
highly detailed models designed for maximum modeling stylized look. Some of these include the rich magenta and
and painting enjoyment. Each model is a canvas on which cold steel of the Talons of Dawn, the shining bronze and deep
to unleash your own creativity and imagination. You can red of House Ellowuyr, and the dark greys and muted orange
choose to try your hand at the tried-and-true P3 Studio of the Unseen Spear. By combining ideas from the setting,
scheme, dive deeper into the Iron Kingdoms setting with an the studio scheme, and the real world, you can easily create
alternate paint scheme drawn from the lore and background a unique look for your army that still feels right at home in
of your Faction, or throw convention to the wind and create the Iron Kingdoms.
a completely original look for your models. Whatever your
Finally, for those who really want to flex their creative
choice, few things are as rewarding as bringing your army to
muscles, we present a radically different paint scheme drawn
life with your brush and some paints.
straight from the imagination of the painter who created it, as
When painting an army, as in life, the fun truly lies in the well as some great examples of Retribution models painted
journey more than in the destination. And like every journey, by the WARMACHINE and HORDES community to inspire
the road to a fully painted force begins with a crucial first your own unique creations. Choosing a more original or
step—in this case, deciding how you want your army to look! whimsical approach can result in a truly eye-catching army,
but such schemes rely on careful planning and a willingness
The following pages contain color guides and quick tips
to experiment with multiple combinations of colors until
designed to provide inspiration for your Retribution of
everything has been dialed in just right to create a balanced
Scyrah painting adventure. We begin with a look at models
yet visually striking effect. When it comes to your army’s
painted in the traditional studio scheme for the Retribution
special look, inspiration can spring from anywhere.
army. This scheme is shown throughout the model gallery
on pages 140–149. Whether or not you decide to emulate the Regardless of which direction you decide to take in painting
studio scheme, it is a great foundation to draw from with your own Retribution strike force, we hope this guide
crisp white, purple-blue steel, and subdued green. provides you with the spark needed to set your imagination
on fire as you sit down with brush in hand to create an army
Next we present some alternative approaches to painting
as individual as you!
your Retribution models. Primarily designed for hit-and-

Paint Scheme

base: Radiant Platinum
base: Retribution White
shade: Turquoise Ink
shade: Retribution
highlight: Quick Silver
White, Greatcoat Grey 1:1
highlight: Morrow White

Teal Glow
base: Arcantrik Green

Painter’s Inspiration
The Retribution of Scyrah studio scheme accentuates
the alien nature of the Retribution and its technology
to help it stand out from the other Factions of the Iron
Kingdoms. Smooth and sleek gleaming white armor
contrasts with muted greens and cool greys, allowing
the white to pop off the model. Combined with turquoise
and purple-tinted metallics and a subtle aqua glow, the
overall mix of colors creates a composition that evokes
modern technology while maintaining the fantastical
nature of the Iron Kingdoms. Using multiple thin layers
while painting this scheme is critical to achieving this
polished final result.

For more examples of Retribution models with studio

paint schemes, see the gallery on pages 140–149, or go to

painting your army

Paint Scheme
Mage Hunter
base: Menoth White Base Gun Stock
shade: Bastion Grey
highlight: Menoth White base: Gun Corps Brown
Highlight shade: Brown Ink
highlight: Menoth White
Flesh Steel
base: Lyossan Flesh base: Radiant Platinum
shade: Sanguine Highlight, shade: Turquoise Ink
Battledress Green 1:1 highlight: Quick Silver
highlight: Menoth White Highlight

Cloth Khaki
base: Battledress Green
base: Mage Hunter Green
shade: Umbral Umber
shade: Cryx Bane Base
highlight: Rucksack Tan
highlight: Underbelly Blue
Grey Leather
Sword Hilt base: Greatcoat Grey
base: Brass Balls shade: Asheth Grey
shade: Umbral Umber highlight: Greatcoat Grey,
highlight: Radiant Platinum Frostbite 1:1
base: Retribution White
shade: Retribution White,
Greatcoat Grey 1:1
highlight: Morrow White

Painting Tips
The white plates of Iosan armor can seem tricky to paint at
first, but with a little practice you will have them looking great
in no time. Apply your paint in multiple thin coats rather than
one or two heavy coats. Make sure to separate each plate
with a line of deep shadows for maximum results. White on
miniatures looks the best when the base color is an off-white,
your shadows are minimal, and pure white is only applied as
the most extreme highlight.

painting your army

Talons of Dawn
Paint Scheme

base: Pig Iron
base: Cold Steel
shade: Armor Wash,
shade: Blue Ink, Red
Piggy Purple Ink 1:1
Ink 1:1
highlight: Cold Steel
highlight: Quick Silver

Pink Glow
base: Murderous Magenta
highlight: Carnal Pink

Magic Glow
base: Cygnar Blue Base
highlight: Arcane Blue

Painter’s Inspiration
The Talons of Dawn hold a longstanding history as one
of the most elite strike forces of the Retribution of Scyrah,
having been created shortly after the formation of the sect
in 331  AR. When House Nyarr officially began pledging
support to the Retribution, the bulk of the house’s elite
Dawnguard units were allocated to the Talons of Dawn.
This placement was done as much for political reasons as
military, since the assignment to the Retribution’s most
famed force showed the leadership’s respect to the proud
warriors of House Nyarr. As befits their namesake, the 1st
Company of the Talons of Dawn prefer to adorn themselves
in striking magenta hues reminiscent of the colors seen
just before dawn, which contrast against darker leathers
that evoke the shadowy night that has just ended.

painting your army

Talons of Dawn
Paint Scheme
Mage Hunter

Hair Gun Stock

base: Cygnar Blue Base base: Gun Corps Brown
shade: Coal Black shade: Coal Black
highlight: Frostbite highlight: Menoth White Highlight

Flesh Steel
base: Lyossan Flesh base: Cold Steel
shade: Caspian shade: Blue Ink
Flesh Wash highlight: Quick Silver
highlight: Ryn Flesh

base: Murderous Magenta Black
shade: Sanguine Base, base: Greatcoat Grey
Exile Blue 1:1 shade: Thamar Black
highlight: Sanguine Highlight highlight: Cryx Bane
Sword Hilt
base: Cold Steel
shade: Thamar Black
highlight: Cold Steel

Painting Tips
When painting the glow of Retribution of Scyrah models, thin
down your preferred color to take advantage of being able to
flow the paint into the channels of the vents and power nodes.
Let gravity and the paint’s liquidity do the work for you. Use a
clean brush to clear any paint that runs out of the channels.

painting your army

Paint Scheme

shade: Exile Blue,
Turquoise Ink 2:1

base: Rhulic Gold
shade: Molten Bronze
highlight: Solid Gold

Red Accents
base: Khador Red
shade: Skorne Red

base: Quick Silver
shade: Cold Steel,
Greatcoat Grey 1:1
highlight: Radiant

Painter’s Inspiration
By Ainsley Yeager

I am a lover of all things creepy and crawly. When I first

heard about WARMACHINE, it “bugged” me that there
were no insect factions. Then I took a closer look at the
Retribution of Scyrah. Most of the myrmidons have some
kind of insectlike silhouette. I was immediately inspired,
because I now had a way to get my arthropod buddies
into the game.

I pushed the insect theme a bit more with a few

conversions, adding eyes, shells, and horns to myrmidons,
and sculpting isopods and beetles on the bases of the units.
Retribution models have a lot of open and flat surfaces.
It seemed appropriate to use that space for an iridescent
effect. I did a lot of research and testing, and even asked an
entomologist how to approach recreating iridescent colors
using pigment-based paint. Here’s the result.

painting your army

Paint Scheme
Mage Hunter

base: Meredius Blue
Flesh shade: Trollblood Base
base: Khardic Flesh highlight: Trollblood Base,
shade: Khardic Flesh, Menoth White Base 2:1
Bootstrap Leather 1:1
highlight: Midlund Flesh

base: Cygnar Blue Base
shade: Exile Blue
highlight: Cygnar Blue Highlight Metal
base: Quick Silver
Sword Hilt & Gun shade: Cold Steel,
base: Battlefield Brown Greatcoat Grey 1:1
shade: Battlefield highlight: Radiant Platinum
Brown, Idrian Flesh 1:1

Painting Tips
To give an alien look to Retribution of Scyrah steel, add a small
drop of Turquoise Ink, Blue Ink, or Red Ink to your base color. In
addition, use that ink to glaze the surface for a dramatic metal
effect. Keep the metal clean and sharp to give it contrast from
the dirtier, beaten metals typically used in the Iron Kingdoms.

painting your army

Issyria, Sibyl
of Dawn Kaelyssa,
by Todd Thorhauer The Night’s Whisper
by Ray Grant

Issyria, Sibyl
of Dawn Dawnlord Vyros
by Leslie Parker by Leith Olson

Houseguard Halberdier
Officer & Standard
by Nate Feyma

Dawnlord Vyros Griffon

by Brendan Roy by Dave Dauterive

Mage Hunter Strike Force

& Commander
by Tom Schadle
House Shyeel
by Drew Drescher

House Vyre
Electromancer Manticore
by Bryan McClaflin by Bryan McClaflin

Magister Helynna
by Bryan McClaflin

painting your army

by Dan Roman

House Shyeel
by Dallas Kemp

The Night’s Whisper
by Steven Garcia

by Spenser Weeks

The Eternal Light
by Patrick Fuhr

painting your army



mage sight
(Lord Ghyrrshyld, the Forgiven)

veil of mists twister

(Ravyn, the Eternal Light) (Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard)

You may photocopy these templates for your personal use.

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