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Ancient Athens Quiz and Answer Key

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Ancient Athens Quiz

This quiz has six multiple choice questions, one matching question, and three short answer
questions. It was developed to be completed within 45 minutes.

Multiple Choice
Read each question carefully and circle the correct or best answer.

1.   Who was the Assembly open to? (1 mark)

a.   women
b.   metics
c.   slaves
d.   men

2.   How many times could a citizen serve on the Council of 500? (1 mark)
a.   Four times
b.   Three times
c.   Two times
d.   One time

3.   Which of the following statements best defines the role of the Council of 500? (1 mark)
a.   They led the military in times of war
b.   They voted on new laws and made them official
c.   They supervised the running of the government
d.   They heard citizen court cases and decided punishments

4.   What was a magistrate? (1 mark)

a.   An officer of the court
b.   A member of a jury
c.   A criminal
d.   A lawyer

5.   Which of the following statements best describes ancient Athenian citizenship? (2 marks)
a.   Foreigners paid taxes and were eligible for military service
b.   Women had the right to own clothing, but could not sell it
c.   Slaves completed tasks assigned to them by their master
d.   Men were expected to participate in government


6.   Which of the following statements is the best example of fairness in ancient Athens? (2
a.   Individual rights were often forfeited for the collective good
b.   Every member of the Assembly had the right to speak
c.   Voting rights were restricted to one class/gender
d.   Citizens were able to own slaves

Read each question carefully and select the correct or best answer. You may use each location
more than once.

7.   Write the letter of the location described beside each statement. (2 marks)
1.   Plaintiffs brought complaints about other people here ____ a.   Stoa
2.   The Executive Committee lived here ____ b.   Pynx
3.   A covered walkway for public use ____ c.   Agora
4.   The Assembly met here ____ d.   Tholos
5.   A place of worship ____ e.   Temple
6.   A marketplace ____ f.   Law court
g.   Bouleuterion

Extended Response
Read each question carefully and answer in the space provided.

8.   Compare and contrast the life of a boy and the life of a girl in ancient Athens. (4 marks)

9.   What is direct democracy? Give at least one ancient Athenian example and one Canadian
example. (4 marks)

10.  Was ancient Athenian democracy fair? Why or not? Give at least two examples to
support your answer. (6 marks)

Ancient Athens Quiz - Answer Key

Multiple Choice
1.   d
2.   c
3.   c
4.   a
5.   d
6.   b

7.   f

Extended Response
8.   Sample response: Boys went to school and learned reading, writing, literature, math, and
music. They also participated in a variety of sports (e.g. running, boxing, and wrestling).
Boys were required to complete military service. At the age of 20, they took their place as
adults in ancient Athenian society. Girls, on the other hand, were educated by their
mothers. They learned spinning, weaving, and childcare. At the age of 15, girls’ fathers
chose their husbands for them.
9.   Sample response: In a direct democracy, citizens vote directly to make decisions rather
than having representatives who make decisions on their behalf. The Assembly in ancient
Athens used direct democracy. In Canada, referenda have been used to determine
whether or not Quebec should separate from Canada.
10.  Students will be assessed on argumentation and evidence. Sample response: Ancient
Athenian democracy was not fair. This form of democracy was not fair because it
prohibited women, slaves, and metics from taking part in the voting process. It is not fair
to leave people out because of their social status or gender. Ancient Athenian democracy
was also unfair because there were nearly 30,000 eligible to participate in the Assembly
at any given time, but only around 6,000 regularly voted. This is not a fair democracy
because it does not take into account over half of the voting populations’ opinions.

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