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ANSWERS Ionic Bonding and Ionic Compounds Mutiple Choice 2 2012-07-05

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Ionic Bonding & Ionic Compounds

Multiple Choice Review

1) Anions tend to have a __________ charge and cations 7) How many electrons does the Al3+ ion possess?
tend to have a __________ charge. A) 16
A) positive, positive B) 10
B) negative, negative C) 6
C) positive, negative D) 0
D) negative, positive E) 13
Anions are negatively charged ions and cations are positively The aluminum atom has 13 electrons. The ion has a charge of
charged ions. +3 meaning that the atom has lost 3 electrons. Therefore, the
ion has 10 electrons.
2) Anions tend to be __________ and cations tend to be
__________. 8) Predict the charge of the most stable ion of P
A) metals, metals A) 2+
B) nonmetals, nonmetals B) 3-
C) metals, nonmetals C) 3+
D) nonmetals, metals D) 1-
E) metalloids, metalloids E) 2-
Nonmetals tend to gain electrons and form anions, metals tend Phosphorus will gain 3 electrons to form an octet.
to lose electrons and form cations.
9) Predict the charge of the most stable ion of S
3) When a metal and a nonmetal react, the __________ A) 3+
tends to lose electrons and the __________ tends to gain B) 1-
electrons. C) 6+
A) metal, metal D) 2+
B) nonmetal, nonmetal E) 2-
C) metal, nonmetal Sulfur will gain 2 electrons to form an octet.
D) nonmetal, metal
Nonmetals tend to gain electrons and form anions, metals tend 10) What group in the periodic table would the fictitious
to lose electrons and form cations. &
element :X:& be found?
A) Alkaline Earth metals
4) __________ typically form ions with a 2+ charge.
B) Halogens
A) Alkaline earth metals
C) Alkali metals
B) Halogens
D) Transition metals
C) Alkali metals
Element –X has 7 dots. Halogens have 7 dots representing 7
D) Transition metals
valence electrons.
Alkaline earth metals are group 2 elements. They lose 2
electrons and have a +2 charge. 11) Which of the following compounds would you expect to
be ionic?
5) Aluminum forms an ion with a charge of __________.
A) SF6
A) 2+
B) H2O
B) 1-
C) CO2
C) 3+
D) NH3
D) 2-
E) CaO
E) 0
Ionic compounds occur between metals and nonmetals. Ca is a
Aluminum is metal that loses 3 electrons. The charge of the
metal and O is a nonmetal.
ion is +3.
12) Which of the following compounds would you expect to
be ionic?
A) H2O
B) CO2
C) SrCl2
6) Bromine forms an ion with a charge of __________. D) SO2
A) 2+ E) H2S
B) 3- Ionic compounds occur between metals and nonmetals. Sr is a
C) 1+ metal and Cl is a nonmetal.
D) 3+
E) 1-
Bromine is nonmetal that gains 1 electron. The charge of 13) Which pair of elements is most likely to form an ionic
the ion is -1. compound with each other?
A) barium, Chlorine
B) calcium, sodium 17) Predict the formula of the ionic compound that forms
C) oxygen, fluorine from Calcium and Fluorine.
D) sulfur, carbon A) CaF2
E) nitrogen, hydrogen B) C2F
Ionic compounds occur between metals and nonmetals. C) Ca2 F2
Bariumis a metal and Chlorine is a nonmetal. D) Ca2F3
E) Ca3F2
14) Of the choices below, which one is not an ionic Use criss cross method between Ca+2 and F-1
compound? 18) Predict the formula of the ionic compound that forms
A) PCl5 from magnesium and fluorine.
B) CrCl6 A) Mg2F3
C) RbCl B) MgF
D) PbCl2 C) Mg2F
E) NaCl D) Mg3F2
Ionic compounds occur between metals and nonmetals. PCl 5 is E) MgF2
not an ionic bond because phosphorus and chlorine are both Use criss cross method between Mg+2 and F-1
nonmetals. 19) Element M reacts with fluorine to form an ionic
compound with the formula MF3. The M-ion has 18
15) What is the formula of the compound formed between electrons. Element M is __________.
strontium ions and nitrogen ions? A) P
A) SrN B) Sc
B) Sr3N2 C) Ar
C) Sr2N3 D) Ca
D) SrN2 E) Cr
E) SrN3 The ratio between element M and F is 1:3. The charge of the
Sr+2 N-3 M ion is +3 and the charge of the F ion is -1. The M atom,
Sr3N2 after losing 3 electrons, forms an ion with 18 electrons. That
means the M atom had 21 electrons. Sc is element M because
16) Magnesium reacts with a certain element to form a
it has 21 electrons.
compound with the general formula MgX. What would
the most likely formula be for the compound formed
between Lithium and element X?
A) Li2X
B) LiX2 20) When calcium reacts with sulfur the compound formed is
C) Li2X3 __________.
A) Ca2S2
D) Li2X2
B) Ca3S2
E) LiX C) CaS
MgX has a 1:1 ratio. However, since we know that there is a D) CaS2
1:1 ratio and the charge of Mg is +2, then the charge of X E) Ca2S3
must be -2. When using the criss cross method between Li +1 Use criss cross method between Ca+2 and S-2
and X-2 the chemical formula will be Li2X.

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