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464 Signature Assignment Final Draft

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Innovation Grant Proposal

2017-2018 Project Proposal

Hali Beal

Arizona State University



The following paper highlights research, observations and a grant proposal for the

American Leadership Academy in Queen Creek, Arizona. American Leadership Academy does

not have any laptops available for students use, and very little access to the computer lab. To

implement my project for the novel 1984 by George Orwell into my curriculum, I am writing

this grant proposal in hopes of gaining funds to purchase nine laptops for my classroom that can

be later shared around the school. To complete the project, I will be asking for additional funds

to purchase camcorders for this project. The project I am asking my students will consist of

creating a documentary about the real-world connections of 1984. This proposal shows the

research and observation I have done throughout my school, needs and innovations of the

project, and included is a budget table of the items needed to complete it.

School Environment Narrative

My classroom is in Queen Creek, AZ. The school is one of the many American Leadership

Academies located in Arizona. It is a charter school that is a part of the Queen Creek School

District. Queen Creek is a middle-class area. The population of Queen Creek is 52,438 and

86.91% of the population is Caucasian. 77% of ALA students are Caucasian. 13.6% of the school’s

population is Hispanic. There is roughly an equal percentage of males and females at American

Leadership Academy-Queen Creek with 49% males and 51% females forming the student body.

There are many opportunities for new real estate and new schools. The area is one of the fastest

growing areas in the country and is seeing a stronger push towards better education. In previous

decades, the district was small and struggled to find education up to par with bigger towns such as

Gilbert, Mesa, and Chandler. With the large influx of new families, however, this is quickly

changing for the better. However, the community still has a small town feel that makes families

more close knit and active in their children’s educational journey. The average household income

is $86,417, with a mean of 3.48 members in a household.

The school is a charter school, so it receives little government funding, and its support is based off

tuition. The school does not provide a reduced lunch option.

The curriculum is also a “classic” style, meaning they rarely use any technology and branch out of

the “norm” of classroom, teacher, textbook curriculum. The students do have access to their text

books via the internet and, because of this, they are not required to take multiple text books home.

They can bring their own devices i.e. iPad, e-readers, etc. to use for textbooks or homework during

school hours. The school is currently in the process of possibility getting about 30 iPads for

students to check out and use. There is a computer lab, but it is only used by students after school

hours for homework; there are no computer classes.


Upon evaluation of the school and its curriculum, I think the school is doing a great job of teaching

students without the use of much technology. The teachers do use the usual audio, presentations

and video. I think it is a useful resource, later in life, for children to be able to learn to use a

computer and its features properly while they are still in school. However, I believe having more

access to computers on a more regular basis would greatly improve their skills and would prepare

them better for many applications that will arise in adulthood. For example, the students can be

taught how to make a resume, a cover letter for projects, and how to cite sources properly. When

I was in high school and middle school, we had computer lab hours once a day. There we were

taught the basic function and maintenance of a computer, we learned basic skills such as, as I stated

above, how to write a resume, and we had many lessons that helped us improve our typing skills.

We were required to be able to type at a certain speed by the end of the year. This became very

useful later in life, because, as it would turn out, potential employers like it when their employees

can type and at fast speeds. However, building a computer lab will be costly. Thus, I would like to

begin to add laptops into the student’s and teacher’s curriculum. Adding a few laptops every year

into the school will not only be cost effective, but help students begin to learn the basics of

computer skills and basic computer software as they develop and move up in class. There are many

ways to engage students with the use of technology in the classroom, and it can be integrated in

any subject area.


In this project, students will be researching and making real world connections of 1984

through history, politics, schooling and media. To make this project meaningful, students will

create a documentary, placing themselves as characters from 1984 in a modern-day setting. This

project will impact over hundreds of students of the next several years. This project will require

students to read the wonderful novel by George Orwell, gather research, write a well-made,

detailed script and work together as a team to create an inspiring documentary. Along the way,

they will also learn valuable computer skills.

Applicant Bio

I have been teaching for 10 years, 6 of which have been at Highland High School in Gilbert,

AZ. I have earned a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Education from Arizona State University, as

well as a Master’s degree in Psychology from Arizona State University. As well as teaching

Freshman English, I am also the school guidance counselor, where I help students with academic

achievement, personal/social development and career development. My goals have always been to

help students adjust smoothly into adulthood with an ongoing smile.

Need for the Project

This project gives students the opportunity to understand Orwell’s 1984 without only

writing a paper about it. They get to BE a part of it. I think taking pieces of the story and applying

it to everyday life will truly help the students grasp the moral and themes of 1984. This project

will teach students how society can be impacted by the government and society, in general. It will

allow the students to go into the world and form their own opinions on society and government.

By making these documentaries, students will oversee their own stories and can learn valuable

lessons. By contributing to this project, the lender is contributing to an important educational

exercise for these students.

Project Impact

I want the students to understand the importance of censorship, and the ability for history

to repeat itself if we aren’t careful. It is arguable that regardless of how much time goes by after

the writing of 1984, every generation in some way lives out pieces of the novel and his prediction

of the totalitarian world. It will, ideally, open student’s eyes to the reality of too much

governmental control and let them form their ideas about how they want to contribute to society.

Will they want to take more of a stand on certain issues? Will they volunteer for a campaign? Will

they write their congressman about issues they have? These questions and more are what this

project will open student’s minds to.

Learning Goals and Outcomes

For my project based learning assignment, students will create a short film using context

and analysis from the novel 1984 by George Orwell. I would like the students, as a group of 4-5,

to create specifically, either a “modern day” documentary, reality show, or interview panel casting

themselves as characters from the novel and placing them in a modern-day setting. The objective

for this project is for students to understand that the real world not only influences fictional stories,

but also a reflection of it. Students will also be learning computer skills, such as proper research

development, and video editing, writing skills, and communications skills.

Standards covered include:

Common Core

RL.11-12.2- Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their

development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to

produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the text

R.L 7.9- Compare a fictional portrayal of a time, place or character and a historical account of the

same period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction use or alter history.

R.I. 7.7- Compare a text to an audio, video or multimedia version of the text, analyzing each

mediums portrayal of the subject

W.7.7- Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and

generating additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation

W.7.9- Draw evidence from a literary or informational texts to support analysis, research and


SL7.5- Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and

findings and emphasize salient points.

RH.2. Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an

accurate summary of the source distinct from prior knowledge or opinions.

RH.7.8 Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs, photographs, videos, or maps) with

other information in print and digital texts.

ISTE Standards:

1. Digital Citizenship

a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning,

and productivity

2. Communication and Collaboration

a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of

digital environments and media


d. Contributes to project teams to produce original works or solve problems

5. Digital Citizenship

a. Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology

b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning,

and productivity


Students will engage in the following activities:

 Research summary

 Create a graphic organizer

 Compose a script

 Perform a “screen test” for class

 Film a documentary

 Edit documentary

 Peer evaluation


This project consists of three parts, and each part will have one or more formative

assessments. To begin, the students will be placed in groups of four or five. Prior to this project,

we would have read and began to analyze 1984 by George Orwell. The students will first as a

group, research using the internet, the text, and other literature, to find ways that 1984 relates to

modern time, and events throughout history. With their findings, I would like the groups to each

create a bubble map containing at least 4 topics and 2-3 subtopics. Students can do this using a

graphic organizer or a simple pen and paper. Students will turn this in for a grade, and to show

they have understood the connection of 1984 and the real world. They will also use this opportunity

to them to earn participation points, and allow the chance for them to discuss and brainstorm off

each other. From our resources, I found an assessment that will work well for this part of the

project. It is called a “Make, Take and Talk Collage.” For this assessment, students, together, create

a collage using words from their research to use as “talking points” and explanations of their

findings prior to moving forward with the project. This also allows students to add more to their

research that they may not have included. This could be done on the whiteboard, or we could use

Poll Everywhere and use the collage option. This assessment will show me what research the

students have found, and if they relate to the topic I am giving them. As stated before, this part

assessment would be worth participation points, and the bubble map/graphic organizer will be

graded and used to show mastery of the subject.

In the second part of the project, students will create a script for a documentary that they will be

filming for the final product of this project. For this section, I will be looking for content

connections of 1984 to the real world, based off the of research they have gathered prior to this

section. I will also be looking for appropriate dialogue, grammar and punctuation. I will be looking

for clear transitions from scene to scene. I will also be grading this part of the assignment on an

English course level, and will be checking for grammar, punctuation and proper spelling. For this

I will be simply using a rubric that will be on a 1-10 scale. It will consist of parts: Grammar and

Spelling, Real World Connection, Transitions, Dialogue, Subject Knowledge, Setting, Use of

Relatable Characters, and Duration.

The final product will be the documentary. I am encouraging students to be creative and make this

documentary fun, but also putting the novel 1984 in a real-world perspective. They will be

presenting the final, edited product to the class. As a teacher, I will be again, using a rubric to grade

this part of the project. I will use the same parts from the script rubric, (Grammar and Spelling,

Real World Connection, Transitions, Dialog, Subject Knowledge, Setting, Use of Relatable

Characters, and Duration) but I will also be checking for Editing, Sound, Use of Images/Props,

and Group Participation. I will also have each member of the group peer evaluate themselves and

each member of their group using a rating scale from 1-5.

5 = Best work possible, on task and self-motivated: a group player

4 = Pretty good work, some reminders needed

3 = OK Work, would be better with more effort or focus

2 = Not so great. Off task a lot and not really helping with group. Needs more effort.

1 = Major distraction to the group. Others had to do your part.

The students will rate their group members on these topics:

Participated in group discussions or meetings

Helped keep the group focused on the task

Contributed useful ideas

Quantity of work done

Quality of work done

For the rest of the class, I will be checking their assessment by having them complete a quick “Exit

Ticket” assignment. I will have each student write and turn in the following:

“Name 2 things you have learned from this group’s documentary.”


“What is one suggestion you have for this group?”

“What is one question you still have for this group?”

Technology Support

For these assessments, I will need the Technical Support of Canon Cameras, and Technical

Support for Moviemaker.

Sustaining the Project After the Proposal Period

The great thing about the novel 1984, is that no matter how much time passes after the

novel has been published, it will always be able to connect to real world scenarios. Rather it being

events from our history, or connections we can continue to make with present time. Unfortunately,

it doesn’t look like we will never not have a real-world connection to 1984 (bad for future

generations, great for my lesson plan!). As for the technical side of this project, to sustain it, I will

have to make sure my camcorders have up to date software and I will have to change the software

I have the students use for editing as computer software changes as technology advances.


This project is truly innovative. Over the years, we can see more and more examples in

history, culture, pop culture and politics how the novel 1984 can be related in modern day. The

novel is innovating alone, but applying it to everyday issues increases the students learning and

understanding of the world as they transition into adulthood. Students will be working together as

a group and gain collaboration skills and communication skills. These skills can be used outside

of school in their future. Students will also be working with computers and editing programs which

will help develop their computer skills. Prior to the editing and creating a video, students will be

asked to research information on their topic and write a script, developing their skills in writing,

including grammar and spelling and research development including proper citing. The

camcorders and laptops can be used for future projects and shared around the school for other

classes to make use of them.

Budget Table and Narrative

Students will be using camcorders and laptops to complete this project. I will be purchasing

9 camcorders and 9 laptops. Students will be working in groups to complete this project and will

need to share the supplies. Each camcorder comes with an expansion pack bundle which includes:

Canon VIXIA HF R800 Camcorder (White)

• Sony 16GB High Performance Class 10 UHS-1/U3 SDHC Memory Card

• 43mm Polarizing Filter

• Focus Camera DSLR Holster Bag

• Focus 5-Piece Digital Camera Cleaning & Accessory Kit

The laptops I have chosen are the HP 15.6 in screen Silver Fusion Laptop. They have an Intel

processor, with Windows 10 installed. The laptops have 8GB Memory and a 1TB Hard Drive. I

have also added a care plan for each laptop for up to three years. The Care Plan covers unexpected

repairs with a $0 deductible including: Defects in materials and workmanship, Power surge, Drops,

spills and cracked screens, Pixel failure, Damage due to dust, heat and humidity, and Mechanical

and electrical failures (including those from normal wear and tear). I will also purchase a lockable

charging cart to store the laptops. The cart has wheels for easy accessibility and easy transfer

between classes. Because I will be purchasing these items from, there is no shipping

costs, and tax is included in my price list in the budget table below.

Item and Quantity Individual Item Cost Item Cost

(9) Canon VIXIA HF R800 Camcorder (White) $319.00 $2,871

with 16GB Essential Bundle

(9) HP15-ay039wm 15.6" Silver Fusion Laptop, $339 $3,051

Windows 10, Intel Core i3-6100U Processor,

8GB Memory, 1TB Hard Drive

(9) Care Plan: 3 years $68 $612

(1) Learniture12-Outlet Laptop/Tablet $481.88 $481.88

Assembled Charging Cart NOR-GNO1005A-

SO Black

Total Cost=


Inquiry Based Lesson Plan

Teachers: Hali Beal Subject: 7th Grade English


 R.L 7.9- Compare and contrast a fictional portrayal of a time, place or character and a historical

account of the same period as a means of understanding how authors of fiction use or alter history.

 R.I. 7.7- Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video or multimedia version of the text, analyzing

each mediums portrayal of the subject

 W.7.7- Conduct short research projects to answer a question, drawing on several sources and generating

additional related, focused questions for further research and investigation

 W.7.9- Draw evidence from a literary or informational texts to support analysis, research and reflection

 SL7.5- Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations to clarify claims and

findings and emphasize salient points.

Objective (Explicit):

 Collect research from the web to facilitate the examples in history, present time, future, around the

world, in music and media of censorship, totalitarianism and other related ideas from the novel 1984.

Students will then create a “bubble map” of their findings for later use for their projects

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):


Students will need to have read 1984 and have a clear understanding of its context. Students will be required

to provide 4 topics and at least 2 sub topics for their bubble map. Students will share with the class their

findings, and add to their own bubble map as new topics rise from the class discussion.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex):

 Researching: Understand 1984 and apply is to present day

 Evaluating sources: proper citation

 Organizing content

Key vocabulary: Materials/Technology Resources to be used:

Totalitarianism Internet (cell phone, tablet, iPad or computer



Graphic organizer

Engage (Make content and learning relevant to real life and connect to student interest)

(Opener: Students will answer these questions in their workbook.)

 Is technology taking us closer to the world of Big Brother?

 Do individuals have the power to change the society in which they live?

 What should a government do for its people?

 What constitutes an abuse of power?

 What are the dangers of government-controlled media?

Videos to share for class to help show real world connections:

Class discussion on how 1984 can still be related to present day (to help get them started)

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Show videos to show examples of real world Work in groups of 3-4 and collect research using

connections phones, computers or laptops Students will look for things related to 1984 and

1984-now/ censorship, related by music and books and in

:39 Under each subtopic, student will write an

HgQ example or argument as to why they believe it

connects 1984 to real world


Walk around the classroom to make sure

students are on task, and only using their devices

for classwork and not on other sites.

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Encourage students to make a large list of Make a list of all things they find related to 1984

findings (even if they may not be correct, write it (music, books, ads, television, wars, life events,

down!) school rules, government etc.)

Make sure students add to their list from other


Share with the class, if they hear one not on their

list, add it!

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Teacher Will: Student Will:

Check for true connections to 1984 Create findings into a bubble map, linking

correct events and categories

Using the list, they created cut down and choose

the ones that relate most to real world



Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation

Provide a completed map for students to visualize


Students will provide for me a completed bubble map, which will include 4 topics, 2 subtopics, and a clear

explanation or argument with that subtopic. Students will also share with the class and add topics they did

not have, along with subtopics and examples.


Work Cited

Queen Creek, Arizona. (n.d.). Retrieved April 27, 2017, from

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