Environmental Effects On The Mechanical Properties of Glass-Fiber Epoxy Composite Tubular Specimens
Environmental Effects On The Mechanical Properties of Glass-Fiber Epoxy Composite Tubular Specimens
Environmental Effects On The Mechanical Properties of Glass-Fiber Epoxy Composite Tubular Specimens
Composites Science and Technology 64 (2004) 1863–1874
The main objective of this experimental investigation was to study the effects of moisture absorption and exposure to elevated
temperature on the mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite tubes. Filament wound tubular composite
specimens were immersed in distilled water at two different temperatures for approximately four months and their moisture ab-
sorption was recorded. The rate of moisture absorption was greater for the group of specimens immersed in distilled water at an
elevated temperature (50 °C) than those at room temperature (20 °C). Multi-axial tests were performed subsequently, and it was
observed that for all biaxial stress ratios, strength and stiffness decreased to some extent with the presence of moisture and increasing
temperature. Strains parallel and transverse to the fibers at functional failure (leakage) showed little variation in the presence of
moisture and temperature with the exception of pure hoop loading. Microscopically, the greatest water damage was apparent in the
matrix and at the fiber–matrix interface where there was less resin adhesion to the fibers with increasing water temperature. Fiber
strength was also negatively affected, possibly due to either leaching out of the glass fibers interface layer or glass fiber embrittle-
ment, and less effective bonding and load distribution at the fiber–matrix interface.
Ó 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1864 F. Ellyin, R. Maser / Composites Science and Technology 64 (2004) 1863–1874
which result in multi-axial stress states. To simulate this, properties of the weakest link, the matrix, will dominate
the exposed (aged) tubes will be tested under four dif- for most cases of fiber reinforcement.
ferent in-plane bi-axial stress ratios to assess the influ- Finally, it has been extensively shown that E-glass
ence of water absorption on the mechanical properties. can be susceptible to moisture and temperature damage
in the form of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) due to ion
diffusion on the surface of the fibers [7,8]. Jones [4] has
documented the phenomenon of environmental SCC in
2. Background water. Leaching of ions such as Ca2þ , Al3þ and Fe3þ can
lead to a reduction in the load carrying diameter of the
The effects of an aqueous environment and variable fibers. In this experimental investigation, the fibers were
temperature on the properties of prepreg glass-fiber stressed during the filament-winding process [9] and
epoxy resin coupon specimens have been documented in once the thermosetting epoxy resin cures, the fibers re-
[1] but few investigations have covered environmental main tensioned for their life duration.
effects on filament-wound tubular specimens, e.g., see The aims of this paper are: (1) to monitor the mois-
[2,3]. Although in both cases the composites consist of ture absorption of glass-fiber reinforced epoxy com-
epoxy resin and E-glass fibers, the difference lies in the posites at two different temperatures; (2) determine in
geometry and manufacturing of each specimen group what manner the mechanical multi-axial properties are
and the number of the diffusion surfaces. In the case of affected; (3) to microscopically observe the damage in-
the coupon specimens, moisture can diffuse into the duced by moisture absorption on the fracture surfaces of
specimen through six edges while there are only two the test specimens and finally; (4) to establish a corre-
surfaces (interior and exterior) on a tubular specimen. lation between moisture absorption, temperature and
Also, the moisture will diffuse faster along the fibers on mechanical behavior of the composite tubulars.
the cut-edges of the coupons. In the case of the tubes,
the moisture would first have to penetrate through the
matrix to the fiber–matrix interface and then it could 3. Specimen preparation
diffuse quickly along the length of the fibers. Thus, the
rate of moisture absorption in the tubular specimens is In this investigation, the test geometry consisted of a
much slower leading to a lower saturation moisture lay up of six layers of ½603 T , the angle being measured
content. Another difference is the fact that the coupon with respect to the central axis of the tube. The same
specimen fibers are not under tension while those of the manufacturing and testing procedures and equipment as
tubular specimens are tensioned during the filament in [9] was used. The specimens were manufactured in-
winding process. However, tensile and compressive house using a filament winding process. Tows of glass
stresses are present in both forms of specimens as a re- fibers from eight creels were run through a resin bath
sult of residual stresses introduced during the curing containing EPON 826 epoxy resin mixed with EPI-
cycle. CURE curing agent 9551 hardener. The tows ran to the
The most significant result of moisture absorption in filament-winding machine, which guided the tows as
composite materials is plasticization of the matrix and they were wound around a chrome-plated mandrel with
thus a lowering in glass transition temperature, Tg , a tension of 26.69 N. Winding angle and speed were
rendering the matrix softer and weaker [4,5]. In addi- both controlled by a computer software program. The
tion, non-uniform swelling of the matrix can lead to the curing cycle consisted of 60 min at 80 °C, followed by
introduction or relief of stresses. It should also be 150 min at 120 °C and a cooling period of 120 min
mentioned that the coefficients of thermal expansion of ramping down to 20 °C. There was a 15 min ramping
the matrix and fibers differ by an order of magnitude period between each temperature change. While curing
[4,6]. Thermal residual stresses introduced during cool- in the oven, the tubes were rotated to maintain even
ing after the curing temperatures may be increased distribution of the resin. The composite tube was ex-
or alleviated by a temperature change in an aqueous tracted from the mandrel using a Tinius Olsen material
environment. testing system. Following extraction from the mandrel,
The strength of bonding at the fiber–matrix interface specimens were roughly cut into 203 mm (8 in.) length
has also been shown to degrade in the presence of using a band saw and then more precisely using a rotary
temperature and moisture. It has been hypothesized that cutting device. The approximate dimensions of the tu-
rather than diffusing through the matrix – a slow and bular specimens were a 40.6 mm outer diameter with an
temperature dependent process – moisture will diffuse inner diameter of 38.1 mm. The fiber volume fraction of
with more ease along the fibers and destroy the bond at the specimens was 70.8%.
the fiber–matrix interface [7]. The fiber–matrix interface In order to avoid the possibility of water being ab-
plays a pivotal role in composite strength by load sorbed through the cut ends, and potentially debonding
transfer. Without a strong bond at the interface, the the matrix from the fibers by running along the fiber–
F. Ellyin, R. Maser / Composites Science and Technology 64 (2004) 1863–1874 1865
temperature [1]. The magnitude of D can be found from 6. Multi-axial testing results
the absorption curve, Fig. 2, in which the quantity in the
second parenthesis on the RHS is the slope of the linear 6.1. Stress–strain behavior
part of the part of the absorption curve as given in Eq.
(5) The average stress–average strain of axially loaded
2 2 tubular specimens immersed in 20 and 50 °C distilled
h M2 M1
D¼p pffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffi : ð5Þ water for about four months, is depicted in Fig. 3. It is
4M1 t2 t1 seen that the immersion in 50 °C water causes a decrease
The diffusion coefficients used in the plot in Fig. 2 of the stress and strain at failure. It is also noted from
were found to be 0.427 and 0.379 m2 /h, for the speci- Table 1 that the initial (elastic) modulus in the fiber
mens immersed in water at room temperature and those dominated loading, pure hoop, is not affected by the
in water at 50 °C, respectively. The moisture absorption immersion in water at 20 and 50 °C, see the first row in
data of the tubular specimens in water at 50 °C fits the Table 1. In contrast, in the matrix dominated loading,
Fickian diffusion model with a saturation moisture i.e., pure axial, one notes decrease in the elastic modulus
content of 0.30% however, there appears to be a certain due to water absorption of the matrix, hence plastici-
amount of data scatter at the latter stage for the speci- zation of it. In the other two biaxial stress ratios, a
mens in water at room temperature in Fig. 2. The combined effect is noted.
moisture content of the specimens immersed in 20 °C Fig. 4 shows a plot of the average applied stress
water rose to 0.238% while the Fickian model pre- versus the measured strain when tested in a two hoop to
dicted a saturation moisture content of 0.22%. It is to be one axial stress ratio. This is the so-called pressure vessel
noted that the final change in mass due to water ab- loading, in a pressurized closed end tube with no de-
sorption was only 0.18 g, which is a small value, there- formation constraint. It is seen that there is very little
fore difficult to quantify with a high degree of accuracy. variation in the stress–strain behavior of the glass fiber
For example, for the last four data points in a time epoxy resin tubular specimens in the two temperatures
period of two weeks, the mean moisture content was until functional failure in the axial direction. In the hoop
0.236% with a standard deviation of 0.00386%. This led direction the trends remained similar up to a stress of
us to conclude that within the measuring accuracy a 235 MPa and a strain of 0.0045. It is noted from Table
steady saturation level was either achieved or was nearly 1, that within the experimental accuracy, the elastic
achieved. moduli are approximately the same for the specimens
60.0 Specimens in Water at 20C-Hoop
Axial Stress (MPa)
Table 1
Elastic stiffness, E (GPa) of ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin tubular specimens in three environmental conditions
Measured direction Axial Hoop
Environment Dry Water (20 °C) Water (50 °C) Dry Water (20 °C) Water (50 °C)
Pure hoop – – – 36.6 36.9 36.8
[2 Hoop:1 axial] 45.6 39.4 41.8 66.9 52.8 50.5
[3 Hoop:1 axial] 91.2 195.1 126.0 66.0 48.5 49.0
Pure axial 23.8 18.2 17.9 – – –
1868 F. Ellyin, R. Maser / Composites Science and Technology 64 (2004) 1863–1874
Table 1, row 3.
7. Functional failure envelope [1H:0A]
Table 2
Average hoop stress and strain at functional failure of ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin tubular specimens in three environmental conditions
Environment Hoop stress (MPa) Hoop strain (%)
Dry Water (20 °C) Water (50 °C) Dry Water (20 °C) Water (50 °C)
Pure hoop 833.0 706.7 558.2 3.6 3.1 2.3
[2 Hoop:1 axial] 231.9 236.3 232.7 0.4 0.5 1.0
[3 Hoop:1 axial] 325.7 388.0 383.7 0.8 1.0 0.5
Pure axial 7.6 3.5 3.5 )0.1 )0.2 )0.1
Table 3
Average axial stress and strain values at functional failure ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin tubular specimens in three environmental conditions
Environment Axial stress (MPa) Axial strain (%)
Dry Water (20 °C) Water (50 °C) Dry Water (20 °C) Water (50 °C)
Pure hoop 0.0 0.0 0.0 )4.5 )4.0 )2.8
[2 Hoop:1 axial] 111.3 114.3 112.6 0.4 0.4 0.2
[3 Hoop:1 axial] 107.8 129.5 128.1 0.1 0.1 0.2
Pure axial 70.6 60.9 49.5 0.4 0.6 0.3
F. Ellyin, R. Maser / Composites Science and Technology 64 (2004) 1863–1874 1869
Dry specimens
dry specimens. The greatest spread in strains was noted
300 Specimens immersed at 20oC in pure hoop loading where the dry specimens registered
Axial Stress [MPa]
Specimens immersed at 50oC the largest strains both transverse and parallel to the
[3H:1A] fibers followed by the distilled water immersed room
temperature group and finally the specimens immersed
in 50 °C distilled water. However, as noted earlier the
100 failure in the pure hoop loading was of a burst type and
[1H:0A] influence by the end constraints.
If the pure hoop case is excluded, then one observes
that independent of the loading case and environment, a
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Hoop Stress [MPa]
transverse strain value of about 0.4% is a good repre-
sentation of the functional failure criterion. This is a
Fig. 7. Structural failure envelope of ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin significant finding since in cross-ply coupon specimens
tubular specimens in three environmental conditions. immersed in distilled water at 20 and 90 °C and dry
environments, the transverse cracking initiated at 0.5%
8. Final failure envelope strain, see Ellyin and Rohrbacher [1].
tab constraints (see note in Table 4).
[0H:1A] [2H:1A]
-0.5 [1H:0A]
9. Strain envelope at functional failure -1
Dry specimens
Specimens immersed at 20oC
Fig. 8 illustrates the relationship between the strains -2 Specimens immersed at 50oC
parallel and transverse to the fibers at functional failure -2.5
for various loading ratios. In pure axial and [2 hoop:1 -3
axial] loading all environment groups failed within a -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
narrow interval. For the [3 hoop:1 axial] loading sce- Strain Parallel to Fibres [%]
nario, strains transverse to the fibers were similar while Fig. 8. Strains parallel and transverse to fiber direction at functional
the specimens immersed in water at 20 and 50 °C ex- failure for ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin tubular specimens in three
perienced greater strain parallel to the fibers than the environmental conditions.
Table 4
Final failure stresses of ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin tubular specimens in three environmental conditions
Environment Hoop stress (MPa) Axial stress (MPa)
Dry Water (20 °C) Water (50 °C) Dry Water (20 °C) Water (50 °C)
Pure hoop 836.9 706.7 558.2 )1.3 )1.2 )1.1
[2 Hoop:1 axial] 480.5 490.0 308.1a 232.6 237.2 149.1a
[3 Hoop:1 axial] 620.6 799.9 459.3a 207.4 267.4 153.4a
Pure axial 7.6 3.5 3.5 71.2 49.5 49.5
Failed near end tab.
1870 F. Ellyin, R. Maser / Composites Science and Technology 64 (2004) 1863–1874
Fig. 11. [3 hoop:1 axial] Failure mode of ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin
tubular specimens immersed in distilled water at 50 °C.
Fig. 12. Axial loading failure mode of ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin
tubular specimens immersed in distilled water at 20 °C (right) and
50 °C (left, center).
ened sufficiently, the fibers attempt to realign themselves Fig. 13. Representative scanning electron micrograph of [3 hoop:1
along the principal axis of the loading. This could ex- axial] failure mode of dry ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin tubular
plain the brush-like fracture surface observed at final specimen showing resin adhesion to the fibers (Mag: 750 Acc Volt:
5 kV).
failure as the fibers are no longer held in place and
aligned by the matrix. From the stress–strain curve
of axially loaded specimens, Fig. 3, the decrease in
axial strain with an increase in temperature is clearly
Fig. 15. Representative scanning electron micrograph of [3 hoop:1 Fig. 17. Representative scanning electron micrograph of [3 hoop:1
axial] failure mode of ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin tubular specimen axial] failure mode of ½603 T glass fiber epoxy resin tubular specimen
in water at 50 °C showing little or no resin adhesion to the fibers (Mag: in water at 50 °C showing greater matrix cracking and damage near the
850 Acc Volt: 5 kV). fracture surface (Mag: 500 Acc Volt: 5 kV).
and degradation of the matrix. Therefore, one could and the fibers could have experienced some initial
assume that the increasing number of microvoids seen in damage. Conversely, if the sizing is hydrophobic, it
the polished micrograph specimens with increasing could repel the moisture and protect the fibers [17,18].
temperature is most likely due to water damage. The nature of the sizing could have a great impact on
debonding at the fiber–matrix interface and the amount
of water actually coming in contact with the fibers. This
12. Discussion could possibly explain the decrease in final failure
strengths in the hoop direction with increasing temper-
It is possible that water reaching the fiber–matrix ature. It is possible that a small degree of leaching has
interface softened or destroyed the adhesion between the occurred and would become observable under the SEM
two phases. The weakening of the bonding is demon- with prolonged exposure to such a harsh environment.
strated by greater resin separation from the fibers with When comparing the dry specimens with those in an
increasing temperature as shown in Figs. 13–15. Further aqueous environment at loading ratios of [3 hoop:1
support for the hypothesis of decreasing interfacial bond axial] and [2 hoop:1 axial], higher functional failure
strength as a function of increasing temperature is strengths are seen in the tubes immersed in water. This
demonstrated by the observation of the amount of resin increase could have been attributed to the compressive
coating remaining on the surface of the fibers after forces experienced by the matrix. It is a commonly ac-
fracture. In Fig. 13, which is representative of all fibers cepted theory that the E-glass fibers are resistant to
in the fracture surface, resin is clearly well adhered to the moisture absorption and therefore should remain di-
fiber and in large clusters. However, with immersion in mensionally stable in water. The fibers are tensioned
distilled water and increasing temperature in Figs. 14 during filament winding and fixed in place by the ther-
and 15, the resin coating and clusters on the surface of moset matrix, therefore their length, position and size
the fibers decrease in numbers, thickness and size. should remain largely unchanged throughout the water
Even though the physical appearance of the matrix absorption process in the composite. However, it is
and the fibers seemed unchanged in the presence of possible that due to the water ingress and softening of
moisture and temperature, most of the property changes the matrix some minor fiber movement may occur. The
are on a chemical level, only observable microscopically matrix itself is prone to swelling and water damage in
with exposure to a specific environment over an ex- addition to thermal expansion. As the matrix expands,
tended period of time. As reported in Jones [4] and the fibers are tensioned which could serve to relieve or
Schutte [7], hydrolysis of the bisphenol-A epoxy resin by increase the previously introduced stresses discussed
hot water is a form of chemical degradation of the above. During testing, the internal oil pressure acts to
matrix. When a resin is hydrolized, the ester bonds are compress the swollen matrix against the structural fabric
destroyed. With less bonding between and within the of glass fibers. Therefore the swollen lamina in the water
polymer chains, the chains will slide past each other with immersed tubular specimens are in greater compression
greater ease; thus, inelastic deformation is achieved at than their dry counterparts. Thus there is an increase in
smaller loads and a loss in stiffness results. the energy needed for cracks to propagate through the
The test specimens experience the greatest shear for- thickness of the tubulars (weepage).
ces in pure axial and pure hoop loading. The matrix From the observation of Figs. 10 and 11, the differ-
dominated properties are the most sensitive to hygro- ences in the fracture modes of [3 hoop:1 axial] loading
thermal conditions; thus, the failure of the material in between the specimens in water at 20 °C and at 50 °C is
shear is responsive to moisture absorption and is highly quite striking. The specimen immersed in water at 50 °C
affected [4]. This lends itself to support the conclusion fractured close to the end tab, like the dry specimens
that the fibers have experienced little degradation while the immersion in water at 20 °C resulted in frac-
themselves, but rather the decrease in strength at final ture within the gauge length. Thus in the case of the dry
failure in hoop and axial loading can be attributed to the specimens and those in water at 50 °C, failure was due to
high shear forces at the interfacial bonds. The interfacial the stress concentrations at the constrained ends, so the
bonds and the matrix are weaker and thus more sus- ultimate strength of the pipe was not achieved. For the
ceptible to shear failure. specimen in water at 20 °C, its ultimate strength was
The sizing used on the fibers is another consideration. realized, perhaps explaining part of its significant in-
Manufacturers do not reveal what the chemical make-up crease in strength.
and properties of the sizing are. Some sizings are hy-
drophobic and others are hydrophilic. Bazhenov [16] 13. Conclusions
found that unsized fibers exposed to boiling water lost
81% of their fracture toughness, while the fracture The mechanical properties of glass-fiber epoxy resin
toughness of sized fibers was unaffected. Therefore if the composites were generally negatively impacted by the
sizing is hydrophilic, it could be dissolved in the water environmental effects of moisture and high temperature.
1874 F. Ellyin, R. Maser / Composites Science and Technology 64 (2004) 1863–1874
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