Abi Unit12 w12b Pipewhip
Abi Unit12 w12b Pipewhip
Abi Unit12 w12b Pipewhip
This workshop involves the simulation of a pipe-on-pipe impact resulting from the
rupture of a high-pressure line in a power plant. It is assumed that a sudden release of
fluid could cause one segment of the pipe to rotate about its support and strike a
neighboring pipe. The goal of the analysis is to determine strain and stress conditions in
both pipes and their deformed shapes. The simulation will be performed using
This workshop is based on “Pipe whip simulation” of the Abaqus Benchmarks Guide.
fixed end
impacting pipe
axis of rotation
5. Click mouse button 2 in the viewport to continue; in the Edit Base Extrusion
dialog box, enter 25 in. as the value of the extrusion depth. (Mouse button 2 is the
middle mouse button on a 3-button mouse; on a 2-button mouse, press both
mouse buttons simultaneously.)
6. In the Model Tree, expand the Parts container. Click mouse button 3 on the part
named pipe-fixed and select Copy from the menu that appears. Copy the part to a
new part named pipe-impacting.
The new part is underlined in the Model Tree to indicate that it is the current part
displayed in the viewport.
7. In the Model Tree, expand the branch for pipe-impacting underneath the Parts
container. In the list that appears, expand the Features item and double-click
Shell extrude-1 to edit the feature.
2. In the Model Tree, double-click Sections and create a homogeneous shell section
named ShellSection with a shell thickness of 0.432 in.
3. Select Gauss quadrature for shell section integration with three integration points
through the thickness. Perform the section integration during the analysis.
4. Accept the analysis default section Poisson ratio (i.e., the material Poisson’s
5. In the Model Tree, expand the container for each part and double-click Section
Assignments to assign the shell section to each part.
Model assembly
You will now create an instance of each pipe and position them relative to one another.
1. In the Model Tree, expand the Assembly container and double-click Instances.
2. In the Create Instance dialog box, select both parts and toggle on Auto-offset
from other instances. Choose the Independent instance type and click OK.
3. Modify the position of the impacting part as follows:
a. In the toolbox, click (or select Instance→Translate). Select the
impacting pipe as the instance to be translated, and define the translation
vector using the start and end points indicated in Figure W12b–4.
Reference point
You will now define a general contact interaction between the two pipes and constrain
the pivot end of the impacting pipe to behave like a rigid body.
Contact interaction
1. In the Model Tree, double-click Interaction Properties.
2. In the Create Interaction Property dialog box, accept Contact as the interaction
type and click Continue.
3. In the Edit Contact Property dialog box, select Mechanical→Tangential
Behavior and choose the Penalty friction formulation. Enter a friction coefficient
of 0.2, and click OK to close the dialog box.
4. In the Model Tree, double-click Interactions.
5. In the Create Interaction dialog box, accept Step-1 as the step in which the
interaction will be created and General contact (Explicit) as the interaction type.
6. In the Edit Interaction dialog box, accept All* with self as the contact domain
and select the interaction property created earlier as the global property.
7. Click OK to close the dialog box.
tie region
Boundary conditions
The edges located on the symmetry plane must be given appropriate symmetry boundary
conditions. One end of the impacting pipe and both ends of the fixed pipe are fully
1. In the Model Tree, double-click BCs.
2. In the Create Boundary Condition dialog box, accept
Symmetry/Antisymmetry/Encastre as the boundary condition type and click
Continue to create the boundary conditions shown in Figure W12b–8.
• Symmetry boundary conditions: Select the edges shown in Figure W12b–
8; and in the Edit Boundary Condition dialog box, choose the ZSYMM
boundary condition.
• Fully constrained boundary conditions: Select the edge shown in
Figure W12b–8; and in the Edit Boundary Condition dialog box, choose
the ENCASTRE boundary condition.
• Pinned boundary condition: Select RP-1 in the viewport. In the Edit
Boundary Condition dialog box, choose the PINNED boundary
Symmetry: ZSYMM BC
(all edges on this plane) PINNED BC
Initial conditions
The impacting pipe is given an initial angular velocity of 75 radians/sec about its
supported (pinned) end.
1. Use the Point/Node query (click ) to determine the coordinates of two end
points on the axis of rotation at the pivot end of impacting pipe, as shown in
Figure W12b–9.
first point
second point
Figure W12b–9 Points on axis of rotation.
The coordinates will be printed out to the message area as shown in Figure
3. In the toolbox, click (or select Mesh→Element Type). Select both part
instances. In the Element type dialog box, select the Explicit element type,
examine the various options available, and accept the default element type S4R.
4. In the toolbox, click (or select Seed→Edges) and assign the number of edge
seeds to each edge of the fixed pipe shown in Figure W12b–12.
If single edge: 24; if two edges: 12 each.
5. In the toolbox, click (or select Mesh→Instance), select the fixed pipe, and
click Done in the prompt area to mesh the part instance. The mesh is shown in
Figure W12b–13.
6. In the toolbox, click (or select Seed→Edges) and assign edge seeds to each
edge of the impacting pipe as shown in Figure W12b–14.
7. In the toolbox, click (or select Mesh→Instance), select the impacting pipe,
and click Done in the prompt area to mesh the part instance. The mesh is shown
in Figure W12b–15.
Now you are ready to create and submit the model for analysis.
1. Create a job named pipe-whip. Enter any suitable job description. Accept all
other default job settings.
2. Submit the job for analysis.
3. Monitor the progress of the job by clicking mouse button 3 on the pipe-whip item
underneath the Jobs container and selecting Monitor in the menu that appears.
1. Once the analysis completes successfully, open the output database file pipe-
whip.odb in the Visualization module.
2. Plot the undeformed and the deformed model shapes. In the toolbar, click (or
select Tools→Color Code) and assign different colors to the two pipe instances,
as shown in Figure W12b–16.
5. Create X–Y plots of the model’s internal energy (ALLIE), kinetic energy
(ALLKE), and dissipated energy (ALLPD). The energy plot is shown in Figure
W12b–18. (Your results may vary slightly.)
Tip: Expand the History Output container in the Results Tree and select the three
curves noted above. Click mouse button 3 and select Plot from the menu that
Near the end of the simulation, the impacting pipe is beginning to rebound,
having dissipated the majority of its kinetic energy by inelastic deformation in the
crushed zone.
6. Select and plot the pinned node reaction force components RF1, RF2, and RF3.
The reaction force plot is shown in Figure W12b–19. (Your results may vary