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MCO-4 Dec12

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of Printed Pages : 7 MCO-04


Term-End Examination
December, 2012


Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100

Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal


1. "Economic conditions, economic policies and 20

systems are important external factors that
constitute the economic environment of a
business." Explain this statement and give Indian
illustrations to show interaction between economic
and non-economic environment.

2. Discuss the institutional framework that has been 20

evolved for the promotion and growth of small
sector in India. What are the major constraints
that are still being faced by the small scale sector?

3. (a) Explain any two of the following : 5,5

(i) Indian Patents Act, 1970, an
(ii) Convertibility of rupee on capital
(iii) Administered prices.

MCO-04 1 P.T.O.
(b) Distinguish between any two of the 5,5
following :
(i) Import substitution and Export
(ii) Balance of Trade and Balance of
(iii) Monopolistic and Restrictive Trade

4. What do you mean by privatization ? Why is it

considered necessary today ?Explain the possible
areas of privatization and point out the problems
associated with privatization in India. 5, 5, 10

5. "The scope and coverage of labour legislation are 20

very wide and overlapping." Discuss this
statement by giving an overview of labour
legislation in India.

6. What is 'economic policy'? What are its different

forms? Explain various objectives of fiscal policy.
Why is co-ordination between monetary and fiscal
policies necessary ? 5, 5, 10

7. Discuss the main deficiencies of Indian Money 20

Market, and state the reformist measures
introduced by Reserve Bank of India to strengthen
the Indian Money Market.

MCO-04 2
8. (a) State the provisions of the Competition Act 10
2002 with respect to regulation of
monopolies in India.
(b) What are the rights conferred upon 10
Consumers under the Consumer Protection
Act, 1986 ? Who can file a complaint under
the Act ? Explain.

9. Why is foreign capital so important for India's

economic development ? Point out important
Policy changes announced by the Government to
attract foreign capital since July, 1991. 10, 10

MCO-04 3 P.T.O.
Kgr aft. - 04
cilrulqt1 IrIct;iii•k ZITIN
t1:410 1T 1T
71.1t311.-04 : leTkIT
: 3 iu 37fFIWUTT afT : 100

: e 4 e wet Try-q r 37'w oil,/ ei

1. " al-0k tf-d--zri 20

ezfiql cnRcr, t F\311 oe4w-fiq "TR-471-wr
t 1" dq (4)1 °Luse-1i "WIF--7 air 31-6'24-
- aTifft Tr-07-r -4 31--4-Pfwzrr Tek 4.1R-t-zr

2. ITRff 14 c1 3errff f-dWM 4a4-ff 20

Ti- Wmra Gi-4 TF f44-49T1f-
F\711 3N1. (1-71 cf).11 45 (1

3. (a) -14-1 i (5d -4 rn1 0L11(9q1 .W1-* : 5,5

(i)zl.4jE3-tfrizili, 1970 fa ,11,4(1-1,4,-1
(ii) -c0-17m (I 7:17 goi

MCO-04 5 P.T.O.
(b) F-P-ircirod T4 014 5, 5

(i) 3TR1TU T2ITT:r7 f9-4a14-44-9.

(ii) all4lt *Er tti
(iii) -d2Tr -5rea4.91- 044141k 31241

4. r-onchul qzrr t? 3Tr--4-*-F

t? Timed cqm►i
.U94T ITTTd rizfichtui 4.1Fera WITErTat
W---4R I 5, 5, 10

5. ("Ir;IgH 4q -R-4 -faRrRwrchl- fa-Rra .u21-r 311-d

- rcrl 20
ti" wr-cd 54 -41;1q4-1*14nickilq.)-1 -Trrq

6. 3Trfik cr qzrr t? 74* -N-fir -Fcr wrr t?

thita, q t- raiim*-Tff (4,1 ciltsql fatzi
(lAchltilq t-W w-i-etq qqi 3Tr-q-vq--*--dr
5, 5, 10

7. I cim► t 4-49..WW-A7,2,1-111-R4-4 20
liLf .WFTIA Mfr fq-
011'1R TSS-q -TT A-4 44) gRI
TTF-q-r- W-

8. (a) 141.7 if 7-*-rfwrftw *-24-r3 fq-ftql:r9. ot.;
9ffiTcf4i 3TfiftzrIT, 2002*. mIcfNiqf
A7 I 10, 10
(b) 31:11.11qM Tf7Vv1 3-TW-97114, 1986

ztri4-1--th-r4 1q1.-( f-*.7 N alfq--*-R *EJIT t ?

3Tfirrizfrf 3.1— rfff 09'

9. - hq 3Trf2 fd-WR:f
1.17-dT fq-ke
1:1- 1114 Aid( t? cil 1991 -4 f-d-- 7ff ch)
31-rwrrif-ff a.)(4 webR IZlEKtiff f*7 7 -11-6---cgri
ro+Ici 4Racf-i1' 10, 10

MCO-04 7

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