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I'll have a gla"ss of - John _ac?

ass thefirld
beer fcm
wine walked
water crawled

Normal: odd:
The girl ran across thefield The gtrl sat across thefietd.
I'd lil@ q slass ofwet

There are also derivational relations: --> word families

(D coak (v.t.) Mary is cooking xtpper tonight.
(ii) cook (v.i.) CanJahn cook?
(iii) ank (v.i.) the chicken is coohng
(tO cwk (n.) John is a good cook.
(") I"eslie is a cook.
(vi) ctnker We've bought anew caoker-
("ii) cooking {n.} Johrz's in lovewithMary's cooking
(viii) ctnkery John is taking cookety lessons.)


Non-hierarchical relations:
l. Identity -> synonyrns (absolute synonyrny; near-slmonynry) and Paraphrases
2. Exclusion and opposition -> Incompatibility (and co-taxonomy); Opposites
((1) simple antonymV binary antonyms/complementarieVcontraries (A Not B) Q) $adable :
antonyms/antonyms proper (More of A means less of B), (3) reverse#reversivesldirectional
opposites( ), (4)relational opposite#converses) (e.g., AbuysXfromB:B sellsXto A)
The problem of markedness.

Hierarchical relations :

1. Inclusion/Entailment/Generic relations -> Hyponymy (X is a kind/gpe/sort af Y)

2. Partitive relations -> Meronymy (An X k spntt of a Y. Y has an X/Xs.)
3. Other -.o.9., member-collection: shiVfleet, tree-farest,fish-skrul
Note:Portion-mass. drop of liquid, grain of saltlsand,4uheat, sheet o1fpaper, lump of coal,- strand
of hair (Notice the syntactic consequences...)

Causal relations: kill/die, raise/rise, fell/fall, and also

Note on derivational relations:

- (causative verbs) rel. between an adj describing a state, e.g., wide as in the road is wide, a
verb describing a beginning or a change of state (inchoative verb), e.g., to widen as in The
road widened arrd a verb describing the cause of this change of state, e.g., widened as in The
Council widened the roqd.
- (agentive nouns) --er/-or -> fintballer, w6lker, murderer, cammentator, but also: leru*ger (a
piece of furniture to relax on), cooker (:cooking machine), mffier (AE: car silencer)

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