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Agreement 388 Restu Agung Perkasa, PT 1422349354

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To :
ISO 9001 : 2008
ISO 14001 : 2004
OHSAS 18001 : 2007

RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT (ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 14001 : 2004, OHSAS 18001 : 2007) ACM-Ind 05 Issue 2
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We Served Professional Service Mar 2014
Date : 27 January 2015

Number : ACM-INA/QNA-A2/0016/15


Address : Jl. P. M. Noor Perum. Pondok Surya Indah BL. 2 No. 6


Dear Mr/Mrs,
Thank you for providing ACM Indonesia with the opportunity to supply RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT with a Quotation for a new
three-year certification cycle to Standard(s) (UKAS).

The Scope of certification agreed shall be:

Contractor for domestic building, infrastructure and others related construction works

The location(s) to be certified are:

Jl. P. M. Noor Perum. Pondok Surya Indah BL. 2 No. 6

The Quotation enclosed includes all of the fees for Administration, Application, Stage 1 Audit, Stage 2 Audit, Audit Reports,
Certificate Decision, Certification Documents and Surveillance Audits, over the three-year certification cycle.
ACM Indonesia are bound by strict confidentiality requirements, so any information reviewed, recorded and observed by our
auditors or staff regarding your company, shall remain completely confidential.
If you should have any queries or concerns regarding this Quotation and Agreement, or the Audit and Certification process
please visit the ACM Indonesia website ( do not hesitate to contact ACM Indonesia.

Sincerely Yours,

Managing Director

RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT (ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 14001 : 2004, OHSAS 18001 : 2007) ACM-Ind 05 Issue 2
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We Served Professional Service Mar 2014
The following Service will be provided on behalf of ACM Indonesia.
(Carry out an assessment visit and surveillance visit(s) and where necessary further visits to verify corrective actions and issue a
report summarising visit findings).
Please check the details shown on this document carefully, as they will be used in the preparation of your Certificate and
Assessment Schedule upon Certification. Any changes required must be notified in writing and formally agreed by ACM.

Date of Proposal: 27 January 2015

Standard: ISO 9001 : 2008
ISO 14001 : 2004
OHSAS 18001 : 2007
Address: Jl. P. M. Noor Perum. Pondok Surya Indah BL. 2 No. 6
Scope: Contractor for domestic building, infrastructure and others related construction works
The Fees associated with the three-year Certification Cycle are as follows:


50% after sign contract and 50% after audit has
Initial Audit: (IA 1 & IA 2) -(Year 1) Rp. 35,000,000 January / 2015
been perform
50% after sign contract and 50% after audit has
Surveillance / S1 (Year 2) Rp. 33,000,000 January / 2016
been perform
50% after sign contract and 50% after audit has
Surveillance / S2 (Year 3) Rp. 33,000,000 January / 2017
been perform
Renewal To be advice January / 2018

Term of payment

Bank Account : 103.000.576.
All payments due from the Client under this Agreement shall be fully paid in the currency specified in the
Quotation to ACM Indonesia , within 14 (fourteen) days of the date on the invoice. All fees and expenses will be
subject to the applicable taxes in the country in which the service is provided.
All fees are invoiced following each visit. Any taxes required by law will be added to invoices.
All fees quoted in Quotation are exclusive of taxes, travel, accommodation and other expenses associated with
visits to the Client's site(s). Travel and expenses incurred will be charge at cost.
Travel/transportation Fees:
By Airfreight (Garuda Indonesia + Airlines) minimal economic class
By Train minimal business class
By Transportation for Jakarta Area IDR 250.000,-
By Transportation for BODETABEK area IDR 350.000,-
By Transportation audit by Airfreight and train will be charge for transportation IDR 550.000,-
By Transportation for other BODETABEK area will be charge IDR 440,000.-
Other fees (toll, airport tax, fiscal and etc - as per receipt).
Accommodation Fees:
Hotel minimal three star class
Meals/subsistence per night if not covered by client (Rp.80.000,-/night/auditor)

RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT (ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 14001 : 2004, OHSAS 18001 : 2007) ACM-Ind 05 Issue 2
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We Served Professional Service Mar 2014
1) Introduction 1) Pendahuluan
ACM Limited is a privately owned, independent ACM Limited adalah badan sertifikasi
certification body, accredited by UKAS for management independen yang diakreditasi oleh UKAS untuk
systems certification. Although not a statement sertifikasi sistem pengelolaan. Meskipun tidak
guaranteeing that the product or services actually meet ada pernyataan yang menjamin bahwa produk
specified requirements, accredited certification of a atau layanan yang disediakan benar-benar
management system is a measure of compliance with memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan,
the appropriate international standards. sertifikasi sistem pengelolaan yang terakreditasi
adalah salah satu bentuk kepatuhan terhadap
standar-standar internasional.

2) Agreement 2) Perjanjian
This Agreement is made on the date shown herein Perjanjian ini dibuat pada tanggal tersebut disini
between (1) ACM Limited, United Kingdom ("ACM ltd - antara pihak - pihak (1) ACM Limited, United
UK") represented by, ACM Indonesia , and (2) The Kingdom ("ACM -UK") yang diwakili oleh ACM
Client named RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT, which Indonesia dan (2) Klien bernama RESTU AGUNG
located at Jl. P. M. Noor Perum. Pondok Surya Indah BL. PERKASA, PT, yang berada di Jl. P. M. Noor
2 No. 6 Perum. Pondok Surya Indah BL. 2 No. 6

3) Scope of the Rules of Registration 3) Cakupan Peraturan Registrasi

These rules of registration are applicable to all Peraturan registrasi ini berlaku untuk semua
management system audits undertaken by ACM (or its audit sistem pengelolaan yang dilakukan oleh
local representatives ) within the current scope of ACM (atau perwakilan setempatnya) dalam
accreditation as detail on the UKAS web site. In fulfilling cakupan akreditasi saat ini yang dirinci di situs
this scope, the client agrees to supply all necessary web UKAS. Dalam memenuhi cakupan ini, klien
information to ACM so that a full and fair assessment setuju memberikan semua informasi yang
can be undertaken. ACM will give due notice of any dibutuhkan kepada ACM sehingga penilaian
changes to its requirements and will verify that each dapat dilakukan dengan lengkap dan adil. ACM
certified client complies with the new requirements. akan memberitahukan segala perubahan yang
terjadi pada persyaratannya dan memastikan
bahwa setiap klien yang disertifikasi mematuhi
persyaratan-persyaratan yang baru.

4) Personnel 4) Personnil
ACM undertakes to provide suitably qualified and ACM menyediakan personil yang memenuhi
competent personnel for all audit and surveillance syarat dan kompeten untuk semua kegiatan
activities using their own staff or suitable qualified and audit dan pengawasan menggunakan staf
competent associates. All remember of ACM ( full-time mereka sendiri atau rekan-rekan yang
employees, associates or local representative) are memenuhi syarat dan kompeten. Semua
required to sign confidentiality agreements concerning anggota ACM (karyawan penuh waktu, rekan
all confidential information to which they may be atau perwakilan setempat) diwajibkan
exposed. menandatangani perjanjian kerahasiaan
mengenai semua informasi rahasia yang
mungkin jatuh ke tangan mereka.

RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT (ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 14001 : 2004, OHSAS 18001 : 2007) ACM-Ind 05 Issue 2
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We Served Professional Service Mar 2014
5) Certification 5) Sertifikasi
on completion of the audit the Auditor will submit the Setelah menyelesaikan audit, Auditor akan
report to the ACM Certification Officer who will review menyerahkan laporan kepada Pegawai
the file and make a recommendation to ACM's Sertifikasi ACM yang akan mengkaji ulang file
Managing Director or authorised deputy will make the dan membuat rekomendasi untuk Direktur
certification decision and authorise the issue of the Pengelola ACM berdasarkan isi file. Direktur
certificate. the certificate remains the property of ACM Pengelola atau wakil yang berwenang akan
and is valid for three years, providing the client membuat keputusan sertifikasi dan mengijinkan
maintains the management system to the required penerbitan sertifikat. Sertifikat tetap menjadi
standard. all certification activities and the hak milik ACM dan berlaku selama tiga tahun
management of impartiality is overseen by an sehingga klien dapat terus mempertahankan
Independent Certification Board. sistem pengelolaan yang sesuai dengan standar.
Semua kegiatan sertifikasi dan pengelolaan
ketidakberpihakan diawasi oleh Dewan
Sertifikasi Independen.

6) Confidentiality 6) Perjanjian
ACM ltd. and ACM Indonesia , their officers, employees, Pihak ACM ltd. dan ACM Indonesia , para
and agents agree to maintain as confidential and not to pejabat, pegawai dan agennya wajib untuk
use or disclose to any third party, any information menjaga kerahasiaan dan tidak menggunakan
derived from the Client in connection with the atau mengungkapkan kepada pihak ketiga,
Service(s) without the consent of the Client, except to setiap informasi yang diperoleh dari pihak Klien
the extent that it is reasonably necessary to enable the berkaitan dengan Layanan (- Layanan) tersebut
Service(s) to be carried out in accordance with the tanpa persetujuan pihak Klien, kecuali sepanjang
terms of the Agreement. hal tersebut diperlukan agar Layanan (- Layanan)
tersebut dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan syarat -
syarat Perjanjiannya.

Such obligation shall continue in full force and effect Kewajiban tersebut akan terus berlaku penuh
during the term of and after termination of this dan mengikat selama jangka waktu Perjanjian
Agreement provided, however, that the following dan setelah berakhirnya Perjanjian ini, asalkan
should not be subject to such restrictions : termasuk dalam pembatasan - pembatasan
berikut :

(i) any information which was in the possession of (i) setiap informasi yang telah dimiliki oleh
ACM Indonesia or ACM Indonesia , prior to its pihak ACM Indonesia atau ACM
disclosure by the Client, or ; Indonesia sebelum pengungkapannya
kepada pihak Klien atau ;

(ii) any information which is or shall lawfully (ii) setiap informasi yang secara hukum
become part of the public domain, or ; merupakan hak masyarakat, atau ;

(iii) any information which shall otherwise lawfully (iii) setiap informasi yang selain itu menjadi
become available to ACM ltd. or ACM Indonesia tersedia untuk pihak ACM ltd. atau ACM
from a source independent of the Client, or; Indonesia dari sebuah sumber
independen pihak Klien, atau;

(iv) any information which otherwise may be (iv) setiap informasi lainnya yang mungkin
required to be made available in respect of disyaratkan untuk disediakan dalam
achieving or maintaining ACM Indonesia's rangka memperoleh atau mengelola
Accreditation. Akreditasi pihak ACM Indonesia.

RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT (ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 14001 : 2004, OHSAS 18001 : 2007) ACM-Ind 05 Issue 2
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We Served Professional Service Mar 2014
(v) any information about the client from source (v) setiap informasi mengenai klien dari
other than client (e.g. Complaint, regulators) sumber selain klien (mis. Keluhan,
shall be treated as confidential, consistent with regulasi) akan diperlakukan secara
ACM Indonesia policy. rahasia dan selaras sesuai kebijakan yang
berlaku di ACM Indonesia.

(vi) If confidential information is made to other (vi) jika informasi rahasia dibuat untuk
bodies (e.g. accreditation body, agreement badan-badan lainnya (misalnya badan
group of a peer assessment scheme), ACM akreditasi, kesepakatan kelompok
Indonesia will be inform its clients of this action. sebuah skema penilaian sejawat), ACM
Indonesia akan menginformasikan pihak
klien dari tindakan ini.

7) Use Ordinances of Logo 7) Tata Cara Penggunaan Logo

1. Alternative uses of the ACM symbols and the 1. Alternatif penggunaan simbol ACM dan
accreditation logos. Where a client wishes to logo akreditasi. Apabila klien ingin
display a symbol in a manner not described in menampilkan simbol dengan cara yang
the above references documents matter must tidak dijelaskan dalam hal dokumen
addressed to ACM Ltd for an advice. referensi di atas harus diajukan ke ACM
Ltd untuk saran.

2. Incorrect use of symbols and logos by clients 2. Penggunaan yang tidak benar simbol dan
Where a client is found to be incorrectly using a logo oleh klien Apabila ditemukan klien
ACM symbol and or an accreditation logo by : yang salah menggunakan simbol ACM
dan atau logo akreditasi oleh :

(i) During assessment visits, Assessor must (i) Saat kunjungan audit
advice the client and require, confirm peninjauan/pengawasan, Auditor
and record in the assessment report that harus saran klien dan
corrective action is taken, and Assessor memerlukan, mengkonfirmasi
may seek advice from Managing Director dan merekam dalam laporan
on the use and the validity of the penilaian bahwa tindakan korektif
corrective action. diambil, dan Auditor dapat
meminta nasihat dari Managing
Director pada penggunaan dan
validitas tindakan korektif.

(ii) During audit, the finding will raised as (ii) Selama audit, temuan tersebut
non-conformity and send to ACM Ltd for akan diangkat sebagai non-
entry into finding's register. A Finding's kesesuaian dan disampaikan ke
raised and send to assessor for action. ACM Ltd untuk masuk ke register
Temuan.Sebuah temuan
mengangkat dan kirim ke penilai
untuk tindak lebih.

(iii) Complaint from external person or body (iii) Keluhan dari pihak luar atau
is managed in accordance with ACM Ltd badan eksternal lainnya dikelola
procedure. sesuai dengan prosedur ACM.

RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT (ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 14001 : 2004, OHSAS 18001 : 2007) ACM-Ind 05 Issue 2
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We Served Professional Service Mar 2014
(iv) Complaint from Accreditation Body on (iv) Keluhan dari Badan Akreditasi
use of symbols and logos are normally untuk penggunaan simbol dan
directed to ACM Ltd. logo biasanya diarahkan untuk
ACM Ltd.

3. Unauthorized use of logo Where an incidence of 3. Penyalahgunaan logo Dimana kejadian

unauthorised use of a ACM symbol comes to penyalahgunaan dari simbol ACM datang
attention of ACM Ltd through a complaint or ke perhatian ACM Ltd melalui keluhan
other channels, it will be recorded and atau saluran lain, maka akan dicatat dan
processed as a complaint. diproses sebagai keluhan.

8) Client Complaints Against ACM Personnel 8) Komplain klien terhadap personil ACM
If a client has a complaint regarding any employee or Jika klien mengajukan keluhan mengenai
associate of ACM, this should be sent in writing to the karyawan atau rekan ACM, keluhan ini harus
ACM Managing Director at the Head Office address. If dikirim secara tertulis kepada Direktur ACM di
the complaint involves a Managing Director then the Kantor Pusat. Jika keluhan tersebut terkait
complaint is to be addressed to the Independent dengan Direktur Pengelola, maka keluhan akan
Certification Board Chairman. di tujukan kepada Ketua Dewan Sertifikasi

9) Liability 9) Pertanggungjawaban
Neither ACM nor any of its servants or agents shall be Baik ACM mau pun karyawan atau agennya tidak
liable for any loss, expense or damage however so bertanggung jawab atas kerugian, pengeluaran
sustained by any company, client or person due to any atau kerusakan apa pun yang diderita oleh
act what so ever taken by ACM or its servants or perusahaan, klien atau individu akibat tindakan
agents, save to the extent that any attempted exclusion yang diambil oleh ACM, karyawan atau agennya,
or liability would be contrary to law. kecuali sejauh jika upaya pengecualian atau
pertanggungjawaban tersebut merupakan
pelanggaran terhadap hukum yang berlaku.

10) Indemnity 10) Pelepasan Tanggung Jawab

The client will indemnify ACM against any claims or Klien akan membebaskan ACM dari segala jenis
losses suffered by ACM as a result of misuse or klaim atau kerugian yang diderita ACM akibat
misrepresentation by the client of any logo, approval or penyalahgunaan logo, persetujuan atau
registration given to the client by ACM under these registrasi yang diberikan oleh ACM kepada kliem
Certification Agreement & Rules. menurut Perjanjian dan Peraturan Sertifikasi ini.

11) Force Majeure 11) Perjanjian

No failure or omission by either party to carry out or Tidak ada kegagalan atau penghapusan oleh
observe any of the stipulations, conditions, or salah satu pihak untuk melaksanakan atau
warranties to be performed as set out in this mematuhi setiap keputusan - keputusan,
Agreement shall give rise to any claim against such persyaratan, atau jaminan - jaminan yang
party or be deemed to be a breach of contract to the hendak dilaksanakan sebagaimana dikemukakan
extent that such failure or omission arises from causes dalam Perjanjian ini akan menimbulkan klaim
reasonably beyond the control of such party. terhadap pihak tersebut atau dianggap sebagai
sebuah pelanggaran kontrak sampai sejauh
bahwa kegagalan atau penghapusan tersebut
timbul dari sebab - sebab yang secara wajar
berada di luar kendali pihak tersebut.

RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT (ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 14001 : 2004, OHSAS 18001 : 2007) ACM-Ind 05 Issue 2
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We Served Professional Service Mar 2014
12) Assignment 12) Penugasan
Except as otherwise agreed by the parties in writing this Kecuali jika disepakati oleh para pihak secara
Agreement shall not be assigned in whole or part. tertulis, Perjanjian ini tidak akan diberikan
secara keseluruhan atau sebagian.

13) Law and Jurisdiction 13) Undang - Undang dan Kewenangan Hukum
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in Perjanjian ini akan diatur oleh dan ditafsirkan
accordance with Indonesian law. The parties hereby sesuai dengan Undang - Undang Negara
submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indonesian Indonesia. Para pihak dengan ini memilih
courts. jurisdiksi khusus di pada badan - badan
peradilan di Negara Indonesia.

Executed by ACM Indonesia for and on behalf of

For and on behalf of the Client
ACM Cert. Ltd. - UK
PT No: A2/0016/15
Name: Name:

Signed & Stamped: Signed:

Date: Date:

RESTU AGUNG PERKASA, PT (ISO 9001 : 2008, ISO 14001 : 2004, OHSAS 18001 : 2007) ACM-Ind 05 Issue 2
Page 8 of 8
We Served Professional Service Mar 2014

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