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Growth of Solar Energy in India

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International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)


Growth of Solar Energy in India – Present Status and Future

Soumendra Nath Basu, 2Avijit Karmakar & 3Pushmita Bhattacharya
Technique Polytechnic Institute
Email :,,

Often the economic growth of a country like India is

Abstract – The sun can be one of the most possible
powerful renewable energy sources. Solar energy is finite measured in terms of GDP. But on the concept of
energy resources to meet up long term global energy crisis. “GREEN ECONOMY” economists are saying that to
The recent energy crisis and environmental burden are measure economic growth only in terms of GDP is not
becoming increasingly urgent and drawing enormous appreciably appropriate. The proper way is to take the
attention to solar-energy utilization. The present study is cumulative effect of GDP and human development
intended to review on recent advances in developing the index (HDI). If we take cumulative effect then we
STE and SPV technologies for solar power generation. cannot see a satisfactory economic growth.
Capturing and using just the sunlight which hits the earth
in one day could provide enough energy for the entire In India, till 2012, no commercial solar thermal power
world all year. Solar power has the immense capacity to plant generating bulk electricity has been installed.
bring in stability to the fluctuating electricity tariffs in There is ample scope in India to meet the energy
India as it is cheaper than thermal and domestic coal. We problems through solar thermal technologies which will
have realized that solar radiation in the worst part of India help to protect the global climate by reducing GHG and
is better than the best part of Europe. In India, the
CO2 emissions for sustainable economic and social
electricity demand is drastically increasing. Solar Thermal
(STE) and Photovoltaic Electricity (SPV) technology can be development of the country.
implemented in India as solar resources and large The main features of the radiation climatology of India
wasteland areas are widely available in the country. Solar are as follows:
thermal energy is finite energy resources to meet up long
term global energy crisis. The recent energy crisis and • About 3300 to 3700 hours of bright sunshine are
environmental hazards are drawing enormous attention to available in a year in the northwest and West Central
solar-energy utilization. The utilization of solar energy in regions of the sub-continent and 2900 hours over Central
India has got prime importance in the present scenario of
peninsula except Assam, Kerala and Kashmir where it is
energy crisis in the country.
appreciably lower.
Keywords - renewable energy, solar thermal & solar
photovoltaic technologies, growth of solar energy in India, • About 7.5 Kwh/m2/day of solar energy is received
global energy crisis. over the country as a whole, for the major portion of the
year, of which the maximum about 210 Kwh/m2/month
I. INTRODUCTION is received during cloud free winter months and pre-
India is facing an acute energy scarcity which is monsoon months and the minimum 140 Kwh/m2/month
hampering its industrial growth and economic progress is received during monsoon seasons.
of the country. In India there has been a continuous • During winter, the lowest radiation is received in
effort in the direction of the use of lesser amount of North India and the highest in the South India. During
fossil fuels and increased supply of energy which can summer, a reversal occurs with high values in North and
only be met by a planned harnessing of more renewable low in South.
energy sources and the government is serious in the
planned development of these sources. • Diffused solar radiation is a minimum 740 KWh/m2
over Rajasthan increasing eastwards to 840 KWh/m2 in
The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) Assam and to 920 KWh/m2 in extreme South of the
also points out: “India is a tropical country, where peninsula.
sunshine is available for longer hours per day and in
great intensity. Solar energy, therefore, has great • The total solar energy received by this subcontinent
potential as future energy source. It also has the is over 60 x 1013 MWh. There are between 250 to 300
advantage of permitting the decentralized distribution of days of usual sunshine per year in most parts of the
energy, thereby empowering people at the grassroots country.

ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -3, Issue-5 2015
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)

Solar energy thus emerges as a positive alternative The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM)
energy sources with certain unique advantages for the was launched on the 11th January, 2010 by the Prime
Indian condition. The industrialized nations are Minister. The Mission has set the targets which includes
requesting India to take the leadership in the (i) deployment of 20,000 MW of grid connected solar
development of solar energy in the Third World. power by 2022, (ii) 2000 MW of off-grid solar
applications including 20 million solar lights by 2022,
II. HISTORICAL GROWTH OF SOLAR (iii) 20 million sq. solar thermal collector area (iv) to
ENERGY IN INDIA create favourable conditions for developing solar
manufacturing capability in the country (v) aggressive
Solar energy development programmes have been
R&D to achieve this objective and make India a global
undertaken by the advanced countries immediately after
leader in solar energy.
the Second World War the progress however, slowed
down with the coming of the nuclear era in sixties. The Mission will create an enabling policy framework to
experience with nuclear energy and the hike of oil price achieve this objective and make India a global leader in
in the seventies once again focused attention on solar solar energy.
energy. The Department of Nonconventional Energy
Sources, Govt. of India, formed in 1982, undertook a III. SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC IN INDIA –
number of developmental programmes and PRESENT STATUS AND FUTURE
demonstration projects. POSSIBILITIES
Solar power generating capacity grew by 73% in 2010, India lies in a sunny tropical belt (High isolation).Its
picking up the pace again after a brief slowdown in total theoretical available potential is annually over 5000
2009. trillion kWh. Exploited potential (production/installed
In 2006, the Rural Electrification Program was the first capacity) is very little including total installed capacity
step by the Government of India in recognizing the (grid & off grid) of approximate 110MW and that only
importance of solar power. It gave guidelines for the about 17.82MW (as of Dec 2010) is grid connected (as
implementation of off-grid solar applications. However, of Jan 2011).
at this early stage, only 33.8MW of capacity was
installed through this policy in 2012. Phase 1 2010-2013 500 MW

According to International Energy Agency (IEA), solar Phase 2 2014-2017 2000 MW

energy (solar photovoltaic and solar thermal) could meet
most of the global demand of electrical energy by 2060. Phase 3 2018-2022 7500 MW
Carbon dioxide emissions from the energy sector would
Table 1. Solar PV module demand in India
fall to about 3 gigatons per year compared to 30 gigatons
at current levels.
Solar PV Module demand in

Within 2035, the world‟s renewable energy sources 7100
could grow by at least 60 percent and could even double. 6100
India (MW)

And by 2060, renewable energy could supply up to four 5100

times more energy than today. Solar energy could be the 4100
world‟s largest primary energy source by 2060. The 3100
industrialized nations are requesting India to take the 2100
leadership in the development of solar energy in the 100
Third World.
2010-13 2014-17 2018-22
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has set up Year
Solar Energy Centre (SEC), established in 1982, is a Phase-1 Phase-2 Phase-3
dedicated unit of the Ministry of New and Renewable Fig. 1: Solar PV module demand in India phase wise.
Energy, Government of India for development of solar
energy technologies and to promote its applications 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2017 2020
through product development . 20.2 23.8 33 45.3 85 200
A projection in the 12 Plan document of the Planning GW GW GW GW GW GW
Commission indicates that total domestic energy Table 2. Solar PV module demand worldwide year wise
production of 669.6 million tons of oil equivalent in GW
(MTOE) will be reached by 2016-17 and 844 MTOE by
2021-22. This will meet around 71 per cent and 69 per
cent of expected energy consumption respectively with
the balance to be met from imports, projected to be
about 267.8 MTOE by 2016-17 and 375.6 MTOE by

ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -3, Issue-5 2015
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)

• Delay in Commissioning of Power Plants

250 • Wastage of energy
Solar PV Module demand

• Major accidents & Natural calamities
• Wars & attacks etc.

2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2017 2020 INDIA
Year A major portion of our rural area is still starved of
electricity for agricultural purposes and house
Fig. 2: Solar PV module demand worldwide year wise in appliances. Solar energy can play major role to solve
GW this problem. Swedish scientist Svante August Arrhenius
The significant demand projections indicate excellent in 1896 warned about the gradual warming of the earth
potential for solar PV module industry(Figure 1).In the due to „Green House‟ effect. In 1789, the famous British
year 2009 annual global solar PV capacity had increased economist Thomas Robert Malthus clearly indicated that
by 55% rising from 14 GW by end of 2008 to over earth would face a serious problem in the near future
21GW.By 2011 the opportunities in the global sector unless steps to be taken to control rate of increase of
module segment had 130% growth over the previous population. A large scale solar power plant typically
year. A 25MW plant of solar PV module can be set up in requires approximately one square kilometre for every
a space of less than half an acre. 20-60 MW generated. The capital cost of solar power
system is higher than that of conventional system of
IV. GLOBAL ENERGY CRISIS power generation. India‟s inadequate financing
capabilities for funding of solar projects is a major
By curtailing our anthropogenic emissions of constraint for development of solar power in India.
greenhouse gases one can reduce global warming. However, the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
Overpopulation leads to high energy demand & hence and National Solar Mission have taken major initiative
use of fossil fuel cannot be stopped. Earth‟s natural to make provisions to address the situation.
reserves are in limited supply & its high demand has
brought the world an urgent need to prevent ecological The JNNSM is encouraging the production of both PV
degradation on a large scale.85% of the world‟s energy & CSP technology with equal weight age. This
supply comes from 37% oil,25% coal & 23% gas. It is Governmental mission has deployed 20 GW of solar
achieved by utilization of alternative sources in near power by 2022 which is shown below in Table 3.The
future. The issue of depletion of fossil reserves is recent policy guidelines initiated by Government
growing worse day by day despite of many efforts. The includes development of solar power, address of power
world is not immune to it. Wrong usage of fossil fuel is shortages, stakeholder concessions etc. Their policy has
the cause behind the energy crisis. Energy has to be gained momentum in 21 st century providing significant
conserved. Governments are working on the alternative interest for the development of solar energy.
energy sources especially solar energy to lessen the use Target for Cumulative Cumulative
of natural energy resources to generate power. Application phase 1 target for target for
The International Energy Agency‟s(IEA) own analysis Segments 2012- phase 2 phase 3
2013 2013-2017 2018-2022
in its World Energy Outlook on present oil
Grid solar power
supply(i.e.70% from 1600 fields),show an observed includes roof top
decline rate of 6.2%,double the IEA‟s stated estimated & small solar
1100MW 4000MW 20000MW
of future decline rate of about 3% by 2035.Organization project
of Petroleum Exporting countries(OPEC) populations Off grid solar
since 2000 have increased twice the rate of the world as applications
200MW 1000MW 2000MW
whole that has driven them to increase their oil includes rural
consumption four times curtailing global exports by a solar lights
corresponding increase in domestic subsidies. 7 million 15 million 20 million
Solar collector
sq. metre sq. metre sq. metre
A. Causes of Energy crisis
Table 3. Target of installed solar systems in the year
• Land scarcity 2012-2022[Figure 3.(a) & (b)]
• Overpopulation
• Overconsumption
• Poor Infrastructure & Distribution system
• Unexplored Renewable Energy Options
ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -3, Issue-5 2015
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)


In per capita energy consumption India ranks amongst
the lowest of the countries in the world. Looking at the
Indian Economy, we find that around 47% of India's
population is engaged in agriculture according to the
World Bank Report 2012 and the share of agriculture
and allied sectors in India's GDP is likely to decline to
13.7% in 2012-13. The poverty, unemployment and low
rate of growth keep the majority of the population below
the poverty line. As the country‟s energy scenario being
strongly interlinked with the economy and per capita
energy consumption is very low as seen from the
following table.
Fig. 3(a) : Grid solar power & Off grid solar power
phase wise. 10



Installed Capacity

40000 4

20000 2
10000 0

Fig.5 : Per Capita Energy Consumption (2013) in metric
Fig. 3(b). Solar collector (million sq. metre) phase wise. tons of oil equivalent (Source: Economist Intelligence
Unit. 2011. Derived from International Energy Agency)

Installed Capacity

40000 20

30000 16


20000 14
10000 12
0 8
2000200520102015202020252030 4




Fig. 4: Projected Global Growth in CSP

This year‟s budget has encouraged private solar
companies by reducing customs duty on solar panels by
5% & excise duties on solar photovoltaic panels are
exempted. The cost of rooftop solar panel installations Fig. 6. Rate of Carbon Emissions Per Capita (2013) in
are also reduced by 15-20%.The falling prices of PV metric tons
panels from china & US has increased the cost of grid
power in India. Adequate solar resources have also Total Total Installed
helped to increase the development of this industry. Installed RES % 0f
Date & Year Generating Generating Total
The major constraints that hinder the development of Capacity Capacity capacity
solar energy system in India are as follows: (MW) (MW)
As on
• Dependency on imported wafers for cell preparation 31.03.1990
63636 18 0.03

• High cost of financing As on

69065 32 0.05
• Low demand in India As on
85795 902 1.05
• Lack of technical knowledge especially in the As on
upstream segment. 105046 1658 1.58

ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -3, Issue-5 2015
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)

As on
132329 7761 5.86
years. Encouraging the spread of solar mode of power
31.03.2007 generation(both CSP & PV) & aiming current status of
As on grid parity at around Rs 5 / kWh by 2022 & coal power
143061 11125 7.78
31.03.2008 generation currently at around ₹Rs4/kWh by 2030 forms
As on the key element in India‟s comprehensive long term
147965 13242 8.95
policy. In India solar power generation particularly for
As on
159398 15521 9.74 PV & solar thermal are Rs8 &Rs15 respectively per
As on kWh.
173626 18455 10.63
As on
199877 24503 12.26 ENERGY EFFICIENCY REPORT 2014
As on
318414* 54503** 17.12 This report is submitted for the strategic & Economic
dialogue to the Special Representatives of the Leaders of
Table 4. Growth of Installed Capacity & Percentage United States & China. By large scale cooperative taken
share of RES in the total installed generating capacity in by the United States & China to reduce greenhouse gas
India emission is more remarkable than ever.
(Source : General Review 2011, DMLF division,
In July 2013,enhanced policy dialogue & five action
CEA** Tentative projection for 12th. Plan)
initiatives such as Emissions Reduction from Heavy-
% of duty & other vehicles; Smart Grids, Carbon capture,
Total Capacity Operation
Output Global Utilization & Storage; Energy efficiency in buildings &
Decade capacity Factor Time
(TWh) Electricity
(GW) (%) (hrs./yr) industry& collecting & managing greenhouse gas
By emission data has been launched by the working group.
148 32 2800 414 1.3
2020 These provide cleaner air & energy savings. The
By framework of this report highlights the developments on
337 39 3400 1140 3.8
the enhanced policy dialogue & five initiatives along
715 45 3900 2790 8.3 with collaboration with hydrocarbons.
1089 50 4380 4770 11.3 IX. DEVELOPMENT IN THE FIELD OF
Table 5. Growth Forecast for Solar Power
Special attention must be given in the following fields
State MW %
for the progress in this area.
Andhra Pradesh 23.5 1.6
Chhattisgarh 4.0 0.2 • Enhanced heavy duty & other vehicles fuel
Delhi 2.53 0.1 efficiency standards to reduce climate impact & improve
Gujarat 824 57 quality of air. The US intends to develop fuel economy
Haryana 7.8 0.54 standards for 2018 model medium & heavy duty
Jharkhand 16 1.11 vehicles whereas China for 2020 model heavy & light
Karnataka 14 0.97 duty vehicles which is yet to be finalized by 2016.
Madhya Pradesh 11.75 0.81 • Clean fuels(i.e. ultra low sulfur fuels of 10ppm) for
Maharashtra 34 2.35 improving air quality by the end of 2016 & vehicle
West Bengal 2 0.13 emissions control technologies and
Orissa 13.0 0.90
• Promotion of efficient, green freight initiatives.
Punjab 9.33 0.6
Rajasthan 442.25 30 Several events held in 2014 to establish institutional
Tamil Nadu 17.06 1.17 links & co-ordination mechanism with other ECPA
Uttar Pradesh 12.38 0.86 energy efficiency activities are as follows-
Uttarakhand 5.05 0.35 • Seminar for promotion of energy efficiency in Haiti
Table 6. State wise solar energy capacity in India in was held on June 17-20,2014
2013 • Technical exchange on experiences in the
implementation & development in the field of energy
efficiency programs at Santiago, Chile on June 16-18,
VII. PRESENT STATUS OF SOLAR • Technical exchange mission to encourage the
ENERGY IN INDIA energy efficiency of the residential sector at Monterideo,
Uruguay on May 22, 2014
Presently the grid connected capacity (all PV) in India is
481.48MW as in 31st Jan, 2012. However the market of • Seminar was organized on innovation Science&
solar energy is set to grow significantly in the next ten Technology for the Energy efficiency Development
ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -3, Issue-5 2015
International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems (IJEECS)

program including Green-Sustainable Buildings at between two countries at working level. The routine
Tuxtla-Gutierrez, Mexico on May 8-9, 2014. meetings on action causing events by Joint Working
Group of USA-India on Renewable energy can often
The Energy Efficiency Working group support the
spur further initiatives & promotes measures of
Government‟s efforts to promote energy efficiency &
sustainability. Within the frameworks of this paper, the
works on its conservation by policy & regulatory norms,
authors have tried to discuss the journey of solar energy
equipment certification, program design and
in India since 1950 till date. Moreover, the potential
implementation, standards & labeling, public awareness
barriers & challenges are highlighted that impacts the
ambitious mission taken up by Central & State
For solar CSP & PV together, National Solar [1] Status of solar wind renewable energy in India
Mission attempts to reach an installed capacity of 1- Vikas Kharea, b,n , Savita Nema a , Prashant
2GW by 2013,4-10GW by 2017 and 20GW by Baredar b a Department of Electrical
2020.Thar Desert has been set for solar power projects Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of
sufficient to generate 700 -2100GW.National Solar Technology, Bhopal 462007, M.P., India b
Mission & other Generation Based Government Department of Energy, Energy Centre, Maulana
Incentives(GBI) are available through Ministry of New Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal
& Renewable Energy. Government is expected to spend 462007, M.P., India (For constraint & challenges)
$ 19 billion until 2022 on this project. Key bottlenecks
and barriers of this project are the cost of solar PV, high [2] Report of the U.S.-China Climate Change
population density (land scarcity) and technology Working Group to the 6th Round of the Strategic
obsolescence. It is expected that by 2016 the solar power and Economic Dialogue, Press
could be 15% lower than the most expensive grid- Releases: 2014 › Press Releases: July 2014 Jul
connected conventional energy resources. Indian market 15, 2014 –
will see the significant change.8GW obtained from [3] Report of the U.S.-China Climate
conventional sources will correspond to 25 to 30 GW Change Working Group to the 6th ... the
from solar generation in near future. The rapid demand annual U.S.-China Energy Efficiency Forum in
of electricity & fossil fuel availability could increase the June 2014 in Beijing:.
solar power potential to more than 50 GW within
2022.Initiatives taken in lowering the solar costs in [4] Potential of Solar Thermal Technology and its
combination with rising price in grid power will Status in India Divya Nangia, Sanchita Niranjan,
convince the distribution companies, private firms using Yogesh K Chauhan International Conference on
open access & firms putting up their own captive Advanced Developments in Engineering and
capacity to initiate its growth phase & make solar power Technology (ICADET-14), INDIA
cost-efficient alternative to conventional power source. [5] International Journal of Environmental Science:
XI. CONCLUSION Development and Monitoring

The increased collaboration between USA & India, on [6] Energy Statistics 2013 Central Statistics Office,
energy efficiency can drive economic activity & Ministry of Statistics and Programme
productivity, strengthen energy security & improve Implementation, Government of India, New
environmental impacts. Development of solar sector in Delhi
India has been visible ever since independence. Solar [7] India Renewable Energy Market Reports from
industry has uplifted the Indian society to an immense EAI
socio-economic growth opportunity. But solar industry
requires supportive polices for its continuous growth. [8] A Solar Future for India, G.M. Pillai
Investors are keen enough toward this sector in our [9]
country thereby contributing to the development of mission/jnnsm/introduction-2
economy via three fold return(i.e. economically, socially
& environmentally).The institutional framework & co- [10] US DOE Annual Energy Outlook 2014
operation in New &Renewable energy between U.S.A.&
India encourages & enhances the communication

ISSN (Online): 2347-2820, Volume -3, Issue-5 2015

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