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Math Lesson Plan - Henderson

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Student Teaching Lesson Plan Template/SPED

Subject: Math (Dividing decimals) Learning Goal: Students will learn how to divide decimals
Essential Standard/Common Core:
5.NBT.7: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals to
hundredths, using concrete models or drawings and strategies
based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the
relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the
strategy to a written method and explain the reasoning used.
Date submitted: 3/4/18 Date taught: 3/7/18
3.NF.3d: Compare two fractions with the same numerator or
the same denominator by reasoning about their size. Recognize
that comparisons are valid only when the two fractions refer to
the same whole. Record the results of comparisons with the
symbols >, =, or <, and justify the conclusions, e.g., by using a
visual fraction model.

Daily Lesson Academic Objective: Divide decimals by single-digit whole numbers involving easily identifiable
multiples using place value understanding and relate to a written method.

21st Century Skills:

Critical thinking & Problem solving  students will use these skills in order to solve higher order thinking
math problems in review, guided practice, and independent practice
Initiative & Self-direction  students have to utilize both initiative and self-direction when completing
independent activities and time management as they are working with a partner.

Rationale/Purpose of the Lesson: The purpose of this lesson is to teach students the necessary skills and
strategies to divide decimals with single-digit numbers relating to place value.
Prerequisites/necessary Prior Knowledge to review or support:
- Subtracting decimals
- Multiplying decimals
- Comparing decimal fractions
- Application with word problems

Academic Language/Communication plans:

What content terms do students need to use or understand?
- Place value understanding (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc),
How will students use language/communication within lessons?
- Students will participate in active student responding through whiteboards
How will the teacher support students?
- Teacher will provide multiple examples through explicit modeling and give multiple opportunities for
students to correct themselves and practice

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

Students will review the concepts of subtracting decimals in order to 15 min
build automaticity in subtracting decimals without renaming. Students
1. Focus and Review
will be given the Sprint worksheet to complete independently (9 min)

Each student will be given a whiteboard to review skills introduced in
Lessons 11-12. This will help them toward mastery of multiplying
single-digit numbers times decimals. (3 min)
T: (Write 4 x 3 =) Say the multiplication sentence in unit form.
S: 4 x 3 = 12 ones.
T: (Write 4 x 0.2 = ?) Say the multiplication sentence in unit form.
S: 4 x 2 tenths = 8 tenths
T: (Write 4 x 3.2 =?) Say the multiplication sentence in unit form.
S: 4 x 3 ones and 2 tenths = 12 and 8 tenths
T: Write the multiplication sentence.
S: (Write 4 x 3.2 = 12.8)
Repeat the process for (4 x 3.21), (9 x 2), (9 x 0.1), (9 x 0.03), (9 x
2.13), (4.012 x 4), (5 x 3.237)

Comparing decimal fractions review fluency helps solidify student

understanding of place value in the decimal system. (3 min)
T: (Write 13.78 ___ 13.86) On your personal whiteboards, compare
the numbers using the greater than, less than, or equal sign.
S: (Write 13.78 < 13.86)
Repeat the process with , (78 __- 78/100), (439.3 ___4.39),
(5.08___fifty-eight tenths), (thirty-five and 9 thousandths ___4 tens)

Teacher says, “Today we will be working on dividing decimals. 1 min

Since y’all have been reviewing how to add, subtract, and multiply
2. Statement of Objective
decimals, the next logical step would be divide them. Today we will
for Student
be working on this concept together as a class, with a partner, and
Students are to be given a hundreds to thousandths place value chart 10-15
and personal white board. min

Application Problem: Louis buys 4 chocolates. Each chocolate costs

$2.35. Louis multiplies 4 x 235 and gets 940. Place the decimal to
show the cost of the chocolates, and explain your reasoning using
words, numbers, and pictures.
Note: This student requires that students estimate 4 x $2.35 in
order to place the decimal point in the product.

Problems 1-3
0.9 / 3 = 0.3
3. Teacher Input 0.24 / 4 = 0.06
0.032 / 8 = 0.004
T: Draw disks to show 9 tenths on your hundreds to thousandths
place value chart.
S: (Show)
T: Divide 9 tenths into 3 equal groups.
S: (Make 3 groups of 3 tenths)
T: How many tenths are in each group?
S: There are 3 tenths in each group
T: (Write 0.9 / 3 = 0.3 on the board) Read the number sentence
using the unit form.
S: 9 tenths divided by 3 equals 3 tenths
T: How does unit form help us divide?
S: When we identify the units, then it’s just like dividing 9 apples into 3
groups  if you know what unit you are sharing, then it’s just like
whole-number division. You can just think about the basic fact.
T: (Write 3 groups of ______ = 0.9 on the board). What is the
unknown in our number sentence?
S: 3 tenths (0.3)
Repeat this sequence with (0.24 / 4 = 0.06; 24 hundredths divided
by 4 equals 6 hundredths), (0.032 / 8 = 0.004; 32 thousandths
divided by 8 equals 4 thousandths).

Students will be allowed to use their whiteboards and place value charts 30 min
in order to follow along with the questions that the teacher presents.

Problems 4-6
1.5 / 5 = 0.3
1.05 / 5 = 0.21
3.015 / 5 = 0.603
T: (Write on board 1.5 / 5) Read the equation stating the whole in
unit form.
S: Fifteen tenths divided by 5.
T: What is useful about reading the decimal as 15 tenths?
S: When you say the units, it’s like a basic fact.
T: What is 15 tenths divided by 5?
S: 3 tenths
T: (On the board, complete the equation 1.5 / 5 = 0.3)
(On the board, write 1.05 / 5). Read the expression using unit form
for the dividend.
S: 105 hundredths divided by 5
T: Is there another way to decompose (name or group) this
4. Guided Practice S: 1 and 5 hundredths  10 tenths and 5 hundredths
T: Which way of naming 1.05 is most useful when dividing by 5?
Why? Turn and talk and then solve.
S: 10 tenths and 5 hundredths because they are both multiples of 5. This
makes is easy to use basic facts to divide mentally. The answer is 2
tenths and 1 hundredth.  105 hundredths is easier for me because I
know 100 is 20 fives, so 105 is 1 more: 21. 21 hundredths.  I just
used the algorithm from Grade 4 and got 21. I knew it was hundredths.

Repeat this sequence with 3.015 / 5. Have students decompose the

decimal several ways and then reason about which is most useful for
division. It is also important to draw parallels among the next three
problems. Lead students by asking questions such as: “How does the
answer to the second set of problems help you find the answer to the
third?” if necessary.

Problems 7-9
Compare the relationships between:
4.8 / 6 = 0.8 and 48 / 6 = 8
4.08 / 8 = 0.51 and 408 / 8 = 51
63.021 / 7 = 9.003 and 63,021 / 7 = 9,003

T: (Write 4.8 / 6 = 0.8 and 48 / 6 = 8 on the board). What
relationship do you notice between these two equations? How are
they alike?
S: 8 is 10 times greater than 0.8  48 is 10 times greater than 4.8 
The digits are the same in both equations, but the decimal points are in
different places.
T: How can 48 / 6 help you with 4.8 / 6? Turn and talk.
S: If you think of the basic fact first, then you can get a quick answer.
Then, you just have to remember what units were really in the problem.
This one was really 48 tenths.  The division is the same; the units are
the only difference.
Repeat the process for (4.08 / 8 = 0.51 and 408 / 8 = 51), (63.021 / 7
= 9.003 and 63,021 / 7 = 9,003).
T: When completing the Problem Set, remember to use what you
know about whole numbers to help you divide the decimal

13 min
Students will be given the Lesson 13 Problem Set to complete with a
partner as an active processing of the total lesson experience. Students
5. Independent Practice
should try to get as much done in the total 10 minutes allotted, but need
to at least complete #1, #2 (a, b, d), #3, #4, & #6.

6. Assessment Methods
of all objectives/skills:
Teacher says, “Remember as you have learned this lesson, you will 1 min
need these particular set of skills in order to apply this to the next
lesson and future lessons that you learn. Now that you have already
7. Closure learned how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals, these
types of problems may be used for fractions or other math

Students will be graded based on the exit ticket that they turn in. Each blank is
8. Assessment Results of counted as one point and there are a total of 14 blanks. Students are expected to
all objectives/skills: earn at least 12 out of 14 points to show mastery.

Materials/Technology: Plan for Individual Differences/UDL

Whiteboards (per each student) Multiple means of engagement: challenged to use a
Sprint Worksheets compensation strategy to make another connection to
Guided Practice problems whole-number division
Independent worksheet Multiple means of representation: review key vocabulary
Exit ticket and display in familiar math sentences that would be a
Hundreds to thousandths place value chart useful reference for students

Plans for relating to personal, cultural and community relevance, self-determination, generalization, and/or
maintenance: For personal relevance, students can insert their own names into the problems to actively
involve and insert themselves into the problems. This lesson also builds utilizes generalization because
students are building off of previous knowledge and then use the skills they learn in the current lesson to
build onto future lessons.

Reflection on lesson (What worked- what didn’t; adjustments needed to this plan; adjustments to future
instruction; justification for changes [research]):

CT signature: _____________________ Date: __________ US signature: ____________Date: __________


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