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Spot On Assessment Task and Rubric 1

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Assessment Task Sheet

Australian International Academy, Kellyville

Name: _____________________________ Date: _______________

Year Level: Year 8 Subject: Mathematics

TITLE: Spot On!

Due Date: 30th March 2018

The following table displays some selected characteristics for Australia based on the
information collected in the 2011
census. Study the table and answer
the questions given below:

1. What was the total

population of Australia on
census day 2011?

2. Express the male and female population as a proportion of the entire population. Give
your answer as a fraction and a percentage.


3. What percentage of the population speaks English and another language?

4. How many people were aged 14 years and younger?


The table below shows the same

characteristics from the first table,
but it relates to NSW only. Study
the table and answer the questions given below:

5. What percentage of the total Australian population lives in NSW?

6. Study the statistics of The Hills Shire and Parramatta council from the 2016 census.
Answer the questions below based on your findings.
Questions Parramatta The Hills Shire
% of Australian Population 7%
Persons per Hectare 40
% of all the registered 34%
vehicles in Australia

7. Reflect on how the population has changed from 1901 to 2015. Focus on the total
population, Number of births, Life expectancy and the median age. What is the
current poplation of Australia (Word Limit: 300 – 400 words)
In 1901, only two states had a population of over one million people: New South
Wales (1.4 million), and Victoria (1.2 million people).

By 1968, Queensland and South Australia also had over a million people (1.7 million
and 1.1 million respectively), whilst New South Wales and Victoria had reached 4.4
million and 3.3 million respectively.

Western Australia experienced high growth from the 1970s, overtaking South
Australia's population in 1982 and reaching a population of 2 million in 2005.
In 2015, New South Wales remained the state with the largest population (7.6
million), followed by Victoria (5.9 million). Greater Sydney made up 64 per cent of
New South Wales’ population and Melbourne 76 per cent of Victoria’s.
The structure of Australia's population has changed significantly between the 1970s
and today. In 1971, 28.7 per cent of the population were children (0-14 years), 63 per
cent were working age (15-64 years) and 8.3 per cent of the population were aged
65+. There were 2.9 children born per woman, the median age of the population was
27.5 years and life expectancy was 68.3 years for males and 74.8 years for females.
20.2 per cent of the population was born overseas.
In 2015. 18.8 per cent of the population were children, 66.2 per cent were working
age and 15 per cent were aged 65+. There were 1.8 children born per woman, the
median age of the population was 37.4 years and life expectancy was 80.3 years for
males and 84.4 years for females. 28.1 per cent of the population was born


The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) website (

Local Council Websites

BOS Outcomes:

 MA4-1WM - communicates and connects mathematical ideas using appropriate

terminology, diagrams and symbols

 MA4-2WM - applies appropriate mathematical techniques to solve problems

 MA4-3WM - recognises and explains mathematical relationships using reasoning

 MA4-4NA - compares, orders and calculates with integers, applying a range of

strategies to aid computation

 MA4-5NA - operates with fractions, decimals and percentages

MYP Outcomes: Criteria B and D

Your Final Submission must include:

- Answers to all the questions

- Working out shown for all questions ( Calculator is allowed – Show what operation
was used for calculation)
- Reflection (Check your word limit)

Criterion B: Investigating Patterns

Achievement level Level descriptor Specific Task descriptor
0 The student does not reach a The student was unable to answer
standard described by any of the questions and was unable to
the descriptors below. complete the task.

1- 2 The student is able to: The student is able to answer some

i. apply, with teacher questions correctly by applying the
support, concept of operation with integers.
techniques to
discover simple
ii. state predictions
consistent with

3–4 The student is able to: The student is able to answer most
i. apply mathematical questions correctly by applying the
problem-solving concept of operation with integers.
techniques to
discover simple
ii. suggest relationships
and/or general rules
consistent with

5-6 The student is able to: The student is able to answer all
i. select and apply questions correctly by applying the
mathematical concept of operation with integers
problem-solving and also selects the correct
techniques to computation strategies with
discover complex decimals, fractions and percentages.
ii. describe patterns as
relationships and/or
general rules
consistent with
iii. verify these
relationships and/or
general rules.

7-8 The student is able to: The student is able to answer all
i. select and apply questions correctly by applying the
mathematical concept of operation with integers
problem-solving and also selects the correct
techniques to computation strategies with
discover complex decimals, fractions and percentages.
patterns The student is able to justify the
ii. describe patterns as information in their reflections.
relationships and/or
general rules
consistent with
correct findings
iii. verify and justify
these relationships
and/or general rules.

Criterion D: Applying mathematics in real-life contexts

Achievement level Level descriptor Specific Task descriptor
0 The student does not reach a The student was unable to
standard described by any of the answer the questions and was
descriptors below. unable to complete the task.
1-2 The student is able to: The student is able to find some
i. identify some of the information from their research
elements of the and apply mathematical
authentic real-life strategies to find a reasonable
situation solution.
ii. apply mathematical
strategies to find a
solution to the authentic
real-life situation, with
limited success.

3–4 The student is able to: The student is able to find

i. identify the relevant relevant information from their
elements of the research and apply
authentic real-life mathematical strategies to find a
situation valid solution.
ii. select, with some
success, adequate
mathematical strategies
to model the authentic
real-life situation
iii. apply mathematical
strategies to reach a
solution to the authentic
real-life situation
iv. describe whether the
solution makes sense in
the context of the
authentic real-life

5-6 The student is able to: The student is able to find

i. identify the relevant information from their
relevant elements of research and apply
the authentic real- mathematical strategies to find a
life situation valid solution with a degree of
ii. select adequate accuracy
strategies to model
the authentic real-
life situation
iii. apply the selected
strategies to reach a
valid solution to the
authentic real-life
iv. describe the degree
of accuracy of the
v. discuss whether the
solution makes
sense in the context
of the authentic
real-life situation.

7-8 The student is able to: The student is able to find

i. identify the relevant information from their
relevant elements of research and apply
the authentic real- mathematical strategies to find a
life situation valid solution with a degree of
ii. select appropriate accuracy. The student is able to
mathematical reflect on their findings by
strategies to model applying the mathematical
the authentic real- strategies to reach a correct
life situation solution and explain the
iii. apply the selected accuracy of the solution.
strategies to reach a
correct solution to
the authentic real-
life situation
iv. explain the degree
of accuracy of the
v. explain whether the
solution makes
sense in the context
of the authentic
real-life situation.

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