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Materiais Temperaturaws Criogênicas

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2 Low Temperature Properties of Materials

„ Materials properties affect the performance of cryogenic

„ Properties of materials vary considerably with temperature
„ Thermal Properties: Heat Capacity (internal energy), Thermal
„ Transport Properties: Thermal conductivity, Electrical conductivity
„ Mechanical Properties: Strength, modulus or compressibility,
ductility, toughness
„ Superconductivity
„ Many of the materials properties have been recorded and models
exist to understand and characterize their behavior
„ Physical models
„ Property data bases (Cryocomp®)
What are the cryogenic engineering problems that involve materials?
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 1
Cooldown of a solid component
Cryogenics involves cooling things to low temperature.
Therefore one needs to understand the process.

„ If the mass and type of the object

and its material are known, then the
m Ti = 300 K heat content at the designated
temperatures can be calculated by
integrating 1st Law.
dQ = Tds = dE + pdv
„ The heat removed from the
component is equal to its change of
Tf = 80 K internal energy,
⎛ Ti ⎞
ΔE = m ∫ CdT ⎟

⎜T ⎟
⎝ f ⎠
Liquid nitrogen @ 77 K

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 2

Heat Capacity of Solids
„ General characteristics:

„ The heat capacity is defined as the change in

the heat content with temperature. The heat
capacity at constant volume is,
0 T(K) 300
∂E ∂s
Cv = and at constant pressure, p
C = T
∂T v ∂T p

3rd Law: C 0 as T 0
„ These two forms of the heat capacity are
related through the following thermodynamic
relation, 2
∂v ⎞ ∂p ⎞ Tvβ 2 1 ∂v ⎞ 1 ∂v ⎞
C p − Cv = −T ⎟ ⎟ = κ = − ⎟⎟ β =− ⎟
∂T ⎠ p ∂v ⎠T κ v ∂p ⎠T v ∂T ⎠ p
Isothermal Volume
Note: Cp – Cv is small except for expansivity
gases, where ~ R = 8.31 J/mole K.
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 3
Heat Capacity of Solids (Lattice Contribution)

„ Lattice vibration (Phonon) excitations are the main contribution

to the heat capacity of solids at all except the lowest
ωdωD(ω )n(ω )
„ Internal energy of a phonon gas is given by E ph =
2π ∫
„ D(ω) is the density of states and depends on the choice of model
„ n(ω) is the statistical distribution function

n(ω ) = hω
h = Planck’s constant = 6.63 x 10-34 J.s
2πk BT kB = Boltzmann’s constant = 1.38 x 10-23 J/K
e −1

„ Debye Model for density of states

„ Constant phonon velocity
„ Maximum frequency = ωD
„ Debye temperature: ΘD = hωD/2πkB
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Debye Internal Energy & Heat Capacity

„ In Debye model the internal energy and heat capacity have

simple forms

⎛T ⎞ D
E ph = 9 RT ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ θD ⎠
∫0 dx e x − 1
⎛T ⎞ D
x 4e x
C ph = 9 R⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝ θD ⎠
∫ dx (e
− 1)

„ where x = hω/2πkBT and xD = ΘD/T

„ Limits:
„ T > ΘD, C ≈ 3R (Dulong-Petit value)
T << ΘD, C ⎛T ⎞
≈ 234 R⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
⎝θD ⎠

R = N0kB = 8.31 J/mole K (gas constant) Example

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 5
Values of Debye Temperature (K)
Metals1 ΘD Non-metals & Compounds2 ΘD
Ag 225 C (graphite) 2700
Al 428 C (diamond) 2028
Au 165 H2 (solid) 105-115
Cd 209 He (solid) 30
Cr 630 N2 (solid) 70
Cu 343 O2 (solid) 90
Fe 470 Si 630
Ga 320 SiO2 (quartz) 255
Hf 252 TiO2 450
Hg 71.9
In 108 The Debye temperature is normally determined
Nb 275 by measurements of the specific heat at low
Ni 450 temperature. For T << ΘD,
Pb 105 ⎛T ⎞
C ph ≈ 234 R⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
Sn 200
⎝ θD ⎠
Ti 420
1Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics
V 380 2Timmerhaus and Flynn, Cryogenic Process
Zn 327 Engineering
USPAS Cryogenics
Zr Short Course 291 Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 6
Electronic Heat Capacity (Metals)
„ The free electron model treats electrons
as a gas of particles obeying Fermi-Dirac
Ee = ∫ εdεD(ε ) f (ε ) ε
„ Where
1 2
f (ε ) =
h ⎛ N⎞ 3
ε −ε f ε f ≡ 2 ⎜ 3π 2 ⎟
8π m ⎝ V⎠
e k BT

and V ⎛ 8π m ⎞ 2 12 2
D(ε ) = ⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ε
2 ⎜
2π ⎝ h ⎠
„ At low temperatures, T << εf/kB ~ 104 K

Ce ≈ π D (ε f )k B2T = γT
1 2
The electronic and phonon contributions to the heat
capacity of copper are approximately equal at 4 K
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 7
Summary: Specific Heat of Materials

General characteristics:
„ Specific heat decreases by
~ 10x between 300 K and
LN2 temperature (77 K)
„ Decreases by factor of ~
1000x between RT and 4 K
„ Temperature dependence
„ C ~ constant near RT
„ C ~ Tn, n ~ 3 for T < 100 K
„ C ~ T for metals at T < 1 K

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Thermal Contraction

„ All materials change dimension with temperature. The expansion

coefficient is a measure of this effect. For most materials, the
expansion coefficient > 0

T1 T~2 <

Linear expansion coefficient
1 ∂L ⎞ 1 For isotropic
α= ⎟ = β
L ∂T ⎠ p 3 materials

Bulk expansivity (volume change):

1 ∂v ⎞ 1 ∂ρ ⎞
β= ⎟ =− ⎟⎟
v ∂T ⎠ p ρ ∂T ⎠ p
Expansivity caused by anharmonic terms in the lattice potential
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 9
Temperature dependence to α and β

„ Most materials contract when

„ The magnitude of the effect
depends on materials
„ Plastics > metals > glasses
„ Coefficient (α) decreases with
From Ekin (2006)
„ Thermodynamics:
Tvβ 2
C p − Cv = →0
κ T →0

∂v ⎞ ∂s ⎞
⎟ = − ⎟⎟ → 0
∂T ⎠ p ∂p ⎠T T →0

(Third law: s 0)
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 10
Expansion coefficient for materials

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Thermal contraction of supports

„ The change in length of a

support is determined by the
TH temperature distribution
along the support
„ Tabulated ΔL/L values are for
ΔL (greatly exaggerated) uniform temperature of
m support
m For non-uniform temperature
T „
ΔL = ∫ dx ∫ α (T )dT
Actual T(x)
x 0 T (x)

Where T(x) is defined according to,

⎛ x⎞
∫T k (T )dT = ⎜ ⎟ ∫ k (T )dT
⎝ L ⎠ TL
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Thermal stress in a composite


„ Assumptions:
Force balance
„ Composite is stress free at T0 F1 = σ 1 A1 = F2 = σ 2 A2
„ Materials remain elastic: σ = E yε ΔL ΔL
ε1 = −
„ No slippage at boundary L 1 L composite
„ Ends are free ΔL ΔL
ε2 = −
L composite L 2
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ΔL − ΔL ⎥
σ 1 = E y1ε1 = E y1 ⎢ 1 2

⎢ ⎛1 + E y1 A1 ⎞⎥

⎢⎣ ⎝ E y 2 A2 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 13

Electrical conductivity of materials
„ The electrical conductivity or resistivity of a material is
defined in terms of Ohm’s Law: V = IR
R = dV/dI

„ Heat generation by electrical conduction Q = I2R

„ Conductivity (σ) or resistivity (ρ) are material properties that

depend on extrinsic variables: T, p, B (magnetic field)
ρL L
R= =
A σA

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 14

Instrumentation leads

„ An instrumentation lead usually carries

current between room temperature
TH and low temperature
„ Material selection (pure metals vs.
„ Lead length determined by application
„ Optimizing the design
m „ Leads are an important component and
TL should be carefully designed
„ Often one of the main heat loads to
Instrumentation lead the system
„ Poor design can also affect one’s ability
to make a measurement.

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Cryogenic temperature sensors
„ A temperature sensor is a device that has a measurable property
that is sensitive to temperature.
„ Measurement and control of temperature is an important
component of cryogenic systems.
„ Resistive sensors are frequently used for cryogenic temperature

R(T ) =

„ Knowing what temperature is being measured is often a challenge

in cryogenics (more later)
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 16
Electrical Conductivity in Metals

„ Resistivity in metals develops from two electron scattering

mechanisms (Matthiessen’s rule)
„ Electron-phonon scattering, T > ΘD
Scattering probability ~ mean square displacement due to thermal
motion of the lattice: <x2> ~ kBT and ρ ~ T
„ Electron-defect scattering (temperature independent), T << ΘD
Scattering depends on concentration of defects
ρ ~ ρ0 ~ constant; Residual Resistivity Ratio (RRR = ρ(273 K)/ρ0)
indication of the purity of a metal
„ Intermediate region, T ~ ΘD/3
ρ ~ (phonon density) x (scattering probability) ~ T5
„ Scattering process:

“l “ is the mean free path

τ is the mean scattering
time = l/vf
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 17
Resistivity of Pure Metals (e.g. Copper)

dR/dT ~ constant

R ~ constant

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Kohler plot for Magneto-resistance

The resistance of pure metals increases in a magnetic field due

to more complex electron path and scattering (Why?)

How to use a Kohler plot?

Copper 1. Determine RRR of metal
2. Compute product: RRR X B
3. Use graph to estimate
incremental increase in R
(or ρ).
4. Add to base value

RRR = 100 ( ) = 1000
B = 10 T

ΔR/R = 3
R(10 T)/R(0 T) = 4
RRR (equival.) = 25

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 19

Electrical conductivity of alloys
Electrical resistivity of various alloys (x 10-9 Ω-m) (from Cryocomp)

Alloy 10 K 20 K 50 K 100 K 200 K 300 K RRR

AL 5083 30.3 30.3 31.3 35.5 47.9 59.2 1.95

AL 6061-T6 13.8 13.9 14.8 18.8 30.9 41.9 3

304 SUS 495 494 500 533 638 723 1.46

BeCu 56.2 57 58.9 63 72 83 1.48

Manganin 419 425 437 451 469 476 1.13

Constantan 461 461 461 467 480 491 1.07

Ti-6%Al- 1470 1470 1480 1520 1620 1690 1.15

PbSn (56-44) 4.0 5.2 16.8 43.1 95.5 148 37

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Electrical conductivity of semiconductors

„ Carrier concentration
„ Energy gap
„ Impurity concentration
„ ρ ~ 10-4 to 107 Ω−m
„ Basis for low temperature
Log R

Conductivity depends on the number

of carriers in the conduction band.

Nc ≈ e k BT


USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 21

Steady heat leak of a support
„ The cross section and length of the
support is determined by the
TH requirements of the application
„ Gravitational loading, vibration, etc.
„ Strength of material used for
„ Heat leak is determined by the
m temperature dependent thermal
TL conductivity of the material, k(T) and
physical dimensions (A, L)
⎛ A⎞
Q = ⎜ ⎟ ∫ k (T )dT
⎝ L ⎠ TL

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 22

Thermal Conductivity of Materials

„ The thermal conductivity is defined in terms of the relationship

between the temperature gradient and heat flux (Fourier’s Law):

Q& = −k (T )A
dx A

Note that in general k(T) T dT/dx

and may vary significantly
over the temperature
range of interest
„ Two contributions to the thermal conductivity
„ Electronic contribution dominates in pure metals
„ Lattice (Phonon) contribution mostly in insulating materials
„ Kinetic theory
1 ρC = volumetric heat capacity
k = ρCvl
3 v = characteristic velocity
l = mean free path
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 23
Electronic Thermal Conductivity

„ Free electron model:

π 2 nk B2Tτ
k= Recall: τ is scattering time = l/v
~ constant at high temperature
~ T at low temperature

„ Weidemann-Franz law (for free electron model)

π 2 k B2
= f (T ) =
k L0 = Lorentz number = 2.443 x 10-8 WΩ/K2
T ≡ L0T
σ 3e 2

„ Note that no real material obeys the W-F law, although it is a

good approximation at low T and near and above RT.

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Thermal Conductivity of Pure Metals



k ~ constant

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Lorentz Number for Pure Metals

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Thermal Conductivity (continued)

„ Thermal conduction by lattice vibrations (phonons) is a significant

contributor to overall heat conduction particularly in non-metals
and alloys.
„ Metals (Alloys): ktotal = kelectrons + kphonons (Typ. 1 to 3 orders less
than that of pure metals)
„ Insulating crystals only have lattice contribution, which can be
large for single crystals (e.g. Al2O3, Sapphire)
„ Insulating polymers have very low thermal conductivity (Nylon,
Teflon, Mylar, Kapton)
„ Insulating composites have complex behavior depending on

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 27

„ Low temp. range,
k ~ Tn with 1 < n < 3

Pure metals and

crystalline insulators



USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 28


k (T1 , T2 ) = ∫ k (T )dT , [W/m]


To use the graph

k (T1 , T2 ) = k (0, T2 ) − k (0, T1 )

Heat conduction along a rod

T2 T1
Many materials can be
L approximated by k ~ Tn
Q = k (T1 , T2 )
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 29
Contact Resistance (conductance)
„ Joints or contacts can lead to considerable resistance in a
thermal (electrical) circuit.
„ Contact resistance can vary considerably depending on a number
of factors
„ Bulk material properties (insulators, metals)
„ Surface condition (pressure, bonding agents)

Heat transfer coefficient

ΔTc Q = hcAΔT

ideal real
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 30
Thermal contact conductance (conductive)

Contact point between two materials can produce significant thermal resistance

t allic
M e



USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 31
Contact conductance (Insulating)


h ~ T3

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Mechanical Properties
Stress: σ= [N] ; σu & σ y
x dx
dx A
Strain: ε=
σ FA
Modulus: E y = = [Pa]
ε dx

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Ey and σy at Low Temperatures

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σy and Elongation at Low Temp

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Figure of Merit (FOM) for structural support materials
„ Simple structural supports in cryogenic systems should be
designed to minimize conductive heat leak, Q.
„ Note that Q = -kAΔT/L and A = F/σ, force/allowable stress in
the material.
„ Thus, for a constant load, the best material for supports has a
minimum value of k/σ.
Material k/ σ (4 K), W/Pa*m*K k/σ (80 K) W/Pa*m*K k/ σ (300 K) W/Pa*m*K
304 ss 0.042 1.8 3.7 TH
6061 T6 AL 2.8 36 57
G-10 0.008 0.057 0.19
brass 1.3 21 46
copper 345 566 523
Note all values x 10^-8 m
Note that for a simple structural support, the cross
sectional area is determined by the room temperature

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Superconducting Materials

„ Superconductors are special materials that have (near)

zero electrical resistance at low temperature
„ Main application for superconductors is magnet technology
„ LTS (low temperature superconductors) are used in most
magnets and consist of niobium alloys (NbTi & Nb3Sn) co-
processed with copper or copper alloys
„ HTS are ceramics and have seen some use in magnet
systems. Main materials are BSCCO and YBCO
„ Both LTS and HTS are fabricated with normal metal
(copper or silver) to provide strength and electrical
„ Additional normal materials (copper stabilizer or structural
support) to optimize conductor for final application.
„ Other applications (Electronics, sensors)

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 37

Superconducting vs. Resistive Materials

„ Resistive Material
„ V = IR; P = I2R
„ Copper and copper alloys V Rm
„ Aluminum and Al alloys
„ Stainless steel
„ Superconducting Materials
„ V = 0 below Ic
„ V ~ In above Ic
„ Transport properties depend on V (I/Ic)n
„ Temperature n ≈ 10-40
„ Magnetic field
„ Metallurgical processes
„ Strain in conductor I

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 38

Elemental superconductors
„ ~ 1/3 elements are Type I Critical Temperature and Critical Field of Type I Superconductors

superconductors Material TC (K) µ0H0 (mT)

„ Not suitable for high field, Aluminum 1.2 9.9

current applications Cadmium 0.52 3.0

„ Tc (transition from Gallium 1.1 5.1

superconductor to normal state) Indium 3.4 27.6

Iridium 0.11 1.6
„ 7.2 K for Pb Lead 7.2 80.3
„ 1.2 K for Al Mercury α 4.2 41.3

„ μ0Hc (critical field) Mercury β 4.0 34.0

Osmium 0.7 6.3
„ 80 mT for Pb
Rhenium 1.7 20.1
„ 10 mT for Al Rhodium 0.0003 4.9
Ruthenium 0.5 6.6
Tantalum 4.5 83.0
Thalium 2.4 17.1
Thorium 1.4 16.2
Tin 3.7 30.6
Tungsten 0.016 0.12
Zinc 0.9 5.3
Zirconium 0.8 4.7
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 39
Practical LTS Superconductors

“Critical Surface”:

• Jc is defined by flux pinning

• Hc2 determined by alloy composition
(e/a, crystal structure)
• Tc by alloy composition

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 40

Processing NbTi
into Wire Form:

• Billet diameter ≈ 10”

• Extrusion ratio ≈ (20)2
• Draw ratio ≈ (15)2
Final diameter ≈ 1 mm
• Heat Treatment @ 375 C
anneal copper
create grain structure
• Final product (1 mm wire)
Cu:SC ratio (1:1-4:1)
Ic ≈ 500 A @ 5 T
• Final processing:
Cabling, insulation, etc.

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 41

NbTi/Cu Wire:
„ Final wire is a composite of
Copper NbTi
copper and ≈ 1000 NbTi
„ Filament diameter is ≈ 10 μm.
„ Good metallurgical properties
allow the wire to be processed to
optimum properties, insulated and
then wound into coil.
„ Fine filaments are required for
stability of the SC strand and to
reduce AC loss
„ Copper “stabilizer” provides
alternate current path if
superconductor becomes “normal”

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 42

Nb3Sn/Cu wire
Nb3Sn Sn core Diffusion barrier Copper

„ Nb3Sn is a metallurgical compound

produced by solid state reaction
at ≈ 700 C for 100 hours
„ Grown from pure Nb + Sn or from
Nb + bronze (15% Sn in copper)
„ Diffusion barrier (Ta) prevents Sn
from mixing with Cu stabilizer
„ Final wire (after reaction) is
„ In coil applications, Nb3Sn
conductor is often wound first
then reacted. This requires a high
temperature insulation system

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 43

Comparison of Jc between Nb3Sn & NbTi
Jc = Ic/Asc; Asc may include material that is not superconducting, but not low resistivity

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Oxide superconductors (BSCCO & YBCO)

„ Ag/BSCCO PIT available from industry but is Ag

difficult to process & handle (high cost)
„ poor mechanical properties, anisotropic
superconducting properties
„ Requires “wind and react” approach
„ Useful for T > 4 K operation at low to
moderate field
„ Useful for T ≈ 4 K at high fields (B > 20 T)

Conductor cross section:

~ 4 mm x 0.5 mm

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 45

Examples of High Temperature Superconductors
(B) Cross-section, 5 by 0.2 mm

Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Ox/AgMg round wire (D)

Cross-sections are roughly to scale

Bi2Sr2Ca2Cu3Ox/Ag (A)

( C)
(F) ~0.5 mm

BSCCO: Structure of ceramic filaments in silver-alloy

2 μm Ag
Can be partially or fully substituted with 1 μm HTS
~ 30 nm LMO
Rare Earth metals: Y,Gd, Sm, Eu, Dy, Nd 20μm Cu
~ 30 nm Homo-epi MgO
~ 10 nm IBAD MgO

Y1B2C3Ox: “Coated Conductor” < 0.1 mm

50μm Hastelloy substrate
20μm Cu
USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 46
Jc of High Temperature Superconductors
4.2 K
YBCO B⊥ Tape Plane

YBCO B|| Tape Plane

RRP Nb3Sn tape used in
Nb-Ti record breaking
Complied from
NHMFL insert
ASC'02 and
1000 ICMC'03
coil 2007
JE (A/mm²)

papers (J. 427 filament strand

Parrell OI-
OI-ST) with Ag alloy outer
2212 sheath tested at

YBCO Insert Tape (B|| Tape Plane)

Maximal JE for
entire LHC Nb­Ti YBCO Insert Tape (B⊥ Tape Plane)
100 strand production
(–) CERN- Bronze MgB2 19Fil 24% Fill (HyperTech)
MgB2 T. Boutboul '07,
and (- -) <5 T data Nb3Sn 2212 OI-ST 28% Ceramic Filaments
from Boutboul et
al. MT-19, IEEE- NbTi LHC Production 38%SC (4.2 K)
Minimum TASC’06)
4543 filament High Nb3Sn RRP Internal Sn (OI-ST)
practical 18+1
Sn Bronze-
0.3wt%Ti (Miyazaki-
(Miyazaki- Nb3Sn High Sn Bronze Cu:Non-Cu 0.3
Courtesy M. Tomsic,
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Applied Field (T)

USPAScritical current
Cryogenics density
Short in HTS and LTS
Course conductors.
Boston, Image
MA 6/14 to courtesy of Peter Lee,
6/18/2010 (October 2008) 47
Stress effects in SC?
ε > 0; ε = 0

„ In NbTi, the stress effects are largely reversible up to ≈ 2% until

filament breakage

Ey (NbTi) ≈ 82 GPa
σU (ε= 2%) ≈ 2200 MPa
Ey (NbTi) ≈ 82 GPa
σU (ε= 2%) ≈ 130 MPa
Composite is average between
Copper and NbTi

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Stress Effects in Nb3Sn

• For Nb3Sn, Ic can increase

• with strain- reversible
• Ic increase depends on
• Nb3Sn to Bronze (Cu)
• Bronze content in 1-4 is
• greater than in 5-7
• irreversible degradation
• > 0.5% past peak

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Precompression of Nb3Sn


„ Composite of bronze and Nb3Sn is processed at

high temperature ≈ 700 C (1000 K) then cooled
to near 0 K for operation
„ Integrated thermal contraction:
∆L/L (1000 K to 0 K) ≈ 0.8% for Nb3Sn & 1.8% for Br

⎛ ΔL ΔL ⎞ ⎛ E Nb3 Sn EBr ⎞
σ Nb Sn =⎜ − ⎟⎜ ⎟ ABr
⎝ L Nb3 Sn L Br ⎠ ⎝ EA Nb 3Sn
+ EABr ⎠

≈ 1%

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 50

HTS 3-Ply Conductor, Tension RT and 77 K
Strain (%)
0.2 0.4 0.6

Normalized Ic [-]

Irreversible strain limit

Normalized Ic @ RT
Normalized Ic @ 77 K
0.0 60.0 120.0 180.0 240.0 300.0 360.0
Stress [MPa]
Critical stresses/strains ~ 200 MPa/0.4% (RT), 300 MPa/0.6% (77 K)

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Superconducting Materials Summary

„ NbTi/Cu conductor technology is well developed, with good

mechanical and electromagnetic properties up to moderate
magnetic fields ≈ 12 T
„ Nb3Sn/Cu conductor is also readily available although is less
reliable, costs more and is more challenging to incorporate in
magnets. Significant strain degradation.
„ BSCCO (2212 & 2223)/Ag and YBCO are the most advanced
HTS conductors and are available in long lengths. Strain
degradation is an issue.
„ Other superconductors have been and are being applied in
special cases, but reliable conductor technology is not

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 52

Low Temperature Materials- Summary

„ Selection of proper material is important to proper design of

cryogenic systems
„ Extensive data base of materials properties
„ CryocompTM (thermal and transport properties) – available for
download from Blackboard
„ NIST documentation
„ Others??
„ New materials are being developed and introduced into cryogenic
„ Composites (Zylon, etc.)
„ Alloys
Knowledge base
„ Other issues is incomplete
„ Contact resistance
„ Mechanical properties of bonds, welds, etc..

USPAS Cryogenics Short Course Boston, MA 6/14 to 6/18/2010 53

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