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Chapter 8

Conduction with Internal Energy Generation

1 Introduction
Many important problems are encountered in which heat conduction takes place in a medium
inside which energy is being generated by some process. The process in question may the
passage of electical current, a chemical reaction or a nuclear reaction. Conduction in systems
with internal energy generation can take place under transient conditions, like in many
induction heating applications or under steady state conditions as in nuclear engineering
applications. The basics of heat conduction analysis with internal energy generation are
examined below.

2 The Heat Equation for Systems with Internal Energy

As described before the thermal differential energy balance equation describing the conduc-
tion of heat in a solid undergoing internal heat generation can be expressed as However,
since the integrals are equal the arguments are also equal and the most general form of the
differential thermal energy balance equation is
= −∇ · q + g(r, t)
and is called the heat equation. where H is the enthalpy, q is the heat flux, and g is the
voluminic rate of internal energy generation. Under steady sate conditions, this reduces to

−∇ · q + g(r, t) = 0

For a homogeneous material undergoing no phase changes and introducing the definitional
relationship for the heat flux, the general equation above reduces to
ρCp = ∇ · k∇T + g(r, t)

ρ is the density, Cp is the specific heat, k is the thermal conductivity, and T is the temper-
ature. While the steady state equation becomes
∇ · k∇T + g(r, t) = 0

3 General Approach used to obtain Analytical Solu-

Simple problems can be radily solved by standard ordinary differential equation methods.
For instance, the steady state heat conduction equation inside a cyclinder (radius r0 ) made of
homogeneous material of constant thermal properties undergoing internal energy generation
at a constant rate in cylindrical polar coordinates with azimuthal symmetry and immersed
in a medium that maintains the temperature at the surface of the cylinder at T∞ . The
mathematical formulation of the problem is
1 d(rk dT
+g =0
r dr
subject to the boundary conditions
|r=0 = 0
Tr0 = T∞
By direct integration, the desired solution is
T (r) = T∞ + ( )(r02 − r2 )
A generic approach to finding analytical solutions to conduction problems with internal
heat generation consists in decomposing the original problem into two, easier two solve but
otherwise equivalent problems.
Consider the non homogeneous problem of transient multidimensional heat conduction
with internal heat generation for a solid with constant properties
1 1 ∂T (r, t)
∇2 T (r, t) + g(r) =
k α ∂t
subject to non homogeneous time independent conditions on at least part of the boundary.
This problem is now decomposed into a set of steady state non homogeneous problems
in each of which a single non homogenous boundary condition occurs, and a transient ho-
mogeneous problem. If the solutions of the steady state problems are T0j (r) and that for the
transient problem is Th (r, t), the solution of the original problem is
T (r, t) = Th (r, t) + T0j (r)

4 Finite Differences Methods
Finally consider now the problem of steady state conduction with internal heat generation
described by Poisson’s equation

∂2T ∂ 2T g(x, y)
+ = −
∂x2 ∂y 2 k

on (x, y) in the interior R = {(x, y) : a < x < b, c < y < d} of a planar region and subject

T (x, y) = TS (x, y)

along the boundary S of the region. As long as g and TS are continuous a unique solution
As before, a simple approach to the numerical solution of this problem consists in parti-
tioning the intervals [a, b] and [c, d] respectively into N − 1 and M − 1 subintervals with step
sizes ∆x = (b − a)/(N − 1) and ∆y = (d − c)/(M − 1) so that the node or mesh point (xi , yj )
is at xi = a + (i − 1)∆x for i = 1, .., N and yj = c + (j − 1)∆y for j = 1, .., M . Using now
second order accurate centered finite difference approximations for the partial derivatives
the following five point formula for the temperature at node (xi , yj ) is obtained.

1 1 1 1 2 2 g(xi , yj )
− 2
Ti−1,j − 2
Ti+1,j − 2
Ti,j−1 − 2
Ti,j+1 + ( 2 + 2
)Ti,j =
∆x ∆x ∆y ∆y ∆x ∆y k
The boundary conditions imposed along the boundary nodes become

T0,j = TS (x1 , yj ) j = 1, 2, .., M

TN,j = TS (xN , yj ) j = 1, 2, .., M
Ti,0 = TS (xi , y1 ) i = 1, 2, .., N
Ti,M = TS (xi , yM ) i = 1, 2, .., N

This is a system of simultaneous algebraic equations. To obtain a banded matrix the

mesh points must be relabeled sequentially from left to right and from top to bottom. The
resulting system can be solved by Gaussian elimination if N and M are small and by SOR
iteration when they are large.

5 Finite Volume Method

Consider the problem steady state conduction in a slab with internal heat generation. The
problem consists of steady state heat transport through the thickness L of a large slab with

constant internal heat generation g is described by the following form of the heat or diffusion
d dT
(k ) + g = 0
dx dx
To implement the finite volume method first subdivide the thickness of the slab into a
collection of N adjoining segments of thickness not necessarily of uniform size (finite volumes)
and place a node inside each volume. Thus, an arbitrary node will be called P , its size is
∆x and the nodes to its left and right, respectively W and E.
Note that two different types of nodes result. While interior nodes are surrounded by
finite volume on both sides, boundary nodes contain material only on one side. Here we
shall concentrate on the derivation of discrete equations for the interior nodes. Those for
the boundary nodes will be discussed later.
The distance between nodes W and P is δxw and that between P and E, δxe . The
locations of the finite volume boundaries corresponding to node P will be denoted by w and
e. Finally, the distance between P and e is called δxe− and that between e and E is δxe+ .
If P is located in the center of the finite volume then δxe− = δxe+ = 12 δxe .
To implement the finite volume method we now integrate the above equation over the
span of the finite volume associated with node P , i.e. from xw to xe
Z e Z e
dT dT dT
d(k ) + gdx = (k )|e − (k )|w + g∆x = 0
w dx w dx dx
Next, approximate the derivatives by piecewise linear profiles to give
ke − kw + g∆x = 0
δxe δxw
where the conductivities at the finite volume faces are calculated as the harmonic means of
the values at the neighboring nodes, i.e.
1 − δxe+ /δxe δxe+ /δxe −1
ke = [ + ]
kP kE
1 − δxw+ /δxw δxw+ /δxw −1
kw = [ + ]
kW kP
Rearranging one obtains the algebraic equation

aP TP = aE TE + aW TW + b

where the coefficients are given by

aE =

aW =

aP = aE + aW


b = g∆x

One algebraic equation like the above, relating the values of T at three contiguous nodes,
is obtained for each of the N nodes. Adding the this set the discrete equations associated
with the boundary nodes one obtains a consistent set of interlinked simultaneous algebraic
equations which must be solved to give the values of T for all nodal locations..
For the special case of constant thermal properties and finite volumes of uniform size
(δxe = δxw = ∆x, the above is easily rearranged as

TE − 2TP + TW g
+ =0
∆x2 k
which coincides with the FD formula obtained before.

6 Finite Element Method

Consider the boundary value problem of steady state heat conduction inside a slab (thickness
L = 1), which is maintained at zero temperature on both its outside surfaces and that
undergoes internal heat generation at a position dependent rate g = 20x3 . The governing
equation is

d2 T
− = 20x3
subject to the boundary conditions T (0) = T (1) = 0.
Now we find an approximate solution using the Galerkin finite element method with three
equal size elements and the following global finite element basis functions:
1 − 3x for x ∈ [0, 1/3]
φ1 (x) =
0 elsewhere

 3x for x ∈ [0, 1/3]
φ2 (x) = 2 − 3x for x ∈ [1/3, 2/3]

0 elsewhere


 3x − 1
 for x ∈ [1/3, 2/3]
φ3 (x) =  3 − 3x for x ∈ [2/3, 1]

0 elsewhere

3x − 2 for x ∈ [2/3, 1]
φ4 (x) =
0 elsewhere

The variational representation of the problem is readily obtained by first multiplying the
given differential equation by a function v and subsequently integrating from x = 0 to x = 1.
After integration by parts, the result is

a(T, v) = (f, v)

Z 1 dT dv
a(u, v) = dx
0 dx dx
Z 1
(f, v) = 20x3 vdx

Now, let us proceed to the implementation of the finite element method. Let the fi-
nite element approximation be uh (x) ≈ T (x). Introduce now for simplicity three elements
e1 , e2 , e3 and four nodes i = 1, 2, 3, 4. The nodal values of u are ui , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 and since u
is specified at x = 0 and x = 1, then u1 = u4 = 0 and the only unknowns are u2 and u3 .
The representation of the trial function u in terms of the nodal values then becomes
" #
X u2
uh = ui φi = u2 φ2 + u3 φ3 = [φ2 , φ3 ]

In the Galerkin method the test function v is given directly in terms of the basis functions.
In the present case, since u1 = u4 = 0, v is simply given by
" #
vh = φ2 + φ3 = [1, 1]

Substituting the above into the variational formulation yields

" #" #
k22 k23 u2
a(uh , vh ) = [1, 1]
k32 k33 u3

" #
(f, v) = [1, 1]

Z 1 Z 2/3
dφ2 2 dφ2 2
k22 = ( ) dx = ( ) dx = 6
0 dx 0 dx

Z 1 Z 2/3
dφ2 dφ3 dφ2 dφ3
k23 = k32 = dx = dx = −3
0 dx dx 1/3 dx dx

Z 1 Z 1
dφ3 2 dφ3 2
k33 = ( ) dx = ( ) dx = 6
0 dx 1/3 dx

Z 1 Z 1/3 Z 2/3 4 20 10
F2 = 20x3 φ2 dx = 20x3 3xdx + 20x3 (2 − 3x)dx = + =
0 0 1/3 81 81 27
Z 1 Z 2/3 Z 1 49 131 60
F3 = 20x3 φ3 dx = 20x3 (3x − 1)dx + 20x3 (3 − 3x)dx = + =
0 1/3 2/3 81 81 27
Therefore, the finite element equation is
" #" # " #
6 −3 u2 27
Ku = F = = 60
−3 6 u3 27

Finally, solving for u2 and u3 yields

u2 =
u3 =

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