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Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:97–104

DOI 10.1007/s00572-010-0315-5


Pectin localization in the Mediterranean orchid

Limodorum abortivum reveals modulation of the plant
interface in response to different mycorrhizal fungi
Chiara Paduano & Michele Rodda & Enrico Ercole &
Mariangela Girlanda & Silvia Perotto

Received: 3 February 2010 / Accepted: 20 April 2010 / Published online: 29 April 2010
# Springer-Verlag 2010

Abstract In most mycorrhizal symbioses, phylogenetically Keywords Orchid mycorrhiza . Ceratobasidium . Pectin .
distinct fungi colonize simultaneously the roots of individ- Interface . Limodorum abortivum . Russula
ual host plants. A matter of debate is whether plants can
distinguish among these fungal partners and differentiate
their cellular responses. We have addressed this question in Introduction
the orchid mycorrhizal symbiosis, where individual roots of
the Mediterranean species Limodorum abortivum can be Plants interact in nature with a variety of mutualistic and
colonized by a dominant unculturable fungal symbiont be- pathogenic microorganisms, and individual plants can be
longing to the genus Russula and by more sporadic mycelia colonized at the same time by multiple microbes. In endo-
in the genus Ceratobasidium (form-genus Rhizoctonia). symbiotic interactions, the microbial symbiont is accom-
The phylogenetic position of the Ceratobasidium sym- modated inside the plant cell, separated from the plant
bionts was further investigated in this work. Both Russula cytoplasm by a specialized symbiotic compartment, the
and Ceratobasidium symbionts form intracellular coils in interface (Bonfante and Perotto 1995). The formation,
the cortical roots of L. abortivum, but hyphae are very dif- structure and composition of this interface has received
ferent in size and morphology, making the two fungi easily much attention because all signalling molecules and nutrient
distinguishable. We have used John Innes Monoclonal 5, a exchanges (Harrison 2005; Day et al. 2001; Oldroyd et al.
widely used monoclonal antibody against pectin, to inves- 2009) must go across it during the intracellular stages. The
tigate the composition of the symbiotic plant interface organization and composition of the interface compartment
around the intracellular coils formed by the two fungal have been compared in plants colonized by organisms as
partners. Immunolabelling experiments showed that pectin diverse as rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungi (Perotto et al.
is exclusively found in the interface formed around the 1994) or mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi (Bonfante and
Ceratobasidium, and not around the Russula symbiont. Perotto 1995). Similarities as well as notable differences
These data indicate that the plant responses towards distinct have been found, which have been ascribed to the specific
mycorrhizal fungal partners can vary at a cellular level. features of the symbiotic relationship.
In addition, individual plants can be colonized simulta-
neously by distinct microbial partners that demonstrate the
same symbiotic phenotype. For example, multiple occu-
C. Paduano : M. Rodda : E. Ercole : M. Girlanda : S. Perotto (*) pancy of plant roots by genetically distinct fungi has been
Dipartimento di Biologia vegetale, Università di Torino,
established for most endomycorrhizal symbioses: arbuscu-
V.le Mattioli 25,
10125 Turin, Italy lar (e.g. Alguacil et al. 2009; Jansa et al. 2008; Opik et al.
e-mail: 2009), ericoid (e.g. Bougoure and Cairney 2005; Perotto et
al. 1996; Sharples et al. 2000) and orchid (e.g. Bidartondo
C. Paduano : M. Rodda : E. Ercole : M. Girlanda : S. Perotto
and Read 2008; Huynh et al. 2009; Roy et al. 2009; Suarez
V.le Mattioli 25, et al. 2006) mycorrhiza. The association of plants with a
10125 Turin, Italy multitude of microbial partners has been interpreted as a
98 Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:97–104

way to widen the range of symbiotic functions, as the R. delica/R. chloroides species complex and culturable
effectiveness of the symbiosis (that is the amount of benefit Rhizoctonia. Five plants were sampled, carried to the
that the plant host derives from the microbial symbiont) laboratory and processed within 36 h. Roots were rinsed
varies among symbiont species and genotypes in natural extensively with tap water and brushed gently to remove
populations (Jansa et al. 2007; van der Heijden et al. 1998). remaining soil debris. Root colonization was evaluated on
In addition, multiple occupancy of plant roots by mycor- hand sections by light microscopy.
rhizal fungi may also depend on the plant’s inability to
recognize and exclude certain fungi. Fungal isolation
Although host plants can simultaneously interact with
several mycorrhizal fungi, it is unclear whether they One or two roots from each plant specimen were surface-
respond to each of them on a cell-specific basis. We have sterilized with 30% H2O2 (Carlo Erba) for 1 min and rinsed
addressed this question by studying the intracellular sym- three times with sterile water. At least 15 sections per plant,
biotic interface formed in orchid roots around hyphae of obtained with a sterile blade, were plated onto malt extract
distinct mycorrhizal partners. agar and modified Melin–Norkrans agar media, both with
Mycorrhizal fungal diversity has been investigated in or without chloramphenicol (50 mg/kg). Petri dishes (each
several orchid species (reviewed in Taylor et al. 2002; containing four to five root sections) were kept at room
Rasmussen 2002; Dearnaley 2007). Limodorum abortivum temperature for up to 3 months in order to allow the devel-
is a common orchid species in the Mediterranean region. opment of slow-growing mycelia.
Although capable of photosynthesis, in the adult stage
L. abortivum is partially mycoheterotrophic, i.e. it is Electron microscopy and immunogold labelling with JIM 5
nutritionally dependent upon the mycorrhizal fungal sym- monoclonal antibody
bionts for organic carbon (Leake 1994). As shown for other
fully and partially mycoheterotrophic orchids, this trophic For transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation,
strategy is mirrored in L. abortivum by a specific signature segments from mycorrhizal L. abortivum roots were fixed
in the natural abundance of stable isotopes (Gebauer and in 2.5% (v/v) glutaraldehyde in 10 mM Na-phosphate buffer
Meyer 2003) and by high mycorrhizal specificity (Girlanda (pH 7.2) overnight at 4°C. After washing in the same
et al. 2006). We have previously identified basidiomycetes buffer, the samples were post-fixed in 1% (w/v) osmium
in the species complex Russula delica–Russula chloroides tetroxide in water for 1 h, washed three times with water
as being the largely dominant fungal partners of L. and dehydrated in an ethanol series [30%, 50%, 70%, 90%
abortivum (Girlanda et al. 2006). More sporadically, roots and 100% (v/v); 15 min each step] at room temperature.
of L. abortivum can also harbour culturable fungi assigned The samples were infiltrated in 2:1 (v/v) ethanol/LR White
by morphological criteria to the form-genus Rhizoctonia (Polysciences, Warrington, PA, USA) for 1 h, 1:2 (v/v)
(Girlanda et al. 2006). ethanol/LR White resin for 2 h, 100% LR White overnight
The aims of the present work were to better define the at 4°C and embedded in LR White resin, according to
phylogenetic position of the Rhizoctonia symbiont(s) of Balestrini et al. (1996). Semi-thin sections (1 μm) were
L. abortivum and to investigate the composition of the plant stained with an aqueous 1% (w/v) solution of toluidine blue
interface formed around the two different mycobionts by for morphological observations.
using immunolabelling with the anti-pectin John Innes Thin sections were post-stained with periodic acid
Monoclonal (JIM) monoclonal antibody JIM 5 (Knox et al. thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate test (PATAg test) for
1990). This antibody binds specifically to non-esterified visualization of polysaccharides or treated according to the
pectin, and it has been used to characterize the plant– immunolocalization protocol. Immunogold labelling with
microbe interface compartment (Bonfante and Perotto the monoclonal antibody JIM 5 (dilution 1:5–1:10) was
1995; Balestrini et al. 1996). performed on thin sections as described by Balestrini et al.
(1996) and observed with a Philips CM10 transmission
electron microscope. Labelling specificity was determined
Materials and methods by replacing the primary antibody with buffer.

Sampling Sequence analysis

Plants were collected with a soil pad at Monte San Giorgio, DNA was extracted from the roots and fungal isolates using
near Turin (Piemonte, Italy). A previous survey (Girlanda et Qiagen plant mini kit, amplified with fungal specific
al. 2006) had identified in this population of L. abortivum primers (ITS1F/ITS4) and cloned as indicated in Girlanda
the consistent co-occurrence of mycobionts identified in the et al. (2006). Sequences of the fungal ribosomal DNA
Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:97–104 99

(rDNA) region were obtained from mycelia after isolation

in culture as well as after direct root amplification with
fungal specific primers (ITS1F/ITS4) and cloning. To better
define the taxonomic position of the Rhizoctonia myco-
biont, the sequences were aligned with reference sequences
from Genebank using CLUSTALX 2.0 (Larkin et al. 2007)
with default conditions for gap opening and gap extension
penalty. The alignment was then imported into MEGA 4.0
(Tamura et al. 2007) for manual adjustment. The best-fit
models (HKY+G) were estimated by the Akaike Informa-
tion Criterion using jModelTest 0.1.1 (Posada 2008).
Phylogenetic analysis was performed using the Bayesian
Inference (BI) approach. BI of phylogeny using Monte
Carlo Markov Chains (MCMC) was carried out with
MrBayes 3.1.2 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001). Four
incrementally heated simultaneous MCMC were run over
10,000,000 generations, under model assumption, using
random starting trees and default starting values of the
models. Trees were sampled every 1,000 generations
resulting in an overall sampling of 10,001 trees. The first
2,500 trees were discarded as “burn-in” (25%). For the
remaining trees, a majority rule consensus tree showing all
compatible partitions was computed to obtain estimates for
Bayesian Posterior Probabilities (BPP). Branch lengths
were estimated as mean values over the sampled trees.
Such a Bayesian analysis was repeated three times, always
using random starting trees and random starting values for
model parameters to test the independence of the results Fig. 1 Some morphological features of Limodorum abortivum.
from the revisiting of the prior topologies during chain a Detail of the distinctive flowers. b Three large and fleshy roots of
L. abortivum, showing the uncolonized meristematic apex on the left
growth (Huelsenbeck et al. 2002). Only BPP values over
50% are reported in the resulting tree.
Pelotons formed by Rhizoctonia and by Russula could
be observed in neighbouring root cells (Fig. 2c), indicating
Results and discussion that the two distinct fungal symbionts can co-occur in the
same root region.
Plants of L. abortivum display a rhizome densely covered To better understand the phylogenetic position of the
with thick roots that are easily detached (Fig. 1). Observa- Rhizoctonia symbiont of L. abortivum, culturable fungi
tion of resin-embedded root sections (Fig. 2a) showed that were isolated from a larger number of mycorrhizal plants
most cortical cells were colonized by fungal pelotons and investigated by molecular methods. Isolation in pure
formed by narrow septate hyphae (2.5–5.5 μm diameter) culture yielded fungal mycelia with wide hyphae for all five
lightly stained by toluidine blue. This dominant fungal L. abortivum plants collected at Monte San Giorgio. They
symbiont of L. abortivum could not be isolated in pure were all assigned by morphological criteria to the form-
culture and was identified by molecular methods as be- genus Rhizoctonia. rDNA sequences obtained for fungi
longing to the R. delica/R. chloroides species complex isolated from the five different plants were nearly identical
(Girlanda et al. 2006). (99–100% sequence identity), and BLAST searches identi-
Much wider septate hyphae (8–14 μm diameter) were fied them as belonging to the genus Ceratobasidium. The
more sporadically observed in the root sections, where Bayesian tree in Fig. 3 shows their position relative to other
they formed sparse pelotons intensively stained by toluidine ceratobasidioid fungi. In this tree, they clustered together
blue (Fig. 2b). Fungi with hyphal features resembling with Ceratobasidium cornigerum, a known symbiont of
those observed in fresh and embedded L. abortivum root orchids (Hadley 1970) and with fungal sequences obtained
sections were isolated in pure culture and assigned by mor- from other orchid species (Fig. 3).
phological criteria to the form-genus Rhizoctonia (Girlanda Sequences assigned to the genus Ceratobasidium were
et al. 2006). also obtained from one out of the five individuals of
100 Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:97–104

Fig. 2 Micrographs showing fungal colonization of L. abortivum roots d A detail of a thick hypha after PATAg staining, showing glycogen
and immunolabelling with the JIM 5 monoclonal antibody. a–c Semi- accumulation and lipid droplets (L) in the cytoplasm. F fungal wall. Bar
thin sections from a fixed and resin-embedded root, stained with is 0.25 μm. e After JIM 5 immunolabelling of cells colonized by thin
toluidine blue. a Intense root colonization by thin fungal hyphae hyphae, gold granules are found on the peripheral plant cell wall (W),
forming pelotons in the root parenchyma cells. N plant nuclei. Bar is but not on the interface surrounding the intracellular hypha (T). Bar is
35 μm. b Sparse colonization of the root parenchyma cells by thick 0.25 μm. f Gold granules are also not found on the interface material
fungal hyphae (H). Bar is 60 μm. c Neighbouring root parenchyma cells around a collapsed thin hypha (T) after immunolabelling with the JIM 5
colonized by fungal hyphae showing very distinct morphology. T plant antibody. Bar is 0.1 μm. g A thick hypha (H) surrounded by the fungal
cell colonized by thin hyphae, H plant cell colonized by thick hyphae. cell wall (F), by interfacial material and by the invaginated plant plasma
Bar is 30 μm. These morphological features correspond to those membrane (arrows). After JIM 5 immunolabelling, gold granules are
described by Girlanda et al. (2006). d–g TEM micrographs showing found on the interfacial material surrounding the hyphal wall. Bar is
L. abortivum root parenchyma cells colonized by the two fungal types. 0.25 μm

L. abortivum after direct amplification of root DNA with from the fungal isolates, together with fungi derived from
specific fungal primers and cloning, the other plant individ- environmental (mainly soil) samples. No other fungi
uals yielding solely Russula sequences. One of these identified in orchids were found in this cluster.
Ceratobasidium sequences was previously deposited in Thus, it is unclear whether both Ceratobasidium are
Genbank (accession no. DQ061931). Surprisingly, the involved in the mycorrhizal association with L. abortivum,
Bayesian tree in Fig. 3 shows that the sequence amplified and the results do not allow us to resolve the identification
from root DNA clustered separately from those obtained of the peloton-forming Ceratobasidium below the genus
Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:97–104 101

Fig. 3 Bayesian phylogram

showing the phylogenetic rela-
tionships of fungal sequences
obtained from L. abortivum
mycorrhizal roots with other
ceratobasidioid fungi. The
sequence with accession number
DQ061931 was obtained
through direct PCR amplifica-
tion of total DNA from
L. abortivum roots, whereas the
sequence with accession number
HM117643 was obtained from
culturable fungal isolates. The
HKY+G substitution model was
used. Waitea circinata
(FJ755885) was used as an
outgroup taxon. Bayesian
posterior probabilities above
50% are indicated. T terrestrial
orchid, E epiphytic
orchid, G green orchid,
A achlorophyllous orchid

level. On the other hand, they reflect the difficulties in hyphae formed by the Ceratobasidium symbiont were rich
assigning a symbiotic role for fungi identified in mycorrhi- in cytoplasmic organelles and nuclei, and PATAg staining
zal roots following different techniques (fungal isolation showed an abundant deposition of glycogen inside these
in culture or direct PCR amplification of root DNA). The hyphae (Fig. 2d). In both peloton types, hyphae were
analysis of individual pelotons may help in clarifying this always separated from the root cell cytoplasm by an inter-
aspect in L. abortivum. facial matrix and a perifungal membrane.
Whatever the species identity of the Ceratobasidium Pectins, a complex set of polysaccharides, are among the
symbiont(s), the hyphal size and cellular appearance most abundant cell wall components and have been shown
allowed us to clearly distinguish the intracellular pelotons to vary in their localization patterns among different tissue
formed by Ceratobasidium from those formed by the types and developmental stages (Ridley et al. 2001). Pectin
Russula symbiont. Apart from the smaller size, pelotons has been commonly found in the interfacial matrix of
formed by R. delica/R. chloroides mainly showed an endomycorrhizal associations (Bonfante and Perotto 1995;
electron transparent content by TEM. By contrast, peloton Perotto et al. 1995; Peterson and Massicotte 2004). In
102 Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:97–104

orchids, the only previous study was carried out on the interfacial material surrounding the Russula pelotons not as
mycorrhizal protocorms of three orchid species colonized a consequence of local degradation by the fungus, but
by C. cornigerum (Peterson et al. 1996). Immunolocaliza- because a pectin-containing interface is not built up around
tion experiments showed that the interfacial matrix formed this fungal symbiont.
between invading hyphae and the invaginating plant By contrast, intracellular Ceratobasidium hyphae were
plasmalemma was initially devoid of pectin. This plant surrounded by a plant interface consistently labelled by JIM
wall component could be detected in the matrix of the 5 (Fig. 2g). This observation further suggests that the lack/
orchid–fungus interface only when the hyphal coil began to presence of pectin in the interface material is unlikely to be
degrade (Peterson et al. 1996). the result of fungal pectinolytic activity, as fungi in the
We have investigated the presence of pectin homoga- genus Ceratobasidium secrete several isoforms of pectino-
lacturonans in the interface matrix formed by L. abortivum lytic enzymes, at least in vitro (Sweetingham et al. 1986).
around Russula and Ceratobasidium hyphal pelotons with Taken together, our observations suggest that a possible
the antibody JIM 5 (Knox et al. 1990), the same used in the explanation for the different detection of pectin around coils
previous studies by Peterson et al. (1996). The epitope formed by the Russula and Ceratobasidium symbionts is
recognized by JIM 5 is typically found in the middle that the composition of the plant interface can be modulated
lamella and outer sections of walls near intercellular spaces when the plant cell is confronted with different fungal
(Knox et al. 1990). Immunolabelling of thin sections of partners, and that pectin is a good marker to detect these
mycorrhizal L. abortivum roots showed intense deposition changes. R. delica/R. chloroides is the ubiquitous and
of colloidal gold granules on the plant cell wall near dominant fungal partner of L. abortivum over a wide geo-
intercellular spaces (not shown). Labelling was specific as graphic range (Girlanda et al. 2006). Thanks to its double
no gold granules were observed when the primary antibody nature of ECM and orchid mycorrhizal fungus, it likely
was omitted. plays an important role in subsidizing the partially myco-
Pectin was never detected by the JIM 5 antibody on the heterotrophic host with organic carbon derived from
interface material surrounding Russula hyphae (Fig. 2e). In autotrophic ECM plants, similar to other orchid symbionts
the same root cells, the peripheral wall showed intense gold (McKendrick et al. 2000). By contrast, the Ceratobasidium
labelling on the middle lamella (Fig. 2e). Pectin was absent symbiont is a sporadic and minor partner in mycorrhizal
from the interface matrix surrounding R. delica/R. chloroides L. abortivum roots, and its role in plant nutrition is unclear.
also when hyphae collapsed and started to degrade (Fig. 2f). Similarly, specific fungi in the Ceratobasidiaceae have been
In their study, Peterson et al. (1996) suggested that the reported to occur sporadically and at low abundance in the
lack of pectin in the interfacial material surrounding viable non-photosynthetic orchid Hexalectris spicata (Taylor et al.
peloton hyphae could be the result of enzyme secretion by 2003) suggesting that they are not critical mycorrhizal
the intracellular hyphae that would degrade plant-derived symbionts. Their occurrence in non-mycorrhizal rhizome
cell wall components. According to these authors, the tissue of H. spicata suggested the possibility of a
presence of pectin around senescing hyphae may thus pathogenic interaction with the orchid. Hadley (1970) also
depend on a termination of this activity following hyphal reported that some Ceratobasidium strains, when inoculat-
demise, allowing the plant-derived matrix to eventually ed on orchid seeds, were quite aggressive when compared
build up (Peterson et al. 1996). with other Rhizoctonias.
Interestingly, recent analysis of two ectomycorrhizal Pectin is an important source of molecular signals in
(ECM) fungal genomes (Laccaria bicolor and Amanita plant–fungal interactions, and oligosaccharides produced by
sporigena) showed that these fungi lack the potential to the action of pectin-degrading enzymes can induce defence
biosynthesize many of the major classes of secreted responses in plants (Ridley et al. 2001; D’Ovidio et al.
enzymes that depolymerize plant cell wall polysaccharides 2004). It is therefore tempting to speculate that its presence
(Martin et al. 2008; Nagendran et al. 2009), and a around the Ceratobasidium symbiont, an occasional fungal
correlation with the symbiotic ECM behaviour of these partner for L. abortivum, may represent a line of defence
fungi was suggested. Fungi in the genus Russula are well towards a less compatible fungus.
known for their ECM phenotype on tree species, and the Ceratobasidium species are far more common fungal
same Russula sequences found in L. abortivum were also symbionts in terrestrial green orchid species (Stark et al.
found in ECM roots of neighbouring trees (Girlanda et al. 2009; Yukawa et al. 2009; see also sequences in Fig. 3),
2006). The unculturability of the Russula symbiont and its such as those studied by Peterson et al. (1996). The absence
poor saprotrophic potential may indicate, as shown for of pectin observed in the viable stages of those interactions
other ECM fungi and suggested by Nagendran et al. (2009), would agree with the hypothesis that the composition of the
a poor production of cell wall degrading enzymes in this interface may somehow mirror plant–fungus compatibility.
symbiont. We therefore suggest that pectin is missing in the The mechanisms by which the orchid root cells can
Mycorrhiza (2011) 21:97–104 103

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