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Proceedings of the National Seminar & Exhibition

on Non-Destructive Evaluation
NDE 2011, December 8-10, 2011



K. N.V. S. N. Kumar1 and P. Selvaraj2

Scientist/Engineer SD, SCEND & ASG, SDSC SHAR, ISRO
Group Head, SCEND & ASG, SDSC SHAR, ISRO, email:

In the inspection and acceptance of the Solid rocket motors, NDE is found to be invaluable since they are highly
explosive and hazardous. During the routine Radiography inspection of a solid rocket motor, a debond at the interface
between the propellant and the insulation (loose flap) was observed. The reasons for such a debond may be due to raw
materials used, the way the motor was processed etc. Under that circumstances, to ascertain whether the debond has
occurred due to the stresses developed at the interface, the Finite Element Analysis is used as a tool for the NDE of the
rocket motor.

This paper gives the details of the Linear Visco Elastic Analysis of a solid rocket motor having different types of
materials for the casing, insulation, propellant etc using Ansys software package. The challenges faced during the
modelling are many. Since the geometry of the casing, insulation, loose flap and the propellant are complex, utmost
care was taken to simulate the exact shape of the motor. The casing (hardware) is made up of composites (Twaron), the
insulation is made up of rubber (Rocasin) and the propellant is a Visco-elastic material. At the top and bottom of the
motor, there are bosses made up of Aluminium. The Poisson’s ratio for the propellant is taken as 0.499 and for the
rubber it is taken as 0.4999 since both of them fall under the category of “nearly incompressible materials”. Nearly
incompressible elasto-plastic materials are materials with Poisson’s ratio close to 0.5, or elasto-plastic materials
undergoing very large plastic deformation. For such cases, especially when the deformation is close to being fully
incompressible, the mixed u-P formulation of the 18x elements in ANSYS is more robust, yielding better performance
and hence PLANE 182 element is used for propellant and insulation. For the casing and the end bosses, PLANE42
element is used. This finite element model was analyzed for the load combination of self weight along with a thermal
shrinkage load due to curing / cooling from the stress free temperature of 58oC to the room temperature of 30oC.

For the first trial, the stresses at the debond location were obtained from the results were found to be within
acceptable limits. Subsequent trials carried out using the increased E value of the propellant due to aging,
indicated increase in the stresses at the debond location. This stress value is found to be more than the bonding
strength between the propellant and the insulation. Hence, it was concluded that aging of the propellant might
have been the reason for the debond was established using NDE through the FE analysis.

INTRODUCTION ascertain whether the debond has occurred due to the stresses
developed at the interface, Finite Element Analysis is used as
Solid rocket motors are subjected to the Non-destructive testing
a tool for the NDE of the rocket motor. In the Finite Element
using Radiography for detection of flaws, like grain integrity Analysis, it is possible to simulate the behaviour of the motor
and the bond integrity. Flaws in the propellant like voids,
for the different conditions it is subjected to. It is also possible
porosity, cracks etc will be revealed during the grain
to get the stress distribution pattern through which one can
Radiography which is carried out longitudinally by keeping
conclude whether the stresses developed has indeed crossed
the motor vertical, i.e. Nozzle end side downwards. Tangential the allowable limits resulting in debond. ANSYS software is
Radiography which is taken circumferentially will reveal the
used to carry out the analysis since it can easily handle different
defect like debond etc and this is done by keeping the Nozzle
types of material and their behaviour and the results can be
end side upwards. In one such routine radiography inspection
captured in the form of graphical representation. This paper
of a solid rocket motor, a debond was observed at the interface gives the details of the analysis carried out by considering the
between the propellant and insulation. The reasons for such a
complexities in the geometry, material properties, the loading
de-bond are many and it is difficult to attribute it to the raw
conditions and the conclusions arrived based on this analysis.
materials or the way the motor is processed etc. Hence to
88 Kumar and P. Selvaraj : Proceedings of the National Seminar & Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation

It was a challenge to model the geometry of the rocket motor
since it comprises the following:
• Casing made using Kevlar/equivalent Twaron
• Insulation made using Rocasin Rubber
• Loose flap at discrete locations made using Rocasin
• Propellant with HTPB binder
• End bosses made of Aluminium material
The geometry of the motor is drawn in AutoCAD and was
exported in IGES format and imported into the ANSYS
environment. While the geometry of the casing is easily
modelled, the complexity lies in modelling the insulation
adjacent to the casing. The insulation is made up of different
layers of various thicknesses and they are to be reproduced
exactly to get the correct shape since the shape of the propellant
will depend on the final shape of the insulation. Loose flap is
modelled in the bonded region after the insulation whereas
the same is modelled considering two mm gap between the
unbonded region and the insulation. The propellant is then Fig. 2 : Finite Element Model
modelled and finally the end bosses are also modelled. Areas
for each material were generated within the respective motor to the maximum possible extent. To start with, for the
boundary lines. Since the rocket motor is cylindrical, the composite material Twaron and the Aluminium end bosses
problem is taken as Axi-Symmetric. plane 42 element is used, since materials of casing and
insulation are of lesser interest when compared to the loose
flap and the propellant.
The debond has occurred between the loose flap and propellant
and hence their behaviour is more important in this problem.
At this juncture, it may be noted that the Poisson’s ratio to be
used is 0.499 for the propellant and 0.5 for insulation to get
accurate results. Nearly incompressible elasto-plastic materials
are materials with Poisson’s ratio close to 0.5, or elasto-plastic
materials undergoing very large plastic deformation. For
incompressible materials, six components of strain are no
longer independent, hence the principle of minimum potential
energy and the corresponding finite element displacement
method by compatible model are no longer valid, and also
solutions are ill conditioned. The Poisson’s ratio for the
Fig. 1 : Geometric model of the Rocket motor propellant is taken as 0.499 and for the rubber it is taken as
0.4999 since both of them fall under the category of “nearly
The motor is kept in vertical condition with Nozzle End up incompressible materials”. For such cases, especially when
for the purpose of analysis because under that condition only, the deformation is close to being fully incompressible, the
the extent of debond can be captured. The analytical model is mixed u-P formulation of the 18x elements in ANSYS is more
shown in Fig. 1. The support for the rocket motor is at the robust, yielding better performance and hence PLANE 1821
flange and hence the flange is fixed at the bottom. Free meshing element is used for propellant and insulation.
of the entire model was done with an element size of 10 mm
to begin with and is as shown in Fig. 2. Subsequently the mesh
was refined at the interface zone between the propellant and TECHNOLOGIES
the loose flap.
Mixed u-P elements use both displacement and hydrostatic
ELEMENT pressure as primary unknown variables. Incompressible
material behavior may lead to some difficulties in numerical
The element library in ANSYS was searched to select simulation, such as volumetric locking, inaccuracy of solution,
appropriate elements that reflect the behaviour of the solid
NDE 2011, December 8-10, 2011 89

Fig. 3 : Principle Stress plot along the debond edge for E = 20 ksc

Fig. 4 : Graph plot for variation of Principal Stress along debond edge

Fig. 5 : Principle Stress Plots for E = 34 ksc Fig. 6 : Principle Stress Plots for E = 50 ksc

checkerboard pattern of stress distributions, or, occasionally, hyper elastic materials and nearly incompressible elasto-plastic
divergence. Mixed u-P elements are intended to overcome materials (high Poisson ratio or undergoing large plastic strain).
these problems. Lagrange multiplier based mixed u-P elements Lagrange multipliers extend the internal virtual work so that
can also be used to overcome incompressible material the volume constraint equation is included explicitly. This
problems. They are designed to model material behavior with introduces hydrostatic pressure as a new independent variable.
high incompressibility such as fully or nearly incompressible Unlike the hyper elastic elements, the hydrostatic pressure
90 Kumar and P. Selvaraj : Proceedings of the National Seminar & Exhibition on Non-Destructive Evaluation

variables are not condensed on the element level, but are solved Exact stress at the debond region is very difficult to determine
at the global level. The mixed u-P formulation of the 18x solid analytically in the absence of the exact E value of the
elements offers more choices in handling incompressible propellant. Earlier, some tests conducted on the propellant
material behavior. The mixed u-P formulation can be combined resulted in the E value of around 34 ksc. Hence, the analysis

with other element technologies such as the B method (also is repeated with the E values of 34 ksc. The stresses are found
known as the selective reduced integration method), the to be around 4.522 ksc. This is shown in Fig. 5. To understand
uniform reduced integration method, and the enhanced strain the stress variation due to changes in the E value of the
formulation method. Furthermore, the mixed u-P formulation propellant, E sensitivity studies are carried out. Since the E
is associated with hyper elastic models, such as Mooney- value increases with aging, it is presumed that the value of E
Rivlin, Neo-Hookean, Ogden, Arruda-Boyce, polynomial would have increased further to 50 ksc and hence the analysis
form, and user-defined. was also carried out with 50 ksc. The stresses are found to be
around 5.962 ksc. This is shown in Fig. 6. Since this stress
The number of independent hydrostatic pressure DOFs has reached the maximum bond stress between the loose flap
depends on the element type and element technology. The and the propellant, this situation might have resulted in debond.
hydrostatic pressure has an interpolation function one order
lower than the one for volumetric strain with enhanced strain
formulation method and with constant pressure. Therefore,
elastic strain only agrees with stress in an element on the • The stresses at the interface between the propellant and
average instead of point-wise. the insulation (loose flap) is arrived by carrying out Linear
Visco elastic analysis using ANSYS software. For the
LINEAR VISCO ELASTIC ANALYSIS initial trial, the stress at the debond region for the Self
weight and the thermal load case when E value is 20ksc,
The mixed u-P formulation with PLANE182 in ANSYS is is found to be around 3.132 ksc.
considered for the analysis. The options like Full Integration
method, Mixed u-P formulation and the axi-symmetry were • The stress at the debond region for the E value of 34 ksc
invoked for the element PLANE182. is found to be 4.522 ksc.
In addition to the self weight, a thermal shrinkage load due to • The stress at the debond region for the E value of 50 ksc
curing / cooling from the stress free temperature of 58 0C to is found to be 5.962 ksc.
the room temperature of 30 0C is considered in the analysis.
The E value of the solid propellant varies with respect to time. • This gives an indication that the E value attained by the
It is determined from the Master-Stress-Relaxation modulus propellant due to aging could be the reason for the
curve. It can be expressed in the Prony series form in terms of debonding.
Equilibrium modulus + Variation due to relaxation times and • Finite Element analysis is used as a tool for the NDE of
constants. Initially, the value of the Equilibrium modulus is the rocket motor to understand the stresses developed at
assumed to be 20 ksc. Though the principal stress is found to the debond region at the interface of the propellant and
be around 3.132 ksc at the debond region, it is around 9ksc at the loose flap insulation.
the sharp corner. This is shown in Fig. 4. Also the graph plotting
the stress along the edge of the debond is shown. The bond
strength between the loose flap and the propellant is around 6
ksc. Hence for the debond to occur, the stress at the debond 1. ANSYS, Inc. Theory Reference (Manual).
region must be higher than 6 ksc.

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