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Challenge, Focus, Strike!: Nonhumans

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Challenge, Focus, Strike!

Adventure Hooks for Legend of the Five Rings

Written by Isawa Nazomitsu (Scott Stockton) z Compiled & Edited by Pirate Spice (Sean C. Riley)
Following is the fifth volume of a series of documents collecting the travel with a group of human samurai, perhaps it is because he owes
esteemed Isawa Nazomitsu’s “CFS of the Week” feature in the L5R RPG them his life. Or maybe he recognizes that the human lands are too
GMs section of AEG’s gaming forum ( dangerous to travel through alone, and follows the player characters
For the sake of further organizing these, I have attempted to give each around for protection.
hook a title (also taking inspiration from suggestions on the forum). The If you really want to make things realistic when dealing with an NPC
hooks themselves are presented in the order that they were originally who doesn't know what the PCs are saying, try to avoid making too many
posted, edited for brevity and typography. In addition, you will find direct leaps of understanding. Pointing to oneself for "I" and pointing to
several headings denoting a category of scenarios, grouped by theme. someone else for "you" is quite basic. But miming the action of swinging
Some entries may include a section entitled “Shout.” These are simply a sword around can be interpreted in many different ways. It could mean
extensions of the CFS presented to add more complications or hooks. "sword," "to fight," "battle," "soldier," "violent," "survival of the fittest,"
– Sean C. Riley (a.k.a. Pirate Spice) or even "he wants to play the game with the stick and ball." So go wild
with the misunderstandings and let your players spend some time working
Nonhumans out how to get their message across. They'll thank you for it later.

One thing to keep in mind when using this month’s adventures is that they
54. Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner
can be applied to almost any type of nonhuman or non-Rokugani society. This week we continue our foray into the realm of cross-cultural
If you are not a fan of naga or ratlings, you can easily replace them with encounters. Having gotten past the shock of their initial meeting, both
kappa, kenku, or zokujin instead. Or you could use Yobanjin raiders or parties will undoubtedly want to learn more about each other. And while
Burning Sands nomads. Just about any type of outsider is appropriate, this "getting to know you" stage is rife with awkwardness, it also holds
and the final choice depends on the type of campaign you want to run. enormous role-playing potential.
Let's meet our new friends, shall we?
53. Cultural Exchange CHALLENGE
All cross-cultural encounters begin somewhere. Our first begins with The player characters are called to help a minor functionary named
chance meeting. Tokuko, who serves the governor of the province in which they live. She
explains that an important guest is coming to visit the area in preparation
CHALLENGE for diplomatic talks. Although the governor would normally oversee such
While traveling through a stretch of deep forest, the party comes across an auspicious event by himself, other urgent matters that demand his
the comatose form of a naga. The naga has been gravely wounded and attention have recently come up. As such, responsibility for the tour has
left for dead by some attacker, most likely a Shadowlands creature. In fallen onto Tokuko, and she would consider it a great personal favor if the
addition to his wounds, the naga has also been poisoned. He will most party would serve as aides and escorts during the visit. She also hints that
likely die unless he receives some sort of medical treatment, and his condition the governor himself is certain to appreciate their assistance.
does not allow him to be moved until he has had at least a day of rest. The guest is expected to arrive within the next few days, and although
Tokuko has already drawn up an itinerary for the visit she is open to any
FOCUS suggestions that the player characters might have. Due to the last-minute
If the player characters decide to give the naga treatment it is easy enough change in plans, Tokuko has been given only limited information
to bind his wounds and fight the chills that the poison causes, and even an regarding the visitor. While she knows the guest is named Shishya, she
unskilled character should be able to do something to ease his pain. The sheepishly admits that she does not know which city or province he
naga wakes up after an hour or so. Upon seeing the party, however, he (she?) is from, or what types of things he is interested in.
becomes visibly panicked. He gazes at them with eyes filled with fear,
and clutches a light blue scroll to his chest defensively. To make matters FOCUS
worse, he does not know any Rokugani words. When the day of the visit arrives, Tokuko and the player characters are
If the player characters attempt to leave without helping the naga or greeted by a shocking sight. Shishya is not human! The governor's friend
react with hostility, the naga regains his senses just long enough to mutter is a naga! Only after seeing the reactions of his staff does the governor
a few words in an unknown language and press the scroll into their hands realize that he forgot to mention this detail. Nonetheless, he gives his
before he lapses back into unconsciousness. unusual guest a warm greeting and leaves him in the capable hands of
In either case, the player characters must deal with someone with Tokuko and the player characters.
whom they cannot fully communicate. The Shishya, who has come in good faith, speaks Rokugani passably,
but has little practical knowledge of human customs or society. Still, he is
STRIKE eager to see and learn as much as he can and attempts to strike up
The naga is a messenger, delivering an important message to an ally in conversation with any party members that seem friendly.
the Doji court. If the player characters aid him, they may gain the thanks
of both the Naga people and the Crane Clan. Even if they do not save his STRIKE
life, delivering the message in his stead will earn them a measure of The tour that Tokuko has planned for the Shishya includes several
gratitude from both parties. On the other hand, if the party had anything potentially troublesome stops, such as a visit to a temple and tea with the
to do with his demise, they may be treated to a rather cold reception. abbot, a stroll through the marketplace, and a demonstration by a puppet
If the player characters left the naga in the woods without doing theater troupe, before returning to have dinner with the governor and his
anything, they are approached by a second naga a few weeks later. Unlike family. If the visit goes smoothly, it may lead to a beneficial alliance with
the previous naga the party encountered, she is a shrewd courtier and the Naga. If the visit is unpleasant, the Naga may withdraw, or even react
speaks Rokugani quite fluently. She tells the PCs that she has reason to with hostility. In either case, the outcome will have a large impact on the
believe they passed through the area that her missing clutchmate (akin to prosperity of the region, to say nothing of the rewards or consequences
a sibling) was traveling in, and asks if they have seen him. She is quite that the PCs may find themselves faced with.
worried about his safety, and doesn't know what she would do with It all depends on how well they can play host to a snake.
herself if anything were to happen to him....
This scenario is especially useful for introducing a nonhuman character As with last week's adventure, this scenario can be adapted for a number
into the party. If you are looking for a way to explain why a naga would of different types of visitors. Boisterous gaijin, exotic shapeshifters,
ancestral spirits from the Empire's ancient past, or even a sheltered noble STRIKE
who has never set foot outside his own estate could all provide a While the politicians are still discussing matters, a small army of
challenge for the tour guides…er, heroes. Shadowlands creatures is sighted near the entrance to the valley.
Don't forget that the sight of a naga (or ratling, or bipedal fox, or Although the monsters in the horde are not particularly strong, their
blond Westerner) is going to cause a great deal of ruckus. This can be numerical superiority gives them a great advantage over both the humans
minimized somewhat if the Shishya is female naga with legs, but details and the naga. The crystals in the mine would even the odds, but neither
like clothing, eye color, and hair color are sure to be noticed in a society group is willing to give up a such a precious resource. With the
like Rokugan. And even if no one reacts violently, the Shishya is likely to Shadowlands threat looming ever nearer, both the humans and the naga
be disappointed if everyone he or she meets runs in fear. see control of the crystal mine as vital for their continued survival, and
While it may be tempting to have the Shishya commit blunder after neither will brook any interference.
blunder and let the player characters deal with the resulting mess, an Unless the player characters do something, both sides will likely waste
equally challenging possibility is to make the naga visitor incredibly time and energy fighting each other. If that happens, the chances that
curious about Rokugani society. Describing traditions and cultural either the humans or the naga will survive the subsequent Shadowlands
practices so that they can be understood by a complete outsider is no easy onslaught are slim.
feat, and questions such as "Why does that man turn away the other? Can
he not see that he is hungry?" or "Why does everyone obey the one called This scenario works equally well for parties of human characters or naga
'Daimyo'? Is it because he is the strongest warrior? Or the wisest scholar?" characters. Indeed, a flexible GM could even run two groups of players
have no easy answer. Still, if the player characters try their best, they just through the adventure at the same time, letting them try to outwit,
might be able to explain things clearly and win the Shishya over. outmaneuver, or out-negotiate each other. In this case, you might want to
Making new friends is an exciting prospect, but only if you have the emphasize the necessity of securing resources. There's only so much to go
courage to take the first step. around, after all, so why let some strange outsiders take what you need?
While the traditional happy ending to this sort of story involves both
P IRATE S PICE ’S S UGGESTION groups learning to overcome their differences and work together, there
This situation could be even further complicated with the presence of a rival are numerous other ways for the scenario to play out. The characters can
of the daimyo (or an ambassador from an unfriendly province), who might try to hold out against the Shadowlands creatures on their own, or
use the appearance of the naga as an opportunity to sow embarrassment. withdraw their forces completely and return with reinforcements once the
A KODO A KIRA’S S UGGESTION danger has passed. One group could try to buy off the other with
Include a rival of the governor who knows of his friend and his friend's promises of money or aid. Or they could just as easily try to eliminate
identity. This rival greatly fears what will happen if the Naga assist his their rivals in one sudden and decisive strike.
rival or become trading partners (let alone allies!)…and he has a plan. And even if the two groups do work together to deal with this common
He sends in several operatives (on this, or especially later visits) to enemy, what will happen once the threat is over? Will they be able to
cause the meetings to go poorly. These operatives can incite the peasants, maintain the peace they have found, or will old arguments resurface once
arouse the interest of passing Kurioban and Witch Hunters (especially if again?
the Naga are still really rare), and generally cause mischief. They may
not (or may) stoop to causing injury, it's up to you. Their main goal is to 56. Equal Rites
get the naga to be disgusted (or worried) and leave. There are many challenges when it comes to meeting someone from
To kick it up a notch: the operatives do try to assassinate the naga (or another culture. Opening a dialogue, finding common ground, coming to
a samurai and blame the naga) in order to start a war with the naga and understand each other, and dealing with differences are all rife with
the governor. difficulties and opportunities for trouble to arise.
Yet even after you learn to treat someone with kindness and
B AYUSHI MIFUNE ’S S UGGESTION friendship, it can be a long time before you really, really accept them.
One thing nobody has brought up is the motivations of the naga
ambassador. A lot would depend on how much of a known quantity the CHALLENGE
snakes are in your campaign, but the naga could be a spy sent to discover An emissary from the naga arrives to sign an important document and
just how much of the ancient Naga Empire the "monkeys" have taken finalize a formal agreement with the lord of the province. The document
over, or to gain an estimate of human military potential. Combining this in question could be a treaty, trade agreement, formal recognition of
idea with some of the other posters ideas could lead to very murky and borders, or even an alliance. Whatever the nature of the agreement, it is of
political scenario with multiple factions struggling for the upper hand, great importance to both parties, who have gone through a great deal to
with the poor characters stuck in the middle. see their people come together in peace.
If your players have gone through the scenario from two weeks ago
55. What’s Yours is Mine it's possible that the naga representative could be their old acquaintance,
We continue our cross-cultural journey this week with a scenario about Shishya.
deeper understanding. After all, you can't really decide whether to like or
hate someone until you really know them, now can you? FOCUS
As the details of the document are being finalized, one of the lord's
CHALLENGE advisors steps forward to inform him of some bad news. The law states
The PCs are assigned to take a band of samurai guards and heimin that only a samurai who is of legal age may sign binding agreements on
laborers into a remote valley. Their orders are to secure resources in behalf of his family or Clan. While the naga are not human, they must
preparation for the construction of a new village, and ideally their efforts still submit to the Empire's laws if they wish to be recognized as allies,
will pave the way for further expansion into the area. and in light of this news it would seem that the pact cannot be completed.
Shortly after establishing themselves, however, the PCs discover that
a naga border patrol has also entered the valley. Their objective is the STRIKE
same as that of the player characters—to gather supplies, build basic If the player characters do not step forward with a plan, the naga makes
structures, and make things ready for more naga to move into the area. the first move and approaches them. He asks if the party would assist him
in undergoing the "gem-pu-ku" ordeals. He has achieved a basic
FOCUS understanding of Rokugani society, and will dedicate himself completely
It doesn't take long before the two groups come into conflict. The humans to learning the basic skills. All he lacks is someone to teach him about
begin harvesting lumber from a forest that the naga use to protect their culture…and etiquette…and heraldry…and theology…and bushido…and
settlements from the wind and rain. The naga divert a river to provide history…and law....
water to their egg beds, cutting off the humans' water supply. More and
While it is technically possible to change the law, Rokugan is a land of
more arguments break out as the two groups vie for limited resources, and
stability and tradition. To allow one special case invites other exceptions,
tensions run high. Both sides dispatch diplomats to deal with the problem,
and adhering strictly to the letter of the law reduces the chance that the
but talks drag on and little is achieved. Indeed, the diplomats themselves
agreement will be overturned in the future. Furthermore, simply granting
almost come to blows when a crystal mine is discovered nearby and both
the naga representative samurai status would be an insult to all samurai
groups lay claim to it.
who have gone through gempukku before. The rights and responsibilities
of adulthood are not given—they must be earned.
Depending on the strengths of the player characters, you can adjust
the naga emissary's weak points to make the scenario either easier or
58. Trapped Like Rats
more difficult to deal with. He might have a knack for remembering We continue our "Countdown to the Creatures Book" with more
points of etiquette because they are so different from his own culture's adventure scenarios about Rokugan's nonhumans and cross-cultural
manners. Or he could have difficulty remembering what all the different encounters. This month we take a look at those famed rodents of unusual
mons and strange symbols mean. He could be completely unused to size: the nezumi.
martial skills, as the duties of his caste do not call for such activities. Or The naga, with their group mind and limited exposure to human
he might be a seasoned warrior - but have trouble judging how much he customs, retain a culture that is quite foreign to that of Rokugan. Nezumi,
needs to pull his punches when fighting someone who is not connected to however, come from an entirely different situation. When their civilization
the Akasha. Including a mix of problems can keep your players on their fell they lost a great deal of their cultural identity. Further, centuries of
toes and encourage them to try different solutions. living on the edge of human lands have had an influence on their lifestyle
Finally, there may be other problems as well. When Shishya first and customs. Any dealings they have with Rokugani are not so much
arrived on the scene, Pirate Spice, Akodo Akira, and Bayushi Mifune cross-cultural as multi-cultural. Yet even when such similarities are
offered some excellent ideas for complications that may arise during a apparent, it is often the differences that stand out the most.
naga ambassador's visit. Many of them may also apply to this situation.
Not everyone is going to react positively toward the idea of negotiating
with the naga, especially if it involves granting one samurai status in the The party is subdued and captured by a tribe of angry ratlings. While the
process! ratlings attempt to use their superior numbers to pressure the PCs into
surrendering, they are willing to fight if necessary. The ratlings use nets,
57. Stranger Among Strangers traps, magic, and other methods of non-lethal combat to attack the group,
and are quite well-prepared. Once the fight is over, the PCs are bound in
In teaching someone about your own culture, you cannot help but learn ropes, relieved of their possessions, and taken to a nearby camp. The
about their own. When both sides make the effort to understand each ratlings are quite thorough in securing the PCs and take more than
other, a solid bridge of friendship can be built. adequate steps to prevent their escape.
Of course, it's not always easy. So far we've seen how guests may face
difficulty in our culture. Now it's time to see how well we fare in theirs. FOCUS
For you cannot truly understand the plight of an outsider until you have After a day or so of rough treatment, the characters are brought before the
been one yourself. chieftain to stand trial. The tribe has suffered greatly at the hands of
humans, who consider them little more than vermin. As such, they have
CHALLENGE taken to attacking any humans who approach their camp. While many
In the course of their adventures, the player characters are afflicted with a members of the tribe cry for blood, there are just as many who would
curse or disease. The ailment is not overly debilitating, but it is rather ransom the party to the local daimyo in exchange for a guarantee of
inconvenient enough to interfere with their daily lives, and it resists all being left alone, and several who wish to have nothing to do with humans
attempts at treatment. Furthermore, it threatens to grow worse with time if altogether. Over the course of the trial the chief listens to all sides, as well
nothing is done. as any rebuttals the player characters may have.
A temple in a nearby naga settlement has a fountain inside which may be The player characters must somehow convince the ratlings that they
able to cure the affliction, as all who bathe in its waters are cleansed and deserve to go free. While all of their current equipment is forfeit, they
blessed. However, the temple is protected by ancient wards which prevent may bargain with other goods, promise any concessions they can make,
all non-naga from entering the temple. Not even the most powerful jakla plead, argue, threaten or intimidate the ratlings as they see fit. However,
can break the enchantment, for the magic is as old as the naga race itself. the course of action they choose will have a great influence on how the
tribe perceives and deals with humans in the future. Even if the party goes
STRIKE free, there is no guarantee that there will be no further trouble in the
Legends tell of zokujin and kenku who became part of the community future.
and were admitted into the temple during special ceremonies. If the
player characters moved to the settlement, adopted the local customs, Because players seldom react positively to having their characters
studied the teachings of the Akasha, and embraced the naga way of life, it robbed, tied up, and slaughtered, you may want to mitigate any death
is possible that they could be recognized by the protective spell and sentences that may occur to something less permanent. The party could
allowed entrance. Then, if their intentions are pure, they might find the be left tied up by the side of the road without any equipment or even
cure they seek. beaten into unconsciousness and dumped in a ditch. Either way, the
nezumi will be satisfied with their victory over the humans even if it does
The exact length of time and level of devotion necessary to gain entrance not involve blood.
to the temple are up to the GM. If you want to make things easy, the PCs Likewise, allowing PCs to hide or "lose" important items such as
may be allowed into the temple after living in the area for a week or two heirlooms and treasured possessions in a place where the nezumi will not
and making friends with a few members of the community. If you want to find them will go a long way toward keeping your players happy. Or, if
give your players more of a challenge, you can require them to gain a you want to encourage more rivalry, you could make it possible for them
much deeper understanding of the ways of the naga. Simply going to track the tribe down and attempt to get their gear back.
through the motions of the rituals may not be enough - appreciating the One point to remember is that while nezumi are not part of Rokugan
meaning of each word and action might be necessary. society they do have a basic idea of how it works. They see farmers toil in
Of course, you'll want to give the players some other challenges to the fields, merchants go about their business, samurai march off to war,
face to pass the time. Besides studying naga culture, they'll also have to and nobles idle away their days in courtly pursuits. Any players who think
make themselves useful in the community (which means learning a trade of them as ignorant savages will be in for a rude awakening, for the
and getting a job), learn to get along with their neighbors (who may not nezumi are well versed in the tricks that humans use, both martial and
may not be open to the idea of humans living among them) participate in social.
rituals and festivals (even though they have no connection to the Akasha And if your players somehow manage to convince the nezumi that they
to guide them), and defend the settlement against all dangers. come in peace, wish to be friends, and will aid the nezumi in their
And don't forget that they're supposed to be living as naga while they struggle to escape persecution? Well, then, more power to them. As long
do all this. Performing a kabuki play at a ritual feast may make them as they remember to act in a manner that upholds their promises. After
popular, but they might do even better to learn and recite a traditional all, a rat who has been betrayed is a dangerous creature indeed.
epic poem in nagash. Being welcomed (or even tolerated) as a guest is Can you make up for a bad first impression? Will you even try?
one thing, but being accepted into naga society completely is another
matter entirely.
59. A Helping Paw STRIKE
Last week we dealt with nezumi who were antagonistic. This week we'll There are many samurai (possibly including members of the party) who
meet some who are simply indifferent. Of course, that's not always an would consider it unnecessary to keep a promise to a ratling. Such
improvement. detractors are bound to be quite vocal in their attempts to dissuade the
boy's father from making the nezumi one of their peers. The PCs are free
CHALLENGE to advise the lord as they wish, as long as their decision is one that their
After a long struggle through hostile territory the player characters find honor allows them to live with.
themselves in desperate straits. They might be lost in the wilderness, Even if he does not become a member of the court, Ik'rik'uk can still
trapped behind enemy lines after a battle, or even stuck in the middle of become an ally of the party if they aid him and treat him well. His
the Shadowlands after a scouting mission that went sour. Whatever the knowledge of the wilderness is unmatched, and his skills in combat are
case, they are still a long way from safety, and supplies are running low. quite impressive as well. Although he does not follow bushido, he does his
best to treat all creatures with kindness, and can be depended on to help
FOCUS anyone in need.
After a short time, the party comes upon a small tribe of nezumi who are Or, if you wish, it is also possible for Ik'rik'uk to become an enemy of
also traveling through the area. The nezumi are well equipped, with arms, the party. For while Ik'rik'uk is kind at heart, he also has a strong sense
armor, supplies, and provisions to spare. While not openly hostile, the of justice. While his motives for saving the boy were noble, any creature
nezumi show no signs of hospitality either. They simply greet the party, is bound to be angry upon hearing that they were discriminated against.
ask what they want, and encourage them to be on their way. He and the other members of his tribe are owed a huge debt, and they have
the capability to see to it that the humans pay whether they want to or not.
STRIKE Whichever option you choose, the outcome of the adventure is certain
The nezumi have the capability to help the party if they so choose, but see
to have a significant impact on the relations between humans and nezumi
no real reason to do so. Their own survival is assured, and they have
in the area, either for good or for ill.
nothing to gain by aiding the humans. While it may seem cold and harsh,
And what of the boy? How has the time he spent living with the nezumi
this outlook has served the nezumi well, and unless the PCs can find
affected him and his perception of non-humans?
something the nezumi really, really want they will be turned away and
This scenario is another good example of how to integrate a non-
left to fend for themselves.
human character into an adventuring party. Being awarded a position in
Finding out exactly what the nezumi want can be difficult, so you may the court of a human is a great honor, regardless of the responsibility it
want to drop some hints. If you want to be easy on your players you can entails. The humans have abundant food, finely crafted tools, and shiny
have one of the nezumi make an offer directly. Or you can force the baubles aplenty. To bring such treasures back to one's tribe is worth any
players to ask questions and make offers until they hit on the right one. amount of service.
Likewise, the type of deal that the tribe will accept can vary quite a
bit. If the PCs have suitable items to trade, they can attempt to bargain 61. Who Framed Raoshu Ratling?
for food and water. If there are some other items that the tribe wants the People don't trust nezumi. They think of them as scoundrels and thieves,
PCs can promise to procure them. Or they could lie about the marvelous little more than animals. And while that may be true in some cases, part
qualities of their "magic" baubles in an attempt to dupe the nezumi into of getting to know someone well is finding out that such generalizations
lusting after the contents of their traveling packs. They could teach the nezumi don't always apply.
a new skill, or tell them an exciting story. If the nezumi are being plagued
by enemies the PCs can offer to fight on their behalf. They just have to CHALLENGE
make the effort to negotiate and keep trying until they get a good reaction. A group of monks visits a temple located in or near the area where the
Of course, some PCs might choose to forego bargaining altogether party is centered. The group of pilgrims includes one very unusual
and try some other method of getting what they need. If they engage the member: a nezumi called Raoshu, who claims to be a student of Shinseism.
nezumi in battle they may eventually prevail, but the cost will not be so
small. If they try to steal from the nezumi they will mark themselves as FOCUS
enemies, and face retaliation in kind. After all, the nezumi are much more The leader of the pilgrims explains that Raoshu was found by members of
experienced at stealing than they are. And if they look for supplies his temple when he was just a pup. The monks took the orphaned nezumi
elsewhere they will have to take the risk that there are no other sources of in just as they would have a human child and raised him as a member of
food to be found nearby. the order. While there were some problems at first, Raoshu has become a
If you want to expand this adventure you can have the nezumi devout member of the Brotherhood.
approach the party for further favors or offers to trade in the future. Unfortunately, Raoshu's piety is soon called into question. A number
Having saved the PCs lives it's only natural that the nezumi would seek of thefts are reported in the area shortly after the pilgrims arrive. While
more tokens of gratitude further down the line, possibly even traveling a no formal accusations are made, it doesn't take long before rumors of the
great distance and moving their entire camp to do so. nezumi's guilt begin to spread.
Whether they ask politely or just help themselves, however, is up to you.
60. Of Mice and Men The true culprit is a monk from the local temple. Upset at being forced to
Nezumi can be quite difficult to deal with at times. They raid warehouses, give hospitality to pilgrims who would accept a non-human as one of
steal unattended items, and just generally sneak into any area they're not their own, he has taken it upon himself to see the nezumi cast out. He
supposed to be. They completely lack any concept of honor. believes that Raoshu (whom he calls "that beast") lacks the humanity
But they do have compassion for others. And sometimes that's enough. needed to be a true monk, and will try to sow as much suspicion against
him as possible. Unless something is done, the plan is likely to succeed.
CHALLENGE If your players are reluctant to get involved, there are some ways you can
A powerful lord offers great rewards and a position of status and prestige motivate them. Magistrates are bound by honor to investigate any crime
within his court to anyone who can return his son to him. The young boy that occurs within the area they serve. Especially pious or honorable
was lost in the wilderness during a hunting trip some days ago, and his characters may be approached for help by the leader of the pilgrims, or
father is desperate to see him returned safely. While hopes are slim, there even Raoshu himself if he recognizes the tendency humans have to
is still a chance that the boy is alive, and a number of search parties are distrust outsiders. And if all else fails you can have the thief target and
being organized. steal an item from the PCs. Personal loss and a desire to even the score
are always great motivators.
FOCUS You can, of course, change the culprit to suit your own campaign.
Whether the party volunteers to search the forest or not, they are soon Perhaps another member of Raoshu's group is jealous of the attention
approached by the boy's rescuer. His name is Ik'rik'uk, and he is a nezumi that "the nezumi monk" receives when they travel, and is trying to get
tracker. While he has kept the boy safe and healthy, he is unable to Raoshu disciplined. Or maybe the leader of the pilgrims is trying to teach
approach the lord's estate by himself. He asks the PCs to accompany him, the monks of both temples a lesson in judging people by their hearts and
so that he may enter the human settlement safely and deliver the boy to not their faces. Or maybe Raoshu really is having a relapse, and needs
his father. help in order to avoid disgracing himself and his teachers.
Finally, if you want your players to also harbor some feelings of unease The number of goblins in the caves is up to you, but it should be more
around Raoshu, there are a number of ways you can make him appear than enough to prevent the party from simply going in and slaying them
suspicious without actually having him steal anything. Nezumi have different all in one go. If the PCs do not have access to any means of collapsing
ideas about personal space within the family group - he might approach the tunnels you can spread the goblins out more in order to give them a
others too closely or make body contact more frequently than they may like. fighting chance, but it should still be a major undertaking for them to
Or he could be more tactile than normal individuals, and insist on touching exterminate every last one.
almost everything he sees. And don't forget his tendency to stare at shiny objects. And they'd better get every last one, because goblins breed like
It's tough to be a rat in a world of humans. Nobody likes you when you cockroaches....
live by your own rules, and nobody likes you when you try to live by their
rules either. But I suppose things could always be worse. 63. Grubby Little Hands
You could be a goblin.... We find ourselves beset by more goblins roaming outside the Shadowlands
S OME ALTERNATE TAKES BY PIRATE S PICE this week. Whatever will it take to get them to stay where they belong?
I can see a few ways to tweak this CFS for additional twists:
• Raoshu fully realizes that he will be mistrusted, and so keeps
A string of robberies hits the city where the player characters are staying.
himself hooded and disguised as an old man (cane and all, to
Witnesses tell stories of inhuman figures scurrying across rooftops and
account for his posture). This will likely add to the suspicion when
melting into the night, sparking rumors of ninja and ghosts. The PCs are
he is revealed as a "filthy rat."
either asked to investigate the manner, or approached by someone who
Its quite possible that there have been similar crimes at previous temples wants them to provide security for a warehouse full of valuable goods.
and shrines that these pilgrims have visited, which could mean two things:
• The pilgrims are not pilgrims at all, but ronin thieves who have FOCUS
struck an alliance with Raoshu. They use their cover as monks to When the player characters finally face off against the mysterious thieves
infiltrate temples and rob the place blind, while blame is placed on they find the truth is much less impressive than the rumors that are
Raoshu (who they are quite confident can escape if trouble starts). circulating. The culprits are goblins. A gang of more than twenty goblins,
• Prejudice works both ways. Raoshu is being framed, but not by a in fact. They slip in under cover of darkness, distract (or neutralize) any
monk. The pilgrims are being following by a group of nezumi who guards, and quickly make off with whatever they can carry. Surprisingly
are offended at the idea of one of their own being a follower of agile, the creatures do their best to avoid combat, and attempt to flee if
human religion. They have been trying to raise suspicions around discovered. Incidentally, their preferred escape route is through the
Raoshu in hopes that he will be cast out and they can "rescue" him. sewage ditches and garbage heaps.

Goblins The goblins are acting under the orders of a merchant named Yasuki
Jirokichi, and use the basement of one of his warehouses as a hideout. If
The Countdown to Creatures Book continues this month, with adventure the player characters manage to gain access to the building they will find
scenarios featuring goblins of all sorts. the Shadowlands refugees guarding a trove of purloined treasures and
stolen merchandise. Of course, Jirokichi and his sub-human servants are
62. Down, Down, Down to Goblin Town! certain to react negatively to anyone they find poking around in the area,
and intruders will soon find themselves beset by goblin guards intent on
I myself prefer the weak, pathetic goblins of old, but there's no reason
preventing their escape.
why you couldn't use this week's scenario with the more powerful goblins
that have arisen in recent years. Just don't say I didn't warn you. You can change the type of mayhem the goblins cause to fit whatever
motivation you choose for Jirokichi. Thieves are helpful when your goal
CHALLENGE is to become rich, but if he wants to secure information they can become
The party is asked to restore order in a remote and mountainous area. The spies instead. Or, if he is trying to outshine his rivals (either in the market
local heimin have become superstitious in the aftermath of a severe earthquake, or in court) in the goblins can be used for sabotage. And there's nothing
and rumors of "evil mountain spirits" rising from the ground are spreading like having a mob of goblins at your command when you're trying to kill
rapidly. Farmers are afraid to leave their homes, and fields are going someone.
untended. While the problem is most likely due to the peasants' ignorance, Jirokichi will do whatever he can to avoid being caught, and will most
something must be done to assuage their fears and get them back to work. likely deny any knowledge of the goblins' presence if confronted directly.
After all, they're only goblins. He can always get more. And the player
FOCUS characters can be assured that as they were kind enough to remove the
It is not long before the characters encounter some of the "evil mountain unwanted pests from his property he'll be sure to send them an
spirits" for themselves. A pack of goblins appears out of the wilderness, appropriate gift later on...
raiding the village and stealing whatever they find. The peasants are ill- It's also possible for Jirokichi to have given the goblins some training
prepared to face such a threat, and the goblins have become bold enough and education to improve their value as servants. The creatures might be
to venture directly into the village itself in their search for food, where skilled in combat techniques, stealth, or even the ways of disguise! Of
they will cause a great deal of damage unless stopped. course, the fact that they are goblins limits the use they will get out of
If the party follows the goblins or traces their footprints, they find a such training, but it could still give them an edge against PCs who think
large crevice in the mountains. them no more than unwashed brutes.
If you want to add a further challenge, you can also reveal that
STRIKE certain aspects of the goblins' physiology make them well-suited for their
Simply dealing with the goblins as they come forth from the hole will not role as thieves. Perhaps their rubbery skin and soft bones allow them to
solve the problem, as more goblins emerge to take the place of those squeeze through tight openings. Maybe they can put on sudden bursts of
slain. The recent earthquake opened an underground passage linking the speed when evading pursuit. Or how about something really weird, like
crevice to another cave system. This cave system could be the home of a being able to shoot blood from their eyes when threatened?
giant colony of goblins, or it might even extend all the way to the
Shadowlands! In any case, the caverns are teeming with goblins, and TAMERLAN’S SUGGESTIONS
eliminating them all will take quite some time. It is possible that the One should be sure to have the thieves employ some simple but
underground passage could be collapsed with magic, but one would need dishonorable tricks that samurai would never think off, like using
to venture quite a ways in to find a suitable spot to do so. improvised mizugusuri (or not so improvised ones…maybe Jirokichi is
not a Yasuki, but a Shosuro merchant, or a Shosuro Butei Actor disguised
Depending on the area in which you place the village it may or may not
as a Yasuki). Other funny tactics that come to mind is throwing...impure
be plausible for the caverns to extend all the way to the Shadowlands. If
substances at the brave samurai.
this is the case, you can rule instead that the goblins are part of a colony
If neither the investigation nor the guard request seem viable to
which has lived underground for quite some time. They may even have
introduce the players, they can always be victims of the goblin thieves
adapted to life in the dark. Goblins who strike in the night, use sonar to
and have to get back what is rightfully theirs.
see in total darkness and have natural camouflage in order to blend in
with stone or earth could present a big threat to a group of unwary heroes.
If Yasuki Jirokichi is not Yasuki Jirokichi, the whole point of this S CENARIO 2
operation might also be to discredit the Crab. Maybe the Scorpion wishes If this doesn’t work or doesn’t strike the GM’s fancy, the PC group might
to free some warehouses that are currently held by the Crab (or be captured by the Rotfang tribe (or by someone else and then rescued by
whichever clan the goblin master poses to be of), so that their Yogo them…which could be staged, of course). Or maybe they are even
merchants can move in. Even if they don’t compromise their agent rescued from starvation. This works especially well if the scenario is set
(Jirokichi saying he did not know of the goblins), this would still have the in the Shadowlands.
Crab look like they can’t keep an eye on the warehouses the city’s After being prisoners/guests and treated well by the goblins for a
governor entrusted to them. while, they may develop sympathies for the creatures (Stockholm
Syndrom, anyone?), which would make Uulhan´s plan much more
64. Nature Versus Nurture workable (no matter if the lies or truth option is chosen).
Goblins, goblins, goblins! Is there anything those accursed creatures
Another consideration if the goblin’s plan succeeds. If they didn’t mean
won't foul up?
to leave Fu Leng, maybe they change their opinion after they gain culture
CHALLENGE and knowledge, but not the respect and influence among Fu Leng’s
A lone goblin approaches the party under a flag of truce. Speaking minions they thought would come with it. Of course changing sides would
roughly accented but passable Rokugani, he asks the characters to grant be much more complicated after they cheated the humans once.
On the other hand, if they wanted to escape Fu Leng’s influence, that
him mercy. He tells them that he is a scout from the Rotfang tribe, and
brings an invitation to parley from his leader. does not mean they become all nice and cozy with the Empire (they won’t
get a warm welcome by most after all), so they might well become just
FOCUS another kind of threat to the humans, maybe becoming wandering bandits
The Rotfang tribe consists of about forty or fifty goblins, and its leader is or what not.
a small, wiry goblin called Uulhan. Uulhan explains that he has been
inspired by the way humans resist becoming slaves to Fu Leng, and wants 65. The Head of the Beast
to give the same freedom to his people as well. By giving goblins the gift Ask any Crab and he'll tell you that goblins aren't scary because of their
of civilization, he hopes to overcome the cycle of viciousness that life in strength or skill, but because of their sheer numbers. For those who don't
the Shadowlands breeds and break the dominion that Jigoku holds over scare all that easily, however, something more is necessary.
their simple minds.
He begs the party to help him, swearing that every member of his tribe CHALLENGE
is ready to renounce violence and accept human culture into their hearts. The characters are assigned to protect a small fort or village in a remote,
out-of-the-way location. The garrison is small, but the area is defensible,
STRIKE and morale is high among the sentries who have been stationed there, as it
Uulhan's pretty words are only half true. While the goblins of his tribe do is considered one of the easiest assignments possible.
want to learn the ways of the Empire, they have no intention of leaving
Fu Leng's service. After mastering such concepts as engineering, tactics, FOCUS
medicine, writing, and craftsmanship, they plan to take such knowledge After a few months of peace and quiet, an army of goblins is sighted
back to the Shadowlands and share it with other goblin tribes. This will moving through the area. Although the goblins have numerical
give the goblins an advantage in both their struggle to survive the horrors superiority on their side, their primitive grasp of tactics and lack of
of the Shadowlands and their constant war against the Empire. military skill ensure that they pose little threat. None of the sentries see
the advancing army as cause for alarm, and many of them even look
Player characters will naturally be suspicious of Uulhan. That's to be forward to the break in routine.
expected, of course, seeing as he is a goblin. But Uulhan's a cunning
beast, and an excellent liar. He's more than willing to stage opportunities STRIKE
to prove his sincerity to the party, and will do whatever it takes to learn Only after the battle begins does it become apparent that this is no
the secrets of Rokugani science and technology. He'll play on the PC's ordinary horde of goblins. Their leader is Samang, an extraordinarily
sympathies, pretend to be more or less intelligent than he really is, and large and intelligent goblin warrior. Not only is he skilled in combat
even ingratiate himself to those in power as if he were a pet if that is techniques, but he has also managed to master tactics and strategy as
what's required to achieve his goals. well. The goblins under his command do not fling themselves into battle
And if things take a turn for the worse, he's also an incredibly fast runner. mindlessly, but undertake preparations for a siege. Unless the PCs do
Another twist you could put on the scenario is to make Uulhan's something heroic, Samang's massive army is almost certain to crush them.
intentions completely true. He really does want to lift his tribe out of the
muck and bring them some measure of culture. But the bestial nature of Depending on how powerful your party is, you may want to give Samang
goblins and the prejudice against them make this an almost impossible extra abilities in order to increase the threat he poses. He could have
task. Things could be even further complicated if he approaches the party higher than average stats and skill ranks, Shadowlands Powers, or even
while they are in the Shadowlands. Would they vouch for a group of have ranks in a school. While the Ogre Bushi or Tsuno Ravager schools
monsters seeking asylum? would be thematically appropriate you could really use any combination
And what ramifications will Uulhan's plan have if he is successful? of techniques you like.
Whether his words are lies or truth, his tribe stands to gain a great deal While Samang's army of goblins has force of numbers on its side,
of power if they are able to overcome their shortcomings. How will the don't forget that it is still inferior to a comparatively-sized army of
Empire react to the revelation that goblins are not simply filthy animals samurai. Their weapons are in disrepair, they have little to call on in way
and have the potential to achieve much, much more. of a supply train, and the warriors themselves are untrained. Samang
You can take a goblin out of the Shadowlands, but you can't take the lacks cavalry forces, has little magical support, and will likely be unable
Shadowlands out of a goblin. to call upon reinforcements. These are all weaknesses that the party can
capitalize on if they find themselves in serious danger.
TAMERLAN OFFERS MORE SUGGESTIONS Alternately, you could pull out all the stops and give Samang as much
Now one problem that may arise in this scenario, is that the PCs might of an advantage as you want, emphasizing the fact that he is as a true
not be willing to talk to filthy animals in the first place, ending the Champion among goblin-kind.
scenario in a hack and slay session, before the scenario even begins. I can It's also possible to move the adventure to a different location if you so
imagine two possibilities to handle this problem, off the top of my head. desire. Having Samang attack a smaller outpost means that the party will
have limited access to resources and manpower, making a fight against a
massive army daunting, if not impossible. Stationing them in a larger city
If the PCs slay the goblin scout outright, the GM could just keep sending will solve this problem, and may even tip the balance in their favor, so
single scouts to the party, to be slain, until the players accept a parley. Of you may want to increase the size of Samang's army in order to compensate.
cause, knowing nothing about goblins, I don’t know, if it would be in And even if the PCs manage to defeat Samang their troubles aren't
character to act this way (maybe even having the scouts refuse to defend completely over. For while cutting off the head may be enough to defeat a
themselves and being cut down with the resolve of a Shiba Toriiko). Then human army, with goblins it only means that they will be without
again the goblins might choose to get rid of any traitors, outcasts or guidance as they flail around.
prisoners they have, manipulating their behavior by use of magic or drugs.

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