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Legacy of the Dark One

A One-
One-Round Low Rank Living Rokugan Adventure

by Keith J. Weepie & Robert Hobart

A Phoenix Inquisitor, Isawa Nobuyoshi, has accused a simple historian named Asako Keiko of the
crime of Maho. Moreover, he claims the Asako Family is holding a dark secret that threatens all of
the Emerald Empire. Is he wrong? You have three days to prove Keiko innocent.

LEGEND OF THE FIVE RINGS and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. Scenario detail copyright 2000 by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This
scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the
RPGA Network.
This is a RPGA Network adventure game. A four-hour
time block has been allocated for playing the game (or In addition to the text of the adventure below, you will
this round of the game), but the actual playing time will need to be familiar with the Legend of the Five Rings
be about three hours. rulebook.
It is a good idea to ask each player to put a name tag
in front of him or her. The tag should have the player's
name at the bottom, and the character's name, race, and
gender at the top. This makes it easier for the players to
GM's Information:
keep track of who is playing which character. THIS ADVENTURE SHOULD NOT BE RUN COLD!
Scoring the game for RPGA points: The RPGA This adventure is a Low-Rank adventure. This
has three ways to score this game. Consult your means that only Rank 1 or 2 characters should be
convention coordinator to determine which method to allowed to play. This adventure was not written with
use: Rank 3 to 5 characters in mind and cannot anticipate
1. No-vote scoring: The players write their names and what these characters may bring to the table.
numbers on the scoring packet grid, you fill in the (Low Rank indicates characters of Rank 1 or 2,
top of the grid. That is all. No one is rated. This Mid Rank indicates characters of Rank 2 or 3, and High
method is used for people who are just playing for Rank indicates characters of Rank 3 to 5. There will
fun. also be Low-Mid Rank adventures.)
2. Partial scoring: The players rate the game master The world of Rokugan is a cross between feudal
and the scenario on their player voting sheet, and Japan and China. It is set in an age of honorable
provide personal information, but don’t vote for samurai, serving their Lords (Daimyos) and Empire.
other players. The game master rates the scenario Remember that family names come before personal
and completes personal and event information, but names. Akodo Toturi is from the Akodo family and his
does not rate the players as a team or vote for personal name is Toturi.
players. This method is used when there is no A note on female designations: If a samurai has the
competition, but the convention coordinator wants designation of –ko, then the samurai is a female. For
information as to how the game masters are example, if you see Samurai-ko, then this denotes a
performing, or the game master wants feedback on female samurai.
his or her own performance. A note on commerce in Rokugan: Samurai are not
3. Voting: Players and game masters complete the supposed to care about worldly possessions, especially
entire packet, including voting for best player. If this money. A samurai pays a commoner as if the money is
method is used, be sure to allow about 15-20 minutes meaningless, a concession to the commoner’s silly
for the players to briefly describe their characters to needs. Between samurai, the exchange of money and
the other players, and about 5-10 minutes for voting. merchandise is an exchange of “gifts.”
This method is used when the players want to know
who played the best amongst them, or when the
adventure is run in tournament format with winners Background
and prizes. Multi-round adventures usually required
advancing a smaller number of players than played One of the duties of the Phoenix Clan’s obscure Asako
the first round, so voting is required for multi-round family is to hold certain secrets for which the rest of the
adventures. Empire – even the rest of their own clan – are not
When using Voting, rank the players in order of prepared. One such keeper of secrets is a gentle young
your voting choice while they are completing their maiden named Asako Keiko: she knows the secret of
forms, so that you are not influenced by their comments the legendary Maho spell that gave immortality to the
on your abilities. Bloodspeaker Iuchiban. She holds this spell within her
mind, as her mother and grandmother did before her,
The players are free to use the game rules to learn about keeping it hidden but preserving the knowledge in case
equipment and weapons their characters are carrying. it is ever needed. It is a heavy burden, but Keiko has
Some of the text in this scenario is written so that you never broken under it; on the contrary, she seeks to ease
may present it as written to the players, while other text is her mind by making sure she brings joy into the lives of
for your eyes only. Text for the players will be in bold all those around her.
italics. It is strongly recommended that you paraphrase As a child, Asako Keiko was a light, carefree soul
the player text, instead of reading it aloud, as some of the who played with the local peasant children as readily as
text is general and must be adapted to the specific with those of her own caste. Even her maidservant, Jun,
situation or to actions of the player characters. was more of a playmate than an underling. After Keiko

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began her training in the Asako school, however, she with promises of vengeance and power. She, in turn,
was forced to distance herself from those not of her helped him recruit a local cult of the Bloodspeaker. As
caste, although doing so hurt her deeply. Jun for her yet, however, she has not been able to learn Keiko’s
part was left bitter by her childhood friend’s secret. Gidayu remains patient, confident in the Dark
“abandonment.” That bitterness would fester for years, Oracle’s promise. Outside events, however, are about to
until it bore bitter fruit... disrupt his careful plans.
Ten years ago, Isawa Gidayu was a promising Isawa Nobuyoshi has been investigating a rumor of
young student of the Element of Fire. He proved, a Maho cult forming in the region of Shiro no
however, to be more ambitious than was good for him, Bujisokusai. Nobuyoshi is convinced that Asako Keiko
and began expanding his studies to include all the other is the mastermind behind the local cult, but as yet he has
elements, delving into forgotten corners of the Isawa only circumstantial evidence; he plans to confront
libraries. There he stumbled across a hidden Keiko directly, and to that end has notified the regional
compartment containing a small cache of Maho Scrolls. Governor, Isawa Akira, of his investigation. The
Once, Gidayu would have reported such a find to his Governor is planning to attend the Festival of Jurojin at
superiors, but now his ambition had the better of him, Shiro no Bujisokusai in just a few days, so he ordered
and he hid them away for later study. By this time, it Nobuyoshi to present his evidence on the opening night
was clear that Gidayu was no longer following the path of the festival. This would allow Nobuyoshi to prepare
of a Fire Tensai, and his teachers ordered him to make a the case and notify all the involved parties before the
final decision on which branch of the Isawa School he Governor arrived. It would also let him resolve the case
would take. Fearing that the sensei suspected something in plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the festival.
about his new Maho research, Gidayu fled his home in As the scenario begins, Isawa Nobuyoshi has
the dark of night, taking his scrolls and dreams with arrived at Shiro no Bujisokusai. He can feel the sickness
him. seething beneath the calm peaceful face of this
By a cosmic irony, Gidayu’s brother Isawa community, and looks forward to exposing this Asako
Nobuyoshi was a member of the Inquisitors, the branch Keiko as the purveyor of corruption that she is. Perhaps
of the Phoenix Clan that hunts the practitioners of this will finally give him the chance to expose the dark
Maho. Nobuyushi was in Dragon lands when Gidayu secrets of the Asako family...
vanished, and returned determined to learn why his
brother had suddenly abandoned his school and Clan.
He found a set of notes that Gidayu had left behind in
his haste to leave. They indicated that Gidayu had found
PC Introduction
a cache of ancient Asako documents, apparently Maho- Lady Sun shines down on a beautiful spring day in the
related, in the Isawa library. Nobuyoshi was horrified to Phoenix lands. Your travels have brought you to Shiro
discover (as he believed) that the secrets the Asako no Bujisokusai, a minor Phoenix castle, for the famed
guarded so tightly were dealings with the darkest Festival of Jurojin, Fortune of Health and Longevity.
powers in Rokugan. Convinced that the Asako’s You have arrived just in time for the opening
corruption had stolen his brother’s soul, Nobuyushi ceremony.
vowed not to rest until all the secrets of the Asako were
exposed and cleansed from the Phoenix Clan. Have the players describe their characters, who are just
Years later, Gidayu’s quest for ever more a few of the large gathering crowd, and give them a
knowledge and power caused him to invoke the Dark chance to role-play and introduce themselves. Then
Oracle of Air, seeking the secrets of Iuchiban. The proceed with the scene.
Oracle stated that Asako Keiko held the key to
Iuchiban’s power, but that “for you to succeed, you A group of monks have gathered in a small clearing
must follow the path of purity.” Bewildered by this outside the castle, lining up behind a bonsai tree and a
condition, Gidayu set out in search of Asako Keiko. large brass bell, blazing with reflected sunlight. The
He finally found her last summer, at a minor local daimyo, Asako Hiroshige, stands nearby,
Phoenix castle called Shiro no Bujisokusai. Here, surrounded by the members of his small court. Each
plotting for the way to ensnare her, he stumbled across a monk invokes an aspect of Jurojin, then rings a single
commoner maidservant named Jun. Gidayu felt the peal from the bell. But upon the invocation of the
world slow and the words, “follow the path of purity” Community’s Health, the bell makes a sour tone. The
echo through his mind, for the name Jun also meant monks look confused, and the crowd murmurs and
“purity.” shifts in puzzlement and concern. A moment later, a
Gidayu could easily sense the jealousy and envy in figure in Phoenix red-and-orange steps up to the lead
Jun’s heart, and quickly lured her onto the path of Maho monk.

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not volunteer their services, the scenario is effectively
Any PC who makes a Perception+Heraldry roll at TN over. Ronin PCs should be reminded that this might be
10 will recognize the Phoenix as an Isawa shugenja. If an ideal chance to prove themselves and gain a new
the roll makes TN 20 or better, they will realize he is lord. If some of the PCs volunteer while others do not,
also an Inquisitor, one of the Phoenix order dedicated to proceed with the scenario – the holdouts can volunteer
hunting down the workers of Maho. later, if they wish. Once all the PCs have decided
whether or not to volunteer, proceed with the scene.
The crowd is filled with whispered rumors, but then
falls silent under the stranger’s grim stare. He turns to As Asako Keiko acknowledges each of you as her
the daimyo, Asako Hiroshige, and announces: “I, champions, you realize that your name is now linked
Isawa Nobuyoshi, stand before you to deliver an with hers. Success will mean much glory, but failure
indictment. Asako Hiroshige-sama, daimyo of Shiro will link your names forever with a known Maho
no Bujisokusai, do you have a Historian in your User.
service by the name of Asako Keiko?” Hiroshige looks With a wave of his hand, Asako Hiroshige
aside and nods, and at the gesture a sleight young dismisses the gathered crowd. You are all led into the
woman walks forward and bows politely. audience hall of Shiro no Bujisokusai.
Nobuyoshi smiles grimly. “Asako Keiko, you
hereby stand accused of practicing Maho and inciting
the peasantry against the Empire. These crimes are
detailed within this scroll, which bears the seal of the
Scene I: Interview
Interview with Asako
Regional Governor, Isawa Akira.” Keiko
He presents the scroll to Hiroshige, who regards it The audience hall is well lit, and seems perversely
stone-faced. Finally, the daimyo replies in stern tones, bright and cheery for such a grave occasion. Asako
“I refute these charges on behalf of my loyal servant, Keiko seats herself at the foot of her daimyo. Despite
Asako Keiko. If you wish to continue with this her physical frailty she holds an aura of quiet serenity
ridiculous claim, you must prove it in a trial, prove it and confidence. Isawa Nobuyoshi stands before her,
to both the Governor and myself! Until then you will tense and confident. As Keiko’s champions, you are
not lay one finger on this precious flower.” asked to stand at her side, flanking Nobuyoshi.
Nobuyoshi bows deeply. “Of course, Hiroshige- Hiroshige speaks with careful control. “You will
sama. The Governor will be here in three days, and I be allowed to question Keiko-san until the midday
will present my full case then. Until that time, I must meal. I will not allow you to disturb her more than
ask that Asako Keiko be confined in your castle.” that. You can continue the investigation elsewhere, as
Hiroshige nods curtly. you see fit, until the Governor arrives three days
Asako Keiko looks to her lord and, at his nod, she hence.” He nods for you to begin.
bows again and begins to speak in a small fragile
voice. “Noble Isawa, I assure you I am innocent. Note that, under Rokugani law, only confession,
However, knowing the Inquisitors, you would not be personal testimony, and direct physical evidence are
here without strong evidence. Therefore, I cannot help legally binding. Knowing someone is lying (by making
but think that there are outside forces at work against contested Perception vs Awareness rolls, or using skills
my family and myself. I wish to seek out those truly
such as Ichi Miru) is useful only insofar as it tells one
responsible for this, but since I will be confined to the
where to investigate next.
castle...” She looks around the crowd, but few are
Nobuyoshi immediately begins to question Keiko.
willing to meet her eyes. “I humbly request champions
His questions are direct and ruthless, although he knows
to seek the truth on my behalf.”
she is unlikely to confess. The PCs are free to step in
Nobuyoshi seems at a loss for a moment, caught
with their own questions at any time, but remember that
off-guard by Keiko’s gentle defiance. He looks at
this is an interview with Asako Keiko, not with Isawa
Hiroshige, and reads the daimyo’s expression. “Very
Nobuyoshi or Asako Hiroshige. Questions should be
well,” he growls. “But in return, I insist that these
directed to her alone. The PCs cannot ask Nobuyoshi
champions be strangers to you, so that they do not let
for the meaning or motivation behind his questions (he
feelings or loyalties obscure their judgement.”
will brush off such inquiries with the remark, “I am not
There is a long silence as Asako Keiko looks
the one who has been accused”).
around the crowd with a hopeful expression.
Also, interrupting is rude. The GM should leave a
brief pause between each of Nobuyoshi’s questions to
Obviously, the only available champions who are not
allow the PCs the chance to ask their own. Nobuyoshi’s
already acquainted with Keiko are the PCs. If they do

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questions are listed below, in order, along with Keiko’s Truth Meter: True.
answers and any psychological information the PCs may Composure: Calm and innocent.
be able to glean from her and the Inquisitor. Keiko’s
answers to PC questions can be derived from this and Isawa Nobuyoshi
from the general information listed below. Q: “From whom did you learn Maho?”
• Any PC can roll Awareness (+Ichi Miru, if
Asako Keiko:
available) to try to “read” Keiko and Nobuyoshi’s
personalities. The TN is 30 (20 with Ichi Miru). A: “Nobuyoshi-sama, I repeat that I am not a Maho
Keiko is a calm, innocent, dutiful, and loyal user.”
woman, but there is a hint that something darker is Truth Meter: True, but a hint of holding something
hidden beneath the surface. Nobuyoshi is a back.
confident, perhaps overly confident man, certain of Composure: Calm and innocent.
his own competence as an Inquisitor. He is truthful
and honorable, but in this case there is something Isawa Nobuyoshi
driving him on which he is hiding behind his “on” Q: “Why do you resist? Your plans have been
(face). exposed. The truth will be known.”
• Asako Keiko’s secret is Iuchiban’s Maho spell of Note: With a contested Perception vs Awareness
immortality. She has never used it and never will. roll, the PCs may realize that Nobuyoshi is also
Any attempts to detect her lying about this secret is referring to some larger “Truth.”
made at a +20 TN penalty, due to her long practice
at holding this secret. Her mother taught her the Asako Keiko
secret at her gempukku ceremony, explaining that it
A: “I am cooperating, Nobuyoshi-sama. I truly hope
had been passed down unused through her family
that the truth will be known. And that those
for many generations. Keiko believes she would die
responsible will be exposed.”
before she would reveal the secret.
Truth Meter: Mostly true
• Asako Keiko knows most of the peasants and Composure: Calm and innocent.
commoners in Shiro no Bujisokusai and the Again, with a contested Perception vs Awareness
surrounding village, but she has never seen roll, the PCs realize Keiko also means that the “Truth”
anything that could be construed as Maho. She about this trial will be known.
truly cares about heimin and samurai alike, and
tries to bring a little brightness and enlightenment
Isawa Nobuyoshi
to all those around her everyday.
• Isawa Nobuyoshi’s hidden motive here is to try to Q: “What Maho spells have you learned?”
prove that the Asako family are hiding Maho
practices from the rest of the Clan. This matters to Asako Keiko
him as much, or more, than Keiko’s own supposed A: “As I have said earlier, Nobuyoshi-sama, I am not
guilt. a practitioner of Maho.”
Truth Meter: True. However, with a
The Ques
Questions Perception+Investigation roll (TN 20) the PCs realize
that Keiko did not actually answer the question.
Isawa Nobuyoshi Composure: Calm and innocent.

Q: “I have personal testimony and evidence showing If the PCs made the roll to realize Keiko dodged the
that you are the leader of a local Maho cult of about a question, they may roll contested Perception vs
dozen peasants. Who are these peasants?” Awareness against Nobuyoshi to realize that he notices
Composure: Nobuyoshi appears focussed, Keiko did not answer the question, although he does not
energetic, and self-controlled at all times, except as pursue it.
noted below.
Isawa Nobuyoshi
Asako Keiko
Q: “What are your plans for the peasants?”
A: “Noble samurai, I am not a Maho user and I do
not know any cultists. Therefore, I cannot name

Legacy of the Dark One Page 5

Asako Keiko
A: “To help them along the path of the Celestial Order Isawa Nobuyoshi
when I can. Treat them with kindness and make sure Q: “What is your secret Asako Keiko? Is this a family
they are well cared for.” secret? How many generations has it been passed
Truth Meter: True down for? Tell me now!”
Composure: Innocent and wistful. Composure: Completely focussed. He believes this
is the heart of the matter.
Note: Nobuyoshi actually stops for a moment, startled
by Keiko’s apparent sincerity, then continues on. Nobuyoshi’s last question leaves Asako Keiko
quivering like a leaf in a breeze, shaken by some
Isawa Nobuyoshi intense emotion, though whether it is anger or fright
Q: “What other Maho cells do you know of? What are is impossible to tell. Asako Hiroshige stands and
glares at Nobuyoshi, ready to intervene, when a
your contacts?”
servant steps through the door. “The midday meal is
ready, noble samurai,” he murmurs. The tension
Asako Keiko leaves the room as Hiroshige and Keiko depart for
A: “Since I am not a Maho user, I certainly cannot some private dining area. Nobuyoshi and the (number
know of any Maho cells.” of PCs) of you are lead to another room where a meal
Truth Meter: True awaits.
Composure: Calm and innocent

Isawa Nobuyoshi Scene II: Lunch with Nobuyoshi

Q: “How did you learn your Maho spells?”
Isawa Nobuyoshi will speak politely with the PCs
Composure: More intense. There is a sense of
(unless any of them are Asako, in which case he treats
Nobuyoshi circling in on a target.
those individuals with hostile reserve) during the meal.
He will willingly discuss the following topics:
Isawa Keiko
A: “As I said before, I am not a Maho user, so I have His travels in the Dragon lands.
not ever used any form of Maho and I never will.”
Truth Meter: +20 to the TN. She is telling the truth, • Nobuyoshi has spent much of the last few years in
but leaving something unsaid. Dragon territories, where he often cooperates with
Composure: Slightly tense, unmoving. the Kitsuki family.
Again, with a Perception+Investigation roll (TN • His most dangerous and successful case involved a
20) the PCs notice that Keiko did not say that she never cell of Bloodspeaker peasants who were
learned Maho, just that she never used it. If the PC summoning Oni to attack Shiro no Mirumoto, the
makes TN 30 or better, they realize that she seat of the Mirumoto family.
purposefully avoided mentioning that she never learned • Nobuyoshi saved several Dragon samurai with a
Maho. well-timed Tomb of Jade, imprisoning an enraged
Oni before it could slaughter them all.
Isawa Nobuyoshi • It took weeks to purify the area and hunt down all
of the minor Oni spawn. An entire village had to be
Q: “Did you learn them from documents, perhaps? burned to the ground.
Old scrolls, family records?” • The Kitsuki family honored Nobuyoshi’s efforts by
Composure: More intense yet, focused. teaching him their secret skill: Ichi Miru.
Asako Keiko His family
A: “I do not know of any such documents.” Pause, • Nobuyoshi is the eldest son of Isawa Kansuke, an
thin smile. “Perhaps the Isawa libraries would know enlightened Water Tensai.
of such things.”
• His sister Kimoe is an Air Tensai. It is said that she
Truth Meter: true.
is one of the Chosen of the Oracle of Air.
Composure: tense and focused, but rallying.
• He will not mention his brother. If any PCs ask
whether he has any brothers, he will reluctantly
Nobuyoshi smiles and nods slightly, as though
conceding a point... and then pounces like a cat.

Legacy of the Dark One Page 6

confess that he does have one brother, Isawa Intelligence+Shadowlands Lore at TN 25. They will
Gidayu, whom he has not seen in many years. also know that only magical healing can restore
• If the PCs ask about his brother’s profession, Nobuyoshi’s damaged lung tissues. The wounded
Nobuyoshi says only “he is following the way.” shugenja is taken to the castle’s infirmary to rest, and he
Anyone rolling Simple Awareness at TN 15 can tell will be given magical healing there if the PCs did not
that Nobuyoshi is hiding some of his feelings about already provide it. In either case, he will be out of
Gidayu. action until the next day.

The Case against Asako Keiko The following clues are available:
• Nobuyoshi believes Keiko is guilty, and says it is • Searching the garden can locate (with a
only a matter of time before she cracks and admits (Perception+Investigation roll, TN 15) some
her guilt. spatterings of blood behind some bushes.
• Nobuyoshi believes he will be able to uncover the • Once the blood is found, a Perception+Hunting roll
rest of the cult easily and force them to testify can track the footprints of a small person (probably
against their mistress. a woman, or perhaps a child) running into the
• If there are no Asako PCs, Nobuyoshi will hint that castle.
Keiko is only the symptom of a deeper problem • If the PCs make a Perception+Investigation roll at
within the Asako family. “The Asako should not TN 20 while following the trail, they notice the
keep secrets from their own clan,” he grumbles. He dead cat lying in the garbage cart behind the
will not elaborate, merely shrugging his shoulders kitchen. The trail passes close by the cart before
and saying, “That is why I am here.” entering the castle.
• He suggests that the next person to be questioned • Keiko is in her quarters, reading the Tao of Shinsei.
should be Asako Keiko’s personal maidservant. As Jun is with her. If the PCs ask their whereabouts,
the meal ends he questions the servants, and learns Keiko says she was returning to her room after the
that the maid’s name is Jun and that she lives across meal when Nobuyoshi was attacked. Jun was
the castle from here, near the garden. waiting for her here, and seemed a bit out of breath.
• Jun says she helped the cook carry in some baskets
of vegetables before returning to her mistress’
Scene III: The Shadow of Maho room. She is lying, but the PCs will have to ask
whether she is being truthful and win a contested
After lunch is done, Nobuyoshi will lead the players to Perception vs Awareness roll to see that she is
Jun’s quarters. hiding something.
• The cook can confirm, truthfully, that Jun helped
As you cross the garden toward the servants’ quarters, him. (She cast the spell afterward.)
Nobuyoshi suddenly grunts as though struck in the • The castle guards report that they saw no strangers
belly. He falls to the ground wheezing, blood trickling enter or leave the castle. Besides the PCs and
from his mouth and nose. Black rings can be seen Nobuyoshi, the only one to visit today was a local
around his eyes. merchant, Kanjiro, who left around midday (just
before the attack, actually). Kanjiro is a well-
Jun has just used the Maho spell “No Pure Breaths” to known local figure who visits the castle regularly to
attack the Inquisitor, sacrificing a cat for the blood sell his goods. Refer to “Investigations” for more
needed to cast the spell. She hid at the edge of the information on him.
garden to cast the spell and then fled to her mistress’
chamber, tossing the dead cat in the garbage cart behind
the kitchen.
Nobuyoshi is now at the “Down” Wound Rank. He Scene IV: Investigation
weakly beckons the PCs and tries to tell them what has The PCs have the rest of today and all the next day to
happened. “Maho...” he rasps, blood trickling past his investigate and prepare for the trial of Asako Keiko,
lips. “I have...seen this spell before. Corrupts the air which will begin as soon as the Governor, Isawa Akira,
within the body. I knew I was right about her...” He arrives on the third day. They do not have to visit every
trails off into unconsciousness as servants rush forward, location or question every NPC in order to solve the
asking what has happened. scenario; the GM should adjust play according to how
Any PC can recognize the spell with an much the PCs have learned and how much time is left in
Intelligence+Maho Lore roll at TN 20, or the round.

Legacy of the Dark One Page 7

functions of the castle, especially at festival time. She is
Note on confronting cultists more than a little irritated that all her preparations for
If any of the heimin cultists are directly confronted and the Festival have been wrecked by Isawa Nobuyoshi.
accused, they will initially deny all charges. However, She is sure Nobuyoshi’s accusations are false, since
the PCs can quickly break them down with threats or there is no way that Asako Keiko could even
repeated accusations (especially if they have skills like contemplate Maho, let alone be a practitioner.
Intimidation or Obeiseseru, or Advantages like Large). Given the chance, Kyumei will list her complaints
Once broken, the cultists will either try to run (if escape at great length: the festival schedule has been
seems possible) or confess and beg for leniency, hoping completely disrupted, its harmony has been wrecked,
to save their pitiful lives by testifying against their and the ceremony where the daimyo was to
fellows. All of the cultists have the following acknowledge his samurai’s accomplishments for the
information: year has been postponed indefinitely. Not to mention
that housing arrangements have been disrupted for
• Jun is their leader.
arriving guests arriving from all over the Empire, and
• Jun knows who “the Master” is, and where his base
Hiroshige’s reputation in the courts of Rokugan will
is located.
suffer untold harm...and so forth, and so on.
• Jun and “the Master” are the only ones that can cast
If the PCs ask her about Asako Keiko, Kyumei is
Maho spells.
quite emphatic in her belief in the young historian’s
• Jun and the Master have been plotting something innocence. She regards Keiko as one of the most polite,
against Asako Keiko. They want to steal something well-mannered young noblewomen she has ever met.
dear to her, although no one knows exactly what Keiko has a kind word for everyone she meets and is as
this might be. Keiko is not aware of the cult. well read and enlightened as the monks in the local
• Jun has been stealing personal items from Keiko shrine. Such a person could not possibly practice Maho.
and giving them to the mysterious “Master.” Besides, there have been no sightings of Oni or other
horrors in the region.
Shiro no Bujisokusai If the PCs ask about Jun, Kyumei knows only that
Shiro no Bujisokusai is a small castle, only three stories she is a helpful, obedient servant who seems to
above ground and one below. The ground floor includes genuinely like her mistress.
a walled courtyard (where the castle bushi practice in 
the morning) and a large central garden, the pride of the Asako
Asako Keiko’s Private Room
castle. Besides the guest rooms where Nobuyoshi and Keiko will be in her quarters most of the time, but
the PCs will be housed, the castle also contains quarters leaves for meals and for occasional walks in the garden.
for the daimyo Hiroshige, his karo Shiba Kyumei, If the PCs visit while she is present, Jun will answer the
Keiko, and the local Phoenix Clan magistrate Asako door for her mistress and politely bows the PCs into the
Masanori. Other facilities include a dojo, infirmary, room, then fetches tea. If they visit while Keiko is
kitchen, guard barracks, and servants’ quarters. The PCs absent, Jun will be gone as well. Jun will be visibly
are free to go anywhere in the castle except Hiroshige’s anxious any time the PCs visit Keiko (she excuses this
quarters, which are guarded at all times by the two best as concern for her mistress, but a Contested Perception
bushi in the castle (rank 3 Shiba school). vs Awareness roll reveals that she is hiding something
If the PCs are actually bold (foolish) enough to break
into Hiroshige’s chambers, they will lose 3 points of Asako Keiko’s room is large and spacious, yet bare
Honor (1 point for Ronin and Scorpions) and will not and simple, like a monk’s cell. There is a simple
discover anything of interest, merely mundane records shrine to Jurojin in one corner, with a stand that
of his small castle and territory. It is extremely likely holds an open scroll. Tatami mats are arranged for
that they will be caught in such an act, in which case guests to sit, with a small brazier nearby that can heat
they lose one full Rank of Glory and are expelled from tea. Another corner has a wardrobe cabinet with
Hiroshige’s lands. They also get the Bad Reputation drawers. There is a small chest and a rolled-up futon
disadvantage (for no points) for such a grotesque act. against the far wall.

The Karo (Castle

(Castle Chamberlain), Shiba The wardrobe contains clothing for all occasions, all of
Kyumei fine quality. Buried under the silken garments is a small
Shiba Kyumei is a solid, pragmatic samurai-ko in her stuffed bear that has seen better days. The scroll is a
mid-thirties. Her duty is to choreograph the day-to-day well-read copy of the Tao of Shinsei.

Legacy of the Dark One Page 8

The chest is unlocked and contains several blank Castle Magistrate, Asako Masanori
scrolls (some blank, some filled with writing), a writing
Asako Masanori is a calm, attentive, traditional man in
kit, a portable writing table, and 5 koku. The written
his late twenties. He likes Asako Keiko a great deal, is
scrolls are detailed (and quite boring) histories of
shocked by the charges against her, and will gladly aid
various families in the Phoenix Clan. This would be of
the PCs in any way he can.
great value to a Scorpion blackmailer, but of little use to
anyone else. Stealing such private items is a
Masanori knows the following:
dishonorable act, costing 4 points of Honor (half for
• Asako Keiko is a trained historian, and is said to
Scorpions and Ronin).
have done quite well in her family school. Since
coming to Shiro no Bujisokusai, she has served
If the PCs question Asako Keiko:
Hiroshige-sama with honor, duty, and skill. In fact,
• She will readily share anything in her background
she has often volunteered her services to help
except the various secrets she must protect
Masanori research some of his legal cases.
(Iuchiban’s spell, the true nature of the Asako
• If the PCs ask about Jun, Masanori says Keiko
family, and so forth). She has no idea why
brought the maidservant with her when she came to
Nobuyoshi has accused her.
Shiro no Bujisokusai. Jun seems to be a dutiful and
• If the PCs ask her about Jun, she explains that Jun
good-natured maidservant. Keiko sometimes seems
has been her maidservant since they were both very
to be a little too close to Jun as is proper, but then
little; they grew up together in her father’s house.
again, Keiko treats everyone with kindness and
Keiko says that Jun has been a good and obedient
friendship, no matter what her station. “She is like a
maidservant, and Keiko trusts her implicitly.
child that wonders at everything,” Masanori
Anyone making a Simple Awareness roll at TN 15
observes. “Perhaps that is what makes her a good
can tell that Keiko thinks of Jun more as a sister
than as a servant, a rather improper attitude for one
• Masanori knows nothing about Maho – there have
of the samurai caste.
never been any incidences of it in this region. There
• If the PCs ask whether Jun has any friends or
have been no killings or disappearances in the
acquaintances, Keiko will send the maidservant out
village or the surrounding area for many years, and
for more tea, and then confess softly that Jun has
the last time anybody vanished it was a young
been spending much more time in town lately.
peasant couple running away together against their
Keiko thinks the local merchant is courting her. She
parent’s wishes. Nor have there been any bandits
is saddened that she might loose her maidservant,
active in the area, or animals dying without cause,
but happy that Jun may have found someone to care
or anything else untoward. Certainly there have
for her.
been no reports of ghosts, evil spirits, or
• If the PCs ask about missing personal items, Keiko Shadowlands monsters.
will admit that she has misplaced a few minor
• If the PCs ask about the village, Masanori says it is
things in the last few months: an old kimono, a
usually a quiet place, seldom troubled by anything
writing quill, a scarf, and a hairbrush. She does not
more than the occasional family quarrel. The
think the items were stolen – she is incapable of
headman usually takes care of any problems
suspecting such a thing.
without involving his betters. So far as he knows
there have been no signs of Maho cult activity, or
If the PCs question Jun in Keiko’s presence:
of peasants being incited against their betters. The
Jun refers to Keiko in the most worshipful terms, calling
headman or the local merchant, Kanjiro, could tell
her “Asako Keiko-sama,” saying she has been a very
the PCs more, however.
kind mistress who teaches her the Tao of Shinsei and
treats her almost like family. Keiko-sama could never
practice Maho or do anything else to embarrass or The Kitchen
dishonor her daimyo or herself. All of which, so far as it A large stone hearth dominates the center of the castle
goes, is true. Jun will never break down or let anything kitchens. Tables surround it, covered with the tools
slip while in Keiko’s presence, and Keiko will shield and ingredients of cooking. A stocky heimin man,
her maidservant from any questions she thinks improper perhaps fifty years old, is standing at one of the tables
or cruel. busily chopping up a pile of vegetables, while a boy
sits by the hearth stirring a bubbling pot. As you enter,
the man looks over; his eyes widen and he drops to his
knees, bowing deeply. “Welcome honorable samurai!

Legacy of the Dark One Page 9

I am called Bokkai. How may I be of assistance to • Ryoko is one of the women at the local geisha
you?” house. Gekko is genuinely frightened of her, and
says he fears for his life and spirit when he is
Bokkai has served as the castle’s cook for his entire around her. He cannot give any reason why, except
adult life. He is actually only 40, but like most to say, “She says things to me. Things that aren’t
commoners he looks older than his age. The boy, aged right.”
eleven, is his apprentice Gekko; Bokkai, who has never
married, treats the boy as the son he never had. Both of Servants’ Quarters, General
them will be completely cooperative.
The servant’s quarters are a series of small rooms, each
of which houses a servant and family (if any). By the
Bokkai knows the following:
standards of such housing, they are large and
• If the PCs ask about Jun, Bokkai can confirm that
comfortable (although nothing a samurai would
she sometimes helps out in the kitchen (including
tolerate). There is nothing of interest here except for the
shortly before the attack on Nobuyoshi), and goes
servants themselves, who know all manner of rumors
into the village to help fetch supplies from the
and tales. PCs can elicit the following in conversation:
merchant’s shop. He describes her as a nice young
• If the PCs ask about Jun, they learn that Jun’s
lady who is helpful and respectful of her elders.
family died when she was a young girl; Keiko’s
“Pretty, too,” he adds with a wink at Gekko. The
parents took her in as a maidservant partly to save
boy blushes and turns away, busying himself
her from starvation.
stirring the pot.
• Jun is a private young lady who seldom shares
• Some young man in town is courting Jun. It is
much with the other servants. She doesn’t always
about time, every young woman needs a husband to
seem to understand her place as a servant, perhaps
take care of her. Bokkai is happy for her.
because she grew up so close to Keiko-sama. “Ah
• If the PCs ask about Asako Keiko, Bokkai becomes
well, she’s still young, she’ll learn,” one of the
positively rapturous. “She is like a ray of sunshine
older maids comments.
on a dark winter’s day,” he says. “Even reads to me
• There was some fear that Jun might end up an old
from the Tao of Shinsei.” He is sure a kind, caring,
maid, but now she is seeing some young man in
enlightened woman like her cannot possibly be a
town. He must be a friend of the merchant Kanjiro,
Maho user. Besides, she has no deformities or
since she always meets him at the merchant’s shop.
boils, and there are no Oni running about.
• Jun has become moody and secretive in recent
• Asako Keiko sometimes dines alone rather than
weeks. Perhaps her young man is trying to arrange
with the other castle residents. At those times Jun
a marriage, and she is nervous about it.
delivers the meal to her room.
• Jun has befriended Kanjiro’s wife, Mai. The
servants can’t figure out why. Mai is a selfish, vain
Gekko will keep stirring the bubbling soup-pot unless
woman who continually babbles about how much
the PCs specifically speak to him. He can supply the
wealth and influence she will have someday. “She’s
following information if asked:
been married to a merchant too long,” the servants
• Gekko likes Jun. A lot. She is so pretty and
cluck. (Merchants are traditionally regarded as the
friendly... He’s sure that fellow she’s seeing in
lowest and least reputable of the heimin class.)
town is just a friend, nothing romantic going on.
• If the PCs ask about Asako Keiko, the servants
Yes, he’s sure of it.
light up with enthusiasm. They love Keiko with all
• Gekko often runs errands to the town. He likes
their hearts; she genuinely cares for them and takes
everyone in the village except Juichi, the stable boy
time out of her day to talk with all of them.
(“he’s weird, thinks the only ones you can trust are
Everyone is shocked that Asako Keiko has been
horses”) and “the painted faced lady,” Ryoko.
accused of Maho. Such a kind, dutiful young
• If the PCs ask about Juichi, Gekko says the stable
woman couldn’t possibly be involved in that sort of
boy likes animals more than people, and mocks
evil. Besides, she doesn’t have any of “the signs.”
samurai behind their backs. He keeps saying that
If asked, the servants can supply a long list of
someday he’ll have real power and then those
“symptoms” for Maho use, such as clouded skin,
“stupid samurai” will pay. Gekko will hasten to
cuts, deformities, boils, and so forth. (Any PC
add, in the most respectful terms, that he himself
rolling Intelligence+Maho Lore knows that Maho
certainly does not share any of Juichi’s strange
does not actually leave any external evidence...the
ideas. If the PCs ask, he says Juichi works for the
Taint it creates is all internal. Commoners, of
local merchant, Kanjiro.
course, are ignorant of such facts.)

Legacy of the Dark One Page 10

• There have been no problems in the village, so The Village
there can’t be any Maho users running about. That The village that surrounds Shiro no Bujisokusai is a
nasty Inquisitor must just hate Keiko-sama for large, prosperous place with about 200 residents. It is
some reason. clean as such things go, and the residents appear well
fed and healthy. They bow low to any samurai who
Jun’s Quarters (Servants’ Quarters) come near, and cooperate readily with any orders they
Jun’s room looks like any another servants’ except that are given.
she has more and better belongings than most. She can Besides the several dozen huts that house the bulk
be found here intermittently throughout the day, of the population, the village also contains the
whenever her mistress has no need of her. headman’s home, a merchant’s shop (with attached
If the PCs question Jun away from her mistress, stable), a teahouse (which includes a geisha house
they can ask her about her private life, her supposed within), a blacksmithy, a weaponsmith’s shop, and a
paramour in town, and so forth. If they are here to shrine to Jurojin. Also, with the Festival beginning,
actually accuse her of Maho, go to “Scene V: samurai from other Clans will be trickling into the
Confronting Jun and Finding Gidayu.” Until that time, village throughout the course of the scenario; feel free
Jun will be polite and project an aura of helpful to improvise any samurai encounters that seem
cooperation. appropriate.

Jun will tell the PCs the following: Peasant Gossip

• Asako Keiko-sama (Jun always uses the full title) is Feel free to drop in any of these rumors whenever it
a very dutiful and enlightened samurai-ko. She seems appropriate, using a suitably craven peasant tone.
would never do anything to embarrass or dishonor • There are wild spirits out in the woods that steal
her daimyo nor herself. She has been a very kind children in the night. No children have actually
mistress, and has taught Jun the Tao of Shinsei. disappeared any time in living memory, but the
The charges against her are totally untrue. She farmers are sure those spirits are waiting...
would never practice Maho! • Jun, Asako Keiko’s maidservant, is seeing some
• Jun’s duties to Keiko-sama include cleaning up, nice young merchant in town.
making her presentable at court, running errands • Asako Keiko-sama is a kind and good noblewoman
for her, helping to prepare meals for her, and in who helps the monks teach us about Shinsei. Once
general serving her every need. Keiko-sama never she was even seen to help an old woman who was
asks too much of her, and gives her ample time to fainting under her burdens. The peasants all hope
herself. She is a very good and kind mistress. Jun she finds a worthy young samurai to marry.
could ask for nothing more. (This is actually a • The peasants are sure she can’t be a Maho user.
partial lie – Jun wants a great deal more, and After all, there haven’t been Oni about for
resents her mistress bitterly – but the PCs will have generations. Besides, she has clear skin, she is kind
to ask about Jun’s sincerity and make a Contested and nice, and she doesn’t have big bulging eyes, or
Perception vs Awareness roll to discern this.) big nasty claws, or anything like that.
• If the PCs ask about her errands to the village, Jun • The crops are good. They have always been good
says she sometimes delivers messages or visits the in these parts, in fact.
shop for her mistress or for the cook. Again, she is • There can’t possibly be a Maho cult in the village.
not being completely truthful. No one has any of the signs (same list of
• If the PCs ask about Jun’s supposed courtship, she “symptoms” as used for Asako Keiko)...well,
blushes and admits to seeing a “friend of the except old Joko who has a bulging eye. But he’s
merchant, Kanjiro.” If the PCs ask, she names the too dim to be a Maho user.
friend as “Gidayu,” and says he is a merchant who
travels through the village every few weeks. If The Village Headman
asked, she will admit that he is in the village now,
The headman’s hut is larger than any other dwellings
for the festival. She will also beg the PCs not to
in the village, and better kept as well. A strong,
mention this matter to Keiko-sama, since she does
healthy-looking man in his thirties is sitting on the
not want her mistress troubled with such trivial
steps of the house, working on a piece of wooden
matters at this stressful time. Again, Jun is being
furniture. As you approach, he stops working and
less than truthful, if the PCs can manage to discern
bows low. “Greetings, noble samurai. I am Satoshi,

Legacy of the Dark One Page 11

headman of this village. How may I be of assistance to (especially when showing the PCs his wares) and is a
you?” master of making pleasant conversation. His wife, Mai,
smiles as well, and puts on the appearance of a dutiful
Satoshi is honest, hardworking, and – in his own wife while watching everything with hard flat eyes. She
humble way – noble. He does his best to treat everyone dresses in fine silks, as good as anything a samurai
in the village fairly and to solve their problems without might wear.
troubling the nobles in the castle. He is always honest, After speaking with Kanjiro and Mai, the PCs may
even when humbly addressing a daimyo, and everyone roll Simple Awareness (+Ichi Miru, if they have it) at
(even lord Hiroshige) respects him for this. Satoshi will TN 20 to realize that there is something subtly wrong,
invite the samurai in for tea with his wife Hiroko. His subtly off, about Kanjiro and especially his wife.
two sons are out working the fields right now. The shop can supply any basic equipment the PCs
might want or need at the standard L5R rulebook prices.
Satoshi can provide the following information: The weapons (a daisho set, tanto, bow, and one of each
• Asako Hiroshige-sama is a fair and good lord. The type of arrow) are displayed on polished wooden racks
peasants have no complaints about his rule. on one wall; Kanjiro freely admits that he cannot sell
• Asako Keiko-sama is a kind and gentle woman who these; they are here to advertise the village
cannot possibly be a Maho user. Satoshi likes her a weaponsmith, Zeshin. Kanjiro recommends both Zeshin
great deal, but thinks she is a bit naive. He will be and the village blacksmith, Baiko, for any metalwork
careful about saying such things to samurai, of the PCs might need.
course, especially if any of them are Phoenix. There are a few interesting trinkets and luxuries for
• The village has had no problems of any sale here as well:
consequence in many years. The peasants are • Scrolls with devotions to Jurojin, 1 Bu each.
hardworking, well treated, and well educated. • Scrolls with sayings of Shinsei, 1 Bu each.
Satoshi is quietly proud of his community, but will • Little trinkets carved with daily affirmations from
avoid boasting. the Tao of Shinsei, 2 Bu each.
• If the PCs ask about Jun, Satoshi says she is a good • Jewelry: Hairpins, necklaces, etc. Mai will model
young woman. He knows nothing about her except these for the PCs if they wish. 3 to 5 Bu.
that she is supposed to be seeing some merchant
associate of Kanjiro. Kanjiro and Mai are willing to give the following
• If the PCs ask, Satoshi did once meet this associate information. It is almost all lies, but the PCs will have
of Kanjiro. The man was polite enough, but to make Contested Perception vs Awareness rolls to see
something about him made Satoshi’s hair prickle. through the merchants’ oily tongues:
He shivers a little now, remembering it, and • If the PCs ask about Jun’s merchant friend, they
mutters, “Merchants,” before resuming the will admit to knowing the man and name him as
conversation. “Gidayu.” They say he is a merchant from a nearby
village, and sometimes exchanges wares with them.
The Merchant’s Shop • Mai claims to be a friend of Jun, and speaks with
A colorful sign, depicting two samurai exchanging her whenever the maidservant visits the village. She
packages, hangs above the door to this large, brightly- introduced Jun to Gidayu. She stops by whenever
lacquered wooden building. Within, light from the she is in the village to talk and visit for a while.
narrow windows and several hanging lanterns That is how she met Gidayu.
illuminates the many shelves of finished goods, • Jun and Gidayu have been courting one another for
preserved foods, tools, and other goods. a few months. If the PCs make a Simple Perception
Other, more valuable items are for sale here as roll, TN 20, they notice an odd smile creep across
well, including trinkets and jewelry, fine silk Mai’s face when this is mentioned.
garments, and even a few weapons. Behind a wooden • If the PCs express interest in meeting Gidayu, the
counter stands a smiling merchant, his wife behind merchants say he should be coming for another
him. His eyes twinkle as he bows low before you. visit either later today or tomorrow, and offer to
“Good day noble samurai! Welcome to my humble arrange a meeting.
house of gifts. I am called Kanjiro. How may I be of • The accusations against Asako Keiko-sama are
assistance?” absurd. There are no Maho users here. (Lie!).
• If the PCs ask about visits to the castle, Kanjiro
Kanjiro appears to be a genuinely happy and energetic readily admits to going there often to deliver food
man in his mid-twenties. He is always smiling and goods to lord Hiroshige.

Legacy of the Dark One Page 12

• If the PCs seem to be asking overly pointed faces. If the PCs stable horses here, it will cost 2 Zeni
questions, or if they return for a second visit, the per night; Juichi makes sure the horses are fed,
two merchants will begin to get nervous and sweaty groomed, and exercised.
(roll Awareness+Investigation, TN 20, to pick up Although Juichi seems normal enough, he is
on this), although they will deny that anything is actually a cultist. Any PC who rolls Simple Awareness
wrong. A successful Perception+Investigation roll (+Ichi Miru, if they have it) at TN 20 senses something
at TN 20 will notice that Mai keeps darting glances about Juichi – he seems to value the lives of horses
at the mat that covers the floor under one of the above human beings.
displays. Juichi will admit to knowing Jun, since she is a
friend of Mai and Kanjiro, who hire him to run the
The Merchants’ Secrets stable. He claims to like Jun and hope that she is happy
Kanjiro and Mai are both members of the Maho cult. with the merchant she is seeing. He will also insist that
They know Gidayu as their Master, and regard his there are no Maho activities in the village. “Everyone is
power as near divine, a Dark Kami in their midst. Jun is happy and obedient.”
the local leader of their cult cell, and the only one of Juichi is lying, of course, although the PCs will
them who knows Maho. She has been teaching Mai, but have to make the usual Contested roll to realize it. He
the merchant’s wife has not yet grasped the secrets of understands very little about the cult, except that it has
the Dark Path. promised him power he could never have in his normal
The merchants (who are literate) keep the records life.
of the cult in a small compartment beneath the
suspicious mat on the floor. Within are scrolls The Teahouse (House of Silk Cherry
containing a complete membership roster, as well as Blossoms)
many letters between Kanjiro and Isawa Gidayu. It is
clear from these documents that Gidayu is the driving A pennant of pink silk flaps above the door to this
force behind the cult, expressing his wishes through two-story establishment. Embroidered on the pennant
Jun. is an image of cherry blossoms falling about a teacup.
As you enter, a matronly peasant woman bustles
forward and greets you. “Welcome to the House of
List of Cult Members
Silk Cherry Blossoms noble samurai. I am called
1. Baiko – Blacksmith
Kikyo, and I am the proprietor of this humble
2. Aya – Baiko’s wife
teahouse. Please rest your weapons here while you
3. Juichi – stable boy
enjoy yourselves.” She pulls open a rice-paper door,
4. Kanjiro – Local Merchant
revealing a set of weapon racks.
5. Mai – Kanjiro’s wife
6. Toru – eta, male
Remind the PCs that it is customary for samurai to place
7. Ryoko – Local Geisha
their daisho sets and other heavy weapons (if any) in the
8. Hitoshi – Farmer
closet while in an inn or teahouse. They do not have to
9. Kyumei – Hitoshi’s wife
give up their weapons, but to refuse is extremely rude.
Kikyo thanks them and leads them to a table. If any of
The Stable the PCs are non-Ronin males of Honor 1.5 or higher,
Behind the merchant’s shop, a long low building she suggests that later they might wish to enjoy some
opens into an open exercise yard. Within the building “refined entertainment,” a subtle reference to the geisha
are two rows of a dozen stalls each, along with an in the back of the establishment.
open area for grooming the horses. You hear a Kikyo is a skilled businesswoman and a shrewd
rustling in one of the stalls, then a small head pokes judge of character. She has normal servants and maids
out and exclaims, “Noble samurai! Please excuse me in the teahouse, serving food and drink to her
but for an instant! I will be out in mere moments.” A customers, and she will expect her guests to behave
few seconds later an eleven-year-old boy comes properly. Besides the PCs, there will be various
running up. “I am Juichi. How may I be of assistance peasants and a few visiting samurai in the
to such accomplished samurai as yourselves?” establishment. A meal of rice and pickled vegetables is
5 Zeni. Sake is 2 Zeni a cup. Samurai don’t have to pay,
Juichi is (superficially) an enthusiastic and respectful but not paying is extremely rude.
peasant boy. He is very good with horses, with which he The PCs can pick up any of the standard peasant
has an instinctive rapport. He hates and fears the rumors while here. If anyone mentions Joko of the
samurai caste, but knows how to be respectful to their bulging eye, a raspy voice bellows, “Stop spreading fool

Legacy of the Dark One Page 13

rumors!” from across the room. The source of the shout The Blacksmith
is an older peasant with a stooped back and one bulging
An open stone building sits next to a large stone
furnace. A huge muscular man and his younger
After the meal, or before the PCs leave, Kikyo will
apprentice are hard at work, beating out a ringing
approach them and invite any suitable male samurai
cadence on the anvil. As you get closer a woman steps
(non-Ronin with Honor 1.5 or better) to visit the Geisha
out of the wooden hut attached to the smithy. She says
house in the back of her establishment. In return she
something to her husband, who looks up and hands
asks only the small gift of 1 koku. off his work to his apprentice. He bows deeply.
There are already several samurai, a mixture of “Welcome to my humble smithy. I’m called Baiko.
locals and visitors, in the back rooms enjoying the Your horses need shoe’in?”
company of the geisha. For this encounter it is
important to remember that geisha are not Baiko appears to be a hardworking blacksmith. He does
prostitutes; they are entertainers. Sleeping with a all of the non-military metalworking for the town –
geisha is something that only happens after a long tools, horseshoes, and so forth. He is curt and to the
period of courtship. Instead, these women will offer the point, and speaks in a thick country drawl. His wife
PCs music, singing, pleasant conversation, and the Aya is more soft-spoken and polite. Although both of
chance to take off their “faces” and be ordinary men. them appear to be obedient peasants, they are actually
(Some geisha houses also have male geisha to cater to loyal members of the cult. They have the same
samurai-ko, but this establishment is too small to offer information as any other normal cult members. Any PC
such variety.) who rolls Simple Awareness (+Ichi Miru, if they have
There will be one geisha per PC, with names like it) at TN 25 after speaking to them realizes there is a
Hana, Koi, Mana, Tara, Sui, or Yuya. Ryoko, one of the strange deadness behind their eyes.
cultists, will also be here, and will gravitate to the PC Baiko’s apprentice, Taikan, is a large, strong
with the highest Glory, or any PC with Benten’s thirteen-year-old boy. He is already over five feet tall
Blessing or Dangerous Beauty. Ryoko will entertain with very broad shoulders. Taikan is quiet and very
them with music and charming conversation, while respectful, always bowing low, never meeting superior’s
trying to find out why the PCs are in town and how long eyes, and doesn’t speak unless spoken to. He has no
they plan to stay. She always acts highly impressed with idea of what sort of people Baiko and his wife really
anything the PCs say (as, for that matter, do all the other are.
Any PC who spends time talking with Ryoko can Baiko will offer the following (brief) information to
roll Simple Awareness at TN 20 to sense that there is a inquisitive PCs:
dark, violent, perverse monster lurking beneath her • I do a lot of work for Kanjiro and the headman.
charming exterior, mocking them all through her white
• Don’t do weapons. Nope. Zeshin the Weaponsmith
face paint. Ryoko is, in truth, a cruel and gleeful
does that.
• Crops are fine.
If the PCs question Ryoko, she can share the
• Nope, no Maho here. No Maho nohow.
following information. Of course, most of it is untrue.
Any attempts to discern the truth behind her words are • Asako Keiko? Don’t know much about her.
at +20 to the TN due to her long practice in hiding her • Yup, I know Jun. She buys things here from time to
real emotions. time.
• If asked about Jun, Ryoko describes her as a “pretty
young woman that any man would desire.” The Weaponsmith
• If asked about Jun’s relationship with the merchant The Weaponsmith’s shop is a large wooden building
in town, she admits to seeing her with a man, but with a worked stone section at one end. Both the door
then smiles and says, “I probably shouldn’t and the windows stand open. Within the large front
continue. It is not proper to talk of two lovers in chamber, a thickset man with shoulder length white
front of noble samurai. Oh, the things they do…” hair sits at a workbench, carefully examining the
• If asked about Maho, and the accusations against blade of a katana. As you near the door, the tinkling
Keiko, Ryoko feigns disinterest. “Why do you want sound of a bell emanates from a small crane statuette
to talk of cultists and Maho in this place? You just outside of the front door. The man slowly looks
should relax and enjoy yourself.” up, sets down the unfinished weapon carefully, and
walks over with a measured pace. He looks you over
with penetrating eyes before finally bowing and
speaking in a low, gravelly voice. “Welcome,

Legacy of the Dark One Page 14

honorable samurai. I am Zeshin, Master • Zeshin’s wife and daughter are in another village
Weaponsmith of Asako Hiroshige. What do you discussing a possible marriage with a young
require?” weaponsmith from Shiba lands.

Zeshin is an expert swordsmith and bowyer, and as such The Shrine of Jurojin
is accustomed to receiving somewhat more respect from
The Shrine of Jurojin is a simple pagoda; its sides
the samurai caste than would be usual for a commoner.
open to the elements. Within the shrine, monks are
He is capable of creating a weapon of average quality
busy cleaning, exercising, or meditating. One is
by the end of the adventure if the PC pays him the listed
speaking with a group of peasant children. Another
rulebook price for the item up front. It will have the
steps forward to greet you as you approach. “Welcome
proper mon and colors of the player’s Clan, if any
to the shrine of Jurojin, fortune of Health and
(Ronin PCs get no mon, and will have to pay an extra 3
Longevity! How may I be of assistance today?”
koku). He is also capable of creating blades of fine or
exquisite quality, but will not undertake such work for
There are a total of ten monks here, guiding the
anyone but his own lord. The only weapons he will
village’s spiritual life and keeping the rituals of the
create are swords (katana, wakizashi, no-dachi), tanto,
Fortunes. They all look much alike, with their shaven
bows, and arrows.
heads and simple robes, and the PCs may not even
Zeshin does have a few display items that he will
notice that two of them are women.
be willing to part with, if the PCs are prepared to pay
exorbitant prices. If they do actually pay, he will modify
• The monks do not believe that there are any Maho
the colors and mon on the weapons to match the
users or cultists in or around the village. There is
purchaser. These items comprise a fine quality daisho
no evidence of such activities, and everything is
set (70 koku), a fine quality no-dachi (60 koku), and a
quiet and peaceful. “In the Crab lands, perhaps, but
fine quality tanto (6 koku). Each of these weapons rolls
not here. The Fortunes watch over us and protect us
one extra damage die (e.g. the katana rolls 4k2 damage
from evil.”
rather than 3k2).
Zeshin can also repair weapons that have been • The monks believe the peasants are well treated in
damaged for 1/10th the list cost of the weapon. It will this village, and they have seen hardly any
take most of the day to fix such weapons. However, he animosity between the castes. This is as it should
will not repair a tetsubo or any peasant weapon. be, when the Celestial Order is properly respected.
Zeshin will speak of non-business related topics for • If the PCs ask about Jun, the monks say that she
only a short while before excusing himself to go back to was once angry about her place in the Celestial
his work. He knows the following: Order, but now she has recognized that all have a
• Zeshin has seen Jun at Kanjiro’s shop frequently. role to play in the proper unfolding of the cosmos.
He knows nothing about her except that she is Sadly, she does not venerate Jurojin, but she at
Keiko’s maidservant. least venerates Daikoku, Fortune of Wealth, along
with Kanjiro and her new merchant friend.
• Zeshin has also seen Asako Keiko in the village
frequently. She has a knack for saying the right • The monks have met Jun’s merchant “friend” only
thing every time, and her words have sometimes once. He seemed to know much of the Fortunes and
helped him focus when he was working on a of Shinsei, but there was a strange tone to the man,
difficult job. something vaguely unwholesome. Perhaps he was
schooled in the ways of the Black Crane (Yasuki).
• Zeshin will not comment on the accusations against
The monks confess that he never said where he was
Keiko. “I am a Weaponsmith, not a Maho hunter. I
from, and they never thought to ask. Such questions
cannot speak on what I do not know. All I can say
seem to slip away like eels where he is concerned.
is that I have never seen her cast a spell of any
kind.” • If the PCs ask about Asako Keiko, the monks
cannot say enough good things about her. She helps
• If the PCs ask about Kanjiro and his mysterious
the peasants, is joyful and always has a kind word
friend Gidayu, Zeshin remarks that he deals with
for others. She is also highly enlightened and can
merchants all the time, but there is something about
debate the mysterious of the Tao with the best of
Kanjiro and his wife that bothers him intensely. He
them. One of the monks does confess, however,
cannot put his finger on it. He has never met
that something seems to weigh heavy upon her
soul. “Sometimes you can see it in her eyes or
behind her smile for just an instant. Perhaps her

Legacy of the Dark One Page 15

duties are more trying than they first appear. After
all, not all histories are pleasant.” If the PCs tell Nobuyoshi about Jun’s confession, he
is excited. “Ha! I knew one of them would crack once
the pressure became too great. She knows where they
Scene V: Confronting Jun and are? Let us be off then!”

Tracking Down Gidayu If the PCs find the list of cult members in Kanjiro’s
Once the PCs realize that Jun is a major figure in the shop they may decide to attempt to round up the
cult (from interrogations, or by discovering the entire cult, either alone or with the help of the castle
information in the merchant’s shop) they will probably troops. In this case, all the cultists who are not caught
want to confront and interrogate her. Whenever they do, immediately will flee to Gidayu’s cave, snatching a
they catch her in her quarters, apparently about to leave child as they run. Jun will likely not escape, since she is
for a trip to the village. She has a loaded traveling bag inside the castle. Gidayu will quickly try to complete
slung over her shoulder. So long as they have at least the ritual before he is tracked down. Again, Nobuyoshi
some conclusive evidence, she will quickly break down. will seek an alliance with the PCs.

“Noble samurai, please forgive me! I did not know If the PCs do seek assistance from the castle guards
what I was getting into! He was a noble Isawa of great (regardless of the circumstances), the karo will supply
power, but now I see the truth behind his power. them with a few Rank 1 Shiba bushi (use the standard
Please, honorable samurai, give me the chance to statistics listed at the end of the tournament). The total
atone for my heinous crimes before I die, so I may number of PCs plus guards should not exceed 8, not
have a chance to be released back into the Celestial counting Nobuyoshi and Jun.
Jun leads you out of the village and into the forested
Assuming the PCs agree to let her live a little longer, bluffs that clutter this region of the Phoenix lands.
she will confess everything. She names the cult leader The air is close and humid, and your clothing sticks to
as Isawa Gidayu, a former Fire Tensai, and explains that your bodies unpleasantly.
he and the rest of the cult are even now conducting a
dark ritual: If it is evening or night, so much the better. The PCs
locate the cave about two miles from the village, well
“He seeks to pierce the veil surrounding Asako Keiko away from any signs of civilization. If it is dark, the
and steal her secrets. I was about to join them for the orange-yellow light of a fire is faintly visible to the PCs.
ritual when you stopped me.” As they draw closer, hollow chanting will be heard
faintly from within the cave. If the PCs ask Jun about
Jun will volunteer to lead the PCs to the cave where the guards, she will say that there usually are two cultists
cult is conducting the ritual. She will also confess to watching the entrance, but now everyone is needed for
casting the spell on Nobuyoshi, saying she was the ceremony. (She is being truthful, if the PCs check.)
panicked by his sudden arrival and accusations. If the Nobuyoshi becomes ever more eager as he approaches
PCs search Jun’s bag, it contains clothes (some of them the cave, muttering things like, “I can almost smell
Keiko’s), some food, and a scroll containing the Maho them!”
spell “No Pure Breaths.” Although Jun is right, the cave has not been left
Jun will also agree to testify against Gidayu and the without protection. Gidayu has summoned three
other cultists in Keiko’s trial. Shadowlands Revenants, vile undead monsters, and has
left one to guard the entrance. The thing lurks in the
bushes beside the cave, silent and unmoving, but can be
spotted with a Perception+Hunting roll at TN 20. If the
Scene VI: Confronting Gidayu and PCs fail to spot the monster, it will strike by surprise,
the Cult attacking one random PC at TN 5. Regardless of
whether it surprises the PCs or not, they will need to
If the PCs confronted Jun, while they were doing so make a Fear Test against the revenant’s Fear Rank 3
the cult kidnaps a child from the village and begins the (TN 15).
ritual to steal Iuchiban’s spell from Keiko’s mind.
Villagers rush to the castle, begging for help, and a Suddenly a figure steps out of the bushes and rushes
dazed but functional Nobuyoshi seeks out the PCs to toward you, brandishing a katana. You see worm-
help him. eaten dead flesh hanging from its bones like gaijin

Legacy of the Dark One Page 16

leather, and a stench as from the grave assails your brother, though you wear his face and voice. My
nostrils. Worms slither from the thing’s hollow eye- brother died the day he took those scrolls from the
sockets as a grating laugh bursts from between its Asako.”
blackened teeth. Gidayu snorts and gestures to the cultists. “Kill
them, and bring my brother to me.”
FIRE 4 AIR 2 It is impossible for the PCs to surprise the cultists, since
Gidayu’s connection to the Dark Oracle gives him
preternatural senses. Of course, aggressive PCs will
EARTH 5 WATER 2 probably cut short the verbal exchange between Gidayu
and Nobuyoshi.
The other two Revenants (statistically identical to
VOID 0 the first) are hiding in the shadows to either side of the
TN to be Hit: 20 (light armor) tunnel entrance. The PCs must roll Simple Perception at
Attacks: 6k4 TN 20 to notice them; otherwise they will strike by
Damage: 5k2 (rusty katana) surprise (making their TN to hit PCs a 5) at the end of
Wounds: 15: -1; 30: -2; 45: -3; 60: -4; 75: Dead. the first round of combat.
Special Abilities: Fear 3. Anyone who strikes the Due to the cramped conditions and poor lighting in
revenant for 25 or more points of damage in a single the cave, any archery attacks will be at +15 to the TN.
blow will be splashed with the vile, putrescent ichor that Any PC with Archery skill of Rank 2 or better will
fills its rotting body. Such PCs must make a Simple realize that this is a poor site for archery. If an arrow-
Earth roll at TN 10 or gain one point of Shadowlands shot misses, there is a 50% chance that it strikes
Taint. someone else in the cave (choose a target randomly).
Gidayu is the motivating force behind the cult, and if he
Unless the PCs make an extreme amount of noise, this is defeated the other cultists quickly lose heart and
combat will go unnoticed by the cultists within the cave. surrender, offering to testify to their crimes as a way of
The cave extends about 20 feet into the earth before cleansing their souls before death. So long as Gidayu
making a sharp right turn; the chanting and firelight remains in the fight, however, the cultists will never
comes from around that corner. The cave is wide give up. The total number of cultists will be equal to 9,
enough for two PCs to walk abreast, and has a ten-foot minus any the PCs already exposed and captured in
ceiling. town. They will spread out to attack as many opponents
As the PCs near the turn in the cave, the chanting as possible, with one or two of them attempting to
echoing all around them, they suddenly hear a deep subdue Nobuyoshi. Gidayu will try to hang back and
voice rise above the chant in a triumphant shout. “There cast spells. The revenants will, of course, fight until
it is! Yes! Iuchiban’s secret will be mine!” destroyed.
Nobuyoshi is still down one Wound Rank from the
Nobuyoshi’s face turns pale as he recognizes his effects of the No Pure Breaths spell. He will spend the
brother’s voice. “Gidayu,” he whispers. first few rounds trying to cast spells at Gidayu (first
Jade Strike, then Tomb of Jade), but both spells will fail
The tunnel opens into a large cavern. A huge bonfire due to Gidayu’s magic resistance. He will then try to
burns in the center of the room, and on the far side is use Counterspell against Gidayu’s magics, or assist PCs
a rough-hewn stone altar. The cultists stand facing the who are in trouble. He can also be used by the GM to
alter, their bodies muffled in brown robes, while a tall save the PCs if they are losing badly.
figure in a white kimono stands behind the alter, arms If the PCs brought Jun into the combat, she will try
thrown wide in a gesture of triumph. Lying on the to subdue other cultists, but will not use Maho (even if
altar is the body of a young child, opened up like a the PCs left the scroll with her).
vile crimson flower. Note that Gidayu has Great Destiny (Chosen by the
The white-garbed figure suddenly notices you, Dark Oracle of Air). Thus, he cannot be killed by an
shouting “What?!” He turns to look directly at accident of combat (he will be left with one wound).
Nobuyoshi. “Ah, brother, you have found me at last. The PCs must deliberately kill him after he is down in
Please, join me. The Oracle has need of one with your order to end his life.
talents.” See the Non Player Characters section at the end of the
Isawa Nobuyoshi walks slowly into the chamber, tournament for statistics on Gidayu, Jun, Nobuyoshi,
his face tightening into a stony mask. “You are not my and the cultists.

Legacy of the Dark One Page 17

a peasant boy named Haru. Their testimony (and
Scene VII: The Trial of Asako possible PC responses) are as follows:
• Doji Ryo will testify that the geisha Ryoko tried to
Keiko convert him to the cause of Maho during an earlier
The morning is clear and bright as you gather in the visit to the village. He saw Ryoko speaking of
audience hall of the castle for Isawa Keiko’s trial. Maho with Jun, the maidservant of Asako Keiko,
Keiko sits once again at the foot of her daimyo. The and witnessed Jun performing various errands for
Governor, Isawa Akira, has arrived overnight and her mistress and dealing with people who are now
now stands watching impassively as Isawa Nobuyoshi known to be cultists (e.g. the merchants).
prepares to deliver his case. The room is filled with Nobuyoshi takes this as evidence that Jun was
guests and delegates from the various Clans, and you acting on behalf of Keiko.
feel as though all the Empire is watching. • If Ryoko has been captured, the PCs can have her
testify that Keiko was not involved in the cult, and
The course of the trial depends on the outcome of the that Jun learned Maho from some Isawa Ronin by
PCs’ investigation and the encounter with Gidayu. the name of Gidayu. She laughs viciously as she
makes this slur against the Isawa family, and one of
If the PCs tracked down and defeated Gidayu the Shiba guards strikes her in the face.
(whether he survived or not), Isawa Nobuyoshi bows • Ayano, a small peasant woman, will testify that
humbly to Asako Keiko and announces to the Governor Kanjiro’s wife Mai tried to lure her into the Maho
that new evidence has prompted him to reconsider the cult with promises of power and revenge.
case. He asks that all charges against Keiko be dropped, According to her, Mai said that the entire Asako
and instead charges Gidayu with leading the cult. The family was behind the cult, and that Asako Keiko
Governor agrees, but then pauses and asks, “Is this was the local cult leader.
Gidayu your brother?” • If Mai has been captured, she will testify (with a
snide smile) that she used Keiko’s name to impress
Nobuyoshi’s face is expressionless as he answers, “My this foolish woman, but she should have known
brother is dead. This thing called Gidayu is an eta.” better than to try recruiting such an idiot.
• Danjuro, a muscular but sad-looking peasant in his
Nobuyoshi will call for the testimony of the PCs and twenties, will testify that Baiko the blacksmith tried
any surviving cultists to make his case, working through to force him into the cult, saying that Asako Keiko
everything with great care and thoroughness. If Gidayu was the leader and she would make his life
lived, he will be in an apparent stupor and will not unbearable if he refused. Danjuro said he would
testify for or against himself. At the end of the trial, think about it, then went to the Inquisitor when he
Isawa Akira praises both Nobuyoshi and the PCs for arrived in town. But he has paid the price for his
their diligent work, and thanks them for their service to loyalty, for his son has vanished. Danjuro begins to
the Empire. He orders all the remaining cultists hanged, break down in tears as he begs Lord Hiroshige to
and Isawa Gidayu’s name stricken from the Clan’s find and rescue his son.
records. • If Baiko has been captured, he will testify that Mai
If Gidayu is still alive, he will be hanged. Go to told him to use Keiko’s name to help win recruits in
Part VIII: A Hanging. the village. “Too bad about the boy,” he smirks.
“Maybe you should have listened to us.” One of the
If the PCs did not find out about Gidayu, Nobuyoshi Shiba guards slaps Baiko across the face, twice, but
will still try to make his case against Asako Keiko (and the big man doesn’t flinch. Blood trickles from the
in a larger sense the entire Asako family), and the PCs corner of his mouth.
must defend her. Nobuyoshi will have arrested at least • The last witness, Haru, is a ten-year-old boy. He
one of the cultists (notably Kanjiro) and has identified testifies that Juichi tried to force him into the cult,
most of the others, although they may not have been beating him and then telling him to join the cult and
captured. He will present four witnesses and a set of become stronger. Juichi told him that Asako Keiko
letters as evidence; the PCs can then attempt to refute had picked him personally to be in the cult, but
him by questioning the witnesses themselves, calling Haru could not believe that someone as nice as
their own witnesses, examining the letters, and so forth. Keiko could be involved in such things, so he
Nobuyoshi has four witnesses: A Crane named Doji refused. Haru clearly worships the ground Keiko
Ryo, two adult peasants named Ayano and Danjuro, and walks on, and after testifying he walks away in
tears, unable to even look at her.

Legacy of the Dark One Page 18

• If Juichi has been captured, he will testify that he furiously, only to turn pale as he realizes the PCs are
only used Keiko’s name because he knew Haru was right.
so utterly infatuated with her. He sneers at the If any of the PCs’ cultist witnesses refer to Isawa
smaller boy for running away like a scared little Gidayu, Nobuyoshi will splutter angrily, declaring such
girl. statements the lies of known Maho cultists. However, if
the PCs have already exposed his mistranslation of the
After the witnesses have testified, Nobuyoshi presents letter, Nobuyoshi’s denials will have less weight of
what he considers to be the clinching evidence, an conviction. Soon he will be re-reading the document,
intercepted letter. murmuring silently to himself. Any PC with the Read
Lips advantage can roll Simple Perception, TN 10, to
“After I heard Doji Ryo’s report, I was able to see what Nobuyoshi is saying: “Brother, I will find
intercept this letter from Shiro no Bujisokusei. As you you...”
can see, the letter is written in cipher – a cipher which Once the PCs have finished presenting their case,
I have confirmed as that used by the Asako family. By Isawa Akira will make his ruling. The GM should
deciphering the letter, I learned it was written by a decide Akira’s ruling based on the quality of the PCs’
Maho cult leader, a woman from the style, and defense and the eloquence of their role-playing. This is
addressed to a superior who is identified as hailing a judgement call for the GM, but in general, if the PCs
from the Asako family.” At that Asako Hiroshige half- have caught the error in Nobuyoshi’s translation of the
rises and glares at Nobuyoshi, but the Inquisitor Cipher, and have rebutted most or all of his witnesses,
continues without hesitating. “Further, the letter Akira will probably rule in their favor. It will also help
boasts of recruiting many peasants into the cult, and if they present other witnesses of samurai caste to testify
gives thanks for the gift of the spell “no pure breaths,” on Keiko’s good character (such testimony carries more
which is a known Maho spell with which I myself was weight than the word of mere heimin, after all).
assaulted just two days ago. And lastly, the letter also
promises to secure items which will enable them to If the Governor rules in Keiko’s favor, he proclaims
gain the forbidden knowledge of the Bloodspeaker both her and the Asako family innocent of all charges.
Iuchiban!” At the mention of that hated name, “It is evident that someone else was the culprit here,
everyone watching the trial gasps and murmurs. using Asako Keiko as a shield for their vile activities. I
Nobuyoshi looks around triumphantly before ask Nobuyoshi-san to find and punish this person as
delivering the conclusion of his case. “From the soon as possible.” The Inquisitor nods expressionlessly.
testimony and evidence I have shown, it is evident that “All peasants found guilty of Maho will be hanged until
Asako Keiko is both a Maho user and the cult leader, dead, as shall any others who aid or shelter them. This
and was in contact with others of her family who knew proceeding is closed.”
of her activities and condoned them. Isawa Akira-
sama, I ask one simple question: Can the Empire If the Governor finds Keiko guilty, he orders that she
afford to let the Asako keep their secrets any longer?” be tortured into confession and then hanged along with
the other Maho cultists. Her name will be stricken from
The Governor nods thoughtfully, impressed both by the Asako family records and her ashes scattered at sea
Nobuyoshi’s case and by the larger implications he has so that they do not pollute the Phoenix lands. He makes
made. He turns to the PCs and calls on them to offer no mention of Nobuyoshi’s larger accusation against the
their defense of Asako Keiko. Asako family, but from the whispers that circulate
The various refutations that the PCs could offer to through the crowd, it is clear the entire family has
the witness testimony have already been listed. Refuting suffered a grave loss of face from this incident. Keiko
the letter is also possible – it was actually written by sits stunned for a moment, and then whispers: “I am
Jun, using the Asako cipher she had learned from her innocent, my lord. And the one responsible for this is
mistress, and was addressed to Isawa Gidayu. If the PCs still at large, uncaught.” The guards lead her away. Go
examine the letter, they can roll Intelligence+Cipher at to PART VIII: A Hanging.
TN 20 to try to translate the code. (Keiko can do it for
them, but her translation will be considered suspect.) A
successful roll will reveal that Nobuyoshi made a
numerical substitution error: the family of the addressee Part VIII: A Hanging
was the first family of the Phoenix Clan – the Isawa The execution is held at the edge of the village, where
family – not the second, the Asako family. Nobuyoshi nooses have been suspended from the branches of
will be quite upset at this, and rereads the letter several large trees. Any captured cultists are hung first,
meeting their ends with weeping, curses, or stoic

Legacy of the Dark One Page 19

defiance as their personalities dictate. What happens Saving Asako Keiko from the false
next depends on who is to be hung: accusation: 1
Defeated Isawa Gidayu (killed him or
If Keiko is to be hung, she is half-led, half-dragged brought him back for trial): 1
from the castle. The marks of the torture that brought
her confession are plain upon her. (Rokugani law Total Possible Experience Points 4
demands that a criminal confess as the final step in their
trial.) The guests and visitors who have come for the Honor Awards:
Festival gather to witness the execution, and many of
Saving Asako Keiko 1 point
them stare accusingly at the PCs, whispering vicious
Killing Isawa Gidayu 1 point
gossip about these questionable individuals who
defended a Maho-Tsukai.
Bringing Isawa Gidayu back for trial 2 points
Isawa Nobuyoshi watches the execution with an
Failed to save Asako Keiko -3 points
expression of grim satisfaction. However, as he turns to PC kept Jun’s Maho scroll -10 points
leave, a young lady in Crane colors, a courtier here for PC knows that another PC kept the Maho
the Festival, approaches him and whispers something in scroll -5 points
his ear before accompanying the other Crane guests
back to the castle. Nobuyoshi turns pale and stares after
Glory Awards:
her in confusion, then slowly walks away, alone. He will
not answer any questions from the PCs, but if any PC PCs saved Asako Keiko 3 points
has the Read Lips advantage, they will be able to roll PCs killed Isawa Gidayu 1 point
Simple Perception at TN 15 to tell what she said: or
“Brother, she was innocent.” PCs captured Isawa Gidayu and brought
him back for trial. 2 points
If Gidayu is to be hung, the scene is somewhat PCs failed to save Asako Keiko -5 points
different. Nobuyoshi’s face is set and hard as he
watches his stupefied brother led to the noose. Just as Intangible Awards (and Penalties)
the rope is settled around Gidayu’s neck, however, If the PCs succeed in getting Asako Keiko
something happens. The Maho-Tsukai revives, acquitted (for whatever reason), they gain the
struggling and shouting. “How dare you! My life is not advantage Major Ally: Asako Keiko. Also, Keiko will
yours to take!” His voice rises to a shriek. “Oracle, I am give the PC with the highest Honor a fine quality
yours! Take me now!” writing kit engraved with her personal chop.

A strange shadow passes over the scene, and then the If the PCs succeeded in uncovering and
guards shout in horror as Gidayu’s body crumples in defeating the Maho cult, any Ronin PCs will be
their hands. He is nothing but a hollow husk, a man- offered the chance to join the Phoenix Clan and join
shaped sack of shriveled skin. The guards jump back, either the Shiba school (if bushi) or the Isawa school (if
cursing and wiping their hands as though to cleanse shugenja). They will start at Rank 1 with an Insight of
the taint of dead flesh from themselves. Whatever dark 120, and can increase their Insight normally from there.
master Gidayu served has taken its due. (Phoenix Clan ronin will be allowed to rejoin their
former school at their former Insight level.)
The End
If the PCs failed to save Asako Keiko (she was
convicted and hanged), they all gain the disadvantage
Bad Reputation: Defended a Maho-Tsukai. “No
Rewards and Consequences good deed goes unpunished.”
At the end of the scenario, any PCs with Shadowlands
Taint must make a Simple Earth roll with a TN of 5 + (5 If the PCs uncovered and defeated Gidayu, at
x Taint Rank). If the roll is failed, the PC acquires one the end of the adventure they gain the disadvantage
additional point of Taint. Sworn Enemy: Dark Oracle of Air. The PCs must
write this down on their character sheets and must
Experience Point Awards: inform the GM at the start of each subsequent adventure
that they have this disadvantage. Surely, though, this
Playing through the scenario: 2
will never show up in any future adventures…

Legacy of the Dark One Page 20

Non-Player Characters
Asako Keiko,
Keiko The Path to Inner Peace; (Fire) Last Rites, The Fires
That Cleanse.
Phoenix Clan Henshin, female, age 18
Advantages/Disadvantages: Absolute Direction, Clear
Thinker, Read Lips/Driven (to expose the sinister
Intelligence 3 secrets of the Asako family)
Equipment: Kimono, scroll satchel
Perception 3
VOID 3 Maidservant (and Maho-Tsukai), age 18
TN to be Hit: 10 FIRE 2 AIR 2
School/Rank: Henshin 2 Awareness 3
Honor/Glory: 3.5/2
Skills: Advanced Medicine 2, Calligraphy 2, Cipher 2, EARTH 3 WATER 2
Courtier 3, Defense 1, Hand to Hand 2, Heraldry 2,
History 4, Law 1, Lore (Fortunes) 2, Lore (Maho-
Tsukai) 1, Lore (Shugenja) 2, Medicine 2, Meditation 2, VOID 1
Painting 1, Shintao 3, Sincerity 3, Tantojutsu 1, Shadowlands Taint: 2.2
Theology 2. TN to be Hit: 10
Advantages/Disadvantages: Benten’s Blessing, Honor/Glory:1.2/0
Forbidden Knowledge (Iuchiban’s Spell of Skills:Cipher 1, Craft (Maidservant) 2, Forgery 1,
Immortality)/Dark Secret (Iuchiban’s Spell of Investigation 2, Seduction 1, Sincerity 2, Stealth 1,
Immortality), Soft Hearted Tantojutsu 2
Equipment: Kimono Spells: No Pure Breaths (Maho)
Special: Due to her intense mental training, Asako Advantages/Disadvantages: Dark Secret (Maho
Keiko’s mind cannot be magically read or accessed Tsukai)
without a major magical effort (beyond the abilities of Equipment: Kimono, tanto, travelling bag (with scroll)
any PCs).
Isawa Gidayu
Isawa Nobuyoshi Phoenix Clan Ronin and Maho-Tsukai, age 26
Phoenix Clan Inquisitor, age 28 FIRE 3 AIR 3
FIRE 2 AIR 3 Reflexes 4
Intelligence 3
EARTH 3 WATER 3 Perception 3
Perception 4
VOID 4 Shadowlands Taint: 3.4
TN to be Hit: 15 TN to be Hit: 20
School/Rank: Isawa Shugenja 2 School/Rank: Isawa Fire Tensai 1
Honor/Glory: 4.3/4.5 Honor/Glory: 0.3/0
Skills: Calligraphy 2, Hand to Hand 2, Heraldry 2, Ichi Skills: Calligraphy 2, Cipher 2, Forgery 2, Herbalism 2,
Miru 2, Investigation 4, Law 3, Lore (Asako family) 2, Heraldry 2, History 2, Investigation 2, Kenjutsu 2, Lore
Lore (Maho-Tsukai) 4, Lore (Shugenja) 2, Medicine 2, (Dark Oracles) 2, Lore (Iuchiban) 2, Lore (Maho-
Meditation 3, Shintao 4, Spellcraft 3, Theology 2. Tsukai) 4, Lore (Shugenja) 3, Meditation 2, Poison 2,
Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell; (Air) Shintao 2, Sincerity 3, Stealth 2, Theology 2, Torture 2.
Accounts of Shorihotsu, By the Light of Lord Moon, Spells: Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, (Fire)
Call Upon the Wind, Whispering Winds; (Earth) Amaterasu’s Anger, The Fire From Within, Inflame,
Elemental Ward, Jade Strike, Tomb of Jade; (Water) Wings of Fire; (Air) By the Light of Lord Moon; (Earth)

Legacy of the Dark One Page 21

Earth’s Stagnation; (Maho) Dark Divination, No Pure
Breaths, Summon Revenant.
Advantages/Disadvantages: Absolute Direction, Great
Destiny (Chosen by the Dark Oracle of Air), Magic
Resistance (rank 3), Quick/Black Sheep, Dark Secret
(Maho-Tsukai), Driven (master magic in all its forms).
Equipment: Kimono, wakizashi, tanto, scroll satchel

Peasant Cultists
(all stats identical except as noted)
(Awareness 4 for
(3 for Baiko and Mai) (Strength 3 for Baiko)

Shadowlands Taint: 1-2
TN to be Hit: 10
Honor/Glory: 0/0
Skills: Bojutsu/Kamajutsu 2, Craft (as per occupation)
2, Sincerity 1, Stealth 1. Ryoko also has Bard 1,
Etiquette 1, Music 2, and Seduction 2.
Advantages/Disadvantages: Dark Secret (Maho
Equipment: Bo (2k2) or Kama (2k2)

Typical Castle Guards

Agility 4


TN to be Hit: 15 (light armor)
School/Rank: Shiba Bushi 1
Skills: Archery 2, Defense 2, Etiquette 1, Hand to Hand
1, Iaijutsu 2, Kenjutsu 3, Meditation 1, Naginata 1,
Shintao 2, Tea Ceremony 1.
Advantages/Disadvantages: None.
Equipment: Daisho, light armor, bow and 20 arrows

Legacy of the Dark One Page 22

Spells not in the L5R rulebook.
Last Rites No Pure Breaths
Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 2 actions
Base TN: 5 x Shadowlands Rank Base TN: Target’s Earth x 5
Raises: N/A Raises: Damage, Casting Time, Number of Targets
This spell completely removes the Shadowlands Taint Duration: Instantaneous
from the target. However, it also kills the target. The Mastery Level/Wounds Required: 5
spell can only be cast on a willing recipient. If the spell Concentration: None
fails, the target’s restless spirit will haunt Rokugan This spell instantly corrupts the Air spirits within the
forever. target’s lungs, causing the Tainted air to explode out of
the victim’s body. At its most successful, the target
Maho Spells literally explodes; more often the spell simply ruptures
lungs and stomachs, causing internal bleeding. The spell
To cast a Maho spell, the caster must spill enough blood
has a base DR of the caster’s Shadowlands Rank. The
to power the spell. The blood does not have to come
target (if still living) suffers a +10 TN penalty to all
from the caster. The number of Wounds’ worth of blood
actions until magically healed, due to the pain of their
required is equal to the Mastery Level of the spell.
internal injuries.
After spilling blood, the caster rolls Earth+Shadowlands
Taint, keeping Earth, to cast the spell. Free Raises may Dark Divination
be obtained by spilling additional blood, at the rate of 1 Casting Time: 3 actions
Raise for each additional “Wounds Required” amount Base TN: 15
of blood spilt. Each casting of a Maho spell causes the Raises: Questions
caster to gain a number of points of Shadowlands Taint Duration: 1 Action
equal to twice the spell’s Mastery Level. Mastery Level/Wounds Required: 4
Concentration: Complete
Summon Revenant This spell allows the caster to ask questions of the GM.
The GM must answer the question honestly, but is only
Casting Time: 5 actions
required to answer with a “Yes” or “No”. For each
Base TN: 20
Raise the caster can ask an additional question...and
Raises: Duration, Casting Time
gains an additional 8 points of Taint.
Duration: 1 hour or Permanent
Mastery Level/Wounds Required: 7
Concentration: None
This spell summons an undead champion, appearing
from nowhere and obeying the summoner. At the end of
1 hour the Revenant will vanish unless the caster
sacrifices 1 full Rank of Earth to bind it forever.

Legacy of the Dark One Page 23

Event Summary
Fill out these questions for all playings of “Legacy of the Dark One” between November 2000
and August 2001, inclusive. Return the completed summary with the Who’s-Who sheet.

Did the PCs save Asako Keiko?

Did the PCs kill Isawa Gidayu?

If not, did they capture him?

Legacy of the Dark One Page 24

Legend of the Five Rings
Champions of the Emerald Empire

This Document Proclaims That

is in possession of the Maho Scroll

No Pure Breaths

This Scroll was obtained in the adventure Legacy of the Dark One.

The use of Maho is an extremely dishonorable and corrupting act. Every time you cast
this spell, you lose 3 points of Honor and gain ten points of Shadowlands Taint. Of
course, the use of Maho is illegal and the penalty is death.

It takes 2 Actions to cast the spell, and you must spill 5 Wounds of blood (your own or
someone else’s blood, it doesn’t matter which). The roll to cast the spell is
Earth+Shadowlands Taint Rank, keeping Earth, and the TN is equal to 5 times the
Earth ring of the target of the spell. If successful, the air within the target’s lungs
instantly corrupts and explodes out of the body, inflicting damage of a DR equal to
your Shadowlands Taint Rank. The target will also be at +10 TN to all actions until
magically healed. You may take Raises for damage, casting time, or number of targets.

By the way: for every extra 5 Wounds of blood you spill after the base 5, you get a
Free Raise.

Judge Signature RPGA Number

Proclamation of (dis)Honor

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