Cooling Tower Construction Checklist
Cooling Tower Construction Checklist
Cooling Tower Construction Checklist
Cooling Tower Tag:
Submittal / Approvals
Submittal. The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional
testing. The checklist items are complete and have been checked off only by parties having direct
knowledge of the event, as marked below, respective to each responsible contractor. This construction
checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed.
A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion of any outstanding areas. None of the
outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional tests being performed. ___ List attached.
Construction checklist items are to be completed as part of startup and initial checkout, preparatory to
functional testing.
• This checklist does not take the place of the manufacturer’s recommended checkout and startup
procedures or report.
• If this form is not used for documenting, one of similar rigor shall be used.
• Contractors assigned responsibility for sections of the checklist shall be responsible to see that
checklist items by their subcontractors are completed and checked off.
Approvals. This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions
noted below.
Tower 2 Information
Make Model Number
Serial Number Capacity GPM
Volts/Phase Function Service Area
Motor Hp Motor Eff RPM
Associated Checklists
Condenser Water Pump Heat Exchanger BAS
Condenser Water Piping Chiller
Tower piping installation checked against the drawings and all devices
gages and appurtenances are in place
Piping supported independently of the tower
Piping type and flow direction labeled on piping
Isolation valves and piping specialties installed
Equalizer line installed and properly supported
Overflow and drain is functional and piped to a proper discharge
Venting in place as required
Condenser system flushing complete and strainers cleaned
Fan lubricated
Fan drive properly aligned
Fan turns freely, fan wheel is balanced
Fan and Motor rotation checked
Fan guard or shield is properly installed
Vibration isolation devices installed and functional
Vibration sensor is installed and wired if applicable
Installation per manufacturer's requirements and start up instructions
Drive location not subject to excessive moisture or dirt
Drive location not subject to excessive temperatures
Appropriate Volts vs. Hz curve is being used
Drive size matches motor size
Drive mounted on house keeping pad (if applicable)
Cooling air flow path clean and unobstructed
Permanent label affixed and UL stamp approved
VFD interlocked to control system
Unit is programmed with full written programming record on site
Accel time set to __________ and Decel time set to __________
Operation checked in HAND, OFF, and AUTO. As applicable
operation also checked in BYPASS
Where applicable, ensure safeties are active in all modes
Coordinated with BAS for all interface ranges and signal isolation
Restart on Power Failure parameter set to auto
VFD powered (wired to controlled equipment)
Grounding installed for components and unit
Drive min and max speed set to __________ Hz min and 60 Hz max
Security settings set per Owner direction and Password documented
for Owner
Drive response to loss of signal set to __________
Output pulse resolution set to _________ MHz. (This is coordinated
with the application to minimize audible noise and coordinated with
driven bearing allowances.)
Checked the input voltage with drive disconnected
Input of motor FLA represents 100% to 105% of motor FLA rating
Upper frequency limit set at 100%, unless explained otherwise
Installation of system and balancing devices allowed balancing to be
completed following specified NEBB or AABC procedures and
contract documents
Operational Checks
Check if Acceptable; Provide comment if unacceptable NA Comment
Specified sequences of operation and operating schedules have been
provided with all variations documented
Specified point-to-point checks have been completed and
documentation record submitted for this system
Startup report completed with this checklist attached (includes full
listing of all internal settings with notes as to which settings are BAS
controlled or monitored and which are integral
Startup report includes written certification from cooling tower
manufacturer that all specified features, controls and safeties have
been installed and are functioning properly and that the installation
and application comply with the manufacturer’s recommendations
Start up complete
Sensor or Actuator Tag Location 1st Gage or Instrument Final Gage or Pass
& Location OK BAS Value Measured Value BAS Value Y/N