Air Cooled Chiller Checklist
Air Cooled Chiller Checklist
Air Cooled Chiller Checklist
The above equipment and systems integral to them are complete and ready for functional testing. The checklist items
are complete and have been checked off only by parties having direct knowledge of the event, as marked below,
respective to each responsible contractor. This construction checklist is submitted for approval, subject to an
attached list of outstanding items yet to be completed. A Statement of Correction will be submitted upon completion
of any outstanding areas. None of the outstanding items preclude safe and reliable functional tests being performed.
List attached
This filled-out checklist has been reviewed. Its completion is approved with the exceptions noted below.
Chiller 1 Information
Make Model
Serial Number Capacity
GPM Volts/Phase
Refrigerant Charge
Label Label
Installation Checks
If acceptable, mark the check box. If unacceptable, indicate the number of the applicable explanatory note attached
to this form.
General OK? Note #
Chiller schematic drawing printout
Chiller Electrical Penal drawing printout
Check all Chiller Accessories installed properly according to the drawing
System flushing complete and strainers cleaned
Evaporator air vent provided
General Comments: