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Us Swire Rope Eng R Handbook

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The document discusses the widespread use of wire rope in industry and provides technical information about its construction and applications.

The document discusses different types of wire rope constructions including left lay, right lay, regular lay, and others.

The table of contents on page 2 lists topics such as selecting wire rope, strengths and weights, stretch, bending, stresses, fittings, care, and more.


" ~
Tiger Brand
Wire Rope
Hand Book

~~ United Sl,les Steel

US ..... ,." PI...
~ 15230

HE WIDESPREAD use of wire rope in almost every type of

T industry-and the many ramifications and variations of such service

-requires constant and up-to-date knowledge of every technical advance

pertaining to the construction of wire rope and to it.; application. (j! To

make available such information to engineers-and to others who have

need for exact facts relating to the subject-is the purpose of this Hand-

book. (j! It is our belief that you will find the contents not only of very

real help-but that you will recognize in it a broadness of scope and a

completeness that could only result from knowledge gained through

many years of leadership in this important field. (j! This leadership has

been achieved because of steadfast adherence to unvarying standards of

quality-and because of ability to provide a perfect answer to the many

usual and unusual application problems that are constantly occurring.

CJ In the future-as in the past-the same exceptional degree of quality

and service will be maintained-two vital factors that have

made us the world's largest manufacturers of wire rope.

Contents Page

Selecting Wire Rope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Strengths & Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Stretch of Wire Rope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Reserve Strengths & Size of Outer Wires . . . . . . 31

Effects of Bending . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Stresses Due to Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Stresses in Guys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Stresses in Suspended Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Multiple Sheave Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

Inclined Planes & Slopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Maximum Load on a Wire Rope . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

Grooves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Fleet Angle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

Unreeling & Uncoiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Spooling & Coiling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Drum & Reel Capacities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Wire Rope Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Wire Rope Slings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Attaching Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

Splicing Wire Rope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Gauging Wire Rope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

Care of Wire Rope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

Useful Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138



t.eft Lay Right Lay

6 x 7-Regular Lay

6 x I7-Type L 6 x 19-5eale Patent

6x21-TypeM 6 x 19-Warrington

• 6 x I9-Type N 8 x 19-TypeN

6x 29-Type P 8x H~-seale Patent

18 x 7-Non-Spinning

6 x'37-Type S 6 x 41-Type T-7 x 7 Independent Wire Rope Core



Lang Lay Reverse Lay

6 x 2S-Type B-Flattened Strand

6 x 8--Type D-Flattened Strand 6 1( 3D-Type G-Flattened Strand

6 x 12-Galvanized Guy Rope 6 :It 42-7 Fiber Cores-Tiller Rope

6 x 12-7 Fiber Cores-Galvanized Running Rope 5 x 19-Marlin Clad

6 x 24-7 Fiber Cores-Galvanized Mooring Line 3 x 7-Galvanized Highway Guard Cable

6 x 37-Galvanized Hawser 6 x 19-Type N-Wire Strand Core

6 :It 3:1t 19-Galvanized Spring-Lay

• 6:1t 19-Type N-7 x 7 Independent Wire Rope Core


When selecting a wire rope to give the best size and location of sheaves and drums, the fac-
service, there are four requirements which should tors causing abrasion and corrosion, the facilities
be given consideration. A proper choice is made by for inspection, and the possible loss of life and
correctly estimating the relative importance of property should a rope fail.
these requirements and selecting a rope which has The following table of minimum safety factors
the qualities best suited to withstand the destruc- is submitted only as a guide. Th€se have been
tive effects of continued use. established by experience as the minimum safety
factors required for safety and economy on the
The rope should possess: average installation. Larger safety factors are de-
Strength sufficient to take care of the max- sirable, as they represent greater safety and, in
imum load that may be applied, with a proper most cases, increased economy.
factor of safety.
Ability to withstand repeated bending with-
Track Cables 3.2
out failure of the wires from fatigue.
Guys 3.5
Ability to withstand abrasive wear. Mine Shafts 8.0 for depths to 500 ft.
7.0 for depths 500-1000 ft.
Ability to withstand distortion and crushing 6.0 for depths 1000-2000 ft.
-or, to put it more plainly, the ability to 5.0 for depths 2Q00-3000 ft.
withstand abuse. 4.0 for depths 3000 ft. and more
Miscellaneous Hoist-
Strength ing Equipment 5.0
Haulage Ropes 6.0
Wire rope in service is subjected to several Overhead and Gantry
kinds of stresses. The stresses most frequently Cranes 6.0'
encountered are direct tension, stress due to Jib and Pillar Cranes 6.0
Derricks 6.0
acceleration, stress due to sudden or shock loads, Small Electric and Air
stress due to bending, and stress resulting from Hoists 7.0
several forces acting at one time. For the most Hot Ladle Cranes 8.0
part, these stresses can be converted into terms Slings 8.0
of simple tension, and a rope of approximately Elevators
the correct strength can be chosen. As the strength Car Speed
of a wire rope is determined by its size, grade, and in Feet Passenger Freight Dumb-
Per Minute
construction, these three factors should be con- I waiters
sidered. 50 7.50 6.67 5.33
100 7.85 7.00 5.66
150 8.20 7.32 5.98
Safety Factors 200 8.54 7.64 6.29
250 8.86 7.92 6.59
The safety factor is the ratio of the strength of
300 9.17 8.20 6.88
the rope to the working load. Thus, a wire rope 350 9.47 8.45 7.18
with a strength of 10,000 pounds and a total 400 9.75 8.70 7.46
450 10.01 8.93 7.74
working load of 2,000 pounds would be operating 500 10.25 9.14 8.00
with a safety factor of five. .
550 10.47 9.32
It is not possible to set proper safety factors for 600 10.68 . 9.50
the various types of wire rope using equipment, as 700 11.00 9.78
800 11.25 10.02
this factor can safely. vary with conditions on 900 11.44 10.21
individual units of equipment. The proper safety
1000 11.57 10.34
factor depends not only on the loads applied, but 1100 11.67 10.43
also on the speed of operation, the type of fittings 1200 11.75 10.50
1300 11.81 10.54
used for securing the rope ends, the acceleration 1400 11.85 10.58
and deceleration, the length of rope, the number, 1500 11.87 10.61

Fatigue Plow Steel is the intermediate of the three

Fatigue failure of the wires in a wire rope is the standard grades of steel wire ropes. Plow Steel
result of the propagation of small cracks under 'Yi~e Ro~es are approximately 15% stronger than
~mlllar ~Ire ropes of Mild Plow Steel. This grade
repeated applications of bending loads. It occurs
when ropes operate over comparatively small IS extensively used on many types of equipment.
~he~,:es or d.rums. The repeated bending of the
mdlvldual Wires, as the rope bends when passing Mild Plow Steel is the lowest in strength and
over the sheaves or drums, and the straightening resistance to abrasion of the three standard grades
of the individual wires, as the rope leaves the ?f s.te~l used f?r manu.facturing wire rope. Its use
sheaves or drums, causes fatigue. The effect of IS ~Imlted to InstallatIOns requiring high fatigue
fatigue on wires is illustrated by bending a wire resistance where strength and resistance to abra-
repeatedly back and forth until it breaks. sion are not of primary importance.
,The bes~ means of preventing early fatigue of
~Ire ropes IS to use sheaves and drums of adequate
Traction Steel is a special grade designed to
~lze. (See "Effects of Bending," page 32.) To
meet. the ~xacti~g requirements of hoisting ropes
Increase the resistance to fatigue, a rope of more on high nse, high speed, electric traction type
flexible construction should be used, as increased passenger elevators. Its use is limited to elevators.
fl~xibility is secured through the use of smaller
WIres. Iron is of low tensile strength. It is soft and
ductile, and its field is limited because of its low
Abrasive Wear strength and resistance to abrasion.
The ability of a wire rope to withstand abrasion
is determined by the size, the carbon and man- Galvanized ropes have the individual wires
ganese content, and the heat treatment of the protected by a uniform coating of pure zinc. These
outer wires; and the construction of the rope. The are used where ropes are exposed to the weather
larger outer wires of the less flexible constructions to moisture, or to other corroding agencies and
are better able to withstand abrasion than the t~eir field is usually limited to stationary installa-
finer outer wires of the more flexible ropes. The tIOns such .as g~ys, standing rigging, t0wing haw-
higher carbon and manganese content and the sers, moorIng hnes, and the like. Heavily lubri-
heat treatment used in producing wire for the cat~d bright ropes a~e .generally preferred to gal-
stronger ropes, make the higher grade ropes vamzed ropes on hOlstmg equipment where cor-
better able to withstand abrasive wear than the rosive conditions prevail. '
lower grade ropes.
The construction of Lang Lay ropes makes them Wire Ropes are our special galvanized
better adapted to resist abrasion than regular lay ropes for installations requiring ropes possessing
ropes of the same size, construction and grade. the ~<?ughness and. stren~h of bright ropes and an
additIOnal protectIOn agamst corrosion. These are
Abuse used ~or hoisting, where bright ropes fail from
The ability of a wire rope to withstand distor-
tion and .crushing is governed principally by its Corrosion-Resisting Steel is the latest ad-
constructIOn. The use of large outer wires and wire dition to the metals used for producing wire ropes.
cores increases the resistance to abuse. Types The 18 per cent chromium, 8 per cent nickel alloy
Band G Flattened Strand ropes, with their commonly known as "18-8" has filled the need
sector-shaped strands and large metallic areas for a corrosion-resisting wire rope for both marine
are well qualified for use where abuse of the rop~ and industrial use.
is an important factor.
Grades Bronze is used to a limited extent for fabri-
cating wire ropes. Bronze wire ropes are of both
To meet .the demand f?r strength, toughness, commercial bronze (90% copper-lO% zinc) and
abilIty to Withstand abrasive wear, and resistance phosphor-bronze. Phosphor-bronze ropes are the
to corrosion, in varying degrees for the many stronger and tougher of the two.
purposes for which wire rope is used, it is manu-
factured in the following grades:
Im.proved Plow Steel is the strongest, tough- Wire Rope Lays
est and most wear resistant of the standard grades. Regular Lay the accepted standard for wire
These qualities make it the best suited for severe ropes, denotes ropes in which the wires are twisted
operating conditions. It is approximately 15% in one direction to form the strands, and the
tnronger than Plow Steel. The trade name of our strands in the opposite direction to form the rope.
Improved Plow Steel Wire Rope is "MONITOR". In regular lay ropes the outer wires are approxi-

mately parallel to the longitudinal axis of the rope. outer wires, which presents greater wearing sur-
Because of the difference in direction of the strand face, Lang lay ropes have increased resistance to
and rope lays, regular lay ropes are less likely to abrasion. They also possess greater flexibility and
kink and untwist, and, therefore, are easier to greater resistance to fatigue than regular lay
handle than Lang lay ropes. Regular lay ropes ropes.
are less subject to failure from crushing and dis- Greater care must be exercised when handling
tortion, due to the shorter length of exposed Lang lay ropes, as they are more likely to kink
outer wires. and to untwist than regular lay ropes. They are
also less resistant to abuse from distortion and
Lang Lay wire ropes have the wires in the crushing. Lang lay ropes should have both ends
strands, and the strands in the rope, twisted in permanently fastened to prevent untwisting. They
the same direction. The outer wires run diag- are not recommended for installations where the
onally across the longitudinal axis of the rope, untwisting tendency cannot be controlled, such
and are exposed for longer lengths than in regular as single part hoists, and should not be used with
lay ropes. Because of the longer length of exposed a swivel type end terminal.

A Worn Regular Lay Rope Showing Results of Abrasive Wear

A Worn Lang Lay Rope Showing Results of Abrasive Wear and Pounding Action

Right Lay or Left Lay depends on whether Reverse Lay applies to ropes in which the
the strands of the rope rotate to the right or to strands are alternately regular and Lang lay. The
the left while receding from the observer and use of reverse lay ropes is usually limited to
when viewed from above. Right lay is the stand- certain types of conveyors. The standard direc-
ard. There are very few types of installations tion of lay is right, as it is for both regular lay
requiring the use of left lay wire rope. and Lang lay ropes.


Fiber Cores are standard for most of the conditions. Bridging of the strands prevents free
constructions of wire rope. The fiber core forms movement of the strands and the wires in the
the heart of the rope, supports the strands, sup- strands as the rope bends and straightens, and
plies internal lubrication, and contributes to the results in early breakage of the wires from fatigue.
flexibility and resiliency of the rope.
Wire cores add to the strength of ropes. They
Wire Cores consist of independent wire rope also increase the resistance of ropes to heat and
cores and wire strand cores. should be used where ropes operate at tempera~
tures sufficient to destroy fiber cores.
Wire cores increase the resistance of wire rope
to abuse, as steel cores will not yield to the com- Ropes with wire cores are not less flexible,
pressive action of the outer strands as does the although they appear to be somewhat stiffer than
softer fiber. This tends to preserve the circular fiber core ropes. They are less resilient than fiber
cross-section of the rope when it is crushed by core ropes. The smaller amount of stretch makes
overwinding, or when bent around small sheaves them suitable for bridges and the like, when the
.and drums while heavily loaded. It also prevents amount of elongation is important, and less suit-
the strands of the rope from bridging, i. e., able for operating duty where shock loads are
bearing forcibly against each other under these frequent.



Our preformed wire ropes are trade-marked twisting tendencies. This makes installation and
"Excellay-Preformed". These preformed ropes handling easier, and lessens likelihood of dam-
differ from the standard, or non-preformed ropes, age to the rope from kinking or fouling. Pre-
in that the individual wires in the strands and the forming permits the more general use of Lang
strands in the rope are preformed, or preshaped, lay and wire core constructions.
to their proper shape before they are assembled
Removal of internal stresses increases resistance
in the finished rope. to fatigue from bending. This results in in-
. The preforming operation removes the natural
creased service wnere ability to withstand bend-
tendency of the wires and strands to straighten,
ing is the important requirement. It also per-
and causes them to retain their proper positions.
mits the use of ropes with larger outer wires,
This, in turn, results in preformed wire ropes hav-
when increased wear resistance is desired.
ing the following characteristics as compared to
non-preformed ropes: Outer wires will wear thinner before breaking,
and broken wire ends will not protrude from
They can be cut without the seizings necessary the rope to injure workmen's hands, to nick
to retain the rope structure of non-preformed and distort adjacent wires, or to wear sheaves
ropes. and drums. Because of the fact that broken
wire ends do not porcupine, they are not as
Broken rope ends do not untwist, as do the
noticeable as they are in non-preformed ropes.
ends of the non-preformed ropes. This increases
This necessitates the use of greater care when
the salvage value of broken ropes.
inspecting worn preformed ropes, to determine
They are substantially free from liveliness and their true condition.


The purpose of prestressing is to remove the quired. Galvanized strands and galvanized wire
structural stretch. (See "Stretch of Wire Rope," core ropes used as main cables and as suspen-
page 29.) This is accomplished by subjecting the sion cables on suspension bridges, and galvanized
strarid or rope to a predetermined load for a suffi- guy strands on vertical radio towers are examples
cient length of time to permit adjustment of the of installations where prestressing is of definite
component parts to that load. The applied load value.
should not exceed the elastic limit of the cable. Prestressing permits accurate measuring under
Prestressing is not recommended for fiber core working loads. In order to assure its installation
ropes, nor is it desirable for operating ropes. without twists being added or removed, a stripe
Prestressing is of value for stationary strands and is painted along the cable while it is in the pre-
stationary wire core ropes on installations where stressing equipment. After installation, the painted
a limited amount of elongation under load is re- stripe should be parallel to the axis of the cable


Wire rope constructions are designated by the six strands of seven wires to the strand is a 6x7
number of strands in the rope and the number of rope. Unless noted, or specified by the number of
wires in each strand. Thus, a rope composed of strands, the rope has a fiber core.

6 x 7-Regular Lay
Ropes of 6 strands, 7 wires to the strand, 1 fiber strands, making the rope construction 7x7.
core, are known as "Haulage" ropes, as the large When fabricated of galvanized wires, this is
outer wires are well suited to withstand the abra- termed a 6x7 Galvanized Guy Rope, and with a
sive wear to which haulage ropes are subjected. galvanized strand core, it becomes a 7x7 Gal-
This construction is the least flexible of the stand- vanized Guy Rope.
ard rope constructions. Wire cores are usually

6x 17-Type L
This is a slightly more flexible haulage rope to six for the 6x7. The strengths of the 6x17-Type
than the 6x7, as each strand has eight outer wires L are greater than those of the 6x7.

6 x I9-Seale Patent
This construction has nine" outer wires per the same number of wires, all wires in each layer
strand, and is therefore a little more flexible than of one size, and each outer wire cradled on two
the 6x17, Type L. The term "Seale Patent" refers inner wires. This arrangement of wires produces
to strands consisting of two concentric layers of a rugged rope for severe service conditions.

6x2I-Type M
The ten outer wires in each strand increase the ance to abrasion and sufficient flexibility to permit
flexibility of this rope over the three construc- winding on medium size drums are requisites. This
tions shown above. It serves a field where resist- rope is used for both hauling and hoisting.


6 x 19-Warrington

In this construction the outer layer of wires in being as flexible as the 6x19 Type N Standard
each strand consists of six large and six smaller Hoisting Rope. 6x19 Galvanized Guy Ropes are
wires. The large outer wires prevent this rope from usually of Warrington construction.

6x 19-Type N

This Standard Hoisting Rope is more uni- tion to the nineteen main wires in each strand
versally used than any other construction. In addi- there are six smaller intermediate wires.


This construction of wire rope, with fourteen the Standard Hoisting Rope with its twelve outer
outer wires to the strand, is next in flexibility to wires per strand.


In this type of rope there are sixteen outer Flexible Hoisting Rope, this rope gives excellent
wires in each strand, making it more flexible than service on cranes and similar equipment, where
the constructions referred to, which have fewer abrasive wear is too severe for the smaller wires
outer wires. As the sixteen outer wires are larger of the 6x37 Crane Rope.
-.n the outer wires of the 6x37 Type S Special

6x37-Type S
This rope is listed as "Special Flexible Hoisting eighteen outer wires which are comparatively
Rope" and is also known as "Crane Rope" due small and therefore not suited to withstand eXCles-
to its widespread use on overhead traveling cranes. sive abrasion.
It is the most flexible of the standard construc- This construction has the highest reserve
tions in which six strand hoisting ropes are com- strength of the standard ropes. (See "Reserve
monly fabricated. Its flexibility permits ~ts use Strengths," page 31).
with small sheaves and drums. Each strand has

8 x IS-Seale Patent
The strands are of the same construction as should not be used where overwinding condi-
those of the 6x19, Seale Patent, shown on page 10, tions or other conditions tending toward abuse
but the strands are smaller and the fiber core are severe, as eight strand ropes will not with- .
larger. This increases its flexibility over the 6x19 stand distortion as well as six strand ropes.
Seale Patent construction, and because of the 8x19 Seale Patent Traction Steel Special Flex-
smaller metallic area, lowers the strength. ible Hoisting Ropes have played an important
Ropes of eight strand nineteen wire construc- role in increased speeds and smoother opera-
tion are known as "Extra Flexible Hoisting tion of high speed, high rise, traction type elec-
Ropes." Because of the large fiber core, they tric passenger elevators.

8 x IS-Type N
The standard construction of 8x19 Extra because of the greater number of smaller strands
Flexible Hoisting Rope has eight smaller strands composed of smaller wires. It is less resistant to
similar in design to the strands of 6x19, Type N abrasion, because of the smaller wires, and to
rope shown on page 11. The eight strand rope is distortion, because of the larger fiber core.
more flexible than the six strand construction,

6 x 25-Type B, Flattened Strand

The sector-shaped strands of this rope have surfaces between the adjacent strands, giving in-
larger metallic areas than the strands of round creased resistance to crushing.
strand ~opes, resulti~g in additiona~ strength; This type, in common with all types of flattened
greatly mc~eased wearmg ~urfaces, WhICh pres~nt strand rope, is made Lang lay.
greater reSIstance to abraSIOn; and larger bearmg


6 x 3D-Type 0, Flattened Strand

Type G differs from Type B in the construction the six-wire strand core over the single-wire core
of the strand cores. The single triangular-shaped is its greater resistance to fatigue. The six smaller
core wire of Type B is replaced by a triangular- round wires are more flexible and will withstand
shaped core strand of six wires.. The advantage of more bending than the larger ~haped wire.

18 x 7-Non-Spinning
This is the only standard construction consist- strands and the difference in lays is to counteract
ing of two concentric layers of strands. The six the untwisting tendency of each, and results in a
inner fJtrands of seven wires are Lang lay, left lay. wire rope with a minimum tendency to rotate
The twelve seven-wire outer strands are regular while under load.
lay, right lay. The purpose of the two layers of

6 x 42-7 Fiber Cores-Tiller Rope

Tiller Rope may be described as 6x6x7, or as flexible, and the small size of the outer wires pre-
6x42-7 Fiber Cores. Each of the six main strands cludes sustained resistance to abrasive wear..
of the rope is a smaller 6x7 rope. It is exceedingly

5 x 19-Marlin Clad
Each strand is served with a closely wrapped the strands, shields the strands against external
layer of tarred marlin before it is closed into the wear as well as internal friction, and protects the
completed rope. The marlin forms a cushion for hands of workmen handling the rope.


6 x 12-7 Fiber Cores-Galvanized Running Rope

This rope, of galvanized wires, is known as a fiber center. These six fiber centers add to the
"Galvanized Running Rope" and sometimes as flexibility, but keep the strength below that of a
"Galvanized Hawser" or "Galvanized Mooring rope of all metal strand construction.
Line." Each strand consists of twelve wires around

6 x 24-7 Fiber Cores-Galvanized Mooring Line

This galvanized rope has six strands, each com- metallic area, it is stronger than the 6x12, 7 Fiber
posed of two layers of wires. fifteen over nine, Core Running Rope. It is termed "Galvanized
around a small fiber center. Because of its larger Hawser" and also "Galvanized Mooring Line."

6 x 37-Galvanized Hawser
Each strand of these Hawsers, or Towing Lines, than the two marine ropes which have fiber centers
consists of thirty-seven galvanized wires. The all- in the strands.
steel strand construction makes this rope stronger

6 x 3 x 19 Galvanized Spring-Lay
Each of the six strands of this Excellay Spring- struction is designed for use in the marine field
Lay Wire rope consists of three steel strands and for warping and mooring where a flexible rope
three fiber strands around a fiber core. This con- with high elasticity is required.

Galvanized Strand
Galvanized guy strands-of seven and nineteen struction. Galvanized Bridge StraD:ds are of 19,
wires are made in four grades: Iron or Common 37,610r91 wire construction, depending on the size.
Strand, Siemens-Martin, High Strength, and Extra. Bridge strands are made of Galvanized Plow Steel
High Strength. For sizes to and including ~ inch wires with tensile strengths in excess of those
diameter, guy strands_are .usually of seven wires; used for the .guy strands.
sizes ~ inch to 1 inch are nineteen-wire con-

Locked Coil Track Strand

The smooth exterior surface of Locked Coil locking construction prevents broken outer wires
Track Cable eliminates the impact loads on the from protruding. It is used for track cables on
outer wircs which occur when carriage wheels roll aerial tramways and cableways.
over any other type of track cable. The inter-

Smooth Coil Track Strand

This track strand consists of concentric layers lay to adjacent layers. This construction is also
of round wires, each layer reversed in direction of known as Round Wire Track Strand.

Flat Wire Rope

Flat Rope consists of a number of four-strand The advantage of this type of rope is that it
wire ropes, usually 4x7, of alternate right and left winds upon itself, ribbon fashion, on a drum
lay, held in position by soft iron sewing wires. The slightly wider than the rope. This permits locating
thickness of the rope is determined by the size of the hoisting drum nearer the load than if round
the four-strand ropes. The width is governed by rope were used, as there is no fleet angle involved.
the number of these ropes employed. '



The Breaking Strengths and Weights given on pages 16,17,18,19,22,23,26 and in the first
two tables on page 20 as well as in the second and third tables on page 24 are in accordance
with Wire Rope Simplified Practice Recommendation R198-43. This simplification practice
was issued by the United States Departm~nt oj Commerce through the National Bureau oj
Standards and was made effective February 15, 1943.

Rope BREAKI!\G STRENGTH IN TONS OF 2,000 LBS. Approx. Approx.

Diameter Monitor Mild Plow Weight per Circ.
Inches Plow Foot in Lbs. Inches
Steel Steel Steel

6 X 7 Haulage Rope
U 2.64 2.30 2.00 0.094 ~
%; 4.10 3.56 3.10 .15 1
% 5.86 5.10 4.43 .21 1%
%; 7.93 6.90 6.00 .29 1%
72 10.3 8.96 7.79 .38 1%
~ 13.0 11.3 9.82 .48 1~
% 15.9 13.9 12.0 .59 2
~ 22.7 19.8 17.2 .84 2%
~ 30.7 26.7 23.2 1.15 2~
1 39.7 34.5 30.0 1.50 3%
1% 49.8 43.3 37.7 1.90 372
1U 61.0 53.0 46.1 2.34 3~
1% 73.1 63.6 55.3 2.84 4%
172 86.2 75.0 65.2 3.38 4~
Wire Strand Cores and Independent Wire Rope Cores add 7 ~% to the above listed strengths
and 10% to the weights. When these ropes are Galvanized, deduct 10% from the above listed
6 X 19 Standard Hoisting Rope
U 2.74 2.39 2.07 0.10 ~
%> 4.26 3.71 3.22 .16 1
% 6.10 5.31 4.62 .23 1%
h6 8.27 7.19 6.25 .31 1%
72 10.7 9.35 8.13 .40 1%
%; 13.5 11.8 10.2 .51 1~
% 16.7 14.5 12.6 .63 2
~ 23.8 20.7 18.0 .90 2%
~ 32.2 28.0 24.3 1.23 2~
1 41.8 36.4 31.6 1.60 3%
1% 52.6 45.7 39.8' 2.03 372
1U 64.6 56.2 48.8 2.50 3~
1% 77.7 67.5 58.8 3.03 4%
172 92.0 80.0 69.6 3.60 4~
1% 107.0 93.4 81.2 4.23 5%
1~ 124.0 108.0 93.6 4.90 572
1~ 141.0 123.0 107.0 5.63 5~
2 160.0 139.0 121.0 6.40 6~
2% 179.0 156.0 ........ 7.23 6%
2U 200.0 174.0 ........ 8.10 .7%
272 244.0 212.0 ........ 10.00 7~
2~ 292.0 254.0 ........ 12.10 8%
This table jplies to all types of 6 x 19,6 x 17 and 6 x 21 Wire Ropes.
Wire Stran Cores and Independent Wire Rope Cores add 7~% to the above listed strengths
and 10% to the weights. When these ropes are Galvanized, deduct 10% from the above listed


Diameter OF 2,000 LBS. eire.
Weight tir
Inches Monitor Steel Plow Steel Foot in bs. Inches

6 X 37 Special Flexible Hoisting Rope

~ 2.59 2.25 0.10 ~
9{6 4.03 3.50 .16 1
% 5.77 :5.02 .22 178
%; 7.82 6.80 .30 1%

% 10.2 8.85 .39 1%

~ 12.9 11.2 .49 . 1~
% 15.8 13.7 .61 2
~ 22.6 19.6 .87 2%
3/g 30.6 26.6 1.19 2~
1 39.8 34.6 1.55 378
178 50.1 43.5 1.96 3%
1~ 61.5 53.5 2.42 33/g

1% 74.1 64.5 2.93 4%

1% 87.9 76.4 3.49 4~
1% 103.0 89.3 4.09 578
1~ 119.0 103.0 4.75 5%
13/g 136.0 118.0 5.45 5%
2 154.0 134.0 6.20 6~
278 173.0 150.0 7.00 6%
2~ 193.0 168.0 7.85 7~

2% 236.0 205.0 9.69 7%

2~ 284.0 247.0 11.72 8%
3 335.0 291.0 13.95 9%
3~ 390.0 339.0 16.37 IOU
3% 449.0 390.0 19.00 11
This table applies to 6 x 29 Type P, 6 x 33 Type Rand 6 x 41 Type T Special Hoisting Ropes.
Wire Strand Cores and Independent Wire Rope Cores add 7Yz% to the above listed strengths
and 10% to the weights.
When these ropes are Galvanized, deduct 10% from the above listed strengths.
8 X 19 Extra Flexible Hoisting Rope
~ 2.35 2.04 0.09 ~
%i 3.65 3.18 .14 1
% 5.24 4.55 .20 1~
116 7.09 6.17 .28 1%

72 9.23 8.02 .36 1%

~ 11.6 10.1 .46 1~
% 14.3 12.4 .57 2
~ 20.5 17.8 .82 2%
3/g 27.7 24.1 1.11 2~
1 36.0 31.3 1.45 378
178 45.3 39.4 1.84 3%
lU 55.7 48.4 2.27 3%
1% 67.1 58.3 2.74 4%
1% 79.4 69.1 3.26 4~



Diameter Weight per
Inches Traction Steel Iron Foot in Lbs.

8 X 19 Exb'a Flexible Elevator Rope

% ......... 1,000 0.05
~ 3,600 1,800 .09
%; 5,600 2,900 .14
% 8,200 4,200 .20
%; 11,000 5,600 .28
72 14,500 7,200 .36
%; 18,500 9,200 .46
% 23,000 11,200 .57
*1;..{6 27,000 ......... .69
% 32,000 16,000 .82
*1% 37,000 ......... .96
ys 42,000 21,400 1.11
*:% 48,000 ......... 1.27
1 54,000 28,000 1.45
1116 61,000 ......... 1.64
6 x 19 Elevatol' Rope
~6 . . . . . ... . 1,300 0.06
~ 3,600 2,200 .10
%; 5,600 3,200 .16
~~ 8,200 5,000 .23
%; 11,000 6,400 .31
72 14,500 8,400 040
%; 18,500 10,600 .51
% 23,000 12,800 .63
*1/£6 27,000 ......... .76
% 32,000 18,200 .90
*l%; 37,000 . .. . .. .. . 1.06
ys 42,000 24,800 1.23
*l%; 48,000 ......... 1.41
1 54,000 32,000 1.60
1116 61,000 .. .. .. .. . 1.81
*This size can also be furnished in Special High Strength Traction Steel for High Rise Installa-
tions. Strengths: Il{6"-30,000 Ibs.; Ih'6"-46,OOO Ibs.; 1%;"-60,000 Ibs. .


Diameter Weight per
Inches Plow Steel Iron Foot in Lbs.

6 X 42 Tiller Rope
~ 2,620 1,168 0.07
% 4,100 1,816 oil
% 5,860 2,600 .16
%; 7,960 3,540 .21
72 10,360 4,600 .28
%; 13,060 5,800 .35
% 16,080 7,140 .43
For Galvanized Tiller Rope, deduct 10% from the above listed strengths.



Rope OF 2,000 LBs. Approx. Approx.
Diameter Weightyer Circ.
Inches Monitor Mild Plow Foot in Lbs. Inches
Steel Steel

6 X 25 Type B}Flattened.,lkand Hoisting Ropes

6 x 30 Type G
% 6.71 .. ... . . . . 0.25 1%
~ 11.8 8.94 .45 1%
%; 14.9 11.2 .57 1%
% 18.3 13.9 .70 2

% 26.2 19.8 1.01 2%

3/g 35.4 26.8 1.39 2%
1 46.0 34.8 1.80 3%
1% 57.9 43.8 2.28 3~

1~ 71.0 53.7 2.81 3%

1% 85.5 ......... 3.40 4%
1~ 101.0 ......... 4.05 4%
1% 113.0 ......... 4.75 5%
]% 13G.0 ......... 5.51 5~
Wire Strand Co~es and Independent Wire Rope Cores add 7}2% to the above listed strengths
and 5% to the weights.

6 X 8 Type D Flattened Strand Haulage Rope

~ 11.1 8.37 0.45 1%
% 17.1 12.9 .70 2
% 24.4 18.5 1.01 2%
% 33.0 24.9 1.39 2%
42.7 32.3 1.80
53.5 40.5 2.28
65.5 49.5 2.81
78.6 59.4 3.40
1~ 92.7 70.1 4.05 4%
Wire Strand Cores and Independent Wire Rope Cores add 731% to the above listed strengths
and 5% to the weights.
Cord Hard Drawn Iron Annealed Iron Approx.
Diameter Weight per
Inches Bright Galvanized Bright or Foot in Lbs.

6 X 7 Sash Cord
h6 140 126 77 0.006
~ 315 283 172 .013 _
% 560 504 306 .023

%'2 840 756 478 .038

;t(6 1,150 1,035 688 .053
}{2 1,570 1,413 940 .072
~ 2,040 1,836 1,225 .094



Rope OF 2,000 LBS. Approx. Approx.
Diameter Weightlier eire.
Inches Monitor Plow Foot in bs. Inches
Steel Steel

18 X 7 NOli-Spinning Rope
% 5.59 4.86 0.24 l~s
~ 7.58 6.59 .33 1%
~ 9.85 8.57 .43 1%
%i 12.4 10.8 .55 1%

% 15.3 13.3 .68 2

% 21.8 19.0 .97 2%
YS 29.5 25.7 1.32 2%
1 38.3 33.3 1.73 3~

1~ 48.2 41.9 2.19 3~

1~ 59.2 51.5 2.70 3%
1% 71.3 62.0 3.27 4%
1~ 84.4 73.4 3.89 4%

1% 98.4 85.6 4.57 5~

1% 114.0 98.8 5.30 5~

Rope Diameter Breaking Strength Approx. Weight

Inches in Lbs. per Foot in Lbs.

9 X 4 Galvanized Mast Arm Rope

1100 0.070
1530 .107
2200 .158

Strand Diameter Approx. Diameter Approx. Weight per

Inches of Each Wire 1000 Ft. in Lbs.

3 Wire Stone Sawing Strand

0.054 26
.061 33
.067 40
.074 48

.080 56
.092 75
.106 99
.120 127


Breaking Approx. ~prox.
Rope Strength Weight etallic A~rox.
Diameter in Tons of per Foot Area in Ire.
Inches Sq. Inches Inches
2,000 Lbs. in Lbs.

6 X 7 and 6 x 19, Wire Core,

Galvanized Plow Steel Bridge Ropes
1 45.7 1.67 0.471 . 37$
17$ 57.8 2.11 .596 3~

17:1 72.2 2.64 .745 3~

1% 87.8 3.21 .906 4%
1~ 104.0 3.8~ 1.076 4%
1% 123.0 4.51 1.27 57$

1% 143.0 5.24 1.47 5~

1~ 164.0 6.03 1.69 5~
2 186.0 6.85 1.92 67:1
2;/g 210.0 7.73 2.17 6%
27:1 235.0 8.66 2.42 7;/g
2% 261.0 9.61 2.69 7~
2~ 288.0 10.60 2.97 7~
2% 317.0 11.62 3.27 87:1
2% 347.0 12.74 3.58 8%
2~ 379.0 13.90 3.91 9
3 412.0 15.11 4.25 9%

Galvanized Bridge Strand

yg 46.0 1.56 0.450 2%
1 61.0 2.07 .596 3;/g
1;/g 78.0 2.64 .760 3~
IX 96.0 3.26 .940 3~
1% 116.0 3.94 1.135 4%
1~ 138.0 4.69 1.35 4%
1% 162.0 5.50 1.59 578
1% 188.0 6.38 1.84 572
lyg 216.0 7.32 2.11 5~
2 245.0 8.34 2.40 67:1
278 277.0 9.42 2.71 6%
27:1 310.0 10.55 3.04 778



Rope Diameter Breaking Strength in Approx. Weight Approx. Circ.
Inches Tons of 2,000 Lbs. per Foot in Lbs. Inches

6 X 7 Gaivanizeclll'oll Gay Rope

~ 0.918 0.094 %
%; 1.42 .15 1
% 2.04 .21 1~
h6 2.76 .29 1%
~ 3.58 .38 1%
%l 4.51 .48 1%
% 5.54 .59 2
% 7.90 .84 2%
I%; 9.23 .99 2~~
yg 10.7 1.15 2%
1 13.8 1.50 3~
1h6 15.5 1.70 3%
1~ 17.3 1.90 3~
1~ 19.2 2.12 3%
1~ 21.2 2.34 3yg
Wire Strand Cores and Independent Wire Rope Cores add 7Y2% to the above listed strengths
and 10% to the weights.

Rope BREAKING STRENGTH IN TONS OF 2,000 LBS. Approx. Approx.

Diameter Weight per Circ.
Inches Monitor Plow Iron Foot in Lbs. Inches
Steel Steel

6 X 12,7 Fiber Cores, Galvanized Running Rope

%> 2.34 2.04 0.905 0.10 1
% 3.36 2.92 1.30 .15 1~
~ 4.55 3.95 1.76 .20 1%
~ 5.91 5.14 2.28 .26 1%
~6 7.45 6.48 2.88 .33 1%
% 9.16 7.97 3.54 .41 2
% 13.1 11.4 5.06 .59 2%
l%i 15.3 13.3 5.92 .69 2~
yg 17.7 15.4 6.85 .80 2%
1 23.0 20.0 8.89 1.05 3~
1~ 25.9 22.5 10.0 1.19 3%
1~ 29.0 25.2 ........ 1.33 3~
l%i 32.2 28.0 ........ 1.48 3%
1~ 35.6 30.9 ........ 1.64 3yg
1% 42.8 37.2 ........ 1.99 4%
I%; 46.7 40.6 ........ 2.17 4~

1~ 50.7 44.1 ........ 2.36 4%

1% 59.2 51.4 ........ 2.77 5~
11716 63.6 55.3 ........ 2.99 5~
1% 68.3 59.4 ........ 3.22 5~
11%i 73.0 63.5 ........ 3.45 5%
119{6 83.0 72.2 ........ 3.94 6~
2 88.2 76.7 ........ 4.20 6~
2!{6 93.6 81.4 ........ 4.47 6~



Rope DI TONS OF 2,000 LBS.
Weight Approx.
Diameter per Ft. eire.
Inches Monitor Steel Plow Steel in Lbs. Inches

6 X 24, 7 Fiber Cores, Galvanized Mooring Line

% 4.77 ·4.14 0.194 1%
~ 8.40 7.30 .35 1%
% 13.0 11.3 .54 2
% 18.6 16.2 .78 2%
liti6 21.8 19.0 .91 2~
yg 25.2 21.9 1.06 2%
1 32.8 28.5 1.38 3%
1~ 36.9 32.1 1.56 3%
1% 41.2 35.9 1.75 3~
1;tf6 45.9 39.9 1.95 3%
1~ 50.7 44.1 2.16 3yg
1% 61.0 53.1 2.61 4%
1?{6 66.5 57.9 2.85 4~
1~ 72.3 62.9 3.11 4%
1% 84.5 73.4 3.64 5%
l 1k'6 90.9 79.0 3.93 5~
1% 97.5 84.8 4.23 572
11;tf6 104.0 90.8 4.53 5%
11~6 119.0 103.0 5.18 6%
2 126.0 110.0 5.52 6~
2116 134.0 116.0 5.87 6~

6 x 37 Galvanized Hawser
% 21.0 18.2 0.87 2%
1;tf6 24.5 21.3 1.02 2~
yg 28.4 24.7 1.19 2%
1 36.9 32.1 1.55 3%
H{6 41.6 36.1 1.75 3%
1% 46.5 40.4 1.96 3~
1;t(6 51.7 44.9 2.19 3%
l}i 57.1 49.7 2.42 3yg
1% 68.8 59.8 2.93 4%
1?{6 75.0 65.3 3.20 4~
1~ 81.5 70.9 3.49 4%
1% 95.3 82.9 4.09 5%
11k'6 103.0 89.2 4.41 57.l
1% 110.0 95.7 4.75 572
11;tf6 118.0 102.0 5.09 5%
11%i 134.0 117.0 5.82 6%
2 143.0 124.0 6.20 6~
2~ 151.0 132.0 6.59 672
2% 160.0 139.0 7.00 6%
2X 179.0 156.0 7.85 7%
2~{6 189.0 164.0 8.29 7~
2% 199.0 173.0 8.74 7~



Rope Diameter Breaking Strength in Approx. Weight Approx. Circ.
Inches Tons of 2,000 Lbs. per Foot in Lbs. Inches

6 X 3 X 19 Galvanized, Excellay, Spring-Lay Rope

7§ 4.0 0.22 1%
Uti 5.0 .28 1%
% 6.25 .34 2
% 9.0 .49 2%
'% 12.25 .63 2%
1 15.0 .88 3~
1~ 19.0 1.14 37§
17,4: 23.5 1.36 3,%
1% 28.0 1.66 4%
17§ 36.0 1.97 4%
1% 42.0 2.28 5~

1% 49.0 2.67 57§

1,% 56.0 3.09 5,%
2 60.0 3.53 67,4:

Rope Diameter BREAKING STRENGTH Approx.

Inches IN TONS OF 2,000 LBS. Weight Approx.
Before After per Foot Circ.
Serving Serving Plow Steel Mild Plow Steel in Lbs. Inches

5 X 19 Marlin Clad Hoisting Rope

7,4: x 2.17 1.89 0.21 1%
%i x 3.37 2.93 .28 2
% x 4.82 4.20 .36 2~
%; x 6.53 5.68 .42
7§ x 8.50 7.39 .51
Uti x 10.7 9.31 .62
x 1 13.2 11.4 .81 3~
x 1~ 18.8 16.4 1.10 37§
x 17,4: 25.5 22.1 1.32 3,%
x 1% 33.1 28.7 1.70 4%
x 17§ 41.6 36.2 2.12
x 1% 51.1 44.4 2.58
x 1% 61.4 53.4 3.14

Rope Diameter Breaking

Inches Approx. Approx.
Strength in Weight per Circ.
Before After Tons of 2,000 Lbs. Foot in Lbs. Inches
Serving Serving

6 X 19, Mild Plow Steel, Marlin Clad Grain Shovel Rope

7,4: x % 2.50 0.25 2
% x % 5.50 .43 2%



Strand IN TONS OF 2,000 LBs. Approx.
Diameter Weight per
Inches Special Standard Foot in Lbs.

Locked Coil Track Strand

%: , 31.5 25.0 1.41

:?/s 41.5 32.0 1.92
1 52.5 42.0 2.50
1);8 66.0 54.0 3.16
lU 81.0 65.0 3.91
1% 100.0 78.0 4.73
1~ 120.5 93.0 5.63
1% 140.0 108.0 6.60
I%: 165.0 125.0 7.66
1:?/s 187.5 138.0 8.79
2 215.0 158.0 10.00
2U 280.0 ........... 12.50
2~ 345.0 ........... 15.20
2%: 420.0 ........... 18.30
3 500.0 ........... 22.20


Strand No. of IN TONS OF 2,000 LBB.
Diameter Weight
Wires Extra High per Foot
High Strength Strength in Lbs.

Smooth Coil Track Strand

~ 19 15.3 12.6 0.55

% 19 22.3 19.2 .86
%: 19 32.5 27.6 1.24
:?/s 19 44.4 37.6 1.69
1 19 58.0 49.2 2.20
1);8 37 70.7 60.0 2.70
lU 37 84.6 71.8 3.23
1% 37 105.0 88.8 4.01
1~ 37 127.5 108.4 4.88
1% 61 146.0 124.0 5.63
I%: 61 171.0 145.8 6.59
1:?/s 61 189.0 161.0 7.28
2 91 218.0 185.0 8.40
2);8 91 240.0 204.0 9.35
2U 91 266.0 233.0 10.36
2~ 91 335.0 285.0 13.10



Thickness BREAKING STRENGTH Approximate
and IN TONS OF2000 LBS. Weight
Width Plow Mild Plow Per Ft.
in Inches Steel Steel in Lbs.

Flat Wire Rope

~ x 172 16.8 14.6 0.69
~x2 21.7 18.8 .88
~X272 26.5 23.0 1.15
%: x 3 31.3 27.2 1.34

18.5 16.0 .77

25.8 22.4 1.05
33.2 28.8 1.33
40.5 35.3 1.61
47.9 41.7 1.89
55.3 48.1 2.17

%x2 31.,." 27.3 1.25

% x 231 41.8 36.4 1.64
%x3 47.1 40.9 1.84
% x 372 57.5 50.0 2.23
%x4 62.7 54.6 2.44
% x 472 73.2 63.7 2.83
%x5 78.4 68.2 3.03
% x 572 88.9 77.3 3.42
%x6 94.1 81.9 3.63

54.5 47.4 2.13

63.6 55.4 2.47
72.7 63.3 2.82
81.8 71.2 3.16
90.9 79.1 3.82
109.0 94.9 4.16
118.0 103.0 4.50
127.0 111.0 4.85
145.0 126.0 5.85

%x3~ 85.8 74.6 3.40

%x4 100.0 87.1 3.95
% x 431 114.0 99.5 4.50
%x 5 129.0 112.0 5.04
% x 572 143.0 124.0 5.59
% x6 157.0 137.0 6.14
%x 7 186.0 162.0 7.23
~~ x 8 214.0 180.0 8.32

%x 5 165.0 143.0 6.50

% x6 185.0 161.0 ·7.31
%x 7 206.0 179.0 8.13
%x8 227.0 197.0 9.70

ygx 5 190.0 165.0 7.50

ygx6 217.0 188.0 8.56
ygx7 244.0 212.0 9.63
ygx8 271.0 236.0 10.69



Inches 19 Wire 7x7 7x19 19 Wire 7x7 7x19

Corrosion-Resisting Steel Aircraft Cables

}{2 *150 ........ . ........ . *2.5 ......... . ........
%'4 *375 ........ . ........ . *5.5 ......... . ........
J16 500 480 ........ . 8.5 7.5 .........
%4 800 650 ........ . 14 11 ..........
% 1,200 920 ........ . 20 16 .........
?i4 1,600 1,260 ........ . 27 22 .........
>~ 2,100 1,700 1,900 35 28 29
~ 3,300 2,600 2,600 55 43 45
% 4,700 3,700 3,900 77 62 65

~2 6,300 4,800 5,200 102 83 86

)i 8,200 6,100 6,600 135 106 110
~ 10,300 7,600 8,000 170 134 139

Yt'6 12,500 9,100 **8,200 210 167 173

1A'2 ......... 10,800 11,700 201 207
% ......... 12,600 **12,000 . ........ 236 243
*7 Wire.
**Made of Molybdenum Bearing Corrosion-Resisting Steel.


Inches 6x7 6x19 6x7 6x19
With Wire Core With Wire Core With Wire Core With Wire Core _

Corrosion-Resisting Steel Ropes

%; 16,500 **16,000 330 355
72 21,300 22,800 430 460
% 26,600 28,500 540 585

% 32,500 35,000 665 725

% 45,500 49,600 935 1,030
5/g 60,200 66,500 1,300 1,410
1 76,700 85,400 1,690 1,840
178 94,600 106,400 2,140 2,330
l}i 113,300 129,400 2,630 2,870
"Made of Molybdenum Bealing Corrosion-Resisting Steel.



in 1-:-:-:::=--------------1---=-------------
Inches 19-Wire 6x7 7x7 7 x 19 19-Wire 6x7 7x7 7 x 19
Strand Strand

Carbon Steel Aircraft Cables

~ *185 .............................. *2.5 . .............................
%'4 *375 .............................. *5.5 . .............................
~ 500 400 480 .......... 8.5 6.8 7.5 . ..........
%4 800 550 650 .......... 14 10 11 . .........
~ 1200 800 920 ......... . 20 14.5 16 ..........
h4 1600 1050 1260 ......... . 27 20 22 ..........
% 2100 1440 1700 2000 35 25.5 28 29
%2 3300 2200 2600 2800 55 39 43 45
%; 4700 3150 3700 4200 77 56 62 65
h2 6300 4100 4800 5600 102 75 83 86
.~ 8200 5200 6100 7000 135 97 106 110
%l 10300 6600 7600 8000 170 122 134 139
%; 12500 8000 9200 9800 210 152 167 173
,............ 182


Diameter Extra High per Foot
Inches High Strength Siemens-Martin Common in Lbs.

7-Wire Galvanized Strand

% 1830 1330 910 540 0.032
%2 2940 2140 1470 870 .051
%; 3990 2850 1900 1150 .073
h2 5400 3850 2560 1540 .098
~ 6650 4750 3150 1900 .121
%'2 8950 6400 4250 2570 .164
~6 11200 8000 5350 .·3200 .205
% 15400 10800 6950 4250 .273
%; 20800 14500 9350 5700 .399
72 26900 18800 12100 7400 .517
%'6 35000 24500 15700 9600 .671
% 42400 29600 19100 11600 .813

19-Wire Galvanized Stralld

72 26700 19100 12700 7620 0.504
% 33700 24100 16100 9640 .637
% 40200 28100 18100 11000 .796
~ 58300 40800 26200 16000 1.155
~ 79700 55800 35900 21900 1.581
1 104500 73200 47000 28700 2.073



The stretch of a wire rope under ioad is the are light, U% or .0025 times the rope length may
result of two components: the structural stretch, be used. With heavy loads, this stretch may
caused by lengthening of the rope lay, compres- approach 1%, or .01 times the rope length.
sion of the core, and adjustment of the wires The elastic stretch of a wire rope is directly pro- -
and strands to the load; and the elastic stretch, portional to the load and the length of rope under
caused by elongation of the wires. load, and inversely proportional to the metallic
The structural stretch varies with the size of
core, the lengths of lays, and the cons~ruction of area and modulus of elasticity. This applies only
the rope. This stretch also varies with the loads to loads which do not exceed the elastic limit of a
imposed and the amount of bending to which the wire rope. The elastic limit of a bright wire rope
rope is subjected. For estimating this stretch the is approximately 55% of its breaking strength;
value of %%, or .005 times the length of rope and for galvanized ropes it is approximately 50%.
under load, gives an approximate figure. If loads :rhis may be expressed as:

EI l' St t h= (Load in Lbs.) (Length of rope under load in feet)

as lC re c (Metallic area of rope in square inches) (Modulus of Elasticity)

The approximate metallic areas of the principal Ropes and Strands-are shown below.
constructions of American Tiger Brand Wire


6x7 6x19 6x19 Type N Wire Galv. TRACK STRANDS GUY STRANIS
Dia. 6x17 Seale Patent 6x29 Type P 6x25 8x19 Core Bridge
Type L 6x21 Type M 6x33 Type R TypeB Bridge Strands Locked Smooth
6x37 Type S Ropes Coil Coil 7-Wire 19-Wire

0.054 0.055 0.057 0.062 0.050 0.079

.095 .098 .101 .110 .088 . .143 .149 0.145
.121 .124 .128 .140 .112 . .184
.149 .154 .158 .172 .139 . .223 .228
.215 .221 .227 .248 .199 ...... ........ .385 .301 .328
J/g .294 .302 .309 .338 .270 0.450 .531 .438 .442
1 .380. .394 .404 .440 .352 .471 .596 .677 .576 .580
.484 .498 .512 .560 .448 .596 .760 .850 .723
.596 .616 .632 .688 .556 .745 .940 1.041 .897
.725 .747 .762 .836 .670 .906 1.135 1.244 1.081
.860 .888 .908 .992 .796 1.076 1.350 1.490 1.292
1}8 1.042 1.065 1.165 1.27 1.590 1.782 1.511
1~ 1.207 1.236 1.352 1.47 1.840 2.061 1.758
1J/g 1.386 1.419 1.69 2.110 2.334 2.007
9 I-Wire
2 1.576 1.616 1.92 2.400 2.659 2.291
2U 1.994 2.048 2.42 3.040 3.432 2.885
2.528 2.97 4.168 3.557
3.048 3.58 4.987
3.632 4.25 6.044
Independent Wire Rope Cores add approximately 15% to the metallic area of ropes of six round strands; and approxi-
mately 10% to 6x25, Type B. Wire Strand Cores add approximately 20% to the metallic area of six-strand, rOlIDd strand,
wire ropes. .



The modulus of elasticity of a wire rope varies The commonly used approximate values for
throughout its life and is dependent on the con- moduli of elasticity of the various constructions
struction of the rope and the conditions under are listed below.
which it operates. This modulus increases during New or unused wire ropes will have a greater
the useful life of the rope. It is affected by the elongation than used ropes, because the greater
length of service of the rope, the intensity of portion of the structural stretch of a rope occurs
working loads, whether these loads are constant or during the initial period of its useful life. The
variable, and the amount of bending and vibra- modulus of elasticity is also the smallest during
tion to which the rope is subjected. this period.

Construction Modulus of

6x7 . 14,000,000
6x17, Type L " , )
6x19, Seale Patent ~ 13,000,000
6x21, Type M J

6xI9 }
6x29, Type P .
6x25, Type B . 12,000,000
6x30, Type G .
6x19 with Independent Wire Rope Core . 14,000,000
6x33, Type R 1 11,000,000
6x37, Type S J
8x19 . 10,000,000
6x 7 . 16,000,000
Galvanized Wire Core Bridge Ropes 6 x 19
6 x 37 t .
Prestressed Galvanized Wire Core Bridge Ropes . 20,000,000
. r 7 W~re , ," . 21,000,000
Galvanized Bridge Strands I 19 W!re . 19,000,000
Galvanizrd Guy Strands \37 W~re . 18,000,000
61 Wire . 17,000,000
91 Wire . 16,000,000
Prestressed Galvanized Bridge Strands \ . 25,000,000
Locked Coil Track Strand . 19,000,000
Smooth Coil Track Strand . 19,000,000
The moduli of elasticity shown on this page are for wire ropes and strands of standard constructions
and with standard lengths of lay.

·30 .

The reserve strength of a wire rope is the strength increases, the reserve strength increases. Well
of the rope exclusive of the outer wires, which are lubricated ropes have the following approximnte
the first to be destroyed by wear and abrasion. reserve strengths in terms of total strengths of new
As the number of layers of wires in each strand ropes.


Outer Wires Inner Wires
(Reserve Strength)
6x7 ·.·.· l 83 17
6:z6x7 Tiller Rope f
6x17 Type L l 73 27
*6x25 Type B f
6x19 Seale Patent l 69 31
8x19 Seale Patent f
6x30 Type G . 66 34
6x21 Type M . 64 36
6x19 Warrington " . 59 41
6x19 Type N l 57 43
8x19 f
18x7 Non-Spinning . 54 46
6x29 Type P . 50 50
6x33 Type R . 48 52
6x37 Type S . 43 57
*Triangular core wires not included.


Factor for Determining
Rope Construction Approx. Size of Outer Wires
(Multiply Dia. of Rope
by Factor)
6x7 . 1/9
6x12-1 Fiber Core . 1/12
6x17 Type L . 1/12
6x19 Seale Patent ..........................•...... 1/13
6x19 Warrington (Large Outer
Wires) . 1/14
6x21 Type M . .1/14
6x25 Type B Flattened Strand , . 1/14
6x30 Type G Flattened Strand . 1/14
6x12-7 Fiber Cores " . 1/15
8x19 Seale Patent . 1/15
6x19 Type N . 1/16
18x7 Non-Spinning " . 1/16
6x29 Type P . 1/18
8x19 . 1/19
6x33 Type R . 1/20
6x37 . 1/22
6x61 . 1/29
6x6x7 Tiller Rope . 1/29


All wire ropes, except stationary ropes used as sheaves and drums can be used without causing
guys or supports, are subjected to bending around early fatigue of the wires than if the loads are
sheaves or drums. The service obtained from wire heavy or the speed fast. Reverse bends, where a
ropes is, to a large extent, dependent upon the rope is bent in one direction and then in the oppo-
proper choice and location of the sheaves and site direction, cause excessive fatigue and should
drums about which it operates be avoided whenever possible. When a reverse
A wire rope may be considered as a machine in bend is necessary, larger sheaves are required than
which the individual elements (wires and strands) would be the case if the rope were bent in one
"lide upon each other when the rope is bent. There- direction only.
fore, as a prerequisite to the satisfactory operation Tables I and II show the minimum tread diam-
of wire rope over sheaves and drums, the rope must eters of sheaves and drums for use with the
be properly lubricated. (See Lubrication-page various sizes, grades, and constructions of wire
113.) With this in mind, the effects of bending rope. These diameters are based on factors of 600
may be classified as: times the diameters of the outer wires for the
Loss of strength due to bending. table covering iron ropes, and 400 for the table
Fatigue effect of bending. . covering the higher grades of wire rope, with the
Loss of strength due to bending is caused by exception of the 18x7 Non-Spinning, for which a
the inability of the individual strands and wires factor of 500 is used.
to adjust themselves to their changed position It should be clearly understood that these are
when the rope is bent. Tests made by the Bureau not the recommended diameters of sheaves and
of Standards and reported in Technologic Paper drums for use with American Tiger Brand Wire
No. 229 show that the rope strength decreases in a Rope. These are the minimum sizes which, under
marked degree as the sheave diameter grows favorable operating conditions, can be expected
smaller with respect to the diameter of the rope. to give reasonable wire rope service. If the other
The loss of strength due to bending wire ropes features of operation, such as speeds and loads,
oyer the sheaves found in common use will not are severe, larger sheaves and drums should be
exceed 6% and will usually be about 4%. used; the amount by which they exceed these
The bending of a wire rope is accompanied minimum figures depending upon the severity of
by readjustments in the positions of the strands the conditions of service. The use of sheaves and
and wires and results in actual bending of the drums larger than shown in these tables will result
wires. Repetitive flexing of the wires develops in increased wire rope service, which usually will
bending loads which, even though well within the more than warrant the additional cost of the
elastic limit of the wires, set up points of stress larger sheaves and drums.
The fatigue effect of bending appears in the TABLE I
form of small cracks in the wires at these over- MINIMUM TREAD DIA:METER OF
stressed foci. These cracks propagate, under re-
peated stress cycles, until the remaining sound
metal is inadequate to withstand the bending Bright Iron Wire Ropes
load. This results in broken wires showing no Rope
6x7 6x19 8x19 6x6x7
apparent contraction of cross section. Dia. Tiller
Experience has established the fact that from
the service viewpoint, a very definite relationship U 15% 10 8 5
exists between the size of the individual outer wires ~6 19% 12~ 10 6U
of a wire rope and the size of the sheave or drum % 23~ 15 12 7~
about which it operates. Sheaves and drums smaller K6 27~ 17~ 14 8%
than 200 times the diameter of the outer wires will
cause permanent set in a heavily loaded rope. Good ~ 31~ 20 16 10
practice requires the use of sheaves and drums %; 35~ 22~ 18 llU
with diameters 800 times the diameter of the outer % 39~ 25 20 12~
wires in the rope for heavily loaded fast-moving % 47U 30 24 15
ropes. For mine hoists, the factors are usually
about 1,000; for elevators, approximately 900. J/g 55U 35 28 17~
It is impossible to give a definite minimum size 1 ........ 40 32 20
of sheave or drum about which a wire rope will 178 ........ 45 . ....... ........ .
operate with satisfactory results, because of the lU ....... . 50 ........ . ........
other factors affecting the useful life of the rope. These Minimum Tread Diameters are based on factors
If the loads are light or the speed slow, smaller of 600 times the diameters of the outer wirt's.



Mild Plow Steel, Plow Steel, and Monitor Steel Wire Ropes

6x19 6x25
Seale Pat. Type B 6x37
6x17 6x30 6x19 Type S
Type L Type G Type N 6i33 5x19
Rope 18x7 6x21 8x19 6x29 Type R Marlin 6x6x7
Dia. 6x7 Non-Spin. Type M Seale Pat. Type P 8x19 Clad Tiller

~ 10% 8% 7% 6% •••••••••••••••••••• < ••••••••• 3%

%> 13~ 10% 9% 8~ .............................. 4~
% 15% 12% 11~ 9% 8% 8 6% 5~
}J6 18% 15 13~ 11% 10 9~ 8 6>i
7'2 21 17 15 13 11% 10% 9 7
%i 23% 19~ 17 14% 13 11% 1O~ 8
% 26~ 21~ 18% 16~ 14% 13~ 11~ 8~
% 31% 25% 22% 19% 17~ 15% 13% lO}2
J/g 36% 29% 26!i 22% 20~ 18% 15% ·12>i
1 42 34 30 26 23 21 18 14
17S 47~ 38~ 33% 29~ 26 23% 20X ..........
IX 52% 42% 37~ 32% 28% 26X 22% ...........

1% 57% 46% 41X 35% 31% 29 24% ..........

1% 63 51 45 39 34% 31% 27 ..........
1% .......... 55X 48% 42X 37% 34~ 29X . .........
1% .......... 59% 52% 45% 40X 36% 31% . .........
1J/g .......... 63% 56X 48% 43~ 39% 33% . .........
2 .......... 68 60 52 46 42 36 . .........
2X .......... 76% 67~ 58% 51% 47~ 40~ ..........
2% .................... 75 65 57% 52% 45 . .........
2% ............................... , ........ 63X 57% 49% . .........
3 ........................................ 69 63 54 . .........
3X .................................................. 68X 58% . .........
3~ ............................................................ 63 . .........
These Minimum Tread Diameters are based on factors of 400 times the diameters of outer wires for all except the 18x7
Non-Spinning Rope, for which a factor of 500 is used.



In order to cause a body to move from one point g = acceleration due to gravity = 32.2 ft.
to another, a force must be applied to the body. per sec. per sec.
If the rate at which the body moves from point a = linear acceleration in ft. per sec.per sec.
to point does not change during successive inter- v = linear velocity in ft.. per sec.
vals of time, we say that the body has a constant s = distance in feet.
speed or a uniform velocity. Velocity is always t = time in seconds of the acceleration
expressed as a ratio of distance to time, and for period.
our purposes, we shall use the ratio, feet per
second (ft./sec.) as most convenient.. The force The formulas connecting these various quanti-
necessary to move a body with uniform velocity ties that we shall need to use are as follows:
is constant, and is that force required to overcome v
(1) a
frictional and gravitational resistance. t
On the other hand, if the velocity of a body (2) a 2S when startmg
= t2 . f rom rest
changes, additional force is necessary to cause this
change. Suppose a body initially at rest starts to (3) F = VV a
move so that it has velocities at the end of certain g
time intervals as follows: From which
(4) F = g v VVv
At end of 1st second velocity is 5 ft.jsec. X t = 32.2t
At end of 2nd second velocity is 10 ft.jsec. VV 2s VVs
(5) F = g X t 2 = 16.lt2
At end of 3rd second velocity is 15 ft.jsec.
At end of 4th second velocity is 20 ft./sec.
Let us take, for example, a vertical mine hoist.
VVe see that at the end of each second the VV then represents the weight of the rope hanging
velocity has been increased 5 ft.jsec., or, in other in the shaft, the weight of the cage, the weight
words, the body has been accelerated at the rate of the car, and the weight of whatever material
of 5 feet per sec0!1d per secona. ~ written 5 ft.jsec. is being brought to the surface. From the mine
/sec. or 5 ft.jsec. 2) If the acceleration is not at a data, we can get v or the maximum speed of the
uniform rate, we can only express the acceleration hoist in feet per second. That still leaves the time
as it is at the end of a certain time interval. It t to be determined. By standing near the hoisting
will be found that the great majority of wire rope drum and listening to the engine during a few
installations operate with a uniform acceleration, trips, the observer can very easily determine the
or that the acceleration decreases as the equipment number of seconds t it takes the engine to get
gets up to maximum speed. up to speed. A stop watch will help considerably
in determining this acceleration period. From
There are certain fundamental relations be-
formula (4), we can now get F, the extra force
tween weight, force, acceleration, velocity, dis-
needed for acceleration.
tance and time which fortunately are very simple.
In case the speed of the hoist is not available,
Let VV = weight of a body and rope. then recourse is had to formula (5). t is deter-
F = force necessary to cause a change oi mined as described above, and the acceleration
velocity. This is sometimes called the distance s must also be found by observation.
inertia force and does not include the The hoist indicator can be used in estimating
forces needed to overcome friction or the distances traveled during the acceleration
gravity. period, the uniform speed period, and the slowing

down period by noting the position of the indi- two. In such cases, it is a safe precaution to add
cator when the time is taken. A very clese esti- arbitrarily about 25% to calculated stresses ob-
mate of distance can be made in this manner. tained as above.
Local conditions may 'give the observer other The preceding discussion has only considered
means of determining the maximum speeds, time speeding up or acceleration. The same forces come
and distances. into play when apparatus is slowing down during
The fact that all wire rope possesses a certain retardation. In most hoists, the acceleration forces
amount of elasticit.y makes conditions easier for are greater because loads are being lifted, but
long ropes on deep shafts or slopes. A certain occasionally conditions of extremely rapid retard-
amount of motion of the winding drum is ab- ation are met which necessitate careful checking
so.rbed in stretching the rope, and therefore the to avoid undue stres~es being placed on the rope.
load is not accelerated as rapidly. The force The same formulas apply in either case.
necessary to overcome the inertia of sheaves, etc., The following table gives the percentage of in-
in shallow shafts is also greater in proportion to crease over the static load in hoisting cables due
the whole inertia force, and must be taken into to accelerations of from .25 to 32 feet per second
consideration. Good practice therefore calls for per second. These are based on g = 32 ft. per
the use of a higher factor of safety in shafts where second per second.
the total hoisting distance is not great. See Safety Acceleration % Increase Acceleration % Increase
Factors, page 6. Feet/sec./sec. of Load Feet/sec./sec. of Loaj

The rope user will find that acceleration stresses .25 0.78 14 43.75
are generally much less in electrically operated .50 1.56 16 50.00
.75 2.34 18 56.25
hoists, for the automatic control prevents rapid 1 3.13 20 62.50
starting as a protective measure for the electrical 2 6.25 22 68.75
equipment. Steam hoists, on the other hand, are 4 12.50 24 75.00
6 18.75 26 81.25
often started by opening the throttle wide, with 8 25.00 28 87.50
consequent sudden jerks on the rope and ex- 10 31.25 30 93.75
tremely rapid acceleration for the first second or 12 37.50 32 100.00

• 35 ~

Guys are wire ropes or strands used to hold a sometimes used to determine the tension in guys.
vertical structure in position against an overturn- If this instrument is not available, the tension
ing force. The most common types of guyed struc- can be approximated very closely by measuring
tures are stacks, derricks, and masts for draglines, the deflection at the center of the span from the
reversible tramways and radio transmission. chord drawn from the guy anchorage to the point
As a general rule stresses in guys from tempera- of support on the structure. The formulas for
ture changes are neglected, but in structures such uniformly loaded cables will be found under
as radio masts this is an important feature, and "Stresses in Suspended Cables", and the initial
must be subject to special analysis. tension may be found when the deflection, span
The number of guys used for any particular and weight per foot are known. A good average
installation is contingent on several variable figure to use for erection tension of guys is 20%
factors, such as type of structure, space available of the maximum working tension of the guy.
for guys, contour of the ground, etc., and is not a Our purpose is to outline the method of deter-
part of this discussion. mining the stresses in guys. One of the first con-
It is desirable to space guys uniformly wherever siderations is the location of the guy anchorages.
possible in order to equalize the pull, P, on each The anchorages should be so located that the
guy insofar as possible, particularly against forces angle a, (Alpha) between the horizontal plane and
which change in direction, as when a derrick the guy line, is the same for all guys (to equalize
boom swings in its circle. erection tensions). Angle a, in good practice,
It is also desirable to equalize the erection seldom exceeds 45 degrees; 30 degrees being quite
tensions on the guys. When no external force is commonly used. The tension in the guys decreases
acting on the structure, the tension in each guy as angle a becomes less. The direct load on the
should be the same. A "Tension Indicator" is structure is also less with smaller values of a.

Figure 1


To find the maximum extra tension, T, that TABLE III

will be applied to any single guy by the force, F; No. of Guys Factors* No. of Guys Factors*
first, determine the pull, P, which is the amount
3 1.15 10 .45
J{'quired along the guys, in the same vertical 4 1.00 11 .40
plane as the force, F, to resist the horizontal 5 .90 12 .37
romponent of the force, F. This pull, P, is entirely 6 .75 13 .35
independent of the number of guys. Assume that 7 .65 14 .32
the following are known: 8 .55 15 .30
9 .50
F = The total resultant external force acting
"'These factors are for average conditions. If the guys are
on the structure.
erected under accurately measured tensions of not less
'Y = Gamma = The angle between the horizcn- than 20% of the working load the factors for 5 or more
guys may be reduced 10%. If the erecting tensions are lew
tal plane and the force, F.
or not accurately equalized, the factors for 5 or more guys
h = The height of structure. should be increased 10%.

d = The horizontal distance from structure to Example-A derrick mast 90 ft. high is sup-
guy anchorage. ported by nine equally spaced guys anchored at a
horizontal distance· of 170 ft. from the mast and
m = The vertical height of anchorage above or
the elevations of the guy anchorages are 10 ft.
below base of structure.
below the base of the mast. The load on the struc-
The horizontal component of the force, ture is equivalent to a force of 10,000 lbs. acting
F, = F cos 'Y. on an angle of 10 degrees below the horizontal.
a = Alpha = the angle whose tangent is h ~m. What is the maximum pull on any single cable
and what size guy rope should be used?
m is plus if the anchorage is below the base of
the structure and minus if it is above. From Fig. I
p = F cos 'Y h = 90 Ft.
cos a d = 170 Ft.
As cos a is always less than one, P is always
m = 10 Ft.
'Y = 10 0 _ 00'
~ater than F cos 'Y, -the horizontal component F = 10,000 Lbs.
of force, F.
It must be remembered that P represents the 90 + 10 100
tan a = -t70- = 170 = .588
total pull acting along the guys at an angle, a,
with the horizontal and in the same vertical plane a = 30° -28'
as the force, F. P = F "os 'Y =..!Q,OOO X .985 = 11 427 Lbs.
If only one guy were used, P would represent cos a .862 '.
the extra tension, T. In practice, however, a From Table III, T = 11,427 X .50 = 5,714 Lbs.
number of guys are always used and, therefore,
the pull on anyone guy will not be equal to P. If erection tension is 10 per cent of total work-
The following table gives factors for any number ing tension, 5,714 is 90 per cent of total working
of guys from 3 to 15, equally spaced about a .
t enSlOn. Therefore, work'mg t enSlOn
. = 5714X1QO
90 =
central structure. To find the maximum extra
6,349 Lbs.
tension, T, that will be applied to any single guy
by the force, F, capable of rotating 360 degrees With a factor of safety of 5, the guy ropes
MOund a vertical axis, it is only necessary to should have a breaking strength of 31,745 pounds.
multiply the value of P, as determined above, by By referring to pages 22 and 28, it will be found
the factor for the number of guys used. It must that a 1~" diameter 6x7 Galvanized Iron Guy
be clearly understood in using this table that the Rope, or a 31" diameter Extra Galvanized
guys are uniformly spaced and under equal ten- Siemens-Martin 19-wire strand, could be specified
sion when no load is acting on the structure. for this installation.



Cable spans may be divided into two general
classes, Anchored Spans, and Counterweighted k = Ratio of deflection to span = ~ for level
Spans. In each of these divisions, we find it neces- ws cos2 ••
sary to solve for stresses and deflections of uni- spans and 8t a for mchned spans.
formly loaded spans and also of spans supporting Ll = Length along cable when the cable only is
one or more individual concentrated loads. It, is, supported in a span.
therefore, necessary to analyze the conditions of L2 = Hypothetical length along cable at zero
each problem carefully and the following points tension.
must be considered:
L = Length along cable when either a uniformly
1. Horizontal distance between supports. distributed load or one or more concen-
2. Difference in elevation between supports. trated loads are suspended.
3. Maximum allowable deflection, measured m = Horizontal distance from left support to
vertically from chord to cable. the first load.
4. Length of cable between supports. n = Number of concentrated loads.
5. Weight per foot of cable, to which must be P = Change in total length of cable per pound
added in certain cases the additional weight of tension = A~
imposed by snow and ice.
6. Maximum load to be supported by the s = Horizontal distance between supports.
cable. SI = Chord length of sub-span between load and
a. Load uniformly distributed over the support or between two loads.
length of the span. t = Horizontal component of cable tension.
b. A single load supported at any point in t' = Maximum cable tension at left support.
the span. til = Maximum cable tension at right support.
c. Multiple individual loads. te = Erection tension of empty cable in an
7. Is the cable anchored at both ends or is it anchored span.
anchored at one end and counterweighted u = Number of loads to left of xy in a multiple
at the other end? loaded span.
8. Modulus of elasticity in tension. w = Weight per foot of horizontal length of
9. Wind loads on the cable and on the sus- span for a uniformly distributed load,
pended load. w = w'sec a.
10. Changes in length of cable due to -.:hanges w' = Weight per foot of uniformly distributed
in temperature. load along the cable, which is assumed for
purposes of parabolic curve calculations, as
Since our purpose is to present means for equivalent to uniformly distributed load
obtaining results quickly, we will not give deriva- along the chord.
tions of the following formulas. Computations w" = Weight per foot of uniformly distributed
are simplified by the assumption that uniform load along the cable for purposes of catenary
loading is distributed horizontally, and that the curve calculations.
cable assumes a parabolic arc. For the great
majority of cases encountered in practice, the x = Horizontal distance from support to xy.
results thus obtained are sufficiently accurate. If y = Vertical deflection from support to xy.
special cases occur where the ratio of deflection yo = Vertical deflection from support at center
to span is very large, then the catenary equations of span.
should be applied. These are available in several z = A term in the general formula for multiple
textbooks. loaded counterweighted spans.
The following nomenclature will be used: a = Alpha = Angle between the horizontal aI!d
A = Net cross sectional area of cable. a chord between supports.
a = Horizontal spacing of loads. (,l1 = Beta! = Angle between the horizontal and
a tangent to a cable curve at the left sup-
b = n(~-l) c = U(~-l) port.
e = Base of N aperian system of logarithms
(,l2 = Beta2 = Angle between the horizontal and
a tangent to a cable curve at the right
= 2.7182818. support.
E = Modulus of elasticity in tension. (,l3 = BetM = Angle between the horizontal and
G = Weight of an individual concentrated load. a tangent to a cable curve at any point
h = Vertical difference in elevation of supports. in a span.


~ = BetaA = Angle between the horizontal and sion will not be exceeded when the load is applied.
a tangent to a calle curve at a load. In the case of cableways with high self-sup-
A = Lambda = Change in length of 'cable per porting towers, the cable tension and deflection
foot of length, per pound of tension. may be affected by yielding of the supports. A
A = Delta = Total change in length of cable complete study of such a span includes the appli-
= At L2. cation of the theory of deflection in framed struc-
e = Theta = Angle between the horizontal and tures, but such a special condition does not come
the chord of a half span. within the scope of this handbook. In all cases we
sec = Secant of an angle = 1 will assume that cables are anchored to rigid sup-
ports or immovable ground anchorages.
cosine The determination of the proper erection deflec-
ANCHORED SPANS are principally employed tion and tension involves the use of the modulus
for supporting electrical cables, for guy lines, for of elasticity in tension for the particular con-
suspension bridges, and usually for track cables struction of cable which is being used.
of cableways and reversible aerial tramways It is well known that the modulus of elasticity
where a single moving load is supported in a clear ranges between 28,000,000 and 30,000,000 for
span. structural steel, but the modulus of elasticity of
When a cable span is erected, anchored at both a wire cable, considering the cable as a whole, has
ends, and a load of any kind supported from the various values depending on its construction, and
cable, the deflection increases because of the also on the work that has been put into it.
elastic properties of the cable. The tension also The modulus can be appreciably increased by a
increases when the load is applied. prestressing operation. This is frequently done to
It is necessary to select the size, construction, bridge cables. In the case of track cables carrying
and grade of the cable, with a proper factor of rolling loads somewhat the same effect is secured
safety, after having determined the maximum after a period of operation, as most of the struc-
tension in the cable due to dead and live loads. tural stretch is removed. See Moduli of Elasticity
I t is then necessary to erect the cable at such a page 30, and Prestressed Strands and Ropes
deflection that the maximum safe working ten- page 9.


t' t' = t'

Figure 2

When the tension is known, the center deflec- When the deflection at some point other than
tion is found from: the center of span is known:
ws 2 t = wx(s-x) (4)
yo = Sf (1)
and the deflection at any poht in the span is: t' = t sec ~l (5)
y = wx(s-x) (2) The cable slope at any point in the span is:
Wben the center deflection is known, the hori-
tan ~3 = 7(; - x) (6)
IOntal component of tension is found from: At either support the cable slope is:
t= ws
(3) tan ~l or ~2 = -4yo
s (7)


ws This equation can be solved for te, using the

also tan ~I or ~2 = 2t (8) trial and error method.
When the tension is known, the length of cable is:
LI or L = s + w24tS 3()
2 approx.
(9) A 750,000 C.M. bare, hard drawn, stranded
When the deflection is known: copper cable is to be supported across a river.
Supports will be at the same elevation and 1350
Ll or L = feet centers. The copper cable is .9981" diameter,
s[ ~Vl+16k2+~kIOge (4k+V1 + 16k2)] (10) and will weigh 2.325 pounds per foot. N.E.L.A.
class "B" loading is to be used, that is, a coating
An easier formula, giving closely approximate of ice ~ inch thick plus a horizontal wind load
results is: of eight pounds per square foot on the projected
8 32 256) area of the ice coated cable. The center deflection
LI or L = s ( 1 + 3 k 2 - 5 k 4 + '7 k 6 (11) can not exceed 75 feet.
Sufficient accuracy can be secured, for many of (a) What are the specifications of the necessary
the cases encountered in practice, by contracting messenger cable, assuming the same ice and wind
formula (11) to: loads?
LI or L = s (1 + ~ k 2) (12) (b) What is the cable slope at supports and at
the quarter points of the span?
In determining the erection tension for a uni- (c) What is the erection tension and deflection
formly loaded span, the values of LI and t e must for the messenger strand only, assuming there are
satisfy the equation: no ice or wind conditions at time of erection?
L - LI = (t - te) L = P (t - te) (13) It is necessary to assume the diameter of mes-
AE senger strand to figure the loading on the span.
By substitution of (9) for Ll in (13) and using It may then be necessary to revise the figures if
corresponding values of wand te, the first selection does not prove suitable. We will
w 2 s3 assume a ']/g" diameter strand weighing 1.581
Pte + L -- (Pt + s) = 24 te 2 (14) pounds per foot.

Copper cable + ice = 3.240 pounds per foot

Messenger strand + ice = 2.421 pounds per foot
Total vertical load = 5.661 pounds per foot
Horizontal wind load on both cables = 2.582 pounds per foot
Total resultant load = 6.222 pounds per foot
Then from (3) t = 6.222 X 1350 = 18 900
8 X 75 '
poun s

Then from (8) tan Itl = 6.222 X 1350 = 2222 Itl = 12°-32'
~ 2 X 18900 . ,~

Then from (5) t' = 18900 X sec 12°-32' = 19365 pounds

Then from (6) when x = 337.5 feet
6.222 (675 - 337.5) = .1111, ~3 = 6°-20'
tan ~3 = 18900
With a factor of safety of 4, the required break- ing strength of 79,700 pounds, and will be satis-
ing strength will be 4 X 19365 = 77460 pounds. factory for the purpose intended. A = .4455
Pag~ 28 shows ~" diameter, 19 wire, Extra Gal- square inches. w = 1.581 pounds.
vamzed Extra HIgh Strength Strand has a break-

(9) L = 1350 + 6:2222X~35Q3 = 1361.110 ft.

24 X 189002
In order to set up (14) in convenient form, first W 2S3 = I:58J2 X i3503 = 256,240,000
calculate the following:
24 24
P = .4455 X 19,000,000 = .0001608 Substituting these values in (14),
Pt + s = (,0001608 X 18900) + 1350 = 1353.039 .0001608 te + 8.071 = 256,~:~,000

The following shows the reFmlts of a series of (b) Maximum cable slope at supports =
slide rule computations for assumed values of te 12°-32'.
until the above equation is satisfied (the values Maximum cable slope at quarter points
in the last two columns are equal). of span = 6°-20'.
256,240,000 (c) Erection tension = 5356 pounds
te .0001608 te + 8.071
te 2 Erection deflection = 67.25 ft.
5200 .836 8.907 9.476
5.300 .852 8.923 9.122 The following table No. IV gives factors for
5.350 .860 8.931 8.952 obtaining maximum tension t' at the supports of a
5356 .861 8.932 8.932 uniformly loaded level span when w, the weight
per horizontal foot aI!d s, the horizontal length of
te = 5J56 pounds. span, are known. See column 2. The close relation
between the parabola and the catenary is shown
1.581 X 13502 by a comparison of the values in columns 2 and 3.
From (1) yo = 8 X 5356 = 67.25 ft. Column 3 gives the factor for obtaining t' when w",
the weight per foot along the cable, and s is known.
The length of a uniformly loaded level span, based
From (9) X 1350 = 1358.932ft. on a parabolic curve, can be obtained from the
24 X 53562 factors in column 4. If the span is inclined see (24)
and (25).
(a) One piece ~" diam. 19 wire Extra Gal- The factors in column 4 can also be used for the
vanized Extra High Strength Strand with catenary for k ratios up to 0.12 with an error less
sockets attached so as to give a length of than 0.02%, and for k ratios as high as 0.20 with
1358.93 feet center to center of supports. an error of only 0.1 %.



Ratio of center To get length of
deflection to When weight of When weight of cable, multiply
che>rd length load per foot load per foot total span by
of span of span, w, of cable, w", factor below
k is known is known L 1 = s x factor
t' = ws x factor t' = wIts x factor

.01 12.510 12.51 1.00027

.012 10.429 10.43 1.00038
.014 8.942 8.94 1.00052
.016 7.828 7.83 1.00068
.018 6.962 6.96 1.00086
.02 6.270 6.27 1.00107
.022 5.704 5.70 1.00129
.024 5.232 5.23 1.00153
.026 4.834 4.83 1.00180
.028 4.492 4.49 1.00209
.03 4.196 4.20 1.00240
.032 3.938 3.94 1.00272
.034 3.710 3.71 1.00307
.036 3.508 3.51 1.00344
.038 3.327 3.33 1.00384


TABLE IV (Cant.)


Ratio of center To get length of
deflection to When weight of When weight of cable, multiply
chord length load per foot load per foot total span by
of~pan of span, w, of cable, w", factor below
is known is known L 1 = S x factor
t' = \VS x factor t' = w"s x factor

.04 3.165 3.17 1.00425

.042 3.018 3.02 1.00468
.044 2.884 2.88 1.00514
.046 2.763 2.76 1.00561
.048 2.652 2.65 1.00611

.05 2.549 2.55 1.00663

.055 2.327 2.33 1.00801
.06 2.142 2.14 1.00952
.065 1.987 1.99 1.01115
.07 1.854 1.86 1.01291

.075 1.740 1.74 1.01480

.08 1.640 1.64 1.01681
.085 1.553 1.56 1.01894
.09 1.476 1.49 1.02119
.095 1.408 1.42 1.02356

.10 1.346 1.36 1.02604

.105 1.291 1.31 1.02865
.11 1.242 1.26 1.03136
.115 1.197 1.22 1.03419
.12 1.155 1.18 1.03713

.125 1.118 1.14 1.04021

.13 1.084 1.11 1.04333
.135 1.052 1.08 1.04659
.14 1.023 1.05 1.04995
.145 0.997 1.03 1.05341

.15 0.972 1.005 1.05711

.16 0.928 0.964 1.06455
.17 0.890 0.930 1.07236
.18 0.856 0.900 1.08063
.19 0.826 0.874 1.08919

.20 0.800 0.853 1.09822

.21 0.777 0.834 1.10749
.22 0.757 0.820 1.11706
.23 0.738 0.807 1.12701
.24 0.722 0.796 1.13724
.25 0.707 0.788 1.14778

~ 42 •


t" h

Figure 3

The following formulas give the increments of "Down" slopes are usually considered as plua
deflection and slope due to-inclination of the chord. values and "up" slopes as minus values.

ws 2 h
yo = -gt+2 (15)

tan. a = l!.-

At any point--
wxts-x) t
y = 2t ± x an a (17)
ian (}l = -2[" + tan a (18)
tan (}2 = -2t - tan a (19)

tan (}3 (at any point) = 7(~ - x) ±tan a (20)

'When center deflection is known:
ws 2
t = 8yo --=-4h (21)
Low point of an inclined span occurs when tan (}3 = 0
. x=2
.. s +w t t ana

When deflection at any other point is known:

t = wx (s-x) (22)
2(y-x tan a)
t' = t sec (}l (23)
t." = t sec (}2
To find the lengths of cable in an inclined span formulas (9) and (11) are modified:
s2 + h2 + w2s3cos3a ( )
Ll or L =
V ~i2 approx. (24)

Ll or L = Vs2 + h2 ( 1 + i k2 -
3 2k4 + 25 6 k6 )
5 7

It will be seen that the solutions for inclined spans are quite similar to those for level



t" = t'

Figure 4

.The deflection produced by a concentrated load a cable anchored at both ends. The deflection must
suspended midway between two fixed points A not exceed 83 feet. No wind or ice conditions.
and B forms two equal sub-dlords AC and CB.
(a) What are the specifications of the cable?
The cable assumes two catenary arcs which inter-
sect at C. The following formulas are, however, (b) What is the maximum tension in the cable?
based on the parabola, as the difference in results (c) What is the slope at the supports with the
is negligible. load at center of span?
The center deflection is found from:
(d) What is the cable length between supports,
Gs ws2 s (2G + ws) with no rolling load on the cable?
yo = 4t + 8t = 8t (26)
(e) What is the erection tension and erection
and t = s (2G + ws) (27)
8ye deflection of the cable?

t' = t sec III = t sec ll2 = t" (28) It. is necessary to assume a size and grade of
cable for the calculations. If the first selection
tan III =
G+ ws = tan . ll2
-u- (29) does not prove suitable, the calculations must be
Example: A rolling load weighing 2000 pounds revised. We shall assume that a 178" diameter
is to be supported in a level span 2000 ft. long by Standard Locked Coil Cable will be suitable.

Since this is a level span, a = 0 and w = w'

w = 3.16 pounds per foot A = .8503 square inches

From (27) t = 2000 (2 X 2000 + 3.16 X 2000) = 31,084 pounds

8 X 83 .

From (29) tan ~l 2000 +2 X(3.16 X 2000) = 1338 ~l = 7°-37'

31084 .
From (28) t' = 31084 X 1.0089 = 31360 pounds

The maximum cable length occurs when load is at center of span.

Sl = V( r V
~ + y2 = 1000 2 + 832 = 1003.439 ft.
83 = .083
tan e = 1000 e = 4°-45

L = 2 (.S1 + W2(;)~os3e)= 2 (1003.439 +"3.162XiOOQ3xcos340-45') = 2007.730

24 t2 24 X 310842

In order to set up (14) in convenient form, first calculate the following:

P = .8503 X 19,000,000 = .0001243
Pt + s = .0001243 X 31,084 + 2000 = 2003.864
--2 --3
w2 S3 = 3.16 X 2000 = 3328 533 333
24 24 ",
Substituting these values in (14)

.0001243to + 2007.730 - 2003.864 = 3,328t~~3,333

The following shows the results of a series of pounds = 50.18 tons. The breaking strength of a
slide rule computations for assumed values of to 1 yg" diameter Standard Locked Coil Cable is 54
until the above equation is satisfied (the values in t~ns. Therefore, this size cable is satisfactory, and

the last two columns are equal). our Locked Coil Cable is the most suitable con-
struction where rolling loads are to be handled. If
3,328,533,333 the proposed installation is temporary, or if first
t. .0001243 t. + 3.866 -~2--
cost of the cable is a prime consideration, we may
22,000 2.735 6.601 6.877 consider the use of 131" diameter High Strength,
or I" diameter Extra High Strength Smooth Coil
22,300 2.772 6.638 6.693
Track Strands, as well as 174.''' diameter 6x19
22,380 2.782 6.648 6.646 Plow Steel Rope. However, it would be necessary
to = 22,380 pounds to revise the calculations for either of the latter
selections, because the weight, area, and modulus
3.16 x 20002 of elasticity change.
frolil (1) yo = 8 x 22380 = 70.60 ft.
(b) t' = 31360 pounds

from (9) Ll = 2000 + 3.W x 2QOO3 = 2006.65 ft. (c) ~1 = 7°-37'

24 x 223802 (d) L 1 = 2006.65 ft.
(a) With a factor of safety of 3.2, the required (e) to = 22380 pounds
breaking strength will be 3.2 x 31360 = 100352 yo = 70.60 ft.



Figure 5

If the chord is inclined, similar to Fig. 5, then t' = t sec ~1 See (28)
the center deflection is found by adding ~ to (26).
til = t sec ~2 See (28)
= Gs + ws2 + ~ = s (2G + ws) + ~ (30) tan ~1 = G + ws + .!!.. See (29)
yo 4t 8t 2 8t 2 2t s

t = s (2G + ws) (31) tan ~2 = G +ws_~ See (29)

8yo- 4h 2t s



When the cable hangs between fixed points of cable decreases in length. Therefore, the results
IRISpension, with supports at the same elevation, obtained from (32) are somewhat greater than
the tension t varies with different positions of the actual deflections. Formula (32) is, however, suffi-
Ioed G and is a maximum only when G is at the ciently accurate for many problems encountered
tenter of the span. in practice.
Knowing the tension t at the center of the span After determining the deflection by (32) for any
from (27), the deflection at other points may be position of the load, the corresponding approxi-
determined from: mate tension at xy can be found from:

x (ws + 2G)2 (s-x)
(32) xes-x) (ws
t = ------:----
+ 2G) (33)
2t (ws2 + 4G y'x(s-x» 2sy

However, it must be understood this formula To determine the deflection of the cable at any
trill only give approximate results, as it is based point, when the load is at xy, consider x or (s-x),
00 constant cable length, neglecting the elastic Fig. 6, as separate inclined spans, with y as the
properties of the cable. As the load moves away difference in elevation. Then formula (17) can be
from center of span, the tension decreases and applied.


Figure 7

Formula (32) can be applied to inclined spans by adding hsx, which becomes ~ when x = ~. Then, for
inclined spans:

y = x(ws + 2G)2 (s-x) + hx (34)

2t(ws2 + 4G VX (s-x)) s

Multiple Loads in Anchored Spans formula (54) to determine the maximum tension.
Multiple loads in anchored spans are seldom To determine the length along the cable at maxi-
encountered in practice. However, the subject is mum tension, consider the loads as stationary in
important enough to merit some attention. When the position stated above and treat the lengths of
speaking of multiple loads, it will be assumed cable between supports and the first load, and the
loads are equal in amount and spaced uniformly. lengths between loads, as separate spans. Mter
The loads should be placed symmetrically about this length, L, has been determined, the erection
the center line of the span to compute the maxi- tension, deflection of empty cable, etc., are calcu-
mum tension or deflection in the span. Use formula lated by the trial method in a similar manner to
(52), page 54, to determine the deflection and that for a single load in an anchored span.






The tension and deflection of either an anchored sum of all forces for any origin of moments.
or a. counterweighted span are the same, under the The same comparison holds true of spans sup-
same conditions of loading, when the cable sup- porting one or more individual concentrated loads,
ports a uniformly distributed load. However, an when the loads are so placed as to produce the
important difference occurs when the live load is maximum deflection.
removed. In the case of an anchored span, the The use of a counterweighted track cable for
deflection and length of the cable remain constant,
rolling loads results in a constant angle under the
except as they are affected by the elastic proper-
load, the angle whose tangent is~, at all points
ties of the cable, backstays, and supports. The
of a span. Also, it produces a smaller angle at each
tension, however, decreases when the live load is
removed. Comparing this performance with a support than would be the case with an anchored
rounterweighted span, we find that the tension span. Tbese two factors are of definite advantage
remains constant when the live load is removed, in the design of aerial tramways having interme-
.-bile the deflection and length of the cable de- diate supports.
erease in proportion to the change in loading. Apply formulas (1) to (12) inclusive, pages 39
l'hese are the effects due to equalizing the moment- and 40 under "Anchored Spans."





Figure 9

Apply formul&.s (15) to (2.5) inclusive, page 43 under "Anchored Spans."



Figure 10

Apply formulas (26) to (29) inclusive, page 44, under "Anchored Spans."



Apply formulas (30) and (31) inclusive, page 46, under "Anchored Spans."



X (s-X)

Figure II

In a constant tension span the deflection at the load may be determined from:
Gx(S-X) + wx(s-x) (35)
y = st 2t
Also the deflection of the cable may be determined for any point in the span, with the load at any
fDint,Xl yl being coordinates to points to the left of G and X2 Y2 being coordinates of points to the right of G.
. GXl WXl
yl (pomts left of G) = st (s-m) + 2t (S-Xl) (36)

Y2 (points right of G) = ~~ (S-X2) + ~~2 (S-X2) (37)

The cable slope at left support, when Xl = 0, is:
G ws
tan ~l = st (s - m) + 2t (38)
The cable slope at right support, when X2 = s, is:
Gm ws
tan ~2 = ---st + 2t (39)

The cable slope at any point between the load and either support is:
tan ~3 (points to left of G) = ~ (s-m) + 7(; - Xl) (40)

tan ~3 (points to right of G) = ~~ + 7

(X2 - ~) (41)
When X = m, the slope at and to the left of the load is:
. to left of G) = tG - st
tan ~4 (slopmg Gx + tw (S2 - X) (42)
The slope at and to the right of the load is:
tan ~4 (Sloping to the right of G) = ~: + (X - ~) 7 G (43)
The tangent of the angle under the load is equal to (42) + (43) = t
If we take half the difference between the angles load must climb. The maximum slope thus ob-
ned from (42) and (43), the tangent of the tained will determine the maximum pull on a
lQUlting angle will be the slope which a moving haulage rope.




~igure 12

In these formulas, as in all others, we have placed the higher support at the left-hand end of
span, and have made this point the origin of moments.

For y - at the load - add t,o formula (35)

x tan a (44)

For Y1 - points left of G - add to formula (36)

Xl tan a (45)

For Y2 - points right of G - add to formula (37)

x2tan a . (46)

The cable slopes are determined by taking the chord into account as an additional term in the above
tan ~1 - at left support - formula (38)
+ tan a (47)

tan ~2 - at right support - formula (39)

_tan a (48)-

tan ~ - points to left of G - formula (40)

± tan a (49)

tan ~3 - points to right of G - formula (41)

± tan a (50)

tan ~4._ at the load -- formula (42) and (43)

± tan (]I {50

EXAMPLE: A 2,000 pound rolling load is to be tension with load at center of span?
supported on an inclined span 800 ft. long with (b) What is the slope of the cable at the higher
difference in elevation of 67 ft. The cable is 1%" support (1) with the load at center of span, (2)
diameter Standard Locked Coil; w' = 4.73 pounds with the load 100 ft. horizontally away from the
per foot, A = 1.2437 sq. in. The center deflection upper support and (3) with the cable empty?
must not exceed 18 ft. from the chord. (c) What is the center deflection of the empty
(a) What is the horizontal component of cable cable?

tan a = - = .08375 a = 4°_ 47', sec a = 1.0035

w = 4.73 X 1.0035 = 4.75

(31) t = 800 (28 xx 2000

F rom, +
4.75 x 800) = 43.,3,33 pounds
51.5 - 4 x 67 '

2000 x 400 4.75 x 800 67

From (47), tan ~l = 800 x 43333 + 2 x 43333 + 800

2000 x 700 4.75 x 800' 67

From (47), tan ~1 = 800 x 43333 + 2 x 43333 + 800
= .1680, ~1 = 9°- 32'

4.75 x 800 67
From (18), tan ~1 = 2 x 43333 + 800
= .1276, ~1 = 7°-16'

4.75 x 8002 67
From (15), yo = 8X43333 + 2 = 42.27 ft.

(a) 43,333 pounds. (b3) Slope 7°-16' with cable empty

(bl) Slope 8°-34' with load at center of span (c) Center deflection 42.27 feet with cable
(b2) Slope 9°-32' with m = 100 feet empty



a a

Figure 13

A cable supporting multiple loads forms a series

plus -.
of parabolic arcs between the loads. For many a
cases encountered in practice, it will be sufficiently However, the general formula for deflection y,

accurate to calculate spans carrying more than at any point xy, of a span supporting n loads of
five loads as uniformly loaded spans. If this is uniform spacing and equal weight, the cable ten-
done, the load per foot equals weight of cable sion being constant, is:

y = ~ [x (n-u) - m (x:- u) - a (~x - c)J + wx ~~-x) (52)

If z = [x (n-u)-m ex: - u) - a(bsx - c)J

Then y = 20z + wx (s-x) (53)

. . 2t

and t = 20z + wx (s-x) (54)


The cable slope at any point may be found from the general formula:

tan ~ = t0
° [(n-u ) - nm+abJ
s + TW(S
2 - x) (55)


Example: A 172" diameter Standard Locked Length of span 2000 feet. Horizontal component
Coil Cable is to be used to support 5 loads, each of working tension t = 45,964 pounds.
weighing 2000 pounds, and spaced 400 feet. w = w' = 5.63 pounds.

(a) What is maximum deflection?

(b) What is the slope of the cable at a point 500 feet from the support?

Maximum deflection occurs with one load at center of span.

x = 1000 ft.
m = 200 ft.
u = 2
b = 5x 4 = 10
c =2= 1

From (52) y. 2000 [ 1000 (5-2) - 200 (1000

= 45964 2000x 5-2) - 400 (10 2000
x 1000 - 1))

+ 5.63 X 1000 X 1000

2 X 45964
= 56.566 + 61.244 = 117.81 feet
From (55) with x = 500 feet, u = 1
= ~OOO [(5-1) _ 5 X 200
+ 400 X 10]
+ 45964
~.&!. (100G-5OO)

= .0653 + ,0612 = .1265, ~3 = 7°-13'

(a) = 117.81 feet
(b) = 7°-13'



Figure 14

For y add to formula (52) and (53) x tan ex (56)

2Gz + wx (s-x)
Formula (54) becomes t = 2 (y-x t an ex ) (57)
tan ~3 is found by completing formula (55) with :!:: tan ex (58)


The change in length of cables due to change in wind velocity in miles per hour, then P = 0.0025
temperature has not been taken into account in V2. This gives 4.0 pounds per square foot for 40
the examples given above. In counterweighted miles per hour, 12.2 pounds per square foot for
spans such a change in length results in a small 70 miles per hour, and 20.2 pounds per square
movement of the counterweight, the tension and foot for 90 miles per hour.
deflection remaining constant. However, in Where exceptionally severe sleet conditions
anchored spans the change in length due to temp-
occur, the cables are assumed to be covered with
erature changes results in changes in cable tension,
a coating of ice ~ inch thick, or a total of 1~
and frequently the effect of such changes must be
inches of ice plus the diameter of cable. Where the
carefully considered.
sleet conditions are less severe, the ice coating is
To find the change in length, multiply the length
assumed to be ~ inch thick, or a total of 1 inch
of the cable by the number 9f degrees (F.) varia-
plus the diameter of cable. Then wind load is based
tion in temperature and the product by the
coefficient .00000689 for steel rope wire. on the total diameter of ice plus cable, and the

Wind loads on cylindrical surfaces, such as wire resultant cable load is determined from the hori-
cables, are determined from maximum wind veloc- zontal wind load and vertical load of cable and
ities. If P equals wind pressure in pounds per ice. The weight of ice is approximately 56 pounds
square foot of projected area and V = actual per cubic foot, or .0324 pounds per cubic inch.



When a load is supported by multiple part wire K = Ratio of stress in rope unwinding
rope tackle, as shown on page 59, the load upon from sheave to stress in rope wind-
ing on sheave. (These stresses differ
the rope is equal to the load supported, divided by the stress due to resistance at
by the number ofparts of rope between the blocks. sheave.)
When a load is raised by this method, the load n = Number of parts of rope between
upon the rope increases progressively from the blocks.
dead end due to the friction of the individual If the rope bends 180 degress at the sheaves, as
sheaves and the force required to bend the rope ;s the usual case:
about the sheaves. The amount of this increased
d2 r (3)
load depends upon the size and construction of K=1+C-+2f-
.1" R
rope, size of sheaves, size of sheave pins, and
Where C = Constant depending on the wire
coefficient of friction at the sheave pins. rope
The formula for determining the load upon the d = Rope diameter
rope for various loads raised by multiple part R = Radius of clilnter line of rope at
tackle is: sheave
f = Coefficient of friction at sheave pin
p == W K (K - 1) (1) r = Radius of sheave pin
K -1
For 6 x 19 Plow Steel Hoisting Rope, C = 0.3.
W = P (K _ 1) (2) For metaline bushed sheaves on steel pins,
KnCK - n f = 0.08. Inserting these values in (3):
Where P = Load on Rope 2
W = Load Lifted K = 1 + 0.3 Idt + 0.16 Rr (4)

The following tables will facilitate the finding of K:

Values of 0.3 R


Diameter of
Rope 14" .
672" 9" 10" 13" 16" 18" 20" 24"

%" .033 .024 .022 .017 .016 .014 .013 .011 .010
%:" .047 .035 .031 .025 .023 .020 .018 .016 .014
']/g" .062 .047 .042 .033 .031 .027 .024 .022 .018
1" .080 .060 .055 .043 .040 .035 .032 .029 .024



Values of 0.16 ~


Diam. of
Sheave Pin 6Yz" 9' 10" 13' 14" 16" 18" 20" 24"

I" .022 .016 .015 .012 .011 .010 .009 .008 .006
17$" .025 .018 .017 .013 .012 .011 .010 .009 .007
1U" .028 .020 .019 .015 .014 .012 .011 .010 .008
1%" .030 .023 .020 .016 .015 .013 .012 .011 .009
131" .033 .025 .022 .017 .016 .014 .013 .012 .010
1~" .039 .029 .026 .020 .019 .017 .015 .013 .011
2" .044 .033 .030 .023 .022 .019 .017 .015 .013
2U" .050 .037 .034 .026 .024 .022 .019 .017 .01,1>
231" .055 .041 .037 .029 .027 .024 .021 .019 .016
2~" .061 .045 .041 .032 .030 .026 .023 .021 .018
3" .066 .049 .045 .035 .033 .029 .026 .023 .019
331" .077 .057 .052 .041 .038 .033 .030 .027 .023
4" .088 .066 .060 .047 .043 .038 .034 .031 .026

Example-What safe load can be lifted by a

W = 8280 (1.0459·- 1)
9-part tackle reeved with ~" diameter 6x19 Plow
Steel Rope, if the block sheaves are 14" groove 1.0459 (1.045 - 1)
diameter, metaline bushed, with 2" dia. pins. = 60,200 pounds or practically 30 tons.
Breaking strength of ~" dia. 6x19 plow steel
rope is 20.7 tons = 41,400 pounds. When the lead rope passes around snatch blocks
With factor of safety of 5 the maximum work- the load on the rope is increased approximately
ing load is 8,280 pounds. 8% at each snatch block, where the rope bends
From Tables V and VI, K = 1 + .023 + .022 180 degrees, and approximately 4% at each snatch
= 1.045. Substituting K in (2) block, where it bends 90 degrees.

One-part Line Two-part Line Three-part Line

Load on Rope Load on Rope Load on Rope

same as SUt'- is one-half is one-third
ported Load Supported Supported
Load Load
Four-part Line Five-part Line

Load on Rope Load on Rope

is one-fourth is one-fifth
Supported Supported
Load Load


There are two methods of designating the grade coefficient should be used having at least twice the
or pitch of an inclined plane or slope. The value of that used for car friction; therefore, the
first is by using the angle which the line of the rope friction would be equivalent to the weight of
incline or slope makes with the horizontal. The the rope between car and drum multiplied by .06
second is by using a percentage figure which is times the cosine of the angle of incline. In this
the ratio of the vertical rise to the horizontal dis- case, for the sake of safety, use the minimum
tance, and which is equivalent to 100 times the angle where there is more than one grade.
tangent of the angle of incline. To find the total pull on a rope, we must there-
Neglecting friction, the pull on the rope due to fore determine three values. First, the gravity
loaded cars on an incline or slope is equivalent to load; second, the car friction load; and third, the
the total weight of the loaded cars multiplied by rope friction load.
the sine of the angle of incline. In cases where The gravity load is found by multiplying the
this angle is not the same throughout, the value total weight of loaded cars plus the weight of rope
to be used must be the angle of that part on which between car and drum by the load factor for the
the cars are resting. It must be remembered that proper grade as found in column 3 of table on
the weight of the rope is to be added to the weight page 62.
of the loaded cars, as this has a bearing on the The car friction load is found by multiplying
final result, especially in the case of long inclines the weight of the loaded car by the proper car
or slopes. friction factor given in column 4.
In most cases, friction must be considered in The rope friction load is found by multiplying
determining the pull on the rope. The frictional the weight of rope between car and drum by the
load is dependent on the car friction, which re- rope friction factor (see column 5) for the mini-
mains constant for a given angle of incline, and mum grade between car and drum.
the rope friction, which varies depending on how For ascending trips, the friction loads must be
much rope is resting on the incline or slope. added to the gravity load, and for descending
Particular attention must be paid to the fact that trips they must be subtracted. These values
when a rope is used to haul loaded cars up a should be determined for the lowest point of each
grade, the frictional load is added to the pull section when there is more than one grade.
caused by the weight of the material moved,
while if the rope is used to lower loaded cars To the sum of these three loads should be added
downhill, the friction load acts opposite to the a factor to cover the stress due to acceleration.
main load, and is subtracted from it. For speeds below 500 ft. per minute, a 5% addi-
tion to the total stress in the wire rope is usually
Car friction is greatest on a level stretch of adequate. For speeds of 500 ft. to 1000 ft. per
track. On an incline, it depends on the cosine of minute, the factor should be 10%. For higher
the angle of incline and will usually be found to speeds, the stress due to acceleration should be
be equivalent to the weight of the loaded car calculated. See Stresses due to Acceleration,
multiplied by .03 times the cosine of the angle of page 34.
In selecting a proper rope, the total pull should
Rope friction is an exceedingly variable factor. be multiplied by a factor of safety of at least 6,
It depends on the spacing and condition of track and in cases where the abrasive conditions are
rollers or rubbing boards, the contour of the in- particularly severe this factor should be increased
cline or slope, and whether or not the tension on in order to make allowance for the loss of strength
the rope is sufficient to raise it off its supports. that will result from wearing of the rope. See
In order to be sure of a large enough allowance, a Safety Factors, page 6.


EXAMPLE: A trip of cars weighing 27,500 lbs. feet per minute. What is the maximum rope pull?
when loaded is being hauled up a slope with con- What rope should be used?
tour as shown in the sketch. The speed is 850


800 ft. @ 12°

® \'00
'l-r;j:J \\.

It is necessary to assume a certain size rope at mately correct in the first solution. 17$" 6x7 Rope
the outset in order to get the gravity and rope weighing 1.90 lbs. per ft. will be assumed, together
friction loads. If the results are close to the with the fact that sheaves and drums are suffi-
assumed size, the figures may stand; but if there ciently large for this construction.The values must
is much of a variation, the process should be re- be found for car load at points A, B, and C.
peated, using the size rope found to be approxi-

Point A
Gravity load = (27,500 + (1150 X 1.90» X .3090 = 9173
Car friction load = 27,500 X .0285 = 784
Rope friction load = 1150 X 1.90 X .0587 128
10% Acceleration Stress = 1009
To:'al 11094
Point B
Gravity load = (27,500 + ( 950 X 1.90» X .2079 = 6093
Car friction load 27,500 X .0293 806
Rope friction load = 950 X 1.90 X .0587 106
10% Acceleration Stress 701
Total 7706
Point C
Gravity load = (27,500 + ( 150 X 1.90» X .4226 = 11742
Car friction load 27,500 X .0272 = 748
Rope friction load = 150 X 1.90 X .0544 16
10% Acceleration Stress = 1251
Total 13757
It will be seen from the above that the load is and in this case the load at point C would be
greatest when the cars are at point C, and are 12,076Ibs.
traveling on the steepest grade. This will be found Assuming a factor of safety of 6, the rope se-
true in the great majority of cases, but to be abso- lected should have a breaking strength of 6 X
13,757 = 82,542 lbs. A 17$" diameter 6x7 Plow
lutely certain of the correct figures all problems Steel rope would be sufficient for this installation.
should be solved as above. Again attention is called If abrasive conditions were severe, a Monitor
to the fact that for descending loads the friction Steel rope of the same size and construction
values must be subtracted from the load values, should be used.

Angle of
% Grade Load
I Angle of
% Grade Load
Factor Factor

0 0.0 .0000 .0300 .0600 46 103.5 .7193 .0208 .0416

1 1.7 .0174 .0300 .0600 47 107.2 .7313 .0205 /1409
2 3.5 .0349 .0300 .0600 48 111.1 .7431 .0201 .0401
3 5.2 .0523 .0299 .0599 49 115.0 .7547 .0197 .0394
4 7.0 .0698 .0299 .0599 50 119.2 .7660 .0193 .0385
5 8.7 .0872 .0299 .0598 51 123.5 .7771 .0189 .0377
6 10.5 .1045 .0298 .0597 52 128.0 .7880 .0185 .0370
7 12.3 .1219 .0298 .0595 53 132.7 .7986 .0180 .0361
8 14.0 .1392 .0297 .0594 54 137.6 .8090 .0176 .0352
9 15.8 .1564 .0296 .0593 55 142.8 .8191 .0172 .0344
10 17.6 .1737 .0295 .0591 56 148.2 .8290 .0168 .0335
11 19.4 .1908 .0294 .0589 57 154.0 .8387 .0163 .0327
12 21.3 .2079 .0293 .0587 58 160.0 .8480 .0159 .0318
13 23.1 .2249 .0292 .0585 59 166.4 .8572 .0154 .0309
14 24.9 .2419 .0291 .0583 60 173.2 .8660 .0150 .0300
15 26.8 .2588 .0290 .0580 61 180.4 .8746 .0145 .0290
16 28.7 .27.56 .0288 .0577 62 188.1 .8829 .0141 .0282
17 30.6 .2924 .0287 .0574 63 196.3 .8910 .0136 .0272
18 32.5 .3090 .0285 .0571 64 205.0 .8988 .0131 .0263
19 34.4 .3256 .0284 .0567 65 214.4 .9063 .0127 .0253
20 36.4 .3420 .0282 .0564 66 224.6 .9135 .0122 .0244
21 38.4 .3584 .0280 .0560 67 235.6 .9205 .0117 .0234
22 40.4 .3746 .0278 .0556 68 247.5 .9272 .0112 .0224
23 42.4 .3907 .0276 .0552 69 260.5 .9336 .0107 .0215
24 44.5 .4067 .0274 .0548 70 274.7 .9397 .0102 .0205
25 46.6 .4226 .0272 .0544 71 290.4 .9455 .0098 .0195
26 48.8 .4384 .0270 .0540 72 307.8 .9511 .0093 .0185
27 50.9 .4540 .0267 .0535 73 327.1 .9563 .0088 .0175
28 53.2 .4695 .0265 .0530 74 348.7 .9613 .0083 .0165
29 55.4 .4848 .0262 .0525 75 373.2 .9659 .0078 .0155
30 57.7 .5000 .0260 .0520 76 401.1 .9703 .0073 .0145
31 60.1 .5150· .0257 .0515 77 433.1 .9744 .0067 .0135
32 62.5 .5299 .0254 .0509 78 470.5 .9781 .0062 .0124
33 64.9 .5446 .0252 .0503 79 514.5 .9816 .0057 .0114
34 67.4 .5592 .0249 .0497 80 567.1 .9848 .0052 .0104
35 70.0 .5736 .0246 .0491 81 631.4 .9877 .0047 .0094
36 72.6 .5878 .0243 .0485 82 711.5 .9903 .0042 .0083 -
37 75.3 .6018- .0240 .0479 83 814.4 .9925 .0036 .0073
38 78.1 .6157 .0237 .0473 84 951.4 .9945 .0031 .0063
39 81.0 .6293 .0233 .0467 85 1143.0 .9962 .0026 .0052
40 83.9 .6428 .0230 .0460 86 1430.0 .9976 .0021 .0042
41 86.9 .6561 .0226 .0453 87 1908.1 .9986 .0015 .0031
42 90.0 .6691 .0223 .0446 88 2863.6 .9994 .0010 .0021
43 93.2 .6820 .0219 .0439 89 5728.9 .9998 .0005 .0010
I 90 00 1.0000 .0000 .0000


It is sometimes impossible to estimate the load By rearrangement:
imposed on a rope by totaling the stresses due to
weight of live and dead loads, weight of rope, fric- Pull on rope _ Horse power X seconds X 550
in pounds - feet
tion, acceleration, and stresses due to bending. In
these cases the maximum stress on the rope may
There are now on the right hand side of the
be approximated by a more indirect method. This equation two unknown factors, time and distance.
method is not intended for very close calculations, By placing a marker on the rope or watching the
and should not be used where the rope is subjected end connection, it is very easy, with the aid of a
to sudden jerks. It will serve as a guide, however, watch and a rule, to' determine very closely what
to show whether or nota rope is overloaded. these factors actually are.
Practically every steam engine or electric motor The time at which these observations are taken
has a known horse power rating. For short periods should be when the engine or motor is pulling the
of time, these may usually be operated with a very hardest, as indicated by sound and the slowing
high overload, such as 25% for steam and 50% down of speed. If the equipment is stalled by ex-
cessive loads, these observations should be made
for electricity. Knowing the horse power of the
just before motion ceases.
prime mover provides a basis for this calculation.
When hard pulling is required, the overload EXAMPLE: A slack-line excavator driven by
values mentioned above should be added to the a 25 h. p. electric motor is digging in very hard
ground. When the bucket strikes the hard places,
horse power rating.
it digs 15 feet in 10 seconds. What is the pull on
One horse power is the equivalent of 550 ft. lbs. the line?
of work per second; therefore, the total horse
power exerted by a steam engine or electric motor By using the formula we find:
in pulling a rope may be expressed:
~ull on rope = 25 X 1.5 X 10 X 550 = 13 750 lb
III pounds 15 ,s.
feet X pounds
Horse power = secon ds X 5~0
;) where the factor 1.5 in the above represents the
50% overload on the motor.
Providing a safety factor of five for the rope on
where feet represents the number of feet of rope this installation requires a rope'with a strength of
wound on the drum in the measured time. 5X 13,750 = 68,750 pounds.


Grooves in sheaves and drums should be slightly in the United States Master Specification fOl
larger than the rope, in order to avoid pinching Wire Rope, as shown in the following table.
and binding of the strands, and to permit the rope Diameter Tolerances for Wire Rope
to ~djust itself to the radius of curvature. The Nominal Diameter of Rope Undersize Oversize
in Inches Inch Inch
greater the angle of approach to the groove, the
larger the tolerance required to prevent excessive
Ih'6 to 1%
flange wear. 1%; to 1~ 0 YI6
The diameter of an unused rope may exceed 1% to 2>i 0 %!
the nominal diameter by the amount:s:...:sp~e:::c:ifi::e:::d:-_-===2=%=6
=a=n=d..::.l=ar~g~e.:..r . : .O ::"%~8_
Tolerance Groove Diameter Should Exc£ed
Nominal Rope Diameter
In the recommended minimum tolerances of
Nominal Diameter New or
groove diameters shown on the right, allowances of Rope in Inches MinimuPl Remachined
have been made for the new rope being slightly
>i- 9-l6
oversize. Grooves of too large diameter do not %-%
prGpei.# support the rope, and permit it to be~ 1%;-1%
come elliptical. 1%-2>i
2%; and Larger

Groove Gauge , Sheave


These tolerances are too great for traction type Rope Dia. Clearance HC"
eevators. New and re-machined grooves on "U" Inches in Inches
IJPe machines should be ~2 inch gre~ter than ~-1>i
-.ninal rope diameter. Grooves should be re·· 1%-1%
machined when worn to less than U'4 inch larger 1ys - 2~
lilian nominal rope diameter.

ItC" "e"

Groove Groove
Dia. Dia.

Spiral Grooved Drum

Grooved drums are recommended in preference tread diameter of the sheave or drum. This may
to smooth drums as the grooves furnish better be expressed as:
support for the rope than the flat surfaces of L
smooth drums, and the more uniform winding p= RD
results in less abrasive wear on the rope. Where: P = pressure in pounds per square inch.
Annular, or concentric grooves in drums should
L = load on the rope in pounds.
not be greater in depth than 10% of the rope
diameter. Deeper grooves will cause undue dis- R = tread radius (one-half tread diam-
tortion of the rope at the points of cross-over eter) of the sheave.~hr drum in
from one groove to the next, Clearances recom:.. inches.
mended for spiral type grooves are suitable for D = diameter of the rope in inches.
annular grooves. Maximum Radial Pressure
Grooves should be smooth. Those which have Rope Construction Cast Iron Cast Steel
taken the imprint of the outer wires of previous 6x19 Regular Lay 500 900
ropes exert a grinding action on new ropes. A 6x19 Lang Lay 575 1025
harder metal is recommended for installations 8x19 Regular Lay 600 1075
6x37 Regular Lay 600 1075
where the radial pressure of the rope on the groove 6x37 Lang Lay 700 1225
scores the groove. This rarlial pressure is directly Flattened Strand 800 1450
proportional to the load on the rope, and inversely For greater pressures, manganese or special alloy
proportional to the diameter of the rope and the steels, heat treated, should be used.


: \


On installations where the wire rope passes over
a lead sheave then on to a drum, it is important
that the lead sheave be located at a sufficient dis~
tance from the drum to maintain a small fleet
angle at all times. The fleet angle is the side angle
, \
at which the rope approaches the sheave frem
the drum. It is the angle between the center line I \
of the sheave and the wire rope. : I \
I .
Experience has. proven that the best wire rore
I '
service is obtained when the maximum fleet angle
is not more than 17-'2 degrees for smooth drums
and 2 degrees for grooved drums. The maximum . \

I \
fleet angle is the angle between the center line of
the sheave and the rope when it is at the end d
its traverse travel on drum. Fleet angles of 17-'2
and 2 degrees are the equivalents of approximately

38 and 29 feet, respectively, of lead for each foct
of rope traverse travel either side of the center
line of the sheave. Thus a smooth drum with 3 ft.
I \
l~GLE,!t~t ,~:j
traverse travel with the center of travel in line
with the lead sheave should be located not less
than 57 ft. from the lead sheave. If the drum were
grooved, the minimum distance should be approxi-
mately 43.5 ft. ANGLEl

' ~~::~ I RIGHT'\

/ \



When removing wire rope from the reel on kinking the rope, and once a kink is formed the
which it is received, or from the coil if it is a coil rope at that point is ruined beyond repair.
shipment, it is imperative that the reel or coil
Unreeling: If the rope is to be unwound from a
reel, there are three correct methods of unreeling.
1. The reel may be mounted on a shaft sup-
ported by two jacks as shown in Figure 15. The
rope is then pulled from the reel by a workman
holding the end of the rope and walking away
from the reel which rotates as the rope unwinds.
This is the common approved method of unreel-
ing wire rope.
2. The reel may be mounted on an unreeling
stand as shown in Figure 16. It is then unwound
in the same manner as described above. Care
must be exercised to keep the rope under sufficient
tension to prevent slack accumulating and thr
rope dropping below the lower reel head.

Figure 15

rotates as the rope unwinds. Attempts to unwind

rope from stationary coils or reels will result in

Figure 17

3. The end of the rope may be held and the

reel rolled along the ground as shown in Figure 17.
When re-reeling rope from one horizontal reel
to a second horizontal reel, the rope should travel
from the top of the full reel to the too of the
Figure 16 empty reel; or, from the bottom of the fun reel
to the bottom of the empty reel.


When re-reeling rope from one vertical reel to

a second vertical reel, the rope should travel in a
line parallel to a line drawn between the axes of
the two reels, and the reels should rotate in the
same direction.
The object of these instructions is to avoid put-
ting a reverse bend into the rope as it is being
re-reeled. Reeling the ropes so that a reverse
bend is put into the rope causes it to become
livelier and harder to handle.
Uncoiling: If the rope is to be unwound
from a coil, there is only one correct method of
uncoiling. The end of the rope should be held
and the coil rolled on the ground like a hoop as
shown in Figure 18.
Failure to use one of these methods has ruined
many lengths of wire rope. Hemp rope can be
unwound by pulling through the eye of the coil
or from the stationary reel standing on end with-
out seriously injuring it. These methods should
never be attempted when handling wire rope. Figure 18


Correct Method of Winding (Overwind: From Left to
First Layer on Drum . .) Right
RIght Lay WIre Ropes) Underwind: From Right
When winding the first layer of wire rope on a ~ to Left
smooth drum, it should be started from the side
which causes the coils on the drum to hug to-
gether. This tends to produce a uniform and close
wound first layer, which, in turn, tends toward
uniformity of successive layers. It also results in
Lef t Lay WIre Ropes
( Overwind: From Right

Und erwm
to Left
. d : F rom Left /,,0
an even wind of the coils of the first layer on the When overwinding the top of the drum rotates
drum when the rope is re-wound after the load toward the observer while the rope is winding on.
has been slacked off and then picked up. When underwinding the top of the drum rotates
When the first layer of wire rope is wound on a away from the observer while the rope is winding
smooth drum in the wrong direction, the coils
tend to spread apart. Coils of the second layer Correct Method of Coiling Wire Rope
wedge themselves between the open coils, causing When hand coiling wire rope into a coil on the
non-uniform winding, which may result in damag- floor or bench, coil it in the direction that will
ing the rope from crushing and abcasion. There is take twist out of the rope. When coiled in the .
also a tendency for the remaining coils on the proper direction little difficulty will be encoun-
drum, when the rope is out and the load slacked tered, but if coiled in the wrong direction twists
off and then applied again, to cross other coils are added and the rope becomes too lively to
with resultant crushing of the rope at the points readily form into a coil.
Looking down on the coil, the woper direc-
of cross-over. tions are:
The proper direction of winding the first layer Right Lay Wire Ropes-Coil in a Clockwise
on a smooth drum is dete.rmined by standing Direction.
behind the drum and looking along the path the Left Lay Wire Ropes-Coil in a Counter-Clock-
rope travels. wise Direction.



Let H
= Diameter of Head in Inches.
= Diameter of Barrel in Inches.
-1- t - - - - - w - - -....
h = Depth of Cable in Inches.
W = Width between Flanges in Inches.
d = Diameter of Cable in Inches.
L = Length of Cable in Feet.

L= 11" W (H + B) (H - B) W (H + B) (H - B) .06545 W (H + B) (H - B) .2618 Wh (B + h)

48 d 2 = 15.28 d 2 = d2 = d2

Table of Factors for ~

Cable Dia. X % h6 ~ %; % % J/g 1 178 IX 1% 1~

Factor 4.19 1.86 1.37 1.05 .828 .670 .465 .342 .262 .207 .168 .138 .116
Cable Dia. 1% 1% IJ/g 2 2% 2X 2% 2~ 2% 2% 2J/g 3 3X
Factor .099 .085 .074 .066 .058 .052 .046 .042 .038 .035 .032 .029 .025

To Compute Length of Cable in Feet for any Reel or Drum: L = Factor X W X h X (B + h)

The Formula can be readily derived:

(1) Length of Coil of Middle Layer = 1;(B + H "2 B)

Number of Coils = ~ Number of Layers =


L = -'!:(B + H - B) X W X H - B = 11" W (H -1- B) (H - B)

12 2 d 2d 48d 2

(2) Volume of Drum in Cubic Inches = We 11" 4 _1I" :2)

L = _W ( 11"H2 _ 11" B2) = W(H2 _ B2) =

11" 11" W (H + B) (H - B)
12d2 4 4 48d2 48d2

When shipping rope on reels, the reels should when coiled; and that it is in perfectly uni-
not be completely filled. A margin (m) should be form layers with no meshing of the coils.
left to protect the rope. H then becomes H - 2m These factors vary with size and constructioB
and h becomes h - m. of the cable and with the dimensions of the
reel or drum. As these variables tend to offset
This Formula is based on the assumption that: each other, this method of computing reel
the cable is exact size and does not flatten and drum capacities has proved to be reliable.



Tiger Open Socket

Tiger Closed Socket

WIRE ROPE SOCKETS attached with pure as there is not sufficient space in the basktt for
zinc in accordance with directions on page 100 are enough zinc to properly secure the strand ends.
the most reliable of all wire rope terminal fittings. This. method is not recommended as it is not
When properly attached, standard dr::.p forged efficient, and it is very apt to distort the rope
sockets develop the full strength of the rope. structure causing unequal loading of the individual
Wire rope sockets are recommended for all per-
strands of the rope. This, in turn, tends to develop
manent installations, and for all main hoisting
early rope failure.
ropes. Sockets should be used where safety is re-
quired and where service conditions are severe. The use of babbitt, or other low-melting alloys,
The method of socketing in which the strand is not recommended for heavy duty ropes, as they
ends are bent back into the socket basket will not will not develop the holding power secured with
develop the full strength of a high strength rope, pure zinc.


Ti~er Open Wire Rope Sockets Galvanized Standard Hawser Thimbles
Tiger Closed Wire Rope Sockets Tiger Wire Rope Hooks
Tiger Open Wire Rope Bridge Sockets Tiger Wire Rope Links
Tiger Closed Wire Rope Bridge Sockets
Anchor Shackles
Open Wire Rope Wedge Type Sockets
Tiger Wire Rope Clips Shackle End Turnbuckles
Galvanized Light Wire Rope Thimbles Eye End Turnbuckles
Galvanized Heavy Wire Rope Thimbles Special Turnbuckles
Special fittings for Wire Rope Slings are shown in our catalog on Tiger Wire Rope Slings.



~?t'f Wire Rope Sockets are drop-forged from high grade SAE forging steel and normalized to
... ~ .. fine grain structure.



Dimensions of Sockets
Distance from
Le~rh Basket to Overall Opening
Between Diam. Approx.
~pe Center Line Length of Pin Weight
Basket of Pin Jaws Pounds
A n C D E

~ 2 H16 4~f6 Ih{; Ih{; 0.9

~6""% 2 1% 4% 1~16 )~ 1.1
Yf6-~ 2~ 2 5% 1 1 2.3
~% 3 2~ 6% H4 1~ 3.8

~4 3~ 3 71U6 1~ 1% 6.0
% 4 3~ 9% 1% 1% 10.0
1 4~ 4 10% 2 2 15.5
1~ 5 4~ 1119{6 2% 2% 22.0

1% 5~ 5 13~ 2~ 2~ 32.0
1% 5~ 5 13~ 2~ 2~ 32.0
1~ 6 6 15~ 3 2% 46.0
1% 6~ 6~ 16% 3 3 55.0
1% 7~ 7 18% 3~ 3~ 85.0
1% 7~ 7 18% 3~ 3~ 85.0
2-2~ 8~ 9 21~ 4 3~ 125.0
2~-2% 9 10 23~ 4~ 4% 165.0
l"mI are turned. Holes are ~inch larger than pin diameters.



Tiger Wire Rope Sockets are of generous dimensions and develop 75,000 lbs. per square inch
tensile strength.

+----- B -_+----

Dimensions of Sockets

Le~rth Length Width Width Depth

Rope of Overall of of of Approx.
Diam. Basket OpeniHg Length Opening Loop Loop Weight

7.t' 2 11?{6 47.t' I%; 1%i ~ 0.5

%;-% 2 2K6 4%
1~ m
11 % 0.8
%;-~ 2% 2U'6 1% 2 51 1.6
~-% 3 2U6 6% 1% 2% 1 3.0

% 3~ 3K6 7% 1% 3 17.t' 4.5

51 4 3% 851 151 3% 1~ 7.0
1 4~ 4% 10 27.t' 4% 1% 11.0
1% 5 4% 11% 2~ 4~ 2 16.0

17.t' 5~ 5%; 12~ 2% 5 27.t' 22.0

1% 5~ 5%; 12~ 2% 5 27.t' 22.0
1~ 6 6?{6 14% 3% 5% 2~ 28.0
1% 6~ 6% 15% ?7.t' 5% 2% 36.0

1% 7~ 71?{6 17~ 31}{2 6% 3 58.0

151 7~ 71?{6 17~ 31}{2 6% 3 58.0
2-2% 8~ 81?{6 19% 32%'"2 7% 37.t' 80.0
2~-2% 9 9% 21% 4?{2 8~ 3% -105.0-
""' . '··2'-".ioj:

. 72·


The distance between eyes, dimension' "J," and the rope to which they are attached. These
IPngth of eye-bolt, dimension "E," can be varied sockets are suitable for attaching to Galvanized
to meet requirements. These sockets are made of Bridge Cables, Locked Coil Track Cable and any
*el throughout and develop the full strength of type of Wire Rope.

Dimensions of Sockets


Center to of
SOCKET CASTINGS Length Take- Diam. Center Pin Two Each
Rope of Eye Up of Eye Distance - Eye Addi-
Diam. Bolts Bolts of Eye Dist. Cast- Bolts tional
Bolts Between ing and Foot Pin *
Eyes Nuts of Eye
A B C D E F G H J Bolts

~ 5 372 2% 2 16 8 % 3 1 5.5 5.5 3 1

% 5% 3% 3 2% 18 8 % 372 17.4: 10 9 4.1 1.3
% 672 4 37.4: 272 22 10 1 4 1~ 14 16 5.3 2.3
% 77.4: 472 3% 2% 24 10 17$ 472 1% 18 20 6.7 3.5
1 10 6 47.4: 3 27 12 17.4: 7 2 35 33 7 6
Oi 10 6 4% 37.4: 27 12 1% 7 27.4: 38 37 10 8
17.4: 10% 6 5 372 27 12 1~ 77.4: 272 48 41 12 12
1% 1172 672 5% 4 28 12 1% 772 2% 62 69 16 16
172 12 7 6 47.4: 31 15 1% 7% 3 74 86 19 20
1% 12 72 772 6% 472 32 15 2 8 37.4: 90 98 21 25
1% 13 72 8 7 5 36 18 27.4: 872 372 108 136 27 32
1% 15 9 7% 572 38 18 272 972 3% 150 182 33 40
2 15 9 7% 572 38 18 272 972 3% 150 182 33 40
2% 167.4: 10 872 6 40 18 2% 107.4: 4 195 227 40 48
27.4: 167.4: 10 872 6 40 18 2% 107.4: 4 195 227 40 48
2% 17% 11 97.4: 672 42 18 3 117.4: 472 254 284 48 65
272 17% 11 97.4: 672 42 18 3 117.4: 472 254 284 48 65
2% 19 12 10 7 42 18 37.4: 12 5 318 341 56 89
2% 19 12 10 7 42 18 37.4: 12 5 318 341 56 89
3 21 13 10% 772 44 18 372 13 72 572 410 415 65 114
·Pin not included unless specified.



Length of V-bolt, dimension "E," may be steel and are suitable for attaching to Galvanized
varied to suit requirements. Bridge Cables, Locked Coil Track Cable, and any
These sockets are constructed throughout of type of Wire Rope.

_ - - - - - - - - - - E ---------11-1
c ~--- F ----..-,

Dimensions of Sockets


Center to
SOCKET CASTINGS Length Diam. Center
Rope of Takeup of Distance Each
Diam. U-Bolt U-Bolt of U-Bolt Additional
U-Bolt Casting and Foot of
Nuts U-Bolt

7'2 5 37'2 2% 2 16 8 % 3 5.5 4.5 3

% 5% 3% 3 2% 18 8 % 37'2 10 8 4.1
% 67'2 4 3X 27'2 22 10 1 4 14 13 5.3
% 7X 47'2 3% 2% 24 10 131 47'2 18 19 6.7
1 10 6 4X 3 27 12 IX 7 35 27 7
131 10 6 4% 3X 27 12 1% 7 38 32 10
IX 10% 6 5 37'2 27 12 17'2 7X 48 39 12
1% 117'2 67'2 5% 4 28 12 I%' 77'2 62 57 16
17'2 12 7 6 4X 31 15 1~ 7% 74 68 19
1% 127'2 77'2 6% 47'2 32 15 2 8 90 80 21
1% 137'2 8 7 .5 36 18 2X 87'2 108 110 27
IJ/g 15 9 7% 57'2 38 18 27'2 97'2 150 140 33
2 15 9 7% 5Y2 38 18 2~ 9~ 150 140 33
231 16X 10 8~ 6 40 18 2% lOX 195 183 40
2X 16X 10 8~ 6 40 18 2% lOX 195 183 40
2% 17% 11 9X 6~ 42 18 3 llX 254 231 48
27'2 17% 11 9X 67'2 42 18 3 11X 254 231 48
2% 19 12 10 7 42 18 3X 12 318 271 56
2% 19 12 10 7 42 18 3X 12 318 271 56
3 21 13 10% 77'2 44 18 3~ 137'2 410 325 65



These Wedge Type Sockets are easily and quickly attached in the field by bending the rope end
around the tapered wedge. These Sockets are furnished without pins.

Dim.ensions of Sockets

Center of Pin Opening Diameter

Diameter Hole to End Between of Ap-(\i0ximate
of of Socket Ears Pin Hole eight
Rope Pounds

% 5~ % 1316 2.5
~ 5~ % 1316 2.5
% 7 1% 17i 5
% 7~ 17i 17i 9

J/g 9 1% 1% 15
1 9~ 1% 1% 20
1~ 10% 1~ 1% 23
174: 1l~ 1~ 2~ 32

1% 1l~ 1~ 2~ 32
1~ 1374: 2~ 3~ 52
1% 137i 2~ 3~ 52
Furnished without pin.

. '15·



Rope Diam. of Approx. Wt. No. Clips for

Diam. U-Bolt in Lbs. Each Rope End *

:Yt6 ~6 .14 2
U % .29 2
~ % .30 2
% %i .46 2
}16 72 .73 2
72 72 .73 3
% %; 1.00 3
% % 1.46 3
~ % 2.41 4
1 % 2.66 4
1~ .% ;).35 5
Hi ~ 4.63 5
1% ~ 5.00 6
172 ~ 5.48 6
1% 1 6.91 6
Hi 1 7.67 6
2 1 10.4 6
2>i 1% 13.6 6
272 178 15.9 6
*For Ropes with Wire Cores and for High Strength and Extra High Strength Strands, one addi-
tional clip should be installed on each end.
Tiger Wire Rope Clips are' full size clips with clip more than recommended above shoul!! !>e
genuine drop forged steel bases. They should not used for each fastening. .
be confused with the lighter type malleable iron It is possible to hold wire ropes with smaller
base clips. number of clips than specified above, but the in-
Tiger Wire Rope Clips are easy to apply, reliable, creased pressure required reduces the efficiency
and durable. Protected from corrosion by a heavy of the connection.
coating of pure zinc applied by the Hot Galvan- The clips should be attached to the rope e!!.ds
izing Process, they can be used repeatedly. as shown, with the base of the clip against the
.In ad~ition to the. Drop Forged Steel Clips, live or long end, and the U-Bolt bearing against
TIger WIre Rope ClIps are for~ed from .HIgh the dead or short end of the rope. This is the
Strength Bronze. These.Bronze ClIl?s are deSIgned only correct method of attaching wire rope clips.
for use where .ele~trolysls. or corrOSIOn makes the The clips should be spaced at least six rope
use of steel clIps ImpractICal. Dropped from t h e . '"
same forging dies as are the steel clips; these high diameters apart to msure maxlmu~ hold~g powe~.
strength bronze clips are full size. They weigh After the ~ope has been placed m. serVIce and !S
approximately 10% more than the steel clips, and under tenSIOn, the nuts should be tightened agam
are approximately 25% less strong. When High to compensate for any decrease in rope diameter
Strength Bronze Clips are used on wire ropes, one caused by t.he load.



Galvanized Light Wire Rope Thimbles are For other ropes, the Galvanized Heavy Wire
recommended for use with Iron and Mild Plow Rope Thimbles shown on the following page are
Steel Ropes, Galvanized Guy Strands and Ropes, recommended.
and stationary ropes.

- ..... "


Dimensions of Thimbles

Length Width Diam. of Approx.

Rope Length of Width of Depth Largest Pin Weight
DiaIn. Opening Opening Thimble Pounds
Will Take

% 1% 1% 3){2 % 7.4; % .025

%i I%: l%i 1~6 1!16 %; % .O~
7.4; 2 I%; 1~ % % 1!16 .05
%; 23i 172 l!i6 ~ %i 1% .07
% 2% 1% 1% 1 72 I%; .08
%i 2%: 1% I%: 1!16 %; 1 .14
72 3 1~ 11~ 1% % 1>16 .17
% 3%: 27.4; 2~ 1% ~ 17.4; .38
%: 4 272 2% 1% 1 172 .50
~ 472 2%: 2~ J%: I%- 1% .62
1 6 47.4; 372 2 17.4; 1~ 1.05
1% 7% 472 47.4; 2~ 1% 2% 2.81
17.4; 7% 4%: 4% 2%: 1% 2% 3.00
172 7%: 4~ 5% 3 1~ 2~ 3.15
I%: 93i 5 6 372 2% 3% 5.50
2 11 r/ 77.4; 472 2% 4% 7.50



Galvanized Heavy Wire Rope Thimbles are ropes, and all Plow Steel and Monitor Steel
recommended for use with all material handling Wire Ropes.


Dimensions c£ Thimbles

Le~rth Width Diam. of

Rope Length Width of Depth Largest Pin
Diam. Opening Opening Thimble Weight
Will Take Pounds

~ 2~ 1% 1% % 1%2 1~16 .12

?1'6 3 1% 11~6 1 I%'2 I%; .15
% 3% 2% 2Y(6 1% ~ U{6 .22
%i 3% 2~ 274' IX % H16 .30

~ 4% 2% 2% 1~ 2%'2 l%i .50

% 4% 2% 2% 1~ 2%'2 l%i .50
% 5~ 3X 3~ 1% 2?{2 1% .75
% 6~ 3% 3% 2 1~6 1% 1.30

% 7% 414 4~{6 2X H{6 2% 1.60

1 8% 4~ 41~6 2~ 1}16 2% 2.80
1~ 9~ 5 5% 2% 1% 2% 4.50
IX 9~ 5~ 5% 2% 11316 2% 4.1>0

1% 11% 6X 6% 3~ 2~6 3% 7.50

1~ 11% 6X 6% 3~ 2~ 3% 7.50
1% 13% 8 7% 4 2% 3% 11.75
1% 14 9 8~ 4~ 2% 4% 18.00

1% 15 10 974' 5 2% 4% 22.00
2 17 12 10~ 6 3~ 5% 30.00
278 19 14 1274' 7 3~ 6% 52.00
214 19 14 1274' 7 3~ 6~ 52.00



1 - - - - - c·-----.l

Galvanized Steel Castings


Length Width Approx.
Length of Width of Depth Weight
Opening Opening Pounds

Diameter Circumference A B C D E

% 2 6;Ji 4~ 5 3 I%; 4
;Ji 2% 6;Ji 4~ 5 3 I%; 4
yg 2%; 8% 5;Ji 6U 3%; I%; 8
1 3~ 8% 5;Ji 6U 3;Ji 1~. 8

1~ 3~ '10~ 6;Ji 7U 4U l IJ16 10

lU 3yg 1O~ 6% 7U 4U l IJ16 10
1% 4% lOyg 7~ 7% 4~ II%; 14
1~ 4%; 12U 8 9 5 2h'6 20

1% 5~ 12%; 8 9U 5 2h6 28
I%; 5~ 12%; 8 9U 5 2%; 28
1~ 5yg 14;Ji 9~ 1O%; 6 2IJ16 38
2 6U 14% 9~ 10;Ji 6 2IJ16 38

2~ 6% 17~ 11 12~ 7 3~ 55
2U 7~ 17~ 11 12~ 7 3~ 55

·79· ..



Dimensions of Hooks

Approx. Inside Approx.

Hook Strength Dia. Weight-
Number In Pounds Length Width of Eye Opening Depth Pounds

10 5,700 41~ 3:}J6 J/g 1~ 2~ 0.75

15 7,500 51%2 31~ 1 1~ 2%2 1.00
20 14,200 6X 4%2 1% 1X 1~ 1.50
30 17,500 6J/g 41~ 1X 1% 1%; 2.25
40 21,200 7% 4J/g 1% 1~ 1% 3.00
50 25,000 81%2 5% 1~ 11~ 1%i 4.75
60 32,500 9~ 6% 1% 1J/g 11~ 6.00
75 42,500 101~ 7 1% 2~ 11~6 8.50
90 47,500 112~ 7h6 2 2X 2~ 1l.25
120 65,000 13%2 8hl; 2% 2~ 21~ 16.00
150 80,000 141:}J6 9% 2% 3 21hG 20.25
200 100,000 15~ 10hG 2% 3X 3% 27.00
240 120,000 16~ 11 3 3~ 3% 33.50
280 140,000 18 12% 3X 3% 3% 42.00
340 170,000 19% 13% 3~ 4 4 50.00
400 200,000 21~ 14~ 3% 4X 4% 65.00
440 220,000 23 15% 4 4~ 4% 82.00
500 250,000 24~ 16~ 4U 4% 4J/g 105.00
600 300,000 26 18~ 4~ 5 5% 130.00
See page 82 for size of hook to use with the various sizes and grad~s of wire rope.



The long link is the standard link used for wire end of double pattern switch ropes.
rope fittings.. See page 82 for sizes of links to use with the
The short link is used to connect other fittings, various sizes and grades of wire rope.
as the long link to one end and hook to other

c B

Long and Short Links Long Links Short Links

Approx. Approx. Approx.
Link Strength Inside Diaof Inside Weight Inside Weight
Number in Pounds Width Stock Length Pounds Length Pounds

20 10,000 1 % 4 .3 3 .25
30 15,000 1U ~ 6 1.0 4 .7
50 25,000 1~ % 8 2.0 4 1.0
75 37,500 1~ ~ 9 3.0 5 2.0

90 45,000 2 ~ 9 4.0 5 2.4

120 60,000 2U 1 10 6.0 6 4.0
150 75,000 2~ 17S 10 8.0 6 5.5
200 100,000 2~ 1U 10 10.0 6 7.0

240 120,000 3~ 1% 11 12.5 8 10.0

280 140,000 3% 1~ 11 16.0 8 13.0
340 170,000 3~ 1% 12 20.0 8 15.0
400 200,000 4 1~ 12 24.0 9 20.0

440 220,000 4U 1~ 12 28.0 9 22.0

500 250,000 4~ 2 12 32.0 9 26.5
600 300,000 5 2U 14 45.0 10 36.0
850 425,000 572 272 14 59.0 10 48.0



For All Bright 6 Strand and 18 x 7 Non-Spinning Ropes

Link and Hook attached with Thimble Splices

Link and Hook attached with Sockets

When Attached to Rope with Socket When Attached to Rope with Thimble Splice
Diameter Monitor Plow Mild Plow Monitor Plow Mild Plow
Inches Steel Rope Steel Rope Steel Rope Steel Rope Steel Rope Steel Rope

U 1i)* 10* 10* 10* 10* 10*

~6 20 15* 15* 20 15* 15*
% 30 20 20 20 20 20
%; 40* 30 30 30 30 20

~ 50 40* 40* 40* 40* 30

% 60* 50 50 50 50 40*
% 75 60* 60* 60* 60* 50
~ 120 90 75 90 75 60*

~ 150 120 120 120 120 90

1 200 150 150 150 150 120
17S 240 200 150 200 150 120
17:1 280 240 200 240 200 150

1% 340 280 240 280 240 200

1~ 400 340 280 340 280 240
1% 440 400 340 340 340 280
1% 500 440 400 400 340 340

1~ 600 500 440 440 400 340

2 600 Sp. 600 500 500 440 400
27S 600 Sp. 600 500
27:1 600 Sp. 600
·Use next larger size Link.

Galvanized or Japanned

Length Distance Diameter IN TONS OF 2,000 LBS.
of Between of Approx.
Size Opening Eyes Pin Weight
Round Screw Pounds
A B C Pin Pin

U 13i ~ %i 2.6 2.2 .12

~6 lU %; % 4.0 3.4 .20
% 1~ lW6 h6 5.2 4.4 .30

%; 1;U lYJ6 ~ 7.8 6.6 .49

~ 2 5'8 % 10.2 8.6 .75
% 2% 1W6 ;U 17.2 14.5 1.45

;U 2J-8 lU J-8 23.2 19.5 2.2

J-8 3U 1% 1 31.3 26.5 3.4
1 3% 11!16 13i 38.3 32.5 5.0

1% 4U 1% 1U 45.0 38.0 7.4

l}i 4;U 1J-8 1% 56.0 47.5 10.0
1% 5U 2~ 1~ 68.5 58.0 12.8

1~ 5~ 2U 1% 81.5 69.0 16.0

1;U 7 2J-8 2 125. 106. 29.4
2 7;U 33i 2~ 151. 128. 41.6
Inquiries and orders should state whether Round Pins or Screw Pins are desired.



Black or Galvanized

The dimensions given are for turnbuckles with standard lengths of takeup. For turnbuckles with
other than Standard takeup see page 86.


Dimensions of Turnbuckles

Length Distance Diameter
Size Depth of Between of Approx. Approx.
Takeup Center to
Throat Jaws Pin Weight Strength
of Pins Pounds Pounds


U 4 7% %: 1~ U .4 1600
~6 4;l1 . 8;l1 1 1%1 U .6 2700
% 6 1O%: 1~ ;l1 % 1.1 4000
;l1 6 12 lU % % 1.8 7500

% 6 13:i I%; %: ;l1 3.1 12000

%: 9 18 11;J{6 1% % 5.9 18000
Ji 12 .22:i 27$ 17$ %: 10 25000
1 12 24 2;l1 1~ Ji 13 33000

lU 12 26%: 3% 1%: 17$ 23 53000

1;l1 18 34Js 3;l1 2h6 1% 44 78000
1%: 18 38 4~ 2% 1% 56 105000

2 24 47 41Y(6 2;l1 lJi 89 138000

2;l1 24 58 5?{6 2Ji 2:i 160 223000


Black or Galvanized

The dimensions given are for turnbuckles with standard lengths of takeup. For turnbuckles with
other than .standard takeup see page 86.


Dimensions of Turnbuckles

Length Width of Approx. Approx.
Size Takeup Pull to Pull Opening Weight Strength
of Eyes Pounds Pounds


~ 4 7% l~ .3 1600
91'6 472 872 VJ'6 .5 2700
% 6 1O~ lYf .9 4000
72 6 12 2% 1.6 7500

% 6 13~ yg 2.7 12000

~ 9 18 1 5.1 18000
yg 12 22~ 1~ 9. 25000
1 12 24 1VJ'6 11 33000

1~ 12 26~ Il%i 20 53000

172 18 34yg 2% 40 78000
1~ 18 38 2% 49 105000

2 24 47 21~ 78 138000
272 24 58 3% 140 223000


The dimensions of turnbuckles given on the two The table shown below gives the various lengths
preceding pages apply to turnbuckles with stand- of takeup of turnbuckles which can be supplied.
ard lengths of takeup as shown in columns marked Sizes shown in heavy type have standard lengths
:'B." of takeup.

Lengths of Takeup in Inches

4 4% 6 9 12 18 24 36 48

sit 6
% ~ ~
% % % %
Size ~ % ~ ~ ~
of J/g J/g
Turnbuckles 1 1 1 1
1% 17i 17i 17i
I 172 1% 172 172 1~
I J3,4 1~ 1~ 1~
I 2 2 2
J 2% 272 272

When ORDERING WIRE ROPE WITH FIT- trated, the same methods of measuring should be
TINGS ATTACHED the lengths shown should followed.
be given. For combinations of fitting& not illus-

e:---' ~ENG:H & "

Thimbl~ spliced in one end. Measurement: Pull of Thimble to End of Rope.


1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LENGTH--------------"
Link spliced in one end; Hook spliced in other end. Measurement: Pull of Link to Pull of Hook.
~e1'H OF" I..
v~ 00
I--------------LENGTH -----------1
'Thimble spliced in one end; Loop spliced in the other end. Measurements: Pull of Thimble to Base of Loop,
and Circumference of Loop.

Tiger Closed Wire Rope Socket attached to one end; Tiger Open Wire Rope Socket attached to other and.
Measurement: Pull of Closed Socket to Center Line of Pin of Open Socket.

1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LENGTH - - - --'
Tiger Open Wire Rope Socket and Link attached to one end; Tiger Open Wire Rope Socket and Hook attached
to other end. Measurement: Pull of Link to Pull of Hook.

L..------ LENGTH---
Closed Bridge Socket attached to one end; Open Bridge Socket attached to other end. Measurements: Outer
face of Socket Casting to Outer Face of Socket Casting, and Takeups required.



Properly designed and fabricated wire rope indicates the fatigue of the metal, and the termi-
slings are the safest type of slings. They do not nation of the useful life of the sling.
wear away as do slings made of fiber rope, nor do There are six general types of wire rope slings.
they lose their strength from exposure in the same Each general type consists of numerous slings,
rapid manner. Neither are they susceptible to the
each differing from the other in the fittings em-
weakest link ailment of chains caused by the
uncertainty of the strengths of the welds. Wire ployed. The six general types and some of the
rope slings show by inspection their true condi- numerous variations in which each general type
tion. The appearance of broken wires clearly may be furnished, are listed below:


TYPE With Hooks and Rope Thimbles DB-83-0
Two Part 2P-66-E With Open Sockets DB-87-S
Two Part with Protective Saddles 2P-67-EP With Closed Sockets and Shackles DB-89-SC
Four Part 4P-68-E With Thimbles and Shackles (for
Balanced Loads) DB-90-TCb
TIGER SLIPNOOSE SLINGS With Thimbles and Shackles (for
Unbalanced Loads) DB-91-TCu
With Thimbles and Closed Sockets .. S-71-TS With Thimbles (for Balanced Loads).DB-92-Tb
With Thimbles S-72-T
With Thimbles (for Unbalanced
With Thimbles, Open Sockets, and Loads) DB-93-Tu
Hooks S-73-TSH
With Loop Ends S-75-L
Four End Bridle Slings with Hooks . .4E-96-H
TIGER BRIDLE SLINGS Three End Bridle Slings with Hooks.3E-00-H
With Spliced Loops B-77-L Two End Bridle Slings with Round
With Hooks B-80-H Ring and Open Sockets and Hooks.2E-01-SH
With Open Sockets and Hooks B-81-SH
With Shackles B-88-C Wrecker Slings for Lifting Locomotive
With Horizontal Plate Clamps B-94-HP at Fire Door W-05-LFD
With Vertical Plate Clamps B-95-VP Single Pattern Wrecking and Switch-
ing Ropes W-07-SP
TIGER DOUBLE BRIDLE SLINGS Double Pattern Wrecking and Switch-
With Loops (for Balanced Loads) ... DB-78-Lb ing Ropes W-07-DP
With Loops (for Unbalanced Loads).DB-79-Lu Multiple Part Wire Rope Slings M-08-P
With Open Sockets and Hooks DB-82-SH Wrecker Slings for Lifting Box Cars. 2EW-09-FC

Examples of commonly used types of slings are of strand. The advantage of a grommet over a
shown on the following pages. Details of these, length of rope spliced endless is that a grommet
and other types, and the fittings used, are shown has but one point of tuck whereas the spliced six-
in our Tiger Wire Rope Sling Catalogue.
strand rope has six points of tuck. This permits
Equalizing Slings, as well as some types of Slip-
noose Slings and Double Bridle Slings, are made tucking the strand ends the entire length of the
with grommets where endless slings are desired. grommet, as compared to the much shorter length
Grommets are made from one continuous length in the spliced rope.



Monitor Steel
Tiger Two Part Equalizing Slings consist of one EP slings with four top protective saddles and four
('ndless wire rope grommet and two equalizing bottom protective saddles are especially useful in
thimbles. When used for lifting rectangular bodies quarries and finishing mills for handling blocks of
or bodies with corner projections, protective sad- marble and granite. This type sling can be fur-
dlrs should be specified to protect the rope at the nished with any form of protective saddles re-
points it passes around the corners. Type 2P-67- quired.
t----~-----LENGTH OF SLlNG--------------l

Type 2p·66-E Type 2P-67-EP

Safe Working Loads when used Doubled and Dimensions and Weights of Thimbles
When When When When Approx.
Vertical Included Included Included Weight
Rope Angle is 60 0
Angle is 90 0
Angle is 120 0 Inside Inside Inside

Diam. Width Length Width of Two

% 12
A 10
6 4
6 1%

:Y8 16 14 11 8 5 8 172 33
1 21 18 15 11 5 8 172 39
Hi 27 23 19 13 572 9 172 56
lU 33 28 23 16 572 9 1% 69
1% 39 34 28 20 6 10 2 86
172 46 40 33 23 6 10 2 107
1% 54 47 38 27 872 14 2U 156
1% 62 54 44 31 9 15 272 199
1:Y8 71 62 50 36 972 15 3 206
2 81 70 57 40 10 15 3 257
2% 91 78 64 45 10 15 72 3 338
2U 101 87 71 51 10 16 3 363



Monitor Steel
An economical and practical slipnoose sling for opening is not sufficient, Type S-72-T, Slipnoose
use where the opening of the Closed Socket is Sling with Thimbles is recommended.
large enough to engage the crane hook. When this
I - - - - - - - - - - - L E N G T H OF S L l N G - - - - - - - - . . !


Safe Working Loads, Dimensions of Sockets, and Weights of Fittings

Rope Safe Loads Approx.
Diam. in Tons of Weight of
2,000 Pounds Inside Width Inside Length Thickness of Fittings
D E Loop-F

% 1.6 1% 2%; Ih6 7

Y2 2.7 1% 3K6 1K6 10
% 4.2 2>i 4% 1% 22
% 6 272 4% 172 31
3/s 8 2% 5h6 1% 45
1 11 3% 6%; 11916 57
1% 13 31~ 71h6 2%; 95
1>i 16 31~ 71h6 2%; 105
1% 20 32%2 8 1%; 2h'6 143
172 23 4%2 9% 23/s 187
Weight of zinc for attaching sockets is included in approximate weight of fittings.



Monitor Steel
A handy sling for many purposes. For slings of larger capacities, see Type DB-82-SH.

Type B-80-H

Safe Working Loads and Dimensions and Weights of Fittings

Safe Loads in Tons of 2,000 Lbs. Equalizing Thimbles Wire Rope Hooks
When When When Approx.
Included Included Included Weight
Rope Angle is 30° Angle is 60° Angle is 90° Inside Inside Inside Hook of
Dia. Width Length Width No. Depth Opening Fittings

1\ .J~\ A A B C G H

% 1.3 1.2 1. 2:!/z 4 1 20 1% 1;!4 7

:!/z 2.3 2. 1.7 3% 5:!/z 1% 40 1% 1:!/z 12
% 3.5 3.1 2.6 4 6 1;!4 60 11~6 1~ 21
% 4.9 4.4 3.6 4 6 1% 90 2% 2;!4 34
~ 6.5 5.9 4.8 5 8 1:!/z 120 21%2 2:!/z 50
1 8.5 7.5 6.1 5 8 1:!/z 150 21~6 3 62
1% 10.5 9.3 7.6 5:!/z 9 1:!/z 200 3% 3;!4 88
1;!4 12. 11. 9. 5:!/z 9 1% 240 3% 3:!/z 107
1% 14. 13. 10.5 6 10 2 280 3% 3% 137
1:!/z 17. 15. 12. 6 10 2 340 4 4 163
1% 19. 17. 14. 8:!/z 14 2;!4 340 4 4 225
1% 22. 20. 16. 9 15 2:!/z 400 4% 4;!4 260



Monitor Steel

The Hooks and Thimbles permit the opening of signed for use in steel and paper mills, and can
the legs so that the ends may be passed under also be used to advantage in other fields.
the ends of housings, rolls, etc. This sling is de-

Type DB-83-0

Safe Working Loads, Dim.enslons of Equalizing Thim.bles, and Weights of Fittings

Safe Load in Tons of 2,000 Lbs. Equalizing Thimbles
When When When
Included Included Included Approximate
Rope Angle is 30° Angle is 60° Angle is 90° Inside Inside Inside Weight
Dill. Width Length Width of


% 2.6 2.4 2.0 3 4% 1~ 10.5
~ 4.6 . 4.1 3.4 4~ 6% 1~ 19.
% 7. 6.2 5.2 5 7~ 1~ 32.
% 9.8 8.8 7.2 5 7% 1~ 50.
% 13. 12. 10. 6 9 2% 71.
1 17. 15. 12. 6U 972 2%; 90.
1% 21. 19. 15. 7 11 2~ 130.
1~ 24. 22. 18. 7~ 1172 2% 158.
1% 29. 26. 21. 8 1272 3 206.
172 34. 30. 24. 872 13% 3 250.



Monitor Steel

The Three End Bridle Sling with Hooks shown Sockets, Tiger Open Sockets and Hooks, Shackles,
below is the type of Three End Bridle Sling in Tiger Closed Sockets and Shackles, Spliced Loops,
greatest demand. This type of sling can be fur- or any form of wire rope fitting desired.
nished with Tiger Open Sockets, Tiger Closed

Type 3E-OO-H
Safe Working Loads and Diznensions and Weights of Fittings
Safe Loads in Tons of 2,000 Lbs. Hooks Rings
When When When
Included Included Included Approx.
Rope Angle is 30° Angle is 60° Angle is 90° Hook Dia. of Inside Weight







% 5.2 4.7 3.8 60 11HG 1% 1% 7 38
% 7.3 6.6 5.4 90 2% 2X 2 8 64
% 9.8 8.8 7.2 120 21§{6 272 272 9 97
1 13. II. 9.2 150 2 1Y(6 3 2% 10 130
1% 16. 14. 11.5 200 3% 3X 3 10 170
IX 18. 16. 13. 240 3% 372 3X 11 200
1% 22. 19. 16. 280 3% 3% 3~ 12 275
172 25. 23. 18. 340 4 4 3% 12 315



Monitor Steel

The two legs of this Wrecking Sling for Lifting weldless steel Triangular Link for engaging the
Box 9,nd Caboose Cars are equipped with special crane hook.
forged steel Sill Hooks, and are connected by a

Type 2EW.09-FC

Safe Working Loads and Dimensions and Weights of Fittings

Safe Load Triangular Link Hooks

in Tons of
2,000 Lbs. Approx.
When Pull of Hook Weight
Rope Included Inside Inside Dia. of to Pull of of
Dia. Angle is 60° Length' Width Radius Stock Opening Thimble Fittings

/~\ A B C T X' Y

% 9.5 9~ 8 1~ 1% 8 14 92
1 12. 9~ 8 1~ 2 8 14 135
178 15. 9~ 8 1~ 2 8 15 168
IX 18. 9~ 8 2 2X 8 16 225
1~ 24. 12 8 2~ 2% 9 16 341
1% 32. 12 9 3 3 10 18 500
2 40. 12 9 3 3~ 10 18 660



Monitor Steel
Tiger Multiple Part Slings are composed of one should not be used for lifting objects with sharp
continuous length of %" diameter Monitor Wire corners, as the multiple parts of rope cannot
Rope wound around two Cast Steel Thimbles readily adjust themselves to sharp bends.
any required number of times and seized at For lifting lighter loads than shown below, and
regular intervals. The seizings hold the ropes in for lifting objects which require bending the slings
one compact cable. about corners, Tiger Two Part Equalizing Slings,
This type of sling is adapted for lifting large Type 2P-66-E, and Tiger Four Part Equalizing
circular bodies such as locomotive boilers. It Slings, Type 4P-68-E, are recommended.
I - - - - - - - - - - - - - L E N G T H OF S L l N G - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

Type M-08-P
Safe Working Loads when used Doubled and Dimensions and Weights of Thimbles

When When When When

Vertical Included Included Included
Approx. Angle is 60° Angle is 90° Angle is 120° Approx.
Number Diam. of Inside Inside Weight
of Rope

Sling Width Length Radius of Two
Parta in Inches
A ~

58 3% 100 87 71 50 8~ 14 1% 220
64 3% 110 95 78 55 8~ 14 1% 220
68 3~ 117 101 83 59 872 14 1% 220
72 3% 124 108 88 62 9 15 1~ 300
76 3~ 130 113 92 65 9 15 1~ 300
80 3~ 137 119 97 69 9 15 1~ 300
84 3 1?{6 144 125 102 72 9 15 1~ 300
88 4 151 131 107 76 9 15 1~ 300
92 478 158 137 112 79 9 15 1~ 300
96 4%i 165 143 117 83 10 16 1% 400
100 4%; 172 149 122 86 10 16 1% 400
106 4U6 182 158 129 91 10 16 1% 400
110 4~ 189 164 134 95 10 16 1% 500
116 4% 199 173 141 100 10 16 1% 500
120 41U6 205 178 145 103 10 16 1% 500
Dimensions of Thimbles shown are our standards. ThImbles of speCial dlmenslOns can be furmshed.



Tiger Brand Braided Slings offer certain advantages over the types out-
lined on the preceding pages. These advantagES are secured by building the
sling bodies of several pairs of Right Regular Lay and Left REgular Lay
wire ropes.
A Tiger Brand Braided 8-Part Sling is composed of four parts of Right
Regular Lay and four parts of Left Regular Lay Monitor Steel rope, so
interwoven that opposite pairs are Right Lay and Left Lay, and special
fittings. This braided construction gives maximum flexibIlity, prevents kink-
ing and makes the sling non-rotating.
Some of the types of Tiger Braided Slings are listed below and three types
are detailed on the following pages. Our catalog on Tiger Brand Braided
Wire Rope Slings gives detailed information on these slings.

Braided 8-Part 2-End Bridle Slings with Hooks ~ K2E-20-H
Braided 8-Part 3-End Bridle Slings with Hooks K3E-21-H
Braided 8-Part 4-End Bridle Slings with Hooks , .K4E-22-H
Braided 8-Part Choker Slings with Thimble and Sliding Hook .. KC-26-TA
Braided 8-Part 2-Leg Choker Slings with Sliding Hooks K2C-27-A
Braided 8-Part Slipnoose Slings with Loops KS-30-L
Braided 8-Part Slipnoose Slings with Thimbles KS-31-T
Braided 8-Part Slipnoose Slings with Loop and
Protective Saddle KS-32-LP
Braided 8-Part Slipnoose Slings with Thimble and
Protective Saddle KS-33-TP
Braided 16-Part Slipnoose Slings with Loop and
Protective Saddle K2S-34-LP
Br.aided 8-Part Draw Bar Slings with Loops KWB-40-L -
Braided 8-Part Draw Bar Slings with Thimbles KWB-41-T
Braided 8-Part Utility Slings with Loop and Hook : KU-46-LH




Type 2E-20-H
A light weight, flexible sling consisting of two legs with
hooks attached by thimbles connected by thimbles to a pear
shaped link of high carbon steel. The flexibility of this sling,
together with the ease of handling, has made this type a

Safe Load in Tons Pear Shaped Link Hooks

Diam. When When When

of Included Included Included Radius Radius
Rope Angle is Angle is Angle is Inside at at Diam. Depth Throat
Used 30° 60° 90° Length Top Bottom Stock Hook at Bite Opening
Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches No. Inches Inches

%2 1 0.9 0.7 3U % l>i % 10 2h'2 lYt6

% 1.8 1.6 1.3 472 U 172 U 20 1% l>i

:kG 4 3.6 2.9 6 1 2 1 40 1% 172
>i 6.6 5.9 4.8 8>i 1% 2U 1% 7.1 11% 2Yt'6
% 9.9 8.9 7.3 9U 1% 3>i 1% 120 21~ 272
% 13 12 9.7 12 2 4 2 150 21 316 3

Yi6 18 16 13 13 72 27i 472 27i 200 3% 37i

72 23 21 17 16 2% 5>i 2% 240 3% 372
%; 29 26 21 17 2~ 5U 2~ 340 4 4

% 36 32 26 1972 37i 672 3>i 400 4% 4>i

U 52 46 38 24 4 8 4 500 4% 4U Type K2E-20-H




Type KC-26-TA
This sling is identical to Type KS-31-T except
that a sliding hook has been added to provide a
quick attachment for the thimble on the free end.
The advantage of this Choker Sling over Slipnoose
Slings is that it is not necessary to detach the
thimble from the crane hook when handling loads.

of Rope Safe Load in Tons Inside Inside Sliding
Used Width Length Hook
Inches Choker Inches Inches No.

%; 1.5 272 5 3

~ 2.6 3 6~ 4

~ 3.9 372 772 5

% 5.1 472 8~ 6

116 7 572 10~ 7

72 9 6~ 10~ 8

~ 11 6% 12 9

% 14 8 14% 10
Type KC-26-TA

·98· .



Type K2S-34-LP
The body of this sling is a length of 8-Part Braided Rope doubled
back upon itself to double the number of parts to 16 and thus doubling
its strength. The use of 16-Parts makes this sling extremely flexible.
This flexibility, combined with its light weight, makes it very easy to

·99· .

The practice here detailed is recommended by and of sufficient length to prevent any untwisting
the United States Bureau of Mines in Bulletin No. of the strands, which would result in unequal ten-
75. It is the most satisfactory method in use today. sion on the strands when socket is attached.
A seizing iron as shown in Fig. 46 page 111 is
recommended for applying seizings to ropes one
inch diameter and larger.
Place rope end upright in bench vise as shown
in Fig. 19.
Remove any seizing above the one referred to
in previous paragraph. Cut the fiber core at the
seizing. See Fig. 20.

Figure 19

Piace an additional seizing on the rope end to be

socketed at a distance equal to the length of the
basket of the socket from the end of the rope. It
is important that this seizing be carefully applied

Figure 21

Untwist the strands and broom out the wires.

The wires should be separated but not straight-
ened. See Fig. 21.
The wires for the distance they are to be inserted
in the socket should be carefully cleaned with
benzine, naphtha, or gasoline, and then dipped in
a bath of muriatic acid solution (50% commercial
muriatic acid and 50% water) for about 30 seconds
to one minute, or until the acid has thoroughly
cleaned each wire. Care should be taken to pre-
vent acid coming in contact with the fiber core or
any portion of the rope other than the broomed
wire ends. The acid should be neutralized by next
dipping the wires into boiling water to which has
been added a small amount of soda.
Draw the ends of the wires together with a
piece of seizing wire so that the socket can be
forced down over them. See Fig. 22.


Force the socket down over the rope end until expand within the socket basket. The ends of the
it reaches the seizing on the wire rope. Remove the wires should be level with the upper end of the
seizing wire from the wires and allow the. wires to socket basket.
Care should be taken to see that the axis of the
socket is in line with the axis of the rope.
Seal the base of the socket with putty, clay, or
similar substance.
It is advisable to preheat the basket of the
socket to expel any moisture and to prevent the
molten zinc from congealing before it has com-
pletely filled the lower end of the basket.
Fill the socket basket with molten zinc. The
zinc must not be too hot or it will anneal the wires,
particularly on small ropes or ropes of small wires.
From 800 to 875 degrees Fahrenheit is the correct
temperature. See Fig. 23.
When the zinc has congealed the socket can be
plunged into cold water to cool it.
The seizing can then be removed.
Fig. 24 shows a Tiger Wire Rope Socket applied
by this method before the seizing was removed.

Figure 22

Figure 24

If the socketing is properly done, when tested

to destruction, a wire rope will break before it will
pull from the socket.
For directions for attaching sockets to strands
we recommend that you confer with us stating
size and grade of strand. We also suggest that you
consult us regarding the socketing of stainless
Figure 23 steel and bronze wire ropes and strands.



Directions for Splicing the Standard Short Splice in that the distance be-
6 Strand Ropes tween tucks and length of tuck is greater and more
rope is consumed in making the splice. Otherwise
When a rope is spliced endless, or two similar the two are the same.
ropes are spliced together, a short length of each The total amount of rope to allow for making
of the two ends is consumed in making the splice. endless splices is:
This should be considered when ordering the

Diameter of Wire
lengths to be spliced. Rope in Inches .... >4-% Y2-% :!4-Ys l-IYs 1>4-1% lYz
There are two endless splices: the Standard ----------
Od N
Short Splice used for splicing most six strand Length of Short
ropes; and the Long Splice used for splicing Haul- Rope to Splice ...

15 20 24 28 32 36
age Ropes and long lengths of wire rope operating
Allow in ----------
Feet .... Long
under heavy loads. The Long Splice differs from Splice ... 30 40 50 60 70 80

Figure 25

Place a seizing on each of the two rope ends to the seizings would be placed ten feet from the ends.
be spliced together at a distance from the end Unlay the strands of each end to these seizings.
equal to one-half the allowance for splicing. As an See Fig. 25.
example, if splicing two lengths of 3/z inch diam- Cut off the fiber cores as near the seizings as
eter rope together by the Standard Short Splice, possible.

Figure 26


Interlock the six strands of each end in a finger Unlay one strand, filling the groove vacated by
lock position. Force the ends together so that seiz- this strand with a strand from the other rope end.
ings are as near each other as possible. Remove Fig. 27 shows the first strand from each rope end
the seizings. See Fig. 26. being replaced by a strand from the other rope end.

Figure 27
This process should be continued with the first The second strand from each rope end should
strand from each rope end until only strand equal be unlayed and replaced by a strand from the
other rope end in the same manner, but stopped
to the length of tuck remains.
at a distance of twice the length of tuck from the
The length of tuck is approximately one-twelfth point where the first pair of strands protrude. In a
the amount of rope allowed for the splice. similar manner, the third strand from each end
should be l'Cplaced by a strand from roe other end
Diameter of Rope
for a distance equal to the length of tuck.
in Inches ......... u-% Yz-% ~-Ya l-IYs lU-l% 172 The twelve strands now protrude from the rope
------------ in pairs at points separated by twice the length
Length of Short
Tuck in Splice ... 15 20 24 28 32 36
of tuck.
The protruding strand ends should next be cut
-- - - - - - - - - off leaving lengths equal to the length of tuck.
Splice ... 30 40 50 60 70 80 Fig. 28 shows two of the six pairs of strand ends.

The strand ends of preformed wire ropes should
be straightened. It is not necessary to straighten
If a vise is available, it should be used as it
facilitates the tucking operation. If a vise cannot·
the strand ends of non-preformed ropes. With this be obtained, a manila rope sling and a short wooden
exception the method of splicing is the same for lever may be used to untwist and open the rope.
both. Place the rope in the vise so that the vise grips
The strand ends should be wrapped with fric- the rope and one of the two strand ends just be-
tion tape or twine. A layer of tape or twine helps yond the point where a pair of strand ends pro-
hold the tucked ends in place as it makes them trude from the rope. See Fig. 29. Drive marlin
spike under three strands, opening the rope so
larger in diameter and increases the binding action
that the fiber core may be cut and the end
of the outer strands. It is advisable to build up pulled through the opening made by the point of
the diameter of the strand ends with tape or the marlin spike. Start the wrapped strand end
twine as much as possible without making the into the space left vacant by the reaJ.oval of the
rope oversize when the strand ends are tucked. fiber core. Rotate the marlin spike so as to force
The method of tucking the six pairs of strand out the fiber core and force the strand end into
ends is the same for each pair. the center of the rope.


By rotating the spike, the strand end is tucked The rope is then regripped in the vise so that
its entire length. See Fig. 30. the second strand end can be tucked. See Fig. 31.

Figure 30

Drive the marlin spike under three strands as rope without any slack, a pair of splicing tongs or
before. some other form of clamp should be used to force
In order to start the second strand end into the this strand into its proper position. See Fig. 31.

Figure 32


The marlin spike is then rotated forcing the in this manner. See Fig. 32.
fiber core from the rope and forcing the wrap- When splicing regular lay ropes the strand ends
ped strand end into the space vacated by the fiber should not cross at the point where the tucks be-
core. The strand end is tucked its entire length gin. See Figs. 32, 33 and 34.

Figure 33

When splicing Lang lay ropes, it is advisable to tucked when starting the tucking operation on the
have the strand ends cross at the points where the second strand end.
tucks begin, as this increases the holding power of The rope will be somewhat deformed at the
pr:int where the tucks start. This can be remedied
the splice. This is accomplished by inserting the by hammering the rope at this point with wooden
marlin spike under the strand end which has been mal:~ ts. See Fig. 33.

Figure 34

Fig. 34 shows one of six similar points of the strong as the original rope. After running a few
finished splice where one pair of tucked strands days, a well made splice cannot be detected ex-
start. A rope spliced in this manner is nearly as cept by a careful examination of the rope.


Directions for Splicing endless, is similar to that for splicing a six strand
8 Strand Ropes rope up to the point where the strands are to be
tucked. See Fig. 28. The only difference is that the
Because the fiber core in an eight stranJ rope length of tuck is approximately one sixteenth the
is so much greater in diameter than the strands, it
is not practical to tuck the strand ends by the amount of rope allowed for splicing.
method outlined for splicing six strand ropes. The The method of tucking the eight pairs of strand
strand ends are sccured by twisting or tying them ends is the same for each pair.
together. This is known as the Nash Tuck. Place seizings on rope each side of point where
The process for splicing together two similar the strands project. Split the strand ends in two
eight strand ropes, or splicing an eight strand rope back to the seizings. See Fig. 35.

Figure 35
Take one-half of each strand end and tie a shows one-half strand pulled through and the
double knot. See Fig. 36. second half strand in the process of being pulled
Knot should be drawn down tight by a hand through.
clamp or some similar tool. The two half strands which have been tied and
Insert spike under the three strands beyond the tucked are cut off close to the rope and each short
knot and pull the half strands through. Fig. 37 end forced into the valley between the strands.

Figure 36

The other two half strands are tucked by insert- Any unevenness in the rope should be removed
ing a marlin spike under the adjacent strand and by hammering with wooden mallets in the manner
pulling the half strand through. The ends are then shown by Fig. 33.
cut off close to the rope and the short ends forced Fig. 38 shows one of eight similar points of the
into the valleys between the strands. finished splice.

Figure 37

Figure 38


Directions for Eye Splicing Diameter of

Wire Ropes Rope in
Inches ....... 74-% Yz %-%" Ys-l lYs 174 lYz
While the following directions cover splicing a -------- ----
Length to
~alvanized thimble into a six strand wire rope, the Allow in Feet. 1 lYz 2 2Yz 3 3Yz 4
process is also used for eight strand ropes and for
splicing eyes into ropes when thimbles are not A riggers vise as shown in the following illus-
used. tration is best adapted for eye splicing. A common
The process of splicing a thimble into a rope bench vise can be used if a riggers vise is not
consists of bending the rope about the thimble available.
and fastening the short end by tucking the indi- Measure off the amount of rope allowed for
vidual strands under similar strands of the long making the splice. BeJ;l.d the rope about the thim-
end of the rope a sufficient number of times to ble at this point and place rope and thimble in
hold them securely. Four tucks are usually suffi- vise. See Fig. 39.
cient for all ropes containing not more than In these illustrations the strands of the short
nineteen wires to the strand. For ropes with more end of the rope have been numbered 1 to 6, inclu-
than 19 wires to the strand five tucks should be sive, and the strands of the long end of the rope
used. have been lettered A to F, inclusive. Strand 1 is
A short length of wire rope is consumed in mak- to be tucked under Strand A; Strand 2 under
ing an eye splice. The amounts required for Strand B; Strand 3 under Strand C; etc. Each
Light and Heavy wire thimbles are shown in the strand of the short end of the rope is to be tucked
opposite column. For larger thimbles, a propor- under its corresponding strand of the long end of
tionally greater amount of rope is required. the rope four times.

Figure 39


Remove seizings from the short end of the rope and rotate the spike a half turn away from the
and separate the strands. Cut off the fiber core thimble. Insert Strand 1 through the opening so
at the point where the strands separate. See Fig. 40. formed and rotate spike back towards the thimble
Insert a marlin spike under the first two strands taking Strand 1 with it and pull Strand 1 tight.
nearest the point of the thimble, Strands A and B, This gives Strand lone tuck. See Fig. 41.

Figure 40

Insert marlin spike under next single strand, which Strands 1 and 2 were tucked. Rotate the
Strand B, and tuck Strand 2 by the same method. marlin spike back to the point of the thimble,
Omit the next strand, Strand C, and insert forcing Strand 6 with it, and pull Strand 6 tight.
marlin spike under the two strands beyond, Figure 42 shows the splice at this point. Strands
Strands D and E, and tuck Strand 6 by inserting 6, 1, and 2 have been tucked once under Strands
it through the opening in the direction opposite to F, A, and B, respectively.


2 3 4

Figure 41

Insert marlin spike under Strand E and tuck Without removing the marlin spike give Strand
Strand 5 in the same manner as Strand 2 was 5 three additional tucks. This is accomplished by
tucked. See Fig. 43. winding Strand 5 spirally around Strand E three

2 3

Figure 42

times. Each tuck is made by rotating the spike a Give Strand 4 four tucks by winding it about
half turn, pulling Strand 5 through the opening, Strand D in the same manner.
Tuck Strand 3 four times about Strand C.
and rotating the spike back toward the thimble Fig. 44 shows Strands 3, 4, and 5 after these
to tighten the tuck. strands have been given four tucks.


Figure 43

Strands 6,1, and 2, should be given three addi- strands. If the rope contains more than illineteen
tional tucks about Strands F, A, and B, respec- wires per strand, each strand should be given an
tively, in the manner outlined for Strand 5. Fig. 45 additional tuck.
shows four completed tucks in each of the six

Figure 44

An eye splice made in this manner will have a by splitting each strand before the final tuck and
slight taper as shown:n Figs. 46 and 47. If a more cutting off a portion of the wires.
pronounced taper is desired, this can be secured


Figure 45
The protruding strand ends are cut off close to by hammering with wooden mallets as shown by
the rope. Fig. 33, page 105.
Any inequalities in the splice should be removed

Figure 46

The splice should be wrapped with serving wire Fig. 47 shows a Galvanized Heavy Wire Rope
to protect the hands of workmen handling the Thimble spliced into the end of a 6x19 wire rope
rope. This is best accomplished by using a serving by the method here outlined.
iron as shown in Fig. 46.



The diameter of a wire rope is the diameter of circle which will just enclose all of the wires. The
the circle which will just enclose all of the strands. correct diameter is the greatest diameter of the
In the case of strands, the diameter is that of the rope or strand.

This gives correct

This does not give
correct diameter.



To obtain maximum useful rope life and greatest and lubricated. It should be stored in a dry place
economy, there are several simple rules to observe. protected from the elements.

Wire Ropes are lubricated during fabrication. Cutting Back
The amount and grade of lubricant used depends
upon the size and type of rope. As this initiallub- The object of cutting short lengths of rope from
rication is generally not sufficient t.o last the useful the drum end is to change the position of the rope.
life of the rope, periodical applications of a good Wear and fatigue are usually most severe at cer-
grade of oil or grease should be made. The lubri- tain definite points on wire rope using equipment,
cant should be free from acids and alkalies; should and the removal of a short length of rope subjects
have sufficient adhesive strength to stay on the different portions of it to these destructive forces.
rope; should be able to penetrate between the Cutting back the outer end removes that section
wires and strands; should be non-soluble under the next to the fitting where maximum localized
conditions prevailing where the rope operates; fatigue from vibration often occurs.
should have a high film strength; and should resist In order to take advantage of this method of
oxidation. obtaining increased service, it is often advisable
The importance of periodical lubrication is to use a length of rope slightly longer than nor-
apparent from the fact that a wire rope is a mally required.
machine with many moving parts. Each time a
rope bends or straightens, the wires in the strands
and the strands in the rope must slide on each Reversing Ends
other. This requires a film of lubricant on each A rope is changed end for end to distribute the
moving part. wear and fatigue from bending and vibration. If
A second important reason for lubricating iron these destructive forces are uniform throughout
and steel wire ropes is to prevent corrosion of the the system, no economy is effected by such a
wires and deterioration of the fiber core. There change. On most installations these forces are
is no known means of inspection which will even more severe for one-half of the rope than for the
approximate the strength of a corroded rope. A other half, and reversing the ends increases the
rusty rope is a liability. rope service.
Used ropes should be cleaned before they are
lubricated. The cleaning may be accomplished by
means of wire brushes or scrapers, or by com-
pressed air or superheated steam. The object is to
remove all foreign material and old lubricant from Seizings are required to prevent the untwisting
the valleys between the strands and from the of all non-preformed wire ropes unless the rope
spaces between the outer wires. The lubricant may ends have been eye spliced, socketed, or attached
be applied in any manner suitable to field condi- to some other type of permanent fitting. Non-pre-
tions. It may be brushed onto the rope with a stiff formed rope should have seizings applied to both
brush; applied by passing the rope through satur- sides of the point where it is to be cut. Inadequate
ated waste; or by passing the rope through a seizings which do not preserve the rope structure,
trough or box of lubricant; or the lubricant may but permit the strands to untwist, result in short-
drip onto the rope, preferably at a point where the ened service because of the unbalanced condition
rope opens slightly from bending. The object is to of the rope. One seizing applied to each side of the
apply a uniform coating to the entire length of point of cutting a preformed wire rope is recom-
rope. mended in order to prevent distortion of the rope
When a wire rope is taken out of service for an ends from the pressure applied during the cutting
appreciable length of time, it should be cleaned operation.



18 x 7 Length Distance ~prox.

Rope Dia. Regular Non- of between ize of
in Inches Lay Spinning; Seizings Seizings Seizing
Fiber Lang Lay; in in Wire in
Core and Wire Inches IncheS in Inches
Ropes Core
72 and Smaller 2 3 72 1 .020-.030
!l{6- Y8 3 3 1 2 .040-.060
1 -1~ 3 4 172 2 .060-.090
1%-1% 4 4 2 2 .080-.125
1%,-2 4 4 3 2 .105-.125
27'8 and Larger 4 4 4 3 .105-.125
Seizing wire should be annealed iron grade. The following illustrations and instructions for
Galvanized annealed iron wire should be used for applying seizings are from the United States
seizing galvanized ropes. Hand cutters may be Government Master Specification for Wire Rope.
used for applying seizings to ropes one inch diam- A neater seizing made with hand cutters for ropes
eter and smnJler. For larger ropes a seizing iron one inch diameter and smaller can be obtained
as shown in Fig. 46, Page 111, or a round bar by laying the seizing wire in the groove between
72 to % inch diameter by 18 inches long is recom- two strands when starting the operation. See Fig.
mended. 49, page 115.

(1) Wind the seiz-

ing wire on the rope
by hand, keeping
the coils together
and considerable
tension on the wire.
(2) Twist the ends
of the wire together
cQUnter clockwise by
hand so that the
twisted portion of
the wires is near the
middle of the seiz-
ing. (3) Using
"Carew" cutters,
tighten the twist
just enough to take
up the slack. Do
not try to tighten
the seizing by twist-
ing. (4) Tighten the
seizing by prying
the twist a way
from the axis of the
rope with the cut-
ters. (5) Tighten
the twist again as
in (3). Repeat (4)
and (5) as often as
is necessary to
make the seizing
tight. Cut off the
ends of the wires
and pound the twist
flat against the
rope. (6) The ap-
pearance of the fin-
ished seizing.

Fig. 48. Method of applying seizings with hand cutters


Fig. 49. Method of applying seizings with round bar

Lay one end of the seizing wire in the groove around the shaft of the seizing iron. If a round
between two strands and wrap the long end back bar is used, the necessary tension in the wire is
over this portion. If a seizing iron is used (See secured by giving the free end one or two turns
Fig. 46), tension of the seizing wire is obtained about the rope. The ends of the seizing wire are
by adjusting the nuts on the shaft about which twisted together and tightened as in Fig. 48.
the spool rotates, or by wrapping the wire

Fig. 50. A well made seizing

Sheaves across shoulders. This excessive and unnecessary

Sheaves should be aligned so that the axis of wear will destroy the outer wires long before the
the rope is parallel to a line drawn from the rope has given nominal service. The use of sheaves
center of the groove of one sheave to the center with broken flanges produces the same unde-
of the groove of the next sheave. This is important sirable results.
in order to prevent excessive wear on the rope (See "Effects of Bending". page 32, "Grooves" page 64-
caused by it bearing against flanges or dragging and "Fleet Angle", page 66.)


Supporting Sheaves and Rollers on the sheaves or rollers. Slippage, in turn, pro-
duces abrasion of the outer wires of the rope.
The use of supporting sheaves and rollers to
The installation of supporting rollers at irreg-
prevent the rope dragging decreases the wear on
ular intervals tends to dampen vibration. This is
the rope and results in increased service. Sheaves
of particular benefit on long inclines operating at
and grooved rollers should have grooves suffici-
comparatively high speeds.
ently large to prevent pinching the rope. See
"Grooves", page 64. All sheaves and rollers
should be machined or replaced when scored by
the rope to prevent unnecessary wear on the Handling
outer wires of the rope. They should be free to "Unreeling and Uncoiling", pages 67 and 68,
rotate, large enough in diameter to avoid unneces- gives directions for properly removing rope from
sary bending of the rope, and to provide adequate reels and coils. Improper methods produce kinks.
support for the rope, and light in weight so as to Kinks also result from improper handling of rope
readily start and stop as the rope starts and stops. after it is unwound. A kink is formed by pulling a
Guide Sheaves and Rollers should be at least 6 looped rope until the loop becomes so small that
times the rope diameter if grooved, and 9 times the rope cannot adjust itself by bending to the
the rope diameter if flat faced. Heavy sheaves required arc. The rope is distorted at this point,
and rollers build up momentum when turning, damaging the individual wires and the rope struc-
which causes slippage when the rope stops. They ture.
are slow to pick up speed when the rope starts, Avoid kinks by not permitting loops to !crm
and this produces additional slippage of the rope in a rope.

Common Causes of Wire Rope Failures

Of the many forms of abuse of wire ropes, the Ropes permitted to jump sheaves.
most commonly encountered are:
Ropes subjected to moisture or acid fumes.
Ropes of incorrect size, construction, or grade.
Ropes with improperly attached fittings.
Ropes allowed to drag over obstacles.,
Ropes not properly lubricated. Ropes permitted to untwist.
Ropes operating over sheaves and drums of in- Ropes subjected to excessive heat.
adequate size.
Ropes kinked.
Ropes overwinding or crosswinding on drums.
Ropes operating over sheaves and drums out of Ropes subjected to severe overloads due to
alignment. inefficient operation.
Ropes operating over sheaves and drums with Ropes destroyed by internal wear caused by
improperly fitting grooves or broken Banges. grit penetrating between strands and wires.



Decimal Equivalents 118

Areas of Round Wires 119-120
Weights of Steel Wires . 121-122
Measures and Weights 123
Metric System of Measures and Weights. 124

Table of Multiples 125

Engineering Units. 125
Specific Gravities and Weights 126-127
Strength of Manila Ropes 128

Strength of Materials 129-131

Natural Trigonometric Functions 132-137



Inch Inch Inch Inch
Fractions Equiva- Fractions Equiva- Fractions Equiva- Fra.ctions Equiva-
of lents to of lents to of lents to of lenta to
Inch or Foot Foot Inch or Foot Foot Inch or Foot Foot Inch or Foot Foot
Fractions Fractions Fractions Fractiona

.0052 ~6 .2552 3~6 .5052 6~6 .7552 9J{6

.0104 Ys .2604 3.H .5104 6!/g .7604 9Ys
~ .015625 % I~ .265625 3;.(6 3%4 .515625 6% 4%4 .765625 9%
.0208 ;4 .2708 3%, .5208 6;4 .7708 9;4
.0260 %'6 .2760 3?{6 .5260 6% .7760 9%

~ .03125 % %2 .28125 3% 1~2 .53125 6% 2%2 .78125 9%

.0365 %; .2865 3"!-(6 .5365 6% .7865 9U6
.0417 ~ .2917 3~ .5417 6~ .7917 9~

%4 .046875 % l~M .296875 3% 3~ .546875 6% 6~ .796875 9%

.0521 % .3021 3% .5521 6% .8021 9%
.0573 1~6 .3073 31~6 .5573 61~6 .8073 91~6

}i6 .0625 % %'6 .3125 3% % .5625 6% IVt6 .8125 9%

.0677 1% .3177 3 1% .5677 6 1% .8177 91%
.0729 Ys .3229 3Ys .5729 6Ys .8229 9Ys

~ .078125 1%6 2J,M .328125 3 1%6 3~ .578125 6 1%6 6~ .828125 9 1%6

.0833 1 .3333 4 .5833 7 .8333 10
.0885 1~6 .3385 4J{6 .5885 7!16 .8385 1O~6

~ .09375 1% I~ .34375 4Ys 1%2 .59375 7Ys 2"!-~ .84375 l0Ys

.0990 1% .3490 4Yt6 .5990 7% .8490 10;.(6
.1042 1;4 .3542 4;4 .6042 7;4 .8542 1074

~ .109375 1%6 2:iM .359375 4%'6 3%4 .609375 7~ 6~M .859375 10%0
.1146 1% .3646 4% .6146 7% .8646 10%
.1198 1Yt6 .3698 4"!-(6 .6198 7"!-(6 .8698 10%

Ys .1250 1Vz % .3750 4Vz % .6250 7Vz Ys .8750 10Vz

.1302 1% .3802 4% .6302 7% .8802 10%
.1354 1% .3854 4% .6354 7% .8854 10%

%4 .140625 11~6 2~ .390625 41!16 4~ .640625 71~6 5~ .890625 101~6

.1458 1% .3958 4% .6458 7% .8958 10%
.1510 11K6 .4010 41 :X6 .6510 71% .9010 101%

%2 .15625 1Ys 1%2 .40625 4Ys 2~ .05625 7Ys 2%2 .90625 l0Ys
.1615 11%6 .4115 4 1%6 .6615 7 1%6 .9115 10 1%6
.1667 2 .4167 5 .6667 8 .9167 11
1~ .171875 2~6 2~ .421875 5~6 4%4 .671875 8~6 5%4 .921875 11J{6
.1771 2Ys .4271 5Ys .6771 8Ys .9271 11Ys
.1823 2;.(6 .4323 5K6 .6823 8% .9323 11;.(6

~ .1875 2;4 :{6 .4375 574 1~6 .6875 874 1%6 .9375 1174
.1927 2%'6 .4427 5%6 .6927 8%'6 .9427 11%6
.1979 2% .4479 5% .6979 8% .9479 11%
~~ .203125 2%; 2%4 .453125 5% 4~ .703125 8"!-(6 6~ .953125 11%;
.2083 2~ .4583 .5~~ .7083 8Vz .9583 11Vz
.2135 2% .4635 5U6 .7135 8% .9635 llU6
~ .21875 2% I~ .46875 5% 2%2 .71875 8% 3J.{2 .96875 11%
.2240 21~6 .4740 51~6 .7240 8%6 .9740 111~6
.2292 2% .4792 5% .7292 8% .9792 11%
l~ .234375 2 1% 3~ .484375 51% 4~ .734375 8 1% 6;.(4 .984375 11 1%
.2396 2% .4896 5Ys .7396 8Ys .9896 11Ys
.2448 21~ .4948 51~?{6 .7448 8 1%6 .9948 11 1%'6

U .2500 3 Vz .5000 6 % .7500 9 1 1.‫סס‬oo 12



Areas in Square Inches of Round Wires
Dia. Area Dia. Area Dia. Area Dia. Area

.005 .00001963 .030 .0007068 .070 .003848 I .110 .009503

.0055 .00002375 .031 .0007547 .071 .003959 .111 .009676
.006 .00002827 .032 .0008042 .072 .004071 .112 .009852
.0065 .00003318 .033 .0008552 .073 .004185 .113 .01002

.007 .00003848 .034 .0009079 .074 .004300 .114 .01022

.007;'j .00004417 .035 .000962 .075 .004417 .115 .01038
..008 .00005026 .036 .001017 .076 .004536 .116 .01056
.0085 .00005674 .037 .001075 .077 .004656 .117 .01075

.009 .00006361 .038 .001134 .078 .004778 .118 .01093

.0095 .00007088 .039 .001194 .079 .004901 .119 .01112
.010 .00007854 .040 .001256 .080 .005026 .120 .01131
.0105 .00008659 .041 .001320 .081 .005153 .121 .01150

.011 .00009503 .042 .001385 .082 .005281 .122 .01169

.0115 .0001038 .043 .001452 .083 .005410 .123 .01188
.012 .0001131 .044 .001520 .084 .005541 .124 .01207
.0125 .0001227 .045 .001590 .085 .005674 .125 .01227

.013 .0001327 .046 .001661 .086 .005808 .126 .01246

.0135 .0001431 .047 .001734 .087 .005944 .127 .01266
.014 .0001539 .048 .001809 .088 .006082 .128 .01286
.0145 .0001651 .049 .001885 .089 .006221 .129 .01307

.015 .0001767 .050 .001963 .090 .006361 .130 .01327

.0155 .0001887 .051 .002042 .091 .006503 .131 .01348
.016 .0002010 .052 .002123 .092 .006647 .132 .01368
.0165 .0002138 .053 .002206 .093 .006792 .133 .01389 .

.017 .0002269 .054 .002290 .094 .006939 .134 .01410

.0175 .0002405 .055 .002375 .095 .007088 .135 .01431
.018 .0002544 .056 .002463 .096 .007238 .136 .01453
.0185 .0002688 .057 .002551 .097 .007390 .137 .01474

.019 .0002835 .058 .002642 .098 .007542 .138 .01496

.0195 .0002986 .059 .002734 .099 .0076!)7 .139 .01517
.020 .0003141 .060 .002827 .100 .007854 .140 .01539
.021 .0003463 .061 .002922 .101 .008011 .141 .01561

.022 .0003801 .062 .003019 .102 .008171 .142 .01584

.023 .0004154 .063 .003117 .103 .008332 .143 .01606
.024 .0004523 .064 .003217 .104 .008494 .144 .01629
.025 .0004908 .065 ,003318 .105 .008659 .145 .01651

.026 .0005309 .066 .003421 .106 .008824 .146 .01674

.027 .0005725 .067 .003525 .107 .008992 .147 .01697
.028 .0006157 .068 .003632 .108 .009160 .148 .01720
.029 .0006605 .069 .003739 .109 .009331 .149 .01744

. ]19·


Areas in Square Inches of Round Wires

Dia. Area Dia. Area Dia. Area Dia. Area

.150 .01767 .183 .02630 .216 .03664 .249 .04869

.151 .01791 .184 .02660 .217 .03698 .250 .04909
.152 .01815 .185 .02688 .218 .03732 .251 .04949
.153 .01839 .186 .02717 .219 .03767 .252 .04988

.154 .01863 .187 .02747 .220 .03801 .253 .05027

.155 .01887 .188 .02776 .221 .03836 .254 .05067
.156 .01911 .189 .02806 .222 .03871 .255 .05107
.157 .01936 .190 .02835 .223 .03906 .256 .05147

.158 .01961 .191 .02865 .224 .03941 .257 .05187

.159 .01986 .192 .02895 .225 .03976 .258 .05228
.160 .02011 .193 .02926 .226 .04011 .259 .05268
.161 .02036 .194 .02956 .227 .04047 .260 .05309

.162 .02061 .195 .02986 .228 .04083 .261 .05350

.163 .02086 .196 .03017 .229 .04119 .262 .05391
.164 .02112 .197 .03048 .230 .04156 .263 .05432
.165 .02138 .198 .03079 .231 .04191 .264 .05474

.166 .02164 .199 .03110 .232 .04227 .265 .05515

.167 .02190 .200 .03141 .233 .04264 .266 .05557
.02217 .201 .03173 .234 .04301 .2G7 .05599
.02243 .202 .03205 .235 .04337 .268 .05641

.02270 .203 .03237 .236 .04374 .269 .05683

.02297 .204 .03269 .237 .04412 .270 .05726
.02324 .205 .03301 .238 .04449 .271 .05768
.02351 .206 .03333 .239 .04486 .272 .05811

.02378 .207 .03365 .240 .04524 .273 .05853

.02405 .208 .03398 .241 .04562 .274 .05896
.02433 .209 .03431 .242 .04600 .275 .05939
.177 .02461 ;210 .03464 .243 .04638

.178 .02488 .211 .03497 .244 .04676

.179 .02517 .212 .03530 .245 .04714
.180 .02545 .213 .03563 .246 .04753
.181 .02573 .214 .03597 .247 .04792
.182 .02602 .215 .03631 .248 .04831



Weights in Pounds per 1,000 Feet of Round Steel Wires

Dia. Weight Dia. Weight Dia. Weight Dia. Weight

.005 0.0667 .032 2.731 .074 14.61 .116 35.89

.0055 0.0807 .033 2.905 .075 15.00 .117 36.52
.006 0.0960 .034 3.083 .076 15.41 .118 37.14
.0065 0.1127 .035 3.267 .077 15.82 .119 37.77

.007 0.1307 .036 3.457 .078 16.24 .120 38.41

.0075 0.1500 .037 3.652 .079 16.65 .121 39.06
3.853 .080 17.07 . .122 39.70
..008 0.1707 .038
.0085 0.1927
. .039 4.057 .081 17.50 .123 40.35

.009 0.2160 .040 4.268 .082 17.93 .124
.0095 0.2407 .041 4.484 .083 18.37 .125 41.68
.010 0.2667 .042 4.705 .084 18.82 .126 42.34
.0105 0.2941 .043 4.931 .085 19.27 .127 43.02

.011 0.3228 .044 5.164 .086 19.72 .128 43.70

.0115 0.3527 .045 5.401 .087 20;18 .129 44.39
.012 0.3841 .046 5.644 .088 20.65 .130 45.08
.0125 0.4168 .047 5.894 .089 21.13 .131 45.78

.013 0.4508 .048 6.145 .090 21.60 .132 46.47

.0135 0.4861 .049 6.404 .091 22.09 .133 47.18
.014 0.5228 .050 6.668 .092 22.58 .134 47.89
.0145 0.5608 .051 6.939 .093 23.07 .135 48.61

.015 0.6001 .052 7.212 .094 23.57 .136 49.33

.0155 0.6408 .053 7.493 .095 24.07 .137 50.07
.016 0.6828 .054 7.778 .096 24.58 .138 50.80
.0165 0.7261 .055 8.068 .097 25.09 .139 51.54

.017 0.7708 .056 8.364 .098 25.61 .140 52.28

.0175 0.8168 .057 8.665 .099 26.14 .141 53.03
.018 0.8642 .058 8.972 .100 26.67 .142 53.78
.0185 0.9128 .059 9.286 .101 27.21 .143 54.55

.019 0.9630 .060 9.602 .102 27.75 .144 55.31

.0195 1.014 .061 9.925 .103 28.30 .145 56.08
.020 1.067 .062 10.25 .104 28.85 .146 56.86
.021 1.176 .063 10.59 .105 29.41 .147 57.64

.022 1.291 .064 10.92 .106 29.97 .148 58.42

.023 1.411 .065 11.27 .107 30.54 .149 59.22
.024 1.536 .066 11.62 .108 31.11 .150 60.01
.025 1.667 .067 11.97 .109 31.69 .151 60.80

.026 1.804 .068 12.33 .110 32.27 .152 61.61

.027 1.945 .069 12.70 .111 32.86 .153 62.44
.028 2.091 .070 13.07 .112 33.45 .154 63.26
.029 2.243 .071 13.44 .113 34.06 .155 64.08

.030 2.400 .072 13.82 .114 34.66 .156 64.91

.031 2.562 .073 14.21 .115 35.27



Weights in Pounds per 1,000 Feet of Round Steel Wires

Dia. Weight Dia. Weight Dia. Weight Dia. Weight

.157 65.74 .188 94.28 .219 127.9 .250 166.7

.158 66.59 .189 95.28 .220 129.1 .251 168.0
.159 67.43 .190 96.28 .221 130.2 .252 169.4
.160 68.28 .191 97.30 .222 131.4 .253 170.7

.161 69.14 .192 98.32 .223 132.6 .254 172.1

.162 70.00 .193 99.34 .224 133.8 .255 173.4
.163 70.87 .194 100.4 .225 135.0 .256 174.8
.164 71.74 .195 101.4 .226 136.2 .~57 176.2

.165 72.61 .196 102.4 .227 137.4 .258 177.5

.166 73.48 .197 103.5 .228 138.6 .259 178.9
".167 74.38 .198 104.6 .229 139.8 .260 180.3
.168 75.28 .199 105.6 .230 141.1 .261 181.7

.169 76.18 .200 106.7 .231 142.4 .262 183.1

.170 77.08 .201 107.8 .232 143.6 .263 184.5
.171 77.98 .202 108.9 .233 144.8 .264 185.9
.172 78.91 .203 109.9 .234 146.1 .265 187.3

.173 79.83 204 111.0 .235 147.3 .266 188.7

.174 80.75 .205 112.1 .236 148.6 .267 190.1
.175 81.68 .206 113.2 .237 149.8 .268 191.6
.176 82.62 .207 114.3 .238 151.1 .269 193.0

.177 83.56 .208 115.4 .239 152.4 .270 194.4

.178 84.51 .209 116.5 .240 153.6 .271 195.8
.179 85.46 .210 117.6 .241 154.9 .272 197.3
.180 86.42 .211 118.7 .242 156.2 .273 198.8

.181 87.38 .212 119.9 .243 157.5 .274 200.3

.182 88.36 .213 121.1 .244 158.8 .275 201.7
.183 89.34 .214 122.2" .245 160.1
.184 90.32 .215 123.3 .246 161.4

.185 91.30 .216 124.4 .247 162.7

.186 92.28 .217 125.6 .248 164.0
.187 93.28 .218 126.7 .249 165.4

-122 -


Linear Measure Cubic Measure

1000 mils 1 inch I cubic foor.

1728 cubic inches = {7.4805 gallons
12 inches 1 foot
27 cubic feet 1 cubic yare
3 feet 1 yard
128 cubic feet = 1 cord
2 yards
_{I6 feet

I rod
5~ yards = { 16~ feet Liquid Measure

40 rods
- feet 4 gills 1 pint

I mile 2 pints = 1 quart

8 furlongs = { 5280 feet 1 gallon

1.15156 miles
nautical mile, or knot
4 quarts
= 231 cubic inches
.134 cubic feet
31~ gallons 1 barrel
I league
3 nautical miles = { 18,240.78 feet 2 barrels 1 hogshead

Dry Measure
Square Measure
2 pints = 1 quart
144 square inches = 1 square foot 8 quarts = 1 peck
9 square feet = 1 square yard 1 bushel
4 pecks = 2150.42 cubic inches
I square rod
30%, square yds. = {272%, square feet 1
1.2445 cubic feet

I acre
160 square rods = {43,560 square feet
Weight-Avoirdupois or Commercia.
I square mile
640 acres = {27,878,400 square feet 437.5 grains 1 ounce
A circular mil is the area of a circle 1 mil, or 16 ounces 1 pound
0.001 inch in diameter.
1::'2 pounds 1 hundredweighl
1 square inch = 1,273,239 circular mils
_ {I gross, or long ton
20 hundredweight - 2240 pounds
A circular inch is the area of a circle 1 inch in
diameter = 0.7854 square inches. 2000 pounds 1 net, Ol' short ton
1 square inch = 1.2732 circular inches 2204.6 pounds = 1 metric ton



Linear Measure Square Measure
1 millimeter = 0.03937 inches _ {0.00155 square inches
1 centimeter = 0.3937 inches 1 square millimeter - 1973.5 circular mils
1 decimeter 3.937 inches 1 square centimeter = 0.155 square inches
39.37 inches 1 square decimeter = 15.5 square inches
1 meter 3.28083 feet
1.09361 yards 1550 square inches
3280.83 feet 1 square meter = 10.7639 square feet
( 1.196 square yards
1 kilometer 1093.61 yards
0.62137 miles . {0.386109 square miles
1 inch 25.4 millimeters 1 square kilometer = 247.11 acres
1 inch 2.54 centimeters 1 square myriameter = 38.6109 square miles
1 inch .254 decimeters 1 square inch 645.2 square millimeters
1 inch .0254 meters 1 square inch 6.452 square centimeters
1 foot .3048 meters 1 square inch 0.06452 square decimeters
1 yard .9144 meters 1 square foot 0.0929 square meters
1 mile 1.60935 kilometers 1 square yard 0.836 square meters

Cubic Measure Weight

1 cubic centimeter = 0.061 cubic inches 1 gram = 15.432 grains
1 cubic decimeter _ {61.0234 cubic inches 1 kilogram = 2.204622 pounds
- 0.035314 cubic· feet . (2204.6 pounds
1 cubic meter _ {35.314 cu?ic feet 1 metr~c ton l = 0.9842 gross tons
- 1.308 cublC yards 1000 kIlogramsj 1.1023 net tons
1 grain 0.0648 gram
1 pound = 0.4536 kilogram

61.0234 cubic inches
1 Liter = ( 0.03531 cubic feet
0.2642 gallons
1 cubic foot 28.317 liters
1 gallon = 3.785 liters

Compound Units

1 gram per square millimeter = 1.422 pounds per square inch

1 kilogram per square millimeter = 1422.32 pounds per square inch
1 kilogram per square centimeter = 14.2232 pounds per square inch
0.2048 pounds per square foot
1 kilogram per square meter = {1.8433 pounds per square yard
1 kilogram met~r 7.2330 foot pounds
1 kilogram per meter 0.6720 pounds per foot
1 pound per square inch 0.07031 kilogram per square centimeter'
1 pound per square foot 0.0004882 kilogram per square centimeter
1 pound per square foot 0.006944 pounds per square inch
1 pound per cubic inch 27679.7 kilograms per cubic meter
1 pound per cubic foot 16.0184 kilograms per cubic meter
1 kilogram per cubic meter 0.06243 pounds per cubic foot
1 foot per second 0.30480 meters per second
1 meter per second 3.28083 feet per second
1 meter per second 2.23693 miles per hour


Circumference of Circle' = Diameter X 3.1416

square of Diameter X 0.7854, or,
Area of Circle = Square of Radius X 3.1416, or,
Square of Circumference X 0.07958
Area of Triangle = Base X one-half altitude
_ {Circumference X diameter, or,
Surface -of Sphere - Square of diameter X 3.1416
fSurface X one-sixth diameter, or,
Volume of Sphere = l Cube of diameter X 0.5236
Area of Hexagon Square of Diameter of Inscribed Circle X 0.866
Area of Octagon = Square of Diameter of Inscribed Circle X 0.828

1 Horsepower 33,000 foot pounds per minute
550 foot pounds per second
746 watts
.746 kilowatts

1 Horsepower Hour .746 kilowatt hours

1,980,000 foot pounds
2,545 heat units (B.T.U.)

1 Kilowatt 1,000 watts

1.34 horsepower
737.3 foot pound,; per second
44,240 foot pounds per minute
56.9 heat units (B.T.U.) per minute

1 Kilowatt Hour 1,000 watt hours

1.34 horsepower hours
2,654,200 foot pounds
3,412 heat units (B.T.U.)

1 British Thermal Unit 1,055 watt seconds

778 foot pounds
.000293 kilowatt hour
.000393 horsepower hour

1 Watt = 1 joule per second

.00134 horsepower
3,412 heat units (B.T.U.) per hour
.7373 foot pounds per second
44.24 foot pounds per minute



Weight, Specific Weight,
Substance Gravity
Lbs. per
Cu. Ft.
Substance Gravity ~':.·/~r

METALS, ALLOYS, ORES Sulphur, Amorphous . 2.05 128

Aluminum, cast,-hammercd . 2.55-2.75 165 Wax . 0.95-0.98 60
Aluminum, bronze . 7.7 481
Antimony . 6.62-6.72 416
358 Ash, white . 0.65 41
Arsenic . 5.73
608 Beech . 0.70 44
Bismuth . 9.70-9.78
534 Birch, yellow . 0.68 43
Brass, cast-rolled . 8.4-8.7
Cedar, Port Orford . 0.47 29
Bronze (gun mctal)-
544 Cedar, white, red . 0.35-0.37 22-23
copper 88, tin 10, zinc 2% .... 8.7
Chestnut . 0.48 30
Bronze (Phosphor)-
562 Cypress, southern . 0.51, 32
copper 80, tin 10, lead 10% . 9.0
428 Douglas Fir, coast type . 0.54 34
Chromium . 6.80-6.92
552 Douglas Fir, mountain . 0.48 30
Cobalt . 8.72-8.95
556 Elm, American . 0.56 35
Copper, cast-rolled . 8.8-9.0
262 Hemlock, eastern, western . 0.45 28
Copper, ore, pyrites . 4.1-4.3
1205 Hickory, bigleaf. . 0.77 48
Gold, cast-hammered . 19.25-19.35
450 Hickory, pignut . 0.85 53
Iron, cast, pig . 7.2
7.6-7.9 485 Larch, western . 0.58 36
Iron, wrought .
468 Maple, red, black . 0.61-0.64 38-40
Iron, Spiegel-eisen . 7.5
6.7-7.3 437 Maple, silver . 0.53 33
Iron, ferro-silicon . 0.82 51
5.2 325 Oak, Oregon white .
Iron, ore, hematite . 44
.... ....... 160-180 Oak, red . 0.71
Iron, ore, hematite in bank .
Pine, red . 0.53 33
Iron, ore, hematite loose . .......... . 130-160
237 Pine, white, yellow, western . 0.43-0.45 27-28
Iron, ore, limonite . 3.6-4.0
4.9-5.2 315 Poplar, yellow . 0.45 28
Iron, ore, magnetite .
2.5-3.0 172 Redwood . 0.48 30
Iron, slag . Spruce, black, red . 28
11.28-11.35 706 0.45
Lead . Spruce, Engelmann .
7.3-7.6 465 0.37 23
Lead ore, galena . Tamarack .
1.74 109 0.60 37
Magnesium . Walnut . 39-40
7.20-7.42 456 0.63-0.64
Manganese . Moisture Contents:
Manganese ore, pyrolusite . 3.7-4.6 259
13.59 848 Seasoned timber 12% .
Mercury . Green timber up to 50% , .
Molybdenum . 9.01 562
Nickel . 8.57-8.90 545 VARTOUS LIQUIDS
Nickel monel metal. . 8.8-9.0 556 Alcohol, 100% . 0.79 49
Platinum, cast-hammered . 21.1-21.5 1330 Acids, Muriatic 40% . 1.20 75
Silver, cast-bammered . 10.4-10.6 656 Acids, nitric 91 % . 1.50 94
Steel. . 7.8-7.9 490 Acids, sulphuric 87% . 1.80 112
Tin, cast-hammered . 7.2-7.5 459 Lye, soda 66% . 1.70 106
Tin, babbitt metal. . 7.1 443 Oils, vegetable . 0.91-0.94 58
Tin, ore, cassiterite . 6.4-7.0 418 Oils, mineral, lubricants . 0.90-0.93 57
Tungsten . 18.7-19.1 1180 Petroleum . 0.88 55
Vanadium . 5.5-5.7 350 Gasoline . 0.66-0.69 42
Zinc, cast-rolled . 6.9-7.2 440
Water, 4° C, max. density . 1.0 62.428
Zinc, ore, blende . 3.9-4.2 253 Water, 100° C . 0.9584 59.830
Water, ice . 0.88-0.92 56
VARIOUS SOLIDS Water, snow, fresh fallen . .125 8
Carbon, amorphous, graphitic . 1.88-2.25 129 Water, sea water . 1.02-1.03 64
Cork . 0.24 15
Ebony .......................• 1.22 76 GASES
Fats . 0.92-0.94 58 Air, 0° C, 760 mm . 1.0 .08071
Glass, common, plate . 2.40-2.72 160 Ammonia . 0.5920 .0478
Glass, crystal . 2.90-3.00 184 Carbon dioxide . 1.5291 .1234
Glass, flint . 3.15-3.90 220 Carbon monoxide . 0.9673 .0781
Phosphorous, white . 1.83 114 Gas, illuminating . 0.35-0.45 .028-.036
Porcelain, china . 2.30-2.50 150 Gas, natural . 0.47-0.48 .038-.039
Resins, Rosin, Amber . 1.07 67 Hydrogen . 0.0693 .00559
Rubber, caoutchouc . 0.93 58 Nitrogen . 0.9714 .0784
Silicon . 2.49 155 Oxygen . 1.1056 .0892
The specIfic gravities of sohds and hQUlds refer to water at 4°C thoee of gases to r t DoC d 760 .
are derived from average specific gravities , except where stated that ;;'eighta are for bulkalh
, eaa pod or
• ani I1UI! Plresaure.
oose matenn . etc. The weIghts per cubic foot



Weight, Specific Weight,
~~. r~~ ~~ ~~
Substance Gravity Substance Gravity ..


Asbestos , . 2.1-2.8 153 Granite, gneiss . 2.6-2.9 172
Barytes . 4.50 281 Limestone, crystalline . 2.4-2.7 160
Basalt . 2.7-3.2 184 Limestone, oolitic ' . 2.3 144
Bauxite : . 2.55 159 Marble . 2.6-2.8 168
Borax· . 1.7-1.8 109 Sandstone, bluestone . 2.2-2.5 147
Chalk . 1.8-2.6 137
Clay, marl. . 1.8-2.6 MORTAR RUBBLE MASONRY
Dolomite . 2.9 181 Granite, gneiss ' . 2.5-2.8 165
Feldspar, orthoclase . 2.5-2.6 159 Limestone, crystalline . 2.3-2.6 156
Granite, gneiss . 2.6-2.9 172 Limestone, oolitic . 2.2 138
Greenstone, trap . 2.8-3.2 187 Marble . 2.5-2.7 162
Gypsum, alabaster . 2.3-2.8 159 Sandstone, bluestone . 2.1-2.4 140
Hornblende . 3.0 187 BRICK MASONRY
Limestone, crystalline . 2.4-2.7 160
Limestone, oolitic . 2.3 144 Pressed brick . 2.2-2.3 140
Magnesite . Common brick . 1.8-2.0 120
3.0 187
l\tlarble . 2.7-2.8 168 Soft brick ~ . 1.5-1.7 100
Phosphate rock, apatite . 3.2 200 CONCRETE
Porphyry . 2.6-2.9 172 Cement, stone, sand . 2.2-2.4 144
Pumice, natural . 0.37--Q.90 40 Cement, slag, etc . 1.9--2.3 130
Quartz, flint . 2.5-2.8 165 Cement, cinder, etc . 1.5-1.7 100
Sandstone, bluestone. ' . 2.2-2.5 147
Slate, shale . 2.7-2.8 172 VARIOUS BUILDING
Soapstone, talc . 2.6-2.8 169 MATERIAL
Ashes, cinders . 40-45
STONE, QUARRIED, PILED Cement, Portland, loose . 90
Cement, Portland, set . 2.7-3.2 183
Basalt, granite, gneiss . 96 Lime, gypsum, loose . 65-75
Limestone, marble, quartz . 95 Mortar, set . 1.4-1.9 103
Sandstone . 82 Slags, bank slag . 67-72
Shale . 92 Slags, bank, screenings . 98-117
Greenstone, hornblende . 107 Slags, machine slag . 96
Slags, slag sand . 49-55
Asphaltum . 81
Coal, anthracite . 1.4-1.7 97 Clay, dry . 63
Coal, bituminous . 1.2-1.5 84 Clay, damp, plastic . 110
Coal, lignite . 1.1-1.4 78 Clay and gravel, dry . 100
Coal, peat, turf, dry . 0.65-0.85 47 Earth, dry, loose . 76
Coal, charcoal, pine . 0.28--Q.44 23 Earth, dry, packed . 95
Cpal, charcoal, oak . 0.47-0.57 33 Earth, moist, loose . 78
Coal, coke . 1.0-1.4 75 Earth, moist, packed . 96
Graphite . 1.9-2.3 131 Earth, mud, flowing . 108
Paraffine . 0.87-0.91 56 Earth, mud, packed . 115
Petroleum, crude . 0.88 55 Riprap, limestone . 80-85
Petroleum, refined . 0.79--Q.82 50 IUprap, sandstone . 90
Petroleum, benzine . O.73-{).75 46 Riprap, shale . 105
Petroleum, gasoline . 0.66--{).69 42 Sand, gravel, dry, loose . 90-105
Pitch . 1.07-1.15 69 Sand, gravel, dry, packed . 100-120
Tar, bituminous . 1.20 75 Sand, gravel, wet . 118-120
COAL AND COKE, PILED Sand or gravel. . 60
Coal, ant.hracite . 47-58 Sand or gravel and clay . 65
Coal, bituminous, lignite . 40-54 Clay . 80
Coal, peat, turf. . . . . . . . . . .. . . 20-26 River mud . 90
Coal, charcoa.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-14 Soil : . 70
Coal, coke . 23-32 Stone riprap . 65
The specific gravities of solids and liquids refer to water at (OC., those of g...... to air at DoC. and 760 mm pressure. The weights per cubic foot
11'e derived from average specific gravities, except where stated that weights are for bulk, heaped or loose material, ete.



Circumference Nominal Minimum

in Diameter Tensile
Inches in Inches Strength
in Pounds

%; ~ 420
% U 550
1 ~ 950
1% % 1,275

lU h6 1,750
1% 1932 2,250
1~ ~ 2,650
1% ~ 3,450

2 % 4,400
2U % 5,400
2~ l%i 6,500
2% :% 7,700

3 1 9,000
3U Ih6 10,500
3~ 1% 12,000
3% lU 13,500

4 1916 15,000
4~ 1~ 18,500
5 1% 22,500
5~ 1% 26,500

6 2 31,000
6~ 27B 36,000
7 2U 41,000
7~ 2~ 46,500

8 2% 52,000
8~ 2:% 58,000
9 3 64,000
9~ 37B 71,000

10 3U 77,000
11 3~ 91,000
12 4 105,000


Stresses in Pounds per Square Inch


Building Materials of
CompreEs. Tension Bending Elasticity Compress. Bearing Shearing
Granite, gneiss, bluestone . 12,000 1,200 1,600 7,000,000 1,200 1,200 200
Limestone, marble . 8,000 800 1,500 7,000,000 800 800 150
Sandstone . 5,000 150 1,200 3,000,000 500 500 150
Slate . 10,000 3,000 5,000 14,000,000 1,000 1,000 175
Granite . ....... . ....... . ....... . .......... . 420 600 . .......
Limestone, bluestone . ....... . ....... . ....... . .......... . 350 500 . .......
Sandstone , . ....... . ....... . .' ....... .......... . 280 400 . .......
Rubble . . . . . . . . . ....... . ....... . .......... . 140 250 . .......
Rubble, coursed . 170 250 . .......
Brick, medium burned .. '.' . 10,000 170 300 ........
Brick, hard burned . 15,000 210 300 . .......
Brick, pressed, paving brick . 6,000
Terra Cotta . 5,000
Neat, 28 days . 7,040 740
Neat, 90 days .. , . 7,350 740
1:3 sand, 28 days . 1,290 320
1:3 sand, 90 days . 1,490 340
(Granite, trap rock . 3,300
C'1 IFurnace Slag. . . . . . . . . . . 3,000 3,000,000 for ult. compression over 2,900.
,.:..; {Lime and Sandstone, hard .. 3,000 Modulus 2,500,000 for ult. compression up to 2,900.
,.: .; l~~~3e~:.~ ~~~~~~~~~'.~~f~: :: 2,200
800 Elasticity
1 2,000,000 for ult.
750,000 for ult.
compression up to 2,200.
compression under. .. 800.
(Granite, trap rock . 2,800
~ IFurnace Slag . 2,500 Safe Working Stresses
~{Lime and Sandstone, hard .. 2,500 in Percent of Ultimate Compression
-:; lLime and Sandstone, soft . 1,800
..... Cinders . 700 Plain Concrete Piers, length 4 dia 22.5%

(Granite, trap rock
jFUrnaCe Slag
C<i Lime and Sandstone, hard ..
2,000 Bearing
Compression Reinforced Columns, length 12 dia
Reinforced Beams
Surface twice the loaded area
,.:..; Lime and Sandstone, soft . 1,500
Cinders . 600

Horizontal Bars, no web reinforcement 2.0%
Shear and Horizontal Bars, vertical stirrups..... 4.5%
Granite, trap rock . 1,800 Diag. Tension Bent Bars and vertical stirrups. . . . .. 5.0%
~ Furnace Slag . 1,600 Same, securely attached. . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.0%
~ Lime and Sandstone, hard .. 1,600
S"! Lime and Sandstone, soft . 1,200

Drawn Wire 2.0%
..... Cinders . 500 Bond Stress Plain reinforcing bars. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.0%
Deformed Bars, best type. . . . . . . . .. 5.0%
Granite, trap rock . 1,400

Furnace Slag

Glass, common
. 1,300
M Lime and Sandstone, hard .. 1,300
,.:..; Lime and Sandstone, soft . 1,000
Cinders ,. 400

. 30,000
. 700
For complete data see Transactions of the American
Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXXXI-No. 1398, Dec. 1917

3'~:i,ooo ~ 8,000,000 ••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••


Stresses per Square Inch
Metals and Alloys Compres- Bending, Shear- Modulus of Elonga-
Tension, Elastic sion, Ulti- ing,Ulti- ~;asticity
Ultimate Limit Ultimate mate mate
Aluminum, cast ..................... 15 6.5 12 12 11,000,000
Aluminum, bars, sheets............... 24-28 12-14 ....... . ..........
Aluminum, wire, hard ................ 30-65 16-30 ....... . ..........
Aluminum, wire, annealed ............ 20-35 14 ....... . ..........
Aluminum, 2% to 7% Ni, Cu, Fe, etc .. 40-50 25 ....... . ..........
Aluminum Bronze, 5% to 772% Al .... 75 40 120 ...........
Aluminum Bronze, 10% AI.. .......... 85-100 60 ....... . ..........
Copper, cast ........................ 25 6 40 22 30 10,000,000
Copper, plates, rods, bolts ............ 32-35 10 32 ...........
Copper, wire, hard ................... 55-65 .......... ...... . 18.000,000
Copper, wire, annealed ............... 36 10 ....... 15,000,000
Brass, 17% Zn ...................... 32.6 8.2 ....... 23.2 ·.......... 26.7
Brass, 23% Zn ...................... ....... 7.6 42 22.3 . .......... 35.8
Brass, 30% Zn ...................... 28.1 8.6 ....... 26.9 . .......... 20.7
Brass, 39% Zn ...................... 41.1 17.4 75 39 ........... 20.7
Brass, 50% Zn ...................... 31 17.9 117 33.5 ........... 5.0
Brass, cast, common ................. 18-24 6 30 20 36 9,000,000
Brass, wire, hard ..................... 80 .......... ...... . ·...... . . ..
Brass, wire, annealed ................. 50 16 ....... 14,000,000
Bronze 8%Sn ...................... 28.5 19 42 43.7 10,000,000 5.5
Bronze 13% Sn ...................... 29.4 20 53 34.5 · . . ... . . .. . 3.3
Bronze 20% Sn ...................... 33 .......... 78 56.7 . .......... 0.04
Bronze 24% Sn ...................... 22 22 114 32 ...........
Bronze 30% Sn ......................
Bronze gun metal, 9 Cu, 1 Sn .........
Bmn.. Manganese, east 1'0% Sn .....
Bronze Manganese, rolled 2% Mn ....
. ......
Bronze Phosphorus, cast 9% Sn ..... 50 24 ....... . ..........
Bronze Phosphorus, wire 1% P ...... 100 .......... ...... . . ..........
Bronze Silicon, cast, 3% Si ............ 55 ........... ...... . . ..........
Bronze Silicon, cast, 5% Si ............ 75 .......... ...... . . .............
Bronze Silicon, wire .................. 108 .......... ....... . . ..........
Bronze Tobin, cast 138% Zn .... 66 .......... ...... . . ..........
Bronze Tobin, rolled 172% Sn .... 80 40 ....... 4,500,000
Bronze Tobin, cold rolled 7§% Pb .... 100 .......... ....... . . ..........
Delta Metal, eaat 155% 60%
to Cu ...
Delta Metal, plates 38% to 40% Zn ...
........... ...... .
..... ..... ...... .
. ..........
. ..........
Delta Metal, bars 2% to 4% Fe ... 85 ......... . ....... . ...........
Delta Metal, wire 1% to 2% Sn ... 100 .......... ...... . . ..........
German Silver, 25% Zn, 20% Ni ...... ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ..........
Iron, see next page ................... ...... . . ......... ...... . . ..........
Gold, cast ............' ..... , ........ 20 4 .... ...
- 8,000,000
Gold, wire .......................... 30 .......... ...... . . ..........
Gold, copper, 5 Au, 1 Cu ............. 50 .......... ...... . . ..........
Lead, cast ..................•....... 1.8 ............ ...... . 1,000,000
Lead, pipe, wire ..................... 2.2-2.5 .......... ...... . 1,000,000
Lead, rolled sheets ................... 3.3 .......... ...... . 720,000
Platinum, wire, unannealed ........... 53 .......... ...... . . ..........
Platinum, wire, annealed .............. 32 .......... ...... . . ..........
Silver, cast .......................... 40 . ......... ...... . . ..........
Steel, see next page .................. ....... . ......... . ...... . . ..........
Tin, cast............................ 3.5-4.6 1.5-1.8 6 4 4,000,000
Tin, antimony, 10 Sn, 1 Sb............ 11 .......... . ....... . ..........
Zinc, cast ........................... 4-6 4 18 7 13,000,000
,Zinc, rolled sheets.................... 7-16 .......... ...... . . ..........

Stresses per Square Inch
Metals and Alloys Com- Bending, Shearing, Modulus of
Tension, Elastic Elasticity Elon~tion,
IDtimate Limit pression, IDtimate IDtimate
Shapes, Plates, Bars*
Bridges ...................... 55-65 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 27.3-23.1
Buildings ....... , ............ 55-65 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 25.5-21.5
Cars ........................ 50-65 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 30.0-23.1
Locomotives ................. 55-65 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 27.3-23.1
Ships........................ 60-72 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~·tens. 29,000,000 25.0-21.1
Boiler Plates*
Flange plates................. 55-65 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 27.3-23.1
Fire box ..................... 52-62 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 28.8-24.2
Boilers ...................... 45-55 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 33.3-27.3
Bridges ...................... 52-62 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 28.8-24.2
Buildings .................... 52-62 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~tens. 29,000,000 28.8-24.2
Cars ........................ 52-62 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 28.8-24.2
Ships ........................ 55-65 ~ tens. tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 27.3-23.0
Concrete Bars*
Plain, structural grade ......... 55-70 33 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 25.5-20.0
Plain, intermediate ............ 70-90 40 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 18.6-14.3
Plain hard ................... 80 .50 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 15.0
Deformed, structural grade ..... 55-70 33 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 22.7-17.9
Deformed, intermediate ....... 70-90 40 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 16.1-11.3
Deformed, hard ............... 80 50 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 12.5
Cold twisted ................. ....... 55 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 5.0
Soft ......................... 60 30 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 26
Medium ..................... 70 38 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 24
Hard ........................ 80 43 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 17
Forgings*...................... ...... . ....... . ...... . ...... . ....... . .......... . . .........
Nickel Steel, * 3.25% Ni.
Shapes, plates, bars ........... 85-100 50 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 17.6-J5.0
Rivets ....................... 70-80 45 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 21.4-18.8
Eye bars, unannealed .......... 95-110 55 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 15.8-13.6
Eye bars, annealed ............ 90-105 52 tensile tensile ~ tens. 29,000,000 20.0
Springs, untempered ............ 65-110 40-70 ...... . ...... . ........ .......... . . .........
Wire, unannealed ............... 120 60 ...... . ...... . ....... . .......... . ..........
Wire, annealed ................. 80 40 ...... . ...... . ....... . .......... . ..........
Wire, bridge cable .............. 220 150 ...... . ...... . ....... . .......... . ..........
Shapes ........................ 48 26 tensile tensile 28,000,000 ..........
% tens.
Bars .......................... 50 27 tensile tensile % tens.
28,000,000 ..........
Wire, unannealed ............... 80 ....... . ...... . ...... . ....... . 15,000,000 ..........
Wire, annealed ................. 60 27 ...... . ...... . ....... . 25,000,000 ..........
Common....................... 15-18 6 80 30 18-20 12,000,000 ........, ..
Gray .......................... 18-24 ....... . ...... . 25-33 ....... . .......... . ..........
Malleable ...................... 27-35 15-20 46 30 40 .......... . ..........
*S€e Specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials.



Natural Trigonometric Functions
Degrees Cosines
0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60'

0 0.00000 0.00291 0.00582 0.00873 0.01164 0.01454 0.01745 89

1 0.01745 0.02036 0.02327 0.02618 0.02908 0.03199 0.03490 88
2 0.03490 0.03781 0.04071 0.04362 0.04653 0.04943 0.05234 87
3 0.05234 0.05524 0.05814 0.06105 0.06395 0.06685 0.06976 86
4 0.06976 0.07266 0.07556 0.07846 0.08136 0.08426 0.08716 85
5 0.08716 0.09005 0.09295 0.09585 0.09874 0.10164 0.10453 84
6 0.10453 0.10742 0.11031 0.11320 0.11609 0.11898 0.12187 83
7 0.12187 0.12476 0.12764 0.13053 0.13341 0.13629 0.13917 82
8 0.13917 0.14205 0.14493 0.14781 0.15069 0.15356 0.15643 81
9 0.15643 0.15931 0.16218 0.16505 0.16792 0.17078 0.17365 80
10 0.17365 0.17651 0.17937 0.18224 0.18509 0.18795 0.19081 79
11 0.19081 0.19366 0.19652 0.19937 0.20222 0.20507 0.20791 78
12 0.20791 0.21076 0.21360 0.21644 0.21928 0.22212 0.22495 77
13 0.22495 0.22778 0.23062 0.23345 0.23627 0.23910 0.24192 76
14 0.24192 0.24474 0.24756 0.25038 0.25320 0.25601 0.25882 75
15 0.25882 0.26163 0.26443 0.26724 0.27004 0.27284 0.27564 74
16 0.27564 0.27843 0.28123 0.28402 0.28680 0.28959 0.29237 73
17 0.29237 0.29515 0.29793 0.30071 0.30348 0.30625 0.30902 72
18 0.30902 0.31178 0.31454 0.31730 0.32006 0.32282 0.32557 71
19 0.32557 0.32832 0.33106 0.33381 0.33655 0.33929 0.34202 70
20 0.34202 0.34475 0.34748 0.35021 0.35293 0.35565 0.35837 69
21 0.35837 0.36108 0.36379 0.36650 0.36921 0.37191 0.37461 68
22 0.37461 0.37730 0.37999 0.38268 0.38537 0.38805 0.39073 67
23 0.39073 0.39341 0.39608 0.39875 0.40142 0.40408 0.40674 66
24 0.40674 0.40939 0.41204 0.41469 0.41734 0.41998 0.42262 65
25 0.42262 0.42525 0.42788 0.43051 0.43313 0.43575 0.43837 64
26 0.43837 0.44098 0.44359 0.44620 0.44880 0.45140 0.45399 63
27 0.45399 0.45658 0.45917 0.46175 0.46433 0.46690 0.46947 62
28 0.46947 0.47204 0.47460 0.47716 0.47971 0.48226 0.48481 61
29 0.48481 0.48735 0.48989 0.49242 0.49495 0.49748 0.50000 60
30 0.50000 0.50252 0.50503 0.50754 0.51004 0.51254 0.51504 59
31 0.51504 0.51753 0.52002 0.52250 0.52498 0.52745 0.52992 58
32 0.52992 0.53238 0.53484 0.53730 0.53975 0.54220 0.54464 57
33 0.54464 0.54708 0.54951 0.55194 0.55436 0.55678 0.55919 56
34 0.55919 0.56160 0.56401 0.56641 0.56880 0.57119 0.57358 55
35 0.57358 0.57596 0.57833 0.58070 0.58307 0.58543 0.58779 54
36 0.58779 0.59014 0.59248 0.59482 0.59716 0.59949 0.60182 53
37 0.60182 0.60414 0.60645 0.60876 0.61107 0.61337 0.61566 52
38 0.61566 0.61795 0.62024 0.62251 0.62479 0.62706 0.62932 51
39 0.62932 0.63I58 0.63383 0.63608 0.63832 0.64056 0.64279 50
40 0.64279 0.64501 0.64723 0.64945 0.65166 0.65386 0.65606 49
41 0.65606 0.65825 0.66044 0.66262 0.66480 0.66697 0.66913 48
42 0.66913 0.67129 0.67344 0.67559 0.67773 0.67987 0.68200 47
43 0.68200 0.68412 0.68624 0.68835 0.69046 0.69256 0.69466 46
44 0.69466 0.69675 0.69883 0.70091 0.70298 0.70505 0.70711 45
60' 50' 40' r 30' 20' 10' 0'
Sines r Degrees



Natural Trigonometric Functions

0' 10' 20'
30' 40' 50' 60'
I Sines

0 1.00000 1.00000 0.99998 0.99996 0.99993 0.99989 0.99985 89
1 0.99985 0.99979 0.99973 0.99966 0.99958 0.99949 0.99939 88
2 0.99939 0.99929 0.99917 0.99905 0.99892 0.99878 0.99863 87
3 0.99863 . 0.99847 0.99831 0.99813 0.99795 0.99776 0.99756 86
4 0.99756 0.99736 0.99714 0.99692 0.99668 0.99644 0.99619 85
5 0.99619 0.99594 0.99567 0.99540 0.99511 0.99482 0.99452 84
6 0.99452 0.99421 0.99390 0.99357 0.99324 0.99290 0.99255 83
7 0.99255 0.99219 0.99182 0.99144 0.99106 0.99067 0.99027 82
8 0.99027 0.98986 0.98944 0.98902 0.98858 0.98814 0.98769 81
9 0.98769 0.98723 0.98676 0.98629 0.98580 0.98531 0.98481 80
10 0.98481 0.98430 0.98378 0.98325 0.98272 0.98218 0.98163 79
11 0.98163 0.98107 0.98050 0.97992 0.97934 0.97875 0.97815 78
12 0.97815 0.97754 0.97692 0.97630 0.97566 0.97502 0.97437 77
13 0.97437 0.97371 0.97304 0.97237 0.97169 0.97100 0.97030 76
14 0.97030 0.96959 0.96887 0.96815 0.96742 0.96667 0.96593 75
15 0.96593 0.96517 0.96440 0.96363 0.96285 0.96206 0.96126 74
16 0.96126 0.96046 0.95964 0.95882 0.95799 0.95715 0.95630 73
17 0.95630 0.95545 0.95459 0.95372 0.95284 0.95195 0.95106 72
18 0.95106 0.95015 0.94924 0.94832 0.94740 0.94646 0.94552 71
19 0.94552 0.94457 0.94361 0.94264 0.94167 0.94068 0.93969 70
20 0.93969 0.93869 0.93769 0.93667 0.93565 0.93462 0.93358 69
21 0.93358 0.93253 0.93148 0.93042 0.92935 0.92827 0.92718 68
22 0.92718 0.92609 0.92499 0.92388 0.92276 0.92164 0.92050 67
23 0.92050 0.91936 0.91822 0.91706 0.91590 0.91472 0.91355 66
24 0.91355 0.91236 0.91116 0.90996 0.90875 0.90753 0.90631 65
25 0.90631 0.90507 0.90383 0.90259 0.90133 0.90007 0.89879 64
26 0.89879 0.89752 0.89623 0.89493 0.89363 0.89232 0.89101 63
27 0.89101 0.88968 0.88835 0.88701 0.88566 0.88431 0.88295 62
28 0.88295 0.88158 0.88020 0.87882 0.87743 0.87603 0.87462 61
29 0.87462 0.87321 0.87178 0.87036 0.86892 0.86748 0.86603 60
30 0.86603 0.86457 0.86310 0.86163 0.86015 0.85866 0.85717 59
31 0.85717 0.85567 0.85416 0.85264 0.85112 0.84959 0.84805 58
32 0.84805 0.846.50 0.84495 0.84339 0.84182 0.84025 0.83867 57
33 0.83867 0.83708 0.83549 0.83389 0.83228 0.83066 0.82904 56
34 0.82904 0.82741 0.82577 0.82413 0.82248 0.82082 0.81915 55
35 0.81915 0.81748 0.81580 0.81412 0.81242 0.81072 0.80902 54
36 0.80902 0.80730 0.80558 0.80386 0.80212 0.80038 0.79864 53
37 0.79864 0.79688 0.79512 0.79335 0.79158 0.78980 0.78801 52
38 0.78801 0.78622 0.78442 0.78261 0.78079 0.77897 0.77715 51
39 0.77715 0.77531 0.77347 0.77162 0.76977 0.76791 0.76604 50
40 0.76604 0.76417 0.76229 0.76041 0.75851 0.75661 0.75471 49
41 0.75471 0.75280 0.75088 0.74896 0.74703 0.74509 0.74314 48
42 0.74314 0.74120 0.73924 0.73728 0.73531 0.73333 0.73135 47
43 0.73135 0.72937 0.72737 0.72537 0.72337 0.72136 0.71934 46
44 0.71934 0.71732 0.71529 0.71325 0.71121 0.70916 0.70711 45
60' 50' 40' 30' 20' 10' 0'
SINES I Degrees



Natural Trigonometric Functions

Degrees Cotangellts
0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60'

0 0.00000 0.00291 0.00582 0.00873 0.01164 0.01455 0.01746 89

1 0.01746 0.02036 0.02328 0.02619 0.02910 0.03201 0.03492 88
2 0.03492 0.03783 0.04075 0.04366 0.04658 0.04949 0.05241 87
3 0.05241 0.05533 0.05824 0.06116 0.06408 0.06700 0.06993 86
4 0.06993 0.07285 0.07578 0.07870 0.08163 0.08456 0.08749 85
5 0.08749 0.09042 0.09335 0.09629 0.09923 0.10216 0.10510 84
6 0.10510 0.10805 0.11099 0.11394 0.11688 0.11983 0.12278 83
7 0.12278 0.12574 0.12869 0.13165 0.13461 0.13758 0.14054 82
8 0.14054 0.14351 0.14648 0.14945 0.15243 0.15540 0.15838 81
9 0.15838 0.16137 0.16435 0.16734 0.17033 0.17333 0.17633 80
10 0.17633 0.17933 0.18233 0.18534 0.18835 0.19136 0.19438 79
11 0.19438 0.19740 0.20042 0.20345 0.20648 0.20952 0.21256 78
12 0.21256 0.21560 0.21864 0.22169 0.22475 0.22781 0.23087 77
13 0.23087 0.23393 0.23700 0.24008 0.24316 0.24624 0.24933 76
14 0.24933 0.25242 0.25552 0.25862 0.26172 0.26483 0.26795 75
15 0.26795 0.27107 0.27419 0.27732 0.28046 0.28360 0.28675 74
16 0.28675 0.28990 0.29305 0.29621 0.29938 0.30255 0.30573 73
17 0.30573 0.30891 0.31210 0.31530 0.31850 0.32171 0.32492 72
18 0.32492 0.32814 0.33136 0.33460 0.33783 0.34108 0.34433 71
19 0.34433 0.34758 0.35085 0.35412 0.35740 0.36068 0.36397 70
20 0.36397 0.36727 0.37057 0.37388 0.37720 0.38053 0.38386 69
21 0.38386 0.38721 0.39055 0.39391 0.39727 0.40065 0.40403 68
22 0.40403 0.40741 0.41081 0.41421 0.41763 0.42105 0.42447 67
23 0.42447 0.42791 0.43136 0.43481 0.43828 0.44175 0.44523 66
24 0.44523 0.44872 0.45222 0.45573 0.45924 0.46277 0.46631 65
25 0.46631 0.46985 0.47341 0.47698 0.48055 0.48414 0.48773 64
26 0.48773 0.49134 0.49495 0.49858 0.50222 0.50587 0.50953 63
27 0.50953 0.51320 0.51688 . 0.52057 0.52427 0.52798 0.53171 62
28 0.53171 0.53545 0.53920 0.54296 0.54674 0.55051 0.55431 61
29 0.55431 0.55812 0.56194 0.56577 0.56962 0.57348 0.57735 60
30 0.57735 0.58124 0.58513 0.58905 0.59297 0.59691 0.60086 59
31 0.60086 0.60483 0.60881 0.61280 0.61681 0.62083 0.62487 58
32 0.62487 0.62892 0.63299 0.63707 0.64117 0.64528 0.64941 57
33 0.64941 0.65355 0.65771 0.66189 0.66608 0.67028 0.67451 56
34 0.67451 0.67875 0.68301 0.68728 0.69157 0.69588 0.70021 55
35 0.70021 0.70455 0.70891 0.71329 0.71769 0.72211 0.72654 54
36 0.72654 0.73100 0.73547 0.73996 0.74447 0.74900 0.75355 53
37 0.75355 0.75812 0.76272 0.76733 0.77196 0.77661 0.78129 52
38 0.78129 0.78598 0.79070 0.79544 0.80020 0.80498 0.80978 51
39 0.80978 0.81461 0.81946 0.82434 0.82923 0.83415 0.83910 50
40 0.83910 0.84407 0.84906 0.85408 0.85912 0.86419 0.86929 49
41 0.86929 0.87441 0.87955 0.88473 0.88992 0.89515 0.90040 48
42 0.90040 0.90569 0.91099 0.91633 0.92170 0.92709 -0.93252 47
43 0.93252 0.93797 0.94345 0.94896 0.95451 0.96008 0.96569 46
44 0.96569 0.97133 0.97700 0.98270 0.98843 0.99420 1.00000 45
Tangents I 60' 50' 40' 30'
20' 10' 0'



Natural Trigonometric Functions

0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60'
I Tangents
0 00 343.77371 171.88540 114.58865 85.93979 68.75009 57.28996 89
1 57.28996 49.10388 42.96408 38.18846 34.36777 31.24158 28.63625 88
2 28.63625 26.43160 24.54176 22.90377 21.47040 20.20555 19.08114 87
3 19.08114. 18.07498 17.16934 16.34986 15.60478 14.92442 14.30067 86
4 14.30067 13.72674 13.19688 12.70621 12.25051 11.82617 11.43005 85
5 11.43005 11.05943 10.71191 10.38540 10.07803 9.78817 9.51436 84
6 9.51436 9.25530 9.00983 8.77689 8.55555 8.34496 8.14435 83
7 8.14435 7.95302 7.77035 7.59575 7.42871 7.26873 7.11537 82
8 7.11537 6.96823 6.82694 6.69116 6.56055 6.43484 6.31375 81
9 ..
6.31375 6.19703 6.08444 5.97576 5.87080 5.76937 5.67128 80
10 5.67128 5.57638 5.48451 5.39552 5.30928 5.22566 5.14455 79
11 5.14455 5.06584 4.98940 4.91516 4.84300 4.77286 4.70463 78
12 4.70463 4.63825 4.57363 4.51071 4.44942 4.38969 4.33148 77
13 4.33148 4.27471 4.21933 4.16530 4.11256 4.06107 4.01078 76
14 4.01078 3.96165 3.91364 3.86671 3.82083 3.77595 3.73205 75
15 3.73205 3.68909 3.64705 3.60588 3.56557 3.52609 3.48741 74
16 3.48741 3.44951 3.41236 3.37594 3.34023 3.30521 3.27085 73
17 3.27085 3.23714 3.20406 3.17159 3.13972 3.10842 3.07768 72
18 3.07768 3.04749 3.01783 2.98869 2.96004 2.93189 2.90421 71
19 2.90421 2.87700 2.85023 2.82391 2.79802 2.77254 2.74748 70
20 2.74748 2.72281 2.69853 2.67462 2.65109 2.62791 2.60509 69
21 2.60509 2.58261 2.56046 2.53865 2.51715 2.49597 2.47509 68
22 2.47509 2.45451 2.43422 2.41421 2.39449 2.37504 2.35585 67
23 2.35585 2.33693 2.31826 2.29984 2.28167 2.26374 2.24604 66
24 2.24604 2.22857 2.21132 2.19430 2.17749 2.16090 2.14451 65
25 2.14451 2.12832 2.11233 2.09654 2.08094 2.06553 2.05030 64
26 2.05030 2.03526 2.02039 2.00569 1.99116 1.97680 1.96261 63
27 1.96261 1.94858 1.93470 1.92098 1.90741 1.89400 1.88073 62
28 1.88073 1.86760 1.85462 1.84177 1.82907 1.81649 1.80405 61
29 1.80405 1.79174 1.77955 1.76749 1.75556 1.74375 1.73205 60
30 1.73205 1.72047 1.70901 1.69766 1.68643 1.67530 1.66428 59
31 1.66428 1.65337 1.64256 1.63185 1.62125 1.61074 1.60033 58
32 1.60033 1.59002 1.57981 1.56969 1.55966 1.54972 1.53987 57
33 1.53987 1.53010 1.52043 1.51084. 1.50133 1.49190 1.48256 56
34 1.48256 1.47330 1.46411 1.45501 1.44598 1.43703 1.42815 55
35 1.42815 1.41934 1.41061 1.40195 1.39336 1.38484 1.37638 54
36 1.37638 1.36800 1.35968 1.35142 1.34323 1.33511 1.32704 53
37 1.32704 1.31904 1.31110 1.30323 1.29541 1.28764 1.27994 52
38 1.27994 1.27230 1.26471 1.25717 1.24969 1.24227 1.23490 51
39 1.23490 1.22758 1.22031 1.21310 1.20593 1.19882 1.19175 50
40 1.19175 1.18474 1.17777 1.17085 1.16398 1.15715 1.15037 49
41 1.15037 1.14363 1.13694 1.13029 1.12369 1.11713 1.11061 48
42 1.11061 1.10414 1.09770 1.09131 1.08496 1.07864 1.07237 47
43 1.07237 1.06613 1.05994 1.05378 1.04766 1.04158 1.03553 46
44 1.03553 1.02952 1.02355 1.01761 1.01170 1.00583 1.00000 45
60' 50' 40' 30' 20' 10' 0'
Cotangents Degrees



Natural Trigonom.etric Functions

Degrees Cosecants
0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60'

0 1.00000 1.00000 1.00002 1.00004 1.00007 1.00011 1.00015 89

1 1.00015 1.00021 1.00027 1.00034 1.00042 1.00051 1.00061 88
2 1.00061 1.00072 1.00083 1.00095 1.00108 1.00122 1.00137 87
3 1.00137 1.00153 1.00169 1.00187 1.00205 1.00224 1.00244 86
4 1.00244 1.00265 1.00287 1.00309 1.00333 1.00357 1.00382 85
5 1.00382 1.00408 1.00435 1.00463 1.00491 1.00521 1.00551 84
6 1.00551 1.00582 1.00614 1.00647 1.00681 1.00715 1.00751 83
7 1.00751 1.00787 1.00825 1.00863 1.00902 1.00942 1.00983 82
8 1.00983 1.01024 1.01067 1.01111 1.01155 1.01200 1.01247 81
9 1.01247 1.01294 1.01342 1.01391 1.01440 1.01491 1.01543 80
10 1.01543 1.01595 1.01649 1.01703 1.01758 1.01815 1.01872 79
11 1.01872 1.01930 1.01989 1.02049 1.02110 1.02171 1.02234 78
12 1.02234 1.02298 1.02362 1.02428 1.02494 1.02562 1.02630 77
13 1.02630 1.02700 1.02770 1.02842 1.02914 1.02987 1.03061 76
14 1.03061 1.03137 1.03213 1.03290 1.03368 1.03447 1.03528 75
15 1.03528 1.03609 1.03691 1.03774 1.03858 1.03944 1.04030 74
16 1.04030 1.04117 1.04206 1.04295 1.04385 1.04477 1.04569 73
17 1.04569 1.04663 1.04757 1.04853 1.04950 1.05047 1.05146 72
18 1.05146 1.05246 1.05347 1.05449 1.05552 1.05657 1.05762 71
19 1.05762 1.05869 1.05976 1.06085 1.06195 1.06306 1.06418 70
20 1.06418 1.06531 1.06645 1.06761 1.06878 1.06995 1.07115 69
21 1.07115 1.07235 1.07356 1.07479 1.07602 1.07727 1.07853 68
22 1.07853 1.07981 1.08109 1.08239 1.08370 1.08503 1.08636 67
23 1.08636 1.08771 1.08907 1.09044 1.09183 1.09323 1.09464 66
24 1.09464 1.09606 1.09750 1.09895 1.10041 1.10189 1.10338 65
25 1.10338 1.10488 1.10640 1.10793 1.10947 1.11103 1.11260 64
26 1.11260 1.11419 1.11579 1.11740 1.11903 1.12067 1.12233 63
27 1.12233 1.12400 1.12568 1.12738 1.12910 1.13083 1.13257 62
28 1.13257 1.13433 1.13610 1.13789 1.13970 1.14152 1.14335 61
29 1.14335 1.14521 1.14707 1.14896 1.15085 1.15277 1.15470 60
30 1.15470 1.15665 1.15861 1.16059 1.16259 1.16460 1.16663 59
31 1.16663 1.16868 1.17075 1.17283 1.17493 1.17704 1.17918 58
32 1.17918 1.18133 1.18350 1.18569 1.18790 1.19012 1.19236 57
33 1.19236 1.19463 1.19691 1.19920 1.20152 1.20386 1.20622 56
34 1.20622 1.20859 1.21099 1.21341 1.21584 1.21830 1.22077 55
35 1.22077 1.22327 1.22579 1.22833 1.23089 1.23347 1.23607 54
36 1.23607 1.23869 1.24134 1.24400 1.24669 1.24940 1.25214 53
37 1.25214 1.25489 1.25767 1.26047 1.26330 1.26615 1.26902 52
38 1.26902 1.27.191 1.27483 1.27778 1.28075 1.28374 1.28676 51
39 1.28676 1.28980 1.29287 1.29597 1.29909 1.30223 1.30541 50
40 1.30541 1.30861 1.31183 1.31509 1.31837 1.32168 1.32501 49
41 1.32501 1.32838 1.33177 1.33519 1.33864 1.34212 1.34563 48
42 1.34563 1.34917 1.35274 1.35634 1.35997 1.36363 1.36733 47
43 1.36733 1.37105 1.37481 1.37860 1.38242 1.38628 1.39016 46
44 1.39016 1.39409 1.39804 1.40203 1.40606 1.41012 1.41421 45
60' 50' 40' 30' 20' 10' 0'
Secants Degrees



Natural Trigonometric Functions

Degrees Secants
0' 10' 20' 30' 40' 50' 60'
0 00 343.77516 171.88831 114.59301 85.94561 68.75736 57.29869 89
1 57.29869 49.11406 42.97571 38.20155 34.38232 31.25758 28.65371 88
2 28.65371 26.45051 24.56212 22.92559 21.49368 20.23028 19.10732 87
3 19.10732 18.10262 17.19843 16.38041 15.63679 14.95788 14.33559 86
4 14.33559 13.76312 13.23472 12.74550 12.29125 11.86837 11.47371 85
5 11.47371 11.10455 10.75849 10.43343 10.12752 9.83912 9.56677 84
6 9.56677 9.30917 9.06515 8.83367 8.61379 8.40466 8.20551 83
7 8.20551 8.01565 7.83443 7.66130 7.49571 7.33719 7.18530 82
8 7.18530 7.03962 6.89979 6.76547 6.63633 6.51208 6.39245 81
9 6.39245 6.27719 6.16607 6.05886 5.95536 5.85539 5.75877 80
- 5.66533 5.57493 5.48740 5.40263 5.32049 5.24084 79
10 5.75877
11 5.24084 5.16359 5.08863 5.01585 4.94517 4.87649 4.80973 78
12 4.80973 4.74482 4.68167 4.62023 4.56041 4.50216 4.44541 77
13 4.44541 4.39012 4.33622 4.28366 4.23239 4.18238 4.13357 76
14 4.13357 4-.08591 4.03938 3.99393 3.94952 3.90613 3.86370 75
15 3.86370 3.82223 3.78166 3.74198 3.70315 3.66515 3.62796 74
16 3.62796 3.59154 3.55587 3.52094 3.48671 3.45317 3.42030 73
17 3.42030 3.38808 3.35649 3.32551 3.29512 3.26531 3.23607 72
18 3.23607 3.20737 3.17920 3.15155 3.12440 3.09774 3.07155 71
19 3.07155 3.04584 3.02057 2.99574 2.97135 2.94737 2.92380 70
20 2.92380 2.90063 2.87785 2.85545 2.83342 2.81175 2.79043 69
21 2.79043 2.76945 2.74881 2.72850 2.70851 2.68884 2.66947 68
22 2.66947 2.65040 2.63162 2.61313 2.59491 2.57698 2.55930 67
23 2.55930 2.54190 2.52474 2.50784 2.49119 2.47477 2.45859 66
24 2.45859 2.44264 2.42692 2.41142 2.39614 2.38107 2.36620 65
25 2.36620 2.35154 2.33708 2.32282 2.30875 2.29487 2.28117 64
26 2.28117 2.26766 2.25432 2.24116 2.22817 2.21535 2.20269 63
27 2.20269 2.19019 2.17786 2.16568 2.15366 2.14178 2.13005 62
28 2.13005 2.11847 2.10704 2.09574 2.08458 2.07356 2.06267 61
29 2.06267 2.05191 2.04128 2.03077 2.02039 2.01014 2.00000 60
30 2.00000 1.98998 1.98008 1.97029 1.96062 1.95106 1.94160 59
31 1.94160 1.93226 1.92302 1.91388 1.90485 1.89591 1.88709 58
32 1.88708 1.87834 1.86970 1.86116 1.85271 1.84435 1.83608 57
33 1.83608 1.82790 1.81981 1.81180 1.80388 1.79604 1.78829 56
34 1.78829 1.78062 1.77303 1.76552 1.75808 1.75073 1.74345 55
35 1.74345 1.73624 1.72911 1.72205 1.71506 1.70815 1.70130 54
36 1.70130 1.69452 1.68782 1.68117 1.67460 1.66809 1.66164 53
37 1.66164 1.65526 1.64894 1.64268 1.63648 1.63035 1.62427 52
38 1.62427 1.61825 1.61229 1.60639 1.60054 1.59475 1.58902 51
39 1.58902 1.58333 1.57771 1.57213 1.56661 1.56114 1.55572 50
40 1.55572 1.55036 1.54504 1.53977 1.53455 1.52938 1.52425 49
41 1.52425 1.51918 1.51415 1.50916 1.50422 1.49933 1.49448 48
42 1.49448 1.48967 1.48491 1.48019 1.47551 1.47087 1.46628 47
43 1.46628 1.46173 1.45721 1.45274 1.44831 1.44391 1.43956 46
44 1.43956 1.43524 1.43096 1.42672 1.42251 1.41835 1.41421 45
60' 50' 40' 30' 20' 10' 0'
Cosecants Degrees

Abuse ....••••••••••••••••••••...••... 7, 116 Lubrication .............•............... 113
Acceleration 34 Manila Ropes 128
Aircraft Cables 27, 28 Marlin Clad Ropes 13, 24
Alignment of Sheaves 115 Mast Arm Rope 20
Amgal Wire Rope 7 Maximum Loads 63
Anchored Spans 39, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48 Metallic Areas of Ropes 2fl
Areas of Ropes 29 Metallic Areas of Wires 119
Areas of Wires 119 Metric System 124
Bending 32 Mild Plow Steel 7
Braided Slings 96 Moduli of Elasticity 30
Bridge Ropes 21 Monitor Steel 7
Bridge Strands 21 Mooring Lines 14, 23
Bronze Ropes 7 Multiples 125
Care of Wire Rope 109 Multiple Sheave Blocks 57
Car Friction 60 Non-Spinning Rope 13, 20
Clips 76 Ordering Wire Rope with Fittinj!;s Attachf)d .. 87
Coiling 68 Outer Wire Sizes 31
Constructions 10 Plow Steel 7
Cores 8 Preformed Wire Ropes 9
Corrosion-Resisting Aircraft C9.blrs Prestressed Strands and Ropes 9
and Ropes , 27 Reel Capacities 69
Cosines 132 Reserve Strenltths 31
Cosecants 136 Reversing Ends 113
Cotangents 134 Rollers 116
Counterweighted Spans .49 Running Rope 14. 22
Crane Rope 12, 17 Safety Factors , 6
Cubic Measure 123, 124 Sash Cord .........•..................... 19
Cutting Back 113 Secants 136
Decimal Equivalents 118 Seizings 113
Diameter Tolerances 64 Shackles 83
Drum Capacities , 69 Sheave Alignment 115
Drum Pressures 65 Sheave Blocks 57
Drum Sizes 32 Sheave Pressures 65
Dry Measure 123 Sheave Sizes 32
Elasticity 29 Sines 132
Elevator Ropes 18 Slings 88
Endless Splicing 102 Slopes 60
Engineering Units 125 Smooth Coil Track Strand 15, 25
Expansion, Coefficient of. 56 Sockets " 71
Eye Splicing 107 Socketing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100
Fatigue 7 Spans 39
Fiber Cores 8 Specific Gravities 126
Fittings 70 Sphcing 102, 107
Flattened Strand Ropes 12, 19 Sprmg-Lay 14, 24
Flat Wire Ropes 15, 26 Square Measure 123, 124
Fleet Angles " 66 Stone Sawing Strand 20
Friction 60 Strand Centers 8
Galvanized Ropes 7 Strength of Materials 129
Galvanized Strands 14, 28 Strength of Ropes 16
Gauging 112 Stretch 29
Grades 7 Supporting Rollers 116
Grooves .....•........................... 64 Supporting Sheaves 116
Guys 36 Suspended Cables : 38
Guy Ropes 22 Tangents ' 134
Haulage Ropes 10, 16 Thimbles 77, 78, 79
Hawsers , 14, 23 Tiller Rope 13. 18
Hoisting Ropes 11-13, 16-20 Traction Steel 7
Hooks.............•..................... 80 Track Strands 15, 25
Horsepower 63 Trigonometric Functions 132
Ice Loads 56 Turnbuckles 84
Inclined Planes ' 60 , Uncoiling 68
Inclined Spans .43, 46, 48, 50, 51, 52 Unreeling , 67
Improved Plow Steel 7 U. S. Government Tolerances 64
Iron Ropes , 7 Wear · 7
Lang Lay · 8 Weights of Materials 126
Lays 7 Weights and Measures 123
Level Spans 39, 44, 47. 49, 50, 51, 54 Weights of Ropes 16
Liquid Measure 1~3 Weight of Steel Wires 121
Linear Measure 123, 124 Winding 68
Links , 81 Wind Pressure 56
Locked Coil Track Cable 15, 25 Wire Cores ...••...••••.................... 8

ADUSS 55-1542-01
Printed in U.S.A.
Reprinted October, 1968
USS and TIGER BRAND are registered trademarks

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