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Unit 3 Test (CH 4 5 6) 11-6-2013 KEY

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _

CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013

Chapter Number: 4

1) What is the result of the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args)
double circleRadius;
double circleVolume = 22 / 7 * circleRadius * circleRadius;

a) 0
b) 3.14
c) 6.28
d) compile-time error

Answer: d

Title: What is result of snippet (with assignment)?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.1 Numbers

2) What is wrong with the following code snippet?

public class Area

public static void main(String[] args)
int width = 10;
height = 20.00;
System.out.println("area = " + (width * height));

a) The code snippet uses an uninitialized variable.

b) The code snippet uses an undeclared variable.
c) The code snippet attempts to assign a decimal value to an integer variable.
d) The code snippet attempts to add a number to a string variable.

Answer: b

Title: What is wrong with snippet (with variable error)?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.1 Numbers

3) What will be the value stored in the variable x after the execution of the following code
int a = 10;

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
int b = 20;
int c = 2;
int x = b / a /*c*/;

a) 1
b) 2
c) 4
d) The code has a syntax error

Answer: b

Title: What is output of snippet (with arithmetic expression)?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.1 Numbers

4) Assuming that the user inputs a value of 25 for the price and 10 for the discount rate in the
following code snippet, what is the output?

public static void main(String[] args)

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter the price: ");
double price = in.nextDouble();
System.out.print("Enter the discount rate: ");
double discount = in.nextDouble();
System.out.println("The new price is " +
price - price * (discount / 100.0));

a) The new price is 25

b) The new price is 15
c) The new price is 22.5
d) The new price is 20.0

Answer: c

Title: What is output of snippet (that calculates value based on user input)?
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.2 Arithmetic

5) Which of the following statements is correct about constants?

a) Constants are written using capital letters because the compiler ignores constants declared in
small letters.
b) The data stored inside a constant can be changed using an assignment statement.
c) You can make a variable constant by using the final reserved word when declaring it.
d) Constant variables can only be changed through the Math library.

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013

Answer: c

Title: Which statement is correct about constants?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.1 Variables

6) What is the result of the following statement?

String s = "You" + "had" + "me" + "at" + "hello";

a) The string s has the following value: "You had me at "hello"

b) The statement results in an error because the + operator can be used only with numbers
c) The statement results in an error because the + operation cannot be performed on string literals
d) The string s has the following value: "Youhadmeathello"

Answer: d

Title: What is result of statement (that uses + with strings)?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.5 Strings

7) What is the output of the following code snippet?

public static void main(String[] args){
String str1;
String str2 = str1.substring(4, 11);

d) VE MY C

Answer: d

Title: What is output of snippet (with substring)?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.5 Strings

8) Consider the following division statements:

I. 22 / 7
II. 22.0 / 7

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
III. 22 / 7.0

Which of the following is correct?

a) All three statements will return an integer value.

b) Only I will return an integer value.
c) Only I, II will return an integer value.
d) Only I and III will return an integer value.

Answer: b

Title: Which is correct (about division statements)?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.2 Arithmetic

9) What (if any) type of error occurs with the following code if the user input is ABC?

public static void main(String[] args)

Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
String str =;
int count = Integer.parseInt(str);
System.out.println("Input is " + count);

a) Compile-time error
b) Run-time error
c) Overflow error
d) Illegal expression

Answer: b

Title: What type of error with code containing Integer.parseInt()?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.5 Strings

10) What does the following statement sequence print?

final String str = "Java";
str += " is powerful";

a) Java is powerful
b) Java + is powerful

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
c) is powerful
d) Nothing; compile-time error

Answer: d

Title: Output of code snippet with string expression

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.5 Strings

11) What is the output of this code snippet?

double average;
int grade1 = 87;
int grade2 = 94;
// System.out.print("The average is " + (grade1 + grade2) / 2.0);
System.out.print("The average is " + average);

a) Compile-time error
b) The average is 91.5
c) The average is 91.5
The average is 91.5
d) The average is 91.5
The average is 0.0

Answer: a

Title: What is the output of the code snippet?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.1 Numbers
Section Reference 2: Common Error 4.1

12) What is result of evaluating the following expression?

(45 / 6) % 5

a) 2
b) 7
c) 2.5
d) 3

Answer: a

Title: What is the result of evaluating this arithmetic expression using the mod operator?
Difficulty: Easy

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
Section Reference 1: 4.2 Arithmetic

13) Which one of the following is a correct method for defining and initializing an integer
variable with name value?

a) int value = 30;

b) Int value = 30;
c) int value = .30;
d) Int value = .30;

Answer: a

Title: Which correctly defines and initializes an integer variable value?

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference 1: 4.1 Numbers

14) When you purchase donuts, they come in boxes of 12, so 24 donuts take 2 boxes. All
donuts need to be in a box, so if you buy 13 donuts, you'll get 2 boxes with 12 in the first box
and 1 in the second. If the integer variable numberOfDonuts contains the positive number of
donuts purchased, which of the following will correctly give the number of boxes needed?

a. int numberOfBoxes = (numberOfDonuts + 11)/12;

b. int numberOfBoxes = numberOfDonuts /12;

c. int numberOfBoxes = 1 + numberOfDonuts/12;

d. int numberOfBoxes = numberOfDonuts/12 + numberOfDonuts % 12;

Answer: a

Title: How do you correctly express an integer variable?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.3 Inputs and Outputs

15) Which of the following is the mathematical equivalent of the following Java expression?
h = (4.0 * a * b – Math.pow(b, 2)) / c;

a) h = 4ab – 2b / c
b) h = (4ab – 2b) / c
c) h = 4ab – b2 / c
d) h = (4ab – b2) / c

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
Answer: d

Title: Which is the mathematical equivalent of Java expression?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.2 Arithmetic

16) Assume the following variables have been declared and given values as shown:

int i = 2345;
double m = 67.8;

What will be printed by the statement below?

System.out.printf ("Values are %10d and %7.2f", i, j);

a)Values are 2345 and 67.8

b)Values are 2345 and 67.80
c)Values are 2345 and 67.80
d)Values are %10d and %7.2f 2345 67.8

Answer: b

Title: What will be printed by the statement below?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.3 Input and Output

17) Assume the following variables have been declared and given values as shown:

int i = 2345;
double m = 67.8;

Which statement will give the output below?

Values are 2345 and 67.80

a)System.out.printf ("Values are %10d and %7.2f", i, m);

b)System.out.printf ("Values are %6d and %2.2f", i, m);
c)System.out.printf ("Values are %i and %m");
d)System.out.println ("Values are " + i + " and " + m);

Answer: a

Title: Which statement will give the output below?

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.3 Input and Output

18) What will be printed by the statement below?

System.out.print ("O\"my\t\\\"no!");

c)O\ my\t\\\ no!
d)O"my \"no!

Answer: d

Title: What will be printed by the statement below?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.3 Input and Output

19) Assume the following variable has been declared and given values as shown:
String name = "Mamey, Jean";

Which statement will print the name as "Jean Mamey"?

a. System.out.print (name.substring(7) + " "

+ name.substring(0, 5));

b. System.out.print (name.substring(8, 4) + " "

+ name.substring(1, 5));

c. System.out.print (name.substring(8) + " "

+ name.substring(1, 4));

d. System.out.print (name.substring(2) + " "

+ name.substring(1));

Answer: a

Title: Which statement will print the name as “Jean Mamey”?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.3 Input and Output

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
20) Assume the variable str has been declared to be a String that has at least one character.
Which is the following represents the last character in str?

a)str.charAt (str.length())
c)str.charAt (str.length() – 1)

Answer: c

Title: Which is the following represents the last character in str?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 4.5 Strings

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013

Chapter Number: 5

1) What are the two parts of an if statement?

a) A condition and a body

b) A check and an increment
c) An increment and a body
d) An increment and a return value

Answer: a

Title: What are the two parts of an if statement?

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference 1: 55.1 The if statement

2) Which of the following is the correct syntax for an if statement?

if (x < 10) { size = "Small"; }
else (x < 20) { size = "Medium"; }
if (x < 10); { size = "Small"; }
else (x < 20) { size = "Medium"; }
if (x < 10) { size = "Small"; }
else { size = "Medium"; }
if { size = "Small"; }
else (x < 20) { size = "Medium"; }

Answer: c

Title: Which is the correct syntax for an if statement?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 5.1 The if statement

3) The following code snippet contains an error. What is the error?

if (cost > 100);
cost = cost – 10;
System.out.println("Discount cost: " + cost);

a) Syntax error (won’t compile)

b) Logical error: use of an uninitialized variable

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
c) Logical error: if statement has do-nothing statement after if condition
d) Logical error: assignment statement does not show equality

Answer: c

Title: What is the error in this if statement?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 5.1 The if statement
Section Reference 2: Common Error 5.1 A Semicolon After the if Condition

4) Assuming that a user enters 15 as input, what is the output of the following code snippet?
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Please enter a number: ");
int number = in.nextInt();
if (number > 20)
System.out.println("The number is LARGE!");
System.out.println("The number is SMALL!");

There is no output due to compilation errors.
The number is LARGE!
The number is SMALL!
The number is LARGE!
The number is SMALL!

Answer: c

Title: What is output of (if/else with < test) with this input?
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 3.2 Comparing Values

5) Assuming that a user enters 25 as the value for x, what is the output of the following code
int x;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
x = in.nextInt();
if (x < 100)

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
x = x + 5;
if (x < 500)
x = x - 2;
if (x > 10)

a) 27
b) 28
c) 29
d) 30

Answer: c

Title: What is output of (if/if/if/else) snippet with this input?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.3 Multiple Alternatives

6) What is the output of the following code snippet?

double income = 45000;
double cutoff = 55000;
double minIncome = 30000;
if (minIncome > income)
System.out.println("Minimum income requirement is not met.");
if (cutoff < income)
System.out.println("Maximum income limit is exceeded.");
System.out.println("Income requirement is met.");

a) Minimum income requirement is not met.

b) Maximum income limit is exceeded.
c) Income requirement is met.
d) There is no output.

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013

Answer: c

Title: What is output of (if/if/else) snippet?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 5.1 The if statement

7) Suppose one needs an if statement to check whether an integer variable pitch is equal to 440
(which is the frequency of the note “A” to which strings and orchestras tune). Which condition is

a) if (pitch – 440 = 0)
b) if ((pitch !< 440) && (pitch !> 440))
c) if (pitch = 440)
d) if (pitch == 440)

Answer: d

Title: Which condition for an if statement is correct?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 5.1 The if statement

8) Assuming that a user enters 5 as the value for num, what is the output of the following code
int num = 0;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
num = in.nextInt();
if (num < 50)
num = num + 5;
if (num < 10)
num = num - 2;
if (num > 5)

a) 0

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
b) 9
c) 5
d) 11

Answer: d

Title: What is output of (if/if/if/else) snippet with this input?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.3 Multiple Alternatives

9) Consider the following code snippet. Assuming that the user enters first 20 and then 12 as the
two input values, what is the output of the code snippet?
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = 0;
int num3 = 0;
int num4 = 0;
int num5 = 0;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
num1 = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
num2 = in.nextInt();
if (num1 < num2)
num3 = num1;
num3 = num2;
if (num1 < num2 + 10)
num4 = num1;
else if (num1 < num2 + 20)
num5 = num1;
System.out.println("num1 = " + num1 + " num2 = " + num2
+ " num3 = " + num3 + " num4 = " + num4
+ " num5 = " + num5);

a) num1 = 20 num2 = 12 num3 = 20 num4 = 20 num5 = 0

b) num1 = 20 num2 = 12 num3 = 12 num4 = 0 num5 = 20
c) num1 = 20 num2 = 12 num3 = 12 num4 = 20 num5 = 0
d) num1 = 20 num2 = 12 num3 = 20 num4 = 0 num5 = 20

Answer: c

Title: What is output of (if/else if/else if) snippet with two inputs?

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.3 Multiple Alternatives

10) The flow chart shows the order in which steps should be executed, and the diamond-shaped
boxes indicate

a) input
b) algorithms
c) tasks
d) conditional tests

Answer: d

Title: What do the diamond-shaped boxes indicate in a flow chart?

Difficulty: Easy
Section Reference 1: 5.5 Problem Solving: Flowcharts

11) Assuming that a user enters 64 as his score, what is the output of the following code snippet?
int score = 0;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter your score: ");
score = in.nextInt();
if (score < 40)
else if (score >= 40 || score < 50)
else if (score >= 50 || score < 60)
else if (score >= 60 || score < 70)
else if (score >= 70 || score < 80)

a) D
b) C
c) B

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
d) A

Answer: a

Title: What is output of (if/else if with Boolean or) with this input?
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.7 Boolean Variables and Operators

12) What is the output of the following code snippet?

int num = 100;
if (num > 100);
num = num - 10;

a) 90
b) 100
c) 99
d) 101

Answer: a

Title: What is output of (if with > condition) with this input?
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.1 The if statement

13) What is the output of the following code snippet?

int num = 100;
if (num < 100)
if (num < 50)
num = num - 5;
num = num – 10;
if (num > 150)
num = num + 5;

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
num = num + 10;

a) 95
b) 100
c) 105
d) 110

Answer: d

Title: What is output of (if/else with nested if/else) snippet?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.4 Nested Branches

14) Assuming that a user enters 45, 78, and then 12, what is the output of the following code
int num1 = 0;
int num2 = 0;
int num3 = 0;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
num1 = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
num2 = in.nextInt();
System.out.print("Enter a number: ");
num3 = in.nextInt();
if (!(num1 > num2 && num1 > num3))
else if (!(num2 > num1 && num2 > num3))
else if (!(num3 > num1 && num3 > num2))

a) 12
b) 45
c) 78
d) There is no output due to compilation errors.

Answer: b

Title: What is output of (if/else if/else if) snippet with these three inputs?
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.7 Boolean Variables and Operators

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013

15) Assuming that the user provides 3 as input, what is the output of the following code snippet?
int x;
int y;
x = 0;
System.out.print("Please enter y: ");
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
y = in.nextInt();
if (y > 0)
x = 2 * y;
x = 2 + x;
System.out.println("x: " + x);

a) x: 2
b) x: 4
c) x: 6
d) There is no output due to compilation errors.

Answer: c

Title: What is output of (if/else with > test) snippet with this input?
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 3.2 Comparing Values

16) What is the output of the following code snippet?

double salary = 55000;
double cutOff = 65000;
double minSalary = 40000;
if (minSalary > salary)
System.out.println("Minimum salary requirement is not met.");
if (cutOff < salary)
System.out.println("Maximum salary limit is exceeded.");
System.out.println("Salary requirement is met.");

a) Minimum salary requirement is not met.

b) Maximum salary limit is exceeded.
c) Salary requirement is met.

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d) There is no output.

Answer: c

Title: What is output of (if/if/else) snippet?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 3.2 Comparing Values

17) Assuming that a user enters 68 as the score, what is the output of the following code snippet?

int score = 68;

if (score < 50)
else if (score >= 50 || score < 55) { System.out.println("D"); }
else if (score >= 55 || score < 65) { System.out.println("C"); }
else if (score >= 65 || score < 75) { System.out.println("B"); }
else if (score >= 75 || score < 80) { System.out.println("B+"); }
else { System.out.println("A"); }

a) D
b) C
c) B
d) A

Answer: a

Title: What is output of (if/else if with Boolean or) with this input?
Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.7 Boolean Variables and Operators

18) Which of the following conditions will correctly check if the String variable greeting
is "bonjour"?

a)if (greeting == "bonjour")

b)if (greeting.compareTo("bonjour") < 0)
c) if (greeting.equals("bonjour"))
d)if (greeting.compareTo("bonjour") > 0)

Answer: c

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CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
Title: Which of the following conditions will correctly check if the String variable
greeting is "bonjour”?
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 5.4 Nested Branches

19) Which of the following conditions will correctly check if the String variable early
comes before "middle" alphabetically?

a)if (greeting <= "middle")

b)if (greeting.compareTo("middle") > 0)
c)if (greeting.compareTo("middle") == 0)
d)if (early.compareTo("middle") < 0)

Answer: d

Title: Which of the following conditions will correctly check if the String variable early
comes before "middle" alphabetically?
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 5.4 Nested Branches

20) Which of the following conditions can be added to the code below so it will assign the larger
value of two integer variables a and b to the integer variable maximum?

if (/* put condition here */)

maximum = a;
maximum = b;

a)a == b
b)b > a
c)a > b
d)a.compareTo (b) > 0

Answer: c

Title: Which of the following conditions can be added to the code?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 5.2 Comparing Value

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Chapter Number: 6 Loops

1) The code snippet below checks whether a given number is a prime number. What will be the
result of executing it?
public static void main(String[] args)
int j = 2;
int result = 0;
int number = 0;
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter a number: ");
number = reader.nextInt();
while (j <= number / 2) // better is while (j * j <= number)
if (number % j == 0)
result = 1;
if (result == 1)
System.out.println("Number: " + number + " is Not Prime.");
System.out.println("Number: " + number + " is Prime. ");

a) The code snippet will not compile.

b) The code snippet will display the desired result.
c) The code snippet will display an incorrect result. // incorrect if number is 1
d) The code snippet will loop forever.

Answer: B

Title: Will while loop with if/else produce desired result?

Difficulty: Hard
Section reference 1: 6.1 The while Loop

2) What are the values of i and j after the following code fragment runs?
int i = 60;
int j = 50;
int count = 0;
while (count < 5)

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i = i + i;
i = i + 1;
j = j - 1;
j = j - j;
System.out.println("i=" + i + ", j=" + j);

a) i = 1951, j = 0
b) i = 1951, j = 45
c) i = 65, j = 1
d) i = 65, j = 45

Answer: A

Title: What are values of variables after while loop executes?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 6.1 The while Loop

3) In the following code snippet, when does the execution of the program switch from the inner
loop to the outer loop?
int i;
int j;
for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
for (j = 1; j < 5; j++)
if (j == 2)
j = 6;

a) When the value of j becomes 6

b) When the program executes completely
c) When the condition for the outer loop is met
d) When the value of i is incremented

Answer: A

Title: When does execution switch from inner to outer loop?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.8 Nested Loops

4) What values does counter variable i assume when this loop executes?

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for (int i = 20; i >= 2; i = i - 6)

System.out.print(i + ",");

a) 20, 14, 8, 2
b) 20, 14, 8, 2, –4
c) 20, 14, 8
d) 14, 8, 2

Answer: B

Title: Which values does the counter variable assume in for loop?
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.3 The for Loop

5) Insert a statement that will correctly terminate this loop when the end of input is reached.
boolean done = false;
while (!done)
String input =;
if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("Q"))
double x = Double.parseDouble(input);

a) stop;
b) done = 1;
c) exit;
d) done = true;

Answer: D

Title: Insert code to terminate a loop

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.5 Application: Processing Sentinel Values

6) How many times does the following loop execute?

double d;
double x = Math.random() * 100;

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d = Math.sqrt(x) * Math.sqrt(x) - x;
x = Math.random() * 10001;
while (d != 0);

a) Exactly once
b) Exactly twice
c) Can't be determined
d) Always infinite loop

Answer: C

Title: How many times does do loop execute?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 6.9

7) What is the output of this loop?

int i = 0;
boolean found;
while (i < 20 && !found)
int sum = i * 2 + i * 3;
System.out.print(sum + " ");
if (sum > 50)
found = true;

a) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
b) 0
c) No output, compilation error
d) 0 5 10

Answer: C

Title: What is the output of loop with Boolean?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 6.7 Common Loop Algorithms

8) Which of the following for loops is illegal?

a) for (int i = 0; ; ) { }
b) for (int i = 0) { }
c) for (int i = 0, k = 1; ; i++) { }
d) for ( ; ; )

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Answer: B

Title: Which of the following for loops is illegal?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 6.3 The for Loop

9) How do you fix this code snippet to make it print out the sum when the user enters Q?
System.out.print("Enter a value, Q to quit: ");
double sum = 0;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
boolean hasData = true;
double value = in.nextDouble();
sum = sum + value;
System.out.print("Enter a value, Q to quit: ");
while (in.hasNext());
System.out.println("sum " + sum);

a) while (in.hasData());
b) while (!in.hasEnded());
c) while (in.hasNextDouble());
d) while (hasData);

Answer: C

Title: How do you fix code snippet to print when the user enters Q?
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.5 Application: Processing Sentinel Values

10) What are the values of i and j after the following code snippet executes?

int i = 60;
int j = 50;
int count = 0;
while (count < 5)
i = i + i;
i = i + 1;
j = j - 1;
j = j - j;

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a) i = 65, j = 1
b) i = 65, j = 45
c) i = 1951, j = 0
d) i = 1951, j = 45

Ans: C

Title: What are values of variables after while loop executes?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 6.2 Problem Solving: Hand-Tracing

11) What is the output of the following code snippet?

int i = 1;
while (i != 9)
System.out.print(i + " ");
if (i == 9)

a) 1 End
b) 1 End (infinite loop)
c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 End
d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 End (infinite loop)

Answer: C

Title: What is output of while loop?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 6.1 The while Loop

12) What will be the output of the following code snippet?

int i;
int j;
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++)
for (j = 7; j > i; j--)

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013

a) A rectangle with six rows and seven columns of asterisks. The number of rows increments by
one on completion of one iteration of the inner loop.
b) A right triangle with six rows and seven columns of asterisks. The number of columns
increments by one on completion of one iteration of the inner loop.
c) A rectangle with seven rows and six columns of asterisks. The number of rows increments by
one on completion of one iteration of the inner loop.
d) A right triangle with six rows and seven columns of asterisks. The number of columns
decrements by one on completion of one iteration of the inner loop.

Answer: D

Title: What is output of nested for loops?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.8 Nested Loops

13) In the following code snippet, when does the execution of the program switch from the inner
loop to the outer loop?
int i;
int j;
for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
for (j = 1; j < 5; j++)

a) When the value of j becomes 5

b) When the program executes completely
c) When the condition for the outer loop is met
d) When the value of i is incremented

Answer: A

Title: When does execution switch from inner to outer loop in snippet?
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.8 Nested Loops

14) How many times does the following loop run?

int i = 0;
int j = 1;

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
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System.out.println("" + i + ";" + j);
if (i % 3 == 0)
while (j >= 1);

a) 1 time
b) 2 times
c) 3 times
d) 4 times

Answer: C

Title: How many times does do loop with nested if run?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 6.4 The do Loop

15) What is the output of the code snippet given below?

String s = "aeiou";
int i = 0;
System.out.print(s.substring(i, i + 1));
if (i >= 3)
i = 5;
while (i < 5);

a) a
b) ae
c) aeiou
d) aei

Answer: D

Title: What is output of do loop with nested if?

Difficulty: Hard
Section Reference 1: 6.4 The do Loop

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
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16) Which statement about this code snippet is accurate?

int years = 50;

double balance = 10000;
double targetBalance = 20000;
double rate = 3;
for (int i = 1; i <= years; i++)
if (balance >= targetBalance)
i = years + 1;
double interest = balance * rate / 100;
balance = balance + interest;

a) The loop will run 50 times.

b) The loop will never stop.
c) The loop will run at most 50 times, but may stop earlier when balance exceeds or equals
d) There is a compilation error.

Answer: C

Title: For loop with inside if statement

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.3 The for Loop

17) What will be printed by the statements below?

int val = 1;
int sum = 0;
while (val < 5)
sum = sum + val;
System.out.print (sum);


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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
Answer: c

Title: What will be printed by the statements below?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.3 Common Array Algorithms

18) What will be printed by the statements below?

int val = 1;
int sum = 0;
while (val < 5)
sum = 0;
sum = sum + val;
System.out.print (sum);


Answer: d

Title: What will be printed by the statements below?

Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.3 Common Array Algorithms

19) What will be printed by the statements below?

for (int ctr = 0; ctr < 10; ctr++)

System.out.print (ctr + " ");

a)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b)0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c)0 2 4 6 8
d)0 1 3 5 7 9

Answer: b

Title: What will be printed by the statements below?

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CCHS Math Chapters 4, 5, and 6 Test Name:_ KEY _
CS-A (120 Points) 11/7/2013
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.3 Common Array Algorithms

20) Which of the following conditions can be added to the code below so it will loop until the
user enters "no" or "NO"?

Scanner in = new Scanner (;

System.out.print ("Continue? ");
String response =;
while (/* put condition here */)
System.out.println ("Hello beautiful!");
System.out.print ("Continue? ");
response =;

a)response.equals("no") != response.equals("NO")
b)!(response.equals("no") || response.equals("NO"))
c)!response.equals("no") || !response.equals("NO")
d)!(response.equals("no") && response.equals("NO"))

Answer: b

Title: Which of the following conditions can be added to the code below so it will loop until the
user enters "no" or "NO’?
Difficulty: Medium
Section Reference 1: 6.7 Two Dimensional Arrays

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