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r j i - v i L \

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\ !

\ J

\ B-v
Superintending Surve.yor oJ' Iltorks ( Retd.)
- t
Militorl' Engineer Services
- - t
- Professor ( Retil.), Coilege of h[ Engineering Pune.

- Registered Voluer of Fropertl:

Centrul Boord of Direct T'uxes




- l


- l

- . t

\e Pune Vidyurthi Grihs Prakashon

- . t 1786,Sdsshiv Petlt, Pune - 411030.


.-. I

I ) I , I ) I CA ' I - I O N

-t Thr's book slt"r/r/'sclcdtc'tttccl

- to rhe lot'irtg, nlemot'.\' of ni'\' p(lrettts

- Sltri.T.M.Joglekoranc|,\tttt'('lmuhui-Ioglekclr
- l


- \

- i

rl',;,,o::l.i:,.'n*nu.d 'o'oi::';-t'1i,,;i:i:ff;
designed i',',::!,,i,]":?'1,'#ii-::'Ti
i= .,,, a.d-nnarbi'sprepirring
t*tfff:ffLi#Ti'Til:,'i:Jd,i:'1?'lii1i""l;;;;; o, irietirn
i-r disputes,etc'
nd defendingclaims'
the wide'raneinguand
The aim been to collectr'r'ithinthe.;oversof this book ;lr;:i#t:Xi
I -of -has a liantic searchand poringthro
| basicdataantl i"ror*"tio" *rri.r, no""urry needs
| --';;il;;i;tion-oi rot" vital piice of inforrnation'
been made roachieve.a r'fi:,,t1:.".;:::::':l#t"it:",:Xf-'"tion presented'
F .Eveq:{T"T-l*
puin, huu"i".n sparedin proof-readingand a
rrre.sour-ces. arequoted
I io ,.f., the variousIndian StandardSpecifications
1'"',fJ:::,fl*ffi,i:;5't"T[,f 'T:t[1;""t$r:::i:;
ror. detailedand completeinformationls neeoeo'
f--- costof construction.
ason approxinratc
as r.r.elr.
s Notes on specifications,

r musr
Finauy, thenumerous.-us:"-"15':il';:;'r:#":t"l:'^oil"l,ill""'lTi.H
rhank -;;;""possibre
*f #::::':ll's::*J'"'j":':"
1.- P' T' Joglekar
' ,,rrre.

I --:lll,;113";,,,
\ -




Description Page Nos" Vr

Basic Units :- Cast iron manhole covers, gratings, steps v

Length, area,volume and capacity and floor/nahni traps zl
Weight, temperatureand miscellaneous
Steel doors, windows, ventilators and fixed
Internationalpaper sizes lights, with area of glazing per unit 22&23 b

Shipping measure,American measure 2 Commercial abbrwiations 24

Conversionfactors 3&.4 Common Latin/French terms 25&
Conversionof rates 4 Measurement of plinth/carpet area 27
Weights of building materials ) Centre-line method for working out
quantities 78&
Weights of steel sections etc : 9
Calculating quantity of reinforcement i0&
Round, square and flat steel bars 6 v
Equal and unequal steel angles 7& 8 Estimating data for roof slopes, roof areas,
Steeltee bars 8 lenglhs of common/hipivalley rafters Ut

Junior, light and medium steel channels 9

Quick methods for estimating material and
Junior, light, medium and wide flange v
labour requirements in :-
steel beams 9 & 1 0 -
(i) Single, double and four storeyed
Steel column sections l0 v
residential buildings i-l
Crane rail steel sections l0 -].t
(ii) Multistoreyed offrce buildings
Plain and chequeredsteel plates l0 w
(iii) Internai water supply and sanitary
Plain black steel sheets l0
services for double and four v
Galvanised plain and corrugated stecl
storeyed residential buildrngs and
sheets lt
multi-storcyed offrcc buildings
Square and rectangular hollow steel v

sections L2 Thumb rules for cross checking accuraq'

Sheet piling steel sections t2 of detailed^estimates 16 to 38 v

Steel rvire fabric of square and

oblong mesh l 3 &, 14 Analysis of I{ates vt

Expanded metal sheeS l4 Basic and indirect building costs 3e&40

t l

Hexagonal (chicken wire mesh) netting l5 Working up and submissronof tenders + l v

Wire cloth, general purposes l5 Working out unit ratcs
l5 Working<osts of tools and Plant -+1 -/
Galvanised steel barbed wire
Structural steel tubes l6
Output of tools and plant 4-1 lo .i9
Weights of iron/steeVcopper wire in kg v,
per 1000 m o l6 Labour out-put constants for building work -50 to 90
Glavanised iron fittings (for rool) l7 ?_
l8 Cementconstants 9l to 93
Steel bolts. nuts and rivets
l9 t
Round wire nails 94 to ll-s
I constants
Steel sections for steel doors, windows
and ventilators l9 Architeclural normVguidelines Il5 ,-

i:quil'aicnt diameters of standard wire gauge Approxirnate methods of estimatlng cost of a-

(SWG) and equivalent thicknessesof construcilon llt, to !t-:
sheet metal gauge (BG) Z
Drafting of specificati,)ns ll" to illj
Vreights of alrrmtnium seclions, for cqual j-
The larv relelant to the bultdilrg iridusrry i2t, lt, l.:t
and uncqual angles. tecs, channels
and beams 20 !22to lll

Valuation of lanC &. buildings t-

\{etal rolling shutters 2l

Mensurrtitn. Areas and Volumes rl

r--dtx t.'ff*'3lss.*




Va l u e s o f P re fi x e so f S u b-Mul tl pl esand Mul ti pl esof Metrl c U ni ts


- Prelix N u m e r i c aV
l alue

0 . 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-'t
M I C R O M I C RO R P I C O (ppor p) 6.9
.t ( m ; ro r n ) 0 . 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 1
M I L L I M I C RO R N O N O ^-6
(rt) 0 . 0 0 00 0 1
(m) 0.001
MILLI n'-2
(c) 0.01
(d) 0.1
2 (da) 0 0
DEKA 0 2
(h) 00
HE CT O 0 3
KILO (k) 000
n 6
MEGA (ru1) c00ccc
0 0 00 0 0 c O c 0 e
\ K I L O M E G AO R G I G A (Kt/ or G)
(Ml"'lor T) 0 0 00 0 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 0t2

, Length

British 1-lPits
M e t r i cU n i t s

f oot I mftlfon 0 . 0 0 1m t l l t m e t r e
1 2i n c h e s
\ yard 10nriilirnelres l centtmetre
2 3 feet 1 dectmetre
cnain 1 Cc e n l i m e t : e s
22 yards 'lJrlong 1 metre
10 Oecr.neli'eS
1 0c h a i n s l dekametre
t mlle 10 melres
B{urlongs t hectometre
r ni i e 10oekametres
5 2 8 0f e e t 1 kilometre
naultcal 1 0 h e c i c , " n erfe s
t 6 0 8 0l e e t
1 8 5 2m e t r e s 1 n a u t i c a im i l e
6 feel ( l n te r n a t r on a l )


B r i t i s hU n i t s M e t r l cU n i t s

sq mi!linretres sq centimetre
10 8 9 s q l e e t l guntha
1 acre 1 0 0s q c e n t i n r e t r e s sq dectmetre
40 gunthas
1 acre 1 0 0s q d e c i m e t r e s sq metre
43560 sq feet
1 0 0s q m e t r e s a r eo r 1 s q
4840sq yards
1 0 0a r e s t hectare or 1 sq
640 acres 1 sq mile
t ' l O 0h e c t a r e s 1 sq kilometre

1 0 0 0c u m i l l i m e t r e s = 1 cu cenllmelre
1O0O cu centimetres = 1 cu decimetre
l OOO cu decimetres = 1 cU metre

B r l t l s hU n l t s Metrlc Unlts
= f l u i dd r a c h m 0 millilitres 1 centilitre
60 minims
= f l u i do u n c e 0 centilitres 1 decilitre
t 8 f l u i dd r a c h m s
gill 0 decililres 1 litre
5 f l u i do u n c e s
pint 0 litres 1 dekalitre
4 gills
, 2 pints quart 0 dekalitres t hectolitre
lmpgallon C hectolitres 1 kilolitre
4 quarts
t 2 gallons peck o r 1 0 0 0l i t r e s
bushel 1 litre 1 0 0 0 . 0 2 8c u c m
4 pecks
B bushels quarter

- ,

- J
r '>


Wrlght \

10 milligrams ' centigram ?

16drams I ounce '
10 centQrams decigram :--.
16 ounces ' pound ' gram
I quarier 10 decigrams v,
28 pounds 10grams r dekagram
4 quartgrs t hundredweight ' hectogram I
r ton 10 dekagrams L
20 hundredweights 10 hectograms r kilogram |'.
' pound
7000 grains 1000kilograms r metrictonne I
14 pounds r stons - carat
- short ton 200 milligrams w,
2000 pounds
100 pounds short hundredweight I 0'0154 grain
- 28.350g 1 milligram(mg)
1 ounce - 437'5 grains t o'0353 oz
- 0.4536kg t grar; (g) u,
1 pound - l6ounces
Temperature Converslon u,
: I


Mlscgllaneous u,
Old IndlenWelghtUnlts
dozen r 12 Nos. u,
s@rs r 20 Nos.
gross r 12 d o z e n s( - 1 4 4 N o s ' )
quire - 24 sheets
ream - 20 quires

lntomatlonal PaPerSlzes ?

A Serles B & C Serles

Mllllmetrcl Slze Mllllrnetreg Y
8 4 1x 1 1 8 9 c3 324 x 458
AO u_
594x M1 g4 250 x 353
42Ox 594 c4 229 x 324
297 x 42O B5 176 x 25O t
21Ox 297 c5 162 x 229
1 4 8x 2 1 0 B6/C4 125 x324
A5 v
i 1
1 0 5x 1 4 8 B6 1 2 5x 1 7 6
ti A6
74 x 105 c6 1 1 4 x1 6 2
ii DL
81x 162

c7 8 1x 1 1 4

Shlpplng Measurc
1 radian - 57.29580(57o17' 45')
1 shippington - 40 cubicfeet v_
1( - 3.1416
1 . 1 3 2 6 c8 u m m Persecond
^ r 9'80665
frt"nO"rO acceleration Per second t
due to gravitY)
hundredweight - 1OO Pounds t_
1 lmperialgallonof waterweQhs 10 pounds
ton - 2OOO Pounds
dry gallcn r 268.8 cu inch
'cubicfoot ' 6'23 lmperialgallons ?-
wet gallon r 0.83 lmP gal

1 cusec discharge r 375 gallonsper min

Americanssxpress road gradientsi;t percentages.e.9. :- 1 cufoot Per sec ?_

a}"h grade - 1 in 5

) denotesthe extraclionof heat

at lhe -
Refrigeralon ( and Alr-condttlonlng ) : one standardton of refrigeration(and air-condrtioning t
rateg-f12000BritishThermalUnits per hour (equivalent
of one ton of ice melting in 24 hours).




- Multiply By To obtain

,7 acrcs 0.4M687 hcctares

acrcs 0.0040469 squarekilomenes
- . t
ccnt.imetres 0.0328083 feet
ccnLimetrcs 0.3937 inches
cubic ccnttmetres 0.00003532 cubic fect
t cubic ccntimetres 0.06102 cubic inches
cubic fcct 2831,1 cubic cendmetres
cubic fect 0 .028317 cubic metres
cubic fcct 6.22905 gallons,Imprerial
cubic fcct 0.2832 hrctolitres
cubic frct 28.3170 liues
c u b l cl n c h c s 16.38716 cubic cenLimetrss
cui)ic lncrucs 1 5 . 3 1 4;5' cr"rbicircr
c u b i ct n c u c s l .3079 cuhrici'ards
t i c q r c c sa, t t q u i l u 0.0174533 raclians
t ,,!cgrccs, i:1lcss32 ij; u.:i556 dcgrces,C
dcgrccs,C I .t{ a ri':grccs,Fiicss 32 F)
lix)Lil;un(l:; 0 13826 k r l o g r a r nm c t r e s
l'cct l0.4rJ0l ccnLimct-res
().3(X801 illcifcs

t rcct It)4 .tt0l miilimc'.rcs

ImPcria! 0.160538 cubic feet
g l r i l o n Si ,r n p c r i a l 1 ,20091 g a l l o n . sU, . S .
- 1.54596 l i uc s
i : , a l i l t t si,m P : r i a l
g a l i o n s ,L j . S . 0.$2142 gallons,Irnperial
g a i l l n s ,t ) . S . 3.78511 litrcs
qrarrts 0.i n22H 6 pountls,avoirdupois
" 1 ' . 1| A l
fic$Ures r.*, l\,1'. acres
- i 0 7 5 1 87 squarefect
lr e{. t;i ic:i squarcmilcs
:] horsc;xtwer,ntcuic 0.98632 horsepower,U.S.
horscpxrwcr,U..S. l . 0 13 8 7 horseJnwer,meLric
irrclics 2.54C t0l centimeues
- 0.0254001 mcircs
\.r inches 25.4001 millimetres
kilograms 7.2M62 pounds
kilograms 0.m098421 tons(=2240Ibs)
- a - a
I.L)J foot pounds
kilograms pcr metrc 0.611972 pounds pcr foot
kilogratns[rcr sq cm 14.2234 pcundspcr sq inch
a kilogrants pcr sq mctre 0.201817 pounds pcr sq foot
kilogramspcr cubic lnctre 0.0624283 pounclspcr cubic foot
, kilometrcs 0.62131 miles
kilometres 3280.7 feet
liues 0.219975 gallons,Imperial
- litres 0.2&r7 gallons,U.S.
liues 0.035 cubic feet
litres 6r.022 cubic inchcs
mctres 3.28083 fect
metrcs 39.37 inches
1t meres r.09361 yards
miles 1.60935 kilometres
\ rnillimetres 0.00328083 fcct
millimeues 0.03937 inches
\ ounce (oz) 28.349 grams
,, pounds (avoirdugnis) 453.592 grams
pounds(-do-) 0.453592 kilograms
, pounds(-do-) 0.0004464 tons (=Jf{Q Pounds)
pounds(-do-) 0.0004536 tonne (metric)
pounds per foot 1.48816 kilograms per mere
, pounds per square foot 4 .88241 kilogramspcr sq metre
pounds pcr square inch 0.07031 kilogramsper sq cm
, poundspcr cubic foot 16.0184 kilograms pcr cu metre

I t



To obtain l

57.29578 degrees,angular I
0.1550 squareinches tt
0.00092903 ares
square fect
0.0929034 squaremetres
squarc fcct
squarcinchcs 6.45163 squarecentimercs t
247.rU squareacres I
0.3861 squaremiles \Z
10.7639 squarefcct
squiue mctrcs
1.19599 squareyards
squarc metrcs v
2.590 squarekilomctres
0.83613 squaremcues
squarc yards
1016.05 kilograms g-
tons (=2240 pounds)
1.01605 tonnemctric
tons(-do-) -
22U.62 pounds
tonnc (metric) ?
0.98421 tons(=2240pounds)
tonne (mcric)
yards o9t4402 mcues

by 0.3018).
Mulriplyby 3.28(Forvice-versa -
( t ) To convcrt Ratc pcr running foot into Rate pcr running mctrc
by 3.tX8)'
Multiplyby 0.328for vice-versa
(2) To convcrt Rate per l0 running feet into Rate per running metrc -
by 30'48)'
Multiply by 0.0328(For vice-versa
(3) To convertRate pcr 100 running fect into Ratc pcr running mctre <l

by 0.0929)'
lr{ultipiyby 10.764ffor vicc-versa v
(4) To convcrt Rate pcr squarc foot ino Rnte pcr squarc mcrc

by 0.929)'
lr{ultiplyby 1.0764(For vicc-vcrsa Y
(5) To convert Ratc pei l0 square.feetinto Rate pcr square mcue
Multiplyby 0.10?6(Forvice-versa
(6) To convert Rate per 100 square feet into Rate pcr squale mcre t

b1'0'0283) '
Mul ti pl yby 35.315(Forvi ce-ver sa
(7) To convert Rate pcr cubic foot into Ratc pcr cubic mere u
by l'83)'
lv{ultiplyby 0.3532ffor vicc-vcrsa
(8) To convert Ratc pcr 100 Cubic feet into Rate pcr cubic metfe y
by 0'4536)'
Multiplyby 2.2M6(Forvice-versa
(e) To convert Rate pcr lb (p<lund)into Rate pcr kg -
by 0'508)'
Multiplyby 1.9684ffor vice-vcrsrt
( 1 0 ) To convert Rate per hundredwe-ight(cwQ into Rate pcr quintal

by l'016)'
by 0.9842ffor vicc-vcrsa
lv'lultiply t
(ll) To convcrt Rate per ton into Rate per tonne (Metric)
lv{ultiply by 0.672)
by l. 88l (Forvicc-vcrsa v
( 1 2 ) To convert lbs/running foot into kgs/runnin$metre
by 0.205).
by a.881for vice-vcrsa
( 1 3 ) To convcrt lbs/squarefoot into kgs/squaremcre ?
by 0.062'1)'
lvlultiplyby 16.0184
( 1 4 ) To convert lbs/cubic foot into kgs/cubic metre Y

by 1.002).
by 0.0998(Forvice-vcrsa
(ls) To convert lbs/gallon into kgVlire -
by 4.546).
Multiplyby 0.22(Forvicc-versa
( 16) To convert Rate per gallon into Rate per lire
( 1 7 ) To convert lb/sq in. into kg/sq cm Multiply by 0.0?0(For vice-versaby 14.223)-

( l 8) To convert ton/sq fi into tonne/sq m by 0.0911).

Multiplyby 10.93?(For vice-versa t

( l e ) To convert bending moment from foot-pounds to kilogam-metres by 7.233)'

Multiply by 0.138(Forvicc-versa ,

(20) To convert Rate per acre into Rate per hectare by 0.4(}17).
Multiplyby 2.471(Forvice-versa




(ReferenceIS : lgll ' 1967)
W e i g h ti n k g
Weight in kg pcr cubic mcuc
- Matcrial pcr cubic mctre

IVIetals to 21r0
- Accousticalnraterials 210 A l u m i n i u m ,c a s l ' Lo 28iX)
Cork 210 A l u m i n i u m ,w r o u g h t
Sl:rgwool Brass(CoPPcrTo: Zinc Vo):- 8220
) lv{untzmctal ((r0 : 40) 8590
Algregate 1600 to 1870 Reil (90: 10) 8 190
giofcn Stonc,clrY Whitc (50: 50)
Brokcnbricks : 1450 Yellow(70: 30) :- 8440
Finc 1010 Cast
Coarsc(surkhi) "' 700 Drarvn
Foamslag aggrcgate 1540 l.o 1600 Rollcd
) S u n t ld, r Y ,c l c a n . ^ . 14(d) Bronz.c(coPPcr7o : Tin Vo):' 8730
i i r i n g l c ,3 m m t o 3 8 m t n Bcll mctai (80: 20)
Cun nicul (90 : l0)
6570 Lo 6130
t l ]r i c k s 1600 to l 920 Chromiurn ti9.10
8790 to
Cornmonburnt claY 2t$) Coppcr,cast 8940
88.10 to
E n q i n c c r i nbgr i c k s 1760 to l 840 Coppcr,wrought 1200
Prclscdbricks 1760 to 20m I r o n , p i g' . . . 7130
- \ 7030 l"o
RciractorYbricks I r o n ,c a s t ,g r a Y 7120
7580 to
t Iron, cast,u'hite 77(X)
C e m e n t( I S : 2 6 9 ) 1 1 4 0 Iron, wrougl-lt
-: and aluminous 11310
Orclin:.rrY l 280 Lcad, cast I 13( r 0
R l P i dh : u d c n i n g Lcad, wrought
10540 to 105(r0
S i l v c r ,w r o u g h t 7t i50
C c m e n tc o n c r e t e P
, lain al An rn 2,1m S t c c l ,c a s t
L-aV rv 7t i30
Usingstoneaggrcgatc S t c c l ,w r o u g h t ,m i l d
7030 LO 7I(r0
- Z i n c ,c a s t 71 9 0
L i q l r tr v c g
i ltt cttncrete 640 Z i n c , w r o u g h t
Cc[lulin('SiPorex'etc') to 11140
- 960
\\'ith foam slag aggrcgate 160 O i l s ,P a i n t ,b i t u n r e ne t c ' 960
Acmtcd Bccs wax I0.10
- Bitumcn 1070
Clremicals t76) Crcosotc
l4l0 960
Cvpsumlnwdcr 960 Diescl
- S t r l tc, e m m o n . . .
1280 Glue 960
PlrcnolformaldchYdc 1060 Paint
-: Polystrcnc 'Paralfin 9(r0
Pcrspcx ::. r2tn to 1350 690
13 5 0 to l 380 Pctrol l 0l 0
UrcaformaldchYdc Pirch (lS :216)
- 2ll0
Rcd lcad, dry 1010
Coal 850 R o a ctl i u ( l S : 2 1 5 )
Coal 8(r5
J 700 Turpcntinc. . . 9(r0
Coal dust 500 Varnish
Cokc, furnaccor gas 300
Clrarcoal Soils 1440
-r Lime
C l a y ,d r Y
Earth, d11'
l 4r 0 I 840
LO 1440
Uncalcincdstonc lumPs lo10
Unslakccl,frcshlYburnt 610 Tinrber (lS : 399)
to 640
Sllkcd,lrcsh... r 180 Tc:k
Unslakcd limc (kankar ) 615
1020 Bcntmk 800
Sfakcdlimc (kankar ) Bijasal 530
Bonsum s
Stone 296/) Chir
Basalt 2850 545
2590 Dcodar 615
\ 24m to 2690 Haldu 610
J Cnciss 2800 Hollock
I Cranitc 264'0 to 865
2080 to 24m Sal
!--. Latcritc
24m to 2&0
l o Limcstonc 2720 Water
lr'larblc r000
- . 26/'0 Frcsh
I t Quartz 24U) Salt
I Sanclstone 2240 910

28m Icc

l t

l r
l- ^-
l - \

l O

l \

l ,


HOT.ROLLED ROUNDSTEEL BARS (Reference IS : 1732 - l97l) v
(ReferenceIS : 1732 - I9 7 t) I
DesienationI WcightPr Dcsignation Wcight Pcr !
Wcight Pcr Dcsignation Wcight Pcr Mctrc
Dcsitnadon I
Mctre & Sid; width i tn'tcrre & Side Width
& Diamcrcr I Mcuc & Diamctcr
kg t
kg kg
mm kg mln i
12.5 rssQ s 0.1e6 rssQ 32 8.O4 L
I S RO 5 0.154 ISR O 4 5 I I
ts R o 5 0 15.4 0.283 rssQ 40
I S RO 6 0.222
rssQ 6 12.6
I S RO 8 0 .3 9 5 tsRo 56 I I
0.617 ISRO 63 24.5 rssQ 8 | o.soz
3l.l rssQ 4s 15.9
ISRO 12 0 .8 8 8 ISRO 1I I tz
ISRO I4 l.2l ISRO 80 39.s rssQr0 0.78s
1.58 ISRO 90 49.9 I rssQ s0 19. 6
ISRO I8 2.00 ISRO IOO 6r.7 r s s Q1 2 I v
2.47 ISR O I IO 74.6 I rssQ 63 3r.2
I S RO 20 2-01
I S RO 22 2.98 ISROI25 96.3 rssQ16 la
rsRo25 3.85 ISROI4O t2r I rssQ 80 50.2
rsRo 160 158 IssQ 20 l.t+
ISRO28 4 .8 3
I S RO 32 6.31 ISRO180 200 | rssQ 100 78. 5 v
7 .9 9 ISRO 2OO 247 rssQ 2s I
I S RO 36
I S RO 40 9.85 ?
taken same as
twisted steel bars of any nominal diameter is -
NO',l'Fl ': l*,ei14htper metrc of ror'-stcetlribbedldefo-rmedtcold u
g,iuei aboie for rcspective diametcr in ISRO serics'
IS : 1731' 1971)
(Reference {
Thickncss in tnm -
40 45 50 (r0
Widrh 10.0 12.0 16.0 18.0 20 25 32
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0
tnm I
lVeight Per lUetre l,eng h r n K g
l0 0.236 0 . 3 1 4 0 .3 9 3 0 . 4 7 1
l{ 0.330 0.1,10 0 . 5 5 0 0 .6 5 9 0 .8 7 9 2.51 2.83 {
1.57 1.88
70 0 . 4 1 r 0.628 0 .7 8 5 0.942 t . 2 6 3.14 3.53
25 0.5tt9 0 .7 8 5 0 . 9 8 1 r . i 8 1 . 5 7 1.96 2.36
r.88 2.36 2.83 3.77 4.24 4.7r
30 0.101 0.942 l . l 8 L 4 l 4.40 4.95 5.50 6.8't 8.-t9 e
0.824 l . l 0 t . 3 7 1 . 6 5 2.20 2 .75 3.30
35 5.02 5.65 6.28 7.85 10.0
40 0.942 r.26 r . 5 7 1 . 8 8 2.5r 3.14 3.77
5.65 6.36 7.07 8.83 I 1.3
15 l.4l 1.71 2 . 1 2 2.83 3.53 4.24 '1.06 t
2 .3 6 3 . 1 4 3.93 4.7| 6.28 7.85 9.81 12.6 t5.7
50 l . l 8 1.57 l,96 8.61 10.8 13.8 17.3
r.13 2.16 2 .5 9 3 . 4 5 4 . 3 2 5.18 6.91 1.-17
55 7.51 8.48 9.12 l l .8 15.1 18.8 21.2 v
60 r . q r 1 . 8 8 2 .3 6 2 .8 3 3 . 7 1 4.1t. 5.65
8.16 9.18 10.2 r2.8 16.3 20.4 23.0
2.U 2.55 3.06 4 .0 8 5 . 1 d 6.12
65 8.?9 9.8q I 1.0 13.1 11.6 22.0 24.7 27.5
2 .2 0 2 .1 5 3 .3 0 4 .4 0 5 .50 6.59
70 'l.07 9.,12 10.6 I1.8 r4.1 18.8 23.6 26.5 29.4 I
15 2 .3 6 2.91 3.s3 4 . 7| 5.89
12.6 r5.7 20.1 25.r 28.3 3 1 . 4
5.02 6.28 7.54 10.0 I1.3
80 2.51 3.14 5 . 1t
'7.01 14.1 r7.7 22.6 28.3 31.8 35.3 42.1
4.24 5 .6 5 8.48 I l.3 12.7 41. l !
90 3.53 r5.7 19.6 25.r 31.4 3 5 . 3 39. 2
3 .9 3 4 . 1 r 6.28 7 .85 9.42 t2.6 l 4.l 51.8
10.4 13.8 15.5 17.3 2r.6 27.6 34.5 38.9 4 3 . 2
ll0 4 .3 2 5 . 1 8 6 .9 1 8.64 23.6 30.1 37.7 42.4 4 7 . r 56.5 I
I l.3 l5.l 17.0 18.8
120 4 . 7| 5 .6 5 7.54 9.42 255 32.7 40.8 45.9 5 1 . 0 61.2
r2.2 16.3 18.4 20.4'
130 6 . r 2 8 . 1 6 10.2 22.0 27.5 35.2 44.0 49.5 55. 0 65. 9 i
8.79 1 1 . 0 13.2 17.6 19.8 70. 6
140 23.6 29.4 37.7 47.r 53. 0 58. 9
9 .4 2 I I . 8 l4.l 18.8 2r.2
150 25.r 31.4 40.2 50.2 56.5
160 1 0 .0 12.6 l 5.l 20.1 22.6 I
22.6 25.4 28.3 35.3 4s.2 s6.5 63.6
I ttO r 1 . 3 1 4 r. 17.0
2(n 15.7 l ti .8 25.r 283 31.4 39.2 50.2
23.6 31.4 35.3 39.2 49.r 62.8 78.5 88. 3
250 19.6 't5.4
- 28.3 3'7.7 42.4 47.1 58.9 94.2 106
400 50.2 56.5 62.8 78.5 100 t26 141
- #!****


t (Refererrce15 .'808 (Part V) 1976

I Size Thickness Weight per Size Thickness Weight per

: Dcstgnatto Designarion mere in kg
I n mmxmm mm metre in kg mmxmm mm

= 20 x20 a
0.9 1 1 0x 1 1 0 8 13.4
ISA 2O2O J I S A 1 1 0 11 0
1.1 l0 16.6
\a t2 19.1
Is.\ 2525 25 x25 J 1.1 16 25.7
t 1.4
5 1.8 r s A1 3 0 1 3 0 1 3 0x 1 3 0 8 15.9
10 19.l
ISA 3030 30x30 a
1.4 t2 23.5
1.8 l6 30.1
5 2.2
r s A1 5 0 1 5 0 1 5 0x 1 5 0 10 22 . 9
- . l
lS.\ 353,s 3,5x 35 a
J 1.6 t2 Lt.-)
-A 2.r 16 35.u
5 2.6 20 A A

6 3.0
rsA200200 200 x 200 t2 36.9
IS,\ 4040 40x40 a
J 1.8 l6 48.5
\i A . A
20 60.0
5 3.0 ) 25 13.9
- . t 6 3.s
2.r Supplementary List - Equal Angles
IS.\ ,1<'t< 4,5x 45 3
2.7 50x 50x7 50x 50 7 \ t \
J , L . )

3.4 x 8 8 < a')

_5 J-\) L

6 4.0 . 2,7(\
60x 60x4 60x 60 '
J . | \ )

s050 50 x -50 3 /.-) -/ ^\.\-

IS \. 70x 70x7 70x 10 l
3.0 I
- 3.8 1 0 0 x 1 0 0 x 6 . 5 1 0 0x 1 0 0 6.5 i
,/ .l re e/
fi 4.5 x 15 l < I 2l .90
ts.{ _55.5.5 5-5x 5-5 ,5
A 1
T . t 1 2 0 xl 2 0 x 8 1 2 0x 1 2 0 8 1,1. 70
6 4.9 xl0 10 18.20
8 6.4
X I: t2 21.60
: l0 7.9 x15 15 26.60
- . l
I S,,\ 6060 60x60 5 4.5 l50x l50x15 1 5 0x 1 5 0 15 33.U0
6 5.4 x18 l8 40.10
\rr 8 1.0 l 8 0 x 1 8 0 xl 5 1 8 0x 1 8 0 15 40.90
10 8.6 x 18 18 48. 60
rsA 656-5 65x65 _5 4.9 /,20 20 53 . 7 0
rJ 6 5.8 200x 200x24 200 x 200 24 ll 10
8 7.7
(Reference/S : 808 (Part VI)'1976)
ISA 7070 70x70 5 5.3
6 6.3 Thickness Weight per
Dcsignation ] *jf;n., mm mctre in kg
8 8.3
10 r0.2 rsA 3020 30x20 3 1.1
l5 x75 5 5.7 4 t.4
ISA 7515 5 1.8
6 6.8
1, 8 8.9 ISA 4025 40 x25 J 1.5
l0 11 . 0 +
5 2.4
ISA 8080 ttOx 80 6 7.3 6 2.8
8 9.6
l0 I 1.8 IS A 4530 45x30 J 1.7
t2 14.0 4 2. 2
5 2.8
ISA 9090 90x90 6 8.2 6 3.3
, 10.8
8 50x30 3 1.8
l0 13.4 IS A 5O3O
4 2.4
, r2 15.8 5 3.0
I S A1 0 0 1 0 0 | 1 0 0x 100 6 9.2 6 3.5
iJ 8 12.1 ISA 6010 60x40 5 3.7
l0 14.9 6 4.1
r2 17;l 8 5.8


- . r



H O T .R O L L E DS TE E LU N E QU A LA N GLE S .C ontd.

meucln Kg
mere in kg 1=
Dc;ignaIon mmxmm 125 x 6 9.2
rsn 12575 8 12.r
KA 6545 a-
4.3 rsA 12595 125 x
6 l0.l
13.4 ?,
70x45 5 8
rsA 7045 6
19.7 ?
l0 8.3 13.7
A 1
L+.1 rsA 15075 1 5 0 x l0 17. 0 '
ISA 7550 75x50
6 5.6
r2 20.2
8 I .LI
16: 3
10 9.0 r s Al 5 0 l15 150 x 20. 1 ,
5 4.9 24.O
rsA 8050 80x50 5.9 31.4
6 ,
8 1.7 22.9
l0 9.4 rsA200100 200 x 27.3
6.8 35.8 )
ISA 9060 90x60 8.9 26.9
l 1.0 ISA200l50 32.t ,
13.0 42.2
1.5 52.0
1 0 0x 6 5 ?

rsA 10065 9.9


ISA 10075 1 0 0x 7 5 10.5
r3 . 0

( R l " e r e n c eI S : t t 7 3 '

Sizc Thickncss Thickncss Wcight Pcr

Wcight Pcr o[ Wcb of Flange N'lctrc
Siz-0 l'hickncssI Thict<ncss Dcsignatttln (h xb) kg
of Wcb I of Flangc N'lctrc mm mm
Dcsignation (h xb) rnrn x mm
mtll mt kg
mmxmm I *
S l i t t - i g l r t \ V e i g t r t ' l ' e el l a r s

Normal Ilars
ti.O l1 s 2ft.-X
l.l ISLT 2(X) 200 x 16-5 31.5
20x 20
s {
250 x 1tl 0 9.7 ii.l
I S NT 20 4 ,1 I .tt tsLT 250
ISNT 30 30x 30 3.5 'l *r
ISNT 40 40x 40 6 6
4.4 Slit i\{ediumWeiglrt ee l}ars
50x 50 6 6
I S NT 50 6 6 5.-1 70 4.5 1.5 5't{
I S NT 60 60x 60 10.0 l:ilt4T 50 50 x 6.1
75x 15 9 9 6 2 . 5x 70 5.0 n.0
ISNT 75 t0 10 14.9 rS\1T 61.5
5.0 8.0 7.5
1 0 0x 1 0 0 15 x 75
I S N T1 U ) 10 e22.1 ls \4-f 7-5
ti5 5.ll 9.0 9. t t
1 5 0x 1 5 0 I0 tl75x
I S N TI 5 0 lsN4T ti7.5
I (X ) 10.n 17. 1
ISi\lTl(X) I (X ) x 5.1
D e e pL e g g e d ' f e e I l u r s -l-ee ***
Slit l l a r s l ' r o n tI l - s e c t i t l n
I S D TI 5 0
1 0 0x 5 0
1 5 0x 1 5
8.0 l?3 '!) ISHT 15
I(X )
x 200
7.l t
20. 0
r s l - l Tl l 5 125 x250
1.t:t 10.(r 29j
lsHT l -50 l -50 x 250

* S l i r l ' r o r ; I: S L B 2 ( X )l n t l I S L R 5 ( X ) '
* * S l i t l ' r o r nN { B I ( X ) ,| 2 5 , I 5 0 ' 1 7 5r n d 2 ( X ) '
+ * * S l i i l ' r o r rItS H R 1 5 0 ,l ( X ) ' 1 5 0 a n d

,7/), ^
u / "r)'


Dcpth of Width of Wcight pcr Dcpth of Wcightpcr
channcl flange mctrc Dcsignation bcam mctrc
Dcsignadon 'mm
- mm mm kg kg

\t J U N I O RB E A M S
/5' . 80,9 1964 - Amendmeru3 of 1968) (Refererce /S :808 - 1964 )
100 45 5.8 I S J BI 5 O I5O 50 7.r
ISJClOO 175 50 8.1
125 50 7.9 I S J BI 7 5
\i I S J C1 2 5 ISJB2OO 2OO 60 9.9
I S J CI 5 0 1-s0 55 9.9 80 r2.8
ISJB225 225
\r I S J CI 7 5 115 60 tt.2
I S J C2 O O 200 70 14.0
/S .'808- 19& - Arnendrrcnl3
(Rcference of 1968)
(Reftrenct /.t 808 t 961 t \ m e n d m e n t3 o f l 9 6 E ) IS LB75 15 50 6.1
t I S L B1 O O IOO 50 8.0
15 40 5.7
ISLC 15 rsLB125 r25 75 l 1.9
100 50 7.9 150 80 t4.2
rsLc 100 r s r - B1 5 0 '
125 65 10.7
\< rslc l?5
150 15 f .i.-1 I S L BI 7 5 ri 5 90 16.7
rslc 150

l7-5 t75 75 11.6

ISr_C 200 100 19.8
200 75 20.6 IS LB2OO
2?5 90 24.0
tsl-c 225 IS L,B225 225 100 23.5
: 250 100 2 8.0
rsLc 250 I S L B2 5 0 250 125 27.9
300 loo 3i.l
rsl-c 300
- 350 100 38.9 I S L B2 7 5 215 140 33.0
I S L C3 5 0
100 100 45 . 8
\, IS LB3OO 300 l -50 37.7

IS LB325 325 165 43.r

:l N , t t . t D I U NCt I I A N N F I [ , S ( S L O P I N G F L A N G E S ) IS LB350 350 165 49.5
(Refcrence IS : 808 (PART III) ' 1979)
ISLB 400 .100 165 56.9
- 75 4A 7. 1 4 IS LB450 450 170 65.3
t\,IC 15

MC 100 100 50 2;ei ISI-B5OO 500 180 75.0
N,tc 123- 125 65 l 3.1
I S L B5 5 0 550 190 86. 3
\r N,tc125 * 125 66 13.l
- ISLB 600 600 2r0 99.5
MC I5O 150 75 16.8
N,ICI5O * 150 76 17.7
l,'lc 175 t75 75 19.6
N,ICI75 * r15 77 2r.7 MEDIUI\{ WEIGHT I}EAMS
(Reference/S ;808 (PART I) - ]973)

- MC 2OO 200 75 2 2.3

MC 200 * 200 76 24.3 MB 100 100 70 I 1.5
N,lC225 225 80 26.r
MB 125 r25 70 13.4
l\\C 225 * 225 83 30.7
MB I5O 150 75 15.0
N,tc250 250 80 3 0.6 MB I75 175 85 19. 5
MC 250 * 250 82 34.2
\ , M C 250 * 250 84 38.1 MB 2OO 200 100 25.4
MC 3OO 300 90 36.3 MB 225 225 I l0 3r.2
MB 250 250 rzs 373
N,tc 300 * 300 92 41.5
MB 3OO 300 140 46.r
N,IC3OO * 300 94 46.2
N,tc 350 350 100 42.7 MB 350 350 140 52.4
\a MC 4OO 400 100 50.I MB 4OO 400 140 61.6
NO'tE: llteights, dimensions etc of channels with parallel N,lB450 450 150 72 . 4
flangcs (L'{CP series) are same as given abovc for MB 5OO 500' 180 86.9
- | lvlC scrics. The heavier sections in each size are MB 550 550 190 104
t intended for use in wagon building industry
- l
(marked *). MB 600 600 2r0 r23



Hor RoLLIiD srEEL BEAIvts(con:td) R IS : 1730(Part 974
Weightpcr Weightpcr
Width of Weightper Thickness D=
Depth Thickness sqm som
Designation flange meEe mm
mm mm kg
mm kg

5 3s.20 | zz 173.00
6 47.10 ,t le6-oo
/S :806 - Ige)
(Refererce | ?
7 55.00 | 28 220.W
17.0 8 62.80 | tz 251.00
ISWB I5O 150 100 t-_

r25 22.r r0 78.s0 le 283-oo

I S W BI 75 r75 [
140 28.8 t2 s4.20 +o 314.00
ISWB 2OO 200 [ j

l4 r 10.00 I +s 353'00
225 150 33.9 l6 126.00 | so 392.00 J
ISWB 225
250 200 40.9 l8 14r.00 tu 440.00
300 200 48.1 ls7.oo I or 495.00 )
rswB300 20

rswB350 350 200 56.9 .

400 200 6.7

ISWB 5OO 500 250 95.2 Stand.rrd Wcight pcr

ISWB 550 550 250 t12.5 Thickness square metre
ISWB 600 600 250 133.7 mm in kg
600 250 145.1
ISWB 600
5 39
6 47
7 55
:808(PARTII)' 1978)
r0 78

100 20.0 r2 94
SC 100 100
l4 ll0
r20 r20 26.2
sc 120 r6 126

140 140 33.3

S C I 40
160 160 4r.9 Conformtothcweightsgiveninls:1730-1961'Dimcnsionsfo
SC 160
180 180 50.5 purposes.'
S C I 8O
200 200 60.3

SC220 220 220 il.4 MS PLAIN BLACK SHEETS

250 250 85.6
sc 250
Wcight per i WcightPcr
Thickness Thickness i ..1*
sqm mm
mm kg f--Ts
IS : 3443- 1980)
(Reference 3'14 1.90 14. 90
3.93 2.00 15.70
Hcad Flange Total Wcight 4.95 2.24 17.60
widthOase) dcpth pcr metre 2.50 19.60
Dcsignation width 0.80 6.30
mm mm mm kg 2.80 22.00
C.90 7.05
1.00 7.85 3.15 21. 70
rscR s0 50 90 90 29'8 27. 86
r.r2 8.80 3.55
ISCR 60 60 105 105 40'0
r.25 9.E0 4.00 31. 40
rscR 80 80 130 130 &:z
1.40 I 1.00 4.30 33.75
r s c R 100 100 150 150 89.0
1.60 12.60 4.65 36.50
rscR120 120 170 170 118.0
140 170 170 147.0 1.80 14.10
r s c R r 40



IS : 277'1977)

- Weight in kg Per sq m of shcet

Class of sheet 'I'hickness shccts l n m m
- a.nd type of zinc coating
1.6t) r.25 l.c0 0.80 0.53

C l a s s1 7.03 5.70
3 10.56 8.60
750 of Zinc (Spelter) Coatingper sq m
Both SidesInclusive

C l a s s2 5.55
13.16 10..1 8.45 5.88
600 g of Zinc (Spclter) Coatingper sq m
B ot hSi d e sIn c l u s i v c

Class3 q lt) 5.40

13.01 10.lfi 6.'13
450 g of Zinc (Spclter)Coatingper sq m
B ot hS i d e sIn c l u s i v e

Class 4
r'l fi,{
1 0 l. 9 6 .l:- 6.6t) s.3?
315 g of Zinc (Spelter) Coating per sq m

Both Sides Inclusive

i n 1. 8 , 2 . 2, 2 . 5 ,2 . 8 , a n d j m t i r r l t n , . t h . C / c r ' s -1p!:tin sheetsare ulso

- NOI'E : Plain sheetsof all classe'rare available
available in 3.6 metre length'
Ptain shcetsof alt classeso" o's|laLtle in 0.7-\
and a.9am e t r t r r ' i i / / l : . i .

i PrrcH I
-: 75 mm NOMINAL
calculated from the area of shcet before corrugation applying
weight of corrugated galvanised steel sheets is to bc
for plain galvanised shec1s'
- the weighf constants g-iven iboue


Nominal overall width of sheet

Number of corrugations measurcdbetween crowns of
\-r outsidecolrugations

Before After
\r Conugation Conugation

mm mm

8 750 660

r0 900 800
, 1000 885

, plain sheets.
Corrugatcd sheetsare available in lcngths same as those indicatcd above for
- t


IS : 4923'I 968)
(Reference ?

il I


l+- I -+{ I
Rectangular Hollow Sections ? ,
Square Hollow Sections
Thickness(t) Weight pcr Depth of Breadthof Thickness Weight per
Dcpth or width of
Scction(D) metre Section(D) Section(B) (t) metre I
mm kg mm mm mm I
2 .6 5 r.75 40 25 2.65 2.34 ./
25.4 2.77/
3 .2 5 2.05/ 3.25
4 .0 5 2 .38 4.05 3.29 I

2.65 2.30 50.8 25.4 2.90 3.04 )-
32 3.3 4
3.25 2 .72 3.25 i

3 .2 2 4.05 4.00
4 .0 5 ?

3.03 63.s 38 2.90 4.r9

38 2 .9 0
3.33 3.65 5.13 j
3 .2 5 L

4.05 3.99 4.50 6 .r 3


3 .6 6 16.2 38 3.25 5.2 8

45 2.90
A A 1 3.65 5.8 6
3.65 *.+ I

4.50 5.31 4.50 7.0 2

A 1.1
16.2 50.8 3.25 5.94 .l

50 +.tL
3.65 5 .04 3.65
4.50 6.02 4.50 7.93 a

5 .94 90 38 2.65 4.96

63.5 3 .2 5
6..59 3.25 5.99
3 .6 5 '7.9']
4.50 4.05 7.29

7 . 1i 100 50 3.25

t5 3.25
4 .0 5 8 . 69 4.05 8.6e , /
10.2 4.85 r0.2 {


(ReferenceIS : 23I4-1963)

Centre to
Dtsignation disunce of
mm I

ISPS IO21Z 49.25 121.t2 283 400 +

ISPS 1625U 65.37 r62.40 308 402.5

ISPS2222 U 82.70 195.70 331 420.5
IS P S l OOF 55.20 138.00 I CFI 400

L U Piling Sections

U FJing Section Ovcrall dimensionsin mm

ISPS 1625 437 172 l3
$PS lm FPiIirU Setion tsPs2222U 458 r94.5 l4

, IS 1566'1982)

- Square N{esh

\\'cight Mcsh Size I Diamctcrof \\'eight

\r I tr'lcshSiz-e I Diarttctcr (NominalPitch Wire per
SI ( N o m i n r rPl i t c h I Wrrc pcr I
I of Wires) EachWaY sqm
Nrr. \\'Lrcs) Each \\'try' sqm i
"t |
il m_ r - n 1i in kg m m l m m in kg

2.22 22 150 5.6 2.51

3.56 23 150 5.8 2 . 16
6.16 a4 150 6.0 ?. 96
50 L1

25 150 6.3 3.27

100 1..+-)
: 1.60 76 t50 6.5 1-+d
1 1 4
r00 1.98 21 1-50 7.1 a . l a

., 2..53 28 150 7.5 4.62

100 2.ti1 29 150 8.0 5.26

100 3.08 30, 150 9.0 6.66

l(x) r l 346
a l
1--<0 r0.0 8.?2

-{ \, ,) ): 2fi) 4.0 0.9lJ

A t 1 -ra
l l \ { t t . l a

I ix) 65 5.20 33 200 4.5 126

I ()0 l 1 ) 6.O1 -1+ 200 4.8 A.',,


1 1 4
t I00 E 0 1.90 35 200 5.3 L . t a

i-5r) t t i 0.E2 3fi 200 -5.8 r.08

i50 i06 31 200 6.5 260
r \;) t.{) | . - ) L 38 200 7.0 i.02
r50 1 i r.66 39 200 8.0 3.9.1
t5J 1.8-s 40 200 9.0 . 5. 30
;50 206 .l l 200 10.0 6.16
r50 2.30

Oblong l\{esh

N { c s hS i z c Diu Mcsh Size Dia. of Wires

( P i t c ho [ W i r c s ) 1 Wcight pcr @itch of Wires) Weight pcr
sl. Squarcmctrc sl. Squarc mctrc
No. N4ain Cross i N'llrin Cross No. Main Cross
- in kg mm mm in kg
mm mm r mln nlll)

--t 4')
15 250 -5.0 A 1
a . - 2.49 75 300 5.8 3.6 3.04
4 1
15 250 A " t A 1 1.89 58 t) 300 6.0 5.0 3. 41
--! A t
15 2-s0 60 5 .t) 3.58 59 15 300 6.5 4.0 3. 80
45 15 300 3 . 1 . 5 2.65 0.96 60 75 300 6.5 6.0 4.26
t 46 /.) 300 3..55 265 1.18 6l 300 7.0 4.0 4.36
4 1
l5 300 4.0 ?.65 r.45 62 75 300 8.0 4.8 5.13
48 75 300 4.0 3.0 l .51 63 75 300 9.0 4.8 7.r3
49 1<
I J 300 4.5 3 . 15 1.87 & 75 300 10.0 5.8 8.91
, 65 15 400 9.0 4.75 7.00
50 15 3C0 4. 1 5 3.l5 2.06
- t
5l 15 300 3.6 2.16 66 t5 400 9.5 5.6 7.90

52 15 300 5.0 A't )4) 67 15 400 10.0 5.6 8.71

D 53 75 3(X) 5.0 5.0 2.60 68 15 400 8.0 4.75 5.60
L 54 75 300 5.3 3.15 2"51 69 75 400 7.5 4.15 4. 97
55 /) 300 5.3 3.6 2.s8 l0 15 400 7.t 4.5 4. 46

-5(r 15 3(X) 5.(r 3..5.5 2.83 1l 15 400 6.3 40 3.50

- . ,


/ *-'-,*#-


Oblong Mesh (Continued)
IS :412- 1975)
MeshSize Dia of Wires Size of Mesh Dimensions
of Strands Weight per
(Pirchof Wires)

Main Cross
sqm Ref

'swM LWM Widtlt Thickness

No. Main Cross mm mm kg
mm mm mm kg mm mm

r.4 6 l 100 250 6.25 3.15 3.082 b

72 100 150 4.2 3.0
73 100 150 4.5 3.0 r.6 2 2
1.599 l_

74 100 150 4 .6 3 .0 r.67 4 7 5 2n 6.50 3.15 4.282 t-

100 150 4 .8 3 .6 1 . 95 5 7 5 200 5.00 3.15 3.294 t-
75 2W 3.25 3 .l 5 2.t4 r L
6 7 5
76 100 150 5 .0 3 .0 1.91
7 4 0 I 15 6.50 3.15 8.023
77 100 150 5.3 3.6 2.26 8
4 0
4 0
I 15
5.00 3.15 6.r72 t-

78 100 150 5.5 3.0 2.24 2.854

10 40 15 3.25 2.24 a

19 100 150 5 .8 3 .6 2.60 ll 40 l 15 3.25 3.15 4.007 I

rz 40 75 3.25 3.15 4.007
80 100 150 6.5 4.0 3.26 (
13 40 I 15 3.25 1.60 2.039
8l 100 150 7 .0 4 .0 3.68 40 75 3.25 1.60 2.039
t4 I

100 250 4 .2 4 .2 1.53 15 25 75 3.25 3.15 5529 t

82 l

3.931 I

16 25 75 3.25 2.24
83 100 250 5.0 4.2 1 .96 2.808
r7 25 75 3.25 1.60 t -

84 100 250 5 .5 4 .2 2 . 30 l8 25 75 3.25 r.25 2.r94

3.& 19 20 60 3.25 3.l5 1.r5 2
85 100 250 7.0 5.0
20 20 50 3.25 3.15 7.r5 2
86 100 300 4.0 3.0 1.18 3.25 2.24 5.0 86
21 20 60
100 300 4 .2 5 .0 1.64 22 20 50 3.25 2.24 5.086
23 20 60 3.25 1.60 3.633
88 100 300 4 .5 3 .0 t.44
24 20 50 3.25 1.60 3.633
89 100 300 4.2 4.2 1 .45 25 20 60 2.50 r.25 2.183
100 300 4 .8 3 .6 1.69 26 2A 50 2.50 r.25 2 . 18 3
90 1.60 5.0 37
2'l r2.5 50 3.25
9l 100 3m 5 .0 5 .0 2.10 1.60 5.037
28 r2.5 40 3.25
100 300 5.0 4.2 1 .90 29 r2.5 50 250 1.60 4.U00
30 r2.5 s0 2.50 1.25 3.t2 5
93 100 300 5 .0 3 .0 1.73
3l rz.5 40 2.50 r.25 3.r25
94 100 300 5 .3 3 .6 2.00 r2.5 50 2.s0 1.00 2.500
3 .6 2..34 33 12.5 40 2.50 1.00 2.500
95 r00 300 5 .8
34 l0 40 3.25 1.60 5.9'16
96 100 300 6.0 5.0 2 .73 r.25 3.591
35 l0 40 2.50
97 100 300 6.5 4.0 2.93 36 l0 40 2.50 1.00 2.873
37 9.5 28.5 3.25 1.60 5.19
98 100 300 7.0 4.0 3.35
38 9.5 28.5 2.50 r.25 2.81
99 100 300 7.0 5.0 3 . 5 3t 9.5 28.5 2.50 1.00 2.09
7 .0 5 .5 3 .& 40 6 25 3.25 1.60 7.551
100 100 300
41 6 25 2.50 1.25 4.887
l0l 100 300 7 .5 6 .0 4.21
42 6 25 2.50 1.00 3.901
102 100 300 8 .0 4 .8 4 .42 43 5 20 2.50 l.rn 5.008
100 300 8.0 5.0 4.69 44 3 l5 1.50 1.00 4.?"78
1 03
104 100 300 8.0 6.5 4.82
105 100 300 9.0 4.8 5.46
106 100 300 10.0 5.8 6.86
107 150 250 5.0 4.2 t.44
108 150 zso 6.0 5.0 3.30
109 150 zfi 6 .5 5 .5 3.90
ll0 150 300 6.0 5.0 2.07
lll 150 300 7.0 5.0 2.52 T,oNOWAY OF MESH (LWM)

rt2 150 300 8.0 6.0 3.49

- t5tsrtrt/F



( C h i c k e nw i r e n r e s h )
(Reference IS ; 3150' 1982)
-. , 'l'hc parallcl
wirc. sizc of apcrtureis dcnotedby the distancebctwcen
Netting is rnade of anncaledmild stecl galvanised
sidcs of the hexagons formed.
- Wirc S i z co f Wire
Sizeof W i rc S i z eo f
- . , aperturc dia. apenure di a.
aperture dia.
nt nt mm mrn
mm mm mnl
- -
0.c)0 100 r.75
0.63 r.40
l.l2 (2-ptv
1.-10 selvedgc)

0 .5 3 )o 0.90 r0t) 1.40

- l3 (3-plv 1.1t0
0 .9 0 1.rl
I 2-j selvcdge)
, 15 1..i0
r9 0.6-l 5(l )
\r l.l_j ( I ccttlcr
1 l ^ strand
i - p l y s c l rc d g c ;
75 i).!)() 10{) 1..10
25 0.80 i.6()
(2-pi y ( i ccntrc
- 0 .9 0 1.8()
1.40 sclvcdgc) strancl
3 - p l y s c i rc d g c )

's,:lvedge'dcnctcs cdgc so \\'(Ji'enthat the cltd x'ires tl'-riitri unrevcl'

Note :- Thc tern,
\r'IRE CLOTH l'OR CF-NliIl\l- {'L'}ll'ost'l-c
r R e i e r e n cIe5 ' I ' \ r " ' l ' ' o i i ) i

produccunifbrmsquarcmcshcsor oltroin"s' wirc usctl

wiro cloth is regularlvwoven wirh paraliclwircs in bothdircctionsto
alioy or plas[tc';'
- tbr rnakingthe cloth can'bctnild tl-c"l,brass,bronze,aluminium

- Average \rridiit Nomin;rlDiamcter

of Apcrture ci \\'ire
1 . 7 0m m 0 . 3 20, . 4 ,0 . - 5 6 , 0 . 8
L 4 0 mm 0 . 2 50, . 3 2 , 0 . 4 50 ,. 6 30, . 71
- 1 . 1 8m m 0 . 2 5 , 0 . 3 2 , 0 . 40l.,4 50, . 5 60, . 6 3
1 .0 0m m 0.22,0.28,0.36, 0.5,0.-56
850microns 0 . 2 ,0 . 2 50, . 3 2 , 0 . 4 50 ,. 5 00' . 5 6
7 1 0m i c ro n s 0.1' q, 0.25,0.32,0..15
- 600 microns a . 1 6 , 0 . 2 2 , 0 . 208. 4,
500 microns 0 . 1 40, . 2 ,0 . 2 5 , 0 . 3 20 ,. 3 6
-: 0 . 1 40, . 2 ,0 . 2 5 , 0 . 2 8
425 microns

355microns o.125,0.18, 0.22,0.25

300 microns 0 . 1 1 20, . 1 60, . 2 ,0 . 2 5
250 microns 0.1,0.14,0.16,0.2
212microns 0 . 1 ,0 . 1 2 50, .1 4 ,0 . 1 60, . 1 8
180microns 0.08,0.112,0.125,0.14
\a 150microns 0 . 0 7 10, .l , 0 .1 1 20, J 2 5
IS :278 - 1978)
Diameterof Wire in mm Weight of Barbed Wire Distance Between
Line Wire Wire for barbs in kg pcr mere Two Barbs

2.50 2 .5 0 0 . 15 5 0.136 1 5 tt2

t ) 2 .5 0 2 .5 0 0.120 0.108 150 + 1 2
2 .5 0 2.00 0.r25 0.r08 t5 + 1 2
- l
4 2 .5 0 2.00 0.103 0.089 150 + 1 2
5 2.24 2.40 0.r06 0.097 75 ! t 2
6 a aA
L.L- 2.00 0.085 0.078 150! 1 2




lS : 1l6l - 1979)
(Reference L

Wcight Nominal Ouside Thickesss Weight :
Nominal Ousidc Thickesss per mere
per metrc Bore diamcter Class
Bore diamctcr Class
mm mm kg v
mm kg mm
mm mm

114.3 Light 3.65 9.97 L

rs 21.3 Light 2.00 0.962 100
r.22 Mcdium 4.5 l2.l
Mcdium 2 .6 5 14. 5
1.45 Hcavy 5.4 L
Hcavy 3 .2 5
110 r27.0 Light 4.5 13.6
20 26.9 L.ight 2.35 r.42 14.6 \-
1.58 lvledium 4.85
Medium 2.65 5.4 16.2
1.90 Hcavy
Hcavy 3.25
r25 r39.1 Light 4.5 14.9
25 Light 2 .6 5 2.U 16.2
55.1 Medium 4.85
Mcdium 3 .2 5 2.46 t7.9 L
.1.05 2.99 Heavy 5.4
r35 r52.4 Light 4.5 16. 4 C
4 2 .4 Light 2.65 2.6r 17. 7
Medium 4.85
lvledium 3 .2 5 3.15 19.5
j.85 Heavy 5.4
Hcavy 4.05 \
150 r65.1 Li h t 4.5 17.8
40 4 8 .3 Light 2 .9 3.27 19.2
Mcdium 4.85 L
Ivlcdiutn 3.25 3.61 2r.2
4.13 Heavy 5.4
Heavy 4 .0 5
150 168.3 Light 4.5 18.1
60.3 Light I 2 .9 4.11 19.6
50 Medium 4.85
L i g h t2 3 .2 5 4.51 21;7
Heavy I 54
N4cdium 3 .65 5.10 25.3
Heavy 2 6.3
Hcavy 4.5 6.r7
175 193.7 Light 4.85 22. 6
16.r [.ight 3.25 5.84 25. 0
65 Medium 5..+
Nlcdium 3 .6 5 6.53 27. 3
7.92 Heavy 5.9
HcavY 4.5
200 zr9.l Light 4.ti5 25.7
88.9 Light 3 .2 5 6.86 29.4
80 Medium 5.6
Nlctlium 4 .0 5 8.18 31.0
r0 . 1 Heavy 5.e
IicavY 4.85

3.82 775 244.5 5.9 _1+.i

90 101.6 Light 3 .6s 5.9 38.8
4.05 9.15 250 273.0 "':^"t
h.-lcdium 6.3 49.5
Hcavy 4.85 11 . 6 300 323.9
3sc 355.6 8.0 68. 3


Diamctcr Copper
Stcel Coppcr I
in mm

l.000 6.13 6.27 6.98

0.100 0.06 0.06 0.07
r.250 9.57 9.80 10.90
0.125 0 .0 e 0.10 0.11
1.600 15.68 16.04 17.86
0.i5 0.16 0.18
0. 160
2.000 24.5r 25.08 27.9r
0.24 0 .2 5 0.28
2.500 38.29 39.40 43.6r
0.250 0 .3 8 0.39 0.44
3 . 15 0 60.79 62.23 69.&
0.315 0.61 0.62 0.69
4.000 98.03 100.34 1l1.65
0.400 0 .9 8 1.00 l.l2
5.000 l 5 3 l. 7 156.78 t71.45
0.500 1.53 1.57 t:74
6.300 243.18 248.90 2',t6.96
0. 630 2 .1 3 2 .4 9 2.71
8.0m 392.r1 401.35 446.59
0.800 3.92 4.01 4.47

t2 77

a Descriptionof fittings Size in mm Weight in kg of Nos

100 firtings per kg.
- Cup-headedshectingrivers l0x 6 0.631 158
- l l?x 6 0.709 t4l
15x 6 0.788 126
1 8 x 6 0.867 ll5
- l

, S h c e tb o l t s& n u t s 12x 6 1.104 9r

- . t 1 5 x 6 1.143 88
18x 6 1.182 85
25x 6 1.340 75
\a 31x 6 r.497 67
37x 6 r.576 63
Roofing scrcwscone.hcadcd 50x 6 r.26r 79
56x 6 r.497 67
62x 6 r.734 58
a 75x 6 2.207 45
\a Hook bolts & nuts 87 x 1.5 5.91r t7
87xlO 7.882 l3
100x 7.5 6.463 l5
u 100x l0 8.827 ll
l l 2 x 7.5 7.094 t4
\-.t 1 1 2x l 0 10.088 l0
125 x 7.5 7.882 l3
1 2 5x 1 0 r 1.823 8
Limpct washcrs(cone or circular) 0.473 2tl
- Diamond curvcd washers 30 mm or 37 r.970 5l
mm square.


- swG Millimetres Millimetres Millimetres
7/0 12.7 13 2.337 32 0.2743
6t0 l 1.785 14 2.032 33 0.2540
s/0 10.973 15 r.829 34 0.2337
4lo 1 0 .1 6 0 16 r.626 35 0.2134
310 9 .4 4 9 17 1.422 36 0.1930
t 2t0 8.839 l8 r.2r9 37 0.1727
0 8.229
't.620 19 r.016 38 0.1524
I 20 0.914 39 0.1321
2 7.010 21 0.813 40 0.1219
J 6 .4 0 1 22 0.711 4T 0 . rl l 8
., 4 5 .8 9 3 23 0.610 42 0.1016
5 5.385 24 0.559 43 0.0914
, 6 4.877 25 0.509 44 0.0813
4 .4 7 0 26 0.457 45 0.071l
8 4.0& 27 0.4166 46 0.0610
a 9 3 .6 5 8 28 0.3759 47 0.0508
l0 3.25r 29 0.3554 48 0.0406
ll 2.946 30 0.3150 49 0.0305
t2 2.642 31 0.2946 50 0.0254
Equivalent Thicknesses
Gauge mm Gauge mm Gauge mm Gauge mm
, 0 10.07 9 3.551 l8 t.257 27 0.4/32
l 8 .9 7 1 l0 3.175 19 l.ll8 28 0.3969
- a
2 7.993 Il 2.827 20 0.9957 29 0.3531
3 7.122 12 2 .517 21 0.8865 30 0.3124
4 6.350 13 2.240 22 0.7938
, 5 5.652 14 1 .994 23 0.7066
6 5.032 15 r.775 24 0.6289
7 4.481 16 1 .588 2s 0.5598
8 3 .9 8 8 17 t.412 26 0.4981

t .

. t



(Includingweightof oneHeadand oneNut) I

Diameterof bolt in mm
Length in mm from
undersideof headno L
l0 12 l6 l8 20 24
the end 6

0 .0 1 9 0.048 0.101 0.171 0.278

25 0.'A2g :::
0.020 0.052 0.107 0.181 0.292
30 0.448 0.633
0.022 0.055 0.114 0.190 0.306 L
35 0.467 0.657
0.021 0.059 0.120 0.200 0.321
50 0.025 0.063 0.126 0.210 0.33s 0.487 0.683

0.066 0.r32 0.220 0.349 0.506 0.709 t_

55 0.027 0.734
0.069 0.138 0.230 0.363 0.525
60 0.029 0.759
0.073 0.145 0.240 0.37'l 0.544 L
65 0.030
0.077 0.151 0.219 0.391 0.564 0.784
75 0 .0 3 1 0.834
0.084 0.164 0.269 0.420 0.602 (-
90 0.034 I

0.091 0.111 0.2tt9 0.149 0.611 0.885

r00 0.037
0.417 0.680 0.936
0.040 0.098 0.189 0.309
0329 0.505 0.719 0. 986 \

r25 0.044 0.105 0.202

0.2r4 0.348 0.533 0.751 1. 036
140 0.047 0.1l2
0.221 0.368 0562 0.196 1 . 087 \
150 0.050 0.1l9
0.240 0.388 0.590 0.834 1.138
160 0.053 0.r27
0.252 0.407 0.619 0.873 1.188 \
170 0.056 0 . 13 3
0.265 0.127 0.& 7 0.912 r.239
190 0.059 0.141
0.218 0.441 0.676 0.951 r.289
200 0.148 \-
220 l ln' 0.162 0.303
240 1.14,1 1 . 512
0.546 0.818
260 l.r83 r.592
0.565 0.846
280 r.2ffi 1.693
0.903 \

\\ 'rght in kg of one
0.007 0.008 0.01I 0.018 0.025 0.03-l t

ro,,fldwasher3 rnm thick

0.006 0.016 0.063 0.098 0 .r 4 5 0.210

in kg of one nut
Wcight in kg of shank 0.057 0.077 0.101
0.006 0.014 0.025 0.("r'19
for 25 mm of length



Length in mrn tiom Diameterof rivet in mnl

undersideof headto 24
l8 22
the end

0.044 0.076 0.121 0.r79 0.252

25 0.022
27 0.024 0.047 0.081 0.128 0.188
0.0s0 0.086 0.135 0 . 19 8 0.218
30 0.026
33 0.028 0.054 0.091 0.142 0.208
0.057 0.096 0.149 0.2r7 0.303
36 0.030
40 0.031 0.060 0.101 0 . 15 6 0.221 0.316
43 0 .0 3 3 0.063 0.106 0 . 16 3 0.231 0.328
46 0 .0 3 5 0.066 0.111 0.171 0.211 0.3-11
50 0 .0 36 0.069 0.1l6 0 . 17 8 0.256 0.3-54

0 .0 1.1 0.025 0.039 0.057 0.011 0.r01

2 5 m m o f s h a n ko n l Y

0.008 0.019 0.037 0.061 0.102 0.151

\\It in kg ot'onc head


- t L,ength I Diameterof Drametcr of App No [rngth Diameter of Diameter of App No

- I
shank head of nails shank head of nails
m m t m m mm pcr kg mm mm mm per kg
l j
25 1.60 4.0 2rt0 60 2.80 6.3 j50
\r 25 1. 8 0 4 .5 1720 60 3.15 7. t .30
25 2.A0 5.0 1.130 60 3.55 8.0 180
t a
t 30 l.uO 4.5 l4l0 80 3.55 8.0 140
30 2.4 () 5 .0 1170 80 4.00 8.0 r20
40 2.00 5.0 tt.10 90 3.55 8.0 I l0
- \ 40 2.21 5.6 700 90 4.50 9.0 90
40 2.5 0 5 .6 610
100 3.55 i t.0 100
50 2.00 5.0 6-50 100 4.00 8.0 90
50 2.21 5.5 6{n lcn 4.50 9.0 80
\a 50 2.5 0 5 .6 550 100 5.00 10.0 60
2 50 2.80 6.3 '140
<n 2 1< '1 1 1C\/\ 1a< (n
50 3.15 1.1 2tt0 1 ? 5 r. </v'\
5 fi) lrrr\
10.0 50
i 25 5.60 rr.2 40

60 a a A
L.L" 5.6 540 150 5.60 rr.2 35
, 60 2. 5 0 5.6 140 150 6.30 12.6 30



: 1S :7452 - 1982)

P U R P O S F ]O R R E C O } I } T E N D T . ] D U S E O F S E C I ' I ( ) N S

- Designation Designation I
& Weight Purposeand sit,.rationof use & weight I Purpose and situation of use
: pcr mclre(in kg pcrmclre(intg)l

r 2 (1.036) Horiz-ontalglaarngbarsfor door side-Iighs, F 4 B (2.28) Ccnual mullion (meeting bar for shuttcrs)
doorsandsashcs, sub-dividing barsfor iixcd- for windows using F7D as inncr framcs,
, lights, vertical glazing bar for wrndows, outcr frame for open-in windows in ruiny
ventilat.ors and doors *,here mctal, arcas, sub-dividing bars for opcnablc
aluminium or woorCenbeadins is used for windows and top-hurrgventilators.
fixing glass.
, F 7D (1.419) Innerandouter lramesfor windows and [op-
1 3( 1 . 1 4 ) Vertical glazing bar for EZ7 frames. hung ventilators,for outer frames lor ccntre
hung ventilators,and outer framc for ooor
r 6 (0.83e) Hori zont al glazi ng bar for sundard wi ndows side-lights.
\ t,
and ventilators.
F X 8( 2 . 3 r ) Outer frames for doors.
t F 2 (1. 46) Inner framesfor o;ren-inwindows.
E Z 1( t . 9 0 ) Outcr frame for industrialsashes.
F3 (2.28) Outer frames for opcn-in windows.
K I lB (1.80) Vertical coupling mullion for all standard
F 5 (1.55) Inner and midddle framcsin ccnLre-hung windows.Can be usedashorizontal coupling
t & ventilators.F5 is uscd as inncr frame for bar whcn opcnablewindows aretobccouplcd
F 8 (r.92) bottom-hungventilatorsandsometimesused above fixed ones or bctween two fixcd
, as inner frame for opcn-out windows. windows.
F 8 is also usedas outer frame for bottom - Can also be uscd as horizontal coupling
, hung ventilators. mullion whcre windows are not exposcdt->
a FX 6 (2.52) Inner lrames for doors.
a n d FZ5 ( 2. 52) K 12B (2.30) Horizontalcoupling mullion, also known as
weather bar. Espccially uscd whcn thc
couplcd unit is cxposedto rain.

- . l




(Ref.lS:53M - 1969)
EQUAL LEG ANGLES (RefIS :39f9'/966)
(RefIS : 3908' 1966) t
ISALB Serles ISALU Serles(contd)
ISALE Serles t_
Width of Weight Size Weight per metre
Flange per metre kg
Weight per metre rTun
run kg
40x25 x2.0 0.36
40x25x3.0 0.52
0.08 40 20 0,4 4*.x25 x4.0 0.68 I
10x10x1.5 0.6
l0xl0x2.0 0.10 40 20
50x25x3.0 0.60
15x15xl.5 0.r2 50 30 0.9 50x25x4.0 0.79 t_
15x15x2.0 0.16 50 30 1.2 0.97
15x15x3.0 0.22
0.2r 60 30 l.I
50x30x3.0 0.64 f_
2 0 x 2 0 x 2.0 30 1.5
2 0 x 2 O x 3.0 0.31 60 50x30x4.0 0.84
60 30 1.9
50x30x5.0 1.03 \
2 5 x 2 5 x 2.0 0,27
2 5 x 2 5 x 3.0 0.39 60 40 1.9 60x30x3.0 0.73
2 5 x E x 4.0 0.51 60 40 2.4 60x30x4.0 0.96 \_
3 0 x 3 0 x 3.0 0.48 60x30x5.0 l.l8
0.62 80 40 2.r
3 0 x 3 0 x 4.0 40 2.1
0.76 80 60x40x4.0 1.07 t-
3 0 x 3 0 x 5.0 40 3.2
80 60x40x5.0 l .31
3 5 x 3 5x 3 . 0 0.56 60x40x6.0 1.55
3.4 t
3 5 x 3 5x 4 . 0 0.73 100 50
3 5 x 3 5x 5 . 0 0.89 100 50 3.9 80x40x4.0 r.29
4 0 x 4 0 x 3.0 0.64 80x40x6.0 1.88 \
0.84 100 60 3.9 80x40x8.0 2.46
4 0 x 4 0 x 4.0 60 4.1
1.03 100
4 0 x 4 0 x 5.0 50 4.7 t,
100 100x50x6.0 2.38
120 60 4.7 100 x 50 x10.0 3.83
(RefIS :6445 ' 197i,) t
120 60 5.0
ISALT Serles
Depth of Weight 120 70 5.6 ALUMNIUM CHANNELS \
Section P€r metre (ReltS : 3921'1966)
mm kg r20 80 6.1
120 80 7.4 ISALC Series t
25 25 0.4
0.5 150 80 6.6
30 30 80 E.l
0.7 150 Depth Widrh Thick- W c i g h t a

of of n e s so f per
40 50 0.8 150 100 7.7
Section Flange Flange i m e r e
50 50 1 .2 150 100 9.4 rrun I kg
lTtm ffun
1.6 150 100 12.1
65 65 1.6 40. 20 2.0 2.0 0.44 i
2.1 200 100 10.5 40 20 3.0 3.0 0.63
2.7 200 100 13.4 50 30 3.0 3.0 0.8li
3.3 50 30 4.0 4.0 1 1 4
l . t 5

75 75 2.4 200 t20 12.9 60 30 3.0 4.0 l.13

3.1 200 120 l6.l 60 30 4.0 6.0 i.55
2 .8 60 30 5.0 8.0 1.95 t
75 100
3.7 ALUMINIUM 60 40 4.0 6.0 1.87
100 15 2 .8 UNEQUAL LE,GANGLES 60 40 5.0 8.0 2.38 f

3 .7 (RefIS : 3qo9-1966) 80 40 4.0 6.0 I 1(\

4.5 80 40 5.0 6.0 2.67

ISALU Serles
5 .4 80 40 6.0 10.0 3.7r r-
100 40 5.0 8.0 2.95
100 100 4.2
100 40 6.0 10.0 3.55
5.2 3.39
6.2 100 50 5.0 80
't5 0.12 100 50 6.0 10.0 4.09
i25 5 .2 20 x 10 x 1.5 4.98
0.16 100 50 8.0 r2.0
6 .2 20x10x2.0
5.0 8.0 3.68

20x15xl.5 0.14 120 50

125 100 5 .9 r20 50 6.0 10.0 4.43
7 .0 20x15x2.0 0.19
0.27 r20 60 6.0 10.0 4.98 '
75 5.9 20x15x3.0 6.08
150 r20 60 8.0 r2.0
7 .0 150 60 6.0 10.0 5 . 5l
3 0 x 15 x 2.0 025
150 100 7 .9 x 3.0 0.35 150 60 8.0 12.0 6.11 I
3 0 x l5
1 0 .2 x 2.0 027 150 80 6.0 10.0 6.59
3 0 x 20
r50 150 9 .5 x 3.0 () 10 150 80 8.0 r2.0 5.ll /
3 0 x 20 v_
L2A 4.0 0.51 150 80 10.0 16.0 I i).16
3 0 x 20 x
r75 r75 tr.2 200 80 8.0 12.0 928
1 1 1 A
t4.7 40x20x2.0 0.33 200 80 10.0 16.0 I l , / {
200 12.8 40x20x3.0 0.48 200 100 10.0 16.0 t3.4'l
200 13.0 r5.33
16.8 40x20x4.0 0.62 2U) 100 t?.0



, IS : 6248 - 1979)

S ize of rolling shuttcrsis denotedby clear width x clear height of the opening for which shutteris intcndcd. Maximum
- ,.'idth *'ithout intcrmediatesupport (guide channcl) is 9 metres.
T.r pes of shuttersaro (a) self coiling (push-pull or manual) type upto 8 sq m clear area without ball bearings,and
b ro l2 sq m clcar area with ball bearings;(b) gear operated(mechanical)typewith ball bearings. For clear areas
- ;...r.,,-i.nI I and 25 sq m opeartedby gcar box and crank handle, and between25 and 35 sq m operatedby hahd chain and
| '*h.-cl nrountcdon worm shaft; (c) elcctrically operated,for clear areasabove 35 sq m, upto a maximum of 50 sq m.
, ;:,..,:r
- Firing position of hood cover and bracket can be on the inner or outer face of the wall either below or abovc thc
\Jiair of the opcning, w,ith thc vertical guide channelsfixed beyond the vertical face of the jambs. Fixing position of hood
i,r\ L'r and bracket can also be bctween the jambs, with the guide channelsprojecting in the opening or embedded in the
r r.lirtbs.
Ilolling curtain is built up of interlocking laths shapedout of cold rollcd steel strips. The laths are made of strips
- n , \ r i c s s r l r a n0 . 9 n r m l h i c k f o r s h u t t c r su p t o 3 . 5 m w i d t h , a n d n o t l e s s t h a n 1 . 2 m m t h i c k f o r s h u t t e r sa b o v e 3 . 5 m w i d t h .

- , C A S' | II{ O N N IAN H OL E C OV E R S ,GR A TIN GS ,S TE P S ,]' R A P S E TC .

(.;rst lron l\{anhole Covers rRefIS ; 1726(PartsI ro VII) - 1974
- t l-lD (l-{cavy Dutl') graciccovers are designcd for heavy vehicular traffic to withstand a load of 35 tonhcs
tr{D (lr4cdiumDuty) grade covers arc dcsigncd for light vchicular traffic as in footpaths/cyclc tracks to withstand a
l o a c l ' o f5 t o n n c s .
- , t - D ( L i g h t D u t y ) g r a d c c o v c r s erc dcsigncd for pcdcstrainnon-vchiculartraffic in domcstic premiscs to withsund a
Ioad of I tonne.
\ IiD and lr4D gradc covcrs arc spccificd to have single seal. Option for singlc or double seal is avaiiable in LD gradc
cgvcrsonly. HD gradc double triangularcovers have a seatingframe of squareshapein single picce with a circular opening,
:rrrrlthc covcr is nradc up of two triangular picces forming a square.

Gradc / ty'prcoi' Size of clear \\/eight of Weight of scatingof

CI ntanholL-.
col.'cr opcningin mm c o v c ri n k g framc in kg

I{D circular 500 (dia) 85 ti_5

560 (dia) 108 100
IID doublctriangular 500 (dia) u8 1 1 1
l t l

560 (dia) 140 115

lr'1Dcircular 500 (dia) 58 58
560 (dia) & &
lvlD rcctangular 6 1 0x 4 5 5 80 &
LD square 4 5 5x 4 5 5 13 1
- (singlcscal) 6 1 0x 6 1 0 25 IJ

LD squarc 4 5 5x 4 5 5 l5
-: ( doublc scal) 6 1 0x 6 1 0 an
) l 18
tI J<
LD ru:tangular 4 5 5x 6 1 0
- (singlescal) (Patternl)
4 5 5x 6 1 0 t5 l0
pattern 2 )
LD rccLangular
(double seal) 4 5 5x 6 1 0 29 23

Cast Iron Gratings ( Ref IS :5961 - 1970) for drainageof surfacewater have a scating frame of size 560 x 600 mm
- overall, wirh a hinged grating of size 450 x 490 mm overall fitted in it. The minimum specified weight of grating including
scating frame is 75 kg and is dcsigncd for 35 tonne load.
Cast Iron Steps for Manholes (RefIS :5455 - 1969) can be of Pattern I which weigh minimum 4.5 kg pcr step, arc
150 mm widc and of ovcrall lcngth 375 mm of which 125 mm project from the wall. Pattern 2 steps weigh minimum 5.3
\r kg pcr srcp, arc 165 mm wide and of overall length 385 mm of which 125 mm project from the wall. Both patternshave
, raiscd chequcred nonslip tread, arc 25 mm thick and have lugs for grip in the portion intended for embedding in the wall.
Casi lron Floor / Nahni traps (Ref IS : 3989 - lg%) are specified to have following characteristics:-

Dcsignation / diameter I size Diameter of Weight (approx.)

Dcscription (nonrinal bore of outlet ) inlct grating of cach trap

\r Clst iron floor traps 50 mm 100 mm 1 7 5m m 2.5 k e

75mm 1 0 0m m 225 mm 4 . 8 kg
1 0 0m m 200 mm 296 mm 7 . 5 kg
Clst iron nahni traps 50 mm 1 6 5m m 1 7 5m m 5 . 5 kg
- . t
75mm 1 6 5m m 225 mm 6 . 5 kg



svsrem wido a
indicatedin succession.The
by lerrersymbolsas tollows :- s = side hunS
H = With horizontatglazing.bars

F:#J":n+jT,jliT"ti'""; ==
c = CenEe hung
N = without horizontal- glazing bars
;T,,J';K* 3-


rhus. rhe desisnation lp,$.#;igillfj3?3;11'fis'J,lTJil#*ti.1TJill*iifrl'i"llll'filii$ill"i,"Ill


horizontalglazing bars. As all rlou: Fr

i"-rr,"o"sii'"t'.nor rhlyarqlngrusive of 1cmallaiound.
ofactearance I

T[til1JiJffi $" d:iSl1,,:l Ti T,linal_,ri:

118 cm high'

rz?ii'tiert-flt"'* sg cm wide ard t.

The actualdimensionsof ro Hs
ventilator,(sepantely in panesupto 0 5
panesrequired for earh type cf door, window and on lhenext

"t""tn$n. tolal areaof glazing tle rautesgiv;n below,.and

* ln *ii' n191.1''"^1'"ir..""

sqm in eachpaneand!n p1". ""J""oii!.ir..i.q-
ple" .uu.,
""uti,"' ue"n" F
brilating Paneshave be€n"14ff$l'f:"Sfli+fjfi"["#"e":1fl''ff#*i-ill',iilliii?'i;?ff'l'l
i^ii*e"niii"ur"t"o 0 01 sqm
to thenearest a
Rcquirement o.f fixing lugs. of different sizes' as specified I

be provided for fixing the doors/windows/ventilators ,

The number of steeladjustablelugs ro a

: i
in the relevant IS are as follows
IS: 1038-1s83| .!"{ts^'.'-10!:-'^?i,1,
Ref Note
Dimensions of steel doors, windows)
I ltnOustrial
windows and vendlators in metres
side Fixing lugs made out of
widh Height
3.15 mm thick 14 mm t
wide flats, bent at right
0. 60,0.8 0 ,:.2 ( angle,having one leg 70 I

1. 50a n d1 .8 0
0.Cr0 and0'90
z mi long Provided with t

3 a slot, andothe.leg 100

1 .2 0a n d1 .5 0 A
mm long, fixed *irough I
2.,J0and2.10 slot with csk galvanisctl
l.(x) machine screw 6 mln
1. 60a n J2 .2 0 2 dia,l}mm long and nttt' ?

1.00 a
1.50 4 3

Areas and Glazing Clips

Table of Sizes, Types, Glazing
: 1 3 6 1- 1 9 7 8 )
I n d u s t r i a l W i n d o w s ( R e fI S

ir:, tvith horizorttal glazing bars.

AII industriut *in,1..ol,o',
glazing panes e'tceetl 0'5 sq m area per pane'
Iti'^r'if ,ne Q

'l'ouil Total arca a

ar';e insqmof Numb:r of
tn sq tn rif Ntimbcr of glazing in glazing Designation
Dcsi;:nat-ion gi:uing in panesnot clips requirerl
clips required of stcel
oi'stccl panes not' excdg 0.5 sq m pcr rvindcw
per window window
r.r,lntlorv e x c d g0 . 5 s q m in each Pane
in eachPane
16F l5 (Trlon-oPcnablc) 2 .rr 30
T 101 i 0B i 0 0 .7 2 12 ')'l)
C 10/10 12 16C20/16T20l16B2C
F i0 (i'{cn-r'rcnable) 0.8.1 2.84 40
-,'i- l8 i6 i- :0 (Norr-oP':nablc) 28
t5/10 ll0B l5 l.t t
2? C 100.2'r1C/22B l0 r.79
1.29 l8 1. 9 1 2Si
I 5 tNurl r';it:ttiibir:) 2? F l0 lNon-oPcnablc)
l.f I 2,1 2.80
,1 )
. -!t 22 C l5l?7-i 15122F. 15
2i 2.93 4',
20 r Nc.n'rrienable) l. ,'{
22 f' $ (Non-oPenable)
i(r i6 T lui lti B 10 t.?5 20 3.82 56
1.38 20 22C 20122T2022F.2() 56
I () r'..r,rn-i
22F 70 (Non-oPenablc.l 3.9-1
l j i l o T 1 5 i1 6 B i j 1.98 30

area' if ttnt
porilon is 98 x 98 cm and rest of the
of c,T', or.B designation trte open:tbre
I ' l t ; . e : In a, industriar wineicws
glazed portiorls'
:t *oal up of fixed ncn-openable
-; JbC'

Table of Sizes,Types and Glazing Areas
: For Doors, Windows, Ventilators and Fixed Lights' (RefIS . l()38' 1983)
Designation Area of Area of Area of Area of
of steel door glazing in glazing in glazing in glazing in
L)esignarion Designation
window panesnot panes panes not panes not
of steel window, of steel window,
ventilator excdg. excdg. excdg. excdg.
ventilalor or ventilator or
or fixed 0.5 sq m in 0.5 sq m in 0.5 sq m in 0.5 sq m in
fixed light fixed light
light each pane each pane each pane each pane
sqm sqm sqm sqm

Note : Units in this part of the table do require any glazing in parles exceeding
- 05 sq m per pat|e.

Doors,SldeHung Type lI'lndows, Slde llung Type Flxed Llghtg Wlndow Height
\Vith I{orlzontalGlazlngBars With Uorizontal Glazing Bars With Horlzontal Glazlng Bars

- 6 HS20 0.75 5HS9 0.32 5HF9 0.36

8 H S2 0 1.03 6HS9 0.40 6HF9 0.44
l 0 H S2 0 1.32 I OH S9 0.67 lOHF9 0.77
J 1 2t . r .2s 0 1.61 i 2 I J S9 0.84 12HF9' 0.93
6 H S2 1 0.75 15HS9 1.06 1 5H F 9 r.n
8 H S2 1 1.03 18HS9 l.3l 1 8H F 9 |.42
l 0 H S2 1 l .33 5HS12 0.43 5HF12 0.48
1 2H S2 1 r.67 6 H S1 2 0.35 6HF12 0.59
l0 Hs l2 0.92 r0HFl2 1.02
,t 1.24
Doors,SldeHung Type 1 2H S 1 2 r.l.+ 12HFt2
W l t h o u tH o r i z o n t aG
l l a z l n gB a r s 1 5H S 1 2 1 A A
1 5H F 1 2 r.56
1 8H S l 2 1 1 1
l . r , 1 8H F l 2 1.89
6NS20 u
0.76 5HS15 0.55 5HF15 0.61
8NS20 # l.10 6 H S1 5 0.70 6HF15 0.75
't 11
t 1 0N s 2 0 @ 1.36 1 0H s 1 5 1 0H F l 5 |.29
12 NS 20 @ 1.68 1 2H S 1 5 i.45 1 2H F l 5 t.5'7
6NS21 # 0.-t6 1 5H S r 5 1.82 I 5 I J F1 5 1.97
8NS21 t o.54 0.56 1 8H S 1 5 a aA
1 8H F 1 5 2.39
l0 Ns2l @ 1.36
- 12 NS 21 @ 1.68 Ventllators, Top Hung Type Ventilators,Top Hung Type
\I'ith Horizontal Glazing Bars Wlthout HorizontalGlazingBars
Windows, Side Hung Tlpe
: Without Horlzontal Glazlng Bars 5HT6 0.20 5NT6 0.20
6r{T6 0.25 6NT6 0.26
5NS9 ! 0.33 IO FTT6 0.45 IONT6 0.45
- 6NS9 ! 0.41 12HT6 0.55 I2NT6 0.56
l0Ns9 S 0.68 15rfr 6 0.7| 15NT6 0.72
= t
12NS9 $ 0.85 18HT6 0.87 I8NT6 0.87
15l.,rs9 @ 1.08 5 Ht9 0.33 5NT9 0.34
18NS9 @ 1.31 6Hr9 0.41 6NT9 0.42
t 5NS12 # 0.45
6 N S1 2 # 0.56 Ventllators, Centre Hung Type Flxed LlghtE Ventllator Helght
1 0 N S1 2 @ 0.94 Wlth Horlzontel Glazlng Bars Wlth Horlzontal Glazlng Bars
1 2 N S1 2 @ 1.16
15NS12 c 0.54 5HC6 0.16 5HF6 0.23
l S N S1 2 e 1.81 6HC6 0.2r 6HF6 0.28
t 0.49
5NS15 tl 0.57 lOHC6 0.38 lOHF6
6 N S1 5 # 0.15 0.55 12HC6 0.47 12HF6 0.60
l0Ns 15 @ l.l9 15HC5 0.68 15HF6 0.15
1 2 N S1 5 @ 0.31 1.1; 18HC6 0.83 18HF6 0.91
15NS15 ( r.32 0.54
- 18NS15 e 0.47 1. 8 1 VentllatorgCentre Hung Type Flxed Llghts, Ventllator Helght
Wlthout HorlzontslGlazlngBars Wlthout Horlzontal Glazlng Bars
Flxed Llghts - (Wlndow Helght)
J Wlthout Horlzontel Glazlng Bars 5NC6 0.17 5NF6 * 0.?5
6NC6 0.2r 6NF6 * 0.29
5NF9 I 0.36 l0Nc6 039 l0NF6 ! 0.50
6NF9 ! 0.47 12NC6 0.48 l2NF6 I 0.60
IONF9 s 0.78 15NC6 0.70 l5NF6 # 0.76
D 12NF9 $ 0.94 18NC6 0.89 18NF6 # 0.92
I5NF9 @ l.l9
I8NF9 @ 1.43 Flxed Llghts, Dmr Helght Flxcd Llgbrq Door Helght
, 5NF12 # 0.49 Wlth Horlzontal GlezlngBars Wlthout Horlznntal Glezlng Bers
6NF12 T 0.61
1 0N F t 2 @ 1.06 6HF20 0.91 6NF20 # 0.92
, 12NF 12 @ r.28 6HF2I 0.91 5NF21 # 4.92
15NF 12 I r.62
l8 NF12 I 1.95
t No. of glazlngclips requlred per unlt deslgnatedln thls table
5NF15 # 0.62
6NF15 # 0.16 0.61 Sign uscd Clips rcquircd Sign uscd Clips rcquircd
, l0 NF15 @ 0.27 1.06
l2 NF15 @ 0.33 r.23 $ 8
l5 NF l5 I 0.41 1.62 @ L2
t l8 NF15 I 0.50 1.95 I 18

- \\ f -
A B B R E V I A T I O N S ' -
24 C O M M E R C I A L I
Atorto i
@ Against all risks. t
a.a.r. Account curent'
A/c i
Account' L
Acc. Accountof'
alo Afier date'
ald f
Account sale' i
A/s Bill of exchange. .i
B/E gitt of hding' t
BIL ttllt"i"ff {
b/s in price'
igt" included i
c & f included in price'
Cost' insuranceand freight i
';li;ti ior cash) on deliverY
c.o.D. Creditor'

Cr Care of
clo *l
c/s ';;h with order' l
c.w.o. 'i
DaYsafter date'
d.d. Debtor'
Dr. Days after sight t
d.s. DeliverY'
dly Each' (
ea. Enors excePted'
E.E. Errors and omissionsexcePted'
E.&o.E. t
Fair averagequality' and charges'
rhem on board and pays dues and'
-- them charges-'
f.a.q. puts
Free alongsideshii : buyer the t*p"ntes of putting goods on
f.a.s. to-lncfuOt all ;
Free on board; the price quoted
f.o.b. board shiP'
Free on rail' i'e' loadedinto wagons' \
f.o.r. vans'
Free on van' i'e' loadedinto
f.o.v. wharf alongsideshiP' i
-: Free on
f . o. w.
"' Good markeuble brands'
G.M.B. Good ordinary brands' \
I owe You'
r.o.u. Insgnt (Presentmonth)'
L i mi te d'
Lr.C. Months after date'
m.d. \
Monthsafter sight'
m.s. N'lessers'
M ls . MoneYorder'
N{.o. No advtce'
n. a. Numero(number)'
No' On account'
Per cent'
Per thousand'

In ProPortton'
pro ran being)'
Prrl temPore (for the time
pro [em. mon':h)

: -:
Shri : : t;:#il'Tex'l
Sarvastr reeYut'
S ' S hr i P l c a s e r e P l Y.' -r,-^A
R . S . ' .P' .
Ult .


Ex' div.
f .p.
-Do- or - d o -
With divicicnd'
cutii. drv.
lJ it

'- i'
i 25
s? '
t _ In the Ycar of our Lord'
- enno Dominr "'
i From the bcgining.
I eb initio
\: Ab origine
From thc origin.
' List of adclitions;things to be addcd'
Ad hominem
For this sPecial Purpose.
Ad hoc
To infinity.
- l Ad infinitum
In the meanwhile.
Ad interim
To the Point of disgust or satictY'
Ad nauseum
- For further consideration'
Ad referendum
To thc Point; to thc Purposc'
Ad rcm
According to the valuc.
Ad valorem
To a word, or word lor word'
Ad vcrbum
\a A n o t h c r e x a c t l Ys i m i l a r .
Altcr idcm

antc meridiem Bcforc noon.

Fronr causc to cl'[cct.
A Priori
A Postcriori From cffcct to cause.
- l A r g u m e n t u r na d i g n o r a n t i a m Argunicnt fo,rndChon ignorancc of thc pcrson addrcsscd.
Bona fidc Cood faith (in good faith), gcnuinc'
Coctcricsparibus Othcr thingsbcing cqual.
Cavcat emptor Lctthcbuycrbcu,arg(lookaftcrhisorr'nintcrcsts).
Corrigenda Things to be corrcctcd; a list of errors'
- r
e De facto In thc point of [act; actual or actually'
Dc jure From the law; bY right.
- Dc novo Ancw.
De rigucur I n d i s P c n s a b l co; b li g a t o r Y .
ErraLa List of crrors'
Et cctcra And tltc rcst.
Et sequcntes;Et scquentia And those that follow'
- By u'aY of examPle.
Excmpli gratia
Ex gratia As an act of gracc'
- In virtuc of his office.
Ex offrcio
Ex parte From one Party or sidc.
- Experto crede Trust one who has had exPcricnce'
Ex post facto After the dced is done; rcl'rospcctivc'
Exprcssis verbis In exPresstcrms.
Flagrante delicto In the very act.
Fons et origio The source and origin.
Force majcure Greater force or strcngth; overwhclming force, act of God.
-1 To err is human.
t Humanem est errare
Ibidem (or ibid) At the same Place, (in the book).
\.t That is, often is.
Id est (i.e.)
In extcnso At full length.
Infra dig Bencath one's dignitY.
In re In the matter of.
-1 In situ In its original situation.
- In statu quo In former state.
\{ Inter alia Among other things.
In tcnorem As a warning.
Inter se Among themselves.
t In to{.o
In transitu In the course of Passageor ransit.
7 Ipsissima verba By the verY words.
Ipso facto By that very fact.
- l

Jure humano By human law.


Juste milieu Thc goldcn mean.

Lacuna A gap, A vacant space.
, A slip of the pen.
Lapsus calami
- . , Slip of the tongue.
Lapsus linguoe
, Law or custom of the place.
Lex loci
- . , Lex non scripta Unwritten law.
Lite pendente During the trial.


\\ , -

^\ I

A substitute. \
Locum tenens I

A place of standing; A right to appeal and be heard before a court in

Locus standi -
a particular case. Ir
Mal a propos Ill timed.
Mala fide In bad faith; treacherously. L
Mandamus Writ issued by higher court to lower court'
Me judice I being judge; in my oPinion. t-
Modus operandi Manner of working. I

Modus vivendi Manner of living; used as a temporary working afrangment.

Mutatis mutandis With the necessarychanges.
Nil admirari To be astonished at nothing.
Willing or non-willing. \
Nolens volens
Non liquet The case is not clear. I

Non sequitur It does not follow. \


Nota bene (N B.) N{ark well, take noticc.

Nudis verbis In plain words. !
Obiter dictum A word said by rhe way; a passing comment made by a
Obscurium Per obscurius An obscurity explained by another obscurity' r-
Onus probandi The burden of Proof.
Pari passu With equal pace; side bY side. a
Per For, through.
Per dicm Per day.
Per mensem Per month.
Per se By itself.
Persona grata An acceptablePerson.
Petito princiPii A begging of the question.
After noon.
Post meridiem
Po"te resEnte To rcmain in post office until call for'
At first view or considcration. \
Prima fascie
Pro et contra @ros and cons) For and against.
For the sake of form. \
Pro forma
Pro rata According to rate or ProPortion.
Pro tempore For the time being. t

A.s much as he dcscrved.

Qulntum meruit
As much as sufficcs.
Qu:intum suflicit t
Something in rcturn; as equivalent.
Quiil pro quo
Raison d'cue Justification for existc'tce. t
Re In the matter of.
Rcductio ad absurdtrm A reducing to the absurd ( A method of prooi )'
Rcs judicata A case or suit alrcadY scttlod.
Rcsume A sumtnary or abstract'
St:riatum In a seri,:s,onc by t;nc.
Sinccura Without a chargc or cilrc.
Si : r c d i e Without a daY b,einqaPPointcd.
t $ ' i t h o u t w h i c h n o t ; s o m c t h i n gi n d i s p e n s a b l e '
Si:i: qua non
S i : r t u sq u o T h e s t a t ei n w h i c h .
St.'t Lcr it SLird; do not dclcte'
S...-rjudice Under consideration. poena Urtiler a penaltY.
Sut poena ad testificandum Cell to a witness for verbal eviclence'
S r h p r x ' n ad u c e s t c c u m sr:rnmons to witness frJr producing ccruin docttrncnts.
S'.rggcstiofalsi Suggestingsoemthing which is false.
St,nre,ssio veri A supressionof truth'
U;:rr vires Bc-yond Powers ':onferrcd bY law'
L': inllr As bclow.
I,'L Sll{li l
As abo"',-'.
\',rtiatim et literatrm Word fi-''rword rili lcttcr ior lcitcr'
Xl i.) clUCs'riC A d i s p r l r c dq u c s t i o n .
Vir ,',gii': A middlc coursc.
or rcversed'
The terms oi thc casc bcing intcr-changed
V i C Cv c , r r
Viva voce Orally.
--T (Re.ference
IS : 3861-1975)

- Plinth Area shall mciln thc coveredbuitt up arcamcasurcdat the floor level of any storeyor ar the floor level of the
Carpet Area shall meanthc covcred arca of ihe usablerooms at any floor level.
A Ralcony is a horizontalprojection with a handrail/pampct,
s€rvinga! passageor sitting out place.

' NtezzanineFl(,or - An intormcdiarcfloor in betwecotwo main floors having minimum height of 2.2 m (or minimum
- 1.8 m whcre rulcs of thg lrcal bodies permit) from the floor and having propcr accessto it.

Slair Co\'cr (mumtv) is thc roofcd spaceover a steircaseand its landing,built to encloseonly the staLs for the
- Furposcof providing prolcction from weathcrand not uscd for humanhabiution.

Iorch is a. covercd surfacc (\r,ith roof supponcdon pillars or otherwise),used for the purposeof pedest an or
- .
vchicularanpro3chto a huilding.
: Ntcasu.cncnt - ['lcasurelcngths to thc ncarcsto.Cl m, work out arcasto the nearestO.0l sq m.

\ - Thc arcasof cach of thc following catcgoriesshall bc measurcdscparatcly:-

(") Bascmcnt (b) Roor without claclding(stilted floor) (c) Floors including top floor which may be partly covered

\< l\feasurementof Plintb Area - Following areasshall be includedwhere occuringin each caEgory of pli[th area :-
J (a) Arc! of rhc wall at thc floor level excludingplinth olfsetsitany. When the building consistsof columnsprojecting
r^(}'ondthc cl3d(!ing,thc Jrlintharea shall bc measu.cdupto the cxtcmal facc of the cladding ( In caseof corugaled sheet

providcdthescdo not cxceed2 sq m in area,vcrtical duct for airconditioning,and lift well including landing (c) Stair cover
: (mumty) (d) Machine room, and (c) Porch

\.i The following shall not bc included in the plinth arc3 :-

(a) Additional floor for s$ting in asscmblybuildingslheatresand auditoriums (b) Cantileveredporgh (c) Balcony
\- (d) Area of loft (c) Intcmal saniury shaft and garbagechute provrdedtheseare mo.e than 2 sq m in area (f) Area of
-' archiEcturalband,comice.,etc., (g) Area of verticalsurtbreakeror box louverprojectingout and other architecturalfeaturcs,
_ for examplcslab projectionfor keepingflower pots (h) Openplatform (j) Terraceat floor one (k) Spinl Staircaseincluding
- hnding, and (m) Towers, turrcts ddmesprojectingabovethe lerrac€level at termce.

finish is morc than I m fronr lloor finish ) on any particularfloor and qualifying for inclusion in the plinth area.
The following shall be included in the wall area:-
(a) Area on plan occupiedby door and other openings (b) Intermediatepillars, supponsand other.suchobstnctions
- within thc plinth areairres;iectiveof their locations (c) Pillastersalong wall if exceeding300 sq cm in area (d) Flues within
\._ the wall (e) Built-io cupboardValmirahV shelvcsappcaringwithin a height of 2.20 m from floor (0 Fue placc projerting
J bcyond the face of wall in living or bed room

(a) Pillasteralong wall not exceeding300 sq cm in area,and O) Chullah platfom projecaingbeyong the face of rhe
Carpet Area shall mean the plinth area lcss the areaof following portions :-
- (a) Wall are{ (b) Verandah (c) Corridcr and pasage (d) Entrance halt and porch (e) Staircaseand stair-cover i.c.
\_ mumty ( In a hall or bascmenithe area of portion upto I m beyondthe last step of staircaseshall be trestedas part of the
7 staircase) (0 Lift shaft and machine room for lift (g) Bathroom and lavatory (h) Kilchen and pantry 0) Store ft) Canteen
(m) Airconditioningducr and plant room (n) Shaft for sanitarypiping G) Stilted floor and garagb.

Note :- (1) /.t : -3861- 1975 atso lays down the methodof measuremcntof'Rentoble arca' o! rcsidentisl and nor-
- residential buildings.

) (2) The sum (addition) of ,he built up areo ol all lloors (including basen nt) is usually ternud as tru plinth
qr-ca.of tttat pdrticuldr buildine when calculating ,hc opproimdtc estitrstcd cosr ol rtv br.ilding or ,hc basis
i of'plinth arca rdtes'.




B I f

I I i



P o r t i o n ( F i g u r c marked
l) I

l. Buildings without Re'entrant (;)

extcrnal walls
;;- ingtn of ccntrc linc of = 2 (A + B )
ii) ExtcrnalPcrimetcr = 2 (A + B ) (r)
Inrcrnal pcrirnctcr of cxtcrnal

mrr\cd2 shtr*inx
Portirln(Figurc onci";"lli:Tl1;l'
2. Ruildinssrrirrr-Rr-enrrlnl -=
" or ccnrrc walls
lineof cxtcrnal
ii-"- r-"ng,r, i lilirl .' z txl
cxtcrnar = z ie'a)+ 2 (x)-8(t)
iil, iJ:#l;:l*i:i"r
These|oI|hreeequa|ionsi^sl'No'2shoul(tbesui|ablymodiliedifmorc|ha^onefe-en|/an!po.|ionoccufsi^|hebuildi^gplan. orc
'A'and'B'uc the dimcnsions
enteme oflengrh"fY:*'."jr'i;'iiliil";l;'1"''i""lf#Hild
whcrc wolls is't' ' and'x'is thc lcngtn
of cxtcrnirl
,u 9,,",'u;ifo,tlttlcknrss of cxrcmal
t\ ork out (a) lcngthof ccnuc'linc
th t in rhc abovckind "l *]tlii9t'to
It is much simfrlcrto rcmcmbcr

alonglhc ccntrclinc of succcsstvc

rhc =
rcngrh ii'-f;,t;l"tilTffili"'#ti:-T
allon vrhcn thc ccnttc linc which' is bcing calculatcd
Usc (+) siSnin thc abovecquatrot:.'l:'-:::.-i:-,,;i. i^" in tt'c'"^." ot ("), (0)
;*$IJ'i; "' @)
y'ioffii:f; *::tl-1":,ilt,"iJ:"":l];'lll
It wirrbcworrhwhirc thccirrcurrtion
thirt "r::Y:"lil:;l;c;XXi,i;il'iiff$J#1ilJ1'fifi"::'ff'::Tlc;
builtlinS' circhcxtcntalcorncr
r,*,ti'oi*i" ofit"s in thc
"r formcdby thc ollscl'
l.,r.-t -a"ili"g-l""tnal corncr
'l'unksl!aving \Vatl lluilt to a Ilatter

N, Ii,
Th z A\\\t\s ,(.\\\ r'
,(\\\\ \l I

J- ,(N -

f--- lr---f
Sccl,ion o[ wall
P l a n ( R c c t l n g u l a rT a n k )
P l a n ( C i r c u l a rT a n k )

Cirtullr Tank (bh?)

D* 2r . x -;-
+ n ( )
1D+a) x (lr, o) 3 L
Cubic contcnts o[ v''all

! l r c t l l r l g r r l a rT a n k
= u h , [ 2 ( C r D )* 4 " ] * z
( c * Z o* \ D + 2 a . + *Xo n . )
C u b i c c o n t e n t so f * ' a l l

cctttrc o[ gravity)
(Notc :- Ccntrc llnc t:]kcn at thc


CFIN'I'RFI LIN['], I\l E]'IIOD ( continued)

Cross \\/alls
Quantities in Foundations ol' c o n c r c t c ,b r i c k w o r k / s t o n em a s o n r ye t c "
for cross u'itlls
In calculating q u a n t i t i c so f c x c a v a t i o n /c a r t h w o r k ,l o u n c l a t i o n :
b y f o l r < l * ' i n gt h c n r c t h o ccl x p l a i n c d b c l o w
(ic i n t c r n a rw a y s ) , a n y p o s s i b l cc o n l u s i r ) nc a n h c a ' o i t r c r r
PI-AN l_ arm _.]
t- ?m -t --{
E A'

-rl I
n_ GL
rrl l-F

t' --.l

r . l ( f l - l

-{ F6m-t
: - llll I

- r
w i l l b c c a l c t l l r t t codt t l l r '
o l - \ \ , o r ki n f o u n r l u t i o nos{ ' t l t c c x t c r n a lr ' i ' a l l s
F o r t h c b u i l c t i n gr n t h c a b c l v cs k c t c h ,q u u n t i t i c s w a l l s t h e c f l ' c c t i v cl c n g t l t s
w u l r s . F o r q u a n r i t i c so I w ' o r k i n f o u n t l a t i o n so l ' c r o s s
- b a s r so l . l c n g t ho t c c n i r e l i n c o f t h c c x t c r n a l l O r w o r k a l r c a d y m e a s u r c dl ' o r c x t c r t r ' r l
b r i c k o l ' [ s c t se t c . l { d u l y ' a l l o w i n g
b f c x c l t v a t i 0 n/ c a r t h w o r k ,c o n c r c t c i n l ' o u n r l r r t i o n s ,
- t
* , a l l s ) .a r c r r t l r k c d o u t a s l i - r l l o " r ' s : -

Crtlss Wall lilarked AII wall. Thc wrdttrol

is 3300 mm' At trothcnds it mccts tltc cxtcrnal
Thc ccnrrcto ccntrc lcngth o[ cross w'all ALJ (i00 mm.
u i d r h c , l l ' o r l t t t l : . t t i rolIt tc r o : s u ' : l l l i s
- . r lbunclrtiorlof extcrnal r'r'allis 700 nlm antl
i n f o u n d a t r o nl o r c r o s s

= 2600 ntnl = L c r r g t hg f c x c a v a t i o ni n t r c n c h c sa n c l c n g t ho [ c c l n c r c t c
3300(-) 700 [ o u n t l a t i o nc o n c r c t eof thc cxtcrnal *'alls'
- *,ull AB clclr o[ {hc crcavation/
= Lcngth ol'bottom o ( ' f s c to f b r i c k v . ' c l r k
, c l c a r o f t h c b o t t o t n b r i c k o l - [ s c tt l l
3300(-) s00 = 2tr[t0 nttti
: o { ' t h c m i t l d l c t r r i c k o [ ' [ s c tt l t
= 2900 m m L c n g t h o f n r i d d l c o f f s c t o f l - " , r i c k u ' o r ck l,c a r
3300( - ) 4 0 0
- . l crtcrnal u'ltlls.
w i t h t h c l c n g t hg i v c n o n p l l t n
= 3000 mm = Lcngth oI top offsct oI bricku'ork, which tallics
3300 (-) 3C\)
wallCDjoinsthccxtcrnal wallwhich
ffi:t"",r1,*ill:i::-tr%, crosswanCD is 2250mm. At onccnrltlrccross
'l'hc o f c x t c r n a lw a l l
j o i n s t h c c r o s sw a l l A B 2 0 0 m r n t h i c k . * ' i c l t h so [ f o u n d a t i o n
: is 300 mm thick and at the othcr cnclit
a n d c r o s sw a l l A B a r c ? 0 0 m m a n d 6 0 0 m m
- in founCationl'or thc
(-)4ryry = 16oo
22so mm = Lcngth o[ cxcavaLionin trcnchcsand lcngth oI concrctc
c r o s sw a l l c D c l c a r o f t h c c x c a v a t i r l n / l t l u n d a t i o c
n o n c r c t co [ t h c c x t c r n l t lw a l l
a n c lt h c c r o s s w a l l A B .
? 1 s or - \ l e t
& - J \ ' \ / - l
l m = l S o om r n = L c n g t h o I b o t t r l m o f l ' s c to I b r i c k r i ' o r k '

2zso = teoomrn = Lcngth oi midtllc oilsct of brickwork'

lcngth givcn on plan'

2250(-)I=?P = 2ooomm = Lcngrh ol top o[ brick*'ork,u'hich tltlics with thc

d-cpthof foundutions )

CrOss \Vall l\tarked FIF'(A case of vurt'ing wall' Tho

T h c c c n t r ct o c c n r r c l c n g t h o I c r o s s r , r , a E
l l F i , r j O o n r m . A r b < l t hc n t l s i t j o i n g s t h c 3 0 0 m m t h i c k c x t c r n a l
rcmcmbcred that lcngth ol
th:.rntlr:.rrof thc cxtcrnul wall. utrc lt shoultl bc
dcpth of foundation of cross *,all EF is lcss a s t h c c o n c r c t ci n f o u n d a t i o n f o r thc cross
i n l ' 0 t r n r l u t i oun' i l l n O t b c t h e s a m c ,
e x c a v a t i o ni n t r c n c h c sa n c tl c n g t h 0 [ c o n c r c t c w a l l u p t o t h c c d g c o f t h c 4 0 0 mm u'idc brick of'fsct
in trcnch f o r c x t c r n u l
*,all EF will havc to cxtend into rhc cxca'ar.ion
\t o[ the extcrnal wall at both thc cnds of thc cross
= 2600 mm = L c n g t h o l ' c x c a v a r i o ni n t r c n c h c sf o r c r o s s w a l l E F c l c a r o [ t h c
3300 (-) 700
in trcnchcs f o r t h c c x t c r n a l w a l l s '
, = 2900 mm = l c n g t h o [ c o n c r c r ci n l o u n r h t i o n l o r c r o s s w a l l E F , c l c a r o [ t h c
3300 (-) 100 u ' a l l s '
ol'l'sco t l ' b r i c k * ' < l r ko i t h c c x t c r n a l
- l
ta 3300(-) 3Cn = 3[X)0mm
propcrly'u'rlrkcto l u t , f o l l o u ' i n g t h c n o r m a l p r o c c d u r co [ m c a s u r i n g
\r once thc corrcct lcngthsof all offscts arc q u a n t i t y o I c x c a v a t i o n c
' o n c r c t ca ntl
( R F & R s i n i t k t l l y s a m ca ' s t h c
q u a n r i t i c so I c x c a v a t i o n ,r c r i r n i n g f i i t i n g a n r t r a n r r i r n u of (cqual to thc quantity ot
of nn a n and adtlition of rennual spoil
brick offscts bclow ground along withTcduction thc concrctc
foilou,cdmcchanically.Thc vcry small quantity of RF & R below

] concreteand brick offsetsbclory ground) can bc into thc excavation for cxtcmal walls
for thc 150 mm portion at cach cnd citcrrding
- l
of .crosswall EF ( in thc abovc.*u-pg
- also gcts automaiicallyaccottntcd lor

_ a L

I \

30 t:
Cover to Reinforcement
Pura25.4 of IS :456-1978' code
of pracrice for ploin andr.einforced
concrere lays down that reinforcement
bars shall
have concrcte cover (exclusive of
plastci or othcr iinish ) as follows
:- ir
the diameterof suchbar;
(a) At eachend of reinforcingbar not
lcss than25 mm, nor lcssrhantwice
nor lessthandiameterof suchbar' In thc
(b) rcinforcingbar in a column,not ress
For a tongiiuJinar
rhan40 mm,
200 nrm or under,whosercinforcing
barsdo not'exccedl2 mm' a l_
caseof corumns of minimu, iir.nrion of N
ffi"T,iltfl; norrcssrhan25mm,norrcssthan
in a bcam,
c'amcrer or bar:
(c) ;o;i;[f,irilil tha' l5 mm' nor lessthan the L
othcr rcinlorccmcnt in a slab, not'it'tt
(d) For tcnsire, compressiuc,shcar or
of such bar: and -^- r^oo rhrn rhe .ilmctcr of such bar'
(e) Foranyotherrcinforccmcnt'notlcssthanl5mnt'norlcssthanthedilrn
making stipulati.ns t-
rhe srructrualclrawingscr by
maY be incrcascd by the Rcc clcsigncrby inscrringnotcs-in harmtul chernisals etc' F
Thc cover
in the sPccificationsto cater tor
spcciai.unti,t.rrtion, fiftt'p'o*ii.i'y
of saline watcr'
For articlcs with thin cross
concrctc covcr of 20 mm or twicc
scction likc prccasl RCC fcncing posts,
thc diarncterof main bars,
ccrl'!in government departments
whichcver is greatcr'
like the tvlES specity

Lap splices g whcn lcngth of bars in stock is shortcr

lly in rhc rangc of ro 13 m.
Arowancc I\
,n.,',n!',:tff:lffi"i#';1,:L:'::[T::[il i?*i'i;; rapspriccsl
bc :-
of quunrity of reinlorcementshould
bars in comprcssion'
(a) 24 times the bar diamct'cr'for
diametcr, for bars ln tensron'
(b) 30 times the bar
o r t c n s i o nh c s h o u l da l l o w f o r 3 0
to whc-,thcr a particuiarbar i s i n c o r n p r c s s i o n
Whcn t.heesttnratoris in doubt as
the bar diamctcr.
arc pcrrnittedfor such
butt wclding' but if lap splices
diamctcr arc to bc cxtcndcd by
Nonnally, bars largcr than 36 mm thc'lappcdp.rtion'
,t,rn.,tt o" pr.r'idctl aroutttl
b a r s a 4 c l i t i o n l ls p i r a l . , t i 6 , n *
i s ro bc calculatctitln
a r c s p i r c e r l i a s i n c u r r l r r i . g o t ' r c i n | o r c c i r r c n r )t h e l a p l c n g t h
w h c n b a r so f c ! i f r c r c nd t i:.rmctcrs
of bar'
t h e b a s i so f t h e s r n a l l c rd i a m c t c r

Cranked Bars bcnr to an inclination of 450 ' and

bars 0.4
acrcl t ro alrow i'c.rexrra rcrrgthdue ro crunking'rvitc.n lrlrs Ie oi 3rf' Thc v:rlttcsof 0'4 t lnll
For crankcd arc bc*r tl an irrclinatlott
iength J"" r" crrnking *h-cn b,ars to nc add':tl' (t = vcrtical
add 0.3 t ur alrcrwfor exrra r:rantctl ar bcth cnclstwicc tnt'" valt:':s *'ili havc
ancr thus ir tr.,cL,ar is
0.3 t arc for each crank
,lir,rn." through u'hich bar is

A ! l o r v ; t n c ef c r h r l o k s thc :;pliced etidS lrc

s l c c l r c i n [ o r c i : l g t - . : t r si n c l r i t | i n g .
cnds oi a!i illlilrl rtl,.litdnlil<l bars unlcss
F o r t h c P u r y ) o \ co f a n c h o r a g e ' ribhx'tl/dcfcrrmcd/cold tr'"'istcd
Such hooks arc ncl oblig'r<-,rv r.,,hc,r uring torstccli
providccl with hooks' ' " ' - s n c ir! ' i c ; t r r i n s .
o r s t i p u l i r t c di n d r ; l v " t : 1 r t
iarticularly :;hown
bars conlormirl{ to
b a r s c o t t l - t l r t tttn g t o 1 5 .
J l l - l t ) 5 0 ' o r t l " l o ; ' n i i ' d a r i l r J: ; t c c l
\\/hcn using plain rotrnd milcl stc^cl
() rtf-bar(i,|',t,:, no casc I,JSS rhan 75 rnm) rountli:'.l
r h c n r i n i m u t na l l o w a n c l o r c i r r -t t i t t t o k i s t i n t c s thc cliamcrcr
I S :1 ! i 9 - 1 9 5 9
works oul as l ' 0 l l t l . .: : -
otf to titc n;ercst 5 mtn, and

Diuittctcr N { i n i m u ma l l o u ' a t l c e
of tur for each hook
.a 190
I,l 5 -\L

15 3(t 3:5
I tiO
t) 4() 3o.)
!a 75 ll 45 405
l r ! 90 50 450
')Q 2-s0
1 a ll0


l i n x s ; t n i rl , i cl i k c .


ffi., 3l

Y - A]rq'$c9-r.9T.It0tr,s-,/f,-ry!)-*.*...

I of stcelbarsis givenbelow :-
(x (15:1139-1959) ll times diameterof bar.
L Mediumtensilesteel (tS:a32-1960)
13 times diameterof bar.
Cold twisted steel bars 0S:17861961)
- . t-
\t (Rdererre 15:2502-1963- Cdc'of pradicc for heding ail fuing of bars fo corcrcu rehforcctrunt)
- J. t Reinforcement for Circular Slabs

r For finding lengrh of bars ryguged (excluding hooks and
L;;i il" iitcuiat flat slab, fihd out a squareof the^same
atia as the circlular . slab using formula 59 . on
- . l
i Fo of tnit book. Toal lgngth of.bars.required
ioi sucn a square slab (calculaul with fie same
reinforcementand spacing as ttrat,of the circular slab)
I will be sameas total lengf required for the circular slab.
? Alio*"nr" for hooks and laps can be added later on.
t The sameprinciple as above can be apPli:g for finding
reinforgem-ent required in flat walls and slabs of curved
or indlllar shaPes.

PLAII - Circulr Slab Two \ilay Reinforced Slabs

: -tt,.tway reinforcedslab, disuibution or temperature
In a two
Ur* miy be indicated in the structural drawings are
i"q"ii.A onty for the portion of the main bars taken to thc
I tof of the slab after cranking.
: In the sketch shown, main reinforcement bars' in the
innermostcentralrectangle(shown by-d9tte{ lines).are
Uoro,,' in borh t# directions.- No distribudon/
: "i
Gtp"oi*"ltying barsate nqd9d in this areaas the main
Uari in one direclion can be ded to the main bars running
, u\..

3t right angle ,o ft"t. . -, .
similarty, in the four recangles formed at cornersof the
: \
lo' ,lv ;pb: ililieinforcemenr bars in both the directions will
be availableat top as well as at bottom for tying to each
- : r\ I t? othdi at intenections.
\r Teinperature/diitriuutior/tr{8 ba* indicated in the
- ,;6;A;i; oi,i";nrot ement-ofl two w.avr.einforcedslab
-noitionshownshadedin the sketch,at top, as the bent
up of main bars need lateral suppg-r!whictr. is
pi,riiOJ by'tying up with the temperature/distribution/
tyirlg bars.
.* trn.a-two-way reinforcedclab,' depen$ng'on the design
irquirrrrns, other,reinforcement like extra bars over
supportat top, corner bars etc., maY F required' These
Two ray Rclniorcedrleb at6'not shown in the accompanyingsketch'

- t
'i .lO 'l'ii' ; t
a i(.1

(a) Except where clearlv.indi*!{:il,1l.!3yi:,e::!3]:r|?t:g

otherwise- P:;P::?:*f"t;"i#l*ilYt*l}flY
rtre-rnain cQlurnn
, ;il:t:ffi;:'il;il"ffi;HilA.q'-ilr"t" ;.qtaiGngtr.of
- ,
ffi;di;;G nd;1', il r"ot11g,l.aegtfasl

- ,
x*T#r,"Tffi tl!I,x"J,:$ri'{$fl*ttt$'b

+ I


Slope Angle of Value of Value cf Value of I
Natural Natural !,
I = Height inclination Natural
Tan Q
=Q Sec O Sin O L.

When usingthe equationsgivenbelow,take \

l : I 450- 00' I r.4142 0.7071 1.0000 the spanof roof equalto clear spanbetween I

I | wails (+) thicknessof outer walls (+) roof


1 : l i 330_40' 1.201s o.ssa+ 0.6661

projectionson either side. I
l : 2 260-34'l r.rr8r 0.4412 0.s000
I | rs---->{ t
l : 2 1 230- 58'I 1.0e44 0.4062 0.4444 I

I I l l ,
l : 2 i 21c- 48' 1 . 0 7 7 0 0.4000 l* ts
1i slantlength \
I 10.3711 T
l : 3 lg0- 26'I 1.0s41I 0.3162 0.3333 t ' \ - 7

l : 4 140-02' r.o3o7| o.zors

0.2500 tu \

l : 5 ll0 - 19' l.0le8 0.1e62

0.2tlc1 4 i r N ' t

l : 6 090 - 28' 1.0138 0.t64s

0.1667 lt lt ti tl ll f.
0go - 08' r.0102 0.l4ls 0.1429
l : 7
1 : 8 070 - 08'
r.0078 0.1242 0.1252
ll L tl \
| S - SPan
l : 9 060- 2l' 1 . 0 0 6120 . 1 1 0 6 0.1113 \t

l : 1 0 050 - 43' l.oo50 0.0ee6 0.1000
I \
l : 1 2 040 - 46' l . o o 3 5l O . O a l t 0.0833 l\ Eaves; J
l : 1 4
l : 1 5
040 - 05'
030- 49'
Loo25 o.o;rz
r.Cf/22 o.o0oo
0.0667 D
..----l-"'r--I v- )

| | /r"-uip
1 : 1 6 030 - 35' 1.0020 0.0625 0.0627 ",B t '
l : 1 8 0 3 0- l l ' 1.00r5 0.0556 t
lo.osss PLAN - Hlpped end of roof
l : 2 0 024-52', 1.0013 0.0500 0.0500 q
| If BD is Yertical distance
1 : 2 5 02 0- 1 7 ' l ooos o.o:la 0.c400
between the eaves and tle
l : 3 0 0i0 - 55' l.(r0fi 0.033'{ 0.0335 ridgc level, then graPhicallY
I CD-represents actual length of
l : 4 0 01 0- 2 6 ' 1.m03 | 0.0250 0.0250 the hip rafter CB. \_
l : 5 0 01 0- 0 9 ' l.ooo2 I o ,lzot 0.0200

I.JO'I'ES lq

S l o p i r r gl e n g t h o f R o o f L
'fo shccting,tiling etc) :
tind thc sloping l.-ngth(slant lcngth) of roof, (for common raftcrs,barge boards,
Skrpinglcngth = Spanof roof x Sec O L

IIip/\'alley rafters L
for valley gutters):
To find the actual lengrhof hip/vallcy rafters(also for ridgc tiling ovcr hip or
Actual length tli Hip or valley = 0'7071 x Span trf roof x Sec O L

liright of iit;of, oi' Rise due to rr,ad gradienLsetc. t-

'i w a l l p a r a l l ctl o c a v c s t , O R t o l i i l '
r f i n d r i s c o f r o o fa t a g i v c n i l i s t a n c c f r o m t h c e d g c o f e a v c s ( o r f r o m t h e i n n c r o r o u l c r c c l g e o f
,, --risc o[ roail of a given gradicntat a given disUnce from startingpoint :

Rrsc=TanO x disuncc.

Sloping Area (or Actual Area) of Ro<lf

A:url Arca = Area of Roof on nlan x Sec @ al



- . t
a CBRI Roorkee in their Buildirrg ResearchNotes No.31,43 and 44 have projected simple smdsdcal relations for quick
:3 lpproximare estimeltionof the rcquirementcf material and labour for variou.skinds of buildings for purposessuch as budgeting,
advanceprocurementofmatcrials,justificationoftendersandcomputationofcostindjces. Thisinformadoninaslightlyconciseform
= rs rcproducedhere, with grateful acknowledgemensto CBRI Roorkee..
\.1 S t a t i s t i c a l R e t a t i o n s h i p sf o r R e s i d e n t i a l B u i l d i n g s ( B u i l d i n g P o r t i o n O n l y )

(A = Plinth area of one dwelling in sq m)

Sutistical Relationships
:: DoublcStorey Four Storev
Matcrial/Labour Storcy I
: Load bcaring Construction RCC FramedConstruction
(l ncluciing foundation) (Includingfoun<iation)

Bricks 100 Nos 2 .2 6 A+ 66.8 z.l'sn + 63 256A-0.0096A2-26.2
Cemcnt tonne 0 . 1 5 3 A* 0 . 5 1 0 . 1 4 5 A+ 0 . 5 4 0.2024A- 0.3&
Steel k" cg 2 1 . 3 A- : t r 4 2 . t . 9At - 3 0 5 102.45A- 0.401A2 - 16fl2
: Sand cum 4 . 4 7 4- 7 0 . 1 3 A- 5 . 6 0.397A- 0.38
(i) 20 mm and Cown cu rn 0 .l 7 6 A - 0 . 2 1 0.178.A-0. .21 0.3664 - 0.76
(ii) 40 rnm and down cu In 0 . i - l 5 A+ 1 . 5 0.075A+ fl .78 0.0027A+ 0.0001A2+ 0.45
Brick Aggregate LU IN 0 , 1 1 3 A- 0 . 8 3 0.0564 - 0.12 0 . 0 2 1 A+ 0 . 0 1
Timber for :-
(i) frames and shutters C . 0 i 9 A+ C.C19A + 4.23 0 . 0 2 A+ 0 . 1 1
- 0.0042A 0.0097A- 0.03
(ii) shuttcring 0 .0 0 1 2A
tlailics I'i;r formwork 0.<04A 0.501A 0.9364- 2.35
- Lirne 0 . 1 4 5 A- 0 . 3 5 0 . 0 8 3 A- 0 . r 7 0.063A- 0.08
Surkhi cum 0.052A- 0 . 3 7 0.0264- 0.18 0.01A
:! Bitumen kg r . 8 3 6 4-. fl
0 . 9 1 8 A- 4 0.357A+ 0.14
Glass pancs sq nl 0.047A 0.047A 0.047A
- Primcr for oil paint litrc 0.c48A 0.048A 0.045A+ 0.56
Oil paint litre 0.084 + 0.2'l 0.084 + 0.27 0.075A+ 0.93
- Stone rubble cum 0.032A


\.a Mason day 1 . 3 3 5 4+ 2 8 1 . 3 5 5+ 46 r.593A- 2

Carpcnter day r . 1 8 4 A- 9 l . r 9 4 A- 9 1.65A
Painter day 0.19A 0.19A 0.194
Blacksmith day 0.269A - 4 0.274A- r.4 l.llA-0.0043A2-t7.6
--! Mazdoor day 4 .7 6 9 A+ 32 4 . 9 1 A+ 1 3 5.833A- 9.2

NOTE : The abovc relationshipsare applicable for plinth areasranging from 30 to 300 sq m in the caseof single and double
storeycdbuildirigs, and upto 100 sq m for four storeyed framed buildings. Builder's hardware and rainwater goods will have
to bc addcd extra, on as rcquircd basis.

Services likc warer supply, plumbing, drains and electrical wiring etc., will have to be added extra. Specifications
- common for the above thrce types of buildings are given below, followed by portion of specificarionswhich are not common
lor thc three lypes.

Common Specifications
- Excavarion in ordinary soil. Brickwork (rraditional) in cement mortar l:6. Half brick thick walls in cement mortar
l:3 rcinlorced with hoop iron. Sand filling in plinth. All RCC work in cemcnt concrete l:2'.4, finished on exposed f3.-t!
*,irh 6 mm thick plastcr in ccment mortar t:. f S mm thick cement concrete l:2:4 floor finish, laid on cement.concrete l:5:10
- bcd in ground floor, bur laid direcrly on RCC slab in upper !qop. ]im!e-r joinery having -100 x 75 mm frames fixed with
- t m.s. hojdfasts,and 38 mm thick shuriers,panelled for doors and fully glazed for windows. Wall plaster white washed internally
J and cblourwashcd extcrnally. Painting io woodwork and exposed steelwork. hecast RCC in shelves and raised cooking
piarform. Round stccl guard bars for windows. RCC suircase for double storeyed and four storeyed buildings.

- ,



34 II
Differing SPecifications
are \
threetypesof residentialbuildings for which statisticalrelationships
Soecificationswhich are not commonfor the

given oti pag" 33 are indicatedbelow :- L

Four soreyecl (RCC famed ) buildings

Load bearingsingleand double storeyedbuildings \-
RCC coloumn footings on PCC l:4:8 levelling course'
Ordinary strip foundations,with PCC L
pFIt' same as single/double soreyed _buildings,-.butfinished ;
Waterproofingro roof slab consisting-9 t* thick *iO +Orr rhlck concreteopping aftcr laying lime tcrracing.
tackloat and 100 mm thick lime concreteterac \
the smooth Plaster12 mm thick in cementmortar l:4 internally and 20
Plaster in cement morar 1"6, 12 mm thick on mm thick exrcrnallyincluding Reerufinish' \
brick walls-anJ2g mm thick on rough side of wall'
Timber cupboardProvided. L

(Building Portion Only) \

StatisticalRelationshipsfor Office Buildings

(A = Plinth area of all storeysadded up, in sq m) L

Statistical Relationsh iP
|.'laterirl/Labour Statistical RelationshiP L
Steelvrindows sqm 0.lll7A + 93.?t>
Cement tonne 0 . 1 9 2 5 4+ 1 8 . 5 2
Glass(for glazing) sqm 0.1407A+ 55. 99 \
Fine sand gum 0 .0 3 A + 105.50
litre 0.02564+ 9.74
Coarse sand cu In 0.2597A- 80.94 Primerfor Painting
Oil paint litre 0.0322A+ 7.24
Coarse aggregate
q 0.0754A- 5r.2r
(r) 20 mm size cum 0.27284 - 48.50 Lime L
cum 0.0204A- 18.39
ii,) i0 rnrn sire cum 0 . 1 l 6 4 A- 20.74 Surkhi
q 0.1338A- 48. 52 \
t;,,1 40 mm size cum c . 0 1 5 l A- 73.91 iv(arbiechips
Marble powder cum 0.0012A- 0. 36
i,iir:k bailast cum 0.s4264 - 38.37
for :
for';ir'*crk m 0 00504 I r.19 L.\B OU R l
;l :
0.53 lvlason day t . l 3 l 4 A - 407.40
Cerpenter day O.'iSl4A+ 4,r9.09 k.

191." t5 Ciar-ict' day 0.0i22Ar 1Lr.3l

tl) 0 .5 5 0 7 r\
0.09054* 37) 6

1 . 1 8 2 9 A 52t.23 Fairtcr day tL-

i00 \os
t),i)4j9A B:r.:'ksrnith day 0..179.'t
if nnc \-
17.07 Mizdoor day 6.055 A - 2024.31
sqm c.0636,\


Speci:'icarionsior rhr various ot't'icebuildings cori:,idere<j in working out the above relations ar(l substaniielly same
l ; s t S o s cg i v e n f o t i o u t - s i o r " , ' ' . , 1r e s i d e n r i a b l uildings c n p a i ' J : 3 3 a n d 3 4 e x c e p tt h a t : - rL

Lirirt (:i'irlcf i'1,0r ri'r.llr R'l{-' clcumn foc'tings)is PC'C l:5' lC'
Floc.;-in,;all over is 40 rnm thick ri:arble chips flooring cas'.-in-situ-, consisting 3l mm thick underlayer of PCC l:2:1' 1-

rnixeo,"itn marui*"porud*r qndcement (Gnazo cast-in-situ)' The marble chips

rc;player t.,i'g ,nni rhick ,,.,,,rt,Ie ch;ps
,:ir,i is llid 0:, , 1 [ x , , n r , , '
r h i l l . i ' C C t : - s : ! 0s u b g r a d ei n g r " u n , i l i * r , : : r J o r t 5 0 r n m t h i c k l i m e c c n c r e l : ( u s i n gb r i c k a g g r c g ; t e ' ) L

: ;nitlgl:'y,3; , ' . , 6' l p l ' ( : r lli"'il;.

l5 mm tl.ick cetnent plastcr 1:3
Darloiskirtingconsisu of 6 mm thick marble chips (terr-+zo)layer cast-in-situ,on t-

l - : i c li n g .
1:i:6 block's'
3.5mnr rjrick flush drxrr shutr:rs fixed to 100 x 60 mrn wcrcdeniramcs. FloldfastsembeddcCin FCC
',1'r;rtlowsale standard st.rel glaz.cdwindows. fir: shcti with oil-paint.

Walls plasrcrcd in ccment morrar l:6, 12 mrn thick on fair face of brick walls and 20 mrn thick on rough face, and r-
g i v e n w h i t e / c o l o u rw a s h b o t h i n t e r n a l l ya n d e x t e r n a l l y .



i -
MateriaULabour for Internal Water Supply and Sanitary Services
t (Accomodation built for Governmentemployeesconsidercd)

* l
Double Storeyed Residential Four StoreyedResidenrial
\1 Requiredpcr Average Area per Tenement
122 m2 ll2 m?

Wash basin
Soil/wastcpipe :
(i) 100nrm dia 8 .r 0 8.30 8.90 10.4'J
(ii) 75 mm dia 3.90 4.30 4.40 4. 50
(iii) 50 mm dia 2.80 3.10 3.50 3.90
Ccinent tonnei 0.21 0.19 0.24 0.25 0. 33
Sand cum| 0.61 0.55 0.67 0.i1 c.9s
Coarscaggregate c u m | 1 .0 3 0.79 r.t2 t.l3 l.if:
- Primer (paint) litre | 0.08 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.44
\{ Oil paint litre | 2.ffi 417 4.36 4.94 5q5
Bricks No.l 100 r30 135 150 180
tiolCcr bats No.| 3.5 9 l0 i l t?
- Floor/nahni trap 2 ) .-1 5
G . l .P i p s :
( i ) 1 5m m d i a 22.40 26.20 30.00 5?.C''0
(ii) 20 mm dia (and above 17.60 23.40 2_5.00 41.00
- Bibcock, l5 mm size a
3 A

Stopock, l5 mm size 2 3 a
: Stopcock,20mm size I I I
PVC conncctor I I n

Snowcrrose I I
- L

Tank 270litrcs I I 1
SWG piSr 100 mm dia 4.10 6.ffi 6.60
:3 Cully trap
I C.:lll
0.50 0.50 i
Towcl rail ;
- Labour

Firtcr 8.63 | ll.5l | 18.85 9.90 l1.50 1 3 . 8 0 20.&)

Mason 4 . 8 71 6 . 4 s I 8.83 3.60 4.20 6.00 7.80
Painter 0 . 7 91 1 . 1 5 1 1 . 7 0 I I I 1. 80
Mazdoor 1 6 . 3 41 2 0 . 6 31 3 0 . 3 5 17.60 22.ffi 24.W 34.60

\ Materiaulabour for Internal water supply and sanitary services


(Per 100sq m plinth areaof multistoreyedolficebuildings)

\1 N{aterial Unit Qry Matcrial Unit Qty MateriaVl-abour Unit Qty


e W.C.Sea/pan Set 0.33 C.I.bend/junction No. 1.80 G.I. pipe 32ln mm sia m 1.50
\\'ashbasin Set 0.33 SWGpipc 150mm m 0.70 Bib cock, 15mm sizc No. 0.50
N{irror,towelrail & soapdish Sec 0.33 Cement tonne 0.03 Stopcock, 15mm size No. r.20
- . t
Urinal Set 0.33 Sand cu m, 0.08 PVC connector No. t.20
100mm dia soil pipe m 3.30 Coarseaggregate cum 0.14 Fiuer day 3.30
50 mm dia wastepipe m 2.40 Spunyarn kg l.l0 Mason day l.@
Lrad for joints kg .9.10 G.l. pipe,l5 mm size m 2.30 Painter day 0.45
Floor/nahni lraps No. 0.70 G.I. pipc 20f25mm size m 2.00 Mazdoor day 5.00

NorE : Roundup quantiries[o wholearticlcswhereappropriate.


3 6 T H U M B R U L E S F o R \.-

estimatein which somc major misiakc

to quickly chcck the accuracyof a dcuiled I
Somc dmes il becomcsnecessary havc hrst rc be located,which can bc done by applying
irJ nioj--^i*"t",
is susDecrcd.Bcfore rhey"on * ,".'rirlol -
following crosschecks/thumbruh's
Excavationand Earthwork
with the toul quantiry of spoil disposedoff'
(a) Total quanuty excavatcdmusl tatly L
floors excccdsqtrantity
tl b"1O:TT llus carth for filling undcr
(b) If quantiry o[ canh required for rcfilling L
murrumhasbccn measured'
excavatcd, checkwhcLicrwinningextracaflh or
' i t a r i o o f d c p t h o [ l h c c o n c r e t c b c d i n f o u n d a t i o n s t o t h c d c p t h o f f o u n d a t i o n r e n c h s h o u l d w o r k o u r n e a r l y s a m g a\ s
for foundations'
il"no*o"r to lhe cubic contenrsof excavationin trenches
ihc relio of cubic conrenrso, .on"ri "'li
be workcd oul' and
concrctcto thc t(-'lrl wcight of reinforccmcntshould
Thc rartioof lotal c'lbic contcntso[ rcinforccd
checkcdwith thc f")ilorili data:- \
vcrandahs andso involvingonly occasional verindahcolumns/
(i) In ''dli'l(rti!l t'irildings without full-length

*alls' .*'hcrethc cubic contcnts of concrcte consistsmainlvol

quintrlspcr cu m of concrelc'
slabs,the tu:1''worksout to 0 70 to 0 85 L

ovcr with RCC slsbs' wilh full'lcngth
(ii) In buildrngs*irh lou'l-l'saringwalls roolcd- be:lms and RcC vcrandah columns \-
RcC vctandah hfcssirmur
,oot.o ou""t"t' ncilitti" ""i"pponing
( u s u a l l y a s , n o r t " i t . . . t , n i . " l . . . ' . i r l m o t l i t i o n , / A d m i o b l c x . k s / s i ncvcrl'cu
g l e m e i rnl
' s hofo sconcrctc'
t c l s o r b a(fh'
iu'or'o ul !'! iiuinrels'rl icrrrfcrccmcnr for
rario usuilly ;;i..";;i

( i i i ) l n i r l l n r r l s t ! u ! I u r c s t l ] i : r a | i . ) w i i l b c . } . o r : l l ' i 5 l ( i i . : \\hctc
i ] q u i shccr
n i ] l swull
c I f cmcth"'l
i n i o l i is
: cadoptcl!
l n ( : n i iin
*ril *: bilincLl
concrcLclhc lc-lserpr')portlonof rciniorc;n'r:r:l t

lhc d'si!ir'
ctc' shouIJtt
!..r i',:.'lns,|in!c15,
lf it crn bc chcckcd,tnc r:]!ioof rc;rlorctjnrcnl: alrd slructuril ilrc ibcrs rlrl
given fcr r':ir:i'lrccmenrlll YdiiLruisiluittions
\A'orkcdour. Thss€radosca" b€ cleJ;O *iifr lhose
p:rge97 ()l this tiixrk.

fl'rrmwtlrk t
(lrk' (Re(l'Jii-ctilctil (.
on 3n avc.r:tIe rcqirirr:r lltc l ' r r l l t l r , ' ' i n gq u a n t i t i c s r l f l - t ) l ' : t r " '
R c i n f c r c e i Jc o l ' i c r ' r t ci r r v : : r i o u ss i t u a t i o n s ' r r . - uf a f : c t ' l l i s ) t r : l r ' I l - ' r i i t l' c l t l i 0 t r
w i . . ! c l y w' i t h t h c s c ( ' t i o l ' ros f coricrclc,:llil het,c,, ihc firlltr"vinil sllouiil
o[ lormwor;: varias

: I ro I sq lil Pci uJ m o[ collclct'e
Futtrng:; tlnlY I

: f0 sQ IIl pt-r'cu In ci c o n i r c t " J '

20 x 2() cm colurnn shafts
: 15 sq ::t frc; cu m of col;crcL:
2 0 x 3 8 c m c o i r j r n ns h : l f i s ' - 1 ' , ' . ' l ' S ( - 1n l p c r c u l l l t l f ; o n c r ' - ' i c
O v e r a l l ( F o r s r n g i c s t ( i r ( - \c o n s t r u c t i ( )In

In brick ctlilstnit'tirln

i . . \ . \ ' c r : r i : c2 0 x 2 | c n l t ' t c : l m s .w i t h t ) c ' l i \ r ( ) i l 3 l

large to+ltnls)

R c c u r n g u l a rl t r m s : lr1 t() 16 sq m pcr cu ln (''[ cr)ncrctc'

Tcc trcanrs : lS to l() sil ln pcr cu nl of (:()n('r'Jlc



- 37
Beams In stone constructiol
(Average 25 cm d€ep 38 cm widc beanrswith
: occasionallarge bcams)
Recungular beams 9 to ll sq m per cu m of concretc.
Tee beams l0 to 12 sq m per cu m of concrele.
Lin te l s In brick construction
Average 20 x 15 cm section 15 sq m per cu m of concretc.
Average20 x l0 cm section l8 sq m per cu m of concrete.
\a fn stone construction

Average 38 x 15 cm section l0 sq m per cu m of concrcte.


S la b s
Variesfrom 8 sqmpercu m to9 sqmpercum for ll cm thickslab. Wittr largerthiclncssofslablesser
form work per cu m of concretewill be required. Also *ith more thicknessof walls or more numberof cross-
a, walls lesserquantity of formwork will be requiredper cu m of concrctein slab.

\ Staircases
Anchor beam 10 sq m per cu m of concrcte.
Flight (with 13 cm waist), includingsoffit, edge
of waist, ends of stepsand faces of riscrs 9 sq m per cu m of concrete.
:l Parapet(10 cm thick) 20 w 2l sq m per cu m of concrete.
\a Landing beam 9 to l0 sq m per cu m of concietc.
Landing slab (l I cm thick) 8 sq m per cu m of concrele.
: Overall for staircase ll !o 12 sq m per cu m of concretc.

(9 cm averagethickness) 14 t,o 15 sq m per cu m of concreoe.

\a RCC boxes
- (45 cm projecting, 5 cm thick) 26 sq m por cu m of concrctc for stone walling, and
30 sq m per cu m of conctete for brick walling.

In a complete residential building of traditional design, with load bearing walls, thc total form
work required var:iesfrom 9 !o 1l sq m per cu m of coqcrete for stonc construction, ard frcm l0 to 12 sq m pcr cu m of
-'l concrele for brick consruction.
A mi$rke most commo y liable o bc committed is that !r thc measurqncnt of fomwork md concrrtc fc Tcc bcams.
\ t
Depth of Te3 b€ams indicated in drawings is (usustly) inclusire of thicknc.ssof slabs. As slabs arc mcasund ovcrall, dcpth
of Tee be3ms should be measured cxclusivc of thc thiclnrs of slabs, both fc concrctc rnd fcmwort.

Brickwork / stone masonry

e A rough estimate of brickwork / masonry required in a building can be made from the following information :-
e I n ResidentialB uildings

\ - With 20 cm thick brick walls throughout Area coveredby walls is about 16 to 17% of the plinth area.
- l
With 30 cm thick externalbrick walls and Area covered by walls is about 20% of thc plinth area.
20 cm thick internal walls.
With 38 cm thick external stone walls and Area coveredby walls is about 22 to A% of the plinth area.
20 cm thick internal cross walls.

- t With 38 cm thick stJonewalls throughout. Arca coveredby walls is about 26 a 30% of the plinrh area.

- - l


'rir"r, satrE' (i'9' of toomsis

3E . . ldation anddislosition of rooms with
bu'din' slone
In two buildingsof idcntical.dr""i"ni
iitt printh
the ofthc
ar€a lY P

Rough onthc*"]YUt
For tk
afcal ol lnc ourcrEr^ ul' n;iff'#,ll*.ilt"lt"J"S,[i';:
-'"--- --
above. Purpose -.. - , .L:- -^- provide
this may ffivi.i. snothcr usefulcrosscheck.
rnothct usef
Whcre flocing in differcDt stdcys
hrs bc'n scParately
if o"ii;;;;;;. oi itt" opp"tt*vs alonotchanscd'
rotalnoorarcssin dur"r"ntror"y"'Jii'fr1il'u'".-rir"r*
Plastering ctc.

found 8s follows :-
arca of- i-ntcmal ptistcr can bc x room heighu
total lcngth of irtemsl cross walls)
(Length of exteroal walls + twicc $c
in thedetailcdcsumab'
f", ir pru"**ckcd out

Roof covering l -
given on page 32 of this book' l v
roofs, aree of roof cuvering can be checked by applyinS constants
For piiched
l -
iw soictimesturnouto bequitelarge'
quantiwrcqoirea Oi
walls unylr,", #ni;i riJ.
in at parap€r tif
Externsl painting/plssterin
from which deduci openings etc'
up length of extemal wall faces 8nd multiply by r}le height'

Arca will bs sameas internal/extemal
Arso tosorfitstasbcen':T^"":.:';1"#iT'l"i"rHl'*"i'JJ*#I-iilXfi'J";::"J
to sidesof rcof b€amsand sotlrts
io *fnts' Whircwash
t lo**l"rf

SPot itanrs

given below :'
plstformt and steps'
Ramps,plinth protection'open
chimney llucs elc'
P3rapet walls abovc roof levcl' and
Loii slabsand shelves'
roof level'
i^"i"ty shafs; and parapets sbovc
etc ' in rocf'
hip/valley 'afErs'
Be,t biocks icr fixing puriins 8nd
water sto'-1leurk atovc lavatories'

rather simpl;'
.tt,e is by no me?ns.compreie, and the suggestiormttyapPear
ristof *osscheck gi,,enabove of suggestingas to how a detaiicd estitnntc
ir* with rhe'intention
are giv'en. to this liri
an<Jobvious.Thesec:,osschecks mat be thoigfu uP and adccd
Further cros;schecks
may be checketrin limited dme avcirabre.

Etements of builder's costs
: :-
Rates quoted bY a buildcr have to cater for the following

Basic costs Indircct costs

Materials, Ovcrheads,
Labour, Establishment charges,

Tools and plant. Proht.

costofmatcrials\{illincludcthcpricechargcdbysupplicrs't'ansF)nado n/taulaSetosilc-of.wo.k,unIoading
\ *"rt", ]ilf"i.g", br.rutrges,offcuts duo to nonstandardsizes spccified,
and storing. Allowance has also to X-.a0" fL. discountsavailable Anothct
iu buik' anclfor
dcllrcciatondueto ba,tr,n.og",.",urnr'n-g
"rpiv "ur"t. "orpoa,ion-,1oss salcstrr, octroi, custom-duty,royalty and llle like'
: importantconsiderarionwill L\epov'n"io-o'n ia"ouni of

: Labour
R e q u i r c m e n t o f l a b o u r c a n b c m e t w i t h b y r h c t ] u i | d o r c i t } i c r b y e n l c rgetting
i r l g i n twork
o a g r executed
e c m e n t sby
w idirectly
work or
- contracrorsby negorraungn", ,ur", p'Jy'ut-ta fci unir ot'cactt diffcrent ircm of
employedlatrour,or by a judicious mixturc of thc two
- on
The s-ystemof labour subcontractors is usuallyfound to bc cost'timceffective' but may tend to compromisc
- r h c a s D e c t o f q u a l i t y . R c P u t e d b u i l d e r s u s u a l l y o p l t o e x e c u t o i m p o r u lwc,rk
l i . a crhrouFh
t i v i l i e slabour
l i k c c usutrcontractors.
il;i?;;;;"gh dircctly luuour"., and rhc:emaining bLrlkcf
- pay' attcndanccon
Due allowance as applicablo has ro be madefor idlcluavclling!ifle, ovenimc, holidayswith
- and the like'
i"ii *"g"r. i"*ot"rable advancepayments!o labourers'
fales,paid leave,incremenlsin scales'medicalatrcnuon'
- t
In situationswherelabourhasto bc imponed,aspcctslike
fces etc ' may also come into play'
free tesri"g,[i"ing accomodadon'visa, passport'airport
'all-in' rate fo. - item of work giving judicious weiShuge to atl thc factors
- wo*ed out
"""rt ""t"gJ'i "i-i"Ut"i"tl-tit-
mentioned above'
Toots plalt and machinerY
- Plant usedon site is subdcvidcdinto :-
item of work like brickwork' concreteetc'
irems of wori, and therefore has to be accoun@dfor in the
- costofplanthastolncludefor'standingcharges'consistingofinterestoncapitaloutlayanddepreciadonto
'ti""rticosts' consisiingof fuel. oil' lubricantsand lhe opentor's pay'
caterfor replacemen,
"ort, y tite work requiredin connectionwith useof the plant' shifting
- and.vsriable costs.conri.ting or r"ffi-uf tt "'pfuni, ttp""i
locations eti.
particular job/site by the builder but which cannot be
- Overhead charges deno@ expenses incurred -for a
of work such as brickwork etc'
convenientlyincludedin th" ba.ic to't of sperific itcms
for all coss incurredin the initial seuingup of an efliciently
- Fixed or one-dmeoverheadchargesshouldinclude
sire-offices, sheds,labou camp, cantean,sblution places,fencing'
I operaringwork sire, suchas p-"toi"g in'p"ity -sror_age and fo(
curing Bnks, obtaininS Elephondelecgicau_w4er..connecdons
approachroads, mixing/casring ptatfo"rms,iarcr unks, Aii exdnses rncorurrumwi$ shiRing tools'pbrr'
andclearingall thesei"m;iaij ttb -;;ts 9n Jomnr-e,t11
lI e
I demolishing sirearca$o chargcs'
tr€a'd asrrxcdone-time
machinery, o rtt" ncw
l ' "rpl;;;.l;;iiting

l -
t - \

l -
40 :
incluJc.forfinancechargcson the rolling crpinl
Variablcor timc rcidrcdovcthcil(lchargcsshould

pcriod of construction and thc amount of sccurrtr

fronrBilnks) *ai; ;;ii rcmain-lockcd up duringthc
(or loans/ovcrdrafrs timckccpcrs' clcrl
iu:': -iJl:::ll.\:. srlaricsor cnginccrs'supcrvisors'
dcaosit.until rhccnrlof;lcfcctsli"b ' l' t;';;;'!'-;;i; ," pos,"gc,tclcphonc/elcctricity/watcr bills' tcr rn :
orlucis of jccpsi:;raffbus,..srariorrcr,v, wc"
cishier, warchmen, slorckeclcrs, pul up for builccr'semployccsus
rrlrcshmcnts sencd at sitc'to'nttn"n"" oi'ii" nfficcs including
a s t o r s u p c r v i s i n g a g c n c i c s w o r x l n g o o b c h a l f o f t h c c m p lfcncin!'^laboui
o t c r , r c p a i r a ncamp'
d u o i ccantccn' r y * ' o l kpctrol/oril
c m p o r aplaccs'
c p c | a l l tablution slikcmixing/cxsttn
*"t"ut"r,n' ?"il' uppio"tri
platforms,storlge shcds, ""trt' Natcr,rcntslor hircd accomodation i[ lny' anll slrlltl]r
puip, L,rr';,u,.ping constru.iion
lubrican$fo( iccps,sutf-bus,,nu
othcrctpcnsas. \
,). , t)ilrqcson lcncr3l pltnl lik.- arJne:aoiStsl:cJlti)!ding' purnp1'orpunlrnl constructron
O$,nrns ard u.irnccr.\,: r.
,rarcrandtie lik: will :llsoligureIn i5eL tn'rble()r linle'ciatcdovcrlj'lds'
(iclccL\ Itlillrlrl\
workersand 5L'Per'"i5()rfor il!' rd I ng to delcctscropprngup G-unn-g
Maintllnin q I skele!onieacr ol 'tic l ' ' r : 1 'Jr ' r ' 1
in the fircd or one-rimeo' erh'il(lcll'tr3ts
'Ihc of !''hcn loting ul rhc ovcrlrurJ expcnscs
following itcms Shoulll not bc lost sighl
3s a filishcd arli'l' sold
(il thc la'\'r:tluircs thc \\l'rk to hc trcirlcd \
(a) Tumovcr nr' lnc'jrn' til'\' ilnd Sllcs tar
h ) , h u i l d c r t t - lt h c c t t : t ; i r l v c r ) : t s ;'1,',i
v"ith pcnlrltYot
^ r k ; l o t . . l : i - ' ! r: I i i t ' l l i l o : , : ' i l l i \:'i : : i - ) l1t i : i ' - ' r l i ' l ' ' - : m ; ' l ' : t i o n c o u p l c . ' ! ',n,1
( 1 , )i n i c l i ' - 1 : r j r ' iI ' i - ' l ' ' thc likcll' p ' r ' l i t ) ' / i l a m l t ' ' : s l n
s l : 1 ' l r l : ' l : ' j '' ' ; r c l ' * r i l , ' r l ; l l i \ ' 1 , ' 1t' :. l ' . ) t - ' l l t " - t ' t n 1 l "" ' ' ' r l r k o L l i
liqlirhrcd tlltnilgcs lrc
; : ! r i r ; i l ct h c n l i n t l ) e o \ c r h J l lt l s '
thc likcly'cxpcl-l:J\
r . i ri r C C c l rl a c r s o l ' l i i c a n t l a l l o r v f o r
(c)Builc}crsbcln]ll:.aql]l:ltl|]C()n]rnlilllt)/m.}\,:]'.t,,..,:.. ( ) r g J l t i s l t l ' i o n '
l l - l i , i - r cJ r l , J r l c , \ ' t t
c(tcrri t)i tfr-'l\l:)'i oI oillil:iis
o n e f l t c r l . i l i n i n ga r t d a n V l n c v i t : r b l :

F l s i nb l i s h n r e n t C h a r g e s
ufiir-c clf tho buili.ler':ifirm
(as distinct lronr the site off icc
E,xPenses incuned c,n I iillrling il:c perm;illcl:t head
ffleant for a Particular job) are t e n t r t ) d a s r : s l r b l i s h m e n t c l . ' a r g c s .
fisut,iisirment cil,vi''l{ trllii"i': s;'i"i s
' i:ft ' :
,,rpl,:iyeeS l l k t i , r o n S . m e S S C : 1 i r , . -;'i r i " ' c r i ' i
, : ' " t : l ) S ' , r ' / , : : \ { ' ri o l r i ' r k i n f , o r . l rl r l i l ( i i : r ' i '? l r t l
ili',rrr .i:ilar;vb€irq dist!;,ci f;ol;i ii.i-:-' rrl :lt': r:: 'i'

I l'irsta i ; r']il { i \'

D l{ x/!.elephorierelec tric i ty/'l aiel' bt
;r,r c h i n c : ; ' t t l : e r l i i t e r s e l c , r c n V r e l : ' ri r s o f t ' 1l - " ' - l
t,.ioh:!rtererl "iccouttnnL3 and'J('i'sij
b,v thc t'irrn is dccidc.l
.i.hc perccntaggldiriir;.r i..: .',:;i;.,biiSit,.itunl t h':-;ct. l'o t}e ,)]. irr each tenCersubmitted
],r " i l h tht'.ioul exPensesof the head officc dttring th':
' D v . - o n l p a r i i :tgi : c a n n u a l1 l 1 1 n o v eori ' t h e l i r i r r i i u r i n g ;l h * r r f ' : v i o u st - e a r
'jr.r:'/icus ytr-if.

SrinPlYsutcii, 1';li't' '
' ,l 1 ' r : c l , : s i v c i { ; n s t r L i c 1 i l 3 r -1 ' < i ' : l i r i I

- t

j r, '.:
i- t,,I
. ?

t rlI
'llliitro;r ii-.; nrtlnthly on'3.aouni -
ii. i.

,, ',rti4',:,i,
..r.. ri, i. ' r ' | , l ! J " ' r . ) r kg a t l i i L ' ' i l ' l u " { a l i z c f l : ' k
' ' r i r r - - r f ' . ' i i l l ' ' t t l illirLr
rr J,a..i.,;-!'f i- . '". : ' ; : i i r ' : ' l r ' ' i C au
l tift)sl "li:
1 3 1 1 - ' r r i l - i !l : ' ; ' l l i c f;f ii"'-'1 '1
l \','lr\ ,i'1,',,..:l i ' , " 1 - li ' - - n , ' t { - i - " i l 1 j k - u p

, i

l(;6n iomPClli!(i': '' i I iii,'i:r' i0r l,

: i t : ' ' r , ' . : Il s. Kfl/-' :1
, ; i 1 1 . , - rrs. - v c fh a s n t " " t c r : s
, . i ; ' - ' , - , ) s l si t t ! ' n l ' - ' l ' Cs i . - ' s

I V O R K I N G I J P A N I ) S I - I R M I S S I O NO ! ' T E N D I ' I t S

: T o s u r v i v c a n d s u c c e e d i n h l s p ' o f c s s i o n J b u i l d e r h a s t o c oihJ!
m p . : t c w i t h o t h c r 5 L t i l c t n lit: 'wcll
l t ] r dlaiJ
s a out
! \ ' a'irii d t oI h i f u i l t i r l . i t ' . | /
r d ci r'::
nf on,f"r, usuallisoshc,rt ro r,rJt thct, ncjcrrlcarlrinc
nrarqirofprofit. Timc allowcdfor" "
\ .'oni,tcrrL.tll.ffott undplanningis required'
o n a n a v c r l g c , a w c t l c s t a b | i s h c d b u i l d c r m a y h a v 6 t o c o m p c ii cin:t)
a n d q'lu'ilig
u o | c fdifficult
( . f u | x - )tincs
u t 6 t oand
l 0 j otcccssil'rr'
ratio,rangingf-r'i']" ii" f-i" l0 rnaygo down ro ur'f,,* "t
: one..I,hc,succcss
, whcrcto buy *n^, too a fcw dcpcndable subcontractors o[ eachdiscinlincfr'r}irc(l
,""0t ui"rru"Ju"a
: an,.lDri,is. ",a., "rro al.short nbLice. Fecdbucks troln supcrvisors o[ on-gctuglirtti
q""L,l""r can bc ob.nin-cd.
io wirrk for tltc buildcr, from whom carefurtymonitorc(vcomparcdalrli kelt on record for rcfercncc'
on iicruiricos{sof various i,"",, o, ioi*'oi* "rrialneri,

\ ' ttrl :i ri ' -R

ST ' i i PSIN \ \' OR K IN G OU T A
'i li' i lil'l''i:i'' i
ft;r prCplrrir': ll'" q t l t ' t l 1t " ) l l ' t l l c v J r i O I r '
: A:iit:i;,ing that ll c l i ) ' s ( ( r r v e C f - s . )a r ' - ' O \ / a i l a t r i C
\ \ ' o i r l d ( ' ( i l l s i s l ( ) [ : -
ri a tcndcr bY tlic iruildcr
I ) : tr s 1 f h i ' r ) l l ( i t { } q v

: (]Enqriirics/.lppticalion|ilrandrcccipl.ofblirnktcni.icrdtlcutlicttls.
o i d r a u ' i n g sa n d r - l t - ' i s r o nl ( ) c o t j l p c t c '
i ; - r , . N t i I r . - rj I n i t i a i r c : i d i n g r h r o u g h c l ' i l o c u r n c n t s ,| ) c r t r : i 3 l
: o i l u r ' P s u n t i l r l d c r s ( t ' i l l l f L l r t s n t i t i cb: ci i n g
i)r,i lJo.+ lo jl w o r k i n g c u t d c r : r i l c .qcul r n t i r i c si n t h c c : i s . c ' r , ' j
' c l - ; . ' l l - ' i s
a c t i V i tl'i:;::lv''i'"'i
l\ r'i-:-i:-i:itri.i
s u p p i i c di : i I n d i e n t c n d c f i n gp r a L t i [ ] cc) i t h c ' r ' i n - l i r ) ; . i r c ' o r
: c r i t i c a l \ ^ ' h e nq l l o t l n g f o r l u i n p s u m t c n d c r s '
' - l l l o r ' l i i i o i r js- r ' : r '
r l c s p | l - ' i r o i i i ' . l u i r i c : t t ' r ( l r r ' ' :l i l l l i l i
) : r . . .l t o 4 L ( , 2 ( ) C a r c J - u lr c : r c i n g t h r o u g h o f d o c u n r c n t s , 5 r l ; ' ' i ) i i c r s ' iL ' l ; i l i i i t ' ii:r ) - t i " ; r : "'
; i . l n s c . l c 3 n ( l' ' ; r t
s u b c o n t i a c t o r f. o j r c l c c r i - i c a l / r . , , 3rt;cr )r f p l y i p l u n i b i n g
- . t l)roplic[or)' :lrttclcs.
t r l r v o r k a n t l t ( ) l ' f l ' ' :rl i c ! l ' \
p r c p a r c c h c c k - l i s to f i r c r n so f i n i ' o r m a t i c ' t, o n L r cc r ) i i . r t : t t ' J\ . i ' ; r t l r ; i l i t : . ' 1 1 3
i)uv lirl o to i() 1 ' 1; 1 i i : : i ' )
( ; \ \ , n c r / c l l r r r r o l c,l:.^ . s s c s s i r, 'l , 5c n . r i u r , - - i c x t cunpt i l i : r - r ' : i
s u p c r ' i s ; ; n gt r r c * , o r k o i r b c i r a r ft - r ft h c u ' i l l b c n c e d c d ' A s s c s s i r ' ' cg\ l ' r i l
lcnci*g, siteot'fic:sctc,, t h l t
m o b i l i s a t i o , w o r k r i k c a p i r r . r a c hr o g c r s , s ; a u n i l n c ' o
s sf l h c orvncr/dn]1)lo""rr
f)isc:rctc c n r l i ; r r i ' a b o u r [ ] r i
- t o f c o m p c t i t i o nr h a t w i l l b c c n c o r i n t c r c i l .
i i t t c r i l n p a ) ' l i l c n L s' i n d c ' i s h l - l o \ ^ "
a i r d h i s c a p a c i t , vt o p a ) , c r r s u r l n . rsc g u l a r
in tirr-'
of. worl'. a:ii rclatinE thcsc to thc timc allo*'cd
- t
I)ry N'l l0 to 20 Decisio' on consiruction mcthocrs,programming if rcquircd to bc subniittcti alt)tti'
Diawing up of net*'ork
tcndcr for cornplctionof the work on liound.
with thc tcndcr.
: of fixcd as wcll as timc rclatcdnaturc'
Day No 2l to 25 cost of ovcrhcads
- D a' \i,nNroe2a6dt oi 3nlewsosr k' -o"upt b' ia.s"luc u" 'ni i"t r. aot.c"s,(ict xccJl u
l us iavnc o
r if toiv"csr .hIct ii(sl sl /s. e
o so1d- p
a bc lli lsihcnyr tl notw
Coh ar kr S. Je su/tphr o
a fsi li)cf ol ir na li lti tl ci tmi .sso l ' $ 1 1 ( i
independantlyfor cach job'
D a v N o 3 2 t o 3 8 P r i c i n g t h e w o r k e d o u t q u a n t i t i e s a t $ c .job
b a sini cquestion
u n i l r a t eyields
s a n dthe
. s t pcrccnurgc
r i k i n s i l g . lmark-up
! T : , l i : t :of
h ctho m p l runit
n c obrsic ('d
wirh the roltl cost of ovcrhcadsfor rhc
- - t

rates to catcr for ovcrheads'

pcrccntagcfor buildcr
Dav No 39 to 40 chargcs (or hcad officc chargcs)rxprcsscd as a
Esrablishnrcnt'.o'nrori"n,ti", ^a.,paJlicular
is mrdc for circh
p.ricy"o"cision about rhc pcrccnt!8c of nrofit
uaurltv ,"^"in uili"u.. e to scculc
job dcpcnding;"";;;.;;".Y.c oi job, risk factorsinvolvcd and thc cxlcnt of urgcncy
bill of quantitics 'A'ill be:-
$ork. Ratc '" i" q""i"a-Lit'""ch itcm of work in thc
chargcs and profit togcthcr expressedas a pcrccntagc'*
- Basic unit rate * ouerhcads,cstablishmcnt
and stampcd'AccomplrnyingdGuments likc
Day No 4l The blank ender documentsare neatly fillcd up' signcd
piogtu*rnt of work' cash flow rcquircmcnts/strtgc
- forwarding lcltcr, instrumentso[ earncstton"y'
payment ichcdules etc'' typcd and kcpt ready'
- Submissionof rendcr'
Day No 42
- ,
* N o T E : M o s t c o v c m m e n t d c p a r t m e n t s c o n s i d c r 5 % o v e r h c a r l s ' . 2 . . 5 ' l o e s u b l i s h m c n t c h a r g cabout
s a n dthcsc
i 0 9 i mafk-
jprofitstolallin ,""tonour". B-uitacrshlweuer ha|e thcii own opinion
to a mark_up "oai, ",unorn"r.-Est^blishmcnlchargcs,for cramplc. could bc as low as 0'5% Ibr
upsand rhesc", Lrn*""'ior].
o*'i"-iro"i-io would
"".y t".tlt":'""lll?.111 worklirr-handwith thc builder thc ovcrhcads
singlc cnucprenucrs*ti" qi"'iiig f"i fol jobs of largc magnitudc'
of Profit.allowcd for could bc lowcr
be lower thanjobs in ncw sntions,ihe pcrccntagc "'t"'
;;" higtr-est. in' rhe casc of a public conccm, followcd bv privatc
- \ "na ".,outirnrnT* "i;;;;
multi-partnershipconccms anc stngtcproprietorihip conccrnsin a dcsccndingordcr'
limitcd companies,




aeencv. consultants' architects' builders'subcontractors I
l o*n"r, iupervising
raresquotedby otherr.ut ultt"""t, i...ii" .ritoy.r
i"itt. grtesswork or reliance on ratesprojeded by
done ,"itt, cu" .ar" ,r,o'rlJt"ri"ti"
'Jil;;;;; r.ttro.lic"t.n,,unnir,.iat
etc..needs io be "no ;" uur.a on*"tt .iiuitirtred'and tested constants compiled fromactual i

;;"il t

othersmayteadto gr"u" "onr.ou"n"Ji calculations'


co'relaiedandcheckedbythcoretical \.
"it"-"ii,it"t "itliJauly I
method-of out rateis given below using marketrates I

u*i,"g"-"rprl iri"i,-,i"g rhe.

lransDort etc.,aregiven in rr,i, ^working
*o't ln privatesector'duringJanuarv

;lJffi;tft;;";;u"n u'""io' mixedanddelivered on bankeris first !

work is usuatf calculated in nvo srages.Thebasicratefoi concrete
Ratefor concretc tinistringanacuringtheconcrete in the panicularsituation
i I

workedour.Thecostof.on""v,ng,pJ,nig. "ii.,i"g ".".-.r,d"rlng. a ir.W-here machine hoist isused lbr lifting concrete tothelevelwher€ I
( i.e.slab, column. beur, ui;".rouna"oiion=",..ii, ii"'" charses ofhoistfor
l"uou, iJr'ir;;;;;;;"tr iD Pa|1ll.belowstoil uc ,eauc"auv 507oan{l
offuel and
it is to bedeposited "onr,on, "Hir"iffis rroi.tin.n"". Rs l2c0 Per day inclusive I

u. oao.o. il. mncr,lne

0.0|3daypercum sr,oura ","" "* "u"*'
ofbuildings beingbxilralongsidcsofbusyroads'
operato/s pay Machine hoistis usedtb' llftiniconciet"to upperstoreys tuspcnded floorslabs(ercluding

.l uiing 20 m m grarled coarseaggregate in rcinforced

Item ofwork , c"r"nt I 12:
formwork "onr"t"
Unit : Percubicmetre'
of dcliveryto sitcof work)
Materirls( al markclratesinclusive Rs. Rs'
= 740.47
(D Rs 2.'10 per kg
Cement : 308.53kg i/c wastage
= 387.20
0'88 ctt ltt (0
Rs. Percu m
Coarseaggregate : '= 220.00
: 0'44 cu nt @ Rs 500'00Percu nr
Sand = 607.20
Costofcoarse sand
- ! < l Q
and sattd -6nT I-r

Add for 2.59'owastagcoll coarseagsregate

| - . I

: 62 2. 38
Cost of'coarseaggregateand sarrd
Cost of materials

Labour and plant (at calculatcd'all-in 40.00
d Rs. 8 ( ) . 0 (P) c r d a Y
fv{azdoor : 0.-s0da)
Rs 1 0 0 . 0 0P e rd a Y r0.00
: 0.t0da1 @
o p e r a t o r ' sp a y
l l i r e o f m i x c r m a c h i n ei n c l u d i n g 56.00
a n d d i c s e le t c . : 0'07da.v
Daily allorvancePaYabieto 3.50
(@ I{s 50.00perdaY
nrixer oPerator : 0'07 daY -: r09.50
C o s to t ' l a b o u ra n d P l a t t t
r t 4 7 2 .53
C o s t o f c o n c r c t ed e l i rt r e d o n h a n k e
| I c o N v E Y I N G , P O U R I N G ,v | B R A . t l N G ,
'all-in' wagls)
Labour and plant ( at calculated t -: -)n
Rs l S o ' 0 0P e rd a Y
Mason : 0 . 2 4d a 1 ' @)
Rs 80'00 per day' r 6 00 0
Mazdoor : 2.00 days @
Rs' 1 0 0c 0 p e r d a y 80 00
Bhisti : 0 . 8 0d a v @
H i r e o f v i b r a t o ri n c l u d i n go p e r a t o r ' s t 40 0
Rs. 200 00 PerdaY'
pay etc. : 0.07daY' @
D a i l y ' a l l o w a n c e y a b l et o o p e r a t o or f
p a
Rs 40'00 per dav
vibrator m/c : 0.07 day @
Add|umpsumtbrscatfo|d/rarrtpforcortveYing'conc-rcte jr0.i-
Costof.on".ying/pouring/r'ibrating/finishingartdcurin; 1 7 8 2 . ,ri
l l l T O T A L B A S I C R A T E ( i ' e ' | 1 + 1l l a b o v e)
89 i'-
br' ic ratE)
r\dd tbr cverheadcxpcnses(rif 5"'"of , r . l < ,r '.
9 ' t _ -

( ' { ) l ' 5 1 oo t ' l : l t s i cr r t c )

A d d f o r e s t a b l i s h r n c cl lht a r s e s r 91 6 . 0 3
Total coit
l9| .60
Add lbr l0(/oProtit
2 107. 63
Rate to bc quoted
R o u n d e do f t - t o R s . 2 l i 0 / - p e r c , r h i c r n e t r e '
l -
made.up of :-
Working cost of plant is
(b) OPerating cost
- STANDINC COST available' this being the'straight
cost of prant ir is bcst to use thc simplest mcrhod
For working out thc standing
\< by an ixample given bclow :-
method', which it'ifiuiuut"d
C a p i t a l c o s t ( o r p u r c: hyears a s e p r i c e ) c l f a t e n t o n r } e t r u c k =i 0R S lacs . 7 . ' i l a c s
life is = R:
- Expected eficient running end of 5 years
.:.5 l,ears -- R s . 9 0 . 0 0 0p e r a n n u m .
( o r o w n i n g )c o l t p e r a n n u mR s J 5 l a c s
Stancrng r: 6ndl-5davs
Allowing for52weekrv rroriiuvl" "1;t1rl:"'
oi uut'ugt w o r k i n gd a ; - sm a v b e t a k e n
' enumber
f o r r n a i r ' i e n : n c et h
as275pervear ^ n n n n n 1 ?-
-' s a ! ' R s ' 3 3 0 p e rd a y
;:l|,'ff ll];il;iliil;il uscortheprant
OPERATIN:J:il maintenance'"repair'sPargs"
o' an!-8,,rfase;
coslgfr--.111[',i'-^ting attendant's)
any;and;;pt;;l;ii-" (and/or
- costof,:::l*for
in .o,',n..i,nn;i; tn" pi*ntii bv rhenumbcr
liccncc ";or ;;;i;'o'it' uno'h[ic dcvided
ot tyr*s;inrrrun."und
andrcrrcwat in" *nriir,g aavs)pcr vcar;i"
nav.Thc tour t"1,11"T0;;;i
i?';J,l!#'i1,il',1ffi*"*::":.'&"j_[J:i:ffi1',i,,r=,*:l^r:,. orprant.
each inthe
out on thcassumption
- u. inaicariirr#;;;;" pi;;;;;;king davs;;;;"t arcptanruiuallyrcmainidleduringccrtarn
mblcbcrow,uy ;-ior.n r#; iffi*i
dry,;;; ^r* tit. inrou..ounittrai
f--. planrworksfor 8 il;ilworking

t_-. part o[ the Ycar'

day of
eight hours

t-. i Cc:;r
- of repairs
' i---
, i andrcncwalsPer I Average
Years of
, I lifeofthe
'":1 I ;;;;; p;;J; | *"'tiig ! p9::g:: FuelDiescl/

L-. Tyncof plant

uscd ;;
I ";capiral
costI days i
i p"t i*t
Peuol as
I economical (litres)

Anglctlozcrsand bullcloz'crs
(D4) Dicscl
l0 7o

Colcrctcmixcr (10/7 caPacitY) Pctrol lC Vo 225 6
caPacitY) 26 0'65
Concrctemixcr (10/7 10 7o 200 5
60 cu m Per minute Diesel 46 0'65
Comprcssor, 15 To 200 J
1.10 0.14
Compressor, 60 cu m Per mlnute Peuol 12 Vo r85 6 50
Petrol Varieswith sizeetc'
Crane,0.6 to 0'7 tonne 275 5
l-. DumPersand uucks
DumPersand trucks
17 7o*
20 7o*
10 7o
185 6
.+ Varieswith sizeetc.
0.?0 0.14
7 Varieswith sizeetc.
Hoist l0 7o 225 0.03
plant Diesel l8 0.?0
N{echanicaltrenching 12 Vo 150 6
Perol 24 1.10 0.07
Pumps, 75 mm 12 Vo 150 6
Petrol 32 l.l0
100 mm
Purrtps, 7.5Vo 225 8
Diesel 47 1.45 0.25
Rollers,6to8tonncs 7.57o 225 8
Rollers,l0 tonne
t Includes renewal of tYres'


+ (c) Cost
follows:' on capiEl outlay at bank rate
(r) Standingcost Frcrycat workcd out as-explat":diPl:--' ^ll)^ Intcr€st per year'
"ta]*sliity of operato((and/or a[endant)
of rcpairsand rcnewalsper tl'tl"i

rhcsum ro(d),devidcd:l,if
or(a) 8"''fl:*l
llt,ll':'i*;*l* '"ln: rul; ro?
i?-rii'ii proris-w-o:19'rr-:#JiP,l!i.:ll
pcrcav'rncrusr :l?"'H:J"tllf.llfJXffSeff
out in thcregionor Rs' ::u0
;,:;.iiliiii;;;; ;uck work
lur. .,.. u,,u,.t ot"t:rilinlduringJanuary



dependson :-
Outpur of vehiclcs for Eansponationof materials \I
capacityof vehiclesby weight or volume' whichevcr is cridcal'
I"i--'c"ttyl"g !

(b) Distancelo be uavelled. \

Gt Time akcn in loading and in unloadirg'
point' whcre applicable' I

i;t iJi" ,rt" i" walting ioi um at loadint atid unloading \

(e)Timelostinpaymen.'*i"'""ti.iiio.r'ttingutr6oaingandunloadingpoio$andatocuoiandcheckposts' I
if anY. \
of mad' vehicle and traffic'
(D e""r'ug" ,p."4 of vehicle depcndingon thc condition I
-of \
pru"ti.uL futpot", cabulations is uken as 185 cft or 5'3 cu m'
AveraqesDeedoftruckmaybet3kenas25kmph.Thespeedwillworkoutlesserlorshonuipsandmaygouptoabout35to II
on openroads'
l0 kmfl for"tongdisuncesto be h-avelled !


Time to be allowcd(pcr unit) in minutes !

CapacityI Loading Unloading \_

ofatcn I :
nnatcrials Unit
tonncr I Time in Ideal Strength Timc in \
truck I minutes of labourgangto minutes
of labourgangLo I

bc employed be employed \--

5.3cu m Earth,murrum,sand,coarscaggregatepcr cu m
etc. 8 3 J
per cu m 5 \
5.3cum Random rubblc stoncsand bouldcrs 6 15
1000Nos 6 30
3000Nos Bricks
6 12 6 9
Rei n forcement bars, loosc. pcf tonne !
10 tonne 6 A 4
-Ditto- in coils or in bundlcs pcr tonne 6
l0 tonnc (+ 3

pcr tonne 3
l0 tonne Ccment in bags 6 2A rL
20 cm size 1000Nos 6 30 -I
30CX)Nos Flcroringtiles, of 2O x 6
pcr cu m 6 l0
14cum Timbcr in cut stz.cs 6 l0 -.
per cu m 6 l0
5 . 5c u m Miscellaneousstorcs

Numberof uiPs to \
T im c r c qu i rc dP c r l{
1 2 0D
= t * --il- be done by a uuck = l D t
pcr day
t r uc k in m i n u l e s T'-o-
W her e: - t
for unloading+ averagetime lost iir minutes
t = Time takcnin minutcsfor loading+ time takcnin minutes
toll postsctc" as applicable' L
per uip for paymen[,docum.noiion,chccking,ocuoi'
D = O n c w a y d i s t a n c ci n k m . L
H = Numbcr of hours of work Per daY'
S = Spccd of uuck in km Pcr hour'

E f l . i c i c n t | o a d i n S u s i n g c h u t c s o r m a c h i n c o p e ' a E d s h o v c l s f o rabout
l o a d i4n sminutcs
' a n d u nper
l o avchicle
d i n g b yfor
t i p loading
p e l u u c and
stoneserc'' requires-
matcrialslike earth, sand. shinglc, irggregate'bouldcrs'
of manouvringthe vchiclc in position'
3 minutcspcr vchiclc for unioading,i"nclisive

gangs at thc lolding and
employing scvcral trucks' selante stationory
l vcry largc qurnrity of nt"t",iut, '' io U" t"""a
unloa,lrngpoinrscan bc cmploycd.lcadingto cconomy'

(say 6 km/day cn an averagc)'
frcin its placc ot puriing to dttty and back'
about 3 to 4
as t'25 cu m or I tonne ravclling at a spccdof
Carrying capacityof a two'bullock cart may bc takcn
kn Dcr hour.


t Hand (manual) Drilling depth of cut requires holes not

II quanrrty of rock to be removed is small' where.the churn
- l Hand dr*ring is suitabre when toul in fairly homogeneousro<;ks
hand.drilling is suitable. nor oeep., u"rri.ol'tr'*r"u t'otes inclincd bores a three-man
single ;"tizontal or
more than 35 cm deep, conglo*oru,.,1 ;;;;
economical. Fo-rseamy rocks and
L i l
t dr*ling is consideredmore
'i jumper drill is used'
I below shouldb e n k e n a s i n d i c a t i v e , a n d a n y c o r r e c t i o n s t c l i t r e q u i r c d b y a c t u a l o b s c r -
i Informationset out in the table
fugtt *
vations at site recorded fot
M a n u a l
- l
I Days of forging unit *'ith
Type of rock etc.
- r

for 40 to 45 mm dia hole

0.75 0.(j11
- l
Lime stone 0.S \) 0.01?-
l. 0.55
a Granite clr Gneiss 1.00 0.016
L " 0.?' J'
Hornblende "' 0.01'
\ 075 l.\r\/

4. Trirp and Basalt i.25 0.019
concrete) 0.80
Sanrlstone(and hard old cement 1.60 0.023
5. 1.00
- 6. Quartz

- Machine Drilling

- rheave,ase *u:hln:
ourpurpcr *9 1,:l:T:1Yj'i:*:;:jt""":',fthe
The averageoutputpcr drilling
machineand orllt opcraturuul'L'rrur
rnachine,purnpin* out holc.
isrcquired^torlesser ;:]:::::::,,1':l:;;Tili#.:HiJlffilif
d"eih;^,"j ;;.n'"esopcratedlroma singre
lffift'llJ:fifl:l:i fi'::il,'"::l1]'"iJlJilffify:u:'*g:;:*3;:lllillti::::'J;ilT
o"r"''' urirised isin'orved
:nff:,-J:'"ll]tiff,j:';',XT,t[ii:il'Jil;11il:'.Jil,-::::;,:;il;; a'l'lhc
^ i ^ r r r t r r i l q u . , i l lt r c r c q u i r c d at thc
;;;;';;--'l bracksmi'lh:i'-i:ln:::i":::'::,,'#':Y?:",Ti.lili';i,i,T
rormachinc dr'rrr'g "L1uircd
ffi;.;;;:; setoirtberow
,u*.,.1,'j".:iffi*TlK*',"jil:J#i ;l\il;lTilil;;;;i;;.ii";

- centimcues
Type of rock etc. A"-tg. d;pth of each individual holc
150 450 600
0.(X 0.03 0.03 0. 02
- 0.08 0.05 0.05
Lime stonc 0.05 0.04 0.03 0. 03
1. 0.09 0.06 0.0s
0.(X 0.03
- z. Graniteor Gneiss 0.09 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04
Hornblende 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.(X
0.09 0.07 0.o4
tAt . Trap and Basalt 0.06 0.05 0.05 0.05
- 0.10 0.07
5. ionirtont (and hard old cementconcrete) 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.06 0. 05
6. Quartz

to be uken
be dcpendson the dcpthof rock that needs
drilleclin blastingoperations-
- numbcr of holesrcquired to face of ledgenot more than
The be'hindthe
considering safety*p"r*. Generatti;;-6 i",q]t]:1^ar'a disLance
our or permissible
offacetobetaken.out'. rorLimestone' ro arlow ror
oftheheight 266m

a three-fourths and
t: P-:*:,::'j"i:.ti,:T: T# i?::tlil:'[i::tT"':i1ffit'[:
u, "'
be assumcd uu*t 0'20 m morethanestimateddepthof
in groundthc actualolpn or holesshoutd
Hard Road Surfaceetc'' Using Pneumatic
Breakingout Brickwork, concrete,

- Time in daYsof : Rcmarks

, Descriptionof surface
Compressor with t*o pneutatic tools

', 0.08 Operatortime doesnot

Breakingout brickwork cum includefor anYremoval
Breakingout concret'e cum of debris.
t 0.30
Tar-roadcrust 150 m l0sqm

- -,
46 coNcRETEMrxERs I

Mrchine mixing is beuer qualitywise and chcaper thatl handmixing when concrele is rcquired in qusntities in excgss
of 20 cubic meues in onc suerch.
Capacity of a concrete miring mehine is indicated by a sysrem of double numbers, such as ?/5 (or 10f7, l4l10' I
2ll14 etc.,) den;ting capacity per batch in cubic feet of dry and wet mix, eg. a mirer capacity of l0/, signifies that pcr batch
it will accept 10 cubic feet oi dry ingredients of concretc which whcn mixed with appropriare quartity of lYater will producc
? cubic feei of w€t concreB rcady for placing in posidon.
WiL\ $e advenaof metric system, Indhn manufactuers of construction machinery have sbned exprcssing dry/w€a II
mix capaciry of concrele mixers in liups such as 400/300 (in place of l4l10), 300210 or 280t/200(in place of l0/l) elc. \
When ttre capacity of concreE mixer is expressedby a single number such as 300 it denotes volume of wet mix produced I
capacity of ccncrele mixeE in cubic metres such ss in liu'e;. Some manufacturers have also started expressing
(it pl,rceof 715)which seemsto be rnore appropriate and preferable as concrcte is measured in cubic metr.esand nol
in litfes.
Concretenixers normally cater for an overloadof about 10% ovcr their ratedcapacitywhen netded to allow for use \
of full (ie. avoiding fractions)number of 50 kg cementbagsto be usedper batch'
Suffixes using alphabe6 app€ndedto the stated capacity deno@the type of mixer, eg. HF fd hand fed' BL for batch
loading type, T for tilting, Nf for non-tilting' RD for reversibledrum' etc' \
Concretemixers ?re mosCydieseldriven or etectricallydriven, petrol driven kiod having slowly goneout of vogue.
Builderswho rcstrict Lheiroperationsro panicular urt'an areaswould prefer dre elecEicallydriven varieties,while otherswill L
opt tbr t,re dicsel driven ktitd.
lntbrmation se! out io the table below for various sizesof concretemixing machineswilt be of use if facility for I

weighing cement requiredfor each batch is avaitabte,enablinguse of full rated capacityof the machifle.
r *
Capacityof ConcreteMixing Machine
Particulars !

s13.s 14lr0 18l12 2rlr4

Batch output in cu m (;rield) 0.10 c.14 0.20 0.28 0.34 0.40
No. of batchesPrercubic mette 10 7.14 5 3.57 2.94 2.50
Time in minutes/cubicmetre 30 2r.42 l5 10.71 8.82 7.50
Oasedon 3 minutes/cycle) \
Outputin cu m Per hour 2.m 2.80 4.00 5.60 6.80 8.m

Where barchingis cionci,y vc. iii;,t), lhe capacityoi-Ac .cr:ciclo rri;',crchosenslloukl bc such that it'oulll cottst:rne \
one or more whole bags of 50 k; cerneni ilcr o.r!.ch. ublc given trciow slr.;uid bc refcrrcd lo for output of concrete mixers,
where batching
quantidescf sand and coarse aggrcgatc ircr barch crc., where batching is tlo;rc bv v.olunte.It will be noted that

is cloneby volunre thc requirementof using wholc bugs of cemcnt. p'er bltch lrcciu'Jrs full use of the rated capacity of $e
work is c',f 1:2:4 proportion the ni'.rstprefcrred size of concrete mi.rer is cf ltltfl capacity \
mixcl. As rrajor quantity of concrcie
pr:r for ncrmal builcling opcrarions, and of 21,,14 clrpacity (using two bags of cernent pcr batch) for
(using one bag batch)
curriparativelylarger quantilics oI ccillcriitc. \,
Mt;t"'-r", Time in
of mixer"r;
to I minutes \
use-upone No. of per cu m Outputin
Nominal ntix
n r i . rb y v o l u r 50 kg bag ot batches based on I c u m \ , l

cement per cu m 3 min pc per hour i

cycle fL

l : 1 . 5 :3 7ls 0 .l 2 7 3 0.l 056 0.0528 7.86 23.s8 2.55 \.

r .
L {
ra/7 0"I b62 0.1463 0.0?3r C'.Az 18.c6 3.32 I

l : 3 : 6 r4lr0 0 .? 1 0 5 0.2165 0.1082 4.t6 12.48 4.81

i : 4 : 8 2rl14 0 . 116 7 0.3009 0.1504 3.16 9.48 6.33 a
t t

l: 5 : l0 2 t/ t 4 0.r970 0.3772 0 . 18 8 6 2.52 7.55 7.t\4 I

Fcr:nixing limc-sand/cemenr-sanrl/cement-lilnc-sund mortars,lirn'3-soilmixcs for scil snbilisation,plasteringInateril;is : l
,;.,:..rullcr ,.in mortar rnixc:s wirh mixc.l-moruu or:rput of 150 lirres (5 cft) rntl 225 liues (8 cit) capacity per chargc are
:.rrilable, opcratcdon 5 Hi'drcscl cnginc or 3.7 kilowausclectric motor. Thcsc arc fittcd with two heavy duty revolving cast t

i1ir rollcrs capahleof crushing sntall pclrblc:;in sanCand l.rmps in lime for producing smooth rnortar crf requiredconsistency.
The rrutpuirvill dcpend on thc dcsirctJmixing rinic per cyctc. Thc output tro*ever rarely becomesa cridcal factor due to the 1
rellrivelr- slorv offtake of mortar as Comp.ricdto ctlncrctinF opcrarlons.
it r

tt. i
Ir l

t, I


-., Nccdlc typc vibrators are suinble for proper compactionof rcinforcedconcrelein columns,beamsslabsetc.
ra Indian made,high frequncy immersion-needletyp€ concreE vibrators afe driven by moors operating onletrovdiesev
rero."n"-"n!inJ of Z'to*S ffe i"poiity or on elecric miins supply using 3.5 kilowaats.:ne(gyor on compressedair supplied
iil;;ili!|lil supltico ttrrorigtr air hose. Th-e-pok-er(n9e!iej _ryay out-of-balance totor lype-or pendulam tvle m€d€
tn ts zsoj of 1968.iiailable in itandardsizesof 25, 30,40,50,'60 aird 80 mm dia &iven by 4 to 6 mm long flexible shaft
- l

encasedin rubber shcathing.

- . t

*hi"h tffi""1?,1?x"r"Ja'."'"fff
mm lcngth resp€ctively)using 3.5 kilowatb energy.

\< plarc and screld vibratorsare suitablefor compactingconcrete(and also other loose.aggregates suchas gravel,-sand,
,,rurrr"oitJi'"rc.j-in -"4i, hcavy duty flo6rs, fdtpaths etc. The usual compacting surfaceof the-plate vibrator
;;;; ;60; SoO'nh ri"" ani ctaims to achii:ve compacdon in laye6 upto 300 mm thick wilh 8n output of abour 500 sq m
pci frour.nfatc vibralors may be pctrol/kcroscnecngine (3 HP) driven or operadngon electric mains'

laid acmssthe toad width and movedmanually

For compactingconcretein roads,vibratorsmountcdon screcd,-bcams
arg used.
- t

-., llschines of Indr,rnmiikc for prcducingprecastconcretetrlocksoi vadous sizesand kinds like sotid blocks, closed
,,,,1q,,,t, .-l-ry iluiL.- co,n". column blocks,I channclblocksetc. are a'railable.Theschaveprovisionfor_loadingconcrete
;rirrciiientswrrh lrr.Droptarrows or machineopcrat€dhoppers.Concreteis mixed in machinemixers.Consolidaiionis achieved
;i;;'h-;;;;;;j l;o'u""a tn tr," moulding irea, and riinping done either manuallyor rhroughhydraulic filling draws and
i,yj",iiil,, -"i"t. .4ticr la)irg and ranrpiig rhc blocks fie plant is movedto a predetermineddirectionand distanceon lhe
cisring platfonn r,tar,uallyclr by motorisili action' ready for the ncxl operation'
- . t

vrry from 30 to 40,45 to 55, 75 to 85 etc. per hour artd the output variesfrom 150, 200,
The nu:;rbercf r.rlreraricns
- (or rnore)blorks pej hour dcpendingon sizc of the plant.
'Ihc operadon)vary from 0.5 to 5 HP,
- rnotorsfor mixing, vibrating,tampingand uavcl ofthe ptant (for subsequent
.r;ccuicarlyoperarcd,dcpcrrdirigon the lapaciiy o1 thc planr and thd various mol,orisedfuncdonsprcvided wid it-


- In consrructionprojectsof some nragnitudcuse of lifting and handlingequipmctrtlike hoists,cranes,forklifs etc.,

irrc lpcomc a:nost t,randatoryfrom cost and time efncicncy considerations'
- Even small firms of buildersengagedin putting up a btock of flats in urbanareas;ind it advantageous to hire 8 hoist
slabs,beams ctc., and foi Uultaing
cionveying materials,precast units etc. (o uPpergogrs (asoppos€dlo the
for concrctirg
- oiO of ramps and hcadloads).Hoists a]reof various sizes.andcapacities,a tyl ical onc being a.single or double
"s" "ur1q; rtJisi capableof lifrin! 5OO!o ?00 kg load to a height of 50 meues,p('wercdby a l0 HP electric molor
br dicsel engine.
Forklifts are versadlesclf propcllcd dicscl opcratedcompaclmachinessuitablefor lifting up and m-ovingfabricated
- buildin! comDoncntslikc Drecastconcrcteunits elc. from thc fabricatingor precastingyardsto the locationof aheirusewithin
;;';;ft;;';; F"iiiifts trauelncigtrrcanying capaciry in the rangCof 1.5 to 5 bnnes and can travel al a spe€dof about
iiL,n-o"i irout aOequare buitding"sire pu'.poie. can negotiategradienrsuplo 13 deg€es in laden state. Apart
- aiso ufi ui loads !o a height of tboui 3 !o 5 metres for placing in position. Forklifb are
i;;;;;ililb"i, fotriirr.
;;;ii"bl" i;'rh" ftdt-ioading as"un wetl as side loading versions, and can be fitrcd wilh addidonal arlachmentslikc cxtcnsion
oi tii" f*loinr..aludjusrabie crane boom for handliig irregular size/shapcof materials (eg. reinforcement bars in coils etc.,)
by hooking or slinging.

Stationary craneswith hydraulically telescopingboom extendible and retrackble under load, of various sizes, weight

lifdnc caDaciries ind heightsare availableirom Indian manufacbrers.Theseare a commonsi.qlll-inlocationswhere-highrise

, ;;li;i";;';;;il;;onjiii.t"a. t"toUit" truck mounted craoes of various capacitics and capabilities are also available, giving
more dEails of w-hichis beyond rhe scopeof this book.

., Reliabl€, srarionary or ponabte, whe€l or skid mounte.dcompressoq poye^t* by-die'sel cnginc.(30 !o 250 HP) or
efectricmaini iut'pty (mooi raririgs22 to 150kilowaus),ofcapacitiesrangingfrom 0.062to 125cu m per minuteof compressed
t air at a pressurc iairge fmm 2 to l0 tg pr sq cm produced by reputed Indian manufacturers are sYailable.

Consumprionof compresscdair by variouspneuma-tic tools used in-the.building industry varies from about 0.5 o
it 3.5 cu m per miiure per tool at a prcssure range of about 6 kg per $ 9g: Choice of compressor_ will depend on lhc scale
oi UoirOirig operarioni and the number of toots desired (or practicabls) !o be operated -simuluneously from a single
L r
't*o tool compresso.'a capacity of 7 cu m per minue at a pressurerangeof 7 kg per sq cm may be considered
t"ssoi. F6. a
- l
I as adeounlc.
- l

Compressalair hasvariousapplicationsin rhebuilding industry
and roclclconcre* breakers,rivetting i,^ma.t and rivet busters,
like drilling in steellrock, timberetc.,pneumatichammen
grinders, concreteimmenion vibrators, submersiblepumps'
guiniting/shotcretinl cleaningroadsurfaces preparatory to tack-coats

The typical air consumptionof sone pneumarictools along with their

of bitumenbtc'
output claimed by Indian manufacturersis

Air consumptionper minute t


capacity, output and other details

Type of tool kg/sq cm I

rotarymotion. Flushingdeviceusingair or water'Hand-heldor 1 . 7 , 2 . 1 a n3d I
Handhammer Percussive I
to for light, medium 5.60
rock drill mounredon drill-leg.weight 18 to 23 kg. Dia of bitsupto63 mm. 1900
66 mm dia holesin and heavy duty
2300blowsper minute.Onemanoperation.Boresupto
etc' Boresof length3 to respectivelY
rc,cksfor blasting,fitting bols for rock stabilisation
4 m (lightduty),8 to 1l m (medium), 12 to 15 m (heavy)'
U*9 1.E5 5.60
Heavyduty hammerof about30 to 35 kg weight.Cne manopcrat'ion'
work etc.Deliversabout1100
breakers for breakingsoft rock,concrete,dcmolition
blowsper minute.
motion'Weighsaboutl0 kg' Oneman
a pickingtool with percussive
l.t3 5.CI
Light dutypick Operates
rock' crr
operation.Usedfor excavatingand trenchdiggingin hartisoil andsoft
concretetleliveringabogt8000vibrationsper minute' 0.70 5.60
Concretevibrator Vibratesandconsolidates
ncedletype Weight 14kg. Onemanoperat'iQn-
from gascul Variesfrom 5.60
Grinderand Smoothronly motion.Usedfor finishingnletalpattclrls,-burrs
welcled fetdingetc.3000to 15000 per
revolutions 0.4o 1.2
die grinders megal,trimming
on chosenmodci.
Variesfrom 5.50
Ligh/heavy Rotarymorion.Drills holesin plareslrolledsteelsecrionsfor rivetrinflbolting
adapted for drilling,tapping threads,reaming etc' 0.4!o 1.7
dritydrills for .t.. H*uy dutydrill can|q
melal,timberetc. Holesupt; 50 mm dia canbe macledepcndingon chosenmodel.
Capacityfor hct rivetting: 0.90 5.6C
Rivettingharnmer Uscdfor coldandh<;trivsttingin sru;lstructures.
Dclivcrs 1300 pcl
blo"r's minute' Weighs
Flush=23.5 mnr,cupped22.2mn.
aboutl0 kg.
1.00 5.60
Rivct buster Usedfor cuttinqandpunchingout rivetsupio 19 nrrndi1tin demoiitionl
or rcPairwork.
2.30 5..d)
Subn;crsible U.sescompressed air for inrparung roury morion to the punlp device, for
sumppump of excavations.
dewatering Pcrforntarrcc61C lires at 1-r r.r head to 95 liues at
30 m headper minute.


A cold-mix asphalt plant uscs sunrJrieduggr"gt*, at ambient iemrleratue and biumen ricate.d!o requirerl tBmperat'rre
separatelyin a tar borler.
aggregatcslo rcqriireot*mPrraturc :tnd mixing the'lnwit]r
A l.ot-mix asphaltplani las capebilitiesior Jri ing anclhearingo[
srnall ur bcilcr of linr ired.oaxg:ity)'For heaungo[ aggetatcs
hotbitumci:purnpedfrom a scp?Jatcur boilcr (someptanrsha'e a
which aflc.rhceting are dischai$r,'dinto a paddlc mi.rer. some plants crnploy tlrc s:ime
a sep?raterevolving oil fired drunr may bc used
clsc Ctc oul'putiltcrcasesby atruut30%'
b:yshutting ofi'the functi6n of hearingoggra[o,.t, in'*'hic!t
mixetl with bitumen, in litres or iir cubic fect' Ty-tical
Sizes of Plant are dcnoted bY theoutput pcr batch of aggregate
mctielshsve dre tbllowing charactcristics : - 7 - _ _ - . - T _ - -

Batch capccitl'- iires (cft) Output - tonnus1rerhoitr i Ol':v'l[rngine(iiP) I Remarks

T'yp: of plant i
200litres (7 citi 5to 8 t2
300litres (10cf) 1 5t c 2 C l8
6 to 8 (ar l8ffC) t2 Corntrin*Adrying
ilt,r ,t'tix 300litres (10cft) I

(10 c[t) lft to 12 (at 18dC) 25 Separate drying and
300 titres I
mi xi ng.


f 49
L - \
For small scalc opcrarionshand oyrcratedbitumcn drum mixcrs (cold-mix) with a batch capacity of about 140 to 200
t litrcs may be used in conjuction with a small tar boilcr or bitumcn hcated in open drums.
Tar boilers can have capacities of 9rJ0, 1080, 1360 (etc.,) liucs per feed. These are usually oil fired but old models
pressurepumps with spraying attachmcntfed from
- may usc conventionalfuels likc coal, firewood ctc. For tack coats etc.,
rhc boilers through pipcs can be used.


Road rollers upto 6 tonne capacity are termed as light rollers and those of 8 to 12 tonne capacity termed as heavy.
The systemof dual numbcrs emplol'cd for inclicatingthc capacityof a roller (such as 8-10, l0-12 etc.,) indicatesweight
o[ roller with and without sand/water ballast.
(drive rolls)'
Convcntionalthree whecl powcr driven rollcrs havc one front whcel (stecrirrgroll) and two rcar whccls
to the rear whecls, bur rhc function of cffectivc consolidation is considered to be carricd out
Thc driving power is applied
wheel which is considerably' w'iclcrbul of smallc.rdiamctcr than thc rear whccls-
by thc front

- A tandcmroad roller is one having onty two wide whccls,onc at front (of more width and larger dian,etcr)functioning
as driving and consoliciatingroll and thc other at rcar as stcering roll.
Vibration rollers are usually similar to a tandemroller but have a provision of vibration generatingsystemincorporated
enginebut motion
in thc drivingiconsolidatingq, single wiclc-u,hcclvibratingrollcr the viblations are inducedby a diesel
is imparted by to*'ing bY tractor.
Sheep-footrollers have blunt spikeson thc wheels and may bc power-drivenor towcd. These arc uscd for
of soil in earthen dams, formation surfacesof roads and in soil-subilisation.
place so as
A variable pressurcdevice in road rollcrs consistsof a heavy weight which can be slided and locked in
tO exert morc pressurcon thc front or rcar rolls as dcsircd.
- Output of road rollcrs depcndingon the ty'peof surfaccconsolidated,for thc purposeof estimatingand analysing
is given below :-
-: Output per day of 8 hours work *'ith 8 to l2 tonne road roller

- output Type of surface rollcd

Type of surface rolled
(a) Formation surfaces (d) Single coat surlacercatment 800 sq m
(i) Road work 20tJ0sq m 400 sq m
(e) Double coat surface treatment
- (ii) Airfield work 2500sq m
(b) Stonesoling(15cm spreadthickness) (f) Permix carpet 2.5 cm thick including
(i) Roadwork 500 sq m seal coat
(ii) Airfield work 600 sq m (i) Road work 600 sq m
- (c) Waterboundmacadam (ii) Airfield work 750 sq m
(i) Roadwork (l I cm spreadthickness) 30cum
\t 35cum Premix macadam 8 cm thick with
(ii) Airfield work
t seal coat- Airfreld work 300 sq m
(12.5to l5 cm spreadthickness)

A conventional8 to l0 tonneroad roller employsa dieselengineofabout35 HP andcan travelat four differentspeedsof

abour 1.9,g andg.85kmph. It hasa rollingwidrhof 1675mm for 8 to l0 tonnerollerand 1880mm for a l0 to 12tonneroller.

A brief list of majormanufacturers of consrructionmachineryin India,whichthoughnot exhaustive will enableintending
- , and brief
o make a start
purchasers in rheir search of plant for
adequate their ne€ds,is given below with their addresses

indicationof productrange.
.? l. KirloskarpneumaticCo Ltd, pune 13. andvariouskindsof pneumatictools.
Air compressors
Z. AdasCopco(t) privateLtd, GandhiMemorial androck drills.
Air compressors
, bldg.,Naaji Subhash Road,Bombay-2.
'Yillars'brandhoVcold-mix asphlatmixers,mortar/concrete
- . , 3. ecme Mfg Co Ltd, Antophill, Wadala,Bombay.
mixers,concrete batchingplans.
Builder'shoiss, ccncretemixers,stonecrushers,asptr,alt
4. Garlick& Co (p) Ltd, Jacobciicle, BombayI l.
boilers,tandemand vibratingrollers.
5. Shirkeconstructionequipments(P) Ltd. Concreteblock makingmachines, concretemachines,cranes,etc.
t Fork litu
6' volus Ltd, 19J. N. HercdiamargBombay38'
7. Jessop& Co, 63 Netaji SubhasRoad,Calcuual. Roadrollers
l {
l -

\ -\.

I t


' Rccotturndationslu labov oupt contants

tn compilinSdrc r.bour con$ansgivctl bclot tS tlZn ey t! 1l9ll2 I:bour consunsfmm \
gi""" **i r? tt ri ,u.* eO it-tt ot rort tresbc€nElicd uponasa bosis'
f* b,i;i;',r;:;;,'"ii.r, atd Indisn.rdhas and scbedulcsof rar6 of NBo, cF\rD' MEs'
o6er soulrt! urc araDdard u,ro - I,iiriii tB;ttttr \
and radonatising thcm'
a"" pUfOtar., ft"t" alsobc€oEkcn 8frcrcornparing
l - a b o u c o n s b n B c a n d b e s l b e o n l y i t d i c . t i v c . A c t u t l a b o u r o u t p u B irEi&nlal
d i f f e r i l l $holdup'
r t 1 . w ipr€panbry c p e r d i l g o n\
{ e r a n g c drvork' I
inccnliv€, fariSuc 11rt rcsing timc,
coodirionsof woik llc wartrs, crimii,6ui"riy, I

organisarbn, eficietrcyof lrboor/ $pcrtrisbn andquatily' \

scpor.atcly in rmc of drc hgmsfo( the sa&cof conYenierce, but
The caegorierbhisti,m8& andhelFl r'e'.o.'hoy \
fnir dnn hasbir arl&d !o tlrccon$antsfor thecalcgoryof mazdoor'
I-abourconsunt in days( of 8 houn) \
Categoryof Perunit of work
of work
Description Unit of work labour Rock \
i,:l Soil
Soft/loose iHard/dense Soft I Hard

l. Srufaceexcavationrpt erceeding 30 cm \
sqm Mazdoor 0.08 0.15 0.31 0.65
dccp.werage l5 cm dccp,andgettingout'
2. Add to (or dedrrctfrom) item I abovefor 0.014 0.034 0.069
sqm Mazdoor 0.01
every3 cm aboveor bclow 15cm avcrage \
3. Rough ercavadon not erc€odlng l'5 m 0s2 l.l8 2.84
cu rn Mazdoor 0.30

4. Excavationoverareasnot exceedingl'5 m 0.68 1.59 3. 94

cum lvlazdoor 0.40
5. Excavationnot exceeding1.5 m dieepand
getringout,in uenchesnotexceedingl '5 m
wideor for shafts,wells,cesspits, . 1. 90 \
cum 0.55 0.96 2.19
andttrelike,not exceeding l0 sqm onplan' lv{azdoor
6. Extra over iterns3 and 4 abovefor each
addidonal1.5 m depth (or part thereof) 0.18
cum Mazdmr 0.12 0.12 0.18
beyondthe first sugeof 1.5 m dcp0t'
7. Extraoverirem5 aboveforeachadditional
i.5 m depth(or pan thereoQbeyondthe 0.15 0.15
Mazdoor 0.09 0.@ \
lirst suge cf 1.5m dePth. tum

8. Excavaringsrnall post holes each not

exceading0.5 cu m, includingreturning
filling andramrningaroundposs etc.,and
runoving surplussoil o a distancenot r.23 l.r8
Each N{azdoor 0.41 0.61
exceeding50 m spreadand levclied'

9. Taking up excavaledmarerialfrom spoil

fi lling borrows/baslccts
/ removinganddePosidng:'
cum Mazdoor 0.25 0.25 0.:8 t\.zE
at 25 m distancc 0. , i7
cum Mazdoor 0.30 0.30 0.-17
at 50 m d:snnce [ )' : )
cum Ma:dmr 0.3o 0.36 0.:'l
at 100m disancc O.;it
cum Mazdoor 0.56 0.56 C).78
at 200 m dissnce

10. Takingup excavatcdmarcrialrfrom spoil !

heapsand loadingmanuallyinto dumpers 0.?8
Mazdoor 0.25 0.25 0.2E
or lorries.


rl I-abourconstantsin days( of 8 hours)
I i,:l Description
of work Unit of wort
Categoryof grcrunit of work
\ labour Soil Rock
I Sofy'loose I Hard/dense Soft Hard
I l . Returning,filling and rammingexcavated
I spoil aroundfoundations(noleadinvolved) cum Mazdoor 0.2r o.2r 0.27 0.27
i t2. Fillings,spreading/levelling
in layersof 25
cm lhickness,wateringandwell ramming
underfloors,includingleadupo 50 metrcs. cum Mazdoor 0.35 0.35

ri 1 3 . Boreholesin clay,soft/looseor blackcotton

soils for single under-reamed piles 2 m
dcepanddisposingoff soil to a dishncenot
exceeding50 m away,for boreof :-
200mm dia Each Mazdoor t.t4
: 250mm dia Each Mazdoor r.37
300mm dia Each Mazdoo? 1.60

1 4 . ExtraoveritemI 3 aboveforeachadditional
200 mm dia Each N{azdoor 0.45
ra 250mm dia Each Mazdoor 0.60
300 mm dia Each Mazdoor 0.70
1 5 . Extraoveritem I 3 abovefor eachadditional
200 mm dia Each Mazdoor 0.31
250mm dia Each Mazdoor 0.40
300 mm dia Each lvlazdoor 0.45
1 6 . Surfacedressingor trimming of natural
groundto removesmall unequalitiesnot
exceedingl5 cmdeep(includingremoving
andcarryingawayrubbishto a distanceof
50 m. sqm Mazdoor 0.or 0.06
Sundry Labours - Excavator Type ofrock
t 7 . Drillingholes(forblasting)in rockmanually Graniteffrap/Gneiss Sedimentary
with boringbarsanddrill bits for :-
20to25 mm dia holcs m Mazdoor 0.51 0.39
< 50 mm dia holcs m Mazdoor 2.05 1.53
75 mrndia holcs m Mazdoor 4.90 3.52
(Note:- In item l7 aboveallos o.02days
ol ttxrlsby
per m for pointing/sharpening
in days(of 8
I-abour constant,
1 8 . Harrdcorelaid, spread,levelled, watcrcd hours) per unit of work
andconsolidarcd torcquiredlevclsin laycrs
l of :-
\ 75 mm consolidaedthiclness sqm Mazdoor 0.05
I 150mm consolidatedthickness sqm Mazdoor 0.09
ri 225 mm consolidatedthickness sqm Mazdoor 0.14
250mm consolidated0ricknessandabove cum Mazdoor 0.50
\ 1 9 . Stonepirching150mm thick. sqm Mazdoor 0.r2
I 20. Stonepirching250mm thick. sqm Mazdoor 0.15
2r. Cutuporliftexistingturf intosuitablesods,
I roll up and setasidefor reuse. sqm Mazdoor 0.06
22. Relayingturf, includingpreparingsurface,
wateringandlightrolling. sqm Maz.door 0.04


Labourconstangin days( of 8 hours)
sl. Unit of work Pcrunit of work
DescriPtionof work I
No. I

grass sceds
23. Preparing surfaces and sowing 0.04 i

sqm Mazdoor t
(0.05 kg/sq m) and watenng 0.013
sqm Mazdoor
24. Trimming sidesof excavation' I I

25. Levelling, grading and compacting bottom Mazdoor 0.026

sqm I
of excavadon 0.028
sqm Mazdoor
26. Ditto, but to falls or gradients' 0.03
or crossfalls sqm Mazdoor
21. Ditto but to falls arrdcurrens 0.032 I
sqm Mazdoor l
28. Ditto but n falls and cambers
29. Trimming sloping faces of
embankments 0.035 i
sqm Mazdoor I

and cunings.
cut down shrubs' FI
30. Clear site of all rubbish' I

uecs not exceeding

undergrowth and small
600 mm girth, grub uP roos and burn or 0.0s
sqm Mazdoor
remove from site'
grubbing up roots' .
31. Cuuing down hedgc' sqm Maz-door 0.09
con solidate'
fi I I ing excavation w irh earthand
of excavation
32. Trcating botrsrn and sides
with chemical mixed with waeratspecified
rate for antitermite treatment sqm Mazdoor
of filling)'
applicable for treating top
with clremical
33. Treating soil for backfill
mixed wirh water (Area of subsructurc 0.15
mea'sued) sqm Maz.door
faces in contact with backfiil
3'1. Cuttingdown trees' diggingout
holcs and consolidating surface'
off rubhish' and
brenchesand cicaring
ncxrtly ar a disnncc of 50
sucking timbcr
metres:- lr1:rz.door 5.15
height Each
Trcesof 100cm grith at I rn Eacn I i:rzdoor 8.60
D i t t o ,b u t 1 5 0c m g i r i h I1.50
Each !lazdooi
Ditto, but 200 cm grrn E:rch irlezdoor 14.20
Ditto' but ?'50cnt girth Each \'[az.dtlor 17.30 :
Ditto, but 300 cm girth
(lnermediate girths Prorata)
hand rollcr rg* ir'
35. Rolling surfaceswirh light
* earth mixcd :-
36. Prcparcsniall pit-s'fill up lth
'.vtthmanure anctplant small stuubs (livc) 0.05
Erch ivlaz-rloor
u P i o1 m h i g h '
3 I D i t t o t o r p l a n t i n gs m a l ir e e s ' a n d p r o v i d i n g lr{rzdoor 0.25
Eacrt ----rygqlgof \-
ucc guards' groundsoil - - t
---- I

faces of Loosc
3h. Providing timbcring to uphold
ground :-
excavauonfor basementin dry Firm i

0.(\3 0.22
sqm C:rpcntcr 0.2'2 \
U p t o 1 . 5m d ' : P t h Nl;iz.cloor 0.0i ,t
sq m Carpcnter 0.0'1
Bctwccn 1.5and 3 m dePth 0. 3t i
Nllzdtnr 0.0,1
sq m Ci'.,PCnter 0.05
Bctwrcn 3 and 4.5 m clcPrh 0. 38
Maz.cloor 0.05

labour conslans in a
Notc : For timbcring to shafrsreduce
itcm 38 by 507c'The consuntsare
r il l b c
l ' i l s tu s , ' , : . t r rl < n c L l l i g i h l i
v c s sf o r c a c hr c u s c '


Iabour constantin days( of 8 hours)
Description of work Unit of work per unit of work
: isolated structuresupto 10 m height witlaut using
Note :Labour constants givenin items39 and 40 below are for
b average work site conditions in India' For large
ldtsl hoists,and wirh small size miring planrs,applicaLle
: iid sophiitirorca mixing plints, and better manage'nent' it should be
jobs using liftslhoistslcranes,Iarge
possibleto reduce the constanr, o, ^urh as 35'to 509o'
Machine mixed lland mixed
: ct. concr. lime concr.

: cum Mazdoor ,.50 1.00 1.60

39. Mixed concrctedcliveredon banker' 0.10 0.r0 0.20
\ Mixer operator 0.07
Mixer (machine) 0.07
Bullock (with driver) 0.15
: l'

\ given initem 39' Leadfrom the mixing Platform to the Place

Note : Irem40 below does not includefor mixing time
of pouring concrele is assumed upto 30 m'
: Labourdays
(of 8 hours)
: per unit
40. Convcying,pouring,consolidatingand curing
\a concrete (excluding mixing time) in the
-.l cu m Mason 0.10
Unrcinforccd foundations 1.13
B hi sti 0.60
Vibrator(m/c& opcratorttme) 0.07
- t
cu m Mason 0.17
Unrcinforccd subasesof floors. 1.33
- l Bhisti 0.70
Vibraor (- do - ) 0.07
cu m Mason 0.17
- Rci nforced foundations,foodn gs, basesof
Mazdoor r.50
columns, bascment ground slabs, undcr-
Bhisti 0.80
- reamedpiles and plinth bcams (cxcluding
VibratorGdo-) 0.07
rcin forcement/formwork).
- cu m Mason 0.24
Rcinforccd suspcndcdfl oor, roof, landing
Mazdoor 2.00
and canopy slabs (ditto)
Bhisti 0.80
Vibrator(- do - ) 0.07
cu m Mason 0.30
Rcinlorccdchajjas upto l5 cm in thickness
(diuo) Mazdoor !.00
Bhisti 0.80
VibraorCdo-) 0.10
cu m Mason 0.20
Rcinforced bcams, lintels and cantilcvers
Mazdoor 2.50
(othcr than plinth bcams) (ditto).
Bhisti 0.80
- t
VibraorCdo-) 0.07
cu m Mason 0.23
Rcinforccd pillan and columns (ditto)'
- r Mazdoor 3.00
, Bhisti 0.80
VibratorCdo-) 0.10
- Mason 0.30
Rcinforccdslaircascs,fins, watcr t'anks cu m
- Mazdoor 3.80
, (upto1200litres),chullahhoods,fascias,
- Bhisti 0.80
parapctsand raitings,domcs,vaults,shell
VibratorCdo-) 0.07
roofs,foldcdplatcsand thc likc (ditto)'



Constantsfor Sundry l.abours on Concretc Note : For working ou labour con:ttctnt:tfor corcrcQ cast II
in situ irclusiw ol ttu l&ou for providingfornwork
sl. (4 any ccnuring as tlu cute mtr! bc) in following FI
Descriptionof work
'No. lrrnlaltions,dllow labour tineforfonmvork (scc items I
6 to79) aspcr areaofforrmtnrkpcr llllritgivenbelow. F
41. Hack facqsfor key. 0.90 I
42. -Diuo- ertcnsively. 1.40 L
Sitc in cm formwork I
0.25 (crosssection) requircd Per
43. Removeburn/excre.sccnses. \
(w) x (d) cumof
U. Rutbing downwith finesandandflat or thickness concrete. I
stone(exposedcotrt€to work). 0.90 F
L:bour houn I
Kefis 30 x 20 6.67 I

(semiskilled) rs
Kerbs 20 x 30 10.00 I
45. Wire brushing green concletl to E
exposcaggregate. 0.60 Lintels 23 x 15 13.80 II

46. Stopping small holes and L

0.60 Lintels 23 x 20 12.76 I
honeycombing. I

47. Broomedhnish (highways).

Labour hours
Siesmicbands,bcd plates,anchor
blmks and copingVwindow 23 x 15 8.70
tr I

m 23 x l0 8.70 L
cills whichareflush with walls. I
Mason I

48. Applying cementslurry @ 2.75 kS W i ndow ci l l s and copi ngs \

per sq m. 0.30 proircting 5 cm on each side of 33 r l0 9.09
wall. 33 x 15 8,08 \
49. Wood float linish o freshly laid
concrctesurfaces. 0.25 5.33
Concrete topping !o lops of 30 x 5 \
50. Steelfloat finish to -do- 0.30 brick steps.

5l. Makingsmoothtopof floors,landings, DPQplinth cou6es. 23 x 4 2.48 i

stairs erc., with cement mortar l:2
and applying floating coat of neat Parapctsl0 cm thick. 20.m
ccment,ard prepanngfor curing. 0.35 0.25
Verticalfins at windows(in 23 cm
52. Groudng25 mm thick understeel
stanchionbasesor grillages. 0.40 0.80 wall) projcting out by 30 cm 5 cm th. 35.10
53. ky polythenefilm c building Paper -Diuo- (do-) butproirting outby ;
undcrfoundations. 0.@ 0.07 45 cm. 5 cm th. 36.18 \
L:bour Hours t

Pcrm Cills in RCCboxesatwindows,or


Mason shelves(in 23cm walls)projecting I

54. Plaster drip for chaiias or rmf out by 30 cm. 5 cm th. 15.09 L
projctions. 0.25 t 0.35 I
-Ditto-(do-) butproirctingoutbY
55. Fixing bituminouscxpansionstrips
45 cm. 5 cm th. r6.17 >
in floon:-
75 mm high 0.ll 0.ll !
0.14 Columnshafts,20x 20 crt 20.00 .t
150mm high 0.14
225 mm high 0.17 0.17
Columnshafts,20x 30 cm 16.6? f.
300 mrn high 0.19 0.19
L:bour houn
Columnshafts,20x 40 cm 15.00 ;
Per No. I
56. Formingmorriccholcsupto50cu cm Sidcsand soffits of beams 2A x ?-0
r:achfor balustcs, ragboltsctc., and I
0.60 23x30 12.03
;routing ufter fixing balustcrsetc. 0.60 !
23x40 I1.20
57. -Ditto-butbesen 50and100cucm Soffiu of Slabs in average \
each{o- 1.20 0.60 residentialbuildings:- I
.58.Groutinganctrc bolt 300mmlong. 0.30 0.30 :
for 80 mm thick glabs i0.50
59. -Ditto-450mmlmg. 0.40 0.40 for 100mm thick slabs 8.40


Labourcon$hntsin daYs
( of I houn) Perunit of work

ccmcnl$tore' waterfor
Note : In precastingoperations the concretcmixingnachine, stacksof sandlaggregate, in the labour
arc so located to e8we maximum Q.conomy
t mixing, castingplatfurm and cwing ranketc"., over again
precastinggangworks on thc same
iob over and
time. curing effort (bhisti)is ncgligibte.Thc
lf rcsultingin better efficiencY'
du nolc should be takenof the
\ when addingfor labour in makingrnurds to the constdntsgivenbelow,
(soflits). Ir is usul to allowfor 25 to 30 usesof
nature of mouldsand tlat theynccd no,iu, bottoms
ilte mould.

60. Mixing by hand and convcyingconcretcto

rcacly fabricatedrcinforcementcilgc in posi ti on,
: pouring/consolidating/vibratingconcrete' ,
working up exposcd surfaccs in moulds,
markingtopswith castingdatc,stoppingholcs/
cu m Mason 0.50
honcycombing afnr sriking moulds'curingby
Mazdoor t,75
\r kccpingimmcrscdin curingtank,andsncking
Bhisti 0.10
finishcdprecastconcrc@articlcsrcaclyfur usc
Vibrator 0.10
in work, (labourfor fabricatingmouldsand
: (machinc)
rcinforccmcntcagenot includcd).

cu m Mason 1.00
6 1 . Handling,hoistingand fixing prccitstlintcls
Mazdoor 1.60
upto3 m hcight,includingbcddingin mortar'
cu m Mason l.l5
62. -Ditto-windowcills -diuo-
Mazdoor 1.60

cu rn Mason , 1.35
63. -Ditto- bctlplatcs,copingsand kcrbs in roof
Mazdoor 1.75
includingjoindng andpointingasncccssary'

75 cu m Mason 0.25
64. Handlingandplrcinginpositionductcovcrs
Mazdoor 1.40
\r mm thick.
cu m Mason 0.70
65. HanctIingandli x ing roodsidckcrbsandconcrctc
Mazdoor 1.00
bondersin stoncmasonry.


N'te: Formworkafterinirialfabricationcanbeusedbetwcen6tol6timesagainwherercpetitiveoperationsarcpossible' the-sameor

The labow (and material) contstants vary widety with the numberaf rcpetitivcoperationspossible.-in
odd slwpestsizesthc constanrs will lavc to bc workedoutfor single
other sires of work. very ofrcn,for non-repctitive
:: use.
in placcfor ttufirsl and caQhsrbscqucnl
- Threeopcratio* arc involved,i.c. initiarfubricationforfirsr usc,fixing
rcusc,andsrrippingtcleaninsiprliporingfircachreutc. i)nonavcragetlutabowtimeforfixingisabout40%nore
tlantlu rimefor intiatfabricaiion,o,rdlabour rimefor strippingtclcaiinglprcparingfor
the timefor initial fabrication.
of slabs,veryncgligibletinuwill bercquircd
wh*e readynudestecUormsandprops are usedasinrhc coscof sofirs
- t

of ieuscswitt bc scveral timesmore than the

in initial fabrication for thc mar'ginallodd grcas,and thc number
- , po ssible re ruesof timbcrIplywoodformwork'
stccl clanpslbolts thc labow constants
when usinga combirclion of ply*ood, timbc.r scantlings,ballies and 415th
- r
a expressed in terfta of ttu ,*irriit, *rd ron be rakeni Touontfor a labour tean of onc carwnter and
mazdoor(rcprcsenring5 carpentersand t hclpers)'
- t

! Marcrial use
- t Plywood 0.33 hourspcrsqm 0.16 hourspcr sqm
Timbcr scantlings 20 hourspcrcum l0 hourspercum
- t Pro1x 0.15 hourscach 0.10 houneach



Note : The labow constantsgivenbelow are for each sq m of area of formwork in contactwith concreteand include \.
for fabricating, erecting, propping, stripping, cleaning and reusing, and take into consideration I6 usesafter
initial fabrication. They are not applicablefor readymadesteelforms. \

L-abouconsLlnt, Labourconsunt \
sl. Category in days(of 8 sl. Category in days(of 8 I

Item of labour hours)per sq m No. Item of labour hours)per sq m

No. \
of formwork of formwork I

66. Foundations,footings,bases 73. Slabsifoldingplatcscastat an I

of columns, plinth beams Carpenter 0.13 inclinationof more than 3CP Carpenter 0.57
andmassconcrete. lv{azdoor 0.13 (areaof soffit measured). Mazdoor 0.50 i I

67. Column shafts, other than Carpenter 0.25 74. Edgesof slabsand breaksin Carpenter 0.07 \I
circularor curvedon plan. Mazdoor 0:20 floor (upto20 cm depth) Mazdoor 0.05 ;
68. -Ditto- but circularor curved Carpenter 0.38 75. .Ditto- above20 cm in depth Carpenter 0.c6
on plan. Mazdoor 0.25 Mazdoor 0.05
69. Walls/partitionsand square/ ?6. Sui rcases(sof{its/edgeVrisen Carpenter 0.30
r ec t angular s h a fts a n d Carpenter 0.25 of stepsandwaistslab). Mazdoor 0.17 \
chimneys. Mazdoor 0.20
77. Vertical fins/sun breakers, Carpenter 0.56
70. Sides and soffits of beamV Carpenter 0.30 louvresetc. Mazdoor 0.50
lintels. Mazdoor 0.20
78.C hul l ah hoods, w eather
71. Soffitsof slabsfor floor/rooV Carpenter 0.23 shades, chajjas,corbelandthe Carpenter 0.45 I

landings. Mazdoor 0.20 like. Mazdoor 0.40

7 2.S of f it s of s l a b s a n d 79. Comices/mouldings, 20 cm
folding plates upto 300 Carpcnter 0.34 depth,40cm girthuptol0 cm Carpenter 0.16
inclination. Mazdoor 0.25 projection. Mazdoor 0.16


The labour for provkling reinforcement in following locations consists of two main operations and the labour tirne
required for them is in the follc,wing proportion :- :
Foundations, basesof I Suspended Bcams,lintels,columns Links
Operation c o l u mn sp
r,- -l "i -n
' -thb c a ms i| -staU
---- s |i
w utts staircases,fins, chajjas stirrups,
machine basesanC the like i i and the like & spaccrs. \
Cut to requirudsize &
bend to shape. 50 Vo 49 Vo 42 Vo 44 Vo 47 Vo
Placein position& tie
with m.s. wire 50% 5l V o 58 Vo 56 7o 53 Vo

Following labour constants are applicablefor cutting, bending,fabricating, placing in position and rying with ms. I

wire at each interseclion, reinforcement using plain roundldeformedltorsteel bars. i

Labour constanlin davs (of 8 hours uintal for team of one Blacksmith and one lvlazdoor
sl. Diameter of Foundations,
columrl I Casingsto SuspendcdI Walls Beams,lintels, Links,
No. bars used machinebases,plinth I steelbeams slabs I and columns,stairs,fins, stirrups,
& columns chajjasand the like & spacers
6 r n mi i i a 1.00 l.l4 1.09 l.i3 l.l5 1.19
8 m r n i. l i a 0 .9 4 I. 08 1.03 l .()6 1.09 l.l3
10 m nnilr :t 0 .7 5 0 .79 0.78 0 8l 0.84 0. 88
12 m r r tiii a 0 .6 3 0 .66 0.65 0.69 0.71 0. 75
16 m m di a 0 .5 0 0 .60 0.59 0.63 0.65 0. 59
18 nim di a 0 .i 7 0 .57 0.56 0.f.' 0 0.62 0.66
20 mm dia 0.-:-1 0.54 0.53 0.56 0.59 0. 63
22 m m di a
& above 0.39 0.d9 0.46 0.50 0.53 0.s6
' atc ndoot a constantof I day per quintal irrespectiveof diameterof bar, and location.

I 51
\ ReinforcementUsing Hard Drau'n SteelWire Fabric
mitr andonc Mazdoorfor
t situqtigns'
Usingstecl rcinforcemcntusing hard drawn stccl wire f?bric in following
Suspcnded Casingsto
fabricof Foundationsand I Machine
\ floors and roofs steelwork
weight:- bascsof columns I foundations
0.11 0.10 0.13 0.15
\ 88. Not exceeding 0.09
2kgpcrsqm 0.16
0.10 0.12 0.11 0.14
t 89. 2to4kgPcrsqm 0.17
0.r3 0.12 0.15
90. 4toSkgPcrsqnr 0.11

: extralabourtimeof 0'09and
wirefabricusedasreinforccment' '
91. For rakingcurringandcircularcurtingon harddrawnstcel given at sl No' 88 to 90 above'
mctrcrcspcctivelyshouldbc over
adclcd andabove theconstants
0.l l hourspcr running

L,abourdays ( of 8 hours) Per unit
sl. Catcgoryof Mud
\ Dcscriptitlnof rr'ork Unit of work Ccment Lime mortar or
No. ,' mortar cement lime mortor morLar
cum Mazdoor 1.00 1.33 0.70
92. N'lixingmortarby hand,any prognrtion 0.10 0.35
\ Bhisti 0.10
Bullock (with driver) 0.33
cum Mazdoor 0.36
93. Mixing cementmortar by machine' in any
Bhisti 0.10
Mixcr machine 0.07
Mixcr operator 0.07


Labourconstantin days( of 8 hours)

Unit of
st. Dcscription of work
per unit of *orL -
No. Mason Mazdoor Bhisti

be reduced
: Note :- Labour constanlsgiven below for mason's time may
bY 67o when using modular bricks'
mud mortar) in :-
94. Brickwork in mud mortar (excluding labour in mixing
cum 0.66 1.60
(a) foundationsand Plinth
upto 3 m heightaboveplinth cum 0.82 1.93
(b) superstructure

95. Brickwork,onebrickor morein thickness, in ccment,or limeOrcement-

:: lime morrar(excludinglabourin mixing the mortar)'in :-
cum 0.82 1.60 0.20
(a) foundations and Plintlt
:: cum 0.98 1.93 0.20
(b) superstructure

: 96. Add to constantsin item 95(b) for brickwork in :

(i) square/ rectangular Pillars cum 0.54 0.27
(ii) circularpillars(includingcutting/dressing cum t.42 0.35
: 0.26 0.53
(iii) wall, curvedon plan m lessthan6 m radius(-do) cum
\. time
t (iv) plain archcsupto6 m span(allow carpenter's
cum 0.26 0.36
- l
@ 2.25sq m per cu m for 40 cm thick arch)
-do-) cum 1.68 2.49
l - (v)
(vi) walls with facestapercdto a slo1rcmorethanI in 4 (i/c cutting/
drcssingbricks).Arcaofralrcrcdfacetobemeasurcd. s q m 0.27 0.22


58 t

Iabour constantin days( of 8 houn) I

unit of work
Bhisti I


97. Brick-tile masonrywork in superstructure,one brick-tile and over in I

thickness(excludinglabourin mixing mortar) cum r.80 1.80 0.20 l-
98. Brick-tilemasonrywork in 5 cm thick walls (excluding-do-) sgm 0.19 0.19 0.ot l'
99. Brickwork in half brick thick walls usingold sizebricks (do-) 0.13 0.2r
sqm 0.04
100. Brick walls with briclcslaid on edgeusingold sizebricks(-do) sqm 0.17 0.1.9 0.04
half brick thick walls usingold sizr bricks(do)
l0l. Honeycombed sqm 0.20 0.17 0.04 I
102. Forming orick band, 5 cm projecdon,depth equal to one layer of t
labourin mixing mortar.)
brickwork,(excluding m 0.w 0.01 t_
103. Closingend of cavity wall with half brick wall (-do-) m o.m 0.@ I
104. Forming50 to 75 mm cavityforcavity wallsirrcludingproviding t+

(3 tiesper sq m) and paintingties with bitumcn. sqm 0.08 0.09 l'

105. Cuuingtoothingandbondingnew brick wall to existing sqm 0.20 0.10
106. Bcdding door/windowframesin mortor (excludinglabour in mixing l-
mortar. loq 0.05 0.05
ior. -
Poiniingdoor/windowframesin mortarGdo) Eachsidemeasured. l0m 0.06 0.03 l_
108. -Ditto- but in mastic- Eachsidemeasured. l0m 0.08 0.03 r_
109. Pargingandcoringto flues(cowdung- mud - cementmixture) l0m 0.40 0.40 0.02 :

I 10. Rakingoutjoints andflushpointingsimultaneously

with brickwork. ... sqm 0.02 0.02 i_

I I l . Fixing only holdfasts. l0 No. 0.15

ll2. Taning and sandingto holdfasts. l0 No. 0.08
I13. Formingfair finishedchanrplsin concrete,30 cm girth. l0m 0.75 0.07
I14. Add or deductto item 113for each2.5 cm girth moreor less. l0m 0.08
I15. I-ayingDPC l5 to 20 mm thick with cementmortar(excludinglabourin
mixing of mortar). sqm 0.01 0.01 0.01
I 16. Treatingsurfaceof concretc,DPCor plasterwith waterproofingliquid as
specifiedby manufacturer:-
(a) one coat work l0 sq m 0.06 0.05
(b) two coatwork l0 sq m o.t2 0.05
ll7. Fixing,jointingandembedding
AC fluepipe 150mnrdia,in brickwork. m 0.06 0.05
ll8. Cutting/champhering/rubbing bncks to shape,anfl fixing as projecting
drip coursesat junctionof roof with.wall, plinth ccursesand the like
(excludinglabourifr mixing mortar). 0.02 0.01
Skilledworkman Mazdoor
I19. Primesurfaces,fix in position12 mm thick impregnatedhbre boardin
expansionjoint and finish with sealingcompound(constantis for l0 cm
deepjoint- OtherdepthsprGrata). 100m 0.30 0.25
joint2.5cm wide,
120. Heatingandhllingblowngradebitunrcnintoexpansion
l5 cm deep. l0O m 1.55 1.50
l2l. -Diuo- but usingmixtureof binrmencementandsand. 100m 1.75 2.m
joint, 250
122. F;bricateto shapcandfix in posrtionmeal sheetin expansion
nin girth. m 0.09
121. Cut to requiredwidth and fix AC sheetirscoverto expansion.ioinu m 0.09
124. Fleatandapplybitumenwith brushesto DPC,andblind with sand. l0sqm 0.32 0.07
t25. 3 coursedampprmfing treatmentto basemenslteservorsctc. l0sqm l.l8 1.55
126. 5 courscdampproofing treatmentrc bascmentsAescrvoirs
etc. l0sqm t.72 2.32
l2l. 7 .:ourses
-ditro- l0sqm 2.20 3.00


<a L:bour constant in days ( of 8 hours)
unit of work

girth) m 0.15 0.15
128. Cuning chasesin brickwork (per l0 cm
: f perl0 0.15 0.15
r29. Cutting holesin brickwork (upto 50 sq cm on face)
I cmdeprh 0.06 0.06
: 130.Add for eachadditional50 sq cm on face'
m 0.04 0.04
1 3 l . Beddingwall-Plates115mm wide
m 0.0s 0.05
r32. Beamfilling
work in foundations
133. Precastconcreteblock(solidor hollow)masonry
: plinth,builtinanymortar(excludinglabourinmixingmortarandin
cum r.32 1.85
manufacturingthe precastblocks)'
(excluding-do) for wallsandpartitionsof ;
134. -Ditto-but in superstructure f cu m 1.48 2.18
(a) 20 cm nominalthickness
: Lsqm 0.30 0.44
sqm 0.26 0.38
:: O) 15 cm nominalthickness
sqm 0.22 0.32
(c) l0 cm nominalthickness
: columns cum 0.54 0.27
135. Extra labour over item l3a(a) for square/rectangular
cum 0.r2
gypsum partition solid blocks built in
|37. ?.5 cm (nominal) thick walls using
\at and in manufacturing
anKmortar lexi'Oing labour in-mixing mortar 0.27
sqm 0.r9

138. Randomrubble (RR) masonry,uncourscd'laid dry

- l
cum 0.47 0.94
139. RR masonryin foundations andplinth(excludinglabourin mixingmortar)
f or : - 0.60 r.62
: (a) foundationsfulinthin any kind of mortar 2..00
in any kind of mornr cum 0.75
(b) superstructure
(b) for:-
140. Exrratabourover item 139(a) or cum 0.20
-: (a) work broughtuP to courses "'
cum 0.20 0.40
f t ) wallsc u rv e d o n p l a n to a ra d i u s l e ssthan6metrcs
cum 0.58 0.27
(c) wort in squareor rectangular columns "'
cum 0.08
(d) work in uncourscdpolygonalmasonry
:: cum 0.43 0.13
(e) work in uncoursedsquaredrubblemasonry
cum 0.8s 0.20
:: (0 work in regularcoursed,squarcdrubblemasonry
cum r.26 0.38
(g) work in block-in'courscmasonry
: cum 2.99 0.80
(h) work in ashlarmasonry
to be allowedfor
: Note :- Labourfor facework givenin itemsbelowis
eachfinishedface of stone walling'
:: Orbroughtupto courses) for hammcr
14I . Faceworkto RR masonry(uncourscd
dressingto face/beds/joints of facestones' in :-
\r cum 0.05 0.02
(a) limestone or sandst'one
cum 0.10 0.05
(b) granitc or trap stone
: 142. Facework19polygonalrubblcwalling(uncogrscd or broughtupto coursc)
orcislngto of
face/bcdVjoints facestoncs'in
for hammer 0.02
(a) limestoncor sandstone
cu' m 0.06
cum 0.12 0.05
@) ganirc or uaPstone




\ t


tabour constantin days( of 8 hours) I

unit of work

to courses)
143. Faceworkto squaredrubblewalling (uncoursedor broughtup \.,
for hammerdrlssing to of
face/bedVjoints face stonesin :- I

sqm 0.15 0.08

(a) limestoneor sandstone
sqm 0.30 0.15
(b) graniteor trap stone

for dressingw facel

144. Faceworkto regularcoursedsquaredrubblemasonry
beds/jointsof face stonesin :-
0.i4 L
sqm 0.27
(a) limestoneor sandsbne
sqm 0.54 0.25
(b) graniteor trap stone \
145. Faceworkto block-in-coursemasonry,regularcoursedfor dressing
face/bed/jointsof facestonesin :- L

sqm 0.54 0.25

(a) limestoneor s.lndstone 1.45
sqm 1.10 \
(b) graniteor traPstone
146. Faceworkto ashlarmasonrYin
sq rn 0.54 0.25
(a) limestoneor sandstone
sqm l.l0 0.50
(b) graniteor trap stone
147. Extraover ircmsof faceworkfor externalangles(for quoinsand
in:- 0.08 0.02
(a) RR/Polygonalrubble uncoursedor broughtup to courses 0.02
(b)squaredrubblemasonryuncouned/broughtupt0cours€ m 0.02
m 0.1I
(c) squaredrubbleregularcoursedmasonry 0.03
m 0.22
(d) block-in-course masonry"'
m 0.50 0.06
(e) ashlarmasonry
148. 40 to 50 mm thick redor whiteself-faced lime/sandstone lining (veneer
work) to facesof walls,includingdressingto edges and cutting to size'
sqm r.80 3.00
backingandjointing in morur and pointing in cemenl
l4g. Fixing gunmeralcrampsor copperpins (includingmakingchases)
slabs in wall lining 1pbacking or for securing to adjacent
anchoringsbne 0.06 0.03
slabsof wall lining.
150. Cutfingopeningfhroughstonewalls for doors,windowsetc', or lbr
enlarging Lxistingop"ningr,convert;ng existingwindowsto doorsandthe :-
irrs off
likc, incluriingshiri'ng/undcrpinningrcquircdBntlre'm.* dcbris
0.35 0.70
cu m
l5l. Formingyarnbs (in coursed/uncour:. tl ,',asontyl to newll trrt opcningin
exisringwalls,includingcultingrouthingandbondingto old woik, 0.40 0.65
jamb)' sq m
andpnintingro matchexisting(eachfaceof
152. Ir{akinggooCun4ercills or overlintelsincludingall pinningasnec€ssary
for newlycutopcnings in sbnewalls(measured for topor bottomof linteV
sqm 0.30 0.30
cill in contactwith wail)
153. Cuxing toothingand bondingncw brick or stoncwalls to existingwalL ..
built in lime or ccmentmotrar(measured for venicalfaceofnew wail in
sq m 0'23 o'12
contactwith old)
154. Marblework,dresserJ, andpolished,in steps,windorvcills'
jambs,pillarsanctwll| linings etc,'25to 50 mm thick,scl jcil.tcdand
sqm 2.38 4.i0 :
poilrtcd, in c(:trr.'rtl

I 55. Stonekerbof roughlysqured stones of size20cmx30cm in cross-secrion' :

fincly hammerdressed at top and rougtrly hammer-drcssedat sidesand
ends,set jointed and pointed in cementand sand mortar (using stones n')n :
quarrY) nr 0.30
roughly squared to sizeat
m 0.22 0.17 \
156. -Ditto-but of sizel5 cm x 30 cm in croit'*:ction'


I-abourconstantsin daYs
(of eighthours)Perunit of work

WOODWORK (CarPenter's Work)

of timber'
vary considerably tiith the species, grains and workability
Notes :Labour constantsfor carpenter's work given below are for the likely
qttality of work etc' Consrants
thinner and thicker sections used, location,
on softwoodreducethe constantsby
AII constants given are applicableto work doneon hardwood. For work
- t
'helPer'given in the c o n s t a n t s f o r c a r p e n t e r ' s w o r k d e n o t e s a n a p p r e n t i c e c a r p e n t e r .
- t
The categorY
Clean sawn Wrought
(ie exceeding 5 cm thick and not
151. Timber in scanrlings
work cu m CarPenter 3.30 6.60
exceeding20 cm thick in both directions)in unframed
rafters HelPer 3.30 6.60
\r as in floor/ceiling joiss, common/jacVvalley/hip
andPurlinsin roof andthe like' ,'
_ t
require cu m CarPenter 7.ffi 10.90
rimming joists' framesfor panidonsetc" which
joints' Helper 5.00 8.30
Excdg Excdg
: Upto 6& 13&
J upto upto
: 13 25

(for work using 10 m Carpenter 0.13 0.16 0.26 0.40

159. Timbcr in cleansawnfillets fixed with nails 0.08 0.13 0.20
crosss€ctionat sawmill)' Helper 0.06
fillcts cut to required
l0 m CarPenter 0.24 0.27 0.40 0.56
: 160. -Ditto- but wrought 0.19 0.27
Helper 0.11 0.13
\r wood 10 m Carpenter 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.15
161. Exua overitem 160if filletsarefixedwith countersunk 0.03 0.03 0.06
Helper 0.03
: for tiling
162. Nailing cleansawnroof battens!o commonrafters
(Allow 0.01 day per sq m for items (a) to (e) below
in roof
: for helper)
sq m carpenter 0.07
(a) battensnailed 15 cm c/c
: sq m Carpenter 0.06
(b) battensnailed20 cm clc
sq m carpenter 0.0s
(c) battensnailed25 cm clc
rA sq m CarPenter 0.M
(d) battensnailed 30 cm c/c
sq m carpenter 0.03
(e) battensnailed 35 cm c/c
: Planed
1 6 3. T im ber boar d i n g w i th b u ttj o i n ts fo rs i d e s a n dends' edges on both
shotnot requiringany framing, fixed with nails' sides
For thicknessof boarding:- 0.09 0.19 0.27
! (a) 15mm sq m Carpenter
Helper 0.05 0.09 0.13
sq m Carpenter 0.r0 0,20 0.28
: (b) 20 mm
Helper 0.05 0.09 0.13
l*.- sq m Carpenter 0.r2 0.22 0.29
(c) 25 mm 0.14
i'? HelPer 0.06 0.11
t \ t
(d) 30 mm sq m carpenter
sq m carpenter a.2r 0.31 0.39
t-. (e) 40 mm
Helper 0.08 0.14 0.17

l.r 164. Extra over item 163, if boardingis jrcintedwith tongue
grooved joina (n item 164 (a)and O) below add helpe/s
time at the ratc of half the constants given for carpenter)
sq m Carpenter
022 0.22
(a) 15 to 25 mm 0.25 025
- , sq m Carpenter
O) 30 to 40 mm


LABOIJR iOrvsrmils I
Laborn constantsin {
sl. Thicfxress in mm t
No. J.

tn Carparter 0.Ol 0.f, 0.09 0.ll 0.15

165. Frg.a ovc item 163 if boarding is fixed with countersgnksclews. sq
Helper 0.03 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.09

166.Extra over item 163 if b@rding is fixed to ceilings from below,

or if fixed in strelves&uilt-in-cupbordsfuelmetsand the like not sq m Carpartcr 0.U2 0.O2 0.02, 0.V2 0.03
involving framed wqk" Helper 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0r

167. ExEa orreritem 163 if boarding is framed with dovetailedor

similar joints before fixing. sq m Carpenter O2l 0.21 0ZL 0.22 0.24
WOODWORK (Joinery)

Note : ConstantsqrQfor twrk done on hardwood. For work on softwoodrcduce coutzr,ts by 33%. Tla category'Hclper' in
joircry ro*t-rts dcrptes semi-skittedcarpcnter. Joincry co|.J'tartsincludefor plankg sufrccs all atq-
Cargory Labour
sl. of constantin
No. labour days

16g.plain, solid, straight doorAvindow chowkas (framcs) irrluding any Eansonresand

cu m Carpqtt€r 17.00
mullions, wrurghf framed, rebatedon the solid, rounded/champhered,grmved forplaster
key wheretequited, |tints put Ogetherwith glue.andpinned, including frxing/erecting. Helper 5.00

Note: In item I8 tlu proprtion of labow required in fabrbation to tlu labour

rcquiredin fukg m'aYbe takcn as 4:1.
169.Extra over item 168 for makingadditionalrebatefor serondshutter. cu m Carpenter 5.40
170.Cuning r1qtchesin hardwoodchowkatsfor housingfixed glasslouvers (eachvertical length
of chowkat measured). p€rm Carpent€r 0.16
l7l. Fabricating and fitting in place skeleton shutters, without sash bars, open rebated and
preparedto receive glals, wire gauzeetc., fitted with straped,cut and mired dmber beads
for securingglass,wire gauzeetc., :-
(a) 25 to 35 mm thick sq m Carpenter 1.30
I{elp€r 0.40
sq m Caperrter 1.50
O) 40 to 50 mm thick
Helpcr 0.40
172. /:Jilasin item 171abovebut devidedinto squareswith sashbars:
(a) 25 to 35 mm thick sq m Carpenter 1.75
Helper 0.50
sq m Carpenter 2.00
O) 40 to 50 mm thick
Helper 0.50

173.Deductfrom itcm l7l if cut and mitred beadsarc rr6trequired- sq m Carpcntcr 030

174.Deductfrom igm 172if cut and miued beadsarenot required. sq m Carpenter 0.40

l?5. Fabricatingandfiuing in placeledgedandbanenedshunersusing15to 25 mm thickbatEns. sq m Capentcr 0.60

Helper 0.15

176.Fabricating and fitting in placc ledged,brrced and bauenedshuttersusing 15 o 25 mrn sq m Carpenrcr 0.75
ftick battens. Helper 0.18

l7?. Fahicating and fiuing in place frarnc4 l.dge4 braced and bauened shutters rsing sq m Carpenter 2.30
15 to 25 mm thbk battens. Helper 0.4()

tT8. Fabicating and fi6ing in place, plain, framed panelled shuucrs,with parcls flat on
both sides:- (a) havingstylesand rails E n35 mm thick sq m Carpcnter 1.80
Hclper 0.50

O) having sty'lesard rails 40 to 50 mm thick sq m Carpcntcr 2.00

Helper 0.50
179.Add b iterns 178(a) and (b) for rai"ed timber panelswith bevelledonChamphered
on one side of thc shurcr sq m Cupcnnr 025

180.-Dino- on both sidesof tlreshuner.... sq m Carpenter 0.50


t kbour
3 lgl. Marginal planing to edgesof shurterso fit them within rebatesof chowkas Carpenter 0.20
h'nglng shuuen-and easing, (fq any type of flush,paneUed,bauened or skeletonshutter sq m
Helper 0.20
: of any thicknessmadeof hardor softwood. Fixing hingespaid separately).
Carpenter 0.13
lg2. Fixing only readymade floor level kirchenstorageunitsof size0.5 m long,0.90o l'25 m Each
Helper 0.03
: nign,ana0.5 ro 0.75m deep,includingpluggingandsecuringto walls.
m deep' Each Carpenrcr 0.12
183.-Diuo- but for wall units 0.50 m long, 0.80 m high and 0'30 to 0'40 Helper 0.03
: including -ditto-

: sq m Carpenter 1.85
184.Makingandfixing hardwooddrainingboardsto design
the like,
185.Turner'swork on hardwmd in rnakingbalusters,newel posts,table legs and
includingfixing in Position:- 0.03
per m Turner
(a) for sectionsuPto 15 mm dia
: Carpenter 0.01
per m Turner 0.08
o)forsectionsexceedingl5andnotexcecdingZlmmdia Carpenter 0.03
per m Turner 0.30
(c) for sectionsexceeding 25 and not exceeding 50 mm dia
Carpenter 0.06

: sq m Turner 1.00
(d) for sections largcr than 50 mm dia (maximum girth x length)
Carpenter 0.09
186. Making and fixing timber srairs, I m wide and 3 m rise per flight consistingof one wall
and per Carpenter 15.00
\a string, one outer iuing, riscrs and reads housed into snings, handrail on balustcrs,
wrought and framed and fixed complete. flight Helper 4.00
newcl post as necessary, all timber
per m Carpenter 0.22
187. Making and fixing newcl posrs Ljodesign (not requiring turning) upto 100 sq cm in cross
:{ Helper 0.05
I per m Carpenter 0.30
188. -Ditto- but exceeding 100 and upto 160 sq cm in cross section.
Helper 0.06
\a per m Carpenter 0.18
189. Wall handrail to shape, made out of 50 mm x 50 mm overall cross section, hollowed for
Helper 0.Ol
handgrip, screwed O hardwood plugs or m.s. brackets embcdded in wall'
\ per m Carpenrcr 0.14
190. Handrails, rounded or shapcd, with splayed faces in sraight length and fixed, upto
I Helper 0.04
\ 50 sq cm in cross-scrtion.
I l9l. -Diuo- but upto 75 sqcm in cross-section.
per m Carpenter 0.26
Helper 0.04
L 192.Extraoveritems 190and l9l for sinkingat bottomfor flat iron core'
193.Carving and fixing 9CPramps or knees in handrails'
per m Carpenter
Each Carpenter

L 194.Carvingandfixing 18ff rampsor kncssin handrails(asin doglcggcdstain) Each Carpenter 3.00

t ' Sundry Labours ' Joiner's Work '

t-. sl. Description of work

Unit of Carpenter sl.
work days No.
Description of work
Unit of Carpenter
work days

t No.
195.Planing by hand and truing up !o
scandingsand filles sqm 0.14
201.Champhers/ rounded edges ( upto
25 mm ginh ) m 0.02
L 196.Raking cutting (per 25 mm of
202. Moulding, plain (diuor. m 0.04

t thickness)
197.Circularcutting (ditto-)
0.06 203. Wrought endsof timber (per 50 mm
girth of end cross-section). Each 0.ol

L 198.Tongueandgroovedjoins (ditto-) m 0.06

204. Boring holesfor bols upto 20 mm dia
(per 15mm thicknessof timberbored), Each 0.01

t 199.Rcbatedjoins (diuo) m 0.05 205.Countersinking

forheadsof boltsorfor
Each 0.02

t 200.Forming rebates or
(rtcr 25 mm girth)
m 0.03 206. Norchinsfor crosstimbers. Each 0.02



Iabour sl. Descriptionof item fired constants
sl. Descriptionof irm fixed constants No.
in days
No. in days
of builder's lwrdware
are in daysof work by skilled carpenter',ondo':!,::!:::":"::r':!:
Notes : Labow constants theconstants mavbereduced
by 33%.
?i'f[oli"T;;i';;;;;';;;;,:iiiTi,ing 'o 'i,*ood
218. TeehingeuPto200 mm length
207.Bnel towerbolt or skeleon tower bolt of
0.03 2lg. -Ditto- 300 o 400 mm length
(a) 75 o lffi mm size
0.05 220. Doubleactionspringhinge of any slze
0.07 l.-
O) 125to 300 mm size I
0.01 I
(c) 375w 450 mm sizc 0.06 221. Bow handleof anYsize
0.18 II
0.07 222. Mortice latch or rim latch I
(d) 600 mm size t\
223. CuPboardlock I
208. Sliding (aldrop) door bolt upto 300 mm
pad- 0.0s t-
with haspand-staple (suitablefor use with
224. Drawerlock l'I
laks) frieO partty with nuLsandbolts and 0.02
0.07 225. Caxrnentsny, anYsize i-
with screws. I
226. Fanlightcatchwith pivot andplatc
l -
2@. Bolt socket(thimble)let into brick/sone/concrete 0.02
0.04 II
includingcutdngchasesand groutingin' 227. DrawerPull
210.Fixing bolt staPleto wood'
0.01 228. HatPegorcoathook l''
229. Wire hookandeYe
2ll. Bun hinge25 w75 mm size' 0.02 i-
230. I{asPand s',aPle'anYsize
2l?'.Buuhinge100to 125mm 0.02
231. FingerPlate
0.06 I
213.Parliamenthinge'anY 232. Towelrail includinga pair of bracketsPlugged 0.06 I
to walls l-
0.14 tI '
214.Pianohinge(pcr mere length)' 0.02
233. Ball catch for cuPboard shuttcr l
0.07 I
215.Floor dorr stopperfixed in floor' 2y. Hydraulicdoorcloser
0.05 I
235. FixingXPM or wke netting12to.l5 mm meshio
q garzo fi xed in squaresto
2 I 6. Galvanised wire cloth l'-
open rebated joinery (consrant pe'r sq m)' 0.20 timbe; frames(constantPersq m) ,1

(peephole) l'
0.02 lZlO. Fixingmagiceye ii
2l7. ituob. i-
Unit L-abourconsEntin daYs i^
Descriptionof work .,
work carpenter
thick,black or galvanised' in cladding to
23?. Mild srcel sheets,p!ilin, upro 1.6 mm with joint^srivctted
to timber or steel frames
or gatcs, f*ed ;ith screwsrhails/rives sqm o.r2 0.12
or weltcd
water troughs'ducts' funnels
238. -Ditto- but in hearths,chutlahhc$ds' water tanks' sqm 0.28 0.28
etc., fixed n'ith -do-
sqm 0.03 0.03
239.Add to irem 237 if comrgatedsheesare used
bent o shape'tied with wue or
240.Expandedrnctal or welded steel fabric, cut !o length, (Fixing cover/edgesrips of
fixed witlr metal suples to wtr)den o, t,""t kg 0.08 0.08
drnbcrcr metalnot iircluded)
inciudinglilre wires'(Errcting
241.Fix;ngonly chainlink fencingof any sizcor type, sqm 0.03 0.06
pnles,/raiJs nct included) "'
100m of
?A2.?lumx.srandedmild stoelgalvanised wire in canlcfencing,includrngstrainingand 0.10 0.45
wire run
fixing to polesof steeltimbcr or concrete'
incruding straining and 100m of
2Ai ruo strandb.rbed wire of any description in fencing wire run 0.15 0.75
{-r-',ingur diuG


{ U ni t
sr.I Description of work of
No. work

dtrcr/gatc top-hung,
rt- 244. Erection and fixing only of collapsible ste€l
fixing top and bouom runnets' holdfasts' lugs etc.,
including 0.05 0.25 0.5 0
of steel rolling shutter made up of inter
l - Z45.Ereo;ironand fixing only
steel laths, including guides' top cover, lmking
-I , locking
sqm 0.3c 0.15 0.45
arangement etc., any type.
I windows (,f any
I 246.Erectionand fixing only of steel/aluminium plugs/rough
clcscriprion lugs in masonryor screwed to wo(den
paintingand poinring
- . t I grounds(excludingfabricarion,
with nrastic ro edgcs)
sqm 0.10 0.20
t- to lugslholdfastcnrircddcd
ZlT.ErecLionand fixing only of steel doors sqm
i in masonry/concrcte(excluding -do-) 0 . 15 0.20
any siclclrghts
- I. , 2,1g.Erection and fixing of aluminium doors including
lugs/holdfastsembedded in masonry or fixing u'ith scrc*'s to
-do-) 0.i0 0.]5 \ /.-(-l


249. Fixing orrly cast iron articles like brackets , gully traps,
frames and manhole covers, lueisclot docrs, valve boxes
- railings,
and the likc
i 250.Purposern..rdernilcisteelboltsexceeding30cmlong,including
snds, nuts
I square or tiexagonal head, screw-threaded one or boti
I and washersetc., complete -..
I (D l0 or 12mm dia
7.0rJ 3.00 7.00 2.00
(a) Fabrication
1.tx) 1.50 l.0()
(b) Fixing

* r a (ii) 14to 20 mm dia 4:00 i. 00

(a) Fabrication 4.00 1.50
I 0.75 1.50 0.90 1. 00
I (b) Fixing
-- I , (iii) Excee4ing20 mm dia
225 0.80 2.50 1.0c
(a) Fabrication
I 0.50
- rI 0.60 0.60 0.50
(b) Fixing
I way
251. Smallarticleslike holdfasts,hooksfor ceiling fans,two/three
s6apsfor woodcntrusses,angle cleats,wall des, bands/straps/stays
- . , I
pinrlehinges,largehaspand staples,hand
for iixin! pipes/gutters,
I madestidingboltsand the like 5.50 1. 00
I (a) Fabrication 5.50
r.80 1.80
.-t O) Fixing
I 252. chimney bars,bearers,tonguesor water bars of window
{ bars,unframedT OrL sectionsufryortsfor shelvesetc',
w i ndo,,nguard
1.90 1.90
( (a) Fabrication
- ' I, r.25 r.25
Q) Fixing
- . 'I ,
253.Railings,flat iron core for wooden/plastichandrails,wind tls,
filles for securingweldmeshetc"
-.', i fencingposts/struts,
(a) Fabrication 2.00 0.65 2.65
, 1.80 1. 80
(b) Fixing
. I, ,

_i ,

I t

I-abourconstantsin daysper quintal \.-
Descriptionof work Black- Finer/ Masory' Helper/ II
No. semiskilled Mazdoor I
smith welder carpenter \}

254. Framed work as in grills, gratings, framed guard bars,ladders etc., t

including necessaryforging, welding, bolting, rivetting etc., :- \ I

Fabrication 3.85 1.90 3.85 !

3.8 5
Fixing rJ5 r.75 \

255.Framedwork as in compoundgates,wicket gates etc., having \

purposemadepintle-hinges,stops, sliding bolts, locking :
arrangement L
Fabrication 4.50 1.90 4.s0 3.85
Fixing 0.50 r25 0.50 r.25 \
256.Small framed brackets made out of rolled steel sections including
-do- (weight not exceeding l0 kg per bracket) :- \
Fabrication 3.40 1.65 3.40 3.40
Fixing 1.90 1.90

257. Structuralsteelworkin rolled steel single sections,cut, hoisted L

andfixed independantly in positionwithoutconnectingplates
Fabrication 0.25 0.10 0.20 \
Erectionandfixing 0.27 _ 1.40
258. Structuralsteelworkin main/c.'css
rails/guidesfor sliding doors etc., rixed wirh cleats/connecting \
platesincludingnecessary bolting,rivetti,rg,weldingetc.
Fabricadon 0.45 0.30 0.30 0.40
Erectionandfixing 1.30 0.45 1.50
259.Plategirdersor stanchions witl^flange
built up of singlesect^ions
plates, caps, bases,splices, angle brackets,cleats and other
connectionsincluding-do- v

Fabrication 1.05 0.70 0.90 0.90

Erection and fixing L
0.85 0.35 1.00

260. Compound/ lattice girden and stanchions,stagingsfor water tanks

etc.,built up from two or more rolled steelsectionsincluding caps,
bases,splices,brackeB, gussetplatesetc., including -do' \
Fabrication 2.85 1.90 2.45 2.15
Erection and fixing
2.r5 0.85 2.5 0

261. Framing for cladding or north lighr glazing, etc., out of rolled steel
sections fixed with angle cleats, connecting plates, guss€ts etc.,
inciuding -dc>
Fabrication r.20 v
1.80 1.55 1.55
Erection and fixing 2.ffi r.00 3.00
262. Framel steel roof trusses, trussedpurlins, cranegantries,heavy
hracket fr:tmes with cleats, gussetplatesgrc.,including-do- \
Fabrication 2.55 l.70 tzo z.zo I

Erection and fixing 3.20 l .30 3.75 tsI

2ti3. Mild steel framed, hinged or sliding garcs/doon made up of rolled

stet:l sections ,viih gussets,rrils, braces, hinges, stops, locking
divices etc., including -do- (sri.rI sheetcladding and running rails/
guides considered separately) II
Fabrication 2.10 I "60 2.(n 2.00
Fixing r.60 o6< I 85

i l


\ I
, .


Unit I-abourconstantsin davs
sr.I Description of work of Mazdaor/
No.l work bhisti


\ 264. Conugated mild steel shceting, any gauge, black or galvaniscd laid with I or 1.5
corrugation side lap, fixed with coach screwsand washersin roofs or cladding to walls. sqm 0.08 0.07
\ 265. -Do- but fixed with J or L shaped hook bols and nuts, wirh bitumen and galvaniscd
lirnpct washcrs sqm 0.10 0.09
: 266. Exva over items 264 and 265 for fixing curved sheets, of any radius (as in Nissan
huts, Lahore shedsetc.,) sqm 0.02 0.02
267. ExUa over items 264 and 265 if sheets are secure<i to e.rch othcr by bol$ng or
rivctting at :-
(a) sidclaps,at 20 cm clc meEe 0.03 0.03
(b) end laps,at each corrugarion metre 0.08 0.08
: 268. Extra over itcms 261 and265 for:-
(a) raking cutung at hips/vallcys elc., or squarc cdtting alrd waste
\ at abutumct)ts meue 0.04 0.03
(b) circular cutting mctre 0.06 0.05
269. Plain mild stccl shceting,any gauge, black or galvanised,in flashings,ridges, hips
and valley guttcrs (length x girth) :-
(a) fabrication sqm 0.23 0.10
(b) fixing sq nl 0.10 0.r0
270. -Do- in scmicirculareavesgutter, 150 mm dia, fixcd to ilat iron brackets(bracketsnot
{ (a) fabrication rnetre 0.09 0.09
(b) fixing metre 0.10 0.10
271.Extraovcr itcm 270 for eachinternalor exrcrnalangle,anddropendfor connectionto
downukcpipeincludingnccessary wcltedor soldcrcdjointsetc., Each 0.23 0.10
212. -Do- but for stoppcdend Each 0.14 0.07
: 273. Conugated or scmi-comrgatcd AC shects in roof or cladding to walls, fixed
with coach screws and washers sqm 0.10 0.09
: 214. -Do- but fixed with J or L shapedhook bolts and nuts, with bitumen and galvanised
limpctwashcrs sqm 0.1l 0.10
(a) raking cutting at hips/valleysetc., or square cutting at abutmcnls,
vcrgesetc., metre 0.04 0.04
(b) circular cutting metre 0.05 0.05

I-abourconsunt Labourconstants
sl. Dcscription of work
Unit of in days tt' Descriptionof work Unit ol in davs
No. work Skillcd Mazdoor N o.lI work Skilled Mazdoor
workcr worker
276.Fixingacccssorics of AC roof 277.FixingAC rain watcrgoods:-
shccting:- (a) Eavesgutter metre 0.07 0.10
(a) Ridgcs,anykind mctre 0.05 0.08 (b) Boundarywall or
(b) Apronpicces metre 0.12 0.15 metre
valleygutter 0.08 0.10
(c)Bargeboardsandcornerpieces metre 0.10 0.12 (c) All specialsin (a) and
(d) Northlightcurve5 met€ 0.08 0.10
O) above Each 0.10 0.10
(e) Eavcsfiller picccs metre 0.06 0.07
\ (l) S typelouvers metre (d) Rain waterpipesany size metre 0.07 0.25
0.13 0.ll
(g) Cowl typevcnt Each 0.14 0.12 (e) All spccialsin (d)
\r (h) Ridgefinial Each 0.07 0.09 excepr junctions Each 0.04 0.15
( j) Roof light Each 0.25 0.25 (f) Junction,single Each 0.08 0.20
\ (k) Expan_sion joint in roof (g) Junction,doutile Each 0.14 0.25
sheeting metre 0.08 0.10 | (h) Rainwarcrheads Each 0.33 0.25
\ Note : Constantsin item 277 includefor fixing holder bats whereverappropriate.

-T \ _

two semi-circular
278. Fixing sgndard pipe holder bats to walls, comprising
Each 0.09
halvei of flat iron ind cast iron base fixed to plugs'
excluded) sqm 0.06 0.r2
27g.l-aying Manglore pattern roof tile,s (fixing battens
including bedding and
2g0. Laying ridgelhil tiles r,osuit Manglore tile roof, metre 0.05 0.10 \:
jointing in lime or cement monar. I
metre 0.06 0.01
23l.RakingcuttingtoMangloretilesathipsandvalleys. \
metre 0.04 0.01 i
2g2. Straightcutring to -do- at abutments,chimney t

mortar. metre 0.03 0.04 \

2.g3.Bedding Manglore tiles at eaves/vergesin lime/cement

battens' 100Nos 0.70 0.70
284. Drilling holes in eavestiles and screwing to eaves llI
wooden joists' set II
2$5. Stone slab roofing (40 mm slabs) laid over concrete or 0.14 0.24
sqm t<

lnd pointc<tat top and soffit in cement/lime mortar \

thickness.... sqm 0.02 0.03
2iir5.AdJidccluctfrom item 285 for eachvariation of 5 mm

phuskaon flat roofs' \

-' 80 r1rn thick (averageconsoiidatedthickness)mud 0.15 0.45
inciurling 25 rnm thick mud plastc'rand gobri leeping' i_
sq.m 0.01 0.04 F
ir,rni iigm 281 for every variation of l0 mm thickness.'..
2gg. Addldecfuir-.t
,.. sqm 0.03
2gg. Dcducr fronr irem 2.1,!i gobri leeping is not required
pans/bathsleft for
2g0. Filling cinder and light ramming (in hollows for wc 1.06
cum \
any mix' :
291. Gradingflat roof surfacebv imixing and) laying cinderconcrete, 2.r0
cu m 0.09 \
to required sloPe,finished even
2g2. Cuttingoutcrackstovshapeandgrorrting*'i'jrrichcementmortar(inlime 0.08
metre 0.06 \
t"nac in g/.oof slabs/adjoinin g parapets)
293. -Do- bur filled rvith a mixture of hot bitumen and sard after brushing
the , t

metre 0.08 0.10

crack with hot bittrmen
li.,.i. Lime concretcterracingin roof, including mixing iimg cotlc"rl^,

with eur a'r,t belfruit, ind roun4ing junctions with vraiis

(u'k coat of \
' ' cu rn 1.00 6.20
bitumennot included) !

sq m 0,04
295. Extra ovcr item 794 fot smooth trowellcd finish

Skillsd I tarlt irumen l Mazdoor/ I

rvorkeri sprayer lbhisti I
2')(r.Tack ci)ot of hot bitumell tc top of roof slabs,includirigpreparadonOf 0.04
sqm 0.02
surtlces (an<Jblinding u'rth pea gravel if ordercd) v-
sqm 0.02 0.02
:i)7. himing rocf surlacewith bituminousemulsior,pfimcr ... .:
llii. Fcur corrrscnormal waterproofingtreatmentconsistingof hrst and-third i

courseof hot bitumencort, secondcourseconsistingltf bituminousfeltand i

fourrh course of griVpeagravel blindrng (grading of surfaceinitially to \
siopcsnot included) sqm 0.01 0.0? 0.1I
299. Six coursc lieavy'waterprixrfingUeatmentconsistingot'fint, third and
fifrh courscsof iror bitumcn coat, sccondand fourth coursesconsisting I

of bitunrinous felt antl sixth/final course consisting of gnUpea gravel j.

b l i n d i n g( - d i t t c - ) sqm 0.02 0.1I 0.16


rO0. Curting groove in wall and making good after tucking in waterpr:oofing I

tJ,t:rtment meiie 0.07 0.07 t-


i , l i . f . i . s c r k c t c d r a i n w a t e r p l p , c s, fixed to walls, cement morutr Jorrlls,upio -

l5i) min diu, including:iccuririgclamps,rholder meE0 0.11 0.22

rr,- .-\cccssoric"/speciels
(a) Ol'1scts,
benls, ci I

hcadsctc. Each 0.14 0.22 I


( h 1B r a n c h e s i n g l e Each 0.30 0.22 i-

( , , R r ; t n c h cd. so u b l e Btch o.37 0.?2 l

> r
' l

* v q


I labour conslantin days for a rcam of onc
carDcnterand one mazdoor together

Descriptionof work
Fixcf|rffing, 46dT-TFilATy
I with I with I fixed to I otlrer means
nails I screwq-L_f_e:ring I a.sdescribcd
nit of work : pcr squarcmere
* Note : For work in narrow widths as in pelmets and the like increase respective labour constants by 30Vo.
303. A.C. building boards4 n 7 mm thick, fixed with countersunksrews,holes
I drilled, screw headscovered with plaster of paris 0.09 0.03
304. Fibre insulation boards, particle insulation boards and tiles (plain or
T perforated),wood wool building slabsand the like. 0.05 0.07 0.02
305. Wood wool building slabsfixcd with hot blown type bitume.n(I-abour for a
I tcam of one bitumen worker, one mazdoorand one carpcntcr). 0.03

II 306. Standard or tempered hard board 0.08 0.02

307. Plywmd of any descriptionor thicknessupto l2 mm 0.05 0.07 0.03
\{ 308. Wood particle boards, any type, upto 25 mm thick 0.04 0.06 0.03
- t 309.Blockboard,anythickness 0.08

I 310.Hessian
textilesfixed witlr nails 0.04 0.0r
I 31L Mincralwool or slassfibrc blankets,cut to required size/shappand placed
\t in walls or ceilings as pcr manufacturcr'sinslructions 0. 07
I 312. Dccorative laminates ('Formica'etc) fixed with adhesive to limber or
- timbcr basedsurfaces 0.35
- . l
Unit of work : per metre

I t
313. Fixing cover strips of any material with screwsover joints, including mitres
at tntersectlons 0.01 0.0r
I Labour consLanlsin days per sq m
MasorVpaviour i VazOoor/bhisti
1I (Constantsin flooring section include for labour in mixing
mortar/concrelewherever relevant)
314. 75 mm thick lime concrete sub-basefor floors 0.0s 0.28
1 I
315. 100 mm thick cementconcretesub-basefor floors 0.05 0.30

i 3 I 6. Add or dcduct from items 3 I 4 and 3 I 5 for evcry 5 mm thicknessover or under. 0.01
I 317. 25 mm thick floor finish consisting o[ cemcnt concretelaid in bays to an even
1 finish 0.04 0.17
318. Extra ovcr item 317 for :-
I (a) Each 5 mm of additional thickness of floor finish 0.03
J, i
(b) finishing to a fine steel uowellcd smooth surface without
using extra cement. 0.o3 0.01
I (c) -Do- but usingexuacemcnt 0.02 0.0r
1 impressions
(d) makingchcquercd 0.01 0.01
{ 'l
(e) 2 to 3 mm thick finishing coat with neat cement mixed with
pigment and fine sand,steel trowelled to a fine smooth surface
I (machinepolishing not included) 0.05 0.01

Noie : Labour constants given in items 317 and 3i,8 (a), (b) and (d) also apply to granolithic topping of fioors.



70 I
I-abourconstantsin i
sl. m I
Description of work
No. t
bhisti I

'lronite' etc.,) with I
319.(a) 15 mm thick wearproofopping, incorporating meullic ha;dener (such as
granolithicconcretemix, laid in bays and finished fair and even with a steel trowel 0.06 0.15 L-
0.07 0.17 I
O) -Do- but 20 mm thick
320.Treatingfloor with threedressingsof sodiumsilicatesolutjon 0.03 I

32r.Brushingor spiinklingsubfloorswith neatcementslurry 0.01 0.01 I

322.(a) precasrconcreteslabs40 mm thick,in flooring,beddedon l5 mm thick layerof mortar,jointed \

andpointedflush(includinglabourin makingprecastslabs) 0.15 0.40 I

O) -Do- but 50 mm thick 0.16 0.45 I

(c) As in (a) abovebut exceptlabourin makingprecastslabs 0.13 032 I

(d) As in O) abovebut except-do- 0.14 0.37

(e) Add to items (a) or O) above if precast slabs are finished smooth using extra cement 0.04 0.01
323. Brick floor using old size conventional bricks :-
(a) bricks laid flat :
(i) laid dry on 25 mm thick sandcushion,joints filled with sand 0.02 0.07 t'

(ii) -do- but joints pointed flush in cementmortar 0.07 0.16

fiiii bedded ltouted and pointed flush in same mortar a; work
proceeeds 0.09 0.18 !

O) brickslaid on edge:
(D As in (a) (i) above 0.03 0.09
(ii) As in (a) (ii) above 0.08 0.17
(iii) As in (a) (iii) above 0.10 0.19

324. Stonesettpaving, iaid to herringboneor other pattern,using stonc i;ci$ r'risize 20 to 25 cm long, l5
to 20 cm wide aid l5 cm deep,-bed<1ed on 20-mm layer of mortar, 20 r:nm;oins filled *'ith rnorar
(rvith admixture of metallic hardener),and finished flush 0.s5 0.30

325. Extra over item 324 for area of floor in edging using stone setls 45 cm deep 1.45 0.-s0

.j26. Self faced sandsrone^imesoneslabs 25 to 40 mnr thick, beJded iaverrge 15 io 20 mm bcdding.r,

d in any mortar (including rough dressingand squaringto edgcs)
jointed and 1rcinre 0.16 0.11

32j. Selffacedlimestonesuchas'Shahbad'or'Kudappah' slabs25 to -10n^;mthii:kiusina r"'adypolishcd

slabsof uniform size)beddedon 10 to 20 mm rhick iayer u'iih fine ilush porntr:dloirts in any mormr. 0.12 0.r

328.Add to item327if in treadsandriscrsof steps,andin skirting 0.06 0.05

329.Add to itsm327 if in dado 0 .r 0

Noteonpolisher:Labour constantgiven in IS : 72/2 (Pcrt I) for nwchrne

potishing @ 0.50 day p'er :q m of poi';her anC Q '10day per sq
m of polishing machine appears to bc much too hish as per
t r a d e e n q u i r i e s m a d e w i t h p o l i : h i n g s u l . , - c c n i . ri rotr. s. .
Furrher, ionsidering idle timz cf n',;,:hine,constnnt l'or the
polisher and polishing machine may he takenas surru:'

3 3 0 l,0 m m t h i c k r e r r a z oc & \ t i n s i t u r n { l c r o r s ,; n c l u d t r q c u t l i n g g : r r r i ; i ' I - I i i 1

p*:lishini iund:rlayer anrj il','icler strrps rtt)t i:r"lud:'j' 0.r0 0.r?. a.?2

o"'eror rir l,ll

t 1 r Add or deducl from irm 330 for eachrnrnof r_hickness 0.(05 0.01:

over lerrazotoppingcast in situ, for rrork in :-

(a) borCerVnidrginsin dif[ere''t shaile,7 ro 30 cm uidc ... 0.02 0.n

(b) treadstiserscf steps, and (hend polisheil,t 0.03 0 . 18 0.01

(c) dado (hand potishedl 0.05 0.1fJ 0.0_3

L - . r-,. tlr-.^\L!



l I-abourconstantsin daysper sq m

l Mazdoor/

l 333. Precast cemeny'te tiles (initial machine cut to top surface given during
manufacturein factory), set jointed and pointed in neat cementslurry, in floors,

J includingcutting and polishingwith machine (sreed nor included) 0.10 0.10 0.20

I 334. Add to item 333 if in dadoor full tile high skirting, hand polished(backingscreed
not included) 0.04 0.18 0.04

J 335.Add to item 333 if in half tile high skirting or in risers and treadsof steps,hand
polished (-do) 0.05 0.15 0.05

l 336. Bees wax polishing to tgfiazo cast in situ finish or to cement/tenazo tiles in floor,
dado/skirtingsetc., 0.02 0.02
-.l 337. Glazedearthenwaretiles, about 15 cm x 15 cm in size (or of rectangularshape),
6 mm thick,in floors,set,jointed andpointedin neatcement(screed'not
_l 338. -Do- but in skirtingsanddado,includingon window cills (-do-)
included) 0.55

J 339.Linoleumcut to sizeandlaid loosein floor 0.01 0.01

J 340. Rubbersheetsor PVC sheets,with or without integral fibre or asbestosbacking,

or linoleumsheets,cut trosizeandsealeddown in floois with approvedadhesive...

0.08 0.04
341. Rubbertiles/PVCtiles/PVCasbestostiles, laid with approvedadhesivein floor 0.10 0.05
342. Wood block (parquet)flooring laid to pattern,using ready manufacturedblocks
19 to 40 mm thick, beddedand jointed in hot or cold binrmastic(screed,sanding
andpolishingis not includedin the constants) 0.15 0.15
Note: Iabour constantsfor two block borderlmargin, rcsing to floor, and
raking cutting for parquet flooring will be 0.40 day per mcte and for
circular cutting 0.12 day per mctreof paviorlcarpenter.

343. Screedingto floors average15 mm thick in cement/ime mortar to requiredlevelV

falls (preparatoryto laying floor finish) 0.06 0.r2
344. Add or deductfrom item 343 for every 5 mm thiclness lessor more 0.01 0.02

-..1 Sundry Labours - Floor Finishes

Labourconstantsin daysper

*l 345. Extra over cast-in-situfinishes (such as lerazto, ordinary or granolithic concrete

Masory'paviorI Mazdoor/bhisti

-.l with or without metallic floor hardeneretc.) for following laboun :

(a) internalrgundedangles,intemal coving, or externalangicor champherc

t nosingupto25 mm radius...
O) tair stoppededge ...
*l (c) aluminiumftlastic/asbesroVglassdeviding stripso form bay :

(i) in floors 0.02 0.02
(ii) in vertical faces
0.025 0.02
(d) Aluminium (or any other kind) angle or non-slip patternedgingto treads

-l of steps. 0.02 0.01

346. Rakingcutting to floor finish consistingof :-
(a) bricks laid flat
(b) bricks laid on edge
(c) cement/terrazotiles
0.10 o^oz
:l (d) glazedearthnwaretiles
(e) rubber&inyl/PvC

-..l Note: For circular cuttingincreasetlv labour constantsin item 3a6 k) to (e)
by tlvce times. No addition required on item 346 (a) and (b).
0.02 0.01


- -


I-abourconstantsin daysper sq m t

Descriptionof work !


Notes : (a) Labour constants for plastering and pointing ingtudgfqr fyin nlortar- They d9 not includefor raking \
out joints. Rakingout ioits as"thenork proieeds is iicluded inTaboir constants for briclcworHstonework' I

(b) For work in thefollowing situationslabour constants for plasterer (but not for mazdoorlbhisti)should I

be increasedusingthe multipliers indicated below :-

Circularwork 2
Sphericalsurfaces 3.5 t

PatchrcpairVsmallquantities 1.5
Sidesandsoffitsof beams 2 I

347.15 mm thick plastering, one coat work, finished even fair and smooth in ceilings 0.05
andsoffits 0.08 0.11 |l

348. 15 mm thick rendering,evenly finished,to fair faces of brickwork or tc .-

concretesurfacesincluding scoring surface tot/o:l. fo- tiling etc-'
".l.nt*t 0.05 0.' 0.04
whererequired. .-
349.-Do- but to rubblemasonrywalls or to roughfaceof one brick thick walls built in 0.04
old sizebricks 0.07 0.11 .-

3-i0. Add ordeduct from items 347 n349 for every variation of 5 mm in the thickness
of plaster (prorata for variations less or more than 5 mm) 0.015 0.015

j-51. ,{(ld to irems 348 and 349 if work is executedas plaster in single coat finished to \
an even, fair anrl smoothSurfacewithout using extra Cement ... 0.01 0.01

Notes : (i) In rhe case of plastering in two coats, constants given in items 348,
350and 351 will applyfor the secondcoat.
(ii) If third ftnal) coat is to be applied a,ra setting.coat,.labaurconstants
jor the ie,.ontJcoat will be same as in items 348 and 354.
(iii) Labow rimefor bhistiJbr secondcoat nanlioned in (i) and (ii) above
may be rediced by 50Vo if rlw second-coat is applle! within 2 or 3
rlays, thus not requiring curing of thefirst coatfor full T clays-

il. SettinLtco:.!rincementmorar3to6:rmthickfinishcdtoahardeven,fairandsrnooth
0.05 0.05 0.02
surlacc,in walls

-Do- but in ceilingsand soffis 0.07 0.05 c.u2

Slliking sclccteil fat li;ne, sifting to obrain fine lime putty, -and applying neeru \
iilis;"1 trr 2 mm thick CI obrain an eren, fair ard smooth surfacepotished with a
i;tL'cltrowcl as finl,l coatto wllls 0.06 0.06 0.0r

D 6 _l . . r ti l t c : c i l i n S s 0.08 0.Clt 0.01

Surtdfaci:tlpiastcrconsistingof 5 rnm thick coat of cernentplaster (on prcviously

rcndcr,rtlsurfacc)and rapiringit all over with cork lined wooden float to produce a
senclcr:iincdtcrture 0.05 0.0s 0.f,2

Iil Appll ing rouglt cast cement plastercoat (on previOuslyrenderedsurface*']rich r,;
c l r i lg r u : n ' ) 0.0f.) 0.05 0.03

Exira labcrri rc:.l.rir,:dir 1;,'ovriling,irypebhle iash finish (on a,td i;n:r'crjrlrr,Y

rirer fr':shl;''ap,pl:,,ii'.'i:!';111'9\ 0'{}l 3'')i

i f,,;'nclll pl:-lsl.-rr';-cmbrick or: t,)ncir-llls.rll..iitgrrutthc )oir:1(.fiit-;-iirgir i

di''t.i,- rr'llClcrllll i' :,r "
;it'\' ,l:',-ii,r:l't:bbinJ

rr-tu,i 0.08

.tr) ll:ncmortrr 0.!5


Ir - a

Labour constantsin daYs

I Dcscription of work runinsmetre


{ 360. Extra labour in plastering for :-

b edges,
(a) work in isolated unionnnecred,30cm width or gLth including cutting
J.. stoppedends, forming corners etc., as in bands, skiltings etc. 0.04 0.04

J.. (b) neatly finishing wall plasre_rat junction of. wall w:th treads and risers of
expoied stepped skirring of snirs (each edge measured)
steps, nosings or in
0.01 0.01

- . , t. (c) forming external or internal rounded anglesexceeding80 mm and not exceeding

200 mm girth' 0.08 0.08
forming V or squaregrooves in plaster upto 10 mm wide on face and upto
10 mm deep 0.03
- I, (d)

I (e) -Do- but upto 15 mm wide on facc and upto 15 mm deep 0.05
J,- 0.07 0.07
(0 coniices upto i50 mm girtlr to requiredprofile
- I t
(g) -do- but exceeding150 mm and upto 225 mm in girth 0.09 0.09

*- I (h) -do- but exceeding 225 nrmand uprrr 3[X) rnm iil gir"]r
0.10 0.10

-., . t- 361. Time required for sundry labours given in (a) to (D below is alieady
includcd in relevant
constanls for Plastering :-
t - (a)Fornlingstignuyroundedintcrnalorexternalangles 0.02 0.02
; (b) Forming internal or external rollnded angles, 25 mm girth 0.03 0.03
- t
(c) -Do- bur 6O mnr ginh (not reqrriringany cuuing of masonry) ... 0.05 0.05

I (d) -Do- but 80 mm ginh (-ditlo-) 0.07 0.07

I t (e)
\-/ Forming squareor champheredfinished edges ^(uptol5 mm thick) to raised
the general face of plaster
plaster panels or
0.01 0.01
1o sfini"ngbaOo projccting beyond

I l
(0 -Do- but fbr plaster raised by more than 15 mnt beyond general face 0.02 0.02
I I-abourconstantsin
i daysper sq m
Plasterer I Mazdoor/
362.Rakingout,joints of old brick walls built in :
I (a) mud mortar 0.06
t 0)
lime mortar

J-. 363.Rakingoutjoinrs of old rubblemasonryor concreteblock walling in :

(a) mud mortar 0.05
J-. (b) lime monar
t - mortar
(c) cement/cement-lime 0.07
364.Rakingoutjoints of old self facedstoneslabfloor or precastconcrsteslabfloor pointedin
-L- cementmortar

365.Rakingout freshmortarjoints of rubblewallingas work proceeds 0.03

J.. 0.04
366. -Do- but of brick walling, as work proceeds
J-. 367.Pointingon brickwork:-
0.08 0.r2
J-. (a) Flush,in different mortaras a separateoperauon
(b) Rulcdor keyed 0.09 o.r2
l- (c) Cut or weiltherstruck 0.r0 0.r2
\ 1.70 0.40
l' (d) Raisedandcut
358.Pointingon brick flooringlaid flat:-
-L' (a) Flush,in different mortaras a separateoperatlon
O) Ruled
0.06 0.10



Labour constantsin I

daysper sq m t ^
bhisti l +

369.Pointingon brick flooringlaid on edge:-
(a) Flush,in differentmortarasa separateop€ratlon 0.06 0.10 l\
0.08 0.10
O) Ruled i\
370. Pointing to brick tile flooring :- 0.03 0.07
(a) Flush,in differentmortaras a separateoperatlon \
0.04 0.07
O) Ruled
3 7 rPointing
. O brick tile facing, with bricks laid flat in.stretchers:
0.12 0.16
(a) Fl-ush,in differentmortarasa separateoperation \_
(b) Ruled 0.13 0.16
0.16 0.16 \
(c) Cut or weatherstruck
1.90 0.40
(d) Raisedandcut
372.Pointing on concrete block walling or on coursed ashlar stone masonry : 0.08 0.r2

(a) Flush,in different mortarasa separateoperauon \

0.09 0.r2
O) Ruledor keyed
0.17 0.17 '\
(c) Raisedandcut (or tuckpointing)
upto courses: ,\
373.Pointingon randomrubbleStonemasonry,uncoursed/brought 0.10 0.14
(a) Flush, in different mortar as a separateoperauon i

0.1I 0.14 \
O) Ruledor keYed
0.20 0.20
(c) Raisedandcut (or tuckpointing)
374.Pointingon squaredrubblestonemssonry,coursed.oruncotrsed 0.09 0.13
(a) Flush, in different mortar as a soparateoperauon \
0.10 0.13
(b) Ruled or keyed
0.19 0.19
(c) Raised and cut (or tuck pointing)) t

slab floor :
3't5.P ointing to self faced sOne slab flooring or precast.concrete 0.04 0.08 \
(a) Fl-ush,in different mortar as a separateoperation
0.05 0.03
(b) Ruled or keYed :\

Category tabourconstaniil @ iI \

oi Labour Walls I Ceilings


Mazdoor 0.02 0.03

376. Brooming down plasrered/unplasteredsurfacesof nfw or old work'
papcr' Mazdoor 0.03 0.05
377. Cleaningold decoratedsurfacesusing steelwire brushes/sand ;
378. Preparingolrl dccoratedsurfacesspt-,iledby smckvsoot by s'raping
-O *"riing wirh water or cleaning soap/caustic soda and 0.r0 0.15
water,or rcmoving grease/oilspotswith chemicals' l\

Mazdoor 0.15 0.22

3?9. Complete removal of olfl decorative treatment like distempcr etc' t\
First Each Each I
coat subsequent sr.,bscquent
coaI coa{.

380. Clearcrrlling plastcredsurfaces Lime- .\

washer 0.06 0.07 :
Mazdoor 0.03 0.0i

381. Chaik whltening/lime washing !o new, or to undecorated 0.10
washer 0.07
|v{azdrtri 0.03 0.01 l




No.l Descriptionof work
1 Each
I subsequent
I I coat
washing, each subsequentcoat Lime-washcr 0.06 0.08
I 382.Whitc washing/colour 0.03 0.04
\ or rcncwal coat Maz.door

3g3. Sizing plastcred surface with oi!-size putty to a hard,

smooth and even surface Painter 0.36 0.43
Paintcr 0.20 0.13 0.25 0.16
384. Applying ordinary dry washabledistempcr 0.05 0.o1
I Mazdoor 0.0s 0.o4
- . l
0.25 0.20 0.30 0.24
385.Applying oil bound u'ashablc distempcr or acrylic Paintcr
II emulsionPaint N{az.door 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.0s

i 3 8 6 .A pplying watcrproof cement paint (such as Painrcr 0.30
etc' Maz-door 0'10 0'10
b l s sti
tl 0.10
t/.lu r ' 10
\0' t\-,'
rrl Note:Add30Toextralabouronitems3Bl,3S2,or3S4tc3S6ifw,oikisdoneonroughcastplasterlpebbledashsurface'
7 Labour constantfor glazier in days pcr sq m of work
\r Excccding Excceding
U pto0.10 0 . 1 0 a n d n o t 0.50 and not
one sq m
\r sqm exceeding
GL A Z IN G 0.-50 sq m I s q m pcr panc
I pcr panc i
I pcr pane pcr pane
- t
3g7.Cuitingglasspanesto requireddimcnsions
i :-

frostedsheetglassof ordinary'orselccted
(a) clcar/ready- 0.04
0.07 0.06 0.0s
- glazingqualitY2 to 4.8 mm thick

I O) -ditto-but 5.5or 6.3 mm thick 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05

0.08 0.07 0.06 0.0s

(c) figured,pattemedorpin headedglass3 or4 mm thick'
0.09 0.08 0.07 0.06
(d) -ditto-but 5 to 6 mm ttrick
\a 0.r0 0.09 0.07 0.06
(e) ro'ughcastwired glass6.4 mm thick
\, (D glass6'4 mm
roughcastwired andfigured/patterned
0.1I 0.10 0.08 0.07

0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04

(g) heatabsorbing('Calorex'etc) glass3 mm thick'
- l

-ditto- 5 or 6 mm thick 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05

I 0.09 0.07 0.06 0.05
(i) 6 mm thick polishedPlateglass
Labour constant for lazierin davsper sq m
page, Timbcr doors/wi tions lUetatdoon/windows
I Before using constantsgi.venbe.lowon this
L .

pleaie refer notes applicable to item 388 given on wirh beadsI Win beads Fixed
nextpagel fixed with I fixed with with
:: methl
panelpins I screws beads
3gg.Glazingin anykind of glassof anythickness,using glass
panescurro rcquircddimensions(for cuttingseeitem387)

I in panesof sizcs:-
- . rI 0.22
(a) not exdceding0.10 sq m Per Pane 0.18 0.19 0.23 0.20

(b) 0.10 to 0.50 sq m Per Pane 0.14 0.15 0.18 0.16 0.17
II 0.r2 0.r2
- . t (c) 0.50 to I sq m Per Pane 0.10 0.11 0.13
I I (d) excecdingI sq m PcrPane 0.08 0.09 0.1I 0.10 0.11

- t I


f-: I

Descriptionof work daysof glazier

Notesapplicableto item388 :-
(i) Add'0.01day of mazdoor-or.lulperper sq m of work to tlu constants 8,tven
in item 3ffi @) and 388 (b) ...
given in
(ii) Add 0.03 day of mazdoor or helper per sq m of work to the constants
item 388(c) and 388(d).
glazier for work in second storey and above
' ' Ad,j l0vo to the constantsof
if donefrom outside standing on scasfolds'

of glazierfor work doneoff ladders' in small quantities'

(iv) Add 507ato the constants

389.Sundryglazicr'swork :-
sqm 0.17
( a) G r ind i n g ,o b s c u ri n g o rfro s ti n g c l c argl assatsi tcofw ork
sqm 0.65
(b) Silvcring (for minors)
from tinrber joinery' sqm o.25
(c) Hack ou[ broken glass and putty/remove glass and beads'
including removing/
(d) Hack out broken glass and putty trom metal casement's sqm 0.30
punching out old spring clips/pins etc'

mctal cascmenls and

(e) Salvaging old serviccable glass from wooden or sqm 0.40
removingto store
m 0.(-15
(r) Grinding and rounding off edgesof glassof any type below 4 mm in thickness'
m 0.07
(g) -Ditto- but4 mm in thickness...
(h) Circularctrttingon glassupto4 mm thick
m 0.16
(D -Ditto- but excecding4 mm thick
4 mm thick Each 0.u2
0) Drilling holesupto 12 mm dia in glassnot excccding
Each 0.03
(k) -Ditto- but in glassexceeding4 mm thick
4 hcadcdchrotltium
(l) Fixing mirror wiJr plywood backing to wall with tloitrc Eech 0.20
platcd scrcws, rncluding plugging to walls

menti.oned otherwist:,r:re-fttt plain surfucesmcasrirednett' Before
Notes ..Labour constantsgivenin rhis section,urtless
*yt as in-the
dis1.tla,,lr,a Biti of Qut-tntitiesto be pricecl, the lahour cottsiant
working ou!(t ratefor an ite'm.iy various t:-pesoi unevensurfaces
factor r;rcntii,nc,la,eainst
shoulJ be adjustedwhere oplrili,rial, by the rnu't.tip'liing
If the of adoptctl ior worki.nt out qt4dnttttest'aries "tiiiz
listed in the table given below. .flelhod
in rlrc-tliui irtrtw, further' a,cltTsrments ln the c()nstant\ mav ltecomz
themethotl of measurement irniionri

I\lethod of I\{easurement

(a) All measurcmentsto bc takcn flar, i'c' not girthcd'

mcasuredflat on facc inclu"ive
(b) Areas of timber or melal doors / windows etc" to be
bcads fittings ctc" shall not bc mcasurcd
of frame / cno*iat- edg"t' chocl.s' cl'eat's'
No dcduciio"nto bc marlc for glass panes or gauzcd areas'
g i r t h ' " ' t j , ' n t lr t o J c d u c t i o n t o t r
( c ) l ' i l c / s l a t c b a t r c n i n gt . b c n t c a s u r t df l a t o ' ; c r a l l .n o t
mailc f:lr open sfaccs bctriccn battcrrs'

r v c l c l n c s l ts' ! l : l r a i l i n g sr n c
( d ) T r e l l i s w o r k , g u a r dt l a r s ,b s l u s t c . r sg,r a ' . i n g s . . r i r r l lxsP' l i , i
gates,op.n priirade fcncing anclttri tixe io be mt:lsuicd !l;rt o'crr:ll "r'ithouidcduclrng
Spages. and SuOpCrting menrtrgrs / frattrds t:tc', nJt iC ilC mcasurCdscparatci-V'
tbr th': size tri ttpening' Top
(c) Stcel rolling shuttcrs/ collapsiblc gatcs to be n::asttrcd (intcrnll arlC cxternai)
shuttc.rsto be mciru,c,t scparatcly for both
ccver of rolling


-. ,a
- . ' l I to obtain
DescriPtionof unevensurfacc equivalent
Descriptionof unevensurface plain area

i- For eachside
For eachside
steel sheet
{ r.30 Partly glzeenor gauz€dand partly 0.80
- - Ir Panelied or batened joinerl claddedsteeldoon '
1.20 1.14
i Flush doors Comrgatedsteelsheets
- rI
0.80 1.20
I GlazoCor gauzedjoinerY ComrgatedA. C. shees
- l glazedigauzed 1.10
Partly Paneiled and PartlY 1.00 A. C' shees
I jolnery For Painting
I all over
j 1.80
Full,v vc netiancd/louvre.d oinery
I 2.CS
- t r.20 Woo<lenrellis or jaffri
I 0.80
1.10 1 il slsh[ rcrrf banening
Wcv.rdshilr g Ie roufirtg
r.10 Cuard tnrs, gradngs,grills, ap\,t/weld,mesh, r.00
li ia:i rol!ing sltutteis gatqsetc.
gu:;-ed steel doors and 1 . 50
Fuilv glazed tlr 0.50 CollaPsibleshuttersor gates

I-abourconstantin daYsof
- l
Unit of Pairrteror Polisher
I ;
I (-r
DescriPtionoi v.'ork Work Each subsequent
\{ .)1.

- f
worKLn;s;:i -iaaTional
t givenlor nainrinsand attied work areror
Constants ;; itA ;;i-;; allowanceof one
'ffi p'*:"::
is-notpii'ii'f ^:::":yil:,?',]I*
;;;:: i"i' z"i oiitJ i- i;,'s 0;% ofpaint ) rnadc'
er's tirne
-:t creosot€ oil or linsecd oil or a coal 0.25 0.15
390. Preparesrrriaceand appll' surfaces
mixture to urnber or w6oa based
l--.. 3gi. Taning to small artictes
like holdfasrs,gully

f-: or backs ot chowkats

0.10 sq m Per articie'
etc., t"n"t. aiea tarring is less than
100Nos 0.50

3g2. T ar r inge n d s o fp o s rs ,b a c k not
mrring .*.""i, l"o oo",

393.Preparetimber / wood based

s o fc h o w k asand'
0.50 sq thel

and apply :'

m peri ke,w hereareaof 100Nos.
article. 1.00

l0sqm 1.00 0.60
(a) bees-waxPolish
l0sqm 1.65 0.90
O) varnish 1.90
l0sqm 3.50
(c) FrenchPolish. "

( d) F r en c h p o l i s h to fa c e s ' o frc a k l i o o i nsofbl ock-boarG' draw er

.oos and simil#n^iil* .uiotr,, tilir',o?o mm wide) u'Coofi€crod 10m 0.75 0.60
*ith other Polished areas
New work incluCing Renewal
cleaning surfrces ccat
and seuing out

10 cm wide with road

3tl Painting traffic lines by hand, tilql" coat'roads
marking paint on .on"r6te pavementso.t"r Gapsbetweenshort 0.10 0.08
lengths-to be' deducted
etc" exceeding
l : 5 Parnring traffic tineytetterVsignVarrows/dashes
-*"ide sqm 0.30 025
1f .r on diuo- (ditto-)


LABouRcoNsinrurs iL*

Iabour constantsin daysof oil painter

Unit of Prepare Knotting/ himing Under Finishing
sl. Description of work Work

No. surface stopping coat coat coat

! l

paint is 'tsed.
Note : Reduce constantsin items 398 and 399 by 20Vofor undercoatlfinishing coat if aluminiwn
with readymixedoil painV
naturalor syntheticenamelPaint l0sqm 0.20 0.15 0.25 0.35 A37

397. Paintingto wood basedsurfaceslike blockboard,

plywood etc., witlt -do- l0sqm 0.12 0.10 0.25 0.35 0.37
0.r2 0.35 0.35 0.35
398. Paintingto metal surfaceswith -do- l0sqm
399. Painting to small mctal articles like switch-blocks,
strapsetc.,if unconnectedwitlr other painting work. 100Nos 0.60 1.50 1.85 1.90
400. Painting to concrete surfaces or smooth finished
plaster surfacesor asbestoscement'surfaces l0sqm 0.15 0.30 0.35 0.37 r-

U"iI I kbour constantsin \_

Painting letters etc. on walls / pavements / roads work"f daysof painter

401. painting in background (whire/black or any other colour) of any size or shape,
preparatory to painting in letters
sqm 0.30
l0 Nos 0.10
402. painting lctters upro 2 cm high on any smooth surface like plastered walls etc.
10Nos 0.04
403. Extra over itcm 402 tor every cm additional height above 2 cm
l0 Nos 0.04
4M. Painting commas, stops,hyphens,brackets,etc., any size
in daysof
t:bour constants
Hanging u'all paPer per 10 sq m
Walls I Ceilings

0.10 0.10
405. Srripping old paper and cleaning
0.06 0.06
406. Clcaning down surfacesand stopping holcs ctc.

.107.Sizing to surfaces 0.G4 0 ri6

a.20 0.30
108. tlanging iinirtg or ordinary wall-paper
0'30 4.4'2
409. Hanging *'all-paper of light raised pattern
0.50 0.70
410. Hanging wall-paper of hcavy raiscd pattern or of heavy fabric'pattern


Uli, I t-aUourconslantin days oi'
OT -T-
Work i Plp" layer I llaz-door

4li. Laying, alrgning and kcerpingready fo1 jointinS, ilr trenchesor on ground, citst
kind, in any lcngtlr Er pif'c'
'andt|,t'.,Lt., / sclr;agCmaini,of any class or
iron p'"'p.t
spigor socket or flangcd (excavation, earthwork and jointing of pittcs Per
n<ltincludcd) Quinul 0.07 0.14

412. Laying aligning and kceping rearly for jointing, in ucnchcs or on ground, sp'ecials
suir,aUiefor sfigor and socket or flan1'cd cast iron pipe:; oi any class or
ki;rd (-ditto-) Qurntal 0.1.1 0.3-s

weight in.qwntalsofl-Qnines
Notes : (a) for laying castiron pipes,
To .,vorkout labour constantper metre"eucn
by the cons.r,ntsg,ivenin ,tem 4 t I ior ia;gory of l.tbow, and devide the product by tlrc length of 10 pipes
in metres as laid.

(b) 7-o work out labour constantsfor laying only of each speciat fiuing for cast iron pipes, multiply weight cf
e,tchfitting in quintalsby the [oboui cinstuir pe, quintalfor iach category of labourer given in item 412-

kbour constant in daYsperJomt for a tcam of

J one jointer and one maztloor

:or flangedpipes

J sl. ffi rpieoql$*!g!!'P9t.-

Description of work
No. uslngruoDer Wittr rubberor
Run l*ad gaskessuch fibre boardinserts
lead wool boltsandnuts

=l (a) 80 mm diameter
of :-
413. Jointsbetweencastiron pipesandcastiron pipe/specials,
0.11 0.09 0.04 0.05

-l O) 100mm diameter 0.14 0.r2 0.05 0.06

*l (c) 125mm diameter 0.16 0.14

-l (d) 150mm diameter 0.18

0.21 0.23 0.10 0.12

- , 1

200 mm diamcter

250 mm diameter 0.36



.t (g) 300 mm diametcr
0.49 0.40 0.19
(h) 350 mm diameter
-:1 0.2r
i (i) 400 mm diameter 0.55 0.46
- . t
0.70 0.62 a.23
0) 450 mm diameter

0.80 0.68 0.27

(k) 500 mm diametcr

Unit iCatesorY l-abour constant in days

of l o I ffiratinmm.
Work Labourer 100mm

cementpressurepi pcs
4 | 4. l-ayingonly asbestos
- l
Pipelayer 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.05 0.06
of ani classin trenchesor on ground,(of per m
0.15 0.18
Mazdoor 0.03 0.05 0.09
any lcngthPerPiPe)
Pipelayer 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.07
415.t ayingonly castiron spccialssuitablefor Each
Mazdoor 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.r2 0.14
- . , asbestos cementPressure PiPes
i 416. Making joint between asbestoscement
1 1 pressurepipesor betweenpipesand cast 0.3s 0.40
Each Pipelayer 0.08 0.10 0.17
iron specials,using cast iron deuchable 0.17 0.35 0.40
Mazdoor 0.08 0.10
joint with gasket.
consuntin daYsPermetre

- 417. Reinforcedconcretepipestaid andjointed with concrete

collar,plasticring insert'jute braidingdippedin bitumen
andcollarcaulkedwith cementmortarfor :-
(a) 100mm diaPipcs 0.02 0.08 0.10

(b) 150mm dia Pipes 0.03 0.@ 0.1I

- - t
(c) 200mm dia Pipcs 0.M 0.r2 0.14

(d) 250 mm dia PiPes 0.05 0.15 0.20

(c) 300 mm dia PiPcs 0.10 0.20 0.28
- . t
- 0.50
(D 450mm diaPipcs 0.15 0.35
(g) 500 mm dia Pipes 0.20 0.45 0.65
- t
_ (as in cross4rainforfoot paths etc-,) iointcr'c tinc is not lo be added'
Note : wlvre single lengthof concretepipe is rc be laid
- - t


Labourconshntsin_daysper me-tre l-

sl. Descriptionof work lCateeov

No. Iabourer 50 -.-

418. Steel water tubing, any grade, wilh screwed socket

joins, including cutting/threading pipcs where
requircd and fixing iube fittings such as bcnds,
single or double ee junctions connectors, unions,
backnutsetc., (but not including fixing of fixtures
such as taps,showers,stop-cocksetc.,) :-

Plurnbcr 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02

(a) laiil in uenches (excavaticn/earthwork not-
l'{azdoor 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
(b) fixed to walls, ceilings or floors, securedwith
Plumbcr 0.07 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.11
clips/wall hooks including plugging (cutting ' \
Mazdoor 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.13 0.16
chascsfor concealed work excluded)

- _l-
External diameterof PiPesin mm \
-rC -t--2[:: Lt ]z-T-]6--i--m-
.119.Polythcicnc .rnd unplasticisedPVC p;;c:'i, lo'*' rr \
high density,incluclingaiI nccessary'sprcials,
and jointing as sPccified :- \

Plumber 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02

(a) laid in trcnchcs (cxcavation/carlhwork not
Nlazdoor 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

(b) fixeclto wells, ceil'ingsor floors, securedwith

Plurnbcr 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.09
clips/wall hooks including plugging (cutting
N{az-drxtr 0.c5 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07
chasesfor concealcdu'ork cxcluded)

-Tnicrnar in days(Unit: Eaq!)---=
-r:0-l- -jbq-
' ::t-l
4l(). Curting crst irtln pipes tbr rcdr-rcirrgto rii;trJr':l.1
0.ir8 J.12 0 i -5 r.s.23 O..lii 0.4()
!eng$ bclcrc ilrying' tncludtr'q filirig tt; rcfil(j\.J I irlcr t.
).{;iziirr0r Ll.i)ii 0. ! 2 0.15 0.23 0.30 0.10
b u r r sc l c . ,

.;'d f'lunlt;si 0.'}l 0.()6 0.c8 0.16

4 l l . C u t t i r r gs t c c i w . l l c r t u b i n g t o r e q u r r t ' rlic n g t h pi)5
stxket j'rirlt': I',:l;.i,rti- 0.()'J 0,()-l .CH
cururrgthr;.iitson cut crrCi'lr -;crervcd

', L e b i : r r cr o n -s L a_ n- ir lt- r_ d a_1_ '- si x r [ i t t r n g

Plunibci- i lvla.rdocr

4 ? 2 I : i x i n g t o w l t c r s u p p i r -t u b i n g : -

0.05 0.05
( a ) T ; : p s - l n d c i r k s o f a r t - vk i n t ! l r r r i C i a n ' c l c i '

( b I S r r i l - c t x k s ' s t c 2 v a l v c s : t n t l u l t c v a l v c s t t t i t ' : it-l - ' l r n

t n c o t t c c i t l c dr . ' o r k : -
(i) uf t\)li) mm dil
0 (i(5 0.05
0 Oli 0.0tt
f i) 15 an,l 32 innr Jr:r
( r l ; l 4 ( ) i l t l ' 1. 1 ( n
) trr tiili
0 ()9 0.09

(el Rull
{ ,I
i r p t l i . .i ) n l l l ) rl lil
0 ()5 0.0,5
0.(.:,r o.01
{ . i r ) 2 - 5i . n d3 2 n r r nd i n () ()ij
( r r r ) 4 ( )t i n d5 0 m r r rt l i a

( d ) S l i o u c r r o s es u i t a h l cf o r l 5 t t l 2 0 m n i d i . tp i J r : 006 0.06
L-abourconstantsin days(of 8 houn)
Unit Category per unit of work
sl. Descriptionof work of of
Work [abourer 75mm 100mm
50mm i i

423. Cast iron (spun or sand cast) spigot and socket, soil,
waste and vent pipes, with or without ears, fixed to
per m Plumber 0.04 0.05 0.05
walls, including jointing with spun yarn and cement
Mazdoor 0.08 0.09 0.10
mortar (fi ttings measured separately).

per m Plumber 0.03 0.03 0.03

424. -Ditto- but laid in trenchesor underfloor
Mazdoor 0.04 0.04 0.05

425. Fixing cast kon fittings suitable for pipes in items 423
&. 424 above,including cutting of pipeswhererequired,
and exua joints in spun yarn and cement mortar :-
(a) bends, duck foot bends, dirninishing
pieces, single branches,swan necks, with Each Plumber 0.05 0.06 0.06
or without accessdoors Mazdoor 0.08 0.09 0.l l

(b) Double branches Each Plumber 0.06 0.07 0.07

Mazdoor 0.08 0.09 0.11

(c) P or S trap, nahni trap or floor trap (any size Each Plumber 0.15
of outlct) Mazdoor 0.20

Plumber 0.04 c.05 0.06

426. E,xtra over irems 423 to 425 above for run lead (or per
joint Mazdoor 0.02 0.04 0.05
lead wool) caulkcdjoints in lieu of cementjoints

427. Asbestos cement soil, waste and vent pipes fixed to

per m Plumber 0.04 0.05 0.05
walls with srandardholder bats and jointed with spun
Mazdoor 0.08 0.09 0.10
yarn and cement mortar (fittings measured separately)

428. Asbesroscemenr.fittings suitable for pipes in item 427

above including cutting of pipes and extra joins where
(a) Bends, diminishing pieces, single branch
pieces, swan necks etc., with or without Each Plumber 0.03 0.04 0.05
Mazdoor 0.03 0.04 0.05

(b) Double branchgs Each Plumber 0.0s 0.05 0.06

Mazdoor 0.04 0.04 0.05

(c) Slotted vent cowl or vent cap cowl Each Plumber 0.02 0.03 0.03
Mazdoor 0.02 0.03 0.03

Inernal diameterin millimeres

idl 2sol 3oo
429. Salt glazeasronewarepipes for drains, laid in trenches
0.07 0.10 0.12 0'13 0'15 0'17
and jointed in cement mortar as specified (excavation perm Mason
Mazdoor 0.14 0.17 0.19 0-22 0'23 0'25
and earthwork excluded)

a30. Specialsfor salt glazed stonewaredrain pipe including

extra joints (do-)

(a) bends Each Mason 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10
Mazdoor 0.08 0.10 0.1I 0.13 0.14 0.15

(b) singleY junctions Each Mason 0.08 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20
Mazdoor 0.13 0.16 0.18 0.21 0.22 0.24
(c) doubleY junctions Each Mason 0.r2 0.18 o.2r 0.24 0.27 0.30
N,{izdoor 0 . 1 5 0.18 0.2r 0.24' 0.25 0.21
I-abourconstantsin daYs
(of 8 hours)perurylg!'ilor!

PYg Jlexible pipe connecdonfrom

and cover,'low q high level flJ;;;i' joining up (to water supply and
tank'.f-tushittg'ptp"' 1.00 1.00
stop cock to filil; Each
Ar.inug. PiPesseParatelYlaid)

ano loining up (to water supply and 1.30
pipe, including lime tgno:.1e #oii"g Each 1.30
<lrainage laid)

433. . Diuo. b u tw i th o u th i g h l e v e l fl u s h i n gconcussive

t ank-(fl ushi
typengpi cock' Fixing
press dtow ater
supply pip" ;;;;o[ei by self closing Each 0.90 0.90
oiP*tio"k excluded) "'

4 3 4 . F i x i n g a n d c o n n e c d n g u p s i n V pipe
w a s hconnecdon'
h a n d b a s grating
i n , m e dwith
i u m unt::'
including brackets,pillar up' PVC Each 0.60 0'60
dischargePiPeetc', comPlete 0150 o.5o
435. -Ditto-but smallsize

436.Fixingcornerorflatbackurindowallandpoin t i n g a r o u n d i n c l u d i n g f iEach
xing o.4o o.4o
connectionto flushingpipe
graringwith union and dischargepipeand
cisrern including bracketsfor urinal(s)' 0.40
Fixing automaticcast iron flushing
43?.'and Each 0.40
connectingup to supplyanddischargc

438.FixingstoragetypewaterheatersforbathsanoLnnnectingupoutletsandinles Each 0.70 0.70

andelectricalconnecdons e:rluded)
for warersupptyi;i;g
small elecuic boosiqrpump including
43g.heparing foundadonand insulling rnd ileliveryside,andfixing foot
joining up ro isepar.of' tuiO).pip"tJn suction Each 1.10 l.tO
valve,straineretc.,complete(wiringforelecricalconnoctionsexcludec). 0'?0
Eash 0.20
440. Fixing andconnectingup nahnirap
4 4 l . F i x i n g g u i l y t r a p 2 3 0 x 3 C - 0 m r n s i z e i n c l u d i n g i n s p e c t i o n c h a i n b e rEach
inbrick 0.35 0 i5
4 4 2 . S q u a r e m a n h o l e s u p t o 0 . 3 0 s q m c l plaster,
e a r i n nfornring
e r s i z ehaunching
onplan,u p r half
and o0.60mdeep,
r o u n d d r a i n s , c o n n e c t i n g u p t o i n c o m i n g a n d o u t g o i n g p i p e s a n d s e t t Eai-h
ingframe 0.65 0.C'5
excluded) ''
for cover(excavation/earthwork Fr,,'h 0.25 0.25
dcptlrof 0'30 m
443.ExtraoveriremM2 foreachaclditional 0.$0 0.s{)
innersiz,eon pla;t,upto0.60 nt de.:p
4.14'All asin item442but 0.45sq m clear 0.35 0 i,s
deprhof 0'30 m
445.Extraoverirm 414for eachadditional
4 4 6 . R o u n o m a n h o l e s o f s u n d a r d s i z e u p t o 0 . 6 0 m d c c p , i n c l u d i n g c c nEach
crcle 2.30 2. r 0
foundations etc.' all asin itemM2 above
Each 0.50 0. 50
44?. E x r ra o v e ri te m4 4 T fo re a c h a d d i ti onal depthof0' 30m
a 4 8 . W a t c r p r o o | r n g s u n k p o r i o n s i n u F p e r f l o o r s f o r b a15
t h to
s i t20
o i l mm
e t s othick
(sizeof enclosure upto 2'25 * *'on plan)by applying Eech 0.90 0.e0
warerproof plaste; in rich cgmonl tnonar 'J..i) t).i5
sq m on plan
4-19.AdJ to item 443 for each additionzrl
r u1 s
,t;n E x l r a c l v e r l a b o u f c o | t s n n t s f o r f i x i n g u p t , o 5 0 m m b o r e o f p i p c sgoocl
,ifplpc per m 0.15 0.15
chases and making
are to be concealedin chases, inclrrdingcutting
stop cocks for work in conjuncdon
4:1. [,xua over labour constants for fixing Each 0.15 0.20
pipe..concealedin chase3
l l
l Labourconstantsin days
lta- (of 8 houn) per unit of work
llr sl.
I No. Description of work Mazdoor
\.. (or bhisti)
, I L

\ 'l 452. Fixing water meter and stop cock for the same to galvanised steel water
tubing, including jam nut, socket etc., threading tube and making long
\ screws,complete,suitablefor :-
lrtr (a) pipes uPto 25 mm dia Each 0.30 0.30
t+ (b) pipes of 40 and 50 mm dia Each 0.37 0.37

r+ 453. Laying jointing and pointing in rich @ment morta-r,150 mm dia half round salt
glazed ware channels (excavation, earthwork, preparing subgrade or sub-base
not included) per m 0.05 0.10
454 lr4aking connection of drain or sewer line with existing manhole including
r{r breakilg into and making good to walls, floor, plastcr, making necessary
channelsctc., complete(excavationand earthwork not included):-
\ (a) for 100 and I50 mm dia PiPes Each 0.16 0.16
(b) for pipcs exceeding 150 mm and upto 300 mm dia Each 0.24 0.24
455. Cutring exisring salt glazed ware drain pipe and insertinga Y junction pipe with
\.\ one loose coliar ancl making necessary joints with stiff of cement mortar
and spun yarn for :-
t, Each 0.50 0.50
\ (a) 100 mm dia PiPe
'\ 0.75
Each 0.75
I (b) 150 nrm dia PiPc
\ (c) Each r.25 r.25
! 200 to 250 mm dia PiPes
I (d) 300 nrm dia PiPc Each 1.50 r.50
i :
i 456. Testing drains, ncw or old, by fillirrg with water including temporary fixing of
\ pipes/bcnds,etc. to equalise pressure:-
(a) pipesupto 150 mm dia per l0 0.17 0.17

(b) pipcs cxceeding 150 mm and upto 300 mm dia per l0 0.25 0.25
\ metres

457. Testingmanholcs,ncw or old, by -do- Each 0.43 0.25
458. Smokc tcsting each indcpendantsystem of soil and vent pipes upto connection
with manholc, using smoke tcsting machine (use of ladders included where
ncccssary) Each 0.50 0.50
f l
Note on Point Wiring items
\ Lubour constanlsfor point wiring, where relevant, include fo.r fixing of :
(a) Battens(iicnfaing ,ornriitbends etc.) screwed to rawl plug{o, rcak gutties, wooden blocks and boards for moun-ting
wiringforfixing conduits,
\ fittings like ceiling rose,lamp holders etc., or in the caseof conduit
\ conduit fittings and accLsrori"r, jointlterminal boxes, boxesfor mounting switcheslsocketslfanregulators etc.
a\ (b) Fixingcabletobartcnsordrawingthroughconduits,includingtoandfroleadfromdistributionboardlswitcheslfansl

l' fan regulatorslelectrical fittings etc.

l- (c) Earthwire to earthing connections.
It- Labour constanlsfor point wiring do not include for :-
\ (a) Fixinglco'nneiting up of lwitcheslceiling roseslfanslfanregulatorslsocketslholdersetc.
1r (b) Submain wiringl.submain earthing from main switch control board to distribution board.
(c) Cuuing cha.seslmakinggood for concealed conduits or for sinking of boxes.
(d) Fixing of blackstboards for mounting distribution boardsliron clad *+titches.
\ I
Thc hclpcr.associated with wireman will be one who can carry out unimportant labours like cutting pockets in briclwork,
t- Jixing tiak gutties,drilling holes for rawl plugs, handlinglhanding up
wiring materials and the like under directionsfrom the
t* wircman.


Itbour constantsin days
sl. Unit I (of 8 hour!) per unit
No. Description of work of Wiremanor Helper or
Work electrician mazdoor

459. Point wiring for one light point or fan point or bellhuzzer point controlled by
one switch/push button, or for one 3 pin socket outlet fixed on an independant
(a) on wooden battens Each 0.45 0. 75

(b) in surfaceor concealedconduits (cutting chasesand making good to the

samefor ccncealedwork excluded) Each 0.75 r.00
Note : Add 50 Vo extra to constants in item 459 (a) or (b) for each additional light point controlled by the same switch
or for one light point controlled by two, two-way switches.
J(r0. Point wiring for 2 or 3 pin socket on the same board with othcr srvitchcs(for
wiring on battcnszr-s
well as in conduits) Each 0.10
a 6 l . F i x i n ga n dc o n n c c t i n ug p : -
(a) pcndants,larnpholders,shldes, switchcs,push buttons,bclls/buzzers... Each 0.O1 0.04
(b) cciling rosc Each 0.02 0.02
(c) flu,lrcsccnrsrnglc tubc light mounting rail complcte with accessories,
fi.rcdclircctlyto wall/cciling, including plugs/guttiesfor fixing Each o.r2 0.r0
(d) -do- but l'ortwin tubc iight Each 0.15 0.10

(c) as in (c ) or (d) abovebrrt including decorativecover reflector,grille etc., Each 0.30 0.10

( f ) s i n g l c b u l b d c c o r a t i v el i g h t t . l t i n g o f a n y k i n d , i n c l u d i n g s h a d c ,
back-platcctc., brackctor handi typc Each 0.20 0.05

(g) 3 n i n s w i t c hs o c k c to u t l c t Each 0.14

( h ) l-lamcprtxrl'or
u,lrcrtightbulk headfitting and light t-irting Each 0.06 0.()6

Q t c c r l i n gl a n Ench 0.l6 0.r5

( k ) lan rcgulator Each 0.05 0. ( ) 5

( t ) c x h a u . s(ta n Euch 0 .l 8 0.1rt

( n r ) l5 to () arnlrsdoublcpoic ironcladswitchfuscwirhnclrrrallink 240/,i80

v o l t si r r c l u r l i n tgl r i l l i n gi r o l c so n t h c b o a r d E:rch 0.08 c. 08

( n ) - t l o -b u t t i : l r l cp o l c Each 0.10 0r0

( p ) i r o n c l a d d i s t r i b u t : o nb o a r d s , 2 t o 4 w a y s ,tt0..:o' o, 15 arnpspur
* ' a y , i n c l u d n t gd r r i l i n gholcs on boards Each 0.09 009

(qt -drr-6 to fi ways Each 0.1I 0 . 1r

(r) -do-but l0 ul 12 u'avs Each 0.13 ().i3

( s ) b u s b a r c h a n r b c r3, s t r i p , l C 0 a m p s ,i r o n c l l d , 4 5 0 r n m l o n g Each 0.15 0. +5

rt) -.ltl- br:t.i rti'ip,2(X)arlps,6(X)mm long Each 0 -s0 0..50

( v ) e i L ' c t n cn l c t c r Each 0.10
i F i n c ra n d
Pai"tt' , I'lt"itl*
i *ason'--l
-1t,1.Framcd,shcctmctal claci,hingcd mctcr fixing board,wirh locking arrungc;ncnt,
r n c l u r l . i nl g
: l b r i c a t r i l np,a i n t i r r ga n d f i . r i ; r g ,o [ s i z c 3 , " Xx) 4 5 0 m m Each Q.62 0.03 0.rr5
. [ ' ) i i t o -] . r : t f i O ( )r ( X X )r n r r r\ i z c E:rclr ().(i(r
I 20 I lir

It -

l-abour constantsin daYs
f, U ni t
I sl. of Lincmanor
\ No. Dcscription of u'ork i Mardoo,
Work wlreman r

\ in ground'
*-plcte, with steel plate elecuode/steelpipc buried directly
earthwire protected
"'1J^r,trtry galvanit"J iton pipe ano-:""Ti*-:
\ ffi?J ?#;, T".;Ji"g"-.r'lr'.ouvJ,iiuing.:l::, _.o*pl.,'l1r;r"j;1'::}
0.75 0.75
and couer not included)' Each
l'- cast iron-frame
carthwork, con.rete, bric[.work, s"tting
L wire fixed on surfaceof wall or in recess 0.12
465. Earth connection with galvanised steel
t\ 0.r2
l 0 m
(cutting chasesand maiing good excluded)
concrctepoles 9 metreslong (excavation/
466. Ercction o[ stcel tubular or prestressed
e a r l h w o r k , c o n c r e t e a n d t r a n s p o r u d o n / u n l o a d i n g o f p o l e s t o p o i n t s a l o n g t h e Each 0.33 1.:0
icquircdalignmentof overheadlinc not
: - 0.20
0'5 m length of pole
467. Extra over itcm 466 for cach additional
.1(rg.Ercction,[ixing and tighteningstal' assemblycomp-lete Each
p l a t c , t h i m b l e , s t a y c l a m p s , t u r n b u c k l e ' s u y w i r e e t c . , c o m p l e t e ( f a b r i c a d o n ' set 0.33 1.33
: not included) '
4 6 g . F i x i n g i n p o s i t i o n c r o s s a r m s o f s t c e l a n g l e o r c h a n n line
e l s e(For
c t i ocomplcte
z or 4"wire ovcrhead
f- backplates,clamps etc., compr.t".ro, 0.92 davs of
days of fitter, 3.25
itcm of fabricaring and fixin!'"aai vz7 Quintal
J blacksmith and furthcr 3'30 da1'sof
Each 0.03 0.06
t)'pe on crossarms of poles'
i 470. Fixing procelain insulatorsof pin/shackle/reelfloop
* | 0.13 0.56
wire for overheadlines 100 m
.171.Running out and fixing galvanisedstecl bcarer
type cable guards made 0.12
412. Fabrtcaring ancl erecting hcxagonal lrecrangularlring Each o.o4
out of 4 mm galvaniscdsteel wire
- ,
steel reinforced112'll mm to
.173.Running out and fixing aluminium bare conductor
*nductor 7tl'96 n 7R'1 mm diameter 0.50 250
7/3 mm Oiom"i"., or-aluminiurn'Uut. 100 m
including binding to insulators " '
0.90 3.00

-do- 100 m
and above including
474. -Ditto- but of 7R.35 mm diameter
Each 0.05 0.10
vice type nps for service wire
475. Fixing vice type line conneci'orsor
. Each 0.04 0.08
wire with brass contact bols and nuts

It*. 476. Fixing porcelain aerial fuses for line

477. Fixing
'Danger' notice plate for LT or HT overhead line

- serv-ice brackets for house service

478. Fixing take-off service brackes/house
Add 0.05 days of mason's time to the
Each 0.03 0.06

conncction (Fabricarion nor il;;. 0.17 0.50

constantsfor this item)'

24)l4l5 volts grade cable for service

479. Fixing twrn core weatherproof
fixing +'mm iuspension wirennd insulated suspension
conection, including
tire take-off service bracket upto house 0.48
hangers I m apart (for run between per l0 m 0.15
GI wire' cross alms' insulators etc") 0.40
480. Dismantling overhead lines (conductor, 100m 0.20
comPlcteexccPt Proles
Each 0.33 2.75

4 8 2 . L a y i n g l . l K V g r a d e p o w e r c a b l e ( s i n g l e , 2 , . 3 , 3 . 5 o r(excluding
4 c o r e d i r joints/cable
including sand cushioning ."i p*tiv"e
boxcs/eicavation and earthwork) l0m 0.60 3.00
(a) uPto 25 sq mm cross-sectlon 10m 0.80 4.00
tq mm cross-section
(b) eiceeding 25 ;;;;;'Lxceeding 120 l0m 0.80 5.00
120;;;noi"it"taing aoo sq mm cross-section
(c) exceeding


l-abourconsuntsin daYs \
U ni t (of 8 hours)pcruniryj3lo{
of Linemanor
Dcscriptioh oI work Work Ii UorOoo, I

power cablc in horizontal lormation in

483. Add ro item 482 for each additional
thc sameucnch : 0.38 1.93
(a) uPto 25 sq mm cross-scction 2.57
mm cross-scction 10m 0.50
(b) exceeding25 birt not exceeding120 sq 3.2r
mm crossscction 10m 0.61
400 sq "'
(c) exceeding120 but not exceeding

duct :
FVc ihcathed ii existing opcn masonry 0.30 1.50
(a) uPto 25 sq mm cross-scction 2.00
mm cross scction "' 10m 0.40
(b) exceeding25 but not excccding400 sq
Each 0.20
markcr in cementconcrctc
""' Fixing routc
iA;J"O.13 dayitimc of masonro consranrslor itcm 485)

6Ocm long anglc iron fixcd in ground

486. Calvaniscdiron plate 10 sq cm sizc,boltcd io
(Add 0.13 dry;]i;.-oit fitt.t and 0.08 clal's tirne of paintcr ro constants n l(
lor item 486).
(outcloor)for end tcrminationincluding fixing
487. Cablejointing with epoxy rcsin 1'l KV
clamps etc.,for",1;;"ktr,;.lriiic
lugs,ferrur"r,' moutrt,
pVC tn.f pVC sne"atncO atuminium conductor ceblcof :
gradc insuiaidf 0. 38
m ms i z ' c Each 0.38
( a ) 2 x 1 6 , 2 x 2 5 , 2 x 3 5 ' 3 x 1 6 ' 3 x 2 5 ' o r 3 x 3 5s q
x 5 0 , o r3 x 7 0
(b) 3 . 5x 2 5 , . 3 . x5 3 5 , 4 x 1 6 ,4 x ) 5 , 2 * t O : . 3 Each 0.50 0. 50
sq mm slze
Each 0.66 0.66
si zc
(c) 3.5x 50, 3.5r 70' 4 x 3 5 , o r 4 x 50 sqmm
throughjoint inciuding firrng lugs/
488. Cablcjointing with epoxy resin for straight plastic,motrld^etc ' for
fcrrulcs, using cable jointing f.ii comp-ountl,.hriclncr.,
inrufrtcdincl PVC rluminiuin
s'hcathctl i:onductorcabloof :
l.l KV graiic itVC 0.50
Each 0.50
(a) sizcsas in itent 187 (a) rhcvc
Each 0.66 0.65
(b) sizcsas in itcnr 487 (b) abovc'
F.ach 0.80 0.80
(c) as in item 4E7 (c) rbovc
gllurd for i . 1 K V g r l c l c P V C
489. N'llking cncl tcrminationwith brasscomprcssion r''l'2 . x l ( )l ,r l r r , 3 x 1 ( 1 ,
an,r pvc ir.learhcd aluminiunr conctuuror
insularc,J j x 1 5 ' lx 5 0 , 3 . 5 x 2 5 . 4 r 1 6
a i - r O , 2 x ? 5 ,i ^ 3 5 , 2 x 5 0 , 3 x 1 6 '3 x 2 5 ' Each 0.13 0.13
sq mrn slzc
4 x 2 5 '4 x 3 5 ' o r
. 1 9 0 .- D i t t o - .b u t o I 3 x 7 0 , 3 x 9 5 ,- ? . . 5 x 3 5 , 3 ' 5 x35' 05 'r ' 7 0 ' Each 0.17 0.17
4 x 5 0 s q m msize
Consunt fcir labour or use of
ROAD WOIIK - -: in davs
Roiici lvlfv.door--

1 ^ a l c r i l l gand kccPir'g
J 9 l . P r c p a r : . r l i oCn) ! ' s u b g r : r dbcy d r e s s i n gs u r l a c c s ' . oc a n r L ' ' : r ' l() sq nt 0.027
readYfor roilrng
[tllil': '.lcp,'cs: it ttts
.192.R,i,.il!ngancl cOnsolidatingfornratron surfaJcs,inl'!u'lrrt,-l
r,'iri,;h Jcilr Curir i l r c l l i n r ; ' o s i l i S:
l[) sq r;t 0.08 0.{i8
(e\ hantl rtrlicr oi 0'2 to 0'5 tonnc caplicrt)
l0sqm 0.035 0 l3fr
(irr aniclrl rt llt:r of 0'0R trl l 5 to'lnc cilp:lcll,-
10 ::q nt 0.017 0.ttOli
(c) powcr rollcr upto 5 toilllc c:rpacity
1 0s qm 0.016 0.007
(d) powcr roller of 8 tonnc capacity
l0sqm 0.01I 0.005
(c) powcr rollcr of l0 to 12 tonnc capacity
Constantsfor labour/useof plant
in daysper l0 sq m of work
s l .i Mazdoor/mate
Dcscription of work Power
No.l bhistior
I roller

493. Laying stoncTkankar/boulder soling, properly handpacked(or basecourse using

ouetsi-t-eroad metal) to the required gradienVcamtrer/superelevation,inclu-ding
watering spreadingblinding material and consolidating with a power roller for :
(a) thickness
100mm sPread 0.95 0.006

(b) thickness
150mm sPread r.43 0.009

(c) thickness
200 mm sPread 2.03 0.012

194.Laying brick soling with overburntor well burnt bricks, filling interstices,
blinding,watcringandrollingwith powerroller:
(a) consistingof one layer of bricks laid flat 0.77 0.004

(a) consistingof one layer of bricks laid on edge l.l8 0.006

(a) consistihgof two laycrs of bricks laid flat 1.56 0.008

495.Light u,caringsurfaccs,like bcrms,walkways,etc.,madeup of mu-nuT-: Shingle,

tcaitar, grau-cl,red bajri etc., includingblinding,wateringand rolling with
powcr roller:
(a) 50 rnm sprcadthickness 0.19 0.016

(b) thickness
75 mm sPread 0.29 0.024

(c) 100nrmspreadthickness 0.38 0.033

Note : In item a95 if,tight wearing surfaceis to be consolidated by^hand

-toadd 0.44, 0.55 and0.69daysfor 5.0,75, and.l00 mm
ramming insreadoYroilin{,
respectively the constantfor mazdoor,ilt lieu of roller time-

496.Watcrboundmacadamcarpet,spread,levelled,wateredand consolidatedwith
powcrrollcr to requiredgradient,camberandsuperelevation
(a) 100mm compactedthickness(equivalentof about120to 140mm
sprcadthickness- screenings
extra 1.30 0.05

O) ?5 mm compactedthickness(equivalentof about90 to l l 0 mm
spreadthickness- screcnings
extra) 1.00 0.04

497. Preparingroad surfaces,new or old, by brushingwith wire brushes,brooming

andfanningwith gunnybags:
(a) waterbund macadamsurfaces 0.55

(b) black toppedsurfaces 0.33

Constantfor labour/useof plant in daysper l0 sq m of work

Mazdoorlmatel Bitumen Bitumen Power
Mistry sprayerunit boiler roller

498.Applyingprimingltackcoat,manually@ l0 kg
tarlbitumenper l0 sq m 0.25 0.003 0.006 0.004
a99.(a) Surfacedressingone coatwork usingZO!g
bitumenand0.14cum stonechippings perl0
sq m androlling 0.42 0.008 0.011 0.007 0.011
(b) -Diuo-buttwocoatworkusing20kg bitumen
with 0.l5 cu m chippingsfor first'coat,12kg
bitumenwith 0.10cu m chippingsfor second
coatandboth coatsrollcd separately 0.78 0.0r3 0.017 0.Q18 0.017
500.Rencwal coat of surface drcssing using
12 kg biumen and 0.10 cu m stonechippings
and rolling 0.28 0.005 0.006 0.004 0.006
of plantin dayspcr l0 sq m of work
Constansfor labour/use

Descriptionof work Mazdoor/mate/ i Bitumen Bitumen

bhisti/chowkidar I sprayerunit mixer

501. gilurninous prcmixed carpct, 20 mm

consolidatedthickness,using 0.27 cu m
of stonechippingsmixed with 14.6kg of
binder, rollcd and compactedto required
g r a d i e n ta n d c a m b c r ...
0.5g 0.019 0.004 0.013 0 . 0 r1
5 0 2 .P r c m i x e d b i t u m i n o u s m a c a d a m a s
spccified,50 mm consolidatedthickness
rollcd and compactcdto requiredcambcr
and gradient (preparing surfaces, tack
coat and seal coat not included)
2.34 0.036 0.r0 0.36 0.034
- 5 0 3-. D i t r o - b u r 75 mm consolidated
th ickncss
3.48 0.054 0.15 0.54 0.05r

504. 1;qu1d scal coar (lRC rype 'A' ) using

9.8 kg of hot bitumen (spraycd),blinded
w i t h 0 . 0 9 c u m s t o n ec h i p p i n g so f 6 m m
sizc pcr i0 sq m and rolling
0.40 0.005 0.006 0.006 0.006
505. Prcmixed sand scal coar.(lRC typc 'B' )
using 0.06 cu m sand and 6.8 kg hot
bitumcn pcr 10 sq m, mixcd sprcadand
0.36 0.006 0.001 0.005 0.006
Note : For concrete roads I pavements constants given in concretesectioncre applicable.

Labour constants
Unit of i Categoryof I in days pcr
I tabourer i
unit of work
506' Filling expansion joints in concrsi.- pavings etc., with premoulded
bituminous joint filler (constantworked out is for l5 cm depth of joint
fillcr, but convcrtcd into sq m and is also applicablc for orhcr dcpths of sqm Mrzdoor c.(i67
joints) Mason o.022
507. Pri'ning top cavity in expansionjoints (lcft aftcr filling wirh prcmouldccl l0 m lr{ason 0. 0i
b i t ' r r n i n o u sj o i n t f i l l c r a s i n i t c m 5 0 5 a b o v e )a n d f i l l i n g w i t h h o t s e a l i n g (pcr sq cm r"tlazdoor 0.ill
c o n p o u n d ( c o n s t a n its f o r l 0 m c t r c l c n g t ho f j o i n t s e a l c d .i o r c a c h s q c n r cross-
cross-scctronof .ioinr filled urirh slaling compound) sccticln

5Oti.Placing (at thc tinrc of concrcting)20 mm dia stcel clowel bars one mctrc l0 m Black-
lr:ng rvith fcrrules,at 400 nrm contrcsalong thc length of expansionjornr, (of cxpan- snrith 0 .! 9
iricluding cut.ting notchcs/holcsin formwork and (latcr.,1 in prcmould:d sion.yoint) llelper 0 .r 9
b i t u r n i n o u sl ' i l l c r e i r h c t i r n c o f [ i n i s h i n g r h c j o i n t s N'lazdoor 0.0rr
- 5 ( ) 9F. o r m i n g c o n s t r u c t i o nj o i n t l 0 m m w i d e , 3 0 m r r d c c p a n c l( l a r c r t i l l i n g i0 m N'fason 0.r5
u ' i t h s c t r l i n gc o m p c ) u n do r h o t b i t u m c n N{azdoor 0.1"j
- 5 1 0F. o r m i n g d u m m y j o i n t ( c o n t r a c t i o n l)0 m m w i d e , 6 5 m m d e e pa n d ( l a t c r ) l0m ivlason 0.:5
f i l l i n g w i t h s e a l i n cc o m p o n do r h o t b i r u m c n N{azdoor 0.15
5l l. $63;;lying * atcrbouncmacadam,bitumcn macadamor other black toppcrl
s u r f a c c sb y h a r , d ,n o t c x c c e d i n g5 0 m m d c e p l0 sq rn lvlazdoor 0.4-1
- 5 1 2-. D i t t o - b u r e x c c c d i n g , 5 0a n d n o r e x c e c < J i nIgC U n r m d c e p l0sqm Mezdoor 0. 17
5 1 3 .i t c p a i r i n g p o r h o l s b y s * e c p i n g c l c a n o i m u i l / d u s l , f i l l i n g w i r h f i n e
s r . r c c n , .r_o-add n r c t ; r l *. , l r t c n i r g w
, cil rlmming ctc. inclrrcling c u r t i n gc d g r : s
u l l t o J 5 n i r n d o c p ( m c a s u r c m c - nwti l l b c f o r a r c a o i p o t h i i c s i ... .iQ ln I'v{azr!.nr 0.17
\ ' 1 .- D i u o - b u t . ' i l l c r l* r r h p r c n i x c d b i t u r n i n o u s
m i x t u r c( * r o n cm r r a l a r r t lh o t
i ' r t . r l n t l t l )S c ; i l C i l* ' r t h b i t i i l , : r e n t l t , i i n c l c dw i t h s t o n c c h i p p i n g s , l r a n c l
r:.rinnij(l(,.,.rpowcr roilcd) sqm Mazdoor 0. 62
: - : S c r c c n i n gr o r c l m c t a l ,c h i p p , n g sc r . c a
. t s i t c , i n c l u d i n gr c m o v i n g s c r c c n c d
mlrli:rials clc:.r ilfl scrccn and st rcking (mcasurcmcnt for metal bcfore
si:ccning) r'U m N,laz.dtlor 0.35

l v


D E I \ T O I - I T IO N A N D D I S N T A N T L I N G
!. anrl di.snutntlingint:ltulafrtr stacking servicealtlc
nntcriols arul disposul oi dcbris

t_i Notes : (a) Labour constantsfor clemolition

within la0 m lead'
(i.e. gronntllloor includingfoundatio,nsuPto
I m and two uppcr

ri (b) constutts are for work uptoJloor .rrv,o.lcvcl

srcreysincrut)ing,oof of frio', iuo lerct).
For r'r,rk in ltig'7,,,t,"rrli-iitL

(c) The term dismantling signiJiesraking up or cott,r,

allowancc as

vvitltout carsing any avoidabledamage to

given in relevantitcm's'
the articleslmaterial

l._1. heing remcved

Lt Dcscriptionof work
s r .r
Dcscriptionof work dayspcr


D c m o l i t i o no f : -
D c m o l i t i o no f : -
522. Brickwork or rubble st'onemasonry
5 1 6 .L i m c c o n c r c t c mortar
upto I 5 cm
517.Unrcinlorcccl cenlcnt concrctc ,)4< 523. Ashlar faced stonemaasonryin limc
or ccmcnt
thickncssor cross-scction
3. 40
thick 4.00
5 1 8 .- D i t t o -b u t m o r c t h l n 1 5 c r n 52-1.Ashlar l'aced stollemasonry rn or cemcnt '1. 85
or rcinforccd
5 1 9 .R c i n i o r c c d c c m c n t c o n c r c t c morulr
brickworkof any clcscription (Also scc itcm 527) 4 l < ccmcnt
-525.Mlrblc/prccast concrctc work in lime or
r.10 2. 45
masonryin mttd mortar morulf
520. Brickworkor rubblcstonc
1.40 526. lv'ludphuska in roof
522. -Ditto- but in lime mortar
I-abour constants
Unit of I Catcgoryof in dayspcr unit
sl. Dcscriptionof work Work ' Labourcr
I o[ work
sqm Blacksmith 0.50
barswhcrc rcquired(cross-sectional
52j.Exvaovcr rrcm519 for cutting steel Mazdoor 0.50
arcaoI concrctelrcinforccd cut'to bc mcasurcd)
sqm lvlazdoor 0.rz
528.Dcmolitionof brick tilcs in tcnaccs

5 2 g . E x t r a o v c r i t c m s 5 l 6 t o 5 2 6 t o r c v c r y a d d i t i o n a loeo)
l,'l9l:,{hcightabovcfloor cum Mazdoor 0.30
two lcvcl (if matcrialsarc carrieddown by
quintal Blacksmith 0.25
530.Scparatingan<lclcaning/stra-ightcningrcinfcrccmcnt'barsfromdcmo|. N'laz-door 0.50
ishctlconcrctcor rcinlorccd brickwork

lrom dcmolishcdbrickworkbuilt in mud

531. Salvagingwholc rc-uslblcbricks stacking 1000Nos Mazdoor 4. 40
mortarUy rcmouingmortar and clcaning'including
1000 Nos Mazdoor 5.00
532.-Ditto-butif in limc mortar
1000 Nos Mazdoor 6.20
533.-Ditto-but if ccmcntmorur
534. Salvagingrc-usablcstoncsand undamagccl cum Mazdoor 0.65

c t c ' ' l l r i <iln l i r n c( ) rc t - l n ( ' nI tn o r t a r : -

5 3 5 .D i s m a n t l i n gr i l c s / s t o nscl a b si n l l t x r r s l0sqm N'[az.door 0.90
(a) trlcsupttl 25 tnrlr tltickncss l0sqm Mazdoor 1.30
(b) iii;;;l.*cling 25 mm :rntlu1rru.l0nrnrthrckncss Mazdoor 2.90
(c) stonc shbs in floor ctc''

I(.)()sq m r|,r||.('r;lir.t,/.}.
Ntlte : Add0.06,0.]2 and0.21 mttzdoortlo;.s1lc'.r *'rtrk in cf'cr')'
itiit 535 (a)' (b) untl.(c).ktr
,o ronr",oi,;;f*
storcY-hcightulnve Jloor t*'o Ievcl'

f o r a c t u a la r c ao l ' r o o l ) : -
5 1 6 .D i s m a n t l i n gs h c c tr o o f i n g( m c a s u r c d l0 sq rn Carpcntcr 0. 25
(a) ccr i n . . , i i n r o o r i n gi n c l u r l i n gp l a i nc l s h c c t si n r i d g c s . 0.65
hips, r'allcysand guttcrs.

in roofing fixcd
(b) Corrugatcdor scmi-conugatcdAC shccts - 1 0s q m Carpcntcr 0.30
with coach screws or witfr J/hook bolts' including Maz.door 0.70
hips and vallcy spccialsof asbcstosccmcnt'

90 L


Unit Carpenter/ i
Descriptionof work of Blacksmith/ I n*o*, \
Work Mason t
537.Demolishingjack archesincludingsteeljoists,in roof/floor:
(a) in lime mortar cum 1.35 \

cum 2.00 -
(b) in cement mormr t

538. Dismantling tiled roofing :- -

(a) single layer of Mangalore8anigany'Allahabadpattem or -
countrytyPetiles l0sqm 1.30 I

(b) doublelayer,of -do- l0sqm 1.90 I

539. Demolishingrhatchedroof including bamboo

jaffri, cappingto ridges,hips etc', l0sqm 0.45 -
5+0.Dismantling timber battensin roof, any size :- -
(a) upto 15 cm aPart l0sqm 1. 40
(b) excecding15 cm aPart l0sqm t . 20
541.Dismantlingpurlins and rafters from roof, upto 40 sq cm in cross-section,
of any kind of timbcr 100m 2.10 rt

542. Dismantlingwooden trusses,any span,any type Each 0.65 2.00

5+3.Dismantlingsteel uusses,without dismembering Per m 0.15 0.30
of span a
roof, floclr or ceiling
5-il. Dismantiingtimbcr planks in eaves/barge/vallel's, i0sqm 0.35 0.70

5-15.Ditto, but in rvall liningsand partitions l0sqm 0.25 0.50

Dismantlingwoodentrelliswork includingfruning
5-1(;. l0sqm 0.25 0.50


5 . i 7 .I n i t i a l l a y o u t o f a b u i l d i n g . Allow onc mason and 8 labourers workrng for half a

day for evcri' 200 sq m of built up area (this will \
include the labour in the initial layout an<l creating
semi-pe:manent brick stub pillars with reference \
points muked in plaster on toP).
For casting,curing and testing of cubes of concrete.
-5-18. Allow 0.5 day-sof unskilled labourer per cube. ffhis
will be over. and above the skilled laboratory
technicians/engineerin charge of the site laboratory.)
<'O I .'L'.r". '^^,'i.iC i n t r C v i n gu p t h o s i t e a n d c l e a r a n c c
j - . ' . | - . 1 \ ' l . . u l r ! Y . l l r
Ranges from 20 to 65 days of unskilled labour with
o i : ' u b b i s ha i t c r c o m p l c t i o no f u ' o r k o n a b u i l d i n g one to J matcs for supcrvision depending on the area
pr r.;cct. of site.

- s i { ) .D s 1 1 1 r l gc6l c! a r r i n go f b u i l d i n c s b y r ' : r n o ri n q p a l r } l A l l o w 2 l a b o u r daysper 100sq m cf bu,trup ateaof

i l . l a s h es , s u l t r l r v m o r t a r d r o p ; ' i n g s ,d l s t s c t t l e d o t r buiidine.
c,'mplatcri licnls, shoc mark:' t,i thc consuuctlon OR
l l b o u r c r sm o v i n g l b o u t , c l c r n i n q r r p t o i l c t se t c . ,u s c d
b i ' l a b o u r c r sw , i p i n g u p j o i n e r y ,a n . l f i n a l w e t m o p p i n g A l l o w 0 . 0 5 7 r of the cosi of all other iterhsof work
oi floors Jlc., prepxratoryto handing over to owner :- in the building.



l r .
ti &
of India are
Ceme.ntconstantsbasedon experimens carried out by the CBRI Rookee and the ConcreteAssociation
givenbelow. Theseconstants includi an allowanceof 25 9ofor wastageand are in use in the MES Departmentfor working
out estimatedrequirementof cement.

These constantsmay be consideredapplicable for ordinary Portland cement, Portland pozzolanacement, Portland
highaluminacement,sulphate resistingcement,andto Portlandwhitecementforpurposes analysingprices
of estimating,
andfor approvingratespayableto contractors.

Cement Cement
Mix by
Description Unit constant Descriptionof Item Unit constant
I Xtfr:: volume in kg
in kg

CementConcrete StoneMasonry (contd)

Mixed cement concrete l*: 3 cu m 402.83
2 ; 4 cu m 308.53 W al l i ng of random or 1 :1 : 6 cu m 73.80
dcliveredon banker
2 : 5 cu m 268.55 polygonalrubble,uncoursed or 1 :l : 8 cu m 56. 89
2tr: 5 c um 253.18 broughtuptocourses,in gauged l : 2 :9 cu m 49.71
3 : 6 cu m 213.20 mortar(cement: lime : sand)
4 : 8 c um 151.95 ,'
5 : l0 cu m 129.15
7 : t2 cum 1M.55 Plastering

Mixed cemcnt.concrete using l : 5 cu m 312.63 2 s qm I 1 .79

l0 mm (0.5 inch) thick I
all-in aggregatc delivered on l : 6 cu m 2&.45 sq m 8.44l
renderingor screedingon brick I J
banker l : 8 cu m 206.03 77
or concretesurfacesin cement I A
l: 12 cum 138.38 4.41
and sandmortar I 6 sqm
-Ditto- but on stonemasonry 1 .
2 sqm 15.68 6i
Cement and sand mortar 1 : 1 cu m 1058.83
surfaces or lathing 1 :3 sqm 1 l .t l7'
l : 2 cu m 699.05
1 :4 sq m 8.44l
l : 3 cu in 493.03
l : 6 sqm 5.6&
l : 4 cu m 382.33
l : 6 cu m 254.20
I 2 sq m .77
1 : 8 cu m 192.70 Add or deductfor each 5 mm
(0.25 inch) thicknessover or I 3 sqm .38
Gaugedmortar 1 :I 6 cu m 244.98 under l0 mm (0.5 inch) on I .i
sqm .51
(cement:lime: sand) l : I 8 cu m 1E9.63 concrete,brick, lathingor stone I 6 sqm 1..69
l : 2 9 cu m 164.00 masonry surfaces (cement
l : 5 l 0 cu m 147.60 mortar)
t ; 7 t 2 cu m 120.95
l0 mm(0.5inch)thickrendering l : l : 8 sqm 38
or screeding on brick or l : 2 : 9 sq m 82
Brickworkin well burnt bricks 3 cu m 123.00
concrete surfaces in gauged
built in cementand sandmortar 4 cu m 95.84
mortar (cement:lime: sand)
usingold sizebricks. 6 cu m 64.06
8 cu m 47.93 -Ditto- .20
but on stonemasonry 1 : l :8 sqm
-Ditto- but using modularsize 3 c u m I13.30 surfacesor lathing l : 2 :9 sqm .&
bricks. 4 cu m 87.90
6 cu m 58.40 Add or deductfor each5 mm l : 1 :8 sq m 1.38
8 cu m 44.30 (0.25 inch) thickncssover or l: 2:9 s qm 1 . 13
(0.50 inch) on
Brickworkin wcll burntbricks, l : I : 6 cu m 60.48 under l0 mm
47.93 concrete,brick lathing or stone
builtin gaugedmortar(cement.: l : I : 8 cu m (gauged
40.49 masonry surfaccs
lime : sand),using old size l : 2 : 9 cu m
-Ditto- but using modularsize 1 I 6 cu m 56.80
bricks I 1 8 cu m 43.60 Pointing
I 2 9 cu m 37.70
Rakingout joints to a depthof I 2 sqm 2.5
l0 mm and providing flush, I 3 sqm 1.6
Wallingof randomorJnlygonal l : 3 cu m 147.ffi keyed or struck pointing in I A
+ sqm 1.3
rubble,uncoursed orbroughtuP l : 4 cu m 114.80 cement moruu
, oD brick
to coursesin cementmortrar. l : 6 cu m 75.34 surfaces.
: 8
! . Q
cr m 58.94
\ I

92 t
Cement Cement
Mix by Mix by
Descriptionof ltem Unit constant Description of ltem Unit constant tF

volume volume \
in kg in kg
Brick flooring
Pointing (contd)

3 \
Rakingout joints to a depthof l : 2 sq m 5.02 Brick floors, laid flat, jointed s qm ll.l7
10 mm and providing flush, l : 3 sqm 3.95 and pointed flush in cement 6 sq m 5.e ^
keyed or struck pointing to l : 4 sqm 2.83 and sand mortar !

r andom r ubble ma s o n ry -J
uncoursedor brought upto -Ditto- but laid on edce sqm .68
15. 68 \
courses(20 mm thick joints) 6 sqm 8. 41
with cementand sandmortar t
Finish to Concrete F-loor
-Ditto- but to squaredrubble 2 sq m 3.95 I
coursedor uncoursedmasonry 3 sq m 2.82 F i n i s h i n g t o p o f c e m e n t - sq 1.3
4 sq m 2.26 concrete floor to a fair and t
even surfaceusing exra cement
,, s qm
Rakingout joints to a depthof 6.15 -l

l0 mm and providing bastard 3 sq m 4.46 Granolithic Floor

tuckor mason'sV joint pointing 4 sqm 3.& -
30 mm thick granolithicconcrcte I
to random rubble masonry,
uncoursedor brought up to topping finished even and fair sq 1 609
courscs t_
Terrazo Floor
-Ditto- but to squaredrubble, 2 sqm 5.02 L

coursedor uncoursedmasonry 3 sq m 3.e l0 mm thick layer of tenazo As sq 8. 7

described \
sqm 2.82 (consistingof 3 partsof cement
mixed with 1 part of marble
Rakingoutjoints to a depthof l : 2 s qm 1.39 powdcr by weight; and one Part \_

l0 mm and providing flush, i : 3 s qm l . l 3 of suchmixturebyvolumemixed

keyedor sruckpointingtoblock l : 4 sqm 0.85 with 1.5 parrs by volume of \_

in course,or ashlaror concrete crushed marble or crther

blockwalling,with cementand approved stone ciripPingslaid t
sandmortar to levels or talls.
Note :Additional cement constants given below and on next page have been worked out at
par with the basic cemeflf \_
constantsgiven above. i

F i n i s h i n g e x p o . s e df a c e s o f c o n c r e t e
Finirhing exposed ttacesof concrete
Finishinq exposed faces of 1:3 sqm 3 . 5 5 Finishing exposcd litccs oI
concrctc with 5 to 6 mm thick concrclc * rth 5 to 6 rnm drick
plasterin cement mortar plaster in ccmcnt and s:ind \
mortar (with u ; ri t of
-Ditto- (but with unit of mcasurcmcntas cu m of
IrrC0SUtCffiCIlt aS CU m Of concrctc finished on cxPosccl
conJrcie finished on its f a c c s )i n f o i l o t v i n gs i t u a t i o n s : - -
expnscd faces) for concrete
Staircases I : 3 cum 40.00
in the tbllowing situations:- t

l : 3 Domes,vaults,shcll roofsand I : 3 cum 41.0t)

Walls, chimncys and shafts cum 20.00 t

foldcd plates \
PiccasUcast in situ kerbs, l : 3 cum 30.00 i

stctlsand thc like ParaJtts,copings,bcd/anchor I : 3 5e.00 \-

Birrn s, plintlr bcams, I : J cum 30.00 itit I c \
b r e s s e r r i u r s l,a r g e l i n t c l s ,
;:olu.;.ts,piliars.I)icrs,Posts Projcctingpc:'t;.,'rot chrj.ias 1: 3 cum 61 {)0 i
stru:sttnCthc like
Vcrtical and fi.rriz-ontal
tins I : 3 cum 148. 0( t <

Slairsin floor, rcof, landing, l : 3 cum 31.00 forrning box windows, RCC
b:rlccny,canopy,shelvesctc. louvcrsand the like -

Dcscriptionof Item Mix by Unit constant,
Descripdonof Ietn N'Iixby U n i t constilnt in kg
in kg volume

Honeycomb bick-tile-work l : 2 sqm 16.54

Concrete l : 3 sqm 11. 64
one brick-tile thick, in cement
Sctting only' in Position using and sand monar l : 4 sq m 9.02
.cmcnt and sand mortar the
1..i lo * rng t1';rcof prccastconcrcte Honevcomb brick-tile-work
:uli,lcs:- half brick-tile thick, in cemenl'
and sand monar
| : 4 cu m 12.75
K:Ss. stcpsand the like
Honeycomb brick-tile-work l : I sq m 2.70
Coprrrgs/bcdPlates, anchorfted I : 4 c um 3 . 7 5 with tiles laid on cigc (thickness l : 2 sqm 1. 78
hi*ks, r,i'indow
cillsetc., of *'all cqual to thickncss l : 3 sqm 1. 25
of tilc)
Smallintcls 1:'1 cum 9.15
using nndular bricksof
I : '1 s qm 1.25
J a l l y2 5 t o 3 0 m m t h i c k n e s s 1 9 x 9 x 9 c r n a c t u u ls i z e: -

F{ali bricf tllick walls (ie 9 cm 1 : 3 sqm 8.59

C o n c r e t eI l l o c k W a l l i l t g thick), in ccmcn[ and sand l : 4 sq m 6.66
Walling rvith prccas;t(solid cr ' 4 c u In 35.99 moruir
] 23.93
closcd*cavitY) block I : 6 cu m
c um 1 8 . 1 4 -Do- tjut in gauged mortar l : l : 6 sq m 4.27
wallingany tilickncss I : ti
( c e m c n t :l i m c : s a n d )
Ilrick*ork (l cm thickJoints) s qm i0.31
Honeycornb brickwork, onc
IJ.ringokl site bril k.s,rtf brick thick in ccmcnt and sand sqm 7.28
1 3 x I l x 7 c m u L t u a sl i z t - mor[ar sqm 5.&
i{alf brick thick w'allsin ccntcnt I : 3 sqm 11.62
I : 4 s qm 9.01 H o n e y c o m b b r i c k w o r k , h a l f sqm 4.59
and sandmonar sqm 3.23
brick rhick in ccment and sand
I : I : 6 s qm 5.78 mortilr sqm 2.5r
-Do- but in gaugcd mortar
( c c m c n t :l i m c : s a n d ) I
I Miscellaneous
Pardi rvalls,with bricks laid on I : 1 s qm 9.77
sq m 6.45 I Exua for joining new brick wall l : 4 sqm 2.72
c r l g c ,i n c c m c n ta t r i ls a n dm o r t l u l : 6 sqm l.8l
\t,1 s qm 4.55 I with old in cement and sand
l : 4 s qm 3.53 I morur, usingold sizeor modular
I brictcs(constantis for tbe area
Honcycombbrickwork,oncbrick | : 2 sqm 12.83I of cross-scction of new wall
thick, in cementand sand mortilr I : 3 sq m 9.05 joinine with old)
l : 4 s qm 7.01 II
I -Oo- but *ith gaugcd mortar l : 1 : 6 sqm t . 74
Honcycombbrickwork half brick | : 2 sqm 5.88 | {cement: limc : sand)
thick, in ccmcnt and sand mortar I : 3 s qm 4 . 1 4I
l : 4 sqm 3.21 I Varing good to chasescut in l:6 per 0.90
l: 2 sqm 2.87 I brict walls, with cement and mctre
Honcycomb brickwork with
i,ricks laid on cdge (thickncssof I : 3 sq m 2.02 I sand mortar aftcr fixing Pipes,
wall cqual to thickncssof brick) | : 4 sqm 1.57I conduits etc., for concealcd
I work
(lsing bricks tiles of
2 3 x I I x 4 . 5 c . m a c t u asl i z e: '
Onc tilc thick walls in ccmcnt and I : 'i cu m 106.77I Note : SizeofclwsecutbYlwnd
l:6 cu m 70.99I usualls' does not vurY
sandntorur wilh the diameter of
I : I : 6 cu m 68.42 I pipe embedded.
-Do- but in gaugctl mortar I
(ccmcnt: limc : sand)
I l : 2 : 4 0.70
[{alt tilc thick facing in ccntcnt I : 3 sqm 18.58I tntaxinggood to holes in slab
1 :'4 sqm 14.41I a f t , : r p a s s i n g p i p c s , w i t h
and santlmo!'tar(built intcgrally
with main wall) I : 6 sqm 9.58 I cc:rrcntconcrete l:2:4, and
I tinishing up to match with
Half tilc thick wall in ccmcntand I : 3 s qm l 3 . l I I srrrrounding surfaccs.
|" 4 s qm 10.17

sqm 5.87 | Pointing in ccmcnt and stone | : 2 sq m l. 70

Brick tilc wall, with tiles laid on I : I
| : 2 .sqm 3.87 | dust mortar to stonc venecr
edgc in pardi walts, vcrtical fins r2.73
rt I work in wall lininc ccmentand sandmorur. l : . 1 sqm

ExcavationWithout Timbering

Depthsto whichexcavationin rrenches in tre followingkindsof stratawill retaina verticalface,for shortperiodsrequiredin :

withoutfalling in maybe takenasfollows-
Cleandry sandand gravel 0 t o 0.33 m Well drainedloam 1.6 to 2.6 m
Moist sandandsurfacemould 0.3 to I m Corirpactgravelly soil 3 to 5 nt -
Soft or ordinaryearth 0.6 to 1 . 3 m Well drainedstiff clay 3 to 4 m

Angleof Repose(or Natural Slopes)

Naturalslopesof earth,ie angleat which thrown-upsoils will standof their own accordwithout slippingand without the
necessityof renining walls aregivenin the tablebelow. Slopesvary with theconditionof soil, ie whetherdry, moist,loose,very t
Angle of Ratio of baseof Angle of Ratioof baseof
Typeof Soil repose slopeto height
repose slopc to height t

270 2 I Eadt vcgetable, very wet 190 3

Alluvial soil, dry t
r.25 I Eaflh vegetable, punned 630 0.50
Clay, dry 3y .l
Gravel, compact 450 I \
Clay, well drained 450 I I
Gravel, with sand 390 r.25 -
Clay, damp and plastic 270 2 I
450 1 L
Peat, firm
Earth, compact str 0.75 I Sand, fine and dry 330 1.50 a

Earth vcgetablc, dry and loosc 2go r.75 I 2go r.75 \

Sand,looseand moist
Earth vegetable,moist 450 I 1 Shingle, loose 390 r.25 a

Increasein Bulk

Approximate increasein btrik of diffcrent kinds of soil (when excavated from natural undisturbcd ground and thrown
up into a heap) may bc urlcn as foliows : a

12.5 cia N{umrm or chaik dcpending on size of picces

a 4 a H
"/O \
Sandand gravcl
Earuhand clay 25 E, Rock depcnding on sizc of pieces 50 Vo a

Dedrrction t
Dcductionsto bc niadc f rorn the volume of lcose heaps-ofdifferent kinds of soils to arrive at the contents bcfore breaking up \
undisturbcdground *'il I bc as follows :

S:rndand gravcl ll To Mumrm or chalk 25 Vo

35 7o
Elrth and clliy 20 7o Rock

FlconomicalDistancesftrr Remtlval of Soil etc.


Econc.rnicaltlistanccs [t,:' diffcrcnt modcs of rcmoval of sgloilst'or Indian conditionsvary considerably rvith the wages
(:cmandrxrby labcurcrs, type of labourcrs(ie male. fcmaie or brrys)and cartageratcsPayableto bullock carts, motor lorries etc. \
Iror t-stirr.'ing purposc'.saveragc economical distances ntay be nken as follotts:

Fj,':rdloads upto50 rn Bullockcarts 300 o 900 m

Whcel barrows 50 to 300m Moor lorries Distanccsexceeding60) m
r{ 95


Planking and Strutting (Excavation
38 poling boardsfor 30
firm ground' For opentimbcring, usually LTiick
Open rimbering is used for moderately *ittt
supported, *ofing of 100 mm x 100 mm sizc and
to be
Vo of area of the face of excavation
125 mm dia balliesare emPloYed'
horizonul or raking struts cut from
of the facc
are employed for lN 1o of area
timbering, except that.poling boards
close timberingis similar to open ri.Lti.Ig is employed for loose ground'
of excavation to be supported. close

Timber requiredfor
Typc of suPPort singleusePer sq m Notes
Type of excavation required of faceof excavation
be increasedby 8 % ttr
0 .0 3 3cu m Timbcr rcquirement indicated should
In trcnches Opcn timbering wastagc in cutting to lhe required size'
0.058cu m allow for
Close timbering possible' The nunibcr of
Upto 10 uses of timber may be
rcuscs gill howev.t'G fi*i'"cl by the.extcntan! r11qn.itude
Opcn dmbering 0.029cu m bc required whcn
to ctrt 5l;z-g5
Over areas of work, aitcralion-s no' *tr-
Close tinibering 0 .0 5 2cu m
using in new iocations etc'
the scrap valuc
0.032cu m The price analysis should uke into account
In shafts,wells and Open timbering of timber.
Close timbering 0.063cu m

Excavating Rock bY Blasting

Rock excavation using dYnamite

powder and fuses
Rock excavation using blasting
excavation N{aterialsrcquired per 10 cu m of excavation
Matcriais requircd pcr 10 cu m of
SofVdisinte- Hard rock Dynamite required
graFd rock Typc of rock kg pcr l0 cu nr
Type of excavation of rock
Powder No of Powder No of
in kg fuses in kg fuses

Sandstone 1.20 to 2 . 4 0
Excavation over areas l.20 to 4 . 2 0
l'97 2 3'93 4 Trap
excecding 30 cm in
dcpth and exceeding Graniteor Hornblcnde i .20 to 4 . 1 0
1.5 m in width. Cemcntconcrete 1 . 8 0 t o 3. 60

2'52 3 6'42 7 l.E0 to 4.20

Excavation in trcnches Quaru
not cxcceding 1.5 m in Gneiss 3.60 to 4.'.l0
width. Lirncstoneand marble 4.40 to 6.00

magnitude of work' and

with the extent of restriction in space, smalvlarge
Req.uircmcnt of explosives varies indicated for requircment of dynamite arc
Thc lowcr figures in the ranges
conuolled blasting that may be necessary.
applicablc for open unrestricted blasting'
hilly tcrrain for road building
for 100 cu m of excavation by blasting in
Averagerequirementof explosives etc.,
operationsmaYbe uken as

upon thc nature and gratlirre
by about 15 to 25 vo dr,eto compaction dcpending
Spreadthicknessof hardcore is reduced r-hat
for each cu m o[ finishcd work materials
,.ni.ued. This in turn signifiei
of material used and the degree or rorpu.iitn
required for harrJcorewill be l'8 to l'33 cu

-,, --**---...€ff*--




26 ro 36 lirres per bag (50 kg) of cement depending on the
Water required lor mortar and concrete varies from and the watcr-cement ratio adopted'
mortar or concrete'moisture content of aggregate
Shr ink age
Dry cement and sand rnrr sbrinks when wetted 25 to
35 Vo
Cementshrinkswhen wet[ed ll to 30 Vo L concrete mix shrinks when wetted 20 Vo \
Sandshrinkswhen wetted 20 to 30 Vo Dry ccmcn

I\{ud Mortar
may be nken as l'20 cu m for I cu m of mud mortar'
For mud mortar,requirementof suiuble dry earth
lirne putty'
I quinul o[ unslakedlimc yieltlsq']J8 cu m of putty.
oiunstaked lime 1.225
yi-elds cu m of lime
r ."'*
limi occupies0.129 cu m of volume.
f qiinroi oi unifot.O a

Lime Mortar t
Marerial requircd cxci.sive of wastage
Matcrials required per ctt m of mortar \
Mix bY volume
(l-ime putty : Sand) sand in cu m \
e u i n t a l sa n d i n c u m )
a.7r25 0.7125
l : I +r
I q or 0.58cu m)
1.1.5 \

0.r175 0.95 -r
l : 2 L
( 3 . 0 1q or 0.39cu m)
0.157 l 07
1 : 3
q or 0.29 cu m)
sand indicoted above,
ol surkhi Ltetukcn s'nrc as requrrementof \
Note ; For rrnrc : surkhi mortar, requirenrcnt
o! Iinte putfy al'\('rerynining unctitinv'td'
aggregatcmixcd with 40 Parts b
Materials requircd | o r i c u m o f l i r n c c o n c r c t e c o n s l s t i n g l ( ; ( ):p- a i . t s p | g r a d c d c o a r s c
cx;iu:ivc oi wast'l'tg"'
ot'lirnc mornr (both bY volumc) are as lollorvs
mttt stze \
0 . t J 4c u n l c ' f g r a t i c dc o a r s ca g g c g a i co l ' 4 [ )
0.40 cu m d T r c l t t y m i x c d w c t l i t r r c m o rutr'

nu.tyhe utloptetl subsrirutingrequirement of mud mortar for v

for lirne co.ncrete
Note ; For mucl concrete, the consta^t.s
the requirementof lime mortar as given al''ov'e' -
Cement Mortar and Cement'l-ime Gauged
constants. \
cemcnt rnorur or cemcnr.-lime-sandmortaf refer cement
For requiren)cnt'of cemcnt for various mixcs ol
p(jr cu tn i''f morter.
Requirerncntbf watcr nlay bc t'akenas 140 lttres
Lime putty and sand required Per cu m o f
Sand requirc,Cpcr cu m o[ cement and sand mortar c cmi'nt-limc--sand mortar

Mix by ;I;";;
voiulne \

l : 1 : t i 0.178 1. 07 i
l : l : 8 0.134 1.07
1 ' .2 : 9 0.238 1.07 I

(Cr;nstantsare exclusivcof wasuge) .


C e n r e n tC o n c r e t e

To the requirement of coarse and

Retcr cement constants for requirement of cement for various mixes of concretc.
fine aggregateindicated be.low add 2.5 7o to allow for wastage'

Mix by volume Size of coarse/fineaggregaterequiredper cubic metre of concrete

Ccment : coarse
Using shingle and coarse aggregate Using crushedstoneas coarseaggregate
Sand : aggregate
Aggregate used Sand in cu m S h i n g l ei n c u m Sandin cu m I Crushedstonein cu m

20 mm 0.35 0.70 0.38 0.75

1 : 2
l l . ? 20 mm 0.39 0.78 0.42 0.83
" 1 . 1
20 mm 0.41 0.82 0.44 0.88
4 0 m rn 0 .4 3 0.86 0.45 0.90
3 : 6
40 mm 0.45 0.90 0.47 0.95
4 : 8
5 :10 40 n:m 0.45 0.90 0.47 0.9s

compared to the sectional area of concrete'
Rcinforcement is somctimes expressedas sectional area of steel used
if thc slab rs cur, the cross-scction;,;ll rcveal 0.01 sq m of steel bars for every
ic | ,ic of stcel in an RCC slab will mcan that
sq m of sectional area of' slab.
(basedon steel weighing 7830 kg per cu m)'
I % reinforccmcntwill indicate 78 kg srr:ctper cu m of concrete
Rcinlbrcemcnt usually rcquircd in various situationsis as follows :-
0.5 to I Vo Columnsand struu I t o 3 V o
Culvcrts and foundations
1 to 1.5 lo Be.ams, lintels,and braces 2to 3 7 o
Landing, floor and roof slabs
1 toz Va Piles and connections 2 t o 5 V o
Archcs and walls
B i n d i n g o r t Y i n g w i r e for rcinforcementmay be rakenas 0.9 to
1.3 kg per quintal of reinforcement:

Wastage of steel will dependon the size of off-cutsand the

possibilityof using the off-cuts in situationslike
varies from 2 to l0 Vo'
chljjas, canopiesetc' Wasnge of steel in reinforcement

F-ormn'crk and Centering

\*,hcn analysing rates o[ formwork and ccntering, assessmentof the number of times that the timber can be used
on the nature and the magnitude of work'
is of grcar imporunce. It- is usual to assume upto 16 ut"J d"p"ncling
required for l0 sq m of formwork in various situations are given bclow,
Quantities of materials, including wastage,
anrl thcseare for first or single use. Allbw for nails and spikes at the rate of about 4 to 5 kg for first use and l kg for
sac:hsubscqucntuse for l0 sq m of fo;mwork'

Materials required per 10 sq m of formwork including S % wastage'

Boarding Scantlings or Ballies or struts
sl. Situation where formwork is to be provided in metres
i n s q m battcns in cu m
11.00 0.064 l3
Foundations, footings, bases of columns and mass concrete
- 10.50 0.r05 82
Sotfits of suspcnded landing/roof/floor slabs upto 200 mm thick
-Diuo- but exceeding 200 mm in thickness 10.50 0.1l8 100
Walls, partitions, parapets and the like 10.50 0.034 28
13.70 0.060 38
Columns, piers etc.
-Ditto- but circular on Plan 12.00 0.110 &
Sidesand solfis of beams,lintels and the like I 1.50 0.060 38
Edgcsof slabsand breaksin suspendedfloors 20.00 0.060
10.50 0.070 l1
Chullah hoods, chajjas, etc. l1.50 0.013 5
Sofiits of semi-cylinrical shells of radius upto 3 metres 10.50 0.960 70
Sol'tits o[ domes, vaults and shell roofs, spcrical in shapc,that is 12.00 1.r60
curvecl in both horizontal and vert'ical planes'


Colouring of ConcPdteiTvlortar -
with sand and aggregate. Quantity of dry pig-
Dry cemeni i, ,t oroughly mixed wlrh pigment before mixing
follows :
menr to be niixed with one baglolcement (50 kg) is as tD
Pigment to be mixed with 50 kg bag of
Colour Pigmentto be mixed with 50 kg bag
of cement of cement

or Buff 2.08 kg yellow ochre.

Black 5.56 kg black oxide of manganese -
anv other carbon black. !

Red 8.14kg red oxide'of iron.

Blue a.fa tg anrreblue or ultramarine. -

Burning Bricks
Fuel requiredfor making burnt bricks is as follows :- !

Wood fuel (clamPburning) : 4 to 4.30 quinralsPer 1000 bricks'

Coal dust (kiln burning) : 1.30 to 1.50quintalsper 1000 bricks' r
Brick and Mortar Requirement !
and mortar requirementis explainedbelow :
As brick sizesdiffer widely, the mcthod of working out the brick
Dat a
Sizc of bricks : 19 x9 x 9cm (modularornewsizebrick, with frog of 10 x 4 x l cm size)
Size of joint : I cm thick'

For one brick thick wall in English bond
joint on borh sidesocupy 0.10 m length of the course' Ten
In the headercourseeachbrick along with half a \

I m length of header course'

brickswith joinS will be requiredfo'
In the stretchercourseeachpair ot stretchers wirh half a joint at endswill occupy0.20 m length of thc course'
..vill be required for I m length of suetchercourse'
Five pairs or ,t etcrreisie l0 bricks *itt, loins
will make up 0'10 m heightof thc wall'
Each headerand strerchercoursewith halr a ioint at top and bottom
I metre height of wall'
5 hcadercoursesand 5 srerchercourseswill make up
A portionof I m long, I m high and 19 cm wide wall will havc I

Volumeof brickwork : 0'19 cu m

Numberof bricks : l0 coursesx l0 bricks eachcourse = 100 bricks.
: 100 x 0.19 x 0.09 x 0.09 = 0 . 1 5 3 9c u m I

Volume occupiedby bricks = 0.0361cu m

V o l u m eo c c u p i e d : 0' 19 - 0' 1539
: 100 x 0'10 x 0'M x 0'01 = 0.0O10cu m
Mortar to fill up k6gi = 0.0401cu m
Total mortar requireirent : 0'0361 + 0'0040
of 190 mm (actual)thicknessof
If rhe cubicalcontenrsof one brick thick wall are calculatedon the basis mcue of brickwork without
out to 527bricks and 0.2i cu m o[ morur per cubic
wall, the materialconstantswork
allowing for any wastage,using motlularbricks' .,
on the basisof 200 mm (nominal)
If ho*ever, the cubicalcontcntsof one brick thick wall are calculated mortar per cubic metre of brickwork
and 0.20 cu m of
rhicknessof wall, rhe materiatconsranis*ort out to soo uii.rr
*iinout allowing for any wastage,using modularbricks.
are as follows :-
Basisof calculation for thc material constantsgiven hereinafterfor brickwork
x9 xgcmwitha frogof 10x4 x I cmsize'
(a) D i m e n s i o n s o fm o d u l a r s i z . e b r i c k s h a v e b c e n t a k c n 1a 9s
x 2.15 inchcs (= 22.86 x 1l'll x 6'985 cm) with a fr'g of
(b) Drmensions of old size bricks have bccn rakcn as 9 x 4.375
12.7 x 5.1 x I cm size.
-- 22.s6 x li'll x 4'445 cm) without any
4.3'15 x 1.75 inches (
(c) Dimensions of old siz.ebrick tiles have been raken as 9 x
(.1) Thickness of joints has been taken as I cm throughout'
tor nominal thickness o[ walls ie one brick tnick
(e) The constants arc a;p1.:able for cubical contents of brickwork measured
wall using old size bricks (or old size brick tiles)
walls ..rsi'g mo<tularLi;.t, measured as 20 cm rhick, arr<ione brick thick
measured as 23 cm thick'
about nominal rhickness/actual thickness
(f) For brickwork measured in sq m for half b,rick thick walls etc., the considerations
of walls mentioned in (e) above obviously do not apply'
surfaces and occasional thicker joints requircd for
(g) Allowance has been made for mortar used up in filling up pores in brick
pcrpends, iu-""ai""r l"i"s. This aliowen"" ti"s nor been made in rhe illustrative example given above. (fhis note
(g)-ap,p'iic.sto constan6 given for concrete bl,ock mas,nry work on next page also)'

Material constantsfor brickwork (without *,astage), using :

Type of brickwork Unit Modular bricks Old size bricks Old size brick tiles

Bricks in Mortar in Bricksin Mortar in Brick tiles Mortar in

Nos. cum Nos. cum in Nos. cum

20 cm (nominal) thick walls cum s00 0.224 455 0.246 655 0.272
using modular bricks, or 23 cm
(nominal) thick walls using old
size bricks or old size brick tiles

Half brick thick walls, or walls sqm 50 0.017 53 0.023 a1

0. 026
half brick tile thick

Brick on edge walls,or walls with sqm 35 0.()09 35 0.0054

brick tiles on edge

t{alf brick tilc facing, built sq nl t t 0. 036

intcgrally with othcr walls

l{oncycomb brickwork half brick sqm 36 0.0064 38 0.0082 55 0. 0rl

thick, or half brick tile thick

Honcycombbrickwork one brick sqm 75 0.0144 77 0.0179 lt2 0.0230
thick, or one brick tile thick

Honcycomb brickwork laid on sqm 25 0.0040 25 0.0025
rdgc, (ie thickncssof wall equal
to r.t
lhe thickncss of brick or
thickncssof brick tile)

Note : In the constantsgiven above an adequate allowance has been madefor the mortar joint at the perifery of the honey-
comb brickwork area with the main brickworklwalling etc.

Length of hoop iron or 6 mm dia steel bar required for

s t r e n g t h e n i n gt h i n b r i c k w a l l s Q o i n t s o n e c m t h i c k )

Hoop iron or steel Half brick thick wall H a l f b r i c k t h i c k llalf brick tile thick Wall built wirh old size bricks or
bar placed at :- b u i l t w i t h m o d u l a r w a l l b u i l t w i t h o l d w a l l b u i l t w i t h o l d brick tiles on edge (thicknessof
bricks size bricks size brick tilcs wall equal to thickncss of brick
or brick tile)

Evcry course l0 m/sq m 12.52 m/sq m 18.37 m/sqm 8.26 m/sq m

Alternate course 5 m/sq m 6.26 m/sq m 9.19 m/sqm 4.13 m/sqm
Evcry third course 3.33 m/sq m 4.17 m/sqm 6.12 m/sqm 2.75 m/sq m
Evcry fourth course 2.50 m/sq m 3.13 m/sqm 4.59 rnlsq m 2.07 m/sq m

Solid or cavity Concreteblocksand mortar required (exctusive

of wastage)for block masonry

Sizc of concrcte blocks and 20 cm thick wall using 20 15 cm thick wall using 15 l0 cm thick wall using l0
thickness of joints considered for cm (actual) thick blocks cm (actual) thick blocks cm (actual) thick blocks

Using blocks 29 cm long and 19 16.67blocks,and 0.0176 16.67blocks,and 0.0133 16.67blocks,and 0.0089
cm high on face (acrual cu m mor[ar cu m mortir cu m mortar
dimensions) with l0 mm thick
-Diuo- but with 12.5 mm rhick s q m 1 6 . 33bl ocks,and0.0216 16.33bl ocks,and 0.0170 16.33bl ocks,and 0. 0108
joints cu m moruf cu m morutr cu m mortar
Using blocks 39 cm long and 19 s q m 1 2 .5 0bl ocksand 0.0160 12.50bl ocksand 0.0120 12.50blocks and 0.0080
cm high on face (actual cu m morLar cu m mornr cu m mortar
d i m e n s i o n s )w i t h l 0 m m t h i c k
-Ditto- but with 12.5 mm thick 12.27blocks,and 0.0197 12.27blocks,and 0.0147 12.27blocks,and 0.0098
joins cu m mortar cu m rnortar cu m mortar
Materials required including wasnge
Quarry stones

Random rubble, polygornl rubble or 1.10 to 1.15 0.30 Higher requiremenr of quarry \
squaredrubble masonry,uncoursedor stonesfor squaredrubble regular
broughtupto courses coursed masonry and ashlar

masonry is due to wastage in

S quar ed r ubb l e , re g u l a r c o u rs e d 1.15 to r.25 C.2g
- tl
masonry dressing the stones to the re- \
qui red regul ar height s and
Ashlar masonry 1.3 r.40 0.12 shapes


Wastagein Timber
Wasuge in convertinground logs into squaresleepers 20 Vo
Wasuge in convertingsquaredsleepersinto large scantlings l0 Vo t
Wastagein convertingsquaredsleepersinto filles/boarding 12 to 30 Vo
S'astagein cutting timber in stock sizesto requiredfinished lengths 5 7o
planing clean sawn timber into finished sizes t
Wasuge in 5 to 8 Vo
' y::'fT';:,0::,y:'^::'i"i';::,;'T::i:::",!ri::!;'::";!;l!,#; measured t
,::#: r::; for

As an arnple precaution, quoted rates should allow for an overall wastage of 75 7o on the quantity of
timber measured for finished nominal sizes to arrive at the quanfiry of clean sawn timber to be purchased
in sizes stocked at tl'.e saw mills. -
I Nails
Requirement of nails for caryener's woik varies from 1.5 to 3.5 kg per cu m of timber depending on the kind of a
work, secdons of timber used, etc.
l\leasurement of Size -
In terms of the relevant Indian Sundard specificadons*re sizesof various articlesof builder'shaldwareare ro be
measuredas follows :- -
Article How measured Arriclc How measured

Butt hinges Length of joint or knuckle

Locking bolts, stiding Length of bolt.
bolts. skeleton lower t
P^rlranicnlhinges WiCth between flanges bolts, and aldrop !

Piano Overall width of flaps.{opened)
Hasp and stapies:- \
Spring hinges Length of spring cylinder for (a) Wire type Overall length of hasp including
(double acting) regulating spring the hinged plate \
(b) Plate type Length from centre of hinge ro rhe
Bllnk hinges to be used Length of joint or knuckle (safety type)
along with spring hinges end of the hasp, excluding rhe !

hinged plate.
Tce hinges Length of the leaf from joinr to t,
its pointed end. Handles,drawer pulls,. Grip length.
Strap hinges Length of any leal from joinr to
and drawerhandles
iu pointed end. Cupboardlocks Vertical length of face across the
body excluding the box sraple or
Door springs (rat tail Distance from the cenre of the striking plan. l
ti'pe) spindle to cenrre of roller
Knobs Maximum dia of the knob I
S p r i n g p a t e n ih e l i c ; , I -Dirto-
Hydraulic door closer Weight and widrh of door ro
Bairel iower bois/semi- Length of bolt which ir it suirable. \
b;'rrel tower bolts, made
Rim latches, mortice Horizontal length of face across
oi si.e,:l
lock, mortice night the body, excluding rhe box stapic !
-Drttir- hut of non-fer- Length of barrel latch, mortice latch or striking plate.
li\l!:i,n:Utl verticle type fr


Requirementof wood screwsfor fixing varioussizesof builder'shardwareitems is given trelow' Length
screwwill. to a certainextent,vary with thicknessof timber to which the article is fixed'

No of IS No of TS No of IS No of IS
Size screws Desig- Size screws Desig- Size screws Desig- Size screws Desig-
in mm required nation in mm required nalion in mm required nation i n mm required nation

Steelbutt hinges Parliamenthinges SteelstraP hinges SkeletonTower bolts

Light w e i g h t A luminium/brass/steel Light weight 375 14 6
1 5 4 2 5 0 6 8 7 5 6 6 450 14 6
2 5 4 2 6 5 6 8 1 0 0 6 6 600 16 6
4 0 4 3 75 6 8 r 2 5 8 6 750 18 6
5 0 4 3 100 8 10 150 8 6 900 20 6
(r-5 6 4 125 8 l0 2 0 0 8 8 Mi l d steelsl i di ngdoor bolt s
15 6 5 150 8 l0 250 l0 8 (Aldrop ) for use with
100 8 6 rt5 8 l0 300 l0 8 padlocks
200 8 l0 350 14 9
Steel butt hinges 9 1 5 0 l0 9
400 r. 14
I\{ediumweight Pi a n o h i nges 200 12 9
2 0 4 (1 .8 2 5m l engths) Steelstrap hinges 250 14 9
2 5 4 Medi um w ei ght 300 14 9
4 0 4 Both 30 and 40 mm sizes 7 s 6 375 16 9
5 0 4 requiretwo screws(at every 100 6 450 16 9
6 5 6 75 mm centres) of IS r25 8 all sizescarriagebolts,6
75 6 Dcsignation5 150 8 pcr set are also required)
9 0 6 200 8
100 8 D o u b l ea c ti n gsP ri nghi nges 300 10 Non-ferrousmetal sliding
r 2 5 8 1 100 I l0 400 14 I door bolts (Aldrop) for
150 8 I r25 8 I0 500 16 I use with padlocks,
r50 I l0 Steelstrap hinges Brass,Types 1 & 2, and
Steelbutt hinges
Heavy weight Blank hinges for use in Heavy weight I etumi ni um Type 3
1 5 0 8 l0
5 0 6 c o n j u n c ti o n w i th doubl e
200 8 10 l r s o t6 4
6 5 6 acting sPring hinges are
300 12 l0 l z o o 1 6 4
7 5 6 availablein 70 and 75 mm l25o 1 6 4
9 0 6 sizeeachrequiring6 screws 400 14 12
14 l 3 o o 16 4
1 0 0 8 1 of IS Designationl0 500 16 4
16 14 l 3 5 o 1 6
r 2 5 8 1 600 1 6 4
Steel tee hinges l g z s
150 l0 I Door springs . Rat tail tYPel + o o 16 4
l0 I Light weight
175 These are available in 300 l + s o 16 4
10 I 7 5 6 6
200 and 375mm sizeandrequireI
1 0 0 6 6 Hasp and staple (safety)
Steel butt hinges r 2 5 7 6 (per set) 6 wood screws of I
SquaretyPe 150 7 6 IS Designation10. 1 e 0 7 5
I lrs 7 s
5 0 4 6 2 0 0 7 8 Barrel Tower Bolts ard I l 5 o 8 8
6 5 6 8 2 5 0 8 8 semi barrel tower bolts 8
1 7 5 8
7 5 6 8 3 0 0 8 8 7 5 6 6 |
9 0 6 9 350 ll 9 1 0 0 6 6 I H"rp & staple (wire type)
1 0 0 8 9 400 ll 9 1 2 5 6 6 l o s 4 6
S t eelb u tt h i n g e s
I Steeltee hinges
1 5 0 8 6 l z s 4 6
Broad type t"t.dium weight r 7 5 8 6 1 9 0 4 6
5 0 4 6 I 2 c / 0 ^ 8 6 l l 0 0 5 6
7 5 6 8
l z s 6 6 2 2 5 8 6 Itzs 8 6
l r o o 6 6 6 I t s o 8 lo
1 0 0 8 9 7 8 250 10
r25 8 l0 Irzs 300 l0 6 II r z s 8 lo
l0 I rso 7 8 6
r50 8 1 8 375 l 0 I Door handles (type l)
lzoo 400 l0 6
A lum iniu mb u tt h i n g e s lzso 8 9 1 7 s 4 6
5 0 4 6 lroo 8 e Rivetted/spotwelded l l 0 0 4 6
6 5 4 6 I rso ll lo steel tower bolts lrzs 4 6
75 6 6tol I +m ll lo 1 0 0 8 6 fI r s o 4 6
9 0 8 1 0 | +so ll 12 l r z s 8 6 I noo" handles(type 2)
100 8 l0tol 1 soo t2 12 l r s o 8 6
r25 l0 l0 to I l l 7 s 8 6 l z s 4 6
l l 0 0 4 6
150 12 12 Steeltee hinges 1200 8 6 6 8
Heavy weight 8 6 I rrs
Brass butt hinges l 2 2 s
l0 6 II r r s 6 8
(for cabinets) 150 7 l0 1250
2 5 4 2 200 7 l0 1300 l0 6 I Ooor handles(type 3)
3 0 4 4 300 l0 l0 l37s l0 6 1 7 s 2 6
4 0 6 4 400 ll 12 l4s0 12 6 1 9 0 4 6
50 scn
500 12 14 1 6 0 0 1 4 6 f lm 4 6

and the actual lengths
Wastageof steel in steelworkvaries-widelyrvith the lengthsof section! available/purchased !
requiredi; tfi; work, and may 6ng9 from 2 to l0 7o. A h.igleiproportion of wastageinvariably *go in steel platesfor
gff.G, fabricationof litOerr, Uali/soteplatesetc. In analfsing-prices,lO VowasEgein platesand 5 % wastagein other \
iteel sectionsis usually allowed for.
Priming Coat t

Ratesare occasionallyrequiredto be quotedfor steel and ironwork inclusiveof coat or priming coat-of oil \
paint. For structuraland other steelworkin UuitOingoperationsthe areaof paintingrequiredfor shop coat usuallyworks out
io an averageof 3.50 sq m per quintalof steel.
Rivets and Bolts
Thc weighr of rivets/boltsfor riverred&olredup connectionsvariesfrom 1.5 to 3.5 kg p:..quintal.for light steelYqlk
and from 4.5 to S.itg peiquintal for built up secrioni in structuralsteelworkin buildings. Weight of bolts requiredin fully
Uott.Oup steelworkis"rirarginallyhigherrhanweight of rivets requiredfor fully rivettedconnectionsper quintal of steelwork. I

tiling Numberof tiles -
Single layer country tiles 2 0 x 13 cm 1300
30.5x 38 cm l 14 fl at and l l 4 half round. -
Allahabad tiling, single !
Allahabad tiling, double 15 x 19 cm 221 flat + 227 half rounci + 227 semthexagonal.
Manglore pattern tiling 4 l x 23.5 cm 141 t
Type of ridge Numbersrequired Morar requiredper 100 m length of ridges or hips
If only jointed.and pointed
or hip tiles per 100 m length If bedded solid \
Manglorepattern 330 0.75 cu m 0.20 cu m t

Allahabadpattern 330ridges + -?40elbows 0.75 cu m 0.20 cu m -

Note : Add 5 7o wastage in the above constantsfor tiling to allow for breakage.lmortardroppings. -
Corrugated Galvanised Iron Sheeting in Roof
55 mm. One and half conugations side lap = 85 mm. End lap = 150 mm -
One corrugation side lap = \
Requireme,tt of Materials !

Weight in kg of CCI sheeLsrequircd per 100 sq rn of roof arca (actual) \

Class and gauge of sheets
Particulars 0.80 mm thick (2-l gauge) 0.63 mm \
kg kg
With one corrugttion side laps rl

828 683 661 \

(a) Using sheets v.'ith l0 comrgations 845
(b) Weight of l0 colrugation sheet for the portion in end l ap 2 1 .1 6 20.70 1 7 .0 7 1 6 .6 1 t

(c) Usi:;g sheets with 8 corrugations 867 848 699 680 \

(d) Weight of 8 corrugation shcct for the portion ln end 2 1 .6 7 21.20 r7.48 i7. 01 -
lvith onc and half corrugation side laps
(a) Usi'r{ sheetsri'ith 10 corrugations 871 858 708 689 I
(l-.) Wc;;ht of 10 corrugali<.rn sheet for the portlon end Iap 21.44 20.97 11.29 1 6 .8 3
, ' 9
U.;ri:{ shecs r','ithI comrgations 908 888 731 713 t
We r.:i,: of 8 corntgation sheet fcr the in end lap 22.68 2 2 .1 8 1 8 .2 9 1 7 .8 0
'l'.'v -
NOte : cbove constants are based on roof with sloping tength of 5 85 m covered in 2 sheets 3 m long each (with one cenlral end-lap I

of i5 cm), anl with length along euves board equal to ten widths of sheets. For dilferent lengths of sheets used, cottstans should
br cJiusted cn the ba,;is of weight of the portion of sheet in erut lap per 100 sq m of sheeting. \


Lt 103

::i$ilf.f;t;1ff"-rAi]:#pJ wion or

The quantity of 6 mm dia 65 to 75 mm

perscrewor hooVcrank
long screws, or hook/crank bolts 8 mm dia with
tji o"pAdson
one nut each' along with

thelengthor bearer'andthenumbers
rank bolts requiredper 100 sq m sheeting


l0 comrgationsheets


f+ With one corrugation side laPs

Bearersat 0.5 m centres

Bearersat 0.75 m centres

With one and hatf corrugation side laps

840 680
Bearersat 0.5 m centres 485
Bearersat 0.?5 m centres 600
480 390

forendtapswiurequire short
of 6 mmdiagalvanised ::::1*1*:tt:"?:o^l?ft?ii"i'$^ilttrJ,i
each rivets, witha pairor galvanised plainround
:ff#;:il;'!|J"lf,ft:::'::T-# dia garvanised
per 100 sq m of sheeting:-
t0 comrgationsheets

Nos. Nos.
Side laps
790 644
With one comlgation side laPs 665
With one and half corrugationside laps

End laps (For roof as per the footnotp on prcvious
199 199
With one comlgation side laPs 26
With one and half corrugation side laps

Plsin GI SheetRidging
Nos. of galvanisedcpachheadedscrewsand 600 Nos'
6o Nos. of l.g3 m long, 3g cm girth ridgesalong with 650
of flat circular washersare requiredper 100 m length of

A. C. Sheetsfor Roofingand Skle-cladding

(ReIIS : 459' lnO)

1.50,1.75,2.N,2.50,& 3.00m longfor bothtypes

Standardlengths 6mm
Thickness (folerancc G) 0.5 mm, (+) Free) 1100 mm
Overallwidth l0l4 mm
1006 mm
Effectivelaid width, allowing for side lap 45 mm @ 338 mm centres
48 mm @ 146 mm centres
Comrgation- Overall depth& centreto cenre distance 86 mm
44 mm
Sidbtap mm 150mm
Endlap (minimum) % Range 84 to89 lo
length) Range 87 to9l
Coveringefficiency (varieswith roof size & sheet metres 1.40meres
Purlinspacing(maximum)for roof 1.70metres
Spacingof runnersuppo,rts(maximum)for sidecladding mm 300 mm
ldaximum free overhangat eavesetc' qm 83.68 sq m
Areaof shecs per metrii lonne (unpacked,on ground)

r04 ^-


A. C. Sheetsfor Roofing and Side-cladding (contd)


Whcre N = No ol'sheetsPcr row L = l-cngth of roof in metres b

L - SL
N = -T:TL- W = Overall width of one sheetin metres.
SL = Onc side-lap of sheeusin metrcs

in row to cover the length of roof on plan' If N is not a

use the above formula to find out lhe numbcr of sheetsrequired one
lap will have to be suitably increased'
wholc number,N should te r<lundedup to form a full numberand the side !

formula for esumatingspecials'
nurnbcrof apron pieces/eaves filler pieces/northlight curves/venulatcrcurvesetc. In using fie above 'special'
concslnnding roofing sheets ignoring the length of Slven in the caulogue of the
rhc value of L, SL, and w is that of the
mlnufacturer,and N is the number of specialsrcquked' I
used in caseof steelpurlins, or GI coachscre$'sttscd
For estimatingthe number of g mm dia GI hook bols/ crank bolt-setc.,
hook bols or coach screws rcquired will be the number o[ sheetsin one row' plus one'
in caseof timbcr purlins, the number of GI t
mulriplicd by rhe numbcr of purlins in the conesylnding roof slope.
(+) 75 mm florfixing sheetson intermediatepurlins (i'e' not
Length of hook bols requiredwill be thc icprh of thc steelpurlin
laps (i'c' rvhercfour shees meet)' t
involving cntl lap) and rJcpthof steelpurlin (+) 90 mm on end
(i/c onc nur) and along with cach coechscrcw allow for one bitumen washer25 mm rliamctcr
Along with eachhook/crankbolt
3 mln thick' and one GI flat washcr2 mm thick'
-.rr.rr.,,,rcho, a.nused
fr* stitching ridrrecappings'cornerplcf es,ventitator
GI scambols and nus along wirh birumcn washcranclcl washerarc
lundnorth light curves etc. I

w h c n w o ' k i n g o u ! r a t c s f o r c e i l i n g s , l i n i n g s a n d w a l t b o a r d i n g r h c s i zwastagc,
e s i n w h if
i c any'
h t h eare
b o oJ
a dimportance'
s / p l y w o o d e t c . . a r et t o
bc fixcd and the sizcs in wfricfrtnc sa'mcirc f,""uiu"i"tJlo""if"ble, andLhe working drawings Evcn.wasugetue to marginal
Architccrsarc cxpcctcdlo give duc ftought to this aspcctwhcn preparing. that ihe marginal widths/lcngths are in

can. in mosr cascs be avordcd i;; ,ir';il ;#;-or rrppors ttr".iuy ensuiing L
'""iir,cii""al submultiplcsof thc st'andJrdsizcs of boards' t
ctc. Assumin! any'standartt'figurcf6, *rsugc hay turn oul Lo bc
Plrster o[ Paris Ceiling

(-gl/piumanhydrous)and 105 sq m of
For makingpl srcrof parisccilingrilcsaboutI60 kg of phsicr of Parrs
m of tilcs(including glps bctween
hcssian clothlboth qua'niiricsinctu,,iicoi t aringc)will bc rcquiradlo makc l0 sq t

tiics with ptaircrof Purisitftcr fixing in positionwhctc ordcrcd)' !

F o r i n . s i t u p | a s t c r o f P a r i s c c i | i n g l 0 m m t h i c k , o n 2 5 x 6 m m w o o d e n s i(exclusive
i i p s a n d c of
h i cq'oodcn
k e n w i rframcwork)'
e ' n c s h ' . i n f o r c c m c n-
m of cciling
fircd rc woodcn framcwork. r"rm*i"j ."i."ririt ",iti''u" i"quir"e tor l0 sq t
Nails = 0 . 7 5k g rt

2 5 x 6 m m w o o < l c ns t r i p s , 3 5 m r n c / c = 0 ' 0 1 7 c u m ' plastcr of Ptrris = 207 kg.


C h i c k c n w i r c r n c s h = 1 0 . 5s q r n .
Thc abovc quantitics arc inclusivc oI wasulS,o'

Cranolithic F-luor t)

part stonc dust : 2 prrts ol granite chips will

Gr:inolithic concrctc floor topping, consisring i parr ccmcnt : I
r c q u i r ct h c f o i l o w i n g m a t c r i a l sp c r s q m : -
0 0 1 4 c " r m s t o n cd u s t '
F l l r 2 - 5m m t h i c k n c s s : 1 9 . 6 0 k g c c m c n t. 0 . 0 2 ' t c u ! " ns t o n t :c h i p s a n d
0.016 cu m stoncdust'
F o r 3 0 m m r h i c k n c s s : 2 2 . 1 0 k i c c m c n r . , 0 . 0 3 0c u m s t o n c c h i p s l r n d

\ 1 ' r a r p rt x r f T t l P P i n g
i r r d r y s t : t i c ' O n c p a r t o f s u C hi l l i x t u r c
F r r w c a r p r t x r fl o p p i r r s .m a t u i i i c f l c x r rh a r d c n c ra n d c c n : c n ta r e r n i ; . c , 1
. r n r i r . r - 6' * t t h t i r , vr : o i l r n r co t ' c r u s h c dg r a n i t cc h i p t o [ 5 m m s i z ' c 'a n t i ! \ i ' r r ' t )l tri d c d ' \ i ' r t c r i a i s r c q u r r c dp ! : r s q m
oi ',,;irlrnrcxlft,--pping "t' arc .-
F..;r i 5 mn: wcarprcttll toitf tln$ 2 5 k g o t C c r T t c l t f t h ' r r d s r r r ' rn - l l x a r ' ; l . ( ) i l C u t : ' O f g r a r ' i l t c C h r p s .
F.,r l,') mm wclrprool tc1;,,ing 33 k;i (,f ccmcnl & harlcner mi;i:.:tJ 0.i]12 c'l rn cf gr.rnitc chips'

Brcakdown .l'rhc quantity 'thc ol ccmcnt and wcrght rif hartlcncrwill dcpcnd on thc pr,lportion recommcndcdby thc
rr..inul'ucturcr. For cxamplc, if ,ci,r**cndcd proportiiin r:: I part o[ hardcncr : 4 parts of ccmcnt by wcight' thcn for l5
; ; r , : ri h i c k t o n n r n g5 k g o f h a r d c n c ra n r l 2 0 k g o f c c m c n t w i l l b c r c q u i r c dp c r s ( l I n '

Concaete Fkxlrs
R c q l | i r c m c n t o | c c m c n t ' s a n ( l a n d a g l i r c 8 i | t c f o | c o n c l c t c f l o o r s a nconsllnls
d s u b - b i tgivcn
s c s c arot
n cconcrctc.ol
a s i l y b c n r r ithc
v c dr.'qurrc(l
i-p;iii..i rhi.icncssanrl applyinu rhc
orr rhc cuhrcalconrcnrsor conc,crc ,;; ;l; ;n hlrrtleorc or rimmcd rnurrum. about 5 to l'l mrll
r:rrx Whcn u,orkrngour rhc cuhrc t a.ri"i,-'J ,:."..," in \\cl'l i{l Inid whcn
which thc c(tnctctc is
fot un cvcn nalurc ni-it'" tutf"" un
rrtr thickncssshould bc hkcn rnlo a(count to alhw or ()rl R'c fl(xtr/ro(]f slilhs' ahout J mm cxlrr thickncs\
trni\hin( lr\cr o[ conctclc iti rr,,r n"'ni"ni""ii t-crctc
lir,r"ii f,. rii*.u tn thc suh-hrscor RCC sluh
r,tr kcy/untlulations
l51()25kgofccmcnt|nth('|.ormo[ccmcnts|urryshouldbc:r||()wcdpcrl(}sqmoff|ooringforprovidingbond anyi'no laycisof concrctcin flooring
l\lorlitr l-a.lers/lledd ing Screedsfol StoneSldlt
w h c n c i l l c u l a t i n S r c q u i r c n l c | l t ( c u b i c i l l r ( ) n t c | l t s ) (lltxrrs
) | . m oshould
l t l r ' a dbc
( | i ttakcn
i ( ) n t lInto
| t h iaccounl'
ubovcli)r concrctc
,r,".. nr't.i,iini'i"jcr ii ir,,l,r*iu. .xplainctt
Slattsllnd l'ilcs et(" ih l'kx)r'
Crmrnt R(quired litr Stlting llricks' Stonc
F k n r i n 8 m i t t c r i . t | o [ t h c t h | c k c r v i t r i c t y l i k c b r | C . k s ' . s tmoiurr
( } n c s |bcdding
a b s ' n l aand
i n o tuying
r c o | o uoff cthc
d c cbrickli/tilcs
m c n t t , i l cctc
s a n' d t c r r a z o
as thc luyrng!'
cr... arc Ini(l(lircctlyon thc mortar**;ii;g it'y"'l rnd which iJ conl;idcrcd scpuratcly) is (aquircd'
or(xccJssitlrulrirncorrsly no artoir,onii ic,r,-"n, iupurt rrom uruulingrhc ioints
;iprrrck: bcddingllycr and
ccrainic'rilcs crc, a.i ,rsuullvllrd on scmi'h'rrdcncd
Thinncrvarrcticsof rilcs likc grur".i1,r"i, slurry lbr sciting in pl:tcc in flooring [ixing [hinncr
ti"'n ol ncilt-ccmcnl
rcouircatxtut4.40kg ,rLa"t"nt p"' ti rn-iniirc ,"rrical iurt.ccs- likc rli,lk,crc..a liycr ol nc-at ccmcnt -For
ol stilf consist('ncy
u,iicricsof rrlcsro hurdcncdtr.*,"i*r.ii, in
L"it iiri (lbr 5 mm hvcrr () ltl kg (for l0 mm laycr) pcr sq m'
is cmfloyc(t.a d thc ccmcntt"q,tt"-tfi"iii "t''i
\ \ , h i r c ( ) r S r c y c c m c n t , o r { m i x t t | r c o | ' w h i t c l n d S r cvlrics y c c mfrom
c n l (:-l n t h c f ( ) r t n ( ) f n c u t c c m c n t s l u r r y ) r c q u i r
50 % wustilgc
gnu,ringI m,n iiii.t i,li,it* in ritc-*ntt' inclutlingabout
0 .3 ()k g p c r s q m l o r 1 0 0 x l ( X ) x 5 m m t h i c k t i l c s
0.60 kg Pr sq rn lirr l(X) x 2(X) x l 0 m r n t h i c k t i l c s .
witl yit:lt| | cu m of ccmcnt pastc uftcr ntixinr watcr'
Notc : AJtpr.xinurrcly l8h0 kg ttf r:enu:nt

llrick f kxrring
pcr st1nt o l ' b r i c k l t x l r i n g w i t h I c m t h i c k j o i n t s a r c a s S r v c n
Thc numbcr of bricks antl hrick-tilcs rctluircd bcdding laycr. Atl<lwancchits bccn matlc
thc joints only' cxclusivc of thc
u,itlroutwilstilgc. M.rru, intlicatcd is ltlr grtluting
frlr porcs in brick laccs and trccasional thickcr Jolnts'
With old siz.cbricks With old sizc hrick tilcs
W i t h m o c l u l a rb r i c k s
2 2 . 1 1 x6 l l . l l x 6 . 9 t 1 c
5 m 2 2 . 1 1 x6 l l . l l x 4 . 4 4 5 c m
Typc ol'brrck flooring lgxgx9ctnsiz.c
i n s i n g l cl a Y c r lr'lortar cu m Tilcs - Nos Morur cu m
B r i c k - N o s N'lortarcu fn Brick-Ntls

0.0l4l 35 0.(xDI 35 0.(x)5u

l-,aidllat 50 71 0 . 026r
Laitl on ctlgc 50 0.0l4I 5.1 0.0 19,1

siz.csrcquirctl Jrcrsq.m tlf lltxlring (with I mm thick
Thc numbcr o[ squarc or rcct'ngular tilcs oI various in raking cutting varics from 7 tilcs
arc actual siz.cs.wastagc in tilcs
arc gi'cn bcrrw cxclusivc ol'wastagc. sir"i inrlicatccl x : ) s t n m s i z . ct i l c s ' w a s u r g c in tilcs in straigltt
m,n-t,i.. to 3 rilcs 1rcr l i n c a l m c r r c l ' o r 2 2 5
J r r l i n c a l . n l c r r cl , r i i i g x 1 5 0 ()r width ol'tilc in mctrcs. ycilding a constantfor wasugc of tilcs in nutttbcrs
pcr nlctrc
cutting will hc I dcvidcclhy lcngth c x t c n t b y u s i n g t h c c u t tilcs in sirnillr locati<lns'
b c r n i n i r n i s c dt < l a c o n s i r i c r a b l
. s r h c m a x i m u r nl i g u r c , b u t t h i s c a n

No. ol'tilcs Sizc of tilcs No. of tilcs

S i z . co [ t i l c s No. of tilcs Siz.cof tilcs
pcr sq m in mm pcr sq m
in tnm lrcr sq m in mm

44 305 x 305 ll
?5 x 25 l 4 tt0 150 x 150
152 43 5(n x 5(X) 4
50 x 50 3lt5 152 x
152.4 x 152.4 43 l(n x 2fi) 50
t ; t s . 5x 9ti.5 l0l
l9tt.5 26 I05 x 203 41
,)9 x 99 l (X) l9tt.5 x
2(X) x l(X) 25 125 x 250 32
i( X ) r l fi ) 9 ti
203 x 203 24 105 x 305 3l
I0ll x l0tl ti5
25() x 250 16 150 x 3fi ) 22
llt{.s x l4tt.5 45
.l (X ) ll 152.5 x 305 22
lJ9 x 149 45 3 (X ) x
2(X ) x 320 16
II $

t06 \

Matcrialsrcquiredfor l0 sq m of \
Terrazo Cast-in-.Situ top layer of terrazo

l. Top laycr o[ terrazocast-in-sit.u, consisting-] parts of ccmcnt by wcight \

nrixcd with I part,of marblc lnwdcr by wcight, and one such part o[
c c m c n t - m a r b l cp o w d c r m i x b y v o l u r n cm i x c d w i t h 1 . 7 5p a r t sb y v o l u m e \
o[ marblcchips of 2 to 4 mm sizc (ic Cradc 0 sizc) :-
(i) 5 mm thick laycr 26 61.10 8.65 t
( ii ) 6 mm thick taycr ... 31 73.30 10 . 40
7. - D i t t o - b u t u s i n g m a r b l c c h i p s o f 4 t o 7 m m s i z c ( i c G r a d c I s i z - c ): \
(i) 7 rnm thick laycr 37 85.50 12.10
8 mm thick laycr 42 97.80 13.85
(iii) 9 mm thick laycr 47 i 10.00 15.60
3. All as in itcm I abovc, but onc part o[ ccmcnt-marblcpowdcr mix by
v<tlurncmixcd with 1.50 part.sby volumc ol' marblc chips of siz.c7 to l0
mm (ic Gradc 2 sizc)
(i) l0 mm thick laycr 57 I 18.80 19.00 \
(ii) ll mm thick laycr 63 130.70 20. 80
(iii) l2 mm thick laycr 69 142.60 22.70 t

Notes (u) Avcraue weighr of nwrble chips is l7l0 kg per cu m.

(b) For applying cenrcnt slurry a.s bond between underlayer and terrazo topping allow 25 kg of greylwhite cement \
per l0 sq nt of terrazo topping.
(c) Allow 2.5 7o wastog,eon all nnteriul conslants given in the above table. -
(d) 'Mutcrial.r rcquircd for plain concr(te in underlayer to be workcd out as per con.etantsgiven for concrete.
(e) PilSmentsto be usedfor obtuining cliffcrent shade.slcolour.s of terrazo will be in the following proportions :- a
Colour/shadc Mixing Proportions
Rcd I kg rctl oxidc of iron
: 15 to l0 kg grcy ccmcnt.
Bllck I kg carbonhlack : 25 to 40 kg grcy ccmcnl,. e
Bottlc grecn I kg grr:cn chromium oxidc : 15 to 30 kg grcy cerncnt. \
Pink I kg rctl oxidc of iron : 100 to 300 kg white cemcnt. -
Crcam I kg y c l l c r wo x i d c o f i r o n : 100 to 400 kg whitc cement.
Ycllow I kg ycllow oxidc of rron : 25 to 75 kg white cement. -
Light grccn l kg grccn chromiumoxidc : 50 to 150 kg whitc ccmcnt. \
Fas'n I kg ycllow oxidc of iron : 6 kg grcy ccnlcnt + 4 kg white ccmcnt. -
Frcnch grcy N o P i g r n c n tr c q u i r c d : 1 . 1 , x! t o 2 p a , ' t ; o f g r c y c c m c n t w i t h 4
partsof whitc ccmcnt by wcight.
C o n s t a n t sc x c l u s i v eo [ w a s u l q e i
P c r l 0 s q m o f c r a z y n r a r b l cp a v i n g
Marblc -
Crazy Marllle Paving Cemcnt slabs

(trcy, Marble (irregu!ar a

white, or powder random I

mixturc) broken
picces) -
C : u , : y 'm u r h l c p u v i n l r , u s i n g r a n d o m i r r c g u l u r s i z c b r o k c n m a r b l c s l a b s o f kg kg kg kg t
r n i r c d s h a d c s / c o l o r r r sb,u t o l ' u n i f o r m t h i c k n c s s ,S l p s l ' i l l c d w i t h l c r r a z o I
n 1 i \ t u r c( a s i n d i c a t c r fl o r t h c m i x i n d c s c r i p t i o no l i t c n r s I o r 2 o [ t c r r a z - coa s t -
i n - s i t ua b o v c ) , l - o w c l l e . dt o a s m o o t h c v c n s t r r l a c ca n d m a c h i n cp o l i s h c d : - -
(i) l o r t o p l a v c r ,2 0 m m t h i c k 3l 73.30 10.40 392 \
(ii) for iop llycr, 30 mm thick 4-1 I li).00 15.60 5riS t
(iii) ! 1 , rr . r ) pl a y c r ,4 0 m n r r h i c k 62 146.60 20.60 7,?,3 \
\ote : Con.siantis exci:tsiveof cementconcretc undcrlaycr. Allow 25 kg cementpcr I0 sq m of paving for cement slurry a

us i"ond between underlayer ancl topping. Area of murble slabs will be in the region of about 72 to 75 Voof the area
of puving. Allow for pigrnentssunrc as for tcrrazo. a



P I . A ST I . . R I N ( ; A N D POIN'TIN(;

l\lorlitr Requirement
for catculating ccmcnt('"tlft:]:i",? fi:iJtlf"lfri;T#":lllli:;
thcqtrtntityo[ sanoancJ consunts ror
T-lrcobviouspnrccrlurc ;"J toapprv maicriar
,r v:, lbr abnut 2.5 '/,, \r'astililcl'tlr m<:rtitrdroJipings'
morf,:rrt' tlc ,"*.,lri.r-1l1lwing
Thickncss o[ ptasrcr, l'romthcprouttc:,
ht)u,cvcr, lrut-"1]T^:::'jt"""*::iir""1-lx::lt:ffi?lS:H
ii,l'iili't"l'i.1,'',iJIi*'s uncvcn
un<rurations' and
i ' o n s < l l i t l a t i oonf m o r t i . l r( t u c t o t r o u ' c l l i n g
r l r u rl'lcc
r ' 1 t nthc ( r L eU of bricks ol'various
'fhc k c y i n p l i t s t c r r n g v a r J c s \*'ith
c x t e - n t1 1 l ' r a k c { o u t j t l i n t s a v a i l l r h l c l i l r on thc
t r ' ' : ' L rl r- a
" ' tt l"r: t i' .6n" a
1 lkb'r"r' L
c 'kesnp rr^c(si -cnnr ta : t c cr ) n o n c s i t l c a n d a r o u g h u n c v c n l ' a c c
: r ll '' :l ti irr l .' a
k i n d s f : u r t h c r ,< l n cb r i c k i n i . i * r f i s w i t h
r l t h c r si r l c .
Extra thickncss<ll'Plastcrto bc considcrcd
Naturc tlf surl'acc to bc pllstcrcd c a l c u l a t i n gv t l l u m c of mortar

Srn<xlthconcrctc surfacc, hackcd tcl ltlrtn

kcy' lirr plastcr

Rtlugh c()ncrctcsurl'itcc,prtltiucctlb1' clcan

Suriacc 0[ ctlncrctc bl*'k nlasonr)'
vtu'n fltlrntrvork
j()ints r:'tkcclI cnr
1 . 6m m

IJ Avcragc group valuc for concrctc surfacc

rn:ly bc ukcn as 1.3 mln

Fair flcc of brick walls usingtlld siz.c

hricks' -tltl-

F a c c t l f b r i c k w a l l s u s i n g n t t l d u l a rh r i c k s '

oltl :rzt br it k: -tltl-

4.3 rnrn
3.7 mrn

(r.6 mm
l Avcrrugcgroup valuc f<lr fair brick
surl'uccsmaY bc takcn as-4 mm

I Avcragc Sroupasvaluc [<lr rough surfaccs

Rough (inrrcr) l'itccol-brick walls usrnF rn:ly bc takcn tl mm
lllilsonr)' -dtl- 9 . 1 n l r n _l
Surl'acc ttl' rlntloln tlr gllygtlnal stclnc

5 tnttt
R c c t l / E . k r l ru ' l r l l i n g ( l i r r c : r c h l ' a c c )

(in t*'tl ()r thrcc c()

Surlitcc tlf l'irst/scctlntl ctl:tt of plastcr
<lf plaslcr 0.6 mrn
u'ork) scttrctl ttl l<lrm kcy lilr ncxt coilt
in thc brickwork/concrctc/
tll' wttrktn:rnship'in p.lilstcru'ork as wcll as
Thc ahxrvcdltta assumcs a l'air qtrtrlity n'tortar.thanindicatcdabovc may bc rcquircd duc ttl uncvcn
,.,i. ttighcr quantit)'of
stoncworkctc., on which thc plastcr ts ,ppf mortar in laYcrs thickcr than
4uc ttl a tcndcnc); in plastcring artisansto apply
iii..ilitt.g,rlaritics in thc bricks uscd an6
t\laterial Ctlnstants frlr Special Items of
(ic rcndcring incluclingdubbing), o[ thc
F o r s p c c i a l i t c m s o f p l a s t c r , t h c m i t r c r i a | s r c q uproudcst
i r c d l o r tpart
h c u ol'thc
n d c r cruitu..
trat to bJplastcrcd' should bc workcd
rlrickncssas spcifiJ*ni.h is usuaily i0 *,r, thick l'rom
out as litr gcncral itcms of plastcr'
coat inclusivc ol'wilstagc arc givcn bclow :
Mutcrial constantsfor thc spcial t'inishing
Crushcdstoncor Crushctlstoncor
Lirnc pcbblcs,l0 to 20
putty Ccnrcnt Sand g r a v c l6. . m l 2
Typ of sPccial l'inish aPPlicd mm sl7.c mm sl7.C
(undcrcoat to bc as sJrcci[icd) kg cum cu m cum
c u nl

Note : filutc,rial conslunl.surc fer l0 sq nt

excluding undcrcout

l. 5 mm thick sand faccd plastcr in ccmcnt 25.(X) 0.07

and sandmorur (l:4)
2. Rough cast plastcr finish consisting
nart ccmcnt : I part crushcd stonc ttO.u) 0.055 0.055
I Purt sand
!tu""f 6 to 12 mrn siz.c :
3. Pcbblcdash (or drydash) finish' 0.10
trcshly aPPticdundcrcoat) 5.(n
4. Nccru l'inish I .5 mm thick
I fi:rrt
5. Lime punning 3 mm thick' u'ith 0.025
lirnc ptrttl' I p:rrt lrrrL ''!:tn(l 0.025
108 a


Morur requircdfor pointing r0 sq m of surfacc(inclusiveof wasragc)

Type of surface ro which pointing is done Type of surface to which poinring is done lvlortar
Flush, kcycd or struck pointing to brickwork on fair
Pointingwith basurd tuck or mason's'V' joint to
0.0355 randomrubble masonry. 0. 0912
-Do- but to random rubblc masonry
0.0753 -Do- but to squaredrubble masonrycoursedor
-Do- but to squared rubble, courscd uncourscd.
or uncoursccl 0.0731
0.0576 I:lush, keyed or struck pointing to ashlar or block_
rn-coursc stone masonry or to'ccncrete block
-Do- but to facing of brick riles
0.0555 walling.


Spccificationsadoptcdby various dcpartmcnts/agcncies, and thc covcring capaciriesctaimed by manufacturersfor

paint and allicd products diffcr considcrably. Matcrial conslanr.sgiven thcir
bclow arc the average values.

Type of finish lulirtcrialsrequircd pcr l0 sq m of surface

W h i t c w a s h i n gt o w a l l s o r u n d e r s i d co f c c i l i n c s . Slakcdlime
U l t r a m a r i n cb l u e
Sodium chloridc
C c m c n t w a s h [ o w a l l s o r u n d c r s i d co f c c i l i n g s . Ccmcnt r . 0 7k g l k g
Ntrte :For colour-washing, materials.required,for eachcoat (after
initial coat.ofwhire-wash) will be same as givenfor'each
subsequentcoat'of white-wash,ixcept'that in place of ultramorinc a
utui,80 to t00-grorrrsof mineral colour will be \
watcrnroofccmcnrbascdpainrof proprictorybrancl (suitable a

f or nr ix ingwith w a tc r)s u c ha s ' S n o w c c * 'o r si mi rar,on :-


fibrc boardsurfaccancrrhe rikc p.l po*crcr 3.00 kg for two coals

smoothconcrctesurface Dry powclcr
plastcrcdsurface(plaini 3.05 kg ior two ci:ats
.. Dr1.powdcr 4.m kg for two coats
un-plasrcrcd brick wall face Dry po*dcr \

4:J0 kg for two coiits

unplasrcrcd concrctcbru:k wailing Dry iowdcr 4.65 kg for two colrts
roughcasr or pbblcdashplasrcr Dry powCcr a
7.70 kg for two coal.s
Puttl,ingplasrcrcdsurfacestc a smoorhcvcn finish
0.20 kg o f p u r t y -
c l c u r c o l t i n gp l a s t c r c <sl u r l a c c w i r h g l u c s o l u t i o n { l ' i g
: 15 kg Cluc 80 grarns a
P;irning plastcrcd surfacc with proprictorl, br:rncloI prirncr
( p r c p a r a r o r yt o a p p l y i n g d i s r e m p e r j primcr a
0.80 ro 0.90ti trc \
P ; i m i n g c o a t o [ w h i t i n g t o p l a s t c r c ds u r l a c c Whiring 1.00 kg a
D i s t c m p c r i n gw i t h d r y d i s t c m p c r( w a s h a b l c )o f p r o p r i c r o r y
brand a
Dry distcmpcr powdcr 1.35 kg for rwo coars \
D ' s t c m p c r i n gw i r h o i l - b o u n d< l i s t c r n p c(rw a s h a t r l cq u l l i r v ) o l '
Oil bound drsrcnrpci- {
Jrr<lprictrlry branil . . pilsrc 1 . 5 0 k g f o r t w . Jc o s t s \
r \ r - r y l i cc r n u l s i o np a i n t t o p l a s t c r c dn c c r u f i n i s h c r fs u r f : r i . c s , a
( r , ' o n o r d i n a r y p i a , l r : r c ds u r f a c c g i v c n o i r - p , : t t y A c r y ' l i cc m u l s r o nJ r l r n l [I O m l i r r c f o r w ] r r r cs h : r r t c t
' , , ;i n i . t l ' ci l , s m i l t ' t n i r r r d - ri-carnlcnt
i ,,.ru ti trc for orhcrrtr anwhir c \
L shacle
Nr:le :ll'hen analy::i71g
prices, aliow,anccfor bru.shcs,sund puper etc.,i.s u.suttl!v \
made at tlte rate of 5 Voof the calculatetl
lal,t6ay w,agcsfor each unit of whi'tc wa.shing,'tli.stcntltcring


L t

.{ 109
- t a

- I,
E ' t
required for fixing, l0 to 15 vo waslagc
whcre glass is purchascd in bulk in stock siz.esand cut to sizcs
- ',

is rcquirccl to bc allowcd on glass.

- i
, It glass is purchascd ready,-cutto rcquirccl sizcs for fixing by builder's
employcos,5 vo allowance is madc
for wastc.
for glazing, an allowance of 1 vo will covcr
where glass is fixed by a subcontractorar. all-inclusive rarcs
over thc building to the owncr'
brcakagessubsequeit to glazing bui bcfore handing
flor glazing work at rates inclusiVc
Almost all builders find it chcaperand convenicntto employ a subcontractor
of labour and materials.
- taken into account'in the working out
whcre subcontractorsare cmployccl, thc local trade customs should bc
the glazing. rrade. In some localities the' sizcs of
of r:rrcsro be quoted by a buikl.r.- ips ,yrt"* lt rtirr frcuor"nt^in means that a pane of size l0 x 22
rr. roundcil up to lhc ncarcst dimcnsiou of 3 inctr6s, wfich
inifi'iclual glass paner
coilrc acrossis to charge pancs lcss than I sq [t arce as
i.chcs wili bc measur.cda.s2 sq ir . Anothcr cusroffrthat may bc
- i ;q it. .scaffolclingis to bc 'rovrii';d by' lhc l,-uiliJcrto thc subcontractor'

R e q u i r e m e n to f C l a z i n g P u t t Y
with oil- Pulty, without bcads. The elcmcnt oi
Thc rcquiremcrr of glazing purr.ygivcn bclow is for glaz-ing
puti givcir in thc tabie bclow' where glass panesare back-
- backpuuying *.6uns for 20 "Eor-tn"ei"quirJ*rnr oigtarlng will bre20 4o of the reqtriremcntindicatcd in
bcads to *oo<Jcnjoinery, !tarin! putiy icquircd
putricd and fi.,.cdw,ir1 rinrbcr
> thc urblc bclow.

Rangc o[ arca Putty requircd in kg pcr sq m of glazing

-: To stccl windows
of each panc

-: Uplo 0.1 sq m 1.07 r.32

0 .1 to 0 .2 s q m 0.68 l.M
0.2 to 0.3 sq m 0.54 0.63
> 0.3 to 0.4 sq m 0.49
0.4 to 0.5 sq m
-- 0.5 to 0.6 sq m 0.39 0.49
Excecding0.6 sq m 0.34 0.44

in pancs not cxcecding 0.5 sq m per pane lor timbcr
The average rcquiremcnt of purty in_kg pcr sq T-o.t glazing
may be ukcn as 0.65 kg and 0.82 kg respectively'
- joincry, and srccl *indb*s


EquivalentPlain Areas
> Atrcntion is drawn to page 77 of this book wherc mulriplying
factorsfor convertingarea of uneven surfaccsinto
constantsgiven bclow arc applicable for work
> equivalcnt plain area for the purpose'of painting ctc., arc
on plain arcas.
givcn. The-ma-tcrial

> I\laterial Constants

products diffcr considerably. Furthcr, thc typc
Covcrrng capacitics claimed by manufac.turcrsof paint and^allied
workmansnipcrc.,'met with in one job may ditfer from anothcr. Thc material constans givcn bclow
and naturco[ surfaces,
purposes,and uscd with caution and discrimination when
should bc trcarcd as avcragc inaicariul"ngui"r io, cstimating
cmploycd for indcnting storcs.
l ' Dcscriptionof work Materials rcquircd for l0 sq m of surface
l i Timber and rryood'basedsurfaces
0.80 liuc - Iirst coat
!-. Oiling with crcosotc or raw linsccd oil to
wrought timbcr

-Do- but to clcan s.1wntimhr

Crcosotc or raw
linsccd oil

Crcosote or raw
0.55 litre - sccondcoat

l.l5 litrcs-first coat

[ linsccd oil 0.75 lire - sccondcoat

I Tarring to clcan sawn timber surlaccs

Coal tar 3.00 litrcs

lr0 \
Descriptionof work Material required for l0 sq m of surface q
Timber and woodbasedsurfaces
Preparatory work before painting/polishin
g/varnishing etc.,
(to be allowed for where specified):-
(i) Knotting Patentshellacknotting 0.07 litre \
(ii) Stopping Putty for stopping 0.20 kg t

Staining wrought surfaces using spirit based
stainer liquid Stainerliquid 0.63 litre t
(iv) Suining clean sawn surfaces using linseed oil
based stainer liquid Stainerliquid 1.00 litre
(u) Sizing wrought surfaces with weak size of t
thinned shellac varnish, sparingly applied S i zi ng 0.30 litre
Priming coat of oil paint to wrought timber or smooth
(i) Using aluminiumprimer Primer f
0.50 litre
(ii) Using lcad basedprimer Primer 0.85 litre
Oil painting to wrought surfacesafter priming coat (allow for Oil paint - First coat 0.63 Iitre
the number of coats as ordered) Second coat 0.56 litre t
Third coat 0.45 litre
Oil gloss coat 4.42 litre t
Rcnewal coas of oil paint on old oil painted surfaces Oil paint - First coat 0.56 litre
-rynrnrri. Second coat 0.50 litre \
Painting to wrought surfaces using enamel paint, En. paint - First coat 0.70 l i tre \

after suitable undcrcoat cr priming coat Second coat 0.56 litre

Varnishing to wrought surfaces, consisting :- \
(i) FlaI coat of hard-drying flatting varnish
(applicablefor two coat work) ... Varnish 0.60 litre \
(ii) Finishing coat of varnish (after llat coat) where
,t\A,ocoat work is specified Varnish 0.-s0litre t
(iii) Varnishing in one coat work Varnish 0.60 lilrc
Bces wa.r polishing to wrought surfaces using wax dissoh'ed Bees wax 0.rZ kg
i,r a mixture of turpentine and linseed oil ... Turpentine 0.07 lilre -
Linseed oil 0.10 litrc \
French polishing French polish (spirit base) -
2.54 litres \
Spccial blackboarcipaint (after priming coat) Black board paint - Each coat 0.50 l i tre
Natural clear mel3rninised wood finish, matt or Wood finish (single coat) 1.00 l i trc \
Steel and iron surfaces !

Treatir'ggalvanisedsurface with mordant solution Mordant solution 0.35 l i tre -

Priming coat Red lead prinrer 0.66 litre a
Red oxide zinc chrome primer 0.70 litre t
Aluminium red oxidc primcr 0.50 iitre

Oii painting (aftcr priming coat) Oil paint - First coat 0.60 litre \
F i n i s h i n gc o a t . . . . 0.55 litre -
Synthetic enamel - each coat 0.45 litre I
Black japan - each coat 0.60 litre
Aluminium paint - eachcoat 0.-15litre
B i t u m i ; r i s e db l a c k p a i n t 0.80 l i tre t

P;ini,r',s coat Pnmcr (suiublc for plaster) 0.85 lirre \

Oil p:iinting aftcr priming coat Oil paint (undcrcoat', 0.85 l i tre -
Oil paint (finishing coat) 0.75 litre \
P : ' i n t i r r rw i t h s y r r t h e t i ce n a m e la f t e r - p r i m i n t c o a t S y n t h e t i ce n a m c l ( c r c h c o a t ) 0 75 liire a

t I


EffectiveI'ipe Lengthsand Number of Joints

length a particulardiameterrequired
The numberof pipesrequiredcan be workedour by devidin-grherotal "jliPillg,Pf
spiciats like bends,tees'valveserc' This
in thejob by the working (effectivei.rengltr prp" ry**t- due ailowange.{or.p'ipe
iir uari6us working lengths' The recommended
alsofaciliutes working our the numbei 8i1.ii"tt igquired. ?ipes are availaute as follows :-
ol prpes in relevant IS sfecificationsare
;;;k,"g ilginr foi u}iou, kinds

Typc of pipe and applicable IS Spccification No'

Recommendedworking length(s)per pipe

Centrifugally cast (spun) iron pressure pipes for
sas and sewage (/S : 1536 1976)
"-1ii Socket"and spigot pipes (class LA, A & B) 3.6, 4, 4.88, 5, 5.5 and 6 m
(ii) Flanged pipes with screwed flanges class A and B 2, 2.8, 3, 4, 4.88, 5, 5.5 and 6 m

., Verticallv cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and

sewage(/S : 1537 - 1976)
(i)" Socket and spigot pipcs (class A and B) "' 3.68, 4, 4.88, 5 and 5.5 m
(ii) Flangcd PiPes(class A and B) ztolmfor80mmnominaldiameterand2to4mforl00
to 1500mm nominaldiameter.

Centrifugally cast (spun) iro-n sp-igtltand socket soil'

1.5, 1.8, 2.0, 2.5 and 3 m
n'aste and vent piplt of 50, 75' t00 and 150 mm
diametcr (/S : 3989 - 1984)
5 - Sandcast iron spigot and socketpipesof 50, 75, 100
and 150 mm diamcier(/S : 1729 - 1979)

5. Conc r e tep i P e s(/S : 4 5 8 - l 9 7 l )

(i) Unreinforccd,non-pressure, type NP I I metre lengths
(ii) Reinforced,non pressure,light duty, type NP 2 2 m lengths for 80, 100, 150,- 2q and 250 mm dia
,, 2.5 3 m lengthsfor 300, !50 & 400 mm dia
2'.5 and 3 m lengthifor 450 mm diameterand above'
(iii) Reinforced,non pressure,heavyduty, type NP 3 2.5 and 3 m lengthsfor 350 mm to 1200 mm dia'
(iv) Reinforced, non pressure, very heavy duty 2.5 m lengthsfor 400 to 800 mm dia.
(railways),tYPeNP 4 1.25 m lengthsfor 900 to 1800 mm dia.
(v) Reinforced,pressurepipes, testedfor 2 kg/sq cm 2.5 m lengthsfor 80 to 250 mm dia.
pressure,tYPeP I 2, 2.5 oi 3 m tengthsfor 300 and 350 mm dia'
2'.5 & 3 m lengthsfor 400 to 1200 mm dia-
(ui) Reinforced,pressurepipes, testedfor 4 kg/sq cm 2 m lengthsfor 80 to 250 mm dia
pressure,type P 2 2,2.5 oi 3 m lengthsfor 300 and 350 mm dia.
2'.5or 3 m lengthi for 400 to 1200 mm dia.
(vii) Reinforced,pressurepipes, testedfor 6 kg,/sqcm 2 m lengthsfor 80 to 250 mm dia
pressure,tYPeP 3 2,2.5 oi 3 m lcngthsfor 300, 350 and 400 mm dia'

Asbestoscement pressurepipes (/S :, 1592 1970) 3 or 4 m for 100 mm dia and less.
4 m lengthsfor pipes exceeding100 mm dia.

7. A . C . b u i l d i n g p i p e s , f o r s o i l , v e n t , w a s t e a n d r a i n w a t e0.5,
r 1, 1.5, 2 and 3 m lengths-
(/S : 1626 1980,Part I)
8. A. C. cementvalley gutters'boundarywall guttersand 2 m lengths.
half round gutters(/S : 1626 - 1980,Part II)
N{. S. tubes, black/galvanisedfor water disuibution' Random lengths of 4 to 7 m, grade marked yellow for
9. 'Light', blue-for 'Medium' and red for 'Heavy'.
(/S : 1239 - 1979, Part I)
1 0 . Low density polythelenepipes (/S : 3076 1985) for In coils of 25, 50, 100, 150 and 250 m lengths.
pouble water suPPlY.
1 1 . High densitypolythelenepipesfor potablewatersupply' In coils or suaight lengthsof 5 to 20 m.
i.iug" and-i;ddrial effluents,(/S : 4984 ;,978)
t2. Unplasticized PVC pipes for pouble water supply In straightlengthsof 4, 5 and 6 m.
US :4985-1981)
1 3 . Saft glazedstonewarepipes(/S : 651 - 1980) 0.6, 0.75 and 0.9 m lengths(0.6 m length bcing most

Materials Requiredfor pipe Joints

Ca.stiron socketand spigot pipes

(for watcr supply and drains laid bitow ground level)

Nominal Run lcad joint Lead wool joint Cement morrar (l:l) ioint
i n t c r n a ld i a Lead Dcpth of S punyarn Lead wool Spun yarn Ccment monar Spun yarn
of piprc pr joint lcad*joint pcr j oi nt pcr j oi nr pcr joint per joinr pcr joint
* f *
mm kg mm kg kg kg cum kg
rJ0 1.8 45 0.10 r.30 0.17 0.00046
r 00 0.10
2.2 45 0 .l t t r.70 0.23 0.00060 0.18
r50 3 .4 50 0.20 2.4r 0.34 0.00090
200 0.20
5 .0 -s 0 0.30 3.37 0.57 0.001
24 0.30
250 6.1 50 0.35 4.1I 0.74 0.00166
7.2 55 0,48 4.82 0.82 0.00207 0.48
350 8..1 55 0.6t) 6.01 l.l7 0.00243
4fxl 0.60
9.5 55 0.75 7.00 1.33 0.00270 0.75
.150 1 4 .0 55 0.9.5 9.61 1.84 0.00336 0.95
500 r 5.0 60 I .00 10.86 |.99 0.00408 1.00
600 I c).0 D0 | .20 t2.79 2.83 0.00546 1.20
750 2 5 .O 60 l .-1y | 5.6i t 3.52
e00 35.0 65 1.80 l rt.ft0 4.25
I 200 5 2 .0 70 2.55 28.4"1 6.01
Nole : ubovc inlbrnrction in columns marked + hru b(e n cxtractcci
from IS : 3l l4 - I98s - code of practice for taying
cIst iron pipes. Cemcnt joint.r are per ntis.sible for ca.rt iron gruviry sewers.

G a s t i r o n p i p e s r v i t h l ' l a n g e da n d b o l t e d j o i n t s

Caskct, onc pcr joint, uscd bctwccn flangcs of pipcs l'or mlking warcrright.joints ntay bc of
comprcsscdfibrc boa*l
or nittural/synt'hclic
rubbcr of thickncss bctwccn I.5 to 3 mm. Thick"ncssanil-oui-to-ourdianrctcr of cich
nange, and thc
nutnbt:rand diamctcr ol- bolts rcquircd pcr joint rclcvant Lc cach rliffcrcnt inLcrnal<Jiamctcr pipc
<lf ar"li".n bclow :-

Ea;h llangc Bolts rcrprrrt-d i Bolts r( Norninal E:rch l-lange
PCi .;t.i11ii I pcr .ioint
i n t c r n a ld i a
of'pipc T h i c k n c s s N u n tb c r ' s [)i:,mcicr ol'pipc Llia Thickness Numbcrs
I rcqurrcd II requ i rcd Diarnctcr
mrn mm mm Nos nlrn mrn mm Nos frrm

fi0 :i)() 2l *',| l6 5(l0 510 .,J zLl 2.1

I iX) l;0 22 tt l(r 6i)() 7ii()
36 20 27
!l.i 22.i I t' 1()i) t9-5 );
3i i .5 1.1
li() 2rJ5 23 tt )o 750 9(r0 40 24 2l
/) (/l
3-10 )i <.
ti ? 2 a l{({) t()15 ; 11 . 5 a,l
L.t 30
395 2t1 i: 2() 9(X) 1il5 44 28 30
_l()() ,1r15 21.5 ll 1t't A '''
I0r..)() I lli) + I 28 J.1
l-50 ,s05 2(.t 2
' )(^) I r0()
r6 | )-it, 50 32 J-l
J0i) 5(r-5 3tt l{, rl(x) rJ.r5
.150 53 32 Ji)
6r5 3r -5 2{) a'+ l-{rx) rr{(x) 6l 40 JV

c : r s t i r u n ( . s o , - ' k eatn d s p i g o t ) s t r i l . u ' a . s t ea n c l v c n t p i p c s

(,\luicriul:; rtiiuired pcr
1qin1 1
- _ -
Norninulintcrn.rl nun lcad joinr
L - - - _ - _ _ _ c c r n c n rJ o i , i r I
_i',"'.,'' _;,'r'. rffiil-,iliEg1_f
CU f1I kg kg kg
5(.1 0.()o-):1 001 I r)i, 0.Cl
7{ 0 () 0r)10 0 . 0 I5 r.15 0 . 0 t5
r00 () (i (x)l () 0.()2 | .5() 002
l -s0 0 (xnJ8 ()0.i 1.50 0.(X

Materials Required for Pipe Joints (continrcd)

Salt glazedstonewerePiPes
Mawrials required Per
Materials required Per joint Nominal
Nominal internal dra Cern"n, and sanii Spun yarn
internal dia Cement and sand Spunyarn of pipc mortat (l:i)
of pipc rnonar (l:l)
cum kg
kg mm
mm cum
0.0034 0.161
0.0004 0.012 350 0.180
100 0.w 400 0.0043
150 0.0007 0.0050 0.200
0.0010 0.051 450 0.265
2N 0.056 500 fi.0168
230 0.0012 0.00q0 0.395
0.0019 0.087 600
250 0 . 1 I4
300 0.0025

lion-nre*sure concrete PiPes

rworeng$s and
coilar pushed ;:'f:a
;,t.T:tlf;Tl;: 9fif"ff."31fr:lif
caukinlw$j::-#;i#faTffi#$Hldifits:1*:mt#;f,.1"'*t'the theicilar
;,:T';;'.;i";";h;;ft or.''n'nijoinrinside
::lllil!' o ffihTJ'#ffiilil
*-- -- - "
N{inimum outsidt
(between Ij?;-'';;;; ;;i"-ijo'* dia, ror300'350
diaryTi:tiln:T:l :*1"ff;.1g"fri:,I",?ffi'?#T&::t'6'f;
16mm and
l"d6'ilijiYlllio"isil;-ilp,p"J .it"".ains
NP 2 PiPes NP 3 PiPes
NP 2 PiPes riominal
internal dia Cernent and'sand mortar (l:l)
rnnrnal dia Cement and sand mortar of piPe rcquired Per ccllar joint
of piPe required Per collar joint
mm cum cum
rnm cum
350 0.0067 0.0081
80 0.0015 400 0.0075 0.0088
100 0.0019 450 0.012 0.014
150 0.0024 500 0.013 0.015
200 0.0030 600 0.017 0.019
225 0.0032 700 0.018 0.921
250 0.0035 0.u24 0.026
800 0.032
300 0.0057 900 0.029
1400 0.066 1000 0.035 0.038
1600 0.081 l 100 0.042 0.045
1800 0.105 1200 0.M9 0.052

Galvenis€d iron steel tubes with

Asbestm cement building PiPes screwed socket joints
to. ta-iit*aiei, soil, waste snd ventilation

Nominal inrcrnal dia White lead required

of PiPe Per joint

mm grams
tnm cum
l5 3.3
50 0.00012 0.01 4.5
0.01 20
60 0.00014 23 5.6
80 0.00018 0.015 7.r
0.02 32
r00 0.00024 40 8.9
150 0.00042 0.04 ll.2

the cost of
Add 5 % of the costof wfite lead to..cover
andoitfor oitins threads
iiiti,y if ;;; v'ain-
of pipe andsocket.
l14 i

Sanitary Appliances
Sizes recommendedfor saniury appliances in relevant applicable Indian Standard Spccifications are givcn bclow for
ready reference. Thcse may be found uscful in framing itcms of work, drafting of spccific;itionsand in dctailing working al

Type of sanitaryapplianc. I sizes

Recommended I

Wash down water closet,European pedestal PattemsI and2. Both patternshave intcgral or 'S' trap.
t y pe
/S : 2556 (Part II) - 1981 Overall dimensions of both patterns (without scat and covcr) arc
i d e n t i c a l: - e n d t o e n d l e n g t h5 0 0 t o 5 7 5 m m , w i d t h 3 4 5 m m , a n d h c i g h t t

390 mm. Watcr surfacc arca in Pattcrn I is twice that ol'Pattcrn 2.

Both patternshave provision for vent horn and arc availablc in P or S
trap as ordered. ]

Seat and cover for European pedestaltype Thcrmosctscat and covcr conforming to IS : 2518 (Part I) - 1983 rnay \
'fype 'A' 'B'
water closet. be of mouldcd from phcnolic plasticsor of Typrc mouldcd
(Hingesof nickel-chromium platcdbrass/bronze/ from urca-formal dchyde.
steelor of aluminiumalloy with anodiccoaling, \
Thcrmoplasticseat and cover conlbrming to IS : 2548 (Part II) - 1983
or of suitableplastic. Scatandcoveravailablcin may bc of Typc
moulded from polystcrene or of Type
black white or oth:r colours) from polypropclcne. \

Water closets,squattingpattern P u t t er n Size(sl l

IS : 2556 (Part Ill)-1981.
(Total dcpth exclusiveol P or S trap is 290 to Long 580 mm or 630 mm long -
320m m f or 580m m s i z c ' L o n g ' p a n ,3 l 0to 3 4 0 Lcngth inclusive of back or front inlct = 685/735 mrn l

mm for 630 mm size'Long'pan,280 to 300 mm Orissa 580 x 440 mm or 630 x 450 mm inclusivb of footrcsts.
for small Orissapan, 300 to 320 mm'for largc L e n g t h i n c l u s i v eo f ' f l u s h i n g i n l c t = 6 5 5 o r 7 0 5 m n r \
'Rura!' pan. All
Orissapan and 290 mm for
squattingpattern WC pans rcquire ieDarate R ural 4 2 5 m m l o n g a n d a b o u t 6 5 0 w i d c i n c l u s i v eo f i n t c g r a l -
'P' or 'S' traps.) footrcsts.
Scparatc footrcsts (optional) of sizc 250 x 125 x 15 mm minimum A
nquircd lor pattcrn only.

S quat t ingplat e s(U ri n a l s ) S i z . c s6 ( O x 3 5 0 r n n r o r 4 5 0 x 3 . 5 0m m . b o t h 1 0 0 r n r n t h i c k .

/S : 2556 (Part lVlSec 3) - 1971.
Ur inals ,bowl t y p e Flat back S i z c 4 3 0 r 2 6 0 x 3 - 5 0m m m i n i m u m . ]
/.t : 2556 (Part VItSecI) - 1979. t l c i g h t l r n n l 1 o no [ l l u s h i n g r i m t o b o t t o n to t o u t i c t 4 3 0
mm, prrl.jt',;tionfrom wall 260 mm, width 350 mm. >

A n g l c b a c k- 3 . 1 0x { 1 0 x 2 6 5 m m , m i n i n r u r n .
Hcight l'rom top of l)ushing rim to bottom of outlct J-10 \
mm, projcction frorn apcx of' c.rrncr -110 rnm, lcngtlr
abutting against cach lcg of corncr 2f,-5rnnr. A

Ileisht yIlLh Lruauuftpu_ytill

U r i n a l s ,h a l f s t a l l .Flat br;k 5tt0 nrm x 380 rnm x 3-50nrnr \
/S : 2556 (Part l'llSec 2) - 1974 rur 450 ntrn x 350 mm x ,100rnrn
I I c igltt
Anglc back - 450 rnm x 375 mnr x 3 - 5 0r r i r n t
or 580 mrrr x 400 rnm x 50C rnur
I'artition slabs for urinals S i z . e ,8 2 5 mm lrcrght x - 1 5 0m m w i i l t h x 100 rnrn thick I

/S : 2556 (Part l/llSec 4) - 1974.

or 675 mm height x 325 mm width x 8 - 5n r n r t h i c k

Qterill Ovcrall projection Overol! N_p*_aj !

width from v,all sutace fuigkt tops
\\'ash blsins 0r apir of corner t
/S . 2556 (Part IVt - 19721
Flat btick * 660 nrrn 46(J rnm 200 nrrn 2 (or r,.rnrr) fr
patl.crn 63() rnm 4 - : ( )n t r n 2!)0 rnrn I or 2 t
-5-50mnr 4()0 nrilr 290 nrrrr I ,rr 2
450 mrn 300 nrrn 215 nun I i
Angle back 600 mm ,lti0 mm 2()0 mm. I or 2
pattcrn 400 nrnr - 1 ( Xm
) rrr 2()0 nrrn | <lr 2 i


Laboratory sinks Overall length Overall width Overall height

/S : 2556 (Part V) - 1979.
400 mm x 250 mm x 150 mm
450 mm x 300 mm x 150 mm
500 mm x 350 mm x 150 mm
600 mm x 400 mm x 200 mm
600 mm x 450 mm x 200 mm

Fl u s h i n gc i s t e r n s Flushing cisterns may be high level (minimum height of 1250 mm

/.s :771 -I9,ll between top of pan and underside of cistern) or low level (height not
exceeding 300 mm bctwcen top of pan and underside of cistern) or
(Flushpipc intcrnaldiametcrto be 32 mm for high coupled ie at the back portion of wash down pedesul pattern water
lcvcl ci.sternsand 38 mm for low level cisterns. closets, where usually undersideof the cistern will be at the level of top
Inlet pipe 15 mm diamcter) of pan.

Dual flush cisterns are of a design which enables the user to cause a
short flush of paStial discharge when only urine needs to be flushed
away or to cause' the customary full flush at his option.

IS recommends only 5 or l0 litre capacity flushing cisterns, single or

dual flush typc, for Indian or European type WC and urinals.

Automatic flushing cisternsfor Sizes recommended are 5, l0 or 15 litres capacity. Capacity to be

/S :2326-1970. worked out on the basis of about 2.5 litres per urinal served, with
automatic op€ration of flushing at intervals not less than'10 minutes and
(lntcrnal diametcr of flush pipe to be 25 mm.) not more than 20 minutes.


Height from Height from
Typeof Fittingor Fixture, Typeof Fittingor Fixture, top of floor level
top of floor level Architecturalelementetc.
Architectural element etc- in cm in cm

80 Tap in kitchen ground sink 40

Top of Kitchen platform
Tap in bath room 10
Minimum clear opening below slab of
kitchen platform to accomodatea - Do- if used for uking-bath
cooking gas cylinder 68 110
sitting on floor, below the taP
Top edge of kitchen sink 74 2Q
Bottom of ceiling fan
30 cm wide shelf (to Provide full Top of railing in balcony 90
reach upto back of shelf; 150
Top of saircase railing (measrned
l-owest shelf in kitchen 50 85
from edge of nosing of stePs)
Front top edge of wash hand basin 85
Minimum sqace
Top oi partitions for urinals r30 provision in cm
Lip of urinal for gentlemen 10
Depth of wardrobe ( for coats ) 50
Bottom edge of reflecting surface
130 Between walls enclosing wash basin 95
o t ' r n r r r o rt l r c . . ih c h r n dw a s h b a s i n
90 In front of wash basin and wall 65
Rod of towcl rail
200 Edge of dining table and wall 85
Bottom of shower rose
100 Edge of dining uble and cabinets r20
Stop cock for shower rose

Tap in water closet 22 Between table and other furniture 60

Note:For comfortin using staircase,thesum of twicetheheightof risersin cm and one widthof tread
in cm shouldcome to about 58.5cm'
: For accomodating two gascylindersside by sidebelow kitchenptatformprovide85 cm clear width.
- -\ f
l16 AppRoxrMATE METIToDSoF ESTIMATINGcosr oF coNsrRucrroN
An accuratereliable estimareor forecastof the probablecost of constructionof any building or civil engineering
work can only b€ tbund our after planning,designingand prepaGtionof detaileddrawings.The processwill involve working
out and pricing dctailedquantitiesfor each item of work like excavation,concrete,brickwork etc,, applying curent market +
rates and thcn arriving at the total cost. This €ntaib con3idcrablceffort and expcnses,and beforc undenakingthc sams it
becom€snecessaryto assessthe likely cost of constnrctionusing approximatemethods' -r,i

Approximateestimatesmay be definedas preliminaryforecastsindicatingthe Iikely cost of construction.Approximate
estimatesare used for :- L
(a) making administrative/financial decisionsabout taking up the work in hand, so ihat detailed planning can bc
initiated after gening budgetaryapprovals,
(b) assesiingcommercialviability, i.e. working out probablenet retums on investment,
planningexercisesto decideon the shape/size/construction methodsand the
icj carrying out building economicVcost
like, ro be adoptedat rhe lime of detailedplanning, and for sodying aspects like taxation. insuranceelc. b

various approximatemethodsof estimatingarc given below :.

Plinth Area or Square Metre Method
ln this method the builFup area measurcdat each floor including basementis worked out and added uP. l'he rules L

ior crlculating plinth area of buildingsare given on page 27 of this book. Approximatecost of the proposedbuilding is
rli* we*ed oui by multiplying the 6tal of plinth areaof all floors by consructioncost per unit area oi a similar building I
hlili in ahe recent pasr. The cosr pcr unit area adoptedin the calculationshould be suitably modified to cater for the
follov,tt-,gr;rriaiionsb€tweenthe building fiom which $e rate is adoptedand the building for which the approxirhateeslrmate \
is requi-,ld.- diftlrence in ceiling height and plinth height; differencein type of constructionor specifications;appreciable
differenceirr locri.,:i: difftrence in date of construction;changeif any, in the price level of imponant items of work; b
the like.
Cubic Rate or Cubic Metre Method. !

This method is basedon thc Yolumeof a building in cubic metres,inclusiveof hollow spacesinside the rooms etc.
The volumc of a building infercd in rhis methodshouldnot be confusedwith thc voluDe of solid contentsof the buildiDg \
like brickwork, concreleetc. Apprclinate cost of the proposedbuilding will b9 volume in cubic metresof the proposed
building multiplied by the cost per cuLr( n4rre of volume of a similar exisiting structurebuilr in the recentpast.

F-oroorii,g out volumeofa bnrlJing:, \:iibicmeties,built-upareaof the buildingat eachfloor level is multiplied
by height of the respectivesror€y,exceprthat rire height of ground floor is measuredfrom half the depth of foundatiolls' S
unOtr"'igltt of top lloor in caseof pitchedroof is nrc.\ured upto half the height of slantingportion of the rooi TherE
however no rrniformity of rules foi calculatingheight .,1 :he building, inclusion oi exclusion of open narrow ventilating -
shafts.roof'edover g3ileries/\eraodahs e:c, for lhe puiposci.i ,.lculatingvolumeof rhc buildings lhis diversityol rules
, :il howevernot nirke any-differenceas long as calcuiaiiot,: ici:ime of thL btr lding from which the rale Per cublc
r,.etreis ,Jerivedis iloie in the samemanneras cal.ulation!11-,.oiuns of lhe builditg for which the lpprorimaE esii'l1iie
. . , o b - t \ o r k c do u l
iviodificationsrequiredin (he rate per cubic metre to xllow for vitfJi::i',iltreiweenthe two buildings being compared
rviil ht' sarneas the lactcrs rxeniionedin th€ plinth area or squaremerie rn'rll'o'i' -
Scn'ice Llnit Nlethod
J'iie term 'serviceunit' relatesto the purposeof a buildingor civii enginecringwork. Approximate estimatesfor the

t ir iiowingl. , peso f h u i i d i n g s ,' v ,ocrkasn b e m a d eusi nsthe serY i ccunii rnethod :-

Su!lding/work Service unil Building/*-ork Service unit Bu ilding/wrtrk Servic'e unit :
C*rilegeischooi ruom I Stable Animal ttighway kilorneire
i{ospital Hotel Roorn Canal kilometre b

Llinematstadium l iostel Student Waterr'sewage main metre {

Prison Large apartments Tenement Water tank litre t
'l'he or work
a p p r t \ x i m a t ee s t i m a t ei n t h i s m e t h o d i s b a s e d on the cost per servicc unit, incurred for a building t
c a t e r f o r t h e v ari3llons
consirrcted in the rccent past. Necessal] moditi:ation to t h e u n i t r a t e w i l l h a v e t o b e m a d e t o
i i : s c r i L , l r li n t h e p i i n t h a r c a o r s q u a r em e t r e m e t h o d g i v e n above.
al! fumiturc, i
Erample :- Cost ol constructinga hostel building to accomodate100 siudents(fwo per rooln) inclucling
30,200 per student for similar hostels.
toilet blocks, vcrandah etc was Rs. 30.20,000.This yeilds a ulit rate of Rs.

J.-. ;: : ..?r Il ,.., ,r. erh od

l-y.picalhravmctir.,tJr''r,rrvorkrn.Jout approxrmateestrmatesrs useful l'cribuiidirresiike ro\t ol garages,factory ll

r . , : r y . 1 1p l , r t { r - ' n r iesi c . \ f h i c i r i r a v e s e v e r a li d e n r r . a lb a y s . A b a y i s a t y p i c a t c o m p a r t m e n to f a b u r l d i n g ' [ j o r e x a m p l e ' a

r1.,,,.:lilr,rr, ol ll roi\ of garagesr.riti be portion oi'the building from centre to centre of two strccessivecolumns (or cross t
l he
::,) i. <.rnecJirectron, and tiont outer face of frtrit wall upr,) rear face ot' rear wall of the bay in the other direction'
and appropriate acljustment made to cater for gable wall etc. fhe approxinlati
c!rit ba\ \\rll nced to be consideredseparately
(.;tiirrarervill be number of intermediatebays multiplied by co:t of one intermediatebay plus the cost of the two end bal's'
Approximate Quantities Method
In the approximate quantities method all-in-price of each different element or component of the building is worked
out as accuratell,as possible as the first step. For exampte, (a) all costs involved in the wall per metre length upto plinth
lcvel, including foundations, damp proof course etc., (b) cost of wall in superstructureper square metre including brickwork,
plastering,distempering etc., making a prejudged adjustment for openings etc worked out as a percentageof the measured
wall area., (c) cost of RCC slab per square metre inclusive of concrete, rcinforccment, centering, formwork, plaster/whitewash
to its soffit etc., and all such principle componentsof the building. The number of units of each element or component are
worked out approximatelv and multiplied by the all-in-price per unit. All thesecosts of the different elements of the building
when added up will give the approximate cosr of the building, after making an allowance for sundry items overlooked.

This method requires more time than the methods described earlier, but will yeild a re'sult more nearer to the final
actual cost, dependingon the efforts taken and experienceof the estinrator.

Empirical Formulae Method

Approximate method of estimating cost of a building based on empirical formulae worked out by C.B.R.I. Roorkee
for labour and material requirementsof different types of buildings is given on pages 33 to 35 of this book. The quantities
of materialsand labour days multiplied b1' the currerttmarket rates for the sarne, yeild the approximate construction cost
of the buildingwhen addedup.
Building Cost Index ll{ethod
'fhe €stimatingthe cost of a building is suitablefor Govemment
building cosl index methodof approximately
depanmentslike CpWD/MES/Railwaysetc whoseconstructionactivity continuesyear after year, and is spread8ll over the
country.Averagecost of consrructionof a particulartyF of building, in usuallythe head-quanerregion of thc dcpaftnent
in a panicularlear is worked out. This u'orkcd out cost, for the padiculart-ypeof building is allotted the index I (one),
and tie particuiaryear is treatcdas the base year. As constructioncostswill increasewith passageof time, the building
cost inde)i a of say five yearsmay be 1.25 in.relationto the baseycar for thc particularregion. Similarly' as
"fter iassage
construcrioncosts vary from one rcgion to anorher,the constructioncost index for a parlicularregion can be worked out
in relationro the index of the head-iuarterregion.Thus the vaiation in price due to passagcof time as well as rcgional
differencein constructioncostscan be monitored,and effectivelyused for preparingapproximateestimstes.
Head offices of the various depaltmentsreceive fced-back from thcir zonal or regional offices intimating thc construction
costsactually incurredon rec€ntly completedbuildingvprojects,and this inliormatioois compiled and disseminatedto
concemedwith preparingapproximateestimates for the department.


'#,hile dnwings lepresent'whst' is to bc done'
Specificationsare writtcn instuctions which supplemcntthe drawings,
the specificationslay down
'how' it is to be accomplished,by describingin detail the quality/sourceof mate als and
woikmanship.specificationsguide the men on site in Physicalperformanceof thc conhact'
specifications, bcing written insauctions, arc givcn grcatcr legal strcngth and imponancc than thc drswings.
preccdcnce ovcr the drawings in case of discrcPancicV
contracts in majority of iases stipulatc that speclfiitions-witl take
variation betw€en the two.

gnd op€rEtingchsfsctcristics
specifications read togeth.erwith drawings should define complctely the physical, rcchnical
of the finisbed work, in a logical and systematicmethodeliminatingrepetitions, omissions and conflicting statcments

The personwho writes sp€cificationsshould have t

(a) su{Iicient knowledge and understandingof thc work, and thc materials/workmanship and methodsavailableto
by those
(b) good power of exprcssion and capability of marshalting of lhoughts in a rnanner rcadily undeFtandablc
responsiblefor executioDof work.

grammar, w{}Id usage, subicct
Good technique of writing specifications necessitatesadhering to basic principles of
nced not be uscd when writing sP€cifications. Legal r€quircmcnts
matter, compostion and punctuation. trgal phraseology
as tiey witl bc takfl carc of in Oe stanaard contract forms by mcans of
of contract do not haye a place ilr
general/specialconditions. "p."ift."iiont


t:i ; . . . , ;. , , " , i o . ; , , . . , : r " . l i t T i l , : r f t { i : t " , , . , L

Ir8r, . i
r,rr,,l i.r-- ; ; r ? ' ,r. o
s p r g i r l b i i i b i l $ l C 6 * U . lr' ' " " : ' " : , ; , , ' ' -i
", '. l':':;fir'ri t*ifitar{p rfrgirt'r1t1;!
Style . i
. hso"ctnci6diif'srrdirr!'ue
wfrndir'6a ;'li.ii,;"!.ni"ni;l?.in tr'*ro
t'''"i^prir,''vrii"'33ii,ffi;',3$JJ'inai'i$ b

u *Jffili?;j,;itlfi:'t#ffi;ili;;':;lii'ii;e i"",r''- oi. *.inins"and unusuar shourd

t&h';iar'exprcssions -
aeiinite,inaunar4.biguous.. anentien
.be;aus+.lack !
; ild"d. ;ii ;fii"".".-ri""iJl:;;rpiete,'change
ilE-ori ,*y rhc tiidiniitgof i rinrenieandmisrepresent of the conlracr-
th€ intentioirs
"tii;i'; are oftenadvantagdoui andshould
in pJef"ren."to lerc,rhJdescriptions, be.resonedto, where possibl€' !
' ' 1 " ' ' r , ; i . * , tol n
' ", , ' ' ' t
i : . . ' . : " , ,- , . . , j. ,, ,. 1 . , : r ' ; ' , ' ' : ' ' , , ' , ' \
L .^ ':' following
Precisionin writing specifications is of great imponance'This requirementof precisionwill be clear'from the i

writing of specifications '-, ' ' '' ':'1 !

pairs of typical words often used in
'He shall make good any defects'should read 'He shall make good all defects"
Any, all ;- . r, t
,Eitber read 'both sidesof the wall shall be plastered"
Either, both i side of the wall shall be plastered'should
.tt would impair its slrengrhor durability"
.r-. And, o, :: shall be frec from defectsof materialsand workmanshipwhich
.-OJly ;oa; and vice-versain this will result in an entirely different meaning'
Note.rhat interchangingthe word .sentence
i"ral"f do"ut.ns is noi desirablein specificationsbecauseof lack of cerlainty' l
Ur"tt f thiugi common in'l.guf
.will, in connectionwith acts of rhe owner/architect/engineeFin{harge, and'shall' with refcrence
will, shall i use t
o! on9 pa4y and obligations of the contractor' f

D c n o t u s e a p p a r c n t s y n o n y m s s u c h a s ' m u s l ' a n d ' s h a l l " a s d i f f e r c n t d'must''

uti ii. o'J,fr" othcr; and usc it consistentlyUse'shtll'in Preference
'' volume'
in colnectionwith rnloney and qurntity wheo referlillg to are4
.,- , Amouni, quantity i Amourt shouldbe use4 \
nriniber.of objectsand the tike' 1
Subject matter
Thesubjectmatterofthespecificationsshou|db€confinedtotheinformationanddirectionsnecessaryforconsuuctio to ampliry' but
wort and should be sufficient a ."riii. i."J.*i" ," price their work completely. Specifications are intended
nor'ii;i;p"ut the informationshown on drawings'
every requirement- specifi"-d;but these reasonsof
The specificationwriter should have definire reasonsin mind for
For cxample, a stipulationthat ready mixed paint manufacturcdby
exptanarionsshould not ua gi""n in ,i" ,p".ifications. that the
a parricularcompany shal b" br""ghti;';;';ii. *i,r, r"noa.tur"tt, ,""1 in+u"r, 93es 1gt feed an explanation
quality of paint'
provision has been madeto preveni conttactorreplacing$e Paini with inferior

of available materiatsand workmanship'
Specifiiations should be practicabl€givitlg due rcgard-to- the,limitatioDs 'rcquirementsof the
oriA-Uu c-onsistcniwithfirnctional,srchitccturaland strustural
Sandards of toler.nce and nnirftes-st's*arJ
the market should b€ specified,a: special
completedwork. As far u, porrili., ,ir", una patternsavailabie in
Thoughtless copying out of readily
sizesarc expcnsiveand require;; ,il ior manufacturiand delivery.
lead io un-nJ".ttury refinemcnt.For example specifying
availableto the sp€cillcation*ro", ,f,""iO t" avcided as it may
tesi cub€s'laboratory tess etc ' tb' concreterequircdin a small septic
controlledconcretcqsing weigh batchingequipment'
tank would be an absurdity..

Points to be coveredin specifications

M a t e r i a l s r Q u a l i t y , s o u r c c ' s i z e ' s h a P e , a p p € a r a n c e . g e o | o g i c a l / b o t aplacc
n i c aof
t c linspection'
a s s i f i c a tprot€ction
i o n o f s i o during
.t compostion'
properties such as wcigtrt, spectRcfivtba ;;'i;t;';;;";t.y "-ti""tas pertinent to each diffcrent marrial required for
"ti; etc"
transp{,rt/handling/storage,electrici, the'rmal, accoustic properties'
the panicrrlar item of work.
workm|o'lip:-Descriptionofworkmanship,mahodofmixing(manual/bymachine)'method.of-|ayingmetbodof joints, width/lengthof
fixing, preparationof baseor surfacc,compaction, finishing, curing, iorinuunnirrr"a sizes,sizr of
of wor|t'
siaaini taps, etc.. as may b€ peninentto the panicular irem
such as eanh moving equipmenr,shccp foot rollers'
Tools and plNnt :- lf the use of cenain tools/planthachinery should be
weigh l i.rching plants, hot .i- bj;;; ;;;"rigrader etc" is aesircJ to bc made mandabry' the requirement
clearly sla:ed.,,
ctca[inglit' clcrr|ncc as may be ilesircd'
Prot€ctio[ of flnkhcd lt'ork rill the datc of complction'and

S PE C IFIC A TION S (C ontd' )

Sequence to be followcd in writing specifications

i n w hi ch the constructi .nrvcrk i s l i kel y to progressi s f o l l o r v e d
n se s e quence
when wr it in g 4 e ta i l e ds p e c i fi c a ti o th and eafthrvork' concrcte
c g excavati on
t he o rd e r i n w h i c h th e i te m sa re speci fi edone aftcr the other.
r'h en s elec t ing
includingreinforcemenVformwork etc, brickworkand so on' laid dor'*nin a consistent mannerf o l l o r v i n q
The specification for an1,particularitem of wbrk, suchas concrete sequence is followed for other
i.e. maierial,then w'orkmanship, tools and plant etc., and the same
a particularsequence
i te m s .
following any of the different methods
paragraphs,in a set of specificationsfor a particularwork, should be numbered
quoting any particularprovision in correspondence
available for the same. for conveniencein


Types of specificationsmay be listed as :-

Brief/outline sPecifications
t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n sf o r a l l
o f a p r o p o s e cri v o r k u s u a l l r i n d i c a t e s
B e i n g h a r d p r e s s e df o r t i m e , t h e a r c h i t e c t / e n g i n e c r do not form part of the
points.These brief or outline specifications
i t c m s o f w o r k i n b r i e f , c o v e r i n g s a l i e n ti m p o r t a n t s u r v e y o ro r j u n i o r a r c h i t e c t "
i n t o d e t a i l e ds p e c i f i c a t i n n bs 1 ' t h c q u a n t i t y
c o n t r a c t .a n d a r e i n t e n d e dt o b e l a t c r d e v e l o p e d
e n g i n e e rf o r a t t a c h i n gw i t h t h e t e n d e r d o c u m e n t s '

Standard specifications
of work for all the trades involved
s p e c i f i c a t i o nfso r a l l t h e r a r i o u s itenrs
S t a n d a r ds p e c i f i c a t i o nasr e a c o m p i l a t i o no f aspectsof work. Standardspecifications
i n c l u d ec o m p r e h e n s i vdec t a i l so l ' a l l
i n b u i l d i n ga n d c i v i l e n g i n e e r i n rgu o r k . ' f h e y ( i . e . D S R o r D i s t r i c t S c h e d u l eo f R a t e s )
voiume of standardscheduleof ratcs
are itsually printed in the fcrrm of conrpanion
these trv'o being sr.rpplementary and complimentaryto each other'

Detailed sPecifications
Detailedspecitjcationstofaparticularjobaremo t a n d a r d s pare
r e o r l e s s s i m i l a r t o t h e sspecifications e c iavailable
in the ,pe"ifi.utionswherestandard
rvorknot rcquiredin theparticular.1oil'i"tiiri",'nli" tile job is greatly reduced as indicating
rp."ifi".iions ror a oarricular
andcanbc madepartot,n" .onnu"r",i"","i'l "firri"t specification will completely describe the work'
ponions/Paragraphs/p-"i'i""' ()i iit-ti""dird
the oDerativc
'Open','restricted' or'closed' specilications
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s c a n a l s o b e c | a s s i f i e d a s . o p e n ' , .firm
r e s to
t r i be
c t eused
d , o rin. cthe
| o swork'
tt'e tanuru'c-tittlripiJJuci orupe"ialist
the contractorin selecting to be
properties-of-the materialsetc' alongwith the resultsrequired
opcn specilications statethe physical/chemical ior is
m-aterials to makeprovisionsof
to be carried out i'i way of framingop* 'pJr'tuiio* anv particular
obninedin t€sts without.naming
ii;i;; ,iiiru, ,,unaui, llt" sil "r" applicable,
specificIndianSrandard it on" *t'i"h laysdownthc minimumstandards
brand/trade nameor properretory commodityThusan openil""in11iii This leadsto
staned. as well as old well esrablished
rvhichcanbe fulfilledby products."rt","; uv newly
il"i", *^p*r""" lowcringof ratesquotedby contractors'
"na "ont.qu"ntty

""', j:i.i:iliili[l
*:ln":r; ,ffiigq
ready-mixedPaints.namesol two' to ensurethat pricc and quality of\
tirrci r-uru"trrers- lt is necessary
painr requiredfor the work -,, ,.. o"i'.? ii"r" will invariablyopt for us'ng
," ,";';;;;'l;-i, roi" o. lessiaenticii, u, th"
rhe products of manufacturers "oni'o"rott
il" ;;ff;htJ i; listed'
of those
"i"uf"* "ut
c | o s e d s p e c i | i c 8 i i o n i s o n e i n w h i c h t h e m a t e r i a | / p r o d u c tf;. i s s p;;;
e c i f i ethe
d b yprJduct
m e n t i oisn to a sprrchased
i n gbe e nihe
i n g | e t r a dbv ame'catalo
,"nli,r"r-ir"" ;;;i;ri", distriburor rs
number,or manufacturer *: preference of the owner or architecuengrneer
""0 'n"'"i" tt"J19*ir""i""
cc'rtractorfor use in the *-* 1:* "t
costsor competrtron'
;l;;;;-;"; t.ponance, without bolheringabour
I r s h o u | d b e n o t e d t h a t a n y p a n i c u l a r c o n s t r u c t i o n j or"r"r,"ii^ni.i"t'""i p e c 'ctos"d
b c a n h a v e . o D e n sha"e n ' f o r c e n a i nsiipulated
i f i c a t i ospecification' materia|s'whi|eo
.rcsrricted ,p;;;;;":, ;;tro.e"funh",
,rarerialscan hale
'" -"rtl;,..',:::'ilue .sandard specifrcationc. given in DSR
be rhfough
or ,,riring specificationscan .going important provisions etc that will
mimorising. salie* p"ii,i lti*"tat'
or anv similar compila(ion.o"ty ,"',i'i"g'i'";" "nd principte-itemsof work in conslructionjobs
needio be coveredwhen or"o'"r'loji'i""iari'

r . l

UtigationinlndianCouruofl-awiscostty,iiindconsumingg4+,terriblyfrusuuingdtretod€lay:nihelcgalprocess. I(isusuaily
moreprudentto strikea compromisewirh theotherEiiy'ufVolvib, if tiE consequenifinanciallossis nor very large. Time andcnergy
lostin fighting legalbattlesin a Courtof Llw, if devotcdto your own businessor professionmcy turnout tinarrciallymorercwarding.

Legd aspeccbeingof considerableimportance,a listof cnactrnenr,(relcvantto thebuildiiigand constnrcrionactivity ) and

thc Rules,Regplaticnsetc; framedundcrlhem,in thc ordcro.[ pgrceivcdby theAuthcr, iire givcn bclow. Emcrrncnts
or RcgulationsmadcakStarclcvel,ur madeby Local StateBodicsctc.r,arenot includedin this list- .
' ' (t'
t . IndianContractAct, (9 of {872) 18. ContractLabonr @ugulationand Abolition
2. fubi.tration and Conciliation Act. (26 of 1996) A ct, (37of1970)
3. Irulesof Arbiaation of theIndian Councilof 19. Enrployment of ChitdrcnAcE Q6ot 1938)
Arlitlgtion, ( Iq4.B(es ) . ,, . : rijrrl 1f,. 20. EqualRemtrneraiion Acr, (25 of 1976)
41 , Constitution (FonysixthArp,cndme4t '
),Act, (,19$2) ' 21. Palmenrbf WagcsRcL (4 of 1936)
, . Oopularly knoum as-thq Woi*s'ConFact Act ) 22. Employer'sLiability Act, (24 of 193E)
':.';i ' 'Companies
5. Saleof GoodsAct. (3 of 19301 23. Act, (l of '1956)
6. Transferof hoperty Act, (4 of 1882as ameoded 24. Income- tax Acr, (43 of 1961)
by 2t of 1929) 25. Partncrship Act, (9.of 1932)
7. Umiution Acr, ( 36 cf l%3 ) 25. Prevenrion of ComrptionAii;'(2 of 1947>
8. Arch*ects( Professionr.lConduct) Regulation,( 1989) 27. ': SpecificReliefecq (47 of l*i3 )
) . i' E x plos i v e s A c(a
t, o t l 8 8 .
), i ' rn ;l . l i r,t:i ,28., Co-operative SocietiqsAct, (2 of l9l2 )
10. hExplosive:Jubsrtr::es Agt,,( 6of"1908),r' t; ' '';'' 29.. Official SecrctsAcr, (19 of 1923)
ll. TheExplosivc;Rules,(1983) 30. Caruonrnenis Acr, (2 of I9?-l ) .
12. ForestAct, ( 16 of 1927) 31. Cantonmens (Arnendment ) AcL (i5 oi 1983)
13. ForestConservation Act, ( 69 of 1980) 32. , Elecrriciry.{cr-(9 C. l9l0 )
i4. Mincs andMinerals( Reguluion and Devebpment) 33. ThgIndianEkctricity Rrles, ( 1956)
Act, ( 67 of 1957) 34. Mornr VehiclesAcL ( 4 cf 1939)
1 5 . MinimumWagesAct, ( ll of 1948) 35. Pcrsonalinjurics (Compcl,satiorrInsurance)
16. Workmen'sCompensation Act, ( 8 of ln3 , Act, (37 rrf 1963)
17. lYarktnen's Comptn-ration Rules,( t,nl 1

Arbitrator's Feesor Remuneration


Abitrator's fecsor remuneradon(o bc fixdd by the Benchof the ICA ) aspcr scalcsla.iddown in rheRulesof Arbitrarionof
thcIndianCouncilof fubitration, havingregardro then"trrr" of thecaseandthetimetekento decideir areasfollows,andcould serve
asa guidelinefor Arbiranngven thoughnot conncctedwirh the ICA. Thc scale is exclusiveof travellingor outsrationexpenses,
and administrati"eor otlrcrcharges. .. ,
t-npunt of claims Rangcoffees Arwuntof claims Rangeoffees

lls. 50,000to 1,00,0m Rs. 1,000to lJ00 Rs.10,00.001

ro 25,00,m0 Rs 5,000to 8,000
Rs.1,CJ,000to 5,(H,0m Rs. 1250 to 3,000 Rs.25,00.001
to 50,00,000 Rs.6,0t]0to 10,0C'0
Rs.5,CJ,001to 10,ffi,00 Rs.2,500 ro 6.000 Rs.-<0,00,001
ro r00,00,m0 Rs.7,000to 15,000
T l2l
-L of 1996)
'fhe Arbitration and conciliation Act (26 -
i on lg Aug lgg5, some not"bl"'tira
aspects of which are
as follows !
The above retirred Act camc rnto force t " *"': asreement

f orform
-.!- nff"*:'c
, ,"*jr""j,,3","",'.j:Ji:ji*1?"""J,":l'I*i""I";'l;".*;",ffiJ: for arbitration'-beforctlking
igno'ino the asreement
(Sec. s) ';i commenccslegal
ll thc oppcsitcparty t?iin"a topv of arbitration
- ;;;il;,;;; ,;-th.'corn, ric;p"iirfa'ov
snv Dart in rhe tcsar proceedin*r.

a :;:""0 a.';'.oj"."["tilng
rr a person
coun to refer the panies
raiistc perrirrm
may "lt
rrbi!rat')(s),a parry to thi disFute
to rr
to arbirration
i.,, oiioin*.n,.,t
- *il:,:ll:":':rTT:::'a
ongroundscr doubtsaboxt thearbitrator's
a ""*"::; o, f."f,"of'rg.r;
or imparrialitl,
qu"jifi.otion.',*itttinnO""i"O"t o?
''i"i"n'iu"'"n'orT:T: tjii":l^l$"T ,r"1;;3:"#tt:"::"fl:";"J:ii:
of.lhe or

1,"'""'""i.'#i.t ,..
:l'"r'l;l:':l.,.'-,"'l:;r"?H'"'53"H:J"";;:i ror
commenced arequ€st
I ,n.,'j*i.t r.'llti*'i'it*ir,"*::rr; 'x'i1";i"TtliJ"
t . fi'[i#ld;*#t.ffi
,",."*1"":i;tl"""if:;"fi ltl;,.ri**1"';t#;"";;l|*
I li::llffi?i,;1"*|:T*:ji'r,fr1':;ll;:',f,"*'Xiff:l
t - [ilirrui:*:**lfm:l;';I;T11":,n'"*:':i'";""i'l;"
l_- to,i:
(sec. ff11:3iiii'j.:j:i-.r:'J.ff^:i,:TJ'ff
months(but .o..r
no,-J",1 arthedescretion,or]T,:*-
(sec.16) \ 'hen .. c:""L"-'::l'is"r",;i:
tt'rerimitforapplication $tffiil''ff"J":#"#il1
t I
shallbe enforcedund'r ooe
J,r,'ui'unabinding lre r'*ard
"."or,lJ, a decreeof the Coun-
as rl' it were
of "i'",.iJ::itT
award in this Act'
for making and publication
No tirrre limit has been piescribed
The Limitation Act (36 of 1963)
rhis Act lavsdownlhe.period of timewithinwtricrrarv-suit"anxal
lor *
of profits'compensation il:,pJitJ'c;:"b;tT:h#:"8:*X
*iJ"r-"t"iltt, rightfuldues'share
etc' also laid down tf legal
r- against i"itoemenls-decr€es'e"c can be made is
---:iGr judgements"'i'.'J""ttt"",i"" will be too
appeals t"ae in a Coun of Law
The period of time within which any sur! appear
wilhin the Liriitation Pcriod'
^",ion' i.- n'*' i*itted
late being time-barred'
The workmen's compensation Act (8 of '

rhisAdprovides totheir
r" pov'*'uvi'provcrs Y'P::i"i,i:rt:::*lni:jlf"T"ifilil;-i:t::*"$i
The p'y?i]:
compeniation ':"t;-;,o-o'iin"'"n' ctc")
co.0""r"a1"'ifor injuryby degrcesof disablement
laiddownpercenoses *orkman
*t" workmar in question'
iJ"it#-"i,roii"J oviiir"'"nt
'**vlii ;;;;"*
of age of the
for the corpleted years
multiplied by a laid down
T h e P a r t y e n t e r i n g i n t o a c o n l r a c t w i t h a bwork'
iv irt" builder on the particular
".pr"viO Act (9 of 1E72) .
The Indian Contract ---r.-rissed or on which
is rccommendcd' A coupl€of pointswhich are
I rerv detailedsrudy of this enactment
*'".iii"t prevail ara elaboratedupon 'il-"il
letterhas alreadybeen despatched
byaconrracror a""o
Revocaiion the tendet Acceprance)
r*oking the date of
""o .t"t:;",'JfJ;; prior to

;::;ffi "
tclbre receipt of rhe ?ommunrcalion
n"gi t*t

n:i:;n:i*;:,xx "'j : does not confer any'1eltt to tf'e pany calling for tcndersto

Revocationof tender by " '*Ot"' tituution ha.j been cstablished'

Moriet' attachedto tt'" t"na"t'"lilli "inti"o

Valuation can bc dcfincd as the proccss of cstimating valuc. \?rluation dcpcnds on thc circumstanccsof thc casc.

purposc for w'hich valuation is nccdcd. and thc givcn timc, place and markct conditions'pro'ailing on thc datc as on u'hich
valuation is rcquircd.

Vrluatron is an art rcquiring jrrdgcmcnt and forccast,in uhich conclusionsabout valuc arc arrivcd at b1' ;r scicnLil'ic
analvsis o[ thc availablc data. In valuaLion,nrathcnraticalccrtainlv is ncrthcr dcmandcd nor possiblc.


Thc purposc o[ valuation of propcrtv consistingof land and buildings can bc any onc of thc follou'ing :-
(a) Purchascor satc of propcrtl'. (g) Firc insurancc.for fixing insurablc valuc and thc !

Land acquisition. prcmium payablc.

(c) Asscssmcntof ucath tax, capital grins tax (h) Rcnt firation'
1nd thc likc. (J) Court fccs/stampdu['payablc in propcrtl' litigatrons.
(d) Probatc/dcathdug. (k) Fixing ratcablc valuc for municipal taxcs. I

(c) Purtition of propcrtl'. (l) Frxing bcttcrmcnt chargcs.

(D Mortgagc. bank loalts and othcr sccuritl' ( m ) F i . r r n Bm i n i m u m r c s c n c p r i c c r n p r o p c r t ) ' a u c t l o n s . !

In ordcr to harc valuc. a conrmoditv must simultancouslrhavc thrcc csscntialqualifications,namcly:-

(a) It must posscssutilitr'.
(b) It must bc scarcc. t

(c) It nrust be transfcrablcor markctablc.

For cxamplc. air is of utrnost importancc for human lifc, but bcing frccly available in plcnty and not bcing scarcc
it docs not posscssvaluc Rottcn mangocs mav bc scarcc in Novcmbcr. but as thc_v" havc no utility thcl'rvill not harc an1'
r aluc. !

Vrluc mcans tlrc w'orth o[ a commoditv in cxchanqc.and for thc sakc o[ convcnicncclt is mcasurcdin tcrms o[
T h c m a r k c t v a l u c o [ a p r o p c a y ' i s d c f i n c d a s l h c p n c c l h a t a u i l l i n g p u r c h a s c rs ' o u l d b c p r c p a r c dt o p a v t o : r
urlling scllcr. on thc dlrtc oI oflcr. having duc rcgard to all [actors such as c.risitrng,condition. adr,'antagcs, risks. lnd
potcntial possibilrticsoI ttrc propcrl\' t
\rhrch\ Iuationis rcaurrcd
'rrtluc' !
S o m c o f t h c c o r n m o nu s c s o [ t h c l c r r n arc as folloris .-

(a) M:rrkct raluc. larr markct valuc or opcn markct valuc.

(b) .\sscsscCvaluc or ratclblc r':rhtc is that uhich is uorkcd out and rccordcd in thc rcgistcr of municrpltl
rrrthcritr and t'scd ftrr lhc purposc cf dctcrnrinlng thc prorrcr[ tax prtrablcbr thc o\\ncr. \
( c ) F o r c c dr a l u c o r d t s t r c s sr : r l r r c r s t h c . ( a l u c p : r i d t o l s c l l c r * h o i s i n s o t t t ck i n d o f c i t n t p t t l s t o nt o s c l l . b v a
b u v c r * ' h o i s n o t p a r t i c u l a r i vi n t c r c s t c dr r r b u r i n g t h c a s s c t .o r v r c c - \ ' c r s r ir..c . t h c v a l u c p a i d b v a b u v c r h r . r ' i n gi l t l o \ c r - -
rrding nccd to lri;, il p:lr-tlcularpropcrh from a scllcr uho is not partlcularlv intcrcstcdin sclling lt. In strch clscs thc
tr:rnsactionmatcritrliscsduc to thc lon pricc p'n'ablc or thc hrgh prrcc comp:trcdto lhc fair markct valttc -
(d) Eirrning valuc is tlrc prcscrrtraluc of a propcrtr dulr tlking inLoconsidcratiolithc incontc it uill st;lrt \clldlllg
in fiuturc !

(c) PrrtcntiaIr'aluc takcs rnto accountfrrturculrlili'. ;rnd mcans lhc Yaluc which a propcrt\ is cspcctcdto dcvclop
il and ',r'hcnprobabilitrcslikc rnovcntcntot- building actrritv tow'ardsthc piccc of land or propcrty'.duc to proposcd ncn' {
rr;nds.tos'n planning schcrncs.dirrsrcn into building plots and thc likc bcconrcactualitics.

C o s t r s d c f i n c d a s t h c c x p c n d r t u r cr n p r o d u c i n g ; r c o m m o d t t vh a r i n q t t m a r k c t v a l ' t c . a
P r r c c r s r l i c c o s t o l - a c o n t n r o d i t rp l u s l . d c l r L i o n a r ci * a r d t o t h c p r o d r r c c rf o r h i s l a b o u r a t t r i c a p t t a i T h c c \ t c l l t c l
i l i r s r r d d l l r o n a rl c r r a r d d c p c n d so n r h c u t r l l l r . c i r r r ' : r b i l r tsra' .t i s f i r c t i o nc.x t c n l o f C , : l n a n Ca t r d s c : t r c i t l o I t h c c o t ' t n t o c l i t t l t a

Whercas thc cosr lntl prrcc rel'lcct thc sacnfice rcquired to producc or acqutrc e commodttr. r':tlttc dcnotcs lhc
;'r\,rr:t:t!:eon tccount ot orr,nerslrrp.Pricc rs o{lcn considcrcdas a spccialfornt o[ r';tluc. Pricc how'cvcrd0es not ncccssltrtlr
n r a ; r ( tr h c v t r l u c o f r r c o l r u r i o d i i v: r r r cti h e t \ \ o l c r n l s a r e n o t s v n o n v n l o u s a

! a -
l i J

V A L T ] , \ T I O \ O F I , . ' \ N D' \ N D
h c t . t ' r ci l r I i s t t d r t s
v a l u c o f a p r o p e r t r , c o n s i s t i t lg1 . ! a n da n d b u r l d r n g sc a t l
I.he lactors a f f ' c c t i n t
g h e srtPPlr
and r icc vcrsl \\'lrcrc tllc
d e m a n d o r d c c r c a s ei r l s u p p l l t c l t c lt L rc a u - qlci r e p r r c c st ' r r i s e ' l h i q [raslc
(al lncrcasc i n b e t l r r t r l i n a l
1 n ' - - r . 6 gr5r i l l o n l v
a . c r q u i c k r y a c r . i u s a
t n
s r Jn r a t c h c rsh c d c r . a n d .r h e r i s u . r l a l l
i s h i g h r ye r a s r i c .

p a : r i c u l a lro c ' i l i t'r

(i) I { i s c o r l a l l i n p o p u l a t i o no 1 'a
ltvcl 'rf prospcritr lnd
l i r c t o r i c s .i n c r c a s i n - l
( i i ) S t a b i l i t ) , . e x p a n d i n g b u s i n c s s . c o l l l n l e r c c J n d c n t t . r p r, cn lsn., n etc ' and thc rents
n e w a n d b e t t c rr c s i d e n t i a l l oct irovn i s h o P s i o l ' f i c e s
t h e d c r n a n cflo r
thc likc rvill increaie
rvill in tum show an uDward tenoenc\

( i i i ) R c s t r i c t i o n s i m p o s e d b y I o c a l a n d l i t a r e a u t h o r i i I t s . a l l c c t t l r - e . s u pinduslri'l
p|}nIlan t l b t r i lon
d a n ttrrhs
arc"' lnlcrrsrl]
drn gs'\uclrIestrlct
i"l""i"on1"", plans. zorring r,,, rcsirt"nri"i'.o,irnrcrcial
may bc in the ,or,
tlle like 'lnd buildings gct
contparison thc value of land
ii"-p*,"0 rbrsonlc
uuu",.'",r,lir"",Lll"n;i':l"Tjff hLrildingssill be rcducco
lo\far;s invcstnlcrllin llrrrl and
morc tinrc. thc lltru ol capllal
o""o'"*",Ji pre'ulll nu"'nnuno
rcnd risc condrtions
'l'"y1i.-.*h^"1'.]i1lil''nar) .,:1"::
;,,,',anchuirdinss rronh
r"rodihg ol-Rupec
",. Iornrs.l-invcstrlrerl .oput'l"oi:r'f'ping rhcado[ lh''
rcal esralcarc.""rl considcrcd il ;
ot. lirrc.
", ":rlr- drainagc$ater-suppl)'
Jc'croi_.r.rcnl in ci\ir anlc'ilics like roads.gardens
(c) l\rrposars liri
crcctricity. '',.n'''ll:lt:::i,,i:';:ll:;:::"ll $"1i,,,,1]illl"tiil'l'l#il'
a " . t u . u , i n n o l . g r c c n b c l t s . I c ] i e I v a l i { } n \ l o f p I ap'it"
} ' g r oofu nland
d s , eind lh!'
u c aalt''ct'd
t I o n a I .localil)
ar(luiringland and strchlhclors""'"i'"tii on of such
thc prcscncc or absenc!.ol propcrapproach'fro-nlage 'loads: :idth
(l) ln thc cascol land propcn! giound(l c natural
liontitllc tui" ()' t tl'" ''tu'' nt"unt c(tt'"""it"ti"itl "atureof --\\hether
or hard al'ticting
rords. addilionalrcturlr "r soft
ilat or undr-riating'
"' arcarcclairrcd.f ''" ;1L..; ft"ii"t
i,! d or land made rrp by lilling iow iling (orunirlrcrr''ff:
on all sidcs lcaving no approacnli
:fti ::t"11i::i"fi::T,iili itfi'l''l:":;
,rr" .,rtinna. ,r ptut suroun<lcd
"ri"1 havirg propcr aprrroaclr'
pri"" ^-""";p"t"a to a'tloinlng plots ,.- -^^..i-a,r r^ hp (ncl
( g ) t n t | | c c a s c o l . b U i l r . u p p r o p c r t y . l l r c . c o n d i t i o n o | . t l r c ^ s t r u c t u occ,rpied.
r e ' a m o u nand
t s r all
c q usuch t o b e s p cl'actors
i r e dperiinent ntonrepaIrs
rurure (or ,.l iii" ol rhc buirding. "*0";;;;;
insurancc,mainrcnancc. "i,ri"'*i
affcct valuc of tlrc ProPcnl
h o d o of
( t . ) c ) b s o l c s c c t l c c | n c n 5 u p a r t i c u l a l k i n d o l . d e s i g n o f b u i l d i n g o l n r e t value n s e\isting
f c othc truction ( e . g . . p i tfhe
building' chedroot.
tarucrambting bungutows *,u.,*,-'i"r1lii''""*.,1 *","* "ri.iL"rri""^,n"t"iil.d""t*
!unctional obsolcsccnce l
ff;;i;;;;iil;;.1' J""'lu"a nbnu"is 'u"'"ti'nc.renrcdas
cxisrins. sousht a*crp,op"ni''. init'"r''*tni' :l'vilif *::fl;:illff:,il*
'i"*'il'i;; ::.:"lf'lft&::i::!f:U
i;;;"*evicrion rike
ofrenan'|s,an-d,thc depress
ll'r "lull'x;,;1,'i:,,!1";l'i:llt?"il,:''il,1".;l;[:i;
,"ni.J ou,''i"irr-uppropcrtyi. unott"
ro-t."f paie with trends
inflationary This can be
lhc ycirrl rionr ,r.r,
obsolcsccncc oi'the ptopcn'v
;;,t.i;"t.; as irn ctamplc ol-cconomic ,n ot partrcurar
or prcvalencc concentratlo
of riots/disturbances'
-l l lirw and ordcr silualion' abscncc
(k) hc gcncr propcnr-
;;;;;"; havc scri.nsirlpacl on the valueol
courmunirics in . localiry,nn,, .o,r"aiiiul.,',
propcrty should bc convcrsani \rith lhc lbllo$ing tcrrns/concepts/formul'"""'1-th-:''1^lt:Oo aie useo
A vrlucr ol li]r $hich variousformulaegiven below
"'ti;;;; intcrc,qt tne
valuation process ,r"ou"n,,y ,nuuiui.""'"["i"u"" calculators however'
", ;; advcrrtof electronicscientific
Valnrrion robtcs arc or grc r "r"'::';:';":';l;,ii"it;,''
na€dlbr vnluationtablcsis grcall) reducco glv€,n below means
lintercst'uscdin rhe c\planationof variousterms/concepts
Notcs:' (i) fhc word
124 :

Nores(Conld) ;- (ii) Thc valuc of thc variable'/ denotingthc rate of interestin the formulaegiven below is
to bc insertedin decimal figurcs, i.c. 0.(X for 4 yo interest,0.055 for 5% yo interest,
0,10 for l0 9/ointercsl etc.
(iii) ln 0le illusFationsgiven below,thc answenworkedout havebcen roundedoff to the nearest
AmouDt of Rc. t.00 mcansthe total amountto which an initial one-timeinvestmentof Rc. 1.00 at a specified
ntc of intcrestwill accumulatcat thc cnd of a given numbcr of ycan.
lf i' is the E e of intcrcst,and 'a' is thc numberof years,then,
Amount of Rc. 1.00 = f/ + t'
Illustration;- A sum of Rs. 500 investcd today at 5 o/. rate of interest will accumulateat lhe end of six
Years!o ;- 500 x (l + 0.05)6= tu. 670
Prcscnt Vrluc of Rc. 1.00 payablcor receivableat the end of a given numb€rof years i
If i' is the ratc of intcrcst,and 'n' h the numbcr of ycars,then,

hesent vaiue of Re. 1.00 '

(l +
Illustration :- The presentvalue of fu. 800 reccivableat the cnd of six years at 5 6/0ra'teof inrerestwill be !
l !
8 0 0x - = Rs.597
(l + 0.05)'
Amount of Re. t,00 per arnum meansthe total amountwhich will accumulate at the end of a givennumberof
years if Re. 1.00 is investedat the end of every ycar at a specifiedrate of interesl.
If i' is the ratc of interest,and 'r' is the numb€rof years,then,
(l + il't -
Amount of Re. 1.00 per snnum =

Illustation:- lf Rs. 500 rre investedat the end of ever-wyear for 5 successive yearsat 6 7o rate of interest,the
total accumulationat the cnd of fifth year will be :-
0.06y - l
500 x -j_:- = Rs. 2.8tq
Annurl Sinking Fund is the amountrequiredto be set asideat the end of every year and investedat a specified
tate of interest,so that at the end of a given numberof years it will accunrulateio a frrcdeiermined amo.i;it.
In a propenyconsisting of landand building,thc buildingporiignof the properr'qrll slo\rly lcoseits valuewith
every succcssiveyear due to wear and tear (and/orby functionalobsolescdr';.e), and 5r the end oi its usefirl life it wiii have
only aboutl0 % of its originalvalue(this l0 % representinq valueof materials obtaincdfrom demolitionof the building).
Itl order to rccoup the capital investedon the building portior o.' the properqvan annualsinking funtl rs created,\vherein
a s:llall portion of rcnt or incomc from thc property is set asideand depositedin a bank or in Covemmentsecuntiesat
c.-'r'lipound ir,terestso worked out thai wh€n life of the building is orer the o\rner can rccaive full value of the buildrng
ponion of lhe property,cither from the bank or from the Covemmentsec.rriti;s
lf i' is the rate of int?restand 'n' is the number of years in which lhe invesimenlis requiredto be recouped.
. r .
of Re. 1.00 =
Annual sinkingfund for accumulation
ll , ll _ |
Illustration;- An old building having a future liie of 20 years has beenpurchasedfor Rs. 2C.000^excludingthe
valuecf land. Assumingtharthe valueof demoiished materialswill be recoupRs. 20,000
at the end of :0 ycars thc afinualsinking fund el 4 o/or te of interestwill be :-
20,000 x -;:---:-:-:- = Rs.672
(l + 0.04)r'
Years Purchase(Y. P.) in Pcrpetuity i: the multiplicr by which the net incomeper year receivablein Ferpetuity
(i.e. for ever) is multiplied in order to anive at the presenrcapital vaiue of an asscl,at a given mte of ;nteres!.
It 'i' is the rale of int,.!'est.the'r.
Years purchasc:n perpetuitv - T-
I l l u s t r a t r c n . ' - Y e a r s P u r c h a s ei n p e m c t u i t vu s i n g 4 o r bi n l e i c s tr r i l l l , e = ?5
-= Rs. Ii,500 will have
Therefbre,for an rncomeof Rs. 500 in perpetuity,a sum of Rs. 500 x 25
to be oepositedin a bank at the ratc of 4 o/ointercst.
VARIOUSTERMS/CONCEPTS/FORMULAE net income per year' receivable
by which the
ycars purchase (y. p.) for a fixed number of years is the murtiprier
presentcapital value of an asset'
in arrive at the
ior a fixed number of 1,earsis muitiptiecr cater for :-
-i. p. in such a manner ttrat it will
ft;r a fixed number 'f years is calculated simple intereston the amount of capital
investedrepresentin*u ...u,i' ,;;;'"i
(a) yearly income from the capitai
and arso of a
capital invested at tire end
rate of compound rnterestto recoup the
(b) Annual sinking fund at a ceriein
lriven numlrer of 1'ears'
rare or at a dual rate
p;.. ; ;;; nu,.,,b.,of years can be either ar a single is sameasthe
\,. t . ^ )
to bederived
C -

t e r m e d as
theyearry i s termed
o u t is
w o r k e d out
:i.J,l:l''.Jo,.,.n,ing m u l t i p l i e r worked
h e mu,riprier
' - . L ^ ^ - ^ i t q l t,n. as
the \'. P. at single r a t e '
;.:',:,ffi'11,:']'Tll,:'J.':':?'i il::'::,1ff:',T'.*
,;liJ';f, ;:?iJffi"J'liJ
;: ll:i.':,"i.'".i; *i.i::il;
:.:.:,]T,""T:,'J:'"J; or conrpound
to tite
r --...-. .-- rh-
invested (and this couid be

::"il:..',:-;-"T,"Jil.:J;:::":T"'l; securiiies thE

in wrricn Ciovernmsni securiiies in
f , ^ ^ r ^ ^ " . 1 c n ' n r l co"''Ii11slri w'hicn tht
i s 1 ' p i 1 p . - , t . itj o b e i r r v c s t e d ) '

Y . P. a t s i n g l e ra te
as well as frlr the annual
'r' yearly income receivablefrom the propcrly
lf i : . . t l i e ' a t e o f in:e:est reprcsenting
of years for-which the income is receivable'then'
: i r r f i i n g i t i l t c i , a n d r t ; s ' t l t e nurnber
( l r i ) n - i
\'. P. at :r,:iglerate
0 * il, is to be
annum for the next six ,vears
i i l u s t r a t i o r t : - A p r o p e n y e x p e c t e d t o y e i l d a n e i i n cincome
o n r e o fo.
R scapital
.l0'000 per
invested as *'cll as tbr
.r:jich.1si,d.,{l!o*,ing 5 oio rareor.,,ir.r.rr, boih for the
the end of six years :-
cipital througb a sinking funci at
: x Y' P'
Fresentvalue of the p!'operry i0'000
= 10,000

numberof yearstbr which the

p. rare, other factors remainingthe sarne.increasein the
;H il;llt" at singre versa'and other factors
*iri ,..*t, the value of the properry'and vice in the
propenyis expected to y,eirdincome ll ^"sing titt value of the propertydescribed
the same, increasing the rate of interestwill resultin decreasi"g
given above'

propert)'"i' is the rate of

annualincome receivablefrom the
interestrepresenting for which the
; ; :iJ.'r::.tlltr,n.'o,.
to recoupthJ capital and'n' is the numberof years
interestfor annualsinkingfu i
vearlvincomeis receivable, then
( 1 + i)' - l
Y . P . a t d u a lr a t e : f l I + i ) ' - I + i
-rlr I
Y. P. at dual rate:
is to be
annum for the next six Years
I l l u s t r a t i o n : - A p r o p e n y e x p e c t e d t o y eo/o
i . l d - redemption
a n i n c o m eof
o f capital , 0 0 0 p ear sinking fund'
R e . 1 0through
and 5 on
purchased.ellowing 8 "/o on .upit"l'inuested
valueof property = 10'000x Y' P'
(l+0.05)6-l = Rs. 44,049
= 1 0,000x
0 . 0 8[ ( l + 0 . 0 5 ) 6 - l l + 0 . 0 5
to note that, other factorsremaining
the same'Y' P' using dual rates
it will be worthwhile 'i' in
For practising valuers ilt and vice-versa'or (c) any decrease
in and vice-versa' or iUl' uny increase
will increasedue to (a) any increase
'y' and vice-versa. "?'


or equi pment
on sal eof machi nery
to be real i sed
S a 5 ' a g ev a l u ei s th e v a l u ee x p e c ted rvheni ts usetu span
l oi , . .
i s o v e r . b u t h a s n o t b e c o m ec o r n p l e t e l yu s e l e s s .
S c r a p v a l u e o r j u n k v a l u e i s t h e v a l u e o f r n a c h i n c r yo r e q u i p m e n tr v h e t ti t b e c o m e sc o n r p l e t e l .uv s. 'e l e s sc. \ c e p !
f o r s a l c a s _ i u n ko r s c r a pm e t a i . I n t h e c a s eo f b u i l d i n g sw ' h i c hh a v e o u t l i v e dt h e i r u s e f u l s p a n o f l i f ' e .t h e e x p c c t e dr a l u e
6 l ' n r a r e r i a l so b t a i n c df r o n r c l c n r o l i t i o nw ' i l l r e p r e s e ntth e s c r a p v a l u e . b r e a k - u pv a l u e o r d e n r o l i t i o nv a l u e .
D e p r e c i a t i o np t a y b e d c l l n e d a s t h c d e c r e a s ei n v a l u e o l ' p r o p e r t l ' .t n a c h i n e r yo r e q u i p r n e n td u e t o w e a r . t e a r .
d e c a l , a n d o b s o l e s c e n c e .T o t a l a c c o u n t a b l e d e p r e c i a t i o nr v i l l b e c o s t o f m a c h i n e sl e s s s a l v a g e / s c r avpa l u e i n t h e c a s c o i
ntachinerya , n d i 1 t h e c a s e o f b u i l d i n g si t w i l l b e t h e c o s t o f t h e b u i l d i n g ( s )l e s s s c r a p v a l u e o r d e n l o l i t i o nv a l u e o f t h c
buildingin question.
I t i s c u s t o m a r l t' o t a k e t h e d e r n o l i t i o nv a l u e o f a b u i l d i n g a s l L t c i ' o f t h e r e p i a c e n l e nct o s t o f t h e b u i l d i n g .
R e p l a c e m e n tc o s t i s t h c c o s t o f a n a s s e tu , h i c h r v i l l b e i n c u r r e di f i t i s t o b e r e p l a c e da t c u r r e n t I n a r k e t r a t e s
d u l y t a k i n g i n t o a c c o l p t m e t h o d so f c o n s t r u c t i o n , ' i r n p r o vdeeds i g r tt e c h r t i q u c cs t c . , i n v o 3 u e o n t h e d a t e o f a s s e s s t r e not l '
t h e r e p l a c e m e nct o s t .
R e p r o d u c t i o nc o s t i s t h e c o s t o f r e p r o d u c i n ga s u b s t a n t i a l liyd e n t i c arl e p l i c ao f a n e x i s t i n gb u i l d i n g u s i n g n r a t c r i a l s .
t l n i s h . m e t h o d so f c o n s t r u c t i o ne t c s i m i l a r t o t h e e x i s t i n gb u i l d i n g , e v e n i f t h e l ' a r e o u t - o f - d a t e . R e p r o d u c t i o lcl o s t r a r e l y
f i n d s a n y a p p l i c a t i o ni n l a l u a t i o n o f p r o p e r t i e s .

M e t h o d s o f c o m p u t i n gd e p r e c i a t i o n
d s d i r n i n i s h i n gb ) '
( a ) I 1 t 6 e s r r a i g h lt i n c r n e r h o do f c o r n p u t i n rd c p r c c i a t i o tnl r c v i t l u co t ' a n a s s e ti s c o n s i d e r e a
a r r u n i f b r r na m o u n tc ! e r \ ' \ e a r .
Ortcinul c'osl (-t .\clit'ctgc t'ulue
D e p r e c i a t i o np e r v e a r =
Estimated total sen'ic'e li/e itt vears

( b ) l n t h e w r i t t e nd o r v n v a l u e n r e t h o d( W . D . V . r n e t h o d )o r e q u a lp e r c e n t a g ne l e t h o do f c a l c u l a t i n gd e p r e c i a t i o n .
t l t e y a l u e o t ' a n a s s e ri s c o 6 s i d e r c da s d i r l i n i s h i n gb 1 , ' a u n i f b n n p e r c e n t a g ee v e r ! ) e a r . F o r c x a t r t p l e i.f a n a s s e t
i t s r v r i r t c nd o r v n v a l u c a t 5 o , i ,
r a t e o i d c p r e c i a t i o r
n v i l l t r e : -
p u r r : h a s e t lb r R s . 1 0 . 0 0 0i n 1 9 9 . 1 .
I { e . l ( j . 0 0 0( - ) 5 9 , u . = R s . 9 , 5 0 0 i n 1 9 9 5 ,( d e p r e c i a t i oanc c o u r r t cf' o r jr R e . 5 0 0 )
R e 9 . 5 0 0( - ) - se ' o R s . 9 . 0 2 - 5i n 1 9 9 6 ,( d c p r c c i a t i oanc c o u n t c dt b r l t c . 4 7 5 )
l - h u s i r r t l r e W . D . V r r e t h o d t h c q u a n t u n ro l - d c p r e c r a t i o n ( i n t c ' n l s o f ' n t o n e y l w i l l g o o l l r e d u c r n ge v e r ) ' ) ' e a r .
( c ) I p r h c s i n k i l g f i r r r dr n e t h o do f c o m p L r t i n g d e p r e c i a t i o nt.h c c o s r o f r c p l a c e r n e not f t h e a s s c to t l t l r c d a t c ' r t '
v a l u a t i g r ri.t s t ( ) t a ic \ p c c t c d l i l e a n d i t s p r c s e n ta g e a r c l b u n d c u r . a n r t u a l: i r r k i r r st u n d a t a n J p p r o p r l i l t cr a t c J i
i r r t c r c stto r e c o u pt l r c c o s t o f ' r , . ' p l a c c r r e rn.t, i r h i nt h c t o t a i c r t r c c t c dl i t ' e , . r it h c a 5 s c ti s r t l s or v o t k e d< - r u t '
T l i e d c p t r - r ' c i a r iiqnnc p s t o f t h e a s s e ti s t a k e n a s e r ; u a lt o t h c a n r o ' - r notf a c c t t n t t t l a t i oonf t l r e s t t i k t n Sl ' u n c lf i l r
r r u r n b c or t ' y c u r s o t ' a g e o l ' t h e a s s e ta l r c - i r dpya s s e ,oJn t h c d a t e o f v a l u a t i o t t
l l l u s l r t r ti o r t ['heprcsend t a y r c p l a c e m c ncro s t o l ' a b u i l d i n g ,c . r c l u d i n qr a l u e o t ' l a n c l ,i s R s . 2 l a c s . 1 ' , r t a cl x p c c t e t l i f c
' I ' i ' 1" ' o r a t c ( ) t
o l ' t l r c b u t l d i r r gi s [ i ( ) y c a r s ,a n d i t s p r e s e n ta g c i s 3 0 1 . - a r s . A i l o r v i n g l b r s i n k i n g l u r l d r r t
i l r e r e s t w o r k c u t a m o u n to l - d e p r e c i a t i o n a n d p r e s e n v
t l l u c t r l - t l r e h t r i l d i n g .

1 . 0 0 . 0 0 0x . I{s 21.1I -1 pcr \ car
S . I r f o r a c c L t n t u l a t i o no f
( l , 0 . U J 5 ) u-'
Rc 2 lacr in S0 rears
,, ( l + 0 . 0 . 1 )5r 0 - |
-, Its
Amountof Rs. l7-l.l.l pcr : 2]4.14 v to./i4
0 0.15
\ ertr at fti2 9'o in 30 r'cars
( i .e. ..lcprec iation to-date)

l ) r c s c n td a y v a l u c 'o f t h e b u i l d i n g , . 1 . 0 0 , 0 0(0- ) 1 6 . 7 2 r Rs r.81.t76

L i f e o f b u i l d i n g sh a s a c o n s i d e r a b li cm p a c to n t h c a s s c s s e vd a l u c o t ' p r o p c r t \ . a t ' cl r ( ) h i i rd a n d l a s l r t ll c , '
l b r e s t i n r a t i n lgh c t q r a l l i l ' c c r l u r u r c r e m a i n i n gl i f ' c o f a b u i l u i n g .a n d t h e l i g u r e 3 6 1 r p l c w
d l l l l a r g e1 1 b e .r nrattcrol' ju,-lrcnlcttt
bascco l n inspecritrn o f t h e b u i l d i n g a n d c x p e r i c n c eo f t h e v a i u e r .
The cstirnatcC r o t a l l i t - eo t ' a b u i l d i n g . l c s s i r s p r e s e n ta g e w i l l i n d i c a t ct h e f u t u r e t i f - eo f ' a b r r i l . i i n s .
s t a t c o f r e p a i r sw i l l l a s t l o t t g e r . l - i fc o f b u i l J i n g s i n b i r d : l t a p e i.rarr bc prolunued by'
r r c l l n r a i n t a i n c da n d i n exce l l e n t
c u r r \ 1 1 , 1o u r c a g , i l nrl c p a r r st o r h e a t f e c t e dp o n i o n s . c o n t n t e r l t rsv i I l n c e d t c t L ' ' sk ' : p t i n r t r i r t ' jw h c n r i s i r r gt i t c g t r i d c -
l i n c sg t v e n b c l t t r r ' .
't) [,xpected total lil'r
p" of huilding
ot' constructiop to 90 -r'cars
R . C . . - . , ' s t c e l , t i m e r t ' r a n t e db u i l d i n g so f p c ' r m a n c ntype
t y p e o f c o n s t r u c t i o n '10 to 60 vear:;
B u i l d i r i s sr v i t h l o a d b c a r i n g* ' a l l s a n d p i t c h c d r o o f o f s e m i - p e r r n a n c n t
'T'ernn0rarv l0 t<l l5 vears
s i t r g l cs t o r c v s l r u c t u r c s


J | . h c o \ f | l c N h i p o | ' ' \ l , . e r h . ' l l p | o J , t t . / J ' c o t l s i s t i n g o l ' l a n t l . o r ' | a n d"utrd

haslhc rigln ro urili5canJ ,r"or'r,,,r ii"'f.op.,rv
olhcr laNsot-rhc land lhc n{hls of thc
0,,ll pl.rr"r. ,"b.,"., t"'ih" t;i;t
frcllroldcrincludc(a) ti,*lt,a
r r i t hregularions
b u i | d i n g soft hlocal
,,". [b) 'igttt ro sell in
n , s i g n i fand
c r c oauthority
whole or

J 'trr. (() risht lo llili r\\ir\ ,,,"

ict and .rbviousll(he righLlo rclusclo
p,.,p.r,r'i,,\rholL-or.i' p:rn.(d) righta r"* ur
do an!' of lhcsc thlngs
"a."py ""4to gtua on lcase the property to others

J '|nthcpropcny\ilhliecholdtcllLilefiaybcdevidedbya|caseor|e3sestocreate
tlranorle irlicreslill lirc p()pe \ st'th trs l"si<"
i itttcrestlcssec'sinlercslsub-lesse's interestetc'

I1 'l-hc
os'ncrrtho -li\cs his landbuilding(s) on leaseis kno\\n as the lcsstrr'and the
partywho takesthe landand/

g on lcascis ."ll"d th";t';;''

or lruildingi..)
suilt p'np"'rutok"n on l"nt't i' ti^'"d
u' too'n-notdproPe v in the handsof

tllc lc5\cc,
'** tot tn'
.llrj occLrP)a d u5. lhc propun)' for the,lcrnl !|::^:^"-:",11"j.
lcrr()r :ull.n.i.j: ,:, r,rhr l() po5scss. right to reposscsslhc propeny at the
r"lainirig thc
anlounl ol f0rrul slillcd in,tt. '"'t'"i"tJ f"t"tt"A ^ f""* asrccnrcnll 'ru'r'crsiorz''

nr ui thc l-ctlscis tenrcd as
cnrl ol tlrc lellsc tctrrl. "uti "'ti' '"pti*i"it'n "n'-l
lcase is to bc valid' lhe rental to
oul lhc ntllnbcr ol\cilrs lbr which the 'na'ease
lcmtr urid con'litiolr' ol lh! lcasc sPcll covcnanls
bc paid arr,l"r*'h." j'il't :il: ::lllil]'l,ii::,llj::'."1t',"::,i"'l:;.l"lili",li,
,jucd rrrt rer'r tlnlr)rl ltll I'l 'li(!l1il l
properry to a 'sIl6Jerrzc" li the
agrrcrrralrlthc lcssc ma1 sublcnsclhc
i)epelrdrngLnr lhc rrf,]rs ol rhc leasg '|;:::'.,:':;",
:,,ras1 ,1:.ti:l'::::,::l:::m
'Ilrc lr*:;Ill'::ff ;l*l:"J..'",'ii',J1",'".'"il'ii'"^:p,:;:{':::,
Jrttirinc,: hal\\c(ll llr{ lnrllllr\(
as lltc hadd t(n!
ground rcnl is :rlio solllclinlcs t'lrnleJ
ctc for thc
ln opcn plol of larrd is leascdout lbr long dulalionslik: 50:tlitl:'arlsgctrred
gto nd reht '
lti'r'tttil,ttti::/(i1\d paid is tcirncdas groundrent or
purposeol.consrrLrcring rruir,i,ng,,,,t""..,i."r"i ,i" p"rioli. rcnl etc' on the land ar the lessee's
thrr tl'" I""t: ) illtt-i.f i'uiiaingt'it'o""t
Arrcenr.nlslbr! usuJll)slipulalc renl slipulatcd becomes the'secared
c,.rsr.ut,"n:i,,jt., conslruc!ion sork is cor:rplctcdlh"g".ound
orin rnininrunr sl,r,cilied
rhe 'cnts. re,lularli. Aqreetnenlsfor buildingleasemay also
n",i"r-orruror." ol rccei'ing
gnntttilra,i thc lc.x signil\rng
tonJ ln.t-uaing rt',"tu;iing, consirTcrt:dtherconon'reversion'al end
sripulat!rhal rhc lcssor \\i' ,1.1,
oi the pcliod ol lcase
| | | a | , ' . J . ' c u p u ! i a ] p l l J . l J . . ' c o l ] ] p l c l c p r o p c r t ) c o n s i s rent
tin.Qofo the
f l n npropeny
and thc periodicconsideralion pa'd is t"rrlcd as ''uck'attt" \'c llll

V a l u a t i o o f a l c s i c r r ' s t n l e r e s t i n a p r o p e n } l e a sptop"nl: r v i''"ue"ion'

c d ' o u ron l | c o n s i s tat
o fthe
c a pexpiry
i t a | i soie dthe l u e operrod'
v alease ftheleasere
;alue of rlte
for thc un-cxpiredperiodol the ';;"':';i;'-;'J"t valueof'profit
takcnon leascb'r hirn will consistofthe
Valuationol a lessce'stntcreslin a propen] ri.:n, if,i" rl** in impiovements if any carried
inreresr on,tr. on,oun,t
rcnt. lbr rlreunerpiredpcliod 01 rhe
Jrt as Per ternrsol the lease'
haveany possibility
agricurrural and orhcrtlpes.of land *.h"h d:,":l
rr shoutdbe noredrhal 'aluarionof purer;- subjectand is not included in the
ior.r".uU-i" f'u*," ir^an .entirii diflbrent
of devetopingbuilding potenrial; il";";; outsidethe scopeof his studies'
a civil Engineero, nr.n,i."i,-u'"4 tberetbrc
skills. expeniseand kno\\ ledge expectedof
methods' Ph1'sicalmcthods'
Income capitalisation or investment
(i ) t-andand bui l di ngmeth od'
(i) Rentalmethod. nl ethod'
(i i ) D evel oP ment
( ii ) Profit lnethod.

Outgoings -r.L^
a fairly accurateassessment of the net Income
methods of
rrrcomecapiralisarionor in'estmenr .varuatio"l:r:,.l^:n etc termed as'outgoings' are to-be
from the propeny. The various periodicaill,rccurrln: ^charges/expensesitaxes outgoings consist of the following :-
at the net income of the property.
from the gross income in order ro arrive
net reteablevalue of properties'
the basis of'certain percentagesof the
(a) Municipat taxes, are worked out on lines and.procedures for assessingthe net
at cities
diri-erent etc follorv their orvn ruies' norms. guide
\lunicipal authorities less cenain statutory and other deductions/
the annuarrent poteni,:]-:llT,prJperry
rareabrevarue u,hrch basically,depcndson premises'godown/factoryetc' are categorised
a!ror'ances. orvner occupied premises,rented dcscretionary powers in the mafter of fixing
of' nrunicipalcorporationshai'e
3rch and rrcarcd scpararcr\,. Commissroncrs
r . i t c a b l ev a l t l c s .
':l2g a
{rm,$Atl6ilt6htAfti tAtrSffiLbrItCs b



Particulars Residentialproperty having rateable Commercial property having rateable q
value of Rs. 31100per year velue of Rr,t 20,000 per year.: i
' Generaltix ." . : '
18 'o/o 2 5 ' . % ,a
I Water tax .
t7.5 % 1 7. 5 ' Y o " , \
.r;Waterbenefit tax . 2 % 2 .:i.o1/, )'; -
Sewerage/garbage removal tax . 1 3 % 1 3 %
: b
Drainage tax . 4 % 4 %
Educationcess. -
5 % 6 % l
Fire fighting rax . 0.75% 0.75 % -
Tree cess . 0.50% b
EmploymentguaranteecessI . ' 0.50
3 ' %%

Total 60.75 % t
Total 71.75 Vo
t Note Water tax is not levied where separatepaymenron the basisof water meter readingis obtained. -
"- t
(b) Repairs to properry and expenseson the sameare also requiredto be taken into account
when calcutating
outgoings.' t

Annual repairsare of recurringnature,and consistof repairsto roof leakage,plumbing,drainage,-and

pipes, renewal coats of preservatiyes, e-' - lain water t
painl distemperand the like. ,r \
Allowance for annual'repainmay be made(i) basedon the averageexpensesincurredduring the last few years,
or (ii) basedon a certain percentage(usually % to I Yo).of ths,cost of constructionof the building \
or (iii) basedon a
cenain percentageof the gross rent receivablefrom the property. The atternativementionedat (iii) atrove._ prefened
is by -
most valuers. lt is customaryto make an aliowanceof l0 to 16.66o/o(i.e. one ter:th to one sixth) \
of the gross rrentto
cater for annual repairs,when calculatingoutgoingsof a property.
Maior repairs of structuralnature(also termedas capital repairs),if requiredto be carriedout to put a building \
in tenantablecondition,will have to be estimatedand its cost decuciedfrom vaiue of the property,
so as to arrive at its
net presentvalue. Major repairsbeing of non-recurringnatureare accountedfor separately,and do A
not form part of the \
annualout-goingsof the property.
(c) Fire insuranceis an indemnirygiven by the insurers(i.e. InsuranceCompany)to the insurer(i.e. i
the owner b
of the property) againstfinancial foss due to damageby fire, for a certain considerationcalled as a premium payable
the company. The premiumis payableperiodicallyand it coversfire-riskfor.a specifiedperiodand is limitedto ,t
the insured \
amount,as long as the insuiancepolicy is kept .alive'.
The insurableamountis workedout on the basisof co.stof replaceinent less rc % for foundationsand plinth (as t
foundationsand plinth are not affectableby fire), less rJepreciation
foi age of the building at the time of finaiisingtire
insuranceagreement.If insuredamountis lessthan the insurableamountthe clairn for damageby fire is payabte A
after i
reducingit in the sameproportion.
The rates of insurancepremiumvary from 12 to 25 paiseper annum for each Rs. 100 of the insuredamount.
Where the propeity is not insured,the owner is tf<ing a risk, and thereforean allcwanceof I to 2 yo of the gross rcnt t
may be taken as an 'outgoing' of the properryro cover the fire insuranceelenrent. t
(d) Management \
chargesirrctude(i) salaryof rent collector,or an amountreoresenting the time and energyspent
by the owne!'in collectingrent and keepingtrack of arrearserc., (ii) salariesof sweeper,liftman, pump attenr3ant and .t

watchmanif theseare employedand paid by the orvner(iii) etectricalenergyconsumedfor commonlighting in passageV !

stairs,for lifts and pumpsetc., (iv) servicechargesfbr maintenance of lifts; and the like. i
Allowance for management chargesvariesfrom 5 to l0 Yoof the grossrent and is treatedas an item of outgoings
of the property. A properestimateof this allowanceshouldbe madeto avoid under/overcharging. In the caseof or"*otr-ip t
flats (self-occupied),the managementchargeswill be in the for,n of periodic paymentsto the housingsociety. t
(e) Vacanciesand bad debts when they occur will reducethe averagecollection of gross rcnt from a property. t
In large citics, scarciryof accomodationand the operationof Rent Act have reducedthe incidenceof such lossis to the \
minirrrum. ,\
Wherethe systemof rentingout prop€rtyon teaveand licencebasisfor I I monthsduration(or the like) is adopted, L
dentandsior large interest-freedeposisand the ownergettingchooseyaboutthe type of tenant(e.g. preference to companies), \
vacanciesfor a few days per year are not uncommoneven in the presentdays of scarciryof accomodation.The poisibility !
of bad debts,due to tenant'sinability to pay cannotbe completelyruled out particulartyin smatl towns.
The extent of'allowance for vacanciesand bad debs as an item of 'outgoings' is a matterof judgementand inay \
be anywherein the regionof % Yoto l0 Yo of the grossannualrent. dependingon circumstances of eachcase. i


Outgoings (Contd.) in respect of

be allowed for in the calculation of outgoings
(f) Ground rent and land taxes etc'' also need to m a y h a v e b e e n constructed'
land on w h i c h t h e b u i l d i n g r e n t e d o u t
(i) Ground rent, where applicable, for lease-hold The allowance to be made will depend
(iii) Tax on Inami land; and the likel
iii) Non-ugriculturaltax where applicable
- -" at th€ end of service
ponion of $e prope_nv
%"i#;:ojrd fo'edemption of thc capitarinvcstedin the_buirding to the sinking fund'
oi the prope.ty,,o ,ft. annual coniribution
life of the building is allowablc as "" ""iloi"g "o"i,'of noted that capitalisationof
beencreatedor *.. li tioura howeverbe
irresp€ctivcof whethera sinking ruriJ r,"r1",,irry of years will automatically provide
v"ry purchasefor a fixed number
the annualincomcf.rom,n" p.op.r.y i-on"-uy rppiiia separately in the outgoings of the proPeny'
will not bc sccountedfor
for the sinking fund, and in such casestt" 5.r. i.ount
rcnEl mcthod of valuation'
This is an importantaspectin the region of 30 te 55 %
from one caseto snother'and may vary in
Total of outgoingsof a propertywill differ
of the gross rent receivabl€from the property' lax (even thoughthey
payableon accountof wealth tax and income
It should b€ clearty understoodthat amounts 'outgoings'of a
riJ income rrom trr" p.p"ny) are Nor to be includcdin
may be sorerycausedon account"i """a.rr,rp the purchaseof a panicular
conc€m,and the decision for or against
prop€ny. These taxes are a ln",,o-oi iili"iaul him' and the extentof additional
on trt' p'opt5'y iiit"oy o*nediy
propertymay differ from one Personto anotherdepending
tax burdenthat he will have to bear'
of annual income receivable
ln decisionsregardinginvestm€ntof capital -iJptfcein atly form.of real estatethe aspect
rhara willing.ourchaser will pay for variou5altemativepropenres
from thc propeny will be of utmost i.p"*""i. betweenthe amount
J oJ eachJifferent prope.ty. This relation
avairabrewilr o" proponionare," ,ni'.ipi
is the basisof the rental methodof valuation
of annual incomeand the pric€ t ;;;0""t
T h e t e r m . r e n t ' d e n o t e s p c r i o d i c a l P a y m e n t s m a d e b y t e n inu"ttt-t
a n t s f o r l h maie
- . u s eby
, o cthe
cup a n dalso
a t i o nand
owner s e sthe
p o sfor sionof|an
carersfor the
land wth buildingsthereon Rent paid by renant "tt^on
'ou,goinf"*penses' on the Prop€nybome by the owner of the property'
the following :-
"orior, merhodof valuationconsistsof working out
The step by step procedurJ';;lowed in rentat
reccived/expccted to be receivcdif let out on rent
(a) cross onn'"' 'ntotl'i"i oroo"it' t"' *Ylj::
outgoing-cxpe'nscs of the propeny'
(b) Net annual incomc' ie gt:t 1t9h" lcss portion is concemed'
- buitding
(c) Assessment or remainini lire of th€ Prop€rt1 ,f11-1 :t Ycars Purchase'
(d) Decisionabout rate i"i"*"O inteiesiro be ad-optcdfor working out
"f x Y P' foi the dursrion ol rcmaining life of the building
i; ;ilii;;
Valueof the otoo.o = the end oi the rcmaininglife of the
,r.r.n, valu€of the pricc of land ,"J.i*ut. ",
i"ira-iie 6r* termedas the rcvcrsionary
following aspects should be takeninto accounl:-
wher usingrtrc rentatmJtiJ o'f valuation'thc (dueto unutilisedF s l'
(i) lf the propertvn* 1"r1"'*"t l"T"ti"l,:l Tt51o,::^:'
of the propertyworkedout r^ artre ir renanrable. the costof such
struct:ralnaturEctc'' to makeit tenanhble'
(iD lf thc buildingis in needof majorrcpainoi workedour by .'n'"l method.
repairsshourdbe estimatcd *a o"a""i.a rcr'thc valucof propcrty
( i i i ) l f t h e b u i l d i n g i n q . * t i o n i , r c c c n t | y c o n s t r u c t c d , i n c xofc etrte
| l etuitding
ntGond i t i o nbe
should ' a nignored i | d i nYcats
d i s y e and gafairnetr
Dresent valueof pricc of ,""0 Jlii"Jti .,'ir. .ia .f o" fongfutur.'ff"
t; p.#ruiry shouldbc usedfor capitalising thc nct rcnt'
F;;;. procedurc
contol act' it mdy be prudcntto adoptthc
(iv) ln the cascof prop€rtycomingundcrthe P"*I :L:::
or surtablyrcvrseq'
in (iii) above,until the rent controlact is rePcaled
Thcsc. pr.openieJ i*. titiur" Nsscts 'in thc shapeof land' building'
on lhe profir caming capacrry oi'ir,."J*uri*rr."t. staff' andvaluc
ptant,machinery, erc.,as wc ; ;;";,# ;;. tike goodwill,.*irLri.i ..i-up tr "p".,i"yman8ging
*' lrovidcd that it is transfctablc to drc ncw owncr'
anached to the liccncci,'""a r"' ti"'ti"trntn""r and he frnd purchascrif thc
owner of any propcrtywill cxpcctthc b€stpossiblcp.i". ou*in"Jr.,
.-l;;oiion -a- shouldalso
to ttru'naTti"tllw"ql t:*-10
oricedemanded reprcscn$fair t:il fi;" Prot:t 't'T"ln*t
valuc,basis' land plus
by using other methods such ," ,rnot .a[nol, tana'p'tusureak'p
ascenainthc mark€r valuc fi.t" it no rulc dictating
varic considering altcmatiw ;;;;;;.- l-11:nd $fast
dcprcciatcd varuc basis,and arso "*t a.*Ju.i
"f whcn considcring
il, ,i.",r"'" p,op.rty in thc preccding.paragnph'
thc usc of profir method or,.ruitiii out of workmcn's
d:""r wcighhgeh!5 ;;c gi"* ,[ ii.-ii'iUiii'f"s-ar'ising
vatucduc to bcnerllrcmsiiyc usc of rhc p.ryg
;;;;;;";" dueto closingdowr of the cxistingbusincss'

C Ftori propcr undctsbndini of tho hofit Metho4 considcrations rpplicablcto valuatiop)o{*1.iipcma, houscarc
t;r '1
.9il,*,n*rlolfj :arr'.,rn,) i:..'!l'!i,,^)'.i: '"'.,'t 61';^1,.;.,' !g:.': "' r "r t"r. r:,.
,.,.,,-i,,.(a) ,,,-Grosi,incomcis calcllatcdaftcr,&ducring cntcrtainF.o!tax pay.blc to..$iatcGovcrnmcnt.fromthc amount
of.ticlf€ts,sold,plu3 incomc.fronr strlh, cqntceqadvstilemcnrstidcarvchiclcpart ctc. .Gm$ incomci! calculatrdon thc
basir of bvcngc of the la* tbrcc to fle ycars,
'outggings'of thc cstablirhmcntfrom the
. ,, . , (b), Fofit or..nct..incomcb' cslculdrd by dcductingthc orpcnrs or -calcutatc.{,ac in.pan (l)r!bov.c- Expcnlca-to-b€considcrrd,willconsi$ of ::'. ,rl,'
,q rr,.:i r'! .!|.rrr ij, (i):rr. Erscntiatsxpcnsci(ronctiflics tanncdar primg bsic or prcliminart cxpcnsB)on ftcmt likc fihn hirr
charycapryabloo'l fclturr fi|mq documcntaricg b?ilorr'lnd nw3 lcclri tar Fr shorvpayabtcto local tnunicipalruthoritic!,
and any other to(cs pertaining to thc cinerna business.
(ii) Worting or managcmcnt cxpcnscssuchrs strfr salrries,bon$, grririty, prcvidcntfund,.welfarefund,
.officc c,(Fnscs,advcrtirtrcirtrlublicltyfor shoi,yt,hocrdingr,consumablcstorcq wrtct, electricity,municipaltaxcs,scrvicc
chsrgcafor projcctorrand othcr ptant/machincry; insunncr, liccnccfcc, subscriptionto trade.ssocistions
.:,. .!p4c:'rr (iii)&Dcprrcidioo in tho valuc of building;pl.nttnlchincry/fumiEruy'tiningtand fxturcs at lhc approPriatc
ratc depcndingor life of irch of thcsa,Plus cost of arnual rrP8irs b allorvcd!s !n itcrt of cxFnsc.'
"!:1 .t' i (iv)'' llrc ilericnt of 6rrncr's risk and rcmuncrarionfor cntcprcneunhipi! allowcdrs an itcn of expcnse'
An amountdi onc fourrhof rhi wbrking or mrnrgancnt cxpcnsca(rs in (b) (ii) abovc)is somaimcs
'outgoing!' of the
tcatcd ar thc amountof wo*ing clpital and intcrcston this is ellowcd as an itcm of cxpcnditutl ot
' '' ''l lf slioirlCtc mtai trar drc following rrc NOT allowcd !3 Gxpcns€ dcductiblcto atdvc 8t thc net ptofit i
' i
iJ'r.L! I

:: ..., (i) lncodro trr.

on bcrorvdl c4itrt for pltint up q purchasing
(ii) tntcrcat, thc cinerna.
! .. , :..' n, (iii),,Sinkint find dh|tl .rrr it nol rcccas.ryI d€Frcidion is cslculatcdandd€ductcdfrotn tlg-grocsincomc
for lhg ,prltppscof, calcuhing |h3'n.t. incomc. .i
(w) Expcmcson najo n{dtytfior|tiont
. , , (v) Loss6 duo to bsd muaganaubcftcicncy.
Thc grolg profit lcs! ali thc dcductiblccrTcrlb rcprcscNrts thc profit or nrt incomcfrom thc busincss-Thc net
'ragibh prdit' 'it tqrrgible
profit ir considcrrdrs madoup of two g.rt! rf,',lc/i a nd Folit"
Trngiblc profil (usrally trkcn as ?0 b ?5 % of rct profi0 is considcrcdas sttributlblc to visiblc as'sctssuchas
buildin& fan4 mrchincry, fumiturr c!c., md int ngiblc !||ofit (i.c. batancc30 to 25 'h ol nct Profit) is considcrcdas
auibut$lc ro int&gibtc rssct! erch 8 goodwill,rnmrgc|nc'f tcl-uP, liccncr ctc.
Th! ponion of profrr or nct incorrc eibotlbh to visiblc rss€a b capittliscdat a ratc of sry l0 to 12 % ratc of
intcrestin pcrpctnity,md thc ponion ltfib{rbbh !o inbntiblc rlscts i! cspitaliscdtt .bout 2 96 highcr rate of intcrcst
(i.c. say 12 to 14 %) in pcrpctuity.
Thc total of capitaliscdvsluc of profit fiom trnSiblc md intangiblcassclsi3 comiderrdas thc fair markctvaluc
of thc prqpsrty.
Thr valuationof similarliccnccdbusiacssprcmirs suchI bdcl!, latgc rrstsuran$,fully fumishcdrnd rdcquatcly
equippcdhalls mealt for c$ying out irnctiolr likc nariagctrdigious ccrcmonicdannual gcnctalmcctJmu3icalplogr8mthca
ctc can bc donc on thc srmc linca as eivcn abol; fd cincmr halls, with obYioB ncccsslry changca.
Thc land !|rd building mcthodof vatudidl (rl!o known as physicalmcthod,summltion mcthod,caPit.l valuc
mcthodetc.,)in bricf, consisuof cstimatingthc co6tof buildin& dcprcciltcdto tltow for lge of dtc buildingon drc rclcY t
datc of vatuatioq 8nd addingto it thc fait mltttt vrlw of lmd on thc r€lcvart &tc of valuarion.
Thc land and building mcthodof yaluEtionir Fnictrl|rly luitabtc whcn hnd fomting Frt of thc plopc'rtyi! not
yct utiliscd to thc full c*rcot by rulcCfiutcdcgisl.tion of thc loclun c ruihoritic3,makingapplicationof rcntal
methodof valuationdlfricull "ilo*"bl.
tt rlso pnoviOcs r uscfirlcrosr.chcckon Oc vrluaioo &nc by odrcr ncthods-
. 'Veluatlon ol lrnd conpotrcnt
In thc lard rnd buitdin3 mcthod, valurtion of l!|ld GomPonctt of thc PfoPctty-rlnosl cntirsly dcPcndt otr thc
compariron tcchniqua, whcrcin vrluc ol comPCrablcPtott of hnd from vrdout instrnccl of salc in thc rcccnt Past i! talct'
and by woddng out rn wcragc, r,,catmcrt ;f $c mr*ct 116 of lsnd i3 mad?. ltt luch an crercisr maximum Elitnca i!
phccd on rl|G sale instrncc. of l8rd nctrc$ to thc FoPcrty bcing vducd.
M|rtct Ydus of l!|rd dcFldt on nrny fr.to33 nrh 8 bcation, tiz' |nd. shlpc 9{ Ptot' dcdl/fronbgt/'r&nt
frontagc, qiddt of 6iil viO, cic.: Athr dccldift bo rvcngc rr'1ct vrluo of 6nd in thc vkinity' wcighUgo for Y$iot!
pi;-;; ;;1ts'.;#offi r-a bcing yrtu.d-g con"ioie !o urivc d thq ltnd rrt to't doptcd for thc vdurtktn
bcirg Conc.



Valuation of land component (Contd)

very few likely purchasers for such
For very large plots of say 2,000 sq m and above in area, there being
yo is considered.duiy taking into the prevailing demand'
plors, a minus weighrage of l0 to 20 ".rouit
building purPosesmay become difficult'
ln the case of plots having irregular shape, proper land utilisation for o/omay be considered'
.shape, a minus weightage or s to 15
and therefore depending on the features o1 the inegularitl of
track nuisance,tanneries,and other depressing
Situations like the immediate vicinity of slums, cemetaries,railway
affeci value of the land, and the minus weightage for
factors like nullah, open drain, public toilet blocks etc., may sc\crgly the maximum'
erosion in value due to viciniry of slums being
such factors may be in the region of 5 to 25 vo, the
termed as a
a much lesser width towards the rear is
A plot of land having wide frontage on road but tapering to weightage of 5 to l0
.vyaghramukhi, plot, and this being considired as inauspicious by superstitiousbuyers a minus
may be appropriate.
only the
to any road is called'land locked land''
A plot of land having no accessor approach whatsoever purchasing such a plot'
to some ,oad mai show some interest in
owners of adjoining property having independantacgess owners' Value of such
a pennanent basis from such adjoining properU
or a right of way will have to be purchased on a disadvantage'
50 % lesserthan plots free of such
land locked plots is usually assessedabout 20 to
may be given a
having ull.rr,rto road at front as well as at rear
corner plots having return frontage, or plots etc')' width and
g,odepending on the l,ocality(I.e. business/commercial/residential
plus rneightageof between 5 to l5
frontage is available'etc'
i*ponun.. oi the road on which the additional
will have a clear and
the opposite side of the secondary road
A plot situated at a T jrlnction of road, on 'vista'' Such land may be given a plus
road, and-is said to enjoy a
uninterrupredview along the length of the secondary
weightageof 5 to l0 %.

Belting of land
rear' For Third Belt
Front land is alwaysmore valuablethan land at its -o ,/ I I
depth and where
valuation of large plots of land having considerable ( | I
i n t o s m a l l e r p l o t s due to legal or
the plot cannot bi subdevided \ | I S e c o n dB e l t
is adopted' Belting
situationat restraintsthe method of berting of land
methodcanberesortedtoonlyforvery|a -orrgeplotsofsaymorethan
;:ffi,o; ;;;;; ;;;il ,o.dut'on. in..smalleruid. \; I FirstBelt
-- ^-^cL^-:l^:T I I

; i ; ; " " ; ; . ; ; ; - t n . . * i , t " n J e o f n a r r o w ubelting

l ? ' : 1 .method.
h l a n 1 3If1 sale
side or ar the rear will preclutle the use of - r - ^ l - + - i - r h a . r i . i n i t w <- Road 4
Road +
vicinitv is ic
;;;;;.lrt unv f tot or fomparable size/constraintsin the
of varuation discarding the belting method'
availabre, such sare instance should form the basis having frontage
into three belts. The depth of the first belt
ln the belting method the depth of plot is devided depth in commercial locality and
use in the locality. Generally 20 tti"
has to be decided considering the nature of land not a and fast rule' Depth of the
for. the first belt, though tiris
30 metres depth in residential locality is adopted. .hard
land at rear of the second belt
the depth of the first. beit, and remaining
second belt is usually taken as 50 vo more than plots of reasonable size and
in the first belt is taken same as the rate of
is taken as the third belt. value per unit of land land in the second belt is taken as
commercial/residentialetc. Rate of
having depths ideal for the intended land use i.e. is taken as 50 o/oof the land rate in the first
the balance third belt the rate
66 yoof the land rate in the first belt, and for
belt' is not looked
land ratc is at best artificial and arbitrary, and
lt should br norcd that the belting mcthod of 8flixing well dcvcloped areas having good building
**l"iiii""ii"""; ; ;;f- r"na in r"irry
upon favourably by rhe courrs
oo"n""t sngle with
within thc boundaryof rhe pror, but makes-an:btu:e
*.."r, laDd is that portion of rand which lies unaerstooa from the sketch Th€ triangular
r*.ss land-canuesiue
the road tine at the zero rront"gepoini. il; ;;;;;il;i 'A' is the zero frontage point of thc
pr"t or bna egCoE'
portion AED is called as ,"".r, unl, t"tt"t"t"o"ii "i ot
t"no*,a,"n., practise as area of
"""tt significance in present day valuation
of recess land in a ptot is not attachcd much
worting out F S' l of thc plot of land'
the recessportion can be tskcn 'nto JJount whcn
Valustion of building component construction
involvcs two aspects,narncly asc€nainmentofcost.of
valuation of thc building componcntof a propcny allowing for scrdp value
valuc to accounttor lr,rt. uuitding, duty
on the date of valuation,and the depreciationin "g"
realisablcat thc cnd of the building's lifc'
Thcaccountmcthodforcrlculatingcostofabuildingcan.b€€mDloyedwhgrccarcfulaccountofcostsincured where
cxpcnscs such e*ftit"tit ft"t etc ' is carcfulty maintaincd' or
on labour, materiats, supervisio" -Ji"aia"'"of "t
;;* h;;;" by concludingE contract\Yirh I build€r'

Valuation of land component (Contd) a

Detailed or itemwise method of calculating cost of building involves working out qrnntities of all items of work
and applying unit rates of each item proailing on the date of valuation. This is the most accuratemethodbut is labourious a

and involves a great deal of time and cffort.
Any of the approximatemethds of estimatingcost of constructiondescribedon pages il6 and ll7 of this book
may also be employeddependingon suitabilityand applicabilityof the sameto the building in question. \
Once the cost of a building relwant to the date of valuation is established,the value of an cxisting building can
be derived by allowing for depreciationfor the number of years of age of the building.
The amount of depreciationcan be found using the sinking fund method(also termedas thc prcscntworth method). a

Illustration :- Cost of construction,calculatedat rates prwailing on the date of valuation of an existing building is Rs.
3,00,000and its age is 40 yearsas againsttotal expectedlife of 70 years. Allowing 4t/zYo rate of intcrest
for sinking fund, i
Annual sinking fund to accumulateto Re. ll- at the cnd of
, 0.045
70 years@ 4'A % will tre - or = Rs. 0.002165
(1+i)n-l (l+0.056)70-l I
Amount of Re. l/- investedper year @ 4'A Yo rate of intcrest
( l + i ) n - l (l+0.045)40-l
in 40 vears will be or = Rs. 107.03
, 0.045 i
Therefore,accumulationof sinking fund in 40 years
will be 3,00,000x 0.002165x 107.03 - R s. 69,516 t

The amount of Rs. 69,516accumulated... the sinking fund is

treated as the amount of depreciationin 40 years, and i
thereforevalue of the brrilding is 3,00,000(-) 69,516 : Rs. 2,30,484 a

Roundedoff to Rs. 2,30,500
It should be noted that sinking fund ?cr:umulationis worked out for the cost of constructionat rates prevailing a
on the date of valuation and not on the cost of con'$nrclionincurred on the actual date of construction.
Calculation of depreciation using straight line method. \
Illustration '.- Cost of a building using ratesprwailing on the date of valuationis Rs. 5,00,000,and its age on the date
of valuation is 60 yearsout of a total expectedlife of 90 years. \
Rs. 5,00,000less lO oh scrapvalue : Rs. 4,50,000 I

Depreciationfor 60 ycars out of 90 yearstotal expectedlifc \

60 I

*'ill be x 4.50,000giving amount of depreciation = Rs. 3.00,000 \


Valueof building on date of valuationis Rs. 5,00,000(-) 3,00,000 = Rs. 2,00,000 \

Development method for valuation of latrd is used in the case of a large tract of vacant land which has gained a t
building potcntial due to rnovement c'f building activity towards rhe land. The purposc of this method is to find out the -
potential value of the land if it rs dweloped by laying out roads and dcviding the land into plots of reasonable sizc for i

sale to prospective buyers after provrding essential amenitres and infrastructure. I

The origin cf thrs method can be traced to the fact that plots of small reasonable sizc havc many prospccttvc \
bu.vcrs and so fetch appreciably higher pnce as compared to plots sweral times larger and therefore unweildy.
if sale instances of similar large tracts of land of cornparablc siz.ein nearby localities are availablc then that price
should form the basis of valuation discarding the development method of valuation.
The step by step procedure for valuation by this method will bc :- t

(a) Examine the demand and current market rate for small plots of reasonable size in the area. I

'green \
O) Ensure that there are no encumberanccslike belt'. or rescnations for Rrblic utilitics/hospitalVcducationai
instinrtionVmarket yards etc., applicable to thc land in question.
(c; Examine rulcs of devclopment control/Tou'n Planning Dcpartrnent etc. to hnd out minimum widths for colony
roaci. areas to be set aside for compulscry gardcns/children's play grornd/cammunrw hall/electric sub-statronVpumping sub- a
stat,onJoverhead water tanksrsewage disposal schcmcs and the like. On an average, approximately 25 to 30 7o of the
land under de.velopment is used up for laying out colony roads and other amenities described above. a

After deduaing the area required for roads and other amenities from the area of land bcing developed, the balance \
ar':;t multiplied by the expected sale price per unit area for small plots will yeild the likcly gross inconre. I

a property from his tenans for the use'
Rent is defined as the periodical payments received by the owner of
occupation and possessionof land, or land including buildings thereon'
the landlord and the tenant at the inception
Contractual rent is the rent negotiated and agreed upon between
the tenancy.
of the property
investment in the property, adding thereto outgoings
standard rent is made up of fair net return on of the property devided by 12
on investment and y.urry outgoings
incurred by the owner. The total of net annual return a matter of judgement'
The assessmentof a faii return on investment is
will represent the standard rent payable per month. high or low rate of return
will increase or decreasedepending on whether a
and obviously, the computation of standard rent
on investment is adoPted.
Zt/z %omore on cost
it is customary to adopt interest rates of about
ln calculations for working out standardrent, covernment securities'
o/omore on the cost of land as comparedto interestreceivablefrom safe
of construction,and about ltA by it, a return of l0 oh on
of Supreme court in a judgement passed
However, as per latest trends and recommendations standard rent'
as appropriate for the purpose of fixing of
cost of land and ccnstruction seems to bc considered
Rent control
.StandardRent, explainedabove, howcver, changesconsiderablydue to provisionsof
The concept of
Acts operating in various States.
1940 as a cut-off-date,and provide that
shall be
l - 9 - 1 9 4 0 . t h e c o n t r a c t u a rl e n t o n l - 9 - 1 9 4 0
treated as the standard rent of the property'
l-9-1940' the
l-9-1940, and let out for the first time after
(b) For buildings constructedbefore, as well as after, of the properfy' However' if
out shall be treated as the standard rent
contractual rent negotiated at the time of first letting heard by courts of law'
in a court of law. (ln important cases
such cdntractual rent is excessive, it can be challenged was not treated as excessive)'
by more than 8 %o,the contractual rent
where contractual rent did not exceed standard rent after oct
control Act provides that.for build.ings^:"-1:::l:l"d
(c) The 19g6 amendment to the Bombay Rent to provisions regarding
negotiatedwith the.tenantwithout being subject
t9g7, the owners shall be entitled to recover rent as holiday
oflompletion of the building. on expiry -15of this five year's
standard rent for a period of five years from date of Yo on investment on land
to the tenant shall not exceed net return
from Rent control Act, the standarcirent charged
and building plus all outgoings incurred by the
cater for increases
to increaseby a proportionate amount to
(d) The negotiated/standardrent, in all cases is subject
in municipaitaxes,repaircessetc' or any local
to premises belonging to the Governement
The provisionsof Rent Control Act are not applicable

Reni of Buildings owned by Government laid down

likc MES/CPWD/PWDctc ' have their own
Each Ccntral/StateGovemmentconstrucliondepartmcnt allottedto thcm for r€sideotial
rulcs for fixing of rcnr ro bc il Govcrnmcnt.tiloyc", in t"rp.ii oio""otodation
purposes,and the procedureis basicallyas follows'
costofconstruclion.sworkcdoutfromdcpartm€ntal.accou.ntsm a i n t a i n e d . R ufor
| c sag€
o f sof
om c dbuilding
the ePartmentspro
on rhe dste ot^r"nt-fi*"tion less dePreciation
that in rhc casc of old uuitaings, rrre io'i il;;;,il Where such rule prevails' the rent ls
fund mcthod, * o*"""t""ri' ,fr. purpose.of fixing rcnt.
using sinking
numbcrof ycars (usually fivc years)'
requircdto bc rcvised after every g"p ii " n*.a
T h c c o s t o f a c q u i s i t i o n o t ' l a n d ' c o m m u n i t y h a | | s / g a r d c n s , c xGovemment
l e r n a l s e r vemployecs'
n*ini r.nt payablcby
watcr/elcctricityctc., are not o** i*'i.."*t-*i.'n
chargedat a flat rate of 6 Vo per year'
(a) Intcreston the cost of construction This is usually
ratc of :.
(b) Yearly cost of maintcnanceand repairsat the
m"t" percentagcs diffcr from stateto stat€and beMeen
l% % on building work I the cost
aifft'"nt dcpartmcnts' In some states/departments
I yo on intemal sanitary installations I
fot chargingrcnt to'their employces'
l% 70 on intemal clectrical installationt J
local body by the department'
(c) Propertytax' if any, payableto municipality-or
rent to b€ chargcd'
Yearly rcnt devidedby 12 will bc the monthly
H o w c v c r ' i f t h e m o n t h | y r c n t s o w o r k e d o u t c x c c c d s l o y o o f t h.rp;'y.".
eaveBgeb a scxample^if
For i c s a | a r y oscalc p l o yofe ean
f t h e eofm pay thcrcnt
u"ric monthly sarary
chargeabrcis resrrictcd,o ro v" oiii" "".og" ";,h" = ?00/- which means thal
basic salary will u" iid I i"ooot + 2 Rs
cmploveeis Rs 40o to l,o0o' his avcragemonthly
the monthly rcnt cha€cablc will be Rs 70/-
A client employinga professionalvaluer, expectsa fult-fledgedduly signed rcport from the valuer. Thc valuation
report is an important documentneededby the client for submissionalong with his tax-return,or as widence in court
cases,or for whateverother purposehe has in mind for getting the valuation done.

A valuation report shouldbe written in plain, simple language,duly bringing out all the informationcollectedby thc
valuer,along with its source,justificationand assumptionsmadeif any. Sale instanccsof land or building including land, \
relied upon by the valuer should be quotd. Important points to be covered,such as, the purposeof valuation, thc date as
on which the valuation is done, extractsof propertyregisteror extract of Index II issucdby revenueauthorities,date of
visit to site by the valuer etc., shouldnot be missed. a

Provision 8 (D), made under Wealth Tax Rules 1957,stipulatesthat valuation report on immoveablepropcrty shall
bc given on Form 0-1, (along with annexureto form 0-l) rcproducedon pages138 to l4l of this book. Blank printed t
forms are availableon sale with dealersof printed stationeryin lage cities like Pune.Use of thescforms ensuresthat no
importantaspectis missedin the valuationreport.It is recommended that, in their term-works.rbmissiorsrelatedto valuation I

report, such printed forms be made use of by students.

As per rule 8 (C) in the Wealth Tax Rules, 1957,the scaleof fees to bc chargedby a RegisteredValuer approved \
by thc CentralBoard of Direct Taxesshouldnot exceed:-
On the first Rs. 50.000of the assetas valued * % of the value
On the next Rs 1,00,000of the assetas valued ! Vo of the valuc \
on the balance amount of thc asset as valued % of the varue -i

| \
Where more than one asset belonging to a party is valued at the same time, all the assets valued shall be trcatcd as
a single asset for the purpose of calulating fees payable. If the fee calculated is less than Rs. 50 the valuer is entitled to \
charge Rs. 50 as his fee.
In the case of very large properties a sliding scale of fees may be negctiated between the valuer and the client. \
r\ few solved problems in valuation illustrating the various methods of valuation, as also leasehold and freehold properry, t
fixation of rcnt etc are given on pages 135 to 137 ci this book. \







-l 135

t.:l Problem No. I (Leased out Proper$)'


H A plot of land having l0 years of unexpired period of lease is fetching ? srou16 :lt-:f
1,100 per annum. rhe improvia r-entis
Rs' 600 per annum' The land
well securedby a building

(l has been sub-reasedat an improved rent of Rs.

on the rand by the sub-lessee.The free-holder
period of l0 years. valuation of free-holder's
wiil have benefit of the irpt""J
interestand the first lessee's
is required'
after expiry of the lease

_L:l (i)
Free-holder's interest
Income of Rs. 600 p'a' for l0 years

I:l Y.P. @ 8% for l0 Years

(l + i)n - I (t+o.og)lo-t

t:| i(l+i1n
0 , 0 8( l + 0 . 0 8 ) ' '
= Rs. 4,026

L:I Value=600x6.71
( ii) lnc om eo f R s ' 1 ,1 0 0p ' a ' a fte rl 0 y e a rs'

L:i Y.P @ 8% in PerPetuitY T

100 = 12.50

t: l e s sY . P @ S % f o r l 0 Y e a r s
(-) 6'71

l0 years ry
Y.P @ 8% in p..p.iuitv defened for | = Rs. 6,369
V a l u e : 1 , 1 0 0x 5 . 7 9 = Rs. 10,395
+ 6'369
Vafuation of Free-holder's interest 4'026
First lessee's interest
: Rs' l'100 P'a'
I m p r o v e dr e n t
= (-) Rs. 600 P.a.
Deduct head rent _
: Rs' 500 P'a'
Profit rent
Y.P. @ }Yo for l0 Yearsis 6'71 = R s. 3,355
Value 500 x 6.71

Problem No' 2 (Rental Method)' upto' The land is fully u'ilised
having ground and four upper floorsis standingon a free-holdplot of land value in
A buirding is no restrictionon availability
control Act i, the frop.r[, .and^there sq'm'' annual rent
arowabre FSr. Rent data :- Area of plot 500
it,. land andtuiraing usingfollowing out fair marketnutr. oi p.u.l inruruiJ. premium.lo/oof grossrent' p'a'' aggregate
tu*., Rr.lo,ool
receivedfrom tenantsRs. 1,00,000, ,n*r.iput servicechargesfor pump are Rs'
month. Electricitybirl ro, .oiron areasand
sararyof sweeper and watchman Rs. ;00 ;.; per sq'm' Futurelife of building40
per month respectively. value of similarland in the localityRs' 3,000
300 and Rs. 50
years. Yield exPectedl0%o = Rs. 1,00,000
Grossannualrent received
Rs' 30,000
rent Rs' 10'000
Repairs@ lO% of gross
gross rent Rs' l'000
InsurancelYo of 5'000
Rent collertion tftitg e 5o/oof grossrent

f 8'400
t t2 Rs'
Salaryof sweeper& watcht"n ZOO
electiicity & servicecharge of pump
Rs' 4'200
(300 + 50) x 12 = Rs. 58,600
Total outgoings : R s. 41,400
Net annualrelurn will be Rs' l'00'000 'r0% C) Rs' 58'600
on-capitaland5o/ofor redemption

y.p. for 40';;; of fu,ur. life @
(r+i)n-t =e.235
l ' to
, ,(l. 1+t 0'
*= o = o t ) 1=0=-,, 1
05)40- l l + 0' 05
y t(l + i )n - Il + i
= Rs. 3,82,329

!- Value41,400x 9.235
Land value in reversion = Rs. 15,00,000
Area 500 sq.m,@ Rs' 3'000 l0%
Present ofi"' l/- receivableafter 40 years@
I = 0'02209
(t+f ( l + 0 . 1 0 ) * '
= Rs. 33,135
= x 15'00'000
Reversionaryland value 0'02209 = Rs. 4,15,464
of Property (3,82'329 + 33'135)
Fair marketvalue


Problem No. 3 (PraJit Method), A,
Work out fair market value of a cinema hall, managed by its owner, from the following data :-
Income per year Rs. a
Gross ticket sales excluding entertainmenttax 28,00,000 b

Income from advertisementslides/canteenetc 2,05,000

30,05,000 b

Pftliminary expensesper year

10,00.000 -
Hire of film/news reels etc !
Show tax payable to Municipal Corporation 36,400
10,36,400 -
Working expensesper yesr
Staff salariesand other expenseson employees 3,60.000 .l'

Consumable stores, gas & electricity charges
Municipal tax on buildings 1,20,000
Service charge on planVmachinery 30,000 \
Printing, telephones,postage and stationery etc. 32,000
Insurancepremium (on building and machinery) ' ' 2.3.000 \
Show advertisementsin newspaper 10.000
Licence fee and other miscellaneousexpenses 5.000 \
Repairs & depreciation per year \
Repairsto building, plant, machinery and furniture 1,00,000
Depreciation 50.000
-lTo'ooo I

Summary of expenses \
Preliminary expenses , 10,36.400
Working expenses 7,90,000 -i

Repairs/depreciation . 1,50,000
Entrepreneur'sprofit @ 15% on gross yearly income of Rs. 30,05,000 . . . 4,50.750 -
. znlso \
Total expenses

Gross income . 30,05,000 \

Less expenses . (-) 24.27,150 -
Net income . 5,77,850 \
Tangible profit @ 70% of 5,77,850 4,04.495
I 7t 1S5
l n t a n g i b l ep r o f i t @ 3 A % o f 5 , 7 7 , 8 5 0 \
Capitalisetangible profit @ 12% in perpetuity
x 4,04,495 33,70.792 i a)
l2 -
Capitaliseintangible pr<.,fit@ l4% in perpetuiry
100 \
-14 x 1,73,355 I 2 , 38 , 25 0 (b)
fotal fair market value of cinema hall (a) 1r (b) : 46.09.042

Prqblem No. 4 (Land and Building method). -

Area of the
V a l u a t i o no f a p l o t o f l a n d a s o n l s t A p r i l l 9 8 l i s t o b e d o n e f o r p u r p o s e so f w o r k i n g o u t c a p i t a lg a i n s .
piot is 500 sq.m. and its allorvableFSI is one. Sale instances of comparable plots of land in nearby localilities on or about .l
are not available. Enquiries reveal that tlats on o\4nership basis brrilt on a iand (havirreFSI l)
thc relevant&te of valuation
built up area {
nixt to the plot of lanclunder valuation were sold by a promoter-builderat the rate of Rs. 1,500 per sq.m. of \
r e s i d e n t i afl l a t s p r e v a i l i n gi n l 9 8 l w a s i n t h e r e g i o no t
d u r i n g i h e p e r i o d l / 2 / l g g l t o 3 0 t h A p r i l 1 9 8 1 .C o n s t r u c t i o nc o s t o f
Rs. 800 per sq.m. of built up area. \
price tetchedb1'
As comparablesale instancesof land are not available, it is proposedto work out rate of land from
ownership flats during tlre rele','lntperiod. a

Rs. I , 5 0 C P fr s q . m . \
P.-icefetched by ownership llats in the locality
Dci:ict l-5o,'o builder-promo:?r's profit and overheads Rs. 225 Per sq.m. -
B a s i cc o s t o f l a n d : n d b u i l d i n g R s . | , 2 75 \
Drrluet cost of construction Rs 800

P r i c eo f l a n d p e r s q . m . Rs. 475 Per sq.m. \

Market value ot' the plot of land having 500 sq.m. area is thereforeassessed

a s 5 0 0 x 4 7 5 : R s . 2 , 3 7 , 5 0 0a s o n l s t A p r i l 1 9 8 1 . \


Problem NO. 5 (Land and Building melhod)'

buildins l50.sq'm'
havins 0""'
A Froperty ofarwostoreved
consists :fi"ii:Hi""r1tJ::I"i#ti iltF::-ffl:jt pcr
Rs''i00 Sqm
::*i:u:i1ilffi,"l,la,:!":,. i::r"l,ll;,'J;'';l.JT1i.q;i-ilil":":Ho;;;'*;'"';is
ot tnt-t|ltirr'ooo
rr'etuildin! is in vacantpossession
" out fair marketvalue or tl" p'op"lv ii
"-: day cost of construction150 x 2'300
= Rs 3'10'500
i,ospoo less l0ol' for scrap valtc
years our of'totul 80 yearslife by straightlinc mothod
Depreciationfor 35
-rs = Rs 1.35.844
-::- x 3.10'500
80 = Rs.2,09,t 56
Dcpreciated valueof building = R!.2.70'000
V a l u eo f l a n d 1 5 0x 1 , 8 0 0 - Rr4.79.156
Fair market value of the ProPedY
Problem No 6 (Developer's of dcveloping
sq m in areawith-theintcntion
of plot of land "-dJn"::y'hg,i9'000
-;;;; at ls 7o
An invesloris considerrngpu"hu" " out -tr'"
small building plor.'s'.
t"te for-profit
..;;li;;. rAimins
land' based on the
rhe tandby providins essenlar flol of undeueloped
price. work ,"" Orii"' . il.i it'r" inu"uo, sftoufOoift'
protit on sale
"* etc :-
iollowing dara '- like roads"'external'sewices
for entire area for providing qjsentialameniiics
Cost of development Per
sq' t
j: i"i:'"Jiii"'""ili
Rs40per *ll"::*J;*ill'""'"-"f;g';t
adve(isement wrrr oe land'
Legal of ir'!s "," or
i. o".",.1,o ilr,:;;; forsmarl
"r." .undevcloped
".p".iiJ "i l1:_"-io#jiili;'jll'lLll**#li'l;il,ill'*ru;;;;;;;"",,.
i-'p".i"a,ir" hp !:,"1_"1-tjlll"ls.
p"y"6r"at thecndof'l% vearsas
plots in lhe localltyls I
persq.m. Takepr"r"n,,o,u"'oii.. ll-
at the crrd I year as Rs 0gl74'
Solution (' tOOO ==t
for sale in the form of small plots will be 23'000
Area expectedto becomeavailable
's"f" x 500'
prii. to b€ realisedwill be 2l'000
3 yearsI e
of sale price realisablcby end of
ir"s"'nt ualus
= Rs' 92'35'800
years will b€ l'05'00'000 x 08796
averape time lag of lv'z
Architect's ftt' i'v" ot it r t 'zO'ooo
/ Engincer's = [.-&6il
Tolal cost of development -.---- ^-,{
a periodof tw-o.years'
nr. r f'sl.ooO*ill be payableover of I year'
li."t"t i"tt * def""td fot an avcmge
presentor"*, ora.J.r"ipi'i'ii-ilii*lt;^6''to = ll.
^": 34'?3.3'|
= ns-373zr'i
i,zo,ooo of
watersupplv':"^':"'v "T '"''"*;',#;;.;"; futu; lifc of building
as80 vcars'
**"i,,i*'"i'* rundtobc
created@ 5
l'20'000 = Rt'
Retum on building cosi' 8 % of = 1'999
Rerum on landcosr'5 o/oof 80'000 l" '1'999
= Rs13'600
io,"i'n*,"*rn rcquircd peryear .. for l0 % as scrapvalue
90 % of building cost allowing
Sinking fund to o"
nt. r'io,ooo' o'so = Rs l'08'ooo

= t'08'!0ff i0:--
= Rs lll20 pervear'
= 0'25 G
lf G = Grossient' $cn municipal 3tr^e13r1eoings
(+) sr' (+'
Total outgoings= maintenance
= 1 3 , 6 0+0 6 0 0+ l l l 2 0 + 0 2 5 C
G - 0.25G = 14'31l'20
l9'081'60b€ be Rs' l'590
shol Rs'19'081'60' 'nd morlhly standardrcnt should
Yearly standardrent


Reportof valuationof immovableproperty (other than agriculturatlands,plantations,
forests,minesand quarries)
Part l-Questionnoire
Name of registered valuer RegistrationNo. .......................
General :
l. Purposefor which valuationis made
2. Date as on which valuationis made
3. Name of the owner / owners
4. lf the property is underjoint ownership/co-ownership,
shareof eachsuch
Are the sharesundivided?
5. Brief descriptionof the property
6. Location, Street,Ward No. t

7. Survey/PlotNo. of land
8. ls the propertysituatedin residential/commercial/mixed
9. classificationof locality high class/middleclass/poorcrass
10. Proximity to civic amenities,like schools,hospitals,offlces, markets, \
I l. Meansand proximiry to surfacecommunicationby which the locality is

Land :
12. Area of land supportedby documentaryproof, shape,dimensionsand
i3. Rcads,streetsor laneson which the land is abuning
14. ls it freeholdor leaseholdland ? t

1 5 . I f l e a s e h o l d ,t h e n : r n r eo f l e s s o r / ! e s s e en,a t u r e c f l e a s e ,d a t e s t r f
commencementand terminationof leaseand termsof renewalof lease:
(i,t I n i t i a lp r e m i u m
(ii) G r o u n dr e n t p a y a b l ep e r a n n u m
(iii) U n e a m e di n c r e a s ep n y ' a b l et o t h e l g s s o ri n t h e e v e n rc f s a l e o r ^
'e \
1 6 . I s t h e r ea n y r e s t r i c t i v ec o l ' e n a n it n r e g a r dt o u s eo f l a n d ?l f s o , a t t a c ha \
copyofthe covenant
17. Are thereany agreemenrs
of easements?
lf so, attachcopies
1 8 . D o e st h e l a n d l a l l i n a n a r e ai n c l u d e di n a n y T o w n P l a n n i n gS c h e m eo r
any I'evelopmentPlanof Cr-rv€rtrn€nt or any statutorybody?If so, give
u lars
19. Has any contributionbeenmadetoward.sdevelopmentor is any demand
f o r s u c h c o n t r i b u t i o ns r i l l o u t s t a n d i n g ?
) 0 . F r : s t h e w h o l e o r p a n o f t i l e l a n d b e e n n o t i f i e d f o r a c q u i s i r i o nb y
Ccvernmentor any statutorybody? Give dateof the notification
2 | . A : : * c i ra d i r n r n s i o n esdi t ep l a n

Improvements :
2 2 . A f t a c hp l a n sa n d e l e v a t i o n so f a i l s t r u c t u r esst a n d i n go n t h e l a n da n d a
! a y - o u tp l a n

FORM 0-l (Contd')

23. Furnishtechnicaldetailsofthebuildingonaseparatesheet[TheAnnexure
to this Form maY be usedl
24. (i) ls the building owner-occupied/tenanted/both?
area under
specify portion and extent of
(ii) lf partly owner-occupied'


26. (i) Names of tenants/lessees/licensees'

(ii) Portions in their occuPation

the whole property
(iv) Gross amount receivedfor

owner? '

28.Isseparateam -tooftlnf
o u n t b e"'ungt''
i n g r e c o v e r e d f o rwardrobes'
t h e u s e o f f ietc''
x t u r eors l ifor
k e f servtce
built in
charges?If so, give details


maintenance?Cive Particulars

owner or tenant?

owner or tenant?

eti' - owner or tenant?
like entrancehall' stairs'

amount for which it is
If so, give the policy No-,
35. ls the building insured?
insured and the annual Premtum

court of law?

to the control of rent?

3 8 . G i v e i n s t a n c e s o f s a l e s o f i m m o v a b l e pof
r ottrc
p e rproperty, c a l i t y o n a sNo"
t y i n t h e l oregistration eparate
uJ ulJr.ts
sheet, indicating the name
sale Price and area of land
this valuation
39. Land rate adopted in

at the land rate

Costof Construction :



4 4 . F o r i t e m s o f w o r k d o n e b y e n g a g i n g l " b o i : i - ' * cproof

materials and rabour suppor;d"b!

FORM 0-l (Contd.)
Port II - Valuation
Here the registeredvaluer should discussin detail his approachto vatuationof the propefty and indicate how the value has
been arrived at. supported by necessarycalcularions.


Part III - Dectaration

l hereby declare that -

(a) the information furnished in best of my knowledge and belief;

(b) | have no direct c''r indirect

(c) | have personally inspected


Place. Signatureof registeredvaluer

FORM 0-l (Contd')


Technical building

of each floor
No. of floors and height
(As Per lS : 3 8 6 1 - 1 9 7 5 )
Plinth area floor-wise
Year of constructlon
Estimatedfuture life frame
bearing walls/RCC frame/steel
Type of constructiorrload
Type of foundations
( a ) B a s e m e n ta n d P l i n t h
(b) Cround floor
(c) Superstructureabove ground
8. Partitions
9. Doors and windows
(a) Cround fioor
(b) lst f'loor
(c) 2nd tloor' etc'
1 0 . F l o o r i n g( F l o o r - w i s e ) :
(a) Cround fl'oor
(b) I st floor
(c) 2nd floor' etc'
I l . F i n i s h i n g( F l o o r - w i s e ) :
(a) Crcund floor
(b) lst floor
(c) 2nd floor, etc'
12. Roofing and terracing if any
or decorative features'
13. Special architectural
- surface.or conduit
14. (i) Internal wiring
(ii) Class of fittings : Superior/ordinary/poor
15. SanitarY installations
(a) (i) No' of water
(ii) No' of lavatory basins
(iii) No' of urinals
(iv) No' of sinks
(v) No' of bath tubs
(vi) No' of bidets
(vii) No' of geYsers
1 6 . C o m P o u n dw a l l :
(i) Height and length
TYPe of construction
1 7 .No. of lifts and capaclty
arrd type of constructton
1 8 .Underground Pump capacity
1 9 .Overhead tank :
(i) Where located
(ii) CaPacitY
iiill rYP. of construction power
20. PumPs- No' and their area and type
within the compound,approximate
21. Roadsand Pavings
of paving lf septic tanks
.^r - ..,hether
whether connectedto public sewers.
22. Sewage disposal
proviled, No' and caPacitY

i;il;;; ;i ;;s;,"'.q
'bc made to suit Ue ProPcrtyuodcr valuatton;
in this Annexurc nrul
[Note : Necessat'y

/ \


1. Rectanghc
(i) A=ab
(ii) d = 1|FTF
where A = arreti a = length; b = breadth;
d = diagonal.


2. Squares
( i ) A = a z
(ii) d = ^ff
whereA = arca; a = side; d = diagonal.

/a f- u -,t

3. Right-angledtriangles
(D h =\m
(ii) b =rf([1'[)-lf'1i!)
(iii) p =\GTbf-IF Ei
Whereh = hypotenuse; b = base; p = perpendicular.

4. Triangles

LAI l-u-l
(i) A = {utr
whereA = area; b = base; h = height.
where A = area; a, b and c are the threc sides;

' /
\ r h
5. Equilateral triangles
(i) h =-e+l
rZ_\r r -rl
(ii) A = .'*$
whereh =height; a = side; A = area.

,.} *-. 6. Isoscelestriangles

.'A- . A = '4+ f i r e
lF- c -4
whereA= area; a = side; c = base.

7. Parallehcgrams
(i) A=bh

)-- b-J
where A = area; b = base; h = height.
( i DA = d p
where A = area; d = diagonal; p - offsetof diagonal.
( i i i ) A = 2 W
w here.A = area; d = di agonal ;aandbaretw oadjacent

siJes;ands=+- d

{ -0, 8. Rhombus
A =* d,e,
where A = area; d, andd" are nvo diagonals.

9. Quadrilaterels
A =+d (p,+ pJ
and P' are the offsets of
where A = 8r€8i d = diagonal; P,
the diagonal.

10. Quadrilateralsinscribed in circles

whereA = area; a, b, c' d arethc sides;

a n d s = a + b t c + d

I l. Trapezoids
l.- b -l A =j {a+b)h
J Where A = 3re8i a and b are the parallel sides; h the
la- .+l perpendiculardistancebetweenthe parallel sides'
12. Regular polygons
(i) A =+ x ar
na -(+)'
(iii) A = a2 x f .o, S

( i v )A = t 2 x ' n o n $

( v ) A = R 2 x { s i n+

whercA = area; tt = llumb€rof sides;a= side;r= radiusof

inscribed circle; R = radius of circumscrib€dcircle.

r3. Regular hexagons


^= -

where A = area; a = side.

14. Regular octagons

A =2sz (f +f)

whercA= arEa; a = side.

1 5 . Regular dodecagons

A = 6a2
{+* f
where A = Srea: a = side.

144 1 6 . Circles
(i) C = rcd
(ii) A = rf
where C = circumference;d = diameter;A = ?te?i r = radius.

t7. Similar figures

( i )a : b = P : q

wherea and b are lengthsin one figure, corresponding p and
q respectivelyin the other.

(ii) Ar ! A, = (q)' : (\)'

F-p., r -{
where A, and A, are the areasof the two figures; ar and q are
correspondinglengths,one in each figure.

18. Ellipses
A C = DM
WhereA = sresi:t = semi-majoraxis;andb= semi-minoraxis;
C = circurirference;}{ = multiplier.

I f v a l u eo f * = 0 . 2 , 0 . 3 , 0 . 4 , 0 . 5 , 0 . 6 , 0 . ? , 0 .o8r 0 . 9 t h e nt h e
T multiplier (M) will be 2.1010,2.1930,2.3013,
h 2.4221,2.5527,2.6912,2.8361,and 2.9866respectively.
r9. Chords of circles
(i) . =fi(o-+)
(ii) tr ={ot
where a = semi-chcrd of the arc: b = chord of fie semi-arc:
d = diameter of the circle; h = height of arc.
20. Arcs of circles
I I -- Go
i-.{ ri\ P
x 2nr

(ii) L =
wherc L = length of the arc; u,0= c€n'.ral angle of the srcl r =
radius of the circle: it = s€mi-chord of the arc; b = chord of the

' -'1--
, ,t
Sectors of circles

(rr) .D = Tm
( i )A = - ! } - x r f ; A = ! t

p-c-€l where A = areat 60 = angle of the sector; b = length of the arc

T of the rclor; r = radius of the circle; D = diameter.
Segrnentsof circles
A = 3 h
f c, + ]n"
whereA = area; h = hcight of the segmcnt; C = chord of the

23. C i rcl esi nscri bedi n tri angl rs

, =s 4
where r = radius of the inscribed circle; A = &rei of thc
Lrianglc;s = semi-pcrimetcrof the triangle.
2 4. Circles inscribed in equilateral

', =--*
circle; a = side of the trianglc'
where r = radius of the inscribed

25. Circles circumscribed about

R = --;;-

circle; A = are& of thc

whcre R = radius of the circumscribing the triangle'
t'hree sides of
uiangle; a' b and t ttJtn"

26. C i r c l e s c i r c u m s c r i b e d about equilateral

circle; a = side of thc
Where R- = radius of the circumscribing

21. S i mpson' sRule

A = { lI P, + P ^ * r + 2 ( P r + P r * " " " " " "
+ Pr-, ) + 4 ( P, + P. * ""'* ttl

2^='number of equal
where A = afe?l d = COffilrlondisuncgi
Pr' P2""" P'" are thc
pars into which the base line is divided;
ordinatesuken in ordcr'


28. Rectangular solids

(i) V = abc
(ii) V = Arc =Azb =Ard

(ii;/ V = r/n, e, ,1,

( i v )S = 2 ( a b + b c + c a )
(v) d = lat+b2+c2
3 = length: b = breadth;
whcre V = volume; S = wholc surface;
Ar = area of end; d = diagonal'

29. Cubes
I ( i ) V = a 3
]. (ii) $ = 6a2-
(iii)d = uf

where V = voluffie; S ='whole surface;


30. Prismsend cylinders I

(i) V = Ah
(ii) V :t A,L
(iii )S r P L + 2 4
Whcro V r YolumeiS r wholc surface;
A '. arca of basc; A, - Sreaof cross-section;
h - hcighq L . lcngth; p r ltcrimetctof cross'

3 1 . Circular cylinders

V = rr2h
whcrc ! = volumci r = radiusof basc;
[ = hcight.

32. Right circuler cylinders

(i) V = rrzh
(ii) S 3 2tv (h+r)
wherc V = volumc; S - wholc surfacc;
r :' radiusof base;h = hcight.

33. Rings

(i) V = AL
(ii) S = PL
whereV- volumc;S = wholc surfacc;
I - lcnglh of mean
A = arca of cross-scction;
p pcrimctcrof cross-scction'

3 4 . Cylindricalrings

(i) v =+CR+r)(R'r)'

(ii) v =+ (C+c)(C-c)'
(iii) S :r rt Et - r')

( i v ) s = +I ( c ' - c ' )
whcre V= volumc; S = wholc surfacc; R = outcr
c - inncr circumfcrcnce.

35. Pyramids rnd Cones

v -*on

whcrc V = volunlc; A = arca of basc; h = hci8ht.

36. R i ght regul arP yrami ds

(i) !=+Ah

(ii) $= iPs+A
where V = volumei S = whole surface; A = area of
base; p - perimeter of base; s = slant height'

37. Circular cones

V = lnrth

where V = volufirel t = radius of base; h = height'

38. Right .tr.tur". cones

(i) ! =

(ii) S = 7cri{ frt+ rt + 4

whereV = volume;S = wholesurface;h = height;
r = radiusof base.

39. Regulartetrahedrons
(i) v =2f d

(ii) S = 4a2{T

(iii) n=2"1ffi
whereV = volumeiS = wholesurface;2a= edgei
h = height.

40. Wedgeson rectangularbases

(i) v =4(2L+e)

(ii) v=+ (ZL+e)

whereV = volume;L= lengthof base;b = breadth

of base;e = edge;.A = 8re8of cross-section;
[ = perpendicularheight.

41. Wedges on trapezoidal base, or oblique frustra of

triangular prisms

v =/ ^ee-r +-e-2 +)e ,\

whereV = volume; A areaof cross-section;
e1,e2, e3are the lengthsof the threeparallel edges'

42. Oblique frustra of any right regular prism I
(i) V=AL

d (ii) S = PL
where V = volumei S = lateral surface;A = areaof

W cross-section;L = mean length; P - perimeterof


meanlength =
sum of lengthsof Pam
numberof paralleledges

I r'l I
43. Obliquefrustra of right circular cylinders

(i) V = rr2l
Kft=t (ii) S = 2rrl

LJ} whereV = volume;S = curvedsurface;r = radiusof

L = rlle?Illength.

44. Prismoids'
v =I (A.+A.+4A)
6 - ,
whcreV = volume;h = height;A,andA, a.rctheareas
of the ends; A = or€?of mid-sectionparallelto rhe

45. Frustra of pyramidsand cones

(i) v = + (A,+Rr+{1R4r)

where V = volumc; h = height; A, and A. are lhe arcas

of thc ends.

46. Frustra of right regular pyramids

L - -
(i) V = ll- (A,+Ar+{1A,Ar)
(ii) V =* s@+p)

w h e r eV = v o l u m e ; h = h e i g h t ;
A, and ,\ or the areas of the endr; P and p are the
perimetersof rhe ends; s = slant height.
+t. Frustaof ri ght ci rcrrl arcones

(i) V =+ (ri2+r2+Rr)

(ii) S = + s(C+c)
(iii) S = ns(R+r)

whcre V = volume; S = curved surface;R and rare thc

radii of thl ends;C and c are the circumfercncesof thc
r'nds:s = slant height: |r = perpendicularhcight.

'i.Q. Spheres

(i) v=Tj
, \ {
/ ':
\ t (ii., \'
L : --3-.- --.1
i \ - - - - - _
. t
,iit) S = nrlr
, / i
' 1. \ , ) S = 4 n r ;

whurc \/ = vrJlumc; S = surfacc; d = rjiamct,:r:

r = ra(lius.
Spherical shells
(i) v = + (D'-d')
(ii) v =+ G3- f)
(iii) V = nD2h | (nearlV)'whenth.e
ihell i.t'uerysmall comparedto the

whereV = volume;R = outerradius;r = innerradius;

D = outerdi ameter;d= i nnerdi ameter;h=t hickness
of the shelt.

50. Oblate spheroids

i) V=a na\

whereV = volume',il = semi-majoraxis; b = Semi-


51. Prolate spheroids

t A
r' *-
" = =J
where V = volume; a = semi-major axis; b semi-
minor axis.

52. Zones of spheres

(i) v=+ [3(rnt+rz2)*ht]

(ii) S=rdh
*het" V = volurne;S = curvedsurface;r, and12arethe
ra,Jiiof ihe two ends;h = height;d = dia of sphere'

53. Segmentsof sPheres

( i ) U = #nh ( 3 r , 2 + h 2 )

(ii) v' = tr!'

2 (3d- 2h)
(iii) S=rdh
*tro" V = volume; S = curvedsurface;rr = radiusof
the baseof the segment;h = height; d = dia of the

54. Sectorsof Spheres

(i) V = nr2h
(ii) V =+ rs (iii) s = tcr + [ztr + { (zrrr- tr-tl
whereV = volume;S = whole surface;r = radiusof
thesphere;h ands aretheheightandtuT4 surfacoof
the sigment of the spherethat forms the baseof the
sector.s = 2nrh
55. Irregular solids whose opposi-te-ends ere plane figures
lying in parallel Planes.

* ,5o.r+ 2 (4 + Ar+...+
v =*[
r - A,
4..,i;i1e,*4 +...* q")]
where V = volumei 2o= number of equal
parts into which the length of the solid is
hi"iAeO by planes parallel !o its ends; d =
Ar, A2,A! *. A2,, A,o*r arethe are1 of the
trinsversescctibnsof the figure madeby the
parallel planestakenin order.
56. Similar solids

(i) V,:V, = art:aj

(ii) S, : S, = arz: ar?

(iii) at: az=fi'fi
(iv) ?, : a, =r/E : fi
whereV, and V" are the volumes;S. and S" are the
a, and \ Te correspondin!lineaf dimcn-
sionsof rhb first ind second'similaisolids respcc-

57. Any figure of revorutionon axis,suchas domesetc.

Convexsurfacearea = 6.2g32rL
Volume = 6.2932n

whercu = * arcaof flat sectionarsurfacerevearedif

thesolidis cur into two halfs.
= areaof generating surfacc,
= areaof harchedporrion(flat) (seeskcrch).
L = Lcngrhof gcnerating line (sccskcrch).
r = Distanceof centreof gravityof gencrating

58. Spirals

Length of spiral (as in the caseof hand rair of a spiral

staircasc): _
= n.,fGirch)r+(7rDf
where n = numbCr Of revolutiOnS
pitch = hcight gained in each revolur.ion
D = diametcrof rcvolution.

59. Squareof samearea as a circle

Sidc = diamercrx0.88623

60. Circle of same area as a square

Diametcr = sidc x l.l2g3g

61. S q u a r e i n s c r i b e di n c i r c l e

Lcngth of onc sideof a squareinscribcdin a circlc = Diamctcr

c i r c l ex 0 . 7 0 7 l .

62. Parabolas and parabtoids

Area of spacewirhin rhe parabola

= Base ^
J R.rl"ndicular hcight
Volume of parabloid(solid)
) nr2h
wherc r = radius of the basc of the parabloid
h = hcight

63. I r r e g u l a r P o l y g o n so r e u a d r i l a t e r a l s

To finohrea, devide the porygon or quadrirat'crar

into rriangrcs
and calcularearcasof rrianglesusing formula or
givcn on pagc l-l .


s- Author

John A. Milne GeorgeGodwin Ltd, London'

l. Tendering and esdmating procedures

R.D.Wood The Esntes Gazette Ltd, London'

2. kinciples of estimating

DennisR. Mudd Butterworths, London'

J. Estimating and tendering for construction

C. F. Dingman McGraw Hill, L,ondon'

4. Estimating building costs

George Godwin Ltd' London'

W. Atton
5. Esrimating aPPliedto building

SpegceGeddes Newnes-Butterworths, Ltd,

Engineering works
6. Esdmating for building and Civil London.

J. T. Rea B. T. BatsfordLtd, LonCon'

7. How to estimate

A. J.Willis GranadaPublishing, London'

8. Elementsof QuantitY SurveYing

H. Wainright Hurchinson, London'

9. Measurementof building work
R. Whitford

A.E. PierPoint Orient Longmans Ltd, Madras'

10. Mensuration

B. S. Patil Orient Longmans Ltd, New Delhi'

1 1 . Civil Engineering Conuacs and
Civil Engineerin g Estimates

B. Price Davies Building Estimator Publications'

1 2 . Estimating for building and public rvorks Cardiff, Great Britain.

Bureau of Indian Standards

13. SeveralIndianStandardSpecif,rcations New Delhi.

CBRI Rooree.
14. BuildingResearch

Wiley EasternLtd.
15. WestermanTables

NBO, New Delhi

16. Sundardanalysisof rates( Vol I & II) ' &
(for all India sundardscheduleof rates)
U. N. RegionalHousingCentre
ESCAP, New Delhi'

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