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Performance Certificate - 2023

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e$nsiruction & ier, LtrJ.


.Iffirr rr to certify tfiat, (oma Consttuction efl Co. {-td, fras purcfrased 0J ruos' flA{yK't/fr

ffifl(6fr6,f# fuqryWglfqF/rt45' engiw sitent grye Wizse{genemtorfrom tuterutrflfiu Lt{

since JuS ZAI4, a$ af tlietn fiss 6esn a{readj instaffed in aur diffirewt si:te. ful"etaf
ttd sati$actory compfredlsuppfred/instatted/maintainedtfiese generators witfi derira
(Perfarmancs of tfreir
standard bu*{ and eryectation of {oma Construction & Co. t'td.
suppfied prsducts and after sa{es sewices and ma,intenaruce arefound satisfactory, {fieir safes service andmaintsnrwtce worfo fi.ave ako respanded on time wfrenerser needed.

I tfianQfrf*mf Afrx Ltdfor tfre eryeffent jo6 done and {noffirward to sirni{ar suppott
an{ co*operationfrorn tfiem infature as weff,

EWr. Imruf1{pyes
frirector frf.ecfianica{
frats: 15/XU2A21
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fi$s purcfiased aj nos.
qfiis is to certifl tfiat, Aif,uf fulonem Ltf,, Qfix Lt[ since
grnerator frorn tutetaf
(BR'g,[a (FnqKIt{s engine s;ont gwe. *i**i f,t[
our.d;{ferent ite' tuLetat
,r oTin *-fr* 6rrn atread| *trth
tutarcfr 2016, "
tinse generators witfi [esire
fras satisfactory comptie{/supptieq*t-::triiaintained of tficir suppficf
of A6dut furonem Ltd. Qerfornlance
stan[ard feaef an[ eryectation after
are foun[ satisfactory' 'ffioir
p,ofucts an[ after'rii ,r*ri
oot *olntendnce
an[mairutend*ce wor1s frorn ok, ,rrpondri on time wfienwer
sates seruice

Ltdfar tfre e4cetfent job f,one anf, took*forwarf to simifar
tfian{Netaf Q[us
tfieru infuture as wetf

Ennr. tut [. Wfiquf cB arieaa'

ttiad, SuPP| Cfra'in
Eate: 21/10/2016

Head Office:
Southeast Bank Limited
ST a bank with vision
Eunoos Trade Centre
52-53, Dilkusha C/A, (Level # 2,3, 4,6 & 16)
Dhaka-1 000, Bangladesh
PABX : BB0 2 9555466, 7115721, 9570619, 9570469
Fax :880 2 9550093 (lD), 9550094 (HRD), 9571053 (FCAD)
Website :

To whom it mav ncern

This is to certify that, Southeast Bank Ltd has purchased 16 nos. EICHER Engines Powered Diesel
generator from Metal Plus Ltd since May 2074, all of them has been already installed in our
different branches. Metal Plus Ltd has satisfactory complied/supplied/lnstalled/maintained these
generators with desire standard level and expectation of Southeast Bank Ltd. Performance of
their supplied products and after sales services and maintenance are found satisfactory. Their
after sales service and maintenance works have also responded on time whenever needed.

Ithank Metal Plus Ltd for the excellent job done and look forward to similar suppott and co-
operation from them in future as well.

Engr. Md. -Bin-Reza

Asslstant Vice President
Logistics & General Services Division
Southeast Bank Limited
Date: 0710412022
SAB Bank
AB Bank Limited

August 14,2016


This is to cerliflr that M/s Metal Plus Ltd. located at PBL Tower (9'n & 14th floor),
17 Nofth Commercial Area, Gulshan Circ\e-2, Dhaka-1212 has been serving to AB
Bank Limited as a Generator supply company since May 2012. They supplied
EICHER engine powered diesel generator.

M/s Metal Plus Ltd. have satisfactorily installed and maintained the generator so
far. AB Bank Ltd found the after sales services from the company is up to the mark
whenever required.

qrewffi-K$fw s ffiqpsfi"ryqrryqreffi ww'wffiEffi ffi#.ffi
1.Trsq c'q-q mis" srrq"&TJ, crRTi3tg o)QoG-)Gvb)q
>d - 001 stk{'- \7'a6'2aLL

lto wfroffi it ma corucern

[lits k to certify tftat, Lfe CareCfiiff , $eneraf t{osyitaf anf {Diagnostic Center , Jai[
Roa[, Brafrntan\aria safar, Brafrmonfiarin, Earugfa[esfi fias purcfiased 1 nos. cf4Fr,
SowerefDiesefgenerator of 62.5 {e,A rattngfrom %-eto[Q[us Lt[ since g4ar-2022, rTfie
profuct fias 6een a[rea[1 instaffef 6y fltetaf A[us Lt[. Ofiafot, Ganghfesfi fias
satisfactory compfied/supptie[/instaf[e[/maintainef tliese generators witfi desire
stanfard feaef anf e4pectation ,f Lrf, Care Cfiifd , Qeneraf l{ospitaf anf cDiagnostic
(enter, current run fiours 201 firs. Serformartce of tfieir suppfiefprofucts anf after safes
seruices ancf ntaintenance are founf satisfactory. tfteir
*t, safes seruice and
maintenattce worfu fiarte ako responfef, on time wfienever nee[e[.

I tftan{to 94eto[ aftu Lt[, for tfte e4ceffent jo6 fone onf too{forwar[ to simifar
support anf co-operotionfrom tfieru fufuture as we[[.

lvl[. 1{ossain %.[. A e fow ar I{o s s ain I{fian
fou.ncfer Cfiairman fl4anaging Director
Q)ate: 17-Jun-2022 Q)ate: 17-Jun-2022
ce[[ 0x717618666 Ce[[ ot 157941

<{ {-l

Doynik Barta Complex, Alupatti, Ghoramara, Rajshahi
Phone No-0721-772137, Mobile No-0171 I-404367


towfioffi.itmay coflcetn
ffiis is to certfii tfiat, cPu6a[i cBanftLtd Wgionaf O_ffice, Kajsfiafii fras purcfiase[ 07 nos.

trIc1{ER-{Engines cPoweref (Diesef generatorfrom fuletaf cPtus in fuLarcfi 2015, and

it fias 6een a[rea[1 instaffef in our fugionat Office {, Kajsfiafii |rancfr. toLetafcPfus Lt[
fras satisfactory suppfie[ 4, instaf[ed tfrese generators witfi [esire standarf kvef anf
e4pectation of Au6a[i cBan{Lt[. titt now, performance of tfieir suppfie[ pro[ucts anf
&r, safes serctices an[ maintenance are founf satisfactory. furtfrermore, tfieir &r,
safes sentice an[ maintenance wor?g fiave afso responfef on time wfiener.,er nee[e[.

I tfian{tuletaf Q[us Ltffor tfie eryeffent jo6 [one anf foo?rforwarf to simifar support
anf co-operationfrom tfiem infuture as we[[

cBest fugar[s,

anager {, coEW
8u6a[iEanfr,Lt[ nt Engineer(Civil), SO
Puba li BankLimlted
iona I offic e, ftaj s fia fii Regional Office, Rojshahi,

(Date: 21/0s/2016

E-mail :

tru{fiaria lfower
5+0 / z, f u [6 ana Ko [, E ra ftman
a 6 ana, B ang fa f,e s li

to wfiorn it concerTt

tfiu is to certtfi tfiat, lFuffiaria'Tower,510/2, Fu[6ana R-,oa[, (Brafrman\aria safar,

Bralintan6aria, (Bangta[esfr lias purcftased 1 nos. tfulIL Qoweref Aiesef generator of
62.5ryA rating from 94eta[ Q[us Lt[ since ful-ar-2022, 'ffre profuct fias 6een a[rea[1
fustaffef @ tutetaf (Ptt$ tt[. Afiafor, Ganghfesfi fias satisfactory
contpfief/suppfied/instaffef/maintained tfiese generators witfi fesire stanforf fertef anf
e4pectation of fu[6aria (ower, current run {iours 115 firs. Qerformance of tfieir supptief
profucts ancf after safes seruices anf maintenance Are founf satisfactory. 'Tfieir oftt,
safes service anf maintenance worfu fiave afso responfef on time wfrenerter nee[e[.

I tfranfrto tutetaf cpfus tt[. for tfie e4cefferut jo6 fone aruf foofrforwarf to simikr
support an[ co-operationfrom tfiem infuture as we[[

t'7, 0P,zozz
%-[. tutoin I,)ilin
Secretary {reosurer
Qu[6 aia {ower f fat owner Ass o ciation fu[6 aria'Tow er {F ht owner fs so ciation
Q)ate: 17--7un-2022 Aate: 17-Jun-2022
Ce[[: 0t715487629 ce[[ otgt904614s
\s r,
e \r, .ruffiffi€ffiffiffigTffiffiffi #ffi fltud%Hffi
' -:\i-l3
-,'- .

ASEA e-*ffiSPET&L -8{ ffi$AffiN#STflC tffi}qTffiR


{fuT"flV,Iq-Gqq(qg, S1qcl-<t .fuT r qlq+il:of4: o)119-eoqkg), ENI'i-{,E+, o)lek-b'1obUi

'{* ",,1;?i.#fr& E"{ ?ye{a ##Y&##fry&

tlii.t rs to certfi rfrat, Asw ?{asyira{ and rMag wstic Cente{1{at[ing 1+ ] ,t.t;
Tangfu,rpar, (Brufirttan.Laria s,sdar, .Brolimati6an.t, $aw{adesfr.lirr.' ;,i.;1';li.nscri' i ' , .

TlM(f,cPo'tt,tred Oiese{ generuturof- -l.f \:,i)t4 ratutll _ftrom G'{us i',i,{ .;iricc )t!pv-- " ' .

l'fie prociuct {ias 6ueu a{re,;d.y ut:;ro{hi'(:tt fu\ets.{ ryfus LtC til{iLt!;,;, $a.ngiaci;,ii, ,:.::
;atisfactary ccrLpiie,X/swpytiit:r{'li,tsta{!r,l-i,nafittaittef, Lfies{. gen{rGt;)rs 'w,it{, i.. '";,i,'
:tat'L{arC' [e'ue{ and" e4gsectat'.ir:n ol'fisia ffoEtital'and tDkgnostti,c {.)ertt;er, c'iltft:;i,- ;i;,i
fiours 1,'67firs. Qeyforntartct: 0f ificir .tuSlp{ied produ.cts an.f, titer s"i!.'cs ser':,!,:'' ',dl
.na'inienotrce Li{e (iitrrr q{}er sales seruice ut{ i;ii:i17yg71tt,ir{ '..t,
Ji;u::,.{ s;ttrs!,;rtory. :..

ia't,e ako respo*deci'an time {L:fid2re'rer nct di:d.

! th.ow{ta grrteta{'Q{e.:s l',t{. -for tfie eltefL:*t job [one cn{ {o*k, ji.;"t"{vsi's"al ii;, l; ,;..,
,;uppart *nd eo-aperotio'ufa'nt tiieru in-{ as rveff.

4sia:Haispitai cnd q)iag*ast ic !.'.r,rt:rr
.Date: 17-tun-2022 .H#H#ffi*'
^ "Ifr'ETq6cf,llqa

Eo xvk *Ett it 3-E

xx* G. C8 rrx

T-his is to cerlijv that, Metal Plus i,td has been perlbr:Iing the opcration aud uaintenance of
mr-lltiple br:ancis of generators of <iilflerent telecotn operator:s since 2011 as an exc(rsive vendor of
Huarvei 'l'echr-rolcgies (Bangladesir) Limited. In,July'2013 Metal I']lus Limiteci iras awarded
Dhaka and St,ihet division lor providirrg the maintenance suppoit to ciate for its regionalization
i;io.jec.ts of Glarleepirone, OTB ancl Airlel operators.
I-he scope unQer tiri5 regionalization project
inclr-rdes:-a) Genelalor rlaintena"nce lvor'1c. b) Refueling of generator, c) Civil rvorks rtaintenance,
C) por1abie generator running arid e) Electlic bill collection and preparation. Since tire beginr.ring,
the niaintenance and senrice suppo:l pelformance of Metal Pius timited is lbLind satisfactory.

We do appreciate the excelient job done by Metal Plus Ltd and looh forwald to sinrilar snpport
anri co-operation t}om them in future as u'e11.

Best regards,

Zhang Feng(.lames)
CEG I'llanager ?r{Lq'
Bangladesh Procurement Qualifi on Dept


IVbl, +BB0-1730053263 Enrail. @

!1'r.re1',JIi lIii{ri0L0GtE3 i0A.HCLADISii) LTn.

Lotus Kamal Tower Two. Lavel - 6
Plot No-59 & 61, Gulshan Scuth Avenue
Ciroi€-1, Gulshan. Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh.
Tel : Clr67E0160'16
Fax r +88-02-883489C
Vieb : r$

airtet bangl"adesh Linrited $/wtir.airlel, co rn

house 34, road 19/a, banani, calt +880 2 8836 990"97
dhaka LZl3, banqtadesh fax +880 2 E951 7S6

ry tt concerTt

Ihis is to cefify that, Airtel Bangladesh Ltd has purchased 344nos, EICHER Engines
Powered Diesel generator for its Network from Eicher lndia and /tletal Plus Ltd
completed the instaltation and commissionrng of these generators since December
2UA b March 2014. Aloreover, Aletal Plus Ltd has been providing the comprehensive
warranty maintenance and service support of them with desire standard level and
expectation of Airtel Bangladesh Ltd from the beginning. Performance of their
maintenance'and service suppiart is found salisfacto;ry. Furthermord, i/s7s1Plqs Lfd ,s
doing the operation and maintenance of muttipte brands DG sets of Airtel network in
Sylhet division.

I thankMetait'Ptus, Ltd forthe excellent job dane and look farw,ard ta sin'ilar s,upport
and co-operation from them in future as well.

Abu Reza an

Head ail Dep[oymenl

regd, oifi:ee: house34, roarl lg/4, Li;lrritrrl, rlll,rlr,r l,'l l, lrrrtrll,rLI,l',lr

EXlil ffixgmmr€ $lrxrepmrIfr ffimsryk mf ffimmgXlxmc;$exmfu &-&smB€ed


ft{emq$ #fflee
Shariah Based lslami Bank

Ref: EXIM/HO/GSD ll,llMllz1zzl lq-l L

Date: 21 April 2022

To whom it mav concern

This is to certify that, Export lmport Bank of Bangladesh Ltd has been purchasing.about
105 nos. of EICHER engines powered Diesel Generator of range 25KVA to 62KVA since
2012 from M/s. Metal Plus Limited solely. Also the Bank has purchased about 50 nos.
of TKVA Energy Brand Petrol Generator. M/s. Metal Plus Ltd has satisfactorily
complied/supplied/installed/maintained these Generators with desire standard level and
expectation of our Bank. Performance of their supplied products and after sales services
and maintenance are found satisfactory. Their after sales service and maintenance
works have also responded on time whenever needed.

I thank M/s. Meta! Plus Ltd for the excellent job done and look fonruard to similar suppoft
and co-operation from them in future as well.

Kazi n Ahamed
Senior Vice President
General Services Division
Head Office, Dhaka.
6'E Aa Src Bank Limited rEftrfiqfiqfiffiFirfs
(rt$rft,t Yq fuf&? ev aatq art<i ffiiFv )
(Bangladesh Small lndustries and Commerce Bank Limited)

Mirpur Bazar Branch Hobiganj

Date: November 18,2013

Ref : BASI C/M r RpU RBAZAR/G EN E RAT OR | 2Ot3 I tt84

To Whom lt Mav Concern

This is to certify that M/S. Metat Plus Ltd., PBL Tower 19th & 14th Floorl, 17, North C/A,
Gulshan Circle-2 , Dhaka-12l2, has been successfully installed and supply a 30 KVA generator
as per work order of BASIC Bank Limited, Head Office, Dhaka. The supplied generator runs with
good condition. We recommend paying the 100% billof said generator in terms of work order.

We wish every success of their business.

Yours faithfully,

(Md. nu ue Chowdhury)
Manager and Branch ln-charge

Chowdhury Complex, Dhulia Khal Road, [t/irpur Bazar, Hobiganj

lrmr*$*arwnirw lumni

{o it

aF nos^
rjrff?r 1rta c*rtif\ tfiat, sffiuw ENTISwE{N t lgvtlqw,(D fras purcfrased
instatfed iru aur differcnt
fr{*ta{ {p[us Ltd since fipri{ 1014, a$ af tfient frns 6een akeail
$te. gvt-etaf rpfus Lt[ fins satffictory campfre{fsuppfie{linstaffed/maintained

generators witli desire standar[ kvef and eryectation

of sffitrrrrfr flgvcraflEfifts
LIfuffffEfr Qerformance of tfi*ir suppfu{ pro{acts an{ a{tar safes services
mainterwn , oir.fuund satisfacxtry. lrfieir *rtrt s*fss service snd maintutanc| warfr€
frar.,e a{so responded on t'hna wlienwer needed

I tfran{tutetat 4;tus Ltdfor tfu ega[krut io6 dane anf {ooffirward to simifar suPPOrt
an{ co-oparatioru.from tfrem infuture as we{{

tr ngr" tuld, r a fi,firuf tr.r {nm

S eiior g eneraf gd anager (frt ec fr)
thate: 1S/\-f/lCI21

Spectra Engineers t,imited, House rtt?, Road* 106, Block'CHf{{F}, Gulshan-? Bheka-1'2-12,

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