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Treatment of Peptic Ulcer: Dr.M.Purna Chandra Kala Professor DCMS, Hyd

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Treatment of Peptic Ulcer

Dr.M.Purna chandra kala

Department of Pharmacology
Misoprostol Ranitidine
PGE2 Gastrin
+ _ Proglumide
ACh _

M3 _ H2
PGE cyclase
+ Gastrin
+ receptor + receptor

Ca++ ATP cAMP Ca++

+ + +

Protein Kinase
+ +
K + H

Parietal cell
Proton pump
_ Lumen of stomach
Omeprazole _
Gastric acid Antacid

 Weak bases that neutralise acid

 Also inhibit formation of pepsin
(As pepsinogen converted to pepsin at acidic pH)
 Present day antacids :
Aluminium Hydroxide
Magnesium Hydroxide
 Not part of Physician prescribed regimen
 OTC drug for symptomatic relief of dyspepsia
Antacids – cont…

Duration of action :
 30 min when taken in empty stomach
 2 hrs when taken after a meal
Side effects :
 Al3+ antacids – constipation (As they relax gastric
smooth muscle & delay gastric emptying)
 Mg2+ antacids – Osmotic diarrhoea .
 In renal failure Al3+ antacid – Aluminium toxicity
Antacids – Common additives

 Simethicone – Decrease surface tension ,thereby

reduce bubble formation
Added to prevent reflux .
 Alginates - Form a layer of foam on top of
gastric contents & reduce reflux
 Oxethazaine – Surface anaesthetic
Antacid - Interactions

 Adsorb drugs and form insoluble complexes

that are not absorbed .

Clinical importance :
Interactions can be avoided by taking
antacids 2 hrs before or after ingestion of other
drugs .
Now answer this question

 Is it rational to combine aluminium hydroxide

and magnesium hydroxide in antacid
preparations ?

 Combination provides a relatively fast and

sustained neutralising capacity .
(Magnesium Hydroxide – Rapidly acting
Aluminium Hydroxide - Slowly acting )

 Combination preserves normal bowel function.

(Aluminium Hydroxide – constipation
Magnesium hydroxide – diarrhoea )
Histamine H2 Receptor Antagonist
 Reversible competitive inhibitors of H2 receptor

 Highly selective, No action on H1 or H3 receptors

 Very effective in inhibiting nocturnal acid

secretion ( as it depends largely on Histamine )
 Modest impact on meal stimulated acid
secretion (As it depends on gastrin, acetyl
choline and histamine)
Cimetidine Ranitidine Famotidine Nizatidine

Bioavailability 80 50 40 >90
Relative Potency 1 5 -10 32 5 -10
Half life (hrs) 1.5 - 2.3 1.6 - 2.4 2.5 - 4 1.1 -1.6
Duration of 6 8 12 8

action (hrs)
Inhibition of 1 0.1 0 0
CYP 450
Dose mg(bd) 400 150 20 150
H2 Blockers–Side effects & Interactions

 Extremely safe drugs

 Cimetidine causes gynecomastia, galactorrhea

(as it is antiandrogenic & increases orolactin level)
 Cimetidine inhibits CYP450 & increases conc.
of Warfarin, Theophylline, Phenytoin, Ethanol.
Now answer this question

 Your friend wants to take a H2 antagonist before

he takes alcohol to avoid gastric irritation .He
consults you .Which H2 antagonist will you ask
him to take ?
Answer :


Explanation :
All H2 antagonist except famotidine inhibit
gastric first pass metabolism of ethanol and
increase its bioavailability .
Proton Pump Inhibitors

 Most effective drugs in antiulcer therapy

 Irreversible inhibitor of H+ K+ ATPase

 Prodrugs requiring activation in acid environment

 Weakly basic drugs & so accumulate in canaliculi

of parietal cell
 Activated in canaliculi & binds covalently to
extracellular domain of H+ K+ ATPase
 Acid secretion resumes only after synthesis of
new molecules
Proton Pump Inhibitors

Omeprazole 20 mg o.d.
Esomeprazole 20 - 40 mg o.d.
Lansoprazole 30 mg o.d.
Pantoprazole 40 mg o.d.
Rabeprazole 20 mg o.d.
Poton Pump Inhibitors – Kinetics
 Given as enteric coated granules in capsule or
enteric coated tablets
 Pantoprazole also given intravenously

 Half life – 1.5 hrs

 Since it requires acid for activation - given 1 hr

before meals
Other acid suppressing agents not coadministered
Now answer this question
 It is given in the previous slides that the half life of
proton pump inhibitors is 1.5 hours only and
these drugs are generally given once daily. How
this can be justified ?

 Answer :

P.P.I - Irreversible inhibitors of H+K+ATPase

(Hit and run drugs)
P.P.I. – Side effects & Interactions

 Extremely safe drugs

 Causes hypergastrinemia which leads to

carcinod tumor in rats
 But no evidence of such tumors in man

 Inhibit CYP 450 & hence metabolsim of

warfarin, phenytoin, etc
 Pantoprazole & Rabeprazole have no significant
Now Answer this Question

A patient comes to your clinic at midnight

complaining of heart burn. You want to relieve his
pain immediately. What drug will you choose?
Answer :

Explanation :
Antacids neutralise the already secreted
acid in the stomach. All other drugs act by
stopping acid secretion and so may not relieve
symptoms atleast for 45 min.
Mucosal Protective Agents
Mucosal Protective Agents

 Sucralfate

 Misoprostol

 Colloidal Bismuth compounds


 Salt of sucrose complexed to sulfated aluminium

 In acidic pH polymerises to viscous gel that
adheres to ulcer crater
 Taken on empty stomach 1 hr. before meals

 Concurrent antacids, H2 antagonist avoided

( as it needs acid for activation )


 PGE1 analogue

 Modest acid inhibition

 Stimulate mucus & bicarbonate secretion

 Enhance mucusal blood flow

 Approved for prevention of NSAID induced ulcer

 Diarrhoea & cramping abd. pain – 20 %

 Not so popular as P.P.I are more effective &

better tolerated
Colloidal Bismuth Compounds

 Coats ulcer, stimulates mucus & bicarbonate

 Direct antimicrobial activity against H.pylori

 May cause blackening of stools & tongue

 Not used for long periods – bismuth toxicity

Available compounds :
 Bismuth subsalicylate – in USA

 Bismuth sobcitrate – in Europe

 Bismuth dinitrate
Now answer this question

 A pregnant lady (first trimester) comes to you

with peptic ulcer disease. Which drug will you
prescribe for her ?
 Answer :

Antacids or Sucralfate

 Explanation ;
H2 antagonists cross placenta and are also
secreted in breast milk. Safety of Proton pump
inhibitors not established in pregnancy.
Misoprostol causes abortion .
Can you identify these people ?

Nobel prize
Medicine –

of H.pylori &
its role in

Barry J Marshall J. Robin Warren

Eradication of H.pylori
Triple Therapy

 The BEST among all the Triple therapy regimen is

Omeprazole / Lansoprazole - 20 / 30 mg bd
Clarithromycin - 500 mg bd
Amoxycillin / Metronidazole - 1gm / 500 mg bd

 Given for 14 days followed by P.P.I for 4 – 6 weeks

 Short regimens for 7 – 10 days not very effective

Triple Therapy – cont …
Some other Triple Therapy Regimens are

 Bismuth subsalicylate – 2 tab qid

Metronidazole - 250 mg qid

Tetracycline - 500 mg qid

 Ranitidine Bismuth citrate - 400 mg bd

Tetracycline - 500 mg bd
Clarithromycin / Metronidazole - 500 mg bd
Quadruple Therapy

 Given when Triple Therapy fails

 Omeprazole / Lansoprazole - 20 / 30 mg bd

Bismuth subsalycilate - 2 tabs qid

Metronidazole - 250 mg qid
Tetracycline - 500 mg qid
Now you have learnt about drugs used for
treating peptic ulcer ? Are there any drugs that
can cause peptic ulcer ?

Drugs causing peptic ulcer

 Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs
 Glucocorticoids

 Cytotoxic agents
 Stress induced ulceration after head trauma

Cushing’s ulcer
 Stress induced ulceration after severe burns

Curling’s ulcer

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