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Measuring The Sustainabili Ty of Cities An Analysis of The Use of Local Indicators

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Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418

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Measuring the sustainability of cities: An analysis of the use of local indicators

Georges A. Tanguay a,*, Juste Rajaonson b, Jean-François Lefebvre b, Paul Lanoie c
Université du Québec à Montréal and CIRANO, Montréal, QC, Canada
Université du Québec à Montréal and GRAME, Montréal, QC, Canada
HEC-Montréal and CIRANO, Montréal, QC, Canada


Article history: We analyze 17 studies of the use of urban sustainable development indicators (SDI) in developed
Received 12 February 2009 western countries. The analysis reveals a lack of consensus not only on the conceptual framework and
Received in revised form 10 July 2009 the approach favored, but also on the selection and optimal number of indicators. First, by performing
Accepted 18 July 2009
different classifications and categorizations of SDI we identify problems inherent in territorial practices
that use SDI. Second, we argue that the lack of consensus in several steps of the creation of SDI stems
Keywords: notably from the ambiguity in the definitions of sustainable development, objectives for the use of such
indicators, the selection method and the accessibility of qualitative and quantitative data. Third, based
on the reviewed studies, we propose a selection strategy for SDI through which we demonstrate the need
Sustainable development
Environment to adopt a parsimonious list of SDI covering the sustainable development components and their
Local governance constituent categories as broadly as possible while minimizing the number of indicators retained.
ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction If the concept of sustainable development was initially directed

at nations through Agenda 21 resulting from the 1992 Rio Summit,
The World Commission on Environment and Development a growing number of experts recognize that it is at the local scale,
(1987) proposed the most consensual definition of sustainable i.e. at the level of municipalities, cities or metropolitan regions,
development to date: ‘‘Sustainable development is development that the challenges are best expressed and that actors must be
that meets the needs of the present without compromising the mobilized (Camagni, 2002). In this sense, Article 28 of Agenda 21
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.’’ More which recognizes the importance of actions at the local scale, led to
specifically, as specified in the Brundtland report (WCED, 1987) the the creation of Local Agenda 21 adopted by several thousand
concept of sustainable development comprises three aspects: municipalities around the world (UNCSD, 2002). Sustainable
economic, social and environmental.1 In addition, for development development indicators (SDI) thus appear to be a means
of a given territory to be considered sustainable, it must integrate increasingly used by public administrations to underpin their
the qualities associated with interactions and overlapping of these sustainable development strategies, notably by allowing tangible
dimensions. Accordingly, development must be equitable (inter- assessment and monitoring systems. Despite their popularity, the
action between the economic and social dimension), livable use of SDI remains problematic in that the absence of a less general
(correspondence of the environment to social needs, which can and more universal definition of sustainable development has
refer to the concept of quality of life) and viable (economic given rise to multiple interpretations and in particular has
development must abide by the supportive capacity of the triggered an explosion of indicators.
ecosystems, and depletion of non-renewable resources must be In this paper, we study the use of SDI for cities located in
avoided). These dimensions are represented in Fig. 1. developed western countries. Our analysis demonstrate a lack of
consensus in several steps of the creation of SDI that stems notably
from the ambiguity in the definitions of sustainable development,
objectives for the use of such indicators, the selection method and
* Corresponding author at: UQAM, ESG DEUT, C.P. 8888, Succ. Centre-ville, the accessibility of qualitative and quantitative data. Based on 17
Montréal, QC, Canada, H3C 3P8. Tel.: +1 514 987 3000x2123; fax: +1 514 987 7827. reviewed studies, we propose a selection strategy for SDI through
E-mail address: (G.A. Tanguay).
which we demonstrate the need to adopt a parsimonious list of SDI
Recently, a fourth dimension has been added: the institutional dimension of
development. To simplify the presentation, we limit the analysis to the three
covering the sustainable development components and their
original dimensions of sustainable development. We thus integrate the sub- constituent categories as broadly as possible, while minimizing the
categories of the institutional component in the social dimension. number of indicators retained.

1470-160X/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
408 G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418

and interpretation of indicators of a given phenomenon, particu-

larly for the public.
To illustrate, we consider the human development index (HDI)
created by the UNDP in 1990 that clearly conveys the nuance
between an index and an indicator. The HDI consists of three
indices (longevity, level of education and standard of living). Each
index synthesizes a set of indicators. For example, the level of
education index is a synthesis of the indicators ‘‘gross literacy rate’’
and ‘‘gross education rate.’’ The index is then calculated based on
an aggregation method.

2.2. Aggregation, weighting, critical values and thresholds

2.2.1. Aggregation
Aggregation can be spatial (e.g. progression from a regional
spatial scale to a provincial scale), temporal (e.g. from a monthly
interval to an annual interval) and thematic. The first two
aggregation modes apply to a given variable that is compared over
time or between territories with the same administrative status. In
contrast, thematic aggregation groups a set of indicators according
Fig. 1. Classic dimensions of sustainable development.
to different themes, and is used to produce indices. The aggregation
method of indicators selected determines the conceptual framework
used. This framework refers to a method or set of organization
In Section 2 we describe the indicators and indices of methods intended to design and structure a vision of sustainable
sustainable development, along with the related basic concepts. development (e.g. organization into three dimensions of sustainable
In Section 3, we present the 17 studies from which we extracted development: environment, economy and society).
the 188 SDI and interpret the classifications and categorizations of
these indicators. In the following section, we perform a more 2.2.2. Weighting
detailed empirical analysis of the SDI compiled and discuss the Weighting may entail attributing a greater value or contribu-
reasons for the lack of consensus we observe. In Section 5, we tion to one indicator or index than another. This approach has
develop a strategy for selecting SDI based on a review of previous drawn much criticism (Perret, 2002; Martinez-Alier et al., 1998)
studies, underlining the need to adopt a parsimonious list of SDI because it is an arbitrary process and no weighting structure can
with a broad coverage. The conclusion follows. rationally justify the attribution of a given weight (e.g greater
weight) to a given indicator. Nonetheless, Callon et al. (2001)
2. Indicators and indices: basic concepts suggests that any attempt to weight sustainable development
indicators take public participation in decision-making processes
This study investigates indicators of sustainable development into account.
in general rather than problems related to their aggregation,
weighting, etc. However, for simplification purposes, before 2.2.3. Threshold, critical value, target value, relative performance
beginning the analysis of the studies inventoried, we present The concept of threshold refers to a scientifically demonstrated
some basic concepts related to sustainable development measures reference value which causes the phenomenon described to
(e.g. indicators). First we differentiate indicators from indices. We change status and present notable discontinuities and structural
then briefly discuss important concepts that underlie the changes or irreversibilities. It applies mainly to environmental
construction of indicators and indices: aggregation, weighting, challenges (e.g. water pollution, soil contamination and air
thresholds and target values. pollution).
The critical value corresponds to a recognized, generally
2.1. Indicators vs indices arbitrary, reference value derived from standards. It takes into
account uncertainties and individual and/or group interests. For
2.1.1. Indicators example, the figure of 30% of income allotted to housing is often
First, it is important to clarify the nuance between indicators considered a critical value to determine whether a household falls
and data or variables observed. A datum or variable observed below the poverty level.
becomes an indicator only once its role in the evaluation of a The concept of target value allows objectives to be set while
phenomenon has been established. For example, the number of measuring efforts and associated costs (economic, social and
unemployed is a datum or key variable in economics. Once it is political).
determined that an increase in the number of unemployed The relative performance of a given territory refers to the
expresses negative economic performance for a given territory, reference values based on other territories of the same stature.
this number becomes an indicator. The datum or variable These benchmarks are consequently used to construct statistical
pertaining to the number of unemployed can then be standardized, distances relative to the best and the worst performers. Relative
transformed or formulated in any way (e.g. rate, level) that can performance is generally used in cases where indicators and
account for economic performance. indices have no scientifically established thresholds or consensual
critical values. Thresholds are then determined based on the
2.1.2. Indices experience of other territories.
An index (or composite indicator) is a synthesis of indicators. As mentioned above, in this study we concentrate on the
Formalization of an indicator that necessitates the aggregation of indicators themselves rather than on questions related to their
several data or variables results in an index. The use of indices in aggregation, weighting etc. The studies retained therefore serve to
the field of sustainable development facilitates the understanding demonstrate how indicators are chosen based on a broader
G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418 409

Table 1
Summary of the 17 studies.

# Reference Regions and cities’ populations Specific features of study # of indicators

1 Ambiente Italia Research 42 municipalities, EUR (13 with System of indicators based on a limited 10
Institute (2003) population over 350k; 18 with number of themes, resulting from a lengthy
population 100k to 350k; 11 with analysis on the European scale. Record for
population less than 100k). each indicator retained.
2 Corporate Knights (2007) 24 cities, CAN (population over 100k). Comparison of cities according to six 35
weighted categories of indicators.
3 Federation of Canadian 20 cities and regional municipalities, Comparison according to indicators sorted 72
Municipalities (2004) CAN (population over 100k). along 11 dimensions. Comparison over time.
4 Tomalty (2007) 27 municipalities in Ontario, CAN Comparison of municipalities according to 33
(nine with population over 400k; indicators that meet determined objectives,
nine with population 75k to 400k; associated with three main dimensions of
nine with population less than 75k). sustainable development.
5 SustainLane Report (2007) 50 cities, US (50 largest cities in US). Comparison of cities according to 15 15
weighted categories of indicators.
6 Jacksonville Community City of Jacksonville, US (Metropolitan Selection of indicators based on 15 criteria, 86
Council (2004) area population 1.3m) meets nine objectives.
7 Cowley et al. (2007) 20 cities, UK (population over 300k). Selection of indicators based on three objectives 13
that reflect the sustainability of a city.
8 Koller (2006) 31 cities, SWZ (population over 20k). Standardized indicators transformed into 30
deciles: cities are assigned a grade of between
1 and 10 by indicators. Results presented
according to a dashboard of cities.
9 Meier and Wachter (2005) 14 cities and 8 cantons, SW (cantons’ Use of five criteria in the choice of indicators. 35
population 500k to 1m.; cities’ Record for each indicator retained.
population 10k to 100k).
10 Fraser Basin Council (2000) Fraser Bassin, BC, CAN (region’s Choice of indicators based on 8 criteria 40
population of 2.77m). corresponding to four objectives.
11 Sustainable Calgary (2004) Calgary, Alberta, CAN (metropolitan Choice of indicators based on eight criteria. 36
area population, 1.6m). Discussion groups were formed to determine the
indicators that best correspond to their territory.
12 Boston Foundation and Boston, US (Metropolitan area Identification of several dimensions whose 28
Greater Boston’s Civil population, 4.4m) issues are part of a global vision of sustainable
Community (2007) development
13 Brazzini-Mourier (2006) Onex, SWZ (population 20k). Decision-making tool. Record for each 39
indicator retained.
14 Planque and Lazzeri (2006) 34 communes in Communauté du Summary of several experiences with 74
Pays d’Aix, FR (one with population territorial indicators, methodology and
of 135k; four with population over construction of a benchmark. Detailed record
10k; 29 with pop less than 10k) produced for each indicator.
15 Agence Régionale pour 67 cities, Midi-Pyrénées region, FR Record for each indicator retained. 27
l’Environnement (2001) (population over 5k).
16 (2004) Cities in Arco Latino9 Record for each indicator retained. 21
(population 200k to 400k).
17 Thomas (2003) n/a Compilation of indicators from OECD, Eurostat, 22
United Nations Commission for Sustainable
Development, European Structural Indicators.
Only 22 indicators out of several hundred are
common to these large entities. Analytical and
comparative study.

Arco Latino is an association of regional and departmental communities corresponding to islands, coastal and inland regions in the Western Mediterranean (Portugal,
Spain, France and Italy).

analysis, e.g. based on an index. In the following section we present have reflected a lack of consensus from the point of view of goals
the studies analyzed. and evaluation tools that justify the analysis of a potential
consensual grid of SDI. Finally, Campbell (1996) recommended
3. Description of surveyed studies working at the city level because, at this scale, it is easier to
determine the responsibilities of all parties involved, the actions
We initially compiled a sample of 23 studies that apply are easier to control, while parties’ contrasts are clearer or more
indicators related to sustainable development to one or more cities clear-cut.
or urban centers covering a broad array of western countries, Of the 23 initial studies, three were specific to the field of
provinces and states. We subsequently decided to limit our transport, whereas three others had a limited range of indicators
analysis to studies specifically covering urban indicators of intended strictly to measure quality of life.2 The final sample
sustainable development for four main reasons. therefore consisted of 17 studies, covering cities or municipalities
First, we believe that cities should be the object of closer of various sizes (mainly larger ones) in the US, Canada and Europe.
scrutiny since the majority of developed economies’ population The main characteristics of the studies are described in Table 1,
live in cities and that because of that they are exposed or are the which yields two main findings. First, the 17 studies use between
source of many SD related problems such as pollution, crime,
housing etc.. . . and this is particularly true in western countries 2
In fact, five studies addressed the concept of quality of life. However, only two of
(Thomas, 2002). Secondly, for some SDI considered, data was these studies used a sufficiently broad range of indicators to be considered as SDI.
available only for urban agglomerations of more than 5000 people. We therefore retained these two studies for this exercise, given our goal of
Third, mostly larger cities have adopted SD strategies or plans that comparing studies with similar objectives.
410 G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418

This classification was intended to identify the indicators that

overlap two or three dimensions, a situation often neglected in
studies of SDI. However, as the Brundtland report (WCED, 1987)
maintains, for development of a given territory to be considered
sustainable it must be equitable, livable and viable.
Lastly, we noted the most frequently used indicators to extend
the analysis and develop an approach to defining a parsimonious
list, with fewer redundant indicators. Table 3 presents the 32
indicators that were used four times or more in the 17 studies in
the sample. Of these indicators, 10 are strictly indicators of
sustainable development that is indicators that identify a set of
challenges that are concomitantly environmental, economic and
social. The results are illustrated in Fig. 4a.
Fig. 2. Frequency of use of the 188 indicators. Based on these observations, the following section discusses
variations in approaches and the lack of consensus on the choice
10 and 86 SDI, which reveals a lack of consensus on the optimal and number of indicators.
number of indicators. In addition, studies involving a larger
number of cities use fewer SDI. In the next section we will examine 4. Approaches and choice of indicators
the factors that explain the variation in the number and choice of
indicators. Several authors have acknowledged the lack of consensus and
From the 17 studies examined, we compiled 188 indicators. formally established methods pertaining to SDI practices (see
Because an indicator can be described or measured in different Legrand et al., 2007; Planque and Lazzeri, 2006). Difficulties in
ways (e.g. atmospheric pollutants by toxicity, quantity emitted or developing and applying SDI can be explained largely by the nature
CO2 content), we ensured that the descriptions and units of of sustainable development, whose very broad definition gives rise
measurement used allowed the definition of clear and distinct to multiple interpretations. Levett (1998) eloquently expressed
indicators. Indicators such as the average household income or the this problem: ‘‘the struggle to find and use indicators of sustainable
percentage of low income households thus represent different development is intimately bound up with the process of deciding
ways of characterizing household income for a given territory, and what we mean by (the term) and what we shall do about it.’’
are considered as distinct indicators in our survey. Following the analysis of the 17 studies retained, we discerned
In addition, we observed the frequency of use of the 188 the main recurrent problems related to the effective use and choice
indicators noted. In total, 72% of the indicators apply to only one or of SDI, particularly in the municipal context. Notably, these
two studies. Very few indicators are found in more than five problems lie in the definition of sustainable development, the
studies. The results are shown in Fig. 2. These trends clearly reveal objectives set by SDI and the constraints of accessibility of data
the lack of consensus on SDI, a phenomenon that is even more used to create the indicators.
striking given that the 17 studies retained cover cities or urban
centers of western countries that share many of the same values 4.1. Diversity of approaches
and characteristics.
In the third step, indicators were grouped according to the three Comparison of the 17 studies reveals that there are as many
classic components of sustainable development: economic, possible interpretations or approaches to creation of SDI as there
environmental and social, consistent with the classifications are definitions of sustainable development. Similarly, depending
common to the 17 studies.3 on the objectives for the use of SDI, the approach varies between
Fourth, following this initial classification, 20 categories were studies.
formed in order to better structure the indicators within each For instance, if some territorial practices associate sustainable
component. We attempted to remain as faithful as possible to the development with the concept of quality of life (FCM, 2004;
classifications and categories suggested by most of the 17 studies. Jacksonville Community Council, 2004; Koller, 2006), others refer
For example, the transport category includes all indicators related to more traditional dimensions (Cowley et al., 2007; Brazzini-
to transport in the environmental component. Similarly, the Mourier, 2006; Planque and Lazzeri, 2006). In both cases, the
education category was assigned to the social component in order definition of sustainable development is problematic. By empha-
to group indicators that evaluate state, supply and demand in the sizing quality of life, an entire aspect of sustainable development
field of education. The frequency of use of each indicator was then (i.e. negative externalities) is not taken into account in the
calculated for each component and category. The results are shown formulation of indicators. Thus, a given city or municipality may
in Table 2. It is easily apparent that the environmental component indeed promote a good quality of life for its citizens, yet this
is characterized by a large variety of indicators—hence a lesser lifestyle may not necessarily be viable or equitable. For example,
consensus—whereas the social, economic and institutional com- the indicators related to public services (e.g. recreation) may
ponents comprise indicators that are more consensual and indicate a good quality of life while contributing to the sustainable
therefore more frequently used. development of a given municipality. Nonetheless, the municipal
Fifth, bearing in mind the subjective nature of the exercise, we buildings that offer these services may consume large quantities of
performed a final classification of the 188 indicators, this time energy, which would indicate poorer performance from a
according to the classic components of sustainable development sustainable development perspective. Moreover, by limiting
(i.e. without the institutional dimension). This distribution is sustainable development to ‘‘classic’’ dimensions, the classification
illustrated in Fig. 3. of indicators may become problematic, particularly for indicators
that reflect more than one-dimension at a time. This is the main
criticism of the studies that have adopted this approach (Brazzini-
As mentioned earlier, the institutional dimension was also considered within
the social component. Section 4 of this article elaborates on the topic of indicators
Mourier, 2006; Koller, 2006).
that overlap these components and the need to take their possible interaction into Moreover, although it is important to create a proper hierarchy
account. of objectives for which the indicators are used (Verry and Nicolas,
G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418 411

Table 2
Summary of frequency of use of indicators in 17 studies.

Sustainable development Category # indicators in # of indicators used

dimension category
One or two times Three times Four times Five times or +

Environmental Energy (excluding transport) 8 7 1 0 0

Transport 25 20 2 2 1
Air quality 15 10 3 0 2
Noise 3 3 0 0 0
Drinking water 7 4 2 0 1
Green space, ecosystems and heritage 16 12 1 1 2
Waste 5 3 0 0 2
Other indicatorsa 6 3 2 1 0
Sub-total 85 62 11 4 8

Social and institutional Demographics 10 7 2 1 1

Housing 18 15 1 1 1
Education 11 7 2 1 1
Security 5 4 0 0 1
Health 9 8 1 0 0
Well being 3 3 0 0 0
Social and community services 11 8 1 2 0
Governance 4 1 1 0 2
Expenses and public administration 6 4 0 0 1
Sub-total 77 57 8 5 7

Economic Household income and expenses 13 8 1 0 4

Employment 8 5 0 0 3
Businesses 5 3 1 0 1
Sub-total 26 16 2 0 8

Total 188 135 21 9 23

Ecological footprints, natural catastrophes, level of exposure to natural and industrial risks, consumption of equitable products, urban intensification, and soil use.

2005), the objectives may also represent a break point in the use of development. Even if such practices contribute to evaluating
SDI by playing a determining role in the approach retained. If most strengths, weaknesses and forecasts as part of an implementation
studies aim to integrate social, economic and environmental strategy of sustainable development, they are admittedly not
dimensions in the form of SDI in a general framework, others immune to political excesses of municipal administrations that
attempt to clarify one or more particular aspects by setting specific define ‘‘their’’ objectives which ‘‘their’’ SDI must meet.
objectives or priorities (Tomalty, 2007; Jacksonville Community Therefore, we retain three important conditions that allow a
Council, 2004). In some cases, the objectives may even emerge less superficial approach to the design of SDI. First, sustainable
from the identification of a particular challenge as a priority in a development should not be systematically redefined when
sustainable development perspective. For example, the SMART adapted to a particular territorial context. Moreover, the inter-
Transportation Ranking Report (Nemetz, 2007) strictly concerns pretations of SD should be consistent with the Brundtland report
transport and considers transport challenges to underpin problems by reflecting the economic, social and environmental components
related to sustainable development in large Canadian cities. as well as the overlaps between them. Second, the objectives
Another example is the application of indicators in the field of regarding the origin and formulation of an SDI chart should reflect
Sustainable Housing (Winston and Eastaway, 2008), which con- the existing tradeoff between consideration of specific factors for
siders the challenges related to housing as a priority in sustainable each city or municipality and the need to homogenize the
indicators such that they allow a fairer comparison between
municipal jurisdictions of the same stature. Concomitantly, these
objectives must take into account the target audience and the
ultimate use of the indicators as tools that support municipal
sustainable development strategies.
We therefore believe that an effective approach would consist
in identifying the integrated dimensions of sustainable develop-
ment as broadly as possible, while ensuring that possible over-
lapping between these dimensions are clearly specified. In
addition, the statement of objectives that SDI must meet should
entail a social construction process that can be conditioned by
social, historical, economic or local factors (Duchêne et al., 2002)
without impeding the homogenization of measures that would
allow comparison of territories of the same stature. This aspect
deserves serious consideration, mainly to deter different territorial
jurisdictions from creating ‘‘their own’’ indicators to meet
objectives that they define. In the end, we emphasize compar-
ability vs specific objectives for three main reasons. First,
sustainable development policies and strategies are often estab-
lished at the regional level (e.g. province). Therefore common
indicators facilitate the monitoring of realized progress for the
Fig. 3. Classification of 188 indicators counted. individual cities and/or for the regions themselves. In the end, the
412 G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418

Table 3
Indicators used four times or more in the 17 studies.

Frequency Indicator Description Sustainable Category

of use development

8 1. Unemployment rate Unemployment rate of labor force Equitable Employment

7 2. Users of mass transit (MT) Percentage of users of MT vs other means Sustainable Transport
of transport
3. Density of urban population Density of population per square kilometre Sustainable Demographics
in urban areas
4. Quantity of waste Quantity of household waste sent to landfills Livable Waste
(tonnage per year)
5. Crime rate Crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants Equitable Security
6. Mean or median household income per year Mean/median household income ($ per year) Economic Income and
7. Job creation for all sectors combined Number of new jobs per year for all sectors Economic Employment

6 8. CItizen participation in public affairs Rate of participation in public hearings Social Governance
9. Low income households Households with income below $10,000 Equitable Income and
per year expenses
10. Concentration of PM10 particles Average annual concentration in designated Livable Air
residential zones
11. Businesses with environmental certification Percentage of businesses with environmental Viable Businesses
12. Quantity of waste recycled Quantity of waste recycled in tonnes/ Viable Waste
13. Daily water consumption per person Average daily water consumption per person Sustainable Water
per year

5 14. Households spending 30% or more

of income on housing
Percentage of Households spending 30% or Equitable Housing conditions
more of income on housing
15. GHG emissions (excluding transport) GHG emissions in tonnes of CO2 per year Viable Air
(excluding transport)
16. Quality of waterways Percentage of waterways with excellent Livable Ecosystem,
water quality heritage,
green space
17. SD policies or strategies Absence or presence of political initiatives Sustainable Administration,
supporting sustainable development public expendiures
18. Rate of participation in municipal elections Rate of participation in municipal elections Social Governance
19. Participation rate for all sectors Change in participation rate Economic Employment
20. Ratio, population with high income–low income Ratio of population with income over $80,000 Equitable Income and
to population with income below $20,000 expenses
21. Population receiving social assistance Percentage of workforce receiving social assistance Equitable Income and
22. Population aged 18 and over with less Percentage of population aged 18 and over Equitable Education
than a high school diploma with less than a high school diploma
23. Space alloted to nature conservation relative Space alloted to nature conservation relative Sustainable Ecosystem,
to area of territory to area of territory heritage,
green space

4 24. Average distance traveled per capita for all Average distance in km/per capita/yr traveled Sustainable Transport
means of transport combined for all means of transport combined
25. Victims of traffic accidents Rate of death and injuries caused by traffic Livable Transport
accidents per 1000 inhabitants
26. Green space per 1000 inhabitants Percentage of urban space dedicated to green Livable Ecosystem,
space per 1000 inhabitants heritage,
green space
27. Playgrounds (parks) per 1000 inhabitants Percentage of urban space dedicated to Livable Social and
playgrounds per 1000 inhabitants community services
28. Cultural events Annual number of cultural events Social Social and
community services
29. Average capacity of primary and secondary Average number of students per class at Equitable Education
school classes primary and secondary schools
30. Diversity of new housing built Proportion of housing starts for each Equitable Housing conditions
type of dwelling
31. Premature mortality rate Ratio of deaths among people under Sustainable Demographics
age 75 per 100,000 inhabitants
32. Ecological footprint Ecological footprint of municipality Sustainable Other

use of common SDI should lead to a better coordination of actions comparability and the adoption of common SDI is necessary to
for cities within a given region (Thomas, 2002). Second, compar- avoid that SDI become marketing tools for cities tempted by
able SDI are important because they allow cities of the same size to choosing indicators that make them look good only. We will take
have a common grid to share and apply successful tools and these facts into account to develop our approach to the creation of
measures (Ambiente Italia Research Institute, 2003). Third, SDI in the next section of this article.
G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418 413

Fig. 5. The relationship between data condensation and audience (Shields et al.,

Aggregating or simplifying information nonetheless reduces

some of its analytical power while heightening the subjective
nature of indicators (Verry and Nicolas, 2005). Kahn (2006) argues
that there are still no standards pertinent and universal methods or
criteria for aggregating and weighting SDI.
Moreover, all 17 studies examined acknowledge that the
constraints of accessibility and availability of data are a recurring
problem for municipalities. This situation occasionally dictates the
use of less than maximally efficient indicators to capture
sustainable development on the municipal scale. For example,
bus speed may be put forth as an indicator of efficiency of mass
transit (Basiago, 1999), whereas it has been demonstrated that
cities where buses travel more quickly have greater sprawl coupled
with less efficient and less used mass transit (Newman and
Kenworthy, 1988)
Constraints of accessibility also affect the proportion of
indicators in integrated components. Thus, although social and
economic challenges take precedence in urban sustainable
development (Federation of Canadian Municipalities, 2004), the
popularity of related indicators is linked notably to the fact that
qualitative and quantitative data (household characteristics,
education, employment, etc.) are more accessible at the municipal
scale than are data related to the environment (GHG emissions,
Fig. 4. Classification of most widely used indicators in 17 studies. (a) Indicators used energy consumption, air quality index, annual distance traveled
four times or more (N = 32); (b) indicators used five times or more (N = 23). per inhabitant according to travel mode, etc.).

4.2. Variation in the choice and number of indicators 5. SDI selection strategy

Even when a similar approach is applied, we have observed that In this section we establish a strategy for choosing a list of
two studies or more may use indicators that vary considerably in pertinent indicators. This strategy is based on: (1) the definition of
number and attributes. As mentioned above, in the 17 studies basic selection criteria derived from the tradeoff between parsimony
examined, the number of SDI varies between 10 and 86, and the and coverage of pertinent categories, and (2) the classifications and
number of indicators related to the environmental component sorts that we previously analyzed in Section 1. Further, we consider
exceeds that of the other components, thus implying a lesser the problems identified in Sections 3 and 4 when justifying our
consensus. approach and validating our recommendations.
We generally attributed these variations to the classification
process that is the way the indicators are structured or organized in 5.1. Selection criteria
a given system, as well as to access constraints. Accordingly, we
differentiate divergence between practices generally suggested by Determining the optimal choice and number of indicators
scientists and those endorsed by municipal administrations. If the inevitably requires that selection criteria be defined. We evaluated
latter tend to favor a less conceptual structure comprising fewer the number of selection criteria used in the 17 studies. In total,
indicators, intended to achieve simple and quantifiable objectives, more than half of the studies use fewer than three criteria, whereas
scientists prefer a minimum of aggregation and, if possible, one study identifies up to 14 selection criteria. Of a total of 68
simplification, in order to be faithful to the concepts. This contrast criteria noted, only six are frequently used. The criteria are found
is illustrated in Fig. 5. under the following headings: ‘‘credible,’’ ‘‘universality,’’ ‘‘data
414 G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418

requirements and availability,’’ ‘‘comprehensible,’’ ‘‘links with actions, changes in behavior, etc.) to the problems encountered. In
management’’ and ‘‘spatial and temporal scales of applicability.’’4 the DSR model, anthropic pressure on the environment is simply
In addition, a growing number of authors recognize the replaced by a driving force to better integrate social, economic and
importance of defining transparent and rigorous selection criteria institutional indicators. In the DPSIR model, driving forces behind
to increase the value and scientific credibility of indicators selected the use of transport or industry, for example, exert pressure on the
while ensuring that they can inform decision-making processes environment such as emission of pollutants, which in turn degrade
(Belnap, 1998; Slocombe, 1998; Dale and Beyler, 2001; Niemeijer the state of the environment. This has an impact on human health
and De Groot, 2008). A particularly widespread approach in social and the ecosystem, which triggers a reaction by society in the form
sciences, perhaps owing to the simplicity of its acronym, is worth of political measures that can apply to each component of the
mentioning. An indicator must be SMART, namely: model.
However, for such models to be effective, the number of
‘‘Specific – be clear and concise and avoid vague terms; indicators must be multiplied by three, four or even five. Each
Measurable – quantifiable indicators to measure progress; category of indicator (transport, energy, education, health, air, etc.)
Achievable (Assignable) – someone must be able to complete must be broken down into indicators of pressure, state and
the objective; Relevant (Realistic) – able to be interpreted; response in the case of a PSR model, for example. It is partly for this
within budget and time frame; Time-related – completed by a reason that the United Nations, which pioneered this type of
certain date; change measured by a certain date.’’ (United approach in 1990, abandoned it in 2006. In addition, it does not
Nations Statistical Institute for Asia and Pacific, 2007). allow attainment of the objectives for which the indicators were
Even if the application of such an approach remains subjective, created (Bell and Morse, 2008). Lastly, there is no indication that
as Dale and Beyler (2001) note, it can be used to validate the choice increasing the number of indicators allows one to better capture
and number of indicators. However, it should be considered as a the relative sustainability for one or more territories. On the
complement to the adoption of clear objectives or the development contrary, as we mentioned in Section 3 of this article, the optimal
of general principles. For example, the Renewed EU Sustainable number of indicators should consider the tradeoff between broad
Development Strategy rests on seven objectives and illustrates the coverage of the sustainable development components and the goal
holistic nature of the concept of sustainable development of parsimony of indicators.
perfectly. Note that it applies selection criteria to supplement
the objectives (on this subject, see Jones and Patterson, 2007). 5.3. Survey-based selection strategy for SDI (SuBSelec)
Similarly, the International Institute for Sustainable Development
developed ten principles based on Agenda 21, and specified a priori In this section, we propose an optimal selection strategy of a
selection criteria (see Hardi and Zdan, 1997). subset of indicators from among the 188 indicators compiled. We
then determine a general criterion of optimization along with the
5.2. Conceptual framework and classification method of indicators pertinent constraints. To do so, it is important to set clear
fundamental guidelines for compiling the list of indicators.
Whereas a selection criteria chart can be used to produce a Evidently, the SDI retained should collectively cover the four
refined list of indicators, it is not sufficient to produce a structure or components and 20 categories of sustainable development
classification model justified by previously established objectives presented in Table 2. Whereas we could conceivably select all
and by the processes and states to be measured. 188 indicators, we consider this a simplistic and inefficient
The use of a conceptual framework is thus a fundamental step strategy given redundancy factors and the loss of efficiency in
that can ensure that the indicators selected indeed cover the the public dissemination of information and results.5 A more
phenomena to be measured (Niemeijer and De Groot, 2008). There targeted strategy would consist in retaining one indicator per each
are no specific models that allow one to simplify or predict of the 20 categories defined. We could thus cover all components of
interactions that govern sustainable development (Abolina and sustainable development and all subcategories. Nonetheless,
Zilans, 2002). Further, there are many possible approaches to although this approach would reduce the number of indicators,
designing and organizing indicators, each of which has advantages it would ignore asymmetry in the importance and complexity of
and disadvantages (Hart, 1998). these components and categories. For example, Table 2 reveals that
The main conceptual frameworks are well documented by the income and expenses category tends to be particularly well
McLaren (1996). They include frameworks centered on objectives, represented in the studies. This is not surprising, and seems
challenges, sectors, components of sustainable development and desirable given that it is useful to consider not only average income
cause and effect relationships; the latter are also known as but also variance in the distribution of income (e.g. via percentages
‘‘pressure-status-response’’ models (PSR). McLaren (1996) con- of low income). Thus it is worth representing all components and
tends that although these approaches can meet the objectives for categories, although more weight should be given to certain items.
which they were designed, only the combination of two or more of Once this initial analysis is accepted, three central elements
these approaches can capture the complexity of sustainable emerge in the establishment of an optimal selection criterion for
development. SDI. First, we are seeking a parsimonious list of SDI that is easily
The PSR models and their derivatives (DPSIR: driving force- understandable and usable. This would allow us to simplify and
pressure-state-impact-reaction; DSR: driving force-state-reaction) synthesize the information to facilitate the dissemination of
are particularly useful. Such models combine different properties analyses. In addition, we aim to cover all the components and
attributed to indicators. Niemeijer and De Groot (2008) and categories of sustainable development established in Table 2.
Barcelo (1999) propose definitions of these properties. Accord- Lastly, we endeavor to retain SDI on which a consensus exists in the
ingly, the PSR model serves to group a series of indicators to literature. This point is crucial to establish solid conceptual bases in
represent anthropic pressure on the environment, the resulting the development of indicators and indices. Ultimately, we are
state of the environment and the reactions or responses (political, attempting to achieve a consensus to facilitate comparison

4 5
To standardize the selection criteria used in the 17 studies, we adopted the The latter element is important according to several lists of selection criteria,
classification developed by Niemeijer and De Groot (2008), using the categories the best known of which is that of the 10 Bellagio principles. See Bell and Morse
whose definition corresponds to those found in the studies we analyzed. (2008).
G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418 415

Table 4
The 29 indicators retained.

Indicator Description Dimension of Category


SD policies or strategies Absence or presence of political initiatives Sustainable Administration,

supporting sustainable development public expendiures
Density of urban population Density of population per square kilometre in Sustainable Demographics
urban areas
Daily water consumption per person Average daily water consumption per person per year Sustainable Water
Ecological footprint Ecological footprint Sustainable Unclassified indicator
State of health reported by population Percentage of people claiming that they feel well Sustainable Health
or very well
Users of mass transit (MT) Percentage of users of MT vs other means of transport Sustainable Transport
Space alloted to nature conservation Space alloted to nature conservation relative to Sustainable Ecosystem, heritage,
relative to area of territory area of territory green space
Cost of living Cost of living in $ per person Economic Well being
Participation rate for all sectors Change in participation rate Economic Employment
Job creation for all sectors combined Number of new jobs per year for all sectors Economic Employment
Mean or median household income Mean/median household income ($ per year) Economic Income and expenses
per year
Households spending 30% or more Percentage of Households spending 30% or more of Equitable Housing conditions
of income on housing income on housing
Population aged 18 and over with Percentage of population aged 18 and over with less Equitable Education
less than a high school diploma than a high school diploma
Unemployment rate Unemployment rate of the workforce Equitable Employment
Ratio, population with high Ratio of population with income over $80,000 to Equitable Income and expenses
income–low income population with income below $20,000
Population receiving social assistance Percentage of workforce receiving social assistance Equitable Income and expenses
Low income households Households with income below $10,000 per year Equitable Income and expenses
Crime rate Crime rate per 100,000 inhabitants Equitable Security
Rate of participation in municipal Rate of participation in municipal elections Social Governance
CItizen participation in public affairs Rate of participation in public hearings Social Governance
Annual consumption of energy Annual consumption of energy from renewable Viable Energy
from renewable sources sources per inhabitant in kWh
Businesses with environmental Percentage of businesses with environmental Viable Businesses
certification certification
Quantity of waste recycled Quantity of waste recycled in tonnes/inhabitant/year Viable Waste
Concentration of PM10 particles Average annual concentration in designated Livable Air
residential zones
GHG emissions (excluding transport) GHG emissions in tonnes of CO2 per year Livable Air
(excluding transport)
Population exposed to Lnigh > 55 dB (A) % of total population exposed to Lnight > 55 dB (A) Livable Noise
Quality of waterways Percentage of waterways with excellent water quality Livable Ecosystem, heritage,
green space
Quantity of household waste Quantity of household waste sent to landfills Livable Waste
(tonnage per year)
Participation in sports in parks and Number of participants as percentage of total population Livable Social and community
swimming pools services

between studies and cities over time6. Given these objectives, we from Table 3: 32 indicators are used four times or more, 23 are used
have adopted the following general selection criterion: five times or more and 13 appear six times or more. Based on our
Survey-based selection strategy for SDI (SuBSelec): a selection of other selection constraints, it is clear that the 13 SDI used six or
SDI based on a review of studies intended to minimize the number more times do not sufficiently cover the components and
of indicators selected from among those compiled, subject to the categories presented in Table 2. For instance, these SDI do not
following constraints: (1) choose the most cited indicators; (2) pertain to essential categories such as education and housing. By
cover the components of sustainable development and the contrast, the 32 SDI used four times or more cover all of the
pertinent predetermined categories and (3) choose the simplest components and categories. Thus, given the SuBSelec criteria
SDI to facilitate data collection, understanding and dissemination. defined above, to produce the list, indicators will be chosen from
among those cited four times rather than those cited five times or
5.4. Application of the strategy more. In this case we will therefore choose between two typical
situations found in studies using SDI. The first is the situation
Given the classifications and sorts performed above, the where a ‘‘high’’ number of SDI are used, to allow greater coverage of
starting point of the selection process is to determine the most components and categories of sustainable development. This
commonly used indicators. Three ‘‘characteristics’’ thus emerge situation corresponds in this case to the 32 indicators cited four
times. In the second situation, greater parsimony is favored at the
expense of reduced coverage of components and subcategories of
We are aware that the search for a consensus may create certain gaps and errors sustainable development. In this paper we refer to cases where 23
in the selection of indicators. We are not attempting to criticize or develop indicators are cited five or more times.7 We thus aim to determine
indicators, but rather to select a list that would be parsimonious and representative
of knowledge at a given stage. However, we believe that the selection of indicators
should be relatively consistent to allow a comparison over time. We will revisit This type of situation is summarized well in the introduction of the work by Bell
temporal and spatial importance below. and Morse (2008).
416 G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418

whether it is optimal to add nine additional indicators to increase

the coverage of components and categories. In other words, we will
evaluate whether the gain in efficiency due to the information
obtained through greater coverage of components and categories
is superior to the loss of efficiency induced by a significant increase
in the number of indicators used (39.1%). It is impossible to
definitively answer this question objectively.8 Nonetheless, two
elements of the analysis indicate that it is preferable to use fewer
indicators to the detriment of the coverage principle.
First, Table 2 reveals that the shift from indicators used four
times or more (‘‘four times’’) to those cited five times or more (‘‘five
times’’) leads to the non-representation of only two categories:
other (e.g. ecological footprint) and social and community services.
In all the other categories, the use of ‘‘four times’’ vs ‘‘five times’’
permits constant coverage. However, note that in addition to the
items other and social and community services, four other categories
are not represented in all cases, namely energy, noise, health and
well being. Below we discuss a strategy for solving this problem.
A second factor argues in favor of the ‘‘five times’’ criterion.
Fig. 3 depicts the 188 initial indicators in a classic Venn diagram of
sustainable development. The purpose is to replicate Fig. 3 (in
percentages), using much fewer indicators. In this case we used
between 23 and 32 indicators. Fig. 4, which shows the same Venn
diagrams for the ‘‘four times’’ and ‘‘five times’’ indicators, readily
illustrates that the latter case is much more representative of the
percentages obtained with the 188 initial indicators while covering
the majority of the components. Therefore, we obtained the same
type of coverage of components (in percentage) with 23 indicators
as with 188. However, as mentioned above, by retaining only these
23 indicators, 6 of 20 categories would not be covered, namely: (1)
energy (excluding transport); (2) noise; (3) other; (4) health; (5)
well being; and (6) social and community services. Although these
categories seem to be slightly more ‘‘secondary’’ in the studies, we
believe that they should be represented by at least one indicator.
To do so, we use the most prevalent indicator in the studies
according to Table 2. For three of the six missing indicators, the
problem is easily solved given that only one indicator stands out
for the number of times it is used. For example, for the energy and
health categories, no indicator is used five or more times, whereas
only one indicator is used three or more times. We therefore use
these singular indicators for the two categories. The same rationale
applies to the ‘‘other indicators’’ category, for which only one
indicator stands out in the column of indicators used four times.
Fig. 6. Classification and count of 29 indicators retained vs 188 initial indicators. (a)
The three other categories not represented necessitate the choice The 29 indicators retained; (b) the 188 initial indicators.
of one indicator from among two or three. In effect, three indicators
are used three times for the noise and well being items, while two
indicators are used four times for social and community services. summarize these correspondences in Table 5. The second column
For each of these three categories we therefore choose the provides, for each of the intersections, the percentage of
indicator for which the data are easiest to obtain. representation of the 188 SDI compiled. The third column contains
We consequently obtained a list of 29 indicators, presented in the numbers corresponding to the 29 SDI retained that allow us to
Table 4. Fig. 6a illustrates a classic Venn diagram of sustainable attain the same percentages of coverage as those obtained with the
development with the 29 indicators retained assigned to different 188 initial SDI. Lastly, the third column provides the real numbers
groups and intersections. By comparing it with Fig. 6b, it is easy to of SDI (from among the 29 retained) according to various
see that the indicators retained allow similar coverage to the 188 intersections. It is therefore clear that the 29 SDI retained allow
initial indicators in terms of percentages of different components
of the intersection of sustainable development: livable, equitable,
viable and sustainable. Table 5
Thus, our parsimonious list of 29 indicators (Fig. 6a) reproduces Percentage distribution of the 29 chosen indicators vs the percenrage distribution of
the coverage of the integrated components of sustainable the 188 initial indicators.
development ensured by the 188 indicators (Fig. 6b), particularly % of distribution Corresponding numbers Real numbers for
in the intersections of the environmental, social and economic of 188 indicators for all 29 indicators distribution of
components, namely livable, equitable, viable and sustainable. We 29 indicators

Livable 20 5.8 5
8 Equitable 27.7 8 7
Aside from the fact that some find attempts to measure sustainable
Viable 11.2 3.2 4
development illusory, the inherent unavoidable subjectivity is one of the main
Sustainable 21.3 6.2 7
criticisms of the choice and use of SDI.
G.A. Tanguay et al. / Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 407–418 417

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