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Fractal structures in systems

made of small magnetic
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Citation: KURTEN and KUSMARTSEV, 2005. Fractal structures in systems

made of small magnetic particles. Physical Review B 72(1), 014433

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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72, 014433 共2005兲

Fractal structures in systems made of small magnetic particles

Karl E. Kürten1 and Feodor V. Kusmartsev2

für Experimentalphysik, Universität Wien, Austria
2Departmentof Physics, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, United Kingdom
共Received 29 December 2004; revised manuscript received 14 March 2005; published 14 July 2005兲

We have found that in a system consisting of small magnetic particles a phenomenon related to the formation
of fractal structures may arise. The fractal features may arise not only in the distribution of magnetic moments
but also in their energy spectrum. The magnetization and the susceptibility of the system also display fractal
characteristics. The multiple structures are associated with exponentially many locally stable minima in a
highly complex energy landscape. The signature of these fractal structures can be experimentally detected by
various methods.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.72.014433 PACS number共s兲: 75.75.⫹a, 75.60.Jk, 75.50.Tt, 75.10.Hk

I. INTRODUCTION soscopic systems have been thoroughly investigated.

Modern technologies, such as molecular beam epitaxy However, there is another way to get controllable domain
and laser ablation, open the way to grow physical systems structures by assembly of similar or different mesoscopic
with properties of technological interest and an enormous samples from domain-free small nanoparticles. In this case
scope of useful applications.1 Functionalizing of the indi- any interaction between nanoparticles is much smaller than
vidual nanoclusters is part of the next big push in nanotech- the exchange interaction between microscopic moments
nology. Therefore magnetic nanoparticles and different struc- within each single small nanoparticle. Due to this fact the
tures made of these nanoparticles have been the focus of energy cost for domain creation within each single nanopar-
intense research for the last decade.2 There is also a growing ticle is much larger than the energy cost for the domain for-
realization of the enormous potential of cluster assembled mation between the nanoparticles. Therefore for a system
films and other nanostructures in the production of high per- consisting of very small magnetic nanoparticles domains are
formance materials.3 Transmission electron microscopy formed mostly in the boundary areas between nanoparticles.
共TEM兲 allows one to investigate and control the magnetic For example, a typical such system consists of nanopar-
properties of artificial structures, films, and multilayers made ticles with size smaller than 100 nm made of “supermalloy”
of such small particles. These magnetic microstructures Ni80Fe14Mo5. Each of the particles is a single domain
evolve with magnetic field and temperature and display object.14 These particles also have an unique property related
many unusual features.4 The control and understanding of to a configurational anisotropy, which, in turn, is strongly
these structures will give advances in applications especially related to the shape of the particles.15 For example, for the
related to formation of spintronic circuits operating in the particles having an ellipsoidal shape the magnetic moment
gigahertz 共GHz兲 and terahertz 共THz兲 range as well as many will be directed along the axes of the prolongation.
other properties related to the formation of magnetic memory Recently Cowburn and Welland have proposed using one
used in hard disks. Among the most extensively studied sys- such system, namely, to use a chain of such magnetic nano-
tems are arrays formed from small magnetic particles.1,5–7 particles deposited on a nonmagnetic substrate as a room
For example, the control of magnetization reversal involving temperature magnetic quantum cellular automaton
well-defined domain states in nanomagnet arrays is a key to 共MQCA兲.16 They have produced such a chain where all par-
future applications for magnetic recording and magnetoelec- ticles were ferromagnetically coupled and oriented along the
tronic devices.8–10 Arrays formed from nanoparticles may chain. The orientation of the ferromagnetic moments has
also have very complex behavior of magnetization which been controlled by a deposition of a first particle of the chain
could be associated with complex magnetic domain struc- which was larger than the other particles and had a distin-
tures. A simple scheme to extract the magnetization reversal guished ellipsoidal shape. In that paper16 it was shown that
of characteristic domains on nanoparticle arrays from soft by slightly biased, pulsed magnetic field the magnetic mo-
X-ray has been recently demonstrated.11 A control of the ments associated with these individual particles are flipped
magnetization reversal is based on the knowledge about the coherently, comparable to a “domino” effect. Therefore it
reproducible domain structures. was concluded that such a chain has all the properties needed
For a macroscopic sample the formation of domains is not to form a quantum cellular automaton.
controllable. The situation changes when the size of the
sample decreases. A very small ferromagnetic nanoparticle II. THE MODEL
of a few nanometers size is typically domain free. When the
size increases a few controllable domains may appear inside In order to describe the formation of domains and other
the nanoparticle. For this purpose, in order to control the magnetic structures in microscopic systems made of small
formation of domains in small microscopic systems such as magnetic nanoparticles we propose here a theoretical model.
nanometers disks12 and other complicated rings13 small me- In particular, using this model we investigate the formation

1098-0121/2005/72共1兲/014433共10兲/$23.00 014433-1 ©2005 The American Physical Society


of domain structures in a linear chain and in other small coupling constant J of the exchange or dipolar interaction
multiparticle clusters. We investigate this model in detail between particles, which was probed in experiments by
considering arrays of a few and many nanoparticles, and Cowburn.17
shown that they have a strong potential for sensor applica- These assumptions are plausible and will strongly sim-
tions and data storage. In particular we have shown that such plify the considered model for a system made of these small
systems have a very complex nontrivial magnetic behavior particles. This will allow us to find exact analytic nontrivial
and therewith different nontrivial structures displaying frac- solutions describing all states, magnetic properties, and en-
tal features may be formed. Specifically the system behavior ergy spectra of the system under consideration. The total
共with increasing particle number兲, the values of magnetic distribution of moments between the particles are also deter-
moments, the energy spectrum, coercive forces, hysteresis mined by an exchange and dipole-dipole interactions be-
loops, and all such properties may display the features of a tween the magnetic particles. The chain of magnetic particles
fractal. The formation of these fractal structures is mostly can be described by the Hamiltonian
related to the discrete nature of the systems made of small
particles and does not depend on the specific models which A B
we have been considering. Therefore the phenomenon of the F = − J 兺 Sជ iSជ j + 兺 Sជ 2i + 兺 Sជ 4i − 兺 H
ជ Sជ + K 兺 共S2 + S2 兲,
i ix iy
具i,j典 2 i 4 i i i
fractal creation has a very general character and must be
taken into account in the design of any system made of small 共2兲
particles and having a potential for applications.
For an illustration of the fractal formation in the present where we assume that particles are interacting ferromagneti-
work we consider one of these systems made of small par- cally with the exchange constant J and the value of the con-
ticles, namely, a linear chain. Such system can be and has figurational anisotropy constant K / J → ⬁ and −K / A → ⬁. Let
already been produced from small ferromagnetic particles us make an expansion of the free energy with respect to these
made, for example, of Fe 共see, also, Ref. 16兲. If all spins very large parameters. The stationary configurations of the
within a single particle are ferromagnetically ordered, then magnetic moments are determined with the use of equations
each particle may be considered as having a single classical obtained by the minimisation of F with respect to the com-
spin Sជ . The value of Sជ may be well described by a Ginzburg- ponents Six , Siy, and Siz. In zero approximation with respect
Landau model applied to the single particle to the very large parameters, K / J Ⰷ 1 and −K / A Ⰷ 1 the
equations obtained for the first two components have a very
A ជ2 B ជ4 ជ ជ simple form: Six = 0 and Siy = 0 and obvious solutions. Taking
Fsingle = S + S − HSi , 共1兲 into account these solutions, the form of the vectors describ-
2 i 4 i
ing the magnetic moments, Sជ i, is simplified to the form Sជ i
where Sជ = 共Sx , Sy , Sz兲; here A = a共T − Tc兲 and B are phenom- = 共0 , 0 , Szi兲. After the substitution of this form for Sជ i the
enological constants and H ជ is an external magnetic field. The terms with large parameters in the expression for the free
relative orientation of the total magnetic moment of each energy F disappear and it is simplified to the form

冉 冊兺
single particle is determined by anisotropy constants. The
JS2 A B 4
shape of the particles gives rise to the so-called configura-
tional anisotropy, which was not included yet. For small par-
F= 兺 共zi − z j兲2 + 2 S2 − JS2
2 具i,j典 i
z2i +
S 兺 z4i
ticles the value of the configurational anisotropy is the larg-
est. This situation with the largest configurational anisotropy − HS 兺 zi . 共3兲
can be readily produced for all magnetic particles having, for i

example, a needle shape, so that each individual magnetic Let us make the substitution zi = 冑共␣J / BS2兲xi. After this
moment associated with each single particles can be oriented substitution the expression for the free energy, Eq. 共3兲 will be
perpendicular to or along the chain of these particles.15,16 Let transformed into a new form. Then, after rescaling and using
us assume that all particles have such a shape which gives dimensionless units we obtain a standard model as
the strongest configurational anisotropy. For example, sup-

冋 册
pose all particles have ellipsoidal shape prolongated along N
1 ␣
the z direction. Then due to the configurational anisotropy all F共x1,x2,…,xN兲 = 兺 共xi − xi−1兲2 + 共x2i − 1兲2 − h 兺 xi ,
magnetic moments associated with single individual particles i=1 2 4 i
are oriented along the z direction. Therefore, since the mag-
netic moments of all particles will be collinear, we can intro-
duce the ansatz Sជ i = 共0 , 0 , Szi兲, where the magnitude zi de- where ␣ = 2 − A / J and h = H冑B / ␣J3. Here the new energy
scribes the value of the magnetic moment in the ith particle. scale is F0 = ␣J2 / B, i.e., F = F / F0. The physical variable xi
Below we show that this ansatz arises exactly as a result of specifies the value of the the magnetic moment of the i-th
perturbation theory expansion in the limit of a large aniso- particle oriented in the z direction while the total magnetiza-
tropy constant K in a comparison with a interparticle inter- tion of the system M = ⌺ixi.18–20 It is specifically interesting
action J. We assume also that the magnetic field is oriented to investigate the situation when the particles form a ring or
along the axis of the anisotropy as H ជ = 共0 , 0 , H兲 and the con- a loop geometry. Similar kind of loops were recently widely
figurational anisotropy constant K is much larger than the discussed as a candidate for magnetic memory elements.21


One important issue for the experimental investigation of 4l − l⬘

artificial magnetic materials is the question about the cre- F共l, l⬘兲 = 2l − . 共9兲

ation of magnetic structures. What kind of magnetic struc-
tures can evolve due to temperature and field changes, due to Here, the quantity l counts the sign changes between all near-
the competition between the exchange energy and the aniso- est neighbors and l⬘ those involving only next-nearest neigh-
tropy energy, and due to discreteness of the system? Depend- bors of the magnetic moments, respectively. The quantity l
ing on the number of particles N, how many distinct struc- specifies the number of kinks at the formation of domain
tures can be created? First let us consider the case when the walls which only appear in pairs. Note that this approxima-
external magnetic field is switched off, i.e., h = 0. Stationary tion is exact for the homogeneous ground states as well as
configurations of the Hamiltonian 共4兲 are described by the N for the two antiferromagnetic states. Moreover, in this ap-
nonlinear coupled equations proximation all configurations with the same number of do-
mains have the same value of the energy. Within this ap-
− 共xi−1 − 2xi + xi+1兲 + ␣xi共x2i − 1兲 = 0, i = 1,…,N 共5兲 proximation, when the magnetic field is nonzero the
expansion, Eq. 共7兲, is slightly modified to the form
with periodic boundary conditions. In the large ␣ limit the
system decouples and reduces to xi−1 − 2x*i + xi+1
xi = x*i + + + ¯. 共10兲
2␣ 2␣
xi共x2i − 1兲 = 0, i = 1,…,N. 共6兲
Inserting this equation into the expression for a total magne-
This set of equations has exactly 2N stable solutions consist- tization we obtained very simple formula
ing of all possible “binary” strings x* = 共x*1 , x*2 , … , xN* 兲 with
1 h
x*i 苸 兵−1 , 1其. Provided that ␣ is sufficiently large, the implicit m共h兲 = 兺
N i
x*i +
. 共11兲
function theorem then allows for the existence of solutions of
Eq. 共5兲 in terms of a power series expansion in 1 / ␣ about the The homogeneous configurations xG* = ± 兵1 , 1 , … , 1 , 1其
asymptotic solution x*
with l = l⬘ = 0 define the two degenerate ground states with
* FG = 0. The first excited state is specified by the simplest
xi−1 − 2x*i + xi+1
xi = x*i + + ¯. 共7兲 “magnetic one-soliton structure” generated by the symmetric
2␣ configuration xS* = 兵−1 , … , −1 , + 1 , −1 , … , −1其 with l = 2 and
l⬘ = 2 and having the energy FS = 4 − 6 / ␣ + ¯. Such a soliton
The first order correction term is proportional to 1 / ␣. How-
is similar to a stationary breather observed in many physical
ever, due to internal symmetries within the strings the corre-
systems.24 The next excited state is represented by the pair
sponding energies as well as the total magnetizations M are
kinks forming the domain wall structure generated by the
highly degenerate. The number of nonequivalent strings can
asymptotic configuration xD* = 兵−1 , … − 1 , −1 , + 1 , + 1 , … ,
be determined by the action of the dihedral group DN con-
+ 1 , −1 , −1 , −1 , …其 with l = 2 and l⬘ = 4.
sisting of N translations 共xs → xs+i兲 and N mirror reflections
With an increasing number of particles the energy per
共xs+i → xs−i兲 with respect to all symmetry axes. From the
particle of these specific structures including many sign re-
Redfield-Polya theory22 it can be shown that the number of versals ±1 become arbitrarily close to the ground state and
nonequivalent strings increases exponentially as 共1 / N兲2N−1 vanish in the large N limit. Note that these configurations are
with increasing N. These states are associated with kinks and locally stable. The total number of such locally stable con-
antikinks related to the formation of domain walls. figurations is equal to 2N. They are separated by a large
Since two-dimensional maps allow representation of any barrier from the ground state. To illustrate the formation of
stationary configuration of a Hamiltonian of the form 共2兲 by such complicated energy landscape let us consider the case
a trajectory of a dynamical system, the solutions of our of two particles in detail. The dependence of the total energy
coupled set 关Eq. 共5兲兴 are periodic orbits of the corresponding on the values of magnetic moments 共x1 , x2兲 for this system is
map equation.18,23 Due to our periodic boundary conditions presented in Fig. 1. From this figure we may see that there
there is neither chaotic behavior nor incommensurability in- are four local minima which are well separated by four bar-
volved. riers. Each of these barriers is associated with a saddle point
of the energy landscape. Two of these minima correspond to
III. CLASSIFICATION OF POSSIBLE STRUCTURES the ground state. The corresponding values of moments are
equal to ±共1 , 1兲. The other two minima are metastable. The
Inserting the first order expansion of Eq. 共7兲 into Eq. 共4兲 corresponding values of moments for these metastable
yields the series expansion in 1 / ␣ for the free energy minima are equal to ±共冑1 − 4 / ␣ , −冑1 − 4 / ␣兲. Although all

冉 冊
N four minima are well separated in the space of individual
x*i 共4xi−1
* *
− xi−2 兲−3
F = 兺 1 − xi−1
x*i + +¯ . 共8兲 magnetic moments, their separation in the energy space is
i=1 2␣ very small, ie significantly smaller than the barrier heights
associated with the saddle points 共see, Fig. 1兲. Thus due to
Introducing the quantities l and l⬘ by N − 2l : = ⌺i=1
xixi−1 and such an energy landscape the system could be locked in one
N − 2l⬘ : = ⌺i=1xixi−2, respectively, the total free energy per
of these minima with decreasing temperature, even if this
particle can be approximated by the simple expression minimum does not correspond to the ground state.25


FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 The energy landscape for the system FIG. 2. A representative series of absolute values of magnetic
consisting of two particles, i.e., the dependence of the total energy moments of the individual particles are presented on the horizontal
on the values of magnetic moments 共x1 , x2兲. The picture illustrates axes. The scale of the vertical axes is meaningless. Top: The distri-
that the difference between energy related to absolute minima aris- bution of magnetic moments for a chain consisting of N = 50 000
ing at the values of moments ±共1 , 1兲 and the energy related to particles for the parameter ␣ = 8. Bottom: The zoomed fine structure
metastable minima arising at the points ±共冑1 − 4 / ␣ , −冑1 − 4 / ␣兲 is of the distribution of magnetic moments in the range of moment
much smaller than the barrier height defined by the saddle points values from 0.6705 to 0.6745. This distribution displays all features
presented on this figure. of the Cantor set. The total set of real values for magnetic moments
is obtained from the set of absolute values presented in the figure
Therefore, the formation of a particular structure will de- with the use of the symmetry of Eq. 共5兲, by simple substitution xi
pend strongly on the history of the system, for example at → −xi.
which rate and from which temperatures and at which mag-
netic field the material was cooled or heated. The pair of
* ken. The different 2N / N locally stable distinct configurations
domain walls created and described by the configuration xD
* of the domains may be analytically described up to arbitrary
has a higher energy than the soliton xS. This indicates that
order with the parameter ␣ Ⰷ 1. The distribution of magnetic
there is a decoupling energy which is needed to decouple
moments and the energy spectrum will be presented below.
domains having different topological charges 共kink from an-
tikink兲. That is there is the energy cost in decoupling of the
domain walls forming the soliton. In general domain walls IV. DISTRIBUTION OF MAGNETIC MOMENTS
are always created in pairs. One always needs the energy to
perform a transition from the state with l domain walls to the The calculated values of the magnetic moments are shown
state with l + 2 domain walls. Note that the highest energy in Fig. 2. Pronounced discrete structures appear marking for-
F = 2共1 − 2 / ␣兲N is achieved for the antiferromagnetic con- bidden regions. It is reminiscent of band chaos often found in
figuration xi = 共−1兲i冑1 − 4 / ␣ with l = N and l⬘ = 0 or in other nonlinear dynamical system theory. A physical origin of
words for maximal number of domains. This structure exists these bands and gaps may be related to a bound state of the
only for ␣ 艌 4 and is physically stable only for ␣ 艌 6. Simi- stable topological excitations like kinks and antikinks. An
larly, if the magnetization of one particle is zero 共xi = 0兲 the example is the formation of a soliton. The fine structure is
energy cost due to this “node” would be of the order of ␣ due to the kink-antikink interaction. This interaction modifies
Ⰷ 1. The configurations with nodes are physically unstable the value of the magnetic moment xi associated with each
saddle points and correspond to barriers separating the states single ith particle 共see, Fig. 2兲.
with domain walls and solitons. With increasing and decreas- The fine structures reveal some self-similarity reminiscent
ing magnetic fields there arises multiple instability. At each of those for the standard logistic map xn+1 → rxn共1 − xn兲 with
such instability the saddle point associated with one of the growth parameter r. When it is close to the critical constant
barriers will coincide with the local minimum, and the lo- rc = 3.5699… it is specifying the onset of chaos, where the
cally stable configuration, which was associated with that attractor is a Cantor set. In both cases the origin of the fractal
minimum, ceases to exist. These metastable states and mul- structures is in the discreetness of the system and in the
tiple instability created with increasing and decreasing mag- nonlinearity. In our system the latter is related to the interac-
netic field lead to a formation of multiple hysteresis loops, tion between domain walls. A crude estimate for the fractal
see below. dimension with the aid of a box counting algorithm gives the
The classification of the metastable states is simple. The value D = 0.555 compared to D = 0.538 for the logistic map.26
first is the two domain walls 共bound state of kink + antikink兲. In order to get an insight into the evolution of the fractal
The next one consists of four domain walls 共two kinks and set, we calculate systematically all values of magnetic mo-
two antikinks兲, etc. At zero magnetic field the energy differ- ments for all possible configurations. We consider small clus-
ence between successive minima is of the order of 1 while ters 共rings兲 with N = 1,3,5,7,… and impose periodic boundary
the height of the barrier is always of the order of ␣ Ⰷ 1. conditions 共x0 = xN , xN+1 = x1兲. For a single particle, N = 1, we
When the coupling constant ␣ Ⰷ 1 we may expect that the only have the two degenerate ground states. These two states
system has some kind of glassy behavior where an ideal correspond to the two values magnetic moments, 共x = ± 1兲.
ferromagnetic ordering of the ferromagnetic particles is bro- For N = 3 we find the two ground states and six soliton struc-


clusters of spectral lines. There, each of two outer lines from

the T3 cluster will be split into a new T5 cluster 共see, top of
Fig. 3兲. Therefore, the number of T-type clusters will be
increased by a factor of 2,
T5 = 2T3 . 共13兲
On the other hand, the central line from the T3 cluster will
be split into a new set consisting of four lines. Let us denote
this set of four lines as Q and call it as quadruplet. Here each
quadruplet Q is surrounded by two triplets. The total number
of quadruplet clusters arising for the number of particles N
= 3 is equal to Q3 = 0, 共see, top of Fig. 3兲. The number of the
quadruplet clusters arising in the case of N = 5 is equal to
Q5 = T3 + 4Q3 . 共14兲
Obviously, Q5 = 1 共see, the second figure from the top of Fig.
3兲. The total set of spectral lines for N = 5 particles S5 will
consist of two triplet sets T5 and one quadruplet set Q5
S5 = 2T5 + Q5 . 共15兲
Thus, with increasing number of particles from N = 3 to N
FIG. 3. The different absolute values of magnetic moments for = 5 particles the number of spectral lines will be increased
all possible states 共we call this set of lines as a distribution of and, according to Eq. 共10兲, it will be equal to 10 共see, the
magnetic moments兲 for a chain consisting of N = 3 , N = 5 , N = 7, second box from the top of Fig. 3兲.
and N = 9 particles, where the value of parameter ␣ = 8. The total At the next step of increasing number of particles from
number of all possible locally stable states is equal to 2N. Already N = 5 to N = 7 particles, the number of spectral lines will be
for the comparison of two cases of nine particles and seven particles further increased. All these lines will be grouped into triplet
we can see here the development of the first features of fractal and quadruplet clusters. Again, here each triplet cluster will
formation: the fractal arises by appropriate triplication and quadru- give rise to two new triplet clusters T7 = 2T5 and to one qua-
plication of spectral lines. druplet cluster. Also each quadruplet cluster will give rise to
four quadruplet clusters. In total there will arise Q7 = 4Q5
tures. Two ground states correspond to the homogeneous + T5 quadruplet clusters 共see, the third figure from the top of
states: 共111兲, 共−1 − 1 − 1兲 and other six—to degenerate soliton Fig. 3兲. In general in each case when the number of particles
states: 共1 , −1 , 1兲 ; 共−1 , 1 , 1兲 ; 共1 , 1 , −1兲 ; 共−1 , 1 , −1兲 ; 共−1 , −1 , will be increased by 2, the number of triplet clusters will be
1兲 ; 共1 , −1 , −1兲. In Fig. 3 we present the different absolute doubled
values of magnetic moments, 兩xi兩, corresponding to all these
T2n+1 = 2T2n−1 . 共16兲
different states. In particular, for N = 3 and finite ␣, the values
of the magnetic moments for the asymptotic soliton state Equation 共16兲 allows us to calculate explicitly the number of
共1 , −1 , 1兲 are not equal to 1 , −1 , 1, respectively. The values lines grouped into triplet clusters NT2n+1 = 2n. On the other
of these magnetic moments can be calculated numerically hand, the number of quadruplet clusters will be described by
and analytically from Eq. 共5兲 provided that the parameter ␣ the recursion relation
is sufficiently large. For ␣ = 8 the exact result for the
asymptotic soliton state 共1 , −1 , 1兲 is Q2n+1 = T2n−1 + 4Q2n−1 . 共17兲
One can easily calculate the total number of lines NQ
x1 = 0.886, x2 = − 0.632, x3 = 0.886. 共12兲 grouped into quadruplet clusters, i.e.,
The absolute values of these numbers are presented and NQ2n+1 = 21 共22n − 2n兲. 共18兲
clearly seen in Fig. 3. These numbers together with the num-
ber 1.0 associated with homogeneous state are giving rise to Applying successively these rules one can reproduce the set
three distinct values of moments depicted as three “spectral of values of magnetic moments for a system, having any
lines” in Fig. 3 共see the first box from the top兲. Thus, the two number of particles. The splitting of spectral lines and their
left of these three lines correspond to the single soliton struc- grouping into the triplet and quadruplet clusters may be
ture associated with six soliton states while the right line nicely illustrated with the diagram presented in Fig. 4.
corresponds to a homogeneous 共1,1,1兲 and 共−1 , −1 , −1兲 Each triangle corresponds to a triplet cluster or to three
states. Let us denote this set of three lines as T, i.e., S3 = T3 spectral lines. Each square corresponds to a quadruplet clus-
and call it a triplet. The index indicates the number of par- ter or to four values of magnetic moments 共to four spectral
ticles at which this triplet cluster arises. Then, when the num- lines兲. With increasing number of particles a quadruplet clus-
ber of particles N increases by 2 and becomes equal to N ter 共a square兲 is split into four quadruplet clusters 共four
= 5, each line from the set T3 is split. Then there arise new squares兲 and a triplet cluster 共a triangle兲 is split into one


FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 The schematic diagram presented for a

description of the clusterization of the values of magnetic moments
into triplet and quadruplet clusters. This clusterization also de-
scribes the evolution of the fractal structure when the number of
particles in the chain increases. Here, one can see how the fractal
magnetic structure evolves when we are moving from above, for
N = 3 共the triplet cluster or three spectral lines兲, N = 5 共two triplets
and one quadruplet clusters corresponding to ten spectral lines in
total兲, and N = 7 particles 共four triplets and six quadruplets corre-
sponding to 36 spectral lines in total兲, respectively.
FIG. 5. On the horizontal axes we present the value of the en-
ergy for all possible domain configurations of the chain of magnetic
quadruplet 共one square兲 and two triplet states 共two triangles兲. particles. This distribution of energy values forms the energy spec-
The total number of distinct values of the magnetic moments trum. In the figure we present the energy spectrum for a chain
increases according to the exponential law S2n+1 = T2n+1 consisting of 共from above兲 N = 4 , N = 6 , N = 8, and N = 10 particles,
+ Q2n+1 equal to where the parameter ␣ = 8. Already for ten particles 共the bottom
figure兲 we can see here the first features of the fractal formation in
S2n+1 = 22n−1 + 2n−1 . 共19兲
the energy spectrum.
For an even number one can show that the increase is
stems from a fundamental reason related both to the discrete
S2n = 2S2n−1 . 共20兲 nature of the system consisting of small magnetic particles
and to the large but finite number of weekly interacting to-
To summarize here, each time with increasing number of pological excitations. Figure 5 clearly shows that with in-
particles the spectral lines appear there in triplets and qua- creasing number of particles more fine energy structure ap-
druplets. Further on, each triplet splits into one quadruplet pears. In this figure the ground state with E = 0 corresponds
and two triplets. Each quadruplet will split into a new qua- to the left boundary spectral line. The antiferromagnetic state
druplet, i.e., each spectral line from the quadruplet set splits with the highest energy per particle E / N = 2共1 − 2 / ␣兲 located
into four other lines, which in the next round, with an in- on the right boundary of the energy spectrum.
creased number of particles, will create quadruplets. As a We observe that with increasing number of particles the
result, this cluster multiplication will lead to formation of fractal develops in terms of grouping into clusters whose
multifractal structures. This multifractal spatial distribution number increases with increasing number of particles. Al-
of the magnetic moments described above is difficult to ac- ready at ten particles we may clearly separate each level of
cess experimentally, although modern techniques, like scan- the fractal. The most important novel result is the energy
ning tunneling microscopy 共STM兲 and atomic force micros- landscape, which consists of exponentially many locally
copy 共AFM兲 as well as Kerr rotation may be able to fulfil stable minima separated by large barriers represented by un-
such a task. With such experiments one can observe the spec- stable saddle points. Each of these minima corresponds to
tral lines from the fractal associated with the one or a few the state with some fixed number of sign reversals specifying
such states. It will be probably very difficult to see all spetral the domain structure. Even if such a number is fixed the
lines associated with all different states of this ensemble al- states associated with different configurations or rearrange-
though some fraction of them can be observed. ment of these domains will correspond to different or the
same degenerate minima. These energy levels, whose num-
V. THE ENERGY SPECTRUM ber is exponentially increasing, do not differ much from each
other; however, the barrier height between the corresponding
Due to the Cantor set structure of the distribution of the minima increases with increasing values of ␣. Since all these
values of magnetic moments also the energy spectrum is also configurations are locally stable and are separated from each
expected to be fractal. Indeed, the different energy values other by large barriers we may conclude that some kind of a
arise from interaction between topological defects 共solitons glassy state should arise here.25,27
and domain walls兲. These values also form a Cantor struc- The landscape structure will be reflected in the measured
ture. The appearance of these fractal structures apparently quantities mainly on the magnetization measurements where


only one minimum can be revealed at the time. Each of the

local minima will correspond to a different value of the mag-
netization. Of course to reveal the fractal features one has to
perform high resolution measurements.


It is clear that the external magnetic field will have a

strong influence on the physical properties of a chain made
of these magnetic particles. Let us apply the field along the
main axes of symmetry, i.e., oriented in the z direction. With
increasing magnetic field the complicated energy landscape
associated with domain structure changes. Initially the de-
generacy between different local minima will be lifted. Some
minima become deeper and some minima become shallow
and with further increasing field some minima start to disap-
pear. With next increasing field more and more minima will
With such disappearance of some minima the correspond-
ing values of the magnetic moments will disappear and more
and more moments will be completely polarized. That is de-
pending on the direction of the magnetic field, they will take
their maximal possible value. With increasing polarization of FIG. 6. All possible values of the total magnetizations M 共the
some moments the associated fractal set will have fewer vertical axes兲 as a function of the magnetic field h 共the horizontal
points. For sufficiently large magnetic field all moments will axes兲 in arbitrary units for the value of the parameter ␣ = 8. The
be polarized. At the field higher than this critical field the magnetic field is changing in steps ⌬h = 0.025. The magnetization
complicated energy landscape will disappear and will be sub- 共its values are associated with points in the figure兲 is a multivalued
stituted by one big absolute minimum associated with the function of the external magnetic field. The different values of the
fully polarized state. The fractal features of the structure will magnetization are related to all possible domain structures formed
disappear as well. in the chain consisting of 13 particles. The dashed lines correspond
Thus the fractal structure 共or the fractal dimension兲 is to fully polarized states and present the form of the conventional
field sensitive. Because the total magnetization is a sum of hysteresis loop of a ferromagnet.
the magnetic moments of individual particles, the changing
of the fractal structure of the magnetic moments is reflected branches or clusters of the distribution in magnetization have
in the behavior of the total magnetization in a magnetic field. nontrivial fractal features. From Fig. 6 one also sees that
First of all because the total set of magnetic moments asso- with increasing or decreasing magnetic field the fractal-like
ciated with individual particles forms the fractal we expect structure of the total magnetization becomes less and less
that the total magnetization, to which each moment is con- dense. This is in complete agreement with the discussion
tributing, will also form some fractal. This has been verified presented above.
for the distribution of the values for total magnetization of One may also see from Fig. 6 that the total distribution of
the chain at zero field and we have found that this set also the magnetization is changing in a nonmonotonic way with
has fractal features. the field. At zero magnetic field we know that this distribu-
The total magnetization as a function of the external mag- tion is associated with the maximum number of 2N different
netic field are presented in Fig. 6. The figure reveals that locally stable partially degenerate minima. However, when
practically at each fixed value of magnetic field this depen- we slightly increase or decrease the magnetic field the sym-
dence is multivalued and represents some fractal features metry xi → −xi in Eq. 共5兲 is broken such that the degeneracy
very sensitive to magnetic field. From this figure one may becomes smaller. Then each patch or a cluster in this distri-
also see that this distribution consists of a few patches or bution looks denser and even broader compared with the
clusters of points. In fact each of these patches or branches case of zero magnetic field. Though for small magnetic fields
corresponds to a fixed even number of domains created in all 2N local minima still exist, their number will inevitably
the chain. The uppermost and lowest branches presented in decrease with increasing magnitude of the magnetic field.
this figure correspond to fully polarized states and describe There is a one to one correspondence between each mini-
effectively the formation of the conventional hysteresis loop mum of the energy landscape and a specific domain configu-
of a ferromagnet made of these particles 共see the dashed lines ration. Such domain configurations are very sensitive to
on the Fig. 6兲. The second uppermost 共or the second lowest兲 magnetic field and change with the field by a very nontrivial
branch corresponds to a single soliton which is formed as a way. For example, when the field is equal to h = ± 0 . 5 the
bound state of the two nearest domain walls. Probably such size or the width of each branch of the total distribution of
soliton branches of the hysteresis are very generic to arbi- magnetization set becomes very small 共see Fig. 6兲 共except
trary linear chains made of small magnetic particles. Other two uppermost and two lowest branches which were already


small兲. At this fixed value of the field the number of the

clusters remains the same as at zero field. It is exactly equal
to the number of states with different even number of do-
mains. This shrinking of the branch patches at such magnetic
field is related to the effect that some minima associated with
some domain 共or precisely speaking, with soliton⫹domain兲
configurations have been disappeared already. But with the
next increasing magnetic field, at h = 0.75 and at h = 1.0 we
see from the Fig. 6 that the size of the clusters is growing
again. This cluster growth is presumably related to an in-
crease of the distance between local minima and correspond-
ing energies of the complicated energy landscape. With fur-
ther increasing field, some of the minima disappear and the
energy landscape becomes less and less complicated. As the
result the clusters become less and less dense.
Finally at the critical field hc ⬇ 1.75 the remaining chunks
of the fractal structure 共see Fig. 6兲 vanish. At fields larger
than 兩hc兩 all cluster features of the magnetization distribution
have disappeared. There remains only two local minima as-
sociated with fully polarized state oriented along or opposite
to the external field 共see, the dashed lines in Fig. 6兲.
The existence of such complicated energy landscape indi-
cates that the magnetic properties of the chain of small par-
ticles will be very different from conventional bulk magnets.
In particular, the magnetization hysteresis loop may be very
nontrivial. Indeed, the fractal structure presented on the Fig. FIG. 7. The notations are the same as in Fig. 6 but for the chain
6 also suggests that a large variety of different hysteresis consisting of an even number of particles, N = 14.
loops are theoretically possible. In particular, the magnetiza-
tion M as a function of the field h is not necessarily smooth same number of positively and negatively oriented magnetic
but can increase in steps. This fundamental mechanism giv- moments. In other words, there are no values of magnetiza-
ing rise to a series of minute jumps in the magnetization is tion in the vicinity of the origin, see Fig. 6. The situation is
the so-called Barkhausen effect28,29 which gave first experi- completely different when the chain consists of an even
mental evidence of these magnetic instabilities. Thus the fact number of particles. Then the chain can be completely de-
that all possible values of the total magnetization form a magnetized and there is a subset of the values of magnetiza-
fractal leads to the result that the fractal hysteresis loop can tion distributed in the vicinity of zero, see Fig. 7. Such a
be constructed from the Cantor set of the values of the total completely demagnetized state of the chain may correspond
magnetization. to a single domain configuration. Generally speaking, in such
Note that a specific domain structure corresponds to the a demagnetized configuration the number of domains may be
system being trapped in one of these local energy minima. different from one. However, the number of positively and
However, because it is a metastable state a slight change of negatively oriented magnetic moments must be always equal
the strength of the applied field H can easily destabilize a to each other. This can obviously be satisfied for the chain
specific domain structure. The less stable structures are do- having an even number of particles but is impossible for the
main wall configurations forming the soliton structure where chain having an odd number of particles 共see, for compari-
two domain and antidomain walls are creating a bound state. son, the branches of the hysteresis loop obtained for the
It is sufficient that with increasing field the local minimum of cases of the chain with an even and odd number of particles
the energy landscape is transformed into a saddle point and presented in Figs. 6 and 7, respectively兲.
such domain configuration disappear.
The system then evolves toward to a situation when some
other metastable configuration will disappear and so on. VII. POSSIBLE EXPERIMENTS FOR A RECOVERING OF
These rearrangements can be quite localized in space or may BARKHAUSEN JUMPS
involve even the whole domain structure.
Provided that the magnetic field is not too strong, the The fractal studies in the distribution of the total magne-
distribution of the total magnetizations M at each fixed value tization presented in Figs. 6 and 7 may be detected in experi-
of the magnetic field are also reminiscent of Cantor-set struc- ments with the use of the fast cooling rates at different field
tures 共see Fig. 6兲. Obviously, there will be a critical field strengths. At fast cooling the configuration formed at high
value, where the fractal structure disappears. It is also impor- temperatures will be associated with one of the metastable
tant to note that the set of the hysteresis curves is different states and therefore at low temperatures it will be frozen and
for the case of the chain with even and odd numbers of corresponds to one specific value of the fractal presented in
particles. For example, the chain consisting of an odd num- Fig. 6 and 7. Since at high temperatures 共␣ → 0兲 the energy
ber of particles will never be demagnetized, i.e., to have the landscape is very shallow, the high temperature state does


not correspond to a specific deep minimum. Then all types of induce the transition of the system from this minimum into
thermal fluctuations exist and all types of configurations will another neighboring local minimum that has the closest mag-
be created. With fast cooling these configurations could be netic configuration. Such a transition must occur when a cer-
frozen into one of the configurations of the multivalley en- tain branch of the hysteresis set presented in Figs. 6 and 7 is
ergy landscape, which will be revealed by the fractal struc- terminated and such transition will be reflected in the
ture of the measured values of the total magnetization. Barkhausen jump of the total magnetization M. This will be
The complicated structure of the hysteresis loop presented seen in the experiment measuring the total magnetization of
in Figs. 6 and 7 may be observed in a series of the field the system. With the next continuous change of the field h,
cooled and zero field cooled experiments. Let us note that first the magnetization will be changed continuously until
this structure is a result of the complicated energy landscape this branch of the hysteresis set will be terminated. Then
consisting of the many locally stable minima separated by another transition into a new minimum and another
large barriers. The formation of these minima and the barri-
Barkhausen jump in the total magnetization will occur. Thus
ers is beginning with decreasing temperature starting from
if the system will be trapped originally in one of these locally
the critical temperature Tc of the bulk ferromagnetic transi-
tion. With the next decreasing temperature the minima be- stable 共not absolute兲 minima, due to the fast cooling or some
come deeper and deeper while the barrier height increases. other way, then with continuous change of the field h we will
At all temperatures the energy positions of the bottom of the recover a series of Barkhausen jumps in the total magnetiza-
minima are not very different from each other. Such differ- tion M. Such a Barkhausen 共devil兲 staircase may be different
ence is determined by the weak dipole-dipole interaction be- from one experiment to another, from one measurement to
tween particles which is characterized by the coupling con- another reflecting a very rich and complicated energy land-
stant J. Therefore, with decreasing temperature, when Tc scape associated with the system consisting of these small
− T Ⰷ J, we will have a system where there are many, practi- particles.
cally equivalent, minima separated by large barriers. A
simple estimation gives that for a particle consisting of 103
magnetic atoms the value of J must be significantly smaller VIII. SUMMARY
than 10 K. The latter, of course, depends on the distance Thus, our studies led us to amazing results, namely the
between particles r and ceases as 1 / r3. Therefore, it is clear spatial structures of domains in a chain made of small mag-
that the condition when Tc − T Ⰷ J can be easily realized. Ob-
netic particles show fractal self-similarity. Such a spatial dis-
viously that when the temperature decreases very fast the
tribution of magnetic moments associated with different
system may be easily trapped in any one of these minima. In
chains or clusters of particles is a difficult task to measure on
which of these minima the trapping will occur does depend
on the cooling rate and on initial configuration created by a experiments, although modern techniques, such as STM and
thermal fluctuation as well as on the strength of the applied AFM as well as the Kerr rotation, may allow such a task.
magnetic field. This property of the system may serve as a However, from our point of view, the most important result
basis of the following experiments. obtained is the fractal structure of the energy spectrum. The
First, if we cool the system in a strong magnetic field and energy landscape, which gives rise to such a fractal spec-
then continuously change the field h we will recover the trum, is associated with the creation of domains and fractal
main features of the bulk hysteresis loop 共see the dashed values of the total magnetization. This landscape energy sur-
lines in Fig. 6兲. In this case the system will be trapped in a face consists of many locally stable minima separated by
fully ferromagnetic state associated with the absolute mini- large barriers. Each of these minima corresponds to the state
mum. Moreover, the system will even be trapped in this state with some fixed number of domains. Even if such a number
when the minimum becomes not absolute, which happens is fixed the states associated with different configurations or
with the next continuous change of the field h. However, if rearrangement of these domains will correspond to different
we cool the system in a weak or zero field the resulting or the same minima. This is precisely the situation arising in
minimum in which the system will be trapped will depend on a glassy system. The shape of the energy landscape leads us
the cooling rate and on the initial high temperature state. to the conclusion that the system formed from magnetic par-
With the very slow cooling rate the system will have time to ticles is some kind of magnetic glass associated with the
termalize into the bottom of absolute minimum. However, creation of domains 共see also Ref. 27兲. We propose to make
due to the barriers of much height that surround these a detailed experimental investigation of systems made of
minima, when the cooling rate is not slow the system will be small magnetic particles 共chains or clusters兲 to identify this
trapped in other locally stable minima, which is different glassy character and the fractal features of their domain
from the absolute mininum and has different values of the structure. In this respect it might be useful to measure the
total magnetization. With the very fast cooling rate in a weak magnetization at zero field as well as in cooled regimes as
or zero field the system may be trapped in any minima hav- commonly practiced in experiments on spin glasses. Due to
ing locally stable configurations and characterized by differ- these energy landscapes described above the corresponding
ent values of magnetization. Such a dramatic difference be- magnetic structures at very low temperatures are very stable
tween the field cooled and zero field cooled magnetizations with respect to thermal as well as to quantum fluctuations. To
reminds us of the situation that is usually arising in spin reveal these fractals the experiments associated with fast
glasses. cooling should be setup. The repetition of the fast cooling
Then, when the system is trapped in one of these locally from high temperatures may drive the system to settle in a
stable minima, the continuous change of the field h may different valley of the energy landscape. Measurement of the


total magnetization at each lap of cooling with the same or details Ref. 33兲. Such orbital moments give rise to a para-
different cooling rates may provide a set of numbers remi- magnetic Meissner effect33 observed in cuprate
niscent of parts of a fractal. The latter will depend on the superconductors.34,35 A chain or a planar array of electrically
shape and the number of particles of which the nanostructure isolated ␲ rings could be treated as a set of magnetic mo-
is formed. Since different clusters will be associated with ments oriented perpendicular to the plane and interacting via
different fractals, then in general these studies may lead to magnetic dipole forces. This dipole-dipole interaction modi-
the development of a type of spectroscopy where, with the fies the values of the orbital magnetic moments and leads to
aid of fast cooling magnetization measurements, the struc- the formation of the fractal in the way decribed in this paper.
ture of small clusters may be identified. These findings could
also open areas of applications for devices having very con-
trollable and stable giant magnetoresistance properties.28 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
There is another interesting example of the systems,
where the described fractal structures can arise as well.30 We are grateful to F. Aliev, J. W. Clark, D. Edwards, G.
These are one-dimensional chains and two-dimensional ar- Gehring, C. Krattenthaler, and John Samson for useful dis-
rays of ␲ rings.31,32 A single ␲ ring is a superconducting loop cussions. The work has been supported by European Science
consisting of Josephson junctions where there is at least one Foundation in the framework of the network program: Ar-
␲ junction.33 The phase shift by ␲ in such a junction results rays of Quantum Dots and Josephson Junctions as well as the
in the formation of an orbital moment on the ring 共see for EPSRC Grant No. GR/S05052/01.

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