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Digital Adaptive Control System Design For A Particular Class of Hydraulic Systems

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The scientific journal FACTA UNIVERSITATIS

Series: Mechanics, Automatic Control and Robotics Vol.2, No 10, 2000 pp. 1423 - 1432
Editor of series: Katica (Stevanovi}) Hedrih, e-mail:
Address: Univerzitetski trg 2, 18000 Niš, YU, Tel: +381 18 547-095, Fax: +381 18 547-950


UDC 681.523.4:621.642.3:517.9(045)

Tamara Nestorović
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Niš,
Beogradska 14, 18000 Niš, Yugoslavia, e-mail:

Abstract. This paper is devoted to design of adaptive control laws for a particular
class of hydraulic systems. Considered hydraulic systems belong to a class of level-
systems, which were so far mostly considered with the aim of level control, i.e. keeping
the level of a liquid in a reservoir at desired constant value. This control aim could be
achieved by linear feedback gain control system. Mentioned hydraulic level-systems are
now considered from a different point of view, which demands nonlinear adaptive
control system introducing. Namely, if the control aim is to make the level of a liquid in
a reservoir change according to a specified function, then the parameters of the system
under control are variable due to variable liquid level, which demands adaptive
control. The case when the system parameters are unknown is also considered.
Regarding adaptive control design, different approaches were applied. The paper
considers gradient approach (MIT rule for parameter adaptation), reference model
adaptive systems based on hyperstability theory and self-tuning regulators. Design
procedures were considered in discrete form which enables their implementation as a
part of a digital system controled by computer.
For the purpose of adaptive control design, differential equation models of considered
systems were converted into appropriate discrete-time models and afterwards
represented in polinomial form, which is the basis for adaptive control design
procedure. As a result discrete control laws, which provide accomplishing of the
control aim, were obtained.
The verification of designed control laws was accomplished by the numerical
experiment method, i.e. by digital computer simulation, and obtained simulation results
were presented in the work. Simulations were performed for different types of reference
input and compared. On the basis of simulation results appropriate conclusions were
made. For the purpose of the simulation completion, original programs, which
represent software implementation of designed control laws, were written.

Received June 19, 2000


Adaptive control represents a special type of control with nonlinear feedback in
which the states of the process could be divided into two categories: parameters which
change slowly and state variables which change faster. Many processes are characterized
by the fact that their parameters are variable or unknown, which demands adaptive
systems for their control. Adaptive control systems are nonlinear even if the system under
control represents a linear system or a system which could be described by a linearized
mathematical model. The structure of adaptive systems and the mechanisms used for the
adaptation of unknown or variable parameters impose the nonlinearity of the control
The paper considers several types of adaptive control systems (gradient approach -
MIT rule for parameter adaptation, reference model adaptive systems based on
hyperstability theory and self-tuning regulators) and their application to certain hydraulic
systems. Known hydraulic level-systems are now considered from a different point of
view. Standard hydraulic level control systems provided keeping the level of a liquid in a
reservoir at desired constant value. That could be achieved by linear feedback gain
control system. If the aim of control is to make the level of a liquid in a reservoir change
according to a specified function, then the adaptive control system is needed, because the
parameters of the system under control are variable due to variable liquid level. The case
when the system parameters are unknown is also considered.


Gradient method is the basic approach in reference model adaptive theory. This
method is based on minimization of the quadratic performance index:
1 2
J (kT , θ) = e (kT , θ) , (1)
where e(kT,θ)=y(kT,θ)−ym(kT) is error between the system output and the reference
model output. In order to minimize the performance index, the parameter vector θ of the
adjustable controller has to change in the opposite direction from gradient ∂J/∂θ. Thus,
the adaptation law in discrete version is:
∂J (kT , θ) ∂e(kT , θ)
θ(kT + T ) = θ(kT ) − γ = θ(kT ) − γe(kT , θ) . (2)
∂θ ∂θ
Partial derivative ∂e(kT, θ)/∂θ is called the sensitivity derivative.
For the single input single output system of the first order described by difference
y(kT+T) = −ay(kT) + bu(kT), (3)
desired closed-loop system is described by the equation:
ym(kT+T) = −amym(kT) + bmω(kT), (4)
where ω(kT) is bounded reference input and ym(kT) is the output of the reference model.
Tracking of the reference model can be achieved with the controller which outputs the
Digital Adaptive Control System Design for a Particular Class of Hydraulic Systems 1425

control law:
u(kT) = −f(kT)y(kT) + g(kT)ω(kT) (5)
where the controller parameters f and g
h D2 are determined through the following
adaptation mechanism (MIT rule) obtained
Fig. 1. Hydraulic level-system described using gradient approach [1], [9], [10]:
by the single input single output
linear model of the first order

∂e(kT ) q −1
g (kT + T ) = g (kT ) − γe(kT ) = g (kT ) − γ ω(kT )e(kT ) (6)
∂g 1 + a m q −1

∂e(kT ) q −1
f (kT + T ) = f (kT ) − γe(kT ) = f (kT ) + γ y (kT )e(kT ) (7)
∂f 1 + am q −1

γ is adaptation gain and sensitivity derivatives were determined using appropriate

approximations based on the reference model following in case of known model
parameters [1], [9], [10].
Gradient approach was applied to adaptive control design for the hydraulic level-
system shown in Fig. 1. Basic regulation problem represents the problem of keeping the
liquid level in the reservoir at desired nominal value. It can be solved easily by using
some of the known methods for regulator design. In case when the control aim is to
provide the level of the liquid change as an appropriate function of time (determined by
the reference model output), regulator design is not enough for solving the problem.
Variable liquid level represents variable system parameter and an adaptive control is
required to accomplish the control aim.
The plant [9] is described by difference equation (8) where the plant output y is
the level of the liquid in the reservoir and control u is the flow D1.
y! = −0.625 y + u (8)

The control aim is that the plant output changes according to the output of the
reference model ym.
y! m = −2 ym + 2ω , (9)

where ω is the reference model input.

Discretizing the plant model (8) and the reference model (9) with sampling interval
0.1min, discrete-time plant model and reference model were obtained in the form (3) and
(4) respectively, where a = −0.9394, b = 0.0969, am= −0.8187, bm= 0.1813.
According to the procedure for adaptive control system design based on gradient
approach and quoted equations, adaptive control law was obtained in the form (5). Block
diagram for this adaptive system based on MIT rule is shown in Figure 2.

Adaptation mechanism
Reference model
q −1 g(k)
ω(k) −1 ym(k) π −γ Σ q
bm Σ q 1 + am q −1
+ − + u(k)
am −
e(k) −1 f(k) −
γ q −1
Σ π Σ q π
1 + am q −1
Plant +
u(k) −1 y(k)
b Σ q
+ −

Fig. 2. Block diagram of discrete reference model adaptive system

based on gradient approach for the hydraulic level-system of the first order

Simulations were performed for different types of reference input. Simulation

results obtained for rectangular and sine reference input are shown in Figure 3.
4 1.5
a) b)
1 -0.5

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 3. Simulations of the output of reference model adaptive system based on MIT rule
for hydraulic level-system of the first order (system output − dashed line; output
of the reference model − solid line). a) Reference input: rectangular wave with
height 2, width 10 and period 20 min. Adaptation gain: γ=0.005. b) Reference
input: sine wave, period 2π min, adaptation gain: γ=0.02.

Simulation results in Figure 3 show that quite good tracking of the reference model
output is accomplished after the first cycle, approximately. Simulations performed during
the investigation also showed that designed adaptive system could also be used with step
reference input, i.e. for regulation. Depending on the adaptation gain, different step
responses were obtained and they varied from extremely oscillating to very slow responses.
Adaptive system with adaptation gain γ = 0.001 resulted in acceptable step response.


For the same hydraulic level-system shown in Figure 1 model reference adaptive
system based on hyperstability approach, which tracks the output of the reference model
was designed. In this case plant model (10) and reference model (13) are represented in
Digital Adaptive Control System Design for a Particular Class of Hydraulic Systems 1427

polynomial form.
A(q−1)y(k+d) = B(q−1)u(k) or A(q−1)y(k) = q−dB(q−1)u(k), y(0) ≠ 0, (10)

A(q −1 ) = 1 + a1q −1 + ... + a nA q − nA = 1 + q −1 A* (q −1 ) , (11)

B(q −1 ) = b0 + b1q −1 + ... + bnB q − nB = b0 + q −1 B * (q −1 ), b0 ≠ 0 . (12)

Am(q−1)y(k) = q−dBm(q−1)ω(k) (13)

− n Am
Am (q −1 ) = 1 + a1m q −1 + ... + a nmAm q , (14)

− nB m
Bm (q −1 ) = b0m + b1m q −1 + ... + bnmB q . (15)

According to discrete-time model of the plant, after its transformation to discrete

transfer function in backward shift operator q−1 and afterwards to polynomial form, the
coefficients of the appropriate polynomials were obtained: a1= −0.9394, b0=0.0969,
am=0.8187, bm=0.1813. As in [9] and [10], asymptotic stable polynomial
Γ(q −1 ) = 1 + γ1q −1 = 1 + 0.5q −1 was introduced to describe dynamics of the system during
regulation. Hyperstability approach [10] considers a special form of Diophantine
equation [2], [6]:
Γ(q−1) = A(q−1)S(q−1) + q−dR(q−1), (16)
and the conditions under which the solution of (16), i.e. the polynomials R(q−1) and S(q−1)
are unique. Discussion leads to polynomials S(q−1) = 1, R(q−1) = r0 = 1.4394 of the
controller, which in case of known plant parameters produces control law:

Γ (q −1 ) y m (k + d ) + R(q −1 ) y (k ) y m (k + 1) + γ1 y m (k ) − r0 y (k )
u (k ) = = . (17)
b0 b0

In case of unknown or variable plant parameters, they are estimated through

adaptation mechanism. According to the certainty equivalence principle, the control law
(18) is of the same form as in case of known parameters, but the parameters are now
substituted with their estimates obtained through adaptation algorithm.
ym (k + 1) + γ1 ym (k ) − rˆ0 (k ) y (k )
u (k ) = (18)
bˆ (k )

The plant parameter vector is estimated at each sampling interval and it is:

θˆ T (k ) = [bˆ0 (k ) rˆ0 (k )] = [θˆ 1 (k ) θˆ 2 (k )] . (19)

It is estimated through the following adaptation algorithm.
F ( 0) = I2
10 −3
φT (k ) = [u (k ) y ( k )] for k = 0, 1, 2, ...

~ε (k ) = y (k ) + γ y (k − 1) − θˆ T (k − 1)φ(k − 1) for k = 0, 1, 2, ...

~ε (k )
ε( k ) = for k = 0, 1, 2, ... (20)
1 + φ T (k − d )F (k )φ(k − d )
θˆ (k ) = θˆ (k − 1) + F (k )φ(k − d )ε(k ) for k = 0, 1, 2, ...

F−1(k+1)=0.98(k)F−1(k)+φ (k−d) )φ T(k−d) for k = 0, 1, 2, ...

Simulation diagrams shown in Figure 4 were obtained on the basis of the software
[9] for simulation of reference model adaptive control system. Initial parameter vector is
θˆ T (0) = [1 1] and initial value of the output is y(0)=1. Step, sine and rectangular reference
inputs were considered. In each case the same diagrams of estimated parameters were
obtained (Figure 4 d). Simulations show that exact tracking of the reference model output
is accomplished after approximately 1min, which is faster than in the case of gradient
approach to adaptive control of the same level-system.
1.2 2 b)
0.8 1.4
0.6 1.2
0.2 0.6
0 0.4
a) 0.2
-0.2 00
0 2 4 6 8 10 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (min) Time (min)

2.5 1.8 d)
2 1.4 ∧
0.5 0.4 ∧
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 4. a) Reference input is unit step function with delay 1. b) Reference input is sine
wave with period 2π. c) Reference input is rectangular wave, period 20, height 2,
width 10. For a), b) and c): output of the reference model − solid line, system
output − dashed line. d) Estimated parameters.
Digital Adaptive Control System Design for a Particular Class of Hydraulic Systems 1429


Pole placement method for self-tuning regulator design represents general self-tuning
regulator design method. It can be applied in the case when the plant is not minimum-
phase system. Explicit and implicit adaptive schemes can be formulated. In this case
explicit pole placement method is considered, which means that the plant parameters are
estimated explicitly through the adaptation algorithm and the controller is designed
afterwards on the basis of the plant parameter estimates at each sampling interval.
The plant model should be represented in polynomial form (10) for self-tuning
regulator design, where the plant parameter polynomials A(q−1) and B(q−1) are (11) and
(12), respectively. The polynomial A(q−1) is monic, and A(q−1) and B(q−1) are relatively
prime. The control problem is to determine such a controller which should provide that
the relation between the reference input ω(k) and the system output is (13). This is
accomplished by R−S−T controller:
R(q−1)u(k) = T(q−1)ω(k) − S(q−1)y(k). (21)
−1 −1 + −1 − −1 + −1
The polynomial B(q ) is factorized as B(q ) = B (q )B (q ), where B (q ) contains
stabile (well damped) plant zeros which could be canceled and B−(q−1) contains unstable
and poorly damped zeros that should not be canceled. According to discussion performed
in [9] and [10] the polynomial Bm(q−1) is factorized as: Bm (q −1 ) = B − (q −1 ) Bm+ (q −1 ) , where
Bm+ (q −1 ) can be chosen freely. It should also be: T (q −1 ) = A0 (q −1 ) Bm+ (q −1 ) , where the
observer polynomial A0(q−1) is chosen to have well damped roots.
Design procedure is
performed for hydraulic level-
D1 system represented in Fig. 5.
A1 According to [4], [9], [11]
h1 R v continuous state space model of
the plant is:
D − 0.625 0 1 
x! =   x +  u , (22)
A2  0 .5 − 1 0 
h2 Rv 2
D2 y = [0 1] x

Discretizing the previous

Fig. 5. Hydraulic level-system described state space model with sam-
by the second order model pling time 0.1min and repre-
senting the model in the form of
discrete transfer function in backwards shift operator q−1 and afterwards in polynomial
form the coefficients of the polynomials A(q−1) and B(q−1) were determined: a1= −1.8443,
a2= 0.85, b0= 0.0024, b1= 0.0022. It is required that desired closed loop behavior is de-
scribed by (13), where the polynomials Am(q−1) and Bm(q−1) are:

Am (q −1 ) = 1 + a1m q −1 + a2m q −2 = 1 − q −1 + 0.25q −2 (23)

Bm (q −1 ) = B − (q −1 ) Bm+ (q −1 ) = b0m + b1m q −1 = 0.0355 + 0.0118q −1 (24)

According to conditions [9], [10] regarding the order of the polynomials in the control

law, which should be satisfied in order to determine unique and causal control law, after
solving Diophantine equation and determining the controller parameters, the following
control law was obtained in the case of known plant parameters:

15 + 5q −1 356.4208 − 267.411q −1
u (k ) = −1
ω(k ) − y (k ) (25)
1 + 0.9473q 1 + 0.9473q −1
In the case of unknown plant parameters, they are estimated at each sampling interval.
The plant model can be written in the form: (1 + a1q−1 + a2q−2) y(k) = (b0 + b1q−1)u(k−1).
It follows that:

y (k ) = −a1 y (k − 1) − a2 y (k − 2) + b0u (k − 1) + b1u (k − 2) or y (k ) = θ T (k )φ (k ) (26)

where the plant parameter vector is

θT = [a1 a2 b0 b1 ] , (27)

and the regression vector:

φT (k ) = [− y (k − 1) − y (k − 2) u (k − 1) u (k − 2)] . (28)

Unknown parameters are estimated at each sampling interval according to the

following algorithm.
F(0) = I4 /10−3
1  F(k )φ(k )φT (k )F (k ) 
F(k + 1) = F ( k ) −
0.99  1 + φT (k )F(k )φ(k ) 
ε(k ) = y (k ) − φT (k )θˆ (k − 1) (29)
θˆ (k ) = θˆ (k − 1) + F(k )φ(k )ε(k )
θˆ T (k ) = [aˆ (k ) aˆ (k ) bˆ (k ) bˆ (k )]
1 2 0 1

The controller is designed on the basis of estimated plant parameters at each sampling
interval by solving Diophantine equation and using the procedure described in [9]. The
control law is calculated and applied at each sampling interval in the form:

T (q −1 ) Sˆ (q −1 )
u (k ) = ω(k ) − y (k ) . (30)
Rˆ (q −1 ) Rˆ (q −1 )

Presented design algorithm was implemented through the software program designed
in [9]. The program was used to obtain simulation results for the system output, input and
estimated parameters. Simulation results for rectangular reference input are shown in
Figure 6.
Digital Adaptive Control System Design for a Particular Class of Hydraulic Systems 1431

1.2 1
a) a^ 2
1 0
0.8 -1
a^ 1
0.6 -2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
0.4 x 10-3
0.2 b0 c)
2.3 ^
0 b1
-0.2 2.2
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Time (min) Time (min)

Fig. 6. Simulation results for rectangular wave reference input, period 2π, height 2,
width 10. a) Output of the reference model − dashed line, system output − solid
line. b) and c) Estimated plant parameters.

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9. Nestorović T., Application of Digital Control Laws to some groups of Hydraulic Systems and
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Tamara Nestorović
Rad je posvećen projektovanju adaptivnih upravljačkih zakona u cilju upravljanja određenim
hidrauličkim sistemima. Razmatrani hidraulički sistemi pripadaju klasi nivo sistema, koji su do
sada razmatrani sa stavnovišta održavanja nivoa tečnosti u rezervoaru na željenoj konstantnoj
vrednosti. Ovakav upravljački cilj mogao se ostvariti linearnim upravljačkim sistemom sa
povratnim spregama po promenljivim stanja. Pomenuti hidraulički nivo sistemi sada se razmatraju

sa drugačije tačke gledišta, što zahteva uvođenje nelinearnog adaptivnog upravljačkog sistema.
Naime, ukoliko je cilj upravljanja da se nivo tečnosti u rezervoaru menja po unapred zadatoj
funkciji, onda su parametri objekta upravljanja promenljivi zbog promenljivog nivoa tečnosti u
rezevoaru, zbog čega je potrebno uvesti adaptivno upravljanje. Ovde se razmatra i slučaj kada su
parametri objekta upravljanja nepoznati.
Pri projektovanju adaptivnog upravljanja korišćeni su različiti pristupi. U ovom radu raz-
motren je gradijentni pristup (MIT pravilo), adaptivni sistemi sa referentnim modelom zasnovani
na teoriji hiperstabilnosti i samopodešavajući regulatori. Postupci projektovanja razmatrani su u
diskretnom obliku, što omogućava njihovu primenu u sastavu digitalnog sistema kojim upravlja
U cilju projektovanja adaptivnog upravljanja, modeli razmatranih sistema predstavljeni dife-
rencijalnim jednačinama, prevedeni su u odgovarajuće diskretne modele, a zatim su predstavljeni u
polinomnom obliku koji predstavlja osnovu za projektovanje adaptivnog upravljanja. Kao rezultat
projektovanja dobijeni su diskretni upravljački zakoni kojima se ostvaruje cilj upravljanja.
Verifikacija projektovanih upravljačkih zakona ostvarena je metodom numeričkog eksperi-
menta, odnosno simulacijom na digitalnom računaru, a dobijeni rezultati prikazani su u radu.
Simulacije su izvršene za različite tipove refrentnih signala i izvršeno je njihovo upoređivanje. Na
osnovu rezultata simulacije izvedeni su odgovarajući zaključci. U cilju izvršenja simulacija napisa-
ni su i određeni originalni programi koji predstavljaju softversku implementaciju projektovanih
upravljačkih zakona.

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