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Appendix 1 Sample of Software Requirement Specifications (SRS)

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Application Name Post Office Management System

Domain e-Governance
Technology C#.NET


VER 2.0


Copyright ©Trimentus. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted without
the express prior consent of Trimentus, Chennai, India.
Trimentus makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents
or use of this document, and specifically disclaims any express or implied
warranties of merchantability for any particular purpose. Trimentus reserves
the right to revise this document and make changes to its content, at any time,
without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes.


1.1. Purpose

An automated module for the Post Office will help in automating

functions of the administration department. It helps in reducing the time spent
in record keeping and the work can be carried out effectively. The searching of
records in future will also become easy. The redundancy in the data due to
manual data will also be tackled. The Post office will be able to access the
personal information of each customer easily.

The administration department will also be able to add new branches of

post office, staffs, customers, set the rates for the courier or any other parcel
based on duration, weight, distance, and type of delivery.

1.2. Scope

This subsection should:

1. Identify the software product(s) to be produced by name; for

example, Host DBMS, Report Generator, etc.
2. Explain what the software product(s) will, and, if necessary, will
not do.
3. Describe the application of the software being specified.
Definitions and Acronyms
1.3 Approvals and Authorizations

Designation Name Date

Author Team Member Lakshmi 17th Nov’ 08
Approved By Team Member Uthra 18th Nov’ 08
Authorised By Project Coordinator PM Shareef 19th Nov’ 08

1.4 Distribution

Copy No Holders Designation Issue Date

1 Project Coordinator 20th Nov’ 08
2 Project Head 20th Nov’ 08
3 Team Members 20th Nov’ 08

1.5. Amendment Record

No Date Section (s) Issue No Description

1 6th Nov’ 08 All 01 Initial Version
2 20th Nov’ 08 All 02 Second Version


An automated module for the Post Office will help in automating

functions of the administration department. It helps in reducing the time spent
in record keeping and the work can be carried out effectively. The searching of
records in future will also become easy. The redundancy in the data due to
manual data will also be tackled. The Post office will be able to access the
personal information of each customer easily.

The administration department will also be able to add new branches of

post office, staffs, and customers, set the rates for the courier or any other
parcel based on duration, weight, distance, and type of delivery.


Post Office management System is an application which is created for

the use of an automated system all over the country. The Administration Block
of the Post Office, situated at the head office holds the information of the
customers who sent deliveries regularly with the firm and the payment details
for the delivered item.

This project helps the Post Office to maintain their records

systematically. It provides functions such as setting rates based on weight,
days/ duration, distance and type of delivery etc… The scheduling modeling of
the Post Office Management System maintains logs and preference cards.

The administration department schedules the delivery based on the

specified delivery date and weight of the item. All these details will be kept as
records. So they store these information in various files for easy access in


4.1 Requirements

The minimum hardware and software requirements are as follows.

4.2 Hardware Requirements

Processor : Pentium 4
Ram capacity : At least 512 MB
Clock speed : 400MHZ
Hard disk drive : 40GB
Floppy disk drive : 3 ½ inch
Keyboard : 104 keys
Mouse : PS/2 mouse
Monitor : SVGA color monitor
Network adapter card : Ethernet Card

4.3 Software Requirements

Operating System : Windows XP

Programming language : C#
Technology used : ASP.NET
RAD Tool used : Visual Studio 2005
Database : SQL Server 2005.


5.1. Existing Scenario

The Post Office Management System is currently using a standalone

application which holds certain details. Now they want an online application
which will allow the customers to view their details and whether their packets
are sent safely. Also they don’t want several applications to be used at different
locations. They want to use this online application at all places i.e. All over the

5.2 Proposed Solution

1. A Single application through which offices at different locations

are connected.
2. Three categories of people can login namely, the administrator,
the staff and the customers.

3. The administrator will be able to view all kinds of details like

customer details, delivery details, factors to set charges, list of
post offices and their addresses and ids etc… and he will also be
able to update, edit, and delete them.
4. The customer can only view his own details, update his own
profile, view charges for various factors, his delivery details.
5. The staff members of the post office will be able to view all the
contact details of the customers, rates, delivery details, charges
for various factors, update their own profile etc…
6. Each delivery item will be given a delivery id for future
7. The customer will be able to sign up initially only at the post
office. Later on he / she will be able to login from anywhere to
view his profile or delivery details.

5.3 Functional Requirements

1. The details will be updated regularly. Example: Date received /

returned will be recorded according to what had happened
2. Calculation of the charges as per the firm’s policy.
3. Charges for VPP will be collected only at the time of delivering
the item
4. Only the administrator will be allowed to update any kind of
details except delivery.


6.1 Data-Flow Diagram (DFD)

Figure A 1.1 : Data Flow Diagram of POMS


6.2 Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram

a) New User

Figure A 1.2 : Entity Relationship Diagram of POMS New User Creation

b) Customer

Figure A 1.3 : Entity Relationship Diagram of POMS Customer Creation


c) Delivery Type, Weight and Distance

Figure A 1.4 : Entity Relationship Diagram of POMS Delivery, Weight

and Distance

d) Duration

Figure A 1.5 : Entity Relationship Diagram of POMS Duration


e) Set Distance

Figure A 1.6 : Entity Relationship Diagram of POMS Distance

f) Post Office

Figure A 1.7 : Entity Relationship Diagram of POMS Post Office Creation


g) Delivery

Figure A 1.8 : Entity Relationship Diagram of POMS Delivery

6.3. Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure A 1.9 : Entity Relationship Diagram of POMS

7. Database

The database will be used for read only purpose.




Application Name Post Office Management System (POMS)

Domain e-Governance
Technology C#.NET


VER 2.0


Copyright ©Trimentus. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced, photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted without
the express prior consent of Trimentus, Chennai, India.

Trimentus makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents

or use of this document, and specifically disclaims any express or implied
warranties of merchantability for any particular purpose. Trimentus reserves
the right to revise this document and make changes to its content, at any time,
without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes.


This document describes the design for the Post Office will help in
automating functions of the administration department. It helps in reducing the
time spent in record keeping and the work can be carried out effectively. The
searching of records in future will also become easy. The redundancy in the
data due to manual data will also be tackled. The Post office will be able to
access the personal information of each customer easily.

The administration department will also be able to add new branches of

post office, staffs, customers, set the rates for the courier or any other parcel
based on duration, weight, distance, and type of delivery.


The First module is named as the Login Form in which only the
administrator, staff and customer are authenticated. When the users are
authenticated they enter into the next module the Main Menu. This varies based
on the type of user as only the admin is allowed to make updations and the staff
and customers are restricted to certain areas.

In common all can view the charges set for various factors like weight,
duration/ days, type of delivery, distance etc…

Each one can view and edit his own profile and also edit it. They can
also log out.


This project is being designed using an incremental approach. There are

three primary stages to the design development. The ER diagrams are
mentioned in the SRS.


1. Table: New User

Table A 2.1 : New User Creation Database Table

Username nvarchar(20)
Password nvarchar(10)
UserType nvarchar(20)
Secretquestion nvarchar(100)
Secretanswer nvarchar(100)
Dob varchar(35)
Id int

2. Table: Customer

Table A 2.2 : Customer Creation Database Table

Name nvarchar(20)
Phno bigint
Address nvarchar(30)
City nvarchar(15)
State nvarchar(20)
Country nvarchar(30)
Pin bigint
Userid bigint
Cid nvarchar(10)
Id int

3. Table: Delivery Type

Table A 2.3 : Delivery Type Creation Database Table

Type nvarchar(25)
Charges bigint

4. Table: Weight

Table A 2.4 : Weight Creation Database Table

Weightfrom Bigint
Weightto bigint
Charges bigint

5. Table: Distance

Table A 2.5 : Distance Creation Database Table

Distancefrom Bigint
Distanceto bigint
Charges bigint

6. Table: Duration

Table A 2.6 : Duration Creation Database Table

Daysfrom Int
Daysto Int
Charges bigint

7. Table: PostOffice

Table A 2.7 : Post Office Creation Database Table

Poname nvarchar(20)
Address nvarchar(50)
Poid nvarchar(10)
Id Int

8. Table: SetDistance

Table A 2.8 : SetDistance Creation Database Table

FromPlace nvarchar(20)
ToPlace nvarchar(20)
Distance bigint

9. Table: Delivery

Table A 2.9 : Delivery Creation Database Table

Cid nvarchar(10)
Toname nvarchar(20)
Toadd nvarchar(25)
Tocity nvarchar (20)
Tostate nvarchar(30)
Topin bigint
Toph bigint
Typeofdeli nvarchar(25)



Application Name Post Office Management System (POMS)

Domain e-Governance
Technology C#.NET


<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"

CodeFile="PostOffice.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<asp:MenuItem Text="Add New Details" Value="New Item">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/PostOffice.aspx" Text="Post
Office" Value="New Item"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/CustomerInformation.aspx"
Text="Customer" Value="Customer">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/NewUser.aspx" Text="New
User" Value="New User"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Delivery.aspx" Text="Delivery"
<asp:MenuItem Text="Settings" Value="New Item">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Charges" Value="New Item">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Weight.aspx" Text="Weight"

<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Distance.aspx" Text="Distance"

<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/DeliveryType.aspx"
Text="Delivery Type" Value="Delivery Type">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Duration.aspx" Text="Duration"
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/SetDistance.aspx" Text="Set
Distance" Value="Set Distance">
<asp:MenuItem Text="View and Update" Value="View
and Update">
<asp:MenuItem Text="Charges" Value="Charges">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ShowChargesforWeight.aspx"
Text="Weight" Value="Weight">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Showchargesfordistance.aspx"
Text="Distance" Value="Distance">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Showchargesfortod.aspx"
Text="Delivery Type" Value="Delivery Type">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/ShowchargesforDuration.aspx"
Text="Duration" Value="Duration">
< asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Showdistancesset.aspx"
Text="Distance details" Value="New Item">
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/MyProfile.aspx" Text="My
Profile" Value="My Profile"></asp:MenuItem>
<asp:MenuItem NavigateUrl="~/Logout.aspx" Text="Log out"
Value="Log out"></asp:MenuItem>



Application Name Post Office Management System (POMS)

Domain e-Governance
Technology C#.NET


Review Report
(RR/CWT) No. : 01 Date : 14/11/2008
Department Code : RL Start Time : 10:30 AM
Project Name : POMS End Time : 12:00 PM
Total Man Hours
Review On : 14/11/2008 : 1:30 Mins
Kumaravel Trimentus
Reviewer(s) : KV Venue : Technologies
No of Problems : 3 Reference Docs*: SRS 1.0
Problem Closing
High : 1 Date :
Medium : 1 Verifier** :
Low : 1

Findings List

S. Severity Corrective
Problem Description Root Cause & Remarks
No. (H/M/L) Action
1 "Loading" takes time L Requirements Updated Open
Separate code is
required for row
editing, updating,
2 deleting etc M Requirements Corrected Open
Problems with
windows and server
3 connections. H Coding Updated Open

1. Format of 'RR No.' is RR or CWT/Total No of Review or CWT/No of
review in a particular doc/No of Problems. For Eg 1. RR/21/03/07 out of
which 07 is the number of problems, 2. CWT/37/01/03.
2. 'Review On' is the Document name if it is Review or Form name(should
be with Module Name) if it is CWT
3. ' Reviewer(s)' is All reviewers names
4. On or Before the Problem Closing date all findings should be closed
5. Severity High is for Major errors which effect the whole project,
Medium is Minor error which can be rectified easily, & Low is
Cosmetic error which will not affect the project
6. 'Attempt & Status' is how many times the Fixed part of the problem is
Verified by the Verifier & its status (C for Closed, P for Under Process,
R for Resolved & O for Open) . Eg. 2 & O means 2 times it is verified
& still it is open
7. If no finding is there then also this form should be filled up stating NIL
in the 'Finding List'

* All the Docs used for Reviewing or Code walk through

** After Fixing the Findings this has to verify the Doc or Form




ABC Development

Project Plan


This document addresses

Life Cycle Model to be adopted for ABC project development,

phases and the process to be followed
Deliverables of the project, roles and responsibilities of people
Configuration Management for the project


Objectives of this document are to

Explain project specific Life Cycle Model derived from QMS

Process that shall be followed for the ABC project development.
To plan and ensure the development of the ABC Software and to
control changes to the software or to any of its components.

Applicable for projects satisfying the following criteria.

ABC Development project of type low (Size less than 3000 Lines of Code).
1. Software Release x.y.z.p.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

QMS Quality Management System

CM Configuration Management

Approvals and Authorizations

Designation Name Date

Author Project Coordinator Project Coordinator’s
Approved by Quality Quality Coordinator’s
Coordinator name
Authorised by SBU Head or SBU head’s Name or
Practice Head Practice Head’s name

Amendment Record

No Date Section(s) Issue Description


Life Cycle Model

Project Planning

Requirement Spec. System Test Plan



System /Acceptance


Figure A 5.1 : Project Lifecycle


Table A 5.1 : Project Dependencies

S.No Dependency Responsibility
1. Test equipment Customer DD/mm/yy
2. Interface Modules ,,
3. Documentation on ABCXX ,,
4. Enhanced XXXXX ABC Product Team
product Representative

Software Tools

Table A 5.2 : Project Software Tools

Name of the
S. Version/ User Tools Re-
(including Usage
No. Release Licenses Database Validation
1. Visual 7.0 Software Enterpris Demo,
Source Safe Configuration e license Help and
(VSS) Management validation
dated ….

Risk Management

Table A 5.3 : Project Risk Analysis

S. Mitigation Seve Proba

Risks Resp. Limit Priority
No Plan rity bility
1. Source code product Medi 50% High
may have bugs. um
2. Customer supplied High 50% High
modules may have

Contingency Plan

<Action to be taken to mitigate risk identified as above should be

recorded here>

Risk Tracking

Risks identified in project plan shall be tracked during team meetings

and end phase meetings and corrective actions, if any, shall be taken.

Project Schedule

Date of project commencement – dd Month yyyy

Estimated date of project closure – dd Month yyyy.The detailed project

schedule will be maintained by the project co-ordinator in the project file.
Microsoft Project, is used to create and track the detailed project schedule.

Quality Assurance Plan

Schedule of Quality Control Activities

Table A 5.4 : Project Review Plan

Activity No. of
Start Date End Date Responsibility
Software dd Month dd Month Person designated by
Requirement yyyy yyyy Project Co-ordinator
Specifications but not the author,
review Customer
Design Review dd Month dd Month Person designated by
yyyy yyyy project coordinator,
but not the author
Code Review dd Month dd Month Person designated by
yyyy yyyy Project Co-ordinator
but not the author
System test plan dd Month dd Month Person designated by
and cases review yyyy yyyy Project Co-ordinator
but not the author
System testing dd Month dd Month Team member
yyyy yyyy designated by project
(Unit/Integration/ dd Month dd Month Person designated by
System) Test yyyy yyyy Project Co-ordinator
results review but not the tester

Configuration Library

Table A 5.5 : Project Configuration Library

Configuration Item Location (sub-directory with

respect to /home/<proj>)
Project Document docs/plan
Requirements Specification Document docs/srs
Design document docs/ddd
System Test plans and Test Cases docs/stp
Release notes docs/release
Software components
Make files for the project code/com
Source code for each module code/<module-name>/src
Testing utilities
Source code for test utilities tst/<test-type>/src1
Test scripts tst/<test-type>/scripts
Test data tst/<test-type>/data
External Libraries used ext/lib
Project specific tools
name of the tool must be specified here Tools

Quality records are maintained in the following locations.

1 <test-type> is ut – unit test, it – integration test, st – system test or at - acceptance test


Table A 5.6 : Project Quality Records

Item Location (sub-directory with respect to

Configuration Item List Cilist
Test records tst/<test-type>/testrecs
Review records Rvw

A list of releases along-with their status (ship-authorised or not) and list

of customers to whom the releases are distributed, is maintained in the
file /home/<proj>/release/relinfo.txt.

Configuration items comprising releases are listed in the files


File Naming and Version Identification

The version identification scheme followed for source files, header files,
make files and documents is x.y. The version identification scheme followed
for releases is x.y.z.p.

Source files, header files and make files will be assigned filenames in
accordance with the Coding Guidelines.

The following scheme will be followed for document identification:

Table A 5.7 : Project Document Naming Convention

Requirements Specification Document <proj-id>rs001

Design document <proj-id>dd001
System Test plans and Test Cases <proj-id>st001


The Computing Resources Group will create a daily-backup of the entire

contents of the /home/<proj> directory. The backup will be available for
retrieval for 4 weeks.


Test Report / Test status report
Project :
Date of report :
Test coordinator :
Project coordinator :
Test type :
Test Environment checked on :
Table A 5.8 :Test Environment Validation

Sr. No. Test Environment* Expected Set Up Actual Set Up

Data Population
*please add specific of test environment as applicable to your project
Test Environment : Accepted / Rejected
Test Start date :
Test Finish date :
Test cases defined :
Test cases executed :
Test cases passed :
Defects found :
Defects cleared :
Remarks :
Notes for future use :
Conclusion / Recommendation : Test complete / Test incomplete
Note 1: On completion of any test phase, the Test Coordinator produces the test report.
Note 2: During testing, the Test Coordinator produces the test status report at a frequency defined in the
test plan.



Checklist for Review of Code



This document provides a checklist of questions which a reviewer could use

before, during and at the end of a code review. The document attempts to be
complete by itself but brief at the same time so that reading the document does
not distract the reviewer from the primary objective of reviewing the code.
There are places where this checklist overlaps with a design checklist, the
reason being that the person reviewing the code is not assumed to be the same
person who reviewed the design.

Pre-review checklist

Practical considerations

1. Have you been provided with a design document to understand the

code? Is the design document up-to-date (latest version) ?
2. Does the design document explain
- program architecture ?
- module breakup and functionality ?
- task breakup ?
- each routine in pseudo-code form ?
3. Has the code been compiled with strict warning and error checking
enabled (-Wall and -Werror options); have all compilation warnings and
errors been removed ?
4. Has the code been compiled with a C++ compiler in addition to a C
compiler ?
Program (product) architecture

1. Is the overall organisation of the code clear, including a good

architectural overview and justification ?
2. Are modules well defined, including their functionality and interfaces to
other modules ? Is the task/process breakup of the modules clear ?
3. Are all the functional requirements covered sensibly, by neither too few
nor too many modules ?

4. Is the top-level design independent of the OS/environment which will be

used ?
5. Is the architecture designed to accommodate likely changes ?
6. Does the architecture describe how reused code will be made to conform
to other architectural objectives ?
7. Does the whole architecture hang together conceptually ?
8. Are all major data structures described and justified ?
9. Are data structures belonging to every module localised suitably so that
they are accessed/modified by well-defined access routines ?
10. Is there a well-defined strategy to interface with external entities ?
11. Are all interfaces modularised so that changes will not affect the rest of
the code ?
12. Are memory usage estimates and a strategy for memory management
described and justified ?
13. Does the architecture set space and speed budgets for each module ?
14. Is a strategy for handling data (strings) described and are storage
estimates provided ?
15. Is a coherent error handling strategy provided ?
16. Are error messages managed as a set to present a clean interface ?
17. Are the motivations for the major decisions provided ?
18. Are you (if you had to program/implement the system) comfortable with
the architecture ?

Code Review Checklist for Standards

Statutory Compliance

1. Are the approved design documents referred for coding?

2. Are the project/product acceptance and performance criteria as defined
in design addressed?
3. Does the coding guidelines defined and used address the details on
security, safety, standards, regulatory and statutory requirements, etc.
and whether they have been incorporated in the code?
Directory organisation

1. Are all file names less than or equal to 8.3 characters in length ?
2. Are portable files identified as separate from core protocol files ?
3. Is the file/module grouping clear ?

File Organisation

1. Does each file have a file header conforming to the standard

2. Is each file organised in order - file header, type definitions, macros,
prototypes, functions ?
3. Are all lines within 80 characters in length ?
4. Is each file less than or equal to 2000 lines in length ?
5. Does each file hold code for one and only one module ?

Procedure organisation / layout

1. Does each procedure have a header conforming to the standard

convention ?
2. Is the procedure organised - header, procedure name & parameters,
procedure body ?
3. Is the procedure defined in both ANSI format ?
4. Does each procedure formatted into a maximum of 2 printed pages
(excluding the header) ?
5. Are arguments to each procedure formatted with only one argument per
line ?
6. Are all procedure names less than or equal to 32 characters in length ?
7. Are procedures clearly separated by 2 blank lines ?

Code organisation / layout

1. Are all lines less than or equal to 80 characters in length ?

2. Are all identifiers less than or equal to 32 characters in length ?
3. Are all macros less than or equal to 3 lines in length ?
4. Does each line contain at most 1 statement/expression ?
5. Are complicated expressions formatted for readability ?
6. Are continuation lines indented sensibly as per the codign standards ?
7. Are all alignments as per coding standards ?
8. Are braces of “if”, “for” and “while” expressions in the right places (as
per coding standards) ?
9. Are sequential blocks separated from each other by blank lines ?
10. Are comments aligned with the code they explain ?

Reviewing a routine


1. Does the comment in the header explain the routine and its function
clearly ?
2. Are there relevant comments in the code body explaining the code ?
3. Does the routine have a name which clearly defines its purpose and
describes everything the routine does ?
4. Is the routine required ? Is its job/function clearly defined ? Does it fit in
neatly with the overall architecture ?
5. Have all parts of the routine which would benefit from being put into
routines of their own, been put into routines of their own ? Have
relatively independent groups of statements been moved into their own
routines ?
6. Does the routine have functional cohesion - doing only 1 thing and
doing it well ?
7. Is the routine loosely coupled with the rest of the code ?

Parameters and return values

1. Are parameters in a sensible order (input-modify-output); is this order

consistent with the order of parameters in similar routines ?
2. Are all parameters used ?
3. Do the parameters to the routine make dependencies obvious ?
4. If the function has a return value, does it return a value at all exit points?
5. Does the routine use the minimum number of returns possible, unless
necessary ?
6. Does the routine have 7 (or fewer) parameters ?

Body of the routine

1. Are any and all assumptions/dependencies (including interfaces)

documented ?
2. Are any algorithms used specified and explained ?
3. Does the routine check validity of input data ?
4. Do you thoroughly understand the code ? Is it easy to understand ?
5. Does the routine handle exceptions gracefully ?

6. Is the routine designed to handle changes gracefully ?

7. Have all debugging aids been installed so that they can be (de)activated
easily ?
8. Does the code check return values of all functions which it calls ? Do
the formal and actual parameters match for all sub-routine/function
9. Is any defensive code designed to help the user rather than the
programmer ?
10. Does the routine ensure that nothing in the routine, other than the return
values, affects code outside the routine ?
11. Are related statements grouped together ? Does the code make
dependencies among statements obvious ?
12. Are references to the same variable close together?


1. Is recursion the best way to implement the routine - is it necessary ?

2. Will the recursion definitely stop ?
3. Is recursion limited to one routine ?
4. Does the stack size support the recursion depth ?

Data and types

1. Do you have a list of data types used along with their descriptions ?
2. Does the code use a different type for each kind of data that might
change ?
3. Does the code avoid redefining predefined types ?
4. Are the data structures simple so that they minimise complexity ?


1. Is each variable assigned the correct length, type and storage ?

2. Are static variables clearly identified ?
3. Are all declarations free of assumptions about compiler/machine
specific sizes ?


1. Is each variable initialised ?


2. Is each variable initialised close to where it is used ?

3. Is each variable initialised whenever it is used ?


1. Does the name fully and accurately describe what the variable
2. Is the name oriented towards a real-world entity represented rather than
a program type ?
3. Do names of types/pointers have a prefix which indicates a type/pointer
4. Does the name conflict with a name used in any standard library ?
5. Does the code avoid arbitrary/mis-leading/similar-sounding names ?
6. Do all variable names have prefixes which indicate their size in bytes ?


1. Do all variables have the smallest scope possible ?

2. Are all global variables documented ?
3. Are access routines used instead of global data ?
4. Is the code free of data structures whose elements are accessed both
globally as well as through access routines ?
5. Are references to the same variable close together ?
6. Are all variables used ?
7. Is the usage of access routines versus global data consistent ?
8. Are variables used only for the purpose for which they’re named ?

Arrays, pointers and structures

1. Are all array references within bounds ?

2. Is the code free of off-by-one errors ?
3. Is the code free of references to dangling pointers ?
1. Is the code free of assumptions about alignment of elements within
structures ?

Numbers, characters & strings

2. Does the code avoid magic numbers/strings ?

3. Are all constants defined and used rather than placing the numbers in the
code ?
4. Are type conversions obvious ?

Comparisons, Computations & Expressions

1. Is the code free of comparisons/computations involving variables of

different sizes/types (mixed-mode) ?
2. Is the code free of assumptions about the precedence of operators in
expressions ?
3. Are macros used to simplify readability whenever an expression is used
repeatedly ?
4. Do all expressions use the correct operators ?
(Some common mistakes - use of = in place of ==
- use of || in place of && etc...)


If statements

1. Is the conditional check and the resultant path through the code clear ?
2. Could there be a third possibility other than the if and the else ?
3. Are the if and else clauses used correctly - not reversed ?
4. Does the normal case follow the if rather than the else ?
5. Are any complicated tests encapsulated in (boolean) function calls ?
6. Have the number of decision counts been kept to the minimum required?
7. If the number of decision counts is large (6 or more) would it be simpler
to have a nested if chain ?
8. Are numbers, characters and pointers compared to 0/NULL/FALSE
explicitly ?
9. Are boolean expressions stated positively ?

If-Then-ElseIf chains

1. Are the most common cases tested first ?

2. Are all cases covered ?

3. Is the chain better than using a case statement ?

4. Is the chain short enough to view all at once ?
5. Are the nesting levels 3 or fewer in number ?

Case statements

1. Are cases ordered meaningfully ?

2. Are the actions for each case simple - calling other routines if
3. Does the default clause detect and report unexpected cases ?
4. Does the end of each case have a break ?
5. Are intentional fall-throughs commented clearly ?


1. Is the goto used only as a last resort to make the code more
readable/maintainable ?
2. If used for efficiency, has the gain in efficiency been measured and
documented ?
3. Are gotos limited to one per routine ?
4. Does the goto go forward, not backward ?


1. Is the loop non-empty ?

2. Is initialization code directly before the loop ?
3. Is the loop short enough to view all at once ?
4. Is a for loop used when the number of iterations is known ?
5. Is a while loop used when the number of iterations is unknown ?
6. Is the code free of unintended infinite loops ?
7. Is the loop header reserved for loop control ?
8. Does the loop index have a meaningful name ?
9. Are housekeeping chores grouped, at the beginning/end of the loop ?
10. Is the loop well-defined - does it perform only one function ?
11. Is the loop’s termination condition clear and obvious ?
12. Does the code inside a for loop avoid monkeying with the loop index
unnecessarily ?

13. Are the nesting levels 3 (or fewer) in number ? Has the nesting been
kept to the minimum required ?


1. Have attributes for all files been specified correctly ?

2. Have attributes for all OPEN/CREATE calls been specified correctly ?
3. Have end-of-file conditions been checked explicitly ?
4. Is displayed text free of spelling/grammatical errors ?


1. Is there a short description which gives an overall view of how the code
is organised ?
2. Is the purpose of each file/module explained ?
3. Is the source code listing self-explanatory ?
4. Can someone pick up the source code listing and immediately start to
understand it ?
5. Do comments explain, instead of simply repeat, the code ?
6. Are comments clear and correct ?
7. Do comments prepare the reader for the code to follow ?
8. Are all assumptions/limitations commented ?
9. Are the ends of long or complex control structures been commented ?

End-of-review checklist

1. Is the code straight-forward and does it avoid cleverness ?

2. Is the code written in terms of the real-world problem domain as much
as possible rather than in terms of computer science structures ?
3. Is the code clearly traceable from the design document ?
4. Has unused code been removed ? Have all unnecessary comments been
removed ?



Coding Standards for C#

Cross Language Coding Rules

These rules are to followed irrespective of the language of development

File and Directory naming rules

File names and directory names should be of maximum 15 chars

The possible extensions are tabulated below:

File type Extension

C++ .h, .cpp, .c

Comment rules

Comments should not be cryptic and should not have flavor of the language

1. Comments should not be nested

2. Unutilised code should not be commented
3. See CSD_Appendix.txt for File Headers, Function headers etc.
4. The format of Review and fix comment is
5. <RVW>TLA:yyyymmdd:comment</RVW>::<RFX>TLA:yyyymmdd:c
6. The format of fix comment is
7. <BFX>TLA:yyyymmdd:bugref:comment</BFX>

Identifier naming rules

1. All variables should be of the format <Type Acronym><Variable

2. All control identifiers should be of the format <Control
3. Apart from the above mentioned format, identifiers may also have their
language specific prefixes
4. Avoid names that are similar or just differ in case

5. Function names should be meaningful and begin with a verb

Example : GetTimeSheet
6. Function parameters should be prefixed as shown below:

Parameter Type Parameter Prefix

In Parameter Pi
Out Parameter Po
In Out Parameter Pio

Format: <Parameter Prefix>_<Type Acronym><Variable Name>

7. All global variables should be prefixed by “g_”
Example: g_shtRecordCount
8. Constants should be in Capitals and separated by an “_”.They should
not be prefixed by a Type Acronym

Formatting rules

1. Be uniform in using braces and parenthesis

2. Insert 2 spaces on Tab in the Editor Options .Use Tab to indent
3. Ensure that the code is indented suitably


1. Declare variables close to usage

2. Avoid loops that execute statements atleast once without a conditional
Example: Do...While and Do...Loop
3. Limit number of nested “if” statements( Recommended is 2 levels )
4. Use local variables unless there is a compelling reason to use global
scope with in a module
5. Comment the logic not the syntax
6. Preferred file size (Recommended is 500 lines )
7. Let functions be less than a screen full (Recommended is 40 lines )
8. Be familiar with the editor’s feature like search, replace, cut paste,
column marking, key stroke macros, regular expressions, indentation
settings, tab settings.


Directory structure rules

The directory structure for files should be as follows

<ModuleName>\ - contains the module source files
Include\ - contains the include files
TestProg\ - contains the source files for test programs

Include file rules

1. Add the module directory to “include path” variable in your machine

2. Use relative paths to include files, don’t give absolute paths
#include “.\\include\\UtilityFunc.h” - Use this
#include “c:\\strad\\fep\\Fep.h” - Don’t use this

File wrapper rules

All source files should encapsulate their code within
# ifndef __<FileName><Extension>
# define __<FileName><Extension>
// Your code here
# endif // OF __<FileName><Extension>
Where FileName – stands for File Name (max 15 characters)
Extension – stands for File Extensions (h, cpp or c)

Comment rules
1. Single line comment should use // style
2. Multi line comment should use /* */ style
3. Multi line comments should be of the following format
/*constant - Use this
used in file name declaration */
const MAX_WIDTH = 35;
/*constant used in file name - Don’t use this
declaration */const MAX_WIDTH = 35;
const MAX_WIDTH = 35; /* constant - Don’t use this
used in file name declaration */

Identifier naming rules

1. All identifiers should live in namespace.

Namespace are of the pattern nm<MeaningfulName>
Classes are of the pattern c<MeaningfulName>
Exception Classes are of the pattern c<MeaningfulName>Exception
Templated classes are of the pattern tc<MeaningfulName>

Table A 5.9 : Variable Type Acronyms

Simple Data Type Type Acronym

Boolean Bln
Character Chr
Double Dbl
Enumeration Enm
Float Flt
Integer Int
Long Lng
Long Double Ldb
Object Obj
Short Sht
Unsigned Character Uchr
Unsigned Integer Uint
Unsigned Long Ulng
COM Types Type Acronym
Variant Var
Interface Inf
Collection Type Type Acronym
Array Arr
List Lst
Vector Vec
String Str
Map Map
Set Set


Simple data types: <DataType Acronym>

Collection Types : <CollectionType Acronym><DataType
unsigned short ushtCounter;
unsigned char arruchrFileName[MAX_WIDTH];
Prefix ‘p’ before variable type to indicate pointer type (Add prefix ‘p’ for each

Declaration Variable Used as

unsigned long* Pointer
unsigned long** Pointer to Pointer
unsigned long*** Pointer to Pointer to
pppulngEmployeeId; Pointer

Derive naming along the same lines for further indirection

Variable naming rules based on scope is shown below:

Table A 5.10 : Variable Naming Scope

Scope Variable Name Format Example

Block/Functi <Variable Type char
on Acronym><Variable Name> arrchrName[MAXLENGTH
Class m_<Variable Type char* m_pchrActive;
Acronym><Variable Name>
Global g_<Variable Type cCount g_objCounter
Acronym><Variable Name> ;
Where cCount is a class

Static Variables naming rules

s<scope specifier>_<Variable Type Acronym><Variable Name>
static cCount sm_objCounter - Static Class Data Member
static cCount s_objCounter - Static Local Variable
static cCount sg_objCounter - Static Global Variable

Coding Rules

1. The type int should never be used as its size is machine dependent. use
long, short or char instead.
2. All variables should be in a finite state before use. It is expected that
each variable is initialised at declaration either explicitly or via
short shtCounter; - Don’t use this
short shtCounter = 0; - Use this const strings should be declared as
arrays and not as pointers
const char FILENAME[] = “x.x” - Use this
const char* FILENAME = “x.x” - Don’t use this
3. Do not use hard coded values in the source code, even as array
dimensions. Instead use defined consts or STL containers.
4. Functions should have only r-value or void as return type
l-values should be returned through function Parameters
5. Function parameters , whose values should not be modified within the
function, should be declared as const
6. Do not allocate memory for parameters within the function and delete it
outside or vice-versa
7. Inline member functions should be defined in the class declaration
8. Base class Destructors should be virtual

Specific to C++

1. All the implemented code should be within a single Try-Catch

Do not use protected data members

Have public, protected and private members of a class grouped and placed in
order as follows
class cEmployee {
public: // all public members here
virtual ~cEmployee();
HRESULT Get_Name(char *po_pchrName);
protected: // all protected members here
cEmployee(const char *pi_pchrName, const char *pi_pchrID);

private: // all private members here

char* m_pchrName;
Constructors and Destructors should be the first two entries in sections
(public, protected ,private) where they occur.
Be familiar with programming tools like cl, link, dumpbin, grep, make ,etc.,
and their command line options.

Specific to COM Interfaces

1. Avoid [out] as parameter type as it doesn't work with automation clients

such as JavaScript and VBScript
2. Communication between Server components and clients should be
through VARIANT/VARIANTARG data type
3. Use Safearray for accessing arrays, don't hard code or use constants for
accessing array parameters to Clients from COM interface and vice-
4. Use _bstr_t, _variant_t classes instead of BSTR, VARIANT types inside
interfaces for better performance

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