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COMSATS University Islamabad,

COMSATS Road, off GT Road, Sahiwal, Pakistan



Voice based email application

for blind people
Version 1.0

Aqib junaid CIIT/SP18-MCS-003/SWL
Arslan Tahir CIIT/SP18-MCS-008/SWL

Aqsa jaffer CIIT/SP18-MCS-020/SWL

SIR Umar khan
Master of Computer Science (2018-2020)
Table of Contents
Revision History ........................................................................................................................... 28
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 30
1.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................. .................... 30
1.2 Scope ....................................................................................................................... .................. 30
2. Overall description................................................................................................................. 30
2.1 Product perspective ...................................................................................................... ............. 30
2.2 Operating environment ....................................................................................................... ....... 30
2.3 Design and implementation constraints ..................................................................................... 30
3. Requirement identifying technique ...................................................................................... 31
3.1 Use Case Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 31
3.2 Use Case Description......................................................................................................... ........ 31
4. Specific Requirements ........................................................................................................... 33
4.1 System feature X ....................................................................................................................... 33
5. Quality attributes ....................................................................... 33
5.1 Usability .................................................................................................................................... 34
5.2 Performance ...................................................................................................... ......................... 35
6. External interface requirements ........................................................................................... 35
6.1 User interfaces ........................................................................................................................... 35
6.2 Software interfaces ....................................................................................................... ............. 35
6.3 Hardware interfaces ......................................................................................................... .......... 35
6.4 Communications interfaces ....................................................................................................... 35
7. Project Gantt chart ................................................................................................................ 35
8. References ............................................................................................................................... 35
Revision History
Name Date Reason for changes Version
Application Evaluation History

Comments (by committee) Action Taken

*include the ones given at scope time both in doc and

Supervised by
Umar khan

Internet is taken into account that it has become the big information platform for the present
time. There are different methods on the internet for communication but email is the most sort of
communication over the internet. But to use the email you should be able to see the displaying
content on the display. However it is not displaying you can’t be able to avail the services. This
makes the internet totally useless for the blind and impaired people. And all the existing systems
are not providing any facility for blind people. A nearly 285 million people in the world
estimated that impaired so that it is very important that to facilitate the blind people with these
Therefore we come up with this system within we are developing a voice IVR application which
is able to help the visually impaired people those who are not be able to avail the email services
on the smartphone. All functions are supported straightforward voice recognition operations.
Furthermore the user have not need to remember that what touch operation he/she has to perform
to avail any services. Because the system is going to prompting them on that possibly can give
them with what operation.

There are 5 billion user accounts are created on the Gmail at the end of the 2018. This shows that
email has the foremost platform for communication that we are using in daily life to avail the
services. But the problem is that the Gmail system is not facilitating the visually impaired people
and they are unable to use these services. To operate the current user has to know that what
content is displaying on the screen. So that user can understand what operation he wants to
To use this system for blind people is no convenient as it is developed for traditional users. There
are some kind of accessibility features available in mobiles for blind people but there are not
correctly operate in the noisy environment.

Our plan
 Accept the voice commands
 Output should be converted into speech


The user gives the request to login into their account through the voice or text using phone
personal computer or laptop.

The request granted for authenticated user. The user can accessing their account through voice.
The messages can be send or receive by the user and will be converted into voice or text through
voice recognition speech converter. When the user compose mail after composing the mail it
will be checked to assure the grammar mistakes and then it will be converted into prerecorded
The pre-recorded audio should be store in the administrator. It should display to the user. For
retrieving message it convert it from text to voice.
Overall description
The device comprises of a headset. When the user click the option, then the voice is converted
and send to the Microsoft Cognitive Services (API) for processing. The API processes the text,
identify its contents (objects, people).
The API returns mail, some description and also the words or text (in case of text reading). API’s
result then process and converts into a complete description which comprises of description of
mail contents, persons’ with their message (if found). Finally, that description is transformed into
a voice recording and then play through head phones for the blind person.

Product perspective
To provide the user friendly system to all the visually impaired peoples.
To help them to moving towards in the challenging world of internet, to provide them a facility
to use these technologies, through this they have a chance to overcome their visual disability.

Operating environment

The device shall maintain the safety and performance characteristics specified in this document
during operation over the following ranges of environmental conditions:
a) Temperatures between 11°C and 31°C.
b) Relative humidity under 90% (noncondensing).

Design and implementation constraints

 The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is accessible by the
 Voice Mail system facility is available to all the users 24 hours a day.
 User can access their account from any computer and can send or retrieve messages
previously stored.
Requirement identifying technique
This section describes the requirements identifying technique(s) which further help to derive
functional requirements specification. The selection of the technique(s) will depend on the type
of project. For instance,
  Use case is an effective technique for interactive end-user applications
 Event- response tables is for real time system and
 Story boarding for graphically intensive applications.
In addition to above, the projects involving data warehouses, batch processes, hardware devices
with embedded control software, and computationally intensive applications required to follow
other suitable techniques. Such techniques are described further in Chapter 12, “A picture is
worth 1024 words.” For documenting this section let consider identifying requirements through
use case as an example.

Use case diagram

Voice based email system:
Use Case ID: UC -1

Primary Actor: user Secondary Actors: system

In this use case the user will interact with the system through voice to perform
given operation. The user can login, signup, compose mail, check mail, check sent
box. And on the other end the system will provide the facility to user to interact
Description: with the system to perform following functionality.
In this use case the user will perform these actions that are given in use case. He
Trigger: can perform any of operation from these options.


PRE-1. User have to create account first

PRE-2. User have to login
Post conditions:
POST-1. The user will provide the main menu to perform any operation
POST-2. Now user can perform any of the the given operation.

Normal Flow:
1. After login the application will ask from user what operation he wants to perform.
2. User have to select operation through voice.
3. Any operation will be operated through voice.
If user wants to read the message from inbox the message will be converted to voice then output
4. is given to user.
5. The user will type the mail through voice.

Exceptions: 1.0. through this system we will provide the user voice control
1. User will not have to type mail via keyboard.
2a. keyboard is compulsory.
2b. every step the user will be guided through voice.


Voice to text converts:

Compose mail:
Forgot password:
Functional Requirements
Table 3.1 represents list of functional requirements of our project. First column represents
requirement number and second column represent all the functional requirements. The basic
functional requirements include image capturing, speech recognition, image conversion into text,
text to speech .this section will describe functional requirements of a system.
, person enrolment and facial recognition.
Table 3.1: Functional Requirements
Requirement Functional Requirements
FR01 The system will take voice as an input.
FR02 The system will capable to perform speech recognition and shall perform next
task according to the user’s choice.
FR03 The system will capable to convert text into voice.

FR04 The system will be efficiently auto correction of spellings of spoken word by
the user.
FR05 The system will efficiently take voice as input and store in text format.
FR06 The system will be efficiently performed the email operation like subject,
FR07 The system will be efficient to play user’s voice related to mail services

Non Functional Requirements

2. Reliability
Table 3.2 represents non-functional requirement i.e. Reliability, which describes that reliability
of a system depends upon the handling of exception and errors.

Table 3.2: Non-functional Requirement (Reliability)

Requirement No Reliability
NFR01 The system will reliable and error free as when an exception occur then
the system will automatically display message.

3. Accuracy

Table 3.3 represents non-functional requirement i.e. Accuracy, which ensures the accuracy of
contents’ translation into voice recording, and speech recognition.
Table 3.3: Non-functional Requirement (Accuracy)
Requirement No Accuracy
NFR02 The system will accurately translate the voice contents into text.

NFR03 The system will accurately recognized text to voice.

NFR04 The system will accurately perform speech voice based operation.

4. Performance

Table 3.4 represents non-functional requirement i.e. Performance, which ensures the
performance of system interaction with API and user.
Table 3.4: Non-functional Requirement (Performance)
Requirement No Performance
NFR05 The system will interact with API and process operation in a few

NFR06 The system will response quickly after the user’s voice input.

5. Usability
Table 3.5: Non-functional Requirement (Usability)

NFR07 The design of a system shall be easy to use for the blind people.
NFR08 The system shall be interactive and perform tasks according to the
user’s choice.

1] Jagtap Nilesh, Pawan Alai, Chavhan Swapnil and Bendre M.R. “Voice Based System in

Desktop and Mobile Devices for Blind People”. In International Journal of Emerging

Technology and Advanced Reader. In Engineering (IJETAE), S2014 on Pages 404-407.

[2] Ummuhanysifa U., Nizar Banu P K, “Voice Based Search Engine and Web page

International Journal of Computational Engineering Research (IJCER). Pages 1-5.

[3] G. Shoba, G. Anusha, V. Jeevitha, R. Shanmathi. “An Interactive Email for Visually

Impaired”. In International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication

Engineering (IJARCCE), 2014 on Pages 5089.

[4] The Radicati website. [Online]. Available: Statistics-Report-2014-2018-


[5] The WHO website. [Online]. Available:

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