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UG Scholarship Application Form 2018 19

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Financial Support Office

Undergraduate Scholarship Application Form 2018-19 l

Office use only
Departmental code

Please read the accompanying Guidance Notes before completing this form.
This form requires you to provide detailed information about your financial circumstances. All figures given must be in UK pounds sterling (£).

Section 1 l Personal Information

1.1 LSE applicant number 1.2 Title (eg, Miss/Ms/Mr/Mrs)

1.3 Surname or family name

1.4 First name(s) 1.5 Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY)

/ /
1.6 Address(es) between June – September 2018. Please give the dates that you will be at this address or addresses.

Address 1 Address 2

Dates Dates

1.7 Contact details

Home tel Email

Mobile tel

1.8 Country of permanent domicile 1.9 Nationality


Amount Awarded
Name of Award Decision (circle) Taken by Date Initials
(£)/Decline Code
1 Award/Decline* P/D/O

2 Award/Decline* P/D/O

3 Award/Decline* P/D/O

4 Award/Decline* P/D/O

5 Award/Decline* P/D/O

6 Award/Decline* P/D/O

7 Award/Decline* P/D/O

8 Award/Decline* P/D/O

9 Award/Decline* P/D/O
Undergraduate l 1

10 Award/Decline* P/D/O
Section 2 l Study Details 2018-19
It is important that we know as much as possible about your degree programme in order to consider you for the right award. Please provide us
with the following information:

Please indicate:

2.1 Title of your BSc/BA programme

2.2 Department

2.3 Fee status for 2018-19

Home (UK) Home (EU) Overseas

Undergraduate l 2
Section 3 l Your Education and Experience To Date
3.1 Please give full details of your attendance at, and qualifications obtained from, schools or educational institutions (most recent first):

Qualification and grade Subjects Institution name and address (city and country) From (mm/yy) To (mm/yy)

3.2 Please give details of any scholarships, bursaries or prizes awarded during your education to date:

Institution Scholarship or prize name Value From (mm/yy) To (mm/yy)

3.3 If you have studied away from home and/or you have paid to receive secondary education (or other studies),
please provide details of individuals or organisations who contributed towards your fees and/or living costs:

Source of financial support Value From To

3.4 Are you the first person in your family to attend university?

No Yes

3.5 Have you ever been involved in any Widening Participation LSE projects such as LSE Choice or attended any Summer Schools?

No Yes Please give details

3.6 Are your parents university educated?

Mother No Yes If yes, in which country did she study?

Undergraduate l 3

Father No Yes If yes, in which country did he study?

Section 4 l Your Personal Financial Situation
Please refer to Guidance Notes, Section 4

4.1 Please provide details of any previous or current employment.

Start date End date Name of employer Position held Nature of work

4.2 In the 12 months immediately preceding the start of the programme (ie, October 2017 to September 2018) have you been/are you
currently/will you be:

Working Full-time Working Part-time Studying Full-time Studying Part-time

Other (Please tick all that apply)

4.3 What is your expected total net income during the 12 months immediately preceding the start of your programme
(ie, October 2017 to September 2018)?


Please provide evidence of income from employment.

4.4 Do you intend to work whilst studying?

Term-Time No Yes, Full-time Yes, Part-time

Vacation/Summer No Yes, Full-time Yes, Part-time

[Note: The School strongly recommends that full time students work no more than 15 hours a week during term time. Anyone studying in
the UK with a student visa can work up to 20 hours a week.]
4.5 If you intend to work, please provide a reasonable estimate of how much you expect to earn from work during the 2018-19 academic
session (term time and vacation/summer):
[Note: the 2018-19 academic session covers the period 27 September 2018 – 26 September 2019].

4.6 H
 ow did you arrive at this figure (eg, type of work, number of hours per week, hourly pay)? Is it reasonable to assume that you will earn
similar amounts in subsequent years of your programme? If not, please explain.

4.7 Do you have any other sources of personal income (eg, savings, savings returns, trust fund, social security benefits) which will be
available during the course of your programme?
Undergraduate l 4

Please provide evidence of other income.

Section 5 l Your Household Financial Situation
Please refer to Guidance Notes, Section 5.
5.1 Please provide the following details for all members of your household:
[Note: Your household is the group of people you ordinarily live with as a family.]

Name Relationship to you Age Occupation Annual gross income from

all sources

Total household income

5.2 Please provide details of any other individuals supported by you or your household income, but not living with you
(e.g. grandparents).

Name Relationship to you Age Circumstances

5.3 If you expect to receive contributions from anyone during the course of your programme please provide details. You should include
members of your household or anyone else including your employer (other than pay which you earn).
Name Relationship to you Contribution to your studies

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

£ £ £

Undergraduate l 5

5.4 Please provide details of any other members of your household who are or will be studying overseas and/or in higher education during the
course of your programme:
Institution name and address From To
Name of household member Age Level of study
(city and country) (mm/yy) (mm/yy)

5.5 Please provide details of any existing obligations or costs (e.g. debts, support for dependants, loan repayments, medical bills), which will
affect you or your household’s financial situation during the course of your programme:

Description of obligation/cost Annual payment

Please provide evidence of any obligatory payments.

Undergraduate l 6
Section 6 l Other Financial Support
6.1 Please list all known sources of financial support, including scholarships, grants, bursaries and loans, for which you can apply to fund your
undergraduate studies.
[Note: LSE expects you to make all reasonable efforts to secure funding to enable you to study at the School. In particular, all students are
expected to apply for government funding in their country of domicile.]
Source of financial support Amount applied for Amount secured, Contact details of awarding/
or date result lending body
£ expected

[Note: Results of the outcome of unsuccessful applications may be requested at our discretion. In the event of successful applications,
copies of notification letters must be submitted to us.]
6.2 If you have not applied for financial support from other sources or there is no financial support available to you please explain why:

6.3 Please provide details of all efforts, not already included above, that you have made to secure financial support:
Undergraduate l 7
Section 7 l Total Funding Available For Your Studies
7.1 Please summarise the funding you have already secured for your programme from the following sources:
2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
£ £ £

Self (e.g. personal savings)

Financial assistance (as in 6.1)

Funding from members of your household

Funding from other sources

Subtotal A

Loans from members of your household

Loans from other sources

Subtotal B

Total amount available (A+B)

Section 8 l LSE Bursaries: Home UK/EU students

8.1 Applying for an LSE Bursary

Application for a standard LSE bursary is via Student Finance, for Home UK students – there is no separate application form. For EU students,
this scholarship application form will be used to consider you. To be eligible your household income must fall within one of LSE’s set income
scales. More information is on our website.

8.2 Applying for a Discretionary Bursary

Do you wish to be considered for an LSE Discretionary Bursary?

No Yes

LSE Discretionary Bursaries are available to students with exceptional financial needs. They are intended as a top up to the standard LSE
Bursary, or can be awarded if a student’s household income falls outside of the sliding scales. You must have applied for all statutory support
available to you to be considered for an LSE Discretionary Bursary. If you are already entitled to the maximum value LSE Bursary of £4000 we
are unable to award an LSE Discretionary Bursary.
Please write a short statement of 250 words explaining why you should be considered for a Discretionary Bursary.

Undergraduate l 8
Section 9 l Your Future Plans
Please refer to Guidance Notes, Section 9
9.1 If applicable do you intend to return to your country of domicile upon completion of your studies? (Overseas applicants only)

Yes No

9.2 Please write a personal statement in which you:

a) explain why you are particularly deserving of an LSE scholarship
b) include details of your family background
c) describe your academic interests
d) o
 utline your career objectives and demonstrate how the studies you plan to undertake at LSE will contribute
to these objectives
[Note: Please do not exceed 1,000 words and please do not attach your CV. You may use a separate sheet if preferred, but you
must include a word count at the top of the page.]
e) please specify how you intend to use the money if made an award.

Undergraduate l 9
Section 10 l Declaration
10.1 I have provided all details required and I confirm that the information provided in this application is, to the best of my knowledge, true
and correct. I undertake to notify the Financial Support Office of any changes in my circumstances without delay. I understand that false
information will invalidate this application.
10.2 I give my permission for the information provided in this form (and the supporting documentation) to be shared with scholarship donors
if they request it.
10.3 I have read the criteria of the scholarships for which I wish to be considered and the relevant Guidance Notes. I confirm that I have
enclosed or have arranged to send all required supporting documentation.
10.4 I am happy to be contacted by LSE’s Donor Relations Team if shortlisted for an LSE Scholarship.

Signature Date

Please keep a copy of this form for your records. The Financial Support Office is not able to provide copies.

Please return to: Financial Support Office

Houghton Street
London WC2A 2AE

You will be sent an email acknowledgement of your application.


Sections 1-10 completed

Evidence of your own income

Evidence of parental or partner/spouse income

Evidence of obligatory payments

Academic reference attached

Academic reference being sent separately to the Financial Support Office
Name(s) of referee(s)

Evidence of any exceptional costs (eg, high medical bills) affecting you or
your household (eg, medical certificates and associated bills)

Please refer to the Guidance Notes for more information about appropriate
forms of supporting evidence. Undergraduate l 10
Financial Support Office Guidance Notes
Undergraduate Scholarship Application Form

General Guidance
1 This application form is for all undergraduate applicants who wish to apply for an LSE scholarship
for the 2018-19 academic session.
2 a) LSE Bursary entitlement for UK students will be automatically calculated and paid via Student
Finance and there is no need to complete this form to apply for this.
b) LSE Bursary entitlement for EU students will not be calculated automatically. You should
complete this form to be considered for this and payment will be made by LSE.
c) LSE Discretionary Bursary entitlement for UK and EU students will be considered via this
application form. Please use question 7.3 to indicate you wish to be considered for this if you feel you
have exceptional circumstances affecting your financial situation.
d) LSE Undergraduate Support Scheme for Overseas students will be considered via this application
3 This form will be used to consider you for all of the awards offered by LSE for which you are eligible.
Please submit one form and one set of supporting documents only. You only need to complete this
form once regardless of how many awards you would like to be considered for
or are eligible for.
4 The Financial Support Office can only guarantee that you will be considered for all awards for which
you are eligible providing you have submitted the supporting documentation requested. It is therefore
very important that you read the web information about the awards which you are interested in to
ensure that you have submitted all the necessary documentation for us to consider you.
5 You are required to provide supporting documentation relating to income, appropriate to your
circumstances. If photocopied documents are submitted, original copies may be requested from you
at a later stage. If documentation is not in English, a certified translation must be supplied.
6 We require one academic reference from your current ‘A’ level (or equivalent) teacher
or supervisor.
7 Please complete the form and return it to the Financial Support Office together with any supporting
documentation or references required. All questions must be answered. Do not leave sections blank.
If a section does not apply to you, please indicate that it is not applicable (N/A).
8 All sums of money referred to must be in UK pounds sterling (£).
9 If you have been offered a scholarship, government award, Student Finance loan (UK students only)
or any other financial assistance for your forthcoming education, please attach a copy of the letter
notifying you of your award/loan.
Application deadline: For Overseas students the final deadline is 26 April 2018 (decisions sent by the
end of July 2018). For UK and EU students the final deadline is 01 June 2018 (decisions sent by the
end of August 2018). We will acknowledge receipt of your application by email.
11 Forms can be left in the Student Services Centre drop box or posted to Financial Support Office, LSE,
Houghton Street, London WC2A 2AE.
12 We do not accept incomplete or late applications. Applications must be sent as a hard copy.
Applications sent by email will not be acknowledged or accepted. It is the responsibility of the
applicant to ensure that a hard copy arrives at LSE by the deadline date.
13 You will be notified by email and in writing about the outcome of your application.
14 You are unlikely to be considered for a scholarship if LSE is your Insurance university choice.
Undergraduate l 11

15 The decision of LSE is final and we cannot, regrettably, participate in any individual correspondence
with applicants before or after that decision.
For reference only – please do not submit these pages with your application

Guidance for Completing the Application Form

Section 1 l Personal Information

1.1 LSE applicant number

This unique identification number will be provided by the Undergraduate Admissions Office.

1.6 Address
You will be advised of the outcome of your application by email and in writing. It is therefore
important that you provide a reliable email and contact address or addresses where you can be
reached from June – September 2018.

1.8 Country of domicile

This is the country where you are ordinarily resident. If you are currently living in another country
solely for the purpose of receiving education, this would not be considered your country of
permanent domicile.

Section 4 l Your Personal Financial Situation

For income from employment, please provide one of the following:
• a P60 (where work is being undertaken in the UK)
• an annual accountant’s statement
• a copy of your employment contract or letter from your employer
• a tax return summary
Please do not send multiple payslips.

For income from other sources, please provide copies of your bank statements and/or other
documentation showing the income level and its source. Evidence of any social security benefits
you are in receipt of should be provided.

Section 5 l Your Household Financial Situation

Evidence of income for your parent or guardian is required. If you do not live with your parents,
evidence of income is only required from yourself and, if applicable, your partner/spouse.
For income from employment, please provide one of the following:
• a copy of a P60 (where work is being undertaken in the UK)
• an annual accountant’s statement
• a copy of your employment contract or letter from your employer
• a copy of a tax return summary
Please do not send in multiple payslips.

For income from other sources, please provide copies of your bank statements and/or other
documentation (eg, benefit statements) showing the income level and its source.

5.1 In the table, please provide

– the name of each person in your household
– their relationship to you (eg, parent, grandparent, spouse, partner, child)
– their age
– their current occupation status
(eg, homemaker, student, retired, in employment, incapacitated)
– their total annual income

5.2 In the table, please provide

– the name of any other individual(s) supported by your household income
– their relationship to you (eg, parent, grandparent, spouse, partner, child)
– the circumstances (eg, a child living with other parent, family member in residential care)
Undergraduate l 12
For reference only – please do not submit these pages with your application

5.5 Obligatory payments – obligatory payments do not include standard household utilities
For obligatory payments, please provide documentation appropriate to the circumstances.
Please provide copies of any regular payment agreements (excluding utilities). Please include
any credit card or loan repayments. This refers to any exceptional costs (eg, high medical bills)
affecting you or your household, please provide evidence (eg, medical certificates and associated

Section 6 l Other financial support

If you do not yet know the amount you will receive from the Student Loans Company please write
‘to be confirmed’.

Section 7 l Total Funding Available For Your Studies

7.1 Please provide a summary of all the confirmed secured funding that you will receive for each year
of your programme.

Section 8 l LSE Bursaries

8.1 EU students are entitled to an LSE Bursary, assessment is automatic, and will be done based on
the household income declared in this application form. The bursary will be renewable for years 2 and
3, depending on your continued financial situation.

8.2 Discretionary Bursaries are made in exceptional circumstances. This might include for example,
caring responsibilities, financial need related to disability or an unavoidable requirement to live at
home. The value of the award may vary according to needs but will not exceed the maximum LSE
Bursary amount. The LSE Bursary scales will be used to calculate your entitlement, however you
can request for a Discretionary Bursary to be topped up if your family’s income does not reflect their
ability to support you.

Section 9 l Your Future Plans

9.1 Destination
Some scholarships require the award holder to return to their country after the tenure of their
award is finished. This will be made clear in the information about the award on the FSO website.
Failure to answer this question fully may mean that you cannot be considered for certain country
specific scholarships even though you are a national of that country and/or are domiciled there.

9.2. Personal statement

You are required to write a statement, of no more than 1,000 words, explaining why you have applied
for financial support from the School. Although we are also interested in your academic interests,
work experience and future career objectives, it is very important that you tell us why you are
particularly deserving of financial support.

Completion of person statement is necessary for consideration for LSE Scholarships.

You can write the statement in a word processing application and attach it as a separate document if
you prefer.

Section 10 | Declaration

In this section, you are required to confirm that the information you are submitting is true and correct,
to the best of your knowledge, that you are happy for us to show this information to scholarship
donors, and that you understand that you will be asked to provide supporting documentation in the
event that an award is offered to you.
Undergraduate l 13

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