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1. Bu testte 80 soru vardır.

2. Yanıtlamaya, istediğiniz sorudan başlayabilirsiniz.
3. Sayfalar üzerindeki boş yerleri karalama için kullanabilirsiniz.

1.-15. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan 5. Life was nearly completely ----
yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi approximately 250 million years ago by
B) Why does Linda seem nervous? massive volcanic eruptions and
de bireyler, kimliklerinin yerine konulamaz bir devastating global warming.

1. The term Middle Ages refers mainly to the A) wiped out B) broken out
history of Europe between the ---- of Rome C) set off D) looked for
and the Renaissance. E) given in

A) benefit B) magnitude
C) rejection D) intrusion
E) fall

6. Backgammon is descended from ---- older

board games from Africa and West Asia like
2. People who work around hazardous Tabula.
powdered chemicals or are exposed to
acidic fumes are ---- to deadly illnesses. D A) any of B) most
İ C) less D) more
A) vulnerable B) principle L E) far
C) proportional D) disastrous K
E) compulsory O

S 7. The origin of ice cream dates back to the 4th
3. Audio books can be used by ---- impaired century B.C., ---- the Roman Emperor Nero
people, but are most popular with travellers ordered ice to be brought from the
and busy individuals. mountains and combined it with fruit
L toppings.
A) punctually B) visually
C) randomly D) decidedly A) where B) when
E) obscurely C) how D) whom
E) of which

4. Antibiotics help the body fight diseases, 8. Scientists don't know ---- there are any
but doctors are cautious about ---- them viruses anywhere in the Universe except on
since certain bacteria are starting to show Earth.
resistance to them.
A) whether B) that
A) expiring B) nominating C) how D) what
C) devoting D) detaching E) how many
E) prescribing

Main Way / Grand Collection 1 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

9. An eclipse of the moon happens when the 13. West Asian astronomers ---- world leaders
Earth gets between the sun and the moon, in astronomy for thousands of years before
----, the light from the sun can't get to the the Islamic conquests in the 600s AD ----.
moon to be reflected towards the Earth.
A) would be / had been starting
A) because of B) notwithstanding B) are / had started
C) instead D) rather C) have been / were starting
E) thus D) were / have started
E) had been / started

10. In general, a slightly elevated body 14. Without the immune system, we ---- to live
temperature isn’t of great concern ---- it in sterile environments, never touching
lasts for a lengthy period of time. each other.

A) in case B) for fear that A) would be forced

C) unless D) in case of B) will force
E) as if C) may have forced
D) should have been forced
E) would have forced

11. The average annual death toll from O 15. Although Mark isn’t ---- shy ---- he used to
tornadoes ---- steadily since 1925 most be, he still has much difficulty making
likely due to improved forecasting and L friends.
better warning systems. Y
S A) such / that B) so / that
A) is dropping B) had dropped C) as / so D) such / like
C) dropped D) has dropped D E) so / as
E) was dropping i

12. I wonder why Susan seemed so sad

yesterday. I’m not sure but she ---- some
bad news.

A) used to receive
B) might have received
C) would receive
D) didn’t need to receive
E) ought to have been received

Main Way / Grand Collection 2 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

16. - 20. sorularda, aşağıdaki parçada 21. - 28. sorularda, verilen cümleyi
numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen uygun şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi
sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. bulunuz.

Charles Baudelaire was a notable French poet, 21. The bigger an object is, ----.
also (16) ---- as an essayist, and a critic. (17) ----,
he had to write extensively about various A) it takes you longer to notice it change
personalities of French culture. He was famous for B) when you first see it
his candid and frank nature (18) ---- his friends and C) nobody fully understands how gravity
enemies. He seldom took the diplomatic approach, works
(19) ---- sometimes landed him in problems with D) the stronger its gravitational pull is
friends. He was a friend of (20) ---- renowned E) it is brighter than the surrounding objects
persons including Gustave Courbet and Victor
Hugo. Baudelaire is considered as one of the major
innovators of French literature and was influenced 22. The Titanic broke into two separate parts
by the earlier romantic poets of the nineteenth and sank to the bottom of the North Atlantic
century. Ocean, ----.

A) in addition, it had a hull with 16 watertight

16. compartments
A) be known B) having known B) by being dubbed by press and advertisers
as unsinkable
C) to know D) knowing C) but its construction began on 31 March
D 1909
E) known İ D) that was well known as the largest and
L most luxurious passenger liner in the world
K E) where it has remained until today
17. O
A) Just as B) Therefore
L 23. Due to the rapid development of the
C) On condition that D) As well as Y epidemic, ----.
E) As a result of A) whose origin has been investigated for
D some time
i B) then the officials decided to take some
18. L precautions against it
A) off B) among C) more people than expected got infected in
the city
C) next to D) from D) that is thought to be more severe than the
previous one
E) onto E) so everyone was warned not to drink tap

A) which B) that 24. John is eager to make a lot of money ----.

C) of which D) by whom A) that he began to work part time in a

E) whose B) when he set up an online business
C) no matter what the cost will be
D) although he wants to be as rich as his
20. friend
A) prone B) therapeutic E) if he found enough chance to get promoted

C) durable D) judicious

E) numerous

Main Way / Grand Collection 3 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

25. Because of negative news and a concern
about healthy eating that has been stronger 29.- 31. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
in recent decades, ----. cevaplayınız.

A) offering many healthy options as well as

good prices Ancient Greek philosophy is dominated by three
B) the fact that they are often criticized for very famous men: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. All
giving customers a false sense of security of them lived in Athens for most of their lives.
C) since more and more teenagers reject Socrates came first, and Plato was his student
unhealthy choices around 400 BC. Socrates was killed in 399 BC, and
D) as these food chains are presently seen as Plato began his work by writing down what
encouraging unhealthy lifestyles Socrates had taught, and then continued by writing
E) fast food restaurants see the importance of down his own ideas and opening a school.
changing their menus and their image Aristotle, who was younger, came to study at
Plato's school, and ended up starting his own
school as well. In the years after Plato and Aristotle
died, in the 200's BC, three famous kinds of
26. Bungee jumping not only interests men ----. philosophy started up in the schools that Plato and
Aristotle had opened. These are the Stoics, the
A) for it wasn’t so popular around the world Skeptics, and the Epicureans. Each of these
once continued to be important ways of thinking about
B) nor any other group interested in it the world all the way through the Roman Empire
C) but women from all over the world as well until people converted to Christianity in the 300's
D) yet it is a major tourist attraction in New AD, and even after that.
Zealand İ
E) then new centres promoting the activity 29. One can understand from the passage that
were opened among the three famous philosophers, ----.
O A) Aristotle was the only one who was
L B) Plato is known and respected more than
27. It wasn't until 1986 ----. the others today
S C) only Plato opened a school to spread his
A) when hacking is not limited to computers ideas
B) that the US government realized the D) Socrates was the oldest one
danger that hackers represented to the E) it is Plato who came from a different region
national security i
of the Ancient Greek
C) once the use of the Internet became L
widespread around the world 30. It is stated in the passage that the impact of
D) after the first hacker was sentenced to the Ancient Greek philosophy ----.
prison for hacking the website of a famous A) on Christian thinkers is negligible
company B) changed the way people saw Christianity
E) then the Internet became a phenomenon C) was of no importance when compared with
in just a decade that of other dominant ideas in the Roman
D) increased to a great extent in the Roman
Empire in the 300's AD
28. ----, they adapted many of the dining habits E) was felt in the Roman Empire even after
of the natives. people converted to Christianity

A) By the time the sailors arrive at the cost of 31. It can be understood from the passage that
the Dominic Republic ----.
B) As a Spanish conquistador who led an A) practically everything we know about
expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Socrates comes from what Aristotle wrote
Empire down
C) The fact that Cortez was exploring and B) Plato was a student of Aristotle
conquering the Aztecs C) it is likely that Plato was influenced
D) That the Spanish entered the great city of partially by Socrates’ ideas when he
Mexico opened his school
E) After the Spanish conquered the Aztecs D) Stoicism was the most popular philosophy
and began building settlements in the New among the Romans
World E) unlike Socrates and Plato, Aristotle was
not originally from Athens

Main Way / Grand Collection 4 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

32.- 34. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 35.- 37. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Amelia Earhart wasn't afraid to break down Defending the colonies against attacks by the
barriers. In 1928, she was the first woman to fly as French and others cost the British government a
a passenger across the Atlantic Ocean. Then, in great deal of money. As a result, the British had
1932, she became the first woman to pilot a plane very high taxes in their country and decided to shift
across that ocean. There weren't many female some of their financial burden to the colonists. The
pilots back then, and her actions inspired other Stamp Act of 1765, which taxed all legal
women to follow their dreams. This was especially documents, newspapers and other documents,
important because there were few career choices was met with a great uproar in the colonies. In
available to women at that time. Amelia Earhart 1766, this tax was cancelled, but it was just the
inspired generations of women to do things that beginning of the problems between the colonists
had never been done by women before. and the British. The Boston Tea Party in 1773 was
an act of revolt against the British and their tax on
32. We can understand from the passage that tea in the colonies. Tensions such as these
Amelia Earhart ----. eventually led to the writing of the Declaration of
Independence in 1776. A year earlier, the War of
A) failed in her first attempt to pilot a plane Independence began. When the British finally
across the Atlantic Ocean surrendered on October 19, 1781, Americans were
B) was the first woman pilot in the world officially independent of Britain and set about
C) was a passenger on the plane which establishing their own government.
crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1932 D
D) became the first woman to fly around the İ 35. It can be understood from the passage that
world L the British government ----.
E) was one of only a few women pilots at the K
O A) taxed all legal documents as a result of the
event called the Boston Tea Party
L B) imposed relatively low taxes on its colonies
Y C) wanted the colonies to pay a portion of the
military cost of the conflicts
33. It is written in the passage that Amelia S
D) regained its power after the Boston Tea
Earhart ----. Party in 1773
E) couldn’t defend its colonies against attacks
A) was a source of inspiration for women who i by the French most of the time
wanted to pursue different careers L
B) never realized her dream to fly a plane 36. One can understand from the passage that
across the Atlantic Ocean
the Stamp Act of 1765 ----.
C) had set many records in the field of
aviation by 1932 A) was imposed by the British on its colonies
D) wanted to become a pilot even when she B) achieved a great success for improvement
was a small child of the British economy
E) was the first woman to fly the Atlantic solo C) was carried out until 1781
in 1928 D) met almost no resistance in the British
E) was passed by the British government in
34. One can understood from the passage that
Amelia Earhart ----. 37. It is written in the passage that ----.
A) the British citizens supported the Stamp
A) broke a record for crossing the Atlantic Act
Ocean in the shortest time B) after the revolt in 1773, the British
B) learned how to fly a plane in 1932 government stopped taxing tea
C) made a different career choice after she C) the colonists did not object to the principle
flew across the Atlantic Ocean of contributing to the cost of their defence
D) can be said to have been very brave when D) the Boston Tea Party was one of the
the period that she lived in is considered events that led to the independence of
E) wasn’t encouraged to become a pilot by American colonies
her family E) the opposition to the Stamp Act was not
limited to the colonies

Main Way / Grand Collection 5 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

38.- 40. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre 41.- 43. soruları, aşağıdaki parçaya göre
cevaplayınız. cevaplayınız.

Unlike most of the people of the ancient Langston Hughes was one of the most important
Mediterranean, the Egyptians did not wear just one writers and thinkers of the Harlem Renaissance,
or two big pieces of cloth wrapped around which was the African American artistic movement
themselves in various ways. Instead, both men and in the 1920s that celebrated black life and culture.
women in Egypt wore tunics which were sown to fit Hughes's creative genius was influenced by his life
them. These tunics were like a long T-shirt which in New York City's Harlem, a primarily African
reached to the knees for men or to the ankles for American neighbourhood. His literary works helped
women. They were usually made of linen and were shape American literature and politics. Hughes, like
nearly always white. Most Egyptians, both men and others active in the Harlem Renaissance, had a
women, do not seem to have covered their heads strong sense of racial pride. Through his poetry,
with any kind of cloth. They often went barefoot, novels, plays, essays, and children's books, he
but sometimes they wore straw or leather sandals. promoted equality, condemned racism and
Men who were working outside usually wore short injustice, and celebrated African American culture,
skirts instead of tunics. Women wore their hair humour, and spirituality.
down to their shoulders while men wore their hair
short and shaved their beards and moustaches. 41. According to the passage, it is true that ----.
Both men and women wore gold jewellery if they
could afford to. A) Langston Hughes’s background had
certainly an effect on the development of
38. It can be understood from the passage that his artistic abilities
the Ancient Egyptians ----. D B) Langston Hughes was one of the leading
İ black politicians at the beginning of the
A) didn’t wear any kind of jewellery whether L twentieth century
they were rich or poor K C) Langston Hughes is best-known for his
B) used to wrap two big pieces of cloth O poetry
around their bodies
D) the Harlem Renaissance lasted for a very
C) wore simple clothing
L short time
D) had to wear tunics when they worked
Y E) Langston Hughes hardly had any effect on
E) wore sandals made from leather all the
S the American literature
D 42. We can understand from the passage that
39. It can be understood from the passage that
i Langston Hughes ----.
the difference between men and women in
the Ancient Egypt in terms of the clothing L A) criticized White Americans and their
styles was that ----. cultures negatively in his writings
B) was a prolific writer who produced works in
A) men’s clothes were made of linen various genres
B) women covered their heads with a piece of C) devoted his life to improving the financial
cloth conditions of American citizens
C) women generally wore short skirts instead D) saw African American culture superior to
of tunics White American culture
D) the tunics for women reached down not to E) hated White Americans and expressed this
the knees but to the ankles in his works
E) men wore gold jewellery and their hair was
down to their shoulders
43. It can be understood from the passage that
40. It can be understood from the passage that
----. A) the Harlem Renaissance began to wind
down by the middle of the 1920s
A) men in the Ancient Egypt were careful with B) Langston Hughes tried to break racist
their facial appearance stereotypes
B) the people of the ancient Mediterranean C) Langston Hughes didn’t produce any
wore long tunics literary work during the Harlem
C) the Ancient Egyptians did not like to wear Renaissance
white clothes D) the Harlem Renaissance was seen as a
D) men wore their hair long in the Ancient threat by the American government
Egypt E) Langston Hughes’s racist speeches
E) the Mediterranean people wore no shoes caused discomfort among the citizens from
like the Ancient Egyptians time to time

Main Way / Grand Collection 6 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

44.- 48. sorularda karşılıklı konuşmanın Mike :
boş bırakılan kısmını tamamlayabilecek - What would you have done last night
ifadeyi bulunuz. if you were me?

44. Peter :
Liz : - ----
- What do you fancy doing tonight?
Mike :
Clara :
- But the others apparently don’t agree
- Well, I need to finish off this essay
with me and they think I should have
before I go out.
reacted strongly to what my sister
Liz : did.
- ---- Peter :
- Fortunately you didn’t as this could
Clara :
have ruined your relation with her
- No, but there are a couple of films
I wouldn’t mind seeing tonight.
Would you be up for that?
A) You were very patient which I appreciated
a lot.
A) I thought you had already finished studying
B) I’d have reprimanded her so that she
on it. D would never talk to me like that again.
B) Can’t you put it off for a while? I want to İ C) I’d have definitely avoided another
talk to you about an important matter. L argument as you did.
C) So, do I. How long will you work on it? K D) That’s the question you must answer
D) OK, but then? Would you like something to
O because you’re the only one to have seen
the accident.
E) I thought you would like to go to the
L E) I’m not sure. Why don’t you ask this to
cinema with me.
Y your sister instead of me?
Jill : D
i 47.
- I need to have a break. I’ve been
L Adam :
working non-stop for hours.
- Would you say that you have
anyone who is particularly a close
Jenny :
friend at the moment?
- Well, it seems that we’re going to be
having a customer rush soon, so you
Sandra :
should be here to watch the cash
- I have a few people I can really get
on well with and have lots in
common with but that’s all. What
Jill :
about you?
- ----
Adam :
Jenny :
- ----
- It would be better if you didn’t
question this because it’s just a week
Sandra :
since you started to work here.
- So you must have a lot in common.
A) I want to but it seems impossible as I’ve
A) Well, George and I were best friends at
been having a stomachache since
school and it’s never changed.
B) What makes him so special for you?
B) All right. I’ll be here in a few minutes. Can
C) No, I don’t rely on people as much as you
you serve the customers while I’m out?
C) Why me? There are five people working
D) I mean we balance each other all the time
here and all of them have been chatting
and that’s what I want.
with each other for hours.
E) They’re all very different and I generally
D) You’re wrong. Sundays are the busiest
talk to them about different things.
time. All the shops here are open until
E) I’ll eat something before starting to work
again. Otherwise, I may feel dizzy.

Main Way / Grand Collection 7 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

48. 50. No sooner had I left the office than I
Susan : witnessed an accident on the road.
- Where would you like to eat
tonight? A) I had already seen the accident before I
went out of the office.
Barbara : B) Just as I was leaving the office, I was told
- ---- that an accident happened on the road.
C) When the accident took place, I was
Susan : getting ready to leave the office.
- No. I don’t want pasta tonight. D) While I was working at the office, I saw an
accident on the road.
Barbara : E) As soon as I went out of the office, I saw
- Have you ever tried the Pequod? an accident on the road.
It’s a new place. You will like it as
they serve a lot of fresh salads and
fusion dishes.

A) I want to go to a fish restaurant with you if

you’re available.
B) I would rather stay at home and prepare
something light as I’ve put on a lot of
weight recently. D
C) Thank you very much. I’ve just eaten İ
something at home. L
D) I don’t want to try anything new. Why don’t K
we go to Café Bohème? Their spaghetti O
Bolognese is phenomenal.
E) I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t for some L
reasons. Y

49.- 53. sorularda verilen cümleye anlamca L
en yakın olan cümleyi bulunuz.

51. In spite of the major successes in

49. I didn’t understand the meaning of this medicine, there are many diseases for
sentence due to the fact that I didn’t read it which doctors have developed no effective
carefully. treatment.

A) I could have comprehended the meaning A) Thanks to the important achievements in

of this sentence had I read it carefully. the field of medicine, a number of diseases
B) I wouldn’t understand what this sentence is can be treated successfully by doctors.
about even if I read it with great B) Although there are important
concentration. achievements in the field of medicine, a lot
C) This sentence has a weird meaning, which of diseases can’t be treated by doctors at
makes it hard to understand for me. all.
D) Although I read it a couple of times, I failed C) There are important achievements in the
to understand the meaning of this field of medicine; even so, several
sentence. diseases are still very hard to treat.
E) No matter how carefully I read it, I couldn’t D) Because of the introduction of successful
understand the meaning of this sentence. treatments in medicine, a number of
diseases are treated by doctors easily.
E) The number of diseases for which there is
a cure has increased on account of the
major successes in medicine.

Main Way / Grand Collection 8 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

52. It was only because he insisted that his 55. Before an exam, you see that your friend is
father let George buy a car. excited a lot although you know he has
studied enough to pass it. You want to
A) If he had insisted, his father would have let encourage him and say:
George buy a car of his own.
B) Nothing other than being persistent can A) What do you think about the last question
help George persuade his father to buy a which was about the second subject in the
car. book?
C) If it hadn’t been for his insistence, George B) You may have failed this exam as it seems
couldn’t have convinced his father to let that your answers are irrelevant.
him buy a car. C) What do you expect to get as the exam
D) If he had insisted more, his father wasn’t so difficult?
would have let George buy a car. D) I’m sure that you’ll do well today. There is
E) No matter how much he tried, George no need to be depressed.
wasn’t able to convince his father to let him E) The professor doesn’t tolerate even minor
buy a car. mistakes.

53. There was actually no need to punish the 56. You are looking for a nursery school for
boy for his action, but his father thought to your daughter, who is four years old. After
the contrary. a long search on the net, you find one
which is in your neighbourhood. In order to
A) As opposed to what his father thought, the get further information about its exact
boy needn’t have been punished for what D
location, you phone the school office and
he did. İ
B) Regarding his father’s thought, the boy L
shouldn’t have been punished severely. K
A) What a fantastic school is this! It has every
C) The father of the boy wanted to punish the O facility that a student needs.
boy as expected. B) I’m sorry I think I’ve called the wrong
D) The boy needn’t have been punished L number.
according to his father. Y C) I’ve been driving around the town for over
E) Because the boy was punished for what S an hour. I guess I must call the school.
he did, his father got very angry. D) I’m thinking about visiting your school this
D afternoon. What’s the easiest way to get
i there?
L E) Can I speak to Mr Johnson, please? He
must be waiting for my phone call about
my daughter’s registration.
54.- 58. sorularda verilen durumda
söylenmiş olabilecek sözü bulunuz.

54. You are in the taxi going to work with one 57. You learn that a close friend of yours has
of your colleagues and he says that he has come down with flu. You want to visit her,
forgotten to take the files to be presented to but she lives on a far side of the city. So,
the customers this morning. You want to you decide to make up an excuse and say
express your anger to him by saying: to her on the phone:

A) No, you’re wrong. They must be in the A) I’m really sorry that you’re ill. I just want
briefcase. you to know I’ll do anything that’ll make
B) I can’t believe how you can be so you feel better.
negligent. Now, go back and get them. B) I’m on the way now and I think I’ll be at
C) Forget it. It’s too late to go back to take your house at half past nine.
them now. C) Did you go to hospital or shall we go
D) Would you mind if you went back home to together as you seem awful?
get them as they’re important for me? D) I heard that you have been suffering from
E) Don’t worry. I got them before we left the flu. Get well soon my friend.
office. E) I hope you don’t mind if I can’t visit you
because I’ve been working from 9 to 10 for
a week.

Main Way / Grand Collection 9 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

58. While you are trying to prepare something 60. Animal Rights is a movement that intends
for dinner, you see that your brother is in to protect all animals from being exploited
the living room playing football game online and abused by humans. This includes the
with his friend. In order to urge him to help use of animals for anything that causes
you prepare the table, you say to him: them pain and suffering. ----. While welfare
activists fight for a more humane treatment
A) You can go on playing it until I call you. of animals in general, animal rights
B) If you don’t help me prepare the dinner, activists want animals to be considered as
you can’t watch TV tonight. individuals, rather than property.
C) I wonder who you’re playing with. Is it
somebody I know? A) The Animal Rights movement has very
D) We’ll have grilled chicken and salad for different objectives than animal welfare
tonight. groups
E) You’ve been playing with it for hours. Why B) They approach the issue from different
don’t you have a break? philosophical positions
C) While this was not a requirement once, it is
becoming standard among these people
D) Rather, they work for the basic rights of all
animals to live free of human abuse
E) Many animal species have become extinct
in the last decades



59.- 63. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere
parçada anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için i
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. L

59. ----. In regions where icebergs are

61. Walking at 2 mph burns about 26 calories
abundant, they can represent a serious
per 10 minutes. In 30 minutes, the benefits
threat to shipping because they are difficult
increase. Walking at least 30 minutes is
to see and challenging to avoid.
considered better than taking three ten
Historically, numerous ships were lost due
minute walks a day because greater time
to iceberg collisions.
spent walking means elevating one’s heart
A) Scientists used a variety of terms to rate. -----.
classify icebergs
B) People have been observing icebergs for A) You should have warmed up before
centuries and noting their role in navigation starting to walk
C) Such icebergs generally range from 1 to B) It is often quite easy to maintain a walking
75 metres above sea level programme for them
D) In addition to this classification, icebergs C) As one’s heart rate increases, more
can also be classified on the basis of their calories are consumed
shape D) They recommended beginning a walking
E) In the 20th century, several scientific programme slowly
bodies were established to study and E) There are important considerations to
monitor them make when you choose walking shoes

Main Way / Grand Collection 10 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

62. In Hawaii, thousands of people come in 65. The giraffe is a mammal which is widely
close contact with sharks each year without known thanks to its incredible height and
knowing it while swimming, surfing, and unique body structure.
boating. ----. Thus, the number of Hawaii
shark attacks is negligible. A) Zürafa inanılmaz boyu ve eşsiz vücut
yapısı sayesinde oldukça bilinen bir
A) Their extraordinary skills as predators memeli hayvandır.
fascinate and frighten humans B) Zürafa inanılmaz bir boya ve eşsiz bir
B) Since that time, sharks have diversified vücut yapısına sahip memeli hayvanlardan
into 440 species sadece biridir.
C) The most common type of Hawaii shark C) Oldukça bilinen bir memeli hayvan olan
attack is the so-called "hit and run" assault zürafa inanılmaz bir boya ve eşsiz bir
D) Although the rate of shark attacks in vücut yapısına sahiptir.
Hawaii remains steady, the number of D) Zürafa, boyuyla ve eşsiz vücut yapısıyla
people in the water continues to climb oldukça ünlenmiş bir memeli hayvandır.
E) The chances of a Hawaii shark attack are E) Memeli hayvanlar arasında sadece zürafa
extremely high inanılmaz boyu ve eşsiz vücut yapısı
sayesinde öne çıkmaktadır.

63. ----. This centre is called a graupel, and it

may continue to accumulate ice, melt in the 66. The Golden Gate Bridge, whose
thundercloud and turn to rain, or be construction lasted four years, was opened
smashed apart by other graupels. to vehicular traffic on May 28 in 1937.
A) Every hailstone begins to form as an ice İ A) Golden Gate Köprüsü, inşaatının
nucleus L tamamlanmasından 4 sene sonra 28
B) Not all storm clouds produce hail K Mayıs 1937’de araç trafiğine açıldı.
C) Hail is most frequently formed in the O B) 28 Mayıs 1937’de araç trafiğine açılan
interior of continents within the Golden Gate Köprüsü’nün inşaatı yaklaşık
mid-latitudes of Earth L 4 sene sürdü.
D) Furthermore, hail begins as water droplets Y C) Golden Gate Köprüsü’nün inşaatı tam 4
E) Hail occurs between the months of March S sene sürdü ve köprü 28 Mayıs 1937’de
and October araç trafiğine açıldı.
D D) Yapımı 4 sene süren Golden Gate
i Köprüsü 28 Mayıs 1937’de araç trafiğine
L açıldı.
E) Yapımı 4 sene süren Golden Gate
64.-69. sorularda, verilen İngilizce Köprüsü 28 Mayıs 1937’de kullanılmaya
cümlenin Türkçesini bulunuz. başlandı.

64. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is located in

Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the 67. The door shouldn’t have been left open
capital of the Ottoman Empire once. because the thieves managed to enter the
house without having any difficulty.
A) Türkiye’nin en büyük şehri ve bir zamanlar
Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun başkenti olan A) Kapı açık bırakılmasaydı hırsızlar eve
İstanbul’da Sultan Ahmet Camii gibi pek zorluk çekmeden giremezlerdi.
çok cami vardır. B) Kapı açık bırakılmamalıydı çünkü hırsızlar
B) Sultan Ahmet Camii Türkiye’nin en büyük eve hiç zorluk çekmeden girmeyi başardı.
şehri ve bir zamanlar Osmanlı C) Açık bırakılan kapı sayesinde hırsızlar eve
İmparatorluğunun başkenti olan hiç zorluk çekmeden girmeyi başardı.
İstanbul’da bulunmaktadır. D) Kapı açık bırakıldığı için hırsızlar eve hiç
C) Sultan Ahmet Camii bir zamanlar Osmanlı zorluk çekmeden girmeyi başardı.
İmparatorluğuna başkentlik yapmış olan E) Kapıyı açık bırakmasaydın hırsızlar eve bu
İstanbul’da bulunmaktadır. kadar kolay giremezlerdi.
D) Türkiye’nin en büyük camisi olarak kabul
edilen Sultan Ahmet Camii bir zamanlar
Osmanlı İmparatorluğunun başkenti olan
İstanbul’da bulunmaktadır.
E) Türkiye’nin en büyük şehri olan İstanbul’da
bulunan Sultan Ahmet Camii Osmanlı
İmparatorluğu zamanında yaptırılmıştır.

Main Way / Grand Collection 11 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

68. Of all the cities I have seen in Spain,
Madrid, with its charming atmosphere, is 70.-75. sorularda, verilen Türkçe cümlenin
certainly the most attractive one. İngilizcesini bulunuz.

A) Büyüleyici bir atmosfere sahip Madrid

İspanya’da gördüğüm şehirler içinde en ilgi 70. Açıkça yazarın şimdiye kadar yayınladığı
çekici olandı. kitapların hiçbiri birkaç ödül alan ilki kadar
B) İspanya’da gittiğim şehirler arasında iyi değil.
Madrid, büyüleyici atmosferiyle
diğerlerinden tamamıyla ayrılıyor. A) None of the books the writer has published
C) İspanya’da pek çok şehri ziyaret ettim ama so far is as good as his first one which is
Madrid kadar büyüleyici bir atmosfere praised a lot.
sahip olanı görmedim. B) It is obvious that none of the books the
D) İspanya’da gördüğüm tüm şehirler writer has published so far is as good as
arasında Madrid büyüleyici atmosferiyle his first one which has won several
kesinlikle en ilgi çekici olanıdır. awards.
E) İspanya’daki şehirler içinde Madrid kadar C) Obviously, none of the books the writer
büyüleyici bir atmosfere sahip bir yer yok. has written so far is better than his first one
which has won several awards.
D) It can be said that all of the books the
writer has published so far are as good as
his first one that won several awards.
D E) None of the writer’s books which have
been published so far is as good as this
one which won several awards.


71. Yolculuğun ne kadar uzun süreceğini
69. William Wordsworth was a foremost poet bilmeden, yanımıza ne kadar yiyecek
who launched the Romantic Period in almamız gerektiğini söylemek zor.
English Literature with the publication of
Lyrical Ballads. A) Because we don’t know how long the
journey will last, it is difficult to guess how
A) William Wordsworth Lyrical Ballads’ın much food we have to take with us.
yayınlanması ile birlikte İngiliz B) Without knowing when the journey will
Edebiyatında Romantik Dönemi başlatan end, we cannot tell how much food we
önemli bir şairdi. should take with us.
B) İngiliz Edebiyatında Romantik Dönemi C) Without knowing how long the journey will
başlatan William Wordsworth Lyrical last, it is difficult to tell how much food we
Ballads’ı yazan şairdir. have to take with us.
C) Lyrical Ballads’ın yazarı olan William D) If we can’t learn how long the journey will
Wordsworth aynı zamanda İngiliz last, we will have to take with us a lot of
Edebiyatında Romantik Dönemi başlatan food.
önemli bir şairdi. E) It is hard to tell how much food we have to
D) William Wordsworth’ün yazdığı Lyrical take with us although the journey won’t last
Ballads’ın yayınlanması ile birlikte İngiliz long.
Edebiyatında Romantik Dönem
E) İngiliz Edebiyatında Romantik Dönemi
başlatan şair olarak bilinen William
Wordsworth Lyrical Ballads’ın da yazarıdır.

Main Way / Grand Collection 12 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

72. Tarımsal faaliyetler doğal çevreleri 74. Hiç kimse yeni hastanenin inşaatının
değiştirir, ki bu da kirlilik gibi kimi çevresel yakında tamamlanacağına inanmıyor çünkü
problemlere sebep olabilir. inşaat firması uzun zamandır parasal bir
kriz yaşıyor.
A) Bringing about some environmental
problems like pollution, agricultural A) The construction of the new hospital can’t
activities affect natural environments. be completed soon since the construction
B) Natural environments are under threat due company has experienced a financial
to agricultural activities that cause some difficulty recently.
environmental problems like pollution. B) No one believes that the construction of
C) Agricultural activities change natural the new hospital will be completed soon
environments and cause some since the construction company has
environmental problems such as pollution. experienced a financial crisis for a long
D) Many environmental problems like time.
pollution are caused by agricultural C) Nobody believes that they will complete
activities. the construction of the new hospital soon
E) Agricultural activities change natural because the company has been going
environments, which may bring about through hard times for a long time.
some environmental problems like D) Because the construction company has
pollution. some financial difficulties, the construction
of the new hospital is not likely to be
completed soon.
E) No one thinks that a new hospital will be
D built here soon since the construction
İ company has experienced a financial
L difficulty for a long time.


75. Herkes tarafından ilgiyle izlenen bu sunum
73. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nın başladığı tarih çok her ikisi de konu hakkında uzman olan bu
tartışılan bir konudur çünkü tarihçiler öğretmenler tarafından hazırlandı.
savaşı hangi olayın başlattığı konusunda
hemfikir değiller. A) This presentation which was watched with
a great interest by everybody was
A) Historians cannot agree on which event prepared by these teachers, both of whom
started the World War II and its exact are an expert on the subject.
beginning date. B) The presentation was watched with a great
B) The date on which the World War II started interest by everybody and it was prepared
is still debated, besides, historians cannot by these teachers, both of whom are an
agree on which event triggered the expert on the subject.
conflicts. C) This presentation that was prepared by
C) The date when the World War II started is these teachers, both of whom are an
a much debated subject as historians expert on the subject, was watched with a
cannot agree on which event started it. great interest by everybody.
D) There is still disagreement among D) Everybody watched this presentation with
historians as to when the World War II a great interest and the teachers who
started and which events triggered it. prepared it are an expert on the subject.
E) The date when the World War II started is E) The presentation which was watched with
still not certain and historians are not sure a great interest was prepared by these
about which event triggered it. teachers who are an expert on the subject.

Main Way / Grand Collection 13 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

76.-80. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 78. (I) Eels are snakelike fish with elongated
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bodies and shallow fins. (II) They can be found
bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi bulunuz. in both fresh and saltwater. (III) Many species
of freshwater eel are consumed by humans,
and the eel is popular in European and Asian
cuisines. (IV) Eel blood is toxic to humans and
76. (I) On April 18, 1906, at 5:12 a.m., an other mammals. (V) So, some species of eel
earthquake of 8.3 magnitude hit San harvested by humans are under threat.
Francisco, devastating much of the city. (II) It
lasted for approximately 40 to 60 seconds. (III) A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
By this time, San Francisco was already a
booming city with many closely spaced
wooden homes and unreinforced brick
buildings. (IV) Magnitude 3 or lower
earthquakes are mostly imperceptible. (V) The
moment the earthquake started, buildings
collapsed, water mains broke, and a huge fire
broke out that spread rapidly across the city.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V 79. (I) Many things in the ancient and medieval

world were made out of leather. (II) People
made belts and shoes out of leather as we do
D today. (III) Instead of being made of animal
İ skins, these fabrics are made of other
L materials. (IV) They also made leather jackets
K and protective aprons. (V) People used leather
O mainly because they didn't have plastic and
metal was very expensive.
Y A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


77. (I) Perhaps the most common example of the 80. (I) There are many great reasons to prevent
effect of the ocean temperature on a land ocean pollution. (II) The causes of them,
mass is the Gulf Stream. (II) It is a warm water therefore, are many and highly varied. (III) One
ocean current which starts in the Gulf of of the biggest is the effect that pollution can
Mexico and runs around the Florida Straits up have on the food chain. (IV) Many pollutants
through the Atlantic ending near the British can kill off large populations of smaller marine
Isles. (III) It is one of most famous ocean animals and plankton, which are then no
currents. (IV) It not only allows England and longer available for larger animals to eat. (V)
Scotland to have much milder weather than its This shortage soon begins to reduce the
latitude would suggest, it also is responsible for numbers of the larger animals, decreasing the
the area's consistent rain. (V) The study of amount of fish available for commercial
streams and waterways in general is known as markets.
surface hydrology.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

Main Way / Grand Collection 14 DİLKO LYS DİL 1

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