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Finance Circular No 2 Swaziland 2013

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Finance circular no. 2 of 2013



November 2013

1. FOREWORD ................................................................................................................. 3
2. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................ 3
3. SCOPE OF APPLICATION ............................................................................................ 4
4.1. Basic salary ................................................................................................................ 4
4.2. Pension ...................................................................................................................... 5
4.3. Medical aid ................................................................................................................. 5
4.4. Leave ......................................................................................................................... 6
4.5. Allowances ................................................................................................................. 7
4.5.1. Sitting allowance ..................................................................................................... 7
4.5.2. Constituency allowance .......................................................................................... 7
4.5.3. Relocation and settling in allowance ....................................................................... 7
4.5.4. Motor vehicle allowance .......................................................................................... 8
4.5.5. Use of official vehicles ............................................................................................ 9
4.5.6. Utility allowance .................................................................................................... 10
4.5.7. Housing allowance ................................................................................................ 10
4.6. Other Benefits .......................................................................................................... 10
4.6.1. Official Government residence .............................................................................. 10
4.6.2. Security................................................................................................................. 11
4.6.3. Household assistance ........................................................................................... 12
4.6.4. Support Staff ......................................................................................................... 12
4.6.5. Communication ..................................................................................................... 12
4.6.6. Travel by air .......................................................................................................... 13
4.6.7. State Funeral ........................................................................................................ 14
4.6.8. Ex- gratia payment ................................................................................................ 14
4.7. Reimbursive allowances ........................................................................................... 15
4.7.1. Subsistence and Travel allowance ........................................................................ 15
4.7.2. Entertainment allowance ....................................................................................... 16
4.8. Taxation of allowances ............................................................................................. 16
4.9. Flag/ flag poles ......................................................................................................... 17
5.1. Post-service compensation....................................................................................... 17
5.2. Medical aid ............................................................................................................... 18
5.3. Security .................................................................................................................... 18
6. REVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 18

The amended terms and conditions of service of the politicians of the Kingdom of
Swaziland, herewith termed the Remuneration framework for Swaziland
Parliamentarians is a guideline for outlining the salary, benefits and privileges
afforded to parliamentarians.

Parliamentarians may, by virtue of their positions in executive and legislative

Government, receive a range of benefits and allowances. As such, the purpose of
this document is to define the total remuneration afforded to current Parliamentarians
of Swaziland. This document is designed as an informational and operational
document; that is, this framework provides detail of:

 The purpose and description of the benefits and allowances provided; and
 Applicable amount or rate.

The Remuneration framework has been developed through a detailed review of

applicable legislation, combined with an intensive data collection exercise, and
cooperation and input, of all relevant stakeholders and the general public.

Anything not mentioned in this framework does not form part of the salary, benefits
and allowances envisaged for Swaziland Parliamentarians; and all variations to this
framework will be approved by His Majesty, the King; Gazetted and/ or issued
through a legal notice and published on the Swaziland Government web page.

The document makes use of several key words to describe certain items and
benefits; and these are:

Dependant means a child, adopted child and/or foster child

whom the politician is legally obliged to support
financially and is in fact supporting until the age
of 18; or unless they are attending college.

Driver means a staff of the office serving a

Parliamentarian, employed to perform driver
and messenger functions.

Government owned residence means housing, furniture and effects owned by


Parliamentarians for purposes of this document Parliamentarians
refer to the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime
Minister, Presiding Officers, Ministers, Regional
Administrators, Deputy Presiding Officers,
Members of Parliament, Tindvuna Tetinkhundla
and Bucopho Betinkhundla.

Private Residence means a privately owned house.

Spouse means person legally married to the member

including a spouse in a polygamous marriage or
a permanent companion/life partner.

This framework applies only to Parliamentarians of Swaziland as defined under
section 2 of this framework.


4.1. Basic salary

The inclusive remuneration structure includes a basic component (salary) which
includes provision for an amount to which Second Schedule of the Income Tax
Order 1975 applies.

The basic salary of the Prime Minister of Swaziland will be benchmarked against
similar sized (by GDP) SADC countries every two years; and discounted for
economic conditions and the affordability of the Swaziland Government. The
annual review of salaries will be applied based on the Civil Service annual review

All other Parliamentarian salaries will be determined as a ratio of the Prime

Minister’s salary. The sliding scale ratio is a result of the authoritative hierarchy of
the political structure.

Salary Ratio to the Prime

(Emalangeni) Minister’s salary
Prime Minister 617,646 1.00
Deputy Prime Minister 555,881 0.90

Presiding Officers 494,117 0.80
Ministers 463,235 0.80
Regional Administrators 432,352 0.75
Deputy Presiding Officers 420,000 0.70
Members of Parliament 370,588 0.60
Tindvuna Tetinkhundla 67,491 0.11
Bucopho Betinkhundla 55,588 0.09

4.2. Pension
A pension contribution equal to 15% of the basic salary of the inclusive
remuneration package is deducted monthly from the Parliamentarian’s salary.

The Parliamentarian pension is a defined contribution fund limiting the participant

benefits to their contributions, while the public service pension fund is a defined
benefit plan.

The funds cannot be drawn against for any purpose whatsoever. This is in
compliance with the terms and conditions of the Retirement Funds Act.

At the conclusion of the term of office, one third of the benefit can be payable as
a lump sum. The remaining balance then becomes pension payable upon the
member reaching the retirement age of 55.

Parliamentarians are insured as part of the fund against accidents and death in
terms of a contract concluded by Government with an insurance company. The
insured benefits include:

i. Group life insurance of two times annual salary in the event of death of a
member whilst in office;
ii. Disability cover for a member while in office; and
iii. Funeral assistance of E20,000 for member, spouse and children while
member is still in office; and E20,000 for the member thereafter.

4.3. Medical aid

Medical aid is afforded to all Parliamentarians through an approved service
provider. The medical aid covers all medical costs incurred; with the contribution
rates outlined below:

Parliamentarian Benefit
Full medical cover for member, spouse and
Prime Minister
dependants while in office.

Full lifetime cover to be provided for Prime

Deputy Prime Minister
Minister and his deputy.

Presiding Officers
Full medical cover for member, spouse and
dependants while in office.
Regional Administrators
Deputy Presiding Officers
No cover to be provided for the
Members of Parliament
Parliamentarian, spouse or dependants once
Tindvuna Tetinkhundla
Parliamentarian vacates office.
Bucopho Betinkhundla

4.4. Leave
Parliamentarians may take annual, maternity, sick and other leave, as may be
necessary, after consultation with the minister responsible for Parliament or the
Presiding Officer. In the event that that a Parliamentarian is unable to take the full
annual leave days, a certain number of leave days will be accumulated (carried
over of leave from one cycle to another cycle) as per the following.

Number of leave Days carried over

days granted annually
Prime Minister
30 15
Deputy Prime Minister
Presiding Officers
Ministers 25 10
Regional Administrators
Deputy Presiding Officers
20 5

Members of Parliament;
Tindvunana Tetinkhundla;
Not applicable
Bucopho Betinkhundla.

Only the number of days indicated above may be carried over to the following
year. Accordingly, Parliamentarians who carry over additional leave days are
thus obliged to utilise the full entitlement within an 18-month period. That is, a
Parliamentarian must utilise all his/her annual leave days within a year and a
half. As such, at the end of the five year term, all leave days accrued (maximum
one year accrual) and not utilised will be forfeited by the Parliamentarian
excluding leave accrued in the year of final term of office. Only leave accrued in
the final year of term of office will be paid.

4.5. Allowances
The following allowances are designed to ensure that Parliamentarians are paid
and reimbursed for costs properly incurred in the performance of their duties.

4.5.1. Sitting allowance

A sitting allowance shall be paid to Members of Parliament, Tindvuna
Tetinkhundla and Bucopoho Betinkhundla. These will not be paid to Ministers
and Presiding Officers.

Parliamentarian Fees
Members of Parliament
- Chairperson E400 per sitting
- Member E350 per sitting
Tindvuna Tetinkhundla E350 per sitting with a maximum of 4
Bucopho Betinkhundla meetings per month

4.5.2. Constituency allowance

All Parliamentarians will be entitled to a constituency allowance. The
allowance will be equal to 12.5% of the basic pay of the Member of
Parliament, payable per month.

4.5.3. Relocation and settling in allowance

A once off settling in allowance will be payable to the Prime Minister, Deputy
Prime Minister, Presiding Officers, Ministers, Regional Administrators, Deputy
Presiding Officers and Members of Parliament. The allowance will be equal to
15% of the respective Parliamentarian’s annual basic salary will be payable
up front.

Motor vehicle allowance

The motor vehicle allowance is intended to reimburse the Parliamentarian for

the capital outlay in respect of the acquisition of a private motor vehicle. Such
a vehicle may not be bought on a Government contract or tender and must be
negotiated directly with a particular dealership. The Government may
negotiate discounted rates with certain vehicle manufacturers or dealerships
on behalf of the Parliamentarians; however, it is the prerogative of the
Parliamentarian to arrange and negotiate the financing of the motor vehicle.

In the event that Parliamentarians are offered discounts of more than 10% by
motor dealers or more than 15% by vehicle manufacturers, it is advised that
Parliamentarians declare the said discount in terms of the Code of Ethics for

The receipt of the motor vehicle allowance is not entirely subject to the
Parliamentarian acquiring ownership of a private vehicle.

The motor vehicle allowance includes running and maintenance costs.

Private Vehicle Insurance

The private vehicle allowance includes provision for the obtaining of

comprehensive insurance. It is the responsibility of the Parliamentarian to
ensure that a private vehicle is adequately insured for business and private
use. Government shall by no means be liable for expenditure losses
sustained in connection with the purchase, maintenance, operation, garaging
and parking, theft of or damage to a private vehicle.

Parliamentarians shall participate in the existing civil service car loan

schemes Government has with banks.

Value of Annual motor Motor vehicle

Parliamentarian benchmark vehicle maintenance and
vehicle allowance insurance costs
Presiding Officers
E800,000* 0
Regional Administrators

E400,000 E80,000 E60,000 per annum
Deputy Presiding Officers
Members of Parliament E300,000 E60,000 E45,000 per annum
Tindvuna Tetinkhundla
Bucopho Betinkhundla Not applicable

*The Presiding Officers and Ministers will be allocated sports utility vehicles
(SUV’s) upon taking office. The Swaziland Government will carry the once off
cost of acquiring the motor vehicles directly from the vehicle manufactures
and/ or their dealerships. The value of the benchmark SUV will not exceed
E800,000; and the total purchase price per motor vehicle must include value
added tax (VAT), accessories and a comprehensive motor plan.

In the event that the respective Parliamentarian chooses a lesser value motor
vehicle than that of the benchmark vehicle; he or she will not be entitled to the
monetary difference. Nor will the Parliamentarian be allowed to pay part of the
excess value should the motor vehicle exceed the benchmark vehicle cost.

Government will cover the cost of insuring the motor vehicles whilst in office.
The motor vehicle may be fuelled at any of the Central Transport
Administration centres situated in Swaziland.

At the end of the term, the respective Parliamentarian will be allowed to

purchase the motor vehicle at the depreciated value. However, at such time,
the fuel benefit will fall away.

4.5.4. Use of official vehicles

The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister will be allocated official
vehicles by the state, a Driver and Royal Swazi Police escorts at the expense
of Government. The Driver and Police members are allocated to the
Parliamentarians for security reasons; and transport the spouse and
dependants of the Parliamentarian.

Government shall provide pool vehicle and a Driver for Spouse of the Prime
Minister and Deputy Prime Minister. The motor vehicle will not be of the same
status as the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister’s official vehicles.

4.5.5. Utility allowance
The utility expenditure of Parliamentarians who are eligible to occupy a
Government owned residence (i.e. Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister,
Presiding Officers and Ministers) will be covered by Government. The utilities
covered will include the supply of water, electricity, municipal rates.

The rest of the politicians will be entitled to a utility allowance of 3% of

monthly basic pay.

4.5.6. Housing allowance

Cabinet Ministers will be eligible for a housing allowance equal to 25% of their
monthly basic pay and payable monthly.

The following Parliamentarians will be eligible for a housing allowance equal

to 10% of their monthly basic pay and payable monthly.

 Deputy Presiding Officers; and

 Members of Parliament.

4.6. Other Benefits

Parliamentarians are provided with a range of benefits in order to facilitate the
conduct of Government business. The following are the list of benefits available:

4.6.1. Official Government residence

Official residences are those so designated, and used as such, by

 Only the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Presiding Officers,

Ministers and Regional Administrators can be allocated a Government
owned residence(s) for official purposes. Thus, these
Parliamentarians may occupy, for official purposes, one Government
owned residence;
 Alternatively, these Parliamentarians can designate a privately owned
residence for use as an official residence when taking up office. In
this event, these parliamentarians will be paid the 25% housing

 The above mentioned Parliamentarians will not be eligible for a
housing allowance except when they designate their private
residences as official residences.

The furnishing of Government owned residences for the Prime Minister and
his/her Deputy is limited to the provision, and maintenance, of ordinary
household furniture, mattresses, pillows, carpets, curtains, beds, stoves,
refrigerators, freezers, washing machines, tumble, dryers and heaters, micro-
wave ovens and dishwashers on request.

Soft furniture such as linen, blankets, kitchen utensils, glassware, television

sets, video recorders, decoders, wall decorations and ornaments will also be

The value of the furniture allocated in each of the Government owned

residences must be of reasonable cost determined by Minister of Finance.

If a piece of furniture becomes redundant in a Government owned residence,

the ministry concerned should make the necessary arrangements to have the
article(s) removed and the inventories amended accordingly.

Parliamentarians and their families are entitled, upon relinquishing

(termination, retirement, resignation or death) of office, to stay in the
Government owned residence until the end of the month following the month
in which any of the above events took place. (one calendar month).

Inventories of all furnishings and accessories belonging to the Government at

Government owned residences are kept by the relevant ministry.

In the event that the Parliamentarian is not re-elected into office, the soft
furniture will be given to the departing Parliamentarian. The hard furniture will
be auctioned off with the Parliamentarian having first option to purchase it at
the current carrying value.

4.6.2. Security
The Commissioner of police in consultation with the country’s intelligence
agencies shall assess on a continuous basis the risk to the Prime Minister’s
life and that of his Deputy and provide the necessary security required to
protect him. Such security shall be commensurate with the position he holds.
This assessment and provision of security shall be made available to the

Prime Minister and his Deputy based on security risk beyond the term of
office. The security will also be provided at both the official residences and
designated private residence of the Prime Minister and his Deputy.

All Parliamentarians are eligible to apply for loans up to E100, 000 to cover for
security facilities in their residential homes. The loans are payable back over
a period not exceeding their term of office.

Household assistance

The following household assistants are assigned to the official residences for
duties related to maintenance and upkeep of official residences.

Type of Prime Deputy Presiding Ministers Regional

Assistant Minister Prime Officers Administrators
Housekeeper 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 None None None
Gardner 1 1 1 1 1
Driver 2 2 1 1 None

4.6.3. Support Staff

If necessary, clerical assistance (maximum one) may be placed at the
disposal of the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Presiding Officers and
Ministers until the end of the month following the month in which their terms of
office have ended (one calendar month).

4.6.4. Communication
Communication expenditure is designed to assist Parliamentarians to
communicate proactively about their work in furtherance of their parliamentary

The Government of Swaziland will approach the telecommunications service

provider (currently “MTN Swaziland”) for negotiated cellular phone packages
on behalf of; and for all Parliamentarians. The contract packages will come
with a handheld device, to the value of up to E7,000 for Prime Minister,
Deputy Prime Minister, Presiding Officers, Ministers and Regional

Administrators. All other Parliamentarians will receive a communication
allowance as defined below.

The handheld device will be replaced every two years by the service provider.
However, at the end of the term, the Parliamentarian has an option of buying
the device at the depreciated value.

The communication expenditure will be capped as follows:

a) Not to exceed E5,000 per month for Presiding Officers, Ministers, and
Regional Administrators;
b) Not to exceed E1,000 per month for Members of Parliament, Deputy
Presiding Officers,
c) Not to exceed E500 per month for Tindvuna Tetinkhundla and
Bucopho Betinkhundla.
d) Unlimited communication for the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime

Should the respective Parliamentarian exceed the capped limit of the

contract, they will be subject to repaying the accumulated balance at the end
of the financial year. Loss and repairs are out of warrant on the supplied
handheld device; such will be the responsibility of the Parliamentarian.

In the event that the Parliamentarian resigns, he or she is to return the device
back to the responsible ministry or buy it at current value.

The Prime Minister may authorise expenditure in excess of the set limits for
cabinet ministers. The Prime Minister will use his discretion in such approval
taking into account justifiable explanations.

4.6.5. Travel by air

Parliamentarians travelling abroad on official capacity are entitled to travel at
the expense of the relevant ministry as per the table below:

Prime Minister
Deputy Prime Minister
1st Class
Presiding Officers

Regional Administrators
Deputy Presiding Officers Business Class
Members of Parliament
Bucopho Betinkhundla
Economy Class
Tindvuna Tetinkhundla

4.6.6. State Funeral

A State funeral will be arranged and funded by the Government and held to
honour prominent Parliamentarians who have given long and outstanding
service to the Swaziland Government.

The following Parliamentarians will be eligible for a State funeral:

 Serving Prime Minister;

 Serving Deputy Prime Minister;
 Serving Presiding Officers;
 Serving cabinet Ministers;
 Former Prime Minister;
 Former Deputy Prime Minister; and
 Anyone else the King sees fit to get a State funeral.

4.6.7. Ex- gratia payment

The ex-gratia payment is a grant that is payable to former Parliamentarians to
assist with the costs of adjusting to non-parliamentary life.

The ex-gratia payment is available to all Parliamentarians who fail to be re-

elected or re-appointed into the new Parliament.

In the event that the Parliamentarian does not fully serve the 5 year term, the
ex-gratia payment will be pro-rated taking into account the actual period
served. Under no circumstances will a part year served be considered as a
full year.

Should the Parliamentarian be dismissed or removed from office due to

misconduct or incompetence, the ex-gratia payment will be forfeited.

The ex-gratia will be paid as once-off payment equal to twelve months (one
year) basic salary before taxation for all Parliamentarians.

4.7. Reimbursive allowances
These are allowances to reimburse the Parliamentarian for expenses incurred
during the performance of official duties. Expenses incurred in a private capacity
are not reimbursed.

4.7.1. Subsistence and Travel Allowance

A daily accommodation and subsistence allowance may be paid to
Parliamentarians, and spouses accompanying them on official capacity, and
on official international visits. This privilege is limited to only one such trip per
financial year.

a) Travel by Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers, Presiding Officers, Deputy Presiding

Officers, Deputy Ministers, regional Administrators and Parliamentarians on
Government business shall be undertaken upon approval by the Prime Minister
or Officer delegated by the Prime Minister.
b) Parliamentarians shall travel in the class specified, or the next available class.
c) A non-accountable daily allowance will be paid to cover costs for hotel room,
meals, laundry and other basic necessities.
d) The Minister for Finance, only on production of authentic or official receipted bills,
may approve payments in excess of the stated allowance. Where a
Parliamentarian is a guest of a foreign government or agency, the
Parliamentarian will receive 50% of the non-accountable allowance indicated.
e) In addition, the Parliamentarian will be entitled to receive or claim a conference
allowance, irrespective of whether they are a guest or not, of US$ 20.00 per day.
For the purpose of this allowance a conference shall be defined as any formal or
official meeting outside Swaziland attended by any of the officials.
f) If an official is on duty inside Swaziland and is required to stay in a hotel, a claim
for actual hotel expenses incurred should be submitted to and paid by
Government provided the Prime Minister’s prior approval has been obtained.
g) Where the Prime Minister travels outside Swaziland on government business he
will estimate and receive a non-accountable hospitality allowance to be approved
by the Deputy Prime Minister.
h) Where the Deputy Prime Minister or Minister is not travelling with the Prime
Minister on government business outside Swaziland, he shall receive a non-
accountable hospitality allowance to be approved by the Prime Minister. The
allowance shall be 10% of his/her per diem.
i) Where a Minister travels outside Swaziland on government business and wishes
to be accompanied by a spouse, the Minister must first seek and receive the
Prime Minister’s approval authorizing the accompaniment which shall entitle the
Minister to claim and receive payment for hotel accommodation and, where
applicable, travel expenses on behalf of the spouse. This privilege or facility and
the Prime Minister’s authorisation is limited to only one such trip and to one
spouse per financial year. In such cases, in addition to the Minister’s allowance
half the daily allowance of Principal Secretary shall be paid for the spouse’s hotel
expenses. However when the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister or Minister

is representing His Majesty, and has to travel with a spouse; such travel will not
count against this entitlement. For purposes of this paragraph ‘Minister’ also
includes the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister.
j) Personal Assistants to Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers are
entitled to one trip abroad together with the Minister in each financial year. The
allowance payable to the Personal Assistants will be calculated in terms of the
General Orders governing Public Servants.

k) The daily allowance of Parliamentarians shall be calculated based on that of

Secretary to cabinet (the highest paid civil servant) as follows:

Designated Officer Daily allowance above that of

Secretary to cabinet

Prime Minister 120%

Deputy Prime Minister 100%

Minister 80%

Presiding Officer 80%

Regional Administrator 70%

Deputy Presiding Officer 60%

Member of parliament 50%

Tindvuna/ Bucopho Betinkhundla 0%

4.7.2. Entertainment allowance

A non-accountable entertainment allowance of 10% of basic monthly salary is
payable to Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Presiding Officers,
Ministers, Deputy Presiding Officers and Regional Administrators.

4.8. Taxation of allowances

Parliamentarians are responsible for acquainting themselves with their own tax
obligation. All salaries, benefits and allowances exclusively and necessarily
incurred for the performance of Parliament duties; including the ex- gratia
payment are deductible for income tax purposes. With the exception of the
following benefits and allowances:

 The use of an official vehicle for official purposes; and

 Occupying a Government owned residence for official purposes only.

4.9. Flag/ flag poles

Government will provide the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Presiding
Officers and Ministers with a flag and a flag pole for his/her car.


In an effort to maintain the dignity of Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, this
framework provides for the former Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister certain
benefits to assist them respond to post parliamentary life.

They will be eligible for these benefits unless they hold an appointive or elective
position in Government, to which a rate of pay is attached.

Upon his/her retirement, the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister shall be paid
such pension and other pension benefits as may be determined from time to time by
resolution of the independent commission.

Upon the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister’s death, such pension and other
pension benefits shall come to an end.

5.1. Post-service compensation

Upon the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister’s retirement from office, with
effect from the day following the day that he/she vacates office, a taxable monthly
pension benefit be paid to him/her equal to 80% of the monthly basic salary payable
the day prior to his/her retirement, and such pension benefit to be increased annually
in line with approved civil service salary adjustments.

The post-service compensation is only prospective; and not retrospective. All former
Prime Ministers and Deputy Prime Minister employed under preceding Circulars are
subject to the terms and conditions of service of that respective Circular.

Upon the death of the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister or a former Prime
Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, with effect from the day of his death, these
benefits shall come to an end.

5.2. Medical aid
Government shall contribute the full amount payable to a medical aid scheme of
which the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, is a member.

5.3 Housing

The State shall provide a house for the Prime Minister at the end of his term of office.
The house shall belong to the Prime Minister whether built on nation land or title
deed property.

5.4 Car

The state shall provide a vehicle to a retiring Prime Minister and His Deputy of the
same status as those that are in service. These will be owned and maintained by the
government beyond their term of office. On the death of the former Prime Minister or
Deputy, the official car shall be sold to his estate at depreciated value.

5.5 Security

The retired Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister will be afforded security in line
with the risk profile as determined by the Commissioner of Police.

5.5.1 Personal Assistant

The retired Prime Minister will further be provided with a personal assistant.


This policy shall at minimum be reviewed every five years from the effective date by
the established independent commission as appointed by His Majesty, the King.

The effective date of this circular shall be the date of appointment for the Right
Honourable Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and Regional
Administrators; and
The date of swearing in for Members of Parliament and Members of Senate.



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