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Save Resources

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Save our Global Resources

The challenge of sharing the planet's resources is inherently linked to the huge imbalances in consumption
patterns across the world. Currently, the wealthiest 20% of the world's population - most of whom live in
rich countries - consume 80% of global resources, and are therefore responsible for the vast majority of
climate change and environmental destruction. Meanwhile, the poorest 20% of the population lack
sufficient access to essentials such as food, clean water and energy, and account for just 1.3% of global
resource consumption. It is also the poor that suffer disproportionately from the harmful effects of climate
change and resource depletion, which further contributes to growing inequalities and often increases
poverty and social conflict.

This leads to serious issues around fairness and equity in the discussions around planetary boundaries and
sustainable limits. If the world's finite resources are to be made accessible to all people but consumed at a
sustainable rate, high-income countries will clearly have to reduce their use of natural resources
considerably in order to enable poorer nations to grow their economies and improve their material standard
of living. At the same time, poor countries will have to aim towards a less materially intensive model of
development than compared to today’s industrialized nations, in accordance with international
environmental objectives.

There is no way around this basic adjustment needed to achieve equity-based sustainable development,
which will ultimately require reconceptualizing notions of prosperity and wholesale economic
reorganization. Creating a sustainable and just world will remain impossible to achieve unless we change
patterns of production and consumption that deplete natural resources, erode biodiversity and pollute the
atmosphere, and until we place the rights of Mother Earth before commercial interests. Such a
transformation may seem unachievable within the current political and economic context, but the certainty
of irreversible damage to the Earth’s life-support systems leaves the international community with one
remaining option - to place economic sharing and environmental stewardship at the forefront of
policymaking and global governance.

At the beginning of the human civilization, the earth was abundant with all those natural resources
that are essential for the survival of life. Water, air, greenery, were all aplenty. Then came the
discovery of oil and gas, which began to be used for a variety of purposes. Over time, all the natural
resources became the root of major inventions; water, oil and gas for electricity and travel, trees
for paper and furniture, land for agriculture, development of living spaces, etc. There are many
other uses of these natural resources. Because everything was available in abundance, no one ever
considered the fact that casual use of these would slowly lead to their depletion, and leave us
stranded in a world where we are now so dependent on all our creations.

It is a known fact that if we are not careful, the survival of all life forms will become increasingly
difficult. Here we try to explain to you, why the conservation of natural resources is so essential,
and how to go about the process with some guidelines.

Why Conserving Natural Resources is Important

There is something called a balance in nature. As we continue to overuse natural resources, a

serious imbalance has been caused. Deforestation, depletion of oil and gas, shortage of water and
power, soil erosion leading to lack of agricultural growth, are all contributing to environmental
issues such as global warming and environmental pollution. Interestingly, it is these environmental
issues that are leading to further shortage of natural resources. Simply put, we are trapped in a
vicious circle. As mentioned earlier, saving the constant loss of these invaluable resources, or
simply, natural resources conservation is essential for survival. Environmentalists have already
predicted major shortages and even the complete extinction of natural resources such as oil and
gas, if we continue depleting these at the present rate.

Ways of Conserving Natural Resources

Unfortunately, our dependence on these resources has made their conservation an arduous task.
Fortunately, it is not a task that is impossible. Take a look at how you can do your bit and
contribute to these simple ways to save the environment.

Conserving Trees

Trees give us the oxygen we breathe, the paper we use, the fruit we eat, the shade we need from
the brutal sunlight, and are essential for the survival of wildlife. To save this indispensable
natural resource, find out how to go green at home.

• Use only recycled paper products. It takes a lot of trees to make a small amount of paper. You can
save these by recycling the paper you use, whether you write on it or print on it.
• Avoid using paper unnecessarily. For instance, printing every piece of information is not
necessary. Sign up for e-billing and net banking services so that paper bills and bank statements
are avoided.
• Plant a tree. A lot of environmental agencies are giving away trees for adoption. You can plant a
sapling in your name, and watch it grow over the years, as your bit for the environment.
• Don't limit conservation only to yourself and your home or office. Spread the word, and participate
in tree conservation projects that happen in your locality, town or city.

Conserving Water

Water is a basic resource for all our activities. We clean with water, we cook with water, and the
production of every item of use requires the use of water. Several parts of the world are now facing
a water shortage because of the way in which it is being used. Conserving this natural resource is
of prime importance for the stability of the environment.
• Firstly, if you have any leaky faucets or those that don't work properly, get them fixed. Every drop
of water is precious.
• Use a bucket of water to bathe rather than using the shower. You may not realize how much water
you are wasting when you use a shower for a bath.
• The same goes for dishes. The use of water filled in a sink, or a tub can really help you save large
amounts of this natural resource. You may find the method to be slightly old and arduous, but it is
something that you must do if you wish to leave behind at least a little of these resources for the
coming generations.
• Stop dumping things in the seas and rivers and lakes. Not only does marine life get affected, the
water becomes polluted and dangerous for use thereafter.
• Try to harvest rainwater. You can use it to water your garden and plants, and even clean your car.
Don't use it for any other purposes and definitely do not drink it.

Conserving Energy

The prime use of energy comes from oil and gas, which power the vehicles we drive. However,
the increasing number of cars and the amount of pollution that is caused as a result, is now
becoming hazardous and leading to several health problems. Then comes electricity, the generation
of which is becoming more and more difficult. To know more about energy saving, follow some
of these methods.

• Try to avoid using your vehicle as much as possible. If you live close to your work place, choose
to walk instead of taking your car. It saves the environment and it's healthy for you too.
• Wherever and whenever possible, try to use a cycle as a means of transport. This is one of the best
ways of conserving natural resources.
• Analyze whether every member of your family requires a vehicle. Sometimes one car per family
is really enough. The rest are just means of luxury, which at a time like this, cannot be afforded.
• Try to use public transport. If a group of people choose this option, it means those many vehicles
less on the streets, which means saving some gas, the prices of which are sky-rocketing because it
is becoming so scarce.
• Invest in a hybrid car that uses both electricity, and a small amount of gas to function.
• Invest in lower energy consuming lights and bulbs. Avoid the use of halogens and other such lights.
Also remember to switch off all your electrical appliances when not in use.
• An interesting point to note is that even when your television, microwave oven, or computer is on
standby it consumes electricity. Switch off all of these when you don't need to use them.
• Turn to solar energy. Nowadays, solar heaters, solar cookers, and a lot of other appliances that
function on the energy provided by the sun are available. Investing in these helps save electricity
as well as natural gas.
• Go for products such as air-conditioners and refrigerators that have energy star ratings. These
consume lesser electricity and even reduce your bills, and definitely reduce the effects of global
warming that is affecting all life forms.

Natural resources conservation can be done in several other ways too. Simply making an effort to
spread the word is a great way of doing your bit for the world you live in. Set an example for others
to follow when it comes to the conservation of natural resources, that is so fundamental for the
survival of mankind in these trying times.

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