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Man Environment and Society

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Man and Environment

Man and environment are inter-related. The environment influences the life of human beings and
also human beings modify their environment as a result of their growth, dispersal, activities,
death and decay etc. Thus, human beings (society) and environment are interdependent.

Major Current Environmental Problems

1. Pollution: Pollution of air, water and soil require millions of years to recoup. Industry and
motor vehicle exhaust are the number one pollutants. Heavy metals, nitrates and plastic are
toxins responsible for pollution. While water pollution is caused by oil spill, acid rain, urban
runoff; air pollution is caused by various gases and toxins released by industries and factories
and combustion of fossil fuels; soil pollution is majorly caused by industrial waste that deprives
soil from essential nutrients.

2. Global Warming: Climate changes like global warming is the result of human practices like
emission of Greenhouse gases. Global warming leads to rising temperatures of the oceans and
the earth’ surface causing melting of polar ice caps, rise in sea levels and also unnatural patterns
of precipitation such as flash floods, excessive snow or desertification.

3. Overpopulation: The population of the planet is reaching unsustainable levels as it faces

shortage of resources like water, fuel and food. Population explosion in less developed and
developing countries is straining the already scarce resources. Intensive agriculture practiced to
produce food damages the environment through use of chemical fertilizer, pesticides and
insecticides. Overpopulation is one of the crucial current environmental problem.

4. Natural Resource Depletion: Natural resource depletion is another crucial current

environmental problems. Fossil fuel consumption results in emission of Greenhouse gases,
which is responsible for global warming and climate change. Globally, people are taking efforts
to shift to renewable sources of energy like solar, wind, biogas and geothermal energy. The cost
of installing the infrastructure and maintaining these sources has plummeted in the recent years.

5. Waste Disposal: The over consumption of resources and creation of plastics are creating a
global crisis of waste disposal. Plastic, fast food, packaging and cheap electronic wastes threaten
the well being of humans. Waste disposal is one of urgent current environmental problem.

6. Climate Change: Climate change is yet another environmental problem that has surfaced in
last couple of decades. It occurs due to rise in global warming which occurs due to increase in
temperature of atmosphere by burning of fossil fuels and release of harmful gases by industries.
Climate change has various harmful effects but not limited to melting of polar ice, change in
seasons, occurrence of new diseases, frequent occurrence of floods and change in overall
weather scenario.

7. Deforestation: Our forests are natural sinks of carbon dioxide and produce fresh oxygen as
well as helps in regulating temperature and rainfall. At present forests cover 30% of the land but
every year tree cover is lost amounting to the country of Panama due to growing population
demand for more food, shelter and cloth. Deforestation simply means clearing of green cover and
make that land available for residential, industrial or commercial purpose.

8. Water Pollution: Clean drinking water is becoming a rare commodity. Water is becoming an
economic and political issue as the human population fights for this resource. One of the options
suggested is using the process of desalinization. Industrial development is filling our rivers seas
and oceans with toxic pollutants which are a major threat to human health.

To improve environmental standard and to maintain ecological balance, the followings are
some issues before the present civilized society.

1. Rapid population explosion: Puts tremendous pressure on the natural resources and
environmental quality. This is due to the fact that population growth leads to poverty which
directly or indirectly declines the environmental standard.

2. Rational use of non polluted water resources: The restoration of water quality of our water
bodies and their optimum uses are the challenges before the present society.

3. To sustain and increase agricultural growth: Without damaging environment. The over
cultivation of soil, results in nutrient deficiency, lack of organic matter, soil salinity and damage
to physical structure of the soil.

4. To check soil erosion: The soil erosion can be prevented by the restoration of land or soil
resources which are directly or indirectly related to strategies for the management of land, water
and forest.
5. Restoration of forest resources: The forest resources are depleting at a very faster rate in
order to meet growing need of timber and farmland for the increased population. Vast forest
areas have been converted into barren waste lands. So it is the need of the present society to
restore our forest resources possibly through social forestry and afforestation programmes.

6. To check pollution: The overexploitation of natural resources, intervention of bio-

geochemical cycles and trace element cycle, extraneous release of matter and energy etc. cause
serious environmental hazards.
In addition, continuous green house gas emission, hazardous chemicals of industry and
agriculture, nuclear arsenals; radioactive wastes and biotechnological misuse lead to global
catastrophism. So the prevention of pollution is of prime importance for the present society.
Considering the above issues, it is clear that the fate of human being depends on how he is
managing and overcoming the above problems.

Some possible ways of tackling the problems and maintaining environmental standard are:

(a) Taking effective measures for population control.

(b) Optimum use of natural resources.
(c) Conserving and protecting biodiversity.
(d) Creating public awareness about the benefits and implications of environment.
(e) Giving top priority for environmental protection.
(f) Developing ecofriendly technological processes.
(g) Promoting sustainable agriculture which will not harm the environment.
(h) Using bio-fertiliser or ecofriendly fertilisers.
(i) Using minimum amount of pesticides and insecticides.
(j) Developing waste land by adopting afforestation programmes.
(k) Developing suitable biotechnology to clean up hazardous wastes in the environment.
(l) Choosing suitable technique to treat the pollutants before their discharge into environment.

Simple Ways To Save Environment

Say no-no to plastic:

Add house plants to your home:
Start your day early:

Previously, people used to wake up early so that they could

finish all the work to be done before sunset. But now with the presence of electricity and
artificial lighting one does not see any need in waking up early. From reports, 35 per cent of the
energy consumed in a house in India is consumed in lighting a house after sunset.  So, waking up
early is not only going to keep you healthy but also will make you save energy and cut down
your electricity bills.
Conserve water:

Conserve electricity:
Kitchen waste management:
It seems disgusting to do kitchen waste management; but the advanced products in the market
have made it quite easy. A stainless steel kitchen composter with carbon filters is readily
available in the market which makes the whole process odorless. The compost generated acts a
fertilizer  that can be used for house plants.
Use Public transportation:
According to studies, 30 per cent of carbon-dioxide is added to the environment by private
transportation. We understand that using public transportation is not convenient at all times; but
one can always car pool. Try the option of walking if you have to pick bread from the grocery
store or travel a small distance. Your little effort will help in reducing the demand for petrol,
thereby reducing congestion on roads. It will also improve your physical health.
Save trees by reducing the use of paper:
If you are still used to buying the old fashioned newspaper, it’s high time you switch to the
internet for news. Try to reuse one side printed paper by cutting it into two halves, to use them
for writing your grocery list or making other notes. Replace the use of paper tissues by using
hand towels.

How to Help Save the Environment

Seven Methods:Changing Your Daily HabitsChanging Your Eating
HabitsChanging Your Transportation HabitsAdapting Your HomeAdapting
Your YardReusing ItemsEngaging in Activism

Want to help save the environment? Taking steps to conserve and reuse is easier
than you might think. You can do your part to help save the environment just by
changing your daily habits. For starters, try decreasing your energy and water
consumption, changing your eating and transportation habits, and adapting your
home and yard to be more environmentally friendly.

Switch off anything that uses electricity when not in use. If you're not
using it, turn it off. This goes for lights, televisions, computers, printers,
and so on.

o Put timers on lamps and use them to turn off lamps at the same time
each day. Timers like these can be found in hardware stores and
they can be plugged into outlets, then control the power to your



Unplug devices when possible. Leaving devices plugged in, such as

laptop chargers or toasters, can use "phantom" energy. Even when an
appliance is turned off, it may still use power.[1] It is best to unplug
anything that you do not anticipate using in the next 36 hours (or more).

o Use a power strip to turn lots of things off with the flip of a single
switch. You can plug all your devices in one area—say, your
computer—into a power strip. When you're done, simply turn the
power strip off with the switch.
o Measure the energy your devices use, or look up typical energy use.
To measure usage yourself, use a Kill-a-Watt. You plug an
appliance in through the Kill-A-Watt, and it measures the power
use. This tool can also tell you whether a particular appliance or
device draws power when it is turned off.

Trade in your dryer for a good old-fashioned clothesline. Air drying

leaves your clothes smelling fresh and is environmentally friendly.
Tumble dryers are among the biggest energy users in most households,
after the refrigerator and air conditioner. If you do use a dryer, make sure
to keep the vent clear, for safety as well as efficiency.

Run your air conditioner sparingly or not at all. Air conditioners use a
great deal of electricity. Use natural ventilation or a fan to keep cool, as
much as possible.

o If you do use an air conditioner, set it to a slightly lower

temperature than outside. Remember that setting the temperature
lower uses more electricity, and it won't cool things off any faster.

Close the heating and air conditioning vents in your home. If you are
not using certain rooms in your house, close the vents in these rooms, and
close the doors. Doing this consistently will reduce the amount of energy
squandered by heating or cooling seldom occupied spaces.

Don't use electronic exercise machines. Instead of using exercise

equipment, use a real bicycle (or a unicycle), or walk to get to nearby
destinations or for pleasure

Conserve water. The average family of four in the U.S. uses about 400
gallons of water every day.[3] Make conscious choices to lower your
consumption of water.

o Take shorter showers or fill the bathtub only one-quarter to one-

third full.
o Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth.
o Install low-flow shower heads, and low-flush toilets.
o Run your dishwasher only when it is completely full.
o Wash full loads of laundry in a washing machine.
o If you hand wash your car, park it on your lawn and use buckets
and sponges.
o If you have a swimming pool, use pool covers to reduce
evaporation and keep leaves out.
o Maintain your outdoor irrigation and water no more than is

Recycle all you can. If you have curbside recycling, use it. Be sure to
separate your recycling into glass, metal, paper and so on.

o Take special trips to a recycling center if you don’t have curbside

recycling, or if you need to recycle certain materials not accepted
by your recycling service.


Avoid using disposable items. Anything you use only a few times and
throw away consumes resources only to spend centuries in a landfill.

o Carry your own reusable cup or water bottle, eating utensils, and
cloth shopping bags with you. Pack a waste-free lunch.
o Use rechargeable batteries instead of disposable batteries. They also
can leak acid into the Earth.
o Dispose properly of hazardous waste. Many materials, including
batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, e-waste (most anything with
batteries or a plug), cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, pesticides,
automotive fluids, and paint, should never be disposed in a landfill,
sanitary sewer, or storm sewer. Instead, contact your city for proper
disposal opportunities.


Use only as much toilet paper as you need. Don't unwind a mile of it for
one little wipe. Be reasonable. Go easy on the paper towels, too, and use a
washable cloth or sponge for most of your kitchen cleanup.


Consider using cloth diapers. Cloth diapers have come a long way from
the things with pins and plastic covers. You will save a fortune (especially
if you have more than one child), keep potentially dangerous chemicals
away from your baby's skin, and do a good thing for the planet while
you're at it.

6. 13

Stop your junk mail from coming. If you get several catalogs which you
do not need, call and ask them to stop sending then to you.


Be a mindful consumer. Ask yourself how your purchases are impacting

other people and the natural environment.

o Do not buy what you do not need. Besides saving money, you'll
save resources if you don't purchase a lot of excess stuff.
o Buy for durability. For items you do buy, look for things which will
last a lifetime.


Method 2 of 7: Changing Your Eating Habits


Eat less meat and dairy. Meat and dairy production is highly resource-
intensive and inefficient. Attempting vegetarianism or veganism is
definitely one of the best things you can do for the environment and also
for your health.[4]

2. 2

Don’t drink coffee from K-cups.

o Use a mug or other reusable cup for your coffee instead of a

disposable cup.
3. 3
Buy local food. Transporting food from far-off locations takes a toll on
the environment, as it must be shipped in trucks, by rail or by ship, all of
which produce pollutants. Buying food that is sourced locally will help
eliminate or reduce transportation impacts. [6]

4. 4

Avoid excess packaging. Oftentimes, food companies expend just as

much energy creating the packaging for food products as is expended in
producing the actual food. Try not to buy food that is individually
wrapped or buy in bulk.[7]

Don't waste food. Plan your meals so that you don’t cook more than you
will eat. Store your leftovers and use them up at your next meal. If you do
have an overrun of food, such as after a party, share it with friends.

Use reusable bottles for water. Most tap water in developed countries is
safe to drink, which means that buying bottled water is unnecessary. Buy
a glass or metal bottle and fill it with water.


Method 3 of 7: Changing Your Transportation Habits


Walk or bike for local trips. Walk or ride a bicycle when your
destination is close to home. Short trips are generally the hardest on your
car and on the environment, so swap out your car for your feet or bike.

2. Always wear a helmet and safety reflective gear when riding a bicycle.

Organize a carpool for work or school. Coordinate with another person

or two to carpool to work or work with other parents in the neighborhood
to carpool kids to school.

o Carpooling will also enable you to take the High Occupancy

Vehicle (HOV) lane on a highway. This lane will usually save time
and money on gasoline.
o If you live near your children's school, consider organizing a
"walking school bus" instead of driving. Children walk to school
together in groups, supervised and guided by parents.
Neighborhood parents can take turns leading the group.
4. 3
Take mass transit. If you live in an area that has a bus, light rail, or
subway system, consider taking this option to get to work, school or other
destinations. Reducing car trips in favor of mass transit trips reduces
congestion on roads and reduces the amount of gasoline that is used.

o Many bus systems in major cities operate diesel-electric hybrid

buses, which further reduces harmful emissions. [8]

Plan out your errands and combine trips. Make errand trips more
efficient by planning out where you will go and hitting all your stops in
one trip. Group outings into fewer, longer trips, and plan them out so that
you’re not driving the same path multiple times.

6. 5
Telecommute or work from home, if your job permits you to do so.
One day per week reduces your commute transportation by 20%.

Drive a hybrid car. If you have been looking for a new vehicle, consider
buying a hybrid car. These kinds of cars, which run on both gasoline and
electric motors, are rapidly becoming more popular and available in
different models.[9] They not only give off less emissions into the air, but
they also can save you money with fewer trips to the gas station.

8. 7
Maintain your car. If you do have a car, keep it in good repair by
changing the oil and air filter on schedule, repairing fluid leaks promptly,
keeping the tires properly inflated.

9. 8

Track your fuel economy and do all you can to improve it.

10. 9

Take fewer airplane flights. Whether for work or vacation, lower the
number of flights you take. Airplanes emit vast quantities of carbon
dioxide and other polluting materials, which increases annually due to
increased numbers of flights around the world. [11] Do your part by taking
fewer flights.[12]

11. 10

Live near work, school, and other frequent destinations, if possible.

Otherwise, try to live near transit or bicycle routes. If you are choosing a
residence, consider transportation options as part of the process.


Method 4 of 7: Adapting Your Home


Install skylights and solar tubes. Skylights and solar tubes are installed
in your ceiling and are designed to let in more light. This will reduce the
electricity you need to light your house. Some types can even convert
sunlight into electricity.

Switch to compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs. Compact

fluorescent or LED light bulbs do cost more, but they also last longer than
conventional light bulbs. They also use only one-quarter of the energy.

o Start with the lights you leave on the most.

3. 3

Seal all air infiltration points and leaks. Locate places where air can
seep into or out of your house. These might be around doors and
windows, around flues and chimneys, around recessed lights, among other
places. Use caulking for thin gaps, and insulation or polyurethane foam
for larger gaps.[13]
o Repair leaks in your basement by first removing the insulation and
sealing leaks. Use caulk or sheetrock mud to do so. Take care when
you replace the insulation to ensure that it is not compressed and
fully covers the space between the joists. Sealing all points of air
leakage will also cut down on the number of insects and rodents
entering your house.
o Seal around light switches and power outlets, especially on outer
walls. Turn off the power at the breaker box and test to ensure that
the circuit is not live, then remove the covers and spray a low
expansion polyurethane foam into the spaces on the outside of the
junction box.
o Check exterior door and window gaskets to ensure that they are
sealing properly. If you feel a draft on cold, windy days, they need
to be adjusted or replaced.
o A smoke pen or a stick of incense can show you where your home
4. 4

Install insulation in your attic and exterior walls. A good layer of

insulation can be a relatively low-cost way to improve both the comfort
and efficiency of your home.

Check for leaks. If your faucets drip, get them fixed, or, if you can't fix it
right away, at least put a container under the dripping faucet and use the
water elsewhere, such as in your garden to water plants.

o To check your toilets, put a few drops of food coloring in the tank,
not the bowl. Wait about ten minutes without flushing. If you see
the dye in the toilet bowl, repair your toilet.
6. 6

Install window treatments that maximize energy conservation.

Choose curtains or blinds that keep your house cool in summer and warm
in winter. For example, heavy curtains in a colder climate will help keep
warm air in at night.
o If you are in a hot climate, such as the southwestern U.S., consider
tinting your windows or installing a reflective coating. This will
redirect heat away from your house. Talk with local contractors to
find out what options make sense for your situation. Tinting the
windows which receive direct sun will also protect your fabric
colors from fading so quickly.
7. 7

Plant barrier trees to protect your house from wind and sun.
Deciduous trees provide shade in the summer, yet allow warming rays to
enter your house during the colder months. Evergreens provide a wind
break from prevailing winds.

o Be sure to consider the future growth of any plantings and plant far
enough from your house that the root systems will not disrupt your
8. 8

Maintain your appliances, and choose energy-efficient appliances if

you are purchasing new ones.

o Clean the coils on your refrigerator about once a year.

o Clean the vent on your clothes dryer about once a year. Clean the
lint filter each time you use the dryer.

Install low-flow toilets. A low-flow toilet can save many gallons of water
per year, both preserving the environment and lowering your water bill.

o You can also try putting a bottle of water in the tank of your current
toilet. The space the bottle takes up will save that much water each
flush, yet allow the toilet to keep functioning properly. (Don't use a
brick for this purpose, because bricks can disintegrate.)
o Try lowering the water level in your toilet tank. Many toilets have
an adjustment to lower the float controlling the fill valve.
10. 10
Install solar panels on your roof. Solar panels convert sunlight to
electricity and are dropping in price (some estimates put solar panel
installation at about $10,000). A home utility bill can drop by 20% with
the use of converted solar energy.

o Keep in mind that there is concern, however, about the negative

environmental impact of the manufacturing of solar panels. Solar
panel manufacturing can result in chemical toxicity and lack of
recycling, among other issues.[14]
11. 11

Choose the smallest home which will comfortably house your family
and your belongings (and consider cutting down on unneeded
belongings). You'll save on the physical and financial resources needed to
build and maintain excess area, and you'll cut down on heating and
cooling costs.

o If you do have a larger home than you need, consider housing

additional people, whether family members or roomers.


Method 5 of 7: Adapting Your Yard

1. 1

Plant a garden. Create a garden plot with vegetables, fruits and/or herbs.

o Try to implement techniques so that your garden does not require

fertilizers or excessive watering. For example, adding mulch to
your garden will seal in water and make the soil moister. [15]
o Include plants that produce your favorite fruits and vegetables so
you won’t need to buy these at the store.
o Use rain barrels or other containers to gather rainwater. Use this
water on plants in your garden.

Make your yard friendly to wildlife. Modern developments encroach

upon natural habitats and pose risks to wildlife. Take some steps to make
your yard friendlier to wildlife.[16]

o Plant many different types of vegetation. Various creatures will

visit your yard if you provide them with reason to be there. When
you have many different types of vegetation, you’ll attract different
types of animals.
o Create a frog pond in your back yard. Frog populations are
dwindling because their breeding areas are disappearing. If you
create a habitat for them in your back yard, they may breed there. [17]
3. 3
Reduce the area of lawn. Grass areas usually require more frequent
maintenance with lawn mowers, weed eaters and other gas- or electric-
powered tools. Convert some of your lawn to garden or native plants,
which will also attract wildlife.[18]

Avoid pesticides, herbicides, and man-made chemical fertilizers.

Pesticides kill hundreds of birds and other animals per year. If you have
unwanted weeds, pull or hoe them out yourself, clip them down, or plant a
ground cover in their place.

o Check out permaculture, integrative pest management, poly

cropping, and other techniques to reduce or eliminate the need for
chemical pesticides and fertilizer.
o If you do apply chemical fertilizer, apply no more than is really
necessary. Ensure that excess fertilizer is not washed into storm
drains or waterways.
5. 5

Plant a tree. Add a tree to your yard. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and
emit oxygen, and they also improve area water quality and help make the
ground more fertile for other plants.[19]

o Deciduous trees carefully located near your home can also help
keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer.
o If you plant a fruit tree, you will have the added benefit of being
able to harvest your own fruit instead of needing to buy it at a store.

Method 6 of 7: Reusing Items


Buy secondhand clothes and other items. Visit thrift stores and
consignment shops to find secondhand clothes and other items.

Donate or share usable household items. Instead of throwing away

items, consider giving them away. Donate usable clothes and household
items to charity. Many organizations will send a truck for pickup.

o is another useful resource for buying, selling, and

giving away used items locally.

Upcycle. Turn useless junk into something fun and cute, or fresh and
funky. Make jewelry, household accessories, and restyled clothing from
things you already own. Look around wikiHow to find tons of articles
about how to make different things.

Buy or make a few reusable fabric bags. Bring them with you
whenever you go shopping. Many communities have banned stores from
giving out plastic bags, but even if your community still allows them,
move to using reusable bags instead.


Method 7 of 7: Engaging in Activism

1. 1
Contact your government officials. Call or email your congressional
representatives and local officials. Ask them to support environmental
conservation and renewable energy.

2. 2

Participate in rallies. Most cities hold rallies to raise awareness of

environmental issues. To be effective, these demonstrations need lots of
people. Attend a rally in your community. Make signs to carry during the
demonstration to convey your message.

o Recruit family members and friends to join you.

3. 3

Join an environmental organization. Choose an organization that

focuses on an aspect of the environment, such as Greenpeace, the Sierra
Club or the Environmental Defense Fund, and become a member. [21]

4. 4

Write a letter to the editor. Use the news media to highlight

environmental issues. Write a letter to the editor about fossil fuels or
endangered animals. This can help start a dialogue in your community
about a particular environmental issue.[22]

o Alternately, propose writing an opinion editorial for your local

5. 5

Donate to an environmental cause. Choose an organization working on

an environmental issue. Donate money to this organization. Many
organizations have different giving levels, from very small amounts to
large amounts. Choose to give monthly or annually.

o Donations to nonprofit organizations are tax-deductible. Ask for a

receipt so that you can deduct this donation on your taxes.

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