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Statistical methods to expect extreme values: Application

of POT approach to CAC40 return index

A. Zoglat1 , S. El Adlouni2 , E. Ezzahid3 , A. Amar1 , C. G. Okou1 and F. Badaoui1

Laboratoire de Mathématiques Appliquées
Département de mathématiques
Faculté des Sciences
Université Mohammed V-Agdal
Rabat, Morocco.
Département de Mathématiques et Statistique,
Université de Moncton,
Moncton, New Brunswick. Canada.
Département d’Economie
Université Mohammed V-Agdal
Rabat, Morocco.


In the past twenty years a new development in the extreme value theory has been done,
especially for the “Peaks Over Threshold (POT) approach”. This approach, based on the
analysis of the data exceeding a sufficiently high threshold, aims to improve the efficiency
of the extreme quantile estimators. The selection of an appropriate threshold is one of the
important concerns of the POT approach. Various threshold selection methods, namely
Square Error Method (SEM), Automated Threshold Selection Method (ATSM), and Multiple
Threshold Method (MTM), has been developed. Such approaches allow avoiding subjective
drawbacks of empirical and graphical methods for optimal thresholds selection.
The main objective of the present study is to compare the performances of these methods
in the case of financial risk estimations related to the market turmoil. The main focus of
this paper is to assess the performance of the POT approach, combined to the maximum
likelihood and moment methods for parameter estimations.
Results show that the MTM outperforms ATSM and SEM. It is confirmed that the inverse of
CAC40 return index has a Fréchet distribution tail behavior, and the parameters are better
estimated by the moments method.

Keywords: Peaks Over Thresholds, Generalized Pareto Distribution, Square Error Method,
Automated Threshold Selection Method, Multiple Threshold Method.

Journal Of Economic literature Classification Number: C10, C13, C46.

1 Introduction

Booms and stock market crashes are among the most surprising finance phenomena which
affect investors, economical institutions and the whole financial system. The profusion of fi-
nancial databases and the advent of computers have made possible all kinds of studies in
the financial markets. However, most empirical studies and models concern only the standard
properties of financial assets, and relatively little attention has been paid to extreme move-
ments although they are of considerable importance. Indeed, they are related to default risk
investors, bankruptcy risk of financial institutions, and the spread of difficulties from one finan-
cial entity to all institutions (systemic risk).
In the last two decades, there has been an increasing interest in building statistical models for
estimating the probability of rare and extreme events. These models, involving extreme value
theory, are of a great interest in environmental sciences, engineering, finance and insurance,
and many other disciplines (see Beirlant et al. (1996), Embrechts et al. (1997), Coles (2001),
Beirlant et al. (2004), Reiss et al. (2005), Manfred et al. (2006)). Especially in finance, extreme
price movement of a financial asset or a market index can be defined as the lowest and highest
costs in an observed period. Extreme Value Theory shows that the asymptotic minimum and
maximum returns have a definite shape that is independent of the return process itself.
The extreme value theory deals with the probabilistic description of the extremes of a stochas-
tic sequence. The fundamental results of Fisher and Tippett (1928) constitute the backbone
of the classical extreme value theory. The fundamental theorem states that maxima of inde-
pendent and identically distributed (i.i.d) random variables have one of the three extreme value

Fréchet distribution, with infinite upper and heavy tail,

Gumbel distribution, whose upper tail is also infinite, but lighter than the Fréchet distribu-

Weibull distribution with finite upper tail.

This classical extreme value approach, called “Block Component Wise”, was strongly criticized
because the estimation of the distribution based on extracted blocks maxima, considered by
this approach, involves a loss of information. An alternative to the Block Component Wise
method is the “Peaks-Over-Threshold (POT)” model. In such approach, instead of modeling
the maxima, the stochastic structure of the random exceedances over a high threshold value
is considered. The POT, essentially related to the results of Pickands (1975), Balkema and de
Haan (1974), is a widely used method (see Davidson et al. (1990), Dupuis (1999), Guillou et al.
(2006),Suveges et al. (2010)). Balkema-de Haan-Pickands theorem states that under some
regulatory conditions, the exceedances limiting distribution is a Generalized Pareto Distribution
(GPD) (see Coles (2001), Zhang (2007)). The main steps of POT implementation are:

1. Test the “Independent and Identically Distributed (iid)” hypothesis: Data should be a
sequence of iid random variables.

2. Select an appropriate threshold level.

3. Estimate the parameters using the most appropriate method for the considered excesses

Note that in step 2, the threshold level should satisfy the bias-variance trade-off: for a relatively
low threshold value, estimators would be biased, and a too high threshold value would lead to a
reduction of the number of extreme observations, and thus to an overestimation of the variance.
By setting a relatively low threshold, the risk is to introduce some central observations in the
series of extremes. The tail index (shape) is in this case more accurate (less variance), but
biased. Contrariwise, a relatively high threshold implies a less biased, but less robust, tail

2 methodology

Let F be the distribution function of a non-negative random variable X. The distribution function
Fu of X above a certain threshold u is called the conditional excess distribution function and is
defined by
1 − F (x)
∀x≥u, Fu (x) = P{X ≤ x | X > u} = 1− . (2.1)
1 − F (u)
The functions F and Fu are related by the following equation

∀x≥u, F (x) = (1 − ζu ) + ζu Fu (x), (2.2)

where ζu = 1 − F (u) is the probability to observe exceedances over u. The Balkema-de Haan-
Pickands theorem (Balkema and de Haan (1974), Pickands (1975)) states that, for a suitable
large enough u, Fu is well approximated by a Generalized Pareto Distribution (GPD) function.
More precisely, we have that
− 1ξ
Fu (x) = Fu (x, αu , ξ) ' 1 − (1 + ξ x−u
αu ) , ξ 6= 0;
Fu (x) = Fu (x, αu , ξ) ' 1 − exp(− x−u
αu ), ξ = 0.

where ξ is the shape parameter, u is the threshold value and αu is the scale parameter. The
shape parameter controls the tail behavior of the distribution and the tendency to produce
heavy extremes while the scale parameter stretches or contracts the distribution.
The difficulty lies in finding the optimal threshold for GPD fitting. Various approaches have
been suggested and applied by authors (Davidson and Smith (1990), Smith (1985), Lang et
al. (1999), Dupuis (1999), Choulakain and Stephens (2001), Neves (2004), Thompson et al.
(2009), Xiangxian and Wenlei (2009)) to detect the appropriate threshold. Some of these
methods are graphical, some are numerical, and some others are combinations of graphical
and numerical techniques.
Graphical methods, used to set candidate thresholds, are based on “expert judgment” and
thus present a great deal of subjectivity. They can however provide pertinent sets of candidate
thresholds. Optimal values can then be chosen on the basis of some objective approaches.
Among numerical methods we consider the “ Square Error Method (SEM)”, “Automated Thresh-
old Selection Method (ATSM)”, and “Multiple Threshold Method (MTM)”. They are all based on
mathematical criteria, so they help the user in choosing an adequate threshold on a quite
objective consideration basis.
2.1 Mean Residual Life Plot (MRL plot)

The MRL plot, also known as the “mean excess plot”, is one of the most commonly used
graphical method. It has been used to analyze daily rainfall data (Coles (2001)), model large
claims in non-life insurance (Beirlant et al. (2002)) and explore pulse rate data in a flexible
extreme values mixture model (MacDonald et al. (2011)).
The theoretical reasons behind this approach reside in the fact that when the distribution of
exceedances over a threshold u1 is a GPD, the distribution of exceedances over any threshold
u2 > u1 is also a GPD with the same shape parameter ξ. Moreover, from (Coles (2001)), the
corresponding scale parameters αu1 and αu2 satisfy the equation

αu2 = αu1 −ξ(u2 − u1 ). (2.4)

The MRL plot is a representation of the empirical estimate of the conditional expectation E(X −
u|X > u) as a function of u. More precisely the MRL plot represents the points
n 1 X  n
u, (Xi − u) : u ≤ max Xj ,
nu j=1

where Iu = {i : Xi > u}, and nu is its cardinal.

For an “optimal” threshold u∗ , the underlying distribution function of the exceedances is a GPD,
and the conditional mean excess is given, for u > u∗ , by

αu αu∗ − ξ(u − u∗ )
E(X − u|X > u) = = .
1+ξ 1+ξ

Hence, a good GPD fit occurs when the MRL plot is roughly linear. However, in practice, the
use of an MRL plot is not always simple and detecting the linearity is a subjective task. The
range of the graph linearity can be explored using a numerical approach to select the optimal

2.2 Square Error Method (SEM)

Beirlant et al. (1996) suggested to choose the threshold that minimizes the mean square error
(MSE) of the tail index Hill estimator. A comparative study between the different estimators
of tail index was conducted by Beirlant et al. (2005). The mean square error is useful to
compare several estimators, especially when one of them is biased. It is therefore natural to
take as “optimal” threshold the value that minimizes the MSE of an estimator based on the
exceedances (Guillou and Willems(2006), Xiangxian et al. (2009)). In this paper, we suggest
an algorithm inspired by Beirlant’s work. The main steps of this algorithm are summarized
Let u1 ,...,un be n equally spaced increasing candidate thresholds (obtained, for instance from
some graphical approach). For j = 1, · · · , n, let σ
bu and ξbu be estimators of the scale and
j j

shape parameters based on the exceedances over the threshold uj .

Step1 Find Nuj , the number of exceedances over uj .

Step2 Simulate ν independent samples of size Nuj from the GPD with parameters σ buj , and
ξu . The number ν of samples to simulate is fixed by the user according to estimation


Step3 For each α ∈ A = {0.05, 0.1, 0.15, · · · , 0.95}, and each i = 1, · · · , ν, calculate the
i th simulated sample. Compute q sim 1X i
quantile q(α,u j)
of the i (α,uj ) = q(α,uj ) .

Step4 For j = 1, · · · , n, calculate the square error

X 2
sim obs
SEuj = q(α,u j)
 q(α,u j)

where q(α,u sim .
is the observed analogous of q(α,u
j) j)
The optimal threshold value is the u∗ such that SEu∗ = min SEuj .

2.3 Automated threshold selection method (ATSM)

This is a pragmatic, simple, and computationally inexpensive threshold selection method that
was developed by Thompson et al. (2009). Using simulated data, they show the effectiveness
of their method and compare it to another approach (used in the JOINSEA software). For the
reader’s convenience, we sketch the steps of the ATSM algorithm described in Thompson et
al. (2009).

Step1 Identify suitable values of equally spaced candidate thresholds u1 < u2 . < · · · < un .
For example, we can take u1 as the median of the data and un as their 98% quantile. The
sample of exceedances above u1 should be large enough to insure reliable estimation.
For j = 1, · · · , n, compute σ
bu and ξbu , the likelihood estimators of the scale and shape
j j

parameters obtained from the exceedances above the threshold uj .

Step2 It is shown in Thompson et al. (2009) that if u is a suitable threshold, then for any
uν ≥ uν−1 ≥ u the difference τ(u ) − τ(u ) , where τ(u ) = σ
ν ν−1
bu − ξbu uj , is approximately
j j j

normally distributed
 with mean 0. Consider u = u1 , and test the hypothesis that “the
sequence τ(uν ) − τ(uν−1 ) is from a mean 0 normal distribution”. If this hypothesis
is not rejected, then u1 is a suitable threshold. Otherwise consider u = u2 , remove
the first term of the sequence and conduct the test for the remaining sequence. If the
hypothesis is rejected, repeat this procedure with the next candidate threshold.

Step3 Step 2 is repeated until the test indicates that the remaining sequence of differences is
consistent with a normal distribution with mean 0.

The authors mentioned that this algorithm might not converge but that could rarely happen.

2.4 Multiple threshold method (MTM)

This method was developed by Deidda (2010) to infer the parameters of the GPD underlying
the exceedances of daily rainfall records over a wide range of thresholds. The motivation for
this method resides in the needs of an appropriate technique to overcome the difficulties arising
from irregularly discretized rainfall records or the site-to-site variability of the exceedances
distribution parameters. It is shown that the MTM, based on the the concept of parameters
threshold-invariance, is particularly suitable for regional analysis where “optimum” thresholds
may depend on the data collection site. As we expected, we found it also appropriate in our
case study where the data are subject to different sources of perturbation.
For the sake of clarity, we recall the equations established in Deidda (2010) and the concept of
parameters threshold-invariance. Suppose that for a given threshold value u ≥ 0, the expres-
sion of the exceedances distribution Fu (.) is given by Eq. (2.3). From Eq. (2.4), we have that
α0 = αu − ξu. Substituting u for x and 0 for u in Eq. (2.2), we obtain

∀u ≥ 0, F (u) = (1 − ζ0 ) + ζ0 F0 (u), and thus

∀u ≥ 0, ζu = ζ0 1 − F0 (u) . (2.5)

Substituting F0 (u) in Eq. (2.3) we get

  1 − 1
ζu 1 + ξu u ξ = ζu 1 − ξu u

 6 0;
, ξu =
∀u ≥ 0, ζ0 = α 0 α u (2.6)
ζu exp u = ζu exp u ,
 ξu = 0.
α0 αu
This last equation states that the ζ0 reparameterization is threshold-invariant, although the
probability ζ0 of exceeding u obviously decreases as u increases (see Deidda (2010)).
The MTM can be recapped by the following hierarchical steps:

Step1 (ξ M estimate): Identify suitable values of equally spaced threshold candidates u1 <
u2 . < · · · < un . Take the MTM estimate ξ M of the shape parameter as the median of the
ξ estimates on the suggested range of thresholds.

Step2 (α0M estimate): In order to filter out the variability of the α0 estimates driven by the
fluctuations of the ξ, the αu values are estimated conditionnally to ξ M estimate obtained
at step 1 and use again the reparametrization with the new αu estimates and ξ = ξ M
Results are now denoted as α0c to remark that they are conditioned to ξ M . Finally, the
MTM estimate α0M of the scale parameter is the median of the new α0c estimates within
the range of thresholds.

Step3 (ζ0M estimate): In a similar way, we can reduce the variability of ζ0 by introducing the
ζu estimates together with the MTM estimates ξ M and α0M (obtained at step 1 and 2).
Results are now denoted as ζ0c to emphasize again that they are conditioned to ξ M and
α0M .
Finally, the MTM estimate ζ0M is the median of the new ζ0c estimates within the range of
3 Case Study

3.1 Dataset overview

In this article, extreme value theory is applied to model extreme events of the CAC40 index.
Our aim is to control and measure the risk of volatility associated with an index widely present
in managers portfolio. We apply extreme value theory to take into account rare events such as
stock market crashes, crises and bubbles.
The CAC40 is a benchmark French stock market index. It provides an idea of the French mar-
ket trends because it represents a capitalization-weighted measure of the 40 most significant
values among the 100 highest market caps on the Paris Bourse (now Euronext Paris). The
CAC40 was officially born in June 15, 1988, following the crash of 1987 which amended the
monopoly of trading. The value of CAC40 has experienced drastic changes since its creation.
It reached its highest peak on September 4, 2000 at 6 944.77 points and its sharp decline in
the stock market crash of 2008 where the CAC40 lost more than 43.5 percent of its value.
Our analysis of daily CAC40 stock index covers the period from Marsh 3, 1990 to December
20, 2010. This period represents 5222 observations.

Figure 1: Evolution of CAC40 index from Marsh 1th , 1990 to December 20th , 2010.

Figure 1 highlights the volatile nature of CAC40 index, which justifies a study of these data
extreme values. Since 2003, the index has steadily increased. On January 1, 2007 it rose
above 5600 points, a level not reached since May 2001. As an attempt to explain the volatile
nature of the CAC40 index, here are some notable dates in its evolution:

• October 1987: Stock market crash • August 1990: Energy crisis

• September 1998: Russian crisis • End 1999/2000: Internet bubble

• September 2001: September 11th attacks • March 2003: Outbreak of the war in Iraq

• End 2003 to November 2007: 4 consecutive years of increases

In order to apply the Balkema-de Haan-Pickands theorem to model the tail of CAC40 stock
index distribution, we should test the iid hypothesis. Since the data distribution is unknown, we
used nonparametric tests of independence and homogeneity. Application of turning points and
Mann-Whitney tests show that the original data (CAC40 index) do not satisfy the independence
and homogeneity conditions. In order to meet with the theoretical requirements, we considered
the inverse of CAC40 return index. According to the same tests, the corresponding data are
homogeneous and independent. The large coefficient of skewness (skewness =24.42), shows
that the data distribution is spread to the right. We also find that the kurtosis is larger than 3
indicating a clearly leptokurtic distribution. We can thus say that the distribution of the inverse
CAC40 return index is positively skewed. There are therefore good reasons to believe that the
distribution of the inverse CAC40 return index can be adjusted to a Fréchet distribution type.

3.2 Results

3.2.1 The MRL plot of the inverse CAC40 return index

To identify the range of candidate thresholds we use the MRL plot (Figure 2). The graph is
approximately linear on the interval [0; 3000]. For thresholds larger than 3000, the graph shows
a lot of instability. This is due to the small size of the data set. Indeed, only 64 observations
among the initial 5222 are larger than 3000.

Figure 2: Mean residual life plot of the inverse CAC40 return index

The positive slope indicates that the tail index is positive, and therefore, it is expected that the
exceedances fit a Fréchet distribution. The optimal threshold is in the range of linearity, i.e.
the interval [0; 3000]. In order to apply the ATSM, MTM or SEM to detect the optimal threshold,
we will adequately discretize the range by considering the set {u0 = 0, u1 = ∆, u2 = 2∆, u3 =
3∆, · · · , un = n∆ = 3000}, where ∆ = 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001.

3.2.2 Detection of the optimal threshold by SEM

For each uj , we calculate the ξuj and αuj estimates from the excesses above the threshold
uj , then we simulate 1000 samples of size Nuj (defined in section 2.2). The minimum Square
 q sim 2  q sim 2
(0.05,uj ) (0.95,uj )
SEuj = obs
+ ··· + obs

is achieved for uj ≈ 713. We note that for the SEM, both maximum likelihood and moment
estimation methods lead to the same optimal threshold value. For the scale and the shape,
we suggest to retain moment estimators because when the sample is small or contaminated
by spurious data, the maximum likelihood could provide unrealistic estimators. Using the SEM
and moment estimation, we can fit the following distribution
 x − 713 − 0.44
F713 (x) = F713 (x, 3774.27, 0.44) = 1 − 1 + 0.44 .
The SEM optimal threshold value leads us to restrict the range of candidate thresholds. In the
sequel, we use the range [700, 3000] instead of [0, 3000].

3.2.3 Detection of the optimal threshold by ATSM

Going through all the range of candidate thresholds uν , we find that the distribution of the
difference τ(uν ) − τ(uν−1 ) (see methodology section) does not fit a normal distribution with a
mean 0, and ATSM returns a warning. Although Thompson et al (2009) mentioned that this
latter situation (warning algorithm of ATSM) occurs rarely, we have encountered it for our case
study .

3.2.4 Detection of the optimal threshold by MTM

3.2.4.a Estimation by the maximum likelihood method

We obtain the ξu estimator using the excesses above each threshold in the range interval
[700, 3000].
Figure 3 displays the estimation of ξ as function of thresholds u in the range [700, 3000].

Figure 3: Estimation of ξu as function of thresholds u in the range [700, 3000]

The horizontal line in the figure illustrates ξ M , the median of ξu estimators. The starting point
of the shape parameter stabilization suggests u∗ ≈ 1150 as an optimum threshold.
After determining the optimal threshold value provided by MTM (u∗ = 1156), we can fit the
following distribution
 x − 1156 − 0.43
F1156 (x) = F1156 (x, 6066.41, 0.43) = 1 − 1 + 0.43 .

3.2.4.b Estimation by the method of moments

For the method of moments, we observe a stabilization of ξu estimators for thresholds larger
than u∗ ≈ 1000.

Figure 4: Estimation of ξu as function of thresholds u in the range [700, 3000]

Based on the scale and shape moment estimators corresponding to that optimal threshold, we
can fit the following distribution
 x − 1000 − 0.45
F1000 (x) = F1000 (x, 2443.19, 0.45) = 1 − 1 + 0.45 .
The estimated thresholds given by the proposed methods, to model the inverse of CAC40 re-
turn index excesses, are different. The Q-Q plot (Figure 5) shows that the distribution obtained
by the MTM is the most appropriate to fit the studied dataset.

Figure 5: Corresponding QQ plot for different retained methods

For both estimation methods, the MTM indicates that the inverse CAC40 return index excesses
fit a heavy tailed distribution. These results are corroborated by the statistical characteristics
such as the skewness and kurtosis coefficients. Figure 5 also shows that, for the MTM, the
method of moments is more efficient than the maximum likelihood method.
To confirm these graphical results, we use “Adup test” (supremum class version of the upper tail
Anderson-Darling test) to test the null hypothesis “the GPD is adequate” versus the alternative
“the GPD is not adequate”. We retain the model corresponding to the greatest p-value. The
results of the “Adup test” are given below:
Approach Estimation method Optimum threshold p-value
MTM Moment uM T M,M = 1000 0.14
MTM Maximum likelihood uM T M,M L = 1156 0.06
SEM Moment uSEM,M = 713 < 2.210−16
According to “ADup test”, the retained distribution to model the inverse of CAC40 return index
excesses belongs to a Fréchet distribution obtained by MTM and moment method estimation:
 x − 1000 −
F1000 (x) = F1000 (x, 2443.19, 0.45) = 1 − 1 + 0.45 0.45
This finding confirms the dominant idea of financial series asymptotic distributions. In addition
to skewness, leptokurtosis and lack of normality cited for the CAC40 return index series, we
note the following facts for the inverse of the CAC40 return index:

• First, it is in Fréchet maximum domain of attraction.

• Second, it has a high propensity for exceeding relatively small values.

4 Conclusion

The purpose of this paper is the practical implementation of the peaks over threshold (POT)
method to estimate extreme value distribution. The main focus has been on the performance
of the POT approach in combination with various threshold detection and estimation methods.
Our case study (CAC40 stock return index) aims to illustrate these approaches. In this case the
MTM gives satisfactory results for both moment and maximum likelihood estimation methods.


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