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Risk evaluation with enhanced covariance matrix

Krzysztof Urbanowicz
Faculty of Physics and Centre of Excellence for Complex
Systems Research, Warsaw University of Technology
Koszykowa 75, PL-00-662 Warsaw, Poland
Peter Richmond
School of Physics, Trinity College
Dublin 2, Ireland
Janusz A. Holyst
Faculty of Physics and Centre of Excellence for Complex
Systems Research, Warsaw University of Technology
Koszykowa 75, PL-00-662 Warsaw, Poland
(Dated: April 12, 2007)

We propose a route for the evaluation of risk based on a transformation of the covariance matrix.
The approach uses a potential or objective function. This allows us to rescale data from different
assets (or sources) such that each data set then has similar statistical properties in terms of their
probability distributions. The method is tested using historical data from both the New York and
Warsaw Stock Exchanges.
PACS numbers: 05.45.Tp, 89.65.Gh
Keywords: financial risk, stochastic processes, probability distribution, stock market data, correlations

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Optimization of portfolios has been much studied since the pioneering work of Markowitz
[1, 2], who proposed using the mean-variance as a route to portfolio optimization [116].
However the basic construction of the portfolio has not changed much as a result. Computation of Sharp ratios [17, 18] and the Markowitz analysis equate risk with the co-variance
matrix. Portfolio allocations are then computed by maximizing a suitably constructed utility
function [1921]. Moreover, the approach taken by Markowitz and many other authors [1, 2]
is essentially only appropriate for stochastic processes that follow random walks and exhibit
Gaussian distributions [35]. Many economists have sought to use other utility functions
and invoke additional objectives [22, 23] in which portfolio weights are computed via maximization of these different utility functionals. Others have introduced additional features
of the probability distribution such as the third moment or skewness of the returns [22, 23].
This builds in aspects of the deviation of the probability distribution from the Gaussian as
well as the asymmetry. Introducing even a constant value for the skewness may yield more
reliable portfolio weights than a calculation in which only the variance or second moment
of the distribution is used and where the risk of extreme values is seriously underestimated.
Similar comments could be made about the introduction of the kurtosis which is a first order
route to addressing the issue of fat tails.
In recent years a number of physicists have begun to study the effect of correlations on
financial risk. Techniques based on Random Matrix Theory developed and used in nuclear
physics have been applied to reveal the linear dependencies between stock market data for
both the US and UK markets [4, 5]. More recently other workers including one of the
present authors have used Minimum Spanning Trees methods [2426] for the same purpose.
Spanning tree methods seem to yield results that are similar to those obtained using random
matrix theory but with less effort and the use of less data in the sense that only a subset
of the correlation matrix is actually used to construct the tree. The overall aim, in both
cases, is to arrive at optimal diversified portfolios. One interesting result obtained in [25]
was the identification of new classifications introduced in the FTSE index ahead of their
formal introduction by the London authorities.
An important outcome of studies basing on Markowitz approach is the Capital Asset
Pricing Model (CAPM) [10, 2729] that relates risk to correlations within the market port2

folio [10, 2729] of course the risk now is that all investments will collapse simultaneously.
Furthermore it is assumed that risk that achieves premiums in the long term should not
be reducible otherwise arbitrage is possible [28]. This is essentially the Arbitrage Pricing
Theory (APT).
However, key issues remain unresolved. One weakness of CAPM and APT theories is
that they assume efficiency in the proliferation of market information. In a real market not
all investors have the same or complete information and arbitrage is possible. Merton [30]
has discussed this and in so doing has extended CAPM theory to deal more effectively with
small firms for which information is not always readily available.
Here we concern ourselves with a new approach to the exploitation of datasets for the
computation of portfolio weights within a diversified portfolio. The method exploits the full
character of the distribution function for each asset in the portfolio and seeks to maximize
the impact of correlations. In the next section we discuss the background to our approach
and introduce the so-called objective function. Having established this we show how, from
data, we can construct values for a renormalised objective function. These are then used
in section III to obtain both covariance matrices and weights for portfolios of stocks. The
calculations are illustrated in section IV by examples from both the US and Warsaw stock exchanges. We also show how the approach modifies the underlying distribution of eigenvalues
enhancing the correlations for larger values.



Consider an asset, characterized by a price, S(t) and return x(t) = ln S(t + 1)/S(t).
The objective function, w(x) is defined in terms of the stationary probability distribution
for returns, P (x), viz:
P (x) =

1 w(x)/D


where Z is a normalization factor. Such functions are familiar to physicists and may be
derived by minimizing a free energy functional, F (w(x)), subject to constraints on the
mean value of the objective function, viz:
F = dxP (x)[ln P (x) +


TABLE I: Examples of objective values w(x) and corresponding probability distributions, P for
different choices of f and g.


f (x)



P (x) Z


|x| /D


x2 /D


gg 0

g(x) 6= const

2 (1 /D) ln g

1 + x2/

( + 1) /2 ln 1 + x2/

1 + x2/

2 /D

g 2(1/D)
(1+x2 /)(+1)/2

Such a form for the probability distribution is also the outcome of a model that assumes
x is governed by a generalised Markovian stochastic process of the form
= f(x) + g(x)(t)


h(t)(t0)i = D(t t0)


The Gaussian process, , satisfies:

h(t)i = 0

For the moment we leave the form of the functions f and g unspecified except to say that they
only depend on x(t). The solution to such a stochastic process has been deduced elsewhere
[3133]. Adopting the Ito convention, the distribution function, P (x, t), associated with the
process is given by the Fokker Planck equation:

2 D 2

P (x, t)
g (x)P (x, t)
(f(x)P (x, t))


The stationary solution is:

dx 2f
Dgg 0 f
e (Dg2 )
P (x) =
= exp
Z g 2 (x)


Z is a normalization factor.
A number of different cases are evident as expressed in table I. Row 4 is obtained from
row 3 by choosing g = (1 + x2 /), f = gg 0 and ( + 1) /2 = 2(1 /D) when we see
that the distribution function reduces to a Student distribution. For D > 0 we see that
< 3. On the other hand, we know that Student distribution is defined for > 2 in order
the variance to be finite. Nevertheless this limitation, that stochastic process can not be
defined for > 3, we can normalize the distribution function, because w(x) is well defined

for whole spectrum of > 2 using Eq. (1). In developing our methodology in the next
sections we shall focus on the use of the student distribution that seems to offer a good fit
to the data we consider. Tsallis and Anteneodo [34] have shown how similar multiplicative
stochastic processes based on other non-analytic choices for the function f and g can lead
to q-exponentials. More recently Queiros, Anteneodo and Tsallis [35] have shown that for
many financial processes where fat tailed probability functions are empirically observed these
Student or Tsallis distributions are good choices.



As we have noted above it is usual for a portfolio of M stocks to compute portfolio weights,
pi using the covariance matrix, C and defining the risk, R, as:
Ci,j pi pj



Optimizing this in the absence of risk free assets yields the weight of stock i:
1 X 1 
pi =
C i,j
Z j
where Z = (C1 )i,j .



It is known that a nonlinear transformation of data can change correlations e.g. correla-

tions of |xi | decrease much slower than xi [5]. We exploit this by introducing a particular
transformation that increases correlations by renormalising the objective values such that
the total set of values, xi (tj ) for all i from 1 to M and j from 1 to N are drawn from a
common distribution. To effect this change, we first compute for each asset the probability
distribution by fitting the data for each asset using a student distribution characterised by
the power law index. We then compute for each value of the return x i (tj ) the corresponding objective value, wi (xtj ). These objective values are then transformed to yield a set of
renormalised objective values as follows:
wi (xtj ) = wi (xtj ) = wi (xtj )




wi (xtj )

wi (xtj )

In effect we are renormalising the objective value with its mean value w i relative to the
overall mean value, w,
of the entire data set. Having computed these renormalised objective

values we can now obtain the corresponding set of values for x i (t) by inverting the values
according to a new student distribution that characterises the entire data set consisting of
one value of and MxN values. Hence using the result in row 4 of table 1:
xi (tj ) = (1 e2wi (xtj )/(+1) )


where is now the tail exponent that characterises the Pdf of the entire data set.
Thus we can compute for our portfolio of M stocks a new covariance matrix, C
these renormalised values of x i (tj ). This yields a new minimized value for the risk:


k,i pk pi





We show in Figures 1 and 2 the outcome of implementing the method for a simple portfolio
of 2 stocks (i.e, M = 2). Specifically we used data for NYSE stocks General Electric and
Boeing. For each stock we used 12500 data points extending over the time period January
1999 to December 2000. Student distributions are fitted separately to the positive and
negative returns. It can be seen that the student distributions for each stock are different
prior to renormalisation but are the same after renormalisation. The overall changes as a
result of our renormalisation process are small but we show in figure 5 that they can lead
to significant changes in the distribution of eigenvalues for large eigenvalues.
We followed up this computation by renormalising data for two different groups of stocks.
First we selected 60 stocks from the NYSE as before over the period January 1999 to
December 2000 and implemented the prescription over a moving 75 day window using 1500
points for each window, what corresponds to quarter of hour returns. In this way we could
compute the various elements of the correlation matrix and the associated optimum weights
for the different stocks in the portfolio as a function of time. The results are shown in
Figure 3. Figure 4 gives the results of a similar set of calculation for a portfolio of 33 stocks
from the Warsaw stock exchanges over the period May 2001 to February 2006. In order to
prevent situations arising where all the money is invested in just one stock we have, in our
calculations, imposed the limit pi < 0.15. We have checked that a precise value of thus limit
is not crucial for optimization procedure.

Although we have not included transaction costs (we have changed our portfolio every
day, usually by a very small amount), in both cases it does seem that using data based on
our renormalisation procedure we have a route to greater overall returns.
Additional insight into the procedure is provided when we compare the distribution of
eigenvalues for the standard covariance matrix with the corresponding distribution for the
renormalised covariance matrix. These are shown in Figure 5. It can be seen that the transformation procedure enhances correlations as anticipated and this enhancement occurs at
larger eigenvalues. One could ask why the procedure we have used reduces the risk associated with the portfolio? This is because having evaluated the risk connected to each stock
then we have a better estimation the weights in the portfolio. We claim that correlations
calculated with standard method underestimate the linear dependencies between stocks, so
the error of the corresponding portfolio risk is much higher. Further, we claim, that we
reduce the error related to risk evaluation, so risk as a whole is smaller.
It might also be argued at this point that we could by-pass the entire background given in
section II and simply fit the best distribution function to the data as was done, for example,
by Levy and Duchin [16]. Using this approach they obtained different distributions for
different stocks then also obtained different distributions for the same stock at different times.
To our mind this is not a very satisfactory approach and ignores the evidence from groups
led by physicists such as Stanley [5, 24] that financial data exhibits universal behaviour such
as scaling, power law tails, etc.
Of course an empiricist could still insist that our approach does not yield the best fit
and other choices for example for the entropy might improve our results. To answer this
question requires a more extensive study that we have presented here.
The covariance matrix is now widely used for the analysis of portfolios. Our approach
to the exploitation of this matrix that yields new and correct linear dependencies clearly
has wide application and will, we believe, prove to be of considerable benefit to industry



This work was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Grant
No. 134/E-365/SPB/COST/KN/DWM105/2005-2007). Krzysztof Urbanowicz thanks Eu7

FIG. 1: Plot of the histogram of returns and normalized returns in the case of General Electric
counted in NYSE in years 1999 and 2000 and corresponding Student distributions with + = 3.11,
= 3.07 and = 3.2 respectively.

ropean COST concerted action P10 for financial support that facilitated this collaboration
between the Warsaw University of Technology and Trinity College Dublin.

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