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Evil Druid

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Bad Touch

Race: Dhampir, Vetala-born (Undying Nobility, Vampiric Empathy)

Traits: Metamagic Adept, Gifted Adept (Explosion of Rot)

Class: Druid 12 (Nature Fang archetype)

Feats :
- Shade of the Uskwood
- Spell Focus Necromancy
- Weapon Finesse (tB)
- Mage Tattoo
- Improved Initiative (tB)
- Intensify Spell
- Vampiric Companion (taken at 10)
- Dazing Spell

Slayer Talents:
- Ranger Combat Style: Shield Focus
- Finesse Rogue
- Combat Trick
- Ranger Combat Style: Greater Shield Focus
- Evasion

Abilities :
- Darkvision, Low light vision, Negative NRJ affinity, Resist Drain
- Can cast Charm Person & Command each 1x/day
- Nature Bond: Animal Companion
- Add the following to spell list. 0—disrupt undead, ray of frost; 1st—ghost sound, touch of
fatigue; 2nd—chill touch, spectral hand; 3rd—ghoul touch, invisibility; 4th—displacement,
ray of exhaustion; 5th—animate dead, phantasmal killer; 6th—nightmare, waves of fatigue;
7th—circle of death, shadow walk; 8th—mass invisibility, waves of exhaustion; 9th—horrid
wilting, weird.
- Can’t cast Fire spell or wild shape into Fire based creatures
- Swift Studied Target +4, Sneak 1d6
- FCB: +12hp

Stats (Ironskin) :
(20 points buy) Str: 10 Dex: 18(+2) Con: 18 Cha: 8 Int: 10(-2) Wis: 24(+2+3)
Fort: +16 Ref: +12 Will: +19
HP: 123
AC: 39 , CMD: xx, Init: +8
To hit (vs studied): +17
Spell Slots: 6/6/6/4/4/3

- +3 Ironwood Heavy Shield (9k)
- Club (Shillelagh: +1, 2d8+1)
- +4 Wis headband (16k)
- +2 dex +4 con belt (22k)
- +3 Ironwood Breastplate (9k), Cloak of Resistance +3 (9k), Ring of Protection +2 (8k)
- Lenses of the Predator’s Gaze (4k)
- Rod of Extend Spell
- Jingasa, Horseshoe
- xxk


Winter’s Grasp/Frost Fall/Ice Slick + Ice Spears

On AC: Bristle, Natural Rythm

Lvl1: Wave Shield, Mudball, Thunderstomp, Frostbite

Lvl2: Aggressive Thundercloud, Frigid Touch, Rime Frostbite

Lvl3: Rime Winter’s Grasp

Lvl4: Dazing Chill Touch (DC 25), Explosion of Rot

Wolf Companion

(with Bristle, Greater Magic Fang, Barkskin)

Size Large; Speed 40 ft.; AC +19 natural armor; Attack Tail (3d6+19+stun, crit 19-20, reach 15ft);
Ability Scores Str 32, Dex 16, Con 18(+1), Int 3(+1), Wis 12, Cha 8; Special Qualities: low-light vision,
scent, stun (DC 28)

HD: 10 (95hp) AC: 44

Feats: 5 (Multiattack[B], free, Weapon Focus [Bite], Improved Natural Attack [Bite], Iron Will,

Bab: +7 (+21/+16 tail)

Fort+15 Ref+14 Will+10 (+4 vs enchantments)


Race: Half-orc (Shaman’s Apprentice)

Traits: Giant Blooded, Reactionary

Class: Druid 12 (Goliath archetype)

Feats :
- Heavy Armor Proficiency
- Endurance (rB)
- Power Attack
- Furious Focus
- Vital Strike
- Furious Finish
- Devastating Strike

Abilities :
- Darkvision, Orc Ferocity
- Rage Subdomain
- Destructive Smite: +6 morale to dmg, 3+Wis/day
- Rage: +4 morale to Str, Con, +2 Will saves, -2 AC, Guarded Stance, for 12r/day
- Domain spells: 1st—true strike, 2nd—bull’s strength, 3rd—rage, 4th—inflict critical wounds,
5th—shout, 6th—moonstruck, 7th—disintegrate, 8th—earthquake, 9th—implosion.
- Wild Shape 6x/day (Beast Shape III dinosaur only, Giant Form I)
- Primal Summons : add to Summon Nature’s Ally list
- +4 to saves against Giants
- Primal Size : can spontaneously cast Enlarge Person, only on self and Companion
- FCB: +3 to shape AC

Stats (Barkskin, Rage, Guarding Stance) :

(15 points buy) Str: 24+4(+2+3) Dex: 12 Con: 14+4 Cha: 7 Int: 10 Wis: 18
Fort: +16 Ref: +9 Will: +18
HP: 87+24
AC: 32 , CMD: xx, Init: +3
To hit (Vital, Power Attack): +18 (Schillelagh), Dmg: 6d8+29
Spell Slots: 5/5/5/4/3/2


- Large Club (-1 to hit 1d10 dmg 2handed, Schillelagh: 3d8 dmg), Club
- Quarterstaff (Spellstaff: Transport via plants)
- Heavy Ironwood Shield +3 (9k)
- Amulet of Mighty Fists +2
- +4 Wis headband (16k)
- +4 str belt (16k)
- Dragonhide +3 Fullplate (10k), Cloak of Resistance +3 (9k), Ring of Protection +2 (8k)
- Jingasa, Horseshoe


I: Bristle x2, Faerie Fire, Longstrider x2

II: Barkskin x2, Scamper x2, Wild Instinct

III: Greater Magic Weapon x1,

IV: Freedom of Movement, Caustic Blood, Strong Jaw,

V: Stoneskin,

VI: Wall of Stone, Sirocco

Shape: Two-headed Troll (Barkskin, Rage, Guarding Stance)

Str: 34 Dex: 10 Con: 22 Cha: 7 Int: 10 Wis: 18

Fort: +18 Ref: +8 Will: +18
HP: 87+48, Regen 5
AC: 37 , CMD: xx, Init: +2
To hit (Vital, Power): +20, dmg 12d8+34
Full: +20/+12 (club), +14/+14 (bite)

Nat (power, bristle): +19/+19 (claws, dmg: 1d6+24), +19/+19 (bite, dmg: 1d8+24), rend (1d6+20)

Race: Human

Traits: Magical Lineage (Snowball), Metamagic Master (Ball Lightning)

Class: Druid 12 (Nature Fang)

Feats :
- Elemental Focus: Cold
- Spell Focus: Evocation (rB)
- free
- Precise Shot (tB)
- Rime Spell
- Improved Precise Shot (tB)
- Intensified Spell
- Improved Initiative (tB)
- free
- Dazing Spell

Slayer Talents:
- Ranger Combat Style x2
- Combat Trick
- Blood Reader
- Evasion

Abilities :
- Trackless Step
- Nature Bond:
- Swift Studied Target +4, Sneak 1d6
- FCB:

Stats (Barkskin) :
(15 points buy) Str: 7 Dex: 14 Con: 16 Cha: 7 Int: 10 Wis: 24(+2+3)
Fort: +13 Ref: +14(11) Will: +20
HP: 99 (12 favored class bonuses to hp)
AC: 33(29) , CMD: xx, Init: +7(+4)
To hit : +20/+15 (ranged), Dmg: 1d6+10 (Intensified Flame), 10d6+20 (Intensified Snowball)
Spell Slots: 7/6/6/5/5/3


- +3 Adaptive Composite Longbow

- +4 Wis headband (16k)
- +2 dex +2 Con belt (10k)
- Dragonhide Breastplate, Cloak of Resistance +3 (9k), Ring of Protection +2 (8k)
- Lesser Quicken Rod (35k)
- Lenses of the Predator’s Gaze (4k)
- 108k


I: Entangle, Intensified Snowball x6

II: Intensified Burst of Radiance x4, Soften Earth and Stone, Barkskin

III: Dazing Snowball x2, Heatstroke x2, Ice Spears, Spike Growth

IV: Dazing Produce Flame x2, Dazing Burst of Radiance x2, Spike Stones

V: Dazing Intensified Produce Flame, Intensified Dazing Burst of Radiance x2, Baleful Polymorph x2,

VI: Sirocco, Dazing Spike Growth, Dazing Heatstroke

1st—obscuring mist, 2nd—fog cloud, 3rd—call lightning, 4th—sleet storm,

5th—call lightning storm, 6th—sirocco.

Empowered Explosion of Rot: 6th lvl slot, 21d6+21+staggered 1d6rds, DC 23(27vs studied)

Intensified Empowered Snowball: 3rd lvl slot, 15d6+30 fire

Dazing Snowball: 3rd lvl slot, 5d6+10 fire, dazed 1 rnd (DC 22 vs studied)

Dazing Heatstroke: 5th lvl slot, 1d4+1 non lethal, dazed 2rnds (DC 27 vs studied & heavy armor)

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