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Grim Skull

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Grimskull (Prophet of the Waagh!


Male Mountain Orc Barbarian 2 Chaotic Neutral Origin: Da Warclan Evilsunz Representing Cody Svientek Strength 18 (+4) (+4 Racial) Dexterity 16 (+3) Constitution 14 (+2) Intelligence 11 (+0) Wisdom 8 (-1) Charisma 8 (-1) Total Hit Points: 24 Speed: 30 feet [barbarian] Armor Class: 20 = 10 + 6 [ M. breastplate] +3 [ M heavy steel] + 3 [dexterity] Touch AC: 13 Flat-footed: 20 [uncanny dodge] Initiative modifier: + 3 = + 3 [dexterity] Fortitude save: + 5 = 3 [base] + 2 [constitution] Reflex save: + 3 = 0 [base] + 3 [dexterity] Will save: -1 = 0 [base] -1 [wisdom] -1 [wisdom] Attack (handheld): + 8 = 2 [base] + 6 [strength] Attack (missile): + 5 = 2 [base] + 3 [dexterity] Grapple check: + 8 = 2 [base] + 6 [strength] Light load: 173 lb. or less Medium load: 174-346 lb. Heavy load: 347-520 lb. Lift over head: 520 lb. Lift off ground: 1040 lb. Push or drag: 2600 lb. Languages: Common Evilsun Orc Master Craft War Hammer [1d8, crit x3., 5 lb., one-handed, bludgeoning] Master Craft Greataxe [1d12, crit x3, 12 lb, two-handed, two-handed, slashing] Size: Medium Height: 7' 4" Weight: 430 lb Skin: Eyes: Red Hair:

Master Craft Greatsword [2d6, crit 19-20/x2, 8 lb., two-handed, slashing] Master Craft Repeating Heavy Crossbow [1d10, 19-20/x2, range incr 120 ft., 12 lb., piercing] Master Craft Breast plate [medium; + 5 AC; max dex + 3; check penalty -4; 30 lb.] Master Craft Heavy Steel Shield [ + 2 AC; check penalty -1; hardness 10; hp 20; 15 lb.] Feats: Exotic Weapon Proficiency Weapon: Greatsword Key Skill Ability Misc. Ranks Ability Modifier Modifier Modifier Appraise Int 0 = +0 Balance Dex* 3 = +3 Bluff Cha -1 = -1 * Climb Str 8 = +6 + 2 Concentration Con 2 = +2 Craft_1 Int 0 = +0 Craft_2 Int 0 = +0 Craft_3 Int 0 = +0 Diplomacy Cha -1 = -1 Disguise Cha -1 = -1 * Escape Artist Dex 3 = +3 Forgery Int 0 = +0 Gather Information Cha -1 = -1 +0 Heal Wis -1 = -1 * Hide Dex 5.5 = +3 + 2.5 Intimidate Cha -1 = -1 * Jump Str 11 = +6 + 5 Listen Wis -1 = -1 * Move Silently Dex 5.5 = +3 + 2.5 Perform_1 Cha -1 = -1 Perform_2 Cha -1 = -1 Perform_3 Cha -1 = -1 Perform_4 Cha -1 = -1 Perform_5 Cha -1 = -1 Ride Dex 3 = +3 Search Int 0 = +0 Skill Name

Sense Motive Spot Survival Swim Use Rope

Wis Wis Wis Str** Dex

-1 = -1 = -1 = 7= 3=

-1 -1 -1 +6 +3


* = check penalty for wearing armor Barbarian

Fast Movement (already included)

Illiteracy (2 skill points to learn to read)


Uncanny Dodge (level 2)

Trap Sense (level 3)

Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 5)

Damage Reduction (level 7)

Greater Rage (level 11)

Indominitable Will (level 14)

Tireless Rage (level 17)

Mighty Rage (level 20)

Mountain Orc:

+4 strength, -2 intelligence, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma (already included)

Darkvision to sixty feet

Proficient with greataxe and javelin.

Low-light vision twice human sight

Light sensitivity; in broad daylight or a daylight spell, attacks at -1

Orc blood for all special abilities and effects

This barbarian can read/write. Class HP rolled Level 1: Barbarian 12 Level 2: Barbarian 12

Grimskull's Equipment: 82 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) 5 lb Crossbow bolts (quiver of 10) x5 2 lb Backpack 5 lb Bedroll 6 lb Blanket, winter x2 Bottle 2 lb Bucket 2 lb Caltrops Candle 1 lb Canvas (10 x 10) 1 lb Case (for map or scroll) 5 lb Crowbar 20 lb Firewood (1 day) x1 Fishhook 5 lb Fishing net 4 lb Grappling hook 3 lb Lantern (bullseye) 5 lb Oil flasks x5 10 lb Rations (1 day) x10 10 lb Sledge 1 lb Soap 8 lb Spade / shovel 20 lb Tent _____ 197 lb Total

More about Grimskull:

One of the highest Ranking "Nobz" (Warrior Noble) of the warboss Gorgutz. From the warclan EvilSunz of the far north. They are a feared warband with a mighty warboss to back it up. Grimskull was mucking about during the waagh and was outcasted. Now seeking revenge on the other nobz and the warboss himself, he is interested in gold to raise an army for a counter waaagh, as seen to him as a vision of a great waagh given to him by his orc god Gork and Mork. Now he lives his life wondering, plotting, raising an army of orcs, and delivering the eventual prophecy of a great waagh!

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