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Meaning of Demand

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Meaning of Demand:

The demand for a commodity is its quantity which consumers are able and willing
to buy at various prices during a given period of time.

So, for a commodity to have demand the consumer must possess willingness to
buy it, the ability or means to buy it, and it must be related to per unit of time i.e.
per day, per week, per month or per year. Demand is a function of price (p),
income (y), prices of related goods (pr) and tastes (f) and is expressed as D=f (p, y,
pr, t). When income, prices of related goods and tastes are given, the demand
function is D=f(p). It shows the “quantities of a commodity purchased at given
prices. In the Marshallian analysis, the other determinants of demand are taken
as given and constant.

Factors Influencing Demand:

The factors which determine the level of demand for any commodity are the following:

1. Price:

The higher the price of a commodity, the lower the quantity demanded. The
lower the price, the higher the quantity demanded.

2. Prices of other Commodities:

There are three types of commodities in this context.


If a rise (or fall) in the price of one commodity leads to an increase (or decline) in the demand for
another commodity, the two commodities are said to be substitutes. In other words, substitutes
are those commodities which satisfy similar wants, such as tea and coffee.

If the price of coffee falls, the demand for coffee rises which brings a fall in the demand for tea
because the consumers of tea shift their demand to coffee which has become cheaper. On the
other hand, if the price of coffee rises, its demand will fall. But the demand for tea will rise
because the consumers of coffee will shift their demand to tea.

Complementary Commodities:

Where the demand for two commodities is linked to each other, such as cars and petrol, bread
and butter, tea and sugar, etc., they are said to be complementary goods. Complementary goods
are those which cannot be used without each other. If, say, the price of cars rises and they
become expensive, the demand for them will fall and so will the demand for petrol. On the
contrary, if the price of cars falls and they become cheaper, the demand for them will increase
and so will the demand for petrol.

Unrelated Goods:

If the two commodities are unrelated, say refrigerator and bicycle, a change in the price of one
will have no effect on the quantity demanded of the other.

3. Income:

A rise in the consumer’s income raises the demand for a commodity, and a fall in his income
reduces the demand for it.

4. Tastes:

When there is a change in the tastes of consumers in favour of a commodity, say due to fashion,
its demand will rise, with no change in its price, in the prices of other commodities, and in the
income of the consumer. On the other hand, a change in tastes against a commodity leads to a
fall in its demand, other factors affecting demand remaining unchanged.

The Law of Demand:

The law of demand expresses a relationship between the quantity demanded and its price. It may
be defined in Marshall’s words as “the amount demanded increases with a fall in price, and
diminishes with a rise in price.” Thus it expresses an inverse relation between price and demand.

The law refers to the direction in which quantity demanded changes with a change in price. On
the figure, it is represented by the slope of the demand curve which is normally negative
throughout its length. The inverse price-demand relationship is based on other things remaining
equal. This phrase points towards certain important assumptions on which this law is based.

It’s Assumptions. These assumptions are: (i) there is no change in the tastes and preferences of
the consumer; (ii) the income of the consumer remains constant; (iii) there is no change in
customs; (iv) the commodity to be used should not confer distinction on the consumer; (v) there
should not be any substitutes of the commodity; (vi) there should not be any change in the prices
of other products; (vii) there should not be any possibility of change in the price of the product
being used; (viii) there should not be any change in the quality of the product; and (ix) the habits
of the consumers should remain unchanged. Given these conditions, the law of demand operates.
If there is change even in one of these conditions, it will stop operating

Exceptions to the Law of Demand:

In certain cases, the demand curve slopes up from left to right, i.e., it has a positive slope. Under
certain circumstances, consumers buy more when the price of a commodity rises, and less when
price falls, as shown by the D curve in Figure 10.7. Many causes are attributed to an upward
sloping demand curve.

(i) War:

If shortage is feared in anticipation of war, people “may start buying for building stocks or for
hoarding even when the” price rises.

(ii) Depression:

During a depression, the prices of commodities are very low and the demand for them is also
less. This is because of the lack of purchasing power with consumers.

(iii) Giffen Paradox:

If a commodity happens to be a necessity of life like wheat and its price goes up, consumers are
forced to curtail the consumption of more expensive foods like meat and fish, and wheat being
still the cheapest, food they will consume more of it. The Marshallian example is applicable to
developed economies. It the case of an underdeveloped economy, with the fall in the price of an
inferior commodity like maize, consumers will start consuming more of the superior commodity
like wheat. As a result, the demand for maize will fall. This is what Marshall called the Giffen
Paradox which makes the demand curve to have a positive slope.

(iv) Demonstration Effect:

If consumers are affected by the principle of conspicuous consumption or demonstration effect,

they will like to buy more of those commodities which confer distinction on the possessor, when

their prices rise. On the other hand, with the fall in the prices of such articles, their demand falls,
as is the case with diamonds.

(v) Ignorance Effect:

Consumers buy more at a higher price under the influence of the “ignorance effect”, where a
commodity may be mistaken for some other commodity, due to deceptive packing, label, etc.

(vi) Speculation:

Marshall mentions speculation as one of the important exceptions to the downward sloping
demand curve. According to him, the law of demand does not apply to the demand in a campaign
between groups of speculators. When a group unloads a great quantity of a thing on to the
market, the price falls and the other group begins buying it. When it has raised the price of the
thing, it arranges to sell a great deal quietly. Thus when price rises, demand also increases.

Demand Forecasting
Forecasts are becoming the lifetime of business in a world, where the tidal waves
of change are sweeping the most established of structures, inherited by human
society. Commerce just happens to the one of the first casualties. Survival in this
age of economic predators, requires the tact, talent and technique of predicting
the future.
Forecast is becoming the sign of survival and the language of business. All
requirements of the business sector need the technique of accurate and practical
reading into the future. Forecasts are, therefore, very essential requirement for
the survival of business. Man-agement requires forecasting information when
making a wide range of decisions.
The sales forecast is particularly important as it is the foundation upon which all
company plans are built in terms of markets and revenue. Management would be
a simple matter if business was not in a continual state of change, the pace of
which has quickened in recent years.

It is becoming increasingly important and necessary for business to predict their
future prospects in terms of sales, cost and profits. The value of future sales is
crucial as it affects costs profits, so the prediction of future sales is the logical
starting point of all business planning.
A forecast is a prediction or estimation of future situation. It is an objective
assessment of future course of action. Since future is uncertain, no forecast can
be percent correct. Forecasts can be both physical as well as financial in nature.
The more realistic the forecasts, the more effective decisions can be taken for
In the words of Cundiff and Still, “Demand forecasting is an estimate of sales
during a specified future period which is tied to a proposed marketing plan and
which assumes a particular set of uncon­trollable and competitive forces”.
Therefore, demand forecasting is a projection of firm’s expected level of sales
based on a chosen marketing plan and environment.

Forecasting Demand for New Products:

The methods of forecasting demand for new products are in many ways different from those for
established products. Since the product is new to the consumers, an intensive study of the
product and its likely impact upon other products of the same group provides a key to an
intelligent projection of demand.

Joel Dean has classified a number of possible approaches as follows:

(a) Evolutionary Approach:

It consists of projecting the demand for a new product as an outgrowth and evolution of an
existing old product.

(b) Substitute Approach:

According to this approach the new product is treated as a substitute for the existing product or

(c) Growth Curve Approach:

It estimates the rate of growth and potential demand for the new product as the basis of some
growth pattern of an established product.

(d) Opinion-Poll Approach:

Under this approach the demand is estimated by direct enquiries from the ultimate consumers.

(e) Sales Experience Approach:

According to this method the demand for the new product is estimated by offering the new
product for sale in a sample market.

(f) Vicarious Approach:

By this method, the consumers’ reactions for a new product are found out indirectly through the
specialised dealers who are able to judge the consumers’ needs, tastes and preferences.

The various steps involved in forecasting the demand for non-durable consumer goods are the

(a) First identify the variables affecting the demand for the product and express them in
appropriate forms, (b) gather relevant data or approximation to relevant data to represent the
variables, and (c) use methods of statistical analysis to determine the most probable relationship
between the dependent and independent variables.

The methods of forecasting demand for new products are in many ways different from those for
established products. Since the product is new to the consumers, an intensive study of the
product and its likely impact upon other products of the same group provides a key to an
intelligent projection of demand.

Joel Dean has classified a number of possible approaches as follows:

(a) Evolutionary Approach:

It consists of projecting the demand for a new product as an outgrowth and evolution of an
existing old product.

(b) Substitute Approach:

According to this approach the new product is treated as a substitute for the existing product or

(c) Growth Curve Approach:

It estimates the rate of growth and potential demand for the new product as the basis of some
growth pattern of an established product.

(d) Opinion-Poll Approach:

Under this approach the demand is estimated by direct enquiries from the ultimate consumers.

(e) Sales Experience Approach:

According to this method the demand for the new product is estimated by offering the new
product for sale in a sample market.

(f) Vicarious Approach:

By this method, the consumers’ reactions for a new product are found out indirectly through the
specialised dealers who are able to judge the consumers’ needs, tastes and preferences.

The various steps involved in forecasting the demand for non-durable consumer goods are the

(a) First identify the variables affecting the demand for the product and express them in
appropriate forms, (b) gather relevant data or approximation to relevant data to represent the
variables, and (c) use methods of statistical analysis to determine the most probable relationship
between the dependent and independent variables.

Forecasting Techniques:

Demand forecasting is a difficult exercise. Making estimates for future under the changing con-
ditions is a Herculean task. Consumers’ behaviour is the most unpredictable one because it is
motivated and influenced by a multiplicity of forces. There is no easy method or a simple
formula which enables the manager to predict the future.

Economists and statisticians have developed several methods of demand forecasting. Each of
these methods has its relative advantages and disadvantages. Selection of the right method is
essential to make demand forecasting accurate. In demand forecasting, a judicious combination
of statistical skill and rational judgement is needed.

Mathematical and statistical techniques are essential in classifying relationships and providing
techniques of analysis, but they are in no way an alternative for sound judgement. Sound
judgement is a prime requisite for good forecast.

The judgment should be based upon facts and the personal bias of the forecaster should not
prevail upon the facts. Therefore, a mid way should be followed between mathematical
techniques and sound judgment or pure guess work.

The more commonly used methods of demand forecasting are discussed below:

The various methods of demand forecasting can be summarised in the form of a chart as shown
in Table .

1. Opinion Polling Method:

In this method, the opinion of the buyers, sales force and experts could be gathered to determine
the emerging trend in the market.

The opinion polling methods of demand forecasting are of three kinds:

(a) Consumer’s Survey Method or Survey of Buyer’s Intentions:

In this method, the consumers are directly approached to disclose their future purchase plans. I
his is done by interviewing all consumers or a selected group of consumers out of the relevant
population. This is the direct method of estimating demand in the short run. Here the burden of
forecasting is shifted to the buyer. The firm may go in for complete enumeration or for sample
surveys. If the commodity under consideration is an intermediate product then the industries
using it as an end product are surveyed.

(i) Complete Enumeration Survey:

Under the Complete Enumeration Survey, the firm has to go for a door to door survey for the
forecast period by contacting all the households in the area. This method has an advantage of
first hand, unbiased information, yet it has its share of disadvantages also. The major limitation
of this method is that it requires lot of resources, manpower and time.

In this method, consumers may be reluctant to reveal their purchase plans due to personal
privacy or commercial secrecy. Moreover, at times the consumers may not express their opinion
properly or may deliberately misguide the investigators.

(ii) Sample Survey and Test Marketing:

Under this method some representative households are selected on random basis as samples and
their opinion is taken as the generalised opinion. This method is based on the basic assumption
that the sample truly represents the population. If the sample is the true representative, there is
likely to be no significant difference in the results obtained by the survey. Apart from that, this
method is less tedious and less costly.

A variant of sample survey technique is test marketing. Product testing essentially involves
placing the product with a number of users for a set period. Their reactions to the product are
noted after a period of time and an estimate of likely demand is made from the result. These are
suitable for new products or for radically modified old products for which no prior data exists. It
is a more scientific method of estimating likely demand because it stimulates a national launch in
a closely defined geographical area.

(iii) End Use Method or Input-Output Method:

This method is quite useful for industries which are mainly producer’s goods. In this method, the
sale of the product under consideration is projected as the basis of demand survey of the
industries using this product as an intermediate product, that is, the demand for the final product
is the end user demand of the intermediate product used in the production of this final product.

The end user demand estimation of an intermediate product may involve many final good
industries using this product at home and abroad. It helps us to understand inter-industry’
relations. In input-output accounting two matrices used are the transaction matrix and the input
co-efficient matrix. The major efforts required by this type are not in its operation but in the
collection and presentation of data.

(b) Sales Force Opinion Method:

This is also known as collective opinion method. In this method, instead of consumers, the
opinion of the salesmen is sought. It is sometimes referred as the “grass roots approach” as it is a
bottom-up method that requires each sales person in the company to make an individual forecast
for his or her particular sales territory.

These individual forecasts are discussed and agreed with the sales manager. The composite of all
forecasts then constitutes the sales forecast for the organisation. The advantages of this method
are that it is easy and cheap. It does not involve any elaborate statistical treatment. The main
merit of this method lies in the collective wisdom of salesmen. This method is more useful in
forecasting sales of new products.

(c) Experts Opinion Method:

This method is also known as “Delphi Technique” of investigation. The Delphi method requires
a panel of experts, who are interrogated through a sequence of questionnaires in which the
responses to one questionnaire are used to produce the next questionnaire. Thus any information
available to some experts and not to others is passed on, enabling all the experts to have access to
all the information for forecasting.

The method is used for long term forecasting to estimate potential sales for new products. This
method presumes two conditions: Firstly, the panellists must be rich in their expertise, possess
wide range of knowledge and experience. Secondly, its conductors are objective in their job.
This method has some exclusive advantages of saving time and other resources.

2. Statistical Method:

Statistical methods have proved to be immensely useful in demand forecasting. In order to main-
tain objectivity, that is, by consideration of all implications and viewing the problem from an
external point of view, the statistical methods are used.

The important statistical methods are:

(i) Trend Projection Method:

A firm existing for a long time will have its own data regarding sales for past years. Such data
when arranged chronologically yield what is referred to as ‘time series’. Time series shows the
past sales with effective demand for a particular product under normal conditions. Such data can
be given in a tabular or graphic form for further analysis. This is the most popular method among

business firms, partly because it is simple and inexpensive and partly because time series data
often exhibit a persistent growth trend.

Time series has got four types of components namely, Secular Trend (T), Secular Variation (S),
Cyclical Element (C), and an Irregular or Random Variation (I). These elements are expressed by
the equation O = TSCI. Secular trend refers to the long run changes that occur as a result of
general tendency.

Seasonal variations refer to changes in the short run weather pattern or social habits. Cyclical
variations refer to the changes that occur in industry during depression and boom. Random
variation refers to the factors which are generally able such as wars, strikes, flood, famine and so

When a forecast is made the seasonal, cyclical and random variations are removed from the
observed data. Thus only the secular trend is left. This trend is then projected. Trend projection
fits a trend line to a mathematical equation.

The trend can be estimated by using any one of the following methods:

(a) The Graphical Method,

(b) The Least Square Method.

a) Graphical Method:

This is the most simple technique to determine the trend. All values of output or sale for different
years are plotted on a graph and a smooth free hand curve is drawn passing through as many
points as possible. The direction of this free hand curve—upward or downward— shows the

(b) Least Square Method:

Under the least square method, a trend line can be fitted to the time series data with the help of
statistical techniques such as least square regression. When the trend in sales over time is given
by straight line, the equation of this line is of the form: y = a + bx. Where ‘a’ is the intercept and
‘b’ shows the impact of the independent variable. We have two variables—the independent
variable x and the dependent variable y. The line of best fit establishes a kind of mathematical
relationship between the two variables .v and y. This is expressed by the regression у on x.

(ii) Barometric Technique:

A barometer is an instrument of measuring change. This method is based on the notion that “the
future can be predicted from certain happenings in the present.” In other words, barometric
techniques are based on the idea that certain events of the present can be used to predict the
directions of change in the future. This is accomplished by the use of economic and statistical
indicators which serve as barometers of economic change.

(iii) Regression Analysis:

It attempts to assess the relationship between at least two variables (one or more independent and
one dependent), the purpose being to predict the value of the dependent variable from the
specific value of the independent variable. The basis of this prediction generally is historical
data. This method starts from the assumption that a basic relationship exists between two
variables. An interactive statistical analysis computer package is used to formulate the
mathematical relationship which exists.

iv) Econometric Models:

Econometric models are an extension of the regression technique whereby a system of

independ-ent regression equation is solved. The requirement for satisfactory use of the
econometric model in forecasting is under three heads: variables, equations and data.The
appropriate procedure in forecast-ing by econometric methods is model building. Econometrics
attempts to express economic theories in mathematical terms in such a way that they can be
verified by statistical methods and to measure the impact of one economic variable upon another
so as to be able to predict future events.


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