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Blind Deconvolution of DS-CDMA Signals by Means of Decomposition in Rank - (1 L L) Terms

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4, APRIL 2008

Blind Deconvolution of DS-CDMA Signals by Means

of Decomposition in Rank-(1; L; L) Terms
Lieven De Lathauwer, Senior Member, IEEE, and Alexandre de Baynast, Member, IEEE

Abstract—In this paper, we present a powerful technique for of view w.r.t. CDMA data [28]. They showed that, if there is no
the blind extraction of direct-sequence code-division multiple intersymbol interference (ISI), the data received by the antenna
access (DS-CDMA) signals from convolutive mixtures received by
array can be stacked in a third-order tensor that can be decom-
an antenna array. The technique is based on a generalization of
the canonical or parallel factor decomposition (CANDECOMP/ posed in a sum of third-order rank-1 terms, where each term cor-
PARAFAC) in multilinear algebra. We present a bound on the responds to the signal transmitted by one user. (A higher-order
number of users under which blind separation and deconvolution rank-1 term is defined as the outer product of a number of vec-
is guaranteed. The solution is computed by means of an alter- tors. For a third-order tensor and three vectors and ,
nating least squares (ALS) algorithm. The excellent performance
is illustrated by means of a number of simulations. We include this means that for all values of the indices,
an explicit expression of the Cramér–Rao bound (CRB) of the which will be written as .) This technique can
transmitted symbols. be used in the case of small delay spread.
Index Terms—Blind deconvolution, block term decomposition, The case with large delay spread, in which there is ISI, was
canonical decomposition, code division multiple access, parallel considered in [31]. The solution proposed in [31] consists of
factor model. two stages: i) separate the users by exploiting partial uniqueness
of the so-called parallel factor model with linear dependencies
(PARALIND) [4], and ii) recover the sequence transmitted by
each user by single-input multiple-output (SIMO) deconvolu-

I N this paper we present a new algebraic technique for the

blind extraction of direct-sequence code-division multiple
access (DS-CDMA) signals from convolutive mixtures received
tion of a finite impulse response (FIR) filter [19], [21], [42].
In this paper we treat the case with ISI by means of the con-
cept of block term decompositions (BTDs), which we have re-
by an antenna array. The convolutive mixtures observed at each cently introduced [8], [9], [10]. The decomposition that we will
array element result from the superposition of all user’s signals use in this paper is, contrary to CP, not a sum of outer prod-
after propagation through transmission channels with memory. ucts of three vectors, but a sum of outer products of a vector
We tackle the problem by means of multilinear algebraic tools. and a matrix, which itself results from the (inner) product of
Multilinear algebra is the algebra of higher-order tensors, which two matrices. Essential uniqueness of this decomposition can
are quantities of which the elements are addressed by more than be demonstrated under conditions that are more relaxed than the
two indices; as such, higher-order tensors are the multi-way gen- ones that have so far been obtained for PARALIND. Our model
eralization of vectors (first order) and matrices (second order). has the peculiarity that one of the two matrices in each product
Our approach more specifically fits in the framework of canon- has a Toeplitz structure. This structure will be exploited in the
ical decomposition (CANDECOMP) or parallel factor analysis computations. We mention that in [31] the Toeplitz structure is
(PARAFAC), which is a fundamental concept in multilinear al- only taken into account in the second stage of the algorithm.
gebra [5], [12]–[14], [16], [33]. We will use the abbreviation CP Fig. 1 schematically represents the DS-CDMA system under
to denote CANDECOMP/PARAFAC. consideration. Each symbol of a given user is multiplied by that
Our technique is a generalization of the work of Sidiropoulos user’s spreading sequence. After transmission the signals are
et al., who were the first to adopt a multilinear algebraic point captured on an array of antennas.
We work under the same assumptions as in [31]. We assume
Manuscript received March 8, 2007; revised August 20, 2007. The asso- that the spreading gain is known or has been estimated. Also
ciate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for the number of active users is assumed to be known. For sim-
publication was Dr. Petr Tichavsky. Part of this research was carried out
when L. De Lathauwer was with the Research Group ETIS, Cergy-Pontoise, plicity we assume throughout the paper that the co-channel and
France. Research supported by: 1) the Research Council K.U.Leuven: adjacent-channel interferences are small and can be considered
GOA-Ambiorics and CoE EF/05/006 Optimization in Engineering (OPTEC)
and CIF1; 2) F.W.O.: a) project G.0321.06 and b) Research Communities
as additive Gaussian noise. (If needed, the procedure to be pre-
ICCoS, ANMMM and MLDM; 3) the Belgian Federal Science Policy Office: sented in this paper could be repeated for different user numbers
IUAP P6/04 [(DYSCO), Dynamical Systems, Control and Optimization,” and the most plausible value retained. This is the standard pro-
2007–2011); and 4) EU: ERNSI.
L. De Lathauwer is with the Research Group ESAT-SCD, Katholieke Uni-
cedure for CP, of which our approach is a generalization. Sev-
versiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven), B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium (e-mail: eral techniques have been developed for the estimation of the, and also with the K.U.Leuven Campus Kortrijk, number of components in CP [2], [3]. These can probably be
Subfaculty Sciences, 8500 Kortrijk, Belgium. generalized to BTD. The generalization is outside the scope of
A. de Baynast is with the Wireless Networks Department of RWTH Aachen,
D-52072, Aachen, Germany (e-mail: this paper. If the number of users is bounded as in [31], it can
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2007.910469 be estimated as the number of different generalized eigenvalues
1053-587X/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE

Fig. 1. Discrete-time baseband-equivalent scheme of CDMA transmission.

of a matrix pencil. See the discussion of the EVD-based solu- Notation: The Kronecker product is denoted by . The
tion in Section IV.) The signals are assumed to be synchronized Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse is denoted by . For
at the symbol-level and the transmission channels are time-in- , we define
variant over the measurement interval. Next, we assume that
multipath reflections only take place in the far field of the re- ..
ceive antenna array. This implies that, for each user, the multi- .
path/delay channels to the different antennas are the same up to a
flat fading/antenna response factor [39]. Finally, we assume that
an upper-bound of the maximum delay spread over all user’s We sometimes use the MATLAB colon notation. and
wireless channels is known. Our technique has the same con- denote the th row and the th column of a matrix ,
ceptual advantages as the ISI-free technique [28]. respectively. The th slice of a tensor is
• Because the (deterministic) algebraic structure of the data denoted by .
is exploited, the method works also for small sample sizes.
Hence, the technique can be used in the case of block fading II. CP APPROACH IN THE ABSENCE OF ISI
with a block size of the order of a few symbols. This is an im- Let us start from the following noiseless/memoryless data
portant advantage over statistical techniques, where many model for multiuser DS-CDMA:
more data are needed to obtain consistent estimates [38].
The same remark applies to adaptive algorithms, where
the channel variations should be slow in comparison to the (1)
convergence speed (e.g., Fast-CMA requires at least 250
iterations to converge over a stationary channel [1]). in which is the output of the th antenna for chip and
• The spreading codes need not be orthogonal and their symbol ( , with the
knowledge is not required. number of antennas, the code length and the number of
• No information is required regarding the multipath charac- transmitted symbols), is the fading/gain between user and
teristics. The antennas do not have to be calibrated. antenna element is the th chip of the spreading sequence
• The transmitted signals do not have to be constant modulus of user and is the th symbol transmitted by user . Now let
(CM) and the modulation does not have to be known. us assume that there is interchip interference (ICI) over at most
• The transmitted signals need not be statistically indepen- chips. For any user, the length of the impulse response of the
dent nor uncorrelated (from a conceptual algebraic point multipath channel is at most (at the chip rate). As proposed
of view). Of course, in practice, if signals are highly corre- in [26] (see further), we add trailing zeros at the end of each
lated, this may badly affect the conditioning of the problem spreading code. This makes that, at the receive antenna array,
and worsen the performance [slower convergence speed the signal related to a symbol has died out before the signal
and higher bit error rate (BER)]. related to the following symbol arrives. In other words,
The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we due to the adding of a sufficient number of trailing zeros, there
summarize the result obtained in [28]. In Section III we briefly is no ISI. We have now the following data model:
state the central multilinear algebraic theorem on which our
technique is based. For more details, the interested reader is
referred to [8], [9], [10]. Section IV explains how this result
can be applied to the problem at hand. Section V illustrates the
technique by means of some simulations. Section VI is the con- In this equation, , for varying and fixed , is the result of
clusion. In the Appendix we determine the Cramér–Rao bound convolving the spreading sequence of user with the impulse
(CRB) for the blind deconvolution problem. response of its propagation channel. Here we suppose that

. Equation (2) can be written in a tensor format in [28]. This means that zeros are added at the beginning or the
as end of each code vector and that, at the receiver, the transient
signal between consecutive symbols is discarded. To make sure
(3) that there is no ISI, the number of zeros should be at least equal
to the maximal delay spread over all transmission channels. This
is feasible when the maximal delay spread is small compared to
with and . the spreading gain. However, assume for instance that the prop-
The symbol denotes the tensor outer product. Equation (3) agation channel is of length , which means that there is
is a decomposition of in rank-1 terms. This is a CP model ISI over three symbols. In this case zeros have to be added
[5], [12]–[14], [16], [33]. This multilinear point of view w.r.t. per transmitted chips, and 67% of the received signal is dis-
CDMA data was adopted for the first time in [28]. carded. In our approach we will not introduce superfluous zeros
Define but exploit the algebraic structure of the convolved signal. The
. Equation (3) has a number of price that has to be paid is a moderate decrease of the maximum
inherent indeterminacies. First, the order of the rank-1 terms is number of users that can be allowed. The new technique will be
arbitrary. Secondly, may be rescaled explained in Section IV. First we will briefly sketch the neces-
provided the scaling factors compensate each other. sary multilinear algebraic background.
Now let us introduce the following variant of the “rank” of a
Definition 1: The -rank of a matrix is the maximal
Let us first introduce some basic definitions. Column and row
number such that any set of columns of is linearly indepen-
vectors in matrix algebra are generalized to -mode vectors in
multilinear algebra (a column vector being a 1-mode vector and
It was shown in [15], [17], [28], [35] that decomposition (3)
a row vector being a 2-mode vector). An -mode vector of an
is unique, apart from the trivial indeterminacies mentioned in
-tensor is formally defined as an -dimensional
the previous paragraph, if
vector obtained from by varying the index and keeping the
(4) other indexes fixed. The -rank of a higher-order tensor is the
obvious generalization of the column (row) rank of matrices: it
Because of user-independent fading and multipath, the CP ma- equals the dimension of the vector space spanned by the -mode
trices and are in practice full -rank with probability 1. If vectors. An important difference with the rank of matrices, is
the transmitted symbols belong to a finite alphabet (FA), then that the different -ranks of a higher-order tensor are not neces-
there is a chance that is not full -rank (the sequences of the sarily the same. A tensor of which the 1-mode rank is equal to
different users might be equal, for instance). However, this be- , the 2-mode rank equal to and the 3-mode rank equal to
comes more and more unlikely for longer datasets. Hence, in is called a rank- tensor. A rank- tensor
practice, because of persistency of excitation, we assume that is briefly called a rank-1 tensor; as mentioned before, it is equal
is full -rank as well. This means that the number of users that to the outer product of three vectors.
can simultaneously be processed, can be considered bounded as Using these concepts and terminology, we have the following
definition [9].
(5) Definition 2: A decomposition of a tensor in a
sum of rank- terms is a decomposition of of the form
The CP components can be estimated by means of an Alter-
nating Least Squares (ALS) algorithm, in which the multi-lin-
earity of the data is exploited [5], [28], [33]. (Other approaches (7)
are possible but will not be considered in this paper [6], [7], [18],
[25], [36], [41].) In each step, the estimates of two of the ma- i.e.,
trices are fixed and the third is conditionally updated.
Computation of the update that is optimal in least-squares sense
simply amounts to solving an overdetermined set of linear equa-
tions, because (3) is multi-linear in its unknowns. In ALS, one
iterates over such conditional updates, thereby monotonically in which the matrices are rank- .
decreasing the cost function If we factorize as , in which the matrix
and the matrix are rank- , then
we can write (7) as

Note that the mode-1, mode-2 and mode-3 rank of each term
In this approach it is essential that there is no ISI. To guar- are indeed equal to 1, , and , respectively: the mode-1 vectors
antee this in the case of convolutive transmission channels, one are proportional to , the vector space generated by the mode-2
proposes to follow a “discard prefix” or “guard chips” strategy vectors of the th term is the column space of , and the vector

Fig. 2. Decomposition in rank-(1; L; L) terms of the received data tensor.

space generated by the mode-3 vectors is the column space of th symbol transmitted by the th user by , as before, we
. Decomposition (8) generalizes CP in the sense that, in CP, have
we have .
It is clear that in (8) one can arbitrarily permute the different (10)
rank- terms. Also, one can postmultiply by any non-
singular matrix , provided is premultiplied by
the inverse of . Moreover, the factors of a given rank- where is taken equal to zero if or . Let
term may be arbitrarily scaled, as long as their product remains be the response of the th antenna to the signal of the th user,
the same. We call the decomposition essentially unique when it where we assume that the path loss is combined with the antenna
is only subject to these trivial indeterminacies. gain. The th chip of the th symbol period of the overall signal
Define and received by the th antenna array can now be written as
. Next, let us introduce the following
generalization of the -rank.
Definition 3: The -rank of a partitioned matrix
is the maximal number such that the columns of
any set of submatrices of are linearly independent. (11)
We now have the following uniqueness theorem.
Theorem 1 [9]: Consider the decomposition in rank- Let be a matrix in which the coefficients of
terms (8). This decomposition is unique, up to the trivial inde- are stacked column per column:
terminacies specified above, if . Then our data model is as follows:
This condition generalizes (4) to the decomposition in
rank- terms. The proof in [8], [9] actually only
holds under the condition that the entries of and are
drawn from continuous probability densities. Furthermore,
we assumed that in an alternative decomposition, represented Equation (12) can be written in a tensor format as
by and and are maximal under the given
dimensionality constraints. In practice, these constraints are of (13)
no importance to the application studied in this paper.

IV. GENERALIZED CP APPROACH IN THE PRESENCE OF ISI in which is a Toeplitz matrix of which the first
row consists of the subsequent symbols transmitted by user
A. Data Model , followed by zeros. Equation (13) is not an expansion in
We consider the transmission of symbols. We assume that rank-1 terms, but a decomposition in rank- terms, i.e.,
there is ICI over at most chips. Let be the max- each term consists of the outer product of a vector and a rank-
imum channel length at the symbol rate, meaning that interfer- matrix. The decomposition is visualized in Fig. 2.
ence is occurring over maximally symbols. The coefficients B. Uniqueness
resulting from the convolution between the channel impulse re-
sponse and the spreading sequence of the th user are collected Define
in a vector of size . More specifically, is the and . According to
coefficient of the overall impulse response corresponding to the Section III, decomposition (13) is essentially unique if
th chip and the th symbol. If the total number of coefficients is (14)
less than , the remaining entries are set equal to zero. We de-
note by the th chip of the th symbol period of the signal The first inequality is always satisfied in practice (recall that
of the th user upon arrival at the antenna array. Denoting the is lower-bounded by the number of transmitted symbols). Be-

cause of user-independent fading and multipath we may in prac- in which . Equation (17) is equivalent to
tice also assume that is full -rank and full -rank. By per-
sistence of excitation of the transmitted signals we may further
assume that is also full -rank. (This becomes increasingly
likely as increases.) Hence, in practice (14) amounts to
This will be written as

(15) This equation is used for a conditional update of .
Next, let us consider the conditional update of , given
This equation should be seen as a bound on the number of and . By slicing along the dimension corresponding to
users that can simultaneously be processed. The condition is suf- (see Fig. 2), we obtain
ficient but not always necessary. (In [22] uniqueness is demon-
strated for scenarios that do not satisfy condition (15).)
The structure of decomposition (13) allows for fewer inde-
terminacies than the general decomposition in rank-
terms. According to the general theory of Section III, a term
of the form remains unchanged when i) is ..
multiplied with a scalar, provided is multiplied with .
the inverse scalar, and ii) is multiplied from the right with a
nonsingular matrix , provided is multiplied from the left
with . In our application however, the latter multiplication Stacking these equations for all values of , we obtain
with would destroy the Toeplitz structure of .1 Hence,
we have that model (13) is unique up to i) the order of the terms
and ii) a rescaling of the factors and in each term,
.. ..
provided the scaling factors compensate each other. These are . .
the same indeterminacies as for the ordinary CP model. We con-
clude that the symbols transmitted by the different users may be
found up to a scaling factor from the computation of decompo-
sition (13). This equation will be written as

C. Algorithm (19)
For the computation of the components in decomposition (13)
Finally, let us consider the conditional update of , given
we follow an ALS approach. Note that the structure of (13) is
and . Define the matrix that contains the sym-
such that, after fixing two of the sets , a con-
bols transmitted by the different users. Also define as a
ditional update of the third set is a classical linear least-squares
block Toeplitz matrix containing blocks. The
problem, like in the case of the ordinary CP model. In our algo-
first column of is equal to , followed by zeros
rithm we will take the block-Toeplitz structure of matrix into
and its first row consists of , followed by zeros. We have
that . Equation (17) can now
We will now derive explicit expressions for the conditional
be written as
updates. Consider the noisy version of (13)


Stacking these equations for all values of , we obtain

in which is a noise term.
First, let us consider the conditional update of , given
and . By “slicing” along the dimension corresponding to
(see Fig. 2), we obtain
.. ..
. .

1The leftmost part of X 1S can only be upper triangular if X is upper

triangular. The rightmost part of X 1 S can only be lower triangular if X
is lower triangular. Hence, X is diagonal. Because the entries of X 1 S
which is written as
have to be constant along the diagonals, X is up to a scaling factor equal to
the identity matrix. (21)

TABLE I is to avoid arithmetic under- and overflow. Without the normal-

ALS ALGORITHM FOR THE COMPUTATION OF DECOMPOSITION (13) ization, it could for instance happen that tends to infinity
while tends to zero. The ALS algorithm monotonically
decreases the cost function


The algorithm converges to at least a local optimum (or, in odd

cases, a saddle point) of the cost function. To increase the chance
of finding the global optimum, one may run the algorithm a
number of times, starting from different initial values.
Equations (25), (26), and (27) explicitly formulate the so-
lution of overdetermined sets of linear equations. These can
be solved by means of and
flops, respectively [11].

In this section, we illustrate the performance of our algo-
rithm by means of some Monte Carlo simulations. We compare
against the probability of error based on the Cramér-Rao Bound
CRB for the estimated symbols . Whereas this probability
of error is not, strictly speaking, a lower bound on the BER for
blind detection, it provides a simple and useful benchmark. The
Since we directly update the different symbols in , the block- CRB of the transmitted symbols is derived in Appendix.
Toeplitz structure of is preserved. We also compare our algorithm to the nonblind least-squares
The ALS iteration is initialized with randomly chosen (LS) receiver. In contrast to our algorithm, the LS receiver as-
starting values. However, if the number of users is small, sumes perfect knowledge of channel fading coefficients, an-
namely , then the iteration can be initialized tenna gains and spreading codes. Its performance can usually
with the noise-free solution. Let be a vector of which not be reached, but it is often used as a benchmark for blind al-
all the entries are equal to 1. In the noise-free case, we have gorithms [28], [39]. The LS solution for the symbol estimates is
from (17)
(23) in which perfect knowledge of and is assumed, as opposed
to the ALS updating in (25).
For each Monte Carlo run, the channel fading coefficients, the
From these equations follows that the column spaces of antenna gains and the spreading sequences are redrawn from
are invariant subspaces of and may hence be de- an i.i.d. complex Gaussian generator with zero mean and unit
termined by means of an eigenvalue decomposition (EVD). The variance. The results are averaged over all users and all runs.
matrices follow, up to right multiplication by nonsingular The noise is zero-mean white (in all dimensions) Gaussian, with
matrices , from (22) or (23). These indetermina- variance for all antennas. The observed tensor is given by
cies may be reduced to the inherent scaling ambiguities by im- , where is the noise-free tensor that contains the
posing the Toeplitz structure of . This corresponds in fact data to be estimated and represents the noise. The signal-to-
to the identification of FIR filters from SIMO measurements noise ratio (SNR) at the input of the multiuser receiver is defined
[21], [32], [42]. By substituting the results back in (22) or (23), as
the matrices may be obtained up to a scaling factor as the
solution of a set of linear equations. Finally, may be calcu-
lated by solving (13) as a set of linear equations, given
and . This technique generalizes the procedure for the or-
dinary CP problem proposed in [18]. In [31] such a technique dB
was for the first time proposed for W-CDMA with large delay
spread. We refer to this paper for a detailed description of an
EVD-based solution. In the first experiment, we compare our algorithm to the PAR-
An outline of our algorithm is given in Table I. We will refer ALIND-based algorithm of [31], in two scenarios where the
to this algorithm as Alg. 1. In substeps 1 and 3, respectively, the latter can be used. The transmitted signals are of the BPSK-type,
symbol sequences and the columns of are normalized. This taking values in . There are two receive antennas .

Fig. 3. BER versus SNR. The number of users R = 4, the spreading code Fig. 5. BER versus SNR. The number of users R and the number of antennas
length J = 16 and the number of antennas I = 2. The frame length is 50 I are equal to 4. The spreading gain J = 9. The frame length is 50 symbols and
symbols. We assume 2-taps channels for all users. we assume 3-taps-channels for all users.

In the following experiment, we test Alg. 1 in a scenario

where the conditions of [31] are not satisfied. The transmitted
signals are of the QPSK-type, taking values in .
The number of users . The number of Monte Carlo trials
is equal to 500. There are four receive antennas . The
spreading gain . All users transmit symbols. The
delay spread symbols. The parameter in Alg. 1 was set
equal to and at most 5000 iterations were carried out.
In each run, the algorithm started from twenty random initial-
izations. Assuming that the matrix is full -rank and that the
matrices and are full -rank, the identifiability condition
(14) is satisfied:
. The obtained BER is shown in Fig. 5. For SNR
dB the estimation was perfect. Although this problem was
difficult (the matrix has more columns than rows), the BER
curve is quite close to the CRB.
Fig. 4. BER versus SNR. The number of users R = 6, the spreading code
length J = 16 and the number of antennas I = 2. The frame length is 50 VI. CONCLUSION
symbols. We assume 2-taps channels for all users.
We have derived a new algebraic algorithm for the blind sep-
aration-deconvolution of DS-CDMA signals received on an an-
The spreading gain . All users transmit sym- tenna array. The technique exploits the specific structure of the
bols. The delay spread symbols. The parameter in Alg. decomposition in rank- terms that underlies the data.
1 was set equal to and at most 1000 iterations were car- For zero-mean white Gaussian noise the algorithm implements
ried out. In each run, the algorithm started from a single random a maximum likelihood estimator. We have shown that the per-
initialization. The obtained BERs are shown in Figs. 3 and 4, formance is quite close to the CRB over a broad SNR range.
for and users, respectively. The number of We have presented a bound on the number of users that guaran-
Monte Carlo trials is equal to 1000 and 125 for Figs. 3 and 4, tees unambiguous reconstruction of the CDMA sources. Current
respectively. work includes relaxation of this bound.
We see that algorithm given in Table I was more accurate than The technique works well for small sample sizes. Neither
the algorithm of [31]. The reason is that the Toeplitz structure of DOA calibration information nor prior knowledge w.r.t. the
matrix is exploited from the beginning of the iteration, and not multipath characteristics are required. The spreading codes
just in the second stage of the algorithm as in [31]. On the other need not be known and are allowed to be non-orthogonal.
hand, the PARALIND-based algorithm is much cheaper than Besides the fact that they are of the CDMA-type, no informa-
Alg. 1. It essentially involves the EVD of an ma- tion on the sources (such as FA, CM, statistical independence,
trix. Recall that the computational complexity of Alg. 1 was dis- whiteness, ) is required. The same approach can be followed
cussed in Section IV-C. To save computations, Alg. 1 could be in other applications, such as the problems discussed in [27],
initialized with the result of the PARALIND-based algorithm. [29], [30], and [39].

APPENDIX in which denotes the expectation. Because the noise is cir-

CRAMÉR–RAO BOUND cular, takes the form
In this section we calculate the CRB [34] of the transmitted
symbols before detection. The derivation is similar to the ISI-
free case [20]. The main difference resides in that we take into in which the Hermitian matrix is given by (32), shown
account the block-Toeplitz structure of the symbol matrix . at the bottom of the page. Using (29)–(31), it can be shown that
We make the following standard assumptions: i) the symbols the elements of the upper triangular part of can be computed
are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and uncorre- as
lated for different users. There is no correlation between the real
and imaginary part and ii) the noise is zero-mean Gaussian with
standard deviation equal to . The noise samples are i.i.d. in
and .
A delicate point in the calculation of the CRB is the permuta-
tion and scale ambiguity in decomposition (13). We may get rid
of the scale ambiguity by assuming that the entries on the first
row of and are equal to one. Further we assume that the
upper left entries of the channel matrices , are
distinct and that of them are known. By the latter assump-
tion, some information that is unknown to the algorithm is incor-
porated in the bound, which makes it somewhat harder to reach;
however, this extra information allows us to resolve the permuta-
tion ambiguity. For notational convenience, we also assume that
the noise variance is known, as in [20]. In this way, the number
of unknown complex parameters is .
Define a vector of size by stacking the
unknown parts of the first rows of . Also define
a vector of size resulting from the vectorization
of matrix after dropping the first row. Let
. Define the complex parameter vector

Using (18), (19), and (21), the log-likelihood function [40]

can be written in three equivalent ways:




with . The Fisher information matrix

[34] is given by

.. .. .. (32)
. . .

as ([24, p. 268, (5.2–57)] for binary signaling and [24, p. 269,

(5.2–59)] and [24, p. 271, (5.2–62)] for quaternary signaling):

for binary signaling


where results from by dropping the rows CRB

with row number , and where for quaternary signaling
(respectively, ) results from (re- CRB
spectively, ) by dropping the first row. The covariance where erfc is the complementary error function [24, p. 38,
matrix of and , is given by (2.1–94)]. Whereas is, strictly speaking, not a lower
bound on the probability of error for blind detection, the simu-
lation results in Section V validate it as a useful benchmark.

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precoders and equalizers—Part I: Unification and optimal designs,” November 10, 1969. He received the Master’s degree in electromechanical
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, vol. 47, no. 7, pp. 1988–2006, Jul. engineering and the Ph.D. degree in applied sciences from the Katholieke
1999. Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven), Leuven, Belgium, in 1992 and 1997,
[28] N. Sidiropoulos, G. Giannakis, and R. Bro, “Blind PARAFAC receivers respectively. His Ph.D. dissertation concerned signal processing based on
for DS-CDMA systems,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 48, no. 3, multilinear algebra.
pp. 810–823, Mar. 2000. From 2000 to 2007, he was with the Centre National de la Recherche Sci-
[29] N. Sidiropoulos, R. Bro, and G. Giannakis, “Parallel factor analysis in entifique (C.N.R.S.), Cergy-Pontoise, France. He is currently with the K.U.
sensor array processing,” IEEE Trans. Signal Process., vol. 48, no. 8, Leuven. His research interests include linear and multilinear algebra, statis-
pp. 2377–2388, Aug. 2000. tical signal and array processing, higher order statistics, independent component
[30] N. Sidiropoulos and X. Liu, “Identifiability results for blind beam- analysis, identification, blind identification, and equalization.
forming in incoherent multipath with small delay spread,” IEEE Trans. Dr. De Lathauwer is an Associate Editor of the SIAM Journal on Matrix Anal-
Signal Process., vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 228–236, Jan. 2001. ysis and Applications.
[31] N. D. Sidiropoulos and G. Z. Dimić, “Blind multiuser detection in
W-CDMA systems with large delay spread,” IEEE Signal Process. Let-
ters, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 87–89, Mar. 2001.
[32] D. T. M. Slock and C. B. Papadias, “Further results on blind iden- Alexandre de Baynast (M’04) received the Diploma
tification and equalization of multiple FIR channels,” in Proc. Int. degree in electrical and computer engineering from
Conf. Acoustics, Speech, Signal Processing, May 1995, vol. 3, pp. ESME Sudria, Paris, France, in 1998, and the M.S.
1964–1967. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
[33] A. Smilde, R. Bro, and P. Geladi, Multi-way Analysis. Applications in University of Cergy-Pontoise, France, in 1999 and
the Chemical Sciences. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley, 2004. 2002, respectively.
[34] H. W. Sorenson, Parameter Estimation. New York: Marcel Dekker, From 2002 to 2006, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow
1980. with the Department of Electrical and Computer
[35] A. Stegeman and N. D. Sidiropoulos, “On Kruskal’s uniqueness Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX. In
condition for the CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition,” Lin. fall 2006, he joined the Department of Wireless
Alg. Appl., vol. 420, pp. 540–552, 2007. Networks, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, as
[36] G. Tomasi and R. Bro, “A comparison of algorithms for fitting the an Assistant Researcher. His research interests span the broad area of wireless
PARAFAC model,” Comp. Stat. Data Anal., vol. 50, pp. 1700–1734, communication and networking with special emphasis on signal processing for
2006. communication and architecture design for coding theory applications.

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