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FSLE and FSDF Joint Detectors For Long Code DS-CDMA

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Luc Vandendorpe,I;: Horlin, I: Sartenaer

Universiti catholique de Louvain, Communications and Remote Sensing Lab

Place du Levant 2, B- 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
e-mail:{vandendorpe, h o r l i n , sartenaer}@tele.ucl . a c . be

ABSTRACT PIC system for which the weights are computed to provide the best
average performance. In [9] the authors consider the downlink of
We investigate detection structures for a DS-CDMA multiuser up-
long code DS-CDMA system. They investigate the performance of
link using codes with a period of several symbols, named long
a chip rate zero forcing receiver followed by a correlator. In [IO]
codes. We first propose a multirate description of the uplink. Then
the author compares the BEP (bit error probability) in the uplink of
based on this formalism we revisit a number of popular receiver
an asynchronous and multipath DS-CDMA system, for both short
structures : rake receivers, minimum mean square error linear and
and long codes. Besides three receiver structures are compared :
decision feedback fractionally spaced detectors.
conventional, MMSE and interference cancellation for both coded
and uncoded systems. MMSE reception is considered for short
1. INTRODUCTION code systems only.
Direct sequence (DS) code division multiple access (CDMA) has In the present paper we investigate the uplink of a DS-CDMA
drawn the attention of the scientific community for a while. Re- system using periodic long codes. We first propose a multirate
cently this technique has also been selected by a number of stan- description of such a system. As stated above each symbol is
dardisation bodies, for instance in second and third generation mo- spread by a code segment which changes from symbol to sym-
bile cellular systems. In its basic principle each user is allocated bol. This multirate description maps the signal of each user with
a code and can communicate at any time on any frequency. It is periodically repeated spreading onto several parallel streams with
now widely admitted that the receiver structures which consider constant spreading. In order words it translates the serial signal
the other-users-interference as additional background noise have of each user into parallel streams which can now be described by
a performance which degrades rapidly with the number of users. means of linear operations only. Based on this formalism we re-
Besides they are highly sensitive to the near-far effect. Therefore visit nowadays popular advanced receivers like the minimum mean
a lot of attention has been paid lately to improved detection struc- square error (MMSE) linear (LE) or decision-feedback (DF) frac-
tures really taking into account the presence of other users and the tionally spaced (FS) joint detectors (JD) for long codes. We also
dispersive nature of the channels. One can cite the decorrelating comment on the matched filter or rake receiver which is the first
detector [I], the optimum detector [2], the MMSE (minimum mean step performed by the FS detectors.
square error) detector [3], decision-feedback structures [4],paral-
lel or serial interference cancellation structures, and more recently, 2. TRANSMISSION SCHEME
turbo algorithms [ 5 ] .
We assume an uplink with K users each having a user-specific
However most of the research has been devoted to DS-CDMA long code sequence of period I", chips where N, is the spread-
systems with short codes, that is to say codes which have a length ing factor (the number of chips per symbol period) and P is the
equal to the symbol period. Many standards utilize aperiodic or code period measured in symbol periods. We denote by I k ( n ) the
longer period sequences instead. In WCDMA (Wideband CDMA) symbols ofuser IC and T the symbol period. Besides Ik,mz( m l ) =
[ 6 ]a long scrambling code truncated to the 10 msec frame length is Ik (ml P f m z ) . The digital chip-rate signal produced by each user
used. It means that successive symbols of a given user are spread can be written as
by different code segments, and a certain code segment only re-
CO P-1
peats after, say, P symbols or PNc chips if the spreading factor is
denoted by N,. If short codes are used, the code used for all sym-
bols of a user is the same. It may happen that the amount of inter- m1=-cc mz=O

ference experienced by this code is high and it will stay so. When (1)
long codes are used, the interference experienced by successive The P code segments ak,mz( n )have length Nc chips. One period
symbols changes, and one may expect that in average all users will of a user-specific long code can be obtained from the concatenation
experience similar levels of interference. Only a few contributions of these P code segments. ak,mz(n).The signal received from the
address topics in the specific context of long code DS-CDMA. lcth user after propagation over the user-specific channel whose
In [7] the authors investigate a blind channel estimation method lowpass equivalent impulse response is denoted by ~ ( tis )given
for long code multiuser CDMA. They extend correlation matching by
techniques to the case where the code change rapidly from bit to m P-1
bit. In 181 the authors revisit linear parallel interference cancella- Ta,k(t) = I k , m z ( m l ) hk,m2(t-m1PNcTrz) (2)
tion (PIC) for long code scenarios. They propose a weighted linear m1=--00 m2 =o

0-7803-7041-4~01/$10.0002001 IEEE 2261

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where where the matrix inversion lemma has been used to get the last
equation. is used for transposition and conjugation. EKP
notes an identity matrix of order K P . Besides we have assumed
hk,m2 ( t )= ak,mz (n)hk(t - nTc - mzNcTc) (3) white noise with variance after presampling filter given by U;.
Equation 9 shows that the first operation performed by the equal-
is the composite impulse response resulting from the cascade of the izer is to apply a matched filter. This result is well-known [ 111
mzth code segment and the impulse response hk(t). hk(t) is the but it is its interpretation which is interesting. The matched filter
composite channel corresponding to p ( t ) , the square root raised receiver is made of a bank of K P branches, each one matched
cosine chip shaping filter with roll-off cy and the user-specific chan- to a particular code segment of a particular user. In fact, the P
nel Ck(t). The advantage of this representation by means of P parallel matched filters associated with a particular user are noth-
parallel streams, is that the code used in each stream is now time- ing but a parallel description (with P time invariant branches) of
invariant. The signal received at the basestation is obviously a single periodically time varying matched filter. The outputs of
these matched filters are downsampled to the symbol rate ( l / P T ) .
K-1 All these operations are achieved by €JH( l/z*). Then the symbol
MIMO (multi-input/multi-output) equalization is applied. It has
k=O a MIMO transfer function given by the inverse of the key power
where n , (t) is the complex envelope of an additive white gaussian
noise with one-sided power spectrum NO.
2( z ) = [ EKP + c " g ( l / z * ) g ( z ) ] . (10)
This MIMO equalizer cares about multiple access interference but
The received signal can be sampled at a rate 2/Tc without any also about the possible interference between the different code seg-
loss of information. Let us define 2PNc polyphase components ments of each user. In this MIMO filter, P outputs are associated
T k z ( k l ) as follows: with each user. Each one of these outputs is obtained by processing
the P K matched filter outputs by means a specific set of K P fil-
TkZ(kl) = ra[(2klPNc + k~)Tc/2] ters. This agains appears to be a parallel version of a time varying
K-1 m P-1 process. For a given user the P sets of K P time invariant filters
are in fact equivalent to a single set of K P time varying filters,
with period P .
(5) About the estimation errors after optimal linear joint detection
we have
with hk,mz,kz( k l - m i ) = hk,mz [ ( k l - m1)PNcTc 4-kzTc/2).
Denoting by E(z) the vector of the 2PNc z-transformed polyphase
components of the received signal, we have s-( z ) =
+u ~ 2 g ( l / z * ) g ( z ) ]
-l = =C
(1 1)
R(z) = g(z)I(z) + N_(z). (6)
The estimation errors are provided by the diagonal elements
where l ( z )is ofsize K P , H(z) ofsize 2PNc x K P andN_(z) is of of the order 0 matrix in the expansion of ( z ) as a z polynomial.
size K P and is the vectorof the 2PNc z-transformed polyphase -
components of the noise.
The DF joint detector is made of a ( K P x ZPN,) bank of forward
An FSLE JD device tries to build estimates of the symbols as fol- CJz) and of a causal feedback bank of K P x
filters, denoted by -
K P filters, denoted by -B(z) - EKP,
and builds an estimate l(z)
f b , = g z ) E(z). (7) in the following way:
where C(z) is a bank of ( K P x 2PNc) filters. If we want to
design $is IIR (infinite impulse response) linear joint detector for
an MMSE criterion we can use the orthogonality principle. Let us i(4= g Z ) E ( z ) - b ( z ) - EKP] I(z). (12)
define the vector of z-transformed estimation errors:
The feedback section processes previous decisions. However we
g(z) = L(z) -i(z). (8) assume that they are correct and hence use the original symbols.
The filter bank B ( z ) is stable, causal and monic ('1's on the main
The orthogonality principle requires zeR(z) = 0
- where &,stands diagonal of the order 0 matrix in the z expansion).
for the crossspectrum beween X ( z ) and l'(z). From the orthogo-
nality principle and the matrix inversion lemma, we get If this IIR equalizer with a causal IIR feedback section is de-
signed for an MMSE criterion, we can again use the orthogonality
principle. It comes

(9) c(z) =
- grR(')
- g&Cz)
- (13)


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With this result it appears that about the power spectrum of the
estimation error, we have (using again the matrix inversion lemma)

12- .

Considering the key power spectrum, it can be factored in the fol- I

lowing way [ 121.

- D H ( l / z * )_ -
hD(z), (15)

where matrix i\ is diagonal and D ( z ) is a causal, monic and stable

matrix transfeFfunction with causal and stable inverse. The geo-
metrical mean of powers of estimation errors will be minimized if
we select B
(z) = D-( z ) [13, 1 I]. It such a case, S (2) = A-'.
--c -c
As the power.spectrum 5 ( 2 ) is a pure diagonal matrix, it appears
-cc i

that the estimation. noise% white. The geometrical mean of pow- Figure 1 : Matched filter bound and the S N R s at the output of the
ers of estimation errors that is what we are interested in can also rake receiver (or perfect matched filter) as a function of the symbol
be computed by using the fact that ([ 121): under consideration when long codes are used, K = 5 , L = 6,
P = 32, N , = 16

About the forward filters we also have

This filter also appears to be made first of a bank of matched fil-

ters. Then it is cascaded with an anticausal bank. The feedback
section B ( z ) - E K P is also a parallel representation of a period
P time varying feedback process. The triangular nature of the or-
der 0 feedback matrix also means that each time a new decision is
available it is used for the next estimate to be computed.


Computations have been made for a system with IC = 5 ac-

tive users, BPSK (binary phase shift keying) modulation, complex Figure 2: Performance after FSLE JD and FSDF JD as a function
spreading with short Hadamard codes of length N , = 16, scram- of the symbol under consideration when long codes are used, K =
bling with Gold codes of length P x N , = 32 x 16 = 512, a 5, L = 6, P = 32, N , = 16
half root Nyquist chip shaping filter p ( t ) with roll-off 0.22. Power
control is applied in order to get the same averaged (over P sym-
bols) Eb/No = 15dB for each user. Static multipath channels compare these results with those obtained without the long code,
with L = 6 paths are used for each user, with random delays and that is to say Hadamard codes only, for the same scenario. As all
amplitudes. A typical value of the delay between the first path and symbols of a particular user now behave in a similar way, we have
the last path is 100Tc. 5 SNRs (as we have 5 users). Figure 3 reports the matched filter
Figure 1 shows the matched filter bound (MFB) and the SNRs bound (MFB) and the SNRs at the output of the matched filter as
(signal-to-noise ratios) at the output of the matched filter as a func- a function of the symbol under consideration when short codes are
tion of the symbol under~considerationwhen long codes are used. used. Figure 4 reports the performance after FSLE or FSDF JD.
The 32 SNRs associated with the first user are first given, then the It appears that for the choice of codes made here some users may
32 ones of the 2nd user, etc up to 160 as we have 5 users with experience very bad transmission conditions.
period P = 32. It tums out that for a certain average Eb/No
the different symbols of a certain users may have quite different 7. CONCLUSIONS
MFBs. Besides it also appears that the performance at the output
of the matched filter bank is rather poor in the scenario considered We have considered the uplink of a long code DS-CDMA system.
here. Figure 2 shows the performance after FSLE JD and FSDF In order to describe the signals by means of time invariant opera-
JD (assuming perfect decisions). The performance of these two tions only, or render the input cyclostationary, a multirate descrip-
detectors is quite close, and much above that of the matched fil- tion of each user-specific signal has been proposed. It can be seen
ter. It also tums out as already mentioned that not all symbols as a parallel or vector description of a periodically time-varying
have the same SNR. For the FSLE and FSDF JD, in average one process. On the basis of this formalism, the structures of MMSE
can say that all users experience a similar SNR. It is interesting to FSLE and FSDF JD have been investigated. It appeared that each


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user requires as many sets of filters as there are different code seg-
ments in the periodic long code. For the FSLE JD the filter is made
of a bank of matched filters (as many as users, K , multiplied by
code segments, P ) followed by a low rate MIMO detector. This
parallel representation of the receivers with K P outputs appears
to be equivalent to K time varying receivers, with period P. As
for the DF receiver these comments also apply to the forward fil-
ter which is however different. The feedback filter also appears to
be a parallel representation of a time-varying process.As already
pointed out in [IO] all symbols of a certain user no longer have the
same signal to noise ratio.


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