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Mobile Sheets Pro

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The Android Sheet Music Reader

User Guide
Version 1.1.0

©2015-2017 Zubersoft
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5

Getting Started........................................................................................................................... 5

Upgrading from the Original MobileSheets ........................................................................... 5

The Library Screen ................................................................................................................. 5

Importing a File ...................................................................................................................... 7

Loading Your Song.................................................................................................................. 7

Library Management................................................................................................................10

Filtering ................................................................................................................................11

Alphabet List ....................................................................................................................12

The Action Bar ......................................................................................................................13

Common Actions (No Selection) ......................................................................................13

Group Actions (No Selection)...........................................................................................14

Tab Specific Actions (No Selection)..................................................................................15

Actions For Selected Songs ..............................................................................................15

Actions for Selected Groups ............................................................................................16

Floating Toolbar ...................................................................................................................17

Configuring Tabs ..................................................................................................................18

Song Title Formatting...........................................................................................................19

Advanced Song Title Formatting ......................................................................................20

Generate Song List Formatting ............................................................................................21

Library Display Settings ........................................................................................................22

Batch Editing ........................................................................................................................24

Printing .................................................................................................................................24

File Management .....................................................................................................................26

File Storage ......................................................................................................................26

Importing Files .................................................................................................................28

Swapping Files......................................................................................................................40

Sharing and Exporting Songs................................................................................................42

Deleting Songs......................................................................................................................43

Backup and Restore .............................................................................................................44

Backing Up Your Library ...................................................................................................44

Restoring Your Library .....................................................................................................45

The Song Editor ........................................................................................................................46

The Fields Tab ..................................................................................................................46

The Files Tab ....................................................................................................................47

The Audio Tab ..................................................................................................................53

The MIDI Tab ....................................................................................................................55

Group Management.................................................................................................................61

The Group Editor ..............................................................................................................61

The Song Display ......................................................................................................................65

The Song Overlay .................................................................................................................66

The Setlist Window ..........................................................................................................74

The Bookmarks Window ..................................................................................................75

Link Points ........................................................................................................................77

Smart Buttons ..................................................................................................................80

The Audio Player ..............................................................................................................82

The Metronome Window ................................................................................................86

The Snippet Tool ..............................................................................................................90

The Quick Action Box .......................................................................................................91

Automatic Scrolling ..........................................................................................................92

The Page Slider.................................................................................................................94

Transposing ......................................................................................................................96

Text File Settings ..............................................................................................................96

Chord Pro Files .................................................................................................................99

The Text File Editor ........................................................................................................101

The Next Song Bar ..........................................................................................................103

Displaying Notes for Setlists and Songs .........................................................................105

Performance Mode ........................................................................................................107

Annotations Editor .................................................................................................................108

Groups ................................................................................................................................110

Settings Windows ..............................................................................................................112

Drawing Modes ..................................................................................................................112

Textboxes ...........................................................................................................................113


Moving and Resizing Annotations .....................................................................................114

Copying Annotations..........................................................................................................114

Toggling Annotation Groups ..............................................................................................115

Touch and Pedal Actions ........................................................................................................116

MIDI Actions ...........................................................................................................................122

Connecting Devices ................................................................................................................124

Connect Devices Using WiFi ...............................................................................................124

Connecting Devices Using Bluetooth .................................................................................126

Slave Connection Settings ..................................................................................................127

Settings and Options ..............................................................................................................128


Storage ...............................................................................................................................129

Library Settings ..................................................................................................................130

Display Settings ..................................................................................................................132

Import Settings...................................................................................................................134

Touch & Pedal Settings ......................................................................................................134

Text File Settings ................................................................................................................135

MIDI Settings ......................................................................................................................136

Backup and Restore ...........................................................................................................137

Other Settings ....................................................................................................................137

MobileSheetsPro Companion ................................................................................................139

Connecting to your tablet ..................................................................................................139

The Main Window ..............................................................................................................140

Creating and Editing Songs ................................................................................................141

Selecting and Transferring Audio Tracks .......................................................................143

MIDI Commands ................................................................................................................144

Batch Importing In The Companion App ...........................................................................145

Creating and Editing Setlists ..............................................................................................145

Creating and Editing Collections ........................................................................................147

Library Backup....................................................................................................................147

Library Restore ...................................................................................................................147

Backup Verification or Extraction ......................................................................................148


Troubleshooting .....................................................................................................................151

Welcome to MobileSheetsPro, the premier sheet music reader for the Android platform.
This user guide will help you get the most out of MobileSheetsPro by providing detailed
explanations of every screen and feature. While it’s recommended that every user read this
documentation in full, the most basic information needed to get started with
MobileSheetsPro is covered in the next section. As you will soon find, MobileSheetsPro has
a vast number of features and options, so you will most likely find yourself coming back to
this user guide once you have some experience with the application. The table of contents
at the top will help you skip right to the section you need, as well as the index at the end.

This section is going to briefly cover the essential features you need to know about to start
viewing songs in your library. If you need more information on any of the different areas of
the applications, see the more in-depth sections of the manual corresponding to those
areas. These can be found in the table of contents or by following links in the following sub-


If you are upgrading from the original MobileSheets and want to transfer your library over
to MobileSheetsPro, the process is very simple. The first step is to generate a library backup
from the original MobileSheets. To do this, access the settings screen by tapping the
Options button at the bottom of the library screen. Then, tap on the “Utilities” section on
the side, and then the select “Backup Library” option. Backing up your library in
MobileSheets is basically the same as the process for MobileSheetsPro. Once you have
generated a .msb file somewhere on your tablet’s SD card, load up MobileSheetsPro, and
use the library restore feature to restore this .msb file. After the restore finishes, you will
have access to your entire library of songs, including all annotations, bookmarks, link points,
and files. If your tablet has a limited amount of space on the SD card, and you aren’t able to
generate a backup file due to the size of your library, you can use the original MobileSheets
companion app to backup the MobileSheets library and the MobileSheetsPro companion
app to perform the library restore.


If this is your first time loading up MobileSheetsPro, your library will be empty and a help
window will be displayed linking to this manual. Once that window is closed, a prompt will
be displayed asking if you want MobileSheetsPro to manage your imported files. This is an

important setting, as it determines whether MobileSheetsPro will copy imported files into a
storage location it manages, or if it will use files from the locations you specify. If you like to
manage your files and folders yourself, select “No”, otherwise select “Yes” if you don’t want
to worry about managing files. This setting can always be changed later in the settings
screen. For more information on this, see the section on storage.

Once the prompts are gone, you will see the main library screen. The image below shows
this screen with numbered boxes corresponding to the areas of the screen you need to
know about to start viewing songs.

Figure 1 - The library screen

1. Library tabs – These tabs let you switch between the various lists of data in your
library. For this introduction, the only tab you need to care about is the songs tab.
For more information on the various tabs and their ordering, see the library
management section or the section on configuring tabs

2. Import – This button lets you quickly select one or more files to create songs from.
The import action item includes multiple ways to import files, but for now, we will be
focused on the “Local File” option. Importing files using one of the import dropdown
selections is by far the fastest way to create songs, but you will not be able to enter
detailed information or setup audio and MIDI. See the sections on importing and
batch importing for more details.
3. Active List - This list displays all items that correspond to the active tab that match
the current filters. If the list is currently displaying songs, tapping on a song will load
just that song.

Now that you are familiar with the basic layout of the library screen, the next step is to
create a song by importing a file.


For this example, a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 device will be used with a computer running
Windows 10. When the device is plugged in to the PC using a USB cable, an option will be
presented in Windows to start viewing the files on the device. This will show a Windows
Explorer window with “Internal Storage”. Double-clicking this will show the list of folders.
Create a new folder called “mspro”. Drag & drop a PDF from your PC to this folder.

Now switch to your tablet. Tap the “Quick Import” button at the top right and then tap
“Local File”. This will take you to the MobileSheetsPro file browser, which shows all of the
files and folders on your tablet’s internal storage.

Now tap on the “mspro” folder we created on the PC. You should see your PDF in this
folder. Tap on it to select it then tap the “OK” button at the bottom of the screen. You will
now see an “Import Settings” dialog. Uncheck the “auto-crop pages” checkbox if you don’t
want MobileSheetsPro to crop your document (you can always change the cropping later –
the original file is not modified), then tap “OK” to finish. Your song will now show up in the
list on the library screen.


Tap on the new song that was added to the library. The library screen will slide over and the
PDF will now be shown. To turn pages, tap the left or right sides of the screen. To access the
overlay, tap the center of the screen. A quick overview of important features will be
described below.

Figure 2 - The song overlay

1. Page slider – This slider will let you preview and jump to any page in the song. You
can also tap the numbers on the right side to enter a specific page.
2. Display mode button – Tapping this button will present you with up to four choices
for the current display mode:
a. Single Page – Shows one page at a time, and pages scroll horizontally.
b. Two Pages (Landscape only) – Displays two pages side-by-side. When
selected, an additional icon with a “1” will be shown at the bottom left of the
overlay. This lets you control how many pages are advanced at a time. This
mode is only displayed when you turn your tablet to landscape orientation.
c. Half Page – Pages advance half a page at a time. This provides a way to
preview the top of the next page while playing through the bottom of the
current page. This lets you turn pages when it’s the most convenient.
d. Vertical Scrolling – Pages are scrolled up and down, and tapping on the sides
scrolls the next section into view.

3. Page Scaling Button – This button brings up options that determine how the current
page is stretched to fill the screen. By default, the “Fit Screen” option will ensure
pages are made as large as possible without changing the aspect ratio (the image will
not be distorted). If you choose one of the other options, the page will be stretched
to fit the screen as specified.

You now know the basics for song creation and how to view a song. This barely scratches
the surface of what MobileSheetsPro has to offer though, so continue reading to learn
about the other great features that are available.

In order to get the most out of your library, it is important to understand what songs are,
how they are organized and grouped, and the fastest ways to find the songs you want. This
section will focus on the library screen and the various supported tabs that help you
organize your library.

To start, a song is composed of one or more files (images, PDF, text, or chord pro), metadata
(title, artists, albums, etc.), audio tracks, and MIDI commands. Other than having a title and
a file, everything else is optional. Songs can be grouped by attributes such as artists,
composers, albums, genres, etc, as well as setlists (ordered lists) and collections (used for
quick filtering). The same song can show up in many different groups – there is no limit. The
more details you add to songs, the more options there are for filtering and quickly locating
them. By default, the library has the following tabs at the top:

[Recent] [Songs] [Setlists] [Collections] [Artists] [Albums] [Genres]

These are the most commonly used tabs, but there are other supported tabs as well, such as
composers, keys, and bookmarks. To learn about selecting which tabs to display and their
order, consult the section on configuring tabs. The different types of tabs will be explained
below, as well as the data they hold.

• Recent – Displays a list of all songs and setlists that been recently created and/or
loaded. This lets you easily keep track of what songs and setlists you have recently
accessed, and also provides a mechanism to let you quickly load any of those items if
you wish to play them again. Tapping on any entry in this list immediately loads that
song or setlist.
• Songs – Displays all songs in the library. By default, songs are sorted alphabetically
and split up by the letter they start with (sorting and filtering will be discussed later).
Filtering can be used to quickly find songs in this list, as well as the alphabet list.
• Setlists – Displays all setlists in the library. A setlist is an ordered list of songs. When
a setlist is loaded, all songs are loaded at once, which lets you easily page between
those songs without interruption. This is perfect for performances where you know
the order of the songs you will be playing and want them all accessible at once.
• Collections – Displays all collections in the library. A collection is a list of songs that is
primarily used for filtering purposes, but like other group types, can also be used just
to organize lists of songs. Collections can be used to divide the library based on the
types of songs you want visible. For example, if you play in multiple bands,
collections can be used to create mini-libraries only containing songs that pertain to
each band. This lets you switch what songs are listed with a couple taps. Filtering by
collections will be covered in the section on filtering.

• Artists/Albums/Genres/Composers/Source Types/Keys/Signatures/Years – All of
these tabs are used to group songs based on a particular field. Songs can be
associated with one or more of each of these types. For example, a song can be
associated with multiple artists if needed or no artists if that field isn’t populated in
the song. Tapping on an entry in one of these lists will view the list of songs
associated with that entry. Tapping on “Load All” will load all songs for viewing at
once, whereas tapping an individual entry will load just that song.
• Custom Group – This is a special tab in the sense that it can be named whatever you
want. For example, if you want to group songs by instrument, you can change the
custom group name to “Instruments” in the settings and this will tab will then read
“Instruments”. Beyond the custom name, this tab behaves exactly like all other song
groups listed above.
• Bookmarks – This tab shows all bookmarks that have been created and made visible
on the library screen. Tapping on a bookmark will load the song that owns that
bookmark, and will jump to the bookmarked page. More details about bookmarks
can be found in the bookmarks section.

MobileSheetsPro lets you enter as much or as little information as you desire for each song.
This flexibility lets each user determine what information is critical for organizing their
library. What is really important is the ability to quickly locate any song when needed. The
next section will cover the various supported methods of filtering and locating songs.


At the top of the library screen, the following row of controls can be seen:

Figure 3 - The various filters

This collection of controls provides a number of different ways to filter the current list of
entries on the library screen. The various filtering mechanisms are explained below:

• Search: The search field can be used to filter the list so that only entries that match
the search phrase will be shown. The default search type is “All Fields”, which means
that the search phrase is compared against every field of every song. This means that
if you type “abc”, a song whose title contains “abc” will be shown as well as another
song whose artist is “abc”. If you select a specific field to search against, such as
“Album”, then only that field will be considered when matches are found. When
viewing group types, the search text is compared against both the group and all of its

songs to ensure that it either has a matching title or contains at least one song that
• Source: Filters on one or more matching source types.
• Key: Filters on one or more matching keys
• Collection: Applies a filter based on collection. Four different filter modes are
supported – Include, Exclude, Unassigned and Assigned. These types are explained
o Include - Every song must be included in one of the selected collections to be
o Exclude – Songs are only shown if they have not been added to any of the
selected collections.
o Unassigned – Only songs that have not been added to a collection are shown.
o Assigned – Only songs that have been added to a collection are shown.
• Diff: Filters on difficulty. Only songs with a matching difficulty will be shown.
• Genre: Filters on one or more matching genres.
• Rating: Filters on rating. Only songs with a matching rating will be shown.

• : Provides a list of additional filters, including keywords, custom, custom2,

metronome and audio filters. The first three are text fields, much like the search text
described earlier, and the text entered must match the values in the songs for them
to be shown. The other listed fields are group types such as composers which
behave like the others listed above. Metronome is a filter that can be used to check
if songs have had their metronome settings configured or not. Audio files is a filter
that can be used to check if songs have associated audio. The “Clear additional
filters” button will clear any selections made on this dialog. While any additional
filters are present, the circle icon will be colored green.

• : Initiates a voice search. Any entries that match the spoken words will be shown
in a popup window. Tap on one of the entries to accept that selection (equivalent to
tapping on that entry in the list). Tap outside the window to cancel the voice search.

• : Clears any filters.


In addition to the filters described above, another import tool is the alphabet list. At the
right side of every list on the library screen is a list of letters. This list is referred to as the
“alphabet list” and is composed of letters that entries in the list start with. Tapping on any
of these letters will scroll items starting with that letter into view. Tapping on the ‘?’ in the
alphabet list will select a random item from those in the list. If a filter is applied to the list,
reducing the number of items, the characters in the alphabet list will change to reflect the

items in the filtered list. You can also long press a letter in the list and a second list of letters
will be displayed. This second list is composed of all of the second letters of words that
started with the first letter. You can tap any of those letters to be taken to the first word
that starts with those two letters, or you can long press one of those to be shown the third
letter of every word that started with those two letters. In this way, you can drill down to
find a specific group of words very quickly by long pressing. For example, if a song title
started with the word “Lucky”, you could long press “L” followed by “U” and then tap “C” to
be taken straight to that section. In most cases, the second letter is all that is required to
find the desired song.

Now that you have the necessary tools to filter entries, the actions that can be taken on
those entries will be covered.


At the top of the library screen you will see a row of icons and text with a blue background.
This section is known as the action bar. The action bar reflects what actions are available for
the current tab and, if items are selected, what actions can be performed on those items. If
you long press an item in the list, it will start the multi-selection mode, which puts
checkboxes next to the items to show which ones are selected. When this occurs, the action
bar will display different actions that can be performed on these items. For the songs tab,
this would include actions like “Copy Song” or “Edit Song”. To exit multi-selection mode
without performing any actions, hit the tablet back button or tap the checkmark at the left
side of the action bar. If an action cannot fit at the top of the screen or is not a frequently
used action, it will show up in the overflow menu, which is accessible through the icon at
the top right of the screen. Tap this icon to see additional commands in a dropdown menu.

While there are a large number of actions spread across the tabs, most of the actions are
the same for tabs of the same type (i.e. groups like artists and albums). Common actions for
songs, groups and setlists will be covered below, as well as actions that are specific to
certain tabs.


• New – Creates a new instance of whatever type is specified by the selected tab. If
the Songs or Recent tab is selected, tapping this action will display the song editor
screen, letting you create a new song. If you are on another tab such as Setlists,
Artists or Albums, tapping this action will create a new group of the selected type
and take you to the group editor.

• Import – Provides a number of different ways to quickly create songs from files.
While this is the fastest way to create songs, most of the options will create songs
without metadata, audio files or MIDI commands. These fields would need to be
added by editing the songs in the song editor. The import action supports importing
from the local tablet SD card, Dropbox, Google Drive and external applications.
There is also a batch import feature that can import all files from a selected directory
and sub-directories, and a batch audio import feature for creating blank songs from
audio files. Lastly, a CSV and PDF bookmark import feature is available to split up
large PDFs into a list of songs with relative ease. All of these options are covered in
more detail in the import section. The import action is only available on the Recent,
Songs, Setlists and Collections tabs. If used on the Setlists tab with an active setlist
(meaning you are viewing the list of songs for a setlist), any new songs will be added
to the active setlist. The same applies for Collections on the Collections tab.
• Add Placeholder – Creates a new song with the title you provide with a single blank
page in it. This can be used to create and prepare a song that will later contain a real
file instead of blank pages.
• Connect Devices – Allows multiple devices to be connected using wifi or bluetooth.
The master device can load songs and setlists, and turn pages on the slave devices.
See the section on connecting devices for more information.
• Sync to PC – Initiates a connection to the MobileSheetsPro Companion App. The
companion app can be used to manage the tablet library on a Windows PC.
• Manual – Downloads the latest version of the manual (if necessary) and opens it
inside MobileSheetsPro.
• Settings – Enters the settings screen for MobileSheetsPro. These settings can help
you get the most out of MobileSheetsPro by changing the behavior of the


• Edit – If no group has been tapped (meaning the list of groups is displayed), tapping
this action will enter the group editor for the currently selected tab. If a group has
been tapped (meaning the group’s songs are displayed), tapping this action will edit
the selected group.
• Sort – When viewing the list of groups on a given tab, you can sort the list by “A-Z’,
“Date Created” and “Date Modified”. When a group is tapped to view its songs, you
can also sort the list of songs inside the group. The song sorting options include
“Manual”, “A-Z”, “Shuffle”, “Date Created” and “Date Modified”. Manual sorting
means that the order of the songs is user specified, A-Z sorting means that songs are
ordered alphabetically and shuffle randomly orders songs. The sorting selection is

saved per group. When MobileSheetsPro is exited, the order of a shuffled group will
change the next time the application is loaded.
a. Reshuffle – If the sort mode is currently “Shuffle”, this will reshuffle the list.


• Recent Tab
a. Clear List – Clears all of the recent entries from the list.
• Songs Tab
a. Sort – Changes the way songs are sorted in the tab. The selections include “A-
Z”, “Date Created” and “Date Modified”, or the option to sort on one of the
song fields such as Custom. You can also toggle whether the sort is ascending
or descending (i.e. A-Z versus Z-A)


Common (One song selected):

• Edit Song – Displays the song editor to begin editing the selected song.
• Copy Song – Creates a copy of the selected song in the song editor that can be
modified before adding it to the library.
• Swap File – Swaps out one of the song’s files for another. The process for swapping a
file is covered in more detail in the section on file swapping.
• View/Edit Notes – Displays a dialog containing notes entered for the given song.
These notes can also be viewed through a button on the song display screen.
• Load Start of Song – Loads the given song and starts at the first page. This is
normally the default behavior, but if the “Always Load Last Viewed Page” setting is
enabled, this is a quick way to load the first page of the song.
• Load Last Viewed Page - Loads the given song and displays the last page that was

Common (One or more songs selected):

• Edit - Opens the batch edit dialog to change the metadata for multiple songs at once.
• Delete Song – Deletes the selected songs from the library and optionally deletes the
files associated with them. The songs will be removed from any groups that were
referencing them. More details can be found in the section on deleting songs.
• Share – Tapping this action will display a list of supported ways to share or export
the selected songs. This list will include any external apps that support sharing as
well as options like Bluetooth or “Copy to Clipboard”. More details can be found in
the sections on sharing songs, .msf files and exporting songs and setlists.

• Add to Setlist – Provides a list of setlists to choose from and adds all selected songs
to the selected setlist.
• Remove from Setlist – Provides a list of setlists to choose from and removes all
selected songs from the selected setlist.
• Add to Collection – Provides a list of collections to choose from and adds all selected
songs to the selected collection.
• Remove from Collection – Provides a list of collections to choose from and removes
all selected songs from the selected collection.
• Create Setlist From Songs – Creates a new setlist and adds the selected songs to it.
You must enter the name for the new setlist.
• Create Collection From Songs – Creates a new collection and adds the selected
songs to it. You must enter the name for the new collection.
• Print – Uses one of the installed print services on the device to print the selected
songs. See the section on printing for more information.

It should be noted that if you are viewing a group’s list of songs, and you select one or more
songs, you will see a “Remove” option at the top instead of “Delete Song”. This will remove
all selected songs from the currently viewed list. A “Delete Song from Library” action is
available at the end of the overlay menu instead if you wish to delete the song. Additionally,
all of the options from “Add to Setlist” and below are also available when viewing a group’s
list of songs without any selections. In this case, all of the group’s songs are used for the


Common (One group selected):

• Edit – Loads the Group Editor for the selected group.

• Copy – Prompts for a new name, and copies all of the songs of the selected group
into a new group with the provided name.
• Rename – Renames the selected group.

Common (One or more groups selected):

• Delete – Deletes all selected groups. This does not delete the songs they contain – it
just updates those songs by removing their references to the groups.
• Share (Setlist only) – Displays options for sharing or exporting a selected setlist into
a .mss or .msf file. If one of the share options is selected, the resulting file can be
shared using the application you select. See the section on sharing songs and setlists
for more details. If one of the export options is selected, it will write the selected

setlist into a .mss or .msf file stored on the tablet’s SD card. See the section on
exporting songs and setlists for more details.
• Add Songs to Setlist – Adds all of the selected group’s songs to a given setlist.
• Add Songs to Collection – Adds all of the selected group’s songs to a given
• Remove Songs from Setlist – Removes all of the selected group’s songs from a given
• Remove Songs from Collection – Removes all of the selected group’s songs from a
given collection.
• Create Setlist from Songs – Creates a new setlist from the songs of the selected
• Create Collection from Songs – Creates a new collection from the songs of the
selected groups.

Setlist Tab:

• Generate Song List – Sends the setlist’s list of songs (as text) to the program you
select. Unlike the main sharing feature that generates files to be shared, this feature
just generates a list of song titles that can be placed into an email or written to a
document. The format of the title that is used for each song can be controlled
through the Generate Song List Format dialog.
• Load Start of Setlist – Loads the selected setlist at the first page of the first song.
• Load Last Viewed Page – Loads the selected setlist at the page that was last viewed
when the setlist was loaded.


At the bottom right corner of the library screen, a floating toolbar with icons can be seen.
The toolbar can be seen in figure 4 below:

Figure 4 - The Floating Toolbar

These icons are explained below in order from left to right:

• View Previous Button – If a group was selected in the list, and songs are being
displayed, tapping this button will go back to viewing the list of groups.
• Performance Mode – Tapping on the performance mode button will enable
performance mode and turn the button orange. In performance mode, most

features are disabled except for page turning and the quick action box. See the
section on the song display and performance mode for more details.
• Enable/Disable Filters – Tapping this button will show or hide the filters at the top of
the library screen.
• View Last Song – If a song was loaded, tapping this button will go from the library
screen back to the song display to continue viewing that song.

It should be noted that the toolbar can be hidden in the library settings if desired.


Both the number of tabs shown and their order can be configured in MobileSheetsPro on
the settings screen. To access the tab order dialog, load the Settings through the action bar
overflow menu then tap on “Tab Order” item under “Library Settings”. The following dialog
will be displayed:

Figure 5 - The Tab Order Dialog

The left list shows tabs that are currently visible on the library screen. The right list shows all
tabs that are currently not being shown. A tab can be added to the list by either tapping the
entry in the right list, or by dragging the tab name from the right list to the left list. Tabs can
be reordered by dragging the up/down arrow boxes in the left list up and down. Tabs that

are currently visible can be removed by tapping the “X” next to their name in the left list. To
accept changes to the tab ordering, tap the OK button at the bottom of the dialog.


When songs are displayed on the library screen, they normally show data from a couple of
fields, namely the title on the top row and “artists – albums” on the row below it (referred
to as the caption). This formatting can be configured to include any fields you want in any
format you want. You can also hide the caption if you only want one row of text per song.
To change the song title formatting, go the Settings->Library Settings, and tap the “Song
Title Formatting” option. The following dialog will be displayed:

Figure 6 - Song Title Format Dialog

The title format text is set up so that any fields you want included have to be inside “%”
characters. Any text outside of those characters is shown normally. So, for example, you
could create a format such as %TITLE% - [%KEYS%] if you wanted to the title to show up as
something like, “New Song [Gb]”. If you don’t want the caption displayed below the title,
uncheck the “Show Caption” checkbox. The “Use formatted title for sorting” checkbox
determines whether a song’s original title is used for sorting or the formatted title chosen
on the dialog. This is very important if a field other than title is used at the beginning of the
title format. If either the “Title Format” or “Caption Format” fields are tapped, the following
dialog is displayed:

Figure 7 - Title Format Dialog

This dialog provides an easier way to build a format string. You can tap the fields you want
displayed and the separators you want between them by tapping the appropriate buttons.
An example output is shown to give you an idea of what your format will look like on the
library screen. Tap OK to accept your changes to the format, and you will see the title
format on the first dialog update to reflect the changes.


If you want to have a song title format that can dynamically account for missing fields and
display different content depending upon conditions, you will want to take advantage of the
more advanced syntax that can be used. The basic pattern for the advanced syntax is shown

%FIELD: text if field is not empty | text if field is empty%

FIELD can be any of the values shown in Figure 7, such as ARTISTS, ALBUMS, GENRES,
COMPOSERS or KEYS. The “text if field is not empty” section can be composed of any words
or symbols, other fields or a special ${VALUE} keyword that is used to insert the value of the
field listed by FIELD. For example, if the section was defined as “_${VALUE}_” and the field
value was “Bach”, then it would show up as “_Bach_”. Each field can contain multiple values
though, and by default, these are separated by commas. So if the field instead contained

both Bach and Chopin, it would be “_Bach, Chopin_”. The separator between multiple
values can be specified as part of the VALUE keyword by placing the separator after the
word VALUE but inside the braces. If instead of commas a slash should be used to separate
values, the following could be used: ${VALUE/}. It should be noted that you can use other
fields (or even complex conditional statements) inside of either the “text if field is not
empty” or “text if field is empty” sections. This would be done by specifying the field inside
${} as seen with VALUE. If you wanted to show Key when ARTIST is defined, but Genre when
it is not, you could do the following:


Furthermore, if you wanted to show keys when artist is defined, and if keys is not defined,
show signatures, you could do:


This demonstrates that you can nest complex statements if needed for very dynamic
behavior. It should be noted that the text if not empty statement is optional – if you only
want behavior when a field is not empty, you can use just the first section, i.e. $FIELD:[text if
not empty]|

A common scenario for using an advanced statement would be to hide a separator if the
first value is empty. For example, using the default %ARTISTS% - %ALBUMS%, if ARTISTS is
empty, a “ - “ will be shown before the albums, and if albums is also empty, only the dash
will be shown. This could be avoided with the following format string:


With this format, a dash will still be present after artists even if albums is empty. This makes it
easy to tell which field is missing. If you would rather only ever show the separator when both
values are present, the following would be necessary:


While most users will not need to take advantage of the advanced syntax format, it provides
a powerful set of options for those that want complete control over the song formatting on
the library screen.


When a setlist is used to generate a song list, the way in which songs are printed in this list
can be controlled. Much like the song title format dialog, there is a dialog for the generate
song list formatting that determines what fields are included and in what format. The dialog

can be accessed by going to the Settings->Library Settings->Generate Song List Format. The
dialog is shown below:

Figure 8 - The Generate Song List Format Dialog

If you want the setlist title included with the list, check the “Show Group Title” checkbox. If
you want to modify the song title format, tap the text field next to “Title Format”. A Title
Format Dialog will be displayed (the same as used with the song title formatting). There are
two fields that can be typed in that are not supported for song title formatting:

• %PAGE_ORDER% - The page order for the first file in the song
• %CAPO% - The capo value used if the song contains a text or chord pro file

Tap OK to accept the changes and return to the library screen.


A number of settings are available that can change the appearance and behavior of the
library screen. These include:

• Alphabet letter size

• Song title formatting
• Custom Tab Name
• Alternate Row Color
• Library Text Size
• Tab Order
• Ignoring Articles While Sorting (and the articles to ignore)
• Initial Library Tab
• Text Alignment
• Show Floating Toolbar
• Normalize Characters
• Show Number of Songs
• Skip Viewing Groups with One Song

There is a comprehensive list of all of the settings with explanations in the library display
settings. It is highly recommended that users learn about the various settings that are


If multiple songs are selected on the library screen and “Edit” is tapped, the batch edit
dialog will be displayed, as shown below. This dialog allows the metadata of multiple songs
to be modified at the same time. Fields that are different between the selected songs are
highlighted in red.

Figure 9 - Batch editing multiple songs


If a song is selected and the print option is selected from the action bar overflow menu, a
new print screen will be displayed. This can be seen in the screenshot below. This printing
support was added to the Android OS in version 5.0, so tablets running 4.4 (KitKat) will see
something different, but the selections are mostly the same. A print service can be selected
from the dropdown at the top left of the screen. This print service determines how the

document is sent to the printer. Some print services support printing over ethernet while
others only support printing over the cloud. As printing options are changed at the top of
the screen, all of the pages will be re-rendered to display the effects of those changes.
Additional settings can be shown by tapping the down arrow at the center of the top
section. Once all selections have been made, printing can be completed by tapping the print
button at the top right.

Figure 10 - The Printing Screen (Android 5.0 and later)

File storage and access is a very important, but somewhat complex, topic in
MobileSheetsPro. This section aims to cover the following in detail:

• File storage settings and their impact on importing files

• Supported file types
• The different methods of importing files and creating songs
• Sharing songs
• Deleting songs and their files
• Backing up and restoring your library


The first thing that must be covered when discussing file storage is a setting titled, “Let
MobileSheets Manage My Files”. This setting can be found on the settings screen under the
Storage section. When this setting is checked, MobileSheetsPro will make copies of
imported files and place them into its storage directory. The storage directory can be
specified by tapping the “Set the MobileSheets Storage Location” setting. The dialog for
setting the storage location is displayed below:

Figure 11 - The storage location dialog

Tapping the folder icon will display the file browser so that you may pick a folder to store
your library in. The file browser is explained in detail in the section on importing files.
Tapping the SD card icon will instruct MobileSheetsPro to cycle through any potential
removable SD cards on your device. Tapping the SD card multiple times will cycle through all
available choices, where the last choice is the default storage location on the internal tablet
SD card. If MobileSheetsPro is unable to identify your external SD card correctly, you may
have to use the file browser to locate it.

When a new storage location is chosen, and “Let MobileSheets Manage My Files” is
checked, you will be asked to confirm the selection, as all files in the previous storage
location will be moved to the new one. While it is possible to uncheck the “Manage My
Files” setting and then change the storage location, this is usually not recommended, as
MobileSheetsPro will no longer be able to properly manage the old files.

If you do not want MobileSheetsPro to manage your files, then you must manage your own
files and folders. MobileSheetsPro will not attempt to copy files or move them. It is
important to note that the MobileSheetsPro storage location is still important for several

• Files imported from online/cloud sources such as email and Dropbox will be copied
to the storage location. MobileSheetsPro is designed so that an internet connection
is not required to load any songs, so that an internet connection is not required for
performances. In order to support this, files must be available on an SD card
(whether internal or external).
• MobileSheetsPro stores all song metadata (including annotations) in a database file.
This database file is stored in a private application storage location by default, but if
the “Expose Database File” setting is checked, the database will be stored in the
MobileSheetsPro storage location.

One last important thing to mention about file storage is that, when MobileSheetsPro is
managing your files, there is the potential for conflicts with file paths. If the “Create
Subdirectories For Songs” setting is enabled, file conflicts can be eliminated by ensuring that
all songs have unique titles. Otherwise, all imported files must have unique names. This is
because all imported files will be copied to the same location, and files would overwrite
each other if their names are not unique.


If MobileSheetsPro is installed on a tablet that is running Android 4.3 or lower, using a

removable SD card is the exact same as using an internal SD card. Files and folders on the
removable SD card can be created and edited without any restrictions. If the tablet is
running Android 4.4 (KitKat), Google has restrictions in place that limit applications from
writing to removable SD cards. The only directory that can be written to is as follows:

<path to removable sd card>/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files

If the SD card icon is tapped in the “MobileSheets Storage Location” dialog, this is the
directory that is automatically chosen if a removable SD card is found. It is important to note
that this limitation is only for write access. If it is only necessary to read files off a removable
SD card, then there are no limitations to which directories you can use.

Google has changed the restrictions for Android 5.0 and higher. If you try to select a
directory on a removable SD card, the file browser will prompt you to select the removable
SD card in Google’s file chooser window (this is required to grant access). The following
instructions will be shown:

Figure 12 - Instructions for selecting the removable SD card

The steps are fairly simple – just tap the overflow menu, show the SD card if needed, tap the
SD card to select it, and then tap the select button. It is important to note that your SD card
will have a different name than “3861-3764”, and it’s different for every device. Once the
location is selected and access is granted to the SD card, you will be able to choose any
directory you want on the SD card. You can use it as the storage location, export files to it,
or create backup files on it. It should be noted that writing to the removable SD card is much
slower if a folder is used other than <path to removable sd
card>/Android/data/com.zubersoft.mobilesheetspro/files. This is because MobileSheetsPro
is given direct access to that location without needing to go through a special interface. Any
other directory will go through Google’s Storage Access Framework, which is much slower.

If MobileSheetsPro is unable to detect your removable SD card, and the file browser states
that the directories on the removable SD card are read-only, then you will have to manually
provide access to the SD card. To do this, tap the overflow menu at the top right of the file
browser, and select “Set SD Card”. You will have to go through the same steps described
above. After you’ve selected the SD card in Google’s file chooser, you should then be able to
select folders on the SD card.


MobileSheetsPro supports a number of different ways to import files. Before exploring all of
the different options, it’s important to discuss what kinds of files are supported.


There are four basic types of files supported:

• Images – Includes .jpg, .gif, .png, .bmp and .webp

• PDF - .pdf files
• Text - .txt files
• Chord Pro - .cho, .crd, .chordpro, .chopro, and .pro

Freehand files (.fh) are also supported, but they will be converted into .png files during the
import process. It is important to note that text and chord pro files have a number of
significant differences from image and PDF files:

• The appearance of text and chord pro files in MobileSheetsPro can be configured
through the text file display settings dialog. This can have a large impact on how the
files appear on the screen. Image and PDF files cannot be configured in this way.
• Text and chord pro files do not have a fixed size or number of pages in
MobileSheetsPro. If you change the font size or other properties, the number of
pages may change, and content may appear in different areas. Image and PDF files
have a fixed number of pages and do not support changing properties such as font
• Text and chord pro files support both transposing and capos to change the keys of
the songs. Image and PDF files do not support transposing or capos.
• Text and chord pro files cannot be rotated, and there is no option to change the
page ordering (as the number of pages can change). These features are supported
for both images and PDFs.

When importing multiple image files, whether through quick import or batch importing, file
names are very important for determining if the images will be joined into one song, or
placed in separate songs. In order for multiple image files to be joined into one song, their
file names must be nearly identical with a different number at the end (i.e. MySong1.png
and MySong2.png).

MobilesheetsPro introduces a new custom file format called .msf (MobileSheets Song File).
A .msf file contains either a list of songs or setlists. For each song, all files the song uses are
bundled in the .msf file as well as any information stored in the database. It’s basically a
direct copy of the song in your library with all settings intact. For setlists, all songs the
setlists use are packaged in their entirety. This makes .msf a very useful format for exporting
or sharing songs with band members. Just remember that while .msf files can easily be
imported through the quick import mechanism, there is no way to extract the PDFs or other
files embedded in them outside of MobileSheetsPro.

MobileSheetsPro also introduces a file format called .mss (MobileSheets Setlist Songs)
which is XML based and can be viewed/edited in a text editor if needed. This file format
contains just a list of songs in the setlist along with information about the file each song
uses. When this file is imported on another device, it will try to create the same setlist with
matching songs found in its library. If no matching song is found, it will be skipped and not
added to the setlist.


Many different features in MobileSheetsPro require the user to select a file or folder off
their device. In order to handle this, MobileSheetsPro comes with a custom file browser.
The browser is made up of several different areas as can be seen below:

Figure 13 - The File Browser

The top of the browser is composed of icons along the action bar. These icons are explained

Displays a text input field for filtering the current list of files and folders. As
you type in letters, the list of files and folders will be reduced to only those
which match the search phrase.
Changes the file browser to look at files and folders on the tablet’s SD card. If
you are currently viewing files and folders on the SD card, tapping this will
have no effect.
Changes the file browser to look at files and folders on Dropbox. You may be
prompted to accept the connection to Dropbox and log in to a specific
account. This information is saved so that you don’t have to repeat it every
time you access Dropbox. If you ever need to change this account, you can
do so through the storage settings screen.
Changes the file browser to view files on Google Drive. You will be prompted
to choose the Google account to use to connect. This account will be saved
for further use.

The overflow menu also exposes these additional actions:

• Home – Switches the file browser back to the first folder it was viewing when it was
loaded. It’s important to note that the file browser will save the last folder you were
in after selecting files. This is always the first folder shown.
• Reload – Reloads the list of files from the current folder.
• Sort – Changes which property is used for sorting (name, size or date) and whether
the list should be in ascending order or descending
• Grid view – Switches the file browser to a grid based display. The list will be split into
multiple columns on the screen. This option will switch to “List view” after being
selected. Selecting “List view” will switch it back to the default.
• New folder – Creates a new folder inside the currently viewed folder. Note: not all
locations will let you create a folder in them. Some folders such as Root are read-
only. You must go to a writeable directory such as /sdcard in order to create a folder.
• Select None – Deselects all items in the current list
• Select All – Selects all items in the current list

To select one or more files or folders, just tap on the items in the list. You will see a
checkbox next to their name indicating that they are selected. When you are ready to
accept your selections, tap the OK button at the bottom of the screen.


The quick import feature is by far the fastest way to import new files if you don’t need to
enter detailed information up front for each song and only need to import files from a single
directory. The quick import menu on the library screen supports seven different actions:

• Local File
• Dropbox
• Google Drive
• External/Cloud
• Batch Import
• Batch Audio Import
• CSV or PDF Bookmarks

Each option will be discussed in full below.


Selecting the local file option will launch a file browser so that one or more files can be
selected. After a selection has been made, the following dialog will be shown:

Figure 14 - Import Settings Dialog

The first dropdown is used to determine how the songs created during import will be
named. There are two choices:

• Guess Title From Filename – File names will be converted to a more user-friendly
title. Underscores will be replaced by spaces, and words that are joined together
such as “MyNewSong” will become “My New Song”.
• Use Filename as Title – The title of all songs will match their files without the
extension (i.e. “my_song.pdf” would become a song titled “my_song”)

The “Automatically crop pages” checkbox determines if all imported files will be cropped to
eliminate margins. Cropping in MobileSheetsPro does not change the original file – it just
draws the file on screen without the margins. Additional information about cropping can be
found in the section on cropping.

The “Duplicate File Behavior” dropdown specifies what action should be taken if a file is
imported that exactly matches an existing file in name, size, and content. There are two
possible choices:

• Create New Song From Existing File – If this is selected, a new song will still be
created from the imported file, but it will reuse the existing file that is already there
instead of overwriting it with the duplicate.
• Ignore Duplicate Files – Any file that is a duplicate will be ignored during the import

The bottom section of the dialog lets you assign the new songs to any groups in the library.

If you need to create a new group of any type, you can do so by tapping the icon next to
the appropriate dropdown.

After tapping OK, the import will proceed, and a dialog will show the results at the end.


The process for quick importing from Dropbox and Google Drive is almost identical to the
local file option. If this is your first time accessing Dropbox or Google Drive, you may need to
select the account to use. After selecting the files you want, MobileSheetsPro will download
these to a temporary storage location. After accepting selections on the import settings
dialog, the files will be copied to the MobileSheetsPro storage location like normal.


When the external/cloud option is picked, a request is sent out to the tablet to display any
applications that support choosing files. On a tablet running Lollipop (Android 5.0), you will
see a brand new file chooser that Google uses to handle this:

Figure 15 - Google's File Chooser

This window provides a way to import files from a variety of locations and applications. If
you are running earlier versions of the Android OS, you will be presented with a list of
applications to choose from. After making your selection, you will be returned to
MobileSheetsPro and the import settings dialog will be shown. From that point on, the steps
are the same as a local file import.


When the batch import option is selected, the following screen will be displayed:

Figure 16 - The Batch Import Screen

This dialog comes with a number of settings, and each will be explained below.

• Import Directories – The directories that files will be imported from. Tap the folder
icon to select the folders in the file browser.
• File Filter – A search filter that can determine what files will be imported. For
example, if you wanted to only import PDFs, you could enter *.PDF.
• Scan all subdirectories for files – If checked, all child directories inside the import
directories will also be scanned for files.
• Avoid duplicate songs – If checked, new songs will not be created from duplicate
files that already exist in the library. Other settings can affect MobileSheetPro’s
ability to identify duplicate songs, such as changing the “Create Subdirectory For
Songs” settings, as a new song would store its file in a different directory if this
setting was changed.
• Update songs if matching files are found – If a file is not a duplicate, but would
overwrite an existing file, this setting determines if MobileSheetsPro should update

the song using the file after it is replaced (to handle differences between the files).
This setting can reduce the number of user actions that need to be taken during the
import (to handle file conflicts) if you know you are replacing existing files.
• Automatically crop pages - Determines if all imported files will be cropped to
eliminate margins. Additional information about cropping can be found in the
section on cropping.
• Populate Metadata from Directories – Determines if metadata for the songs will be
populated using the names of the directories containing the files. The song fields
that are populated depend upon the metadata format string which is explained in
the next section.
• Title: See the import settings dialog description here.
• Keywords: A list of words that will be placed into the keywords field of every new
• Custom: The value to put in the custom field of every new song.
• All groups at the bottom: All new songs will be placed into any groups that you
select from the dropdowns. New groups can be added by tapping the icons and

groups can be deleted by tapping the icon.

After tapping start at the top right, a progress dialog will be shown indicating what file is
currently being imported. Depending upon the number and size of the files being imported,
this can take a while. Note that if you turn on “Automatically crop pages”, the import
process will take much longer. Once the import is complete, a dialog will be shown
displaying the results of the import.

Populating Metadata from Directories

The batch import supports the ability to populate song metadata fields from the names of
directories containing files. Each part of the metadata string represents the field that should
be populated for the sub-directory at that depth. For example, if the format is
%ARTIST%/%ALBUM%/%GENRE%, the first sub-directory is used for the artist field for all
files in that folder. All folders in that folder would be used for album, and any folders under
those folders would be used for genre. Any further sub-directories would not be used for
metadata. It is important to note that you do not have to have the same number of sub-
directories as you do metadata format sections. Given the previous example, if only one
level of sub-directories is used, then only artist will be populated.

If the metadata format field is tapped, the following dialog is displayed to allow editing of
the format field:

Figure 17 - Metadata Format Dialog

Current entries can be removed by tapping the delete button at the top right. Additional
fields can be added by tapping on them. Tap OK to accept all changes to the format string.


The batch audio import screen is identical to the normal batch import screen, and all
settings operate the same way. The only difference is that a batch audio import only targets
audio files such as .mp3 or .wav files. For each audio file that is found, a song will be created
with a blank page and the audio file will be added to that song. This allows MobileSheetsPro
to be used just for audio playback while still utilizing all of the library organization features.


The CSV and PDF bookmark features are extremely powerful tools for splitting up PDFs that
contain a large list of songs. After the “CSV or PDF Bookmarks” option is tapped, the file
browser will be shown so that a .csv or .pdf file can be selected. After a valid file is selected,
the following dialog will be displayed:

Figure 18 - CSV or PDF Bookmark Import Dialog

This dialog allows one or more songs to be selected that will be created with the supplied
information. Checkboxes at the bottom left allow for more or less detail to be displayed,
and pages can optionally be cropped upon import. When a PDF file is selected, the
bookmarks in the file will be used to create sections, where each section is the number of
pages between the bookmarks. If bookmarks have been created for every song, this is a
convenient and fast way to only select the songs that are needed from the file. Further
refinement of pages can be made in the song editor if required.

CSV files provide much more functionality than PDF bookmarks. A .csv file is nothing more
than a text file with values that are delimited by a certain character such as a comma or
semi-colon. The first line of the file specifies the order of the song fields that will be
populated, while each line after that specifies the details for a song. The example shown in
figure 17 was generated from the following CSV file:


In this example, the first line specifies that song title comes first, then the range of pages
used from the source PDF, then the list of composers and finally the difficulty. When a list of
values is supplied, it must be delimited by a | character, as is used above to separate
ComposerA and ComposerB. Fields can be skipped for a song by providing no value other
than a semi-colon, as seen for SongB which doesn’t specify any composers or a difficulty.
The last thing that should be mentioned is that two columns are always required: title and
pages. These must be put somewhere on the first line, and every song must provide these
values. The full list of supported field names is shown below:

CSV Field Name Description

title The title for the song
artists The list of artists
albums The list of albums
genres The list of genres
composers The list of composers
source types The list of source types
custom groups The list of custom groups
keys The list of keys
signatures The list of signatures
custom The value for the custom field
custom2 The value for the custom2 field
tempos The list of tempos (numeric)
difficulty The difficulty value
duration The duration in hh:mm:ss or total seconds.
rating The rating
years The list of years
sort title The custom sort title
The list of audio file paths. Each path
audio files provided must be a valid path to an audio
file on the tablet.
pages The page range to use from the source PDF.
To use multiple sections, separate them by
commas, i.e. 1-3,4-6
keywords The value for the keywords field
setlists The list of setlists to add the song to
collections The list of collections to add the song to


If you happen to be viewing files in an external application, such as an email client, file
explorer or image gallery, you can tap on a file to initiate an action on that file. One action

you may see in the list is the option to import that file into MobileSheetsPro, as shown

If you tap the “Import into MobileSheetsPro” option, the song editor will be loaded and the
file will be added.


If the icon is tapped in the action bar on the library screen, the song editor will be
loaded with the files tab selected. On this tab, you can tap the folder, gallery, camera,
dropbox, Google Drive, or blank page icon to add a new file. These files will not be copied
into the storage location until the “OK” button is tapped at the top right, and the new song
is created. See the song editor section for more details on creating songs using this
approach. While this approach is the most time consuming, it also provides the most control
over the configuration of the new song.


Placeholder songs are songs that have been created with metadata, but contain only a
single empty blank page. There is no actual file associated with these songs. The idea behind
placeholder songs is that they can be created in anticipation of having a file at a later date in
time, and once that file is obtained, it can be swapped in place of the blank pages. This
allows the song to be created, metadata put in place and annotations made before being in
possession of the actual file. Placeholder songs can be created through the action bar on the
library screen. Swapping files is covered in the next section.


If a song contains a file that needs to be swapped out for a newer version, or if a song has
blank pages that you want to swap for a file, you will want to take advantage of the “Swap
File” option on the library screen. To begin the file swap process, long press the song whose
file you want to swap, access the overflow menu in the library action bar, and select “Swap
File”. If the song contains multiple files, you will be prompted to select the file you want to

replace. The file browser will then be shown so that you can pick the file you want to swap.
After selecting the file, you will be presented with options for the swap as shown below:

Figure 19 - The File Swap Dialog

The top of the dialog shows the name of the file to be replaced followed by the new file to
use in its place. The “Automatically crop pages” option determines if the pages of the new
file will be cropped to reduce margins. The “Copy or Move New File” checkbox determines
how the storage of the new file will be handled. If you check the “Copy or Move New File”
checkbox, the dropdown below it will be enabled so that you can select the exact action you
want. If you uncheck that setting, the current location of the new file will be used, meaning
it will not be copied into the MobileSheetsPro storage location, which is usually not
recommended unless you manage your own folders and files. The dropdown contains the
following options:

• Copy new file to same folder as replaced file – The new file will be copied into the
same folder that contained the existing file. The original file will remain where it is. If
the existing file is in the storage location, then this behaves in the same way as the
“Copy new file to MobileSheets storage” option.
• Move new file to same folder as replaced file – The new file will be moved into the
same folder that contained the existing file. If the existing file is in the storage
location, then this behaves in the same way as the “Move new file to MobileSheets
storage” option.
• Copy new file to MobileSheets storage – The new file will be copied into the
MobileSheets storage location, and the original file will remain where it is.
• Move new file to MobileSheets storage – The new file will be moved into the
MobileSheets storage location.

After tapping OK to accept the selections, the swap will occur and moments later you will be
back at the library screen.


The fastest way to share a setlist with another user who has the same songs in their library
is to create a .mss file. The process for this is simple:

1. Long press the setlist on the library screen to start the selection mode
2. Tap the “Share” action on the action bar, then “Share song list” and then select the
method you wish to use to share (Bluetooth, Email, Google Drive, etc).
3. MobileSheetsPro will ask you to name the file you are sharing, so provide a name.
The .mss at the end is optional, and will be automatically added if you leave it out.
4. MobileSheetsPro will proceed to create the .mss file, and then will load whichever
application you selected to use for sharing. Refer to the specific application’s
instructions for information on how to send files.

The destination device, when it imports the file, will either create a new setlist or update an
existing one (if a matching setlist name is found), and then populate that setlist with the list
of songs in the .mss file. For each song, if a matching song is not found in the library, it will
be skipped.

Another important feature of MobileSheetsPro is the ability to both archive and share songs
and setlists using a .msf file. The process for this is quite simple:

5. To share a list of songs, or a list of setlists (you can’t combine the two), long press an
item on the library screen to start the multi-selection mode and then tap each item
to be shared.
6. Tap the “Share” action on the action bar, then “Share as .msf” (if sharing songs) or
“Share songs and files” (if sharing setlists) and then select the method you wish to
use to share (Bluetooth, Email, Google Drive, etc).
7. MobileSheetsPro will ask you to name the file you are sharing, so provide a name.
The .msf at the end is optional, and will be automatically added if you leave it out.
8. MobileSheetsPro will proceed to create the .msf file, and then will load whichever
application you selected to use for sharing. Refer to the specific application’s
instructions for information on how to send files.

If you only want to share the files used in a song or setlist, select the songs as described
above and then tap on “Share files”. You must choose an application to use for sharing, and
then you will be shown a dialog with the following options:

• Use song page ordering for shared files – Select this if you want the shared files to
use the same page ordering as the song. If only using a few pages from a large PDF
for example, this setting should be checked.
• Share with cropping – Determines if the shared files should crop each page to match
the song’s cropping.

• Share with rotation – Determines if the shared files should rotate their pages to
match the song’s page rotation.
• Share with annotations – Determines if the shared files should contain all of the
annotations from the song.

If sharing a text or chord pro files and annotations are shared, a new PDF will be generated
for sharing purposes, as text and chord pro files don’t support annotations in them. The
process for exporting songs or setlists is very similar:

1. Select the songs or setlists as described in #1 above.

2. Tap the “Share->Export as .msf” (for songs), “Share->Export Songs and Files” (for
setlists) or “Share->Export files” action.
3. A file browser window will be displayed to choose the directory to contain the
exported files. If exporting to .msf, a text entry field will be shown at the bottom to
provide a name for the file. Tap OK once a directory is selected and name is entered
if necessary.
4. A dialog will be displayed containing export settings. This is identical to the share file
settings except for the addition of an option for exporting audio files.

To import a .msf or .mss file, use the Import->Local File option on the action bar, and select
the file inside the file browser.


To delete a song from your library, long press the song on the library screen, and then select
“Delete Song” from the action bar at the top. You will be presented with the following
dialog when you do that:

Figure 20 - The Confirm Delete Dialog

This dialog only has one important selection – whether you want to delete any files used by
the song. It is important to note that if multiple songs share the same file, it will not be
deleted even if you leave this checkbox checked. For this reason, you almost always want to
leave this box checked if MobileSheetsPro is managing your files.


One of the most important features in MobileSheetsPro is the ability to back up your entire
library, including all files and annotations, to one single backup file that can be safely
archived. These backup files can be restored at any time through a simple process. This also
means that if you replace your tablet with a newer one, or switch from the free version of
MobileSheetsPro to the paid version, you can easily transfer your library over. The backup
and restore features will be discussed further below.


To back up your library, you must first access the settings screen. This can be accomplished
by tapping the action bar overflow menu at the top right of the library screen, and then
tapping the “Settings” option from the dropdown. On the settings screen, tap the “Backup
and Restore” option on the left side of the screen. Lastly, tap the “Backup Library” option in
the list on the right side of the screen. After selecting this option, a dialog will be displayed
as shown below:

Figure 21 - The Library Backup Dialog

This dialog only has three selections: the directory you want to create the backup file in, the
option of whether or not to backup audio files, and the option of whether or not to include
MobileSheetsPro settings in the backup file. The directory can be selected by tapping on the
folder icon, which displays the file browser. It is important to note that you must select a
writeable directory, meaning a directory which has not been locked. For example, if you
select the “Root” directory, also known as just “/”, this will not be allowed as it is considered
read-only. If you are struggling to know where to put the file, the easiest location is to first
tap the “sdcard” folder, and then tap on the overflow button at the top right and select
“New folder”. Enter the name for a new folder to store your backups in, tap OK, and then
tap on that new folder. Then enter the name of the backup file at the bottom of the screen
and tap the checkmark to continue. Note that backup files have a .msb file extension.

A progress dialog will be displayed to show how many songs have been written to the
backup file. You can press the back button to cancel the backup if needed. Once the backup
completes, a dialog will be presented indicating success.


To restore your library, you must have previously created a backup file using the library
backup utility discussed in the previous section. The first is to access the settings screen as
described previously, but select “Restore Library from Backup” instead of “Backup Library”.
You will be shown the following dialog:

Figure 22 - The Library Restore Dialog

The first selection on this dialog is the backup file to restore. To browse for a backup file, tap
the folder icon. This will display the file browser, which will let you locate the folder
containing your .msb file. Tap on the file to be returned to the library restore dialog. You will
see the name of your backup file to the right of the “Backup File” label. Next, you must
determine where you want to extract the files in the backup file. The “Restore To” options
are as follows:

• Original File Locations – All files will be extracted to their original path. If you are
restoring the backup file on the same tablet that created it, this option may be
desirable. If you are restoring the backup file on a different tablet, this option is not
recommended, as the SD card may have a different folder structure.
• MobileSheets Storage Location – All files will be extracted to the MobileSheetsPro
storage directory. This is the default and recommended selection most of the time.

The next selection that must be made is whether or not the storage location will be cleared
of all files before the library is restored. This is usually recommended in order to ensure
unused files aren’t left on the device. The last selection is whether or not to extract the
settings in the backup file (if it contains settings). Checking this option will replace all
MobileSheetsPro settings, so use it with caution if restoring a backup from a different user
with settings different from your own.

The song editor is, as the name would suggest, the screen in MobileSheetsPro that lets you
manage song data and settings. It provides a central location to both create and edit songs,
and select the metadata, files, audio and MIDI that will be associated with those songs. The
song editor is composed of four separate sections: fields, files, audio and MIDI.


The fields tab is the main screen where song metadata is managed. The fields tab can be
accessed by long clicking on a song and pressing “Edit Song” in the action bar. This screen
can be seen below:

Figure 23 - The Song Editor Fields Tab

While there are nearly twenty supported fields, the only required field is Title. Data entry in
most of the fields is pretty straight forward. To change the rating, tap the star that matches
the rating you want to provide. For each of the dropdowns, you can select one or more
values by first tapping on the dropdown, and then tapping the items you want to select on

the selection dialog. This dialog also provides filtering controls when the list is longer than a
few values. You can type a search term at the top or tap the letters on the right side to find
the items you want to select. To add a new value of any of the group types, just tap the
icon next to the relevant dropdown and enter the new name. To delete all selected values

for a given dropdown, tap the icon.

If you decide you don’t need some of the fields and would like to hide them, tap the
“Configure Fields” option at the top right of the screen. You will be presented with a list of
every field (except Title). Uncheck the fields you no longer wish to see, and tap OK to


The files tab provides four main features:

1. Multiple methods of adding files (SD card, file picker, camera, Dropbox, Google
Drive and blank pages)
2. The ability to control page ordering
3. Rotation of pages
4. Cropping

The layout of the tab is shown below:

Figure 24 - The Song Editor Files Tab

If you are editing an existing song, you will see the song’s files listed at the top of the screen.
These files can be reordered by pressing on the box with up and down arrows and dragging
this box up or down. The full path of any file can be viewed by long pressing on the file. To
remove a file from the list, tap the “X” on the right side of the screen for that file. If you are
creating a new song, this list will be empty and you will be instructed to add a new file.
There are six ways to add a new file, and they will be discussed below:

Opens the file browser and allows one or more files to be selected. While
multiple PDFs and images are allowed, only one text file is allowed, and you
cannot mix text/chord pro files with PDFs or images.
Uses an external application to pick a file. This is the same as described in the
external/cloud import section.

Uses the camera to take a picture, and then imports this file into the song

Imports a file from Dropbox. This is the same process as described in the
Import Dropbox section.

Adds any number of blank pages to the song. No file is actually added – white
pages will be shown that match the size of the screen. These pages can still be
used with annotations.
This option is displayed when the song contains no files, and allows a new text
or chord pro file to be created. A prompt will be presented for a new filename
and then the text editor will be shown.

After at least one file has been added to the song, a number of features become accessible.
The most noticeable is the file preview at the bottom of the screen. The page that is
previewed can be changed by either tapping on the white arrows on the side of the preview
area or by moving the page slider at the bottom of the screen. You can also select a specific
page by tapping the page number at the bottom right of the screen. In addition to
previewing the file, you can also change the page ordering, rotate pages or crop the file. The
only exception to this is if a text or chord pro file has been added. Those features are not
supported with text or chord pro files as described in the supported file types section.

If the song being edited contains a text or chord pro file, an additional icon will be displayed

at the bottom right of the preview area instead of the cropping icon. The icon will bring
up the text display settings dialog, which can be used to configure various display settings
for the current file.

If a file is added with the same name and output path as an existing file, a conflict dialog will
be displayed, as shown below:

Figure 25 - File Conflict Dialog

You can either replace the existing file, rename the file before it is copied, or use the
existing file instead of the one being imported. If you want to update an existing song with a
new file, you should use the swap file feature.


If you have a PDF with more than one page, you can change the order of the pages. This
feature is actually quite powerful because you can create a custom page order that repeats
pages multiple times. This can be used to eliminate the need to jump to previous pages for
repeats. For example, if you have a four page song that jumps from page three to page one,
you could set up the ordering as follows: 1-3, 1, 3, 4. To change the page order, tap on the
page order field, and then enter the desired order on the dialog that is displayed.


To rotate the currently displayed page, tap the rotate left and rotate right buttons at the
bottom left corner of the screen. The rotate left button rotates the page 90 degrees to the
left, and the rotate right button rotates the page 90 degrees to the right. Depending upon
the settings, the rotation will be applied either to the current page, all pages in the current
file, or all pages in all files (see additional settings).


There are a number of different ways to crop files in the song editor. By default, all new
imported files are automatically cropped. The algorithm used for cropping and which pages
of the file are cropped can be controlled in the additional settings. If you want to get rid of
the cropping, you can tap the “Reset Crop” button at the bottom right to reset the
document back to being uncropped. If you want to manually crop the document, tap the
icon at the right side of the page preview area. This will bring up the cropping screen,
which will be discussed in the next section.


The cropping screen is composed of the current page in the center with seven blue squares
that define the boundaries of the region you want displayed. This cropping screen can be
seen below:

Figure 26 - The Cropping Screen

Changing the cropping area is as simple as pressing on one of the blue squares and dragging
it to a new location. Anything outside of the blue rectangle is cropped out of the document,
meaning it won’t be displayed on the main song display. It is important to note that
cropping does not affect the original file in any way – it just instructs MobileSheetsPro on
what section of the page you want to see, so you do not have to worry about modifying the
underlying file unintentionally. You can change the page that is currently viewed by tapping
the arrows at the bottom of the screen. Several actions are supported on the action bar at
the top of the screen:

• Apply To – Changes the pages that will be cropped based on the current cropping
region. The default behavior is to only crop the current page. You can also select “All
pages in selected file” to crop every page identically in the currently displayed file,
and “All pages in all files” if you want every page in every file of the song cropped
exactly the same way. If the song is part of a loaded setlist, another option will be
available to apply the cropping to all songs in the setlists. This can be used not only

to apply cropping to a large list of songs at once, it can also be used to clear the
cropping if needed.
• Reset – Resets the cropping region to what it was when the cropping screen was first
• Clear – Clears cropping completely, meaning the cropping region matches the full
• Auto-Crop – Automatically crops the current page, and depending upon the “Apply
To” setting, other pages as well. After the automatic cropping completes, you can
view the new crop regions on all of the cropped pages.
• Auto-Crop All Pages – Automatically crops every page in the song, across all files.
This is just a shortcut to crop all pages without having to change the “Apply To”
• Go To – Provides a mechanism to select the page you want to view. This is slower
than using the arrows at the bottom of the screen, but if the document has many
pages, this provides a convenient way to access a specific page.
• Enable/Disable Aggressive Cropping – Determines whether aggressive cropping is
used. This cropping algorithm is discussed in detail in the additional settings section.

Once you are satisfied with the cropping regions, tap OK to apply them. Tap Cancel if you
wish to exit without applying any modifications.


If you tap the “Settings” action at the top of the song editor screen, you will see the
following dialog displayed:

Figure 27 - The Song Editor Settings

Both the “Apply Rotation” and “Apply Crop” settings have the same selections, which are as

• Current page only – Applies the rotation or crop to the currently displayed
page only.

• All pages in selected file – Applies the rotation or crop to all pages in
whatever file is currently being displayed.
• All pages in all files – Applies the rotation or crop to all pages in all files used
by the song.

The “Auto-Crop Imported Files” setting determines if files that are added to the song are
immediately cropped. The “Aggressively Crop” setting determines whether the automatic
cropping uses a “safe” algorithm for cropping or an “aggressive” one. The main difference is
that the safe cropping is guaranteed to not cut any content out of the document at all. This
means that as soon as a single non-white pixel is encountered anywhere on the document,
the cropping on that side will not go past that pixel. The aggressive setting will try to avoid
any black content around the very edges of the document (like you can often get from a
scanner). The safe algorithm is the best choice if the margins of your documents are white
or near-white.

Lastly, the “Populate Metadata When Importing Audio” determines if the song’s metadata
will be updated when new audio files are added. For example, if the song’s artist, year and
duration fields are blank, these values can be extracted from an imported audio field and
entered automatically. Note that existing values will not be changed in any way – they must
be blank for this setting to take effect.


The audio tab is composed of a list of audio files at the top and an audio player at the
bottom that can be used to play those tracks and set different properties of those tracks.
This can be seen in the picture below:

Figure 28 - The Song Editor Audio Tab

Much like the files tab, there are two ways to add files: use an external program on the
tablet or browse for a file on the SD card. Find an audio file you want to add on the tablet,
and add it to the current song. You will see the audio file show up in the list at the top and
the audio player will display the audio track’s title. You can reorder audio tracks in the top
list by dragging the box with the arrows in it up and down. You can remove audio tracks by
tapping on that track’s X at the right side of the list.

Once there is at least one audio file present, you will be able to play that file in the audio
player at the bottom of the dialog. The audio player on the audio tab has five playback
buttons: previous track, pause, play, stop and next track. One very useful feature is the

ability to specify an a-b loop in the song. To do this, you must first tap the icon to enable
a-b looping. The icon will turn orange after it has been selected to indicate that looping is
active. Next, change the track’s position to the start of the loop by dragging the slider. Then,
tap the icon to set the start of the loop. An orange vertical bar will be drawn showing

the start of the loop. Move the slider to where you want the loop to end and press the
icon. You can now press play to test out the loop.

If you wish to change the duration of the current track, you can slide the ends of the “Track
Start/End” slider to change where the track will start and end. This can be useful if you only
need a certain section of an audio track.

The audio player on the audio tab does not contain all of the features present on the song
display’s audio player. To learn about the other available features, see the song display’s
audio player section.


In MobileSheetsPro, you can set up songs so that they either transmit MIDI commands
when they are loaded, or are loaded when specific MIDI commands are received. The MIDI
tab provides the tools to create and edit MIDI commands. The MIDI tab screen can be seen

Figure 29 - The Song Editor MIDI Tab

While a full explanation of MIDI won’t be provided in this manual, an overview of the
supported MIDI commands will be. Consult the manual for your MIDI device to determine
what MIDI commands are supported. The following MIDI commands are recognized in

• Patch Select – Contains two control change messages and a program change
message, and is typically used to change the selected instrument on a keyboard.
• Control Change – Contains a controller number and value.
• Program Change – Contains a single value.

• System Exclusive – Contains a series of bytes. This is the most advanced command,
and is normally only needed for setting more complex configuration settings on a
connected device.
• Number (KORG only) – This requires just one number as input that should be either
three or four digits. This is converted to four control change commands.
• Note Off – Contains the value of the note released.
• Note On – Contains the value of the note pressed down.
• Batch Command – Command used to group together commands to be sent or
received. The primary use is to trigger a song to be loaded or an action to be
triggered in response to all of the matching commands being received in a row.
• Pause – Pauses the sending of messages for the specified time.
• Song Select – Contains a single value representing the song to select.
• MIDI Start – Starts MIDI playback on the connected device.
• MIDI Continue – Pauses MIDI playback on the connected device.
• MIDI Stop – Stops MIDI playback on the connected device.
• Toggle Timing Clock – Turns on or off the sending of timing clock messages to the
device which determines the tempo it uses for playback. The tempo is based upon
the metronome settings for the currently loaded song.

To add a new MIDI command, tap the icon at the top right of screen. This will display a
separate dialog allowing the command to be configured. The dialog can be seen below:

Figure 30 - Dialog for creating and editing MIDI commands

On this dialog, you will see a “Patch Select” command in the command type dropdown (or
“Number” if the MIDI Device is set to KORG in the settings). Selecting a different command
from the dropdown will change the data that is required. For example, a control change
message requires two values while a program change message only requires one. The patch
command is unique in that you can turn off which pieces of it are sent (or required on

receipt). The toggles at the bottom control how the message is used. If you want the
command to be sent from MobileSheetsPro to your device when the song is loaded, switch
the “Send on Song Load” to “ON”. If you want MobileSheetsPro to load the song when the
current MIDI command is received, switch the “Load Song on Receive” to ON. If you have
both of these switches active, a song can be loaded when a command is received and that
same command will then be sent back to the device. If you are using a KORG keyboard and
need additional information concerning the “Number” MIDI command, you can consult the
KORG documentation here. In order to use the KORG number command, you must set the
MIDI device in the MIDI settings to “KORG”.

By default, MobileSheetsPro will listen to MIDI commands on MIDI channel 1. This can be
changed in the MIDI settings if you need to send commands to different channels than the
one used for receiving. MobileSheetsPro supports sending commands on multiple channels
if needed. To do this, enable the “Allow Multiple MIDI Channels” in the MIDI settings, and
you will see a channel dropdown on the Add MIDI Command dialog. This dropdown controls
which channel that command will be sent to.

If multiple songs are configured to be loaded when the same MIDI command is received, the
song that was first configured to use that command will be loaded first. If the MIDI
command is received again, the next song listening for that MIDI command will be loaded.
This provides a means to cycle through all songs set up for the same MIDI command. Note
that if any other MIDI commands are received before that command is received again, it will
reset back to the first configured song.


In some scenarios, it is useful to be able to trigger songs to load when multiple commands
are received from a device. This cannot be accomplished by adding multiple different
commands on the MIDI tab, as the song would be loaded if any of those commands were
received. This is where the batch command comes in. A batch command can contain any
number of MIDI commands and can be configured for sending to a device when a song is
loaded, or more commonly, to load a song when all child commands are received in order.

To create a batch command, bring up the Add MIDI Command dialog and change the
command type dropdown to Batch Command and tap the edit icon that appears. This will
display the Edit MIDI Command dialog as shown below:

Figure 31 - Dialog for adding commands to a batch command

This dialog is pretty straightforward – tap the add button to be presented with the familiar
Add MIDI command dialog, and tap the edit button to edit the currently selected command.
Add the required commands, switch the toggles at the bottom as needed and tap okay to
accept the changes.


One easy way to create a batch command designed for listening is to use the MIDI listen

dialog. To display this dialog, tap the icon on the MIDI tab. The following dialog will be

Figure 32 - The MIDI Listen Dialog

This dialog will display messages received from the MIDI device that can be used in a batch
command. Select each command you want to use to trigger the song to load, then tap the
add button at the top right. This will generate a new batch command on the MIDI screen
configured for “Load Song on Receive”. In addition to being useful for generating batch
commands, this MIDI listen dialog can also be used to monitor any MIDI traffic from the
device, which can be helpful when analyzing problems.

In MobileSheetsPro, songs can be placed into three different types of groups:

• Setlists
• Collections
• Metadata Groups

A setlist is an ordered list of songs that can be used to create a continuous playlist. This
means you can page through all of the songs sequentially, which is perfect for
performances. You can also adjust the ordering of a setlist to be manual, alphabetic,
shuffled, the date the songs were created or last modified.

A collection, like other metadata groups, is a list of songs that is used primarily for filtering
that has the same sorting options as a setlist. The important difference between collections
and other metadata groups is that there is additional filtering that can be used with
collections. See the section on filtering for more information.

Metadata groups, such as artists, albums, genres, and composers are used for grouping
songs to aid in filtering. All of the songs in a given group can be loaded into a temporary
setlist by tapping the “Load All” option when viewing that group’s songs, but their primary
purpose is to provide additional filtering on the library screen so that songs can be located
by a number of different attributes.


While the Song Editor can be used to place new and existing songs into any of the different
group types, the fastest way to manage groups is through the Group Editor. The group
editor can be accessed in two ways. If a tab is selected, such as Setlists, and you hit the Edit
button in the action bar, you will see the following screen:

Figure 33 - The Top-Level Group Editor Screen

This screen serves two main purposes:

1. To create new group types by using the button at the top right. First tap on the tab
you want to create a new instance of and then tap on the button.
2. To edit existing groups by clicking on the tabs at the top to change groups, and then
tapping on an entry to edit it.

Like other library screens, you can tap on the letters on the right side of the list to jump to
entries beginning with that letter. If you long press a group type, you will see the following
list of actions: Rename, Copy and Delete. If you are long pressing a setlist, you will also see
Share, Export and Generate Song List. All of these actions are described in the library section
on selected group actions.

The second way the group editor can be accessed from the library screen is by tapping on a
group tab, tapping on a group to view its song, and then tapping on the Edit action at the
top of the screen. This will switch straight to editing that specific group type instead of first
going to the screen above. Once a group has been selected for editing in the group editor,
the following screen will be displayed:

Figure 34 – The Group Editor

In the example above, a Setlist has been edited titled “Classical” which can be seen at the
top left of the screen. The number of the songs in the setlist is shown in the title. At the top
right, the following three actions are available:

• Sort – Changes the sorting of the group (sorting groups is described in further detail
• Clear All – Removes all songs from the currently displayed group.
• Show/Hide Filters – Shows or hides all of the filters shown above the list. For more
details, see the section on filtering. When filters are hidden but active, the filters
icon will be blue.

When another group type is shown other than a setlist, a “Create Setlist” action is available.
This action will place all of the songs of the current group into a new setlist for which you
provide the name.

The group editor is mainly composed of the two lists in the center. The left list is the songs
currently in the edited group while the right list is all of the songs in the library. When a

song is added to the current group, it will be highlighted in blue in the right list to show that
it’s been added. You can filter the right list by using the filters at the top of the screen to
more quickly find the songs you want to add. Songs can be removed from the current group
by tapping the “X” to the right of the entry in the left list.

If the group is manually sorted, songs can be reordered by dragging the box with the arrows
up or down beside each song. Additionally, drag & drop is enabled, providing a mechanism
to drag a song from the list on the right to the position you desire in the left list. If the group
is using A-Z sorting, songs can be added by tapping on them. It should also be noted that
you can add the same song to a setlist multiple times, whereas with other group types, a
song is either part of a group or not, so tapping on a song that is already in the list will
remove it, and vice versa.

If you wish to add all songs, tap on the icon above the right list. You will be prompted to
confirm that you want to add all of the songs. If you have filtered the list of songs on the
right, only the filtered songs will be added, so this can be used to quickly add all songs that
match the current filter.

When a song or setlist is loaded on the library screen, the library screen will shift over and
you will be shown what is referred to as the song display. The song display contains both the
rendered pages of the songs as well as various windows and controls that are useful while
performing, such as the metronome and audio player. The song display is driven by a
powerful display engine that is responsible for loading content from all the various file
formats, displaying the pages of those files on the screen, and drawing annotations on top
of the files. The way in which the engine displays the pages of the songs is determined by
the selected display and page scaling modes. The display modes determine how pages are
drawn in relation to each other and how page turns are handled, while page scaling
determines how pages are stretched to fit the screen. These settings and other features of
the song display are controlled through something called the song overlay. In order to
access the song overlay, it’s important to first understand how touch events are handled on
the song display. The following image shows the various touch zones that can be accessed:

Figure 35 - The Song Display Touch Zones

The corners (colored green and yellow) and the top and bottom (colored orange) are areas
of the screen that can be configured to perform various actions, such as starting/stopping
audio, toggling night mode and cycling through bookmarks. More information on this can be
found in the section on configuring touch actions. The sides (colored red) turn the pages of
the song when tapped. Tapping the left side turns to the previous page while tapping on the
right turns to the next page. The bottom right corner (colored yellow) brings up what is
known as the quick action box, which provides convenient access to start/stop the audio
player, metronome and scrolling. The quick action box is available even when performance
mode is enabled, making it a useful tool in all scenarios. See the section on the quick action
box for more information. The quick action box can be moved to any of the other corners if
desired or hidden if it is not needed. Lastly, the center of the screen can be tapped to bring
up the song overlay, which provides access to all of the various features of the song display.


When the song overlay is accessed by tapping the center of the screen, a title bar will slide
down from the top of the screen, the page slider and other buttons will slide up from the
bottom, and the audio player (depending upon its settings and whether an audio track is
present in the current song) will be displayed. This can be seen in the image below:

Figure 36 - The Song Overlay

The title bar at the top left of the overlay will be covered first. The following buttons can be
found in the title bar:

Returns to the library screen. Functionally equivalent to hitting the hardware

back button.

Configures the active song’s or setlist’s notes in a dialog. This can be used to
configure whether or not the notes are automatically displayed. See the
section on displaying notes for more information.

Loads the annotation editor for the current page.

Edits the current song in the song editor.

Transposes the current text or chord pro file (only shown for those file types).
See the section on the Transpose dialog for more information.

Displays a dropdown menu with two choices: Text Display Settings and Edit
File. The first option edits the text display settings for the current text file, and
the second edits the current file in the text editor. These options are not
displayed if the current file is not a text or chord pro file.

It should also be noted that if you tap the page number at the top right, a dialog will allow
you to enter the page you want displayed.

The title bar normally is only displayed when you tap the center of the screen to bring up
the overlay. If you prefer to always see the title bar, there is an “Always Show the Title Bar”
option on the display settings screen. When this setting is used, the score will account for
the space used by the title bar when rendered. Normally, the score is reduced in size when
the overlay is visible so that parts of the score are not obscured. This reduction in size uses a
faster, lower quality scaling of the page compared to normal, as the overlay is not meant to
be hidden while playing through the song. If the title bar is always shown, the page will be
reduced in size using a higher precision scaling so that there is no reduction in image quality.

At the bottom of the screen there is a row of buttons. The buttons on the left are used to
change settings and activate various features while the buttons on the right are used to
bring up windows and other tools like the audio player and metronome. The buttons on the
left will be described first.

- Displays a popup menu with the following options:

• Create Snippet – Loads the snippet tool which can be used to create a new song
from the pages of the current song. More information about the tool can be found
• Find and Load Song - Displays a search window to quickly locate another song to
load. This will exit the current song or setlist, so this is mainly used to quickly load a
song without having to return to the library screen.
• Start Scrolling – Starts automatic scrolling for the current song.
• Scroll Settings – Brings up the automatic scrolling settings for the current song. See
the section on automatic scrolling for more details.

- Displays the following list of actions in a popup menu:

• Crop – Loads the cropping screen for the current page so that the cropping region
can be adjusted.

• Sharpen Image – Brings up a dialog with an “Enable Sharpen” checkbox and a
Sharpen level slider. “Sharpening” is a feature in MobileSheetsPro that cleans up
images with a lot of “noise”. For example, if you have a scanned page of a book with
a lot of smudges, gray areas and/or other undesirable markings, sharpening can help
remove these and make the background whiter and the content darker. The higher
the value used for “Sharpen Level”, the more aggressive the sharpening algorithm
will be, but this can sometimes cause visual artifacts, and the image can become
more jagged in areas, so it’s important to select a value that removes undesirable
content without negatively affecting the score.
• Orientation – Locks or unlocks the current orientation. If the orientation of the
tablet is locked, rotating the tablet will no longer have any effect.
• Show Annotations – Shows or hides annotations.
• Night Mode – Enables night mode which inverts the color of the sheet music.
• Zoom/Pan Settings – Displays the “Apply Zoom/Pan Settings” dialog, which is shown

Figure 37 - The Zoom/Pan Settings Dialog

This dialog determines what pages are affected when either pinch zooming or
panning occurs. By default, all pages are zoomed by the same amount. If you find
yourself using zooming to remove margins, the cropping feature is much better for
this. You can change which pages are zoomed using the first dropdown, which
supports Current Page Only, All Pages in Current File, All Pages in All Files (Current
Song), and All Pages in Setlist. The pan settings dropdown also supports these same
options. If you do not like the current pan or zoom settings, tapping “Reset Pan and
Zoom” will remove any zooming or panning that has been applied. Lastly, the “Allow
zoom out smaller than 100%” option determines whether the page will be allowed
to be smaller than the screen in both dimensions. By default, this is not allowed as
it’s normally desirable to use as much as the screen as possible without stretching
the score.

- Enables panning, which means you can change what part of the current page is
displayed on the screen. This feature only works if the page is larger than the screen, as
otherwise there would be no need to move the sheet music around. In MobileSheetsPro, all
zoom and pan settings are saved and automatically applied when a song is loaded. That
means if you like to start a page with it partially scrolled, you can set it up so that it’s always
loaded that way. The majority of users will not need zooming and panning, and instead
should rely on cropping to eliminate sections of the page that aren’t needed.

- Tapping this icon will display a dialog used to change the current display mode for
songs as well as various display settings for the display modes. The display mode determines
how pages are positioned, and the way in which pages are turned. The icon will change
depending upon which mode is currently selected. The display mode is saved per
orientation, so you can assign a different display mode to portrait versus landscape
orientation. By default, the same display mode is applied to all songs. You can override the
display mode per song if required. The dialog used for selecting the display mode is shown

Figure 38 - The Display Mode Dialog

The display mode per orientation can be set by changing the Orientation dropdown.
Likewise, the default display mode can be set by tapping the Display mode dropdown. If a
different setting is required for the current song, uncheck the “Use default display for song”
checkbox and provide different settings. At the bottom, different settings are shown
depending upon what display mode is currently active. This provides quick access to change
settings instead of having to go to the main settings screen. The following display modes are

The single page display mode shows one full page in portrait and
horizontally scrolls pages during page turns. In landscape mode,
you can split each page up into two parts (see the “Display Half
Page in Landscape” setting) to make full use of the available
Single Page screen width. In landscape, you can also turn half pages at a time
if you enable the “Half-Page Turns in Landscape Mode” setting.
This mode supports zooming and panning.

The two page display mode is only available in landscape
orientation. This will show two pages at a time, which works
really well on larger tablets. When this mode is selected, an
additional icon is added to bottom left of the overlay to control
the page turn behavior. The following page turns are supported:

Turns one page at a time, meaning pages 1 &

2 would be displayed, then 2 & 3, then 3 & 4,
and so on.
Two Pages
Turns two pages at a time, meaning pages 1
& 2 would be displayed, then 3 & 4, then 5 &
6, and so on.
Alternates page turns, meaning pages 1 & 2
would be displayed, then 3 & 2, then 3 & 4,
then 5 & 4, and so on.

The half page display mode shows one full page, but only
advances one half-page at a time. This means that if all of page
one is showing and a page turn occurs, the top half of page two
will be displayed. Another tap will display all of page two. This
Half Pages makes it easy to prepare for page turns as the pages can be
turned ahead of time whenever it is convenient.

The vertical scrolling display mode shows all pages stacked

vertically. This is the most common display mode for PDF
readers. You can drag your finger up and down to scroll through
the pages or tap the sides to slide the screen to the next page.
This display mode is the best mode to use if you plan to take
Vertical Scrolling
advantage of the automatic scrolling feature, as it supports a
slow constant scroll that doesn’t work as well in other modes.

- Similar to the display mode icon, the page scaling icon displays a dialog that is used
to change the current page scaling mode which determines how pages are stretched to fill
the screen. The icon will change depending upon the currently active page scaling mode.
Like the display mode, the page scaling is also saved independently for portrait vs landscape
orientation. A default page scaling mode can be set and individual songs can override the
default settings if required. See the page scaling dialog below:

Figure 39 - The Page Scaling Mode Dialog

Change the orientation dropdown to pick a page scaling for each orientation. The page
scaling options are described below:

The Fit Screen scaling mode will stretch the score as large as possible to
fill the screen without changing the aspect ratio. Either the width of the
score will match the width of the screen, or the height of the score will
match the height of the screen, depending upon which one doesn’t cut
off any content. That means that you won’t experience any distortion or
Fit Screen tearing as the sheet music grows or shrinks. This is the default mode and
is recommended for most users.
The Fit Width scaling mode will stretch the score so that the width of the
page matches the width of the screen. This may cause parts of the top or
bottom of the score to be off the screen.
Fit Width
The Fit Height scaling mode will stretch the score so that the height of
the page matches the height of the screen. This may cause parts of the
sides of the score to be off the screen.
Fit Height
The Full scaling mode will stretch the score so that it completely fills the
screen. This will not respect the aspect ratio of the original file though,
so you will see some distortion of the original image. If your files have an
aspect ratio that closely matches the tablet, this mode may not cause
Full much distortion, and may be favorable to other modes. Otherwise, it will
almost certainly make your scores a little harder to read.

One other icon can show up at the bottom left that has not been discussed yet. This is the

half-page turn position icon, which looks like this: . This icon is only shown when using
the single page display in landscape orientation with half-page turns enabled. Tapping this
icon allows you to position the two halves independently so that no content is cut off during
the half-page turns. It’s as simple as tapping this icon, scrolling the first half to where you
like it and releasing your finger to accept, and scrolling the second half to where you like it
and releasing your finger to accept. This must be performed per page of the song.

The buttons at the bottom right of the overlay are more involved and will be explained in
the next sections.


The setlist window provides a convenient way to view all songs in the current setlist, and
skip to any of those songs with a single tap. It also supports reordering songs, and a series of
buttons at the bottom of the window. Different buttons are available depending upon
whether a single song was loaded, or an actual setlist. The window (both variations) can be
seen below:

Figure 40 – The Setlist Window with a Song on left and Setlist on right

If any of the song entries are long pressed, a menu will be shown with options to either edit
the song or remove it from the setlist. The buttons at the bottom of the window are
described below:

Pauses the current setlist and loads another song. This action is only available
when a setlist has been loaded. When this action is tapped, a dialog will be
shown from which you can pick a song in your library. This dialog supports
basic filtering (search words, collections, an alphabet list, etc) so that a song
can be quickly located. When you select the song from the list, the song
display will load that song. If you hit the tablet hardware back button or the
back button at the top left corner of the overlay, it will go back to the last
viewed page in the setlist. If an audience member requests a song, this makes
it easy to handle one-off requests that are not a part of the setlist.
If a setlist is loaded, this brings up a search window to quickly locate a song to
add to the current setlist. Note that the change to the setlist will not be saved
unless you explicitly hit the save button.

If a song is loaded, this brings up a list of all setlists in your library and lets you
add the current song to one of your choosing. Just tap on a setlist in the list to
add the song to it.

Creates a new placeholder song and adds it to the current setlist. The slider at
the top of the dialog provides a way to select the position in the setlist for the
new song. This option is only available if a setlist was loaded.
Saves any modifications to the current setlist, making them permanent. This
option is only available if a setlist was loaded.

Loads the current setlist in the group editor. This option is only available if a
setlist was loaded.


Bookmarks are used in MobileSheetsPro to mark pages in a song for quick future access.
They can also be configured to show up on the bookmarks tab on the library screen, which
provides a mechanism to jump to specific parts of songs by searching for the bookmark
name. Bookmarks are very useful when dealing with large scores or PDFs containing
multiple songs in them, as you can individually mark the songs with bookmarks, and load
these from the bookmarks tab.

The Bookmarks window is used to create and view all bookmarks for the current song or
setlist. It can be seen below:

Figure 41 - The Bookmarks Window

The window is fairly simple – the bookmarks are shown in a list, and each entry can be
removed by tapping on its “X” on the right side of the window. New bookmarks can be

created by tapping the button at the bottom right. If a bookmark entry is tapped in the
list, the song display will skip to the page of the bookmark. If the “Show All Songs” checkbox
is checked then bookmarks from all songs in the current setlist will be shown, otherwise
only bookmarks from the active song will be shown in the list. If “Show PDF Bookmarks” is
checked, then any PDF bookmarks found will also be displayed in the list. If a non-PDF
bookmark is long pressed, a popup menu will be displayed with an option to go to the
bookmark, edit the bookmark or delete the bookmark.

When the button is tapped to create a new bookmark, the following dialog is shown:

Figure 42 - Creating a New Bookmark

The name of the bookmark can be assigned in the text field at the top, and the page can be
set using the slider in the middle. The currently displayed page is used as the default, so in
most cases, a name is all that is needed. If you want the bookmark to show up in the
bookmarks tab on the library screen, check the “Display in Bookmarks Tab” option.


Link points are used in MobileSheetsPro to create a connection between two pages. The link
point will show up as a partially transparent circle on the score. When it is tapped, it will
jump from one page to the other, and briefly highlight the link point so that you know
where you should be looking. This makes link points great for handling things like repeats
(D.S/D.C.). The only other way to effectively handle repeats is to create a custom page
ordering that repeats pages so that you are always advancing forward. The list of link points
can be seen in the Links window, shown below:

Figure 43 - The Links Window

Each start and end link point will be assigned the same color, and all pairs will have different
colors to make them easier to distinguish. Up to 10 pairs of link points are allowed. To
remove a pair of link points, tap the “X” at the right side of the list. Be aware that this may
adjust the colors of existing link points. Tap on entries in the list to view the start and end
pages for the link points (tap the same entry multiple times to cycle between the start and
end). The image below demonstrates what a link point looks like on a page:

Figure 44 - A page with a blue link point

To create a link point, tap on the button. Most of the overlay will be hidden except for
the page slider and the display at the top, which indicates what to do. You can cancel the
creation at any time by tapping the “Cancel” button at the top left. Tap the location that you
want to link from first, then swipe to turn pages (or use the page slider) to locate the page
to link to. Tap the position on the screen for the end link point and you will see both a
partially transparent circle on the score as well as a new entry in the Links window.

To edit an existing link point, long press the entry in the Links window. You will see the
following dialog displayed:

Figure 45 - Editing a link point

This dialog lets you adjust the size of any link point. The default size for all link points is 28.
To adjust the size of the current link point, drag the slider or press the minus and plus
buttons on the side. You will see the size of the link point change in real time as you do this.
Once you have found an acceptable size, you can either tap OK to accept the change for that
one link point, or tap the “Apply To” button to apply the change to other link points.
Tapping this button gives you the following options:

• Current Link Only – Only modifies the current link point. Equivalent to just tapping
• All Link Points in Current Song – Sets the size of every link point in the current song
to match the new size.
• All Link Points in Setlist – All link points in every song in the setlist will be modified
to match the selected size.
• All Link Points in All Songs – This will modify all link points in every song in the
library to match the selected size. If you are trying to set a new default, and want to
update all of the existing link points to match, this is the way to accomplish that.

If you would like all future link points to have a different default size, you can tap the “Set as
Default” button to set the selected link point size as the new default.

Link points cannot currently be rearranged in the window. If you need to remove a link
point, press and hold on the particular item to be removed, and select the delete option
from the menu. This will update the colors of the existing link points, as their position in the
list changes.


Smart buttons are a powerful feature in MobileSheetsPro that let users place buttons on
top of their scores that can trigger various actions when tapped. One of the most common
uses for smart buttons is to send a series of MIDI commands to a connected device. This is
useful as it allows devices to be configured at the appropriate time instead of when the
song is loaded. It also provides a mechanism to change device settings partway through a
song. To place a smart button, first bring up the smart buttons window, then tap the
button to being creating a new button. The following dialog will be displayed:

Figure 46 - The new smart button dialog

The first setting on the dialog is the button label which is the text that will be shown on the
button. While this field is optional, it can help provide context for what the button is
programmed to do. The next setting is the action, which determines what will happen when
the button is tapped. The following actions are supported:

• Send MIDI commands – Sends one or more MIDI commands when the button is
tapped. When this command is selected, you will see the list of MIDI commands as
shown above. Tap the button to see the new MIDI command dialog, or tap an
existing command tap the to edit that command.
• Start or Pause Audio Track – Starts or pauses audio playback.
• Start or Stop Metronome – Starts or stops the metronome
• Go to Start of Song – Goes to the first page of the current song

• Go to End of Song – Goes to the last page of the current song
• Go to Previous Song – Goes to the previous song
• Go to Next Song – Goes to the next song
• Load or Go to Song – Loads a different song in the library or current setlist and skips
to the provided page. Unlike link points, which can only be used to skip between
pages of the same song, this provides a mechanism to quickly jump between pages
of different songs in the library. If this option is selected, the dialog will reveal a song
dropdown for picking the song and a field for entering the page number.

After selections are made and the OK button is tapped, the window will be hidden so that
the smart button can be placed on the score. To place the button, just tap on the score
where you would like it positioned. After that, the smart button window will be shown again
with the new button in the list. To edit an existing button, long press on it in the smart
buttons window. See the screenshot below for an example of what a smart button looks
like on the score:

Figure 47 - A smart button placed on the score

To reposition an existing smart button, long press it on the score and you will see the button
vanish and the overlay will be shown. Tap on the new position for the button and it will be
visible again. Tap cancel to put the button back in its initial position.


MobileSheetsPro comes equipped with an audio player that can be used to play backing
tracks for scores. This is incredibly useful if you want to practice with a recording of other
instruments, are performing live and need to fill in missing parts with an audio track, or
need to hear how something is supposed to be played while learning a new song. The audio
player can be seen in the image below:

Figure 48 - The Audio Player

To see how the audio player looks in the overlay, see the beginning of this section. The
audio player comes with a lot of functionality but the interface is quite simple. Before all of
the various buttons are addressed, it should be noted that there are three different sizes for
the audio player – small, normal, and large. These can be cycled through by tapping the
icon. Every time the icon is tapped, a different number will be visible at the bottom right of
the icon, and the size of the audio player will change. The small size can be seen below:

Figure 49 - Audio Player (small)

This has the same functionality as the top window except for the missing volume control.
The other layout is the large size:

Figure 50 - Audio Player (large)

The large size comes with additional features not present in the normal size. A track playlist
is shown below the player with the ability to skip between tracks by tapping them, as well as
support for reordering them (tap and drag the box to the left of the track). To edit the
current playlist, tap the icon to be taken to the song editor audio tab. To change the
playlist so that it only contains tracks from the current song, tap the icon. This is the
default. To change the playlist so that it contains tracks from every song in the current
setlist, tap the icon.

The next thing that should be explained is the audio player settings dialog. To view the

settings, tap the icon. This dialog is shown below:

Figure 51 - The Audio Player Settings Dialog

The audio player settings are the same for all songs with the exception of the last setting:
“Automatically play audio when song is loaded”. If you want audio playback to start

immediately after a song is loaded, you need to view this dialog with that song loaded and
check the checkbox. The other settings are explained in the list below:

• Fade Out: Determines if the audio player will fade out when the overlay is closed.
The following values are supported:
o Never – The audio player will stay visible even if the overlay is closed. The
audio player can still be hidden by tapping the “X” at the top right. If you do

this, you must tap the button in the overlay to show the audio player
o With Overlay – The audio player is shown when the overlay is shown, and
hidden when the overlay is hidden. This is the default behavior.
o After 5 Seconds – The audio player is hidden after five seconds of inactivity,
meaning you have not touched any of the audio player controls within five
• Fade Out Completely – Determines if the audio player is hidden completely when it
fades out, or if it will stay partially visible. If this option is not checked, the
transparency slider can be used to determine how transparent the player is.
• Automatically play next track – Determines if the audio player will continuously play
through all tracks in the playlist. If this option is unchecked, the audio player will
stop playback after finishing the current track.
• Switch track when song changes – Determines if the audio player will change the
current track when the song changes. If this option is enabled, and you change from
one song to another in a setlist, the audio player will stop playback and switch to the
first track associated with that song. If the current playlist is only showing tracks
from one song at a time, this setting will have no effect as the playlist will
automatically change when a different song becomes active. Tap the icon in the
playlist if you want to be able to play through all tracks in the setlist.
• Show artist with title – Determines if the artist is shown with the song title. In order
for this to work, the audio track must contain artist information.

All of the buttons on the audio player will now be explained:

Allows the audio player to be moved by pressing and dragging this button
across the screen. The new position of the audio player will be saved and
automatically restored the next time MobileSheetsPro is loaded.
Enables a-b looping. If an a-b loop has previously been set, orange vertical
bars will be drawn to show where the start and end points are for the loop.

Sets the start and end points for an a-b loop. First, change the track’s position
to the desired start of the loop by dragging the slider. Then tap the icon to
set the start of the loop. An orange vertical bar will be drawn showing the
start of the loop. Move the slider to where you want the loop to end and
press the icon. If you have not enabled a-b looping, the start/end will not
be shown, so you must do this first if you want to test the loop.
Mutes or unmutes the volume. You can adjust the volume by using the slider
to the right of this icon. If volume is muted the icon will look like .

Goes to the previous track. If the current playlist only has one song, this will
have no effect.

Rewinds within track. If pressed it will rewind in 5 second intervals. If held

down it will continuously rewind.

Pauses playback for the current track. If the track is currently paused, tapping
this again resumes playback.

Plays the current track. If the current track is already playing, tapping this
again will restart at the beginning of the track.

Stops playback for the current track.

Fast forwards within track. If pressed it will fast forward in 5 second intervals.
If held down it will continuously fast forward.

Skips to the next track. If the current playlist only has one song, this will have
no effect.

Sets the repeat mode. Tap this once to repeat the current playlist. Tap it again
to repeat the current track. Tap it again to turn repeating off.


MobileSheetsPro comes with a fully featured metronome that can be accessed through the
overlay. The metronome contains multiple display modes, sound effects, and options for
controlling the tempo and beats. The metronome window is shown below:

Figure 52 - The Metronome Window

The metronome window has controls for adjusting tempo, time signature, beat subdivisions,
sound effects, the first beat accent, and volume. You can also change the playback mode if
you only need visual or audio playback. At the top there is a tap-to-set tempo button to help
you dial in the tempo you require. The tempo slider allows you to make quick adjustments,
while the plus and minus buttons on the side adjust the tempo by 1 bpm at a time. The
sound pack that is selected determines what sound effect is used for the various beats. The
following sound packs are included:

• Wooden Metronome
• Ping
• Digital Metronome
• Hi-Hat
• Kick and Hi-Hat
• Bongo
• Cowbell
• Metal Metronome
• Woodblock

If the Accent First Beat checkbox is selected, a different sound effect will be used on the first
beat of every measure to make it easy to identify.

At the top left of the window, there are multiple icons. The first icon is which displays
the metronome playback settings dialog when tapped. This can be seen below:

Figure 53 - Metronome Playback Settings

The metronome playback settings must be set individually for each song. This gives you the
ability to control the metronome behavior based on what song or setlist you are loading.
Each of the settings is explained below:

• Auto-Start – Determines if the metronome will immediately start playing when the
song is loaded. If the song is part of a setlist, the metronome will start playing as
soon as the song is visible.
• Count In – Determines if the metronome will play a certain number of beats for a
count-in, and then stop. If the metronome is stopped in the middle of a count-in, it
will instead skip the count in. This provides an easy mechanism to override a count-
in if needed so that the metronome will continue to play without stopping.
o # of measures to count: If count-in is enabled, this is the number of
measures that will be played before the metronome stops.
• Auto-Turn Pages – Determines if the metronome will automatically turn pages when
it reaches the number of beats set for a given page.
• Apply to all songs in setlist – Applies the auto-start, count-in, # of beats to count,
and auto-turn pages settings to all songs in the current setlist.
• # of beats on current page – Determines how many beats there are on the current
page, which is used with the Auto-Turn Pages setting. The metronome will count this

number of beats, and then turn the page. This setting must be set for each page in
the song.
• Apply to all pages in current song – Uses the current “# of beats on current page”
value for all pages.

The next icon at the top left of the metronome window is the icon. This is used to
change the display settings for the metronome. The display settings dialog can be seen

Figure 54 - Metronome Display Settings

The first dropdown changes between the four different display modes. The choices are:
LEDs, Glow, Metronome and Circle. For every mode but “Metronome”, you can change the
color used in the second dropdown. You can also tap the square next to the dropdown if
you wish to select a custom color. In order to understand the four display modes, pictures
are provided below with an explanation for each mode.


The LEDs display mode will draw a series of colored squares at the top of the screen. The
number of squares matches the number of beats in the current time signature. If “Accent
First Beat” is enabled, the first square will be orange, while the other squares will match the
selected color.


The glow display mode will draw a colored box around the whole screen that pulsates with
the beats. Like the LEDs, the color of the first beat is orange if the first beat is accented.


The metronome display mode places a little metronome image at the top left corner of the
screen. The metronome arm will toggle between left and right on each beat.


The circle display mode will draw a blinking circle at the top left corner of the screen. It will
be drawn when a beat occurs, and then quickly fade out. Like the other display modes, if the
first beat is accented, the circle will be orange on the first beat.

At the top of the metronome window, you can also see the icon. If this icon is tapped, a
new tempo will be added for the current song. This lets you switch tempos for the current
song, which can be useful if the song contains multiple tempo changes. A dropdown will be
displayed to the right of the Tempo label so that you can select which tempo is active. You
can also delete a tempo by tapping the icon at the top of the window (this is only shown
if more than one tempo is available). The tempo can be quickly changed by assigning a
touch or pedal action to cycle through the tempos. The ability to switch tempos after a
certain number of beats is going to be added soon as well.


The snippet tool is a very useful feature for quickly cutting out a section of a song with
which to create a new song. It can be accessed by clicking on the popup menu in the
bottom left corner of the song overlay. If you happen to be using a PDF that contains
numerous songs, the snippet tool can be used to break up that PDF into a series of songs
which all share the same file. The snippet tool window is shown below:

Figure 55 The Snippet Tool

This dialog lets you enter a name for the new song that will be created as well as a range of
pages to use from the current song. The page range that is entered must be between 1 and
the value shown next to “Pages in File”. The range does not need to be continuous – you
can enter “1, 3, 5-7, 9” if you only wanted those specific pages. The “Copy Metadata”
checkbox determines whether the new song will be created with the same metadata
(artists, albums, genres, etc) as the current song. Likewise, “Copy Annotations” determines
if the current song’s annotations are copied into the new song. If “Load Snippet After
Creation” is checked, the new song will be immediately loaded into the song display after
creation. If “Edit Snippet After Creation” is checked, the song editor will be displayed for the
new song.


If the bottom right corner of the song display is tapped (see this picture for a visual of the
tap zones), the quick action box will be displayed. The quick action box contains a collection
of buttons that can be used to perform actions such as starting/stopping the audio player,
metronome, automatic scrolling, and performance mode. There is also a button whose
action can be changed if desired. The quick action box is shown below:

Figure 56 - The Quick Action Box

The quick action box will automatically fade out after five seconds of inactivity. The buttons
have the following actions:

Turns the metronome on. Long pressing this icon will display the metronome

Starts playing the track that is loaded in the audio player. Long pressing this
icon will show the audio player.

Shows the setlist window. Long pressing this icon will change the action of
this icon to one of the following:
• Show setlist window – Displays the setlist window
• Show bookmarks – Displays the bookmarks window
• Add new song to setlist – If a setlist is loaded, this will display a dialog
to find a song and add it to the current setlist. If a song is loaded, this
will display a list of setlists to add the song to.
• Pause setlist for request – Explained in detail here.
• Quick find song – Displays a dialog to find a song and load it.
• Edit song – Edits the currently displayed song in the song editor.
• Settings Screen – Loads the settings screen.
• Set Pedal Actions – Loads the screen used to configure the pedal
• Toggle Night Mode – Toggles night mode which inverts the colors
showing white on black instead of black on white.
• Annotate Song – Loads the current page in the annotations editor.
• Change Text File Settings – Loads the Text Display Settings Dialog. If a
text file is loaded, the dialog will change the settings for that text file,
otherwise the dialog will change the default text file settings.

If the icon action is changed to something other than “Show setlist window”,
the icon will change to to indicate that it is a custom user action.
Starts automatic scrolling. Long pressing this icon will show the automatic
scrolling settings.

Toggles the performance mode on and off. When performance mode is

active, the overlay is disabled and pressing on the screen will only change

Users may wish to enable performance mode for live performances, as it disables the
overlay and zooming. When performance mode is enabled, the quick action box is very
important as it provides access to features that would otherwise be inaccessible.


One of the most useful features of MobileSheetsPro is the ability to have hands-free
playback through either the use of a pedal or automatic scrolling. Automatic scrolling is very
configurable and can be set up to scroll and turn pages with appropriate pauses. Automatic
scrolling is especially great when paired with the vertical scrolling display mode, as you can
have it continuously scroll at a slow pace. The automatic scrolling can have different settings
per song so that you can fine tune the behavior for specific behaviors. The scrolling will also
automatically stop when the last page of a song is reached in a setlist, so there is no danger

of it scrolling too far after a song is finished. Automatic scrolling can be initiated in multiple

• By tapping the icon in the overlay, and then tapping “Start Scrolling”.
• By tapping the bottom right corner to bring up the quick action box and then tapping
the icon.
• By assigning “Start or stop scrolling” to either a touch or pedal action.

To change the automatic scrolling settings, either tap the icon in the overlay and tap
“Scroll Settings”, or long press the icon in the quick action box. The following screen will
be displayed:

Figure 57 - Automatic Scrolling Settings

The settings are as follows:

• Scroll Behavior – Determines how each page will be scrolled. Three different modes
are supported.
o Scroll and Pause – Each page will be scrolled by the percentage specified for
“Scroll Amount”, and then paused for the number of seconds specified in
“Pause Duration”.
o Scroll and Pause After Page Turn – Each page will be scrolled until the end,
the page will be turned, and then the automatic scroller will pause for the
number of sections specified in “Pause Duration”.
o Scroll Continuously To End – The automatic scroller will continuously scroll
and turn pages until it passes the end of the song.

• Pause Duration – The number of seconds to pause between scrolls, depending upon
the scroll behavior.
• Scroll Speed – The speed at which the screen is scrolled. This value is used in
conjunction with the scroll amount to determine how much of the screen to scroll,
and how fast. Each supported value will be explained below. The first time is the
amount of time per scroll with a scroll mode of “Scroll and Pause” while the second
time is the amount of time per page when using the other modes.
o Slowest – 90 seconds per page.
o Slower – 75 seconds per page.
o Slow – 60 seconds per page.
o Medium – 45 seconds per page.
o Fast – 30 seconds per page.
o Faster – 15 seconds per page.
o Fastest – 7.5 seconds per page.
o Immediate – Scroll occurs immediately (no animation).
o Fixed Duration – Scrolls for the duration specified in the Fixed Duration
o Use Metronome – The scroll speed is based upon the current metronome
tempo. The basic rule is the # of beats/bps * 4 measures per line = the
number of seconds per scroll.
• Fixed Duration – If the Scroll Speed is set to Fixed Duration, this is the amount of
time to scroll per Scroll Amount or per page, depending upon the scroll behavior.
• Scroll Amount – The percentage of the page to scroll at a time when using the
“Scroll and Pause” scroll behavior.
• Time Before Scrolling Starts – The number of seconds to wait before scrolling
• Start Scrolling When Song Loads – Immediately starts the automatic scrolling when
the song is loaded.
• Apply To – Applies the selected scroll settings to the current song, all songs in the
current setlist, or all songs in the library.
• Set as Default – Uses the current scroll settings as the default for all new songs.


At the bottom of the song overlay there is a slider for changing the current page called the
page slider. When only one song is loaded, the page slider shows the current page and total
number of pages for the song. When a setlist is loaded, the page slider shows the current
page out of the combined total number of pages for all songs in the setlist, and the
information about the position in the current song above the slider. When pressing on the

slider to change the current page, a preview window is displayed above the slider to show
you what page you are turning to before you release. The preview window is shown below:

Figure 58 - The Page Slider Preview

Normally, the page slider is only shown when the overlay is visible. If you like having access
to the page slider at all times, you can change its behavior in the display settings.
Conversely, if you don’t like the page slider, you can choose to hide it entirely.


When a text file is currently displayed, the icon is displayed at the top right of the song
overlay. Tapping this icon will display the dialog used to transpose text files. The dialog can
be seen below:

Figure 59 - The Transpose Dialog

The transpose dialog is fairly simple in nature – to transpose to a different key, just tap the
right or left arrows to switch the key until you’ve reached the desired key. If you want to
transpose to a sharp key, tap the toggle button. If you instead want to transpose to a flat
key, tap the toggle button. To reset the key back to the key that was first displayed, tap
the reset button.

The number of intervals used to adjust the chords in the current song is determined by the
difference between the currently selected transposition key and the starting key. The
starting key is normally determined by the selected algorithm in the settings, but if the
starting key of the song needs to be adjusted, tap the “Set Starting Key” button and select
the starting key using the same approach used for selecting the transposition key.


When a text file is currently being displayed, an icon is displayed at the top right of the
song overlay. Tapping this icon will display two choices: Text Display Settings and Edit File.
The first option lets you change the text display settings for the current file. The text display
settings dialog is shown below:

Figure 60 - Text Display Settings (Simple on left, Advanced on right)

As can be seen above, there are two modes for the dialog: simple and advanced. The switch
at the top controls this, and the default is simple. The only difference between the two is
that the simple mode hides a number of settings that are not commonly needed by most
users. Values on the dialog can be changed to immediately see the effect on the file in the
background. The changes are not applied until the OK button is clicked. The settings are as

• Font: Changes the currently selected font for the text file. The list of supported fonts
is provided below. Not every font is available on every device. Only the fonts that are
supported on your device will be shown.
o System Default – Uses the system font default which is used for all controls
and labels.
o Monospace – Uses a fixed width font. While it is not very aesthetically
pleasing, it is very useful for displaying guitar tabs and other content where
every character needs to have the same width so that everything lines up
o Sans Serif – On most tablets, this is the same as the system default.
o Serif – A pleasing font that takes up a little more width than sans serif.
o Light – A font that has a smaller thickness than standard sans serif.
o Condensed – A font with less width between characters than sans serif.

o Condensed Light – A font that has less width between characters and a
smaller thickness than standard sans serif.
o Thin – A font with a very small thickness.
o Medium – A font with a larger thickness than sans serif, making it appear
o Black – A font with even more thickness than medium, making it appear
• Title Size: The font size used to display the document title, which will be the first line
of the text file unless a specific title is specified in the chord pro syntax.
• Meta Size: The font size used to display content such as sub-title or artist.
• Lyric Size: The font size used to display lyrics.
• Chord Size: The font size used to display chords.
• Line Spacing: The amount of space to leave between lines of lyrics and chords. This is
a multiplier.
• Chord Highlight: The color to put behind chords. If any color other than white is
chosen, a square block of color will be drawn behind chords to highlight them.
• Chord Color: The color to use for chords. This can help make them stand out from
the lyrics.
• Capo: Changes the capo applied to the current song. The capo, much like
transposing, changes the chords that are displayed. If the “Modulate Capo Down”
setting is enabled in the text file settings, then the chords will be modulated down
the number of steps entered for the capo. For example, if the chord is normally C,
and the capo value is set to 3, the chord will be displayed as A. This is because, if you
have a capo on the 3rd fret of a guitar and wanted to play a C chord, then you should
play an A chord, as the two are equivalent. If “Modulate Capo Down” is unchecked,
then an Eb chord will be displayed, as playing a C chord with a capo on the 3rd fret is
equivalent to playing an Eb chord without a capo.
• Apply To: Provides a popup with a selection to apply the settings to the current file,
all files in the current song, all files in the setlist, or all files in the library.
• Set as Default: Replaces the default text file settings with the current settings.
• Reset: Resets the settings to what they were when the dialog was first shown.
• Auto-Size Font: Determines the largest font that can be used without any lines
having to wrap around. In order to prevent ridiculously large font sizes from
potentially being selected, the “Maximum Auto Font Size” is set to 30 by default in
the settings. This means that if the calculated font size is larger than 30, 30 will be
used instead.

In some situations, the text file display settings dialog is displayed not for a current text file,
but to modify the default text settings. In this case, the capo field is not displayed.


Chord pro files are text based files that contain directives for the program loading them.
This allows the program to customize how the text is displayed such as making a title larger,
or by placing chords above the lyrics instead of in line with them. This makes them much
more powerful than standard text files. MobileSheetsPro tries to support some of the same
features with text files (such placing chords above lyrics), but many features are chord pro
specific. That is why chord pro files are the preferred format in MobileSheetsPro for
combining lyrics with chords. The chord pro specification can be found at the following

MobileSheetsPro supports most of the standard directives, and a number of custom ones as
well. The following table shows which commands are supported and what effect they have.
Note that multiple values may be present in the first column – they all have the same effect.
Use whichever you feel most comfortable with.

{title:text}, {t: text} Sets the title of the document. This is typically rendered
in larger font at the top (you can control the font size
{subtitle:text}, {st:text}, {su:text} Sets the sub-title. This is shown underneath the title
using the font size specified for the meta size.
{album:text}, {a:text} Sets the album. This can be used to automatically
populate the song’s album field when the file is first
{artist:text} Sets the artist. This is shown underneath the title and
subtitle. It uses the meta font size. It can also be used to
automatically populate the song’s artists field when the
file is first imported (see the “Use Fields For Songs”
{key:text} Sets the key of the song. This is important for
transposing the chords. This can also be used to
automatically populate the song’s keys field when the
file is first imported. (see the “Use Fields For Songs”
{capo:number} Sets the capo for the song.
{tempo:number} Sets the tempo for the song. This can be used to
automatically populate the song’s tempo field when the
file is first imported (see the “Use Fields for Songs”
{time:text} Sets the time signature for the song. This can be used to
automatically populate the song’s signature field when
the file is first imported (see the “Use Fields for Songs”
{duration:number} Sets the duration for the song. This can be used to

automatically populate the song’s duration field when
the file is first imported (see the “Use Fields for Songs”
{comment:text}, {c:text}, Displays a comment in the file, which will be shown
{guitar_comment:text}, {gc:text} with an italicized font.
{comment_box:text”}, {cb:text} Displays a comment surrounded by a box.
{start_of_chorus}, {soc} Marks the start of a chorus. A chorus will be indented
with Chorus shown above it. This chorus can be
repeated where needed by using the {chorus}
{end_of_chorus}, {eoc} Marks the end of a chorus.
{start_of_tab}, {sot} Marks the start of a tab. All of the text between this and
the end of the tab will be shown using a monospace
(fixed width) font. This is useful for displaying guitar
tablature where every character needs to be the same
width so that things line up properly.
{end_of_tab}, {eot} Marks the end of a tab.
{tabsize:number} Sets the font size to be used for tab sections. This is only
processed when the file is first imported.
{copyright:text} Displays a copyright at the bottom of every page which
is bolded and capitalized.
{footer:text} Displays the given text at the bottom of every page.
{book:text} Has the same effect as {album}
{textsize:number} Sets the font size to be used. This is only processed
when the file is first imported.
{textfont:text} Sets the font to be used. This is only processed when
the file is first imported. The value must match one of
the following:

• Monospace
• Sans Serif
• Serif
• Light
• Condensed
• Condensed Light
• Thin
• Medium
• Black

Note that not every font is supported for every tablet.

Some fonts were recently introduced with later OS
{chordsize:number} The font size to use for chords.
{chordfont:text} Sets the font to be used for chords. See {textfont} for a
list of supported values.
{highlight:text} Highlights the given text using a yellow background.

{chorus} Repeats the chorus specified between {soc} and {eoc}.
This can be a useful way to repeat choruses without
having to copy the chorus several times in the file.
{chorussize:number} Sets the font size to be used for chorus sections. This is
only processed when the file is first imported.
{new_page}, {np} Causes a page break so the content following this
command will be placed on a new page


MobileSheetsPro contains a text editor that can be used to generate new text or chord pro
files, or edit existing files. To create a new file, a song must first be created by entering the

Song Editor by tapping the “New” action in the action bar, and then tapping the icon on
the Files tab. A prompt will be shown requesting the name of the new file, and it will be
placed inside an appropriate folder in the MobileSheets storage location. You can also
create a new file if the current song being edited contains no other files. If a song is edited
that is currently using a text or chord pro file, the same icon can be used to edit that existing
file. Similarly, if a song is currently being viewed that uses a text or chord pro files, you can
edit the text file using the icon in the song overlay.

The text editor displays the current file’s contents in the center section of the screen with a
series of options at the top of the screen in the action bar as seen below:

Figure 61 - Text File Editor

The options at the top include:

• Move – Enables the chord move mode. This is only shown when editing a chord pro
file. When this mode is enabled, tapping on a chord will select that whole chord
(including the brackets) and display a toolbar with options to slide that chord left or
right one character. This makes it easy to reposition chords in the file. Tapping the X
in the toolbar will temporarily hide it until the next chord is tapped.
• Transpose – Allows the chords in the file to be transposed. This uses the same
transpose dialog as the one in the song overlay – just tap the arrows to switch keys
and switch between flat and sharp if needed.
• Insert – Allows chords and certain directives to be inserted into the current file to
make editing faster. This is only shown when editing a chord pro file.
o Chord – Inserts the brackets for a chord and places the cursor between the
brackets so the chord letters can be entered.

o Comment – Inserts a {comment:} directive and places the cursor after the
o Chorus Section – Inserts a {start_of_chorus} and {end_of_chorus} directive
and places the cursor on the line between them.
o Tab Section – Inserts a {start_of_tab} and {end_of_tab} directive and places
the cursor on the line between them.
o Repeat Chorus – Inserts a {chorus} directive to repeat the chorus.
• Save – Saves all changes that have been made to the file and exits the editor.
• Cancel – Cancels any changes that have been made and exits the editor.
• Preview – Shows a preview of what the text or chord pro file will look like when
rendered in the normal song display.


When using a setlist, it’s often very useful to know when you’ve reached the last page of a
song, and what is coming up next. In order to do this in a convenient, non-obtrusive way,
the next song bar was created. The next song bar shows up at the top of the screen when
you are on the last page of a song, and displays the title of the upcoming song. Depending
upon the settings, the next song bar can be configured to fade out after a number of
seconds. If you really like knowing what the next song is at all times, you can also configure
the next song bar to be shown at all times. The picture below demonstrates the next song

Figure 62 - The Next Song Bar

To configure the next song bar, tap the icon at the far right side of the bar. This will
display the following dialog:

Figure 63 - The Next Song Settings Dialog

The “Show Next Song” setting determines when the next song bar will be shown. The
options are:

• Never – The next song bar is never shown.

• On page before next song – The next song bar is only shown when the last page of
the current song is shown.
• Always –The next song bar is always shown.

The “Fade Out” setting determines how long the next song bar waits before fading out. The
following options are supported:

• Never – The bar will stay visible until you change pages.
• After 2 Seconds – The bar will fade out after two seconds.
• After 3 Seconds – The bar will fade out after three seconds.
• After 4 Seconds – The bar will fade out after four seconds.
• After 5 Seconds – The bar will fade out after five seconds.
• After 10 Seconds – The bar will fade out after ten seconds.

The “Text Size” setting determines how large the font in the next song bar is, and the “Text
Color” determines what color it is. Lastly, the “Background Color” setting determines what
color is used for the next song bar background.

If you have never seen the next song bar shown, it is likely disabled. You can change this by
going to the Display Settings, and selecting the “Show Next Song Indicator” setting. You will
see the same options described above for the “Show Next Song” setting.


If the icon is tapped in the top left corner of the song overlay, the following dialog will
be displayed:

Figure 64 - The Notes Dialog

Notes can be saved both for individual songs and setlists. In each case, checking the “Show
notes when loaded” checkbox will show a popup window containing the notes when the
song or setlist is loaded. When that box is checked, a dropdown will be displayed with
choices for how long the pop window should be shown. The window can be shown until a
tap occurs or until a certain amount of time passes. If the notes dialog is opened when a
setlist is loaded, the “Type” dropdown provides a mechanism to change whether the
current setlist’s notes are modified or the current song’s. If an individual song is loaded, the
dropdown at the top will not be visible and the current song’s notes will be edited. The text
size and alignment can also be set for both the song and setlist notes. Tapping the text size
field will show the following dialog where the text size value can be changed, settings can be
applied to more than one song and the default settings can be configured:

Figure 65- The Notes Text Size Dialog


When performing live, it can be nice to disable many elements of MobileSheetsPro that are
not needed, and could cause accidents. For this purpose, the performance mode feature
was created. When performance mode is enabled, the overlay and zooming is disabled, and
taps on the center of the screen will turn the page instead of bringing up the overlay. The
touch actions in the corners, top and bottom still operate normally, and the quick action box
is available to toggle features like the audio player and metronome. To toggle performance

mode, use the quick action box by tapping in the bottom right and tapping the icon, or

return to the library screen, and tap the icon in the floating toolbar. Note that when
performance mode is enabled, the action bar on the library screen will be hidden, as it’s
assumed no changes will be made to the library during a performance.

One key feature in MobileSheetsPro is the ability to markup music in a variety of ways. This
is accomplished through a screen called the annotation editor. When a song is loaded, the
annotation editor can be accessed by either using a three finger tap (which is configurable in
the touch actions) or tapping the icon in the song overlay. This will bring up the
annotation editor screen as shown below:

Figure 66 - The annotation editor

When the annotation editor is first loaded, you will see different options depending upon
what tool is selected at the top. In the example above, the pen is selected, so the Pen
Settings window is shown. If the highlight tool was selected instead, then the Highlight
Settings window would be shown. The following tools are supported in the annotations

This enables the selection mode, which allows you to select one or more
annotations either by tapping individual annotations, or drawing a selection box
around them. Once annotations are selected, you can also move or resize them
while in this mode. This is also the only mode that allows you to press and release to
bring up a popup menu, useful for copying and pasting annotations.

Activates panning. If the score is currently larger than the screen (meaning you have
zoomed in) this tool lets you quickly shift what part of the page is visible. Just drag
the page around to move it. To switch between the last selected tool and panning,
use a two finger tap. To switch back, use the two finger tap again. To zoom in or out,
use a pinch gesture.
This selects the draw mode, which supports multiple draw types including freeform,
line, rectange, and circle. There are number of options specific to the draw mode
that will be covered later.
This selects the highlight mode, which allows you to draw a transparent color on top
of your score. You can change the highlighter color if desired, as well as the
transparency level.
This selects the textbox mode, which allows you to type text on the screen. In
addition to just showing text, the textbox that is created can be filled and given a
border if desired.
This selects the stamp mode, allowing you to drop various music symbols on top of
your score. In the near future, these images will be replaced by higher quality font-
based stamps (meaning they will scale nicely at all sizes). Additionally, custom user-
provided stamps will be supported.
This selects the eyedropper, which allows you to select a color from the score or any
of the annotations. The foreground color will be set to whatever you tap.
This selects the eraser mode. This will either erase part of a drawing, or an entire
annotation, depending on the size of the box you draw.

In addition to the tools, there are several other icons displayed at the top. The and
icons are used to undo and redo changes made in the editor. The and icons are
used to switch to the previous page or next page. If changes are present in the editor,
tapping these icons will prompt you to save changes, unless you have enabled the
“Auto-save on Page Turn” setting, which will be covered later. Lastly, the icon is
used to show additional settings, which are covered in the list below:

• Show Pen Settings – If enabled, the Pen Settings window will be shown when the
pen tool is selected. If you close the Pen Settings window, you must tap this option
to bring the window back.
• Show Highlight Settings – Same as the Pen Settings window, but for the highlight
• Show Stamp Settings – Same as the Pen settings window, but for the stamp tool.
• Show List – Displays the list of all annotations on the current page, and provides the
ability to create annotation groups, which will be discussed later. The list is only
shown when the selection tool is active.

• Show Toolbox – Displays the floating toolbox, which contains all of the same tool
icons as displayed at the top of the page. You can move the floating toolbox by
dragging the arrow icon.
• Show Nudge with Select Tool – Displays the nudge tool when the selection tool is
active. The nudge tool is a simple window with four arrow icons. When an arrow
icon is tapped or held down, the selected annotations will be moved in the direction
of that arrow. This allows for greater precision when placing annotations on the
• Show Nudge with Other Tools – Displays the nudge tool when a tool other than the
selection tool is active.
• Grid Settings – Displays options for the grid, including an option to snap annotations
to the grid, an option to show the grid, and a slider for the grid cell size. This can be
useful to help line up annotations.
• Stylus Mode – Enables stylus mode which will attempt to only process touch events
from a stylus, and ignore any touch events caused by a hand. If you are not using a
smart stylus, do not enable this option, as it will cause the touch processing to not
work correctly.
• Auto-save on Page Turn – When enabled, any changes in the annotation editor will
be automatically saved when you turn to a different page.


In the annotations editor, each page can have one or more groups. Each group is a set of
annotations that you have placed on the score. The main use for groups is to quickly switch
between lyrics that are displayed on a score. You can play through the song once with the
first group displayed, and then when the song repeats, you can switch to the next group
which displays the lyrics for the second verse. If at any point you need the ability to toggle
between the list of annotations that are displayed on a given page, groups will provide that
for you.

To view groups, first activate the selection tool. If you do not see the selection list, enable
the “Show List” setting as described in the previous setting. The annotations list can be seen

Figure 67 - Group Window and Toolbox

As can be seen in the screenshot above, each annotation that has been placed on the score
is shown in the list. The dropdown in the group window displays “1”, which indicates that
the first group is active. To switch to a different group, tap this dropdown, and select a

different number. To add a new group, tap the icon . To delete the current group (and

all annotations under it), tap the icon at the top right of the list window.

You can quickly switch the selected annotations by tapping the items in the list. As each one
is tapped, its selection value will be toggled, as can be seen by it being checked or

unchecked. To quickly select all annotations, tap the select all button . Conversely, to
deselect all annotations, tap the deselect all button . To delete all selected annotations,

tap the delete button at the bottom right of the list window.


Whenever the draw, highlight, text or stamp tools are active, their settings window will be
displayed (if they are enabled in the settings). These windows let you to change the
properties of your annotations, such as the line width, color, or text size. As you change the
values in the settings windows, any selected annotations will be modified to reflect your
change. If you tap the line width, text size, or stamp size text fields, a popup window will be
shown allowing you to quickly change the value. This popup window also shows a preview
of what the new size will look like. You can also change these size values by tapping the
minus and plus buttons in the settings window. To change color values, you can tap the
dropdown to select commonly used colors, or tap the colored rectangle next to the
dropdown to select a custom color. To return to your last used custom color, select this
option from the dropdown. You can also use the eyedropper to select a different color from
the score or existing annotations.

When multiple annotations of the same type are selected, the settings windows will change
their values to match the first annotation of their type, and will change the labels of a
setting to green if the annotations are using different values for that setting.


When the tool is selected, you will be able to draw on top of the page. What is drawn is
determined by the active draw mode. To change the draw mode, enable the pen settings
window and tap the “Mode” dropdown. The following draw modes are supported in the
annotation editor:

Freeform drawing mode. Whatever motion your finger makes will be drawn on the
Rectangle drawing mode. A rectangle will be drawn based on the point you first press
down on, and the point where you pick your finger up.
Circle drawing mode. A circle will be drawn from the point you press down on with a
radius determined by where you pick your finger up.
Line drawing mode. A line will be drawn from the point you first press down on to the
point where you pick your finger up.

When drawing, the settings that are applied depend upon the draw mode. Line width
affects all draw modes, and determines the thickness of lines that are drawn. Color also
affects all draw modes, and determines what color the lines will be. Fill color only affects
rectangles and circles, and determines what color will be inside the shape. The “Smooth”
setting determines if line smoothing will be applied, which only affects freeform drawings.
The pen type dropdown contains several options that affect the style of the lines that are
drawn. The following pen types are supported:

Default pen mode. Each stroke ends with the path and does not project beyond it.
Round pen mode. Strokes end with a semi-circle.
Square pen mode. Strokes end with a square shape.
Dashed pen mode. Strokes are drawn as dashed segments.

The pen alpha determines the transparency of each drawing. Select a lower value to be
more transparent, and a higher value to be less transparent. To edit an existing freeform
drawing, press and hold on the freeform object to bring up a popup menu, and select the
edit option. This ensures that any new drawings are grouped together with the original as
one annotation instead of separate annotations.


When the tool is selected, you can add printed text to the score. To add a new textbox,
draw a rectangle on the score where you want the text to be positioned. By default, the
height of the box will be auto-sized to perfectly fit the text. If this is not desired, the auto-
size feature can be disabled (will be discussed below). Once a textbox is drawn, a popup
window will be shown that allows you to type text to be put in your textbox. You can also
change properties of the textbox through this window. The popup can be seen in the
screenshot below:

Figure 68 - Adding a Textbox

As you change text in the popup window, you will see the change reflected on your score.
You can also change the font, text size, text alignment, and whether the text is bold or

italicized. If you tap the expand button , additional settings will be shown (these are
shown in the screenshot above). These settings include the text color, the fill color, the
auto-size setting, whether a border is shown, the border size, border color and opacity. The
“Auto-size Textbox” option determines if the height of the textbox is automatically
determined based on the text. If you disable this option, text boxes will still be resized as
needed in order to fit all of the text you enter, but you will be able to make the height as
large as you want. The opacity determines the transparency of the textbox. A higher value
indicates less transparency, while a lower value indicates more transparency.

To edit existing text annotations, use the selection tool and tap on them. You can also draw
a box around them to edit multiple at a time. When editing multiple text annotations, their
text cannot be changed – only the other settings.


When the tool is selected, you have the option to drop various images on top of the
score. At the moment, the only supported stamps are the ones included with
MobileSheetsPro. A later update will add support for user-provided stamps, as well as
additional built-in stamps. To change the selected stamp, tap the stamp dropdown at the far
right of the settings window at the bottom of the screen. A large list of stamps will be
displayed. Tap the stamp you wish to add and then tap on your score to place this stamp. To
change the size of the stamp, change the stamp size value in the settings window. Currently,
there is no way to change the type of a stamp on the score – you must delete it, and replace
it with a different one.


In order to move or resize an annotation, the selection mode must be active by pressing the
tool at the top of the screen. To move an annotation, press your finger on an annotation
and then slide it to the new position. To move multiple annotations at once, select multiple
annotations first, then drag one of the annotations to a new position, and the other
selected annotations will move by the same amount. To resize one or more annotations,
selected the annotations to be resized, and then select one of the resize handles (the small
circles), and move your finger to change the size.


To copy an annotation, the selection mode must first be selected at the top of the
screen. Then, press and hold on the target annotation to bring up a popup menu. Select the
copy option. To paste this, press and hold on the score to bring up a popup menu, and
select the paste option.


In order to easily toggle annotation groups while viewing a score, support has been added
for both touch and pedal actions to trigger switching the active group. For example, you can
assign the top left corner to “Previous Annotation Group” and the top right to “Next
Annotation Group”, and this will cycle through the annotation groups when you press either
corner. If you plan on using annotation groups, consider utilizing these features.

In MobileSheetsPro, the area used to display songs has a number distinct tap zones for
triggering actions. The division of these tap zones can be seen here. The screen to
determine what action is triggered for a particular zone can be found by going to the
settings screen, then Touch & Pedal Settings, and finally “Touch Actions”. This will bring up
the following screen:

Figure 69 - Touch Action Settings

For each of the five programmable zones, two finger taps and three finger taps, the
following options are available:

• None – No action will be taken.

• Previous Annotation Group – The previous annotation group will be selected.
• Next Annotation Group – The next annotation group will be selected.
• Start or Pause Audio Player – The audio player will be started if it is stopped, or
stopped if it is playing.
• Show or Hide Audio Player – The audio player will be hidden if it is shown and
shown if it is hidden.
• Skip to Previous Audio Track – Starts playing the previous track in the audio player.
If the playlist only contains one audio track, this will have no effect.
• Skip to Next Audio Track – Starts playing the next track in the audio player. If the
playlist only contains one audio track, this will have no effect.
• Start or Stop Metronome – Starts the metronome if it is stopped, or stops the
metronome if it is currently started.

• Go to Previous Song – Skips back to the previous song in the active setlist. This will
have no effect if a single song is loaded.
• Go to Next Song – Skips to the next song in the active setlist. This will have no effect
if a single song is loaded.
• Toggle Night Mode – Toggles night mode, which inverts the colors for low light
• Go to Start of Song – Skips back to the start of the current song.
• Go to End of Song – Skips to the last page of the current song.
• Go to Next Metronome Tempo – Switches the current metronome tempo to the
next one in the list.
• Annotate Song – Loads the current page in the annotation editor.
• Go to Previous Bookmark – Changes the page to the page matching the closest
bookmark before the current page.
• Go to Next Bookmark – Changes the page to the page matching the closest
bookmark after the current page.
• Start or Stop Scrolling – Starts automatic scrolling if it is stopped, or stops it if the
pages are currently scrolling.
• Reset Pan and Zoom – Resets the pan and zoom for the current song or setlist.
• Create Snippet – Loads the snippet dialog for creating a snippet from the current
• Return to Library – Switches back to the library screen

After making selections, press the back button to exit the touch action settings page.

The pedal actions can be configured by going to the settings screen, then Touch & Pedal
Settings, and finally “Pedal Actions”. This will display the configuration screen for the pedal
actions, which can be seen below:

Figure 70 - Pedal Action Settings

The first setting, “Debounce”, determines the amount of time that must be measured
between pedal presses for them to be accepted. The options are: Disabled, Quarter Second,
Half Second, One Second, and Two Seconds. Having something other than “Disabled” for
the debounce setting is normally recommended to prevent multiple page turns at once.

The next setting, “Scroll Speed”, determines how fast the screen is scrolled after a pedal
action has initiated a scroll. This value is used together with “Scroll Amount” which specifies
the percentage of the page to scroll every time the pedal is pressed. For example, Medium
speed is one second, so if the scroll amount is 20%, 20% of the page will be scrolled in one
second after the pedal is pressed. The following values are supported:

• Slowest – 5 seconds
• Slower – 3 seconds
• Slow – 2 seconds
• Medium – 1 second
• Fast – 0.75 seconds
• Faster – 0.5 seconds

• Fastest – 0.2 seconds
• Immediate – The page is scrolled immediately (no animation).
• Fixed Duration – The value specified in the “Fixed Duration” setting determines the
number of seconds to use for the scroll time.
• Use Metronome – The current metronome tempo is used to determine how quickly
the screen is scrolled.

The fixed duration field, as explained above, determines the amount of time to use for
scrolling when the scroll speed is set to “Fixed Duration”.

In the middle of the screen, four sections are present – one per pedal. While
MobileSheetsPro supports up to four pedals, you can use any number of pedals you want. It
doesn’t even have to be a pedal – any device that can send Bluetooth or USB keyboard
commands will be recognized. It should be noted that the labeling of pedal 1 through 4 is
purely for organizational purposes – you can tie whatever pedal or device to whatever pedal
number you want, as each one is just a mapping of one or more keyboard commands to a
MobileSheetsPro action. To set up the action for a particular pedal, you can either tap one
of the “Pedal #” buttons or tap the “Keys” dropdown first to set up the keys to listen to,
then the action dropdown to specify the action (the Pedal # just sets up one after the

When you tap the Keys dropdown, the following dialog will be displayed:

Figure 71 - The Key Mapping Dialog

While this dialog is displayed, MobileSheetsPro will be waiting to receive commands from
any devices. If you have a pedal connected, press the pedal to see the value appear in the
“Keys” field. You can first tap “Clear” if you want to remove all values then press the pedal
to have just its value added. Tap OK to accept the current list of keys to map to the action. If
you don’t see anything added after pressing your pedal or other device, first ensure that you
have a valid connection over Bluetooth or USB and try again.

Once the keys are set, you can assign the pedal action. The following pedal actions can be
selected by tapping the action dropdown:

• None – No action will be taken.
• Go to Previous Page – Advances backward one page.
• Go to Next Page – Advances forward one page.
• Scroll to Top of Page – Scrolls continuously to the top of the current page.
• Scroll to Bottom of Page – Scrolls continuously to the bottom of the current page.
• Activate Link Point or Turn Page – Activates a link point if one exists on the page,
otherwise turns to the next page.
• Scroll Down or Turn Page if at Bottom – Scrolls down to the bottom of the current
page, or turns to the next page if already at the bottom.
• Scroll Up or Turn Page if at Top – Scrolls to the top of the current page, or turns to
the previous page if already at the top.
• Predictive Scroll Down and Turn – Attempts to scroll the next measure into view by
looking at the content of the page, or turns to the next page if at the bottom of the
current page.
• Predictive Scroll Up and Turn – Attempts to scroll the previous measure into view by
looking at the content of the page, or turns to the previous page if at the top of the
current page.
• Activate Previous Link – Triggers the previous link which skips to the end link page. If
the first link has not been activated yet, this has no effect.
• Activate Next Link – Triggers the next link which skips to the end link page. If all links
have been triggered, this has no effect.
• Activate Previous Link or Go to Previous Page – Triggers the previous link if it is on
the current page, otherwise it turns to the previous page. Additional details are
provided at the end of this section.
• Activate Next Link or Go to Next Page – Triggers the next link if it is on the current
page, otherwise it turns to the next page. Additional details are provided at the end
of this section.
• Previous Annotation Group – Switches to the previous annotation group.
• Next Annotation Group – Switches to the next annotation group.
• Show or Hide the Audio Player – Shows or hides the audio player.
• Previous Audio Track – Skips to the previous audio track.
• Next Audio Track – Skips to the next audio track.
• Start of Pause Audio Track – Starts the audio player if it is stopped, and stops it if it
is playing.
• Start or Stop Metronome – Starts the metronome if it is stopped, otherwise it is
• Go to Previous Song – Skips to the previous song in a setlist. This has no effect if a
single song is loaded.

• Go to Next Song – Skips to the next song in a setlist. This has no effect if a single
song is loaded.
• Go to Start of Song – Turns to the first page of the current song.
• Go to End of Song – Turns to the last page of the current song.
• Go to Previous Bookmark – Turns to the page of the closest bookmark before the
current page.
• Go to Next Bookmark – Turns to the page of the closest bookmark after the current
• Start or Stop automatic scrolling – Starts automatic scrolling if it is stopped,
otherwise it is started.
• Go to Previous Page or Loop to End of Song – Turns one page backward if not at the
start of the song, otherwise it advances to the last page of the song. This looping
mechanism works per song and doesn’t rely on the global repeat mode setting.
• Go to Next Page or Loop to Start of Song – Turns one page forward if not at the end
of the song, otherwise it returns to the start of the song.
• Annotate Song – Opens the annotations editor for the current song.
• Return to Library – Switches back to the library screen

Several of the pedal modes reference activating the previous or next link. When a first song
is loaded, a counter is kept determining what link point was last triggered. If a song has four
link points, and you’ve triggered the first link point, the next link point is the second link
point in the song. With the “Activate Previous Link or Go to Previous Page” and “Activate
Next Link or Go to Next Page” settings, it should be noted you must trigger the link points in
order. If you skip past a link point without triggering it, you will not be able to activate later
link points with the pedal until the song is reloaded (or you go back to the page containing
the link point and trigger it). Those modes are designed so that you can design a sequence
of pages, such as, 1,2, 3, 1, 2, 5, 6, and advance through them using the pedal. This would be
done by having a link point from 3 to 1, then from 2 to 5. You could then use the “Activate
Next Link or Go to Next Page” mode to just step through each page in order. The only other
way to achieve this is with a custom page order.

Similar to pedal actions, MobileSheetsPro can be configured to trigger various actions when
one or more MIDI commands is received. To configure these actions, go to the settings
screen, then MIDI Settings, and finally “MIDI Actions”. This will bring up the following

Figure 72 - The MIDI Actions Screen

To add a new MIDI action, tap the icon and the New MIDI Action dialog will be
displayed. The dialog lets you choose what action will be triggered in the dropdown at the
top. The same actions are supported for MIDI actions as are supported for pedal actions, so

consult the previous section for more information on the actions. Tapping the icon on
this dialog will display the Add MIDI Command dialog. This dialog lets you select the type of
MIDI command to listen for. See the MIDI tab section for additional details. Add all of the
MIDI commands that must be received in order to trigger the selected action. If you tap the

icon, you can listen for commands from your MIDI device, and setup the MIDI action to
use those commands.

One feature in MobileSheetsPro that is quite powerful is the ability to have one master
device control other connected slave devices. The master tablet can be configured to load
songs and setlists on the other tablets, turn pages and send pedal actions. To begin
connecting devices, tap the “Connect Devices” option in the overflow menu on the library
screen, and you will see the following dialog displayed:

Figure 73 - The connect devices dialog

There are two ways to connect devices: WiFi and Bluetooth. You can switch between these
modes by tapping the “Connect Using” dropdown. Both connection types will be covered in
the following sections as well as the various settings dialogs.


In order to connect devices using Wifi, a common access point that all devices can connect
to must be available. That access point must also allow messages to be sent between
devices (public access points may restrict this). If no access points are available, most
phones now support creating a hotspot access point that other devices can connect to, and
this can be used with MobileSheetsPro.

To begin connecting devices, the “New Master” button must be tapped on the device that
will be designated as the master. The following dialog will be displayed:

Figure 74 - The dialog used to setup a new group

A name can be provided for the group which the slave devices will use when joining the
group. It’s useful to provide a unique name if several different groups may be created on
the same access point. You can also choose whether or not the master will turn pages
and/or load songs and setlists on the slave devices. In order for songs to be loaded, the
slave devices must have songs and setlists with matching titles.

When “OK” is tapped on this dialog, the master device will begin broadcasting the group
information to the slave devices. When this occurs, the group will show up in the dialog, as
can be seen below:

Figure 75 - The master group is detected and can be joined

In this example, “Group 1” can be tapped, at which point it will be selected, the text will
turn green and the “Join Group” button will be enabled as can be seen in the figure above. If
“Join Group” is tapped, the slave device will attempt to join the selected group. When this
join succeeds, the label in the list will change to “Group 1 (Connected)”, and the master
device will display the connected slave device in its list. At this point, the master can now
load a song or setlist, and the slave device will load the same song or setlist (assuming it can

find a match). If enabled, the master device can also turn pages and the slave devices will
turn their pages in sync. It should be noted that pedal commands, such as scrolling will also
be sent from the master device to the connected slave devices, but only if page turns are


In order to connect devices using Bluetooth, the devices must be in range of each other and
have Bluetooth enabled. If Bluetooth is chosen from the dropdown but Bluetooth is not
enabled, MobileSheetsPro will prompt you to enable it. Once Bluetooth is selected and
enabled, the dialog will display a new switch labeled “Search” as can be seen in the figure

Figure 76 - Bluetooth is selected and discovery is active

While switched on, the tablet will search for Bluetooth devices nearby that can be
connected to. This search will only last for 12 seconds, as it will consume a lot of power and
processing resources on the device. If a group has been created, it will show up in the list
during the 12 second search. If the search ends, you can toggle it back on once the master
has created the group.

To create a new group, the master device must tap the “New Master” button, and provide a
name, as described in the previous section. The only difference is that, once OK is tapped,
you will be prompted to allow the device to become discoverable. The device will stay
discoverable for two minutes and the “Search” switch will change to “Discoverable”. If the
two minute period ends and other slave devices still need to connect, toggle the
“Discoverable” switch back to on.

When a slave device attempts to connect using Bluetooth, a pairing of the two devices will
begin. If the devices have never been paired before, a dialog will be displayed on each
device that requires the user to confirm the pairing. After the pairing completes, the two

devices will be connected, and you will see the list change to reflect this. The master can
then start controlling the connected slave devices.


If the “Settings” button is tapped on the main connect devices dialog, a separate dialog will
be shown that is used to configure settings on the slave devices. The dialog can be seen

Figure 77 - Slave device connection settings

This setting allows the slave device to be uniquely named which makes it easier to
distinguish in the master devices list. It also lets the slave devices choose whether they want
to allow the master device to load songs and setlists or turn pages for them. This allows the
master to have default settings that apply to all slave devices, but certain devices can
override these settings if needed.

While the default settings for MobileSheetsPro will be fine for most users, everyone likes to
operate a little differently. That’s why MobileSheetsPro provides the ability to change
various settings that impact how the application operates. To access the settings screen, tap
the overflow menu at the top right of the library screen and select settings, or tap the
icon at the bottom right corner of the overlay. The settings screen is shown below:

78 – The Settings Screen

When the settings screen is accessed from the library screen, the “Library Settings” section
is first shown. When the settings screen is accessed from the song overlay, the “Display
Settings” section is first shown.

While most settings are self-explanatory, some may not be completely clear upon reading
the description. For this reason, all of the settings will be described in detail below:


• Version – Displays the current version of MobileSheetsPro

• Email Zubersoft Support – Displays a dialog that allows you to send an email to the
Zubersoft support email address. This dialog will be pre-populated with information
about your tablet.
• Release Notes – Displays a dialog showing all of the release notes for recent


• Let MobileSheets Manage My Files

o Determines if MobileSheetsPro will copy all imported files to its storage
location or if files will be used from their original import location. See the
section on storage for more information.
• Set the MobileSheets Storage Location
o Sets the location to which MobileSheetsPro will copy imported files.
• Expose Database File
o Determines if the database file will be placed in the storage location, or if it
will be kept in a private application data directory. If you choose to expose
the database file, ensure that it is always accessible at startup.
• Delete Original After Copy
o If “Manage My Files” is enabled, this setting determines whether files will be
deleted after they are imported and copied to the MobileSheetsPro storage
location. If you don’t need files on your SD card after you’ve loaded them
into MobileSheetsPro, enable this option.
• Create Subdirectories For Songs
o Creates an individual folder in the storage location for every song. This can
help reduce the potential for file name conflicts. This setting only applies if
“Manage My Files” is enabled.
• Copy Audio Files
o This setting determines if audio files will be copied into the MobileSheetsPro
storage location after being added to a song. This setting only applies if
“Manage My Files” is enabled.
• Add Unique Id to Filenames
o This setting determines if numbers will be appended to imported filenames
when they are copied to the MobileSheetsPro storage location. This ensures
that there will never be file name conflicts. This is the same behavior as the

original MobileSheets. This setting only applies if “Manage My Files” is
• Switch Dropbox Account
o Provides a mechanism to change the current dropbox account. If you have
multiple dropbox accounts, and need to switch between them when using
MobileSheetsPro, this setting is the only place to do that.


• Use Large Letters For Alphabet Jump

o Sets a larger font size for the alphabet list on the right side of the library
screen. All letters may not be visible if this option is selected, in which case
you will need to scroll the list to access them.
• Left Hand Alphabet List
o Places alphabet lists, used to quickly scroll lists to entries starting with a given
letter, on the left side of the screen instead of the right.
• Song Title Formatting
o Loads the song title formatting dialog so that the way in which songs are
displayed in the library lists can be configured. See the section on song title
formatting for more information.
• Generate Song List Format
o Determines how songs are printed when generating a song list from a setlist.
See the section on generate song list formatting for more information.
• Custom Group Name
o Determines what name is displayed for the custom group category.
• Use Dark Theme
o Inverts the list colors so that it shows white text on a black background.
• Alternate Row Color
o Provides alternating row colors for the library screen lists. Options include:
none, light gray, gray or dark gray.
• Library Text Size
o Determines what font size is used for displaying entries on the library screen.
• Text Alignment
o Determines if entries in the library lists are left, center, or right aligned.
• Tab Order
o Loads the tab order dialog to select what tabs are shown and in what order
• Show Number of Songs
o Determines if, for group types, the number of songs they contain is displayed
to the far right of the entry in the list (or far left if Left Hand Alphabet List is

• Show Setlist Duration
o Shows the total setlist duration beside the setlist title on the library screen.
• Clear Filters After Load
o Automatically clears any filters than have been applied when a song or setlist
is loaded.
• Show Floating Toolbar
o Determines if the floating toolbar is shown at the bottom right corner of the
library screen.
• Ignore Articles While Sorting
o This determines if articles specified by the “Articles to Ignore” are ignored
during sorting. This is typically used to ignore articles such as “A”, “An”, and
“The”, so that a song titled “The Best Song” would show up under “B” instead
of “T”.
• Articles to Ignore
o This determines what articles are ignored at the beginning of songs when the
“Ignore Articles While Sorting” feature is enabled. The list of articles must be
comma separated.
• Normalize Characters
o Determines if diacritical marks are removed from characters while sorting
and certain other characters are replaced, i.e. Č becomes C, Å becomes A, Ö
becomes O
• Automatically Load Next Song
o This setting can be used to page through songs in any library list. For
example, if an individual song is loaded using the songs tab, this setting
would let you page through all of the songs on the songs tab, starting with
the first one you loaded. The songs aren’t loaded as a setlist – instead,
MobileSheetsPro will just load the next one in the list when you advance past
the last page of the current song.
• Always Load Last Viewed Page
o When this setting is enabled, MobileSheetsPro will automatically load the last
page that was viewed for any song or setlist. This ensures that you can pick
up from wherever you left off at when working through pieces.
• Initial Library Tab
o This setting determines what tab is shown first when MobileSheetsPro is
• Always Load Whole Setlist
o This setting determines if, when an individual song is tapped inside of a setlist
on the library screen, whether the whole list is loaded (starting at the page of
that song) or just that song is loaded.
• Skip Viewing Groups with One Song

o If a group with only one song is tapped, the song will be loaded instead of
viewing the group. Empty groups will be shown with a gray title. If group song
counts are enabled, no number is shown for groups with a single song.


• Language
o Provides a way to easily change the language used in MobileSheetsPro.
• Allow Zoom Out Past 100%
o When pinch zooming in MobileSheetsPro, you are normally not allowed to
zoom the score smaller than the screen dimensions. This is done so that as
much of the screen space is used as possible. If you want to be able to make
the sheet music smaller than the screen, enable this setting.
• Disable Page Turn Animation
o Normally when using the single page, two page, or vertical scrolling display
mode, the pages will scroll when you tap to advance to a new page. This
setting removes the scrolling animation so that pages instantly change when
you tap.
• Repeat Mode
o If this setting is enabled and you advance past the last page of a song or
setlist, MobileSheetsPro will jump back to the first page of that song or
• Display Half Page in Landscape
o Displays half a page in landscape orientation while using the single page
display mode. Pages can be scrolled up and down.
• Half-Page Turns In Landscape Mode
o Advances half a page at a time while the single page display mode is active in
Landscape Mode. Vertical scrolling is disabled while this mode is active.
• Separate Songs in Two Page Mode
o If this setting is enabled, two different songs will never be shown at the same
time when using the two page display mode. This means if a three page song
is shown, followed by a two page song, page three of the first song will not
be shown at the same time as page one of the second song. This means that
sometimes a single page will be displayed if necessary.
• Link Point Default Size
o Provides control over the default size of link points. This increases both their
size on the screen, and the hit detection area.
• Page Color Tone
o Tints pages using a selected color tone to reduce glare and eye strain.
Supported tints include sepia, gray and cool (a blueish tint).

• Background Fill Color
o Determines what color is used to fill the margins surrounding scores
displayed in MobileSheetsPro. Choices include black and white (black is the
default). This also acts as the background color for transparent images. If you
are using transparent images, setting the background to white will allow you
to see your sheet music normally.
• Night Mode
o Inverts black and white to help in dark environments (decreases the amount
of light coming from the device reflecting on your face.)
• Page Alignment
o Normally, pages are aligned with the top of the tablet in MobileSheetsPro.
This makes it easier for your eyes to know where the next page will align. If
you prefer to have your pages centered or aligned to the bottom of the
screen, switch this setting.
• Show Formatted Song Titles
o Determines if the song titles shown in the overlay, setlist window and next up
song bar will use the same formatting as the library screen. If not, the
standard song title will be used.
• Show Next Song Indicator
o Displays the options for determining when the next song indicator will be
shown. The options are never, on page before next song, and always. More
information can be found in the next song bar section.
• Always Show the Title Bar
o Determines if the top section of the overlay, known as the title bar, is always
visible at the top of the screen while viewing a song. Enabling this setting will
ensure that the sheet music is pushed below the title bar so that nothing is
• Show Preview During Page Seek
o Enables/disables the mini-preview window that appears while using the page
slider to change pages.
• Overlay Toggle Mode
o Determines what action displays the image overlay. Choices include: single
tap, long press or swipe diagonally. (A single tap will always close it.)
• Page Slider Visibility
o This setting determines when the page slider is shown. The options are:
hidden, shown with overlay, and always visible.
• Render Preference
o Determines if pages should be rendered at maximum quality and accuracy or
as fast as possible. This switches between two different PDF rendering

libraries. If you are encountering problems with PDFs loading too slowly, or
any other PDF errors, changing this setting may help.
• Dim the Navigation Bar
o If running Honeycomb or later, the navigation bar at the bottom of the
screen will be dimmed (otherwise this has no effect.)
• Hide the Navigation Bar
o If running KitKat or later, this setting will let you fully hide the navigation bar
at the bottom of the screen. You will have to swipe from the top of the
screen to gain access to the hardware back button if you enable this.
• Fullscreen Mode
o Determines if MobileSheetsPro hides the notification bar at the top of the
screen. If you don’t need notifications on your tablet, this will free up
additional space for displaying your library and scores.


• Convert PDF Bookmarks

o Enables automatic conversion of PDF bookmarks to MobileSheets bookmarks
when PDFs are imported. The PDF itself will not be modified.
• Automatically Add Matching Audio
o Determines if matching audio files will be automatically added to songs when
files are imported. The file names (ignoring the extensions) must match and
the audio files must be in the same folder as the files being imported. That
means if a file called “newfile.pdf” is imported, a search for “newfile.*” will
be performed, and any match with a valid audio file extension will be used
(such as newfile.mp3 or newfile.wav).
• Aggressively Crop
o Enables a more aggressive algorithm for removing margins which tries to
ignore noise in the margins of pages.
• Populate Metadata When Importing Audio
o Determines if song fields are populated using the metadata from imported
audio files.


• Pedal Actions
o This loads a separate dialog that lets you assign actions to pedal presses. See
the section on configuring pedal actions for more information.
• Prevent Pedal From Changing Songs

o If you like to change pages with a pedal but do not want the pedal to switch
between songs, enable this option. Songs will only be changed by tapping the
• Touch Actions
o This loads a separate dialog that lets you assign touch actions to parts of the
screen. See the section on configuring touch actions for more information.
• Enable USB Mouse Processing
o This determines if USB mouse clicks will be used to turn pages
• Swap Mouse Click Actions
o Switches the mouse click actions so that a left mouse click turns back one
page while a right mouse click turns forward one page.
• Treat Mouse Click as Pedal Press
o If this setting is enabled, mouse clicks can be used like a pedal to invoke a left
or right pedal action. You must assign the actions you want to pedal #1 and
pedal #2 on the pedal action screen.


• Default Display Settings

o Loads the text file settings dialog to configure the default settings for text
• Wrap Text
o Determines if text will be wrapped when displaying text files. If this setting is
unchecked, lines may extend beyond the screen.
• Use Multiple Columns
o Determines if text files will attempt to use multiple columns per page if there
is enough width available.
• Place Chords Above Text
o Determines if chords are extracted and placed above text when possible, or if
they are left on the same line
• Use Text Fields During Song Creation
o Determines if metadata will be extracted from chord pro files and used to
populate song fields during creation. See the section on chord pro files for
more information.
• Modulate Capo Down
o Determines if chords will be modulated down by the number of steps
specified by the capo field in songs. For example, if the chord is normally C,
and the capo value is set to 3, the chord will be displayed as A. This is
because, if you have a capo on the 3rd fret of a guitar and wanted to play a C
chord, then you should play an A chord, as the two are equivalent. If

“Modulate Capo Down” is unchecked, then an Eb chord will be displayed, as
playing a C chord with a capo on the 3rd fret is equivalent to playing an Eb
chord without a capo.
• Capo Display Settings
o Configures the appearance and visibility of the capo on the score and next up
song bar. The capo number is displayed in a rounded rectangle.
• Process Output Directives
o Determines if output directives such as the lyrics font name and size, chords
font name and size and tab font size are processed.
• Detect Key By
o Determines how the key of a given text or chord pro file is determined. The
options are as follows:
▪ First Chord – The first chord in the song will be used as the key
▪ Last Chord – The last chord in the song will be used as the key
▪ Chord Progression – MobileSheetsPro will look at the chord
progression in the song, count the number of chords of each type,
and try to determine the key from this information.
• Display File Encodings
o Determines if the file encoding setting is shown on the text display settings
dialog. Normally users do not need to change the file encoding for text files
as they are determined automatically. If you see <?> characters in your text
or chord pro files, enable this setting, and try changing the encoding for that
file in the text settings dialog.
• Auto-Size Font
o If enabled, the font size will be automatically calculated for imported text and
chord pro files based on the longest line in the file. The font size will be the
largest value possible that doesn’t cause line wrapping and is less than or
equal to the maximum auto font size.
• Maximum Auto Font Size
o The largest font size allowed when auto-size font is used to calculate the font
for a file. This ensures that extremely large font sizes aren’t used for files with
short lines of text.


• MIDI Channel
o The MIDI channel that MobileSheetsPro will send and receive MIDI messages
• MIDI Echo

o Determines if MobileSheetsPro will send all received MIDI messages back out
to every connected device.
• Allow Multiple MIDI Channels
o Determines if MobileSheetsPro will allow MIDI commands to be configured
to be sent out on multiple channels.
• MIDI Device
o Determines what kind of MIDI device is connected. If KORG is selected, an
additional “Number” MIDI command will be available. Consult the KORG
documentation here for more information.
• MIDI Actions
o Configures actions that MobileSheetsPro will trigger when MIDI messages are
received. See the section on MIDI actions for more details.


• Backup Library
o Displays a dialog that will let you initiate a backup of your entire library. See
the section on backing up your library for more information.
• Restore Library
o Displays a dialog that will let you initiate a restore of your entire library. See
the section on restoring your library for more information.
• Restore Automatic Database Backup
o Allows one of the automatic database backups to be restored in the case that
data has been lost. Restoring a database backup is irreversible, so be cautious
when using this feature.


• Keep Screen On
o Determines when the screen is forced to stay on. The choices are: Never,
While Viewing Scores and Always.
• Keep CPU On
o Determines when the CPU is allowed to sleep. The choices are: Never, While
Viewing Scores, and Always. Normally there is no reason to keep the CPU on,
but if you are experiencing problems with Bluetooth pedals falling asleep,
this may help.
• Find Missing Files
o Shows a dialog that can be used to find songs that are missing files in the
library. Songs in this list can be tapped to swap in valid files, edited to fix the
problem or deleted if they are no longer needed.
• Fix Broken File Paths

o This advanced utility can be used to repair file paths in the library if files have
been relocated to a location that no longer matches what MobileSheetsPro
originally stored. If you have upgraded the Android OS on your device and
the removable SD card path has changed, this utility can help fix the file paths
in MobileSheetsPro. The simplest way to use the utility is to tap the
Automatic radio button and then let MobileSheetsPro search for the files and
fix the paths stored in the database.
• Stop Audio on Back
o Determines if audio playback is stopped when the back button is used to
return to the library screen.
• Prompt before exit
o If the back button is tapped to exit MobileSheetsPro, a confirmation is
required before the app will be exited.
• Show number keyboard first
o Defaults to showing the number section of the keyboard first. Some tablets
show numbers and letters together by default, so this setting may have no
• Convert PDF to Images
o Provides a dialog that can be used to convert a PDF to image files. Provide
the files you want to convert, the directory to place the output files into, the
type of image file you want, the pages from the PDF to create images from,
and a desired height if you want the images to be a certain size (otherwise
leave this blank).
• Clear Library
o Completely clears the library, optionally removing all song files.
• Reset Settings to Default
o Resets all settings across the application to their defaults.

The MobileSheetsPro Companion is an application that allows you to manage your library
from the comfort of your PC. You can add, edit, and remove songs, create and edit setlists
and collections, and even do things like select tracks from your tablet’s music library or
transfer music tracks from your PC to the tablet. To start using the companion app, the first
thing you need to do is connect your tablet to the MobileSheetsPro Companion.


In order to connect your tablet to the PC Companion, both your tablet and PC must be
hooked up to the same network (i.e. the same router). The first step is to start the sync
mode on the tablet. On the library screen, tap the action bar overflow menu at the top
right, and then tap on the “Sync to PC” option. You will be presented with the following

Figure 79 - The Sync Screen

By default, this screen is configured to connect over Wi-Fi. It is highly recommended that
you stick with a Wi-Fi connection, as the USB connection is very difficult to configure. That
means that the Wi-Fi connection symbol should be orange in the center of the screen. If not,
tap it to select it.

Next, load up the MobileSheetsPro companion. The tablet will be sending out an
identification message to your PC. The Companion App should then pop up a window that
looks like the following:

80 - The Companion App Connection Screen

Double-click on the entry to start connecting to the tablet. The companion application will
show that it is connected by no longer being disabled and by stating, “Ready”. If you
perform these steps, and the connection screen is not displayed, you may need to toggle
the Wi-Fi off and then on again with your tablet. This resets locked resources. If you do see
the connection screen, but can’t get a successful connection, you may have a firewall that is
blocking necessary ports. Make sure you allow ports 16568, 16569, and 8888.


After a connection is established, the main window will look like the following:

Figure 81 - The Main MobileSheetsPro Companion Window

All of the songs in your library will be displayed in the center. You can filter these songs just
like you can on the tablet. See the section on filtering for more information on this. The next
step is to create or edit a song.


At this point, you can now drag files from your hard drive to the application to start creating
a song or edit an existing song by double-clicking on it. You can also right-click on the list
and select “Add Song” to bring up the song editor to start creating a new song. The song
editor is shown below:

Figure 82 - The Song Editor

The MobileSheetsCompanion song editor was modeled after the tablet song editor, so you
will see a lot of similarities. Consult the main tablet song editor section for additional
information. The main differences are with adding audio tracks and MIDI commands.

If multiple files are dragged in to the main window, an import of all files will be performed
at once instead of loading the song editor. The following dialog will be displayed:

Figure 83 - The Import Settings Dialog

This dialog is identical in nature to the one shown on the tablet when the Import->Local File
action is used. See that section for more details on this dialog.


If you select the audio tab in the song editor, and then click the Add button or double click
an entry, the following window will be displayed:

84- The track selection dialog

The first tab, as shown here, displays every track that was found in your tablet’s music
library. Double-click on a track in the top list to add it to the song’s audio track list on the
bottom. Double-click a track on the bottom list to remove it. If the track you want isn’t
currently on your tablet, and is on your PC, click the second tab to view the screen shown

85 - Selecting a track from your PC

The first thing you will notice is that the fields are not filled in. You must add a file by either
dragging and dropping a file into the window or browsing for a file by clicking the “Add”
button at the bottom of the top section. Once you add a file, the various fields will be
populated with information, and the file will be added to the song’s list of audio tracks. By
default, the song will be transferred and added to the tablet’s global music directory. The
benefit of putting songs in this directory is that the tablet will automatically detect that a
new track has been added, and you will see the track in any other application/browser that
looks at the music directory (for example, music players). Another added benefit is that the
audio track won’t be deleted if you uninstall MobileSheetsPro. If you want to keep the audio
file in the same location as the other song files, change the storage location at the top to
“Default Application Storage”


While adding and editing MIDI commands in the companion app is very similar to the tablet,
the main difference is that in the companion app, a separate window is used to create and
edit commands. This window is shown below:

Figure 86 - The MIDI Command Dialog

The contents of this dialog will change depending upon what MIDI command type is
selected at the top. Otherwise the data entry is identical to the tablet.


Batch importing on the companion app is almost identical to the tablet. The only difference
is that every file will be first processed on the PC, and then once the processing is complete,
all of the files will be transferred to the tablet. For more information on the various options,
see the tablet section on batch importing.


The MobileSheetsPro Companion gives you the ability to create, edit, and delete setlists. To
access the setlist page, click the setlist tab at the top of the main dialog screen. The setlist
sections looks like the following:

87 - Editing Setlists in the Companion App

On the left side, you can see a list of all the setlists that currently exist on your tablet. On
the top right, you can see the list of songs for the currently selected setlist. On the bottom
right, you can see the list of all songs in your library. To create a new setlist, or to edit the
name of an existing setlist, right-click in the list on the left side of the screen to access the
context menu, and then select “New” or “Rename” accordingly. After entering the name,
you can start adding songs to the setlist. There are several ways to do this. The easiest way
is to select one or more songs in the bottom right window, and to drag them up to the top
right window and release. This will add all selected songs to the list. You can also select
songs on the main song selection screen (the first tab), right-click and select Add Song to
Setlist. This will bring up a list of all setlists, and you can just click whichever setlist you want
to add to. If you have a lot of songs in your library, it can helpful to type in the search
textbox to filter the display. You can also select the column to search on; otherwise the
default is to search in all columns. To remove songs from the active setlist or setlists
themselves, you can either right-click and access the menu option for delete, or just hit the
delete key on your keyboard. To rearrange songs in the active setlist, just drag and drop
each song to its correct location.


The MobileSheetsPro Companion also provides the ability to create, edit, and delete your
collections. The directions for managing a collection (and any other group type) in the
companion app are identical to that of a setlist, so just follow the directions of the previous


At some point, you may want to back up your entire library in case you need to uninstall, or
you may just want the peace of mind of knowing your work will not be lost. The companion
app allows you to invoke the backup feature on your tablet, and automatically transfer the
backup file to your PC for storage. To access this feature, select File->Backup Library, which
will display the window shown below:

88 - The Library Backup Dialog

First, select the destination for the backup file, and ensure that the hard drive has plenty of
space available. Once you are ready, click the “Start” button to begin. You will see the
progress bar start to slowly fill as songs are transferred from your tablet over Wi-Fi. This
process can take a considerable amount of time if you have a large library. Once the transfer
completes, you will see a popup message indicating success. You can also perform a backup
from the tablet.


If you want to restore a library backup on the tablet that you have stored on the PC, you can
use the Library Restore feature in the companion app to accomplish this. Go to File-
>Restore Library to see the following window:

Figure 89 - Companion App Library Restore

Select the backup file on your PC using the browse (…) button, and then click Start to begin
transferring the backup over WiFi. If the backup is large, this can take a fair amount of time.
For information on the restore to options, see the tablet library restore section.


After a backup file is transferred to your PC, you may want to verify the contents of the
backup, or possibly pull some of the files out of the backup. This can be accomplished by
going to File->View/Extract Backup. This will load up the dialog you see below:

90 - Song Extraction Dialog

This dialog can be brought up even when the tablet is not connected. Select the backup file
to load, and after the loading finishes, all of the songs in your library and their respective
metadata should be displayed. Take note of the output directory shown in the bottom left.
This is the same directory as the backup file by default, but can be changed if desired.
Double-clicking on an individual song will automatically extract that song to the selected
output directory. You can also select Extract All to extract every file in the entire library. You
can also select multiple entries, and extract them by clicking the Extract button.

Question Answer
Is MobileSheetsPro available for A Windows 10 version is available on the Microsoft
Windows 10? store. Search for “MobileSheets”. The direct link is:

Can I restore my MobileSheets Yes, you can restore all MobileSheets backup files in
library in MobileSheetsPro? MobileSheetsPro. Just use the regular library restore
process. It is not possible to restore MobileSheetsPro
backups in the original MobileSheets though.

What kind of pedal would you The most reliable and well-built Bluetooth pedal
recommend? available is the Airturn Duo. You can get two or four
pedal models. All sales using the above link helps
support future MobileSheetsPro development.

Will MobileSheetsPro work on Yes, MobileSheetsPro is designed to work on most

my phone? phones. The various screens have just been shrunk down
to fit. There is no difference in the application design.


Problem Resolution
I am unable to connect my tablet to my PC. The first step is to check to see if any anti-
virus scanner programs are running, as these
often have firewalls. You must either disable
the anti-virus firewall or allow ports 8888,
16568 and 16569.

The second step is to ensure that

MobileSheetsCompanionPro is not blocked
by Windows Firewall. Go to Start->Control
Panel->Windows Firewall, and click the
“Allow a program or feature through
Windows Firewall” option at the top left.
Scroll down to MobileSheetsCompanionPro,
and ensure that the “Home/Work (Private)”
and “Public” boxes are both checked.

Lastly, try rebooting your router. This often

fixes connection problems for many users.
MobileSheetsFree says I can only add 8 The free version of MobileSheetsPro is fully
songs, 2 bookmarks, and 2 link points. Why functional, but limits your library size,
is this? bookmarks and link points. This is done in
order to provide future support and
enhancements for MobileSheetsPro, as
users need some incentive to upgrade to the
paid version.
I am unable to use the voice-based This feature requires an active internet
searching feature connection and voice input capabilities on
your tablet. If you know your tablet has
voice input capabilities, please connect to a
wireless network and try again.
I can no longer seem to bring up the song You have performance mode enabled. To
overlay. When I tap on the center of the disable performance mode, tap the quick
screen, the pages turn instead of showing action box at the bottom right of the song
the overlay. display, and tap the sheet music stand icon
in the center.
How can I connect to OneDrive/Box/etc? Currently, there is only integrated support
for Dropbox and Google Drive, but other
cloud storage options will be provided soon.
For now, you will have to use the option to
import from an external application and

select the file using the appropriate app.
Google Play incorrectly states that my The following steps will fix this problem:
device is incompatible or doesn’t show up
on Google Play at all 1. Reboot your tablet
2. Go to your tablet Settings-
>Applications->Google Play and tap
Clear Data. Do the same for Google
Play Services.
3. Load Google Play and install
4. If the installation still does not work,
reboot your tablet and try again.
Multiple reboots may be required.

If you have a question that hasn’t been answered yet or you have a feature request, please
visit the forums at or send a message
directly to my email at You can also
send emails to


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