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Effects of Oleic Acid: Review Article Doi: 10.17546/msd.25609

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Review Article
Medical Science and Discovery
February 2015, Vol. 2, No. 1, p:125-32

Doi: 10.17546/msd.25609

Effects of oleic acid

Kayihan Karacor1, Meryem Cam1

Content of fatty diet plays a significant role in the development and progression of chronic diseases.
Generally, it is accepted that unsaturated fatty acids are beneficial. According to literature review, oleic acid
(C18:1n-9) has positive impacts on various tissues in general and has negative impacts rarely. Olive oil
composition includes high amount oleic acid. Considering of the effects of oleic acid on the cardiovascular
system, it was determined that decreasing of the myocardial infarction rate, platelet aggregation and secretion
of TXA2, plus reduce of the systolic blood pressure. LDL cholesterol was decreased. In terms of effects on
the liver, while some studies suggest that oleic acid has beneficial effects, unlike other studies proved that
exposed to oleic acid of hepatocytes induce ER (endoplasmic reticulum) stress in long - term period. The
several studies which were investigating the efficacy of the oleic acid on the tumor tissue proved that OA
increased to hepato-tumorigenesis in vivo as a potential. On te other hand, another research showed that oleic
acid blocked the action of HER-2 / neu oncogene that led to breast cancer. Although some researchers
reported that OA develop neutrophil phagocytic capacity and candidacidal activity, other researchers point out
that these fatty acids didn’t cause any changes on bactericidal activity and fatty acids caused moderate
decreases on phagocytosis and chemotaxis only in extremely high concentrations, and they suppressed to T
lymphocytes. Although, most of studies have indicated to beneficial effects of oleic acids, also the adverse
effects of oleic acid have been reported in a few studies. This situation requires further researches for detail
information about oleic acid

Keywords: Oleic acid, Cancer, Liver, Immune system, Cardiovascular system disease


Lipids, in addition to being an important bond (MUFAs) or polyunsaturated fatty acids with
component within the structure of the cell more than one double bond (PUFAs). If the first
membrane, they also act for storage and double bond is three carbons from the methyl end,
transmission of energy. So, they constitute the fatty acid is classified as n-3 fatty acid and if the
significant part of our diet. Fats obtained from first double bond is six carbons from the methyl
natural sources by diet are composed of a mixture end, the fatty acid is classified as n-6 fatty acid.
of fatty acids. Most of these fatty acids are included Most dietary fats contain a part or all of the 18-
within the structure of triglycerides. (1) Fatty acids carbon fatty acids sequence -having both saturated
are categorized in two groups as saturated fatty and unsaturated fatty acids- such as stearic acid
acids and unsaturated fatty acids. Both solid and (C18: 0; SFA), oleic acid (C18: 1n-9; MUFA),
liquid fats contain a mixture of saturated and linoleic acid (C18: 2n-6, n-6 PUFA) and α-
unsaturated fatty acids. In general, fats obtained linolenic acid (C18: 3n-3 ; n-3 PUFA). Oleic acid
from animal products are more saturated while has one double bond in N-9 position, linoleic acid
vegetable oils contain unsaturated fatty acids. has two double bonds in n-6 and n-9 positions and
Contents of dietary fat play an important role in the α-linolenic acid has three double bonds in n-3, n-6
development and progression of chronic diseases and n-9 positions and these double bonds have cis
such as obesity. In general, saturated fatty acids configuration. Oleic acid, in general, is found in
(SFAs) and trans- fatty acids are considered to be animal oils such as tallow and lard as well as in
harmful while unsaturated fatty acids are vegetable oils such as olive oil and sunflower oil
considered as beneficial for cardiovascular health in and canola oil which have high oleic acids (2).
diets. Conventionally unsaturated fatty acids are Studies conducted on oleic acid have revealed the
classified according to their chemical structures as fact that oleic acid has positive or negative effects
either monounsaturated fatty acids with one double on various tissues.

Received: 16-11-2014, Accepted 24-11-2014 Available Online 10-01-2015

Duzce University Medicine Faculty Histology and Embryology Department, 81620 Duzce, TURKEY
*Corresponding Author: Kayihan Karacor E-mail:
Karacor et al. Doi: 10.17546/msd.25609

Cardiovascular Effects of Oleic Acid Effects of cardiovascular, hepatic and

metabolic parameters of macadamia oil (63% oleic
Cardiovascular diseases such as acid, 17% palmitoleic acid) rich in
hypertension, aneurysm, thrombosis and MI are MUFAs(monounsaturated fatty acids), safflower oil
responsible for 30% of deaths according to 2005 rich in n-6 PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and
data of the World Health Organization. Cigarette flaxseed oil rich in n-3 PUFAs (polyunsaturated
consumption, low physical activity, obesity and fatty acids) have been compared in the study
malnutrition constitute the risk factors for conducted by Poudyal et al. in 2013 (2).
cardiovascular diseases. Myocardial infarction rate They have determined that the groups
in Mediterranean countries is lower compared to which are rich in both oleic acid and alpha linolenic
Northern Europe, USA or Australia (3, 4, 5). Olive acid reduce weight gain unlike linoleic acid when
oil is major component of the Mediterranean diet compared with the control groups. There was
and has high oleic acid ratio (3, 6). Hence, US Food reduction in plasma total cholesterol in COA (corn
and Drug Administration have recommended 23 starch + Macadamia oil rich in oleic acid) and HOA
grams of olive oil per day in 2004 against the risk (high carbohydrate, high fat + Macadamia oil rich
of coronary heart disease due to MUFAs content in oleic acid) groups compared to the control
(7). groups (2).
Numerous studies state that oleic acid is Eccentric hypertrophy has been found
effective in prevention of ischemic heart diseases characterized with preload defined by increase in
(3,8). It has been shown that oleic acid inhibits inner diameter of left ventricle in diastole without
platelet aggregation induced by platelet aggregation change in wall thickness was identified in H group
factor (PAF) as well as the secretion of serotonin. It rats fed by a high-carbohydrate and high-fat diet
has been discovered, as a result of the studies which compared to the control group rats (C).
were carried out for understanding of the molecular Deterioration in systolic function as decreased
mechanism of this effect, oleic acid inhibits the fractional shortening, increased wall stress, increase
aggregation of platelets induced by PAF by in diastolic resistance and decrease both in pressure
reducing the phosphatidylinositide (PIP) and PIP2 increase and dP/dt were also observed in H group
levels (3-9). It has been shown in several studies rats. Furthermore, high diastolic, systolic and stroke
that oleic acid inhibits platelet function, reduces the volume, and cardiac output were found in H group
aggregation of platelets, reduces the secretion of rats compared to C group rats (2).
TXA2, increases thrombocyte membrane oleic acid There was increase in inner diameter of
content significantly and decreases levels of left ventricle in diastole in COA (corn starch +
arachidonic acid. The inhibiting effect of oleic acid Macadamia oil rich in oleic acid) and CLA (high
on platelet function in various ways may be corn starch+ rich in linoleic acid) groups with oleic
associated with its lowering of the risk of heart and linoleic acid supplementation. There was
diseases as well as the protective role (3, 10). increase in inner diameter of left ventricle in systole
The beneficial effects of olive oil are related to the in all groups except HLA (high carbohydrate, high
high level of oleic acid in the composition of its fat, rich in linoleic acid) group and decreasing left
own (%70-80). This composition of olive oil helps ventricular internal diameter in systole in HLA was
the regulation of lipids in the membrane structure compensated by left ventricular posterior wall
by increasing the oleic acid level in the cell dimension, left ventricular internal diameter of
membrane. In this way it leads to signal-dependent which has increased. These effects were
G protein control and reduces the blood pressure (3- accompanied by low fractional shortening in the
11). Cardiovascular tissues which are applied to 2- COA and CLA groups in contrast to HLA.
OHOA (hydroxyl oleic acid) in rat’s shows the Furthermore, diastolic, systolic and stroke volume
cAMP activation as a response to activation of the and cardiac output were significantly higher in CO
Gs-α protein which is thought to increase the and CLA group compared to C rats. Diastolic
expression of Gs-α proteins. Consequently, there is volume, stroke volume and cardiac output remained
a significant fall in systolic blood pressure. (3). unchanged in the HOA and HLA groups compared
In 1985, Mattson and Grundy are found that olive to H group rats while systolic volume increased in
oil increases HDL cholesterol which has the HOA group and decreased in the HLA group.
antiatherogenic function, supports the elimination The addition of alpha-linolenic acid has normalized
of LDL cholesterol, and plays a protective rol. systolic and diastolic left ventricular internal
Sirtori et al. have suggested in 1986 that olive oil diameter and all the volumes. In addition, systolic
plays a protective role against thrombosis and blood pressure has been normalized in HOA and
platelet aggregation in addition to the effects HALA (flax seed oil with high volume of oil + rich
thereof on cholesterol and atherosclerosis. in α-linolenic acid) groups in contrast to the HLA
Accordingly, consumption of olive oil in high group (2).
levels is not harmful since it reduces only LDL However, oleic acid supplementation has
cholesterol but not HDL levels (3). increased the systolic wall stress in COA, compared
to the C (corn starch) and H (high carbohydrate,

Karacor et al. Doi: 10.17546/msd.25609

high fat) group rats and maintained the high wall kinase-inhibitor-1) expression and increase of ER
stress in HOA (2). Wall stress did not change in the stress in relation with it. On the contrary, it was
CLA group while it decreased in CALA (corn determined that TM inducing hepatic ER stress in
starch + flax seed oil rich in α-linolenic acid), HLA, ATGL KO rats inhibited the growth of OA in
and HALA groups (2). hepatic TG pool (12).
Oleic acid has decreased the total plasma In the study made by Caviglia et al. (13) it
cholesterol, however it has not changed plasma was found that although short-term incubation of
triglycerides and non-esterified fatty acids. Oleic or hepatocytes with oleic acid stimulated APOB100
linoleic acid supplementation did not change the (apolipoprotein B100) secretion (13,14,15), long-
left ventricle structure induced by H diet, however term and high doses of oleic acid application
both of the fatty acids have caused left ventricular induced ER (endoplasmic reticulum) and as a result
enlargement and subsequently led to impaired of this it reduced the secretion of APOB100
function in rats fed with low-fat (C) diet. However, (apolipoprotein B100) (13,16) and although
oleic acid supplementation has normalized the palmitic acid (PA) triggered the ER stress its effects
systolic blood pressure (2). on apoB100 secretion was uncertain(13,16) and
It was observed that inflammatory cell although it was shown that docosahexaenoic acid
infiltration as well as collagen deposition increased (DHA) inhibited apoB100 secretion, they made
in H group rats compared to C group rats after 16 comparison as to apoB100 secretion in McArdle
weeks in the histological evaluation of the left RH7777 (MCA) cells and the effects of OA and PA
ventricle. It was observed that inflammatory and DHA on ER stress because effects on the ER
situation induced by H diet did not change in oleic stress was not studied (13). OA and PA induced ER
acid supplemented HOA group but collagen stress in high doses and inhibited apoB100
deposition decreased (2). Inflammatory situation secretion and PA was found to be more because its
normalized in linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid effect increased synthesis of ceramides. It has been
supplemented HLA and HALA groups and collagen shown that DHA did not stimulate ER stress
growth decreased. Tissue histology was found however it was the strongest inhibitor of apoB100
normal in COA, CLA and CALA rats (2). secretion by stimulating autophagy. These specific
effects of each fatty acid have been confirmed by
Effects on Liver infusing C57BL6J rats. These results have shown
that both VLDL and apoB100’s increase of liver
Decrease was observed in plasma ALT, secretion accompanied hepatic steatosis, however
AST aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and ER stress was reduced and hepatic steatosis was
creatine kinase activity in the HOA group alleviated at the expense of VLDL secretion. In
compared to H group rats in the study of Poudyal et contrast, it was determined that increased
al. in terms of liver structure, functionality and fatty autophagy could reduce the secretion of VLDL
acid composition. There was increase in the hepatic without causing steatosis. They have concluded that
lipid accumulation and inflammatory cell different fatty acids has suppressed APOB100
infiltration in H group rats compared to C group (apolipoprotein B100) secretion in different ways
rats, and oleic acid supplementation has decreased such as ER stress, ceramide synthesis and
significantly portal inflammation and autophagy (13). Other studies have shown that
macrovesicular steatosis in HALA and HOA rats. apoB100 may undergo degeneration through
Plasma bilirubin concentrations have decreased in autophagy which is one of the nonproteosomal
both COA and HOA groups (2). ways (13, 17, 18)
It was revealed in the study of Fuchs et al. In the study carried out by Wu et al.
conducted in 2011 that OA (oleic acid) has steatosis was induced by incubating the HepG2
protective features against PA (palmitic acid) which cells with oleic acid and it was found that oleic acid
induces toxicity. Both WT (wild type) rats and caused a significant increase in PPAR gamma
ATGL KO (adipose triglyceride lipase knock out) expression in a calcium-dependent way. It was also
rats were stimulated by TM (tunicamisin) to induce understood that oleic acid regulated the sensitivity
ER (endoplasmic reticulum) stress. It was found of insulin because PTEN (phosphatase and tensin
that by the adjustment of PIK3IP1 homolog) increasing insulin resistance in hepatic
(phosphoinositide 3-kinase - inhibitor-1), OA (oleic steatosis is regulated by PPAR gamma (19).
acid) inhibited PA (palmitic acid) which induces Over expression of liver PPAR gamma has
the ER (endoplasmic reticulum) stress. It was seen increased the liver steatosisin diabetic db/db rats.
in ATGL KO rats that OA amount may have a Finally, it has been proven that OA increases the
protective function against PA resulting from ER PPAR gamma expression by the way of GPR40-
stress. In summary, it can be said that these data has PLC-calcium and in steatotic situation PPAR
revealed the fact that WT rats exposed to ER stress gamma increase has proven to have higher role in
rats cannot create TG form as a result of the high the regulation of lipid metabolism of and insulin
PA levels and reduced hepatic OA and additionally sensitivity (19).
due to increase of PIK3IP1 (phosphoinositide-3-

Karacor et al. Doi: 10.17546/msd.25609

In a study made in 2011, the effects of the effects of long chain saturated fatty acids in human
high-fat diet rich in oleic acid on rat liver and the aortic endothelial cells, OA caused this situation by
role in weight gain were examined (20). When inhibiting both of stearic acid-induced ICAM-1
body weight, liver weight and epydidimal fat expression and nuclear factor kappa B (NF-KB)
weight of rat groups was compared with each order, phosphorylation which is transcriptional regulator
there was no significance difference found among of ICAM-1 (24,31).
groups. As a result of the biochemical analysis In contrast, it has been reported that OA
LDH was found to be significantly higher in the 16- increases the cell surface expression of CD11b and
week high carbohydrate group while ALT was this leads to high affinity state of the integrin. It has
found to be significantly higher in the 20-week high been reported that oleic acid causes neutrophil
carbohydrate group. Although fibrosis, accumulation and neutrophil-endothelial cell
inflammation and steatosis findings were observed adhesion by virtue of a CD11b mediated
in all groups in the portal area in the histological mechanism (24, 32).
examination, a statistically significant difference The effect of OA on leukocyte migration
was not determined (20). has been found only in a few studies. Ferrante et al.
have shown that it is possible to inhibit the
The effect of oleic acid on tumor tissue leukocyte migration, however, this effect has been
reported to be far from the effect shown by PUFAs
Kudo et al. focused on fatty acids as (24, 33).
additional pro-tumorigenic factors that contribute to Contradictory results can be found also in
in vivo hepato-tumorigenesis in Tg (transgenic) relation with other leukocyte functions. Although
rats. OA or PA was applied to BNL-CL2 cells to some researchers have reported that OA improves
investigate the potential of OA (oleic acid) or PE the neutrophils’ phagocytic capacity and
(palmitic acid) which downregulated the expression candidacidal activity (24,34,35) other researchers
of the tumor suppressors containing PTEN have shown that these fatty acids did not cause any
(phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on change in the bactericidal activity and only led to a
chromosome 10). It was found that OA suppressed moderate decrease in phagocytosis and chemotaxis
the expression of PTEN, AridB5, Xpo4 (exporting in very high concentrations (24,36).
4 gen) and Dlc1 (deleted in liver cancer-1) while
PA did not create such an effect. Moreover, BNL- Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
CL2 cells exposed to OA became significantly
more colonized in soft agar. These findings have Several studies have reported that
revealed the fact that OA increases the in vivo unsaturated fatty acid effects the ROS production in
tumorigenesis potentially (21). neutrophils (24,34, 37-46). Nevertheless, fatty acids
A study carried out by Mendez has can develop or inhibit the development of
revealed that oleic acid blocked the action of HER- neutrophil activation depending on the
2/neu an oncogene causing cancer which % 30 of experimental conditions. For example, some studies
patients have breast cancer and 1 or 2 tablespoons have reported that of C18 fatty acids inhibit ROS
of olive oil per day has been recommended to production (24, 45). In contrast, it has shown a
adults (22,23). significant interaction between other fatty acids,
and cytokines and it has been shown that
The role of oleic acid in the immune system superoxide have increased in neutrophils pretreated
with TNF remarkably which is generated in
Effects of oleic acid on neutrophil functions response to fatty acids (24, 42). In any case, most of
the studies in literature have reported increased
Numerous studies have evaluated the ROS production in neutrophils stimulated by
effect of OA on adhesion of leukocytes. According unsaturated fatty acids (24).
to some authors, in vitro studies have revealed the Some studies have reported that OA
fact that micromolar quantities of oleate inhibit changes the Ca+2 homeostasis in different immune
expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 system cells (24, 47-52).
(VCAM-1), E-selectin and intercellular adhesion However, the relationship between OA-
molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in endothelial cells (24, 25- induced ROS production and Ca+2 mobilizations is
29). Other authors have expressed that OA does not complex and its mechanism of action is still not
have any effect on endothelial cells or human known clearly. Some authors have reported a Ca+2
leukocyte adhesion molecule (24, 30). In any case, independent mechanism in the background of ROS
it has been reported that OA does not have pro- production (24, 43). In contrast, other studies have
inflammatory effect. shown the connection between these two ways (24,
Furthermore, it was has been determined 39, 53).
that OA is capable of reducing the inflammatory

Karacor et al. Doi: 10.17546/msd.25609

Table 1: Common Oleic Acid and Formulas.

Linoleic Acid

Oleic Acid

Palmitic Acid

Stearic Acid

Linolenic Acid

The effect of oleic acid on T cell proliferation Conclusion

Verlengia et al. has reported that OA leads Studies conducted revealed the fact that
to reduction in production of IL-2 and IFN-gama oleic acid which is present in large amounts in olive
and has in vitro inhibitory effect on proliferation of oil compositions, have positive effects on human
JurkatT cells (24, 54). It has been confirmed by health especially by reducing the systolic blood
these findings that minerval which is a synthetic pressure on the cardiovascular system, inhibiting
analog of OA inhibits the proliferation of Jurkat platelet aggregation, reducing TXA2 secretion and
cells (24, 55). decreasing serum LDL cholesterol, while some
Animal studies have reported the inhibition experimental studies reported the fact that some
of lymphocyte proliferation in response to T-cell negative effects could also emerge due to increase
mitogen. It has been shown that lymphocyte in the ER stress depending on the dose. Further
proliferation was inhibited in the spleen and the studies are needed to be carry out because of
lymph nodes of rats fed on olive oil diet during the different results of oleic acid studies such as
weeks inhibited (24, 56, 57). Similarly, it has been increased of tumorigenesis in some cancers,
found that splenic lymphocyte proliferation was inhibited oncogene causing cancer in some cancer
inhibited in rats fed with cashew kernel oil rich in types; made anti-inflammatory effect on T cells by
OA compared to rats fed with coconut oil rich diet affecting the immune system by different ways, and
(24, 58). It has been shown that this effect is due to didn’t make any change in this activity and even led
oleic acid more than the other components in olive to decrease of high doses of phagocytosis function.
oil (24,59). Another study showed that when the
dietary levels of OA are increased, proliferation of Financial Support: This research received no
spleen lymphocytes decrease (24, 60). specific grant from any funding agency,
Inhibitory effects on NK (Natural Killer) commercial or not-for-profit sectors
cell proliferation of diet with olive oil have been
caused by virtue of oleic acid (24, 61). Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no
Jeffery et al. concluded that inhibitory potential conflicts of interest with respect to the
effects on NK (Natural Killer) cell proliferation of research, authorship, and/or publication of this
olive oil diet has been arised from OA rather than article.
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