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SLIT - Patient Staloral Start 18oct2013

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Dr Raymond J Mullins
MB BS, PhD, FRACP, FRCPA Consultant Physician, Clinical Immunology and Allergy
Suite 1, John James Medical Centre, 175 Strickland Crescent, Deakin ACT 2600. Tel 02-6282 2689 Fax 02-6282 2526
Educational Website
Patient Instructions for Sublingual /Oral Immunotherapy Staloral Liquid for Hay fever and Asthma 18 Oct 2013
Allergen Extracts • Keep under tongue for at least 2 minutes,
The initial treatment kit comes in a blue plastic then swallow.
box with 3 colour-coded bottles of different • The drops can have a salty/sweet oily or
strengths, with a “dispenser” on the top. The unpleasant taste. Children can suck a
first bottle is colour-codes blue (10 IR/ml) and lollie/sweet at the same time
the remaining maintenance bottles will be • Do NOT eat or drink anything for 15
colour coded purple (300 IR/ml) or red (100 minutes; the allergen is partially absorbed
IR/ml), depending on the allergen strength from under the tongue so if you eat/drink
available for any one allergen. Keep the 1st you may wash it away.
dilute bottle in case you need to go back to it. • Avoid crunchy cereals in the morning; they
can cut the mouth lining & increase
* These instructions apply to the NEW extracts irritation. If you have had dental treatment
available in Australia from October 2013 or mouth ulcers, you may need to stop for
whereby 1 press of the NEW extract is a few days until it heals up, as broken
equivalent to 2 does of the OLD extract. The mouth tissue may increase the risk of
new boxes will be labelled as being “NEW”. As mouth irritation.
of Oct 2013, the distributor will also be adding • If you forget to take them in the morning,
Goods and Services Tax, which increases the take before bedtime instead.
cost by 10%. Cost estimates listed below • If you are taking 2 separate extracts, it is
include the GST component. best to separate them by 5-15 minutes if
possible. Or you can take one in the
Storage morning and one in the evening if there
Keep refrigerated; do NOT freeze as this can are no significant side-effects in the first 2-
destroy the allergen. If travelling, carry in hand 3 weeks. If not possible, you can take
luggage (if flying) and keep upright, and them at the same time.
refrigerate on arrival.
If you stop treatment temporarily
-­‐ If there has been less than a 1-week gap,
go back to your usual dose.
-­‐ If you have stopped for more than a week,
go back to the beginning of the protocol
and build up to the maintenance dose

Side-effects of oral immunotherapy:

• Irritation or itching or swelling inside the
mouth (common).
• Stomach upset, stomach or chest pain
• Throat swelling, tight chest, asthma, rash
How to take the allergen extracts
• The bottles are like a miniature soap
dispenser and each bottle needs to be Controlling Side-effects
“primed” when first used by pressing down Mild side-effects can usually be controlled by
completely a few times. temporarily reducing the dose or by taking an
• Parents should administer doses to their antihistamine the night before. The itchy
children. mouth usually settles after 4-6 weeks so feel
• The dose is measured in FULL PRESSES, free to take a daily antihistamine the night
not in drops. before if needed. Local itch can also by
• Take in the morning on an empty stomach directing the liquid to under the side of the
tongue if under the front of the tongue causes

bad irritation. If more severe side-effects Week 3 and Beyond: MAINTENANCE

occur (e.g. throat swelling, difficulty DOSES
breathing, bad stomach/chest pains), seek 2 presses/day, Mon-Fri. If no benefit after 4
medical attention, stop treatment and contact months, increase dose to 2 presses/day,
Dr Mullins for further advice. every day. (Note: this will increase cost and
mean you will need to order allergen more
Ongoing bad side-effects often).
• Let Dr Mullins know. ------------------------------------------------------------
• If local itch and swelling does not settle, Important dates
change the location of administration to Your initial allergen order will last __ months
behind the lower lip in front of the teeth, Allergen will run out ___________
hold 2 minutes, then swallow. You should order more allergen _______
• If nausea/stomach upset is bad, then hold Suggest review _________________
in the mouth for 2-3 minutes, then spit out Your referral expires _________________
the allergen into the sink (not swallow). Planned treatment (if works) is 3-5 yrs.
This may reduce effectiveness but is
better than not being able to tolerate the If ineffective, options are those of:
treatment at all. • Medication;
• The above advice is based on theoretical • Higher oral doses; or
aspects, the distribution of cells in the • Switching to immunotherapy injections
mouth that trigger side-effects compared
to immunotherapy benefit, one small trial Estimated costs are provided as a guide
presented at a European meeting in 2012 Estimates are per allergen extract. Estimates
and expert advice. are approximate since technique may
determine actual allergen volume dispensed,
Delivery takes 2 months and cost estimates are based on calculations
Because of the way in which these are based on manufacturer and distributor costs
currently licensed in Australia, extracts are that may change without notice. Other cost
ordered on an individual patient basis from variables include the daily dose and the
Europe and arrive in Australia ~ 6-8 weeks complexity of the actual extract used. Health
after a prescription is filled. This will require Funds only occasionally gives rebates for oral
forward planning by patients and their doctors liquid therapy and even then, only if you have
to ensure that there are no gaps in treatment ancillary/extras cover than covers medicines.
schedules due to extracts “running out”. Make Each bottle contains 50 doses but one loses
sure you order more allergen no later than some volume (~ 2 doses) when priming the
when you are on the second-last bottle of your device for initial use. Thus expect ~ 48
current supply. Keep the 1st dilute bottle in does/bottle. Off the shelf extracts cost ~ $55
case you need to go back to it. each and more complex ones made just for
you ~ $70 each.
The allergen is taken DAILY for the 1st 2 Dose 1 bottle 4 bottles 5 bottles $/year
weeks (blue and purple bottles), until lasts last last
1/day, ~6 wks ~ 6.4 ~ 8 months 420-540
Maintenance dose reached. every months
DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 day
2/day, ~5 wks ~ 4.5 ~ 5.5 600-760
10 IR/mL Mon- months months
Week Fri
BOTTLE vial (blue
1 only
cap) 2/day, ~3 wks ~ 3.2 ~ 4 months 840 -
Presses 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 every months 1070
Date day
BOTTLE bottles (purple or
2 etc
red cap)
Presses 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

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