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Vaccination Procedure Jim Humble MMS

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Vaccination Procedure

Copyright 2016 Jim Humble

1. One week before a vaccination take the Protocol 1000.

(Note: In this case we suggest Protocol 1000 be taken with hourly activated
drops of MMS1, not with other forms of MMS.)

2. The day of the vaccine: Take 6 drops of MMS1 (activated MMS) every 2
hours, 4 times in total, which would be over an 8 hour period of time. Begin
this dosing 1-2 hours before you get the vaccine.

3. Immediately after the vaccination is injected, do the “Patch Protocol” to

neutralize the vaccine at the injection site. (Do this in your car or as soon as
you get home). Apply this patch the day of the vaccine another 2 times,
spaced out by about 3 hours during the rest of the day, that would be
applying the patch 3 times in total the day of the vaccine.

4. After the day of the vaccine, continue with Protocol 1000 for 1 week to
make sure all toxins are eliminated from the body. 5. The Patch Protocol
should also be applied 2-3 times daily for one week following the day of
vaccine while also doing Protocol 1000.

The Patch Protocol • Mix 10 MMS drops with 10 drops of 4 or 5% HCl,

(Hydrochloric acid), count 30 seconds. • Immediately add 10 drops of
purified water, (Distilled water is the best). • Then add 10 drops of 90-99%
DMSO. • Pour the whole solution on the middle of a gauze pad and place
over the injection site leaving it until it turns completely white, usually 15-
20 minutes. This signifies complete absorption into the area. • The Patch
Protocol will neutralize the toxins in the vaccine. • If the above steps cause
any burning or irritation to the skin, add a little more water to the patch.
CDS or CDH can be used for the Patch Protocol instead of MMS1. CDS and
CDH seem to not irritate the skin. • Submerse the patch in 5 cc’s or ml’s of
CDS or CDH and 10 drops of DMSO. • Don’t add water unless there is
irritation or burning. • If you are applying the patch 2-3 times a day you
might want to add 10 drops of water if there is irritation/burning.

SPECIAL NOTES: Protocol 1000 is taking a 3-drop dose of MMS every hour for
8 hours a day. If at any time while taking these doses you begin to feel
nausea or diarrhea, lower your intake of MMS. Cut the amount you are taking
in half, then work back up from there when the sick feeling has subsided.
There may be times when you have no warning before getting a vaccine,
such as when traveling it could be mandatory to enter various countries and
with no prior warning, or some such thing. If you do not have warning before
getting a vaccination, simply start right in with the above procedure starting
with Step 2 on what to do the day of the vaccine. In this case, depending on
how your body is reacting, you may want to continue with Protocol 1000 for
two weeks after the vaccine, instead of one week.

How to adjust the dosing for the vaccination procedure for children.

For children you follow the same steps given above—however the amount of
MMS drops given must be adjusted according to the weight of the child. Here
are the guidelines:

Dosing of MMS for children for Protocol 1000.

Protocol 1000 is essentially taking a 3-drop dose of MMS every hour for 8
consecutive hours. When a child does Protocol 1000 the amount of MMS1
that the child should take can be determined by body weight. Here is a
simple guideline to follow: • Newborn babies on an average weigh around 7
pounds (3.2 kg), a baby weighing 7 or near 7 pounds (3.2 kg) up to 24 pounds
(10 kg), should have 1/2 drop of MMS1 an hour to complete Protocol 1000.
(Note: In the case of a premature or an exceptionally small baby weighing
under 7 pounds give them 1⁄4 drop an hour). After 25 lbs (11 kg), the basic
rule of thumb is you give 1 drop of MMS1 for every additional 25 lbs for a
child, which means: • 25 pounds (11 kg) to 49 pounds (22 kg) the child
should take 1 drop per hour. • 50 pounds (22 kg) to 74 pounds (33 kg) the
child should take 2 drops per hour. • 75 pounds (34 kg) and over the child
should take 3 drops per hour. • Remember, on Protocol 1000 never take
more than 3 drops an hour.

How to adjust the dosing for children for the day of the vaccine:
How to adjust the 6 drop doses on the day of the vaccine (explained above
in Step 2), for children: • Newborn babies weighing 7 or near 7 pounds (3.2
kg) up to 25 pounds (11 kg), should take 1 drop of MMS1 every two hours. •
25 pounds (11 kg) to 49 pounds (22 kg) the child should take 2 drops every
two hours. • 50 pounds (22 kg) to 74 pounds (33 kg) the child should take 4
drops every two hours. • 75 pounds (34 kg) and over the child should take 6
drops every two hours.

Important notes: The doses the day of the vaccine should begin 1-2 hours
before the vaccine is given and continue every 2 hours for an 8 hour period—
4 times in total. Remember!! — If at any time while taking these doses your
child begins to feel nausea or diarrhea, lower the intake of MMS. Cut the
amount in half, then work back up from there when the sick feeling has
subsided. Adjusting the Patch Protocol for babies and people with
sensitive skin: If at all possible, when using the patch for babies, or children
and people with sensitive skin, use CDH or CDS as per the patch instructions
above, but be mindful to add water if the formula causes irritation.

If CDS or CDH is not available following this is how to adjust the patch using
MMS1 for babies and people with sensitive skin:

Start with 5 drops of MMS1, (MMS activated), and add 5 drops of DMSO and 10
additional drops of water to dilute the solution. For the very first application do
not apply for more than 5 minutes. Remove the patch to see if there is
irritation. If there is no irritation after 5 minutes, after two hours you can again
apply another patch for 15 minutes. If there is irritation double the amount of
water to eliminate the irritation on the next application. If there is no skin
irritation or burning on the next 15 minute application it is OK to continue with
these applications. If at any time there is skin irritation or burning, then add
additional water to the solution. A total of 8 patch applications over the 7 days
following the vaccination should be enough for babies and sensitive skin people.


Vaccine Procedure

To the best of my knowledge, based on 20 years of working with MMS, I believe

that MMS can help avoid vaccine injuries when the process described below is
followed. From all the thousands of people who have used MMS there is ample
evidence that MMS removes poisons, toxins and kills pathogens that cause disease.
According to information sheets included with vaccines, most vac- cines contain
these very things. Therefore it stands to reason MMS would be effective in
neutralizing any possi- ble negative side effects of vaccines, used within minutes,
hours, or even several days after the vaccination. (How- ever, doing it as soon as
possible after the vaccination is best.)

Many people are concerned about possible vaccine inju- ries, and a growing number
of parents do not want their children to be subjected to them. Therefore I want to
present the following procedure. Included is the MMS1/DMSO Patch Protocol, which
we have found to be very effective in neutralizing skin poisons and toxins.
Those of you in the US, and other countries where possi- ble, may want to
investigate how to claim religious ex- emption from vaccines. However, if you are
in a position where you have no choice but to take a vaccination, you may want to
try this protocol.

Note: I suggest this procedure be followed using MMS1 drops mixed fresh hourly,
not other forms of MMS (CDS or CDH).
Instructions for Vaccine Procedure—Dosing for Adults

Two Weeks Before a Vaccination

Do the Starting Procedure, followed by Protocol 1000 (see pages 79-87).

Day of the Vaccine.

Take 6 drops of MMS1 (activated MMS) every two hours, (for a total of 4 times)
during an eight-hour period. Begin this dosing one to two hours before you get the

Immediately after the vaccination is injected (preferably when you get back to
your car, or the moment you get home—though the sooner the better), do the
MMS1/DMSO Patch Protocol (see page 135). The MMS1/DMSO Patch will help
neutralize the toxins in the vaccine.

Apply this patch 1 more time on vaccination day, three hours after the first
application. If you feel the need to apply a third patch in another three hours you
may do so. But three patches in total should be sufficient.
Note: Please be diligent to closely follow the instructions for making an
MMS1/DMSO patch on page 135. Add more water to the patch, or discontinue use if
there is any burning or irritation. Keep a close watch.

Day After the Vaccination

Continue Protocol 1000 for one week to make sure all toxins are eliminated from
the body.

If at any time while taking these doses you begin to feel nausea or diarrhea, lower
your intake of MMS1. Cut the amount you are taking in half, then work back up
from there when the ill feelings subside.

There may be times when you have no warning before getting a vaccine.
Sometimes when traveling, vaccina- tions can be required to enter various
countries. If you do not have warning before getting a vaccination, simply start
with “Day of the Vaccine” points listed above. In this case, depending upon how
your body is reacting, you may want to continue Protocol 1000 for three weeks
after the vaccine, instead of one week.

This same procedure applies to oral vaccinations, with the exception that there
would be no need for the MMS1/DMSO Patch Protocol.
Instructions for Vaccine Procedure—Dosing for Children
The Vaccine Procedure for children follows a similar routine as for adults. That is,
two weeks before a vaccine begin the protocol. Then there are specific dosing
sugges- tions for the day of the vaccine and further instructions for the day after
the vaccine, etc. The amount of MMS1 drops given to children, must be adjusted
according to the weight of the child.

Adults follow the standard Starting Procedure and Proto- col 1000 for much of this
procedure for vaccines. In the case of children, I also suggest doing the standard
Start- ing Procedure and Protocol 1000 for children (calculated according to the
child’s weight) which is listed on pages 256-258. This is as long as there is one or
two weeks advance notice before receiving a vaccine. If there is less than one
week advance warning, dose the child according to the Vaccine Dosage Chart for
Children (below) as many days in advance of the vaccine as possible. Or, if there is
no warning you can start with the Day of the Vaccine Chart on the day of the

Two Weeks Before a Vaccination

q Begin with the Starting Procedure followed by Protocol 1000 for children (pages
256-258), and stick with this until the day of the vaccine.
q If you are unable to start one or two weeks in advance, nevertheless begin dosing
according to the Vaccine Dosage Chart for Children whenever you can, be it a week
in advance, three days in advance, or whatever the case may be.

Vaccine Dosage Chart for Children

Weight MMS1 Dosage
Babies weighing less than 7 Start them on 1/4 drop per hour the first day, and then
lbs (3.2 kg) 1/2 drop an hour thereafter.
Start them on 1/2 drop per hour for the first day, and
7-24 lbs (3.2-10 kg)
3/4 drop per hour thereafter.
Above 25 lbs (11 kg), the basic rule of thumb is to give 1 drop of MMS1 (activated
MMS) for every additional 25 lbs for a child.
25-49 lbs (11-22 kg) 1 drop per hour
50-74 lbs (22-33 kg) 2 drops per hour
75 lbs (34 kg) and over 3 drops per hour

Day of the Vaccine

Give the child the appropriate amount of MMS1 drops (activated MMS) according to
the Day of the Vaccine Chart for Children (see below). Do this every two hours, (for
a total of 4 times) during an eight-hour period. Begin this dosing one to two hours
before the vaccine is administered.
Immediately after the vaccination is injected (preferably when you get back to
your car, or the moment you get home—though the sooner the better), do the
MMS1/DMSO Patch Protocol (see following page). Or, in the case of a baby or
children with very sensitive skin, follow instructions for adjusting the patch
protocol for babies and people with sensitive skin (see following page). The
MMS1/DMSO Patch will help neutralize the toxins in the vaccine.

Apply this patch 1 more time on vaccination day, three hours after the first
application. If you feel the need to apply a third patch in another three hours you
may do so. But three patches in total should be sufficient.
Note: Please be diligent to closely follow the instructions for making an
MMS1/DMSO patch on page 135. Add more water to the patch, or discontinue use if
there is any burning or irritation. Keep a close watch.

Day of Vaccine MMS1 Dosages for Children

Weight MMS1 Dosage
Babies under 7 lbs (3.2 kg) 3/4 drop every 2 hours
7-24 lbs (3.2-10 kg) 1 drop every 2 hours
25-49 lbs (11-22 kg) 2 drops every 2 hours
50-74 lbs (22-33 kg) 4 drops every 2 hours.
75 lbs (34 kg) and over 6 drops every 2 hours.

MMS Health Recovery Guidebook

Adjusting the MMS1/DMSO Patch Protocol for Ba- bies and People with Sensitive
Skin Please read and have a good understanding of the in- structions for the
standard MMS1/DMSO Patch Protocol (page 135). This protocol is basically the same
procedure, but the amounts of MMS1 drops/water and the timing for applying the
patch is adjusted to accommodate sensitive skin.

Start with 5 drops of MMS1 (activated MMS). Add 5 drops of DMSO and 10 additional
drops of water to dilute the solution.

For the very first application do not apply the patch for more than five minutes.
When the patch is removed take note if there is irritation. If there is no irritation
after five minutes with the first patch, in two hours apply another patch, this time
leave it on for 15 minutes. If there is no skin irritation or burning on the next 15
minute application it is OK to continue with one more application (in the case of a
vaccine) if you feel the need.

If at any time there is skin irritation or burning, then double the additional amount
of water beyond what was used on the last application.
Day After the Vaccination
Continue dosing the child according to the Vaccine Dosage Chart for Children (page
176) for 1 week to make sure all toxins are eliminated from the body.

Chapter 11 – Additional Protocols 179 Notes

For instructions on how to measure a fraction of a drop, see the Starting
Procedure, page 79.

Never exceed the maximum amount of MMS1 per hour for each weight
category. Remember, if at any time while taking these doses your child begins
to experience nausea or diarrhea, lower the intake of MMS1. Cut the amount in
half, then work back up from there when the ill feelings subside.

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