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BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

UDC 624.131.3 : 631.4 : [620.1 : 624.1381

British Standard Methods of test for

Soils for civil engineering purposes

Part 4. Compaction-related tests

MBthodes d'essai d e s sols pour le genie civil

Partie 4. Essais de compactage

Bodenunrersuchung fiir Tiefbauzwecke

Teil 4. Prijfunq der Verdichtung

British Standards institution


Page Page
Foreword Inside front cover Appendix
Committees responsible Back cover A Typicat test data and calculation forms 41

Methods Tables
1 Summary of compaction procedures
1 Scope 2
2 Summary of sample preparation methods
2 Definitions 2 3 Standard force-penetration relationships for
3 Determination of dry densitylmoisture content 100 % CBR
relationship 2
3.1 General 2
3.2 Preparation of samples for compaction tests 2 1 Grading limits relating t o sample preparation
3.3 Method using 2.5 kg rammer for soils with procedures for compaction tests
particles u p t o medium-gravel size 5 2 Flow chart representing sample preparation
1 4
3.4 Method using 2.5 kg rammerforsoils with some methods for compaction tests
coarse gravel-size particles 7 3 Mould for compaction test I1 L mould1
3.5 Method using 4.5 kg rammer for soits with 4 2.5 kg ramrner for compaction test
particles up to medium-gravel size 7 5 4.5 kg rammer for compaction test
3.6 Method using 4.5 kg rammer for soils with some 6 Dry densitylmoisture content relationship curve
coarse gravel-size particles 8 7 Tampers for vibrating hammer compaction test
3.7 Method using vibrating hammer 9 8 Moisture condition apparatus
9 Relationship betweenchange in penetration and
4 Determination of maximum and minimum dry
number of blows
densities for granular soils 11
10 Alternative type of relationship between change
4.1 General 11
in penetration and number of blows
4.2 Determination of maximum density of sands 11
11 Flow chart representing sample preparation
4.3 Maximum density of gravelly soils 13
methods for the CBR test
4.4 Minimum density of sands 14
12 Cylindrical mould for the determination of the
4.5 Minimum density of gravelly soils 15
Catifornia Bearing Ratio
4.6 Derivation of density index 15
13 Plug and collar extension for use cylindrical
5 Determination of the moisture condition value
mould for the determination of the California
WCV) 15 Bearing Ratio
5.1 General 15
14 Apparatus for measuring the swelling of a
5.2 Apparatus 16
sample during soaking for the CBR tern
5.3 Checking the moisture condition apparatus 17
15 General arrangement of apparatus for the CBR
5.4 Determination of the MCV of a sample of soil a t
its natural moisture content 17
16 Typical CBR test result curves
5.5 Determination of the MCVlmoisture content
17 Force-penetration curves for a CBR value of
relation o f a soil 18
100 % and other CBR values
5.6 Rapid assessment o f whether or not a soil is
stronger than a precalibrated standard 18
6 Determination of the chalk crushing value 19
6.1 General 19
6.2 Apparatus 19
6.3 Checking the moisture condition apparatus 19
6.4 Determination of the chalkcrushing value (CCV) 19
7 Determination of the California Bearing Ratio
(CBR) 20
7.1 General 20
7.2 Preparation of test sample 20
7.3 Soaking 23
7.4 Penetration test procedure 24
7.5 Calculation and plotting 25
7.6 Test report 26
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990


1 Scope For both these tests a compaction mould of 1 L internal

volume is used for soil in which all particles pass a 20 m m
This Part of BS 1377 describes methods of test for
test sieve. If there is a limited amount of particles up to
determining characteristics related t o the compaction of
37.5 m m size, equivalent tests are carried out in the larger
soils, which can be used as a basis for specifying
California Bearing Ratio (CBR) mould.
requirements for soils compacted in the field.
NOTE 1. Specifications for compaction by rammer in the CBR mould
This Part also includes a method for assessing an empirical are based on the samecompactive effort per unit volumeof soil as in
strength criterion (the CBR value) of a compacted or the 1 L compaction mould. The variable effects of side wall friction
undisturbed soil used as a sub-grade material for pavement might result in differences between thedensitiesachieved i n the two
moulds. For a series of tests on a particular soil, one sire of mould
construction. should be used consistently.
Reference is made to some of the classification tests NOTE 2. If more than 30 % of material i s retained on a 20 mm test
described in BS 1377 : Part 2. sieve the material is too coarse to be tested.

Reference is made t o BS 1377 : Pad 1for general The third type of test makes use of a vibrating hammer, and
requirements that are relevant t o all Parts of this standard, is intended rnainty for granular soils passing a 37.5 mm test
and for methods of preliminary preparation of soil fortesting.
NOT€. The titles of the publications referred to in this standard are
listed on the inside back cover.
sieve, with no more than 30 % retained on a 20 mm test
sieve.fhe soil is compacted into a CBR mould. C
For each type of test, alternative procedures depend on
whether or not the soil contains particles susceptible to
crushing during compaction. Methods of sample preparation
2 Definitions covering most possible requirements are described in 3.2.
Test procedures are described separateiy in 3.3 to 3.7.
Forthe purposesof this Part of BS 1377,thedefinitions given
in BS 1377 : Part 1 apply. The compaction procedures are summarized in table 1.

3 Determination of dry density/moisture

Table 1. Summary of compaction procedures 1
Test procedure Mass of Soil particles Type of
content relationship clause rarnmsr susceptible mould
reference to crushing used
3.1 General kg 2.5 1
3.1.1 Principle. Compaction of soil is the process by which
1 no {a) I t
the solid particles are packed more closely together, usually 4.5
by mechanical means, thereby increasing the dry density of
the soil. The dry density which can be achieved depends on 2.5 1
the degreeof compaction applied and on the amount of water ) yes (b) I L
present in the soil. (The terms used i n compaction tests are 4.5 1
illustrated in figure 6.) For a given degree of compaction of a
given cohesive soil there is an optimum moisture content at 2.5 1
) no (a) CBR
which the dry density obtained reaches a maximum value.
For cohesionless soils an optimum moisture content might
be difficult to define. yes (b) CBR

NOTE. For some highly permeable soils such as clean gravels, 1
uniformly graded and coarsecleansands, the results of the laboratory
compaction test may provide only a poor guide for specifications on (vibrating no (a)
field compaction. The laboratory test might indicate meaningless hammer) CBR
values of moisture content in these free-draining materials and the yes Ib)
maximum dry density is often lowerthan the state of compaction I
which can be readily obtained in the field. For these soils one of the I L = 1 L compaction mould, as described in
maximum dry density tests described in clause 4would be more
appropriate. CBR = CBR mould, as described in I
The objective of the tests decribed in this clause is t o obtain
relationships between compacted dry density and soil
(a) and (b) refer to methods in table 2.
moisture content, using two magnitudes of manual
3.2 Preparation of samples for compaction tests
compactive effort, or compaction by vibration.
3.2.1 General. The method of preparation of samples for
3.1.2 Types of test. Three types o f compaction test are
these tests, and the quantity of soil required, depend on the
described, each with procedural variations related t o the
size of the largest particles present and on whether or not the
nature of the soil. The first is the light manual compaction test
soil particles are susceptible to crushing during compaction.
in which a 2.5 kg rarnmer is used. The second is the heavy
The assessment of these factors i s covered in 3.2.2.
manual compaction test which is similar but gives a much
greater degree of compaction by using a 4.5 kg rammer with For soils containing particles not susceptibleto crushing, one
a greater drop on.thinner layers of soil. sample only is required for test and it can be used several
times after progressively increasing the amount of water.
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

Relevant sample preparation methods are described in 3.2.4 (b) Determine the approximate percentages (to an
and 3.2.5. accuracy of f 5 X ) by mass of particles in the soil sample
For soils containing panicles that are susceptible tocrushing, passing the20 m m and 37.5 m m test sieves. lfthe material
it is necessaryto prepareseparate batches of soil at different used for this assessment is to be used for the compaction
moisture contents, each for compacting once on1y, otherwise test it shall not be dried, and the dry massof soil finerthan
the characteristics of the material will progressively change 20 mrn may be determined by measuring the moisture
after each application of compaction. Consequently, a much content using a representative portion. If enough soil is
larger sample is required. Relevant sample preparation available to meetthe requirernentsof clause9 of BS 1377 :
methods are described in 3.2.6 and 3.2.7. Part 2 : 1990 a separate sample may be used for this
sieving operation.
For stiff, cohesive soils which need to be shredded or
chopped into small lumps, the result of a compaction test (c) On the basis of these percentages the soil can be
dependson the size ofthe resulting pieces. Furthermore, the assigned to one of the grading zones (1) to (5)in table 2,
densities obtained in the test will not necessarily be directly which are also shown diagrammatically in figure 7. If a
related to densities obtained in situ. The method used for grading curve passes through more than one zone the
breaking down cohesive soil, and the size of pieces obtained, highest-numbered zone applies. A soil with a grading
should be recorded. Suggested methods aretoshred the soil curve passing through zone X is not suitable for these
so that it could pass through a 5 m m test sieve, or to chop it tests.
into pieces, e.g. to pass a 20 mm test sieve. (dl The method of sample preparation, the minimum
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where mass of soil required, andthetypeof mouldtouse forthe
appropriate, shall apply to this test method. compaction test are indicated in table 2, which takes
account of the above factors.
3.2.2 Preliminary assessment. f he initial soil sample for (el The selection of methods is also shown in the form of
testing shall be obtained in accordance with the procedure a flow chart in figure 2.
described in 7.6.1 to 7.6.3 of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990.The
procedures to be usad for sample preparation and for 3.2.3 Apparatus
carrying out the compaction test shall be selected on the
basis of the following assessment. Test sieves, with aperture sizes 63 mm,37.5 mm,
(a) Ascertain whether the soit particles are susceptible to 20 mm,with receiver.
crushing during compaction. If i n doubt assume that they A balance readable to 5 g.
are susceptible. A balance readable to 'I g.
NOTE. The soil should be considered susceptible to crushing
during compaction if the sample contains granular material of a
soft nature, e.g. soft limestone, sandstone, etc., which would be A corrosion-resistant metat orplastics tray with sides,
reduced in sire bythe action of the 2.5 kg rarnmer.The procedure e.g. about 80 m m deep, of a size suitable for the quantity of
described in,3.5.42. and 3.6.42 for soils material to be used.
susceptibfe to crushing during compaction should be applied to
all soils if it is practicableto do so.

Table 2. Summary of sampfe preparation methods

Grading Minimum Preparation Minimum mass Typeof

zone percentage procadurn of prepared mould
passingtest clause soil requid used
sieves reference

37.5 mm
(1) 100%

(21 100
70 100 1

70 95 ) 15 40 CBR

70 90 )

less less
than than (Tests not applicable)
70 90
(a) Soil particles not susceptible to crushing during compaction.
(b) Soil particles susceptible to crushing during compaction.
1 L= one-litre compaction mould.
CBR = CBR mould.
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990 A large metal scoop. Prepare andsubdividethe initial sample using the procedure
described in 7.6 o f BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990 to produce a A palette knife or spatula.
representative sample of about 15 kg of the soil, otherwise Watertight containers, e.g. strong polythene bags. proceed as described i n Apparatus for determination of moisture content as Grading zone (41 for soils containing at least 95 %
described i n 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990. passing the 37.5 mm test sieve and at least70 % passing the
20 mrn rest sieve An implement for shredding stiff, cohesive soil. Weigh the whole sample and record the mass.
3.2.4 Preparation of soils not susceptible to crushing for
compaction in 1 L mould. Remove and weigh the material retainedon the
37.5 m r n test sieve. Grading zone (7) for soils passing the 20 mrn test
NOTE.Theexclusion of the large proportion of particlescoarserthan
sieve. 20 mrn from this type of soil could have a large effect on the density
obtained in the compaction mould compared with that obtainable Prepare and subdivide the initial sample by the with the soil as a whole, and the optimum moisture content would
procedures described i n 7.6 o f BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990 to also be affected. The larger CBR mould is therefore specifiedfor this
produce a representative sample of about 6 kg of the soil. type of material. Add a suitable amount of water depending on the Subdivide the finer material t o produce a 25 kg
soil type and mixthoroughly. sample, otherwise proceed as described in 32.4.1.
NOTE 1. The amount of water to be mixed with soil at the Grading zone (5) for soils with 90 % to 95 % passing
commencementof the test will vary with the type of soil under test.
In general,with sandy andgravelly soils a moisturecontentof 4 %to the 37.5 mm test sieve, and at least 70 % passing the 20 m m
6 % would be suitable, while with cohesive soib a moisture content test sieve
about8 %to 10 % belowthe plastic limit of thesoil would usually be
suitable. Weigh the soil sample.
NOTE 2. It is important that the water is mixed thoroughly and
adequately with the soil, since inadequate mixing gives rise to Remove and weigh the material retained o n the
variable test results. This is particularly important with cohesivesoik 37.5 mm test sieve.
when adding a substantial quantity of water. With clays of high
plasticity, orwhere hand mixing is used, storage of the mixed sample Replace this material b y the same quantity of
in asealed containerfora minimum periodof 24 h beforecontinuing material of similar characteristics which passes the 37.5 m m
with the test is the most satisfactory way of distributing the water test sieve and is retained o n the 20 m m test deve.
NOTE.The substitutionof large particles by smaller, similar particles If the soil initially contains too much water allow it is generally considered to give dry densities in the laboratorytest
which compare reasonablywell with those obtained in the field.
t o partially air dry to the lowest moisturecontent atwhich the Alternatively the coarser material can be removed for the test and a
soil is to be compacted, and m i x thoroughly. correction applied to the maximum dry density based on the
displacement of the soil matrix by stones of known particle density. If the soil is cohesive, seal i n an airtight container n
and store for at least 24 h. Subdivide the material t o produce a sample of k. ,
approximately 15 kg of the soil, otherwise proceed as Grading zone (2)for soils passing the 37.5 rnrn test described i n
sieve with at feast 95 % passing the 20 m m test sieve
3.2.6 Preparation of soils susceptible to crushing fur
3- Weigh t o 0.1 % by mass the whole sample and compaction in 1 L mould
record the mass. Grading tone (7) for soils passing the 20 mrn test Remove and weigh t o 0.1 % by mass the material sieve
retained on the 20 m m test sieve. Subdividethe initial sampleto produce five or more
NOTE. The removal of small amounts of stone (up to 5 % ) retained
on a 20 rnm testsieveislikely to affectthedensityobtainableonly by representative samples, each of about 2.5 kg, using the
amounts comparable with the experimental error involved in procedure described i n 7.6 o f BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990.
measuring the maximum dry density. Mix each sample thoroughly w i t h a different Subdivide the finer material and proceed as amount of water t o give a suitable range of moisture contents
described i n (see notes 1 and 2 t o The range of moisture
Alternatively, the whole sample can be used as described contents shall be such that at least t w o values lie either side
in for compaction i n a CBR mould. of the optimum at which the maximum dry density occurs.
NOTE. f he water added to each sample should be such that a range
3.2.5 Preparation of soils not susceptible to crushing for of moisture contents is obtained which includes the optimum
compaction in CBR mould moisture content. in general, increments of 1 % to 2 % are suitable
for sandy and gravelly soils and of 2 % to 4 % for cohesivesoik. TO Grading zone (31 for soils passing the 37.5 mm test increase the accuracy of the test it might be desirable to prepare
sieve with 70 % to 95 % passing the 20 m m test sieve samples with smaller increments of water in the region of the
optimum moisture content.
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990 If the soil initially contains more water than is at which the maximum dry density for this degree of
required for the compaction at the lower moisture contents, compaction is obtained. In this test a 2.5 kg ramrner falling
allowthese samples to partially dry to the desired moisture through a height of 300 rnrn is used t o compact the soil in
contents, and mix thoroughly. three layers into a 1 L compaction mould. If the soil iscohesiveseal each sample in an airtight The requirements of Part 1of this standard, where
container and store for at least 24 h. appropriate, shall apply to this test method. Grading zone (2)for soils passing the 37.5 mm rest 3.3.2 Apparatus
sieve wirh at least 95 % passing the 20 rnm test sieve A cylindrical, corrosion-resistantmetal mou1di.e. the
compaction mould, having a nominal internal volume of 1 L. Weigh the whole sample and record the mass.
The mould shall be firted with a detachable baseplate and a Remove and discard the material retained on the removable extension. The essential dimensions are shown in
20 m m test sieve (see note to figure 3 which also indicates one suitable design of mould.
f he internal faces shall be smooth, clean and dry before each Subdivide the finer material. and proceed as
described in
Alternatively, the whole sample can be used as described A metal rammerhaving a 50 ;t 0.5 m m diameter
i n for compaction in a CBR mould. +
circular face, and weighing 2.5 kg 25 g. The rammer shall
be equipped with a suitable arrangement for controlling the
3.2.7 Preparation of soils susceptible to crushing for height of drop to 300 k 3 rnm. One suitable form o f hand
compaction in CBR mould apparatus is shown in figure 4. Grading zone (3) for soil passing the 37.5 mm test NOfE.Amotorizedform ofthe apparatus may beused providedthat
the essential dimensions of the rammer and mould are adhered to,
sieve with 70 % to 95 % passing the 20 rnrn test sieve and providedthat the density achievedis within .t 2 %of the density
Subdivide the initial sample to produce five or more achieved by using the hand rammer. The machineshoutd befinnb
supported on a heavy solid base such as a concrete floor or plinth.
representative samples each of approximately 6 kg using the
procedure described in 7.6 of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990, A balance readable to 1 g.
otherwise proceed as described in A palette knife or spatula. Grading zone (4) for soils containing at least 95 %
passing the 37.5 mm test sieve and at least 70 % passing the A straightedge, e.g. a steel strip about 300 m m long,
20 rnrn test sieve 25 rnm wide, and 3 m m thick, with one bevelled edge. Weigh the whole sample and record the mass. Test sieves, of aperture sizes 37.5 rnrn and 20 mm
and a receiver. Remove and weigh the material retained on the
37.5 rnrn test sieve (see note to A corrosion-resistantmetal orpiastics tray with sides,
e.g. about 80 rnm deep, of a size suitable for the quantity of Subdivide the finer material, and proceed as material to be used.
described in Apparatus for moisture content determination, as Grading zone (5) for soils containing 90 % to 95 % described in 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990.
passing the37.5 m m testsieve, andat least70 % passing the
20 m m rest sieve Appwatus for emacting specimens from the mould
(optional). Weigh the soil sample.
3.3.3 Preparation of sample. Prepare the test sample as Remove and weigh the material retained on the described in or 33.62 as appropriate.
37.5 m m test sieve.
3.3.4 Procedure Replace this material by the same quantity of
materiaf of similar characteristics which passes the 37.5 m m Compaction procedure far soil particles not
test sieve and is retained on the 20 rnm test sieve. (See note susceptible to crushing
to Weigh the mould with baseplate attached Subdivide the material to produce fiveor more6 kg to 1 g (mJ
samplesof thesoil, otherwise proceed as described in Measure the internal dimensions t o 0.1 mrn. Attach the extension to the mould and place the
3.3 Method using 2.5 kg rammer for soils with particles up mould assembly on a solid base, e.g. a concrete floor or
to medium-gravel size plinth.
3.3.1 General. This test covers the determination of the dry Pface a quantity of moist soil i n the mould such that
density of soil passing a 20 m m test sieve when it is when compacted it occupies a little over one-third of the
compacted in a specified manner over a range of moisture height of the mould body.
contents. The range includes the optimum moisture content ~ p p l 27
y blows from the rarnmer dropped from a where
height of 300 m m above the soil as controtled by the guide m, is the mass of mould and baseplate (in g);
tube. Distribute the blows uniformly over the surface and
ensure that the rammer always fals freely and is not mz is the mass of mould, baseplate and compacted soil
(in g).
obstructed by soil i n the guide tube. Repeat and more, so that Calculate the dry density, pd (in Mg/m3),of each
the amount of soil used is sufficient to fill the mould body, compacted specimen from the equation
with the surface not morethan 6 m m proud of the upper edge
of the mould body.
NOTE. It is necessary to control the total volume of soil compacted, where
since it has been found that if the amount of soil struck off after
removingthe extension istoo great, the test resultswill be inauurate. w i s the moisture content of the soil (in %), Remove the extension, strike offtheexcesssoil and Plot the dry densities obtained from a series of
level off thesurface of thecompacted soil carefully to the top determinations as ordinates against the corresponding _ .
of the mould using the straightedge. Replace any coarse moisture contents as abscissae. Draw a curve of best fit to the
particles, removed i n the levelling process, by finer material
from the sample, welt pressed in.
plotted points and identify the position ofthe maximum on
this curve. Read off the values of dry density and moisture
content, to three significant figures, corresponding to that Weigh the soil and mould with baseplateto 1 g (rn,). point. (See figure 6.) Remove the compacted soil from the mould and NOTE. The maximummay lie betweentwoobserved points butwhen
drawing the curve, care should be taken not to exaggerate its peak.
place it on the metal tray. Take a representativesampleof the
soil for determination of its moisture content as described On the same graph, plotthe curvescorresponding t o
in 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990. 0 %, 5 % and 10 % air voids, calculated from the equation Break up the remainder of the soil, rub it through
the 20 rnm test sieve and mix with the remainder of the
prepared test sample. Add a suitable increment of water and mtx

thoroughly into the soil. where
NOTE.The water added for each stageof the test should be such that pd is the dry density (in Mglrn3);
a range of moisturecontentsisobtainedwhich includestheoptimum
moisture content. In general, increments of 1 % to 2 % are suitable p, is the particle density (in Mg/m3);
forsandy and gravelly soils and of 2 % to 4 % for cohesive soils. p, is the density of water (in Mglm3), assumed equal to 1;
To increasethe accuracy of the test it isoften advisable to reducethe
increments of water in the region of the optimum moisture content. V, is the volume of air voids in the soil, expressed as a
percentage of the total volume of the soil (equal t o 0 %, Repeat to to give a total of at
least five determinations. The moisture contents shall be
5 %, 10 % for the purpose of this plot); f7
w is the moisture content (in %).
such that the optimum moisture content, at which the
maximum dry density occurs, lies near the middle of the (See figure 6.)
range. 3.3.6 Testreport. The test report shall affirm thatthe test was Compaction procedure for soil particles susceptible carried out in accordance with this Part of this standard and
to crushing shall contain the following information:
(a) the method of test used; Weigh, measure and prepare the mould as
described in and (b) the sample preparation procedure, and whether a
single sample or separate samples were used. In the case Carry out a compaction test on each ofthe prepared of stiff, cohesive soil the size of pieces to which the soil
samples as described in t o was broken down shall be stated; Discard the remainder of each compacted sample. (c) the experimental points and the smooth curve drawn
through them showing the relationship between moisture
3.3.5 Calculations, plotting and expression of results (see
content and dry density;
form 4.A of appendix A)
(d) the dry density corresponding t o the maximum dry Calculate the internal volume, V(in cm3), of the density on the moisture contentldry density curve,
mould. reported as the maximum dry density to the nearest 0.01 Calculate the bulk density. p (in Mg/m3),of each (in ~ g l m ~ ) ;
compacted specimen from the equation (e) the percentage moisture content corresponding t o the
maximum dry density on the moisture content/dry density
curve reported as the optimum moisture content to two
significant figures;
(f) the amount of stone retained on the 20 rnm and Apply 62 blows from the rammer dropped from a
37.5 mm test sieves reported to the nearest 1 % by dry height of 300 mm above the soil. Distributethe blows
mass; uniformly over the surface and ensure that the rammer
(g) the particle density and whether measured (and if so
always falls freely and is not obstructed by soil in the guide
the method used) or assumed; tube.

(h) the information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 : Part 1 : Repeat and 3.4=4.1.4twice more, so that
1990. the amount of soil is sufficientto fill the mould body, with the
surface not more than 6 mm proud of the upper edge of the
3.4 Method using 2.5 kg rammer for soils with some coarse moutd body.
gravel-size particles NOTE.It is necessary to control the total volume of soil compacted,
since it has been found that if the amount of soil stnrck off after
3.4.1 General. This test covers the determination of the dry removingthe extension istoo great the test resultswill be inaccurate.
density of soil containing some coarse gravel when it is Removethe extension, strike offthe excesssoil and
compacted i n a specified manner over a range of moisture
level off the surface of the compacted soil carefully to the top
contents. The range includes the optimum moisture content
of the moutd using the straightedge. Any coarse particles
at which the maximum dry density for this degree of
removed in the levelling process shall be replaced by Rner
compaction is obtained. tn thistest a 2.5 kg rammer falling
material from the sample, well pressed in.
through a height of 300 mrn is used to compact the soil in
three layers into a CBR mould. Weigh the soil and mould with baseplateto 5 g (mJ.
Thetestis suitablefor soils containing no more than 30 YOby 3.4.4,1.8 Remove the compacted soil from the mould and
massof material retainedon the20 mrn test sieve, which may placeit onthe metal tray. Take a representativesampieofthe
include some particles retained on the 37.5 rnm test sieve. soil for determination of its moisture content as described
NOTE. This method may also be used for finer soils which would in 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990.
normally be compacted in the 1 L mould when it is required to
perform a CBR test (see 7.4) on the compacted soil at each moisture Break up the remainder of the soil, rub it through
the 20 mrn or the 37.5 rnm test sieve and mix with the
The requirements of Part I of this standard, where remainder of the prepared test sample.
appropriate, shall apply to this test method. Add a suitable increment of water and mix
3.4.2 Apparatus thoroughly into the soil.
NOTE.The water added for each stage of the test should besuch that A cylindrical, corrosion-resistant, metal mould, i.e. a rangeof rnoisturecontentsisobtainedwhich Includestheootimum
the CBR mould, with a detachable baseplate and a removable m o i s b e content. In generaf. increments of 1 % to 2 % are suitable
extension as described in for sandy and gravelly soits and af 2 % to 4 % for cohesive soiis.
To increasethe accuracy of the test it isoftenadvisabletoreducethe
3.4.22 A handormotorired, metal rammer, having a 50 mm incrementsof water in the region of the optimum moisture content.
diameter circular face, and weighing 2.5 kg, as described in Repeat to give a total of at
least five determinations. The moisture contents shall be A bahnce readable to 5 g. such that the optimum moisture content, at which the A large scoop. maximum dry density occurs, lies near the middle of the
range. Other items as specified i n to Compaction procedure for soil patticles susceptible
3.&3 Preparation o fsample. Prepare the test sample as to crushing
described in,,,3.2.7.t, or
as appropriate. Weigh, measure and prepare the CBR mould as
described in and
3.4.4 Procedure Carry out a compaction test on each of the prepared Compaction proce (ure for soil particles nor samptes in turn as described in to
susceptible to crushing Discard the remainder of each compacted sample. Weigh the CBR mould with baseplate attached, to
5 g h,). 3.4.5 Calculations, plotting and expression of results.
Proceed as described in 3.3.5.
Measure the internal dimensions to 0.5 mm.
3.4.6 Tesrrepofi. The test report shall comply with 3.3.6. Attach the extension to the mould and place the
mould assembly on a solid base, e.g. a concrete floor or
3.5 Method using 4.5 kg ramrner for soils with particks up
to mediurn-gravel sire Piace a quantity of moist soil in the mould such that
3.5.1 General. This test covers the determination of the dry
when compacted it occupies a little over one-third of the
density of soil passing a 20 mm test sieve when it is
height of the mould body.
compacted in a specified manner over a range of moisture
contents. The range includes the optimum moisture content
at which the maximum dry density for this degree of Remove the compacted soil from the mould and
compaction is obtained. I n this test the compactive effort is place it on the large metal tray. Takea representativesample
greater than in that described in 3.3, the mass of the rammer of the soil for determination of its moisture content as
being increased to 4.5 kg, the height of fali t o 450 mm, and described i n 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990.
the number of compacted layersfrom three to five.The same 3.5.4.t.9 Break up the remainder o f the soil, rub i t through
1 L compaction mould is used. the 20 mm test sieve and mix with the remainder of the
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where prepared test sample.
appropriate, shall apply to this test method. Add a suitable increment of water (see note
3.5.2 Apparatus to and mix it thoroughly into the soil. A cylindricalcorrosion-resistant metalmould, i.e. the Repeat t o to give a total of at
1 L compaction mould, as specified i n least five determinations. The moisture contents shall be
such that the optimum moisture content, at which the A metal rammer, having a 50 0.5 mrn diameter
maximum dry density occurs, lies near the middle of the
circular face, and weighing 4.5 kg t 50 g. The rammer shall
be equipped with a suitable arrangement for controliing the r$
height of drop t o 450 4 4 mm. One suitable form of hand Compaction procedure for soil particles susceptible \
apparatus is shown i n figure 5. to ctushing
N0TE.A motorizedformofthe apparatus may be used provided that
the essential dimensions of the rammer and rnould are adhered to, Weigh, measure and prepare the mould as
and providedthat thedensityachievedis within 2 % ofthedensity described in and
achieved by using the hand rammer. The machine should be
supported on a heavy solid base such as a concrete floor or plinth. Carry out a compaction test on each of the prepared
samples in turn as described in t o Other items, as specified in to Discard the remainder of each compacted sample.
3.5.3 Preparation of soil. Prepare the test sample as
described in, or as appropriate. 3.5.5 Calculations, plotting and expression of results.
Proceed as described in 3.3.5.
3.5.4 Procedure
3.5.6 Test report. The test report shall comply with 3.3.6. Compaction procedure for soil particles not
susceptible ro crushing
3.6 Method using 4.5 kg rammer for soils with some coarse Weigh the mould with baseplate attached to 1 g gravel-size particles
h). 3.6.1 General. This test covers the determination of the dry
Measure the internal dimensions t o 0.1 mm. density of soil containing some coarse gravel when it is Attach the extension to the mould and place the compacted in a specified manner over a.range of moisture
mould assembly on a solid base, e.g. a concrete floor or contents. The range includes the optimum moisture content
plinth. at which the maximum dry density for this degree of
compaction is obtained. In this test the cornpactive effort is Placea quantity of moist soil in the mould such that greater than in that described in 3.4, the mass of the rarnrner
when compacted it occupies a tittle over one-fifth of the being increased to 4.5 kg, the height o f fail to 450 mm,and
height of the mould body. the number of compacted layersfrorn three t o five. The soil is
compacted into a CBR mould. Apply 27 blows from the ramrner dropped from a
height of 450 rnm above the soil a s controlled by the guide The test is suitable for soils containing no morethan 30 % by
tube. Distribute the blows uniformly over the surface and mass of material retained on the 20 mm test sieve,which may
ensure that the rammer always falls freely and is not include some particles retained on the 37.5 mm test sieve.
obstructed by soil in the guide tube. (See note to 3.4.1.)
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where Repeat and four more times. so
appropriate, shall apply to this test method.
that the amount of soil used is sufficient to fill the mould
body, with the surface not more than 6 rnm proud of the 3.6.2 Apparatus
upper edge of the mould body. (See note to A cylindrical, corrosion-resistant metal mould, i.e. the Remove theextension, strikeoffthe excess soil and CBR mould, as described in 722.2.
level off the surfaceof thecompacted soil carefully to the top
of the mould using the straightedge. Replace any coarse A handor motorized metal ramrnerweighing 4.5 kg,
as described i n
particles, removed in the levelling process, by finer material
from the sample, well pressed in. A balance readable t o 5 g. Weigh the soil and mould with baseplate to I g (m2). 3.Gn2.4 A large scoop Other itemsas specified i n t o
.."":>+ ' ....
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990
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3.6.3 Preparation of sample. Prepare the test sample as Discard the remainder of each compacted sample.
described in,,,3.2.7.t, or 3.6.5 Calculations,plotting and expression of results.
as appropriate. Proceed as described i n 3.3.5.
3.6.4 Procedure 3.6.6 Test report. The test report shall comply with 3.3.6. Compaction procedure for soil particles not
susceptible to crushing 3.7 Method using vibrating hammer Weigh the mould with baseplate attachedto 5 g 3.7.1 General. This test covers the determination of the dry
Im). density of soil, which may contain some particles up t o coarse
gravel site, when it is compacted by vibration in a specified
Measure the internal dimensions t o 0.5 mm.
manner over a range o f moisture contents. The range Attach the extension to the mould and place the includes the optimum moisture content at which the
mould assembly on a solid base, e.g. a concrete floor or maximum dry density forthe specified degree of compaction
plinth. isobtained. In thistestthe soil is compacted into a CBR mould
using an electrically operated vibrating hammer.
3, Place a quantity of moist soii in the mould such that
when compacted it occupies a little over one-fifth of the The test is suitable for certain soils containing no more than
height of the mould body. 30 % by mass of material retained on the 20 m m test sieve.
which may include some particles retained on the 37.5 m m Apply 62 blows from the rarnmer dropped from a
test sieve. It is not generally suitable for cohesive soils.
height of 450 m m above the soil as controlled by the guide
tube. Distribute the blows uniformly over the surface and The requirements of Part '1 of this standard. where
ensure that the rarnmer always falls freely and is not appropriate, shall apply t o this test method.
obstructed by soil in the guide tube. 3.7.2 Apparatus Repeat and more times, so A cylindrical, corrosion-resistantmetal mould,
that the amount of soil used is sufficientto fill the mould i.e. the CBR mould, as described in 7.2.22.
body, with the surface not more than 6 mrn proud of the
upper edge of the mould body. (See note t o An electric vibrating hammer having a power
consumption between 600W a n d 750 Wand operating at a Remove the extension, strike off the excess soil and frequency between 25 Hzto 45 Hz.
level off the surface of the compacted soil carefully to thetop NOTE. For safety reasons the vibrating hammer should operate on
of the mould using the straightedge. Replace any coarse 110 V, and an earth leakage circuit breaker should be included
particles, removed i n the levelling process, by finer material between the hammer and the mains supply.
from the sample, well pressed in. A steel tamper for attachment to the vibrating Weigh the soil and mould with baseplateto 5 g (mz). hammer. Essential dimensions are shown i n figure 7(b),
which also indicates one suitable design of tamper. Remove the compacted soil from the mould and
place it on the large metal tray. Take a representative sample Supporting guide frame for vibrating hammer
of the soil for determination of its moisture content as (optional).
described i n 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990. A depth gauge or steel rule, or other device which Break up the remainder of the soil, rub it through enables the s m p l e depth to be measured t o an accuracy of
the 20 rnm or the 37.5 mrn test sieve and mix with the 0.5 mm.
remainder of the prepared test sample. A balance readable to 5 g. Add a suitable increment of water (see note A straightedge, e.g. a steel strip about 300 m m long,
t o mix thoroughly into the soil. 25 m m wide, and 3 m m thick. with one bevelled edge. Repeat to3. togive a total of at Test sieves, of aperture sizes 37.5 rnm and 20 mm,
least five determinations. The moisture contents shall be and receiver.
such that the optimum moisture content, a t which the
maximum dry density occurs, lies near the middle of the A corrosion-resistantmetalorplastics traywith sides,
range. e.g. about 80 mm deep, of a size suitable for the quantity of
material to be used. Compaction procedure for soil particles susceptible
to crushing A scoop. Weigh, measure and prepare the mould as Apparatus for the determination of moisture content
described in and as described in 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 :1990. Carry out a compaction test on each o f the prepared A stopclock readable to 1 s.
samples as described i n t o Apparatus for extracting compacted specimens
from the mould (optional).
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

3.7.3 Calibration of vibrating hammer Attach the extension e mould and place the
mould assembly on a solid base, e.g. a concrete floor or General. The vibrating hammer shall be maintained
in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Its
working parts shall not be badly worn. Placea quantity of moistsoil i n the mouldsuch that
Thecalibration test described in be carried out to when compacted it occupies a little over one-third of the
determine whether the vibrating hammer is in satisfactory height of the mould body.
working order, and able to comply with the requirements of Place the circular tamper on the soil and compact
the test described in 3.7.5.
with the vibrating hammer for 60 f 2 s. During this period
The pressure check described in shall be made by the apply a steady downward force on the hammer so thatthe
operator carrying out the calibration test. total downward force on the sample, including that from the Material. Clean, dry, silica sand, from the Woburn mass of the hammer, is between 300 N and 4U0 N. (See note
Beds of the Lower Greensand in the Leighton Buzzard
NOTE. A disc of polyethylene sheet may be placed immediately
district*. The grading shall be such that 100 % passes a 600
beneath the tamper plate to prevent sand particles moving up
b m test sieve and 100 % is retained on a 63 pm test sieve. The through the annular gap. -....
sand shall be free from flaky particles, silt, clay and organic 0
matter. Repeat3. and3. more. \ /

3.7.X3 Calibration test Remove any loose material lying on the surface of
the sample around the sides of the mould. Take a 5 -t 0.1 kg sample of the sand specified
i n, which has not been used previously, and mix itwith Lay a straightedge across the top of the extension
water in order t o raise its moisture content to 2.5 i- 0.5 %. collar and measure down to the surface of the sample to an
accuracy of 0.5 mm. Take readings at four points spaced Compact the wet sand in a cylindrical metal mould evenly overthesurface of thesarnple,all at least 15 mrn from
of 352 rnm diameter and 127 mrn depth, using the vibrating the side of the mould. Calculate the mean height, h (in rnml,
hammer as specified i n of the sample. Ifthesample is lessthan 127 m m o r morethan
NOTE. The operator can usually judge the requiredpressuretoapply 133 mrn in height, reject it and repeat the test from
with sufficient accuracy after first carrying out the checkdescribed until a sample of the required height is obtained.
in Weigh the soil and mould with baseplate t o 5 g Carry out a total of three tests, all on the same
(in inz).
sample of sand, and determine the mean dry density.
Determine thedry density values to the nearest0.002 Mglm3. Remove the compacted soil from the mould and
place it on the metal tray. Take a representative sampleof the If the range of values in the three tests exceeds
soil for determination of its moisture content as described
0.01 Mg/m3,repeat the procedure. Consider the vibrating
in 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990.
hammer suitable for use i n the vibrating compaction test if
the mean dry density of the sand exceeds 1.74 Mg/m3. Break up the remainder of the soil, rub it through 0
the 20 mrn or the 37.5 mm test sieve and mix with the t Pressure check. Apply pressure combined with
remainder of the prepared test sample.
vibration to ensure the required degree of compaction. A
downward force on thesample surfaceof300 N to 400 N shall Add a suitable increment of water and mix
be applied, this being greater than the force needed to thoroughly into the soil.
prevent the hammer bouncing on the soil. NOTE. The wateraddedforeach stageof the test should besuchthat
a rangeof moisturecontentsisobtainedwhich includestheoptimum
The required pressure shall be assessed by applying the moisture content. In general, increments of 1 S/a to 2 % are suitable
vibrating hammer, without vibration,to a platform scale. The far sandy and gravelly soils. To increase the accuracy of the test it is
required force is applied when a mass of 30 kg to 40 kg is often advisable to reducethe incrementsof water in the region of the
indicated. optimum moisture content.

3.7.4 Preparation of sample. Prepare the test sample as Repeat to to give a total of at
described in,,, least five determinations. The moisture contents shall be
as appropriate. such that the optimum moisture content, at which the
maximum dry density occurs, lies near the middle of the
3.7.5 Procedure range. Compaction procedure for soil particles not Compaction procedure forsoilparticfe susceptible to
susceptible to crushing crushing Weigh the mould, with baseplate attached, to 5 g NOTE.The soil should be considered susceptibleto crushing during
compaction if the sample contains granular materialof a soff nature,
Im). e.g. soft limestone, sandstone, etc.. which is reduced in size by the
Measure the internal dimensions to 0.5 rnm. action of+hevibrating hammer. The procedure described in
for soils susceptibletocrushing during cornpactioncan beappliedto
all granular soils if it is convenient to do so.

* For information on the availability of materials, apply to Enquiry Section, Linford Wood. Milton KeynesMK14 &E, enclosing a stamped
addressed envelope for reply.
BS 1377 .: Part 4 : 1990 Weigh, measure and prepare the CBR inould as (b) the sample preparation procedure, and whether a
described in and single sample or separate samples were used; Carry out a compaction test on each of the prepared (c) the experimental points and the smooth curve drawn
samples i n turn as described in 3.7.5.q.3 to through them showing the relationship between moisture
content and dry density; Discard the remainder of each compacted sample.
(d) the dry density corresponding to the maximum dry
3.7.6 Calculations,pbtting and expression of results density on the moisture content/dry density curve
(see form 4.8. appendix A) reported as the maximum dry density t o the nearest
0.0'1 (in ~ g l m ~ l ; Calculate the bulk density, p (in Mglm3), of each
compacted specimen from the equation (e) the percentage moisture content corresponding to the
maximum dry densityon the moisture contentldry density
curve reported as the optimum moisture content to two
significant figures;
{f) the amount of stone retained on the 37.5 m m test sieve
ml is the mass of mould and baseplate {in g); reported to the nearest 1 % by dry mass;
rn2 is the mass of mould, baseplate and compacted soil (g) the particle density and whether measured (and if so
(in g); the method used} or assumed;
h is the height of the compacted sample (in mm);
(h) the information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 : Part 1 :
A is the circular area of the mould (in mm2).
1990. Calculate the dry density, pd (in Mg/m3), of each
compacted specimen from the equation
4 Determination of maximum and
minimum dry densities for granular soils
loo+ w 4.1 General
4.3.1 Principle. An indication of the state of compaction of a
w is the moisture content o f the soil (in 96).
cohesionless (free-draining) soil is obtained by relating its Plot the dry densities obtained from a series of dry density to its maximum and minimum possibledensities
determinations as ordinates against the corresponding (the limiting densities). The tests described i n this section
moisture contentsas abscissae. Draw a curve of best fittothe enable these parameters t o be determined for cohesionless
plotted points and identify the position of the maximum on soils.
this curve. Read off the values of dry density and moisture
4.1.2 Types of tests. Two tests are described for the
content, to three significant figures, corresponding t o that
determination of maximum density, one for sands and one
point. (See figure 6.)
for gravelly soils. In both tests the soil is compacted under
NOTE. The maximum may tie between two observed points but,
when drawing the curve, care should be taken not to exaggerate its water with a vibrating hammer. The test on sands is carried
peak. out in a t L mould. Gravelly soils are compacted in a CBR
mould using a procedure similar t o that described On the same graph, plot the curves corresponding to in 3.7.
0 %, 5 % and 10 % air voids, calculated from the equation
Two tests are described for determination of minimum
density. One is a simple dry shaking test for sands and the
other is a dropping test for gravelly soils.
The in-situ density can be related t o the limiting densities by
means of the density index.
p,, is the dry density (in Mg/m3); 4.2 Determination of maximum density of sands
p, is the particle density ':n Mg/m3); 4.2.1 General. This test covers the determination of the
p, isthe density of water (in ~ g l r n ~assumed
), equal to 1: maximum density to which a clean sand can be compacted.
V, is the volume of air voids i n the soil, expressed as a The method is suitable for sands containing a small amount
percentage of thetotat volume ofthesoil (equal to 0 %, of material passing a 63 p m test sieve, and upto 10 % of fine
5 %. 10 % for the purpose of this plot); gravel passing a 6.3 m m test sieve. The soil is compacted into
a 1 L mould under water using an electric vibrating hammer.
w is the moisture content (in 9/01;
NOTE I. Use of a vibrating hammer is appropriate for free-draining
(See figure 6.) soits containing only a small proportion (usually not exceeding 10 %
byrnass)ofmaterial finerthan 63pm. sincesome fine material is likely
3.7.7 Testreport. Thetest report shall affirm thatthetestwas to escape from the sample during vibration.
carried out in accordance with this Part of this standard and NOTE 2. This test is not applicable to soils containing particles
shall contain the following information: susceptible to crushing when compacted by the vibrating hammer.
(a) the method of test used;
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where Cover the container and allow to stand for several
appropriate, shafl apply to this test method. hours, e.g, overnight, to cool.

4.2.2 Apparatus 4.2.5 Procedure A cylindrical,corrosion-resistantmetal mould, i.e. the Measure the internal dimensions of the compaction
1 L mould, with baseplate and extension, as described in mould to 0.7 mm. Attach the extension to the moufd and place the An electric vibrating hammer as specified in mould assembly in the watertight container on a solid base,
NOTE. for safety reasons the vibrating hammer should operate on e.g. a concrete floor or plinth. Pour water t o about 50 mm
110 V, and an earth leakage circuit breaker should be included depth in the mould body, and t o the same level in the
betweenthe hammer and the mains supply.
surrounding container. A steel tamperfor attachment to the vibrating Add a portion o f the soil-water mixture to the mould
hammer. Essential dimensions are shown in figure 7 ( a )
with the scoop, placing it carefully under the water surface
which also indicates one suitable design of tamper. without loss of fines and without segregation of coarse Supporting guide frame for vibrating hammer
particies. The quantity of sample should be such that the
mould is about one-third filled when compacted. Add water
to the surrounding container up to the same level as i n the
4.2.25 A watertight container large enough to hold the mould. Make the soil s u h c e approximately level.
compaction mould. Placethe circulartamper on thesoil and compactwith A balance readable to 1 g. the vibrating hammer for at least 2 min or until there is no A straightedge, e.g. a steel strip about 300 rnm long, further significant decrease in sample height. During this
25 m m wide. and 3 rnm thick, with one bevelled edge. period apply a steady downward forceon the hammer so that
the total downward force on the sample (including that from Test sievesof aperture sizes 2 mrn and 6.3 mm, and the mass of the hammer) is between 300 N and 400 N.
receiver. NOTE 1. For safetyreasonsthe vibrating hammershouldbe protected
from water splashing up from the mould and its container.
49.2.9 A paktte knifeor spatula.
NOTE 2. The operator can usually judge the required pressure to Large metal traywith sides about 80 mm deep. apply with sufficient accuracy after first carrying out the calibration
specified in Small metal tray with sides about 50 mm deep. NOTE 3. A disc of polyethylene sheet may be placed immediately
beneath the tamper plate to prevent sand particles moving up A bucket or similar watertight container. through the annular gap.
422.13 A small scoop. Repeat and twice more, ensuring that
the surface of the sample is always under water. After Adryingovencapableof maintaining a temperature
compaction of the third layer its surface shall beat teast level
of 105°C to 100 "C.
with, but not more than 6 mm proud of, the mould body. A stopclock readable to 1 s. NOTE. The tamper should be removedwith care to avoid disturbance
of the sand surface by creating suction. Apparatus for extracting compacted specimens
from the mould (optional ). Remove the mould containing the soil from the
container, clean off any adhering soil from the outside a d A water container of about 5 L capacity allow free water to drain from the sample.
4.2.3 CEllibration of vibrating hammer. The vibrating Remove the extension carefully and trim off the
hammer shall bechecked and calibrated as specified in 3.7.3. compacted soil level with the top of the mould, using the
straightedge. Refill cavities, left by removal of any coarse
4.2.4 Preparation of sample
particles, with finer material, well pressed in. Take enough material from the soil prepared as Extract the compacted soil from the mould into the
described in 7.6.4 of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990to enable at [east
small weighed metal tray, without loss of any soil particles.
two test samples t o be prepared. Dry the soil in an oven at 105 "Ct o 110 T,weigh when Sieve the soil on a 6.3 m m test sieve. The retained
coot and determine the mass of soil, m (in g), t o 1 g.
material may be broken down t o sizes between 2 m m and
6.3 mrn provided thatthetotal proportion by mass in this size Repeat t o using the second batch of
range does not exceed 10 %. prepared sample. Mix the soil thoroughly on the large metal tray and If the dry masses from the two tests differ by more
divide into at least two representative portions of about 3 kg than 50 g, repeat the procedure using fresh samples of the
each. soil. Pour each prepared sample into warm water in a
bucket or suitable container, and stir thoroughly t o remove
air bubbles.
4.2.6 Calculationsand expression of results 4.3.23 Testsieves, of aperture sizes 37.5 mrn and 20 rnm Calculate the internal vofume, V(in cm3), of the and a receiver.
mould. Two corrosion-resistant, metal or plastics trays, with Calculate the maximum dry density(p,,,,.) ofthe soil sides, e.g. about 80 rnm deep, of a size suitable for the
(in Mg/m3)from the equation quantity of material t o be used. A bucket, or similar waterproof container.

where A scoop.

m is the greater of the two dry masses of soil compacted A drying oven, capable of maintaining a
into the rnauld {in g). temperature of 105 T to 1? 0 "C.
Expressthe result to the nearest 0.01 Mg/m3. A stopclock, readable to 1 s.
4.2.7 Testreport. The test report shall affirm that the test was Apparatus for extracting compacted specimens
carried out in accordance with this Part o f this standard and from the mould.
shall contain the following information: A watercontainer, of about 10 L capacity.
(a1 the method of test used;
Ib) the maximum dry density; 4,3.3 Calibration of vibrating hammer. The vibrating
(c) the percentage of material retained on the6.3 mm test hammer shall be checked and calibrated asspecified in 3.7.3.
sieve and whether it was replaced by smaller particles; 4.3.4 Preparation of sample
(d) the information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 : Part 1 : Take enough material from the soil prepared as
described i n 7.6.4of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990to enableat least
two test samples t o be prepared.
4.3 Maximum density of gravelly soils
4.3.42 Sieve the soil on a 37.5 m m test sieve. The retained
41.1 General. This test covers the determination of the
material may be broken down to sizes between 20 m m and
maximum density to which a gravel or sandy gravel can be
6.3 rnrn provided that the totat proportion by mass inthis size
compacted. The method is suitable for soils passing the
range does not exceed 30 *A.
37.5 rnrn test sieveand containing a small amount of material
passing the 63 p m test sieve. The soil is compacted into a Mix the soil thoroughly and divide into at least two
152 rnm diameter CBR mould using an electric vibrating representative portions of about 8kg each.
hammer. Pour each prepared sample into warm water into a
NOTE 1. Useof a vibrating hammer is appropriate for freedraining
soils containing only a srnalt proportion (usually not exceeding 10 % bucket or suitable container, and stir thoroughly to remove
by mass) of material finer than 63 pm, since some fine material is air bubbles.
likely to escape from the sample during vibration.
NOTE 2. This test is not applicable to soils containing particles Cover the container and allow to stand for several
susceptible to crushing when compacted by the vibrating hammer. hours, e.g. overnight, t o cool.
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where 4.3.5 Procedure
appropriate, shall apply t o this test method. Measure the internal dimensions of the rnould to
4.3.2 Apparatus 0.5 mrn. A cylindrical, corrosion-resistantmetal rnould, i.e., Attach the extension t o the mould and place the
the CBR rnould, as described in rnould assembly in the watertight container on a suitable An electric vibrating hammer as specified in base, e.g. a concrete floor or plinth. Pour water to about
NOTE. For safety reasons the vibrating hammer should operate on 50 rnrn depth in the mould body,and t o thesarne level in the
I t 0 V and an earth leakage circuit breaker should be included surrounding container.
between the hammer and the mains supply. Add a portion of the soil-water mixture to the mould A steel tamper for attachment t o the vibrating with the scoop, placing it carefully under the water surface
hammer as specified in (See figure 7(b)). without loss of fines and without segregation of coarse
particles. The quantity of sample shall be such that the rnauld Supporting guide frame for vibrating hammer
is about onethird filled when compacted. Add water to the
surrounding container up t o the same level as i n the mould. A watertight cmtainer large enough to hold the Make the soil surface approximately level.
mould. Place the circulartamper on the soil and compact with A balance readable t o 5 g. the vibrating hammer for at least 3 m i n o r until there is no
further significant decrease i n sample height. During this
4.3-2.7 A straightedge, e-g. a steel strip about 300 m m long,
period apply a steady downward forceon the hammer so that
25 m m wide, and 3 rnm thick, with one bevelled edge.
the total downward force on the sample (including that from
the mass o f the hammer) is between 300 N and 400 N.
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

NOTE t. Forsafety reasonsthevibrating hammer should be protected 4.4 Minimum density of sands
from water splashing up from the mould and its container.
NOTE 2. The operator can usually judge the required pressure to 4.4.1 General. This test covers the determination of the
apply with sufficient accuracy after first carrying out the calibration minimum density which a dean, dry sand can sustain. This
described in does not necessarily relate to a state attainable i n the field.
NOTE 3. A disc of polyethylene sheet may be placed immediately The method issuitablefor sandscontaining u p t o about 10 %
beneath the tamper plate to prevent sand particles moving up
through the annulargap. of fine material passing the 63 prn test sieve and with no
material retained o n the 2 m m test sieve. The dry sand is Repeat and twice, ensuring that the shaken in a glass cylinder and atlowed to fall freely, thereby
surface of the sample is always under water. After entrapping air and forming a grain structure enclosing the
compaction of thethird layer its surfaceshall be at least level maximum possible voiume of voids.
with, but not more than 6 mrn proud of, the mould body.
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where
NOTE. The tamper should be removedwith care to avoid disturbance
appropriate, shall apply to this test method.
of the soil surface by creating suction. Remove the mould containing the soil from the 4.4.2 Apparatus
container, clean off any adhering soil from the outside and A 1 L glass measuring cylinder, graduated to 20 mL,
allow free water to drain from the sample. preferably without a pouring lip. Remove the extension carefully and trim off the A rubber bungt o fit the cylinder or a piece of rubber
compacted soil level with the top of the mould, using the membrane and a rubber O-ring t o seal its mouth.
straightedge. A balance readable t o 1 g.
Refill cavities left by removal of any coarse particles with finer
material, well pressed in. A drying oven capable of maintaining a temperature
of 105 "C t o 110 "C and complying with of BS 1377 : Extract the compacted soil from the mould into a
Part 1 : 1990.
weighed metal tray, without loss of any soil particles. A 2 rnm test sieve, and receiver. Drythe soil i n anoven at 105 "Cto 110 "C, weigh when
cool and determine the mass of soil, rn (in g), t o 5 g. 4.4.3 Preparation of sample Repeat to using the second batch of Prepare the sand i n accordance with 7.6.4 of
prepared sample. BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990 and pass it through a 2 m m test sieve
if necessary. If the dry masses from the two tests differ by more
than 150 g, repeat the procedure using fresh samples of the Obtain a representative test sample of 1000 + 1g.
4.4.4 Procedure
4.3.6 Calculations and expression of results Place the weighed sample of sand in theglasscylinder Calculate the internal volume, Win crn31,of the and fit the bung or cover.
mould. Shake the cylinder to loosen the sand and invert it a Calculate the maximum dry density of the soil, p,,,,. few times.
(in ~ ~ l r nfrom
~ ) the
, equation Turn the cylinder upside down, pause until all the
m sand is at rest, then quickly turn it right way up. Stand the
Pdmax. = -
v cytinder on a flat surface without jarring it.
where Record the volume reading (Vl at the mean level of
m is the greater of the two dry masses of soil compacted the surfaceof the sand to the nearest 10 mL. Avoid shaking or
into the mould (in g). jolting the cytinder during this operation.
Express the result to the nearest 0.01 Mgim3. Repeat o to give at least 10 readings.
4.3.7 Testrepart. The test reportshatl affirm that the test was 4.4.5 Calculationsand expression of results. Calculate the
carried out in accordance with this Part of this standard and minimum dry density of the sand, pdmin.(in Mg/m3),from the
shall contain the following information: equation
(a) the method of test used; 1000
(b) the maximum dry density; Pdmin. = -
(c) the percentage of material retained on the 37.5 m m where
test sieve and whether it was replaced by smaller Vis the greatest of the 10 or more volume readings
particles; recorded (in ml).
Id) the relevant information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 : Express the result t o the nearest 0.01 Mg/m3.
P?-t 1 : 1990.
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

4.4.6 Testrepon.Thetest reportshall affirm that the test was Carefully remove the extension and level the surface
carried out in accordance with this Part of this standard and of the soil t o the top of the moutd without disturbing the soil
shall contain the following information: in the mould or jarring the mould. Pick off large particles
(a) the method of test used; individually by hand, and finally check the surface with the
straightedge. A cavity left by the removal of a large particle
(b) the minimum dry density;
shall be filled where possible with a single smaller particle.
(c) the percentage of material retained on the 2 mm test
sieve; Empty the contents of the mould into the weighed
container and determine the mass of soil, m ( g ) ,t o the
(dl the relevant information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 :
nearest 5 g.
Part 1 : 1990. Remix the soil with the excess remaining on the tray
4.5 Minimum density of gravelly soils and repeat to4.5.4.5 to give at least t 0 determinations
4.5.1 General. This test covers the determination of the
minimum density at which a gravel or sandy gravel can be 4.5.5 Ca/culationsand expression of results
placed. This method is suitable for gravelly soils passing the
37.5 m m testsieve and containing no more than 10 % of fine Calculate the internal volume, V(in cm3),of the
material passing the 63 pm test sieve. The soil is allowed to
fall freely into a CBR mould, 152 m m in diameter, forming a Calculate the minimum dry density of the soil, pdmin.
grain structure enclosing the maximum possible volume of (in Mg/m3), from the equation
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where
appropriate, shall apply to this test method.
4.5.2 Apparatus
m is the lowest of the 10 or more recorded massesof soil A cylindrical, corrosion-resistant,metal mould, i.e. placed in the mould (in g).
the CBR mould, as described in Express the result to the nearest 0.01 Mg/m3. A bucket or similar container 4.5.6 Testreport The test report shall affirm that the test was A corrosion-resistant, metal or plastics tray with carried out i n accordance with this Part of this standard and
sides.about80 m m deep, of a size suitabte forthequantity of shall contain the following information:
material to be used. [a) the method of test used; A suitable container, for weighing the sample. (b) the minimum dry density;
(c) the percentage of materiat i n the original sample A scoop.
retained on the 37.5 rnm test sieve; A straightedge, e.g. a steel strip about 300 mm long, (dl the information required by9.1 of BS 1377 : Part 1 :
25 m m wide, and 3 m m thick. 1990. A balance, readable to 5 g.
4.6 Derivation of density index A 37.5 m m test sieve, and a receiver. The density index, ID, is an indexwhich relates the voids ratio, Adrying oven, capableof maintaining a temperature or dry density, of a soil sarnpie, or of the soiI in situ, t o the
of 1c15~ct0110°C. limiting voids ratios, or dry densities, determined as
described in 4.2 to 4.5.
46.3 Preparation of sample If the dry density of the soil in question is denoted by p d , the Preparethe soil in accordancewith 7.6.4 of BS 1377 : density index. I,, may be calculated from the equation
Part 1 : 1990 and pass through a 37.5 rnm test sieve if
necessary. Take a representative sample, obtained by riffling, at where
least 50 % larger than the internal volume of the mould. *. the dry density at the least dense state;
4.5.4 Procedure the dry density at the densest state. Measure the internal dimensions of the mould to 5 Determination of the moisture condition
0.5 mm. value (MCV) Place the sample i n the bucket, and mix to ensure a n
even distribution of partictes of all sizes. 5.1 General

4-5.4.3 Place the mould. with base and extension attached, In the moisturecondition testthe minimum compactive effort
on the tray and pour the contents of the bucket steadily from required to produce near-full compaction of a sample of soil
a height of about 0.5 m into the mould, for about 1 s. passing a 20 m m sieve is determined. The procedures cover
the determination of the moisture condition value (MCV) of a
sample of soil and the determination of the variation of MCV not impairing the ability to achieve the near free fall
with changing moisture content. A rapid procedure for requirements, ensurestfratthe rarnmer does not strikethe
assessing whether or not a sample of soil is stronger than a mould cylinder during the test.
precalibrated standard is also included. The rarnrner shall fall freely with minimal friction losses
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where from the guidance system between the release point and
appropriate, shall apply to the testmethodsdescribed in this the surface of the soil sample in the mould.
clause. The guidanceand lifting attachments shall be so designed
that the bottom face of the rammer is capable of
5.2. Apparatus penetrating t o within 35 rnm of the bottom of the mould.
5.2.1 Amoisture condition appararus, complete with mould, A scale shall be provided and attached to the rammer. The
separatingdiscand a meansof measuring the penetration or scale, in association with a vernier placed on the top
protrusion of the rammer to an accuracy of 0.1 mrn.The main surface of the mould cylinder,will allowthe penetration of
features are shown in figure 8; other forms of apparatus are the ramrner into the mould to be read t o within 0.1 mm.
acceptable provided the following essential requirementsare Alternatively, a depth gauge mpable o f being read t o
complied with. 0.1 mm may be providedto measurethe length of rammer
NOTE. The specification forthe apparatus is subject to Crown protruding above the top of the mould.
Copyright and is reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her
Majesty's Stationery Office. The Secretary of State for Transport has A lightweight rigid disc of appropriate material, e.g. fibre,
agreed with BSI to make available, through his Transport and Road with a diameter between 99.15 mrn and 99.20 rnm, shall
Research Laboratory, licences to market and manufacture this be provided to separate thesoil sample in the mould from
apparatuson non-exclusiveand non-discriminatoryterms in the form
of royalty payments of 5 %. Applicantsfor licences should apply to
the bottom face of the rammer.
the Director, Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Department (d) Lifting system. This shall include an automatic latch
of Transport, Old Wokingham Road, Crowthorne. Berks RGl1 6AU.
which engages the ramrner lifting attachment atthe I o w ~ r
(a) Frame. The frame, including the base and guide rods, limit of travel, and which releases the rammer at a preset
shall be of robust construction. level at the upper limit of travel.
The mass of the base shall be at least 31 kg. An automatic counterto indicatethe number of times that
A means of positively locating the mould on the baseshall the rammer has been released shall be provided.
be provided. (e) Drop height control. The position of the rammer
No special ground or plinth is required so long as the release actuatorshail be adjustablesuchthat the required
rammer can fall vertically and freely. height of drop t o the surface of the soil sample shall be
maintained. The rarnmer release actuator shall be
(b) Mould. The mould cylinder shall be detachabtefrom
positivety located i n any of a number of positionssuch that
the mould base and so designed that, when detached, the
internal boreshall be uninterrupted throughout its tength.
the desired height of drop is achieved to within 5 mrn.
An indicator system registering the height of drop shall
The mould shall be permeable at the base.
relatethe rammer release pointtothe lower limit of travel
NOTE. This can be achieved by making the mould base plug a
loose fit within the mould cylinder and providing castettations of the rammer, i.e. when at rest on the surface of the soil
around the bottom of the mould cylinder. sample.
The permeability shall besuch that water dischargesfrom The height of drop indicator and the height of drop shall
the mould, when maintained at a constant head of be adjustable between 100 rnrn and 260 mm.
175 m m abovethe base of the mould, at a rate of between The ramrnershall becapable of being released at a height
4 Urnin and 7 Umin. such that the bottom faceof the rammer is at least 250 rnrn
The inner surface of the mould cylinder shall have a above the top of the mould cylinder.
protective coating *at least 0.05 rnm thick. 5.2.2 A balance of 2 kg capacity reading to 1 g.
The internal diameter ofthe mould, before the addition of NOTE.For site use. and when the proportion of material retained on
thecoating, shall be between 100.00 mmand 100.10 mm. the 20 rnm sieve is not requiredto be weighed. a balance readabte to
20 g is adequate, e.g. a robust spring balance.
The internal height of the mould shall be at least 200 mm.
(c) Rarnrner.The total mass of the rarnmer, togetherwith 5.2.3 A 20 mm test sieve, and receiver
the guidance and lifting attachments, shall be 7 kg IT 50 g. 5.2.4 A corrosion-resistantmetal or plastics tray with sides,
The diameter of the bottom face of the ramrner shall be e.g. about 80 mm deep, of a size suitable for the quantity of
between 96.95 rnrn and 97.00 mm; no other part of the material t o be used.
ramrner which enters the mould shall exceed this
5.2.5 Apparatus for extracting specimens from the mould
The bottom face of the ramrner shall be flat except that
fixing and locating devices shall be permissible. 5.2.6 Apparatus for the determination of water content, as
described in 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990.
The rarnmer shall have a guidance system which, while

* For information on the availability of suitabk coatings, apply to Enquiry Section, BSI, LinfordWood, Milton Keynes MK146LE. endosing a
stamped addressed envelope for reply.
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

5.3 Checking the moisture condition apparatus appropriate column of the data sheet (see form 4.C of appendix A)
and the change in penetration calculated by simple subtraction.
5.3.1 Beforeand aftera series of teststheapparatusshall be Reset the height of drop t o 250 mm.
checked and if necessary adjusted as follows. Repeat, taking readings of The rammer shall becapable of dropping freely under
penetration or profrusion after a selected accumulated
the influence of gravity.
number o f blows (see form 4.C of appendix A) and resetting
5.3.1,2 The height of drop o f the rammer shall be set to the height of drop t o 250 mm as necessary, until no further
250 mrn in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. significant increase in penetration occurs. or until 256 blows
NOTE. A height of drop of 250 rnrn to the top of the rigid disc is have been applied.
normally used. Occasionally reduced heightsof drop may be used to NOTE. Fora verydrymaterial with a high MCV if rnorethan 256 blows
produce a suitable range of MCVs at increased moisture contents. are required the MCV should be reported as 'more than 18'.
When a height of drop otherthan 250 mrn is used, the height of drop
should be clearty stated in the results. Carefully raise the rammer and insert the retaining All components of the apparatus shall be secure. pin.
5.4.t.10 Remove the mould from the apparatus, take off its
5.4 Determinationof the MCV of a sample of soil at its base and extract the specimen.
natural moisture content
5.4.2 Calcularionsand expression of results (see form 4.C of
5.4.1 Procedure appendix A). Passthe soil through a 20 m m test sieve, break down 5.4-2.1 Calculate the change in penetration between any
particle aggregations as necessary, and remove only given number of blows, n, and fourtimes as many blows
individual partides coarser than 20 mm. Weigh the removed (total 4n; e.g. 1 and 4.2 and 8, etc.)
material t o I g if the proportion of coarse partides is to be
reported. Plot the change in penetration, on a linear scale,
againstthe initial number of blows, n,on a logarithmicscale.
5.4.12 Take a representative portion of material passing the
20 mm test sieve for determination of the moisture content. Draw the steepest possible straight line through the
pointslying immediately before or passing through the5 mm
+ fake a 1.5 kg 20 g sample of soil passing the change in penetration value. The MCV is then defined as 10
20 m m test sieve. f he aggregations of soil placed in the log B (to the nearest 0.1) where B is the number of blows at
mould need not be broken down any further after passing which the change in penetration equals 5 mm, as read from
through the 20 mm sieve. Place thesoil as loosely as possible thestraight line. The MCVmay be readdirectlyfromthe lower
in the clean, dry mould (the soil may be pushed into the horizontal axis if a chart similar to farm 4.C of appendix A is
mould if necessary] and placea separating discon top of the used.
soil. NOTE. For most soil types encountered i n the UK the relationship
NOTE.If the soil is not placed i n its loosest condition the between change of penetration and number of blows is of the form
reproducibilityof the test can be affected. The loose soil condition can shown in figure 9. As the state of fuil compaction is approached the
be achieved by pouring the soil, either directly into the moutd, or increasing difficulty i n expelling air from the soil causes a reduction
through a funnel designed to fit the top of the mould. It should be in slope of the graph which occasionally extends from above the
necessary to push the soil into the mould only if it threatens to 5 rnm level on thechange in penetration axis, indicated by the dashed
oveAow the rim of the moutd, and then only to such an extent that curve. Such difficulties in expelling air areaffected to someextent by
thefinalsurfaceoftheloosesoil iswithin about 5 rnrn ofthetopofthe the test conditions and will depend on the type of soil. To eliminate
mould. the effects of this problem the MCV isdetermined by drawing the
steepeststraight ii.le through the pointsapproachingthe 5 mmvalue. With the rammer heid in the raised position by the However. with certdin soil types, mainly granular soils, the change in
retaining pin, locate the m o u l d on the base of the apparatus, penetration blows relation may be of the form shown in figure 10. A
curve of this form can be considered to have been obtained if the
and adjust the automatic counter t o zero. slope of the relation decreases and then increases again before
crossing the 5 mm level on the change i n penetration axis. f he Hold the rammer steady and remove the retaining reasonsfor such a relationship are probably associated with changes
pin. Lower the rammer gently onto the separating disc and additional to the densification of the soil, such as expulsion of water
allow i t t o penetrate into the mould under its own weight until and crushing of soil particles. In such circumstances the steepest
it comes to rest. Set the height of drop at 250 5 rnm (see straight linecannot be applied, and the number of blowsat which the
graph crossesthe 5 m m valueof changein penetration equatestothe
note to energy necessary to produce these changes i n addition to
densification. tt is not possible with such soils to determine the MCV Apply one blow of the rammer to the sample by relating solely to thedensification of thesoil i n the condition in which
raising the ramrner until it is released bythe automatic catch. it was placed in the mould. Nonetheless, provided appropriate
Measurethe penetration of the rarnmer into the mould, or the calibrations are made using the same technique. the MCV derived
from the best-fit line through the points can be used as a satisfactory
length o f rammer protruding from the mould, to 0.1 m m (see rnethodof earthworksuitabilitycontrot.Wherethismethod is used, it
form 4.C of appendix A). should be clearly stated i n the results.
NOTE. The penetration of the rammer into the mould may be read
frorna scale on thesideofthe rarnrnerwith the aidof a vernierplaced Express the moisture condition value o f the soil at
on the clean top edge of the mould. Alternatively, the length of natural moisture content t o the nearest 0.1 for a laboratory
ramrner above the top edge of the mould may be read using a depth test and t o the nearest 0.5 for a field test.
gauge. The latter method has the advantage that the test is more
easily performed by one operator. The measured readings
determined by either method can be recorded directty in the
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

5.4.3 Test report. The test report shall affirm that the test was moisture contents shall be such that the range of MCVs is
carried out in accordance with this Part of this standard and approximately 3 t o 14.
shall contain the foliowing information: Soils susceptible to crushing during compaction
(a) the method of test; Take four or more samptes of about 2.5 kg of air-
(b) the moisture condition value of the soil;
dried soil. Mix each sample thoroughly with a different
(c) the plot of change in penetration against logarithm of amount of water to give a suitable range of moisture
the nurn ber of blows, if required; contents.
(d) the proportion of dry mass of any particles largerthan NOTE. The rangeof moisture contents should besuch thatthe range
20 mm removed from the initial sample; of MCVs is approximately 3 t o 14.

(e) the method of interpretation of the test curve; Prepare and test each sample as described
( f ) the information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 : Part 1 : in,, and
1990. Discard the remainder of each soil specimen.

5.5 Determination of the MCV/moisture content retation of 5.5.2 Calculationsand expression o fresults. Determine the
a soil MCV of each specimen and express the result as described
in 5.4.2.
5.5.1 Procedure
Plotthe moisture content of each sample againstthe MCVfor So& not susceptible to crushing during compaction the sampleand drawthe best straight line through thepoints.
NOTE.Inthecaseof clay soils which require at least 24 h after mixing NOTE. In some instances a straight line relationship can be obtained
with waterto ensure uniform distribution of the water, the methodfor only by ignoring the point or points at the lowest values of moisture
crushable soils (see should be used. content. The moisture condition test can be considered applicable to
a sail only if a relation showing an increase i n MCV with decreasing Take a sampte of about 4 kg of the soil which has moisture content over the expected range of natural moisture
been allowed t o partially air dry. Do not allow the soil t o dry contents is obtained. With over-consolidated clays a concave
upwards curve is often produced instead of a straight line (assuming
completely before the test. that moisture content is plotted on the vertical axis and MCV on the
horizontal axis). This is probably caused byvariation in thedegree to Pass the soil through a 20 rnm test sieve, break which the clay structure is broken down in the preparation of the
down particle aggregations as necessary, and remove only samples at different moisture contents. In certain circumstances i t
individual particles coarser than 20 mm. Weigh the removed may be considered that a non-linear curve is more appropriate as a
rnateriat t o 1 g if the proportion of coarse partictes i s t o be moisture condition calibration, e.g. as representative of variations in
on-site conditions during earthwork construction. A straight line
reported. calibration is likely to be achieved if more work is carried out on the
soil prior to testing, e.g, by using a more positive mixing method, or Take a representative portion of material passing by initially raisingthe rnoisturecontent of the soiltoa highvalue (low
the 20 rnrn test sieve for determination of the moisture MCV) before air drying.
content as described in 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990.
5.5.3 Testreport The test report shall affirm thatthetestwas Thoroughly mix the soil passing the 20 mm test carried out in accordance with this Part of this standard and
sieve with a suitable amount of water. shall contain the following information:
NOTE. This initial moisture content should be such as to produce a (a) the method of test;
MCV between 13 and 15 (full compaction achieved by 20 to 32 blows
of the rammer). (b) the plot of experimental points showing the
relationship between moisture content and MCV, with the
5, Pass the mixed soil through a 20 m m test sieve to line of best fit;
break down particle aggregations, and take a 1.5 kg -t 20 g
portion of the sieved soil. (c) the sample preparation procedure and whether one
sample or separate samples were used; Carry out the procedure described in
(d) the proportion by dry mass of particles larger than
20 m m removed from the initial sample;
NOTE. A 1.S kg sample is normally used. Occasionally reduced sizes
of sample may be used to produce a suitable range of MCVs at (el the information required b y 9.1 of BS 1377 : Part 1 :
reduced moisture contents. When the mass of the sample is other 1990.
than 1.5 kg the mass used should be clearly stated in the results. Remove the mould from the apparatus and take off 5.6 Rapid assessment of whether or not a soil is stronger
its base. Extract thespecimen from the mould and place it on than a precalibrated standard
the tray. Take a representative sample of the specimen and 5.6.1 General. Where the required standard intermsof MCV
determine its moisture content, w, as described in 3.2 of has been previously determined, the following procedure is
BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990. an alternative to that described in 5.4for a rapid assessment Break up the remainder of the specimen and mix of the condition of a soil, e.g. as to its suitability for use i n
with the remainder of the original sampte. Add a suitable earthwork construction. However, although more rapid than
increment of water and mix thoroughly into the sample. the procedure for determining MCV given i n 5.4, it does not
determine the degree to which the soil exceeds or fails the Repeat to for each increment of precafibrated standard.
wateradded. Makeat least four determinations.The range of
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

5.6.2 Procedure 6 Determination of the chalk crushing Pass thesoil through a 20 mm test sieve, break down
particle aggregations as necessary, and remove only
individual particles coarser than 20 mm. Weigh the removed 6.1 General
material to 1 g. The chalk crushing value (CCV) is determined by using the Take a representative portion of material passing the chalk impact crushingtest, which measuresthe rateatwhich
20 rnm test sieve for determination of the moisture content a sample of chalk lumps crushes under impacts from a free-
as described in 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990. falling rammer. The chalk crushing value can be used,
together with the saturation moisture content of the intact Take a 1.5 kg 4 20 g sampte of soil passing the chalk lumps (see 3.3 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 19901, to classify
20 rnm test sieve. The aggregations of soil placed in the chalk i n relation t o its behaviour as a freshly placed fill
mould need not be broken down any further after passing material.
through the 20 mrn sieve. Place thesoil as loosely as possible
The test procedure is described for a single sample of chalk
in the clean, dry mould (the soil may be pushed into the
lumps, but normal procedureshould betocalculatethemean
mould if necessary)and place a separating disc on top of the
valuederived from sixsuch tests on representativesamples.
soil. (See note to
The requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where Locate the mould i n the recess on the base of the appropriate, shall apply to this test method.
apparatus, and adjust the automatic counter to zero. Hold the rammer steady and remove the retaining 6.2 Apparatus
pin. Lower the rammer gently onto the separating disc and 6.2.1 A moisture condition apparatus complete with
allow i t t o penetrate into the mould under its own weight until accessories, as described in 5.2 and shown in figure 8.
it comes to rest. Set the height o f drop at 250 5 mm.
6.2.2 A balance of 2 kg capacity readable to 1 g. Apply one blow of the rammer to the sample by
raising the rammer until it is released by the automaticcatch. 6.2.3 A hammer, for example a 2 lb club hammer. Reset the height of drop to 250 mm. 6.2.4 Test sieves, of aperture sizes 20 m m and 10 mm, and
5.62.8 Apply further blows, resetting the height of drop as
necessary, until the total number of blows is equal to that of 6.2.5 A metal traywith sides about 80 mm deep.
the MCV equivalent to the precalibrated standard. Measure 6.2.6 Apparatus for extracting specimens from the mould
the penetration of the rammer into the mould, or the length (optionall.
of rammer protruding from the mould, to 0.1 mm. Apply further blows equal to three times the initiat 6.3 Checking the moisture mndiiionapparatus
number, without any further adjustment to the height of drop Before and after a series of tests check the apparatus and if
o f the ramrner. Measure the penetration or protrusion of the necessary adjust it as described i n 5.3.
rammer as above. NOTE. The note to is not relevant to clause 6.
5.6.2,10 Remove the mould from the apparatus, take off its 6.4 Determination of the chalk crushing value (CCW
base. and extractthe specimen.
6.4.1 Procedure
5.6.3 Calculations and expression ofresults. Calculate the
difference between the initial and final penetration readings. + Take a 1 kg 20 g sample of the material passingthe
A difference of more than 5.0 rnrn indicates that the soil is 20 m m test sieve and retained on the 10 m m test sieve.
strongerthan the precalibrated standard; a differenceof less Determinethe percentage of material retained on the 10 mm
than 5.0 m m indicates that it is weaker. test sieve from a sample of appropriate size. Break up lumps
of chalk iarger than 20 mrn using the hammer t o provide
Report the difference to two significant figures.
enough material for the test sample. Take care t o exclude
5.6.4 Testreport.T he test repurt shall affirm thatthetestwas coagulated lumps of chalk fines, fragments of flint, and any
carried out i n accordance with this Part of this standard and other non-chalk material.
shall contain the following information: NOTE.It has been demonstrated experimentally thatthechalkcrush-
(a) the method of test used; ing value is practicallyindependentof the degree of saturation of the
chalk lumps. Forthis reason the condition of the chalk tested is not
(b) the difference determined in 5.6.3; specified. although the use of ovendried chalk should be avoided.
(c) the soil reported as stronger than the precalibrated Place the sample loosely i n the clean, dry mould and
standard if that difference is greater than 5 mm,and place the separating disc on top of the chalk.
weaker if less than 5 mm; With the rammer held i n the raised position by the
Id) the proportion by dry mass of particles larger than retaining pin, locate the mould o n the base of the apparatus.
20 m m removed from the initial sample;
and adjust the automatic counter t o zero.
te) the information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 : Pam 1 :
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990 Hold the rammer steady and remove the retaining la) the method of test used;
pin. tower the rammer gently on to the separating disc and (b) the chalk crushing value (CCV);
allow it to penetrate into the mould under itsown weight until
(c) the plot of penetration against logarithm of the
it comes t o rest. Set the height of drop at 250 i 5 rnm.
number of blows, if required; Apply one blow of the rammerto the sample by (dl the percentage of material i n the original sample
raising the ramrner until it is released by the automaticcatch. retained on a 70 rnm test sieve;
:Measurethe penetration of the rammer into the mould, orthe
(el the saturation moisture content of the material, when
length of rammer protruding from the mould, to 0.1 mm. A
suitableforrn for recording the readings is shown inform 4.0
of appendix A. (f) the information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 : Part 1 :
NOTE.The penetration ofthe rammerinto the mould may be read on 1990.
thescaleon thesideofthe rammerwiththeaidof avernier placed on
the clean top edge of the mould. Alternatively, the length of ramrner
above the top edge of the mould may be read using a depth gauge. 7 Determination of the California Bearing
This latter method has the advantage that the test is more easily
..performed by one operator. When using the depth gauge method, Ratio (CBR)
results should be plotted on the chart shown on form 4.C of
'appendixA, using a reversed scale on the y-axis. 7.1 General Resetthe height of drop to 250 mm. 7.1.1 Principle. This method covers the laboratory Repeat and, taking readings of determination of the California Bearing Ration (CBR)of a
penetration or protrusion after selected accumufated compacted or undisturbed sample of soil. The principle i s to
numbers of blows and resetting the height of dropto 250 rnm determine the relationship between farce and penetration
as necessary. when a cylindrical plunger of a standard cross-sectional area
is made to penetrate the soil at a given rate. At certain values The test shalt be deemed to be complete when water of penetration the ratio of the applied force t o a standard
starts to ooze from the base of the mould, or no further force, expressed as a percentage, is defined as the California
penetration occurs, or a maximum of 50 blows is reached. Bearing Ratio (CBR). Carefully raise the rarnmer and insert the retaining The procedure for soaking the specimen, if required, is
pin. included.
An in-situ test following the same principle can also be Remove the mould from the apparatus, take off the
carried out. [See 4.3 of Part 9 of this standard,)
base and extract the crushed chalk.
fhe requirements of Part 1 of this standard, where
6.4.2 Calculations and expression of results (see form 4.0 of appropriate, shall apply tothetest methodsdescribed i n this
appendix A]
clause. Plotthe penetration or protrusion of the ramrner 7.1.2 Limitations. Because of the size of the sample and of
(in mm) on a linear scale against the number of blows on a the plungerthetest isappropriateonly for materials having a fl.
logarithmic scale. L.
maximum particle size not exceeding 20 mm. (See The greater part of the relation should form a straight 7.1.3 Testconditions.The following test conditions shall be
line, theslope ofwhich represents the rate at which thechalk specified before a test is started.
was crushed. Thechalkcrushing value (CCV)is taken as one-
(a) The method of preparation of each test specimen.
tenth of the slope of the straight line.
(b) The density and moisture content to be achieved, if
Pa- Pb
10 k o g a - Log b)
(c) Whether the test is to be carried out on one end or on
both ends of the specimen.
Pa isthe penetration (or protrusion) (in mm) after a blows
(d) Whether a test is required on the specimen in the
of the ramrner as read from the straight line;
soaked condition.
Pb isthe penetration (orprotrusion) (in rnm)affer b blows
( e ) The amount of surcharge to be applied t o the
of the ramrner as read from the straight line.
specimen for the test. and during soaking if applicable.
Express the CCV as a positive number to two significant
figures. 7.2 Preparation of test sample
NOTE. For ease of calcutation use integer values of a and bsuch that
a = 106 ie.g. a = 20,b = 2 ; or a = 30. b = 31. In these cases 7.2.1 General
l o g a - l o g b - 1 and Methods. Six methods are described for the
Pa - Pb
ccv = - 10
preparation of disturbed samplesfortheCBR test. Inmethods
(1) and (2) static compaction is used t o achieve a specified
6.4.3 Testreport Thetest report shall affirm thatthetestwas density (see 7.2.32 and the other methods,
carried out in accordance with this Part of this standard and dynamic compaction by hand or mechanical rammer, or b y
shall contain the following information: vibrating hammer, is used, either t o achieve a specified
BS 1377 : Pan 4 : 1990

density in methods (3)and (4) (see and or to where

provide a specified compactive effort in methods (5) and (6) V, is the air voids expressed as a percentage of the total
(see and The selection of methods is ' volume of soil;
illustrated in the form of a flow chart i n figure 11. p, is the particle density (in Mglm3);
When applying a standard compactive effort the compactive w is the soil moisture content (in %);
procedures described i n 3.4.4-3.6.4 or 3.7.5 can be used, as a
,,is the density o f water (in ~ g / m ~assumed
), equal to 1.
appropriate. Alternatively the criterion adopted can be some The corresponding mass of soil to just fill the CBR mould is
intermediate degree of compaction. calculated from the equation i n
The preparation of a n undisturbed sample for a laboratory Compactive effort specification. About 6 kg of soil
CBR test (whether o f natural soil or compacted fill) is
shall be prepared for each sample to be tested. The initial
described in 7.2.5.
mass shall be measured to the nearest 5 g so that the mass Material. The CBR test shall be carried out on material usedfor the test sample can be determined after compaction
passing the 20 rnm test sieve prepared as described in 7.6.5 by difference, as a check.
of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990. If the soil contains particles larger NOTE. Preliminary trials may be necessary to ascertain the required
than this the fraction retained on the 20 m m test sieve shall mass more closely.
be removed and weighed before preparing thetest sample. If 7.2.2 Apparatus
this fraction is greater than 25 % the test is not applicable.
The moisture content of the soil shall be chosen to represent Testsieves, of aperture sizes 20 m m and 5 mm.
the design conditons for which the test results are required. A cylindrical, corrosion-resistant,metal mould, i.e.
Alternatively, where a range of moisture contents is to be the CBR mould, having a nominal internal diameter of
investigated, water shall be added t o or removed from the 152 t 0.5 rnm. The mould shall be fitted with a detachable
natural soil after disaggregation. baseplate and a removable extension. The essential
72.1.3 Initialpreparation. The initial soil sample for testing dimensions are shown in figures 12 and 13, which also
shall be obtained as described in 7.6.1 and 7.6.5 of BS 1377 : indicateonesuitable design of mould. The internalfacesshatl
Part 1 : 1990. After bringing it to the required moisture be smooth, clean and dry before each use.
contentthe soil shall be thoroughly mixed and shall normally A compression device for static compaction, (for
be sealed and stored for at least 24 h before compaction into methods (1) and (2)). Horizontal piatensshall be large enough
the test mould. to cover a I50 mm diametercircle andcapableof a separation
NOTE. With cohesionless soils it may be possible to reduce or omit of not less than 300 mm. The device shall be capable of
the curing period if trial tests indicatethat this has negligible influence applying a force of at least 300 kN.
on the results.
The mass of soil required for the test shall be calculated or + Metal plugs, 150 5 m m i n diameter and
estimated as described i n, and depends upon the 50 -4 1.0 m m thick, for static compaction of a soil specimen
specified conditions and method of preparation. {for methods 11 1 and (2)). A handle which may be screwed
into the plugs facilitates removal after compaction. The Mass of soil for test essential dimensions are shown in figure 13. One is required When the density or air voids content of a for method (I I and three are required for method (2).
compacted sample is specified the exact amount of soil A metalrammer, (for methods ( 3 )and (5)).fheseshall
required for the test can be calculated as described be eitherthe2.E kg rammer asspecified in3.3.2, orthe4.5 kg
in When a compactiveeffort is specified rammer as sper:fied in 3.5.2, depending on the degree of
the mass of soil can only be estimated, as described in compaction required. A mechanical compacting apparatus may be used provided that it complies with 3.3.2 or 35.2. Dry densityspecification. The mass of soil, m, An electric, vibrating hammer and tamper, as
(in g), required t o just fill theCBR mould of volume VJin cm3)
is given by the equation
specified in and (for methods (4) and ( 6 ) ) . A steel rod, about 16 rnm in diameter and 600 mm
where A steel straightedge, e.g, a steel strip about 300 mrn
w is the moisture content of the soil (in %I; and long, 25 m m wide and 3 mrn thick, with one bevelled edge.
pd is the specified dry density (in Mg/m3). A spatula. Air voids specification.The dry density, pd A balance, capable of weighing up to 25 kg readable
(in Mglm3),corresponding to an air voids content of V, (in % 1
to 5 g.
is given by the equation 1 Apparatus for moisture content determination, as
described i n 3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990. Filterpapem, 150 mrn i n diameter, e.g. Whatman
No. 1 or equivalent.
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

7.2.3 Sample preparation by static compression NOTE. The correct level of the soil surface can be ascertained easily if
the corresponding projectionof the top spacer plug above the topof General. Static compression shaH be carried out by the collar is determined and recorded in advance.
oneof the methods described in and (methods Repeat and using two plugs and
(I ) and (2) respectively). Initial preparation of the mould shail
then one plug. During the last operation compress the soil
be as described in to
until the top surface of the plug is level with the top of the Weigh the mould with baseplate attached to the collar.
nearest 5 g (m2L Weigh the mould, soil and baseplate to the nearest Measure the internal dimensions to 0.5 mm. 5 g (m3). Attach the extension collar t o the mould and cover Seal and store the sample as described i n
the baseplate with a filter paper.
7.2.4 Sample preparation by dynamic compaction Measure the depth of the collar as fitted, and the General. Dynamiccompaction shall becarried out by
thickness of the spacer plug or plugs, t o 0.1 mm.
one of the methods described i n t o (methods
A suitable form for recording data is shown as form 4. E of (3)to (6) respectively).
appendix A.
Initial preparation of the mould shall be as described in
72.32 Method ( I ) . Compression with tamping Pourthe weighed soil slowly into the mould while A suitable form for recording data is shown in form 4.E of
tamping it with the steel rod. Avoid segregation of particte appendix A.
sizes and ensure that the largest particles are uniformly Method (3).Rammer compaction to a specified
distributed within the mould. density When all the soil is added, level off its surfacewhich Divide the prepared quantity o f soil into five
should then be about 5 mm to 70 mrn above the top of the portions equai to within 50 g and seal each portion in an
mould body if the correct amount of tamping has been airtight container until required for use, t o prevent loss of
applied. moisture. Place a filter paper on the soil surface, followed by Stand the mould assembly an a solid base, e.g. a
the 50 rnm thick spacer plug. concrete floor or plinth. Place the mould assembly in the compression Place the first portion of soil into the mould and
device and apply a load to thesample until the topof the plug compact it using either the 2.5 kg rarnrner or the 4.5 kg
is flush with thecollar. Hold the loadconstant for at least 30 s. rarnmer, until the layer occupies about one-fifth of the height
of the mould. Ensure that the blows are evenly distributed Releasethe load. If rebound occurs reapply the load
for a ionger period. Remove the spacer plug, filter paper and collar.
over the surface. Alternatively the mechanical compacting
apparatus may be used. C Repeat using the other four portions of Weigh the mould, S Q and
~ baseplate to the nearest soil in turn, so thatthe final level of the fifth layer is just above
5 g h). the top of the mould. Unlessthe sample isto be tested immediately, seal NOTE. Preliminary trials may be necessary to judge the amount of
compaction needed for each layer.
the sample (by screwing on the top plate if apprqpriate) to
prevent loss of moisture. With clay soils, or soils in which the Remove the collar and trim the soil flush with the
air content is less than 5 %, allow the sample to stand for at top of the mould with the scraper, checking with the steel
least 24 h before testing to enable excess pore pressures set straightedge.
up during compression t o dissipate. Weigh the mould, soil and baseplate to the nearest Method (2).Compression in layers 5 g (md. Divide the prepared quantity of soil into three Seal and store the sample as described i n
portions equat t o within 50 g and seal each portion in an
airtight container until required for use, to prevent loss of Method (4). Vibrating compaction to a specified
moisture. density (suitable for granular soils) Place one portion of soil in the mould and level the Divide the prepared quantity of soil into three
surface. portions equal t o within 50 g and seal each portion i n an
airtight container until required for use, t o prevent loss of Place the three spacer plugs o n top of the soil and moisture.
compress the soil using the compression device until the
thickness of the soil, after removal of the load, is about one- Stand the mould assembly on a solid base, e.g. a
third of the depth o f the mould. concrete floor or plinth. Place the first portion of soil into the mould and Method (61. Vibrating compaction with specified
compact it using the vibrating hammer as described effort (suitable for granular soilsf
in Continue the compaction until the thickness of Divide the prepared quantity of soil into three
the layer is about one-third of the height of the mould. portions equal t o within 50 g and seal each portion in an Repeat using the orhertwo portions of soil airtight container until required for use, to prevent loss of
i n turn, so thatthe final level of the third layer is just abovethe moisture.
top of the mould. (See note to Stand the mould assembly on a solid base, e.g. a Remove the collar and trim the soil flush with the concrete floor or plinth.
top of the mould with the scraper, checking with the steel Place the first portion of soil into the mould and
straightedge. compact it using the vibrating hamrnerfmed with thecircular Weigh the mould, soil and baseplate to the nearest steel tamper. Compact for a period of 60 f 2 s, applying a
5 s Imd. total downward force on the sample of between 300 N and
400.N (see3.7.3.4,noteto3. Seat and store the sample as in
compacted thickness of the layer shall be about equal to or a Method (51. Rarnmercompaction with specified effort little greater than one-third of the height of the mould. The specified effort of compaction shall correspond Repeat using the othertwo portions of soil
to the2.5 kg rammer method (see3.3) orto the4.5 kg rammer in turn, so that the final level of the soil surface is not more
method (see3.5) orto an intermediate value (see note). When than 6 rnm above the top of the mould. (Seenote t o
the 2.5 kg rammer method is used the procedure is as Remove the collar and trim the soil flush with the
described. When the 4.5 kg rarnmer method or the
top o f the mould with the scraper, checking with h e steel
intermediate compaction effort is used the procedure is
similar except that the soil is placed and compacted in five
layers instead of three (as shown in brackets and marked* in Weigh the mould, soil and baseplate to the nearest to 5 g tmd.
NOTE. In certain circumstances, it is required to obtain an
intermediatedensity between that given by the 2.5 kg rammer Seal and store the sample as described i n
method and the4.5 kg rammer method at a given moisture content.
This can be obtained by using an intermediate compactive effort 7.2.5 Preparation of undisturbed sample, Take an
betweenthese two levels of compaction. In order to reduce the undisturbed sample from natural soil or from compacted fill
vatiationsin compactiveefforttoa minimumit is suggested thatthis by the procedure described i n 2.4 af Part 9 of this standard,
intermediate effort should be obtained by compacting the specimen
in five equal layers, giving each layer 30 blowsof a 4.5 kg rammer using a weighed CBR mould fitted wirh a cutting shoe.
falling through 450 mm. After removing the cutting shoe from the mould, cut andtrim Divide the prepared quantity of soil into three (five* theendsof thesamplesothattheyareflushwiththeendsof
portions equai to within 50 g and seal each portion i n an the mould body. Fill any cavities with fine soil, weH pressed
airtight container until required for use. to prevent loss of in.
moisture. Attach the baseplate and weigh the sample in the mould to
the nearest 5 g (m,). Unless the sample is to be tested Stand the moutd assembly on a solid base, e.g. a
immediately, seal the exposed face with a plate or an
concrete floor or plinth.
impervious sheet to prevent loss of moisture. Place the first portion of soil into the mould and
compact it, so that after 62 blows of the appropriate rammer 7.3 Soaking
the layer occupies about or a littte more than one-third (one-
7.3.1 General. If soaking is specified it shall be carried outas
fifth") of the height of the mould.Ensure that the blows are
described in t o
evenly distributed over the surface. Alternatively the
mechanical compacting apparatus may be used. 7.3.2 Appararus.The following items are required in addition
to the apparatus listed in 7.2.2. Repeat u s i r j the othertwo (four"] portions
of soil in turn, so that the final level of the soil surface is not A perforated baseplate, fitted to the CBR mould in
more than 6 mm above the top of the mould body. place of the normal baseplate (see figure 12).
NOTE. Preliminan/ trials may be necessary to judge the amount of
soil required for each layer. A perforated swell plate, with an adjustable stem t o
provide a seating forthe stem of a dial gauge. (See figure 14). Remove the collar and trim the soil flush with the
top of the mould with the scraper, checking with the steel Tripod, mounting to supportthe dial gauge. A
straightedge. suitable assembly is shown in figure 14. Weigh the mould, soil and baseplateto the nearest Adidgauge, having a travel of 25 mm and reading to
5 g (md. 0.01 mm. A soaking tank, large enough to ailow the CBRrnould Seal and store the sample as described in
with baseplate to be submerged, preferably supported on an
open mesh platform.
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990 Annularsurcharge discs, each having a mass known 7.4 Penetration test procedure
t o 50 g, an internal diameter of 52 m m to 54 m m and an
7.4.7 General. This subclause describes the procedure for
external diameter of 745 m m to 150 mrn. Alternatively half-
determining the CBR value of the sample prepared by one of
circular segments may be used. the methods described in 7.2 (whether or not it has been Petroleum jelly. soaked as described in 7.3).

7.3.3. Soaking procedure 7.4.2 Apparatus Remove the baseplate from the rnould and replace it A cylindrical metal plunger, the lower end of which
with the perforated baseplate. shall be of hardened steel and have a nominal cross-sectional
area of 1935 mm2, corresponding to a specified diameter of Fit the collar to the other end of the mould, packing 49.65 k 0.10 rnrn. Aconvenientsizewould beapproximately
the screw threads with petroleum jelly t o obtain a watertight 250 m m long (see figure 15).
joint. A machine for applying the test force through the Piacethe mould assembly in theempty soaking tank. plunger, having a meansforapplyingthe forceat a controlled
Place a filter paper on top of the sample, followed by the rate. The machine shall be capable of applying at least 45 kN A,>
perforated swell plate. Fit the required number of annular .
at a rate of penetration of the plunger of 1 mm/min to within
surcharge discs around the stem on the perforated plate. t 0.2 mmlmin.
NOTE. One surcharge disc of 2 kg simulates the effect of
appro~imately70 rnm of superimposedconstructionon the A calibrated force-measuring device complying
formation being tested. However, the exact amount of surcharge is with of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990. The device shall be
not critical. Surchargediscsof any convenient multiples may be used.
supported by the crosshead of the compression machine so Mountthe dial gauge support on top of theextension as to prevent its own weight being transferred t o the test
collar, secure the dial gauge in place and adjust the stem on specimen.
the perforated plate to give a convenient zero reading. (See NOTE. At least three force-measuring devices should be available,
figure 14.) having the following ranges.
0 to 2 kN readable to 2 N for values of CBR up to 8 % Fill the immersion tank with water to just below the 0 to 10 kN readable to 10 N for values ofCBR from 8 % to 40 %
top of the mould extension collar. Stat? the timer when the 0 to 50 kN readabie to 50 N for values of CBR above 40 %
water has just covered the baseplate. A means of measuring the penetration of the plunger Record readings of the dial gauge at suitable intervals into the specimen, t o within 0.01 mm. A dial gauge with
of time, depending on the rate of movement. 25 m m travel, reading to 0.01 m m and fitted t o a bracket
attached to the plunger is suitable. A general arrangement is Recordthetimetaken for waterto appear atthetopaf shown in figure 15.
the sample. (This may not necessarily indicate the end of the NOTE. A dial gauge indicating 1 mm/r is convenient since the
swelling stage.) If this has not occurred within 3 days, flood specified rate of penetration of 1 mmlmin can be controlled
the top of the sample and leave to soak for a further day, convenienrly by keeping the hand of the dial gauge in step with the
second hand of a dock orwatch.
giving the normal soaking period of 4 days. A longer period
may be necessaw to allow swelling to reach completion. A stopclock or stopwatch readable to 1 s. Plot a graph of swelling (as indicated by the dial The CBR mould as described in
gauge movement) against elapsed time or square-root time,
Flattening of the curve indicates when swelling is Surcharge discs as described in
substantially complete. 7.4.3 Procedure Take off the dial gauge and its support, remove the Place the mould with baseplate containing the
mould assembly from the immersion tank and allow the sample, with thetop face of thesampleexposed, centrally on
sample to drain for 15 min. If the tank is fitted with a mesh the lower platen of the testing machine.
platform teave the mould there t o drain after emptying the
tank. Place the appropriate annular surcharge discs on top
of the sample. Remove the surcharge discs, perforated plate and
extension collar. Remove the perforated baseplate and refit Fit into place the cylindrical plunger and force-
the original baseplate. measuring device assembly with the face of the plunger
resting on the surface of the sample. Weigh the sample with mould and baseplate to the
nearest 5 g if the density after soaking is required. Apply a seating force to the plunger, depending on
the expected CBR value, as fallows. If the sample has swollen, trim it level with the end
For CBR,valueup t o 5 % apply 10 N
of the mould and reweigh.
For CBR value from 5 % to 30 X,apply 50 N The sample is then ready for test in the soaked
For CBR value above 30 % apply 250 N
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

Record the reading of the force-measuring device as the Calculate the force applied to the plunger from each
initial zero reading (becausetheseating force is nottaken into reading of the force-measuring device observed during the
account during the test) or reset the force-measuring device penetration test.
to read zero. NOTE.Alternatively. readings of the force-measuringdevice may be
plotted directly against penetration readings. Forces are then Securethe penetration dial gauge i n position. Record calcufatedonlyat the appropriatepenetrationvaluesas in 7.53lafter
its initial zero reading, or reset it to read zero. correction if necessary). Start the test so that the plunger penetrates the Plot each value o f force as ordinate against the
sample at a uniform rate of 1 0.2 mmfmin, and atthe same corresponding penetration as abscissa and draw a smooth
curve through the points.
instant start the timer.
The normaltype of curve is convex upwards as shown by the Record readings of the force gauge at intervals of curve labelled test 1 in figure 'I6, and needs no correction.
penetration of 0.25 mm, to a total penetration not exceeding
7.5 mm (see form 4.F of appendix A). If the initial part of the curve is concave upwards as for test 2
(curve OS7) in figure 16, the folfowing correction is
NOTE. If the operator plots the force penetration curve as the test is
beinqcarriedout,the test can beterminatedwhen the indicated CBR necessary. Draw a tangent at the point of greatest slope, i.e.
valuefatls below its maximumvalue. Thus if the CBR at 2.5 mm were the point of inflexion, S, and produce it t o intersect the
seen to be 6 % but by 3.5 rnm penetration it could be seen to have penetration axis at 0.The corrected curve is represented by
fallen below6 %,the test could bestopped and the result reported as:
O S f , with its origin at Qfrom which a new penetration scale
CBR at 2.5 mm penetration = 6 %
can be marked.
CBR at 5.0 mrn penetration = K 6 X
Ifthegraph continuesto curve upwardsasfortest3 in figure If no furthertest is to be made on thesample, proceed 16, and it is considered that the penetration of the plunger is
to 3. increasing the soil density and therefore its strength, the
above correction is not applicable. If a testis t o becarried out on both endsof the sample,
raise the plunger and level thesurface of the sample by filling 7.5.2 Calculation ofCalifornia Bearing Ratio. The standard
in the depression left by the plunger and cutting away any force-penetration curve corresponding t o a CBR value of
projecting material. Check for flatness with the straightedge. 100 % is shown by the heavy curve in figure 17, and forces
corresponding to this curve are given in tabie 3. The CBR
7.43.10 Remove the basepLate from the lower end of the
value obtained from a test is the force read from thetest curve
mould, fit it securely on the top end and invert the mould.
(after correction and calcutation if necessary)at a given
Trim the exposed surface if necessary.
penetration expressed as a percentage of the force If the sample is t o be soaked before carrying out a corresponding to the same penetration on the standard
test on the base foflow the procedure described i n 7.3.3and curve. Curves representing a range of CBR values are
then proceed to included in figure 17. Carry out the test on the base by repeating Penetrations o f 2.5 m m and 5 m m are used for calculating
to the CBR value. From the test curve, with corrected
penetration scale ifappropriate, read off the forces After completing the penetration test or tests, corresponding to 2.5 m m and 5 mm penetration. Express
determine the moisture content of the test sample asfollows. these as a percentage o f the standard forces at these
(a) For a cohesivesoil containing no gravel-sized particles, penetrations, Le. 13.2 kN and 20 kN respectivety. Takethe
take a sample of about 350 g from immediately below higher percentaye as the CBR value.
each penetrated surface, but do not includefilling material If the force-penelration curve is plotted on a diagram similar
used to make up the first end tested, Determine the to figure 17, the CBR value at each penetration can be read
moisture content o f each sample as described in 3.2 of directly without further computation if the correction
BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990. described i n, for test 2 is not required. The same
NOTE. If the sample has been soaked the moisture content after diagram can be used for small forces and low CBR values if
soaking will generally exceed the initial moisture content. both the force scale (ordinate) and the labelled CBR values
Becauseofthe possibilityof moisturegradientsthedetermination
of dry density from the moisture content after soaking may have (abscissa)are divided by' 10 as shown in brackets in figure 17.
little significance. If required, the dry density after soaking can be
calmtatedfrom the initial s v p l e mass and moisturecontent and Table 3. Standard force-penetrationrelationships fi
the measured increase in height dueto swelling.
to0 % CBR
(b) For a cohesiontess soil or a cohesive soil containing Penetration Force
gravel-sized particles, extrude the sample, break in half
mm kN
and determine the moisture contents of the upper and
lower halves separately using the procedure described in 2 11.5
3.2 of BS 1377 : Part 2 : 1990. 2.5 13.2
4 17.6
7.5 Calculation and plotting 5 20.0
6 22.2
7.5.1 Force-penetrationcurve (see forms 4.F and 4.G of 8 26.3
appendix A)
7.5.3 Density calculations 7.6 Test report Calculate the internal volume of the mould, V, The test report shall affirm that the test was carried out in
(in cm3). accordancewith this Part of thisstandard. The results of tests
on the top and bottom ends of the sample shall be indicated Bulk density. The initial bulk density, p (in Mg/m3), of s,paratefy.
a sample compacted with a specified effort (preparation
methods (5) and (6); see and, or of an The test report shall contain the following information:
undisturbed sample, is calculated from the equation (a) the method of test used;
(b) force-penetration curves, showing corrections if
p= -
m3 - m2
vm appropriate;
where (c) the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) values, to two
is the mass of soil, mould and baseplate (in g); significant figures. If the results from each end of the
sample are within t 10 % of the mean value, the average
m2 is the mass of the mould and baseplate (in g); result may be reported;
V, is the volume of the mould body (in cm3). Id) the initial sample density and the moisturecontent and
L" * Drydensity. The initial dry density, pd (in Mg/m3), of dry density if required;
the sample is calculated from the equation (e) the method of sample preparation;
(f)the moisture contents below the plunger at the end of
each test, or the final moisture contents of the two halves
where of the sample;
w i s the moisture content of the soil (in %). (g)whether soaked or not, and if so the period of soaking,
the amount of swell and the swelling-time curve (if
If the dry density, pds (in Mglm3), of the soaked soil is
required, calculate it from the equation
(h) the proportion by dry mass of any over-size material
removed from the original soil sample before testing;
(i) the information required by 9.1 of BS 1377 : Part 1 :
A is the area of cross section of the mould (in mm2)
x i s the increase in sample height after swelling (in mm).

Particle size, mm
6-3 14 20 37.5 63

I Medium qravel 1 Coarse gravel 1

NOTE. See 3-29 ( c )and table 2.
Figure 1. Grading limits relating to sample preparation
proceduresfor compaction tests
% Larger than 37.5mm------ 4 0

/ Larger than 20 mm - - 0 0 to 5 5 t o 30
Gradmg limits r e f . -----+ 01 , 10 , 10
Particies removed -----c hone f NOT

repIaced b y

Mould used
I L compaction -
CBR mould

, ,
Nature o f particles
A nof sus;eptible to A- 0 A B
B susceptibte } u 1 I 1 1
Compaction procedure
t = 2.5kg rammer
H 4.5hg rammer
V = Vibrating hammer
- L


Figure 2. Flow chart representing sample preparation methods for compactlohtests

4.5 min. 4 k - I d 105 t 0.5*

All dimensions shown are in rnillimetres.

This design has been found satisfactory, but alternativedesigns may

be used provided that the essential requirements are fulfilled.
*See4. of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990.

Figure 3. Mould for campactiontest (1 L mould)

BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

AH dimensions shown are in rnillimetres.

Thisdesign has been found satisfactory, but alternative designs may
be used provided that the essential requirements are fulfilled.

Yiee4. of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990.

Figure 4.2.5 kg ramrner for compaction test

Thisdesign has been found satisfactory. but alternative designs may
be used provided that the essential requirements are fulfilled.

*See of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990.

Figure 5.4.5 kg rammer for compaction test

Air v o ~ d Lines
for a given
particle density


0 Moisture content, O h

Figure 6. Dry densitylmoisture content relationship curve

BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

k To suit hammer

Total mass of tamper

shall not exceed 2Skg
(a) For use with the
1L compaction mould

.To suit hammer

Total mass o f tamper

shalt not exceed 3kg

(b) For use wirh the

CBR mould

'See4. of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990.

All dimensions shown are in rnillirnetres.

Figure 7. Tampers for vibrating hammer compaction test

BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

Top crosshead
- --%

Siiding cross member

Drop height rod

Ramrner guides

Drop height setting

and maintaining lines

Detachable baseplate
'-----. r Cytindricat mould

Figure 8. Moisture condition apparatus

Number o f blows, l o g scale

Figure 9. Relationship between change in penetration and number of blows

Steepest straight .
Line cannot be used

Curve of best fit

MCV = 10 log B'

Number of blows. Log scale

Figure 10. Alternative type of relationship between change in penetration and number of blows
CBR t e s t samples

Remoulded Undisturbed


Spec i f i e d
density effort

I Tamping I Equal l o y e r s or rammer I rammer


I compaction 1 ] compaction 1 compaction compaction

Figure 11. Flow chart representing sample preparation methods for the CBR test
..- >

BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

L "


-+k *

-Good fin~sh
on bore

5 min.
Perforated --,

base plate

All dimensions shown are in millimetres.

*See of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 2990.

Figure 12. Cylindrical mould for the determination of the California Bearing Ratio


All dimensions shown are in millimetres.

*See of BS 1377 : Part 1 : 1990.

Figure 13. Plug and collar extension for use with cylindrical mould far the determination of the
California Bearing Ratio
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

Extension collar

. . .

Open mesh

Figure 14. Apparatus for measuring the swelling of a sample during soaking for the CBR test .
. . ,. * *

I 4
- 11

BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

--- I Applied force

(p Dial gauge support

Dial gauge 25 travel

(0.01 divisions
1 per revolutionl

,1 ~ u r t h q erings

Detachable coI1ar

Hardened steel end



At1 dimensions shown are in rnillirnetres.

Thisdesign has been found satisfactory, but alternativedesigns may

be used provided that the essential requirements are fulfilled.

Figure 15. General arrangement of apparatus for ttteCBR test

BS 1377 : Part 4 : I990

,. -1 Test I
1 No correction [ No correct ion

4 necessary

CBR results
I Penetration 1 Load I Standord I CBR

Penetration. mrn Penetration. rnm

Test 2

CBR results

2.5 3.15 13. 2 23.9

3.15- - - - -
- 5.8 29.0


Penetration, mm

Figure 16. Typical CBR test result curves

BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

Penetration of plunger, mm

Figure 17. Force-penetration curves for a CBR value of 100 % and other CBR values
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990


Appendix A. Typical test data and

calculation forms
The test sheets shown are given as examples; other suitable
forms may be used.

Form Tile
4.A Dry density/moisturecontent relationship(rarnrner)
4.B Drydensity/moisturecontent relationship(vibration)
4.C Moisture conditionvalve
4.0 Chalkcrushingvalue
4.E California Bearing Ratio test (data for density)
4. F Catifornia Bearing Ratio test
1-- 4.G California BearingRatio test (graph)
BS 1377 : Part 4' : 1990

Dry density/moisture content relationship (rammer)

Location Job ref. ma
Pit no.
Soil description Sample no.
Depth m

Test method BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990 :3.3B.413.513.6' Date

Procedure 2.514.5 kg* handlmechanical rarnmer*

One litreICBRf mould

Single samplelseparate batches*
initial sample mass
Retained on 20 mrnf37.5 mmx sieve
Test number 4 .

Mass of mould + base + compacted specimen (m2)

Mass of mould + base (m,)
Mass of compacted specimen (m2- mil
Bulk density p = -
m2 - ml
18.15 h
Moisture content container No.
Moisture content ( w )

*Delete as appropriate

Maximum dry density

Ootimum moisture content
% I

moisture content. %
Operator Checked Approved

! Form 4.A I
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

Dry densitylmoisture content relationship (vibration)

Pit no.
Soil description Sample no.

Depth m
Test method BS 1377 : Part4 : 1990 : 3.7 Date
Procedure Single samplelseparate batches*
layers eachvibrated for seconds
Initial sample mass g Particle density Mg/rn3
Retained on 37.5 m m sieve g %
Test number
Mass of mould + base + compacted specimen (m2) g
Mass of mould +base + collar ( m , ) 9
Mass of compacted specimen (m2 m r ) - g
Height o f specimen (h) mm

Bulk density p = mz - m?
18-16 -.
h I I
Moisture content container No.
Moisture content (w)
. . . -
0/0 1
Dry density pd -- IQQ P
loo+ w Mg/m3
*Delete as appropriate

Maximum dry density Mg/m3

Optimum moisturecontent %

moisture content % I
Operator Checked Approved
I 1
Moisture condition
location Job ref.
Initial sample mass Borehole/
Pit no.
Moisture content Soil description Sample no.
Dry mass Depth
Mass retained Test method BS 1377: Part4: 1990:5 Date
on 20 mm sieve R %
*Delete as appropriate

Total Penetration Change in Number of blows

number 03 penetration
6 8 12 15 24 32 48 6k 96
of blows protrusion nto4n
rnm mm

4 6 10 12 I4 16 18 20

Moisture condition value

Operator Checked Approved

I Form 4.C I
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

Chalk crushing value

Pit no.
Soil description Sampfe no.
Depth m
I Test method BS 1377 : Part 4 : 7990 6 1 1
Initial sample mass 9
Mass retained on 10 mrn sieve g
Percentage retained on 10 mm sieve
Moisture content* % I
Saturation moisture content * % 1

1 2 3 4 S 6 78410 20 30 LO 50
Number of blows

Operator Checked Approved

BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

California Bearing Ratio test (data for density)

I Location I Jobref. I I
Pit no. I
Soil description Sample no.
Depth m
Sample preparation method BS 7377 : Part 4 : 1990 : 7.2.3/7.2.4/7..2.5*

Preparation procedure Static, layer(~),withlwithout tamping*

2.5 kg rammerl4.5 kg rammerlvibrating hammer*

Specified density* Volume of mould Specified effort*

Mglm3 V cm3 layers

blows per layer

"Calculated mass of soil required (m,) g

I *Mass of mould + baseplate + soil [ m )

. - ---
5 1
*Mass of moutd + baseplate ( m 2 ) 9
*Mass of soil (m3- rn2) 9

I *Soaking time days 1

*Time for water to appear
at top of sample

*Final swell rnm

*Massof mould + baseplate + soil after soaking ( m d ) 9

I 'Mass of soil after soaking (ma- m2) S 1

Maximum bearing ratio from plotting chart YO

[ Moisture content (w)

I *Delete as appropriate

Operator Checked Approved

Form 4.E 1
California Bearing Ratio test
Job ref.

Pit no.
Soil description Sample no.
Depth rn
Test method BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990 : 7.4
Force measuring device no. Unsoakedlsoaked*
Mean calibration N/div

Penetration Force gauge Fotce Penetratian Force gauge Force

o f plunger reading on plunger of plunger reading on plunger
mm div kN mm div kN
0 Top IBottom / Top I Bottom 4.00 Top Bottom Top 1 Bottom

"Delete as appropriate
Moisture content after test

Container No. I CBR value at penetration

Mass of wet soil + container (m,) CI 2.5 mrn 5.0 mm
I Mass of dry soil + container (m3) :
Top I% 1 %
Mass of container (mJ 9 \
Mass of moisture {rn, - rn?)
ass of dw soil (m, - m,)
Bottom I I
I Moisture content w =

Average moisture content YO

I I t I
Accepted CBR %

Operator Checked I Approved

Form 4.F
BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990

California Bearing Ratio test (graph)

Location Job ref.
Pit no.
Soil description
Sample no.
Depth I m 1 -
Test method BS 1377 : Part 4 : 1990 : 7.4
I Test on top face - -unsoaked/soaked*
'Delete as appropriate I Test on bottom face --- x -- unsoabdlsoaked*

0 0.5 1 2 3

Penetration of plunger, mrn

Top face Bottom face

CBR % at 2.5 mrn
penetration of
5.0 rnm

Operator Checked Approved

Form 4.G

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