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Normalized Shear Modulus of Compacted Gravel

Module de cisaillement normalisé des graviers compactés

Liao T., Massoudi N., McHood M.

Bechtel Power Corporation, Frederick, MD, USA
Stokoe K.H., Jung M.J., Menq F.-Y.
University of Texas, Austin, TX, USA

ABSTRACT: Compacted gravel is often used as engineered fill to provide the needed bearing capacity for structures. The dynamic
properties of the gravel fill, such as nonlinear shear modulus, are required in seismic analyses to evaluate the response to dynamic
loading. From a series of Resonant Column and Torsional Shear (RCTS) tests on two types of crushed gravel fill, normalized shear
modulus reduction curves were obtained as a function of cyclic shear strain. These curves are presented and compared to empirical
relationships in the literature that have been proposed for gravelly soils.

RÉSUMÉ: Le gravier compacté est souvent utilisé comme remplissage pour fournir la capacité portante nécessaire aux structures. Les
propriétés dynamiques du remblai de gravier, tels que le module non linéaire de cisaillement, sont requises dans les analyses
sismiques pour évaluer la réponse à un chargement dynamique. A partir d'une série d’essais à la colonne de résonance et d’essais de
cisaillement en torsion sur deux types de gravier concassé de remplissage, les courbes d’évolution du module de cisaillement
normalisé ont été obtenues en fonction de la contrainte de cisaillement cyclique. Ces courbes sont présentées et comparées à des
relations empiriques provenant de la littérature qui ont été proposées pour les sols graveleux.
KEYWORDS: Shear Modulus, Resonant Column Test, Torsional Shear Test, Fill, Gravel.


Compacted gravel is frequently used as engineered fill beneath By removing (or scalping) particles of size greater than 51 mm
the foundations of important structures, such as nuclear power in diameter, Seed et al. (1986) performed a series of cyclic
facilities and high-rise buildings. To evaluate the seismic triaxial tests on 305-mm diameter specimens of four different
response of the ground supporting these structures, the dynamic types of well-graded gravels, which were isotropically-
properties of the gravel fill (i.e., shear modulus G and material consolidated and tested under undrained cyclic loading
damping ratio D) need to be determined. Due to the limited conditions. Based on the test results, the G/Gmax ~ log() curves
paper length, only normalized shear modulus is discussed of gravelly soils are suggested to be in the range shown in
herein. Figure 1.
Although the small-strain shear modulus (Gmax) can be
determined under in-situ conditions from shear wave velocity 1

(Vs) measured in the field, it is very difficult to obtain strain-

dependent curves of G and D directly from in-situ tests (Ishihara 0.8 Variation Range for Gravel
1996). In current engineering practice, the effects of confining (Rollins et al., 1998)
pressure (0) and shear strain () on G and D are primarily
evaluated through laboratory tests, such as cyclic triaxial 0.6
Average for Gravel

(CTX), cyclic simple shear (CSS), cyclic torsional shear (TS), (Rollins et al., 1998)
and resonant-column (RC) tests. These tests not only give the
values of G and D at small strain, but also yield the variation of
G and D with  and 0. However, such tests are rarely Variation Range for
performed on gravels, due to the large size of the testing 0.2
Gravel (Seed et al., 1986)

apparatus required to test representative specimens. Average for Gravel

Additionally, because it is difficult to obtain undisturbed (Seed et al., 1986)

samples of gravelly soils, such tests on natural gravelly soil 0

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
deposits have been mainly limited to high-quality undisturbed
gravel samples obtained by in-situ ground freezing (e.g., Goto et Cyclic Shear Strain,  (% )
al. 1992, 1994; Hatanaka and Uchida 1994; Kokusho and Figure 1. Typical G/Gmax ~  relationships for gravels.
Tanaka 1994). Comparison of test results between undisturbed By analyzing the test results for gravelly soils mainly found
and reconstituted specimens show that the effect of sample in literature, Rollins et al. (1998) also suggested a slightly
disturbance is significant on G, but most researchers believe that different range for the G/Gmax ~ log( curves for gravelly soils
it is quite small on G/Gmax ~  curves (e.g., Hatanaka and (Figure 1). Most of the data used by Rollins et al. (1998) came
Uchida 1994; Rollins et al. 1998), although Kokusho and from cyclic triaxial tests (CTS) typically performed on
Tanaka (1994) indicate that undisturbed specimens exhibit specimen of 300 mm in diameter and 600 mm in height, and a
greater degradation at relatively small strain levels. small portion of the tests are cyclic torsional simple shear tests
performed on specimens of larger diameters. All these tests

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

were carried out at loading frequency in the range from about Gravel Sand Fines
0.01 Hz to 0.2 Hz.
Menq (2003) used both an RCTS device and an MMD 90

(Multi-Mode Resonant) device to investigate the dynamic PA-1 (Scapled)

Percent Finer by Weight (%)

properties of gravelly soils. The RCTS device is capable of WA-1 (Scapled)
performing on the same soil specimen both the torsional
WA-2 (Scapled)
resonant column (RC) test at high loading frequency (i.e., the 60

resonant frequency) and in the nonlinear range and the cyclic 50

WA-3 (Scapled)

torsional shear (TS) test at much lower frequencies, simply by

changing the amplitude and frequency of the current in the drive
coils and the motion monitoring devices used to record the 30

specimen response (Isenhower 1979; Ni 1987; Hwang 1997). 20 Typical

Because the same specimen can be subjected to both the RC and PA
TS tests, it eliminates the variability due to testing different Typical WA
specimens or testing the same specimen subjected to a different 0
100 10 1 0.1 0.01 0.001
stress history (Darendeli 2001). The test specimen for RC or TS
Grain Size (mm)
testing typically has a diameter in range from 36 to 76 mm and
a height from 72 to 152 mm (Menq and Stokoe 2003). To Figure 2. Grain size distribution curves of the unscalped and scalped
accommodate gravelly specimens with relatively large particle (tested) gravel specimens.
sizes, the MMD was developed and is capable of testing
particles of the WA material are filled with smaller particles.
specimen with 152 mm in diameter and 600 mm in height in
From each batch of the material, a pair of specimens
different measurement modes, including the torsional resonance
designated as A and B were created for the RCTS tests. The pair
mode similar to resonant column tests.
of specimens from each batch of the WA material were
Based on the test results, Menq (2003) used the modified
separately remolded at the optimum moisture content to
hyperbolic model suggested by Darendeli (2001) to model for
approximately 95% and 100% of the maximum dry density
shear modulus reduction of gravelly soils:
determined in the modified Proctor test. And the pair of
(1) specimens of the PA material were remolded to relative
Gmax 1 [1  ( /  r ) a ]
G /
densities of about 80% and 100% at a moisture content of about
0.6  0.5
(2) 1%. All specimens were compacted to the target densities using
 r 0.12  Cu
 ( 0 / pa ) 0.5Cu
a hammer drill fitted with a specifically designed circular steel
 (3) face of 146 mm in diameter.
 a 0.86  0.1  log( 0 / p a )
After the RCTS tests were completed, more index tests such
where the reference strain r (%) is  at G/Gmax = 0.5, a is the
as the water content and dry density were performed on each
curvature coefficient, Cu is the uniformity coefficient, 0’ is the
specimen, and the results are summarized in Table 2, including
effective isotropic confining pressure, and pa is the atmospheric
the derived degrees of saturation and void ratio.
pressure (1 atm).
Table 1. Mechanical properties of scalped gravel samples.
Index Moisture-
Index Void
Sample Distribution Ratio
Gs (Mg/m3) Relationship
Two types of gravel were tested for potential use as engineered Name
D50 max wopt
Cu Cc min max emin emax
fill in this study. They are aggreagates derived from processing (mm) (Mg/m3) (%)
crushed stone mined from a rock quarry, consisting of angular PA-1 11.8 2.1 1.3 2.83 1.39 1.64 0.73 1.04 - -
and hard particles, with one of them being poorly graded and WA-1 3.4 174.5 3.81 2.72 1.67 2.30 0.18 0.62 2.31 0.653
designated as PA and the other being relatively well graded and WA-2 - - - 2.72 - - - - 2.30 0.469
designated as WA. Three batches of the WA material (WA-1, WA-3 3.2 150.6 4.87 2.82 1.67 2.27 0.24 0.69 2.34 0.653

WA-2, and WA-3) and one batch of the PA material (PA-1) Note: D50 is the particle diameter corresponding to 50% passing; Cc is
the coefficient of curvature, Gs is the specific gravity, and wopt is the
were taken for testing.
optimum moisture content.
Modified Proctor tests in accordance with ASTM D1557
were performed on the WA material (WA-1 and WA-3) after Table 2. Mechanical properties of gravel specimens tested in the RCTS
removing/scalping particles greater than 19 mm in diameter. device.
The modified Proctor test is not applicable to the PA material Water Dry
according to ASTM 1157. To be consistent with the modified Sample
Specimen Content
Proctor test, all the other laboratory tests were also performed (%) (Mg/m3)

on the scalped material. Figure 2 shows the typical grain size PA-1
A 1 3.5 1.57 0.81
distribution curves for the tested materials (i.e., PA and WA), as B 0.8 3.2 1.66 0.70
A 6.4 72.1 2.19 0.24
well as the grain size distribution curves of each batch of the WA-1
B 6.1 85.5 2.27 0.19
material after scalping particles greater than 19 mm in diameter A 5.5 59.8 2.17 0.25
(i.e., PA-1, WA-1, WA-2, and WA-3). B 4.4 65.3 2.30 0.18
In addition, maximum and minimum index densities were WA-3
A 5.8 61.5 2.23 0.27
B 6.2 87.2 2.35 0.20
obtained based on ASTM 4254 and ASTM 4253 for both the
PA material (PA-1) and the WA material (WA-1 and WA-3).
As seen in Table 1, the maximum index density of the WA
material determined using a vibratory table is very close to the
maximum density obtained by impact compaction in which the During RCTS testing, the specimen is sealed in a membrane,
moisture-density relationship is defined. But comparison shows and the pore pressure in the specimen is vented to atmosphere
that the maximum index density of the WA material is pressure. From the results of cyclic triaxial tests on Toyoura
significantly (about 40%) higher than that of the PA material, sand, Kokusho (1980) indicated that the drained tests and the
which is understandable as the voids between the larger undrained tests give almost identical strain-dependent variation
of the modulus within the strain level from 10-4% to 0.5%.
Since the gravel specimens have larger permeability due to the

Technical Committee 203 / Comité technique 203

larger grain sizes and the maximum shear strain reached in the 1.0
RCTS tests were less than 0.5%, the effect of the drainage PA

Normalized Shear Modulus, G/G max

0.9 PA-1-B
condition was not expected to be significant on the measured WA-1-A
dynamic properties. RC
For each gravel specimen, RCTS testing was performed at 0.7
five effective isotropic confining pressures (0’) (i.e., 52, 207, 0.6 WA-3-A
414, and 827 kPa). At each 0’, the specimen was first subjected WA WA-3-B
to “consolidation” period up to 100 minutes. After 100 minutes, PA-1-A
the TS tests and/or the RC tests were performed. If the TS test 0.4
was performed, it was performed before the RC test, because 0.3 TS
the maximum strain amplitude reached in the TS test is WA-2-A
0.2 WA-2-B
generally lower than that in the RC test, leading to less potential Confining Pressure = 52 kPa WA-3-A
disturbance in specimen. 0.1 WA-3-B
During the TS test, hysteresis loops were generated from the 0.0
measured torque and displacement at the top of the specimen. 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

The slope of the line connecting the end points of the hysteresis Shearing Strain,  (% )
loop is the secant shear modulus, G, representing the average (a) Isotropic Confining Pressure = 52 kPa
shear stiffness of the soil at the peak strain in the test. Only TS 1.0
test results at a loading frequency of 0.5 Hz and measured for PA PA-1-A
the 10th cycle are presented here, as it best represents typical 0.9

Normalized Shear Modulus, G/Gmax

seismic loading (Zhang et al. 2005). 0.8
From the RC tests, a frequency response curve was obtained 0.7
that shows the accelerometer output versus excitation WA-2-B
frequency. The Vs is derived from the resonant frequency, with WA-3-A
consideration of the specimen geometry and equipment 0.5 WA
characteristics. The shear modulus is then calculated using G = 0.4

Vs2, where  is the mass density of the material. 0.3

For both the RC and TS tests, the variation of G as a function TS WA-2-A
of increasing  is determined by increasing the driving force in 0.2
Confining Pressure = 207 kPa
steps. The resulting G/Gmax ~ log( curves can be derived, 0.1
taking as Gmax the G value measured at the lowest strain level 0.0
(about 10-4%). 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
For the two PA specimens (i.e., PA-1-A and PA-1-B), the Shearing Strain,  (% )
membranes around the specimens were punctured by the test
material when the confining pressure was increased to 414 kPa, (b) Isotropic Confining Pressure = 207 kPa
and thus no further test was carried out. 1.0

Normalized Shear Modulus, G/Gmax

0.6 WA
In Figures 3, the measured G/Gmax ~ log( curves for the RC
specimens under the different confining pressures are presented. WA-3-A

The circular and triangular symbols represent the measured data 0.4 WA-3-B

points from RC and TS tests, respectively, and the thin lines and 0.3
thick lines connect data points of the WA specimens and PA 0.2
specimens, respectively. The value of G/Gmax decreases with the Confining Pressure = 414 kPa
increasing  above a threshold strain (t) for all gravel 0.1

specimens. This behavior is consistent with the observation of 0.0

most researchers, except for Lin et al. (2000) who noticed that 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

when shear strain surpassed 0.1%, the measured shear moduli of Shearing Strain,  (% )
specimens with 60% and 80% of gravel content increase with (c) Isotropic Confining Pressure = 414 kPa
increasing shear strain, and indicated this different behavior 1.0
might be attributed to the effect of gap-graded grain size
distribution. The values of t range from about 0.00015% to
Normalized Shear Modulus, G/G max

0.0005% for the WA specimens, and are slightly larger for the 0.8 WA-1-B
PA material, showing an increase as 0’ increases, similar to 0.7 RC

Menq (2003)’s observation. WA

0.6 WA-3-A
As noted above, the PA gravels behave more linearly than WA-3-B
the WA material, which is consistent with Menq (2003)’s 0.5
conclusion that the value of G/Gmax decreases as Cu increases. 0.4 WA-1-B
This difference is sometimes attributed to gravel content as 0.3 TS
observed by Rollins et al. (1998). It is interesting to note that for WA-3-A
either gravel type (i.e., PA or WA), no consistent difference was 0.2
Confining Pressure = 827 kPa WA-3-B
found by grouping them by test type (RC or TS), which 0.1
confirms that the G/Gmax ~ log( curves are not sensitive to 0.0
loading frequency (Darendeli, 2001). The density (95% and 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1
100% compaction for the WA samples, and 80% and 100% Shearing Strain,  (% )
relative density for the PA samples) was not found to have a
(d) Isotropic Confining Pressure = 827 kPa
Figure 3. G/Gmax ~  curves for the specimens subject to RCTS tests.

Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Paris 2013

significant effect on the G/Gmax ~ log( curves, which agrees 6 CONCLUSIONS

with Ishihara (1996)’s observation on sandy soils that the
manner of shear modulus decreasing with strain is almost the The RCTS tests were performed on two types of compacted,
same irrespective of the void ratio. crushed gravel produced in a rock quarry, with one of them
Figure 4(a) shows the average G/Gmax ~ log( curves for the being poorly-graded and the other one being relatively well-
PA samples and the WA samples at different confining graded. The results show that for the same type of material,
pressures, along with typical ranges for G/Gmax ~ log( curves neither test frequency nor relative density (or void ratio) affects
recommended by Seed et al. (1986) and Rollins et al. (1998). the G/Gmax ~ log( curves significantly. The factors that most
Similar to sandy material, the gravelly materials behave more affect the G/Gmax ~ log( curves are confining pressure and
linearly with increasing isotropic confining pressure. The grain size distribution (expressed by Cu). Similar to sandy
comparison also shows that the curves for the WA samples material, the compacted gravel behaves more linearly with
generally fall in the ranges suggested by Seed et al. (1986), increasing confining pressure. Also, under the same confining
while those for the PA samples are more consistent with the pressure, the poorly-graded gravel behaves more linearly than
G/Gmax ~  range suggested by Rollins et al. (1998). the well-graded gravel.
Comparisons with published curves also show that the
1.0 G/Gmax ~ log( curves of the well-graded gravel agree well
PA (52 kPa)
0.9 with the typical G/Gmax ~ log( curves of gravelly soils
PA (207 kPa)
suggested by Seed et al. (1986), while those of the poorly-
0.8 Average (Rollins
et al., 1998)
graded gravel are within the range recommended by Rollins et
0.7 WA (52 kPa) al. (1998). However, the effect of confining pressure is
Variation Range
0.6 WA (207 kPa)
(Rollins et al., 1998)
neglected in each set of the published curves. The equation

WA (414 kPa) based on sub-rounded river gravel suggested by Menq (2003) to
WA (827 kPa)
describe the G/Gmax ~ log( relationship correctly indicates the
effect of Cu on the G/Gmax ~ log( curves, but comparison with
0.3 this study shows the effect of Cu is somewhat different for
Variation Range
0.2 (Seed et al., 1986)
crushed gravel.
Average (Seed et al., 1986)
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1

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PA (207 kPa)
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WA (414 kPa)
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Hwang S.K. 1997. Investigation of the dynamic properties of natural
0.2 soils, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 394.
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0.1 52, 207, 414, 827 kPa; Cu = 150 (Menq, 2003)
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0.0 Kokusho T. 1980. Cyclic triaxial test of dynamic soil properties for
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 wide strain range. Soils and Foundations, 20: 45-60.
Cyclic Shear Strain,  (% ) Kokusho T. and Tanaka Y. 1994. Dynamic properties of gravel layers
(b) Compared to Menq (2003) investigated by in-situ freezing sampling. Ground failures under
Figure 4. G/Gmax ~ log( curves for compacted gravel in this study seismic conditions. GSP No. 44, ASCE, 121–140.
compared with gravel curves in the literature. Lin S.Y., Lin P.S., Luo H.S., Juag C.H. 2000. Shear modulus and
damping ratio characteristics of gravely deposits. Canadian
As shown in Table 1, the Cu values for WA-1 and WA-3 are Geotechnical J. 37:638–651.
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= 150 and Cu = 2.1 separately, the relationship between G/Gmax Dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA, 364.
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Characteristics of Geomaterials, Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, 63-71.
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this study in Figure 4(b). The measured G/Gmax ~ log( curves States from Resonant Column/Torsional Shear Tests. Ph.D.
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